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Before the Earthquake:

Before the earthquake, it is always important for us to have

an emergency kit which includes flashlight ,foods, extra
batteries, first aid kit and other supplies.
Our family members also need to know where are the safe
and dangerous spots in each room. In addition, we also need
to decide on how and where we will reunite if separated.

During the Earthquake:

We must protect our head and body and to stay where we
are and take cover under a table or desk. Also, each of us
should stay away from windows, glass doors or any furniture
that may fall.

During an Earthquake, it is normal to be panic but we must

remind each other to stay calm and pray to God. As a
member of our family, it is important for me to make sure
that each of us is in good state/ spot.

After the Earthquake:

We need all to stay alert and be prepared because there may

be an aftershock. On the other hand, checking each other’s
condition is a must. Checking also other hazards is necessary
such as fire, chemical spills, and possible collapse.
Remind everyone to stay away from buildings and trees.
Most importantly, the best thing a family can do after an
Earthquake is for us to gather around and pray to God in
order for us to keep safe because God is bigger than any

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