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Page numbers followed by f refer to figure and fc refer to flowchart

A Abortion 329, 984, 987, 1012 primary 1045

complete 985 secondary 1045
Aaron’s sign 896 etiology of 984 Acanthosis 362, 1045, 1048
Abacavir 294, 305, 1080 first trimester 1001, 1002 nigricans 1071, 1072f
Abadie’s sign 861 incomplete 985, 1001 Accessory auricles 643
Abadie’s symptom 861 missed 985 Accole forms 285
Abarelix 1010 offences related to 504 Accordion sign 1186
Abatacept 331 recurrent 984 Accoucher’s hand 737
Abbe-Estlander flap 670, 880 septic 985 Accredited Social Health Activists 482
Abciximab 311, 348 spontaneous 984 Aceclofenac 330
Abderhalden reaction 861 summary of 985 Acephalgic migraine 791
Abdomen 21, 71, 875f threatened 985 Acetabular labrum 48
plain X-ray of 893f, 1187f type 985 Acetaldehyde 1113
planes of 71 Abram’s needle 821 Acetaminophen 747, 825
Abdominal aorta 92 Abram’s pleural biopsy needle 821f poisoning 330
bifurcates 112 Abrasion 524 Acetazolamide 160, 187, 346, 590, 602
branch of 89 crushing 524 Acetic acid 443
branches of 89, 92 postmortem 524 Acetowhite area 1034f
Abdominal cavity 21 Acetylcholine 170, 319
types of 524
Abdominal circumference 973 Acetylcholinesterase inhibitor 797
Abreaction 1106
Abdominal fat accumulation 784 Achalasia 882
Abrupt abstinence 1114
Abdominal mass 419, 788 cardia 882f
Abruptio placentae 987
Abdominal neuroblastoma 710 X-ray of 882f
classification of 987
Abdominal organs 81 radiology of 882
Abrus precatorius 550, 1115
Abdominal pain 281, 701, 888, 890, 892, 906, 942 Achievement tests 1123
poisoning 553
Achilles tendonitis 731
acute 1024 Abscess
Achlorhydria 669
classic triad of 991 drainage of 1143 Achondroplasia 1167, 1168
lower 1015 parapharyngeal 663 thick bones in 1167f
Abdominal repair 1019 pelvic 1041 Achondroplastic dwarf, clinical features of 737f
Abdominal testes 954 peritonsillar 661 Acid 446
Abdominal wall retropharyngeal 662 base
anterior 71, 72 septal 656 balance 214, 446, 448
fascia of anterior 71 subperiosteal 646 disturbance 1154
layers of anterior 71 throat 663 dilution 539
muscles, actions of anterior 72 zygomatic 646 diuresis 542
regions of anterior 71f Absorption elution test 539
Abdominis, transversus 72 elution test 539 fast
Abdominopelvic cavity 73f inhibition test 539 eggs 275
Abdomino-vaginal bimanual method 976 sites of 167 organisms 226
Abducens nerve palsy 810 Abundant callus, formation of 723f parasites 270
Abducens nucleus 117 Abuse, drugs of 1114 staining 226
Abducent nerve nucleus 121 Abzymes 176 hydrolases 130
Abductor pollicis brevis 38, 727f Acalabrutinib 372 laryngitis 882
Abelin reaction 861 Acamprosate 1113 number 193
Abemaciclib 372 Acanthamoeba phosphatase 129, 130
Aberrations 559 keratitis 571, 572f poisoning, inorganic 545
Abetalipoproteinemia 606, 787, 869 spp 281 urine 445
Abiogenesis 218, 219 Acanthocytosis 606, 869 Acidemia 446, 681
ABO system 1152 Acantholysis 1045, 1046 Acidification of urine 1114

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1226 Sure Success MAGIC

Acidosis 405, 446, 684, 857 Adaptive immunity Adrenaline 322, 1148
maternal 674 acquired 297 synthesis of 322
normochloremic 447 types of 299 Adrenals, arterial supply of 851
respiratory 330, 448 Addis count 861 Adrenergic agonists, alpha 341
Aciduria, paradoxic 887 Addison’s disease 853, 1071, 1180 Adrenergic drugs 323
Acinar cells, serous 130 cause of 870 Adrenergic neuron blocking drugs 324
Acini, types of 19f Addisonian crisis 853 Adrenergic receptor antagonists 324
Acinus, portal 82 Adductor longus, tendon of 24 Adrenergic system 322
Acitretin 1049, 1051 Adductor magnus, origin of 45 Adrenocortical carcinoma 855
Acne 1058 Adenitis, mesenteric 255 Adrenogenital syndrome 705
agminata 1059 Adenocarcinoma 947, 951, 1031, 1035 Adrenoleukodystrophy 131
conglobata 1058 pancreatic 870 neonatal 194
fulminans 1058 pure 952 Adson’s sign 862
like exanthema 840 Adenoid cystic carcinoma 959, 962 Advanced disease 1067
pathogenesis of 1059f Adenoid enlargement 661 Adverse drug reactions 319
rosacea 1059 Adenoid facies 661 Aero otitis media 645
severe nodulocystic 1059 Adenoid hypertrophy 661 Aerobic bacteria 224
variants of 1058 Adenoidectomy 661 Aerobic glycolysis 201, 202
venenata 1058 complications of 662 Aerobic gram-negative infections 351
vulgaris 354, 1058 Adenolymphangitis, acute 279 Aerophobia 1104
Aconitase 179 Adenolymphoma 959, 1200 Aeroplane splint 724
Aconite 543, 550, 551 Adenoma 948 Afatinib 369
Acoustic feedback 641 adrenal 855 Afferent loop syndromes 887
Acoustic neuroma 650, 798, 1162 malignum 1035 African trypanosomiasis 282
Acoustic reflex 635 pituitary 804, 843, 844, 956 Agammaglobulinemia 787
decay 635 X-linked 937
sebaceum 801f
pathways 635f Agar 198, 229
Adenomyomatosis 904, 1159f, 1160f
Acoustic schwannoma 1183 Agarose gel electrophoresis 190, 214
Adenomyosis 1023
Acquired immune deficiency syndrome Agger nasi cells 653
Adenopathy, mediastinal 417
392, 459 Agitation 849
Adenosine 151, 335, 1199
awareness symbol 490f Agnes hunt traction 725
A1 receptor antagonism 869
Acquired immunity, types of 299 Agoraphobia 1104
deaminase 215, 348
Acral dermatitis 1068 Agranulocytosis 361, 663, 1117
derivatives 215
Acral erythema 371 Ailurophobia 1104
Adenosis 915
Acridine orange 571 Ainhum 931
Acrochordons 362 vaginal 718
Air 472, 1136
Acrodermatitis enetropathica 212, 1068 Adenoviral keratoconjunctivitis 565
bronchogram 1175
Acrodynia 545, 546f Adenovirus 260 signs 1175f
Acromegaloid 362 Adhesion molecules 385 bubbles
Acromegaly 843 Adhesive capsulitis 731 absence of 653
large hands 844f Adie’s pupil 804 behind 644
male 844f constricts 804 composition of dry 152
Acromioclavicular joint 31 Adipocere 520 crescent sign 1185
Acro-osteolysis, primary 1168 Adipose connective tissue 74 embolism 390
Acrophobia 1104 Adipose tissue 21, 380 during anesthesia 1135
Acro-reaction test 534 cell, brown 21, 21f embolus 1154
Acrosome 130 unilocular 21f fluid level 1176
Actinic keratosis 1045 Aditus ad antra 624 multiple 893f
Actinic prurigo 1069 Adolescence 677 rifle 529
Actinomadura madurae 267 Adolescent coxa vara 869 Aircraft accidents 526
Actinomyces 254 Adolescent kyphosis 869 Airway
Israelii 612 Ado-trastuzumab emtansine 370 assessment 1126
sun-ray appearance of 254f Adrenal calcification 1180 basic 63, 152
Actinomycetoma 267 Adrenal gland 851 conducting 154
Acute gout, drugs used in 331 calcification 195 hyper-responsiveness 695
Acyclovir 314, 1017 development of 851 inflammation 695
triphosphate 314 failure 239 obstruction 695
Adalimumab 311, 789 Adrenal hyperplasia, congenital 675, 705 peripheral 692
Adam’s test 744, 869 Adrenal malignancy 855 pressure during ventilation 1151
Adamantinoma 670, 753 Adrenal medulla, tumor of 854 remodeling 695
Adamson’s fringe 1084 Adrenal scan 1200 resistance 153
Adapalene 1058 Adrenal sex hormones, synthesis of 855f Akinesia 1116

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Index 1227

Alagille syndrome 686 Alkaline Alveolar pressure 152, 153

Alanine 182, 184 diuresis, forced 542 Alveolar proteinosis, pulmonary 695
aminopeptidase 829 nasal douches 654 Alveolar ventilation 155
aminotransferase 184 peptone water 229 Alveolaris 274
beta 182 phosphatase 23, 24, 208, 212, 449, 755 Alveoli 63
peak 1162 serum 449 collapsed 680
Alar lamina 13 solution 1142 Alzheimer’s dementia 345, 1094
Alar ligaments 110 tears 565 treatment of 1094
Albendazole 277, 278, 358, 596, 902 urine 445 Alzheimer’s disease 170, 174, 193, 392, 435, 1122
Albert’s stains 222, 241 Alkaloids 320 Amantadine 262, 345, 372
Albinism, oculocutaneous 1070 natural 321 Amaurosis fugax 602
Albumin 127 Alkalosis 446 Ambient light 1132
serum 902 metabolic 345, 448, 887 Amblyopia 617
Albuminocytologic dissociation 796 respiratory 330, 448, 969 classification of 617
Albuminoid sputum 814 Alkaptonuria 186, 383, 868, 1168 Ambrisentan 773
Albuminuria 830 triad 868 Ambu bag 1133f
Albuterol 323, 337 Alkylating agents 366 Amebic liver abscess 901
Alcock’s canal 91 Allantoic culture 259 Amebic meningoencephalitis, primary 281
Alcohol 129, 227, 449, 719, 913 Allen’s test 862 Ameliorable causes 1094
abuse 1096 Allergic alveolitis, extrinsic 820 Ameloblastoma 670
breath tests 540 Allergic asthma 338 Amenorrhea 844, 970, 991, 1012, 1014, 1022
dehydrogenase 212 Allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis 267 primary 1009, 1012, 1015
method 1113 Allergic reactions hypotension 778 secondary 1012
intoxication, acute 1112 Allergic rhinitis 1055 American College of Radiology 1184
testing for 1112 Allis’ forceps 1042f American Fertility Society 1016f
withdrawal 1112 Allis’ sign 743f American Joint Committee 658
Alcoholic anonymous 1121 Allodynia 859 American Psychiatric Association 1090
Alcoholic cirrhosis 826 Allogenic bone marrow transplantation 414 Ames test 393, 934
Alcoholic formalin 396 Allograft failure, chronic 310 Amidase enzyme 237
Alcoholic hallucinosis 1112 Allopurinol 215, 314, 338, 370, 420, 962 Amifampridine 377
Alcoholic hepatitis 82, 391 Allosteric regulation 179 Amifostine 370, 371
Alcoholic hyaline 391 Alloxanthine 314 Amikacin 339
Alcoholic liver disease 825, 826 All-trans retinoic acid 370 Amino acid 126, 163, 180, 182, 183, 204, 215, 711
Alcoholism 1111 Alopecia 888, 1057, 1068, 1069 activation 217
gamma 1111 areata 1046, 1052, 1057 alpha 180
Aldehyde 227 multiple patches of 1057f basics of 180
dehydrogenase 179 non-scarring 1057 classification of 180
deficiency 1111 totalis 1057 color reactions of 183
inhibitor 1113 universalis 1057 disorders of branched chain 187
test 183 Alpha chain 20 dissociation of 180
Alder Reilly anomaly 413 Alpha helix 188 linear sequence of 188
Alderman’s nerve 124 Alpha particle 1191 metabolism 184
Aldesleukin 370 Alpha propionobacetrium, rickettsia-like 278 nonpolar 21, 191
Aldohexose 199 Alpha receptors, types of 323 sulfur containing 186
Aldophosphamide 314 Alphonse laveran 283 Amino butyric acid, gamma 344
Aldosterone Alport’s syndrome 833, 868 Amino glutethimide 953
antagonists 869 Altemeier’s operation 926 Amino group, removal of 184
secretion, regulation of 852, 852f Altemeier’s procedure 894 Amino salicylic acid 314
synthesis of 852, 852f Alteplase 349, 778 Aminoaciduria, neutral 187
Aldrete 1135 Altruistic surrogacy 540 Aminoglycoside 224, 246, 254, 339, 350, 352,
Alemtuzumab 311, 369, 797 Aluminium 353, 640, 719, 1156
Alexander’s law 862 paint appearance 220 toxicity of 353
Alexithymia 1116 phosphide 549 Aminopenicillins 351
Alfa-fetoprotein, maternal serum 975 poisoning 556 Amiodarone 361, 573, 825, 848, 1151
Alfentanil 1149 splint 724 toxicity 335
Algae, blue-green 221 Alvarado scoring system 897 Amithiozone 339
Algid malaria 285 Alveolar concentration, minimum 1143 Amitriptyline 314
Algor mortis 518 Alveolar hypoventilation Ammonia 185
Aliskiren 333 chronic daytime 825 levels 827
Alizarin red 513 syndrome, idiopathic 1156 removal of 185
Alkalemia 446 Alveolar macrophages, pulmonary 63 transport of 184
Alkali injury 612 Alveolar oxygen 156 Ammonium

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1228 Sure Success MAGIC

sulphate 190 Anaerobic glycolytic pathway 157 microangiopathic hemolytic 408,

urate 445f Anaerobic organisms 220 409f, 423
Amnesia 1093 Anaerobic protozoa 360 microcytic 286
anterograde 1143 Anagen effluvium 1058 hypochromic 213, 402, 547
dissociative 1106 Anagrelide 411 Mukt Bharat 487f
retrograde 1095 Anakinra 331 pernicious 404
Amniocentesis 430 Anal canal 80, 81f Anemic hypoxia 158, 554
Amniocytes 539 part of 18 Anencephaly 15f
Amnion sign, empty 1184 Anal cancers 260 ultrasound of 973
Amniotic cavity 4 Anal fissure 894 Anesthesia 326, 1140, 1149
Amniotic debris 390 Anal sex 537 audio 1155
Amniotic fluid 965 Anal sphincters 81 basal 1155
abnormal colors of 965 Anal triangle 90, 91 bulbar 1155
embolism 390, 539 Anal warts, removal of 1148 dissociative 1143
functions of 965 Analgesia 330, 342 dolorosa 1155
volume 966 adequate 931 electric 1155
Amniotic sac 259 excellent 1146 general 1156
Amodiaquine 359 for chronic pain 1140 Gwathmey’s 1155
Amoebae, classification of 281 neuraxial 1140 history of 1126
Amoebic colitis 1180 no 1146 hysterical 1155
Amoebic liver abscess 281 potent 1146 intratracheal 1155
Amoeboid ulcer 571 Analgesic abuse 835 intravenous regional 1141
Amok 1122 Anal-sadistic phase 1104 local 580
Amorphous phosphates 445f Anaphase lag 429 machine 1136, 1137f
Amorphous urates 445f Anaphylactoid reactions 1153 mixed 1155
Amoxicillin 237, 246, 351, 694, 786, 885 Anaphylaxis 1153 monitoring depth of 1133
clavulanate 825 Anaplasia 934
neuroleptic 1155
Amphetamine 324, 341, 719, 1114 Anaplastic carcinoma 847
open 1155
abuse 1092 Anaplastic lymphoma kinasegene 870
pudendal 1155
addicts, urine of 1114 Anasarca 831
rapid sequence 1147
psychosis 1114 Anastomosis 28
rectal 1155
Amphiarthroses 25 actual 28
refrigeration 1155
Amphipathic molecules 128 Anatomic dead space 154
regional 580
Amphixenosis 462 Anatomical classification 808
saddle block 1155
Ampholytes 180 Anatomical dominance 775
segmental 1155
Amphotericin 266, 355 Anatomy, history of 124
spinal 932f, 1139
deoxycholate 355 Anchovy paste pus 901
Ampicillin 255, 314, 351, 352 splanchnic 1155
Anchovy sauce pus 281
Ampulla 80, 1006 Anconeus 37 stages of 1133
of vas deferens 86 Ancylostoma surface 580
Amputations, types of 755f braziliense 1081 surgical 1133
Amrit 487f duodenale 470 topical 580
Amsel’s criteria 1017 egg of 272f tumescent 1155
Amsler’s sign 596 Ancylostomiasis 470 types of 1155
Amussat’s sign 522 Anderson lesion 1165 Anesthesiology 1126
Amyand’s hernia 897, 900 Anderson triad 868 Anesthetic agents, local 1148
Amygdala 175 Andexanet alfa 347, 375 Anesthetic breathing system 1137
Andreas vesalius 124 Anesthetic care, monitored 1143
Amygdaloid complex 119
Androgen 1012 Anesthetic circuits 1137
Amygdaloid nuclear complex 119
ablation 953 Anesthetics, general 1142
Amygdaloid nucleus 660
insensitivity syndrome 705 Anesthetist’s artery 99
Amyl nitrate 882, 1114 receptor inhibitors 1012
Amylin analogue 364 Aneuploidy 426
Androgenetic alopecia 1058
Amyloid protein 391 Aneurin 209
Anembryonic pregnancy 1184
Amyloidosis 390, 391, 798, 831, 833 Anemia 158, 210, 211, 213, 355, 371, 401, Aneurysm
diagnosis of 391 402, 404, 415, 420, 678, 830 false 782
primary 1069 chronic 772 syphilitic 782
Amylopectin 198 degree of 400 true 782
Amylose 198 differential diagnosis of 403 Anganwadi centre 486
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis 326, 795 evaluation of 399 Angel wing sign 1185
Anabolic steroids 361 macrocytic megaloblastic 211 Angell’s sign 929
Anaerobic bacteria 360 megaloblastic 403, 404, 404f, 1145 Angelman’s syndrome 438
Anaerobic glycolysis 201, 577 pernicious 210 Angina 774

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pectoris 325, 332, 773, 774 Annular crescent 558f Antibiotic 422, 644, 692, 695, 719, 838
prinzmetal 774 Annular pancreas 8, 698 broad-spectrum 786
stable 774 Annulus tympanicus 622 ointment 612
treatment of 774 Anode 1157 resistance, highest level of 233
unstable 774 Anoikis 382 stewardship 231
vasospastic 774 Anomalous left coronary artery 762 systemic 644
worsening of 776 Anomers 199 therapy 670
Angiodysplasia 891 Anomic aphasia 174 Antibody 176, 1152
Angioedema 327, 1068 Anopheles 466f chemotherapy conjugates 370
Angiogenesis, promotes 607 mosquito 478 dependent cytotoxicity 298
Angiography, pulmonary 822 bite of 284 drug-antigen complexes 422
Angioid streaks 598, 600 Anorectal angle 80 radiolabelled 1196
Angioma 620, 891 Anorexia nervosa 1110, 1111 structure 305
senile 931 Anosmia 1009 therapeutic 311
strawberry 927 Anothomia 124 Anticancer drugs 365, 416
Angiomatosis retinae 801f Anovulation 1022, 1023 Anticardiolipin antibodies 837
Angioneurotic edema 1012 Anovulatory dub, mechanism of 1013 Anticholinergic drugs 321, 322, 341, 345, 882
Angiosarcoma 870, 943 Ansa nephroni 17 Anticholinesterase
Angiotensin 148, 152 Ansa subclavia 108 poisoning 321
actions of 162 Anserine reversible 549
antagonists 333 bursa 48 Anticoagulant
converting enzyme 162, 162fc muscles 48 drugs 347
inhibitors 333, 768 Antacid abuse 448 uses of 349
Angiotensinogen 162 Antagonism Anticoagulation 779
Angle kappa 613 functional 317 chronic 348
Angle, openness of 584 physical 317 Anticonvulsants 718, 792
Angular dermoid, external 1207f Antalgic gait 756 Anti-craving agents 1113
Anhidrosis 806, 1142 Antara 997, 1000f Antidepressants 792, 1117, 1118
Anidulafungin 355 Antecubital vein 95 classification of 1117
Animal hair 514 Antenatal corticosteroids 680, 967 Antidiuretics 346
Animal inoculation 258 Antenatal ultrasound 973 Antidote 543, 545, 546
Animal prion diseases 802 parameters 973 universal 543, 555
Animal reservoirs 246 Anterior chamber Antiemetic
Animalcules, little 219 abnormal contents of 597f agents 327, 340
Animalia 269 angle of 583 effect 1143
Anion gap deep 585 Antiepileptics 1135
concept of 447 paracentesis 602 Anti-estrogens 1011
metabolic acidosis, normal 447 Anthracoid bacillus 249 Antifibrinolytic agents 424
Aniridia 598 Anthracosis 820 Antifungal
Aniseikonia 804 Anthracyclines 368 drugs 355
Anisocoria 804 Anthrax 218, 219, 223, 249, 355 topical 356
Anisocytosis 399 bacilli 248f Antigen 245, 299
Anisopoikilo cytosis 407f medusa head appearance colony of 248f complete 299
Anistreplase 778 pulmonary 249 detection 270
Anitschkow’s myocytes 720 vaccine 218 presenting cells 303
Ankle Anthropology 481 virulence marker 245
brachial pressure index 921 medical 481 Antigenic similarity 235
conditions 741 physical 481 Antigenic variations 464
edema 324, 333 social 481 Antiglaucoma 569
flares 920 Anthropometry 514 drugs 589
joint 50, 51 Anthroponosis 462 Antigravity muscles, extensor 172
lateral ligament of 50 Anthropozoonosis 462 Anti-H. pylori regimen, part of 340
relations of 50 Anti-adrenergic drugs 324 Anti-helminthic drugs 358
ligaments of 741 alpha 324 Anti-HIV
sprains 742 beta 325 agents 294
Ankyloblepharon 618 Anti-amebic drugs 360 drugs 357
Ankylosing spondylitis 330, 596, 757, 842, Anti-androgens 538, 1012 Antihypertensive drug selection,
1165, 1165f, 1168 Anti-anginal drugs 332, 774 contraindications for 783
Ann Arbor stage 419 Antianxiety drugs 1119 Anti-inflammatory
Annual blood examination rate 479 Antiarrhythmic drugs 335, 772 agents 1083
Annual falciparum incidence 479 Antibacterial drugs, mechanism of action of 349 drugs 330
Annual parasite incidence 479 Antibacterial therapy 349 effect 1083

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1230 Sure Success MAGIC

Anti-integrins 789 Anxiety 169, 325, 1122 Apnea 1143

Anti-leprosy day 502 disorder 1103, 1104, 1125 prolonged 1146
Anti-malaria generalized 1105 Apneusis 159
month 502 persistent 1105 Apocrine
week 502 Aoki’s formula 970 glands 19
Antimalarial drugs 358 Aorta 91, 1161 metaplasia 915
Antimetabolites 366, 595 ascending 9 miliaria 1080
Antimicrobial drug resistance, branches of 92 sweat glands 1079
mechanism of 231 ascending 91 Apolipoproteins 196
Antimicrobial stewardship 231 descending 92 Apoplexy, pituitary 845
Antimicrobial susceptibility testing coarctation of 437, 688, 1179 Apoprotein 196
methods 231 lateral wall of ascending 782 Apoptosis 380, 381
Antimicrotubules 367 parts of 91 detection of 381
Anti-muscarinic acetylcholine antagonist 1156 sign, draped 1186 examples of 381
Anti-obesity drugs 341 Aortic aneurysm 325, 782 functions of 380
Antioxidant 211, 212 Aortic arch 121, 1170 mechanism of 380, 381f
protection 577 derivatives 9 morphologic features of 380
Anti-Parkinson’s drugs 322, 795 double 10 principal mediators of 381
Antiphospholipid syndrome 990 six pairs of 9 Apoptotic bodies 380
Antiplatelet 777 Aortic dissection 782 Appendicectomy 897
anticoagulant drugs 348 classification of 782f first 897
drugs, uses of 349 Aortic insufficiency 926 incisions 875
Antiprogesterone 997, 1011 Aortic knob 1170 incisions for 897
Antipseudomonal antibiotics 1061 Aortic opening 66, 112 Appendices epiploicae 79
Antipseudomonal penicillins 351 Aortic regurgitation 768 Appendicitis 895
Antipsychotic Aortic root dilatation 990 Aaron’s sign 896
adverse effects of typical 1117 Aortic septal defect 762
acute 868, 896
atypical 1098, 1117, 1119 Aortic sinus
arrowhead sign 897
conventional 1117 branch of anterior 68
Baldwing’s test 896
drugs 1116 branch of right 68
Bassler’s sign 897
trials 1098 left posterior 69
Bastedo’s sign 896
Anti-rape muscle 52 Aortic stenosis 437, 688, 768
Blumberg’s sign 896
Anti-reflective coating 560 severe 990
caecal bar sign 896
Antiretroviral drugs 294 Aortic valve 237 diagnose 897
Anti-retroviral therapy, initiating 293 Aorticopulmonary septum 6, 10 Dieulafoy’s triad 896
Antisense oligonucleotide 336 Aorto-iliac obstruction 921 heel drop test 896
Antiseptics 226 Aortopulmonary window 1176 Markle’s sign 896
Antisperm antibody tests 1027 Apalutamide 375 Murphy’s triad 897
Anti-staphylococcal penicillins 350 Ape thumb 728 obturator test 896
Anti-streptolysin-O 235 deformity 727f pointing sign 896
Antisynthetase syndrome 1068 Apert’s syndrome 638 psoas sign 896
Antithrombotic treatment 792 Apex 67, 106 release sign 896
Antithymocyte globulin 409 Apex beat 761 Rovsing’s sign 896
Antithyroid drugs 719 abnormalities of 761
Anti-Tuberculosis day 502 scoring systems for 897
Apgar score 674, 681, 720 signs in 896
Anti-tuberculosis drugs, second line 339
Aphakia 559 symptoms of 895
Antitumor antibiotics 368
acute 559 ten horn sign 896
Anti-typhoid vaccines 246
signs of 559 Zachary cope 896
treatment of 559 Appendicular artery 895
drugs 356
Aphasia 173 Appendix 278, 895f
topical 571
Antiyeast saccharomyces cerevisiae conduction 174 duplication of 895
antibodies 789 types of 173, 174 mass 897
Antlers horn sign 1178 Apical ligament passes 110 of testis 89
Anton syndrome 812 Apixaban 347 perforation of 895
Antoni A tissue 393 Apkin ring stricture 890 Appetite 622
Antoni B tissue 393 Aplastic anemia 354, 409 regulation 117
Anucleate 1043 non-severe 410 suppressing 341
Anus severe 410 Apple core
cancer of 950 Aplastic bone marrow 409f appearance 1186
conditions of 894 Aplastic crises 260 sign 1190
imperforate 894 Apley’s grinding test 741 Apple-jelly nodules 1063f

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Apprehension test 732 poisoning 519, 546, 546f Articular supply 55

Apraclonidine 589 trioxide 370, 416, 546 Arytenoids 663
Aprotinin 327 types of 547 Asbestos
Apt test 407, 678 Arsenite 179 associated cancers 870
Aqua fortis 544 Arteether 359 bodies 820
Aqueous cells 594 Artefacts in ultrasound 1159 Asbestosis 820
Aqueous deficiency 574 Artemesinin based combination therapy 358 Asbestos-related pleural disease 1174
Aqueous fibrinous 594 Artemesinin derivatives 359 Ascaris lumbricoides 271, 278
Aqueous flare 593, 594 Artemether 359 Ascaris, unfertilized egg of 272f
Aqueous humor 209, 584 Artenoids rub 665 Asch’s septum forceps 657
composition 584 Arterial blood 156, 1009 Aschheim-Zondek test 862
outflow 584 Arterial disorders 921 Aschner-Dagnini reflex 1156
secretion 584 Arterial occlusion, acute 922 Aschoff bodies 720, 1206f
Aqueous misdirection syndrome 592 Arterial pressure Aschoff giant cells 388
Aquino sign 651 pulmonary 152 Ascites 678, 826, 902
Arabinogalactan 243 systemic 148 treatment of 826
Arachidonic acid 192 Arterial pulse 760 Ascoli thermoprecipitation 249
metabolites 328f, 386 Arterial supply 61, 627 Ascomycetes 1072
Arachnodactyly 1188 Arterial thrombi 390 Ascorbic acid 209, 211, 402, 577, 612
Arachnoid mater 6, 113 Arteriolar attenuation 605, 607 Asenapine 1117
Arao-Perkins bodies 393 Arteriolar dilators 334 Aseptic meningitis 261, 262
Arbekacin 353 Arteriolar vasodilator, directly acting 334 Aseptic necrosis 194
Arbitrary inference 1096 Arterioles 150 Asfotase alfa 374
Arborescent 534 Arteriosclerosis 607 Ash leaf macules 1083
Arc Arteriovenous fistula 925, 1046 Ashai technique 668
of buehler 1186 Arteriovenous malformation 1203f Ashby technique 862
of Riolan 1186 Arteritic AION 809 Asherman syndrome 994, 1019
Arch of aorta, branches of 91 Arteritis, temporal 841 Ashley’s rule 512
Archaebacteria 269 Arterolane 359 Askanazy cells 392
Archea 221 Artery Asoprisnil 1023
Archebacteria 221 circumflex 69 Asparaginase 179
Arctic hysteria 1122 coronary 776 Aspartate 184, 185, 215
Arcuate fasciculus 174 fibular 58 aminotransferase 184
Arcuate popliteal ligament 49 mesenteric 8 transcarbamoylase 179
Arcuate scotoma 587 nodal 70 Aspartic acid 182
Arenavirus 262 obturator 47 racemisation 514
Areola, enlargement of 678 peroneal 48, 58 Aspartoacylase 187
Areolar tissue, outer loose 88 popliteal 49, 58 Asperger’s syndrome 1102
Argatroban 347, 422 posterior Aspergilloma 267
Argentophil fibres 21 communicating 116, 122 Aspergillosis 267, 817
Arginase 185 intercostal 62 treatment of 267
Arginine 182, 183 pressure, mean pulmonary 773 types of 267
supplementation 185 pulmonary 872 Aspergillus 831
Argininosuccinate synthetase 185 sphenopalatine 656 fumigatus 267
Argininosuccinic aciduria 185 splenic 92 Aspetic meningitis 255
Argon laser photocoagulation 608 subclavian 782f Aspheric lenses 560
Argyll-Robertson pupil 804, 1086 superior Asphyxia 521, 523
Aristolochic acid 835 gluteal 740 points, general 521
Arlt’s line 566 vesical 90 positional 523
Arlt’s triangle 594 testicular 89 traumatic 522, 523
Arm, muscle of 35 Arthralgia 211, 701 Asphyxial deaths 521
Arm/leg paralysis 922 Arthritides 747 Asphyxial quintet 521
Armanni Ebstein cells 833 Arthritis 691, 707, 748, 1198 Asphyxiants 542
Arnold’s nerve 124, 622 mutilans 1051 Aspiration 1130, 1156
Aromatase inhibitors 1011, 1023 psoriatic 1051, 1166 pneumonia 815
Arrhythmias 341, 355, 778, 1145 reactive 255, 842 Aspirin 330, 348, 719, 777, 792, 825
magnesium for 779 septic 749 adverse effect of 330
Arrhythmogenic ventricular cardiomyopathy Arthrodesis 725 and surgery 1135
779 optimal position of 725 low dose 330
Arsenic 546 triple 746 Asplenia syndrome 85
antidote 547 Arthropod-borne diseases 464 Assman’s focus 817
fatal dose of 546 Arthroscopic repair 733 Asteatotic eczema 1056

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1232 Sure Success MAGIC

Astemizole 327 Atrial enlargement, left 768 Autism 431

Astereognosis 173 Atrial fibrillation 331, 768, 769, 771f, 890 infantile 1102
Asterion 96 Atrial flutter 331, 771f spectrum disorder 1124
Asteroid bodies 268, 393, 822 Atrial natriuretic peptide 162 Autistic disorder 1102
Asthma 155, 363, 695, 815, 1156 Atrial premature beat 772f Autistic thinking 1097
acute severe 696 Atrial tachycardia, paroxysmal 331 Autoclave 227
aspirin induced 337 Atrioventricular bundle Autograft incus 647
classification of 696 of his 70 Autoimmune
drugs for 337 right branch of 68 adrenalitis 870
medications 1135 Atrophic gastritis, chronic 885 destruction 856
preexisting 267 Atrophic rhinitis 654 diabetes of adults, latent 856
treatment of 696 secondary 654 disease 307
Astigmatism 559, 560 Atrophic sinusitis 654 granulomatous reaction 591
compound 559 Atrophie blanche 919 hemolytic anemia 409
irregular 559 Atrophy 172, 378, 1045 hepatitis 395
mixed 559 brown 382 pancreatitis 309
regular 559 Atropine 321, 549, 553, 569, 698, 1156 polyendocrine syndrome 308, 858
low dose 617
simple 559 Autoinfection 277
methonitrate 322
Astley-Cooper’s ligament 54 Autokabalesis 1116
penalization 617
Astrocytes 789 Autolysin 237
toxicity 322
Astrocytoma, high grade 956 Automated culture systems 470
Asymmetric septal hypertrophy 780 acute 650 Automated perimetry 587f
Asymptomatic bacteruria 836 rates, secondary 463 Automatism 556
Asymptomatic microfilaremia 479 transient ischemic 793 Automobile accidents 464
Asystole 1143 Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder 1102 Autonomic dysfunction 1093
Ataque de nervios 1122 Attenuating crescent sign, high 1186 Autonomic ganglia 322
Atavistic epiphysis 24 Atticoantral disease, treatment of 648 Autonomic nervous system 143, 319
Ataxia 437, 606 Auberger’s blood group 862 Autonomic storm 554
telangiectasia 308, 416, 429, 869, 937 Audiogram 634 Autophagy 382
Atazanavir 295 otosclerosis 649f Autopsy 520, 521
Atheroembolic renal disease 834 Audiometric test 633, 634 infant 521
Atherosclerosis 186, 774, 782, 890 Audiometry negative 521
Atherosclerotic aneurysms 782 high frequency 634 organ dissections during 521
Athetosis 174 impedance 634, 644 techniques 520
Athlete’s foot 1073 pure-tone 634 Autoregulation 148
Athletic pubalgia 901 terminologies 634 Autoscopic hallucination 1092
Atlanta classification 904 Auditory association 114 Autosomal dominant 432, 573
Atlantoaxial instability 435 Auditory brainstem response 635 polycystic kidney 908
Atlantoaxial joints 110 Auditory canal, external 622, 629, 630 Autosomal monosomies 426
Atlantoaxial subluxation 662, 1169 Auditory fatigue 640 Autosomal recessive
Atlanto-occipital fusion 1169 Auditory hallucinations 1112 conditions 433f, 434f
Atlanto-occipital joints 110 Auditory information, neural processing of 632 disease 405
Atlanto-occipital membrane, anterior 110 Auditory meatus, external 8, 17, 926 Autosomal trisomies 426
Auditory nerve 632, 635
Atlas Avascular necrosis 405, 723, 731, 1167
Auditory ossicles 624
transverse ligament of 110 common sites of 724
Auditory pathway 630
vertebra, apical ligament of 4 Avastin 370
central 630f
Atmospheric pressure 226 Avelumab 372
Auditory receptors 168
Atoll sign 1186 Aversive conditioning 1121
Auditory system, physiology of 629
Atom study 617 Auenbrugger’s sign 862, 925 Avidity test 708
Atomic absorption spectroscopy 531 Auer rods 416 Avulsion 525
Atomic number 1191 Auerbach’s plexus 882 fracture 727f
Atopic dermatitis 1055, 1055f Auramine 225 Axial length calculation 561
associations of 1055f Auricle 621 Axial skeleton 171
clinical features of 1055 external features of 621f Axial sulcus 113
special concerns in 1055 sensory nerve of 100f Axilla 43
treatment 1055 Auricular nerve, enlarged greater 1065f contents of 43
Atopic pleat 1055 Auscultation, triangle of 34, 763 suspensory ligament of 42
Atorvastatin 777 Auscultatory gap 147 Axillary abscess 43
Atosiban 984 Auspitz’s sign 1050, 1050f Axillary artery 40
Atracurium 1146 Austin Flint murmur 763 Axillary fold
Atraumatic needle 1140 Austin Moore’s prosthesis 738, 739f anterior 43
Atresia, unilateral 653 stem of 739f posterior 43

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Index 1233

Axillary hair 242, 437 Bacteremic pneumonia 254 Bambuterol 337

Axillary lymph node 43, 915 Bacteria 219, 221, 223, 230, 245, 269, 350 Banana bodies 393
Axillary nerve 39, 34, 40 cell wall of 234 Banana fracture 1190
lesion of 40 morphology of 221 Banana sign 973, 1190
Axillary nodes 43 physiology of 221 Band keratopathy 573
Axillary sheath 43 pigment producing 221 Bandl’s ring 983
Axillary tail 43 shape of 219 Bangle test 714
Axillary vein 40, 917 types of 224 Bankart’s lesion 732
Axitinib 368 zoonotic 221 Bankart’s operation 732
Axon Bacterial capsule 222 Bansdola 522
arrangement of 134 Bacterial cell wall 180, 221 Bapat bed shaking test 896
hillock 133 synthesis, inhibition of 350 Baralyme 1138
Axonal injury, diffuse 814 Bacterial conjunctivitis 565 Barany noise box 638
Axonal transport 134 Bacterial corneal ulcers 571 Barberio’s test 537
Axoneme 132 Bacterial count 223 Barbiturate 553, 684, 1114, 1142
Axonotmesis 138 Bacterial division 223 blisters 540, 553
Axoplasmic transport 134 Bacterial endocarditis, acute 781f poisoning 543, 556
Ayre’s spatula 1033, 1033f Bacterial genetics 229 Bardet-Biedl syndrome 835
Ayurveda; Yoga and Naturopathy; Unani; Bacterial growth 224 Bare orbit appearance 1183
Siddha; Homeopathy (AYUSH) 458 curve 223, 223f Barfoed’s test 199
Azathioprine 367, 789, 831, 840 factors 224 Bariatric surgery 889
Azelaic acid 1058 Bacterial index 1066 Baricitinib 375
Azidothymidine 295 Bacterial infections 289 Baricity 1139
Azithromycin 241, 246, 255, 256, 339, 353, recurrent 308 Barium
566, 698, 1085 Bacterial keratitis 569 contrast 786
Azoles 355 Bacterial meningitis 445 enema 697f, 699, 1203
topical 355 acute 702 X-ray 1180f
Azotemia 828, 832 treatment of 702 meal 883, 888f
prerenal 829 Bacterial metabolism 224 study 886f
Aztreonam 351 Bacterial overgrowth syndrome 786 Barkan’s membrane 585
Azure lunulae 1071 Bacterial pneumonia 1174 Barlow’s test 744
Azurophilic granules 386 Bacterial toxins 222 Barnum’s maneuver 983
Azygos vein 94, 112 Bacterial ulcer 570f Baroreceptor 168
superior 94 Bacterial vaginosis 1017, 1017f reflex 148
Azzopardi effect 393 Bactericidal enzymes 298 Barotrauma 679
Bacteriological tests 473 otitic 645
B Bacteriology 219 Barr body 438, 511, 511f, 515
B cell 302 Bacteriophage 217, 230 Barrett’s esophagus 884, 884f
immunodeficiency 308 Bacteroides fragilis 353 Barrier methods 992
Babesia 269, 270, 282 Bad smell, perception of 659 Barth’s hernia 900
Babinski sign 862 Bag and mask, self inflating 717f Bartholin’s ducts 1004
Baby friendly hospital initiative 484 Bagassosis 820 Bartholin’s greater vestibular glands 12
Bacampicillin 314 Bailable offense 507 Bartonella baciliformis 859
Bachelor’s cast 724 Bailey’s method 554 Bartonella henselae 221, 291, 390, 565
Bachman’s bundle 70 Bainbridge reflex 148 Bartonella quintana 221
Bachman’s intradermal test 271 Bakamjian flap 880 Bartter and Gitelman syndrome 834
Bacictracin sensitive 234 Bakri balloon 981 Basal body 131
Bacillary angiomatosis 221, 291, 390 Balamuthia mandrillaris 281 temperature 1028
Bacillary dysentery 245, 545 Balkan endemic nephropathy 835 method 992
Bacille calmette-guèrin vaccine 475, 476 Ball and socket joint 27, 27f Basal cell carcinoma 869, 957, 957f
Bacillus anthracis 220, 222, 248, 249 Ball’s sign 1184 Basal ganglia 119, 262
culture appearances of 249 Ballance’s sign 907, 925 calcification 851, 1182
Bacillus atrophaeus 249 Ballistocardiography 146 cavitation of 555
Bacillus cereus 220, 249, 787 Balloon 1164 Basal insulins 362
Bacillus stearothermophilus 227, 249 kyphoplasty 744 Basal lamina 13
Bacillus subtilis 249 Ballooning degeneration 1062 Basal metabolic rate 860
Bacitracin 352 Ballottment, internal 970 Basal skull fracture 1183
Back pain 420 Baloxavir marboxil 376 signs of 802
Backward digit span 1096 Balthazar score 905 Basaloid cells, atypical 957f
Baclofen 326, 797, 1113 Bamboo spine 842, 1165 Baseball finger 37
Bacteremia 254, 681, 861 classical 1165f Basement membrane 161, 1043
Bacteremic leptospirosis 255 Bamboostick appearance 249 syndrome 834

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1234 Sure Success MAGIC

Basidiomycetes 1072 Bentropine 345 Bicarbonate 167, 545

Basilar migraine 791 Benzathine 350 buffer system 127, 213
Basiliximab 311, 831 penicillin 242 ions 158
Basket cell 118, 415 Benzhexol 345 Biceps brachii 35, 36
Basophilic cytoplasm 23 Benzidine test 539 Biceps femoris 48
Basophilic stippling 400, 548f Benzodiazepines 343, 1113, 1119, 1143 Bichat’s mode of death 517
Bassen-Kornweig syndrome 606, 869 Berger’s disease 444, 832 Bicipital aponeurosis 36
Bat ear 643 Berger’s hernia 900 Bicipital groove 29
Bat’s wing 1178, 1178f Berger’s space 577 Biconcave space 623
pattern 1185 Bergman gliosis 392 Bicondylar joint 26, 101
Baton bullet 531 Bergmeister’s papilla 609 Bicornuate uterus 1016f
Batten-Mayou disease 603 Beriberi 209, 772, 785 Bictegravir 375
Battered baby syndrome 533 Berlin’s edema 603, 612 Bicuspid aortic valve 437
Battery leakage 660 Bernard Soulier syndrome 423 Bidextrous reach 672
Battey bacillus 219 Berne’s hypothesis 151 Biello-Sigel criteria 1185
Battle’s sign 925 Bernoulli effect 1155 Bier’s block 1141
Battledore placenta 964 Bernoulli’s principle 150 Bifidus factor 711
Bayard’s spots 521 Bernstein test 882 Bifocal lenses 560
Bazett’s formula 770 Berry aneurysms 122 Bifurcated ligament 51
Bazex syndrome 1072 Berry’s sign 869 Biguanides 363
Bazin’s disease 1060, 1063 Bertillon system 514 Bilaminar germ disc 4
B-cell disorders, primary 307 Berylliosis 821 Bile acid 208, 444
Beak sign 1186, 1189 Beryllium 821 conjugation of 182
Beam hardening artefact 1160 Best disease 600 primary 208
Beam radiotherapy, external 651, 1193 Best identification system 515 sequestrants 335
Beanbag cells 393 Best method 514 synthesis 201
Bear hug test 733 Best scar 871 Bile duct
Bear’s claw sign 1189 Best test 644 stimulated lipase 711
Bear’s paw sign 1189 Bestiality 538 stone in 904
Beating torture 526 Beta blockers 325, 774, 792 Bile pigment 443
Beau’s lines 1071 side effects of 589 Bile salt 208, 444
Beck’s triad 780, 868 Beta cells producing insulin 858 agar 229
Becker’s nevus 1046, 1070, 1071f Beta lactamase 350, 352 deficiency 208
Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome 438, 675, 709 antibiotics 350, 351 enterohepatic circulation of 208
Beclard’s hernia 900 enzyme 231 Bile staining 271
Beclomethasone 337 production of 233 Bilharziasis 275
Bedaquiline 339 inhibitors 351 Biliary atresia 237, 682
fumarate 470 resistant 351 Biliary cirrhosis 903
ring 350 primary 391, 392, 826, 869, 903
Bedford sign 1178
sensitive penicillins 350 secondary 903
Bedsores 869, 921
Beta particle 1191 Biliary colic 343
Bedwetting 346
Beta pleated sheet 188, 189 Biliary duct system 83
Bee wax 191
Beta receptors, types of 322 Biliary obstruction 449
Beef insulin 361
Beta thalassemia 406 Biliary tract, diseases of 286, 903
Beef tapeworm 273 major 406, 431
Beer bottle, inverted 920 Biliary tree, pathology of 903
minor 406 Bilirubin 445f, 524
Behavior therapy 1104 Betaine 181 conjugated 444
Behavioral response audiometry 634 Betamethasone 680 serum 902
Behavioral therapy 1121 Betaxolol 589 unconjugated 443
Behcet’s disease 840 Bethanechol 320 Bill’s bar 628
diagnostic criteria of 840 Bethesda classification system 1033 Billing’s method 992
Behcet’s syndrome 868 Betrixaban 347, 372 Bilobed neutrophil 412
Beheaded Scottish dog 1169 Betz cell 170 Bimastoid diameter 975
Bekesy audiometry 634 Bevacizumab 311, 369, 370, 592 Bimatoprost 589
Bell nerve 124 Bevel and murphy eye 1128f Binary fission 223, 251
Bell, trigonal muscle of 86 Bexarotene 369 Bing test 633
Bell’s palsy 797 Bezold’s abscess 646 Binge-eating disorder 1111
Bell’s staging system, modified 699 Bezold’s triad 868 Binimetinib 375
Bell-Magendie law 171 Bezold-Jarisch reflex 148 Binocular diplopia 616
Bence Jones proteins 420, 443 Bhopal gas tragedy 462 Binocular single vision 615
Benedict’s test 199, 199f Bhore committee 491 Binocular vision 617
Benserazide 344 Bial’s test 199 stages of 617

