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REG. No. JKENG/2013/55210 Rs. 15/-

VOL. 7 ISSUE 11 PAGES 8 June 16-30, 2019

Expert talk In Conversation with Reach Ladakh

Child Labour 4 Dr. Rinchen Zangmo 5

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Brief News
Two-day General Council meeting concludes
DISCLAIMER Reach Ladakh Correspondent committee involving councillors and also
Reach Ladakh does not take re- army representative to address the issue
Leh: Two days general council meeting
sponsibility for the contents of the of dog menace.
on draft capex budget 2019-20 of Leh
Advertisements Display/classified district was held under the chairmanship Avny Lavasa said that with the given
published in this newspaper. The council fund the department can have
of Deputy Chairman, Gyal P Wangyal on
paper does not endorse the same.
June 11 and 12 at Assembly hall, Council a comprehensive target and expressed
Readers are requested to verify the
Secretariat. hope to achieve the optimum level of
contents on their own before acting
there upon. Gyal P Wangyal informed that the to-
tal approved outlay of 2018-19 was ₹ Question was also raised on the non-ex-
Hundar village gets waste 13,739.62 lakh and revised outlay 2018- penditure of environment fees collected
19 was ₹ 13,739.62 lakh. The total ex- till date. Councillors from Changthang
management centre under penditure up to March 2019 ending was and 2025-26 based on a well-planned and Nubra constituencies demanded to
Project Tsangda ₹ 5,427.53 lakh and proposed outlay for
and demands were put forward and none
of them has been addressed. roadmap. He also informed about the spend the environment fees in their ar-
Leh: Expanding the Project Tsangda ini- the year 2019-20 is ₹ 14,214.53 lakh. promotion of local seeds of buckwheat eas considering the fact that the fees so
It was informed that around 2 Kanal of
tiative, Avny Lavasa, DC, Leh inaugu- Addressing the house, Gyal P Wangyal and broad beans, bio-fertilizers and com- collected is charged to visit places only
land in Dwarka, Delhi has been allotted in Nubra and Changthang. The council-
rated a waste management centre in the said that the General Council Meeting is posed manure through concern depart-
tourist hub area Hundar village on June 7.
for construction of Ladakh House that
ment on subsidy. lors stressed on developing an effective
already delayed by 2 months and urged will incur nearly ₹ 160 lakh. To meet the mechanism to utilize council fund on
It is second such project in Nubra val- all councillors to raise plan related issues required deposit of the land percentage of Councillors raised the issue of rising dog need basis with common consensus on
ley followed by Diskit which was made to ensure a fruitful outcome of the meet- funds has been cut from the annual bud- menace posing threat to human and wild- using the fund in strengthening and ex-
functional last year and was successful. ing. He also asked district officers to be get allocation of the certain department life. panding Tsang-da project in other parts
responsible for timely implementation which will meet up from council fund
Avny Lavasa said that the Project Tsangda Dr. Mohd Iqbal, Chief Animal Hus- of the district.
of the projects and urged them to com- and skill development task force.
is already a successful project implement- mence the projects as soon the budget bandry Officer informed about the ₹ 62 Avny Lavasa said that there has been ex-
ed by rural development department. The plan gets the final shape. Gyal P Wangyal said that the repair and crore council fund granted to Animal penditure from the environment fees and
project was started in December 2017 in renovation has been shifted to non-plan Husbandry for dog sterilization opera- a detailed statement of last financial year
Choglamsar and later replicated at Diskit, The house was appraised that because and directed all the district officers to tion. He added that this will enable the will be submitted.
Khaltse, Nimoo and now in Pangong this of technical issues with Beams (Budget submit their estimates to DC’s office at department to overcome the shortage of
year. The initiative was carried out be- Estimation, Allocation & Monitoring the earliest. funds and manpower. The team will be Tsering Sandup, EC Health informed
cause of the urgent need for garbage man- System) expenditure couldn’t meet up to operating with a target of 20 dogs per about the commitment of Airport Au-
agement in Leh district in a scientific way. mark in the last financial year but assured Agriculture being on the top priority of
day. Deputy Chairman directed the offi- thority of India to sponsor ₹2 crore under
smooth functioning of Beams and timely 5th Hill Council, Stanzin Phuntsog, EC CSR scheme to acquire MRI machine
cer to submit a detail report of total dogs
Agriculture informed the house about the
achievement of expenditure budgets. sterilized in the next review meeting. for SNM hospital, Leh and also a digital
Div Com Ladakh reviews
organic mission. Training experts from X-ray. He said that with the upgradation
Advocate Mohammad Nassir, Nominat- Sikkim signs an MoU with Hill Coun- The councilors also stressed on the need
developmental projects of Leh ed Councillor, walked out and boycotted cil, Leh to start ₹ 45 crore project to turn to make army accountable for rising pop-
of SNM hospital to 300 bedded capaci-
ties around 99 new posts will be created
the General Council Meeting. He said Leh district into complete organic region ulation and breeding of dogs. Gyal di-
that since his nomination, several issues into three phases from 2019-20, 2022-23 rected DC, Leh Avny Lavasa to frame a ...Continues on Page 3
Leh: A review meeting of work carried
out under various major projects such
WP in Leh district was held on June 13.
Saugat Biswas directed all the Ex-
ecutive Engineers to prepare mile-
stone-based-project timelines for all the
pending and ongoing projects and sub-
mit to his office in the next three days.

Correction and clarification

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letin’ to correct significant errors as
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Owner, Publisher & Printer:
Tundup Dorjey
Editor: Rinchen Angmo Chumikchan
Assistant Editor: Stanzin Dasal
Reporters: Rigzin Wangmo,
Dawa Dolma
Sales & Marketing: Tsering Morup
Layout: Raul Chhokkun
Published at:
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Contact: 9858394403
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2 | June 16-30, 2019 Fortnightly News Reach Ladakh Bulletin

1 0 -day M ountain L eadersh ip and R escue Training Training conducted f or H aj p ilgrims

