Career Orientation Question

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Career Education & Development Scale — Tertiary Note: This Scale is being delivered under the supervision of the Human Ethics Committee of the University of Southern Queensland. Itis aimed to better understand the career-related thinking of students in order to provide better career programs in the future. Your responses will be very helpful for us at Fulbright University to assist you in issues related to your future careers and employment. Participation in this Scale is voluntary and your responses will be treated confidentially. Please complete the following, Name Nauyén Duy Anh Year Level_first ear Gender Please rate the extent to which you agree or disagree with the following statements by circling the appropriate number. eg If you agree or strongly agree with the statement you would circle 4 or 5 depending on how strongly you agree with it. If you disagree or strongly disagree with the statement you would circle 2.6r 1 depending on how much you disagree with it, You would only circle 3 if you are unsure Strongly Strongly Disagree Agree SELF 1. [have a good understanding of my personal strengths and attributes and how they might relate to future careers or further study options 1 2. I understand that | need to develop my graduate attributes in order to make me more attractive to future employers 1 3. I'can communicate strong evidence of my interests, skills and attributes fo future employers 1 INFLUENCES 4. understand the importance of making course/career decisions which are mine and not influenced by my friends andor social media, 1 5. understand that access to career opportuntigs could depend on a range of circumstances like government policies or spectic locations of growth industries 12346) OPPORTUNITIES 7. Thave a good understanding of the world or work and future careers options within it. 12 ©: 5 8. Ihave a good understanding of the range of unts/subjects/courses/programs which are available for me to choose and where they might lead in terms of careers. 12 O 5 9. Thave a good understanding of many different career pathways open to me. 12 5 SETTING GOALS 10. Ihave set myself clear and achievable careericourse goals. 12Qa45 11. Ihave developed a career plan for myself. 12845 12, My course/career plans contain short, medium and long-term goals 12845 MAKING DECISIONS 13. lam good at making sound career/course choices and decisions. 12 Q 5 14. 11am able to seek detailed course and career information to assist me make good decisions 1 2 5 45. Lusually consider my careerleourse options carefully before making decisions 12845 TAKING ACTIONS 46. 11am able to construct a competitive resume and cover letter. 1 9 a5 17. I.can competently complete job/courselcareer-related applications 1 45 18. 1am confident | will perform well at job/career related interviews 1 24 5 19. lam able to locate appropriate information on entry prerequisites for jobs andlor courses or further study. 1 oF 5 20. 1am strong at professional networking 1 45 Please continue over the page REFLECTING/REVIEWING 21. Ireview my courseicareer plans often, 22. | regularly check course/career information to see if there are any changes relevant to my course/career planning 23. Ihave developed appropriate back-up plans if my first choice(s) don't eventuate, OVERALL 24. | feel confident that I have a good idea of what career/course direction(s) or pathways | want to take. 25. 1am confident | will get appropriate employmentfurther study opportunities upon graduation, 26. 1am confident | will have a successful future CAREER ADAPTABILITY 27. can adapt to change in the world of work; 28. can adapt to change in my career plans; and 23. will adjust easily to shifting demands at work, CAREER OPTIMISM 30. Thinking about my career inspires me; 31. I get excited when | think about my career; and 32. 1am eager to pursue my career dreams PERCEIVED KNOWLEDGE 33. Iam good at understanding job market trends; 34. Ido not understand job market trends" 36. Itis easy to see future employment trends. SELF EFFICACY 36. Iwill be able to achieve most of the goals that | have set for myself 37. When facing difficult tasks, | am certain that | wil accomplish them. 38. In general, | think that | can obtain outcomes that are important to me. 39. I believe | can succeed at almost any endeavor to which | set my mind. 40. Iwill be able to successfully overcome many challenges. 41. Lam confident that | can perform effectively on many different tasks, 42. Compared to other people, I.can do most tasks very well 43, Even when things are tough, | can perform quite well Thank you 1 2Q)a 5 1 2G)a 5 1 2034 5 123@5 12 5 12075 12Qa5 1 2Q)4 5 12645 ® © CromachCareeérs

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