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Index 1235

Biochemical identification 232, 237, 244, 245 Blackfly 465 Blister cells 407
Biochemistry 176 Blackfoot disease 546 Blistering diseases 1074
Biological clock 117 Blackwater fever 285 Blistering disorders, acquired 1075
Biological membrane, largest 63 Bladder 1195 Blistering skin diseases 1074
Biological oxygen demand 473 bullous edema of 1037 Bloating 200
Biologically significant hexoses 197 calcification 275, 1181 Bloch-Sulzberger’s disease 1069
Biomedical waste cancer 952 Block height, assessment of 1140
and color coding, categories of 497 treatment of 952 Blom singer 668
disposal 497 types of 952 Blood 6, 208, 544
management 497 carcinoma 275 agar 221f, 229, 234
Biometry 580 cells 582 alcohol 1112
Biophysical profile 971 conditions 910 levels 1112
Bioprosthetic valves 990 endometriosis of 1021 and blood products 288, 1152
Biopsy 786, 953, 1032 interior of 86 and nerve supply 87
of lip 842 ligaments of 86 circulation of 124
pleural 821 pear-shaped 1190 coagulation
transbronchial 290 relations of 86 factors 424
Biostatistics 452 rupture of 737, 910 scheme of 423f
Biot’s respiration 159 stones 275 collection tubes, color codes of 440
Biotechnology 214 Bladeless LASIK 561 cross matching 1153
Bioterrorism 249 Blades 874f culture 229, 246, 250
Biotin 211 Blanchable erythema 1061 ejection of 772
Biotransformation 314 Bland-Altman plot 454 findings 404
reactions 314 Blaschko’s lines 1079 flow 149, 151, 161
Biparietal diameter 973, 975 Blast injury disturbances, normal 389
Biphasic capnogram 1131 classification of 925 largest 151
Biphasic capnograph 1132f primary 532 low 1132
Biphosphonates 420 secondary 532, 791 pulmonary 687
Bipolar disorder 1093, 1100 Blastocele 3 total 151
Bipolar neuron 134 Blastocyst 3 flukes 275
Birbeck granules 393 Blastomeres 3 gamma irradiated 1152
Bird droppings 266 Blastomyces dermatitidis 265 gas partition coefficient 1144
Bird flu 357 Blastomycosis 266 group 515, 1152
Bird-beak sign 1189 Bleed ball effect 531 A 1152
Birdshot retinochoroiditis 618 Bleeding AB 1152
Birth anoxia 1182 disorders 422 B 1152
Birth control 992 esophageal varices 346 O 1152
pills 1135 per vaginum 1035 in urine 444
Birth trauma 685, 1180 polyps 654 investigations 402
Birth weight, low 717 postmenopausal 1014, 1031 leaving heart 685
Bishop score, modified 980 postpartum 845 lymphocytes, peripheral 427
Bismuth 1168 scan 1200 occult 277
subsalicylate 885 sources of 95 oxygen saturation of 1132
Bismuth-Corlette classification 944 Bleomycin 368, 371, 825 physiology of 398
Bispectral index 1133, 1133f Blepharitis 1054, 1081
predetermined volume of 440
Bisphosphonates 754, 756 Blepharophimosis syndrome 618
pressure 147
Bispinous diameter 976 Blepharoplasty 930
categories 783
Bite cell 401, 407 Blepharoptosis 618
systolic 904
Bithermal caloric test 637 Blepharospasm 248, 585
Bithionol 357 Blighted ovum 1184 waves 148
Bitoloterol 337 Blinatumomab 372 product 1153
Bitot’s spots 574, 574f Blind shelf life of 1153
Biuret method 190 areas 664 returning 685
Biuret test 183, 183f spot, baring of 587 smear, peripheral 420f, 1209f
Bivalent vaccine 1034 tracks 629 stain, detection of 539
Bivalirudin 347 Blinding complications 848 storage of 1152
Bizarre neurologic symptoms 1068 Blindness 553, 620 supply 32, 87, 101, 568, 1005
Bjerrum’s scotoma 587 Control Programme 458 tests for 415, 539
Black ball hyphema 612 cortical 812 transfusion
Black death 459 denial of 812 infections transmitted by 1154
Black pigment stones 903 trends of 489 malaria 286
Blackburne-peel index 741 types of 620 massive 873, 1156

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1236 Sure Success MAGIC

vessels 930 cells 24f spicule pigmentation 605

endothelium of 17 cement 728 spongy 22
types of 151 components of 23 stem cells of 23
viscosity of 150 conduction test, absolute 633 surface, osteoblast on 24f
volume 152 cortical 22 tuberculosis 749
pulmonary 160 damage 211 tumor 751, 753
replacement solutions 1153 density, generalized increased 1168 metastatic 449
total 150, 1156 diseases 756 primary 751
Bloodflow, direction of 1158 dislocation of 529 within bone appearance 1168
Bloom’s syndrome 416, 429, 937 formation markers 24, 723 Boneanchored hearing aid 641
Bloor’s classification 191 forming cells 23 Bony
Blount’s disease 741, 869 forming tumors ankylosis 842
Blow-out fracture 613 benign 751 continuity 931
Blue diaper syndrome 182 malignant 752 dorsum and tip 656
Blue leg, painful 390 growing end of long 23 injury 726
Blueberry muffin sign 1183 growth labyrinth 626, 629
Blumensaat’s line 1188 appositional 728 metastases, treatment of 1200
Blunt ocular trauma 612 of long 23 outer attic wall 624
Blunt trauma 925, 931 retardation of 354 part 622
B-lynch compression sutures 981 hemangioma of 753 points 735
Boat tail bullet 531 infarction 405 Book test 728, 729f
Body infections 748 Boot-shaped heart 690f, 1186
ingrowth of 739f Borchardt’s triad 868, 888
and root 88
innominate 44 Bordet Gengou bacillus 219
and xiphoid process 60
least differentiated 23 Bordetella 219, 220
cooling of 518
male 512 pertussis 220, 249
dysmorphic disorder 1107
markers 24, 723 Borges lines 1079
marrow 21, 301, 302, 524, 539, 547, 930 Boric acid toxicity 556
buffers of 213, 446
aspiration 409 Boring epigastric pain 887
compartment 125
biopsy 419 Bornholm disease 261
physiology 125 cellularity 409f Borrelia 225
mass index 712, 860 damage of 400 Borrmann’s classification 946
relations of 84 derived 1044 Bortezomib 370
temperature 321 disorder 411 Bosentan 773
water distribution 125 examination 450 Boston and Jupiter scleral lens 560
weight fibrosis 411 Bosutinib 368
ideal 1147 smear 421f Botryomycosis 267, 1084
lean 1147 sparing effect 371 Botulinum 223
total 1147 stem cells 385 toxin 137, 247-249, 320, 882
types of 1147 suppression 339, 354, 1145 Botulism 796
Boerhaave’s syndrome 881, 881f transplantation 238, 308, 406, 409 infant 248
Boettcher’s cells 629 yellow 21 types of 248
Boggy scalp swelling 1073 mass, reduction of 754 Botzinger complex 159
Bohler Braun splint 724 metacarpal 31 Bouffée délirante 1116
Bohler’s angle 742 metastases 1165 Bouin’s solution 396
Bohler’s test 741 microscopic structure of 22 Bourdon’s gauge 1136
Bohler-Braun splint 725f morphogenetic protein receptor 773 Bourneville’s disease 801
Bohr effect 157 morphogenic Boutonniere deformity 838f
Bohr mixing equation 154 factors 1 Bouveret’s syndrome 903
Boiled cabbage 187 protein 4 Bovine cough 664
Boiled lobster skin 545 navicular 48 Bovis endocarditis 236
Boiling point 1144 occipital 98, 110 Bowel anastomoses 876
Boiling test 443 ossification of 22 Bowel anastomotic leaks 876
Bolam rule 508 pain 420 Bowel ischemia 1187f
Bolus insulins 362 pearls 534 Bowel obstruction 893f
Bomb blast injuries 532 pneumatic 24 Bowel surgery 352
Bone 4, 22, 449, 547, 613, 930 resorption markers 24, 723 Bowel-related signs 1179
age 674, 675 scan 724, 1198 Bowel-wall edema 891
advanced 675 second longest 47 Bowen’s disease 954, 1045, 1072
anchored hearing aid 641 sesamoid 24 Bowler’s method 452
avascular necrosis of 1198 skeletal 1165 Bowman’s capsule 160
biopsy 1166 sphenoid 97 Bow-tie sign, absent 1188

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Index 1237

Box and Whisker plot 456 severe 923 feeding 913

Boxcar appearance 249 traumatic 1101 growth stages 678
Boxer’s ear 621 lobes of 173 histologic subtype and risk 915
Boxer’s muscle 33 mapping 533 imaging 1184
Boyd classification 738 maturation, assessment of 1162 lesions 913
Boyer space 663 metastases 369 containing fat 918
Boyle’s apparatus 1135f normal development of 15f magnetic resonance imaging 918
Boyle-Davis parenchymal injuries 791 milk 710, 711
gag 662f pleasure center 814 composition of 711
mouth gag 662 sparing effect 974 jaundice 682
Brachial artery 41 stimulation, deep 345, 795 special features of 711
branches of 41 telangiectasia in 814 storage of 711
injury 735 toxoplasmosis of 290 water content of 711
Brachial index 511 tumor 445, 791, 955 Paget’s disease of 915
Brachial plexus 38 primary 955 reconstruction 917
block 1142 WHO classification of 955 trauma 380
formation of 38 vesicles 4 tumours, benign 914
injury 39 primary 13f Breastfeeding 710, 990, 992
stages in formation of 38f Brainstem 118 cardinal principles of 710
upper trunk of 39 death 517 Breath
Brachialis 35 evoked alcohol testing 1112
sustains 36 potentials 635 cheesy odor of 187
Brachiocephalic artery 121 response audiometry 635 fogging 1129
Brachiocephalic vein 62, 93 pathology 636 nitrogen, single 154
left 60 Branchial apparatus 7 sounds, bilateral 1129
Brachioradialis muscle 30, 37 Branchial arch 7 Breathing
Bracht maneuver 983 derivatives 7 controls voluntary component of 159
Bracht Wachter bodies 781 Branchial cleft deep 154
Brachytherapy 960, 1194 cyst 8 different patterns of 159
types of 1194 derivatives 8 total work of 153
Bradford assay 190 dorsal part of first 622 work of 153
Bradyarrhythmias, chronic 772 Branchial cyst 928, 928f Breech
Bradycardia 213, 245, 333, 549, 589, 699, Branchial fistula 928 delivery 983
769, 868, 1140, 1145, 1146, 1156 Branchial pouch derivatives 8 assisted 982
Bradykinesia 795 Brandt Andrews method, modified 980 etiology of 982
Bradykinin 327, 387 Branham’s sign 925 extraction 983
Bragg effect 1191 Braxton Hick’s contractions 532, 969, 970 management of 982
Brain 139, 148, 150, 192, 385, 390, 521, 539, Break bone fever 459, 859 presentation 982
685, 955, 1182 Breast 43, 913 Breitinger’s formula 514
abscess 254, 689, 718, 1203f abscess, typical 914f Brenner tumor 1038
otogenic 647 anomalies, congenital 44, 913 Brentuximab vedotin 311, 370, 419
areas 175 amastia 913 Breslau’s second life test 533
biopsy 802 amazia 913 Breslow thickness 958
blood supply of 121 athelia 913 Brigatinib 372
death poland’s syn 913 Bright liver 1186
assessment of 636 polymastia 913 Brightfield microscope 224, 225f
certification of 517 polythelia 913 Bright-red bleeding 894
cortical 517 blood supply of 43 Brimonidine 589
types of 517 bud 678 Brinzolamide 589
development of 13 cancer 369, 1011 Briquet’s syndrome 1107
anomalies 14 prognosis of 915 British anti lewisite 179, 546
diseases 159 risk of 914 Brittle bone 747
embryologic subdivision of 13 surgery terminologies 917 Brittle hair 213
fag 1122 trials 918 Brivaracetam 344
fever 459 triple assessment for 915 Broad ligament 1006
growth 674 carcinoma 914, 1210f contents of 1006
hemorrhages 803 risk assessment methods 914 fibroid 909
herniations 790 conservation 917 Broad spectrum 358
injury 814 contraindications for 917 antibiotics 354
moderate 923 conserving treatments 917 Broadbent’s sign 780
perinatal ischemic 392 ducts, dilatation of 913 Broca’s aphasia 173
primary 791 enlargement of 671, 678 Broca’s area 173

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1238 Sure Success MAGIC

Broca’s phenomenon 1082 Bruits 149 Bullous pemphigoid 132, 1074, 1075, 1077f,
Broca’s speech area 114 Brunner’s glands 78 1078f, 1079
Brockenbrough-Braunwald-morrow sign 175 hypertrophy of 78 histopathology of 1078f
Brodalumab 311, 372 Brush abrasion 524 Bumatenide 346
Brodel’s bloodless line 85 Brush burn 524 Bundle branch block 766
Brodie phyllodes 914 Brush-border enzyme, loss of 200 left 766
Brodie’s abscess 749 Brushfield spots 435 Bunina bodies 395
Bromhidrosis 1080 Brushfire like extension 292 Bunnell’s no man’s land 44
Bromine 1145 Bruton’s X-linked agammaglobulinemia 307 Bunsen solubility coefficient 1155
Bromocriptine 344, 844, 1029 Bryant’s sign 926 Bunyavirus 262
Bromocrosel green 190 Bryant’s traction 725f Buphthalmos 577
Bromophenol blue indicator 443 Bryant’s triangle 740 Bupivacaine 1139, 1148
Bronchi 64
Bryce’s sign 665 Buprenorphine 343
candidiasis of 289
Bubble test 967 Bupropion 322, 342, 1118
Bronchial asthma 324, 814
Bubble-contrast echocardiography 792 Burch colposuspension 1021
Bronchial collateral circulation 762
Bubonic plague 255 Burger’s disease 869
Bronchiectasis 132, 155, 237, 817
Buccal coitus 538 Burkholderia 220
gross appearance of 1209f
nodular 817 Buccal epithelium 511f cepacia 254
Bronchioles 1209f Buccal mucosa 106 mallei 254
Bronchiolitis 155, 262, 694 Buccal pad of fat 106 pseudomallei 254
obliterans 694 Buccinator muscle 99, 106 Burking 522, 523
constrictive 694 Buccopharyngeal fascia 106 Burkitt’s lymphoma 419f, 962
Bronchitis, chronic 816 Buccopharyngeal membrane 4 Burkley’s membrane 1050f
Bronchoalveolar lavage 290, 822 Buck’s fascia 88 Burns 534, 878
Bronchoconstriction 329 Buck’s traction 725 antemortem 534
Bronchodilatation 324 Budd-Chiari syndrome 827 classification of 535, 878
Bronchodilation 1145 Budesonide 337 debridement of 1143
Bronchodilator reversibility test 696 Buerger’s disease 840, 841, 922 initial management of 878
Bronchogenic cysts 692 Buffer 446 injury, effects of 878
Bronchopenumonia 277 system 214 local treatment 879
Bronchopulmonary dysplasia 679 non-bicarbonate 213 Marshall technique 983
Bronchopulmonary segment 64 Buffy coat smear, quantitative 286 patients, fluid management in 878
Bronchopulmonary sequestrations 692 Buggery 537
percentage of 535f
Bronchoscope 227 Bugs, tactile hallucination of 1114
Bronchospasm 549, 589, 1156 postmortem 534
Bulb of penis, artery to 93
Bronchus sign, interrupted 1158 suprasternal notch of 60
Bronze diabetes 828 Burnt sugar 187
muscle 164
Brook’s formula, modified 878 Burosumab 375
reflex 172
Brown sugar 1113 Burr cell 401
Bulbospongiosus 91
Brown’s adipose tissue 718 Burrow index 480
Bulbus cordis 9
Brown’s syndrome 617 Burrow ointment 1082
Bulge sign 741
Brown’s tumor 850, 850f, 1167, 1167f Bursa 32, 750
Bulimia 1110
Browne’s area 656 subscapular 32
nervosa 1110, 1111
Browne’s tube 227 Bursitis
Bulk flow 127
Brown-Sequard syndrome 803 common 731
Bulkeley’s membrane 1050
Bruce protocol 766 prepatellar 731f
Brucella 220, 250 Bull neck 242
Burst suppression 1144
abortus 224 Bull’s eye lesion 1186
Burtonian line 547, 548f
melitensis 250, 859 gut 1186
in lung 1185 Buruli ulcer 1063
Brucellosis 250 Busacca’s nodules 594
acute 250 stomach 1186
Bull’s eye maculopathy 359, 609, 609f Buschke-Lowenstein tumor 1062
diagnosis of 250
Bulla, subepidermal 1084 Bush tea disease 392
Bruch’s membrane 593
Bruckner test 615 Bulla-spread sign 1076f, 1079 Bush-Jacoby-Medeiros classification 231
Brugada syndrome 771, 771f Bullet 531 Busulfan 366, 414, 825
Brugia malayi 270, 279, 479 close shot entry wound of 530f Butorphanol 343
Brugia timori 279, 479 fingerprinting 531 Butterfly 1185
Bruise 524, 533 nose 1167 bruise 525
age of 524 shaped capsid 262 pattern 246
antemortem 525 Bullous disorders, mechanical signs in 1079 rash 837f
artificial 525 Bullous keratopathy 575 Button sequestrum 1167
special types of 525 Bullous myringitis 642 Byssinosis 820

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Index 1239

C Calot’s triangle 83 Cangrelor 348

Calotropis gigantea 550 Cannabidiol 375
Cabazitaxel 367 Calprotectin 829 Cannabinol 1113
Cabellete 526 Calsequestrin 140 Cannabis 1113
Cabozantinib 368, 953 Calve-Kummel-Verneuil disease 1168 sativa 1113
Cacosmia 659 Calymmatobacterium granulomatis 1085 therapeutic use of 1114
Cadaveric position 664 Cambium layer 739 Canrenone 314
Cadaveric spasm 518, 518f, 523 Camel hump during inspiration 1131 Capacity test 227
Cadaverine 182 Camelote sign 1174 Capecitabine 371
Cadler test 1126 Cameron ulcer 883 Capener’s sign 746
Cadmium 548 Camitta criteria 410 Capgras syndrome 1093
Cafe 800f Camp test, reverse 247f Capillary blood, hematocrit of 150
Café au lait Campden’s solution 556 Capillary electrophoresis 190
macules 1070 Camper’s chiasm 36 Capillary hemangioma 325, 660, 927, 961
spots 1070 Camptodactyly 747 Capillary hydrostatic pressure 127
Café coronary 523 Campylobacter jejuni 220, 255, 796 Capillary leak syndrome 248, 370
Caffey’s syndrome 533 Can tests, empty 733 Capillary naevus 1207f
Caisson’s disease 723, 825 Canagliflozin 870 Capillary telangiectasias 392
Cajal, interstitial cell of 164 Canakinumab 372 Caplan’s syndrome 820
Calamine lotion 1082 Canal Capnocytophaga 221
Calcaneal branches, medial 57 adductor 55 Capnogram, normal 1131f
Calcaneocuboid joint 51 semicircular 626, 633 Capnography 1131
Calcaneofibular ligament 50 stenosis 1169 Capreomycin 339
Calcaneum 742 subsartorial 55 Capsicum 1115
Calcaneus gait 757 superior semicircular 638 anuum 551
Calcar avis 119 wall down 648 Capsofungin 355
Calcarine culcus 113 wall up 648 Capsular cataract, anterior 612
Calcific aortic stenosis 756 Canaliculitis, chronic 612 Capsular polysaccharide 239, 241
Calcific band keratopathy 596 Canaliculotomy 612 Capsular rupture 1025
Calcific uremic arteriolopathy 831 Canaloplasty 588 Capsule
Calcineurin inhibitors 595 Canavan disease 182, 187 endoscopy 895
topical 1083 Cancellous bone 22 internal 115
Calciphylaxis 347, 831, 850 Cancer 491, 546, 936, 937 opacification, posterior 582, 582f
Calcitonin 24, 849 chemotherapy induced Captopril 333
Calcitriol 212 bone marrow suppression 371 Captoptric images 557
Calcium 128, 167, 176, 212, 379 nausea 371 Caput 685f
bilirubinate 903 skin toxicity 371 artificial 1002
carbonate 632 vomiting 371 Carbamazepine 343, 703, 718, 838, 848,
channel blockers 333, 335, 773, 777 facts 939 870, 1119
gluconate 981, 989 metastatic colonic 950 Carbamino compound 158
influx of 137, 358 pancreatic 944 Carbamoyl phosphate synthetase-1 185
intestinal absorption of 212 pathways of spread of 935 Carbapenem 244, 339, 350, 351
lactate 545 patients 814 resistant enterobacteriaceae 244
oxalate 445f primary prevention modalities of 940 Carbaryl 549
pyrophosphate 215, 1207f scan 1200 Carbenoxolone 340
sparks 145 subglottic 667 Carbergoline 844
stones 909 supraglottic 667 Carbidopa 344
Caldwell Luc approach 656 testicular 718, 954 adjunctive treatment to 869
Caldwell’s view 654 Candesartan 792 Carbimazole 989
Calendar based methods 992 Candida 265, 880 Carbogen 1150
Calendar rhythm method 992 albicans 265, 1017 inhalation of 650
Calf muscle 704 esophagitis 881f Carbohydrate 128, 129, 197, 226, 396, 711
pump 53 Candidal diseases 266 absorption of 167, 200
Calf pain 822 Candidal infection 663 antigens 234
Caliber artery, persistent 890 Candidal vulvovaginitis 1017 chemistry of 197
Caliciviruses 262 Candidiasis 266 content, highest 964
Callenders classification 959 treatment of 266 incorporation of 130
Call-Exner bodies 1039 types of 266 metabolism of 209
Callway’s test 732 Candle bones 869 tests for 199
Calomel 546 Candle stain, sign of 1050f Carbolic acid poisoning 545
Caloric test 636, 637, 650 Candle wax drippings 596 Carbon
Caloricity, postmortem 518 Candle-grease sign 1050 atom

Index Ram Gopal ts to Kamlesh.indd 1239 23-02-2019 12:39:25

1240 Sure Success MAGIC

alpha 180 Cardiac output 146, 1143 Carotid sheath 104

single 187 factors affecting 146 Carotid sinus 122
dating 1191 Cardiac physiology 144 Carotid triangle 103
dioxide 188, 224, 1136 Cardiac poisons 542 Carotid tubercle 110
monoxide 555f, 1138 Cardiac reserve 146 Carpal bones 31
diffusion capacity of 156 Cardiac risk index, revised 785, 1134 ossification of 31, 31f
effect of 158 Cardiac scan 1199 Carpal tunnel syndrome 729, 730, 969
poisoning 158, 392, 554 Cardiac sclerosis 389 Carpopedal spasm 851f
tetrachloride 825 Cardiac specific troponin T 777 Carrier mediated transport 126
Carbonic anhydrase 160, 189, 212, 213, 584 Cardiac surgery 67 Carrier proteins 129
inhibition of 345 Cardiac syndrome X 774 types of 126
inhibitors 345, 584 Cardiac tamponade 291, 780, 868, 873 Carrion’s disease 859
topical 589 Cardiac veins, anterior 67 Carrom-coin colonies 237
Carboplatin 366, 941 Cardiac waves 148 Cartilage 22
Carboxyhemoglobin 554 Cardiff count -10 formula 972 complete ring of 663
Carboxyhemoglobinemia 1132 Cardinal veins 10 forming tumors, benign 751, 752
Carboxylase 176 Cardioinhibitory 70 islands of 64
pyruvate 202, 206 Cardiolipin 191 types of 22
Carboxylation 211 Cardiomegaly, cases of 664 Cartilaginous dorsum, deviation of 656
gamma 212 Cardiometabolic sartan 333 Cartilaginous joint 25
Carboxypeptidase 191, 212 Cardiomyopathy 212, 391, 779 secondary 25f
Carcinoembryonic antigen 905, 950 dilated 291 subtypes of 25f
Carcinoid 859 restrictive 760, 828 Cartilaginous part 622
small intestinal 948 Cardiopathia fantastica 1108 Cartridge 529
syndrome, malignant 210 Cardiopulmonary bypass 775, 1154 duplex 531
tumor 341, 397, 948 Cardiopulmonary resuscitation 1151 Cartwheel appearance 1187
Carcinoma 934 Cardiothoracic ratio 1186 Carunculae myrtiformis 1004
breast Cardiotocography 971 Carvalho’s murmur 763
invasive 916 Cardiotoxicity 368, 1190 Carvallo’s sign 926
netastatic 916 Cardiovascular disease 291 Carvedilol 777
cervix 1035 Cardiovascular syphilis 1087 Casal collar/necklace 210
down-staging of 1035 Cardiovascular system 6, 9, 331, 759, 1177 Caseating granuloma 388
FIGO staging of 1036 Carditis 691 Caseous necrosis 380, 388
treatment of 1037 Carey coomb’s murmur 763 Casoni’s intradermal skin test 274
in situ 934 Carfilzomib 370 Casoni’s skin test 271
larynx, treatment for 668 Carhart’s notch 649, 649f Casoni’s test 274, 902
mammographic signs of 918 Cariprazine 374 Caspary-Joseph spaces 393
medullary 847 Carisoprodol 326 Casper’s dictum 519
nasopharyngeal 658 Carman’s meniscus sign 1180 Casser’s perforated muscle 36
ovary, FIGO staging of 1040 Carney’s syndrome 948 Castellani’s paint 1082
papillary 847 Carney’s triad 948 Castenada’s method 250
scirrhous 869 Carnitine 182, 193 Castle, intrinsic factor of 404
sebaceous gland 618 palmitoyl 193 Castleman disease 395
urothelial 835 Carnosine 182 Cat scratch
Card test 728, 729f Caroli’s disease 903 disease 392, 565
Cardiac apex beat 761 Caroli’s syndrome 903 fever 221
Cardiac arrest 933f Caroticocavernous fistula 962 Catalase 179, 577
Cardiac arrhythmias 325, 769 Caroticojugular spine 652 negative 236
treatment of 772 Carotid artery Catalyst, respiratory 211
Cardiac calcification 1178 branch of external 99 Catamite 537, 538
Cardiac catheterisation 774 common 110 Cataract 200, 577, 598f, 707, 851
Cardiac cirrhosis 389 external 106, 122, 622 common 596
Cardiac cycle 145 internal 122, 123 complete
duration of 145 intracranial branches of internal 122f bilateral 581
Cardiac disease associations, congenital 686 left common 121 unilateral 581
Cardiac dysrhythmias 1150 right common 121 complicated 578
Cardiac failure 773 Carotid body 121, 651 congenital 577, 581, 961
high output 209 tumour 392 extraction 595
Cardiac impulse, conduction of 144 Carotid canal 96 hard 579
Cardiac indices 146 Carotid endarterectomy, indications for 922 posterior
Cardiac medications 1135 Carotid nerve, internal 108 cortical 579
Cardiac muscle 128, 139 Carotid pulse 146 subcapsular 578

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Index 1241

reversible 579 culture vaccines 478 Central tendon 15

secondary 578 cycle 383 portion 66
senile 578 regulators 936 Centriacinar emphysema 816
immature 585 specific anticancer drugs 370 Centrilobular necrosis 330, 825
snowflake 579 death 379 Centrioles 133
soft 579 hyperplasia 383 Centrocecal field defect 804
surgery 580 hypertrophy 383 Centrosomes 131
complications of 582 injury 378, 379 Cephalic index 511
congenital 581 free radical induced 383 Cephalic version, external 982, 1003
types of 577 reversible 379 Cephalin 191
Cataracta brunescens 579 lines 259 Cephalohematoma 682, 685
Cataracta nigra 579 continuous 259 Cephalopelvic disproportion 976
Cataractous lens 577 primary 259 Cephalosporins 350, 352
Catarrh, spring 565 secondary 259 first-generation 925
Catarrhal inflammation 386 mass 378 generations of 352
Catarrhal stage 250 mediated immunity 307 third generation 239
Catastrophic thinking 1096 membrane 128, 129, 139, 140 uses of 352
Catcher’s mitt hand 737, 756 dynamicity of 129 Ceramide 191
Catecholamines 710 proteins, functions of 129 Cerbera thevetia 551
Cereals 493
Caterpillar bodies 393 receptor 362
Cerebellar artery
Catheter transport across 125
anterior inferior 118, 123, 627
acquired sepsis 1074 mesangial 1206f
posterior inferior 118, 123
tip of 1133 movement 132
superior 118
types of 910f navicular 969
Cerebellar ataxia 700
Cathode 1157 nucleated 1045
acute 706
Cation transporter, general 402 number of 378 Cerebellar disease, clinical features of 803
Cattle poison 552 organelle 129 Cerebellar hemorrhage 803
Cauda equina syndrome 111, 744 plasmacytoid 298 Cerebellar lesion 174
Caudal epidural anesthesia 1140 polarity of 934 Cerebellar peduncles 118
Caudal regression syndrome 682 polychromatic 408f inferior 118
Caudate lobe 81, 82 powerhouse of 129 middle 117, 118
Caudate nucleus 115, 119 producing glucagon, alpha 858 superior 118
Causal association, hill’s criteria of 501 size of 378 Cerebellar tonsils, elongation of 14
Causal prophylaxis 360 suicidal bags of 130 Cerebellar vermis 14
Caveolae 132 synovial 27 Cerebellopontine angle 173
Cavernous hemangioma 927 target 303, 400 Cerebellum 13, 173, 175, 262, 117, 118, 869
Cavernous part 122 tumors, clear 1038 blood supply of 118
Cavernous sinus 123 types of 384 histology of 118
relations of 123f undergoing programmed cell death 380 phylogenetic divisions of 118
thrombosis 123 vaginal adenocarcinoma, clear 718 Cerebral abscess 647
wall of 123 wall protein 234 Cerebral artery 390, 974f
Cavett test 1113 with sinuses 653 anterior 122
Cell-to-cell anchoring junctions 132 middle 122, 974
Cavity, single 648
Cellular adaptation 378 posterior 116, 122, 123
Cawthorne head exercises 638
Cellular aging 383 serial fetal middle 975
Cayenne pepper stippling 1084
Cellular death 517 Cerebral blood flow 151, 1142, 1150
Cecum 278
Cellular immune response 469 reduced 681
Cefoperazone 352 Cerebral circulation 151
Cellular immunodeficiency 307
Cefotaxime 239, 314, 702 Cerebral cortex 159, 172
Cellular mediators 386
Ceftazidime 254 functional areas of 114
Cellular physiology 128
Ceftriaxone 237, 239-241, 246, 256, 352, Cerebral dominance 1123
Cellular rejection, acute 310
702, 1085 Cellulitis 235, 877 Cerebral edema 790
Celiac artery 8 Cellulose 198 Cerebral gigantism 675
branches of 92 Cemiplimab 376 Cerebral hemisphere, left 115f, 793f
Celiac axis 112 Cenegermin 376 Cerebral infarction 719
Celiac disease 237, 515, 786, 787 Centchroman 997 Cerebral lesions 173
Celiac plexus block 1141 nonsteroidal-nonhormonal tablet 1000f Cerebral malaria 285, 388
Celiac sprue 785 Central alpha-2 agonist 326 Cerebral palsy 546, 703
Celiac trunk, branches of 77f Central dot sign 903, 1187 Cerebral part 122
Cell Central nervous system infections Cerebral salt wasting 845
adhesion molecules 129 chronic 802 Cerebral sulci 113
body 133 persistent 802 Cerebral vasodilator 151

Index Ram Gopal ts to Kamlesh.indd 1241 23-02-2019 12:39:25

1242 Sure Success MAGIC

Cerebral veins number of 109 Chemotaxis 385

deep 124 typical 109 Chemotherapy 238, 312, 414, 415, 950, 952,
superficial 124 Cervicitis 240 960, 1041
superior 113, 124f Cervicofascial incision 875 adjuvant 365
Cerebro-hepato-renal syndrome 194 Cervix 985, 1005, 1007 antifilarial 278
Cerebrosides 191 dilatation of 966 complications 371
Cerebrospinal fever 459 ripening of 978 neoadjuvant 365, 1040
Cerebrospinal fluid 13, 238f, 627f sign 698 Chenodeoxycholic acid 208
absorption, obstruction of 807 strawberry 1017, 1017f Cheopis index 480
rhinorrhea 655 Cesarean section 976, 982, 983, 1001, 1017 Chepuwa 526
Cerebrovascular accidents 1054 Cestodes 269, 273, 358 Cherney’s incision 875
Cerebrum 113 Cetrimide agar 254 Cherry red
superolateral surface of 124f Cetrorelix 1010 discoloration 555
veins of 124 Cetuximab 311, 369 spot 194, 603f, 612
white matter of 115 Chadha committee 491 causes of 603
Certolizumab 311, 789 Chadwick’s sign 969 Chest
Cervical Chaga’s disease 772, 882, 1047 circumference 676
and intraoral signs, combined 670 Chaissagnac’s tubercle 110 compared 1169
artery, deep transverse 41 Chalcosis 579, 612 demonstrating mediastinal contours 1178f
canal 1027 Chamberlain procedure 930 pain 822
cancer 260 Champagne bottle 920 retrosternal 780
cap 993 Champagne glass pelvis 1167 physiotherapy 695
cardiac branch, superior 108 Chancre, syphilitic 1046 plain X-ray of 697f
consistency 980 Chancroid 1085 syndrome, acute 405
dilation 980 Chandlers index 471 wall
dilators 1042f Chang’s staging 956 anterior 37
dysplasia 292 Chaotic deflections 779f blood vessels of 61
enlargement 111 Charcot Marie tooth disease 133 layers of 65, 65f
fascia, deep 103 Charcot’s cholangitis triad 868 muscle of 61
ganglion Charcot’s joints 814 nerve of 62
inferior 108 Charcot’s neurologic triad 868 X-ray 768, 821f, 1169f-1171f, 1173f, 1174,
lower 1142 Charcot’s triad 903 1174f-1179f
middle 108, 111 Charcot-Leyden crystals 270, 277, 281, 695, 814 signs 823
superior 108 Chargaff rule, example of 215 Chevron incision 875
hamburger sign 1190 Chargaff’s rule 215 Cheyne-Stokes respiration 159, 772
incompetence 985 Chediak Higashi syndrome 131, 308, 386, 1070 Chhaya 997, 1000f
index 985 Cheese reaction 353 Chiari II malformation 1183
intraepithelial neoplasia 260, 1033 Cheese washer’s lung 820 Chiasma tendineum 36
length 980 Cheilitis 1055 Chiasmal compression 844
lymph nodes 911 Cheiloscopy 515 Chiasmal lesion, lateral 805
levels of 103 Cheiralgia parasthetica 730 Chiba needle 1187
lymphadenopathy 707 Chemical 416, 967 Chick Martin test 227
mucus antagonism 317 Chicken cholera 218
method 992 autoregulation 151 Chicken fat clot 540
study 1028 burn 535 Chickenpox 464, 706
muscles, superficial 104 control 152 stages of 706
myotomes 16f degradation 1156 Chilaiditi’s syndrome 1186
part 99, 122 injury 612, 660 Chilblains 534
perforations 881 labyrinthectomy 650 Child
pleura 65 leucoderma 1070 abuse 533
position 980 methods 441 chest X-ray of 1175
pregnancy 991 peeling agents 1082 psychiatry 1102
radiculopathy 744 pneumonitis 1156 Child-Pugh score 943
region 4, 1140 tests 539 Child-Pugh-Turcotte’s scoring, components
ripening 980, 1012 Chemodectoma 392 of 902
somites 16 Chemokines 387 Children’s court 506
spine 744, 746, 925, 1169 Chemonucleosis 742 Child-Turcotte-Pugh classification 902
sympathetic Chemoradiation 1037 Chimani moose test 633
chain 107f Chemoreceptor 121, 168 Chimera 439
ganglia 107 reflex 148 Chipmunk facies 406
venous hum 762 Chemoreflex, pulmonary 159 Chitin 198
vertebrae 109 Chemosis, bilateral progressive 123 Chlamydia 256

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Index 1243

pneumoniae 815 ester Chromogenic culture 255

psittaci 815 hydrolase 196 Chromopertubation 1029
trachomatis 566 storage disease 195 Chromoprotein 188
Chlamydospores 265 granuloma 645 Chromosomal disorders 435
Chloasma 1071 stones 903 Chromosomal rearrangements 427
Chloral hydrate 543, 553 synthesis 201 Chromosomal syndromes 937
Chlorambucil 366 Cholic acid 208 Chromosomal translocations 413
Chloramphenicol 246, 350, 354, 654, 719 Choline Chromosome 426, 427
Chlordiazepoxide 1113 acetyltransferase 1094 11p-wt1 gene 937
Chlorhexidine 226, 1083 esters 320 13q-rb1 gene 937
Chloride 445 Cholinergic agonists 320 analysis, methods of 427
channel 1143 Cholinergic drugs 320 basics about 426
responsive 448 Cholinergic transmission 319 movement 131
Chlorination 472 Cholinesterase 320 Chronaxie 136
break point 472 Cholinoceptors 320 Chronic disease 403
Chlorine 227, 1145 Cholinomimetics 320 Chronic gout, drugs used in 331
gas 472 Chondroblastoma 752 Chronotropic incompetence 870
poisoning 555 Chondroids 222 Churg-Strauss syndrome 388, 840, 841
tablets 227, 472 Chondroitin sulfate 198 Chvostek’s sign 851
Chlormezanone 326 Chondromatosis, multiple 869 Chylomicrons 195
Chlorodeoxy-adenosine 367 Chondrosarcoma 752, 753f Cicatricial pemphigoid 1074, 1076, 1079
Chloroform 1138 Choona 612 Cicatrizing alopecia 1057
Chloroma 962 Chopra’s antimony test 283 Ciclesonide 337
Chloroquine 281, 358-360, 719, 901, 1071 Chorda tympani nerve 1205f Ciclosporin 831
Chlorpormazine 578, 838, 1117, 1098 Chordoma 753 Cidofovir 292
Chlorzoxazone 326 Chorea 174, 691, 692 Cifovir 292
Choanal atresia 653 Chorioallantoic membrane 259 Cigar bodies 393
unilateral 653 Choriocapillaris 593 Cigar-Butt hyphae 1074
Chocolate Choriocarcinoma 954, 1039, 1041 Cigarette smoking 938
agar 221f, 229 Chorion frondosum 965 Cilastatin 351
cysts 1023 Chorion laevae 963 Cilia 132
Choking 523 Chorionic villus 539 Ciliary
Cholangiocarcinoma 944 sampling 430 block glaucoma 592
perihilar 944 Chorionicity 986 body 593
Cholangitis Chorioretinal degeneration 961 ganglion 109
ascending 868 Chorioretinitis 620, 708 muscles 6
primary sclerosing 826, 903, 1164 sclopetaria 598 Ciliochoroidal detachment 597
Cholecystectomy, laparoscopic 904, 931 Choristoma 935 Cilio-lenticular block 592
Cholecystitis 890 Choroid Cilioretinal artery occlusion 603
acute 904 gyrate atrophy of 598, 610 Ciliospinal reflex, absence of 1142
chronic 904 plexus 1182 Cilostazol 348
Cholecystokinin 165 Choroidal angioma 801 Cimetidine 340, 913
Choledochal cyst 904 Choroidal artery, anterior 116, 122 Cimetropium bromide 322
Choledocholithiasis 904, 1164 Choroidal coloboma 961 Cimex lectularius 1046
Choledochotomy, indications for 870 Choroidal detachment 604 Cinacalcet sensitizes calcium
Cholelithiasis 165, 208, 352 Choroidal melanoma 960f sensing receptor 850
Cholera 252, 546 Choroidal neovascular membrane 607 Cinchona tree 359
epidemiology of 252 Choroideremia 610 Cinchonism 335, 359
infantum 243 Christmas tree Cingulate gyrus 119
red reaction 251 distribution 1053 Cingulum 115
sicca 252 pattern 1058 Cinnarazine 327
toxin 223, 250, 252 Chromatic aberration 559 Ciprofloxacin 245, 246, 249, 339, 355, 786, 825
vaccines 253 Chromatids 439 Ciraparantag 347
Cholestasis 449 Chromatin Circadian rhythm maintenance 117
Cholestatic hepatitis, acute 353 condensation 380 Circinate retinopathy 601, 602f
Cholestatic syndrome, chronic 391 dots, double 285 Circle of death 900
Cholesteatoma 645 Chromatography 190, 217 Circle of Willis 122, 122f
classification of 645 Chromatoid body 280 Circular muscles, contraction of 593
Cholesterol 129, 192, 193, 195, 208, 445f Chromatolysis 138 Circular sodium iodide scintillation crystal 1198
absorption inhibitors 335 Chromhidrosis 1080 Circulus iridis major 593
clefts 393 Chromoblastomycosis 267 Circumoral pallor 235
embolism 390 Chromodacryorrhea 549 Circumscribed neurodermatitis 1056

Index Ram Gopal ts to Kamlesh.indd 1243 23-02-2019 12:39:25

1244 Sure Success MAGIC

Circumvallate placenta 963 botulinum 247, 787 Cockup splint 724

Cirrhosis 237, 826 difficile 248, 340, 351 Codeine 314, 1113
Cirsoid aneurysm 782 perfringens 220, 246 Codex alimentarius 494
Cisapride 882 sordelli 248 Codfish’ vertebrae 1168
Cisatracurium 1147 tetani 137, 219, 247 Codominance 439, 1152
Cisplatin 366, 941 welchii 246 Cody’s tack procedure 650
Cisterna chyli, upper end of 112 Clot selective 778 Coeliac plexus 77
Citalopram 1118 Clot, postmortem 390, 540 Coenzymes, examples of 176
Citelli’s abscess 646 Clotting factor deficiency 424 Coeur en sabot 1186
Citelli’s angle 652 Cloudy cornea 586 Coffee bean
Citrate 206 Clozapine 327, 1098, 1117 nuclei 1039
toxicity 1154 Club hand 737 sign 1180
Citric acid cycle 205, 205f Clubfoot Cogan syndrome 573
Citron bodies 247 acquired 745 Cogan twitch sign 618
Citrullinemia 185 bilateral 746f Cognitive behavior therapy 1121
Citrus fruits 211 congenital 745 Cognitive tests 1095
Civil negligence 508 idiopathic 745 Cognitive therapy 1121
Cladaribine 367 Cluster headache 791 Coil 1164
Cladophialophora 268 Clutton’s joints 709 spring deformity 1180
Claparede’s paradox 1116 Coagglutination reaction 232 Coitus interruptus 992
Clarithromycin 339, 353, 885 Coagulation necrosis 380, 778 Colchicin 427
Clark electrode 1156 Coal workers pneumoconiosis 820 Cold
Clark level 958 simple 820 agglutinin 409
Clarke’s column 171 Coanda effect 1155 air caloric test 637
Classic Barrett’s 884 Coat’s disease 598, 961 caloric tests 637
Claudin low carcinoma 915 Cobalamin 188, 209, 210 chain components 477
Claustrophobia 1104 deficiency 404 injuries 534
Claustrum 119 malabsorption 786 neonatal 534
Clavicular fracture 28 Cobb’s angle 1169 sterilization 227
Clavicular head 42 Cobble stoning mucosa 789 Colectomy 949
Clavipectoral fascia 42 Cobblestone papillae 565f Colicky abdominal pain 547
Clavulanic acid 351 Cobicistat 295 Colitis 1056
Claw hand 40, 729 Cobra head appearance 908f antibiotic associated 248
deformity 40f Cobweb sign 1186 Collagen
Claw sign 1180 Cocaine 324, 719, 1114 cross linking of 389
in intussusception 1180f abuse 1092 fibres 20
Cleft lip 15, 436, 930 chronic 1114 lamellae 568
Cleft palate 15, 436, 930 triad of 556 synthesis 130
Cleidocranial dysplasia 1168 confirms 806 types of 20
Clenbuterol 324 psychosis-persecutory delusions 1114 Collar bone 28
Clergyman’s knee 731, 731f smoking 1115 Collateral sulcus 113
Clindamycin 291, 353 Coccidioides immitis 265 Collaural fistula 643
Clinical death 517 Coccidioidomycosis 266, 289 Colle’s fascia 90
Clinodactyly 747 Coccygeal plexus 52 Colles’ fracture 727f, 736, 754
Clitoral hypertrophy 705 Coccygeus 91 Colliculus
Clitoris 536, 1004 Cochlea 627 inferior 151
lymphatic drainage of 1004 apex of 631f seminalis 87
Clobazam 343 aqueduct of 627 Collodion baby 1069
Clomiphene 719 develops 629 Colloid 393, 1153
citrate 1029 tonotopic gradient in 631f goiter 911
Clonazepam 343 Cochlear aqueduct 626 nodules 847
Clonidine 333, 341 Cochlear canal, structure of 627f osmotic pressure 127
Cloning 439 Cochlear duct 627 semi-synthetic 1153
Clonorchis sinensis 273, 275, 276, 286 Cochlear hydrops 650 Coloboma 598
Clonus 169 Cochlear implant 238, 641 typical 598
Clopidogrel 314, 348, 777, 1135 Cochlear microphonic 632 complete 598f
Cloquet node 926 Cochlear otosclerosis 649 Colon
Clostridia 219, 220 Cochleopalpebral test 633 blood supply of 79
Clostridial food poisoning 247 Cochleosacculotomy 650 cut off sign 905f
Clostridial myonecrosis 247 Cockade image 1188 part of 79
Clostridial myositis 158 Cockayne syndrome 1182 retroperitoneal parts of 79
Clostridium 246 Cock-robin position 661 thumbprinting in 1180, 1187