Course starts in L eh It was told that a total of 30 Haj
pilgrims that included 12 female
D aw a D ol m a has been selected from Leh dis-
trict for Haj-2019 and they are
Leh: A ten days ountain lead- all set to proceed for ecca in
ership training for the youths of the first week of uly.
Ladakh was launched on une
10 at Lotsava Auditorium, K Avny Lavasa , Deputy Com-
Culture Academy, Leh. missioner/CEO, Hill Council,
Leh greeted the Haj pilgrims
The training was organised by and gave them best wishes for a
All Ladakh Tour Operators’ As- successful and meaningful Haj
sociation ALTOA with experts journey.
from the International Climbing
and ountaineering ederation She said that this is the great-
Participants of Union Internationale des Associations d’Alpinisme (UIAA)
IC , commonly known by Mountain Leadership course in Leh. est opportunity of transforming
its rench name nion Interna- one’s life with all the positivity
tionale des Associations d’Al- moting mountain sustainability, Steve Long, Chairman, IAA and ualities. She also said that
pinisme IAA . leaving no waste, respect for the training panel, said, We are the values and merits of per-
mountain community, and the ready to come back with ALTOA forming Haj should be shared
The trainers representing IAA environment. and provide leadership to bring Reach Ladakh Correspondent tee, Abdul Salam. with others who do not get such
from different parts of the world a whole lot of potential, new in- opportunity. Lavasa assured that
including Austria, K, epal Tsetan Angchuk, President, AL- Leh: The final Haj training for They were given detail aware-
structors and also trek leaders. the administration will extend
and Cyprus were present. They TOA mentioned that the training the Haj pilgrims of Leh district ness and necessary training
Our philosophy is to empower every possible help and assis-
will be training the trainers using will create leaders of the moun- was conducted on une 10 at Leh about various Haj performing
locals as they could pass on their tance for their comfortable holy
certified climbing e uipment. tains and will further train new under the supervision of Execu- activities and procedures.
learnings to other people. journey.
guides, thereby building a com- tive Officer State Haj Commit-
The objective of the training is munity of certified and skilled The event is being sponsored by
to promote mountaineering and mountain guides. K Tourism, The Himalayan
climbing in Leh by advancing Club and LAHDC, and support-
safe and ethical mountain prac-
tices. Also, it is to educate youths
He also added that it would ben-
efit the trekking mountain guides
ed by Ladakh ountain uide
Association, Rimo Expedition
A v ny L av asa inaugurates ‘ P roj ect Tsangda’ in P angong
of Ladakh in pursuing moun- and make the adventure stronger
and ALTOA.
taineering as a profession, pro- and more robust. Reach Ladakh Correspondent
P : After successful im-

4 2 K anals of land occup ied illegally in A gling

plementation of waste manage-
ment centre Project Tsangda’ in
Choglamsar, Diskit, imoo, and
that it’s the decision of Council Khaltse, Avny Lavasa, DC, Leh
to reserve the land and allot this inaugurates one such new unit in
officially to Rural Development Pangong lake also on une 6.
Department with the purpose to
provide accommodation facili- Konchok Stanzin, Councillor
ty to most needy and deserving Chushul was the guest of honour.
homeless poor people. Rigzin Spalgon, Sub-Division-
al agistrate, Durbuk, Tsering
He added that the decision is Paldan, Assistant Commissioner
based on complaints of public Development, Leh, staffs of rural
and detail en uiry of the case development department and vil-
submitted by the concerned de- lagers in large number were also
partment. He said that the Coun- present.
cil is determined to take correc- other projects is in the pipeline. units in different other villages
tive measures to stop such kind Conceptualized by Avny Lavasa
Kumar, ADC, Leh urmet herself, the timely needed waste Konchok Stanzin appreciated the Highlighting the success story
Reach Ladakh Correspondent of illegal occupation of govern-
amgail,Tehsildar, Leh ohd management project is being initiative and said that the Proj- of Project Tsangda that started in
ment land and assured not to let
A : In another illegal land Sharif, ACR In-charge, H As- successfully executed by the ect Tsangda was much needed in December 2017 at Choglamsar,
such things happen in future.
allotment case, amyang Tsering sistant and Tsering Angchuk, Rural Development Department Durbuk area mainly in Pangong Tsering Paldan, ACD appealed
amgyal, CEC, Hill Council, He further said that legal notices Leh. in the wake of heavy tourist in- people to make the project suc-
DO, Rural Development De-
Leh gave the decision to retain 42 will be issued to the present oc- ow. cessful, He further re uested
partment. Speaking on the occasion she as-
Kanal of land at Agling on une 6. cupants and action will be taken proper usage of dustbin, segrega-
Addressing the media, T said sured that the project will benefit He further added that the Coun-
as per law and land norms. He tion of garbage, and understand
He gave the decision on behalf that without any official allot- all besides protecting the sanctity cil is working on the master plan
also projected people involved the importance of reuse, recycle,
of Council in presence of yal ment through Hill Council, 42 and beauty of the Pangong lake. for establishing newly allotted
in this illegal land allotment and reduce of garbage.
Wangyal, Deputy Chairman Kanal land has been allotted She also appealed the locals for camp sites.
urged media for their support in
Stanzin Phuntsog, EC Agricul- to 33 individuals and a group their full cooperation to make the Later, a dustbin was also distrib-
exposing these people to stop An awareness programme about
ture umtaz Hussain, EC An- through illegal means. He said project successful. uted and residents were charged
such crimes in our society. the project was conducted for
imal/Sheep Husbandry Sachin the subsidized rate while full
Talking about making Pangong the villagers of Pangong, ann,
price was charged from the com-
area as per the standard of In- erak, Lukung, Phobrang,
mercial establishments.

