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ISSN 10678212, Russian Journal of NonFerrous Metals, 2014, Vol. 55, No. 1, pp. 15–19. © Allerton Press, Inc.

, 2014.
Original Russian Text © V.E. Bazhenov, A.V. Koltygin, A.V. Fadeev, 2013, published in Izvestiya VUZ. Tsvetnaya Metallurgiya, 2013, No. 6, pp. 9–13.


The Use of the ProCast Software to Simulate the Process

of Investment Casting of Alloy Based
on Titanium Aluminide TNMB1 into Ceramic Molds
V. E. Bazhenov*, A. V. Koltygin**, and A. V. Fadeev***
National University of Science and Technology “MISiS”, Leninskii pr. 4, Moscow, 119049 Russia

Abstract—The possibility of simulation the process of casting of the titanium aluminidebased TNMB1 alloy
in the ProCast software is considered. The solidification parameters found using the ProCast and Thermo
Calc thermodynamic databases are compared. It is shown that it is preferable to use alloys available in the
ProCast database for simulation. For various variants of the composition of the TNMB1 alloy, we evaluated
the conventional castability and showed that, in order to attain its maximal values, the alloys should be doped
by the upper limit of admissible concentrations. A material for a cast mold called corundum ceramics
(National University of Science and Technology “MISiS”, Moscow) with properties differing from those of
available in the database ProCast system for computer simulation of casting processes was proposed.

Keywords: titanium aluminide, TNMB1 alloy, simulation of casting processes, castability, ProCast, Thermo

DOI: 10.3103/S1067821214010039

INTRODUCTION used as a binder [3–4]. To reduce the chemical inter

The adequacy of the results of simulation for actual action of the poured metal with the mold material, the
production processes is often doubted. There are many first layers are made based on yttria or another material
reasons for this. Properties of necessary materials can inert to alloy components. The properties of such a
not always be found in databases of computer simula mold in the database of materials in the ProCast soft
tion systems of casting processes (further CSS CP) [1]. ware are absent.
This is especially important for new promising alloys, To simulate the foundry processes into ceramic
for example, for γTiAlbased TNMB1 alloy [2]. The
molds, the ceramic material, the thermalphysical
presence of the properties of the mold material in the
CSS CP database is of no lower importance. For properties of which are presented in Table 1, is used.
example, corundumbased ceramic molds are used to Properties of the ceramic mold contained in the data
produce castings of the TNMB1 alloy. base of materials of the LVMFlow CSS CP are also
presented there for comparison. It is seen that the pre
In this article we compare the published data on the sented values of parameters differ considerably. More
thermalphysical characteristics of corundum ceram over, it is unknown how they are suitable for corun
ics with those available in the ProCast software. We
also compared the properties of the TNMB1 alloy in dumbased ceramics since they are classified as SiO2
the ProCast software with those computed in the based ceramics. In connection with this fact, we ana
ThermoCalc software. lyzed the thermalphysical properties of the corun
dum ceramics based on the published data.

THEORY Ivanov et al. [5] give data on the thermal conductiv

ity coefficient of corundumbased ceramic shells
Properties of the Mold Material (Table 2), the values of which are considerably lower
A typical material of which the shell molds for cast than those available in the CSS CP (Table 1). In addi
ing from γTiAlbased alloy are fabricated, including tion, Marmer [6] gives the values of λ for corundum and
the TNMB1 alloy, is corundumbased (Al2O3) corundumbased materials. It follows from Table 3 that
ceramics, where a hydrolyzed solution of ethyl silicate thermal conductivity for these materials is determined by
in alcohol or a ready binder based on silicic acid sol is their porosity (P): the higher porosity is, the lower λ is.

16 BAZHENOV et al.

Table 1. Thermalphysical properties of materials of ceramic forms in the ProCast and LVMFlow CSS CP

Thermal conductivity Heat capacity

Material Software ρ, kg/m3
T, °C λ, W/(m K) T, °C Cp, J/(kg K)

100 0.9 100 1130

650 1.28 400 1130
820 1.32 700 1148
Ceramic ProCast 2011 2010
960 1.35 1000 1103
1120 1.42 1100 1088
1260 1.48 1500 1028
100 2.90 100 900
800 1.60 800 1250
Ceramics LVMFlow, v. 3.1 3700
1600 0.80 1600 1800
2000 0.66 2000 1860

Table 2. Thermal conductivity coefficient of corundum There are no published data to our knowledge on
ceramic shells [5] heat capacity for corundumbased ceramic shells.
They are usually presented for room temperature even
λ, W/(m K), at T, °C for pure corundum. Marmer [6] represents the follow
400–600 700–900 1400–1500 ing data: Cp = 1285 J/(kg K) at t = 1200°C and Cp =
1336 J/(kg K) at 1600°C. These values slightly differ
Upon heating 0.78 0.61 0.56 from those available for the ceramic material in the
After calcining 0.83 0.60 0.46 ProCast database.