Index Ram Gopal ts to Kamlesh.indd 1244 23-02-2019 12:39:26

Index 1245

Colonic cancer 950 Conductive deafness 639 drugs for 341

Colonic diverticulosis 884 Conductive defects 639 management of 341
Colonic gas, absence of 905f Condy solution 1082 Constrictor muscle, inferior 660f
Colonic mucosal disease 1164 Condylar joint 26f Consumer court 506
Colonic ulcers 789 Condyloid joint 27 Consumer Protection Act 503
Colonoscopy 950 Condyloma Contact lens 559, 560
Colony forming unit 398 acuminate 1062f cornea 573
Color Doppler scan 1204f lata 1086 Contact shot, signs of 530
Color reactions 183 Cone biopsy 1033, 1034, 1034f Contraception 992, 1010, 1011
Colorectal cancer 949 Cone dystrophy 610 barrier 992
molecular pathogenesis of 950 Confabulation 1096 emergency 997, 1012
Colored haloes, causes of 585 Confocal corneal microscopy 571 methods of 992
Colorimetric methods 441 Confocal microscopy 225 natural 992
Colpocleisis 1020 Confusion 213 non-steroidal 992
Colpomicroscopy 1034 Confusional state, acute 1093 steroidal 992
Colpoperineorrhaphy 1019 Congenital absence 1169 Contraceptive 997
Colporrhaphy 1019 Congenital disorders 744 methods, failure rates of 997
Colposcopy 1033, 1034, 1034f Congestive heart failure, high-output 406 pill, emergency 999f
Columella tympanoplasty 647 Congestive stage, chronic 590 steroidal 995, 995fc
Columnar epithelium 18f Congo red 391 Contractility 147
ciliated 928 Congruous homonymous hemianopia 812 Contraction
simple 17, 18f Conidia 1072 stress test 972
Coma 553, 849, 1093 Conium 556 types of 141
Comby’s sign 706 maculatus 552 Contrast nephropathy 1164
Comet tail 1174 Conivaptan 346, 845 predisposing factors for 1164
Comitant squint 617 Conjugation 230 Contre coup fracture 528
Comma sign 733 Conjunctiva 18, 276, 564 Contributory negligence 508
Comma-shaped bodies 393 Conjunctival autograft adhesion 567 Controller therapies 337
Commissure habenular nuclei, posterior 116 Conjunctival congestion 1142 Contusion 524
Common bile duct 83, 1186 Conjunctival degenerations 567 age of 525f
Common carotid artery, bifurcation of 111 Conjunctival filariais 279 Conus medullaris 111
Common date rape drugs 537 Conjunctival impression cytology 575 Convalescent carriers 462
Commotio cordis 785 Conjunctival kaposi sarcoma 292 Convergence, near point of 614
Commotio retinae 612 Conjunctival membranes 564 Conversion disorder 1105
Communicating artery, aneurysm of Conjunctival pseudomembranes 564 Convex lenses 559
posterior 810 Conjunctival scarring 566 Convulsions 210
Communication Conjunctival true membranes 564 Cooley’s anemia 406
disorders 1124 Conjunctival tumors 567 Coomb’s positive hemolytic anemia 334
system 1190 Conjunctivitis 354, 565 Coomb’s test 408, 421, 678
types of 496 acute 564 Coombs and Gel classification 306
Community acquired pneumonias 815 angular 565 Cooper, suspensory ligament of 43
Compartment syndrome 158, 735 inclusion 566 Copanlisib 372
Compensatory mechanism 447 phlyctenular 565 Copper 176, 213, 543, 548f, 569
Competitive inhibition 126 viral 565 absorption, impaired 213
Competitive inhibitors, examples of 178 Connective tissue 20, 397 amount of 994
Complement deficiency disorders 301 basic components of 20fc Cu t200 994
Complement system 300, 386 diseases 748, 798, 836 Cu t200b 994
Compound action potential 135 autoantibodies in 836 Cu t380a 994
Compression injury, vertical 743 disorder 723 dietary sources of 217
Compton effect 1192 Conotruncal anomaly face syndrome 436 pennies 268
Computed radiography 1158 Conradi’s syndrome 347, 719 poisoning 548
Computed tomography 1160 Conscious sedation 1156 sulfate 548
colonography 1185 Consciousness 1140 Coprolalia 1106
coronary angiography 1185 clouding of 1093 Coproporphyrin urine 547
scan room 1160 in delirium, levels of 1093 Coproporphyrinogen 207
Concavoconvex lesion 794f level, depression of 859 Copropraxia 1106
Concentric rings appearance 220 normal level of 1095 Coprosterol 193
Concha bullosa 653 Consent, rules of 510 Cor bovinum 1087
Conchoidal bodies 393 Conservative septal surgery 656 Cor pulmonale 772, 816
Concordant twins 439 Conservative surgery 1023 Coracoacromial ligament 32
Condom 296 Constipation 333, 342, 343, 547 Coracobrachialis 35, 36
male 992, 999f absolute 892 Coracoid process 28

Index Ram Gopal ts to Kamlesh.indd 1245 23-02-2019 12:39:26

1246 Sure Success MAGIC

Cord 171 angioplasty 774 Cosmid 439

compression 972 artery 390 Cost benefit analysis 495
factor 243 branches of right 69f Cost effectiveness analysis 495
false 666 disease 291, 772, 774, 860, 1185 Costal pleura 65
prolapse 982 left 69 Costen syndrome 628
Corduroy cloth appearance 1188 patency 777 Costocoracoid membrane 42
Cori cycle 203 right 68 Costodiaphragmatic recess 65
Coriolis effect 633 and left 69f Costomedial recess 65
Corkscrew stenosis, proximal 762 Cotard’s syndrome 1092
esophagus 1187 third 69 Cotrimoxazole 246
hairs 211 chemoreflex 148 prophylaxis 293
Cormack and Lehane grading, modified 1126 circulation 151 Cottage cheese 292
Cornea 18, 197, 567, 573, 618, 930 heart disease 498, 773 retinopathy 597f
Descemet’s membrane of 612 ligament 50, 74 Cottage loaf 689
layers of 568 sinus 69, 70f Cottle’s test 656
perforates 254 opening of 67 Cotton wool
power of 557 tributaries of 69 appearance 753f
refractive index of 557 sulcus, right anterior 68 spots 292, 601, 601f
verticillata 573 syndrome, acute 183, 332 Cough 34
Corneal abrasion 564, 568f vasodilator 151 drugs for 336
Corneal collagen cross linking 572 Coronaviruses 262, 481 nonproductive 822
Corneal cystine crystals 187 Coroner’s inquest 505 with sputum production 816
Corpora quadrigemina 117
Corneal deposits 335 Counaid’s segment 82
Corporobasal index 512, 513
Corneal dystrophies 573 Councilman bodies 394
Corps grains 393
Corneal edema 575, 585 Counter-current
Corps ronds 394
chronic 573 exchange 163
Corpus albicans 1008
Corneal endothelial cell count 561 multiplier 163
Corpus callosum 115, 168, 173
Corneal endothelium 6 system 163
agenesis of 14, 1003
organisms penetrating intact 569 Counterfeit drug 318
Corpus cancer syndrome 1032
Corneal infection 564 Coup d’ongle’ sign 1074
Corpus delicti 510
Corneal layers 561 Court 505
Corpus luteum 964, 965, 1008, 1010
Corneal metabolism 568 cyst 1037 level of 506
Corneal nerves, prominent 569 Corpus spongiosum 12 types of 505
Corneal opacification 192 median 88 Courvoisier’s law 944
Corneal power 568 Corpus striatum 119 Couvade syndrome 1116
Corneal reflex, reduced 173 Corrosive poisons 542 Covalent bond 188
Corneal scar 574 Corrugator supercilii 98 Covalent disulfide bonds 189
Corneal sensation, reduced 571 Cortex 262 Cowden’s disease 1072
Corneal smears 869 adrenal 130, 211 Cowdry type
Corneal stains 568 Corti A bodies 259
Corneal steepening 561 organ of 627, 629 B bodies 259
Corneal stem cells 384 tunnel of 629 Cow-like cough 664
Corneal stroma 6 Corticospinal tract 134, 171 Cowper bulbourethral glands 12
Corneal stromal Corticosteroid 613, 718, 789, 837, 953, 1049 COX 3 inhibitor 330
collagen 574 inhaled 337 Coxa valga 46
dystrophies 572 ointments 1055 Coxa vara 746
Corneal surface 561, 568 responsiveness 586 Coxal bone 44
Corneal tattooing 539 systemic 337 Coxibs 330
Corneal thickness 568 therapy 723 Coxiella burnetii 256, 815
Corneal transparency 568 topical 1083 infection 388
Corneal transplantation 575 transtympanic 650 Coxsackievirus 261
contraindications for 576 Cortisol, synthesis of 852, 853f Cozen’s test 734
Corneal trauma 571 Corymbose syphilide 1086 Crab hand 737
Corneal ulceration 567, 613 Corynebacterium 241 Crab lice 1080
Corneal vascularization 209 diphtheria 219, 220, 222, 569 Cracked nipple 913
Corner method 575 Albert-stained smear of 241f Cracked pot sound 718
Coroacohumeral ligament 32 minutissimum 1061 Crackles 815
Corona mortis 900, 900f non-diphtheria 242 Crackling sound 881
Corona phlebectasia 920 pseudodiphtheriticum 219 Cradle cap 1054
Corona radiata 115 pseudotuberculosis 219 Craig splint 724f
Coronary tenuis 242 Cramps 200
angiography 775 xerosis 574 heat 534

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Index 1247

Cranial base 97f Croup, infectious 693 Cushing’s reflex 148

Cranial bones, collapsed 1204f Crouzon’s disease 638 Cushing’s syndrome 723, 853, 1012
Cranial fossa Crow’s beak 28 Cushing’s triad 148
cerebrospinal fluid, anterior 655 Crow’s feet 1174 Cut glass appearance 249
middle 623, 655 Crowe-beck test 647 Cutaneous amyloidosis, localized 1069
Cranial meninges 112 Crown glass 560 Cutaneous anthrax 249
Cranial nerve 119, 121 Cruciate incision 1015 Cutaneous branch-sural nerve 57
motor nucleus of 117 Cruciate ligament 50, 110 Cutaneous drug hypersensitivity 1080
nuclei anterior 50 Cutaneous flap 880
functional aspects of 119 posterior 50 Cutaneous larva migrans 471, 1081
location of 119 tear Cutaneous leishmaniasis 282
reflexes 121 anterior 740, 1188 Cutaneous lupus erythematosus, acute 1068
supplying eye 121 posterior 740 Cutaneous mastocytosis 412
Cranial neuropore 4 Crural index 511 Cutaneous mucormycosis 266
Cranial neurotoxin 1142 Crush injury 158 Cutaneous nerve 71
Cranial spinal, accessory 120 Crutchfield lateral 969
Craniocervical junction 1161 tongs 725f, 743 supply 57f
Craniofacial angle 97 traction 725 Cutaneous porphyrias 207
Craniopharyngioma 804, 844, 957 Cruveilheir-Baumgarten murmur 763 Cutaneous T cell lymphoma 1067
Craniosynostosis 638, 676 Cruveilhier’s sign 926 Cutis anserina 523
non-syndromic 676 Cryoglobulinemia 263
Cutis laxa 21
syndromic 676 essential mixed 841
Cutis marmorata 1084
Craniotabes 1165 Cryoprecipitate 1153
Cyamella 24
Creatine phosphate 204 Cryosurgery 1072
Cyanide 179
Creatine phosphokinase 777 Cryptococcal meningitis 266
nitroprusside test 183, 186
Creatinine 181 Cryptococcosis 266
poisoning 158, 555
Cremasteric fascia 89, 898 Cryptococcus neoformans 266, 291
Cyanosis 160
Cremasteric reflex 72 Cryptomenorrhea 1013
central 688
Cremer’s classification 652 Cryptorchidism 12, 13, 954
Cyclic citrullinated peptides 838
Crepitus 888, 921 Cryptosporidia 291
Cryptosporidium parvum 278 Cyclic hydrocarbons 193
Crescendo-decrescendo murmur, ejection 780
Crystallins 577 Cyclic respiration 159
Crescent shaped fibrocartilage 50
Crystallography, X-ray of 391 Cyclic trend 464
Crescent sign 659, 1174
Crest syndrome 839 Crystalloids 1153 Cyclical mastalgia 1012
Cretinism 849 Crystals, abnormal 445 Cyclodevelopmental transmission 470
Creutzfeldt Jakob disease 802, 1154 Csende’s procedure 886 Cyclodialysis 612
Cri du chat syndrome 436 Cubital fossa 44, 1055f Cycloguanil 314
Cricoid cartilage 64, 110, 111, 663 boundaries of 44f Cyclo-oxygenase 328, 328f
lower border of 75 Cubital tunnel syndrome 36 pathway generates prostaglandins 328f
Cricoid pressure 1139, 1148 Cubitus valgus deformity 735 Cyclophosphamide 314, 366, 825
Cricopharyngeal sphincter 75 Cuboid bone, plantar surface of 53 analog of 366
Cricopharyngeus junction 881 Cuboidal epithelium 18, 18f, 160 Cyclophyllidea 273
Cricothyroid 663 Culdocentesis 1041 Cyclopia 14
Crigler-Najjar syndrome 683 Culex tritaeniorhynchus 480 Cycloplegia 321, 557
Crile’s grading 847 Cullen’s sign 904, 926 Cycloplegic drugs 557
Criminal Law (amendment) Act 503 Culpable homicide 503 Cyclopropane 1136, 1142
Criminal Law amendment ordinance 503 Cultural anthropology 481 Cyclops 465
Criminal negligence 508 Culture-bound syndromes 1122 lesion 1189
Criminal Procedure Code 503, 504 Cumbo’s sign 1174 Cycloserine 339, 352
Criminal responsibility 503, 516 Cuneocerebellar tract 119 Cyclosporine 409, 565, 840, 1051, 1055
Crisaborole 372 Cupids bow contour 1188 Cyclothymic disorder 1101
Crista 130 Cupola sign 1179 Cyclotron 1199
ampullaris 633 Cupuliform cataract 579 Cylinder pressure gauge 1136
terminalis 9, 67 Curative radiation programs 1194 Cylindroma 869
Critically ill patients 814 Curling’s ulcers 535 Cymba concha, palpated in 625
Crizotinib 368, 870 Currant-jelly Cynophobia 1104
Crocodile flush burns 534 clots 390 Cyproheptadine 327, 1118
Crohn’s disease 210, 402, 786, 788, 1180 sputum 814 Cyproterone acetate 995, 1059
Cromolyn sodium 337 Currens rule 533 Cyst 14, 915
Cronbach alpha score 454 Curschmann’s spirals 695, 814 active 902
Crooke’s hyaline change 392 Curtain sign 962 congenital 1016
Croton tiglium 551 Cusco’s self retaining bivalved speculum 1042f extravasation 670

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1248 Sure Success MAGIC

inactive 902 Cytopathic retroviruses 287 Dartos muscle 89

multiple sebaceous 1207f Cytoplasm 200-203, 216, 217, 378 Darunavir 295
nasolabial 660 Cytoplasmic membrane 222 Darwin’s tubercle 643
odontogenic 670 Cytoplasmic vacuoles 413 Dasatinib 368, 414
periapical 670 Cytosine 182 Dash and dot appearance 1038
popliteal 731 Cytoskeletal elements 134 Dasypus novemcinctus 1063
radicular 670 Cytoskeletal proteins 382 Date rape drugs, special features of 537
retention 913 Cytoskeleton 131 Datura
sebaceous 98, 869 Cytostatic agents 930 alba 553
thyroglossal 1208f Cytotoxic niger 553
vulvar 1016 drugs 640, 719 poisoning 553
Cystadenocarcinoma edema 790 stramonium 322, 553
mucinous 1039 Cytotrophoblast 4 Daunorubicin 368
serous 1039 Davidson body 512f
Cystadenoma D Davidson Smith body 511
mucinous 1038 Dabigatran 347 Dawn formula 970
serous 1038 Dabrafenib 370 Dawn phenomenon 857
Cystallins 577 Dacarbazine 366 Dawson’s fingers 796, 796f
Cystathionine Daclizumab 311 Days of Public Health Importance 502
beta synthase deficiency 186 Dacomitinib 376 de Clerambault’s syndrome 1093
synthase 583 Dacryoadenitis 611 de Quervain’s disease 730
Cysteamine bitartrate 187, 372 Dacryocystitis 611 de Quervain’s tenosynovitis 37
Cysteine 182, 183, 445f acute 611, 611f de Sanctis-Cacchione syndrome 1067
Cystic bronchiectasis 1212f chronic 611 Dead body, position of 520
Cystic duct 83 congenital 611 Dead cells 1043
Cystic fibrosis 155, 237, 254, 310, 433f, 694, Dacryocystorhinostomy 611 Dead space 154
699, 817 Dactinomycin 368, 1196 physiologic 154
Cystic glandular hyperplasia 1014 Dactylitis 405 Deafness 707
Cystic medial necrosis 782 Dactylography 515 detection of 636
Cystic stage 281 Dagger sign 1165 nature of 636
Cystic swelling 14 Daily fetal movement count 972 progressive 649
Cystic teratoma, benign 1039f Daisy head colony 220 senile 639
Cysticercosis 286, 596 Dakshatha program 484 sensorineural 437, 639, 652, 709, 929
Cysticercus cellulosae 596 D-alanine 339 Death
Cystine 182 Dalbavancin 351 certificate 494f, 507
crystals 187f Dalen Fuchs nodules 597 chill of 518
kidney stones 186 Dalfampridine 797 immediate signs of 518
stones 909 Dalteparin 347 sentence 506, 536
Cystinosis 187 Dalton’s law of partial pressures 1154 professional 509
nephropathic 187 Damage control sudden 517, 773
Cystinuria 186, 909 resuscitation 874 systemic 517
Cystography, retrograde 910 surgery 874 trauma triad of 517
Cystoid macular edema 582, 600f Danazol 301, 1012 types of 517
Cystoisospora 291 Dance’s sign 926 Debakey’s classification 782
Cystosarcoma phyllodes 914 Dandruff 1054, 1074 Decarboxylation 210
Cystoscopes 227 Dane particle 264 oxidative 187
Cystostomy, suprapubic 931 Danger signs 694 Deception detection tests 533
Cystourethrogram, micturating 701, 1182 Dapagliflozin 372 Decerebrate rigidity 172
Cytidine triphosphate 204 Dapsone 355 Decidua 3, 963
Cytochrome oxidase 179 syndrome 1067 basalis 963, 982
poison 555 Daptomycin 237, 351 capsularis 963
Cytogenetic Darbepoetin 409 sign, double 973
methods 427 Darier’s disease 1046, 1071, 1074, 1078 spongiosum 980
remission 414 keratosis follicularis 1078 vera 963
Cytoid bodies 394, 837 Dark dot disease 1083 Decidual reaction 963
Cytokeratin 131 Dark field examination 1087 Decidual sac sign, double 1184
prekeratin filaments 391 Dark/black bronchus sign 1175 Decision tree 434f
Cytokines 303, 387 Darkfield microscopy 224, 252 Declarative memory 175
Cytomegalovirus 260 Darling’s disease 266 Decubitus ulcer 869, 1019
disease 290 Darrow-Yannet diagram 125 Deep petrosal nerve, union of 109
infection, congenital 708, 963 Darting motility 251 Deep tendon reflexes, loss of 213, 989
retinitis 290, 292, 600 Dartos brevis 1045 Deep vein thrombosis, ultrasonography of 921

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Index 1249

Defective dark adaptation 605 cells 288, 298 severe 1092

Deferoxamine 828 ulcer 570f, 571 vegetative signs of 1100
Defibrotide sodium 372 Denervation hypersensitivity 142, 172 Depressive disorder, major 1099
Deflazacort 361, 372 Dengue 459, 859 Depressive illness 1092
Defoaming agents 882 Denham’s pin 725 Dermabrasion 930
Deformity 14 Denileukin diftitox 370 Dermal nitrate test 531
Degarelix 1010 Denis’ three-column concept 743f Dermal papillae 1044, 1074
Deglutitive inhibition 164 Dennie-Morgan fold 1055 Dermatitis 1054, 1056
Degmacytes 407 Dennis brown splint 724, 746 allergic contact 1054
Dehydration 345, 405, 520, 715 Denosumab 311, 371, 754, 953 contact 1054
assessment of 715 Dens, hypoplasia of 1169 herpetiformis 786, 1074, 1076, 1077f-1079
Kussmaul’s respiration 857 Dense connective tissue 20 histopathology of 1078f
treatment of 715 Dense neutrophilic infiltrate 778 irritant contact 1054
Dehydrogenases 176, 177 Densitometry 190 occupational 1054
Deiodinase 212 Density seborrheic 291, 1045, 1046, 1054
Deiters cells 629 metaphyseal 547f Dermatofibroma papules 1064
Deja entendu 1116 sign, double 1178 Dermatoglyphics 515
Deja pensé 1116 Dent’s disease 834 Dermatologic therapy 1082
Delafloxacin 372 Dental Dermatological diseases 578
De-Lancey’s classification 1019 amalgam 1052 Dermatology 1043
Delbert’s classification 738 analysis 514 antenna sign 1046
Deletion syndromes 22q112 436 changes 1069 Auspitz sign 1046
Delhi Anatomy Act 515 cyst 670 Barnett’s sign 1047
Delikan’s warning sign 1127 discoloration 719 Branham’s sign 1046
Delirium 849, 857, 1091, 1093, 1133 lamina 670 breakfast, lunch and dinner sign 1046
assessment scales 1093 numbering systems 514, 514f Buschke-Ollendorff sign 1046
emergence 1143 stem cells 385 button hole sign 1047
rating scale 1093 Dentate nucleus 118 carpet tack’s sign 1046
tremens 1092, 1112 Dentigerous cyst 670 cerebriform tongue sign 1046
Chandelier’s sign 1046
Delorme’s operation 894, 926 Dentition 676
Coudability sign 1046
Delphi method 454 delayed 676
Coup’d’ongue sign 1046
Delphi panel 575 primary 676
Crowe’s sign 1047
Delta-ala synthetase 179 secondary 676
Darier’s sign 1046
Deltoid ligament 50, 741 Denver’s classification 427
dimple sign 1046
Deltoid muscle 733 Denys-Drash syndrome 709
Dory flop sign 1046
Deltopectoral flap 880 Deoxycholate citrate agar 229
Dubois sign 1046
Delusion 1092, 1093, 1097 Deoxycholic acid 208
Fitzpatrick sign 1046
of control 1092 Deoxygenated state 405
flag sign 1046
of doubles 1093 Deoxyribonucleic acid
Forchheimer sign 1046
of grandeur 1092 analysis 214
Gorlin’s sign 1047
of guilt 1092 binding motifs 189
groove sign 1047
of jealousy 1093 branched 289
hamburger sign 1047
primary 1097 complementary 289 hanging curtain sign 1047
sharing of 1093 enzymes 216 head light sign 1047
Delusional disorder 1093 fingerprinting 214 Hertoghe’s sign 1047
Demeclocycline 354, 845 replication 216 Higoumenaki’s sign 1046
Demeester’s scoring system 882 structure 215 Homan’s sign 1047
Demelanizing agents 1083 topoisomerases 216 ingram sign 1047
Dementia 193, 528, 802, 955, 1092, 1094 viruses 260 leser trelat, sign 1047
carious types of 1094 Deoxyribonucleotides 215 lines in 1079
compared, cortical 1095 Depersonalization disorder 1106 lovibond profile sign 1047
pugilistica 528 Depigmenting agents 1083 Milian’s ear sign 1047
rating, clinical 1095 Depigmentosus 1070 Nikoladoni’s sign 1046
Deming’s sign 929 Depolarizing block 1146 nose sign 1047
Demographic cycle, stages of 471 Depolarizing muscle relaxants 1146 oil drop sign 1047
Demulcents 545 Depressed ejection fraction 772 Osler’s sign 1047
Demyelination 195 Depression 860, 1101, 1122 Panda’s sign 1047
Denasal speech 659 atypical 1101 Patrick Yesudian sign 1047
Denaturation 214, 215 major 1104 pillow sign 1047
Dendrites 133 melancholic signs of 1100 prayer sign 1047
Dendritic postpartum 1101 promontory sign 1047

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1250 Sure Success MAGIC

pseudo-darier’s sign 1046 Diabetes 491, 730, 856 negative 524

Punchi’s sign 1047 insipidus 346, 845 Diaton tonometer 585
queen Anne’s sign 1047 central 1084 Diazepam 314, 1113
Racoon’s sign 1047 nephrogenic 354, 1118 Dibucaine number 1146
reverse namaskar sign 1047 mellitus 199, 238, 391, 569, 602, 723, 798, Dichloroacetylene 1142
Romana’s sign 1047 825, 855 Dichotomous 1096
Russell’s sign 1047 diagnosis of 856 Dick test 235
Samitz sign 1048 drugs for 361 Dicolfenac 330
shawl sign 1048 skin manifestations of 1060 Dicrotic pulse 760
signs in 1046 types of 855 Dictyosome 130
toy soldier sign 1048 Diabetic diarrhea 341 Dicyclomine 322, 341
Wartenberg’s sign 1048 Diabetic foot 860 Didanisone 295, 825
Dermatome, lateral 5 Diabetic gangrene 921 Dideoxynucleotides 291
Dermatomyositis 836, 838, 1046, 1068, 1072 Diabetic ketoacidosis 857, 905 Dieceous 275
signs of 1068 Diabetic maculopathy 601 Diencephalon 116
Dermatopathic lymphadenopathy 1067 Diabetic nephropathy 333, 831, 833, 834f Diene’s phenomenon 244
Dermatophytosis 1073 Diabetic retinopathy 598, 601, 833 Diene’s stain 251
Dermis 1044 Diacetylmorphine 1113 Dietary zinc, malabsorption of 1068
busy 393 Dialysis 830 Diethyl stilbestrol 718
Dermoid cyst 1038, 1039f dementia syndrome 556 Diethylcarbamazine 280, 480
Dermopathy, nephrogenic fibrosing 1164 disequilibrium syndrome 830 Diethylpropion 342
Des-acetyl cefotaxime 314 Diameter index safety system 1136 Dietl’s crisis 835
Descemet’s membrane 568, 569 Diamniotic placenta 1204f Dieulafoy’s disease 1181
Desert rheumatism 266 Diamond-Blackfan anemia 410 Dieulafoy’s lesion 890
Desferrioxamine 543 Diapedesis 385 Difenoxin 341
Desflurane 1143, 1144, 1145 Diaper rash 355 Diffusion
Desirudin 347 Diaphanous test 518 capacity 155
Desloratidine 327 Diaphragm 15, 66, 993 facilitated 126
Desmethyl diazepam 314 anatomy of 697f non-ionic 126
Desmin 131, 139 below 75 Digastric muscles 102, 105
Desmocolin 1043 contact with 82 DiGeorge syndrome 8, 301, 308, 436
Desmoglein 1043 developmental sources of 16f Digestive tract 1195
Desmoplakin 1043 embryology of 15 Digital radiography 1158
Desmoplasia 934 eventration of 697 Digitalis 913
Desmopressin 346 low 1176 glycosides 127
Desmosomes 1043 muscle of 16f Digitoxin 314, 331
Despiramine 314 openings in 66 Digoxin 314, 331
Destructive operations 1003 urogenital 91 immune fab 311
Detergent worker’s lung 820 Diaphragma sellae 112 overdose 765
Deterrent agents 1113 lateral edges of 1182 toxicity 331
Detonator cap 529 Diaphragmatic hernia 697f Dihydrocodeine 1114
Detoxification 1113 congenital 696, 697, 895 Dihydrofolate reductase 366
Detrusor muscle contractions 1021 Diaphyseal aclasis 747 Dihydropyridine 333
Deuel’s sign 1184 Diaphyseal fracture femur 739 receptor 140
Deutetrabenazine 372 Diarrhea 252, 253, 255, 352, 354, 363, 371, Dihydrostreptomycin 640
Devic’s disease 797 448, 785, 788, 996 Di-isopropyl fluorophosphate 179
Dexamethasone 361, 680, 702, 719, 956 acute 787 Diisopropylphenol 1143
intravitreal implant 604 cardiac failure 849 Dilated fundus, indirect ophthalmoscopy
single dose 693 chronic 786, 788 of 604
suppression test 853, 1123 drugs for 341 Dille Koppanyi test 556
Dexenfluramine 342 infantile 243 Dillwyn Evans procedure 746
Dexmedetomidine 1156 infectious 788 Diloxanide furoatel iodoquinol 281
Dexrazoxane 368, 370, 371 intractable 1068 Dilution tests 231
Dextran 198 mucus 277 Dilutional hyponatremia 701
D-fructose 197 secretory 341, 788 Dimensional scales 454
D-galactose 197 sudden 1141 Dimers, non-ionic 1163
D-glucose 197 Diartroses 25 Dimethyl fumarate 797
D-glucuronic acid 198 Diastasis 146 Dimorphic fungi 265
Dharmendra lepromin 1066 sutural 1182 Dingers ring 256
Dhat syndrome 1122 Diastematomyelia 747 Dingman’s classification 657
Di Guglielmo’s disease 416 Diatoms test 524 Dinner fork deformity, classical 727f

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Index 1251

Dinoprostone 981 Diurnal variation 696 Dot diagram 455

Dinutuximab 374, 710 Diverticulum, thyroglossal 16 Double bleb sign 973, 1184
Diode laser 607 Dix-hallpike maneuver 638 Double blind trial 498
Dipalmitoyl lecithin 153, 192 Dixon test 454 Double bubble sign 698f, 1187
Dipeptidyl peptidase 363 Diyplidium 273 Double burst stimulation 1147
Diphenoxylate 341 Dizygotic twins 439, 986 Double line sign 1188
Diphenylamine reagent 531 D-mannose 197 Double ring 655
Diphenylhydantoin 343 Dobutamine 323, 1199 Doughnut
Diphosphatidyl glycerol 191 Docetaxel 367, 953 granuloma 388
Diphtheria 158, 223, 464 Docosahexaenoic acid 192 sign 698, 724
antitoxin 242 Doctors day 502 Dowling degos disease 1083
pertussis, tetanus vaccine 475, 476 Dodd’s perforator 59 Dowling’s lines 1068
toxin 241 Dodd’s sign 659 Down’s syndrome 415, 416, 429, 431, 435,
factors affecting 242 Doderlein’s bacilli 1004 436f, 686, 698, 719, 937, 1169, 1210f
toxin-like exotoxin A 254 Dodge cap sign 1179 prenatal diagnosis of 435
Diphtheric colitis 545 Doerfler stewart test 633 Downbeat nystagmus 637
Diphtheritic rhinitis, acute 660 Dog bites 221 Downe’s score 680
Diphyllobothrium latum 275, 286 Dohle bodies 412 Downward drift hypothesis 1098
Dipivefrine 314, 589 Dolphin sign 1179 Dowry related offences 504
Diplacusis 649 Dolutegravir 295, 372 Doxacurium 1147
Diploic veins 98 Domino transplantation 310 Doxazosin 325
Domperidone 882 Doxorubicin 368, 1058
Diploid 426
Don Juan fracture 741 Doxycycline 252, 256, 1059
cell lines 259
Donaldson’s line 627 Dracunculus medinensis 270, 280
Diplopia 579, 613, 614, 616
Donepezil 1094 Draffin’s bipods 662
physiological 616 Drainage implants, artificial 588
Dipstick test 443 Donetezil 321
Donnan effect 128 Drance hemorrhage 587
Dipyridamole 348, 1199 Drancunculiasis 470
Direct ophthalmoscopy, procedure of 563f Donor plasma 1154
Disability Donovan bodies 394
appearance 220
Donovanosis 1085
adjusted life year 460 colonies 237
Doom, triangle of 900f
related schemes 460 Drepanocytes 405
Dopamine 170, 314, 322, 323, 364, 710, 1122
Disaccharide 198 Dressings, change of 1143
agonist 844 Dressler’s syndrome 778
nonabsorbable 827
decarboxylase inhibitor 344 Dried blood spot 292, 704
Disaster 494
depletion 794 Dried venoms, fatal dose of 554
trapezoid of 900
play 814 Drinking water, classification of 473
Disc precursor 344 Driver injuries 527
contralateral 809 receptor 345 Dromedary hump 1181
margins, blurred 807 Dope test 324 Drooping lily sign 1179, 1181
Disciform keratitis 571 Doppler Drop arm test 733
Discoid eczema 1056 angle 1158 Drop metastases 935, 1183
Discoid lupus erythematosus 1068 echocardiography 767 Drowning 523
Discordant twins 439 indices, types of 974 atypical 523
Discrete thyroid swellings 847 ultrasonography 1158 external signs of 523
Disease ultrasound 971 internal signs of 523
global burden of 460 uses of 1158 lab tests of 524
incidence of 467 Doravirine 376 Drowsiness 1093
Disinfectants, classification of 227 Dorello’s canal 97, 121, 628 Drugs 312
Disinfection, types of 464 Dorifenacin 1021 absorption, summary of 313
Disopyramide 838 Dorsal bud forms 8 and Cosmetics Act 503, 542
Disseminated intravascular coagulation Dorsal column 171 antagonism 317
425, 1153 nuclei cross 118 causing hypothyroidism 361
Dissociative disorders 1105, 1106 sensory fibres of 134 combinations, fixed 377
Distichiasis 618 Dorsal tilt 736 detoxification of 130
Distressing dreams, recurrent 1105 Dorsalis pedis artery 58 eruption, fixed 1056, 1056f
District Mental Health Program 501 branches of 58 etiological 838
Disulfiram 179, 363, 1113 Dorsalis pedis pulse 58 intoxication 1114
Disumarol 719 Dorsiflexion test 746 kit to deliver first-contact healthcare 482
Diuretics 345 Dorsum sellae 1182 metabolism 314
abuse 448 Dorzolamide 589 regimen, dual 295
Diurnal periodicity 279 Doshas 458 resistance 231, 233

Index Ram Gopal ts to Kamlesh.indd 1251 23-02-2019 12:39:26

1252 Sure Success MAGIC

schedules of 319 Dutcher bodies 394 development of 628

streptokinase 236 Duverney’s foramen 74 discharge, persistent 646
susceptibility testing 468 Dwyer’s osteotomy 746 disease
synergism 316 Dying declaration 507 of inner 649
Drug-induced damage 772 Dynein arm defect 132 of middle 644
Drummond syndrome 182 Dysarthria 803 fluids, inner 627
Drumstick appearance 247, 512f Dysautonomia, familial 869 hearing aid, implantable middle 641
Dry tap 417 Dysdiadochokinesia 173, 803 inner 624, 629
DSM-V, changes in 1124 Dysesthesias 859 middle 623, 630, 930
Dua’s layer 568 Dysfunctional uterine bleeding 1013 nerve supply of 628f
Duane retraction syndrome 617 Dysgerminoma 1039 polyp 646f
Dubin-Johnson syndrome 393, 683 Dyskeratoma, warty 1046 surgery, incisions for 647
Duck embryo vaccine 478 Dyskeratosis 1046 syringing 643f
Duck walking test 741 congenita 410 Eating disorders 1110
Duct ectasia 913 Dyslipidemia, drugs for 335 Eaton agent 219, 251
Ductal ectasia 915 Dysmenorrhea 330, 984, 1011, 1013, 1023 Eaton-Lambert syndrome 941
Ductus arteriosus, functional closure of 685 congestive 1013 Eberth Gaffky bacillus 219
Ductus deferens 89 secondary 1013 Ebola virus disease 481
Ductus reuniens 627 spasmodic 1013 Ebstein’s anomaly 686, 719
Ductus venosus 974 Dysmetria 803 Ecchymoses, periumbilical 904
Dugas test 732 Dyspareunia 1023 Eccrine glands 19
Dulcitol 200 non-organic 1115 Echinocandins 355
Dum dum bullet 531 Dysphagia 670, 881, 882 Echinococcus
Dumping syndromes 887 lusoria 883 granulosus 269, 274, 286
Dundas-Grant method 637 progressive 882 multilocularis 274
Dunlop’s, Smith’s traction 725 sideropenic 669, 884 Echo de la pensee 1091
Dunphy’s cough 896 Dysphasia 173, 922 Echocardiogram 768
Duodenal aspirates 277 Dysphonia plica ventricularis 666 Echocardiography 767, 1158
Duodenal atresia 435, 698, 698f, 895, 1187f Dysphoria 342 transesophageal 767, 1159
Duodenal cap, absence of 886f transthoracic 767
Dysplasia 934
Duodenal cytochrome 402 Echogenic foci 1184
diagnosis of 393
Duodenal fistula 887 Echokinesis 1106
retinal 961
Duodenal papilla Echolalia 1097, 1106
Dysplastic nevus syndrome 937
major 78 Echo-poor halo 904
Dyspnea 664, 695, 772, 814, 820, 1140, 1154
minor 78 Echopraxia 1106
constant 814
Duodenal submucosa 78 Echovirus 261
sudden 822
Duodenal ulcer 95, 885 Eclampsia 408, 988
Dyspneic index 155
chronic 886f, 888f treatment of 988, 989
Dyssomnias 1108
complications of 886 Eclipse burn 869
Dyssynergia 803
operations for 886 Ecstacy 1114
Dysthymic disorder 1100
Duodenoduodenostomy 698 Ectasia 576
Dystonias 248
Duodenojejeunostomy, retrocolic 8 Ecthyma
Dystopia, crossed 907
Duodenum 77, 167, 208 contagiosum 1083
blood supply of 78 Dystroglycans 140 gangrenosum 254, 1061
medial wall of 1187 Dystrophic calcification 382 Ectocyst 274
parts of 78 Dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa 1079 Ectoderm 4, 6, 7
Dupertuis and Hadden formula 514 Dystrophic nails 410 surface 6, 629
Dupilumab 372 Dystrophin points 139 Ectopia lentis 583, 583f
Duplex system, bilateral 908f Dystrophy, posterior polymorphous 573 et pupillae 583
Dupuytren’s classification 535 Dysuria familial 583
Dupuytren’s contracture 730 external 1088 Ectopic gastric mucosa 1200
Duquenois Levine test 556 internal 1088 Ectopic pregnancy 990, 991, 997, 1012
Dura mater 112 criteria for 991
nerve and blood supply of 113 E ultrasound of 1183
Dural puncture 1140 Eale’s disease 598 Ectothrix 1073
Dural tail 1189 Ear 6, 254 Ectropion 618
Durck’s granuloma 388 ache, severe 645 Eculizumab 311
Duret hemorrhages 392, 539, 790 anatomy Eczema 186, 1054
Durhan rule 533 of external 621 dyshidrotic 1056
Durie Salmon system 420 of inner 626 endogenous 1056
Durkan’s carpal compression test 730 blood supply of inner 627 gravitational 1056
Dust cells 63 cleft, anatomy of middle 623 herpeticum 1055

Index Ram Gopal ts to Kamlesh.indd 1252 23-02-2019 12:39:26

Index 1253

housewives 1054 fishtail deformity of 1189 Embryoblast 3

nummular 1056 joint 30f, 32 Embryology 1
of nipples 913 dislocation of 735 Embryonal carcinoma 954
stage of 1054 movements of 33 Embryonal sarcoma 961
treatment of 1054 Elective aneurysm repair 782 Embryonated egg inoculation 259
Edaravone 372 Elective tracheostomy 669 Embryonic period 4
Eddy currents 628 Electric injuries 534 Embryonic source 12
Edema 701, 988 Electric shock 733 Embryonic vein 10
grading of 713 Electric torture 526 Emerging diseases 481
interstitial 790 Electrical activity, pulseless 784 Emetogenic chemotherapy, highly 371
massive 700 Electrical alternans 766f, 780 Emil krapelin 1096
mild disc 810 Electrical injuries basics 534 Emiocytosis 128
mucosal 695 Electrical rhythm, basic 164 Emissary vein 96
non-pitting 1068 Electrical synapses 133 EMLA 1148
periorbital 123, 831 Electrocardiogram 763 Emmetropia 557
peripheral 772, 831 abnormalities of normal 764
Emollients 1055
pitting 874 normal 764
Emotional behaviour 119
pulmonary 332, 345, 678, 779, 814, 824, Electrocochleography 635
Emperipolesis 395
988, 1153, 1154, 1176 Electroconvulsive therapy 1098, 1121
Emphysema 21, 153, 816, 1209f
vasogenic 790 Electrocution, bodily effects of 534
aquosum 523
Edinger-Westphal nucleus 109 Electrogenic pump 127
paraseptal 816
Edman’s degradation technique 191 Electrolytes 711
Electromagnetic lenses 225 radiology 1176
Edoxaban 347 types of 816
Electron 1191
Edrophonium 321 Emphysematous cholecystitis 247
carriers 204
test 797 Employees State Insurance Act 496
microscopy 225, 391, 778, 832
Eduardo bassini 900 Emporiatrics 496
transport chain 204
Edward’s syndrome 436, 436f Emprosthotonus 552
inhibitors of 204
Efavirenz 295 Electroneutrality, law of 447 Empty sella syndrome 845
intolerance to 295 Electronic Empyema 237
Effluvium 1058 fetal monitor 971 Emtricitabine 294
Efflux transporters 313 high-technology 821 Emulsin 555
Eflornithine 1022 Electrons, transfer of 177 Enalaprilat 314
Egawa test 728 Electronystagmography 636 Enamel 6
Egg 271 Electrophoresis 190 Enantiomers 199
allergy 475 Electrophoretic lactate dehydrogenase Enasidenib 372, 416
in cup appearance 1186 isoenzyme 537 Encapsulated bacteria 222
ingestion of 278 Electroretinography 610f Encephalitis 707, 1056
shell Elephantiasis 279 viral 860
calcification 1171f leg, typical 1208f Encephalocele, occipital 15f
crackling 670 Elevates scapula 34 Encephalopathy 392
yolk 211 Elevator palsy, double 617 metabolic 174
Ego defense mechanisms 1120 Eliglustat 374 syndrome, posterior reversible 793
Ehler’s Danlos syndrome 20, 577, 583, 604 Ellipsoid joint 26, 26f traumatic 528
Ehrlich’s aldehyde test 444 Elliptical space 666 uremic 830
Eicosanoids 192, 328 Elschnig’s pearls 582 Enchondroma 752
Eicosapentaenoic acid 192 Elschnig’s spots 608 Encodes viral
Einthoven’s triangle 763 Eltrombopag 409, 423 envelope proteins 287
Eisenmenger’s syndrome 689, 990 Eluxadoline 374 enzymes 287
Ejaculation, premature 1115 Emapalumab 376 Encopresis 718
Ejaculatory duct 12 Emasculation 528 Encorafenib 375
Ekbom’s syndrome 1116 Embden-Meyerhof-Parnas pathway 201, 201f End tidal carbon dioxide 1130
Elagolix 376 Emboli 841 Endaural approach, used for 621
Elapegademase 376 Embolism Endaural incisions 647
Elastase 21 pulmonary 765, 822, 823 Endemic ascites 494
Elastic types of 390 Endemic goiter 911
cartilage 22 Embolization 652 Endemic index 471
fibres 21 agents 1164 Endemic syphilis 1088
tissue 151 Embolus, pulmonary 1172 Endemic treponematoses 1088
Elbasvir 374 Embryo Endocardial fibroelastosis 690
Elbow 734 culture 1030 Endocardial surface 144
conditions 734 transfer 1030 Endocarditis 266