Two-day General Council meeting concludes

ternational Tourist destination, Khaksted and Yurgo and owners
she said that the administration of camps, resorts, guest houses An interactive session also held
is working on a master plan for and restaurants. that strongly emphasised on in-
blacktopping in Changthang region by August. proper development of the newly volvement of IT P and Army
...Continued f rom Page 1 Rigzin Spalgon, SD Durbuk
allotted camping sites. to make the project successful.
Chering Dorjey, LC, Leh uestioned the thick- welcomed the initiative of Proj-
and efforts are on with state government to fill the During the programme, films
ness of blacktopping of the road at pper Leh done She further added that to pro- ect Tsangda in Pangong and also
posts with re uired staff at the earliest. and documentary films on Proj-
in a non-uniform way. He stressed on the need for mote tourism, work on activities congratulated the entire team
ect Tsangda were also screened.
While discussing education department the coun- strict monitoring of road works to ensure uality. like Yak cheese, home-stay and for successful running of all the
cilors reiterate the need to prioritise education sec-
tor and raised the issues of transfer policy, pro- Deputy Chairman directed the concern executive
engineer of R , Construction and PHE to work
vision of teachers subject wise, minimize weight
of school bags considering the children age, en- in coordination and rectify the roads wherever re-
4 0 th death anniv ersary of M unsh i A b dul S attar ob serv ed in L eh
hancement of diet charges, regularization of resi-
dential schools, regulation of school fees of private Poor performance under PHE sector was another Reach Ladakh Correspondent akir Hussain.
schools and to complete the pending infrastructural issue raised loudly in the eneral Council. Discus- Leh: The family members and In 1938, he was sent to jail in
works of schools in villages. sion on projects under the Rural Development De- close relatives of Late Abdul Skardu while agitating for Inde-
On the second day, a resolution on the adoption partment including RE A, Community De- Sattar organised a congregation pendence. He was a newsreader
of a Child Protection Policy in the educational in- velopment, SDP and IAY was also held. Deputy meeting on une 6 in the loving and used to educate people about
stitutions of Leh district was moved by Phuntsog Chairman pointed out the lack of field knowledge memory of the great Hero of La- the importance of freedom and
Dorjey, Councilor Phyang and was passed unani- and coordination between the main office and block dakh on the occasion of his 40th independence.
mously. office. He instructed the officers to come fully pre- death anniversary.
pared with detail information of field works and In 1949, along with Kushok a-
yal P Wangyal directed all the executive engineer facts from next time in the review meeting. He represented K under the kula Rinpoche and five others,
and district officers to give priority to far- ung, leadership of Late Sheikh Ab- he joined the ational Confer-
unconnected and border villages under CR , A- Other departments like Power, Education, Employ- dullah in 1935 and he was the ence and was associated with it
ARD, ADP and other sponsored schemes con- ment, Tourism, Horticulture, Cooperative, Animal only freedom fighter from Lada- from 1949 to 1970.
sidering their short working season and difficult ac- Husbandry, Sheep Husbandry, Health, CA PD, kh who was part of the meeting ister Late Pt. awaharlal ehru
Wildlife, isheries etc. were also discussed. He passed away on 6th une
cessibility. He also directed the Ex-ens to complete chaired by the then Prime in- and then President of India Dr. 1979.
Reach Ladakh Bulletin June 16-30, 2019 | 3

Th ak ch en S oj ong Tsogsp a organises two-day H ill Council, L eh , to start imp lementing L adak h
p rayer during S ak a D awa O rganic M ission th is year
word except the mantra recita- Project to be completed in three phases by 2025, at a cost of ₹ 45 cr, says EC Agriculture
tion or prayer” .
ment this policy with the signing of the MoU with
Thakchen Sojong Tsogspa also SSOCA, Sikkim for 5 ye ars.
organises prayers for world
peace, to prevent the untimely He said that there will be an exchange of ideas,
death of youngsters and timely knowledge, expertise, and training between Sikkim
rain and snowfall for the cultiva- and Leh in the coming years to complete the proj-
tion, he added. ect by 2025, a target to turn entire Leh district into
organic farming.
Saka Dawa in the 4t h month of
the Tibetan lunar calendar is one He also appreciated the efforts of officers and the
of the most significant months staff of the agriculture department, scientists and
for the Buddhist. The full moon experts for their inputs and hoped for their constant
Rigz in W angm o organised by Thakchen Sojong day of the auspicious month support in achieving the goal by 2025.
Tsogspa Leh. commemorates Lord Buddha’s Sherab Latso Dorjey appraised everyone about the
Leh: A two-day fasting practice birth, enlightenment, and parin-
(Nyungnes) was observed during Nawang Yarphail, President, Reach Ladakh Correspondent duties and functioning of SOCCA under Sikkim
irvana (death). Government as a recogniz ed agency in providing
the holy month of Saka Dawa Thakchen Sojong Tsogspa Leh
Devotees were seen chant- Leh: To implement Ladakh Organic Mission in organic certification.
from June 8 to 10 under the guid- said, “ We have been organising
ing prayers and lighting butter Leh district from this year, memorandum of un-
ance of V enerable Tsultrim Stob- this fasting practice for the 13th She said that Ladakh having scattered areas with
lamps. It is said that the karmic derstanding (MoU) was signed and exchanged be-
dan Rinpoche at Chowkhang time. During the two-day inten- clustered villages have the potential to go for or-
results of everything we do on tween Sikkim State Organic Certification Agency
V ihara. sive fasting practice, the devo- ganic farming in a much easier way as compared
Saka Dawa are multiplied by one (SSOCA), Sikkim and Department of Agriculture,
tees refrain from eating, drinking to Sikkim. Ladakh by default is organic and get-
The two-day prayer practice was hundred million. Hill Council, Leh on June 12 at Council secretariat.
and also not supposed to speak a ting an organic certification will benefit the local
Jamyang Tsering Namgyal, CEC said that it is a farmers to grow organic produce with low cost of

P H E daily wagers, with out salaries f or 1 6

historic moment for the farmers of Leh district to cultivation, z ero dependent on outside outputs like
commence the implementation of Ladakh Organ- urea, fertiliz ers, seeds and a better opportunity to

month s, call of f strik e

ic Mission in Leh which is a long pending dream sell their organic produce outside Ladakh.
of Hill Council, Leh. He said that in the past few
months, representatives from Hill Council, Leh has She gave full assurance to help Hill Council, Leh in
visited Sikkim to learn and understand the func- getting the organic certification and other supports
tioning of organic farming. Series of meetings in like capacity building and guidance in a phased
Leh with Hill Council members, district officers, manner.
scientists and local experts were held to have de- Phuntsog Stanz in, EC Agriculture informed that
liberations on making Leh district completely an the first phase of the Ladakh Organic ission in
organic region. Leh district will start from this year with an esti-
He expressed gratitude to the representative of mated cost of ₹ 30 lakh. The project will be com-
Sikkim Government, Sherab Latso Dorjey, Chief pleted in three phases by 2025 at an estimated cost
Executive Officer, SSOCA, Sikkim for the time, of ₹ 45 crores.
commitment and support of Sikkim government in In the first phase, registration formalities will be
making Ladakh Organic Mission achievable. done and around 34 villages will be covered. The
Stating that the Hill Council has framed a draft project includes certification process, public aware-
policy on making Leh district an organic region for ness programme, training to officers and field staff
the first time, amyang said that it is time to imple- of the agriculture department.