Table 3. Thermal conductivity coefficients for corundum EXPERIMENTAL

and materials based on it [6]
In order to determine the order of quantities λ, we
Material P, % T, °C λ, W/(m K) measured the density (ρ) of the samples made of
corundum ceramics fabricated at National University
20 29.1 of Science and Technology “MISiS” in burned and
400 12.8 nonburned states. It is evident that its thermal con
Corundum 800 7.0 ductivity should be lower than that of corundum
<5 because of the presence of porosity.
(sintered Al2O3) 1200 6.4
We found the following data: in the nonburned
1400 7.0
state, ρ = 2.46 ± 0.10 g/cm3; after burning at t =
1600 7.6 1000°C for 1 h, ρ = 2.56 ± 0.15 g/cm3. It is seen that
200 3.61 both values are rather close. Knowing the density of
300 2.97 γAl2O3 (3.98 g/cm3), we can determine the porosity
of ceramics. In our case, it is P = (3.98 – 2.5)/3.98 ×
500 2.44 100 ≈ 37%. This means that the values of the thermal
(77.6% Al2O3) 700 2.44 conductivity coefficient should enter the interval
1000 2.44 between values of λ presented in Table 3 for the light
1200 –
weight (P = 58%) and brick (P = 17%). The data pre
sented in Table 2 (according to [5]) correspond well to
200 – these requirements and can be used in further compu
300 0.58 tations.
Lightweight 500 0.58 Thus, to simulate the production processes of cast
58 ing into corundumbased ceramic shells, it is reason
(57.0% Al2O3) 700 0.58
able to use heat capacity of the ceramic material from
1000 0.64 the ProCast 2011 database and the thermal conductiv
1200 0.64 ity coefficient according to data [5]. For t = 100°C, we



Table 4. Thermalphysical properties for the corundum ceramics of MISiS used for simulation in the CSS CP
Thermal conductivity Heat capacity
ρ, kg/m3
T,°C λ, W/(m K) T, °C Cp, J/(kg K)
100 0.9 100 1130
500 0.8 400 1130
800 0.6 700 1148
1400 0.5 1000 1103
1100 1088
1500 1028

selected the value of λ from the ProCast database since titanium alloys with high aluminum content (titanium
it is absent in [5] for low temperatures. We determined aluminides).
the density in this study. All these properties are pre Table 6 represents the liquidus and solidus temper
sented in Table 4 and used for simulation in the corun atures for the TNMB1 alloy (its computational com
dum ceramics of MISiS in the CSS CP. We also position is Ti–27 wt % Al–9 wt % Nb–2.4 wt % Mo)
selected the ceramic ProCast original material for in ProCast and ThermoCalc software. We also per
comparison without correcting its properties, which formed a computation for the composition Ti–
will allows us to conclude how considerable the differ 45.5 at % Al–8 at % Ni, which is present in the Pro
ence is in results of simulation with the use of various Cast database. It is seen from Table 6 that the crystal
thermalphysical characteristics of materials of lization onset and finishing temperatures for the
ceramic shells. TMNB1 alloy differ almost by 100°C, while their
crystallization range is rather close. The liquidus and
solidus temperatures for the Ti–45.5 at % Al–8 at % Ni
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION alloy, which were found in ProCast and ThermoCalc
Determination of ThermalPhysical Properties software, differ not as considerably: by 25°C and 49°C,
of Alloys respectively. The difference in solidus temperatures is
not as critical since the usual crystallization is not
The alloys based on the titanium aluminide, one of equilibrium, and the actual solidus temperature of the
which is the TNMB1 material (Germany), are prom alloy is unknown. In general, to calculate filling the
ising for casting the blades of gasturbine engines. Its molds and solidifying castings of alloys of titanium
composition is presented in Table 5. aluminide in the ProCast software, we can recom
mend the data available for the materials of the Ti–
There is a thermodynamic database in the ProCast 45.5 at % Al–8 at % Ni type since they differ insignif
software to calculate various properties of alloys such icantly from those available in the ThermoCalc soft
as thermal conductivity, density, enthalpy, and the ware. Properties of alloys computed using the ProCast
mass fraction of the solid phase. All these properties thermodynamic module cannot be considered com
are calculated for a broad temperature range, includ pletely reliable.
ing crystallization and further material cooling. The
following limitation exists for the content of compo We calculated the polythermal section of the phase
nents for titaniumbased alloys: Ti > 75; Al and V < 11; diagram of the Ti–Al–Nb–Mo system at a variable
Mo, Nb, Ta, and Zr < 8; Cr and Sn < 5; Cu, Fe, and aluminum concentration (from 20 to 40 wt %) and
Ni < 3; B, and C, H, N, O, and Si < 0.5 wt %. This constant contents of Nb 9 wt % and Mo 2.4 wt % using
means that we should carefully use the ProCast data the ThermoCalc software (Fig. 1). It is seen that the
base to calculate alloys with aluminum content higher
than 11 wt % and, in regards to other components, the Table 5. Composition of the TNMB1 alloy
TNMB1 alloy corresponds to the mentioned limita
tions for the composition. Content
We also compared the liquidus and solidus temper at % wt %
atures of the TNMB1 alloy calculated using the Pro
Cast software with the results found in the Thermo Ti Bal. Bal.
Calc software for thermodynamic computations. In A1 40–43 26–28
the latter case, the computation was performed using Nb 3.6–1.5 8–10
the CALPHAD method. We used the TTTIAL ther
modynamic database, which was formed especially to Mo 1.0–1.1 2.2–2.6
compute the phase composition and phase diagrams of B 0.08–0.15 0.02–0.04