Index Ram Gopal ts to Kamlesh.indd 1253 23-02-2019 12:39:26

1254 Sure Success MAGIC

infective 689 Endoplasmic reticulum 130, 314 Enzymatic methods 200

infective 767, 781 Endosalpingitis 1018 Enzyme 129, 130, 176, 179, 180, 383, 449, 938
nonbacterial thrombotic 781 Endosalpinx 1018 activity
organisms, infective 781 Endoscopic retrograde factors influencing 177
pneumococcal 237 cholangiopancreatography 904 measurement of 179
subacute bacterial 781f, 833, 839 Endoscopic small bowel biopsy 785 classification of 177
Endocardium 17 Endoscopy, flexible 881 complex 176
Endocervical Endosteal scalloping 1189 defect 194, 195
brush 1033 Endothelial cell 422 deficiency 185
canal 1033f count 575 immunoassay 289
Endocervix 240, 1005 Endothelial dystrophy, inducing drugs 449
Endocochlear potential 632 congenital hereditary 573 inhibitors 178, 367
Endocrine 1117, 1182 Endothelial injury 389, 390f signature of 178
control 117 Endothelial keratitis 571 simple 176
hormones, signaling pathways of 843 Endothelial keratoplasty 575 therapeutic uses of 179
pancreas, function of 858 Endothelial pump 568 Enzymological methods 539
therapy, types of 916 Endothelial rejection 575 Eonism 538
Endocyst 274 Endotheliitis 571 Eosin migration test 1027
Endoderm 4, 6, 7, 11, 11f, 12 Endothelin 149 Eosinophil 398
derived 8 Endothelium 6, 150, 569 Eosinophilia
Endodermal sinus tumor 1039 Endothoracic fascia 65 massive 280
Endogenous Endothrix 1073 pulmonary 354
acid load 447
Endotoxin 222 tropical pulmonary 480
antiseizure substance 344
Endotracheal intubation 693, 1129 Eosinophilic cytoplasm 1205f
catecholamines 322
Endotracheal tube 1127, 1151 Eosinophilic esophagitis 881, 1189
hyperinsulinism 858
parts of 1127f Eosinophilic gastritis 888
water 874
size of 1128 Eosinophilic granuloma 388, 1166, 1168, 1168f
Endolymph 627
types of 1128 Eosinophilic granulomatosis 840
secretion of 627
Endovascular revascularization 792 with polyangiitis 841
Endolymphatic duct 627
Endtz test 1027 Eosinophilic hürthle cells 912f
Endolymphatic sac 627
Energy 128, 493 Epalrestat 364
decompression of 650
Endolymphatic shunt operation 650 Enflurane 1144 Ependyma 790
Endolymphatic system 627f Enfuvirtide 295 Ependymoma 956
distension of 649 Enneking classification 751 Ephedrine 324
Endomeatal incision 647 Enolase 179 Epiblast 4
Endometrial ablation 1025 Enophthalmos 613, 806, 1142 cells 4
methods of 1014 Enoxaparin 347 Epicondyle
surgeries 1014 Enriched media 229 lateral 29
Endometrial aspiration biopsy 1032 Entacapone 345 medial 29
Endometrial biopsy 1028, 1041, 1042 Entamoeba histolytica 281 Epicondylitis, lateral 734
Endometrial carcinoma 1031 Enteric nerve plexuses 698 Epicranial aponeurosis 98
Endometrial hyperplasia 1011, 1031 Enteritis, necrotising 247 Epidemic dropsy 494
Endometrial tissue, deposits of 1203f Enterobacteriaceae 243 Epidemic typhus 859
Endometrioid 1031 Enterobiasis 271 Epidermal melanin unit 1044
tumor 1038 Enterobius vermicularis 278 Epidermal melanocytes, absence of 1070
Endometriosis 1011, 1012, 1023 Enterocele 899 Epidermal renewal time 1045
complications of 1023 repair of 1019 Epidermal stem cells 1045
diagnosis of 1023 Enterococci, unique feature of 236 Epidermis 879, 1043
suppress 1023 Enterocolitis, necrotising 699, 895, 1210f and dermis 1045
treatment of 1023 Enterocutaneous fistulae, management of 891 special cell in 1043
Endometritis 240 Enterotoxin 232, 243 Epidermodysplasia verruciformis 1062
syndrome 248 Enteroviruses 261, 869 Epidermolysis bullosa
Endometrium 381, 1005, 1007, 1018 Enthesopathy 1165 acquisita 1076
triple-line 1008f Entomology 519 congenital 1074, 1078
ultrasound patterns of 1008 Entonox 1136, 1144 simplex 1043
Endonuclease 439 Entorhinal area 114 Epidermolytic hyperkeratosis 1069
Endophthalmitis 594 Entrapment neuropathies 729, 1162 Epididymis 1, 12, 17, 89
acute 583f Entrapment syndrome 729 duct of 89
postoperative 582 Entropion 618 Epididymitis 929, 1088
chronic 596 senile 618f acute 1088
violent 612 Enucleation 619 Epidural analgesia, obstetric 1140
vitrectomy study 582 Enuresis, non-organic 1103 Epidural hemorrhage 794

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Index 1255

Epidural space 113 Epstein pearl 671 Erythropoietic porphyrias 207

Epigastric artery, inferior 89, 90f, 93 Epstein-Barr virus 260, 658 Erythropoietin 162, 398f, 801
Epigastric hernia 899 Eptifibatide 348 normal serum 424
Epigenomics 365 Epulis 670 stimulation 399
Epiglottis 663 Eradication era 479 synthesis of 164
Epiglottitis, acute 240, 693 Eravacycline 376 Escherichia coli 243
Epilepsy 345, 733 Erb’s point 39, 110 enteroaggregative 244
benign partial 703 formation of 39f enterohemorrhagic 244
drugs for 343 Erb-Duchenne palsy 39 enteroinvasive 244
first aid for 799 Erdheim’s disease 782 enteropathogenic 243
myoclonic 437 Erectile disorder, male 1115 Esophageal atresia 697
post-traumatic 814 Erectile dysfunction 538 Esophageal candidiasis 354
treatment of 800 Erenumab 375 Esophageal carcinoma 884
Epimenorrhea 1013 Ergonomics 496 Esophageal constrictions 76f
Epimers 199 Ergosterol 193, 355 Esophageal detector device 1129
Epinephrine 314, 323, 589 Ergotamine 327 Esophageal disorders 880
metabolites 393 Ergothionine 182 Esophageal diverticula 883
Epiphrenic diverticulum 883 Ergotism 494 Esophageal intubation detector 1129
Epiphyseal Erhard’s test 633 Esophageal obturator 1128
dysgenesis 1190 Erlenmeyer flask 194 Esophageal perforation 881
plate, structure of 23f Erlotinib 368 Esophageal spasm, diffuse 883
separation 1165 Erosion 1045 Esophageal speech 668
Epiphysis Erotic delusions 1093 Esophageal sphincter, lower 882
law of union of 23 Erotomania 1093 Esophageal tracheal combitube 1128
types of 24 Ertugliflozin 372 Esophagitis 266, 880
Epiploic foramen 74 Erysipelas 235, 1061 infectious 880, 930
boundaries of 75f Erythema 1060, 1060f, 1195 Esophagus 18, 75
Epirubicin 368 ab igne 1060 candidiasis of 289
Episcleral venous pressure 593 annulare centrifugum 1060, 1072 carcinoma of 945, 945f
Episcleritis 576 chronicum migrans 1060 constrictions of 75
Episiotomy 1002 gyratum repens 1060, 1072 distal 1149
scissors 1003f induratum 1060, 1063 foreign bodies in 881
Episodic hemoglobinuria 408 infectiosum 260, 707, 1060 narrowest part of 75
Episodic hypoglycemia 200 marginatum 691, 1060 Esotropia 615, 616
Episodic memory 174 migratory necrolytic 859 classification of 617
Episodic vertigo, attacks of 649 multiforme 1059 infantile 616
Epispadias 88 necrolytic migratory 1072 Essure 992, 1000f
Epistaxis 656, 660 nodosum 840, 1059 Estradiol
Epithalamus 116 pernio 1060 nasal spray 654
Epithelia, classification of 17fc toxicum 671, 1060 valerate 1010
Epithelial cast 444f Erythematous lesion 1050f Estrogen 913, 965, 995, 1008, 1010
Epithelial cells 381, 574 Erythrasma 1061, 1074 natural 1010
Epithelial keratitis 571 Erythroblastosis 682 progesterone pill, combined 997
Epithelial lining 6, 298 fetalis 678 receptor
Epithelial tumor 1038 Erythrocyte 203 agonists 916
Epithelioid cells 89, 822f antigens 1152 antagonists, partial 916
Epithelioma, benign calcifying 869 production 84 downregulators 916
Epithelium 17, 1038 sedimentation rate 399, 441 synthetic 825
lining urethra 87 Erythrocytic schizogony 284, 286 uses of 1011
squamous 18f, 629, 884, 928 Erythrocytic schizonticides 358 Eszopiclone 1119
Epitope 299 Erythrocytosis 411, 689 Etavirine 295
Epitympanum 623 Erythroderma 1054 Eteplirsen 372
Epley’s maneuver 638 Erythrodermic psoriasis 1048, 1049f Ethambutol 338
Epoetin 304, 409 Erythroid 398 Ethanol 553
Eponymous hyperplasia 402 abuse, chronic 392
associated conditions 861-863 marrow hyperplasia 405 Ether 1143, 1144
descriptions 861-863 Erythromelalgia 411 advantages 1144
gallbladder 83 Erythromycin 166, 242, 338, 353, 390, 698, disadvantages 1144
signs 861-863 719, 1059 Ethidium bromide 427
Epoophoron 1006 Erythrophobia 1104 Ethinyl estradiol 995
Epoprostenol 773 Erythroplasia of Queyrat 392, 954 Ethionamide 339
Epothilones 367 Erythropoietic activity 399 Ethmoid

Index Ram Gopal ts to Kamlesh.indd 1255 23-02-2019 12:39:26

1256 Sure Success MAGIC

perpendicular plate of 652 Exogenous Eyeball 1156

sinusitis 653 acid load 447 Eyebrow sign 733
Ethmoidal artery ligation 656 intake of fluid 874 Eyedrops 557, 1135
Ethmoidal sinusitis 123, 961 Exomphalos 899, 1210f Eye-hand co-ordination 114
Ethosuximide 343 major 899 Eyelid 292
Ethyl alcohol 227 minor 899 diseases of 618
Ethylene 1136 Exon 439 drooping 618
oxide 227 Exonuclease 439 glands of 618
Ethylenediaminetetra-acetic acid 441 Exostoses 751 Ezogabine 344
Etomidate 1142, 1143 multiple 869
Etoposide 367, 941 Exotoxins 222, 223 F
Eucalyptus tree 266 Exotropia 615, 616 Fabella 24
Eukaryotes 221, 269 Expansions affecting Fabry’s disease 573, 836
coding regions 431 Face 98, 99
Eukaryotic cell, largest organelle of 130
non-coding regions 431 dangerous area of 653
Eumelanin 1044
Expiratory reserve volume 154 development of 15
Eumycetoma 267
Expiratory rhonchi 696 fracture of 657
Euphoria 342
Expiratory volume, forced 155 mask
Euploid 426
Explicit memory 175 non-rebreathing 1132
European blastomycosis 266
Exstrophy bladder 1208f simple 1132
Euryblepharon 618 Extension injury 743
Eustachian tube 6, 17, 625, 658 presentation 983
Extensor origin, common 29 sensory nerve of 100f
anatomy 626f Extensor pollicis longus, tendon of 30 supply of 99
catheterization 644 Extensor retinaculum, inferior 53 Facial artery 99
disorders of 643 External auditory canal, nerve supply of 622f branches of 99
dysfunction 634, 644 External genitalia termination of 99f
function, tests for 644 male 705 transverse 99
injury 662 masculinization of 705 Facial block 580
lymphoid tissue of 626 Extracampine 1091 Facial muscle 98, 99
muscle of 626 Extracapsular tonsillectomy 662 Facial nerve 99, 106, 614, 621, 798f, 1065
orifice 624 Extracellular elementary body 256 during mastoidectomy, injury to 648
patulous 643 Extracellular fluid 627 topographical lesions of 1205f
Euthanasia 540 Extradural hematoma 113, 535 Facial nucleus, corticonuclear connections
Evan’s classification 738 effects of large 794f of 797f
Evan’s formula 879 with biconvex lesion 794f Facial pallor 547
Everolimus 369, 801 Extradural hemorrhages 528 Facial palsy 648
Evisceration 619 Extra-embryonic mesoderm 4 contralateral 922
Ewald tube 544f Extrahepatic biliary obstruction 683 Facial process 105
Ewald’s law 633 Extralobar sequestrations 693 Facial vein 99
Ewart’s sign 926 Extraocular muscle 596, 614 Factitious disorder 1108
Ewing’s classification 243 palsies 810 Factories Act, 1948 496
Ewing’s postulates 540 Extrapyramidal tract 171 Fagerstrom’s test 869
Ewing’s sarcoma 752, 753f Extravesical injury 910 Faget’s sign 769, 926
Exanthem subitum 707 Eye 6, 254, 321 Fahr’s syndrome 1182
Excimer laser 561 acute red 564 Fair hair 186
angle of 584f Fair skin 186
Excitation contraction coupling 140
antifungal 569 Fairley’s skin test 271
Exclamation mark hairs 1057f
banking 575 Falanga 526
Excoriation 1045
donation fortnight 502 Falciform 74
Excoriee de la jeune fille 1058
dry 193, 574 ligament 74
Execution 380
dryness of 334 Falciparum
Exenteration 619
evaporative dry 574 malaria, treatment of 359
Exfoliative cytology 393 movement 806 rate 479
Exfoliative toxin 232 conjugate 812 Fallen fragment’ sign 1188
Exhaled hydrogen 786 newborn 618 Fallopian tube 12, 17, 1006, 1007
Exhaustion 519 of tiger sign 1189 ampulla of 2, 3, 990
heat 534 poking 610 cancer 1040
Exhibitionism 538 power of 557 Falloposcopy 1029
Exhumation 521 structures, embryology of 557 Fallot, treatment of 689
Exocytosis 128 tests for dry 574 Falx cerebelli 112
constitutive 128 tumors 961 Falx cerebri 112, 1182
Exo-erythrocytic schizogony 285 types of dry 574 Falx inguinalis 72

Index Ram Gopal ts to Kamlesh.indd 1256 23-02-2019 12:39:27

Index 1257

Famcyclovir 314 Fatty infiltration 409 occult fracture neck of 738

Familial malignancies, examples of 937 Fatty liver 1143, 1211f shaft of 46
Family Planning Programme 458 causes of 825 upper end of 46
Fanconi syndrome 868 of pregnancy, acute 825 Fenestrated capillary endothelium 161
Fanconi’s anemia 354, 410, 416, 429, 937 Faucial diphtheria 242 Fenestration 742
Fanconi’s syndrome 868 Favorable adaptation 982 Fenfluramine 342
renal 187 Feather test 518 Fenoldopam 323
Farber bodies 394 Febrile convulsions 703 Fentanyl 1149
Farber disease 195 atypical complex 703 Fenton reaction 383
Farmer’s lung 820 simple benign 703 Ferguson’s reflex 969
Farnesyl transferase 370 Febrile neutropenia 371 Ferments inulin 237
Fasanella Servat operation 619 Febrile neutrophilic dermatosis, acute 1069 Fern test 1041
Fascia Febrile reaction 1114 Ferning pattern, disappearance of 1028
lata 54 Febrile seizures, recurrence of 703 Ferric chloride test 186, 545
mesorectal 74 Fecal contamination, direct 788 Ferric citrate 374
pretracheal 104 Fecal continence 91 Ferriman gallwey score, modified 1022
transversalis 89 Fecal urobilinogen 208 Ferritin 404
Fascial carpet 102 Feeding, no mixed 293 Ferruginous body 820
Fascial disorders 730 Fehling’s test 199 Fertilised ascaris egg 278
Fasciculations 142, 172 Felbamate 344 Fertility awareness methods 992
Fasciculus Feline esophagus 881, 882, 1189 Fertilization 2, 3
inferior longitudinal 115 Felon 737, 869 Fertilized ovum outside uterus,
uncinate 115 Felson silhouette sign 1170 implantation of 990
Fasciitis, necrotising 235 Felty’s syndrome 748 Ferucarbotran 1161
Fasciola buski 269 Felypressin 1148, 1149 Ferumoxide 1161
Fasciola hepatica 269, 275, 276 Female anopheles mosquito 466 Festooned pupil 595
egg of 272f Female bones 512 Fetal
Fasciolopsis buski 273, 276 Female condom 992 abnormalities 982
Fasico-cutaneous flap 880 Female external genitalia 705, 1004, 1004f acidosis 972, 974
Fasiculations 1146 Female genital organs, congenital alcohol syndrome 14, 686, 719, 1003
Fastest active enzyme 179 abnormalities of 1015 anemia 975
Fastrach laryngeal mask airway, Female genitourinary tract 236 autopsy 521
components of 1130f Female infertility blood 967
Fat 191, 711 causes of 1028 bradycardia 971
cells 21, 203 treatment of 1029 catecholamine levels, high 674
embolism 390, 739 Female nematodes, types of 276 circulation 685
malabsorption 606 Female pelvic organs, anatomy of 1004 physiology of 685, 967
necrosis 380 Female pseudohermaphrodite 705 death, radiology of 1184
traumatic 913 Female sandfly 282 development 967
purity of 193 Female sex hormones 538 Doppler ultrasonography 973
soluble vitamin 209 Female sterilization 992, 998 growth 973
deficiencies 209 Female urethra 12, 88 heart 685
stains 390 Femoral artery 54, 54f, 58, 390 heart rate
subcutaneous 718, 1044 medial circumflex 46 monitoring 971, 971f
suppression techniques 1161 Femoral canal 54 heart sound 970
Fatality rate 490, 492, 501 formation of 55f auscultation of 970
Fatigue 519, 772 Femoral cutaneous nerve, lateral 730 hematopoiesis 967
Fatty acid 129, 192, 196, 204 Femoral head, blood supply of 46 hydantoin syndrome 718
beta oxidation of 193, 193f Femoral nerve 49, 55 hydrops 707
long chain 131 Femoral sheath 54 hypoxia 972
degradation 193 Femoral triangle 54 membranes 963, 965
essential 192, 493 Femoral vein 54, 58, 390 monitoring, antepartum 970
metabolism 193 Femtosecond laser 561 movement 970
methylated 194 assisted cataract surgery 581 count 972
monounsaturated 192 Femur 46, 511 nutrition 973
omega classification of 192 comminuted fracture of shaft of 740f ototoxicity 719
polyunsaturated 192 fracture neck of 738, 739, 739f scalp blood sampling 972
saturated 129, 192, 493 head of 724 skull, diameters of 975
synthase 210 in anterior view 46f structure 11
unsaturated 129, 192 length 973 tachycardia 971
Fatty cast 444f lower end of 46 ultrasonography 15f
Fatty hernia 899 medial epicondyle of 49 weight, estimation of 970

Index Ram Gopal ts to Kamlesh.indd 1257 23-02-2019 12:39:27

1258 Sure Success MAGIC

Feticide 533 Fibrotic kidneys, bilateral small 700 types of 529

Fetishism 538 Fibrous weapon, parts of 529
Fetoplacental circulation 5 ankylosis 749 Firing gun, product of 530
Fetus capsule 48, 49 First aid 656
delivery of 989 digital sheath, constriction of 731 seizures 799
in utero 977 joints 25 First life test 533
Feulgen reaction 427, 511 subtypes of 25f First order kinetics 316
Feulgen staining 199 protein 188 First-line regimen 293
Fever 329, 849, 859, 901 tissue 780 Fisher’s template theory 178
and fatigue 820 Fibrovascular core 912 Fish-tank granuloma 1063
and hypotension 1154 Fibula 48 Fishy odor 1017
high 253 lower end of 23 Fissula ante fenestram 649
mediterranean 250 neck of 48 Fissura prima 118
phayngoconjunctival 260 nutrient artery of 48, 58 Fissure 1045
recurrent painful attacks of 310 Fibular collateral ligament 48, 49, 53 floor of median longitudinal 115
relapsing 859, 860 Fibular neck injury 57 median longitudinal 113
Fibular nerve, deep 56
rheumatic 235, 691 perianal 788
Ficat classification 724
undulant 859 petrotympanic 96
Fick operation 650
uveoparotid 822 Fick’s law of diffusion 126 tympanomastoid 96
viral hemorrhagic 860 Fifth disease 1060 Fistula 1021
Fexofenadine 327 Fifth vital sign 1156 in ano 894
Fiberoptic endoscopes 227 FIGLU test 211 test 636, 638
Fiberoptic laryngoscope 1128 Figure of 8 negative 636
Fibres appearance 690f tracheoesophageal 665, 697, 895
commissural 115 bandage 734 Fite stain, modified 1063
in crus cerebri 117 heart 689, 1186 Fitz Hugh curtis syndrome 240, 1018
least number of 121 Filamentous Fitzgerald-Hallpike test 637
Fibrillation 142, 778 bacteria, branching 254 Five-day fever 459
Fibrillin, defect in 21 hemagglutinin 250 Fixations systems 725
Fibrils, non-branching 391 Filaria detection tests 480 Fizzy drinks 881
Fibrin 389 Filarial life cycle 278 Flaccid paralysis 286, 357
glue 567 Filarial nematodes 279 Flag sign 714f
Fibrinogen 389 Filarial worms 278 Flagella 222
deficiency 1153 Filariasis Flagellar antigen 245
Fibrinoid necrosis 380, 1206f lab diagnosis of 280 Flagellate hyperpigmentation 368
Fibrinolytic 349 occult 280, 480 Flagellum 221
agents 778 serous cavity 279 Flail chest 931
Fibrinous stages of 479 Flamingo pink tinge 649
inflammation 386 subcutaneous 279 Flank ecchymoses 904
pericarditis 778 treatment of 280 Flank mass, palpable 710
Fibrin-specific plasminogen activators 778 Fildes agar 240 Flap 879
Fibroadenolipoma 918 Filgrastim 371 parts of 879
Fibroadenoma 914, 915 Filigree burns 534
Flash burns 534
Fibroblast 20, 379, 389, 539 Filovirus 262
Flatbush diabetes 856
growth factors 1 Filtration 127
Flattened hemidiaphragm 1176
Fibrocalculous pancreatic diabetes 856 fraction 163
Flavivirus 262, 480
Fibrocartilage 22 normal 163
Flavodoxin 189
Fibrocystic breast disease 1012 Filum terminale 111
Flavoproteins 209
Fibrocystic disease 913 Fimbria 222
Fincham’s test 585 Flea
Fibroelastomas, papillary 784
Fibrogenolysis 778 Finer grip joints 747 bite 221
Fibroid 1012, 1024, 1025 Finger bitten kidney 833
complications of 1025 drop 729 indices 480
rapid growth of 1024 stiffness 736 specific percentage of 480
Fibronectin 389 Fingerprinting 515 Fleischer’s ring 572
assay 984 bureau 458 Fleischner lines 823
nephropathy 834 first 515 Fleischner sign 1180
Fibroplasia, retrolental 609, 719, 961 Fingolimod 797 Flexion
Fibrosis 335, 778, 915 Fink effect 1145 distraction 743
nephrogenic systemic 1162, 1164 Finkelstein’s test 730 rotation injury 743
pulmonary 368, 820, 825, 840 Fir tree appearance, inverted 249 Flexner-Wintersteiner rosette 391
retroperitoneal 309 Firearm Flexometallic tubes 1128

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Flexor carpi ulnaris 24, 31 Focal nodular hyperplasia 391, 942 Foreign body
Flexor digitorum profundus 38 Focal segmental glomerulosclerosis 406, 831 aspiration 1175
Flexor origin, common 29, 36 Fodere’s test 533 embolism 390
Flexor pollicis Fog appearance 597f Forensic ballistics 529
brevis 38 Fogarty’s catheter 933f Forensic medicine 503
longus 729f Folate deficiency 404 history of 539
Flexor retinaculum 53 Folate synthetase 355 Forensic odontology 513
Flexor-withdrawal reflex 169, 172 Foley’s catheter 656, 910, 933f Forensic psychiatry 533
Floating membrane sign 1187 Folic acid 14, 183, 209, 211, 344, 553 Forgotten tendon 733
Floating teeth appearance 1167f biosynthesis 355 Fork-tailed cercariae 275
Floating teeth sign 1167 deficiency 182 Form glans penis 88
Flocculonodular lobes 118 in pregnancy 211 Formaldehyde 227, 810
Floppy infant, causes of 718 Folinic acid 283 gas 227
Florence test 537 Follicle stimulating hormone 1009 Formoterol 324, 337
Floret cells 394 Follicular aspiration 1030 Fornix 115
Flow, types of 149 Follicular conjunctivitis, chronic 566 Forrest plot 456
Flower cells 394 Follicular cyst 670, 1037 Forward digit span 1096
Flower petal appearance 600f Follicular recruitment 1008 Fosamprenavir 295
Flower vase appearance 1181 Follicular thyroid carcinoma 912 Fosfomycin 352
Flowmeters 1137 Folliculitis 840, 1054 Fospropofol 1143
Flucloxacillin 233, 913 Folstein mini-mental status examination 1094 Fossa
Fluconazole 355 Fomepizole 553 enlarged posterior 14
Fluctuating sensorineural hearing loss 649 Fomvirisen 292 incisive 15
Fluctuation, periodic 464 Fondaparinux sodium 347 navicularis 1004
Flucytosine 356 Fontana masson silver method 396 ovalis 10, 68
Fludariabine 367 Food popliteal 55
Fluency disorder, childhood-onset 1124 and disease 788 Fostamatinib 375
Fluid bolus 881 Foster Fuch’s spot 558f
interstitial 125 habits 119 Fothergill’s repair 1020
levels 644 toxicants 494 Fothergill’s sign 72
mosaic model 128 Foot Fouchet’s test 444
output 874 drop 57 Foul smelling 224
restriction 845 gait 756 Foulger’s test 199
thrill 966 splint 724 Fourier transformation 1161
Flukes 275, 358 dry gangrene of 1211f Fovea capitis 46
Flunarizine 792 processes 161 Fovea centralis 599
Flunisolide 337 fusion of 450 Fovea coccygeal 894
Fluorescein Football sign 1179 Foveal avascular zone 599
angiogram 602f Footplate of stapes, ankylosis of 649 Foveola 599
angiography 600 Footprints 515 Fox-Fordyce disease 1080
in situ hybridization 427 Foramen Fractional curette 1032
sodium dye 574 incisive 96 Fracture 529, 721, 1168
staining 568f lacerum 96 blow-in 613
Fluoride 179, 213 and ovale 658 blow-out 613
therapy 649 magnum 96 clavicle 734
Fluorine 1145 of huschke 629 healing, stages of 723
Fluoroacetate 179, 206 of langer 43 heat 535
Fluorodeoxyuridine 427 of winslow 74 Le fort classification of 657f
Fluoroquinolones 354 ovale 10, 96, 97 multiple pathological 753f
Fluoroscopy 1158 functional closure of 685 patella 741
Fluorouracil 371 primum 10 pathologic 406
Fluothane 1145 rotundum 96, 97 points 657
Fluoxetine 1118 spinosum 96 scapula 734
Flurbiprofen 330 Force theory, couple of 978 subcapital 738
Flushing of face 1059, 1142 Forceps 1002 sub-sequent 532f
Fluticasone 337 Forchheimer spots 707 transverse 737f
Foam cells 194 Forcible hyperabduction 39 vertebral 721
large 655 Fordyce spot 19, 1080 Fracture-ala signature 527f
Foam test 444, 967 Forearm muscles Fragile X syndrome 431
Foamy macrophage 392 actions of anterior 36 Fragmentation 214
Focal fat 1159 actions of posterior 37 Framboesiform syphilide 1086
Focal neurological deficits 807 Forehead flap 880 Frameshift mutations 431

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1260 Sure Success MAGIC

Framingham study 774 deep 265 cholesterolosis of 903

Framycetin 353 recurrent 308 contraction 165
Francisella tularensis 221, 249 Fungal keratitis 569 distension 904
Frangible bullet 531 Fungal skin infections 1072 floating 83
Frank and Ingram procedure 1015 Fungal ulcer 570f perforation of 931
Frank breech 982 Fungi 221, 267, 269, 350 polyps 944
Frank starling law 147 ball 267 porcelain 904
Fredrickson classification 197 imperfecti 1072 sign 1179
Fremanuzumab 376 morphological classification of 1072 strawberry 1190
Frenkel white line 1166 yeast-like 265 Gallium scan 1200
Frenkel’s skin test 271 Fungiform papillae 101 Gallium-67 scanning 822
Frequency curve 455 Funny bone 29 Gallow’s traction 725, 739
Frequency doubling technology 588 Furanose 199 Gallows traction 725f
Frequency polygon 455 Furosemide 845 Gallstone 884, 903, 904, 1187
Fresh frozen plasma 1152 Fusarium toxins 494 complications of 903
ileus 892
Fresh gas inflow rate 1138 Fusidic acid 353
pathognomic of 892
Fresh water drowning 523 Fusion 617
pigment 405
Freshman’s nerve 53 failure of 1015
Galstaun studied 515
Freshwater snails 275 inhibitors 294
Galton system 515
Freud’s topographic theory of mind 1119
Frey’s syndrome 652 G Galvanic skin
reaction 533
Friable vegetations, large 781f Gaba derivative 326
response 1123
Friar-truck sign 1058 Gabapentin 344
Galvanic test 636, 637
Friction burn 524 Gadobenate disodium 1161
Galveston regimen 878
Frie(n)d-rich’s ataxia 431 Gadolinium 1161, 1164
Gambling, pathological 1111
Fried egg Gadoxetate disodium 1161
appearance 420 Gaffly Eberth bacillus 219
intrafallopian transfer 1030
cells 956 Gagging 523
mature 3
colony 220 Gaillard thomas incision 874
Gametocidal cure 360
Fried foods, deep 192 Gait 756
Gametogenesis 1009
Friedlander’s bacillus 219 disorder, frontal 757
Gametogony 285
Frigidity 538 high stepping 756
Gaming disorder 1125
Frisby Davis distance stereo test 615 painful 756
Gamma camera 1198
Frisby test 615 scissor 756
Gamma knife 652
Frisch bacillus 219, 655 short limb 757
Gamma motor neurons, excessive discharge
Frog egg colony 220 shuffling 795
of 172
Frog hand 737 stiff
Gamma rays 1191
Frog leg 724 hip 757
Gamma tubulins 131
Froin syndrome 796 knee 757
Gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase 829
Froment’s sign 728, 729f test 638
Gancycolvir 314
Frontalis sling 619 Gaiter’s zone 920
Gandy-gamna bodies 392
Frontotemporal dementias 1094 Galactitol 200
Ganglia 6
Frostbite 534, 921 Galactokinase deficiency 200
peripheral 262
Frosted branch angiitis 292 Galactorrhea 340
sensory 117
Frosted glass appearance 249 Galactose 167
1-phosphate uridyltransferase 200 Ganglion 108, 730
Frozen shoulder 731
binds 869 cells 599
Fructose 202
disorders of 200 absence of 698
1,6-diphos-phatase deficiency 200
epimerase deficiency 200 death 586
metabolism, disorders of 200
Galactosemia 579, 937 submandibular 106, 108
Fructosuria, essential 200
classic 200 trigeminal 112
Fruit fly drosophila 298
Galantamine 321, 1094 Ganglionic segment 1203f
Fruit with bite mark 556
Galcenezumab 376 Gangliosides 191
Fruity signs in radiology 1190
Galeazzi fractures 736f Gangrene 896, 921
Fuchs’ endothelial dystrophy 573
Galeazzi’s sign 743f, 745 dry 921, 921f
Fuchs’ heterochromic iridocyclitis 596
Galen anastomosis 664 superficial 390
Fukuda test 638
Gall bladder 901 synergistic spreading 877
Fundal massage 980
Gallaudet’s fascia 90 Gangrenous necrosis 380
Fundoscopy 600
Gallavardin effect 762 Ganirelix 1010
Fundus 76
Gallbladder 83, 208, 903, 904, 1160f Ganser’s syndrome 1106
enlarges 969
cancer of 944 Gaol fever 859
Fungal infection 266

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Index 1261

Gap junctions 132, 133, 160 Gastric motility, types of 165 Geiger-Muller counter 1198
Garage deaths 555 Gastric operations, complications after 887 Gel electrophoresis 214
Garden classification 738 Gastric peristalsis 698f Gelfoam 1164
Gardener’s pupil 322 Gastric polyps 947 Gelineau’s syndrome 1109
Gardner and Venkataraman classification Gastric secretion 167 Gelle’s test 633, 649
251, 252f phases of 167 Gelsemium 552
Gardner’s syndrome 937 Gastric slow waves 164 Gemellus
Gardnerella vaginalis 222, 1017 Gastric ulcer 885, 886f gets, inferior 51
Gargoylism 869 benign 885, 1180 superior 51
Garland’s triad 822, 1185 complications of 886 Gemtuzumab 311, 369
Garnick’s hypothesis 402 malignant 885, 1180 Gender dysphoria 1125
Garrod’s pads 730 operations for 886 Gendre’s solution 396
Garrod’s tetrad 187 posterior 74 Gene 439
types of 886 coding 426
Gartner’s duct 12, 1016
Gastric vagotomy, proximal 886, 887 expression, post-translational silencing
Gas effect, third 1145
Gastric volvulus 888 of 378
Gas embolism 825, 877
Gastrin 165 location 429
Gas exchange, functional unit of 63
Gastrinoma 165, 859 silencing 365
Gas flow 1155 triangle 888, 889f therapy 365, 610
Gas gangrene 247 Gastritis 330, 885 potential complications of 365
Gas laws 1154 acute 885 transfer 365
adiabatic change 1154 chronic 884 horizontal 230
Avogadro’s hypothesis 1154 hypertrophic 888 methods 365
Boyle’s law 1154 lymphocytic 888 vertical 230
Charle’s law 1154 uncommon forms of 888 Generic drug 318
Fick’s law 1154 Gastrocnemius 53 Genetic 426
Gay-Lussac’s law 1154 Gastrodiscoided hominis 273, 276 anticipation 431
Graham’s law 1154 Gastroenteritis 247, 254 code features 216
Henry’s law 1154 acute 246, 260 defects in insulin action 856
Gas partition coefficient 1144 Gastroesophageal reflux 666, 839 predisposition 856, 1055
Gas transfer, rate of 155 disease 340, 665, 881 Geneva declaration 510
Gas-bloat syndrome 882 treatment of 882 Genicular artery
Gaskin’s maneuver 983 prolonged 884 descending 58
Gasless abdomen 698 Gastrografin 1164 middle 50
Gasometric method 441 Gastrointestinal Genicular nerve, inferior 49
Gasserian fissure 622 anthrax 249 Geniculate body
Gastrectomy 402 distress 403 lesions, lateral 805
subtotal 886 hormones 165 medial 116
Gastric acid 165 motility 164 Geniculocalcarine fibers 114
hypersecretion 889 stromal tumors 947 Genital herpes 1086
neutralization of 340 structures 75 Genital homologues 12
secretion, reduction of 340 system 340, 785, 880, 1179 Genital ridge 5
Gastric air bubble 1170 tract 8 Genital system, male 11
Gastric antrum 167 Gastrojejunocolic fistula 887 Genital tuberculosis 1018
Gastric arterial venous malformation 890 Gastrojejunostomy 886 Genital ulcer 1089
Gastric artery, left 92, 886 Gastroplasty, transoral 889 recurrent 840
Gastric cancer 884, 946, 947 Gastroschisis 16, 16f, 1210f Genital warts
TNM staging of 947 Gastrosplenic ligament 74, 84 external 357
Gastric carcinoma 946, 947 Gastrulation 4, 5 treatment of 1062
Gastric cell types 167 first sign of 4 Genitalia 927
Gastric conditions 888 Gatifloxacin 355 development of external 1004
Gastric contents Gaucher’s cell 194, 392 external 1004
aspiration of 1130 Gaucher’s disease 194, 603, 723, 1168 male 929
suctioning of 1129 Gay sex, decriminalisation of 538 Genitofemoral nerve 54, 898
Gastric devascularization 826 Gaze evoked amaurosis 962 genital branch of 89
Gastric emptying, factors regulating 165 Gaze palsy Genitourinary
Gastric glands, parietal cells of 127 horizontal 813 fistulae 1020
Gastric inhibitory peptide 166 vertical 813 tract 1041
Gastric lavage 544f, 553 GBX filters 1158 Genome 439
Gastric lymphoma, primary 947 Gedankenlautwerden 1091 Genomic hybridization, comparative 427
Gastric malt lymphoma 884 Gefitinib 368 Genomic imprinting 438fc

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1262 Sure Success MAGIC

Genotoxicity 365 Gilmore’s groin 901 unilateral 801

Gentamicin 255, 353 Gilroy test 531 uveitic 588
Genus Gilteritinib 377 Glaucomatocyclitic crisis 585, 592
diphyllobothrum 273 Gimbernat’s ligament 54 Glaucomatous optic nerve 587f
taenia 273 Gissane crucial angle 742 Gleason score 953
Geographic ulcer 571 Glabella 96 Glecaprevir 373
Gerdy’s tubercle 47 Glaister keen rod 536 Glenohumeral ligaments 32
Gerlach tonsil 626 Glands 6, 19, 321 Glenoid
Germ cell 1038 classification of 19fc angle 28
primordial 3 deep part of 106 labrum 31
tumors 954, 955, 1038 largest 81 process 105
non-seminomatous 954 of Krause 618 sign, empty 733f
Germ layer derivatives 6 Glibencalmide 989
of Moll 618
Germ theory 218, 458 Glioblastoma 956
of Wolfring 618
German measles 707 multiforme 956f, 1209f
of Zeis 19, 618
Germinal matrix, subependymal 718 Gliomas 955
pituitary 843
Germline mosaicism 438 Global action plan 491
sublingual 107
Gerontophilia 537 Global hunger index 460
submandibular 106, 107 Global Vision 2020 489
Gerstmann’s syndrome 173 Glans clitoris 12
Gestation, multiple 719 Global warming potential 1145
Glans penis 12, 88, 954 Globe, calcification of 620
Gestational age 969 Glanzmann thrombasthenia 423
large for 717 Globoid bodies 194
Glasdegib 377 Globular protein 188, 189
Gestational diabetes mellitus 989 Glasgow coma scale 923 Globuli interossei 649
Gestational sac 973 Glasgow score 905 Globus hystericus 670, 1106
Gestational trophoblastic disease 1038, 1041 Glass blowers 665 Glomangioma 390
Gestrinone 1012 Glass holding position 736 Glomerular basement membrane 832
Gettler’s test 524
Glass lenses 560 Glomerular capillary 160
Ghon focus 817
Glasserian fissure 628 pressure 161
Ghost cell 394
Glatiramer acetate 797 Glomerular diseases, biomarkers of 829
glaucoma 593
Glaucoma 325, 345, 582, 583, 586, 592, Glomerular filtration 162, 700
Ghost tubes 138
593, 620 barrier 161
Ghost vessels 573 rate 162
Ghoul hand 737 estimated 830
angle closure 564, 585, 590
Ghrelin 166 Glomerular origin 835
congestive 591f
Gianotti crosti syndrome 1084 Glomerular proteinuria 443
congestive angle closure 590
Giant cell 338, 706, 822f, 841 Glomerulonephritis 444, 701
secondary angle closure 591
arteritis 791, 804, 809 acute 235, 833
astrocytomas, subependymal 801 post-streptococcal 701, 833
multinucleated 261, 388, 818f closure 588, 609
recession 592 membranous 831
reparative granuloma 660 Glomerulus 11, 150
transformation 392 childhood 585
Glomus cells 927
tumor 753f congenital 586f
Glomus jugulare 651
benign 756 flecken 579
Glomus tumor 390, 651, 927, 1208f
Giant condyloma 1062 hypersecretion 592
complications of 652
Giant congenital melanocytic nevus 958 infantile 585
signs in 651
Giant duodenal ulcer 886 intermittent 590
Glomus tympanicum 651, 652
Giant fibroadenoma 914 latent 590 Glossitis, median rhomboid 670
Giant granules 394 lens Glossopharyngeal nerve 119-121
Giant hypertrophy 888 protein 591 Glottic
Giant intestinal fluke 276 related 591 cancer 667
Giant papillary conjunctivitis 565 low tension 588 edema, causing 670
Giant platelets 413 malignant 592 incompetence 665
Giardia intestinalis 281 neovascular 591 Glove sign, finger in 1186
Gibbon’s hernia 900 phacolytic 591f Glucagon
Gibbs-Donnan effect 128 pigmentary 587 like peptide 166, 362, 363
Gibson’s murmur 687, 763 primary metabolic actions of 363
Giemsa stain 251, 1086 angle closure 590, 591 Glucagonoma syndrome 1072
Gigantism 438 congenital 585 Glucocorticoid 309, 822, 825, 849, 984, 988
Gila monster 556 pseudoexfoliation 587, 592, 593f synthesis inhibitors 361
Gilbert’s syndrome 682, 683 simple 586 topical 881
Gille’s de la tourette 1106 steroid induced 592 treatment 849
syndrome 1117 true congenital 585 Glucogenic amino acids 202

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Glucokinase 202 Glycoprotein 129, 130, 188, 197, 198, 303, 964 Gout 215, 338, 1168
Glucometers 200 mucin like 385 drugs for 331
Gluconate 545 Glycopyrrolate 322, 1156 Gouty arthritis, acute 835
Gluconeogenesis 201, 202 Glycosaminoglycans 198 Gower’s sign 139
functions of 202 Glycosphingolipids 191 Graafian follicle, mature 1008, 1028
Gluconeogenic pathway 202f Glycosuria 364 Gracilis 52
Glucosamine 747 Glycosylation 130 Gradenigo’s syndrome 868
Glucose 126, 151, 167, 199, 202, 443 Glycyclcyclines 354 Grafts, types of 310
estimation of 199, 655 Glyoxylate 181
Graft-versus-host disease 1052, 1154
hydrogen breath test 786 Gmelin’s test 444
Graham cole test 1181
like insulinotropic peptide 166 Goblet cell 564
disease 574 Graham steele murmur 763
one molecule of 206
metaplasia 816 Gram positive lactobacilli 1004
oxidation of 204
Goiter 339 Gram staining 225
polyol pathway of 199
familial 846 Gram-negative
reabsorption of 127
natural history of 911 bacilli 220, 241
ring structures of 199
retrosternal 911, 926 cocci 220
transporters, summary of 200
Goitrogens 911 enteric bacilli 243
Glucose-6-phosphatase 203
Gold chloride 539 rod infections 352
dehydrogenase deficiency 203, 407 Gold salts 825
Glue ear 644 Gram-positive
Gold standard 644
Glutamate 170, 181, 184, 215 bacilli 220, 255
test 906
dehydrogenase 184, 248 cocci 219
Goldenhar’s syndrome 567
Glutamic acid 183, 184, 405 Goldman and Benedek theory 568 Granny knot 876f
decarboxylase antibodies 870 Goldman applanation tonometry 585f Granular cast 444f
Glutaraldehyde 227, 396, 450 Goldman-Hodgkin-Katz equation 128 Granular chromatin 1206f
Glutathione 181, 212, 577 Goldmann manual perimetry 587 Granular immunofluorescence 832f
functions of 181 Golf hole ureter 819 Granular lymphocytes, large 298
peroxidase 181, 577 Golfer’s elbow 37, 734 Granulation 113
Glutathione-s-transferase 829 Golgi apparatus 130, 1078 tissue 645, 921, 1085
Gluteal artery, inferior 52 disintegrates 138 early 389
Gluteal hernia 899 Golgi complex 130 formation 389
Gluteal region 1061 Golgi tendon prominent 778
muscle of 51 organ 168, 169 Granule
Gluten sensitive enteropathy 785 cell 118
reflex 169
Gluteus maximus 45, 51, 54 layer 118
Golimumab 789
gait 757 metachromatic 222, 241, 241f, 249, 397
Gomez classification 712
Gluteus medius 46 primary 386
Gomori’s methenamine silver 396
gait 757 secondary 386
Gomorrah, Sin of 538
Gluteus minimus 46 tertiary 386
Gomphosis 25
Glycated hemoglobin 207 Granulocyte 398
Gonadal atrophy 212
Glycemic index 493 colony stimulating factor 371, 398, 398f
Gonadal dysgenesis 937, 1012
highest 493 macrophage 398
Gonadal mosaicism 438
Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate 179
Gonadal stroma 1038 Granulocytic sarcoma 962
Glycerol 192, 202
Gonadectomy 1013 Granuloma 388, 1172
test 650
Gonadoblastoma 1038 formation 388
Glycerophospholipids 191
Gonadotropin 1009 immunological 388
Glycine 170, 181, 183, 187, 189, 208, 215
natural 1009 inguinale 1085
Glycocalyx 129
releasing hormone 1009 necrotising 388
Glycocholic acid 181, 208
Glycogen 198, 203 Gonioscopy 583, 584, 584f noncaseating 822, 822f
metabolism 203 Goniotomy 586 nonimmune 388
phosphorylase 210 Gonococcal infection, disseminated 841 peribronchial 276
storage disease 204 Gonococci, transperitoneal spread of 240 Granulomatosis infantisepticum 255
Glycogenesis 200, 203 Gonorrhea 219, 352, 353, 462, 1046 Granulomatosis with polyangiitis 841
Glycogenolysis 200, 203 Goodell’s sign 969 Granulomatous
Glycolic acid 1082 Goodpasture’s syndrome 832 colitis 1070
Glycolipids 191 Goodsall’s rule 894 disease, chronic 304, 308, 386
Glycolysis 201, 203 Gorlin’s syndrome 670 gastritis 888
characteristics of 201 Goseki classification 946 inflammation 388
inhibitors of 201 Goserelin 1010 inflammatory disease, chronic 821
irreversible steps of 201 Gossypiboma 888 rosacea 1059
Glycopeptides 352 Gottrons papules 1068 uveitis 594, 1086