H ill council, L eh , giv es recep tion to Gya students

Reach Ladakh Correspondent daily wagers and permanent reg-
ulariz ation of casual labours of
He said that as per the order the
wages will be released soon as
on returning f rom F rance
Leh: On assurance of paying off Reach Ladakh Correspondent
PHE Division/ PWD Circle, Leh per provision in installment if
the last 16 months wages to the Leh: After a month-long cul-
among other issues of the district not in one go. Also, the issue
daily wagers of PHE, the em- tural tour to France, students of
was submitted. of permanent regulariz ation of
ployees who were on indefinite Government Middle School Gya
casual labours was taken up per-
strike from une 6 called off the Addressing the protesters, he were given a warm reception by
sonally by Governor with Chief
protest on June 12. informed that the Governor has Hill Council, Leh led by Gyal P
Secretary and gave assurance to
issued an order from the con- Wangyal, Deputy Chairman on
Jamyang Tsering Namgyal, resolve the matter soon.
cerned Commissioner Secretary June 7 at Council Secretariat.
CEC, Hill Council, Leh met
office in their favour authorizing The employees expressed their
K overnor, Satya Pal a- Gyal P Wangyal said that the
DC, Leh/ CEO LAHDC, Leh to gratitude for resolving the issue
lik on June 11. A copy of mem- trip was a great opportunity for
settle the issue as allowed by Fi- in a short time.
orandum demanding payment the students of Govt. school Gya
nance Department.
of last 16 months wages to the to visit different cities of rance and customs from Ladakh. ing cultural shows in different
and in promoting and showcas- cities.
ing Ladakh’s culture. Also, the Gyal P Wangyal appreciated the
school has set an example to all initiatives of Stanz in Gya and Tashi Dolma, Joint Director Ed-
other Govt. schools and proved said that it is a great contribution ucation Ladakh urged that the
DEPARTMENT OF POSTS that they are not behind in any
and a token of love for the chil-
dren of his native village.
best educational practices what-
ever they observed in France
O/O THE CHIEF POSTMASTER GENERAL should be replicated at the lo-
Stanz in Gya extended grati-
J&K CIRCLE, JAMMU-180012 He said that the experiences cal level besides scaling up to
gained from the one-month edu- tude to Hill Council, Leh for
other schools. She said that the
cational tour in such a developed the reception and said that such
students of Govt. schools have
a gesture would encourage the
Re-conduct of examinations for recruitment of MTS and Postman Cadre from open country should bring positive comparatively bigger opportu-
students of Govt. schools. He
market for the vacancies of the year 2012 changes in all the students and nities for holistic development
also mentioned the generosity of
(****) teachers. and are not lacking in any field
The above said examinations were held on 17-04-2016 and 24-04-2016 respectively, but later on due to administrative reasons sponsors who have ensured the
of education.
the entire examination process for direct recruitment of MTS and Postman was cancelled. Now Chief Postmaster General, J&K Cir-
Filmmaker Stanz in Gya initiated tour in different ways.
the excursion tour. 17 students, 9 Tsering Paldan, Councillor said
cle is pleased to inform to applicants who have appeared in the above said examinations on 17-04-2016 (MTS) and 24-04-2016 Sharing experience of the tour,
(Postman) respectively, that above said examinations will be re-conducted on 30-06-2019 (Postman) and 07-07-2019 (MTS)
adults including 5 teachers, the that the tour has benefitted the
area Councillor, one interpreter a student told that France has a
only for those applicants who have actually appeared on 17-04-2016 (MTS) and 24-04-2016 (Postman) respectively. students to open up their knowl-
and two musicians toured differ- sound and practical educational
edge horiz on.
Admit Cards will be dispatched through registered post. If any applicant does not receive Admit Cards upto 24-06-2019 (For system with rich infrastructure
ent cities of France for 36 days
Postman) and 01-07-2019 (For MTS) through registered post, he/she can contact Recruitment Cell, O/O Chief Postmaster Gener- and also informs that they have a The tour has not only brought
starting from May 1 to June 5.
al, J&K Circle Jammu (From 1000 hours to 1700 hours from Monday to Friday) on Phone Number 0191-2479408, 0191-2479299 good traffic rule. Keeping the el-
They showcased different cultur- students together but has further
and email : for duplicate Admit Card.
al activities of Ladakh in differ- derly people in isolation in old age strengthened the relationship be-
ent cities of France. The students home made them deeply upset. tween the two nations. Efforts
NO: ADPS/Con/DR/2012-MTS/2019 Sd/ Assistant Director Postal Services(Rectt.) from France showed a great in- will be made to make this pro-
A teacher who also accompanied
Dated: 13-06-2019 Office of Chief Postmaster General, terest to visit Ladakh to present gramme a regular feature in fu-
the students on France tour said
J&K Circle, Jammu. their cultural heritage and also ture between the school children
that they have earned all the ex-
to learn art, culture, agriculture, of the two countries.
penditure of money by present-
4 | June 16-30, 2019 Fortnightly Special Reach Ladakh Bulletin

EXPERT TALK it exists in almost every village. Similarly, many non-local children,
from Nepal, Bihar and other states, are engaged as child labour. There
G hul am N abi T ak, A ssistant Labou r Com m is-
sioner: The Child and Adolescent Labour (Pro-
are children who are working in shops, guest houses, restaurants and hibition and Regulation Act, 1986) is extended