18 BAZHENOV et al.

Table 6. Liquidus and solidus temperatures for the TNMB1 alloy

Temperature, °C
Database Computed composition
tliq tsol Δt = tliq – tsol
ProCast 1559 1478 81
Ti–27 wt % Al–9 wt % Nb–2.4 wt %Mo
ThermoCalc 1637 1561 76
ProCast 1585 1445 140
Ti–45.5 at % Al–8 at %Nb
ThermoCalc 1609 1494 115

character of phase transformations and their tempera cess, the melt starts freely flow into the channel. The
ture ranges differ very strongly depending on the melt is cooled in this case and the melt flow is stopped;
amount of Al in the alloy. the instant of its stopping in the channel is fixed as the
critical amount of crystals of the solid phase (of about
50%) is attained.
Determination of the Influence of the Content
During simulating, we do not take into account the
of Alloying Elements on the Alloy Castability
interaction of metal with the mold material, and pour
Allowing for our results, we considered the influ ing is performed under gravity. This does not corre
ence of doping elements on the castability of the spond to the actual conditions of alloy pouring, which
TNMB1 alloy. For this purpose we simulated the pro is usually performed under the effect of centrifugal
cess of filling the sample, which is the mold made of forces. Therefore, we can speak about “conventional”
two materials: the corundum ceramics of MISiS and castability only; however, it gives the notion of its
ceramic (ProCast 2011) with a wall thickness of actual magnitude and allows us to evaluate how it is
20 mm. There is a void in a mold which is connected affected by the alloy composition.
with a channel (Fig. 2). At the initial instant, void 1 is We computed the properties of the TNMB1 alloy
filled with the melt at temperature 1700°C, while and simulated the sample solidification for three vari
channel 2 is empty. After startup of the simulating pro ants of the composition. Limitations on the content of
components in the TNMB1 alloy were presented in
Table 5, while the length of the channel filled with the
T, °C melt (l, mm), depending on the composition, is pre
1650 sented in Table 7. The analysis of these results allows
us to conclude that, as the content of doping elements
(Al, Nb, Mo) increases, the alloy castability increases.
Its maximal value for both compared materials is
1600 observed for composition 3, where the content of dop
50 1
1500 β L+α+γ

1450 α+β

α+γ γ
1400 100 10
20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 0
Al, wt %

Fig. 1. Polythermal section of the phase diagram of the

Ti⎯Al–Nb–Mo system at contents of Al of 20–40 wt %, Fig. 2. Model of a castability sample. Sizes are given
Nb of 9 wt %, and Mo of 2.4 wt %. in mm.



Table 7. Results of castability simulating for the TNMB1 alloy

Content, wt % Conventional castability l, mm
no. corundum ceramic
Ti A1 Nb Mo
ceramics (ProCast 2011)
1 Bal. 26 8 2.2 613 413
2 Bal. 27 9 2.4 658 618
3 Bal. 28 10 2.6 753 718

ing elements corresponds to the admissible maximum. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS

An increase in castability with an increase in concen
This study was performed with support from the
trations of doping elements can be associated with the
Grant from the President of the Russian Federation
considerable influence of the alloy composition on
for Young Scientists and PostGraduate Students Who
liquidus and solidus temperatures (Fig. 1).
Perform Research and Development in Priority
Directions of Modernization of Russian Economy
CONCLUSIONS (competition for 2012–2015).
(i) A new mold material, corundum ceramics,
which is fabricated at the National University of Sci REFERENCES
ence and Technology “MISiS” and whose properties
differ from those available in the ProCast software 1. Koltygin, A.V., Belov, V.D., Petrovskii, P.V., et al.,
Liteishchik Ross., 2011, no. 11, pp. 22–24.
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the casting process for titanium aluminides into
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available in the ProCast database, for example, Ti– vol. 8, no. 3, pp. 289–293.
45.5 at % Al–8 at % Ni. Liquidus and solidus temper 5. Ivanov, V.N., Kazennov, S.A., Kurchman, B.S., et al.,
atures calculated using the builtin ProCast thermo Lit’e po vyplavlyaemym modelyam (Casting According
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(iii) It is shown by simulating conventional casta ture Vacuum Installations), Moscow: Fizmatlit, 2007.
bility that, in order to attain its maximal value, the
TNMB1 alloy should be alloyed by the upper limit of
admissible concentrations. Translated by N. Korovin


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