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1264 Sure Success MAGIC

Granulosa Gunshot lesions 1023 Halban’s sign 1024

cells 1038 Guselkumab 372 Halberstaedter-Prowazek bodies 256
theca cell tumor 1039 Gustafson’s method 513 Haldane’s carmine 555
Grapes sign, bunch of 1190 Gustatory area 114 Haldane’s effect 158
Graphesthesia 860 Gustatory hallucination 1092 Half dozen rule 513
Grattage test 1050, 1050f Gustatory sweating 652 Hall’s stain 396
Gravel rash 524 Gustilo Anderson classification 726 Haller cell 653
Graves’ disease 378, 847, 861, 989 Gut, derivatives of 8 Hallermann Steriff Francois syndrome 577
Gravid uterus 390 Gut-derived neurotoxins 827 Hallpike maneuver 636, 637
Gravity method, specific 441 Guthrie’s test 186 Hallucination 173, 798
Gray baby syndrome 354, 719 Gutman’s sign 1142 olfactory 1092
Gray-white matter junction 814 Guttate psoriasis 235 Hallucinogen 1114
Grazes 524 Gutter fractures 528 Hallux valgus 731
Grazoprevir 374 Guyon’s canal 728, 729, 730 deformity
Great arteries, transposition of 688 Guyon’s tunnel syndrome 730 bilateral 731f
Greater sac 75 radiographs of 731f
Gynecologic surgery 1021
peritoneum of 84 Halo sign, reversed 1186
Gynecology 1004
Grenz ray therapy 1083 Halogens 227
Gynecomastia 331, 340, 346, 355, 437, 826, 913
Grenz zone 1048 Halo-pelvic traction 725
right-sided 914f
Grey matter 113 Haloperidol 1098, 1117
Gyri 113
cortical 119 Halophilic vibrios 253
absence of 14
Grey turner’s sign 904, 926 Halos sign 1184
Griesinger’s sign 646 inferior frontal 114
Halothane 1136, 1143, 1144, 1145
Grievous hurt 528 hepatitis 1145
Grievous injury 528
shakes 1145
Griffin classification 738 H1N1 357 systemic effects of 1145
Griffin claw hand 737 H5H1 357 Halsted’s radical mastectomy 917
Griffith point 79 H7N9 avian influenza 481
Ham’s test 408
Grisel’s syndrome 662 Habenula perforata 652
Hamartoma 927, 935, 1172
Griseofulvin 356 Habenular commissure 115, 116
syndrome, multiple 1072
Groin flap 880 Haberman’s theory 646
Hamburger shift 158
Groin hernia, Nyhus classification of 899 Habit tic dystrophy 1071
Hamburger sign, mesenteric 1190
Gross hematuria, painless 952 Haddon matrix 922
Hamilton Norwood scale 1058
Ground glass nuclei 912 Haderup system 514
Hamilton ruler test 732
Group therapy 1121 Hadlock’s formula 970
Hamman’s crunch 881
Grover’s disease 1046 Haemangiomas 891
Hamman’s sign 926
Growth 674 Haematogenous infection 835
deficiency 1003 Haemophilus aegyptius 219 Hammer thumb 37
factor, transforming 1 Haemophilus ducreyi 220, 241 Hammurabi, code of 539
hormone Haemophilus influenzae 219, 220, 240, 569, Hamochromatosis 1168
deficiency 675 702, 1173 Hampton hump 823
related drugs 360 satellitism of 240f Hand 37
secretion, regulation of 843 Haemophilus meningitis 702 bones, X-ray of 850f
laws of 674 Haglund’s deformity 747, 869 conditions 737
plate 731 Hailey-Hailey disease 1046, 1074, 1078, 1078f deformities 737
retardation 186, 212 Hair 514, 547, 1073 dorsal surface of 207
Grunting 692 basics 1056 foot and mouth disease 1063
Guanosine triphosphate 204 bulb test 1070 knee gait 756
Guanylate cyclase stimulator 773 cells 627, 629 spaces of 44
Guanylin 166 inner 629 Hand-foot syndrome 371, 405
Guarnieri bodies 394 outer 629 Handkerchief test 655
Gubernaculum 12 follicle 1079 Hands and feet, painful paresthesias of 546
testis 12 tumors, benign 1083 Hang glider sign 1080
remnant of 89 growth phases 1056 Hanger yoke 1136
Guidewire, fine 774 on end skull 1183 Hanging 521
Guillain-Barre syndrome 255, 476, 788, singeing of 515 antemortem 522
796, 798 skin devoid of 1079 atypical 522
Guineaworm 280, 466, 470 Hairbrush’ appearance 1167 complete 522
Gull wing appearance 1189 Hairline recession, frontal 1058 drop method 218
Gunpowder 530 Hairy cell 397 partial 522
black 530 leukemia 416, 417f signs of 522
residue, tests for 531 Hairy cytoplasmic projections 417 typical 521

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Index 1265

Hangman fracture 522 secondary 869 highest risk 990

Hansclever prognostic index 420 tension type 869 rheumatic 768, 772, 781
Hansen’s bacillus 219 thunderclap 791 structural 767
Hansen’s disease 459, 1063, 1065f, 1203f Head-shake test 638 valvular 837, 990
Haploid 426 Heaf test 467 external features of 67
Haptens 299 Healed scars 525f failure 158, 159, 346, 1143
Haptic hallucinations 1092 Healed scleritis 577 acute 773
Harada disease 596 Healing fracture 1198 congestive 291, 772, 773, 868, 1178
Harada-Mori method 277 Healing phase, rickets in 1168 etiology of 772
Harakiri 539 Healing, signs of 1165 newer drugs for 773
Hard exudates 601 Health right-sided 773
Hard palate, epithelium of 1084 adjusted life expectancy 460 irregularities of 773
Hard stop 610 agencies and committees 491 lung machine 227
Hard tick 465 care, primary 489 murmur 149, 762
transmit 860 education and communication 496 intensity of 762
Hard water, classification of 473 indicator 459 myxoma of 784
Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium 438 promotion 461 nerve supply 70, 145
Harlequin 671 spectrum of 460 parts of conducting tissue of 70f
fetus 1069 Healthy thinking 1092 peripheral 53
Harmonic’ scalpel 876 Hearing primary pacemaker of 70
Harmony prenatal test 436 and equilibrium 626 rate 1143
Harris dictum of odd numbers 84 assessment of 633 age predicted maximal 870
Harrison’s sulcus 1165 disorders, congenital 638 blocker 332
Harrison’s test 531 in neonates, creening test of 635 calculation of 764, 764f
Hart’s rule 978 mechanism of 630 factors affecting 147
Hartmann’s pouch 83 pathway of 630 sinusoidal 972
Hartmans’s solution 1153 permanent privation of 528 septa 10
Hartnup disease 187 tests, types of 633 sound 760
Harvard criteria 517 Hearing aids 641, 649 normal second 761
Hasner’s valve 653 external 641 second 761f
Hasse rule 514 implantable 641 surfaces of 67
Haustrations 79 principle of 641 tube
Haverhill fever 859 types of 641 derivatives 9
Hawkin’s sign 742 Hearing loss 573, 639, 644, 649f nain subdivisions of 9f, 10f
Hawkin’s tests 733 classification of 639 primitive 9
Hawkinsinuria 186 conductive 639 tumors 784
Hay fever 464 noise induced 640 valve 68, 930
Hay’s surface tension test 444 nonorganic 633 disease 767
Hayflick sensorineural 638-640 vegetations on 781
limit 383 severe conductive 648 venous drainage 69
phenomenon 383 specific forms of 639 Heat capacity, specific 1155
Hayman’s sutures 981 Hearing-conservative Heat labile 223, 242, 243, 247
Head nonvestibular ablative surgery 650 enterotoxin 247
and jaw, muscle of 4 vestibular ablative surgery 650 Heat sensitivity 796
and neck 95 Heart 6, 9, 148, 233, 321, 930, 1195 Heat stable 223
bones and joints of 95 autonomic nerves of 145 Heat stress index 472
ganglia of 108 block 769 Heatstroke 534
nerve of 107 congenital complete 785 Heavy metal 1168
cheese sign 1190 blood supply of 68 intoxication 796
circumference 675, 973 border 1170 poisons 543
ganglion 116 left 1170 Hebephrenic SZ 1098
halter traction 725 on chest X-ray 70, 1177 Hedgehog pathway inhibitors 957
injury 527, 528, 868, 1185 upper left 1170 Hedonism 1101
computed tomography in 1183 conducting system of 70, 144 Heel pad sign 1188
contralateral 527 disease 692, 990 Heel Prick dried blood spot test 186, 704
posture, abnormal 615 absence of structural 771 Heerfordt-Waldenstrom syndrome 822
trauma 174, 810, 814 acyanotic congenital 687, 688 Hegar’s sign 969
Headache 123, 232, 335, 791, 955, 1140 chronic 237 Heimlich maneuver 1139
migraine aura without 791 congenital 237, 436, 689, 687, 690, Heinous offences 506
postspinal 1140 707, 768 Heinrich’s safety pyramid 922
primary 869 cyanotic congenital 688, 689 Heinz bodies 407

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1266 Sure Success MAGIC

Helfet test 741 Hemianopia 922 pulmonary 824

Helicobacter pylori 223, 884 bitemporal 804 putaminal 803
diagnosis of 884 Hemiarthroplasty, bilateral 738f reactionary 662, 873
eradication Hemiazygos vein 94 recurrent vitreous 598
indications for 885 accessory 94 retinal 533, 1212f
regimens for 885 Hemiballismus 174 retroperitoneal 904
Helicotrema 626, 628 Hemicholinium blocks 319 secondary 662, 873
Heliotrope rash 1068 Hemidesmosome 132, 1043 small petechial 814
Heliox 1156 Hemidiaphragm 1170 splinter 587, 781, 1071
Helium 1136, 1156 left 1170
subarachnoid 333, 445, 528, 765, 794, 1203f
replaces nitrogen 1156 Hemighost cells 407
subdural 528, 794
Helix structure, triple 20 Hemilaminectomy 742
subendocardial 521, 546
Heller’s cardiomyotomy 882, 882f Hemiparesis 173
subepidermal 1082
Heller’s myotomy 926 contralateral 793
Hemiplegia 689 subhyaloid 533, 602f
Hellin’s rule 987 thalamic 803
Helly’s fixative 396 Hemiplegic migraine, familial 791
Hemisensory loss 173 types of 873
Helmer’s sign 1187
Hemispatial neglect 173 vitreous 598
Helmet cell 401, 425
Hemivertebra 746 Hemorrhagic colitis 244
Helminths 273, 275, 276
Hemobilia 868 Hemorrhagic conjunctivitis 261
Helper T cells 388
Hemochromatosis 828, 937 acute 261, 565
Helsinki declaration 318
Hemagglutinin 262 secondary 828 Hemorrhagic crust 1045
Hemangioblastoma 956 Hemoconcentration 248, 523 Hemorrhagic cystitis 260
Hemangioma 744, 870, 927, 942, 948, 1168 Hemodialysis 542, 553 Hemorrhagic disease 212
capillary 1209f complications of 830 Hemorrhagic infarcts 390
cavernous 1209f Hemodynamics 389 Hemorrhagic necrosis 802
strawberry 1208f basics of 149 Hemorrhagic pancreatitis, acute 926
Hemarthroses, recurrent 424 Hemoglobin 189, 206, 207, 214 Hemorrhagic pleural effusion 821
Hematin 241 estimation, methods of 441 Hemorrhagic shock 392, 873
Hematogenous modifications 207 classification of 873
metastases 953 structure 206 Hemorrhagic stroke 348
spread 935 tube 442f Hemorrhoids
Hematoidin 524 variants 207 external 894
Hematologic disorders 837 Hemoglobinuria 553 internal 894
Hematologic hindrance 150 Hemolysins 232 Hemosiderin 383, 405, 524
Hematologic remission 414 Hemolysis 355, 400, 1154 Hemosiderosis 828
Hematology 398 chronic 405 Hemostasis 424f
Hematoma 621 target 246 commonly used tests of 424
heat 535 Hemolytic anemia 359, 404, 405, 675 Hemotympanum 1183
perianal 894 acute 407 Henderson-Patterson bodies 394
septal 656 Hemolytic bacteria 234 Henle spine 625
subdural 113, 533, 794f Hemolytic disease 678 Henle’s loop 11
subperiosteal 1166 Hemolytic jaundice 444 Hennebert’s sign 636, 649
Hematopoiesis Hemolytic transfusion reaction 1154 Henneman principle 142
normal 398f Hemolytic uremic syndrome 244, 245, 423, Henoch-Schonlein purpura 701, 832, 833, 841
period of 967 788, 833, 868 Henry’s law 156, 1113
Hematopoietic system 326 Hemoperitoneum 1041 Hensen’s cells 629
Hematopoietic vitamins 209 Hemophilia 346, 424, 434f Hensen’s node 4
Hematospermia 835 A 424 Heparan sulphate 347
Hematoxylin bodies 392 B 424 Heparin 198, 347
Hematuria 444, 553, 701, 951 Hemophiliac arthritis 1168 induced thrombocytopenia 422
causes of 444 Hemoptysis 286 Hepatectomy 902
glomerular cause of 444 Hemorragica histrionica 1108 extended
gross 444 Hemorrhage 158, 524, 525, 662, 873, 1211f left 902
isolated microscopic 835 adrenal 392 right 902
microscopic 444, 831 intracranial 528, 793 left 902
Heme neonatal 212 terminology 902
catabolism 207 Hepatic
perifollicular 1058
iron 402 adenoma 942
petechial 521
oxygenase 207 artery 82
postpartum 980
synthesis 207 bilirubin excretion 683
primary 873
Hemeralopia 344

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Index 1267

bud, endodermal cells of 8 Hephaestin 402 Heteroglycans 198

calcification 719 Herbert’s pits 566, 566f Heterophile
duct Herceptin 311, 369 agglutination test 256
common 83 Herd immunity 299, 464 antigens 299
right 83 Hereditary angioedema 301 Heterophoria 613
right and left 83 acute 327 Heterophyes heterophyes 273, 276
edge sign 1179 Hereditary breast ovarian cancer syndrome 1039 Heteroplasmy 437, 439
encephalopathy 174, 827, 902 Hereditary deafness 643 Heteroploidy 439
gluconeogenesis 208, 363 Hereditary fructose intolerance 200 Heteropolysaccharides 198
glycogenolysis 208 Hereditary hemochromatosis 828 Heterotropia 613
lacerations 1189 Hereditary nephritis 835 Heterozygotes 405
lobule 82 Hereditary neutrophil disorders 413 Hexagonal hepatic lobule 82f
nuclear factor 1-alpha 856 Hereditary orotic aciduria 215 Hexokinase 202
porphyrias 207 Hereditary spherocytosis 405, 408, 408f Hexose monophosphate shunt 203
Hepatis, portal 82 Hereditary syndromes 944 Heyde’s syndrome 891
Hepatitis 260, 263, 449, 1056, 1086 Hereditary tyrosinemia 186 Hiamine 988
A 263 Hering’s law 615 Hiatus hernia 881, 883, 884, 1181
B 263, 357, 422, 476 Hering-Breuer deflation reflex 159 types of 883f
acute 264 Hermansky Pudlak syndrome 1070 Hiatus, adductor 58
prophylaxis 264 Hermaphrodite 705 Hibbard maneuver 983
serology 265 Hernia 13, 883, 898-900 Hibernating animals 21
vaccine 264 different 899 Hibernating myocardium 1199
virus 264 dual 899 Hiccups 1141
virus mutants 264 external 899 Hidebound sign 1189
C 263, 357 infraumbilical 899 Hidradenitis suppurativa 1079, 1079f
drugs for 265 inguinal 900 High anion gap 553
infection 1052 internal 892 metabolic acidosis 447
virus 265 interparietal 899 Highmore, antrum of 653
chronic 237, 265 obturator 899 High-pitched tones 631
D 263 paraumbilical 899 Hilar dance sign 1158
delta 263 recurrent 899 Hildreth sign 928
E 263 repair 900 Hilgenreiner’s line 745
infectious 263 sciatic 899 Hill Sach’s lesion 732
neonatal 392 supraumbilical 899 Hilton’s law 24
serum 263 surgery, basics of 900 Hilton’s white line 80
viral 82 traumatic 697 Hilum faces medially 11
viruses 264 umbilical 438, 899 Hilus cells 1006
summary of 263 Hernia-en-glissade 899 Himalaya goiter belt 490
Hepatobiliary scan 1200 Herniation, transtentorial 392, 790 Hind Kusht Nivaran Sangh 1064
Hepatoblastoma 438, 943 Heroin 719, 913, 1113, 1114 Hinge fracture 526, 528
Hepatobronchial fistula 901 adulterants of 1113 Hinge joint 26, 26f
Hepatocellular smoking 1115 Hip
cancer 826 Herophilus 124 bone 44, 512
carcinoma 391, 942, 943 Herpangina 261 conditions 737
risk for 1185 Herpes genitalis 1017 congenital dislocation of 744
injury 449, 988 Herpes progenitalis 1062, 1086 dislocation 739
resembling viral hepatitis 825 Herpes simplex 569, 597, 1061 joint 48, 49, 55
jaundice 444 keratitis 571 capsule of 46
Hepatocyte 130, 449, 825 virus 261 extensor of 52
cytoplasm, replacement of 1206f Herpes virus 260, 706 ligaments of 48
large fat droplets in 825 Herpes zoster 292, 1061 stabilisers of 49
Hepatoduodenal ligament 73 ophthalmicus 292, 571, 571f, 1061 septic arthritis of 749
Hepatogastric ligament 73 oticus 1061 spica 724
Hepatolenticular degeneration 869 uveitis 596 transient synovitis of 749
Hepatoma 942 Hershey chase experiment 217 Hippocampal commissure 115
Hepatomegaly 772 Hertoghe’s sign 1055 Hippocampal formation 119
Hepatorenal pouch 75 Heschl’s gyrus 114 Hippocrates maneuver 732
Hepatosplenomegaly 406, 678 Hesiter valves 83 Hippocratic nails 1071
Hepatotoxicity 338, 361, 494 Hess screen 618 Hippuric acid 181
Hepcidin 404, 828 Hesselbach’s triangle 898 Hippus 804
secretion 402 Heterochromia 598 Hirano bodies 395

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1268 Sure Success MAGIC

Hirschsprung’s disease 698, 710, 895, 1070, 1203 Homonymous hemianopia 802 Human development
Hirsutism 1022 Homopolysaccharides 198 index 460
His bundle electrogram 764 Homovanillic acid 183, 322, 710, 1122 somite period of 5
Histamine 182, 386 Hondusa sign 659 Human enzymopathy 407
related drugs 326 Honey color crusts 235 Human flora, normal 232
release 1146 Honeycomb Human genome 426
Histidine 181, 183, 187 appearance 670 project 426
imidazole group of 213 exudates 290 Human hair 514
Histidinuria 182 lung 1172, 1190 Human hemoglobins, normal 206
Histiocytosis 1167f scutula 1073 Human herpes virus 261, 291, 707
Histo spots 600 Honeymoon muscle 52 Human immunodeficiency virus 238, 287,
Histocompatibility complex, major 305 Hoogsteen base pairs 215 392, 459
Histogram 454 Hook and tucker method 1145 associated dementia 291
Histoid leprosy 1064 Hookworm 277, 470, 1081 chronology 287
Histone deacetylase inhibitors 369 infestation 402 genome 287
Histoplasma capsulatum 265, 597 Hopkin’s cole test 183 in children 292
Histoplasmoma 1172 Hoppe-Seyler’s test 555 diagnosis of 292
Histoplasmosis 266 Hopping and placing reactions 172 infection 298
Histotoxic hypoxia 158 Hordeolum lab diagnosis of 288
Hit and run drugs 316 externum 618, 869 stages of 288, 289
Hitzelberger’s sign 622, 650 internum 618 positive TB infected 296
Hives 869, 1067 Hormonal agents 718 rapid antibody test 289
Ho’s triangle 658 Hormonal changes 1014 structure of 287f
Hobnail cells 1038 Hormonal contraceptive devices 997 tests for 289
Hoboken, intimal folds of 965 Hormonal status 1015 treatment guidelines 293
Hockey stick incision 875 Hormonal treatment 1023 Human insulin, recombinant 362
Hodgkin lymphoma, microscopic Hormonal vitamin 212 Human oncogenic viruses 939
appearance of 418f Hormone 938, 964, 1009, 1059 Human papilloma virus 260, 1035, 1062
Hodgkin’s cells 418f dependent tumors 939 Human parvovirus B19 707
Hodgkin’s cycle 135 estimation 1028 Human placental
Hodgkin’s disease 370 replacement therapy 1011, 1015 extract 654
Hodgkin’s lymphoma 417, 419 sensitive lipase 196 lactogen 964
nodular lymphocyte predominant 418 Horner’s syndrome 40, 614, 806, 1142 Human plasma
Hofbauer cells 964 Horner’s trantas spots 565 derivatives 1153
Hoffer formula 580 Horner-Tranta’s spots 566f freezing point of normal 127
Hoffman’s bacillus 219 Horseradish peroxidase 134 Human porphyrias, classification of 207
Holden’s line 54 Horseshoe kidney 11, 87, 907, 907f Human prion diseases 802
Holladay formula 580 Hospital addiction 1108 Human rights 1124
Hollenhorst plaque 602 Hospital hoboes 1108
day 502
Holmes Adie’s pupil 804 Host, secondary 461
Human skull, nasal bone of 653
Holmium laser 561 Hot air oven 226
Humby’s knife 879f
Holocrine glands 19 Hot cross bun sign 1190
Holograph will 533 Humerofemoral index 511
Hot tub lung 820
Holoprosencephaly 14, 436, 1003 Humerus 29
Hourglass stomach 888
Holt Oram syndrome 686 bone, X-ray of 850f
House dust mite allergens 1055
Holthouse hernia 900 Housefly 464 fracture
Homans’ sign 921 Housemaid’s knee 731, 731f greater tuberosity of 734
Homeobox 1 Houston’s valves 80 shaft of 733
Homer-Wright rosette 391, 394 Howell-Jolly bodies 400, 408 surgical neck of 734
Homicidal hanging 522 Howship’s lacuna 24 length 514
Homicidal smothering 522 osteoclast in 24f medial epicondyle of 36, 734
Homicidal strangulation, common methods H-reflex 742 neck of 29
of 522 HSV encephalitis 802 proximal 753f, 1188
Homicide 525 Huesten’s table top test 730 right 30f
Homocarnosine 182 Hugh Leifson’s oxidation fermentation test 233 shaft of 29
Homocysteine 210 Human antigen 235 supracondylar fracture of 734, 1204f
Homocystinuria 186, 210, 583, 1070 Human babesiosis 860 Humidification 1155
Homogentisic acid 383 Human body in public, dissection of 124 Humidity 1155
oxidase 186 Human chorionic gonadotropin 964 absolute 1155
Homoglycans 198 Human chromosomes 427 Humoral immunity 307
Homologous glands 1004 Human communicating nerve 664 Humoral immunodeficiency 307

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Index 1269

Humoral theory 458 Hydrophobic amino acid 191 Hyperemia 389

Hump, double 591 Hydrophobic side chains 189 Hyperesthesia 859
Humphrey analyzer 587f Hydropic degeneration 1046 Hyperextensible joints 431
Hunger contractions 165 Hydropneumothorax 1176 Hyperextension 1151
Hunner’s ulcer 392 Hydrops injury 39
Hunter’s canal 55 acute 572
Hyperflexion 526
Hunterian perforator 59 fetalis 260, 406, 678
acute 526
Huntington’s disease 431, 433f, 795, 1117, 1122 causes of 678
nonimmune 678 Hyperfractionation 1193
Hurler’s disease 1168 Hypergastrinemia 165
Hurler’s syndrome 869 tubae profluens 1040
Hydroquinone 545 Hyperglycemia 905
Hurthle cell tumors 911
Hydrostatic test 533 Hyperglycemic nonketotic coma 856, 857
Hurthle cells 392
Hydroxyamphetamine 806 Hyperhomocysteinemia 186, 785
Hutchinson’s sign 571, 571f, 958
Hydroxybutyrate 537 Hyper-IgE syndrome 309
Hutchinson’s teeth 514, 709, 709f
Hydroxychloroquine 207, 331 Hyperinfection 277
Hutchinson’s triad 709
Hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acid 328 Hyperinsulinemia 1022
Hyaline arteriolosclerosis 783
Hydroxylation 130 Hyperintense 1161
Hyaline cast 444f
Hydroxylysine 182 Hyperkalemia 128, 333, 765, 830, 853, 1146,
Hyaline membrane 680
Hydroxymethyl 188 1150, 1154
disease 679
Hydroxyproline 20, 183 effect of 766f
Hyaluronic acid 198, 209
Hydroxyurea 368, 406, 411, 414
Hybridization 439 Hyperkalemic periodic paralysis 324
Hymen 536
Hydatid cyst 271, 274, 901 Hyperkeratosis 546f, 1045, 1069, 1084
imperforate 1015
Hydatid disease subungual 1051
Hymenal tags 671
malignant 274 Hymenolepis 273 Hyperkinetic syndrome 1102
polycystic 274 nana, egg of 272f Hyperlinear palms 1055
Hydatid fluid 274 Hyperlipemia 905
Hyoglossus medially 106
Hydatid, layers of cyst 274 Hyperlipidemia 197, 700, 1117, 1143
Hyoid bone fractures 522
Hydatidiform mole 1000, 1001f Hyperlipoproteinemia 197
Hyoid fracture, adduction type of 522f
complete 1001 Hyperlucent liver sign 1179
partial 1001 Hyoscine 553
Hypermature cataract, types of 579
snowstorm appearance of 1204f butyl bromide 322
Hypermetropia 557, 558, 561, 600, 617
Hydatidosis, signs of pulmonary 1174 Hyoscyamine 341 treatment of 558
Hydralazine 334, 838 Hyperacute rejection 310 Hypermetropic fundus 559f
Hydrated ferric oxide 547 Hyperaldosteronism 448, 852 Hypermobile joints 20
Hydration 962 Hyperalgesia 859 Hypernephroma, triad of 868
Hydrocele 1203f Hyperammonemia 185 Hyperoleon 597f
acquired 929 Hyperandrogenism 362, 1022 Hyperopia 558f
congenital 929 Hyperargininemia 185 Hyperopic LASIK 558
surgery 932f Hyperbaric decompression sickness 825 Hyperosmolar coma 856, 857
treatment of 929 Hyperbaric oxygen 158, 602 Hyperosmolarity 684, 857
Hydrocephalus 675, 708, 718, 790, 926 therapy 157, 158, 825 Hyperosmotics 590
Hydrochloric acid 544 Hyperoxaluria, primary 131
Hyperbilirubinemia 678
Hydrochlorothiazide 838 Hyperparathyroidism 382, 850, 1167, 1182
conjugated 682, 683
Hydrocortisone 337, 696 clinical features of 850
treatment of 684
Hydrocyanic acid 555 primary 850
Hydrogen unconjugated 683
radiology of 850
bonded 20, 188 Hyperbola, rectangular 157
severe secondary 869
ion concentration 178 Hyperbolic curve 178 Hyperpathia 859
sulfide 519, 543, 555 Hypercalcemia 212, 345, 382, 754, 765, 853 Hyperphenylalaninemia 185, 186
gas 539, 555 idiopathic 437 Hyperphoria 613
Hydrogenation 193 Hypercalcemic symptoms 420 Hyperpigmentation 371
partial 192 Hypercalciuria 909 diffuse 1071
Hydrolases 177 Hypercapnia 152, 160 raindrop 546
Hydrolytic enzymes 130 Hypercarbic respiratory failure 825, 1150 reticular 410
Hydronephrosis 701 Hyperchloremic acidosis 447 syndromes 1070
Hydroperoxidases 177 Hyperplasia 143, 378, 915, 969
Hyperchromatic empty nuclei 392
Hydroperoxyeicosatetraenoic acid 328 pseudoepitheliomatous 267
Hypercoagulability 389, 700
Hydrophidae 553 types of 1031
Hydrophilic groups 189 Hyperdense basal ganglia 1183
Hyperelastic skin 20 Hyperplastic
Hydrophobia 218, 477 arteriolosclerosis 783
Hydrophobic acrylic lenses 582 Hyperemesis gravidarum 988
candidiasis, chronic 670

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1270 Sure Success MAGIC

goiter, diffuse 911 Hypochondrium, left 84 Hypotropia 613

orange yellow 197 Hypochromia 406 Hypotympanum 623
primary vitreous, persistent 609, 961 Hypocomplementemia 837 Hypovolemia 980, 1132
tuberculosis 890 Hypoesthesia 859 Hypovolemic metabolic alkalosis 448
Hyperploidy 415 Hypofractionation 1193 Hypovolemic shock 737, 872
Hyperpolarisation 128 Hypogammaglobulinemia, transient 307 Hypoxanthine 214
Hyperprolactinemia 1023, 1029 Hypoxemia 448, 1154
Hypogastric plexus, inferior 74
Hyperpyrexia, malignant 140, 1130, 1145, systemic 681
Hypoglossal canal 96
1146, 1150 Hypoxia 152, 158, 402, 405, 681, 931
Hypersensitivity, delayed 821 Hypoglycaemia, neonatal 438, 681
Hypoglycemia 204, 355, 363, 359, 681, 853, 857 diffusion 1145
Hypersplenism 748 neonatal 1180
Hypertension 143, 325, 333, 370, 701, 774, in adults, causes of 857
perinatal 1180
783, 831, 868, 988 maternal fasting 968
prolonged moderate 382
classification of portal 827 Hypogonadism 1009
retinal 601
ocular 588 Hypointense 1161
stagnant 158
portal 286, 826 Hypokalemia 128, 324, 340, 345, 765, 766f, 887
Hypoxic hypoxia 158
pregnancy induced 988 Hypokalemic metabolic alkalosis 448
Hypoxic ischemic
primary pulmonary 773, 990 Hypomagnesemia 887 brain injury 672
pulmonary 1156 Hypomenorrhea 1013 encephalopathy 681
arterial 1173 Hyponatremia 253, 346, 853, 887 Hypsarrhythmia 703
risk factors for 783 Hypoparathyroidism 851 Hyrtl’s fissure 628
systemic 782 Hypopharynx 660 Hyrtl’s law 512
treatment of 783 Hypophoria 613 Hysterectomy 95, 1023-1025, 1031, 1041
vascular pathology in 783 Hypophosphatasia 1168 total abdominal 1032
Hypertensive choroidopathy 608 Hypopigmented macules 283 Hysteria 1105
Hypertensive encephalopathy 701 Hypopituitarism, causes of 845 Hysterical gait 757
Hypertensive intracranial hemorrhage 814 Hypoplasia, pulmonary 697, 966 Hysterosalpingogram, normal 1016f
Hypertensive retinopathy 607, 608f Hypoproliferative anemia 400 Hysterosalpingography 1028
grading of 607 Hypoproteinemia 684, 888 Hysteroscopic method 998
Hyperthermia 681, 859 Hypoprothrombinemia 352 Hysteroscopic metroplasty 1016
Hyperthyroidism 335, 847, 1001 Hypopyon 594, 597f Hysteroscopy 1032
maternal 989 corneal ulcer 571
transient 988 uveitis, causes of 840 I
treatment of 849 Hypospadias 88
Hypertonia 172 Iatrogenic urologic injury, predisposing
Hypostasis, color of 520
Hypertonic crystalloids 1153 factors for 909
Hypotension 148, 213, 699, 830, 1117,
Hypertransradiant hemithorax, unilateral 1172 Ibalizumab 375
Hypertrichosis 207 Ibritumomab 311
orthostatic 1141
Hypertriglyceridemia 192, 197 tiuxetan 369, 1196, 1200
permissive 874
Hypertrophic pyloric stenosis, infantile 698, 895 Ibuprofen 330
postural 334
Hypertrophy 143, 378, 969 Icard test 518
supine 968
right ventricular 687 Icatibant 327
systemic 232
synovial 838 Ice cream cone sign 1183
Hypothalamus 116
Hypertropia 613 Ice pack test 797
arcuate nucleus of 170
right 811 Iceberg
functions of 117
Hyperuricemia 215, 338, 345, 756, 909 disease 774
release of 172
Hyperventilation phenomenon of disease 460
Hypothenar muscles 37
psychogenic 448 sign 1174
Hypothermia 553, 679, 765, 859, 1134, 1149,
syndrome 1107 tip of 1038
1154, 1156
Hypervitaminosis D 1168 Ichthyosiform erythroderma, congenital 1069
prevention of 679
Hyphema 582, 593, 594, 597f severe 534 Ichthyosis 1055, 1068, 1069
Hyphen webs 919 therapeutic 1149 acquired 1072
Hypnosis 633 therapy 681 sex-linked 1069
Hypoactive sexual desire 1115 Hypothesis 453 vulgaris 1045, 1069f
Hypoalbuminemia 471, 700, 831, 888 Hypothyroidism 335, 435, 675, 682, 990, Idarubicin 368
Hypoblast 4 1168, 1190 Idarucizumab 347
Hypocalcemia 345, 448, 545, 765, 905, 1154 clinical features of 847 Idiopathic polyneuritis, acute 796
Hypocapnia 1150 congenital 704 Idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis, diffuse
Hypocellular bone marrow 409 treatment of 849 1168, 1169
Hypochloremia 887 Hypotonia 187, 200, 700, 718, 803 Idiosyncratic reaction 825, 1117
Hypochlorite, high test 472 Hypotonic crystalloids 1153 Idiot-savant syndrome 1102
Hypochondriasis 1107 Hypotony 612 Idraparinux sodium danaparoid 347

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Index 1271

Ifosfamide 366 Immunodeficiency Indomethacin 330

Igawa’s test 729f common variable 307 Indusium griseum 115
Ileocolic artery 895 diseases, primary 307 Inevitablea bortions 985
Ileofemoral ligament of bigelow 48 severe combined 215, 308, 937 Infant
Ileus 895 Immunodeficiency syndromes 937 deaths 532
postoperative 895 acquired 287 larynx of 663
Iliac artery 10, 390 dementia complex, acquired 288 Infanticide 533
branches related complex, acquired 288 Infantometer 676f
of external 93 related lymphomas, acquired 292 Infarction 390
of internal 92 respiratory system, acquired 290 adrenal 239
continuation of external 58 Immunofluorescence 832 pain of 776
internal 80, 1005 direct 869, 1074, 1075f subendocardial 776
Iliac crest staining 286 Infection 462, 1168
attachments to 45 Immunoglobulin 305 acute 288
posterior 450 isotypes 306 and surgery 876
right 45f Immunologic abnormalities 837 dead-end 477
tubercle of 44 Immunologic phenomena 781 droplets 262
Iliac fossa, right 519f Immunologically privileged 89 nematode routes of 276
Iliac horns 1188 Immunology 297 pneumococcal 237
Iliac spine, anterior superior 44 Immunomodulating drugs 789 prevalence of 467
Iliac veins 390 Immunosuppression 797 secondary 291
Iliococcygeus 91 Immunotherapy 414 viral 1154
Iliofemoral venous thrombosis 390 Impetigo 1060 vulvovaginal 1017
Iliohypogastric nerve 900 contagiosa 235 zoonotic 255
Ilioinguinal nerve 89, 900 herpetiformis 1049, 1050f Infectious diseases, skin manifestations of 1060
Iliolumbar ligament 45 non-bullous 1045 Infective endocarditis, culture negative 241
passes 45 Impingement sign 733 Infective proctitis, causes of 894
Iliopsoas tendon 46 Implantation 3 Infective stage 275
Iliotibial tract 47, 54 interstitial 3, 963 Inferolateral surface 86
Ilium 44 Implosion injury 645 Inferomedial area 45
Ilizarov technique 725 Impotence 538, 1115 Infertile couple, basic investigations for 1026
Illness, acute 849 Impulse control disorder 1111 Infertility 437, 538, 1012, 1023, 1024, 1025
Illusion Impulse, conduction speed of 144 Infestation 462
de fregoli 1093 In situ hybridization 439 Infiltrative lymphocytosis syndrome,
des sosies 1093 In utero exposure, effects of 1195 diffuse 292
Iloprost 773 In vitro fertilization 1030 Inflammation 403, 915
Imatinib 368 Incessant ovulation, theory of 1039 acute 385, 386
Imerslund-Gräsbeck syndrome 211 Incidentaloma 854 chronic 388
Imidazole 181 Incineration 226 classical signs of acute 385
Imiglucerase 373 Incision 874 Inflammatory bowel disease 596, 788, 789,
Imino acid 180 Incisor teeth 76f 1060
Iminodiacetic acid 904 Incisura terminalis 621 treatment of 789
Imipenem 351 Inclination, angle of 976 Inflammatory cells 328
Imipramine 314 Incontinentia pigmenti 961, 1069 Inflammatory diarrheas 788
Imiquimod 357 Incubatory carrier 462 Inflammatory joint disease, active 838
Immersion foot 534 Incus 624 Inflammatory myofibroblastic tumor 870
Immobilization osteoporosis 754 Indacaterol 337 Infliximab 789
Immotile cilia 132 Indacrinone 346 Influenza 475
Immune Indeterminate leprosy 1064 Infrahyoid muscles 104, 105
deficiency syndrome 288 Index finger, proximal phalanx of 732f Infranuclear lesion 798f
dysfunction 212 India ink stain 266 Infraorbital foramen 98
hydrops fetalis 678 India Newborn Action Plan 485 Infraorbital nerve anesthesia 613
reconstitution inflammatory syndrome 292 Indian Academy of Pediatrics Classification 712 Infrapatellar bursitis, infected 731f
stromal keratitis 571 Indian Childhood Cirrhosis 391 Infrared
system components 297 Indian Contract Act 509 rays 869
Immunity 297 Indian Evidence Act 503 spectroscopy 191
acquired 297-299 Indian Lunacy Act 503, 533 thermography 1163
active 299 Indian Motor Vehicles Act 503 Infraspinatus 35
adaptive 297, 299 Indian Penal Code 503 Infundibular stenosis 762
passive 299 Indinavir 295, 928 Infundibulum 68, 1006
Immunization, expanded programme of 473 Indocyanine green angiography 600 Inguinal bubo 1089

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Inguinal canal 898 Inotuzumab ozogamicin 373, 415 Internal jugular vein, right 759
boundaries of 898 Inquest 505 International classification of diseases 459
transmits 898 Insane, general paresis of 1087 International Day Against Drug Abuses and
Inguinal fossa 831 Insect bite hypersensitivity 1081 Illicit Trafficking 502
Inguinal ligament 72 Insect-borne diseases 464 International Day for Elimination of Vio-
Inguinal nodes 1004 Insecticides 549 lence Against Women 502
deep 88 Insler score 1028 International Day for Older Persons 502
superficial 89 Insomnia 1105, 1109 International Day of Disabled Persons 502
Inguinal region anatomy 898 fatal familial 802 International normalized ratio 861
Inguinal ring Inspiratory International Prognostic Index 420
deep 898 capacity 154 International sensitivity index 861
superficial 72, 898 reserve volume 154 International Staging System 420, 861
Inhalational agents 1144 Instillation of povidone iodine 582 International Uveitis Study Group
electrical activity of 1144 Insulin 212, 361, 829, 1135 Classification 594
Inhalational anesthetics 1138 functions of 363 International Women’s Day 502
Inhalational exposure 820 inhaled 363 Internodal pathways 70
Inhaled 773 like growth factors 1 Internodal tract, anterior 70
Inherited ataxias 795 metabolic actions of 363 Internuclear ophthalmoplegia 796
Inherited blistering disorders 1078 premixed 362 Interosseous
Inherited hyperbilirubinemias syndromes 683 receptor 362 border 47
Inherited mental retardation 1103 resistance 362, 363, 856 membrane, calcification of 1188
Inherited plasma pseudocholinesterase syndrome 784 nerve, anterior 36
deficiency 1146 type A 856 Interscapular region 21
Inherited platelet membrane defects 423 secretion, enhance 363 Interstitial cell 1006
Inhibit bacterial Insulinoma 858 stimulating hormone 1009
cell wall synthesis 350 Integral proteins 129 Interstitial cystitis, ulcerative 392
dihydropteroate synthetase 355 Integrase inhibitors 294, 295 Interstitial line sign 1184
Inhibit hormone Intellectual disability 1103 Interstitial pneumonia, nonspecific 825
release 361 Intelligence Interstitial pneumonitis, common drugs
synthesis 361 quotient 1103 causing 825
Inhibit iodide trapping 361 tests 1123 Intertarsal joints 51
Inhibit underlying inflammatory process 337 Intense thirst 845 Intertrochanteric crest 46
Inhibition, end-product 179 Intensified Diarrhea Control Fortnight 485 Intertrochanteric fracture 739
Inhibits mycolic acid Intensity modulated radiation therapy 1196 Intertrochanteric line 46
cell wall synthesis 338 Intentional tremor 803 Intertubercular sulcus 29
synthesis 338 Interarytenoid fold 666 Interventricular septum, left side of 144
Inhibits platelet aggregation 330 Interatrial septum development 10 Intervertebral disc 109
Inhibits ribonucleotide reductase 368 Intercellular edema 1046 calcification 186, 1168
Injectable contraceptives 997 Interclinoid ligament 1182 prolapsed 742, 1140
Injecting through main veins 1114 Intercostal artery Intervertebral foramen contents 109
Injury 726 anterior 62 Intestinal amoebae 281
description of 731 branches of superior 62 Intestinal amoebiasis 281
heat 534 Intercostal AV fistula 762 Intestinal bacteria 212
mechanism of 726 Intercostal muscles 61 Intestinal crypt 381
mild brain 923 Intercostal nerves Intestinal disease, immunoproliferative
pancreatic 291 atypical 63 small 255
penetrating 784 typical 63 Intestinal diverticula 890
prevention field 922 Intercostal space, neurovascular bundle of 65 Intestinal epithelial cells 195
primary impact 527 Intercostal vein Intestinal epithelium 202
scale, abbreviated 924 anterior 62 Intestinal flukes 275, 276
secondary 527 continuation of fifth posterior 94 Intestinal hemorrhage 890
impact 527 highest 62 Intestinal human nematodes 276
severity of 494 Intercostobrachial nerve 63 Intestinal metaplasia 884f
scores 924 Interferon alpha 370, 414, 840 Intestinal motility, altered 788
Ink blot appearance 600f Interferon gamma 388 Intestinal obstruction 278, 891, 1181
Inlfiximab 311 Intermaxillary segment 15 acute 893
Innate immune system 297, 304 Intermediate syndrome 549 causes of dynamic 891
Innate immunity 297, 298 Intermembral index 511 clinical features of 892
Inner amnion 965 Intermittent claudication 921 types of 891
Inorganic acid poisonings 544 Intermittent diarrhea 890 Intestinal peptide, vasoactive 166
Inorganic dusts 820 Intermittent explosive disorder 1111 Intestinal ulcers, flask shaped 281
Inotersen 376 Internal disease, skin manifestations of 1059 Intestinal villi 163

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Index 1273

Intestinal wall 79 Intrinsic muscles 621 Isavuconazonium sulfate 374

Intestine 449 Intrinsic renal azotemia 829 Ischemia 138, 1199
histology of small 78 Intubation granuloma 670 mesenteric 890
large 79, 276 Intussusception 699, 895 myocardial 772
Intra-abdominal pressure 1021 acute 1180 reperfusion injury 379
Intra-aortic balloon pump 779 Inulin 198 transient myocardial 774
Intra-arterial thiopentone injection, Invertogram 1187 upper extremity 1164
accidental 1142 Involucrin 1043 Ischemic coagulative necrosis 390
Intra-articular fossae 32 Iodinated water soluble contrast media 1163 Ischemic colitis 891, 1180
Intracanalicular portion 650 Iodine 212, 227, 472, 494 Ischemic hypoxia 158
Intracapsular tonsillectomy 662 number 193 Ischemic necrosis 380
Intracardiac repair, complete 689 Iodine-131 hippuran 1198 patches of 831
Intracardiac ultrasound 767 Iodoacetate 179 Ischemic optic neuropathy, anterior 804, 809
Intracavitary fibroid 1025f Iohexol 881 Ischemic penumbra 792, 1162
Intracellular Ion pumps 127, 129 Ischemic stroke 1203f
accumulations 382 Ionic dimers 1163 acute 1162
protein buffers 874 Ionic inhibitors 361 Ischial tuberosity 45f, 52
Ionic monomers 1163 attachments to 45
brain hemorrhage 1209f
Ionizing power 1191 Ischiococcygeus 91
hemorrhage 793
Ionizing radiation 416 Ischiopubic rami 737
Intracranial hypertension
cellular effects of 1192 Ischiorectal fossa 91
benign 807
types of 1191 Ischipubic index 513
idiopathic 807
Ipilimumab 311, 369 Ischium 44
Intracranial pressure 148
Ipratropium 322, 337 ISGEO classification 591
increased 868
Ipsilateral deafness 173 Isochromosomes 428, 428f
Intracranial space occupying lesions 807
Iridocorneal endothelial syndromes 592 Isoelectric focusing 190
Intracranial tension 1142
Iridocyclitis 594 Isoenzymes 209
Intracytoplasmic sperm injection 1027
acute 564, 840f Isoflurane 1143, 1144, 1145
Intradural extramedullary spinal tumor 1163
Irinotecan 941 Isoleucine 191
Intraepidermal carcinoma 1072
Iris Isomerases 177
Intragastric pressure, increased 1146
atrophy Isomerism 85
Intrahepatic biliary tree 903
progressive 592 left 85
Intramural ganglia 108
sectoral 571 Isomerization, structural 684
Intraneuronal inclusion bodies 395
bombe 595 Isomers 199, 1191
Intraocular hemorrhage, organization of 961
nodules 598 Isomorphic phenomenon 1050, 1081
Intraocular lens 580
stroma 6 Isoniazid 338, 825, 838, 913
anterior chamber 581f
Iron 167, 176, 213, 494, 543 resistant 289
Intraocular pressure 584, 1142
Absorption 211, 401, 402f, 403 Iso-osmotic reabsorption 163
Intraosseous injection 1140
factors influencing 402 Isopeptide bond 189
Intraparenchymal hemorrhage 793f
chelating agent 640 Isopropyl alcohol 226, 227, 1083
Intraperitoneal injury 910
chelation therapy 407 Isoproterenol 323
Intraperitoneal space, left posterior 74
concentration, optimum 242 Isopter contraction 587
Intrapleural pressure 152
deficiency 403 Isosexual precocity
Intrathoracic perforation 881
anemia 277, 399, 401, 403, 403f, 471, complete 704
Intrauterine contraceptive device 993
669, 947 incomplete 704
types of 994, 995
causes of 402 Isotone 1191
Intrauterine growth
homeostasis 828 Isotonic crystalloids 1153
restriction 974f
loss 402 Isotonic exercise 141
retardation 1000
metabolism, essentials of 402 Isotope 209, 1191
Intrauterine insemination 1027
non-heme 402 Isotopic phenomenon 1082
Intravascular dye 1132
regulatory hormone 402 Isotretinoin 719, 928
Intravascular injection 1140
serum 400 Isovaleric acidemia 187
Intravascular ultrasound 767
stores, low 402 Isovolumetric contraction 145
sulphide 921 Isovolumetric relaxation 146
anesthetic agents 1142
Irrigation system, continuous suction 748 Isovolumetric ventricular contraction 146
infusions 1144
Irrigation test 611 Istanbul protocol 540
pyelography 1182
Irritable bowel syndrome 1107 Isthmus 1005, 1006
urogram 1182
Irritant ammoniacal urine 1054 Itch, ground 277
Intravitreal antibiotic injection 582
Irritant poisons 542 Itching 1054
Intravitreal avastin 592
Irritants, avoidance of 1054 Itch-mite 465
Intravitreal ganciclovir implant 292
Irvine gass syndrome 582 Itchy urticarial plaques 1075
Intrinsic hand muscle weakness 40
Irving’s method 998 Ito cell 82, 392