Child Labour automobile mechanic shops in Leh town. esides, you will find many
non-local children begging in Leh town, especially during the reli-
to the whole of India. According to this Act, a
‘child’ means a person who has not complet-
gious congregations. ed 14 year of age and an ‘adolescent’ means a
B y Rinchen A ngm o Chum ikchan person who has completed 14 years but has not
The new Child Labour Prohibition and Regulation Act, 2016 com-
completed his 18th year.
pletely bans employment of children below 14 in all occupations and
Chotak G y atso,P rogram m e M anager, LN P:
enterprises, except those run by his or her own family, provided that No child below the age of 14 years can be employed or permitted to
The term child labour’ is defined as employ-
education is not hampered. The addition of a new category of per- work in any occupation or process. A child should be able to receive
ment of children that deprives them of their
sons, called ‘adolescent’, children between 14 to 18 years, are barred proper education and all the rights which he/ she is entitled to.
childhood, their potential and their dignity,
from employment in any haz ardous occupation. The Act makes child
and that is harmful to physical and mental de- H ours and period of work
labour a cognizable offence. Employing children below 14 years will
velopment. That means it interferes with their Besides that, when they complete 14 years of age, and if someone
be punishable for a jail term between 6 months and two years (earlier
schooling by depriving them of the opportunity wants to employ them, then there are certain procedures to follow.
3 months to 1 year) or a penalty between Rs 20,000 and 5 0,000 or
to attend school, obliging them to leave school The time is fixed for them to work. The period of work on each day
both for the first time. any experts believe that even this law is also
prematurely, or requiring them to attempt to combine school atten- is 6 hours including lunch break of one hour.
weak because the complete ban on child labour is for those below 14
dance with excessively long and heavy work.
years. They feel that it should be extended up to 18 years like in the The employer has to give notice to the labour inspector that they have
In our district, there is no exact data or specific study report on child developed countries. employed an adolescent. The labour inspector will check the birth cer-
labour issue. But a study was conducted by Leh Nutrition Project in tificate. In case they don’t have birth certificate, then the inspector will
We also need to know that Children’s or adolescents’ participation in
collaboration with UNICEF India on general child rights issues in consult a doctor and check whether he/ she is above 14 years of age or
work that does not affect their health and personal development or
Khaltse and ubra region in 2015-2016. It revealed 39 per cent of not. If he/ she is above 14 years, then he will give the permit to work.
interfere with their schooling, is generally regarded as positive. This
participants/responder children and adult both identified that child
includes activities such as helping their parents at home, assisting in Maintenanc e of register
labour is an issue in their region. It says Ladakhi children are mostly
a family business etc. This kind of activities contributes to children’s The employer/ occupier should maintain a register to be available for
engaged as domestic helpers by wealthier families or relatives and
development, equip them with skills and experience, and help them inspection by an inspector at all times during working hours or when
there are some school drop-outs between 15 to 18 years of age en-
get ready to be productive members of society later in life. work is being carried on any establishment. It should include the
gaged in BRO and other agencies as labour. Not big in number, but
name and date of birth, hours and period of work and the intervals of
In my view, our district is ill-equipped to deal with child labour issues
rest and the nature of work.
as we do not have ‘District Child Labour Task Force’. It seems that
child labour issue is not mandated to District Labour Department. Our H ealth and saf ety
policy makers, planners and authorities lacked the sensitivity towards There are rules for the health and safety of the adolescent employed
this issues and no initiative has been taken to deal with it. As I have in an establishment. It should be clean and hygienic. Facilities for
said earlier, the number may be small but child labour is indeed an is- disposal of wastes and e uents, ventilation and temperature, dust
sue for our district. It will be easier for us to deal with if an intensified and fume and artificial humidification and others should be there.
awareness initiative is taken by the district authorities with the support
of LAHDC. We can be a completely ‘free from child labour’ district
Whoever employs a child or permits a child to work in contravention
within a short span of time if we wish to see it and it will be a proud
of the provision of Section 3 shall be punishable with imprisonment
moment for our district and LAHDC.
for a term which shall not be less than six months but which may ex-
Solutions: tend to two years, or with fine which shall not be less than Rs 20,000
but which may extend to 50,000 r upees or with both.
• Awareness campaigns
Plans & initiative s of the Departm ent
• ‘District Child Labour Task Force’ needed to deal with child labour
We are planning to conduct a drive soon, and if we find any cases of
child labour, we will hand over the child to Child Welfare Commit-
• Proper Facilities should be provided to them tee. Strong action will be taken against violators of child labour law
and will file a challan’ in the court. We register all the labours in
• Policy is needed at the local level to curb this issue.
...Continues on Page 6

Ramadan an opportunity to be a true human being

A day is as good as you mak e of it

Training yourself daily and regularly is as essen-
tial as not missing your daily food. Every morning
comes up with new challenges and greater demand
for newer tactics for suitable solutions. As they
say, success comes to those who are well-prepared
for any challenge.

Actor Bruce Lee had said, “ I fear not afraid of the

man who has practised 10,000 kicks once, but I
fear the man who has practised one kick 10,000 times.” That means that
we have to make ourselves stronger and smarter every day, and learn
Raz ia Parv een, S kam pari inner self from devil’s deception. It expels calendar by Islam rotates the benefit of fast- newer ways to tackle difficult problems. Looking back and sitting over
the toxins that are injurious to health and ing in all the months and seasons of the year, your laurels will do no good as that is like getting into a complacency
Ramadan is the 9th month as per the Islamic
cures the ailments which develop in the thus bestowing in the faithful the ‘festival of mood. Any feeling of smug and uncritical satisfaction is surely the road
calendar. During this holy month, Muslims
body due to over indulgence. It is beneficial piety and righteousness’. down the hill.
have to abstain from eating, drinking, smok-
for health and most helpful in leading a life
ing, and refrain from lying, cheating, back- “ G od w ills that y ou shall hav e ease, and
of devotion and righteousness. In simple terms, training yourself means doing everything that makes
biting, cursing, gossiping, and the like. does not will you to suffer hardship.” (2:185)
The divine selection of the month of Rama- you capable of handling a situation that might come your way. Every
T he Q ur’ an says: Fasting in the month of Ramadan is compul-
dan for fasting has a special significance, as challenge demands a newer way and better imagination for a happier
sory for all adult, healthy Muslims, male or
“ O y ou w ho hav e attained to faith! F asting it was during this holy month that the final ending. The fact that you put in your best without any smart planning
female. But few people temporarily exempt-
is ordained for y ou as it w as ordained for message of God to mankind through the would be a mere wastage of time and energy. Learning more is getting
ed by the Qur’an and Hadith are sick, voy-
those b efore y ou, so that y ou mig ht remain final prophet of od, uhammad P H more, and getting more means you are constantly improving yourself.
ager, women during pregnancy and nursing
conscious of G od, ” (2 : 1 8 3 ) started coming in 610 C.E./ A.D.
mother. And a few others completely ex- There is no limit to your learning, just as there is no limit to your output.
Fasting has both physical and spiritual ben- “ It w as the month of R amadan in w hich the empted from fasting are the old and feeble
The more you train yourself, the more you are likely to be in a position
efits for human beings as it rejuvenates our Qur’an was (first) bestowed from on high persons person suffering from incurable
to tackle your issues.
multidimensional faculties. The aim of fast- as g uidance unto man and a self- ev ident disease. Such people are advised to feed the
ing is to release human beings from all the proof of that g uidance, and as the standard poor.
This idea of a better and healthier readiness has to be updated every day.
worldly desires; to realiz e the goal of human b y w hich to discern the true from the false.
“ B ut he w ho is ill, or on a j ourney (shall fast Only then one can be said to be fully prepared to deal with the daily
purification and everlasting blessedness. It is H ence, w hoev er of y ou liv es to see this month
instead for the same) numb er of day s (after onslaughts. A day is as good as you make of it with critical thinking and
aimed at curtailing the intensity of desires shall fast throug hout it.” (2 : 1 8 5 )
and lust by means of hunger and thirst; at
R amadan)” (2 : 1 8 5 ). a definite road map.
Thus, fasting is the expression of gratitude
inducing humans to realiz e how there are
by the faithful to the Lord for the greatest T he w riter is an Assistant Professor, B emina C ourtesy : H industan T imes
many people in the world who go even with-
gift in the form of Qur’an. Adoption of lunar C ollege , Sr inagar . T he author is a N ew D elhi- bas ed E ditor- at- large , columnist and pro-
out a small uantity of food at fighting the
fessional speak er
Reach Ladakh Bulletin Fortnightly Special June 16-30, 2019 | 5