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1274 Sure Success MAGIC

Itraconazole 266, 355, 569 Join oculomotor nerve 109 Kallikrein 160
Ivabradine 332, 773 Joints 25, 725, 750 antagonist 327
Ivacaftor 373, 375, 695 between cranial bones 95 Kallmann syndrome 660, 1009
Ivemark syndrome 85 complex 27 Kamino bodies 394, 1083
Ivermectin 357, 596 compound 27 Kanamycin 339, 353
cream 374 functional classification of 25 Kanavel’s four cardinal signs 737
Ivosidenib 375, 416 line pain 741 Kangaroo mother care 711, 712f
Ixabepilone 367 manubriocostal 60 Kangri’ cancer 958
Ixekizumab 311 manubriosternal 60 Kaplan-Meier curve 454
Ixodes tick bite 282 metacarpophalangeal 27 Kaposi’s sarcoma 290-292
of sternum 60 pulmonary 291
J primary cartilaginous 25f, 95 Kaposi’s varicelliform eruption 1055
replacement; capsaicin 747 Kappa statistic 454
J stent right side 1208f
saddle 27, 27f, 51 Kapsoi’s sarcoma 291
Jaboulays procedure 929
spheroidal 27 Karl Pearson’s formula 514
Jackknife position 523
subtalar 51 Karl Pearson’s method 452
Jackknife spasms 703
synovial 26, 663 Karnofsky scale 420
Jackson’s cross cylinder 559
tuberculosis 749 Kartagener’s syndrome 132, 660, 817
Jacksonian march 798
Jones criteria, 2015 revised 691 Kartar Singh committee 491
Jacobson nerve 124
Jones dye testing 611 Karyolysis 379
Jacquemier’s maneuver 983
Jones transfer, modified 729 Karyorrhexis 379
Jacquemier’s sign 969
Jones’ fracture, radiograph of 723f Karyosome 280
Jactatio capitis nocturna 1116
Jordans’ anomaly 394 Karyotyping 427
Jamaican vomiting sickness 825
Joubert’s syndrome 835 Kasabach-Merritt syndrome 927
Jan Aushadhi 487f
Joule burn 534 Kashima operation 664
Janani Shishu Suraksha Karyakram 484
J-shaped sella 1182 Kashima surgery 926
Janani Suraksha Yojana 484
turcica 1182 Kashin beck disease 212
Janeway lesions 781
Judicial electrocution 539 Kastle Meyer test 539
Janz syndrome 703
Judicial hanging 522 Katayama’s disease 275
Japanese classification 946
Judicial Magistrate 506 Katayama’s fever 275
Japanese detergent suicide technique 539, 555
Jugular foramen 96 Katayama’s test 555
Japanese encephalitis 459, 475, 480
syndrome 651 Kato-Katz technique 471
vaccine 476
Jugular notch 60 Katz Wachtel phenomenon 690
Jarisch-Herxheimer reaction 1088
Jugular vein Kauffmann-White scheme 245
Jaundice 392, 945
external 93 Kawasaki’s disease 841, 869
differential diagnosis of 208
internal 93, 928 Kayakalp awards 487f
neonatal 407, 682
pulse 759 Kayser-Fleischer rings 612, 827
obstructive 444
abnormalities of 759 Kearns Sayre syndrome 437
physiologic 682
Junctional scotoma 804 Kegel’s exercises 1020
Jaw, cystic lesion of 670
Jungalwalla committee 491 Kehr’s sign 907, 926
Jeep disease 894
Juvenile Court 506 Keith Wagner Barker grading 607
Jehovah’s witnesses 1154
Jejunal biopsies 277 Juvenile glaucoma 585 Kelling-Madlener procedure 886
Jejunal biopsy 606 Juvenile idiopathic arthritis 581 Kelly’s method 452
Jejunoileal bypass 391, 825 Juvenile justice 506 Kelly’s plication suture 1021
Jejunum and ileum 78 Juvenile Justice Act 503 Kelsey Sykes test 227
Jellinek’s classification 1111 Juvenile Justice Board 506 Kemicitine anti-ozaena solution 654
Jendrassik maneuver 169, 174 Juvenile myoclonic epilepsy 703 Kennedy phenomenon 531
Jenkin’s rule 876 Juvenile nasopharyngeal angiofibroma 95, 659 Keratan sulfate 198
Jensen choroiditis 596 Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis associated Keratectomy, photorefractive 558
Jeopardy, double 506 uveitis 596 Keratic precipitates 594, 595f
Jerky pulses 760 Juvenile xanthogranuloma 961 Keratin pearls 940
Jervell and Lange Nielsen syndrome 638, 770 Juxta-articular osteoporosis 838 Keratinization, zone of 1043
Jeryll lynn strain 262 Juxtacanalicular meshwork 583 Keratinocytes 212, 1043
Jewett nail 738f Juxtaglomerular apparatus 161 degenerated 1043
Job’s syndrome 309 components of 161f Keratinosomes 1043
Jobe’s tests 733 Juxtaglomerular cells 162 Keratitis 281, 571f
Jod-Basedow phenomenon 849 Juxtamedullary nephron 160 interstitial 573, 709¸1086
Johannes de Ketham’s fasciculus necrotising 571
medicinae 869 K severe chronic 573
Johne’s bacillus 219 K wires 725 viral 569
Johnson’s formula 970 Kala azar 283, 459 with pannus 1059

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Index 1275

Keratoacanthoma 869 congenital anomalies of 907 Klinefelter’s syndrome 437, 437f, 913, 937,
Keratoconjunctivitis coverings of 85 954, 1026
epidemic 260 damage, markers of 830 Klippel-Feil syn 746
sicca 292 disease 828, 830, 836 Klisic test 743f, 745
superior limbic 565 chronic 237, 346, 830 Klumpke’s paralysis 39, 40f
Keratoconus 560, 561, 565, 572, 572f, 575 etiology of chronic 830 Klüver-Bucy syndrome 1116
treatment of 572 embryology 11 Knee
Keratocyst, odontogenic 670 endocrine function of 164 conditions 740
Keratocyte 6 hilum of 85 dislocation 741
Keratoderma, palmoplantar 1053, 1072 injury extension of 52
Keratodermic sandals 1053, 1054f acute 700, 828, 830 joint 49
Keratohyalin 1043 biomarkers of 829 fibrous capsule of 49
Keratolytic agent 330, 1083 causes of acute 829 flexor of 52
Keratomalacia 574 chronic 830 genicular branch to 56
Keratomycosis 569 molecule 1 829 ligaments of 49
Keratopathy, band-shaped 573f network, acute 828 movements of 50
Keratoplastic agents 1083 interim 11 posterior dislocation of 1204f
Keratoplasty internal structure of 85 stabilisers of 49
conductive 558, 561 intravenous pyelography of 1203f locking of 50
partial thickness 575 large 833 stabilises 54
penetrating 570, 575, 613 left 85 unlocking of 50
posterior lamellar 575 posterior relations of 85 Knots, types of 876f
types of 575 small contracted 833 Knott’s concentration technique 280
Keratoprosthesis 575, 613 transplant recipients 260 Knuckle bender splint 724
Keratoscopy 572 Kikuchi’s disease 395 Knuckle sign 823
Keratosis Killian’s dehiscence 660f Knuton’s two-hit hypothesis 937, 960
follicularis 1074 Killian’s triangle 883 Kobark’s test 637
obturans 642 Killip classification 778 Koch’s bacillus 219, 817
pharyngis 663 Koch’s disease 459
Kimmelstiel-Wilson nodules 833
pilaris 1046, 1055, 1068 Koch’s postulates 218, 249
glomerulosclerosis 831
Keratouveitis 571 Koch’s triangle 68, 70
Kimura’s base wing index 512
Kerckring’s center of ossification 97 Koch’s weeks bacillus 219
Kimura’s diamond shaped anastomosis 698
Kerion 1073 Kocher’s maneuver 732
Kimura’s disease 395
Kernicterus 355 Kocher’s subcostal incision 875
Kinases 176
Kernohan’s notch 790, 814 Kocher-Debre-semelaigne syndrome 704
Kinesin 131
Kernohan-Woltman notch phenomenon 814 Koebner phenomenon 291, 1050, 1052,
and Dynein motor molecules 132f
Kernohan-Woltman sign 790 1081, 1082
Kerosene 549 Kinetic energy of bullet 531
reverse 1081
Keshan disease 212 Kinetoplast 280
Koenen tumor 801f
Kestenbaum’s sign 808 Kinin system 387 Koeppe’s nodules 594
Ketamine 537, 1143, 1150 Kinky’ hair 213 Kohn test 539
Ketanserin 327 syndrome 1168 Koilocytosis 392, 1062
Ketoacidosis 856 Kinyoun acid-fast stain, modified 254 Koilonychia 213, 1071
Ketoconazole 355, 913, 953 Kirklin complex 1180 Kolmogorov Smirnov test 454
Ketoglutarate Kirner’s deformity 747 Koplik’s spots 706
alpha 183, 202 Kishori Shakti Yojana 486 Korescopy 557
dehydrogenase, alpha 179, 206, 209 Kite’s angle 745 Korner’s septum 625
Ketolides 353 Kjeldahl’s procedure 190 Koro 1122
Ketone bodies 208, 217, 539 Klatskin tumor 903, 903f, 944 Korotkoff’s sounds 147, 149
Ketonemia 857 Klebs Loeffler’s bacillus 241 Korsakoff’s psychosis 392
Ketonuria, branched chain 187 Klebsiella 244, 815, 1173 Korsakoff’s syndrome 209, 1096
Ketorolac 330 granulomatosis 244 Koshland’s induced fit theory 178
Kety method 151 oxytoca 244 Kostmann syndrome 416
Keyhole’ sign 701 ozaenae 219, 244 Kozelka and Hine test 1113
Khanna’s sling 1019 pneumoniae 219, 244, 814 Krabbe’s disease 392, 1183
Khodadoust line 575 rhinoscleromatosis 219, 244 Krachmer spots 575
Kidney 6, 11, 21, 85, 148, 202, 380, 446, 85, 930 Klebs-Löeffler bacillus 219 Kraissl lines 1079
absence of one 907 Kleihauer-Betke test 407, 678 Kramer’s zones 682
anomalies, congenital 700 Klein line 746 Krause lymph node 926
blood supply of 85 Kleine Levine syndrome 1116 Krause’s nodes 658
collecting part of 11 Kleptomania 1111 Krebs cycle 205, 205f

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1276 Sure Success MAGIC

Krebs-Henseleit cycle 184 Lactic acidosis 200, 209, 363, 553 Lapatinib 369
Krimsky 615 Lactitol 827 Laqshya program 484
Kroener method 998 Lactoferrin 711 Lardaceous spleen 391
Krogman’s accuracy 511 Lactose 198 Larotrectinib 377
Kronlein shot 532 metabolism 200 Larva
Kruger strict morphology 1027 Lactulose 198, 827 currens 277
Krukenburg’s tumor 947 Lacuna migrans 1081f
Kryptok bifocals 560 magna 87 Laryngeal cancer surgery 667
Kübler-Ross model 1116 osteocyte in 24f Laryngeal cartilages 663
Kulchitsky cells 940 Lacunar ligament 72 Laryngeal diphtheria 242
Kunkel’s test 555 Ladd’s bands 930 Laryngeal lesions, acquired 665
Kupffer cells 1200 Ladder tear 526 Laryngeal mask airway 1129
Kurt Schneider’s first rank symptoms 1096 Lafora bodies 394, 395 complications of 1130
Kussmaul’s breathing 159 Lambda pattern 822 contraindications for 1130
Kussmaul’s sign 760, 780 Lambda sign 1186 types of 1129
Kustner’s incision 875 Lambert-Eaton Myasthenic syndrome 797 Laryngeal nerve
Kustner’s sign 980 Lambert-Eaton syndrome 170 external 663
Küttner tumor 309 Lamellar granules 1043 internal 663
Kveim Sitback test 822 Lamellar keratoplasty 575 recurrent 664
Kwashiorkor 713, 714f anterior 575 right recurrent 664
triad of 868 Lamellipodia 131 Laryngeal saccule 665
Kyasanur-Forest disease 459, 859, 860 Lamendin 513 Laryngeal sulcus 666
Lamina dura Laryngeal surgery 665
L loss of 1167 Laryngectomy tube 1128
La facies sympathetique 522 of tooth, loss of 850 Laryngocele 665
Lab medicine 440 Lamina papyracea 613 Laryngomalacia 665
Labetalol first choice 783 Lamina posteriorly 109 Laryngoplasty 665
Labia majora 12, 536, 1004 Lamina propria, lymphocytes in 785 Laryngoscope 1128
partial fusion of 705 Laminar dot sign 587 blades, types of 1129f
Labia minora 12, 536, 1004 Laminectomy 742 Laryngoscopy
Labioscrotal swelling 12 L-amino acid oxidase 209 first direct 1128
Labor Laminotomy 742 indirect 664
arrest of 984 Lamivudine 264, 294, 295 technique of 1129
augmentation of 980 Lamotrigine 343, 1119 Laryngotracheobronchitis 693
certain sign of 978 Lanadelumab 376 Larynx 663
induction of 980 Lancefield system 234 carcinoma 667
normal 977, 978 Lanceolate diplococci 237 cartilage of 663
obstructed 983 Landau Kleffner syndrome 703 congenital lesions of 665
pains Lander’s sign 596 divisions of 666
false 978 Landolff’s sign 926 essential anatomy of 663
true 978 Langer’s lines 1079 examination of 664
preterm 984 Langerhans external aspect of 663
prolonged 984 islet 858 inlet of 663
room under analgesia 982 cells of 930 muscle of 663
third stage of 980 Langerhans’ cell 301, 1044 narrowest part of 663
trial of 976, 977 histiocytosis 395, 962 neurology of 664
Labyrinthectomy 650 Language parts of 667f
Labyrinthine artery 123, 627 disorder 1124 tensor of 663
Labyrinthitis 652 disturbance 173 tumors of 666
Laceration 525 Lanoline 191 Laser
Lacis cells 162 Lanreotide 360 photocoagulation 601, 609
Lacosamide 343, 344 Lansoprazole 340, 885 trabeculoplasty 587
Lacquer cracks 558f Lanugo hair, sudden appearance of 1072 tubes 1128
Lacrimal disorders 610 Laparoscopic resection 854 LASIK 561
Lacrimal gland 19 Laparoscopic sterilization 998 L-asparaginase 368, 371
disease 574 Laparoscopic surgery 1149 Lassar’s paste 1082
tumors 962 Laparoscopic visualization, direct 1023 Latanoprost 589
Lacrimation 585 Laparoscopy 877, 991, 1018, 1028, 1029 Latarjet nerve 124
Lactase deficiency 200 complications of 878 Latch mechanism 143
Lactate dehydrogenase 829 physiological changes in 877 Latex test 539
Lactation pill 997 Laparotomophilia migrans 1108 Latissimus dorsi 34, 39
Lactic acid cycle 203 Laparotomy, conventional 998 flap 880

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Index 1277

muscles 34f Lempert’s incisions 647 Lesser sac 74

origin of 45 Lempert’s incision 875 boundaries of 74
Latte’s crust method 539 Lenalidomide 413, 420 communicates 74
Latzko’s triad 1040 Lendrum staining 539 Lesser sciatic
Lauge Hansen classification 742 Lennox Gastaut syndrome 703 foramen 45
Lauren classification 946 Lens 227 notch 45
Lautenschlager’s operation 654 anatomy 577 Lesser trochanter 46
Laveran 269 aspiration 581 Letermovir 373
basics 577
Law of laplace 164 Lethargy 213
biochemistry 577
Lawson tait 897 Letrozole 1011
capsule 577
Laxative abuse 341 dislocation of 591 Leucine 183
Lazy leuKocyte syndrome 309 epithelium, anterior 577 Leucocyte antibodies 1154
Le Fort’s repair 1020 extraction, clear 558 Leucoma, central 570
Lead 1168 high index 560 Leucotrichia 1070
palsy 547 nucleus 577 Leukemia 413, 435, 1212f
poisoning 547, 547f browning of 577 childhood 415
snowstorm 531 yellowing of 577 prolymphocytic 415
toxic salts of 548 physiology 577 Leukoaraiosis 793
zirconate titanate 1158 power of 557 Leukocidin 232
Leaf-like unsegmented body 275 progressive 560 Leukocoria 960, 961, 961f
League test 742 refractive index of 557
spontaneous displacement of 583
Leaguers elbow, little 734 adhesion deficiency 309
traumatic displacement of 583
Learning disorder, specific 1125 alkaline phosphatase 413
Lentiform nucleus 115, 119
Leather bottle 889 count, total 681
Lentivirinae 287
stomach 1190 polymorphonuclear 298, 395
Lentivirus 287
Leber’s congenital amaurosis 365, 610 Leukocytoclastic vasculitis 841
Lenvatinib 374
Leber’s hereditary optic neuropathy 437, 810 Leukocytosis 248, 405, 411, 1118
Leopold’s maneuvers 977, 977f
Lecithin 129, 191, 192 neutrophilic 256
Lepirudin 347, 422
Ledderhose’s disease 730 Leukodystrophy 187
Lepra cells 1064
Lee Jones test 555 Lepra reactions 1066 metachromatic 195
Leech Wilkinson cannula 1029 Leprechaunism 856 Leukoerythroblastic blood picture 410,
Lees screen 618 Lepromatous leprosy 1064, 1065f 410f, 411
Leflunomide 331 Lepromin test 1066 Leukoerythroblastosis 411
Left ventricular Leprosy 459, 466, 495, 569, 654, 798, 1063, Leukoma 570
failure 1171 1065, 1067 Leukomalacia 719
function 767 chaulmoogra oil 1067 Leukomatous corneal opacity 570f
hypertrophy 687, 768 classifications of 1064 Leukonychia 1071
Leg downgrading reaction 1067 Leukoplakia 952, 1034
branches in 57 histamine test 1067 Leukotriene 192, 328, 329
conditions 741 nerve involvement in 1065 receptor antagonists 337
muscles subtypes 1064 Leulovorin 370
lateral 53 treatment of 1066 Leuprolide 704, 1010
posterior 53 types of 1064 Leutic aneurysms 782
pain 1140 Leptmeningeal angiomatosis 801 Levalbuterol 337
posterior compartment of 57 Leptospira 220 Levamisole 357
veins, deep 390 interrogans 255 Levator ani 91
Legionella 220, 1173 Leptospires 225 pubovaginalis part of 91
pneumophilia 253, 815 Leptospirosis 255 Levator muscle 619
Legionnaires disease 253 Leri’s disease 869 Levator palati 101, 626
Leiden convention 71 Leriche’s syndrome 921 Levator palpebrae superioris 614
Leigh disease 1182 Lermoyez syndrome 650 Levator resection 619
Leiomyoma, FIGO subclassification of 1032f Lesbianism 538 Levator scapulae 33
Leishman donovan 283 Lesch-Nyhan syndrome 215 Levetiracetam 344
Leishmania 269, 270 Lesinurad 373, 374 Levey Jennings charts 456
spp., disease caused by 282fc Lesion Levinthal medium 240
Leishmaniasis 271, 282, 459, 839 benign 660 Levinthal-Cole-Lillie bodies 256
visceral 283 combined 664 Levodopa 314, 344
Leishmanin skin test 283 strawberry 894 adjunctive treatment to 869
Lembert sutures 931 thalamic 1155 Levohyoscyamine 553
Lemon sign 973, 1190 Lesser omentum, free edge of 83 Levonorgestrel-intrauterine system 993, 994

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1278 Sure Success MAGIC

Lewy body 392, 395 distal 171 Liquefaction degeneration 1046

dementia 1094 proximal 171 Liquefaction necrosis 380, 390
formation 794 perfusion, hyperthermic isolated 959 Liquid agents 1164
Leydig cells 964 posterior 116 Lisch nodules 800f
Lhermitte’s sign 796, 1195 shortening 745 Lisinopril 333
Liaison psychiatry, consultation 1116 Limbal dermoid 567, 567f Lissauer dorsolateral tract 171
Libido, decreased 844 Limbal follicles, scarred 566 Lissencephaly 14
Libman-Sacks endocarditis 781, 837 Limbal palisades of Vogt 575 Lister’s tubercle 30
Lice infestation 1080 Limbal stem cell transplantation 613 Listeria 569
Lichen amyloidosis 1069 Limberg flap 880 monocytogenes 255
Lichen nitidus 1053, 1053f Limbic system 119, 262 Lita tube 1128
Lichen planus 1045, 1046, 1050, 1051, 1052f, Limbus fossa ovalis 68 Lithium 361, 719, 838, 848, 1118
1057, 1071 Lincomycin 353 alternatives to 1119
histopathology of 1052 Lincosamides 353 pharmacokinetics of 1119
morphological types of 1052 Lindane 549 side effects of 1118
purple lesions of 1052f Lindsay’s nails 1071 Lithocholic acid 208
treatment 1053 Linea splendens 111 Lithogenic bile 208
variant of 1053 Linear accelerator 1197f Lithotomy 927f
Lichen scrofulosorum 1063 Linear energy transfer 1192 Littre’s hernia 899
Lichen simplex chronicus 1056 Linear IgA bullous dermatosis 1076 Live attenuated
Lichenification 1045, 1055 Lineweaver-Burk plot 178, 178f vaccines 475
fissures 1054 Linezolid 237, 339, 353 virus 476
Lichtenberg’s flowers 534 Lingual lipase 167 Live birth 533
Lidocaine 1148 Lingual nerve 106 signs of 533
Lie detector test 533 Linguine sign 1185 Livedo reticularis 831
Lieberkuhn, crypts of 78 Lingular segment, consolidation 1175f Liver 81, 184, 202, 203, 380, 449, 718, 825,
Liebmann’s test 555 Lining epithelium 88 901, 930, 944, 1056, 1186
Lienorenal ligament 74 Linitis plastica 889 abscesses, aspiration of 901
Lies beneath mucosa 107 Linoleic acid 493 anatomical lobes of 81
Life index, physical quality of 459 Linolenic acid 192 basics 81
Ligaments 32 Linton classification 738 biopsy 449, 942
anterior longitudinal 110 Liomyoma 1209f needles 449, 826f
connecting atlas 110 Lip, outer 45 types of 450
cutting suspensory 1007 Lipemia 1143 blood supply of 82
false 86 retinalis 602 cirrhosis of 346, 1186
medial collateral 741 Lipid 128, 226, 382 development 8
tear, collateral 740 cell tumor 1038 disease 1153
Ligamenta denticulata 111 compound 191 chronic 237, 839, 902
Ligamentum flavum 21, 110 deficiency dry eye 574 common 825
Ligamentum teres 46 peak 1162 model for end-stage 902
contains 74 simple 191 enzymes 449
sign, fissure for 1179 Lipiduria 700 failure 350
Ligasure 876 Lipiodol 1164 acute 684, 902
Ligation 981 Lipoarabinomannan 243 fibrous tissue of 8
Ligature mark 522 Lipoatrophic diabetes 856 flukes 275
horizontal 522 Lipochrome 396 function tests 449
Ligature strangulation, accidental 522 Lipodystrophy 292 functional lobes of 81
Ligature tension 522 Lipofuscin 382, 394 histology of 82
Ligature test 518 Lipomas 784, 948 hypnozoites, latent 285
Light bulb sign 733 Lipo-oligosaccharide endotoxin 239 imaging 1185
Light eruption, polymorphous 1069 Lipo-oxygenase 328 injury, drug induced 825
Light microscopy 224, 832 Lipopolysaccharide 222, 252 multiple hydatid cyst of 901f
Light reflex 803 Lipoproteins 188, 195, 196f overlap sign 1180
Ligneous conjunctivitis 565 high density 195 parenchyma 8
Lignocaine 1139, 1148 low density 195 subdivisions of 82
Lillys cyanide antidote kit 555 very low density 195 sinusoids of 82
Limb Liposomal doxorubicin 371 stem cells 384
anterior 116 Liposuction 930, 1155 transplantation 902, 943
ischemia, critical 921 Lipoxins 329 tumors
leads, einthoven triangle of 763f Lipoxygenase pathway forms lipoxins 328, 328f benign 942
muscles Lippes loop 1000f malignant 942

Index Ram Gopal ts to Kamlesh.indd 1278 23-02-2019 12:39:28

Index 1279

Living organisms, classification of 269 fractures 722 gas exchange in 155

Living will 540 nerve of 55 injury, transfusion-related acute 1154
Living, standard of 459 vessels of 58 lesions, congenital 692
Livor mortis, pattern of 520 Lower poles, fusion of 907f oligemia 690f
Loa loa 270, 280 Lown-Ganong-Levine syndrome 771, 771f pathology 692
Lobar emphysema, congenital 693 Lowry’s method 190 location of 1170
Lobar pneumonia 1206f Loxiglumide 341 perfusion scintigraphy 1202f
course of uncomplicated 815 Luc’s abscess 646
relations of apex of 66
Lobe, frontal 173 Lucio leprosy 1065
scan 1200
Lobstein syndrome 747 Lucio phenomenon 1081
Ludlam’s medium 232 transplantation 823
Lobster claw sign 1189
Ludloff sign 740 uremic 1176
Lobule, portal 82
Ludwig’s angina 670 volume 154, 1172f
Localising sign, false 814
Luftsichel sign 1186 weight of 533
Localized disease 1067
Lugol’s iodine 361 Lupus anticoagulant 837
Locard’s exchange principle 533
stains 537 Lupus erythematosus 1068
Lochia 988 test 444
Locked-in syndrome 814 Lupus nephritis 444, 837f
Lumbar cistern 111 Lupus vulgaris 654, 1063
Lockwood, suspensory ligament of 615 Lumbar enlargement 111
Loco parentis 510 diascopy in 1063f
Lumbar hernia 899
Locomotor ataxia 1087 Lumbar interspace, fourth 1155 Lurasidone 1117
Loeffler’s serum slope 221f, 229, 241 Lumbar lordosis, exaggerated 745 Luschka, crypts of 83
Lofexidine 375 Lumbar puncture 111 Lutathera 375
Lofgren’s syndrome 822 headache 791 Luteal follicular shift 1008
Logroll maneuver 925 site for 112 Luteal phase defect 1008, 1011
Lollipop bodies 395 Lumbar spine 72 Luteal placenta shift 1008
Lombard’s test 633 Lumbar triangle of petit, inferior 899 Luteinized unruptured follicles 1023
Lonafamib 370 Lumbar veins, ascending 112 Luteinizing hormone 1009
Long bone, parts of 22, 22f Lumbar vertebra 110, 110f Luxatio erecta 732
Loop diuretics 345, 346, 640 Lumbosacral hypertrichosis 14f Lyases 177
Loop of Henle 17, 160, 163 Lumbricals 38 Lyme disease 798
function 163 Lumen contains, central 391 Lymph node 21, 74, 301, 302f, 556, 926
Looser’s zones 1166, 1166f Lumen tubes, double 1128 Delphian nodes 926
Lop ear 643 Luminal amebicides 281, 360 egg shell calcification of 1171
Loperamide 341 Luminol spray test 539 groups 929
Lopinavir 295 Lund and Bowder Irish nodes 926
Lorcaserin 342 chart 535 Lund 926
Lordosis 109 rule 535 metastases 953
Lords operation 929 Lung 66, 148, 254, 930, 1195 of Cloquet 1004
Lorenzo cast 724 abscess 1172, 1177f pararectal 80
Lorenzo’s oil 724 alveoli, epithelium of 17 prelaryngeal 663
Loricrin 1043 biopsy, open 290 retroperitoneal 954
Lorlatinib 377 blood supply of 66 Rotter’s nodes 926
Losartan 314 cancer 940 Rouvier nodes 926
Lotio alba 1082 TNM staging of 941 sister Mary Joseph nodes 926
Lou gehrig disease 795 capacity 154 syndrome, mucocutaneous 841, 869
Loud sound, intolerance to 649 total 154 tuberculous 819
Loud voice test 633 carcinoma 941 Virchow nodes 926
Louis, sternal angle of 42, 60 chemotherapy of 941 Lymphadenopathy 707
Louis-Barr syndrome 869 compliance 153 bilateral tender 1086
Lousy epidemics 465 factors affecting 153 occipital 707
Lovastatin 838 cysts, congenital 692 painless 414
Love bites 525 diffusion capacity of 155 persistent generalized 288
Love test 928 disease Lymphangioma orbit 962
Lover’s fracture 741 chronic 679, 772 Lymphangitic sporotrichosis 268
Lovset maneuver 983 interstitial 820, 1068, 1070 Lymphangitis 877
Low back pain 742 obstructive 154, 155 carcinomatosa 1171
Low birth weight, extremely 717 occupational 820 Lymphatic 276, 1005
Lowe’s syndrome 579 restrictive 154, 155 drainage 101, 621, 1005, 1007
Lowenstein-Jensen medium 243 fissures 1170 duct, largest 63
Lower limb 44, 747 fluke 275, 276 filariasis 279, 479
bones and joints of 44 function, permanent cessation of 518 from testis 89

Index Ram Gopal ts to Kamlesh.indd 1279 23-02-2019 12:39:28

1280 Sure Success MAGIC

obstruction 1171 Macroheterogenicity 165 syndromes 209, 785

spread 935 Macrolides 253, 339, 350, 353 tests for 786
Lymphedema 926 resistant community acquired Malakoplakia 392
causes of 929 pneumonia 353 Malar flexion 983
congenital 929 Macro-ovalocytes 404, 412 Malaria 283, 475, 478
praecox 929 Macrophage 298 clinical features of 285
primary 929 colony stimulating factor 398 congenital 286
secondary 929 Macrosomia 682, 1210f distribution of 283
tarda 929 Macrovascular disease 784 epidemiology of 478
Lymphoblastic leukemia, acute 404, 415 Macula 632 lab diagnosis of 286
Lymphocytes 302, 445, 539, 821 densa 162 malignant tertian 285
collar of 388 lutea 599 measurement of 479
predominant 418 Macular amyloidosis 1069 merozoite-induced 286
small 404f Macular corneal opacity 570f microscopic diagnosis of 479
Lymphocytic leukemia, chronic 414 Macular degeneration 561 prophylaxis of 360
Lymphocytosis 250, 415 age-related 606 radical cure of 360
Lymphogranuloma venereum 1085 Macular disease 562 resistant 405
Lymphoid cells 302 Macular edema transfusion associated 478
Lymphoid leukemia, acute 1193 chronic 604 transmission 269
Lymphoid organs 301, 381 clinically significant 601 modes of 478
central 301 Macular function tests 580 trend of 479
peripheral 301
Macular hole formation 603f treatment of 286
Lymphoid tissue 674 types of 358
Macular perception, simultaneous 615
mucosa associated 301 vaccines 286
Macular rash 707
skin associated 301 Malarial parasite 269
Macular roseola 1086
Lymphomas 413, 417, 567, 847, 948, 955, Malassezia globosa 1073
Macular sparing 812
956, 1174 Malassezia orbiculare 1054
Macular star 807f
diagnostic testing of 419 Male fertility, normal 1026
Maculopathy 561, 605
plasmablastic 292 Male infertility 1027
Madarosis 618
primary effusion 292 causes of 1026
Maddox rod 562f
Lymphotropic viruses 287 Male sterilization, vasectomy 992, 998
Madelung’s collar 747
Lynching 522 Male urethra
Madelung’s deformity 747
Lyon hypothesis 438 anatomy of 87f
Madlener’s technique 998
Lyonization 439, 539 epithelial lining of 88
Maduramycosis 267
Lypressin 346 Malecot’s catheter 933f
Maffucci syndrome 927
Lyre’s sign 652 Malformations
Magenstrasse 545, 556
Lysergic acid diethylamide 1114 congenital 679, 682, 746
Magic angle phenomenon 1190
Lysine 182 tumor like 955
Magic bullet 876
residue 189 Malgaigne’s hernia 900
Magill’s forceps 932f
Lysogenic conversion 230 Malherbe’s epithelioma 869
Magistrate’s court 506
Lysosomal enzymes 386 Mallampati classification 1127f
Magistrate’s inquest 505
Lysosomal granules, rupture of 386 Mallampati criteria 1126
Magistrate’s, class of 506
Lysosomal storage disorders 603 Malleolar flares 920
Magnan’s bugs, formication of 1092
Lysosomes 130 Malleolus, anterior to medial 58
Magnan’s sign 1114
types of 131fc Magnesium 176, 216 Mallet finger 37, 727f
sulfate 984, 989 Mallory hyaline 391
Magnetic resonance Mallory-Weiss syndrome 881f
M’Fadyean’s reaction 249 cholangiopancreatography 1162 Mallory-Weiss tear 881
Maastricht classification, modified 930 Magnetic resonance imaging 901f, 1161 Malnutrition 712
MacCallums plaques 720 advantages of 1161 classification of 712
MacConkey agar 229, 240, 253 contraindications to 1162 evaluation of 714
MacConkey medium 229 disadvantages of 1162 grade of 712
Maceration 533 spectroscopy 1162 severe 713, 714
MacEwen’s sign 926 types of 1162 Malonate 179
MacEwen’s triangle 625, 625f Magnetic resonance neurography 1162 Malt worker’s lung 820
Machinery murmur, continuous 687 Magnetoencephalography 1163 Malta fever 250, 859
Macitentan 773 Magnus muscle, adductor 52, 58 Maltose 198
MacKenrodt’s ligament 1005 Magnus test 518 Malunited supracondylar fracture, classical
Mackler triad 881 Main-en-largnette 1166
Macroautophagy 382 gunstock deformity of 735f
Majocchi’s granuloma 1073 Mammary artery, internal 43, 95
Macrocrania 675
Malabsorption 167, 210 Mammary gland 19, 43
Macrocytosis 400
disorders 786 lactating 203
Macroglossia 391, 438

Index Ram Gopal ts to Kamlesh.indd 1280 23-02-2019 12:39:29

Index 1281

Mammary murmur 968 extended simple 917 stages of 706

Mammary nodes, internal 43 radical 917 vaccine 475, 706
Mammillary bodies 209 simple 917 Meatus
Mammography 917 super radical 917 inferior 653
Manchester operation 1020 Master and Johnson’s technique 1115 middle 653
Manchester system 1037, 1194 Mastication, muscle of 100 Mebendazole 278, 358
Mancini’s technique 190 Mastitis 915 Mecasermin 360
Mandible 511, 512 acute 913 Mechanic’s hands 1068
posterior 670 periductal 913, 915 Mechanical ventilation 1150
protrusion of 1126 Mastocytosis 411, 412, 1168 controlled 1151
ramus of 97 systemic 412 modes of 1150
Mandibular dentition, infection of 670 Mastoid antrum 625 weaning 1151
Mandibular nerve 101, 625 landmark of 625 Mechanoreceptors 168
Mangafodipir trisodium 1161 Mastoidectomy Mechlorethamine 366
Manganese 176, 213 cortical 645, 647
Mania 1092, 1119 Meckel’s cave 112, 628
radical 648 Meckel’s diverticulum 79, 80, 1200
Manning’s score 971
simple 647 Meckel’s scan 1200
Mannitol salt agar 232
Mannose-6-phosphate 130 Mastoiditis, acute 645, 646 Meconium
Mansonella 270 Masturbation 1026 aspiration syndrome 679
Mantoux reactions, false 467 Matchstick spots 1023 ileus 699, 895
Mantoux test 467 Maternal serum, elevated 14 Medial cord, branches of 39
Manubrium 60 Matrix metalloproteinase 389 Medial epicondyle-tibial collateral ligament 46
anterior surface of 60 Matru Vanadana Yojana 488f Medial meniscus, margin of 49
Maple syrup 187 Maturation disorder 400 Medial wall 624, 626
urine disease 187 Maturation index 1015 Mediastinum 21
Mapleson systems 1138 Maturation organ 305 middle 67
Marasmus 713, 714f Maurer’s clefts 285 posterior 94
Maraviroc 295 Mauriceau-Smellie-Veit technique 983 superior 1170
Marble skin 1084 Maxilla, fracture of 657 Medical certificate, false 503
Marburg variant 796 Maxillary artery 622
Medical Council of India 510
March fracture 723f ligation 656
Medical examiner’s system 505
Marchiafava-Bignami syndrome 1116 Maxillary carcinoma, classification of 658f
Medical gas
Marcus Gunn Jaw winking syndrome 618 Maxillary sinus 653
cylinders, color of 1136
Marfan syndrome 21, 577, 583, 604, 686, 990 Maxillary sinusitis 653
supply 1135
Marijuana 913, 1113, 1114 Maxillary veins 106
Medical jurisprudence 510
therapeutic use of 1114 Maximum mid expiratory flow rate 155
Medical termination of pregnancy Act 985
Marinesco bodies 395 Maximum voluntary ventilation 155
Medicine 759
Marinesco succulent hand 737 Maxwell lyon sign 565
ayurveda system of 458
Marquee sign 394 May Hegglin anomaly 413
general 859
Marquis reagent 556 Maydl’s hernia 899
homeopathy system of 458
Marrow stem cells 385 Mayers Kouwenaar syndrome 280
siddha system of 458
Marsh gas 556 Mayers waves 148
Maylard incision 875 Unani system of 458
Marsh test 547
Mayo’s operation 899 Medicolegal procedure 507
Marshal and Hoare formula 518
Mazindol 342 Mediterranean fever, familial 310
Marshall Marchetti Krantz surgery 1021
Mazucchi vaccine 249 Medlar bodies 268
Marshall Smith syndrome 577, 675
Mc’Naughten rule 533 Medroxyprogesterone 613
Marshall triad 532
McAfee Johnson regime 988 Medulla 118, 262
Martel’s sign 748
Marvin tile’s classification 737 McBurney’s point 79, 897f blood supply of 118
Masochism 538 McCall culdoplasty 1019 oblongata 118
Masque ecchymotique 523 McCune-Albright syndrome 438, 675, 704, 1070 Medullary carcinoma, cells of 850
Mass McDonald’s MRI criteria 796 Medullary cells, adrenal 322
blood survey 480 McDonald’s operation 985 Medullary index 515
disasters 514 McDonald’s rule 969 Medullary respiratory center 159
miniature radiography 468 McEvedy’s incision 874 Medulloblastoma 869, 956
spectrometry 191 McEwan’s sign 718 Meduna’s mixture 1150
Masson’s trichrome stain 397 McFarlane classification 855 Medusa head 1190
Mast cell 298, 397, 695 McMurray test – 741 appearance 248f, 249
degranulation markers 1084 McRoberts maneuver 983 Medusa locks sign 1187
sarcoma 412 Mean arterial pressure 147 Mee’s lines 547f
stabilizers 337, 565 Measles 262, 459, 464, 475, 476, 705 Mefenamic acid 330
Mastectomy 917 immunoglobulin 706 Mefloquine 359

Index Ram Gopal ts to Kamlesh.indd 1281 23-02-2019 12:39:29

1282 Sure Success MAGIC

Megakaryoblasts 416 Meningeal disease 1162 Merkel cell 168, 1044

Megakaryocyte 411, 423 Meningeal vessels, middle 113 virus 260
erythroid 398 Meninges 386 Merocrine 19
Megalencephaly 675 Meningioma 956 Meropenam 244, 373
Megaloblastic anemia Meningitis 237, 239, 255, 354, 681 MERS-CoV middle east respiratory
causes of 275 meningococcal 392, 459 syndrome 481
severe 404f neonatal 236, 243, 255 Mesencephalon 13
Megathrombocytes 423 viral 445 Mesenteric ischemia, acute 890
Meglitinides 363 Meningocele 14 Mesentery 73
Meibomian gland 19, 618 Meningococcal conjugate vaccine 239 Mesial temporal sclerosis 1183
carcinoma 618, 619f Meniscal cartilage, calcification of 1188 Mesna 370
chronic lipogranulomatous Menisco-femoral ligaments 50 Mesocolon, transverse 74
inflammation of 618 Meniscus sign 1174, 1185 Mesoderm 4, 6, 7, 9, 11f, 12
disease 574 Meniscus tear 740 intermediate 5
Meigs’ syndrome 1038 Menke’s disease 213 Mesogastrium
Meiosis 1, 439 Menke’s kinky 1070 derivatives 9
Meissner’s corpuscle 168 Menopausal syndrome 334 dorsal 74, 84
Meister’s cycle 181 Menopause 1014 Mesometrium 1006
Melanin 383, 569 Menorrhagia 349, 1013, 1024 Mesonephric ducts, absorbed 11
Melanocytes 1043 Mensouria 1021 Mesonephros 11
Melanoma 370, 955, 958 Menstrual blood loss, normal 1013 Mesorectum 74
contraindicated in 1084 Menstrual cycle 1007 Mesosalpinx 1006
malignant 567, 784, 958, 960f overview of 1007, 1008f Mesosomes 222
choroidal 959 Menstrual disorders 1013 Mesothelioma 820
ocular 944 Menstrual physiology 1007, 1009 malignant 942
Melanoreceptors 650 Menstrual regulation 1002 Mesotympanum 623
Meliodosis 254 Menstruation 95 Mesovarium 1006
Melisma 1071 permanent cessation of 1014 Metabisulfite fluid 556
Melkersson-Rosenthal syndrome 798 postponement of 1011 Metabolic acidosis 187, 330, 345, 447, 830, 1143
Metabolic diseases 682
Melorheostosis 869 precocious 1013
Metabolic disorder 772
Memantine 1094 variations of 1013
Metabolic pathway summary, final 205f
Membrana tectoria 110 Mental depression 334
Metabolic syndrome 784, 1022
Membrane 129 Mental disorder 1091, 1123
Metabolism, end-products of 322
attack complex 300 functional 1091
Metacarpal bone, first 31
capacitance, low 136 organic 1091, 1093
Metacarpal sign 1188
leukoplasia, mucous 410 Mental health
Metagenomics 365
ossifies in 28 Act 503, 533, 1124
Metaiodobenzylguanidine 854
permeability 379 Establishment Registration 1124
Metal fume fever 548
potential 128 professional 1124
Metallic irritants 548
premature rupture of 984 Review Board 1124
Metallic taste 360
resistance 136 Mental retardation 186, 187¸ 431, 435,
Metalloporphyrins 684
stabilizing agents 335 1103, 1195 Metalloprotein 188
Membranous labyrinth 626, 627, 629 classification of 1103 Metanephric masses 11
ruptures in 649 Mental spitting 1096 Metanephros 11
Memory 174 Mental status examination 1091 Metaplasia 378, 934
aid 323, 1198 Mentzer index 403 squamous 915
implicit 174, 175 Meperidine 1156 Metapneumovirus 258
integration of 175 Mephenesin group 326 Metastases 744, 784, 935, 1168
loss 1095 Meralgia paresthetica 730 adrenal 855
semantic 174 Mercaptopurine 367, 789 distant 658
Menaquinone 212 Mercapturic acid 330 osteoblastic 1165
Mendelian disorders 432, 435 Mercedes Benz incision 875 osteolytic 1165
Mendelson syndrome 1001, 1156 Mercedes Benz sign 1187 pulsating 935
Menetrier’s disease 888 Merchant view 747 retrograde 935
Mengert’s syndrome 968 Mercurial erethism 545 secondary 1038
Ménière’s disease 635, 636, 649 Mercurialentis 545 types of 935
secondary 650 Mercuric chloride 545 Metastatic disease 751, 953
tests in 650 Mercury Metastatic malignancy 723, 1198
Ménière’s syndrome 650 drops 220 Metastatic tumors
Meniett device 650 poisoning 545 adult 962
Meningeal artery, middle 96 Merke’s test 741 childhood 962