In Conversation with

Dr. Rinchen Zangmo, MBBS, MD, DNB; Obstetrician and Gynaecologist

I nterv iew ed by S tanz in D asal

Q . Wh at are the m ost c om m on heath issues seen am ong pregnant wom en? A woman knows that she is pregnant when she misses her period, by the time
she and her doctor comes to know about this, the pregnancy is already 5
A woman may experience common pregnancy symptoms like morning sickness,
weeks gestation.
fatigue, headache, constipation, and mood swings because of the increasing lev-
el of a certain hormone and slight breathlessness with advancing gestation. Preconception care is important for all females planning a preg-
nancy, but more so in patients with preexisting medical illnesses
The concerning health issue includes high blood pressure, diabetes during
like diabetes, high blood pressure and neurological problems. It
pregnancy (Gestational Diabetes), low hemoglobin (Anaemia) and hypo/
is during this time, that we review the status of her disease and
hyperthyroidism. Pregnancy may aggravate preexisting medical illnesses
her medications. For example, high blood sugar in mother during
like heart disease, asthma, Type 1 or type 2 diabetes, chronic hyperten-
the first 3 months can lead to abnormalities in the foetus, there
sion, and neurological diseases. Special attention is needed in women
are certain medications for blood pressure, which can lead to
with such problems and in certain cases, patients are advised to avoid
abnormal organ development in the baby and the woman needs
getting pregnant altogether.
to be switched to safer medications.
High blood pressure during pregnancy is one of the most common
All women planning for pregnancy should take preconception
causes of referral from Ladakh to higher centers.
folic acid, ideally 3 months before planning pregnancy. Women
Q . Can you exp lain the reason behind the blood pressure and with a preexisting medical condition must have a preconception
ref errals f or the sam e? counseling with her doctor before she is deemed fit to conceive.
Risk factors for high blood pressure in pregnancy include pregnancy Q . T ell us about the Cervi c al Canc er. Wh at are the early
at an advanced age, twin or higher order pregnancy, obesity, family sym ptom s, prec aution and treatm ent?
history, chronic hypertension, kidney disease, high altitude. I have
Cervical cancer is the second most common cancer in females in
seen many patients being referred in view of uncontrolled blood pres-
India after breast cancer. It is caused by high-risk strains of Hu-
sure in Ladakh, as soon as the patient lands up in Delhi her blood
man papilloma virus, which get incorporated in the cells of the
pressure becomes normal.
cervix and gradually convert the normal cells into cancer. I have
Uncontrolled Blood pressure can lead to poor foetal growth, fetal de- seen many cases of cervical cancer from Ladakh since my post
mise, risk of uterine bleeding and bleeding in other organs, risk of graduation days. The symptoms include excessive foul-smell-
maternal death. Babies with poor growth inside the womb need to be ing discharge, irregular bleeding, contact bleeding. In advanced
referred to higher centers due to lack of level three neonatal intensive stages pain, bleeding with stools, blood in urine, and kidney
care unit. failure due to obstruction of the ureters by growth, importantly,
Q . h
W at are the c auses of a problem like hypothyroidism , anae- patients may remain asymptomatic till later stages. Here comes
m ia during pregnanc y? the importance of screening.