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Index 1283

Metatarsal bones 48 Microcephaly 675, 708, 1003 Mikulicz disease 309

Metathalamus 116 Microchemical tests 539 Mikulicz syndrome 309
Metformin 989 Micrococci 233 Miles method 513
Methadone 1114 Microcornea 568 Milia 671
Methemoglobin 207 Microcytic hypochromic red cells 407f Miliaria 1079
Methemoglobinemia 158, 719, 1132, 1145 Microcytosis 400, 406 crystallina 1079
Methergine 1001 precedes hypochromia 402 rubra 1079
Methicillin 350 Microemboli 1154 Miliary mottling 1172
Methimazole crosses placenta 989 Microfibrillar collagen 1164 Milk, pasteurization of 245
Methionine 182, 217, 493 Microfilaments 131 Milker’s nodules 1083
Methocarbamol 326 Microfilaria 279 Mill’s maneuver 734
Methohexitone 1143 detection of 280
Mill’s wheel murmur 763
Methotrexate 331, 366, 789, 825, 991, 1051, 1135 Microfold cells 78
Miller’s lung 820
Methoxyflurane 1142, 1143 Microglia 790
Miller’s syndrome 598
Methyl 188 Micrographia 795
Millon’s test 183
alcohol poisoning 553, 810 Microheterogenicity 165
Milwaukee brace 724
dopa 314, 334 Microlaryngeal tubes 1128
Mimic cardiac tamponade 873
isocyanate poisoning 555 Microphthalmia 436
Minamata disease 462, 546
norepinephrine, alpha 314 Microscopy, specular 575
Mind, structural theories of 1120
Methylene 188 Microsomal enzyme 207, 314, 315
Minerva cast 724
blue 222, 555, 644, 1132 inducing drugs 315
Miniature end plate potential 137
3 swab test 1020 induction, concept of 315
reduction test 494 inhibiting drugs 315 Minilaparotomy 998
Methyl-phenyl-tetrahydro-pyridine 794 inhibition 315 Minimal access surgery 877
Methylsalicylate 330 Microspheres 1164 Minipill 996
Methylthiotetrazole group 352 Microspherophakia 583 Minnesota criteria 517
Methylxanthines 337 Microsporidia 291 Minocycline 354, 838, 1059
Methylprednisolone 337 Microtropia 615 Minoxidil 334
Methylsergide 327, 792, 825 Microtubule 131 Miosis 543, 549, 593, 806, 1142
Metoclopramide 882 organising centres 131 Mipomersen 336
Metolazone 346 polymerization defect 131 Miracidium 275
Metopic suture 98 Microvascular leakage 601 Mirena 993, 999f
Metoprolol 777 Micturition 164 Mirror test 518
Metreleptin 374 Midbrain 117, 118, 173 Mirtazapine 325, 1118
Metric scale 454 dorsal aspect of 117 Misoprostol 719, 981
Metrifonate 357 parts of 117 Missense mutation 431
Metronidazole 248, 281, 360, 786, 827, 885, Midcollicular section 172 Mission indradhanush 485
901, 1017 Mid-day meal scheme 486 Mitochondria 129, 157, 160, 200, 204, 206,
topical 1059 Middle ear 217, 378, 380
Metropathia hemorrhagica 1014 cleft, parts of 623f large abundant abnormal 130
Metrorrhagia 1013 medial wall of 624f Mitochondrial
Mevalonate kinase deficiency 310 ossicles 625f dysfunction 379
Mevalonic aciduria 310 suppuration, surgical management of 647 encephalopathy lactic acidosis and
Meyer’s loop 805 Midodrine 323 stroke like episodes 437
Meyer’s overton rule 1155 Midostaurin 373, 416 inner membrane 129
Meyer’s sign 706 Midpalmar space 44 matrix 130, 193
Miasma theory 458 Mifepristone 361, 486 1011, 1023 Mitomycin C 368
Micafungin 355 Migalastat 376 Mitosis 1, 439, 934
Michaelis-Gutmann bodies 392, 394 Migraine 325, 791 Mitoxantrone 368
Michaelis-Menten equation 178 classification 791 Mitral regurgitation 691, 768, 778, 837
Michaelis-Menten theory 178 diagnostic criteria for 791 Mitral stenosis 768, 990, 1140, 1178, 1178f
Michel’s fixative 396 ophthalmoplegic 791 Mitral valve prolapse 768
Mickey Mouse’ sign 920 pain 170 Mitsuda lepromin 1066
Microalbuminuria 443, 833 prophylaxis of 792 Mittendorf dot 609
screening for 833 retinal 791 Mivacurium 1147
Microangiopathy, retinal 292 treatment of 791 Mixed agglutination test 539
Microautophagy 382 Migrating motor complexes 164, 166 Mixed connective tissue disease 836
Microbiology 218 Migration Mixoscopia 538
Microbiomics 365 neuronal 13 Miyagawa’s granulo-corpuscles 256
Microbodies 131 systemic 278 Mizuo phenomenon 600, 610
Microcarcinoma, papillary 911 Mikulicz cells 394, 655 Mobius syndrome 617, 719

Index Ram Gopal ts to Kamlesh.indd 1283 23-02-2019 12:39:29

1284 Sure Success MAGIC

Modern anatomy 124 Mood Moynihan’s hump 83

Mogamulizumab 376 disorders 170, 1099 Mozavaptan 346
Mohs’ micrographic surgery 957 disturbances 1093 Mozzarella cheese appearance 292
Molar postpartum 1101 Mucic acid test 199
pregnancies 1041 stabilizers 1101 Mucicarmine stain 266
tooth sign 1183 stabilizing drugs 1118 Mucin 167
Molds, black 268 Moore’s test 199 deficiency 574
Mole melanoma syndrome, Morning glory syndrome 600 Mucopolysaccharide 198
familial atypical 958 Moro’s reflex 672 disorders 413
Molecular Morphine 314, 342, 689, 718, 777, 1113, 1149 Mucoprotein 198
classification 914 6-glucuronide 314 Mucopurulent conjunctivitis, acute 585
death 517 analogs 342 Mucormycosis 266
Koch postulate 219 Morphological kidney appearances 833 pulmonary 266
mimicry 235 Morquio’s disease 195, 1168 Mucosa, olfactory 660
weight Morquio’s syndrome 1169 Mucus hypersecretion 816
fatty acids, low 193 Morris parallelogram 85 Mudaliar committee 491
heparin, low 990 Morrison’s pouch 75 Muehrcke nails 1071
Morrison’s rule 514 Muir and Barclay formula 878
kininogen, high 423
Mortality rate 255, 467 Mukerji committee 491
low 176
Morton’s neuroma 57 Mulberry astrocytoma 801f
Molisch test 199
Morula 5, 394 Mulberry bodies 394
Molluscum bodies 1207f
Morular mott cells 286 Mulberry cells 394
Molluscum contagiosum 260, 292, 1062,
Mosaicism 438 Mulberry molars 709
1062f, 1207f
Moscowitz repair 1019 Muller’s lines 1165
Molluscum sebaceum 869
Mosquito 464 Muller’s maneuver 824
Molotov cocktail 532
borne diseases 465 Muller’s muscle 614, 806
Molybdenum 176, 917
control measures, classification of 466 Mullerian agenesis 1012, 1015
Mometasone 337
types of 465, 466f Müllerian anomaly classification 1016f
Monafo formula 879
Moth eaten Mullerian duct 12, 1004, 1015, 1016
Monckeberg’s medial calcific sclerosis 782
alopecia 1086
Monday chest tightness 820 Mullerian inhibiting factor 1
skull 1183
Mondini’s aplasia 652 Muller-Munro-Kerr method 976
Motile spermatozoa 537
Mondini’s cochlea 929 Multicentric disease 917
Motilin 166
Mondor’s disease 913 Multicentric neoplasm 291
receptor agonist 354
Mongolian blue spot 671f Multiceps multiceps 274
Motility, ocular 615
Mongolian spots 671 Multicystic dysplastic kidney 700
Motion sickness 327
Mongolism syndrome 435 Multi-drug resistant tuberculosis 468
causes of 633
Monkey disease 459 Multifocal lenses 560
Motor disorders 1125
Monkey fever 459, 859 Multifocal leukoencephalopathy,
Motor march 138
Monoamine oxidase inhibitors 1118 progressive 290, 291, 802
Motor nerve supply 664
Monoarthritis 691 Multi-infarct dementia 1094
Motor neuron
Monobactams 350, 351 Multilobar pneumonia 253
alpha 137, 169
Monoclonal antibodies 369 gamma 169 Multilocular adipose tissue 21f
Monoclonal plasma cell cancer 420 Motor polyneuritis 546 Multiphasic pill 996
Monocular visual disturbance, recurrent 791 Motor root 108 Multiplanar computed tomography scan 783
Monocytes 298 Motor vehicle Multiple endocrine neoplasia syndromes 858
Monomers, non-ionic 1163 accidents 526 Multiple masses, fusion of 84
Mononuclear inflammatory cell injuries 526 Multiple myeloma 370, 420, 420f,
infiltration 388 Motorcyclist’s fracture 526, 528 421f, 443, 1198
Mononuclear phagocyte system 399f Mounier-Kuhn syndrome 1185 tests in 420
Mononucleosis, infectious 663, 839 Mountain sickness, high altitude 345 Multiple organ dysfunction syndrome 861, 877
Monophasic pills 995 Moustache sign, inverted 1178 Multiple pregnancy 986
Monosaccharides 197, 198 Mouth complications of 987
molecules of 198 dryness of 334 Multiple sclerosis 326, 796, 868, 1162
Monosynaptic stretch reflex 174 opening, restricted 669 drugs for 345
Monro-Kellie doctrine 151 Movement Multiple vascular nodules 291
Mons pubis 1004 decomposition of 803 Multipolar neuron 134
Monteggia fracture 736f disorders 174 Multisystem autoimmune disorder 836
dislocation 736 Moxidectin 375 Multi-unit smooth muscle 143
Montenegro test 283 Moxifloxacin 339 Mummification 520, 533
Montgomery’s tubercles 19, 970 Moyamoya 793 delayed 520
Montreal cognitive assessment 1095 disease 793, 1183 Mumps 262, 459, 464, 475, 611

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Index 1285

Munchausen syndrome 1108 Mutants, escape 264 Myelokathexis 413

Munro’s microabscesses 1048 Mutarotation 199 Myelomeningocele 14, 15f
Munson’s sign 572 Mutational falsetto 666 Myeloperoxidase deficiency 309
Mupirocin 353 Mutations 431 Myelophthisic anemia 410
Murcielago 526 Mutism 1116 Myeloproliferative neoplasms 410
Murexide test 1207f Mutyh-associated polyposis 949 WHO classification of 410
Muriatic acid 544 Muzzle imprint 532f Myelosuppression 353
Murmur Myalgia 355 Myer Cotton staging 670
continuous 762 postoperative 1146 Myermecia 260
diastolic 762, 783 Myasthenia gravis 170, 321, 618, 797, 1146 Myerson sign 795
early diastolic 762 tests for 797 Mylohyoid 105, 106
mid-diastolic 762 Mycelia 265 Myocardial cells, states of 779
systolic 762, 968 Mycetoma 267 Myocardial disease 1142
Murphy’s eye 1127 black grain 267
Myocardial infarction 379, 772, 773, 775, 1205f
Murphy’s sign 83 Mycobacteria 222
acute 332, 776
Muscarinic receptors 321 atypical 243
calcified 1178
Muscle 27, 139, 152, 203 Mycobacterium
inferior wall 776f
contractile proteins 139 avium complex 290
reperfusion of 1205f
contraction 140, 141, 151 intracellulare 219
mechanism of 169fc kansasii 290 treatment of 777
cutting incision 897 leprae 218, 219 Myocardial perfusion
fascicular arrangement of 27 paratuberculosis 219 agents 1199
fibre 139 tuberculosis 219, 220, 242, 242f, 289, 290, imaging 1199
longitudinal 79 817, 890 Myocarditis 1056
physiologic anatomy of 139 bacilli 1063 parasites causing 270
types of 142 ulcerans 1063 rheumatic 1206f
flap 880 Mycoclonic seizures 344 Myocardium 144, 380
infiltrating tumors 952 Mycology 265 normal 1199, 1205f
length, resting 175 Mycophenolate mofetil 831 Myocutaneous flap 880
medial thigh 52 Mycoplasma 219, 251, 220, 222, 1018 Myodesis 757
pairs of 615 extrapulmonary manifestations of 251 Myofibrils 139
papillary 68 hominis 251 Myofibroblasts 389
paralysed 39 pneumoniae 815 Myoglobin 189
physiology 139 Mycosis effects of 157
relaxants fungoides 1048, 1050, 1067 Myoglobinuria 1146, 1150
centrally acting 326 subcutaneous 267 Myolysis 1025
nondepolarizing 1146 Mycotoxin 267 Myoma screw 1025f
relaxation of 141, 169 Mydriasis 321, 322, 543, 557 Myomectomy 1025
rigidity 1150 Mydriatic 592 Myomesin 139
shrugging 34 drugs 557 Myopathy 848
spindles 168 provocative test 590 mitochondrial 437
splitting incision 897 Mydricaine 595 ocular 618
sternocleidomastoid 37, 928 Myelin 133, 167 restrictive 848
strength 141 figures 379
Myopia 557, 558, 558f, 579, 610, 617
stretch 169 sheath 129, 191
high 577, 961
subcutaneous 38 total absence of 194
pathological 558
suprahyoid 105 Myelination 136, 618
simple 558
tendon 169 Myeloblasts 1209f
treatment of 558
tone, principal regulator of 172 Myelodysplasia 412
Myosin 139
tremor 324 Myelodysplastic syndrome 412
weakness, ascending 796 WHO classification of 412 head, dissociation of 141
with oblique fasciculi 27 Myelofibrosis 1168 Myositis ossificans 735
with parallel fasciculi 27 progressive 411 Myotatic reflex 169, 174
Muscular dystrophy 1146 Myelography 1163 Myotome, middle 5
Muscular triangle 103 Myeloid Myotonic dystrophy 431, 579, 618
Musculi pectinati 67 bodies 836 Myringoplasty 647
Musculoskeletal disease 233 cells 413 Myringotomy 644, 647
Musculoskeletal system 6 hyperplasia 413 indications for 647
Musculoskeletal tuberculosis, sites of 750 leukemia site for 647
Musculoskeletal tumors acute 416 Mysophobia 1104
benign 751 chronic 413 Myxedema 730
malignant 751 sarcoma 962 Myxoma associated syndromes 784

Index Ram Gopal ts to Kamlesh.indd 1285 23-02-2019 12:39:29

1286 Sure Success MAGIC

N polyps 655 Necroptosis 382

septal perforation 654, 656 Necrosis 380, 555
N-acetyl aspartate 1162 septum 652 types of 380
N-acetyl aspartic acid 182 blood supply of 656f Nedocromil sodium 337
N-acetyl glutamate 185 deviated 656 Needles 876
N-acetylcysteine 613 shifting 587 types of 876
N-acetyl-D-glucosamine 198 syphilis 654 Nefazodone 1118
N-acetyl-glucosaminidase 829 valve, internal 660 Negative predictive value 457
Nada’s criteria 687 Nasion 96 Negligence 508
Naegele’s formula 969 Nasmyth’s membrane 514 defenses against 509
Naegele’s pelvis 976 types of 508
Nasopharyngitis 363
Naegleria fowleri 281 Negri bodies 262, 394, 477
Nasopharynx 237
Naevus flammeus 927, 1207f, 1208f Neil Mooser reaction 256
extends 660
Nafarelin 1010 Neisser’s stains 222, 241
maneuver building
Nafcillin 233 Neisseria 220, 238
negative pressure in 644
Nagayama’s spots 707 gonorrhoeae 218, 220, 238, 239
positive pressure in 644
Nagler’s reaction 220, 246, 247 meningitidis 220, 238
Nasotracheal intubation 1129
Nail 547, 1073 Nelaton’s line 740
Natalizumab 311, 797
and disease 1071 Nelfinavir 295
Natamycin 569
blue 1071 Nelson syndrome 1071
National AIDS Control Program 490
changes 1051, 1052, 1069 Nematode 270, 273, 276, 278, 358
National AYUSH Mission 487f
half and half 1071
National Centre for Disease Control 487f based on habitat, classification of 276
hyperpigmentation of 1071
National Deworming Day 486, 502 Neocortex 175
involvement 1057
National Family Planning Program 998 Neologisms 1092
matrix, proximal 1050
National Girl Child Day 494 Neomycin 352, 827
patella syndrome 869, 1071
National Health Mission 482, 482f Neonatal hepatitis, idiopathic 684
pitting of 1051f, 1071
National Health Policy 488 Neonatal period
polish 1132
National Iodine Deficiency Disorders early 671
psoriasis of 1050
Control Program 490 late 671
pterygium of 1071
National Nutrition Mission 488f Neonatal pustular melanosis, transient 671
stroke of 1074
National Programme 484, 486, 489 Neonatal resuscitation 717
Nakamura test 758
for Control of Blindness 489, 620 aim of 716
Naked eye single tube red cell osmotic
National Rural Health Mission 482 Neonatal sepsis
fragility test 407
National Strategic Plan 470 early onset 681
Nalbuphine 343
National Tobacco Control Program 487f late onset 681
Naldenedine 373
National Urban Health Mission 482 Neoplasia 934
Nalmefene 342
National Vector Borne Diseases Control Neoplasms, ureteral 952
Nalorphine 343
Program 359 Neostigmine 321
Naloxone 342
National Voluntary Blood Donation Day 502 Nephrin 161
Naltrexone 342, 1113
Natural diseases, diseases resembling 543 Nephritic syndromes 701, 832
Naphazoline 324
Navicular bone, tuberosity of 53 Nephritis 1056
Napier’s aldehyde test 283
Navicular fossa, roof of 87 interstitial 350
Navjat Shishu Suraksha Karyakram 485 Nephroblastoma 438
dermatitis 1054
Nd:YAG laser capsulotomy 582 Nephrocystins 700
eczema 1054 Near fatal asthma 696 Nephrogenic cord 5
Napoleon’s belly-press test 733 Nebular corneal opacity 570f Nephrogram 1182
Narath, vascular sign of 745 Nebulized salbutamol, adverse effect of 338 Nephron 11
Narcolepsy 1109 Necator americanus 470 anatomy 160
Narcotic drugs 542 Neck 102, 928 cortical 160
Nasal dissection 928 segments, total length of 160
balloon 656 classical radical 928 types of 160
bone 657 selective 929 Nephronophthisis 700
carriers 242 hyperextension of 526 Nephropathy 1086
decongestants 324 imaging 1185 Nephrotic syndrome 237, 391, 700, 831
discharge 653 lower third of 928 acute 1086
intubation 1128f, 1129 muscle of 104 complications of 700
mucosa, autoantibodies destroying 654 nerve point of 102 congenital 700
muscles 99 nodes, levels of 103f primary 700
nerve, external 571 shaft angle 46 steroid resistant 700
packing swelling, upper 658 Nephrotomes 5
anterior 656 triangles of 102 Nephrotoxicity 339, 352, 355
posterior 656 webbing of 437 Neratinib 373

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Index 1287

Nerium odorum 551 Neuraminic acid 197 Neutron 1191

Nernst equation 128 Neuraminidase 262 activation analysis 531
Nerve 124, 1005 inhibitors 262 Neutropenia 348, 371, 410
action potential, refractory period of 135f Neurapraxia 138 congenital 416
auriculotemporal 652 Neuraxial anesthesia, contraindications for 1141 Neutrophil 1154
circumflex 39 Neuritic leprosy 1064 alkaline phosphatase 410
conduction studies 138 Neuritis extracellular trap 298
deafness 200 peripheral 338 gelatinase-associated lipocalin 829
degeneration 138 retrobulbar 806 predominate 816
fiber 137 Neutrophilic infiltrates 379, 778
Neuroblastoma 710, 962
classification 136 Neutrophils 254, 298, 394, 412
adrenal 710f
gases 170 extracellular traps 396
olfactory 660
great auricular 1065 granules of 298
Neurocognitive disorder 1093, 1094, 1125 hypersegmented 404
great extensor 37 Neurocutaneous diseases 800 Neutrospec scan 1200
hypoglossal 106 Neurocysticercosis, rice grain calcification Nevirapine 293, 295
injury 138, 728 in 1182f Nevoid basal-cell carcinoma syndrome 670
median 728 Neuro-degenerative diseases 431 Nevus 1070
Seddon’s classification 138 Neuroectoderm 6, 13 achromicus 1070
lesions 664 Neurofibrils 133 anemicus 1070
musculocutaneous 40 Neurofibromatosis 710, 800f, 1070 flammeus 869
olfactory 1065 Neuroglia 789 Nevus of Ito 1070
palsy 173, 810, 812f Neurolathyrism 211, 494 Nevus of Ota 1070
bilateral sixth 617 Neuroleptic drugs 1116 New scars, appearance of 701
isolated third 810 Neuroleptic malignant syndrome 1117 Newborn care
parasympathetic 80, 107 Neurologic disease 836 corner 483
physiology 133 Neurologica diabolica 1108 facility based 483
posterior interosseous 37 Neurological attacks, acute 207 home based 483
potentials 134 Neurological disorder 1123 week 502
sheath tumors 955 Neurolytic celiac plexus block 1141 Newborn stabilisation unit 483
spinal accessory 928 Neuromuscular blockade 352 Newer immunosuppressant drugs 364
subcostal 62 assessment of 1147 Niacin 206, 209, 210, 335
superior Neuromuscular blocking drugs 1146 toxicity 210
gluteal 51 Neuromuscular junction 170 Nickerson’s medium 1017
laryngeal 663 Neuromyelitis optics 797 Niclosamide 357
vestibular 632 Neuron 128, 133 Nicolaire’s bacillus 219
supply 37, 143, 568, 621 biosynthetic apparatus of 133 Nicorandil 332
sympathetic 89 first-order 806 Nicotinamide 210
thoracoabdominal 63 loss of dopaminergic 794 Nicotine 322
vagabond 124 parts of 133 chewing gum 322
Nervous system second-order 806 dependence 869
central 342, 789 third-order 806 poisoning, chronic 556
disease, central 291 types of 134 Nicotinic acid 335
parasympathetic 174 unipolar 134 Nicotinuric acid 210
sympathetic 174 Neuronal calcium channels, inhibition of 343 NIDDCP Logo 491f
tumors, primary central 1183 Neuro-ophthalmology 620 Niemann-Pick disease 410, 603
Nervous tissue 396 Neuropathy 210, 437 Nifedipine 773
vaccines 478 peripheral 133, 197, 391 Night blindness 211, 574, 605
Neseritide 373 Neuropeptides 387 causes of 610
Nested case control study 499 Neuropore, anterior 14 congenital stationary 610
Net reproduction rate 472 Neuropsychological diagnostic tests 1123 Night terrors 1109
Netilmycin 640 Neuroretinitis 806, 807f, 1086 Nightmare disorder 1109
Netrasudil eye drops 373 diffuse unilateral subacute 596 Nihilistic delusions 1092
Neubauer counting chamber 442f Neurosis 1091 Nikolsky’s phenomenon 1082
Neural crest 6-8, 10, 1043 Neurosyphilis 1087, 1088 Nikolsky’s sign 232, 1075, 1079
cell migration 13 Neurotensin 166 Nikshay 469, 469f
Neural poisons 542 Neurotmesis 138 Poshan Yojana 469f
Neural tube 4, 13 Neurotoxicity 210, 338 Nilotinib 368, 414
defect 13, 15f, 211, 404, 718, 975 Neurotransmitter 170
Nimesulide 330
vesicle 13 Neurulation 4
Nimodipine 333, 794
Neuralgia primary 13
Ninety day glaucoma 591
postherpetic 571, 1061, 1148 secondary 14
Neutral fats 191 Ninhydrin test 183
sphenopalatine 660

Index Ram Gopal ts to Kamlesh.indd 1287 23-02-2019 12:39:29

1288 Sure Success MAGIC

Nipah virus 481 Nonsense mutation 431 ambiguus 118

Nipple Nonspherocytic hemolytic anemia, chronic 407 cuneatus 118
conditions 913 Non-stress test 970 gracilis 118, 170
confusion 712, 1003 Non-toxic bullet 531 interpositus 118
discharge 913 Nontreponemal tests 1087 mesencephalic 117
treatment of 913 Non-typhoidal salmonellae 246 parabrachialis medialis 159
Paget’s disease of 913, 1206f Non-viral methods 365 pulposus 109
papilloma of 913 Non-Watson-Crick base pairs 215 sensory 117
Niraparib 373 Noonan’s syndrome 437, 686 single 23
Nissl granules 133 Noradrenaline 322 solitarius 118
Nitabuch’s fibrinoid layer 982 Noradrenergic agents 341 Nursemaid’s elbow 734
Nitabuch’s membrane 964 Norepinephrine 170, 323, 1122 Nutcracker esophagus 883
Nitisinione 186 Normal labor, mechanism of 978 Nutrient
Nitrate 331 Normal urine, composition of 442 absorption of 167
reduction 243 Norrie disease 961 agar 229
Nitric acid 183, 544 arteries, origin of 95
North American blastomycosis 266
Nitric oxide 149, 152, 164, 165, 387 broth 229
Northern exposure sign 1180
inhaled 1156 foramina, direction of 23f
Nortriptyline 314
Nitrite 555 Nutrition 492
Norwegian scabies 1080
Nitrofurantoin 355, 825 Nutritional disorder 401, 772
Norwood procedure 690
Nitrogen 1142 NVBDCP logo 480f
Nose 652
mustards 366 Nyctalopia 605, 610
chronic diseases of 654 Nyctaphobia 1104
classic 366 crooked 656
Nitroglycerine 777 Nystagmus 173, 803, 1070
dryness of 334 optokinetic 638
Nitrosoureas 366, 825 essential anatomy of 652
Nitrous oxide 1035, 1136, 1143-1145 peripheral 637
fracture of 657 upbeat 637
Nivolumab 419 lateral wall of 653, 657
N-methyl D aspartate 344 Nystatin 355
tip of 100 Nysten’s law 518
No Smoking Day 502 vestibule of 17
No Tobacco Day 502 O
Notched peg shaped incisors, central 709
No touch technique of osborn 521
Notochord 4 O’Brien test 733
Nocardia 254, 831
remnants of 4 O’Donoghue’s unhappy triad of knee 741
Nocturnal dyspnea, paroxysmal 772
Nottingham prognostic index 915 Obelion 96
Nocturnal enuresis 278
Novus actus interveniens 509 Obermeyer test 187
treatment for 1103
NPCB logo 489f Obersteiner-Redlich zone 650
Nocturnal hemoglobinuria, paroxysmal 408 Obesity 715, 825
NPCDCS logo 491f
Nodules hypoventilation syndrome 825
NPCDCS program 491
centrilobular rosettes of 1174f morbid 391
NPPCD 488f
subcutaneous 692 Obiltoxaximab 373
Nuceloside analogues 357
subependymal 801 Obligate aerobes 224
Nuchal line, highest 98
Nominal scale 454 Obligate intracellular
Nuchal translucency, thickened 1204f
Nomophobia 1104 bacillus 1063
Nonavalent vaccine 1034 parasites 270
Noncardiac disorders 690 bag fibres 168 Oblique popliteal ligament 49
Noncardiac surgery, risk factors for 1134 cardiac stress test 1199 Obsessions, types of 1104
Nonciliated pseudostratified columnar cataract 579 Obsessive-compulsive disorder 1104, 1125
epithelium 17 chain fibers 168 Obstetrics 963
Non-competitive inhibitors, examples of 179 imaging 1198 and gynecology 1183
Noncontractile, central 169 medicine 1198 shock index 981
Nonheme iron containing protein 400 regulatory proteins 936 Obstruction
Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma 291, 417, 418, Nucleic acid 214, 215, 397 acute 892
1067, 1075 amplification test 468 probable site of 611
sequence based amplification 289 Obstructive
Ann Arbor staging of 419
Nucleopore filtration 280 cardiomyopathy, hypertrophic 175
Non-keratinized stratified squamous 1004
Nucleoproteins 188 pulmonary disease, chronic 816, 824
Non-neoplastic lesions simulating
Nucleoside 215 sleep apnea hypopnea syndrome 824
bone tumors 754 Obturator
Nonnucleoside reverse transcriptase reverse transcriptase inhibitors 294
inhibitors 294 Nucleosomes 378
abnormal 93, 93f
Nonparametric tests 454 Nucleotide 214, 215 accessory 93
Non-penetrating glaucoma surgery 588 metabolism 215 externus 56
Non-pharmacological method 980 Nucleus internus 51
Nonpigmented ciliary epithelium 584 accumbens 814 nerve 52, 56

Index Ram Gopal ts to Kamlesh.indd 1288 23-02-2019 12:39:29

Index 1289

Occipital cortex Oliguria 256, 701, 828 Ophthalmology 557

anterior 805 Olivary complex, superior 635 Ophthalmopathy, development of 847
tip of 805 Olivocerebellar tract 119 Ophthalmoplegia, left internuclear 813f
Occipital pole, calcarine fissure of 114 Ollier’s disease 869 Ophthalmoscopy 563
Occipital somites 6 Olopatadine 565 direct 563, 563f
Occipitoaxial ligament 110 eyedrops 327 indirect 563
Occlusio pupillae 595 Olsalazine 330 Opiate withdrawal 1114
Ochronosis 186, 545 Olympian brow 709 Opioid 334, 1113
Ochsner’s clasping test 727f, 728 Omacetaxine 414 agonists 341
Ochsner-Sherren regimen 897 Omadacycline 376 analgesics 342, 1149
Ocrelizumab 373 Omalizumab 311, 338 antagonists 342
Ocriplasmin 605
Omega-3 fatty acids 192, 336 intoxication, acute 343, 1113
Octreotide 341, 360, 826
Omental bursa 74 receptors, characteristics of 342
scintigraphy 652
Omental cake 1190 uses of 343
Ocular digital massage 602
Omentocele 885, 899 withdrawal 1092
Ocular ischemic syndrome 603, 604
Omentum, greater 73 Opithotonus 552
Ocular movements 615
Omeprazole 340 Oppositional defiant disorder 1103
conjugate 615
Omohyoid Oprelvekin 304, 371
Ocular muscle palsy 812
inferior belly of 102 Opsonins 298
Ocular problems 1059, 1067
superior belly of 102 Optic
Ocular signs 518
Omphalocele 16, 16f, 438 atrophy 808, 810
Ocular surgery, anesthesia for 580
Omphalomesenteric duct 79 ascending 808
Ocular trauma, penetrating 612
Onchocerca volvulus 280 descending 808
Oculocardiac reflex 1156
Onchocerciasis 271, 596 primary 553, 808, 809f
Oculodigital sign 610
Oncocytes 392 canal 96, 97
Oculomotor nerve 119, 121
Oncocytomas 130 chiasma 804
palsy 810
Oncofetal antigens 938 chiasmal lesions 808
Oddi, sphincter of 83
Oncogenes 936 disc 586, 599
Odland bodies 394, 1043
Oncology 934 appears normal 806
Odors 543
Oncolytic virus therapy 959 drusen 620
Odynophagia 881, 882, 930
Ondansetron 327, 1113 waxy pallor of 605
Oesophageal balloon tamponade 826
Ondine’s curse 159, 1156 foramen enlargement 1188
Oesophageal opening 66, 112
Oneiroid state 1093 nerve 804, 961
Ofatumumab 311
Onion peel glioma 961
appearance 753f posterior part of 804
non-bailable 507
diaphysis 1188 sheath meningioma 962
non-compoundable 507
sign 1174 neuritis 338, 806, 1161
Ofloxacin 339
Onodi cell 653 fundus in 806
Ogilvie’s hernia 900
Onychogryphosis 1071 neuropathy 353, 809
Ogilvie’s syndrome 869
Onycholysis 1051, 1071 traumatic 612
Ogston’s microbe 219
Oocyte radiation
Oguchi disease 610
classification 1030 parietal 805
Ohm’s law 149
insemination 1030 temporal 805
Ohngren’s classification 658, 658f
secondary 3 tract lesions 804
Ohngren’s line 658, 658f
Oogenesis 2 retrochiasmal pre-geniculate 808
Oil drop’ sign 1051
stages in 3f Optochin sensitive 237
OK sign 1204f
Oogonium 2 Optociliary shunt 962
Oka strain 707
Oolyopia 579 Optokinetic test 636
Okazaki fragments 216
Oophorectomy, reversible Ora serrata 599
Olanzapine 1117
pharmacological 1009 Oral acyclovir cover 571
Olaparib 374
Opacity, grades of 570f Oral anticoagulants 353
Olaratumab 373
Open angle glaucoma Oral candidiasis 291, 670, 1210f
Olecranon bursitis 33
primary 586 Oral cavity 18, 669
Oligemia 686, 688
secondary 591, 592 Oral cholecystography 904, 1181
pulmonary 686
Open ring sign 1183 Oral cholera vaccines 253
Oligoclonal bands 796
Opera-glass hand 1166 Oral clobazam 703
Oligodendrocytes 133, 790
Ophitoxemia 553 Oral contraceptive pills, combined 995, 998f
Oligodendroglioma 956
Ophthalmia Oral endothelin antagonist 773
Oligohydramnios 966, 988
neonatorum 240, 566 Oral glucose challenge test 989
Oligomenorrhea 1013
sympathetic 597 Oral hypoglycemic drugs 363
Oligophrenia 533
Ophthalmic artery 122 Oral iron, complications of 403
Oligosaccharides 198
occlusion 603 Oral leukoplakia 669

Index Ram Gopal ts to Kamlesh.indd 1289 23-02-2019 12:39:29

1290 Sure Success MAGIC

Oral levothyroxine 704 Orlistat 342 Osteoma 620, 751

Oral lichen planus 669 Ormeloxifene 997 Osteomalacia 212, 860, 1166
Oral live attenuated vaccine 253 Ormond’s disease 869 Osteomyelitis 1198
Oral mucosal surfaces 1070 Ornithine 184 acute 748
Oral muscles 99 permease 185 chronic 748
Oral opening, test of 1127f transcarbamoylase 185 special types of 749
Oral propranolol 927 Oroantral fistula 514 Osteo-myo-cutaneous flaps 880
Oral rehydration solution, Orodental fistula 514 Osteonecrosis 723
WHO low osmolarity 715 Oropharyngeal flora 241 Osteo-onychodysplasia 869
Oral streptomycin 654 Orotic aciduria 185 Osteopenia 756
Oral submucous fibrosis 669 Orphan Osteopetrosis 1168
Oral tetracycline 1059 Annie eye 392, 912f Osteoporosis 186, 744, 754, 1011, 1200
Oral thrush 266 disease 319 Osteoprogenitor cells 23
Oral ulcers, recurrent 840 drugs 319 Osteosarcoma 752, 754, 756, 757, 938
Oraya fever 859 Orthokeratology 560 radiological features of 753f
Orbicularis Orthokeratosis 1045 Osteotomy 725
oculi 98, 614 Orthomyxovirus 262 coventry 757
oris 99 Orthopantomogram 1190, 1190f Ostium
Orbit 596, 618, 619, 962 Orthopedics 721 primum 435
spaces of 619 history of 721 secundum 688
walls of 613 surgery, minor 1143 Ostmann’s pad of fat 626
Orbital cellulitis 613 Orthophoria 613 Ostwald solubility coefficient 1155
Orbital disease 309 Orthopnea 772, 814 Otalgia 628, 628f
Orbital fissure 96, 97, 619 Orthoptic liver transplantation 902 Othello’s syndrome 1093
inferior 96, 619 Orthotolidine test 539 Otic ganglion 108
Orbital floor 657 Ortivancin 351 Otitic hydrocephalus 647
Orbital muscles 98 Ortner’s syndrome 664 Otitis externa, malignant 254, 1200
Orbital roof 613 Ortolani’s test 744 Otitis media 644, 644f, 706
Orbital space, peripheral 619 Oscillopsia 652 acute suppurative 644, 647
Orbital tumors 620 Oseltamivir 262 chronic suppurative 645
Orbital varices 962 Osiander’s sign 969 complications of 646
Orbital wall fractures 613 Osler’s nodes 781 recurrent 644
Orchidometer 677, 677f Osmolality 126 secretory 644
Orchidopexy 13 Osmolar ionic agents, high 1164 serous 644, 647
Orchiectomy 954 Osmolarity 127 tubercular 648
reversible pharmacological 1009 Osmoreceptors 168 unilateral serous 658
Orchitis 262 Osmosis 126 Otoacoustic emission 635
Ordinal scale 454 Osmotic Otoconia 632
Orel Lavallée lesion 757 agents 345 Otolaryngology 621
Orentreich sign 1058 diarrhea 200, 788 Otolithic membrane 632
Organ 6, 544 fragility test 408 Otoliths 632
affected by alcohol 1112 gradient ektacytometry 408 Otomycosis 267, 642
of Corti, structure of 630f laxatives 341 Otopalatodigital syndrome 1168
retroperitoneal 73 pressure 127 Otorhinorrhea 655
space infection 876 Ossiculoplasty material 647 Otosclerosis 634, 648, 868
systems 4 Osteitis Otoscopy, pneumatic 644
transplant 238, 929 deformans 755, 869 Ototoxic drugs 640
corneal 929 fibrosa cystica 850, 850f Ototoxicity 339, 345, 352, 640, 640f
heart lung 929 pubis 1021 Ottawa ankle rules 742
kidney 929 Osteoarthritis 747 Otto Veraguth’s fold 1100
liver 929 Osteoblast 23 Oval sign, anterior superior 1179
lung transplant 929 Osteoblastoma 751 Oval window 649
pancreas 929 Osteocalcin, serum 24 Ovarian ablation 916
Organic acid 163, 542 Osteochondritis Ovarian adnexal rads 1185
poisonings 545 dissecans 731 Ovarian artery 1006, 1007
Organic amnestic syndrome 1095 types of 731 Ovarian cancer 1039
Organic irritants, active principles of 549 Osteochondrosis, vertebral 1168 Ovarian drilling, laparoscopic 1022
Organic molecules, non-protein 176 Osteoclastoma 751 Ovarian follicles 1008
Organochlorines 549 Osteocyte 23 Ovarian fossa 1006
Organophosphate poisoning 321, 549 Osteogenesis imperfecta 577, 747, 1168 Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome 1029, 1030
Orgasmic disorder 1115 Osteoid osteoma 751 Ovarian ligament 12, 1006

Index Ram Gopal ts to Kamlesh.indd 1290 23-02-2019 12:39:29

Index 1291

Ovarian neoplasms 1040 Oxyphil cells 392 Palmaris

benign 1038 Oxytalan fibers 1044 brevis 38, 1045
malignant 1039 Oxytocin 719, 843 longus 36
Ovarian pain, intractable 1007 challenge test 972 Palmer’ sign 969
Ovarian pregnancy 991 Ozenoxacin 373 Palmer’s system 514
Ovarian stimulation 1030 Ozogamicin 369 Palmitic acid 193
Ovarian tumors Palpable ring 983
P Paltauf’s hemorrages 524
classification of 1038
histology 1040 P2Y12 inhibitors 777 Pamidronate 371
Ovary 2, 1006, 1007, 1195 Paalman and McElin’s criteria 991 Pampiniform plexus 89
dermoid cyst of 1038, 1039f, 1184f Pacchionian bodies 113 Pan B cell marker 302
Pacemaker Pan leukocyte marker 302
functional cysts of 1037
artificial 767f, 772f Panacinar emphysema 816
histology of 1006
cells 144, 164 Pancarditis 691
ligament of 1006
Pachydermoperiostosis 1168 Panchnama 505
physiologic cysts of 1037
Pachymetry 568 Pancoast syndrome 66
surface of 17
Pachyonychia congenita 1071 Pancoast tumor 940, 941
Ovulation 3, 988, 1008, 1009
Pacinian corpuscle 168 Pancreas 18, 83, 901, 904, 930
diagnosis of 1028 bed of 84
induction 1011, 1029 Packed cell volume 399
Paclitaxel 367 carcinoma 906, 932
ultrasound signs of 1184 head of 1180
Paget’s disease 449, 649, 754, 755, 869,
Ovulatory dub, treatment of 1014 congenital anomaly of 8
1168, 1198
Oxalic acid poisoning 545 development 8
Pagetoid phenomenon 1081
Oxaliplatin 366 divisum 8
Pain 756
Oxaloacetate 182, 183, 202, 203, 206 ducts of 84
abdominal 553
transaminase 184 relations of 84
contralateral 803
Oxaluria 545 head of 84
disorder 1107
Oxamniquine 357 neck of 84
night 921
Oxazepam 314 scan 1200
perception 329
Oxazolidinones 339, 353 Pancreatic
post-shingles 1140
Oxcarbazepine 343 cancer, treatment of 945
premonitory 776
Oxidases 131, 177 conditions, radiological appearances of 932
rest 921
Oxidation 193, 201 duct, accessory 78
retroauricular 645
alpha 194 function, assessing 906
severe 571
inability of 186 necrosis 905
stretch 735
Oxidative deamination 183, 184 secretion 167
terminologies 859
Oxidoreductases 177 Pancreaticoduodenectomy 945
triangle of 900, 901f
Oxybutynin 1021 Pancreaticojejunostomy 945
Painful arc syndrome 731, 734 Pancreatitis 343, 906
Oxygen 224, 1136, 1156 Palate 101
administration 931 acute 380, 904, 932
hard 101 chronic 906, 932, 1164
consumption 151, 164 soft 661 grading of 905
delivery methods 1132 Palatine interstitial 905
dissolved 156 bone 101 mild 905
extraction ratio 157 foramina severe 904, 905
flowmeter 1137 greater 96 Pancreolauryl test 906
flush 1137 lesser 96 Pancuronium 1147, 1150
free flow 716 tonsils 661 Pancytopenia 409, 411, 412, 417
hemoglobin dissociation curve 157f Palatoprints 515 Panda’ eyes 1183
pass 129 Palbociclib 374 Panda’s sign 1183, 1186
pressure failure devices 1137 Palifermin 370 Pandora’s pneumonitis 1185
requirement 156 Paliperidone 1117 Panencephalitis, subacute sclerosing 706
saturation, normal 1132 Palivizumab 694 Paneth cells 166
therapy 1154 Pall’s sign 823 Panhypopituitarism 675
toxicity 160, 679, 1133 Palliative radiation programs 1194 Panic disorder 1105
transport 156 Palm Panitumumab 311, 369
Oxygenases 177 area of 535 Panniculitis 1082
Oxygenation, optimizing 697 hyperkeratosis of 546 infectious 1082
Oxyhemoglobin 524 superficial fascia of 38 post-steroid 1082
dissociation curve 157 Palmar arch septal 1082
Oxymetazoline 324 deep 41 traumatic 1082
Oxyphenonium 322 superficial 41 Panniculus adiposus 1044

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1292 Sure Success MAGIC

Panniculus carnosus 38, 1045 carcinoma of 657 accessory 105

Panobinostat 374 water’s view 1189f parasympathetic innervation of 106
Panophthalmitis 594, 619 X-ray for 1189 processes of 105
Panretinal photocoagulation 591, 602 Paraneoplastic pemphigus 1072, 1075 relations of 106
Pantethine 210 Parapharyngeal space 658, 663 secretomotor nerve supply of 106f
Panton-valentine toxin 232 Paraphilias 538 structures inside 106
Pantothenic acid 182, 206, 209, 210 types of 538 Parotid tumor, typical 959f
Panuveitis 594 Parapsoriasis 1050 Parotitis 262
Pap smear 1033 Paraquat tongue 556 Paroxysmal positional vertigo, benign 638
Papain 179 Parasite Parrot’s pseudoparalysis 709
digestion 305 burden, highest 285 Parrot’s speech 526
Papez circuit 119 density index 479 Pars convuluta 160
Papillae 678 exhibiting antigenic variation 270 Pars dorsalis 116
branching 912 life cycle of 269 Pars plana 593
complex branching 912 rate 284, 479 vitrectomy 582, 598
conical 101 infant 479 Pars planitis 595, 600
Papilledema 807, 808, 851 skin tests for 271 Pars recta 160
chronic 807 tests for 270 Pars tensa 622
established 807, 807f Parasitic diseases 270 Pars ventralis 116
Papillitis 806, 808 Parasitic fibroid 1025 Partogram 978
Papilloma Parasitology 269 Parvovirus 260, 409, 707
adult 667 Parasitosis 271 Pasireotide 374
duct 913 Parasomnias 1108 Passenger injuries 527
inverted 657 Parasuicide 539 Pasteurella multocida 221
Papillomatosis 1084 Parasympathetic nerve, post-ganglionic 319 Pasteurized milk, tests of 494
multiple 667 Parasympathetic root 108 Pastia’s lines 235
Papovaviridae 260 Parasympathomimetics 320 Patau’s syndrome 14, 436, 436f
Papular acrodermatitis 1084 Paratenic host 461 Patch clamp 128
Papules Parathormone 24, 849 Patch test 1054
perifollicular 1053 Parathyroid gland 849 confirmatory 1054
umbilicated 266 abnormal 1200 finn 1054
Para-aminohippuric acid 161, 339, 848 Parathyroidectomy photopatch 1054
Para-aortic nodes 1006 indications for 850 prick 1054
Paracelsus 542 total 37 true test 1054
Paracentral leucoma 570 Pardee’s sign 776 Patchy necrosis 829
Paracentral scotoma, isolated 587 Parent to child transmission of HIV logo, Patella, squared 1168
Paracetamol 329, 747, 902, 1084 prevention of 490f Patellar fossa 583
poisoning 330 Parenteral nutrition, total 825 Patellofemoral joint 741
Paracoccidioides brasiliensis 265 Paresis 172 Patent ductus arteriosus 687, 762
Paracoccidioidomycosis 267 Paresthesia 345, 859 Patent urachus 11
Paracusis willisii 649 Parietal pleura, subdivisions of 65 Paterson-Kelly syndrome 884
Paradidymis 12 Parinaud’s dorsal midbrain syndrome 813 Patey’s mastectomy 917
Paradox guns 529 Parinaud’s oculoglandular conjunctivitis 565 Pathergy phenomenon 1082
Paraesthesia 922 Park’s classification 894 Pathergy test 840
Paraffin test 531 Parkins applanation tonometry 585f Patiromer 374
Parafovea 599 Parkinson syndrome 213 Patisiran 376
Paragonimus westermani 273, 276, 286 Parkinson’s disease 170, 174, 392, 555, 794, Paul Bunnel test 300
Parahippocampal gyrus 119 866, 1054, 1122 Pauly’s test 183
Parainfluenza 262 clinical features of 795 Pautrier microabscesses 395, 1048
Parakeratosis 1045, 1048 drugs for 344 Pauwel’s classification 738
Paraldehyde 543 Parkland formula 878 Pavilizumab 311, 357
Paralysis 1105 Parks-Bielschowsky three-step test 810 Pavithran’s nose sign 1047
abductor 664 Parodontal disease 513 Pawlik’s grip 977, 977f
postdiphtheritic 796 Paromomycin 353 Pawn ball megakaryocytes 412
Paralytic ileus 890, 895 Parona space 44 Pawnbroker’s sign 822
Paralytic polio, risk of 261 Peak expiratory flow rate 155
Paronychia 737
Paramesonephric duct 12 Peak flow meter 1210f
Paroophoron 1006
remnant of 89 Pear sign 1076f, 1079
Parosmia 659
Pearl index 997, 998
Parametric tests 454 Parotid capsule 105 Pearson syndrome 437
Paramyxovirus 262 Parotid duct 106 Peau d’orange appearance 1208f
Paranasal sinuses 653 Parotid gland 105 Pectineus 52