There are two kinds of thyroid disorders in relation to the level of Screening for cervical cancer is done in asymptomatic sexual-
active thyroid hormones: hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism. Hy- ly active females above 25 years of age. Pap smear is the most
pothyroidism is common in India especially in females with around commonly used screening test, once normal, it has to be repeated
11 prevalence. Previously iodine deficiency was the most common every 3 years till 50 years of age and then 5 yearly till 65 years.
cause of hypothyroidism, as iodine is a mineral needed for the syn- Patients with abnormal screening results proceed for further
thesis of thyroid hormones T3 and T4. Now, hypothyroidism because tests. In places with no facilities, an internal examination by a
of iodine deficiency is very rare with the availability of iodized salt. gynaecologist can tell about the health status of the cervix grossly.
Autoimmune thyroiditis is said to be the most common cause of hy- To prevent cervical cancer safe sexual practices, being faithful to your
pothyroidism. e e he e e partner (both male and female), regular screening and vaccination are
Causes of anaemia include nutritional deficiency of iron, folic acid, important. V accination is available against HPV strains 16 and 18, the
vitamin B12, and other micronutrients, poor absorption, worm infes-
tation, chronic diseases and genetic (e.g. Thalassemia). Thalassemia
“ Don’t ignore any abnormal symptom, perhaps your body is trying
to tell you that something is not right. Remember that there is a time
for everything; plan your pregnancy well in time. Consult your doctor
most common types of HPV implicated in cervical cancer. So even if
one has been fully vaccinated, screening has to be done for the oth-
er strains. V accination can be done after 12 years of age. Treatment
is uncommon in Ladakh. We can consider screening for Thalassemia “
traits in children born from inter-race marriages, where one of the cou- to clarify doubts. Last but not least take good care of yourself so that includes surgery with/ without chemoradiation therapy depending on
the stage of the disease.
ples is from Thalassemia belt. you can take care of your family.
Q . Wh at are the c auses of inf ertility? Q . hW at is m enopause and what are the sym ptom s and treatm ent
of m enopause?
Infertility is when a couple cannot conceive despite trying regularly
Menopause or cessation of ovarian activity is when a woman stops
for 1 year. It can be due to male factor (1/ 3rd roughly), female factor
having periods and can no longer get pregnant naturally. Cessation of
(1/ 3rd) and other 1/ 3rd of the cases is unexplained. The male factor
deliveries. Women should have continuous support, warmth, and en- periods, hot ushes, mood swings, irritability, depression, and anxiety
can be due to obstructive causes (by birth or later), infections like
couragement during labour from her closed ones, which play a big palpitations, sleeplessness, night sweats, decreased sexual drive, vag-
mumps, occupational (working in hot places), smoking, excessive al-
role in decreasing cesarean rates. Caesarean delivery has to be done inal dryness and urinary symptoms are common complaints.
cohol intake.
for a genuine indication and not just like that. Time to time audits are Treatment for menopause depends on the severity of symptoms. The
Female factors include blockage of fallopian tubes, ovulation disorder, carried out in most centers on the same topic, decreasing caesarean primary aim is to provide symptomatic relief. It may include lifestyle
ovarian failure and endometrial factor. In developing countries like rates. I think there is more to do from our (doctors) side on this matter. changes or hormone therapy and treatment of specific symptoms with
India, tuberculosis plays an important part in female infertility. Age is
Q . Wh at is pre and postnatal c are? non-hormonal medications. Lifestyle changes like avoiding caffeine,
a very important factor for female infertility. Apart from a decrease in
spicy food, eating soy products can reduce symptoms of menopause
ovarian reserve with age, the risk of chromosomal abnormalities like Prenatal care is caring for a woman during pregnancy to monitor the
significantly. One must take plenty of calcium and vitamin D in food
down syndrome in the baby increases with increasing maternal age progress and to detect and manage complications on time with a time-
or supplements. Exercise, healthy diet and relaxation techniques
and more so after 35 years of age. A woman’s body reproduces and ly referral if needed. As per latest WHO guidelines, a pregnant woman
help to maintain a healthy lifestyle in postmenopausal women. Any
there is a time for it. It’s up to you whether you want to have a family, should have at least 8 antenatal checkups, the frequency can be more
kind of physical activity is helpful, besides this, 30 to 40 minutes of
but if you have decided for one, don’t delay. in case of complications, and women must follow their obstetrician' s
weight-bearing exercise in a day is important.
advice on when to come for next follow up.
Q . W e have seen m any c ases of c esarean delive ry nowadays as
Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) should be prescribed only after
c om pared to norm al delive ry. Wh at is the reason behind that? Postnatal care is caring for women and newborns after delivery. Care
discussing the benefits and risks of hormone therapy with the woman.
doesn’t end with delivery, there are certain complications which can
If we compare the maternal and neonatal mortality rates of the present
arise after delivery and which can be directly or indirectly related to Q . C an you give som e tips to wom en f or a healthy lif estyle?
day with say 25 years back, the rates have declined. One reason for
the delivery. Postnatal care is to detect and manage any such compli- A nutritious diet is an important component of good health. Folate
this decline is timely delivery by cesarean section in those needing
cation. supplements in reproductive years, protein-rich diet, iron and cal-
immediate delivery to save lives. Another reason for the increased ce-
sarean section is more number of high-risk pregnancies. cium supplements in pregnancy and post delivery are important to
Q . Wh at is prec onc eption c are?
stay healthy and bear healthy offspring. Women should also focus on
Pregnancy at an advanced age has more chances of complications like This is something, which many are unaware of including many of the pelvic oor exercises after a normal delivery, stress management by
high blood pressure, poor foetal growth. Many patients conceive with well-educated people. It is when a female comes to her doctor with a yoga and meditation, regular cervical screening, screening for breast
IV F treatment and in such cases, we cannot take many risks. More plan to start a family. Formation of organs (Organogenesis) starts from cancer after 50 years, adequate calcium and vitamin D intake during
intensive fetal monitoring is again one of the reasons for Caesarean the 3rd week, the period from 3rd to 8 weeks is the most important. perimenopause and weight-bearing exercises
6 | June 16-30, 2019 Fortnightly News Reach Ladakh Bulletin

D iv Com h olds p ub lic ' D arb ar' at Tangtse M L C, L eh , donates amb ulance to P H C, S ak ti
nagar- Leh road the ambulance
the duration of power supply, pro-
was stationed at Srinagar.
viding pipe drinking water facili-
ties, skill development for youths, Talking about other facilities
upgradation of PHC Tangtse, needed at PHC Sakti, Gyal
posting of dental surgeon and gy- Wangyal said that a complete an-
naecologist at Tangtse & Chushul alyz er machine for various blood
health centres, opening of new tests will also be equipped in the
trekking routes, improvement in laboratory of PHC Sakti soon.
mobile communication coverage,
and others. “ To keep the records of patients
and for other office use, a set of
Saugat Biswas discussed the rel- computer will be provided by
evant issues with the block offi- K ank under CSR for PHC
cers and ensured to take up the Sakti” , added Wangyal.
issues with concern departments Reach Ladakh Correspondent Dorjey .
He directed Dr. Lal Didi, MO
for maximum implementation. S : A fully equipped ambu- He hoped that this ambulance PHC Sakti to ensure proper
After the public Durbar, he also lance was donated by Chering will be of great use for tourists as
listened to the departmental maintenance of this new ambu-
Dorjey, MLC Leh to Primary well as for entire Sakti area. At
Reach Ladakh Correspondent ers, public from different villag- problems faced by the block of- lance and cautioned that misuse
Health Centre, Sakti from MLC the same time, Dorjey appealed
es and block officers. ficers. Putting a priority on edu- of the ambulance will not be tol-
T e: To get first-hand in- area fund. doctors of PHC Sakti and people erated.
formation regarding people’s The Div Com listened to people cation, he sought last three years of Sakti for proper use and main-
detail of students who passed out He handed over the ambulance Highlighting the improving
problems and to review the de- who put forth various demands tenance of this ambulance.
the 12th standard and their pres- to PHC Sakti on June 7 in pres- medical facilities in terms of
velopmental works being carried and problems. The demands in-
ent status in order to get a clearer ence of Deputy Chairman, Hill Talking about the improving infrastructure, equipment and
out in Durbuk sub division, the cluded relaxation in BADP norms
picture of dropouts. Council, Leh Gyal P. Wangyal health facilities in Leh district, services in Leh district, Tsering
Divisional Commissioner Lada- by inclusion of entire Durbuk sub-
and Executive Councilor for Chering Dorjey said that Leh Sandup, Executive Councilor
kh, Saugat Biswas (IAS) took a division under BADP schemes, He further instructed the block Health Tsering Sandup. district is better in many ways as for Health said that SNM hospi-
Public Durbar at Tangtse on June connecting Durbuk with Northern officers to redress public issues compared to other districts of our
10. It was attended by Councillor Grid, improvement of school and on top priority and give their best Chering Dorjey said that the tal Leh is one of the best district
state and hoped that the demand hospitals in the state.
Durbuk, Sarpanches, Nambard- hostel infrastructure, increase in to resolve them. new ambulance for PHC Sakti
of medical college for Leh and
will not only prove beneficial
the upgradation of PHC Khaltsi He further said that with the ef-

O ne k illed, sev en inj ured af ter two cars collide on L ik ir-B asgo road
for people but will play a crucial forts of Hill Council Leh, Airport
and Nyoma to sub-district hospi-
role in evacuating patients from
tal will be fulfilled in near future. Authority of India has agreed to
Changla-pass in case of emer- sanction Rs. 12 Crore for pro-
Reach Ladakh Correspondent gency. Gyal P. Wangyal, Deputy Chair- curement of MRI Machine under
man who is also the area Coun- their CSR scheme for SNM Hos-
Leh: One youth killed and 7 injured in a road ac- " A fully equipped ambulance at
cillor thanked MLC on behalf of
cident that happened between Likir and Basgo on PHC Sakti was urgently needed pital Leh.
entire Sakti people for sanction-
June 11. The accident was stated to have occurred from a very long time as this
ing ₹ 11.00 lacs out of his LC Earlier, CMO, Leh Dr. Motup
as a result of the collision of two vehicles. area is one of the busiest tour- Dorjey also addressed the func-
fund last year. He said that the
ist routes in Ladakh beneath the tion and congratulated the peo-
Gyal P Wangyal, Deputy Chairman, LAHDC, Leh ambulance was purchased last
famous Changla-pass" , added ple of Sakti area.
expressed his deep shock and grief. He along with year but due to the closure of Sri-

E C H ealth tak es stock of h ealth care f acilities in

Tsering Sandup, EC Health also visited SNM Hos-
pital to enquire about the health condition of the
injured passengers. ed SNM Hospital to take stock of the situation. She
The health condition of the injured persons stated to
be stable. Earlier Avny Lavasa, DC Leh also visit-
directed the hospital administration to provide best
possible medical facilities to the injured persons. S h argole b lock , K argil
Reach Ladakh Correspondent

5 th edition of ‘ L adak h R ev iew’ launch ed in L eh Sh e: To take stock of the

healthcare facilities, Muham-
mad Ali Chandan, EC for Health
Nawang Tsering Shakspo was launched on June 14 visited Primary Health Centres,
in Leh. Shargole on June 7.
The program was organised by Tendrel travels in He also visited several villag-
association with Centre for Research on Ladakh. es of Shargole block including
Nawang Tsering Shakspo said that Ladakh, par- Karamba and take rounds of
ticularly Leh town is witnessing a tremendous so- different sections of the Primary
cio-cultural transformation and time has come to Health Centres to enquire about
give proper thought on promoting and preserving the medicare facilities.
doctors and the paramedical staff Muhammad Ali stressed on the
centuries-old culture and way of life of the people.
lock edical Officer, Shargole to work with z eal and enthusi- executing agency to complete
Dr. Eshey Namgail, President, Municipal Commit- informed EC Health about the asm to provide better health care the required works within a time-
tee, Leh, Pintoo Nurboo, Former Minister, Phunt- facilities being provided to the facilities to the public. bound manner while taking due
sog, Former IGP and V en. Thupstan Paldan, schol- patients. He also briefed him care of quality parameters.
He also asked them to remain
ar and many others were present. about various issues pertaining The concerned officers of ijay-
punctual in their duties.
Reach Ladakh Correspondent to the health institution. ak assured that macadamiz ation
The speaker highlighted various environmental re-
He also took stock of the macad-
Leh: The 5t h edition of ‘Ladakh Review’ on wa- lated issues such as traffic jam, parking, drinking BMO Shargole was directed to of the road stretch and other al-
amiz ation work being executed lied works will be completed as
ter issue along with a revised edition of ' A Cultural water issue and blockage of sewer pipes and dump- get the PHC details for the last
by Project V ijayak from 62 to 70 per the specifications approved
History of Ladakh' compiled and edited by scholar ing of garbage etc. two years at Council Secretariat.
km. The Officer Commanding 55 by the department within the
Muhammad Ali Chandan, EC RCC V ijayak apprised EC about
Expert Talk: Child Labour issues in Leh District
stipulated timeline.
Health stressed on the BMO, the progress achieved so far.

case of natural death, they will be provided with
...Continued f rom page 4
₹ 2 lakh, and in case of accidental death, they are SECURITY
the labour department in which financial aid to the provided with Rs4 l akh.
children of labours are provided for education. The
financial aid starts from ₹2,500 to 50,000 annually.
• Creating awareness on the issue
So far, 8,989 labours are registered, out of which
• Discouraging demand for child labour Innovating for smarter & safer Ladakh.
4,000 a re non-local.
• Concerted efforts from all sections of the society We deal & provide service in: CCTV,
Last year, we disbursed over ₹1cr and 10 lakh for to curb child labour Biometrics, Fire Extinguisher, Inter-
education, health and disability. Compensation • Lodging complaint if there are any case of child
will also be provided for the registered labours. In labour.
com, Automatic School Bell.
We are also on GeM
Office location: Taru Namgyal Com-
PUBLIC NOTICE plex, Petrol pump, Leh.
It is for general information that I, JAMCHHO S/o SAMEE, residing at Village Agling, Post Contact: 9419304234, 9622968086,
Choglamsar, Leh, Jammu and Kashmir – 194101, declare that the name of my father has been E-mail: jkcommunicationleh@gmail.
wrongly written as TAMDING in my Pan Card No.BVEPG9565Q. The actual name of my father is com/
SAMEE, which may be amended accordingly.
Reach Ladakh Bulletin Advertisement June 16-30, 2019 | 7
8 | June 16-30, 2019 Advertisement Reach Ladakh Bulletin


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