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Index 1293

Pectins 198 Pemphigus 1074 Peribulbar injection 619

Pectoral girdle 31 foliaceus 1045, 1075, 1077f Pericardial calcification 780
Pectoral region, muscle of 42 neonatorum 1060 causes of 819
Pectoralis major 42, 43 syphilitic 709 Pericardial effusion 765, 767, 780, 925, 926
flap 880 vegetans 1046 Pericardial tamponade 1142
muscle 60 vulgaris 132, 1075, 1076f, 1077f Pericarditis 1056
Pectoralis minor 42, 43 Pen test 728 acute 767f, 780
Pederasty 537, 538 negative 727f constrictive 760, 780
Pedestal sign 1188 Penal erasure 509 Pericardium 67, 386
Pedestrian injuries 527 Pencil point cortex 1166 diseases of 780
dynamics of 527f Pencyclovir 314 Perichondritis, causes of 621
Pediatric 671 Pendred’s syndrome 638, 704, 846, 929 Pericytes, loss of 601
cardiovascular system 685 Pendrin gene 846, 929 Perifovea 599
elbow 30f Penetration, depth of 1035 Perikaryon 133
endocrine conditions 704 Penicillamine 543, 548, 825 Perilymph 627
epilepsy syndromes 702 Penicillin 236, 237, 242, 256, 350, 692, 1088 gusher 652
gastrointestinal conditions 696 allergy 1088 Perineal muscles, transverse 91
hematologic conditions 702 G 236, 249, 254, 350 Perineal pouch
renal conditions 700 resistance 230 deep 91
Pediculosis 1080 V 350 superficial 90
Pediculus humanus corporis 1080 Penicillinase 350 Perineal tear 981, 982
Pedigree symbols 432f Penicillium 265 management of 982
Pedophile 537, 538 chrysogenum 350 Perineotomy 1002
Pedophilia 538 notatum 350 Perineum 90, 927, 1004
Peg cells, secretory 1006 Penile urethra 12 Periocular ecchymosis 613
Pegvaliase 186, 375 terminal part of 12 Periodic fever syndromes 309
Pegvisomant 360 Penis Periodontal cyst 670
Pegylated interferon 357 cancer of 954 Periodontitis 354
Pel-Ebstein fever 417 carcinoma in situ of 954 Perioral pallor 1055
Pelger Huet anomaly 413 deep fascia of 88 Periosteal reaction 1190
Peliosis hepatis 221, 906 erection of 88 Periostitis 709
Pelkan spur 1166 helcine arteries of 88 sunburst 1183
Pellagra 210 nerve supply of 88, 89 Peripheral blood film, parasites found in 270
Pelvic Paget’s disease of 392 Peripheral nerve 138
bones 511 ventral aspect of 1004 injury, Sunderland’s histologic
compression test 737 ventral shaft of 12 classification 138f
diaphragm 91 Pentalogy of Fallot 689 poisons 542
floor repair 1020 Pentamidine 291 Peripheral nodes, multiple 418
fluid 1181 Pentavalent vaccine 241, 474 Peripheral resistance, factors affecting 150
fractures 737 Pentazocine 343, 1142 Peripheral vascular disease 329
grip 977f Pentobarbital 343 drugs for 334
hematoma 1181 Pentose phosphate pathway 203 Peristalsis 164
inflammatory disease 1018 Pentostatin 367 Peritoneal cavity 74
inlet, A-P diameters of 976 Pepper pot 1167 Peritoneal dialysis 830
kidney 907 Pepsin digestion 305 Peritoneal disease 826
mass 1040 Pepsinogen 167 Peritoneal folds 21
organs 927 Peptic ulcer 327, 329, 889 Peritoneal ligament 74, 1179
pain 1023, 1035, 1040 disease 340, 859, 884 Peritrichate flagella 245
peritoneal cavity 75 drugs 340, 887 Perjury and Hostile witness 503
structures 1159 perforated 1187 Perkin’s line 744f, 745
Pelvicalyceal system, duplication of 908f Peptide bond 188 Perkin’s sign 743f, 745
Pelvis 511 Peptidoglycan 222, 243 Perkin’s traction 725
contracted 976 Perampanel 344 Perl’s iron 396
maternal 976 Perception, disorders of 1091, 1097 Perl’s prussian blue staining 383
osteomalacic 976 Percutaneous coronary intervention 774, 775 Permanent teeth
retroperitoneal structures in 73 Perez’s bacillus 219 crown of uninterrupted 670
square-shaped 1167f Perfringolysin 247 eruption of 513, 513f
triradiate 1165, 1166 Pergolide 345 Peroneal nerve
types of 976 Perianal warts, external 357 common 56
Pemberton’s sign 926 Periarthritis shoulder 731 deep 56
Pembrolizumab 311, 369 Peribulbar block 580 entrapment, deep 730

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1294 Sure Success MAGIC

injury, common 57 Pharyngeal artery, ascending 651 Phoria 613

superficial 56 Pharyngeal constrictor, inferior 883 Phosphate 163
Peroneus longus 24 Pharyngeal infection 691 buffer system 213
tendon of 49 Pharyngeal margin 106 compounds, high energy 204
Peroxidase 212, 711 Pharyngeal pouch 883f system 874
Peroxisomal beta oxidation 194 Pharyngeus 670 triple 445f
Peroxisome 131 Pharyngitis 235, 701 Phosphatidylcholine 129, 153, 191, 192, 208
disorders, congenital 194 pseudomembranous 242 Phosphatidylethanolamine 191
Personality Pharyngoesophageal diverticulum 883 Phosphatidylglycerol 967
changes, early 1094 Pharyngoesophageal mucosa 668 Phosphocreatine 217
deterioration of 1094 Pharyngotympanic tube 625 Phosphodiesterase 348
disorders 1108 Pharynx 18, 660 Phosphoglucomutase 203
tests 1123 anatomy 660 Phospholipase 328
Persuasion 1116 extrinsic muscles of 660 Phospholipids 129, 191
Perthe’s disease 758, 860 intrinsic muscles of 660 Phosphoprotein 188
Perthe’s syndrome 523 membranous lesions in 662 Phosphoribosyl pyrophosphate 215
Pertussis 459 Phelp sign 652 Phosphorus 549f
toxin 250 Phemister’s grafting 741 poisoning 548
vaccine, acellular 250 Phemister’s triad 1188 Phosphorylase 143
Pertuzumab 369 Phencyclidine 1115 Phosphorylation
Pervasive developmental disorders 1102 derivative 1143 oxidative 204, 357
Pesticide toxicity labels 497f Phenobarbital 343 substrate level 201, 206
Peterson hernia 900 Phenobarbitone 314, 542, 684, 703, 718, 848 Phossy jaw 548
Pethidine 1156 Phenol Photochromatic lenses 560
Petroclinoid ligament 1182 co-efficient test 227 Photochromogens 243
Petrosal nerve, greater 109 marasmus 545 Photodermatitis 335
Petrosal sinus poisoning 545 Photodynamic therapy 607
inferior 627 Phenolic smell 545 Photokeratitis 573
superior 112 Phenophthalein test 539 Photo-oxidation 684
Petrositis 646 Phenoscript assay 288 Photophobia 187, 585, 597, 610, 1070
Petrosquamous line 623 Phenotoxicity 365 Photophthalmia 573
Petrous bone 625 Phenoxybenzamine 324, 854, 1142 Photoretinitis 869
Petrous temporal bone 112, 625 Phentermine 342 Phototherapy 684, 684f
Peutz-Jeghers syndrome 937, 948 Phentolamine 324 administering 684
Peyer’s patches 246, 301 Phenylacetic acid 186 complications of 684
hyperplasia of 699 Phenylalanine Phototoxic reactions 1084
Peyr’s test 741 analogues 363 Phren’s sign 929
Peyronie’s disease 730 diet, low 186 Phrenic nerve 16f
Pfannenstiel incision 875 Phenylephrine 323, 1156 Phrenicocolic ligament 74, 84
Pfeiffer’s bacillus 219 Phenylketonuria 185, 1070 Phrygian cap 83
P-glycoprotein 313 Phenylpropanolamine 342 Phthisis bulbi 573, 620
Phycomycetes 1072
inhibitors of 313 Phenytoin 343, 344, 703, 814, 825, 838, 848
Phyllodes tumour 914
Phacoemulsification 581 Pheochromocytoma 325, 710, 854, 855
Phylloquinone 212
Phagocyte disorders, primary 308 Pheomelanin 1044
Phylum platyhelminthes 273
Phagocytic function 63 Pherical aberration 559
Physaliphorous cells 1188
Phagocytosis 84, 385, 386 Philadelphia chromosome 413, 429
Physeal injuries 732f
Phagolysosome 130, 298, 386 Phimosis 671
Physeptone ampoules 1115
Phakomatoses 800 Phlebogram 759
Physostigmine 321
Phalanges, distal 390 Phlebotomus 282
Phytanic acid 194, 606
Phalen’s sign 729, 730 Phlebotomy, serial 411
accumulates 194
Phantosmia 659 Phlegmasia
Phytotoxin 552
Pharmacodynamics 312, 316 alba dolens 390, 920
Pia mater
Pharmacogenetics 318 cerulea dolens 390, 920
inner 112
Pharmacogenomics 318 Phloxine tartrazine 539 modifications of 111
Pharmacokinetics 312, 313 Phobia 1104 Piacana 526
Pharmacological method 980 social 1104 Piano key test 758
Pharmacology 312 type of 1104 Piblokto 1122
clinical 312, 318 Phocomelia 719, 719f, 747 Picadeli’s circle 653
Pharmacovigilance 319 Phonasthenia 666 Pick bodies 395
Pharmacy 312 Phonocardiogram 146 Pick disease 392, 395
Pharyngeal arches 7f Phonosurgery 665 Pickering syndrome 870

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Index 1295

Picket fence fever 859 Piroxicam 330 in mosquitoes, stages of 283

Pickwickian syndrome 825 Pisiform 31 knowlesi 284
Picornaviruses 261 Pitavastatin 336 mosquito cycle of 285
Pictogram 456 Pitch fork sign 1180 vivax, life cycle of 284, 284f
Pie diagram 456 Pituitary fossa, ballooning of 1183 Plaster of Paris 728
Piebaldism 1070 Pityriasis Plastic bullet 531
Piedra 1073 alba 1055 Plastic lenses 560
Pierces left crus 94 capitis 1074 Plate mesoderm, lateral 4, 5
Pierre-Robin syndrome 638 rosea 1045, 1053, 1053f Plateau iris 591
Piezoelectric rotunda 1072 configuration 591
actuator 641 rubra pilaris 1053 syndrome 591
crystals 1158 versicolor 1045, 1073 Platelet 327, 389, 1153
sensor 641 Pityrosporum orbiculare 1054 activating factor 387
Pigeon droppings 266 Pivot joints 26, 26f aggregation 329, 422
Pigeonhole method 515 Pizotifen 792 antibodies 1154
Piggyback bullet 531 Placenta 449, 963 concentrates 1153
Pigment accreta 964, 982 count 422
absorption of 524 extrachorialis 963 normal 422
dilution disorders 1070 maternal portion of 963 disorders of 422
stones 903 membranacea 964 dysfunction 1070
brown 903 previa 982, 987 reservoir 84
Pigmentation, raindrop 546f spuria 963 transfusion 1153
Pike’s medium 234 succenturiata 963 Platinum compounds 366
Pili 222 velamentous 964 Platypnea 814
Pillar cells 629 Placental diseases 679 Platysma 38, 104, 1045
Pilocarpine 320, 589, 593 Placental separation, signs of 980 Plazomicin 375
hydrochloride 370 Placental villi 965 Plecanatide 373
test 553 Placido’s disc 562f, 572 Pleiotropy 439
Pilocytic astrocytoma, slow growing 961 Plague 221, 459, 480 Pleocytosis, neutrophilic 255
Pilonidal sinus 880, 894 Plane joint, structure of 26f Pleomorphic adenoma 959f, 962
Pilot balloon 1127 Planoconvex 278 Pleomorphism 934
Pilus 221 Plantar Pleoptics 617
Pimavanserin 373 aponeurosis 53 Plerocercoid larva 275
Pin index 1136 arch 58 Plethora 686
Pin injury 729 arteries 58 pulmonary 686, 687
Pinard’s maneuver 983 fasciitis 731 Pleural effusion 820, 821, 823, 1178
Pinch grip 36 ligament, long 51 exudative 821
Pineal body 1182 reflexes 172 Pleurodesis 930
Pinguecula 567 Plantaris, tendon of 53 Pleurodynia 261
Pink disease 545, 546f Planton 526 Pleuromutilins 353
Pink frothy sputum 814 Plaques 796f Pleurosthotonus 552
Pink puffer 816 Plasma 125, 1153 Plexiform neurofibromatosis 800f, 1208f
Pink teeth 519 cell 309, 421f Plica semilunaris 564
Pinna 621, 628, 630 disorders 420
Plocquet’s test 533
development of 629f immature 421f
Plumbline test 746
perichondritis of 643 cholinesterase 1146
Plummer’s disease 392, 849
Pinocytosis 313, 386 half life 316
mediators 386 Plummer-Vinson syndrome 669, 884
reverse 128 Plus disease 609
membrane 128
Pins’s sign 926 PM Jan-Dhan Yojana 488f
ornithine, high 610
Pinworm 271 Pneumatocele 1172, 1173f
protein 126, 150, 213, 214
Pipecuronium 1147 Pneumococci, capsule of 237f
binding 314
Piper’s forceps 983 Pneumococcus 220, 237, 1173
osmotic force 127
Piperacillin 254 skimming 150 Pneumoconiosis 820, 1171
Piperazine 357 Plasmalogens 191 Pneumocystis 290
Pirbuterol 337 Plasmapheresis 420, 421, 797 carinii 290
Pirenzepine 322, 340 Plasmid 229, 439 pneumonia 290
Pirfenidone 374 jirovecii 290, 1173, 1206f
classification of 230
Piribedil 345 pneumonia 1175
Plasmodia 285
Piriformis 46, 51 Pneumolysin 237
Plasmodium 270, 281, 283
serves 51 Pneumomediastinum 881, 926
falciparum 388 Pneumonia 237, 254, 260, 290, 340, 681,
syndrome 45 history of 283 693, 694, 824, 1172, 1175

Index Ram Gopal ts to Kamlesh.indd 1295 23-02-2019 12:39:30

1296 Sure Success MAGIC

alba 709 Polydactyly 436 inserts 53

history 815 Polydipsia 187 unlocks 53
pneumococcal 814 Poly-drug resistance 468 Population 471
primary atypical 251 Polygenic inheritance 438 genetics 438
severe 694 Polygonal squamous tumor cells 959f Pork insulin 361
staphylococcal 1173 Polygraph 533 Pork tapeworm 273
walking 251 Polyhydramnios 14, 698, 966 Poroscopy 515
Pneumonic plague 249, 255 Polymenorrhea 1013 Porphobilinogen 207
Pneumonitis 260, 679, 1056 Polymerase chain reaction 214, 289 Porphyria 207, 796, 1142
hypersensitivity 820 Polymetaphosphate 222 cutanea tarda 1074
Pneumoperitoneum 699, 1179 Polymethysiloxane 1127 Porphyrin synthesis 201
Pneumotachograph 1156 Polymyositis 838 Portal systemic anastomoses, sites of 94
Pneumothorax 1145 Polymyxin B 353 Portal vein pressure, normal 94
spontaneous 816 Polyneuritis, sensory 546 Porter’s deformity 39
Poached egg colony 220 Polyomavirus 260 Porter’s disease 249
Pobble foot 747 Polypeptide 222 Portosystemic shunts 826
Podocin 161 cells, pancreatic 858 Port-wine stain 801, 869, 927, 1208f
Podocytes 161 Polypoid margin, stripping of 665 Porus acusticus 628
Podography 515 Polypoidal choroidal vasculopathy, Posaconazole 355
Podophyllum resin 1062 idiopathic 610 Poshan Abhiyaan 486, 488f
Poems syndrome 839 Polypoidal degeneration, bilateral 665 Positional test 637
Pohl-Pinkus marks 395 Polyposis coli, familial adenomatous 949 Positive end expiratory pressure 1151
Poikilocytes 401
Polyproline helix 20 Positive predictive value 457
Poikiloderma 1068
Polypropylene suture 900 Positron emission tomography 1199
Point mutation 405, 431
Polyps, nonfamilial adenomatous 948 Posner-Schlossman syndrome 592
Pointing index sign 727f, 728
Polyribosylribitol phosphate 240 Postallantoic gut 80
Poiseuille-Hagen formula 149
Polysaccharide 198, 222 Post-anal dimple 894
Poison’s Act 503
capsule 237, 240 Postcoital test 1027, 1041
Poisoning 520, 543, 544
vaccine 239 Posterior atlanto-occipital membrane 110
acute 545, 546
Polysplenia syndrome 85 Posterior longitudinal ligament, ossification
chronic 545, 546
Polysynaptic reflex 169 of 1169
odors in 543
unique 543 Polythiazide 346 Postgastrectomy syndromes 887
Poisons Polyurethane 1127 Postmenopausal bleeding, investigation of 1014
classification of 542 Polyuria 187, 845 Postmortem root banding 515
radio-opaque 544 Polyvinyl chloride 1127 Post-proctoscopic purpura 1069
Polhydramnios 698 Polyvinylalcohol particles 1164 Post-splenectomy 237
Police inquest 505, 538 Polyvinylpyrrolidone 227 Postures torture, forced 526
Policeman’s tip deformity 39 Pomalidomide 373 Potassium 163
Polio Pomeroy’s tubectomy 998 channels, block 325
vaccines 474 Pompholyx 1056, 1056f dichromate 540, 1113
virus 261 Ponatinib 369 ferrocyanide 555
Poliomyelitis 466 Pond fractures 528 iodide 654, 849
Poliosis 1070 Ponder’s stains 222, 241 permanganate poisoning 556
Pollicis muscle, adductor 1204f Ponderal index 717 tellurite agar 241
Pollicization 757 Pons 117, 118, 262 Potato nose 1059
Pollution 462 Ponseti method 745 Potency, loss of 528
Polocyte 2 Pontain’s murmur 763 Pott’s disease 819
Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis 190 Pontiac fever 253 Pott’s puffy tumor 654
Polyagastrectomy 886 Ponticulum 627 Potter’s facies 966
Polyangiitis, microscopic 841 Pontine Potter’s syndrome 908
Polyarteritis nodosa 573, 840, 841 dysfunction 814 Pouch of Douglas 75, 1005
Polyarthralgia 691 hemorrhage 803 Poupart’s ligament 898
Polycarbonate 560 myelinolysis, central 814, 1153 Povidone iodine 226, 1083
Polychromasia 400, 407f raphe 170 Powder burn appearance 1023
Polycystic kidney respiratory centers 159 Power stroke 141
childhood 908 Popcorn calcification 1185 Poxvirus 260
congenital 11 Popcorn lesions 610 Poynting effect 1145, 1155
disease, autosomal-dominant adult 908f Popcorn lung 694 Prader-Willi syndrome 438
Polycystic ovarian disease 1021 Popilteal nerve, lateral 1065 Pradhan Mantri Surakshit Matritva
Polycythemia 411, 682, 689, 801 Popliteal fossa, boundaries of right 55f Abhiyan 484
vera 411 Popliteal nerve, medial 57 Pralidoxime 549
WHO criteria for 411 Popliteus 53 Pramipexole 345

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Index 1297

Prandial insulins 362 Presumed ocular histoplasmosis syndrome 597 Propofol 1143
Prasugrel 348, 777 Preterm baby infusion syndrome 1143
Pravastatin 777 complications of 718 Propranolol 361, 849
Prayer sign 1127 feeding of 718 Proptosis 619
Praziquantel 275, 276, 358 Priapism 803 Propulsive segment 164
Prazosin 325, 1113 Prickle cells 407, 1043 Propylthiouracil 838, 849
Precipitin test 539 Prickly heat 1079 Prosencephalon 13
Precocious puberty Prilocaine 1139, 1149 Prosopagnosia 173
central 704 Primaquine 291, 358, 359, 360, 407 Prostacyclin 152, 347, 773
peripheral 704 Primate Macaque monkey 284 Prostaglandins 328, 329
Pre-conception and pre-natal diagnostic Primidone 314 analogs 589
Techniques (Prohibition of Sex Primitive streak, formation of 4 clinical uses of 329
Selection) Act 503 Primordial follicles, maximum number of 3 Prostanoids 192
Precore mutants 264 Pringle maneuver 83 Prostate 381
Precursor lipids 192 Prinsloo Gordon artefact 521 cancer 939, 952
Prednisolone 314, 337, 423, 696, 831, 849 Prism bar test 615 TNM staging of 953
Prednisone 314 Pristinamycin 353 gland 12, 705
Preeclampsia 330, 988 Probing and irrigation test 610 imaging 1184
treatment of 988 Procainamide 335, 838 median lobe of 86
Pre-erythrocytic schizogony 284 Procaine reaction 1088 specific antigen 952
Preganglionic lesions 39 Procarbazine 366, 368 Prostatectomy, radical 953
Pregnancy 143, 532, 730, 861, 1012 Processus cochleariformis 624 Prostatic cancer, Androgen deprivation for 953
abdominal 991 Proctoscope 933f Prostatic urethra
absolute signs of 970 Prodromal signs 1097 posterior wall of 12
acute fatty liver of 990 Prodromal symptoms 1097 upper part of 88
anticoagulation in 990 Professional misconduct 509 Prostectomy, retropubic 95
diagnosis of 969 Profilaggrin 1043 Prosthesis, artificial 649
due to rape 985 Profunda brachii Prosthetic device 233
estimated number of annual 501 branches of 41 Prosthetic valve endocarditis 233
vessels 29
galactorrhea in absence of 844 Protamine sulfate 347
Profunda femoris 58
intrahepatic cholestasis of 990 Protease inhibitors 294, 295
Progeria 1168
linea gravidarum of 1044 Proteasome inhibitors 370
Progestasert 994
mammary souffle of 762 Protective reflex 169
Progesterone 963, 965, 1008, 1010
medical disorders in 988 Protein 129-131, 139, 176, 189, 214, 397,
only pill 996, 999f
post-term 984 445, 711
receptors, antagonist of 1011
pustular psoriasis of 1050f A 232
serum 1028
tumor 928 buffer system 213
therapy 1014
ultrasound signs of 1184 C 347
uses of 1011
unplanned 985 calorie malnutrition 825
Progestins 916, 995
unwanted 985 classification of 188, 388
synthetic 719, 1011
Prehn’s sign 929 conjugated 188
Prognostic scoring systems 414
Preiser’s disease 736 Proguanil 314, 360 contractile 139
Preisz nocard bacillus 219 Projectile, types of 531 denaturation 189
Premature neonate, feeding of 718 Prokaryotes 221 diet, high 187
Prematurity Prokinetic drugs 882 electrophoresis, serum 420
complications of 718 Prolactinoma 844 energy malnutrition 713
features of 717 Proline 183 identification 191
retinopathy of 608, 961 disrupts alpha helix 188 losing enteropathy 277
Premenstrual syndrome 1107 hydroxylation of 20 misfolding of 382
Preoxygenation 1147 Promyelocytic leukemia cells, acute 369 outer membrane 239
Prepyriform cortex 660 Pronation, muscle of 30 particle, proteinaceous infectious 802
Presbycusis 639 Pronator quadratus 36 peripheral 129
Presbyopia 559, 561 Prone dark room test 590 phosphorylation 190
Pressure 1154 Pronephros 11 post-translational modification of 130
abrasions 524 Propamidine 572 precipitation reaction of 190
diastolic 147 Propantheline 322 purification methods 190
epiphysis 24 Proparacaine 580 receptor 378
hydrocephalus, normal 1094 Prophylactic cranial irradiation 941, 1193 regulatory 139
support ventilation 1151 Prophylaxis secondary structure of 191
suprapubic 983 continuous 703 separation method 190
volume curve 153 intermittent 703 shape of 188
Prestriate cortex 114 types of 478 sorting 130

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1298 Sure Success MAGIC

structure 188 Pseudodementia 860 types of 1048, 1049

study of 191 Pseudodendrites 571 vulgaris 1048
synthesis 130, 241 Pseudo-edema 666 Psoriatic arthritis, X-ray signs in 1051
block 349 Pseudo-fractures 860, 1166 Psychiatric disorder 1090
tertiary structure of 191 Pseudo-Gaucher cells 413 Psychiatry 1090
translation inhibitor 414 Pseudogestational sac 973 tests in 1122
transmembrane 180 Pseudoglioma 961 Psychological diagnostic tests 1123
transudation 593 Pseudogout 215, 748 Psychopharmacology 345
tumor associated 939 Pseudohemoptysis 860 Psychosensory reflex 803
unit, basic 131 Pseudohermaphrodite 705 Psychosexual development, stages of 1121
Proteinuria 443, 988 Pseudohyphae 265 Psychosis 857, 1091
causes of 443 Pseudohypoparathyroidism 851, 1182 postpartum 1102
detection of 443 Pseudohypopyon 597f Psyhciatric sequelae 1101
massive selective 700 Pseudo-jaundice 339 Pterion 96
overflow 443 Pseudologia fantastica 1108 Pterygium 567, 567f
post-renal 443 Pseudolymphoma 860 Pterygoid
pre-renal 443 Pseudo-Meig’s syndrome 1025 canal, nerve of 109
quantifying 443, 859 Pseudomembranous colitis 248, 353, 360, plates 657f
tubular 443 1180 process 105
Proteoglycan 198 Pseudomonas 220, 254, 814, 1200 Pterygopalatine ganglion 109
Proteomics 365 aeruginosa 645, 694 Pthiriasis palpebrarum 1081
Proteus 219, 244, 909 bacteremia 1061 Pthirus pubis 1080
Prothrombin time 902 diseases 254 Ptosis 618, 806, 1142
Protodiastole 146 infection 1074 congenital 619
Proton beam mallei 254 treatment of 619
therapy 1191 organisms 254 Puberphonia 666
inhibitors 340, 882, 889 pseudomallei 219, 254 Puberty 3
Proto-oncogenes 936 Pseudomyxoma peritonei 935, 1039 delayed 704, 1009, 1011
Protoplasmic poison 548 Pseudoneuritis 559f precocious 704
Protoporphyrin 207 Pseudo-Nikolsky sign 1079 Pubic hair 437
Protoporphyrinogen 207 Pseudo-obstruction 893 Pubic lice 1080
Prototypic disease 249 acute colonic 869 Pubic symphysis 896f
Protozoa 270, 280-282 causes of 893 Pubis 44
Protozoal parasites 269 Pseudo-papillitis 559f Puborectalis 91
Protrusio acetabuli 1166 Pseudoparalysis 860 Pudendal artery, internal 80, 88, 93, 1004
Protympanum 623 Pseudo-Pelger Huet cell 412 Pudendal canal 91
Provitamin 211 Pseudophyllidea 273 Pudendal nerve 91, 1004, 1005
Provocative tests 590, 730 Pseudopods 386 branches of 91
Prucalopride 377 Pseudo-pseudo-hypoparathyroidism 851 Pudendal vessels, internal 91
Pruritic lesions 1080 Pseudopuberty 704 Puerperal mastitis 1003
Pruritic rash, pleomorphic 706 Pseudorosette, perivascular 391 Puerperium 988
Pruritus 411, 990 Pseudoseizures 1106
Puffy nipple 914f
Pseudostratified columnar epithelium 17, 18f
ani 278 Pugilistic attitude 535, 535f
ciliated 17
perianal 286 Puhl’s lesion 817
Pseudo-tabes 860
vulvar 1017 Pulfrich’s phenomenon 806
Pseudothrombocytopenia 422
Prussian blue 396 Pulmonary edema
Pseudotumor cerebri 211, 354
reaction 612 acute 772
Pseudounipolar neuron 111, 117, 134
staining 402 Pseudouridine 215 noncardiogenic 1154, 1176f
Psammoma bodies 393, 395, 911, 912 Pseudoxanthoma elasticum 577, 598 Pulmonary embolism
Pseudo-achalasia 883 Psoas major 72 diagnosis of 822
Pseudoappendicitis 255 Psoas minor 72 signs of 920
Pseudocalculi 835 Psoas spasm 896 Pulmonary vasculature, pruning of 1173
Pseudocapsule 1025 Psonisation 297 Pulp
Pseudocarriers 462 Psoriasis 1043, 1045, 1048, 1049f, 1050f, space 44
Pseudocholinesterase 1146 1051f, 1052 splenic 391
Pseudocoma 814 extent, measures of 1051 Pulsatile proptosis 613, 619
Pseudo-coxalgia 860 raindrop 1048 Pulsatile tinnitus 651
Pseudo-critical temperature 1155 seborrheic 1049 Pulse 759
Pseudo-Cushing’s syndrome 853 signs in 1050 collapsing 760
causes of 853 stable plaque 1048 less disease 869
Pseudocyst 905 treatment of 1051 oximeter

Index Ram Gopal ts to Kamlesh.indd 1298 23-02-2019 12:39:30

Index 1299

errors in 1132 Pyloric stenosis 719 Quinolones 339, 350

probe 1132f electrolyte changes in 887 Quintana 291
oximetry 1132 Pyloroplasty 886 Quintero’s staging system 987
peripheral 783 Pyoderma gangrenosum 1060, 1060f, 1072 Quirofono 526
polio immunization 476 Pyogenic granuloma 928 Q-waves 776
pressure 147 Pyramid 624
rate 968 Pyramidal tract 171 R
sleeping 847 Pyramidalis 72
type of 760 Pyrantel pamoate 278, 357 Rabeprazole 340
Pulseless disease 841 Pyrazinamide 338 Rabies 218, 477
Pulsion diverticula 883 Pyridostigmine 321, 797 antemortem diagnosis of 869
Pulsus Pyridoxal phosphate 184, 210 basics of 477
alternans 760 Pyridoxine 186, 209, 210, 338, 344, 371 free area 477
bisferiens 760 Pyrimethamine 283, 355, 359 post-exposure prophylaxis 477
paradoxus 760, 780 Pyrimidine 214 postmortem diagnosis of 262
parvus et tardus 760 5 nucleotidase deficiency 408 vaccine 218, 478
Punch biopsy 1033 Pyrocatechol 545 virus 261
Punch drunk 528 Pyrodex 531 Rabson-Mendenhall syndrome 856
Pungent agents 1146 Pyromania 1111 Racecadotril 341
Punishments 506 Pyrophobia 1104 Racemic epinephrine nebulization 693
Punnett square 432 Pyroptosis 382 Rachischisis 14
Pupillae muscles, dilator 109, 593, 804 Pyrosis 882 Rachitic pelvis 976
Pupillary light reflexes, pathways of 804f Pyrrolysine 181 Rachitic rosary 1165
Pupillary membrane, persistent 598 Pyruvate dehydrogenase 209 Racing car sign 1183
Pupillary reflexes, normal 812 complex 206 Racket handle attachment 964
Pupils 803 dysfunction of 209 Radezolid 353
abnormalities 804 Pyruvate kinase deficiency 201, 407 Radial artery 41
reactivity score 923, 924 Pythium insidiosum 570 Radial bursa 36
score 923 Radial forearm flap 880
Puppe’s rule 531, 532f Q Radial immunodiffusion 190
Pup-tent sign 1052 Q fever 256, 388, 859, 860 Radial muscles, contraction of 593
Purandare’s sling 1019 QT syndrome, congenital long 770 Radial nerve 29, 37, 734
Pure tone audiometry, uses of 634 Quad test 431 entrapment 729
Purine 214 Quadrantanopia injury 729
antagonists 367 inferior 173 palsy
biosynthesis 201 superior 173 high 729
synthesis 179, 215 Quadrantectomy 917 low 729
Purkinje cells 118, 134, 262 Quadratus femoris 51 treatment of 729
Purkinje fibres 70 Quadratus lumborum 72 pathology of 1204f
Purkinje-Samson images 557 origin of 45 superficial branch of 730
Purpura Radial tubercle, dorsal 30
Quadriceps 747
fulminans 239, 706 Radiation 227
femoris 50
palpable 701, 841 adverse effects of 1195
tendon of 49
Purpuric gloves and socks syndrome 260 derived units 1193
gait 756
Purtscher’s retinopathy 600 exposure 1163
Quadrivalent vaccine 1034
Pustular psoriasis 1049, 1050f gamma 227
Quadruple test 431
subtypes of 1049 hazard 1197f
Quantitative waveform capnography 1129
Putamen circuit 119 non-stochastic effects 1195
Quarantine 463
Putrefaction physics 1192
Queckensteadt test 646
rate of 519 potential effects 1195
Quellung reaction 237 schedules 1194
signs of 519
Quenching 216 sickness, acute 1195
Putti platt operation 732
Quetelet index 860 stereotactic 1195
Putti’s triad 745
Quetelet rule 515 stochastic effects 1195
Pyelogram 1182
Pyelonephritis 861, 1181 Quetiapine 1117 subacute and long-term effects 1195
Pygmalionism 538 Quinacrine staining 511 therapy, three-dimensional conformal 1194
Pyknodysostosis 1168 Quincke’s disease 1068 Radical hysterectomy, types of 1037
Pyknosis 379 Quincke’s needle 1139f Radical injury, free 382
Pyknotic nuclei 413 Quinidine 335 Radical mastectomy
Pyloric canal 698 Quinine 359, 422, 719 extended 917
Pyloric muscle 698 toxicity 603 modified 917

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1300 Sure Success MAGIC

Radical mastoidectomy, modified 648, 917 Rashtriya Kishor Swasthya Karyakram 485 pathways 175
Radical neck dissection, modified 928 Rashtriya Swasthya Bima Yojana 488f postural 172
Radioactive iodine 910 Rasmussen’s aneurysm 817 primitive 173, 671
Radiobiology 1192 Rasmussen’s encephalitis 170 pupillary 803
Radiofrequency 652 Rat flea 255, 465 sympathetic dystrophy 802
catheter ablation, transcutaneous 771 Rat hole 530 syndrome 756
Radiographic cassette 1157, 1157f Rat poison 348, 424 tachycardia 332
Radiography, direct digital 1158 Rathke’s pouch 957 Refraction
Radioisotope 1193, 1194 Ravulizumab 377 artifact 1159
caesium-137 1194 Rayalaseema phenomenon 532 basics of 557
carrying mabs 369 Raygat’s test 533 Refractive error 557, 558, 1070
cobalt-60 1193 Raynaud’s phenomenon 837, 839, 840, 1068 Refractive index 557, 568, 577
half lives 1198 Raynaud’s syndrome 870, 922 Refractive procedures 560
iodine-131 1193 RBSK logo 485f Refractory bradycardia, acute 1143
iridium-92 1194 Reagent strip test 443, 444 Refractory period 135
phosphorus-32 1193 Reaven’s syndrome 784 absolute 135
radium-226 1194 Reciprocal translocation 429, 429f Refsum disease 194, 638
uranium 1194 Rectal artery, inferior 93 infantile 131, 194
Radiology, animal and food signs in 1189 Rectal bilharziasis 894 Regional injuries 524
Radiomimetic drugs 366 Rectal prolapse 893 Regional pain syndrome, complex 756, 802
Radionuclide 1198 complete 894f Regorafenib 368
imaging 1198 Rectopexy, abdominal 894 Regurgitation 882
scans 1198, 1200 Rectouterine pouch 75, 86, 1005 valvular 767
Radiosensitivity 1195 Rectum 80 Rehydration 715
Radiosensitizers 1196 perforation of 1140 Reichert-Meissl number 193
agents 1196 Rectus abdominis 72 Reid index 814, 1034
Radiosurgery, stereotactic 1194, 1195 flap, transverse 880 Reid’s base line 95
Radiotherapy 723, 1040, 1191 muscles 72 Reidel’s lobe 81
intraoperative 1196 Reinforcement technique, contingency
Rectus sheath 72
Radioulnar joint 33 management 1103
hematoma 72
distal 758 Reinke’s edema 665
Rectus weakness, superior 619
superior 26f, 736f Reinsch tests 547
Red cell
Radioulnar synostosis, congenital 747 Reisser’s sign 1169
aplasia 410
Radius 30 Reiter’s syndrome 245, 842
appearances, common 400
absence of 747 Relaxation, adaptive 165
cast 444f
fracture, distal 754 Relief, sense of 978
concentrate 1152
Rafts 132 Reliever therapies 337
Railway line 525 direct infection of 286
Remifentanil 1141, 1149
Railway spine 526 distribution width 399
Remits spontaneously 1055
Rai-Sawitsky and Binet staging 415 morphological abnormalities of 401f
Remote delivery, signs of 532
Raloxifene 916, 1015 primitive 410
Renal agenesis 700
Raltegravir 295 protoporphyrin levels 400 bilateral 700
Ramsay Hunt syndrome 642, 798, 1061 Red flags, developmental 674 unilateral 700
Ramstedt’s pyloromyotomy 698 Red nucleus 117, 174 Renal aplasia 907
Rancke complex 817 Red phosphorus 548 Renal arteriography 1182
Random midstream specimen 442 Red ribbon 490f Renal artery stenosis 1164
Range charts 456 clubs 490 Renal biopsy 450, 700
Ranibizumab 311 Red rubber 1127 immunofluorescence of 450
Ranolazine 332 catheter 933f light microscopy of 450
Ransplacental infection 708 Red-orange polyp, subretinal 610 Renal blood
Ranula 107, 670 Reductase inhibitors, alpha 1012 flow numerics 161
Ranvier node 133, 136 Reductometric methods 199 vessels 783f
Rape 536 Reduviid bug 465 Renal calculus 909
and sex-related topics 535 Reed Sternberg’s cell 388, 418f Renal cancer 910
examination in case of 537 Reef knot 876f Renal cell carcinoma 950, 951, 1211f
Rapid diagnostic molecular test 469 Re-emerging diseases 481 pathology of 951
Rapid furfural test 199 Reese Ellsworth classification 961 Renal collecting systems, duplex 1181
Rapunzel syndrome 888 Reflex 174, 672 Renal corpuscle 160
Rasagiline 345 bradycardia 148 Renal dialysis, chronic 723
Rasburicase 370 cardiac arrest 522 Renal disease 364
Rashtriya Bal Swasthya Karyakram 485 non-optical 812 end-stage 830

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Index 1301

Renal dysfunction 988 acute 1176f Retinal schisis, congenital 961

Renal ectopia 907 adult 869 Retinal tamponade, agents for 605
Renal failure 187, 285, 350, 420 neonatal 679, 693 Retinal vasculopathy, peripheral 598
acute 379, 423, 828 Respiratory failure 824, 931 Retinal vein occlusion 603
chronic 237, 832, 1071 hypoxemic 824, 1150 branch 604, 604f
emergency dialysis in 830 Respiratory group, dorsal 159 central 603
risk of 1135 Respiratory infections 693 Retinal vessel occlusions 602
Renal function tests 450 Respiratory minute volume 155 Retinitis pigmentosa 437, 605, 606, 606f,
classification of 450 Respiratory movements 61 610, 668, 700
Renal insufficiency 404 Respiratory quotient 151, 217 Retinoblastoma 430, 597f, 620, 939, 960, 961
Renal malformations 436 Respiratory rhythm 159 genetic of 960
Renal mass, upper pole 1181 Respiratory sounds 692 Retinoic acid syndrome 369
Renal medullary ischemia 1164 Respiratory syncitial virus 262, 357, 694 Retinoids 369, 1049, 1051
Renal osteodystrophy 830, 1168 Respiratory syndrome, severe acute 262, 481 topical 1058
Renal parenchyma 11, 444 Respiratory system 336, 446, 692, 695, 814, Retinol 211
Renal pelvis 952 968, 1168 Retinoschisis 604
duplex 907 Respiratory tract, asbestos effects on 820 Retinoscopy 557
squamous cell carcinoma of 952 Restless leg syndrome 795 Retraction
Renal physiology 160 Resuscitation 716 balls 814
Renal proteinuria 443 initial steps of 716 ring 983
Renal rickets 1165 protocol 716 Retrocaval ureter 10
Renal scan 1198 Retapamulin 353 Retrocochlear pathologies 636
Renal stones 345, 420, 908 Rete testes 89 Retrolentiform 116
clinical features 908 Reteplase 349, 778 Retroperitoneal
etiology 908 Reticular dermis, deep 1044 fibrosis, idiopathic 869
surgery for 909 Reticular nucleus, except 116 irritation 893
Renal system 345, 828, 907, 968 Reticulocyte 399 zones 898, 898f
Renal topics 834 count 400 Retroperitoneum 1041
Renal transplantation 286, 831 absolute 400 Retropharyngeal abscess, acute 663
Renal tuberculosis 835 corrected 400 Retropharyngeal nodes 658
Renal tubular production index 400 Retroviridae 287
acidosis 835 Reticulocytosis 403, 405 Retroviruses 262
epithelial cell toxicity, direct 1164 Reticulospinal tract 172 transforming 287
Renal tubules 200 Retigabine 344 Rett’s syndrome 1102
Renal veins 85, 89 Retina 134, 139, 192, 197, 599f Retzius separates, cave of 86
Renal vessels, aberrant 907 Revefenacin 376
basics of 598
Renbok phenomenon 1082 Revised National Tuberculosis Control
gross anatomy of 598
Renin 162 Program 468
layers of 599f
angiotensin system 162, 162fc Revlimid 370
microscopic anatomy of 599
inhibitor, direct 333 Reye’s syndrome 330, 348, 392, 706, 825
peripapillary 609
Renshaw cell 137 Reynold’s Braude phenomenon 265, 1081
Retinacula, extensor 53
inhibition 137 Reynold’s number 149
Retinacular artery, lateral 47
Reoviruses 262 Rhabditiform larva 278
Reperfusion therapy 777 Retinaculum, superior extensor 53
Retinal area 598 Rhabdomyolysis 1143
Reproductive and Child Health Program 482
Retinal artery occlusion Rhabdomyomas 784
Reproductive organs
branch 602 Rhabdomyosarcoma 660, 939, 961, 1040
male 88
central 602 Rhabdovirus 261
sensitivity of 1007
Retinal break 604 Rheobase 136
Res indicata 509
Retinal degenerations, peripheral 604 Rheumatic fever, acute 691
Res ipsa loquitur 508
Retinal detachment 604, 961 Rheumatic heart disease, pathology of 720
Res judicata 509
exudative 605f Rheumatoid arthritis 304, 574, 576, 694,
Reservoir sign 648, 655
Retinal disorders 607 730, 836, 838
Residual capacity, functional 154
Retinal function tests 580 drugs for 331
Resistant spores, heat 247
Retinal ganglion cell pathways 806 treatment of 839
Reslizumab 338
Retinal hemorrhages, extensive 603 Rheumatoid factor 838, 839
Resnick maneuver 983
Retinal necrosis, acute 597, 600 absence of 842
Respiration, hemodynamic effects of 763
Retinal nerve fibre layer 561 Rheumatoid nodule 1172
Respiratory depression, delayed 1141
analysis 587 Rhinion 96
Respiratory disease 290
Retinal photoreceptors, greater sensitivity Rhinitis 709
chronic 237
of 559 caseosa 659
common 155
Retinal pigment epithelium 17 medicamentosa 659
Respiratory distress syndrome 824

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1302 Sure Success MAGIC

sicca 659 Rilpivirine 372 Ropivacaine 1142

types of 659 Rima glottidis 663 Rosai dorfman 395
Rhinolalia 666 Rimantadine 262 Rose Bengal 568
Rhinophyma 659, 1059 Ring staining 574
Rhinoplasty 930 chromosome 429, 429f Rose Gardener’s disease 268
Rhinorrhea, paradoxical 655 fracture 528 Rose K lens 560
Rhinoscleroma 654 occlusion test, deep 898 Rose position 662f
Rhinoscleromatis 655 scotoma 606 Rose spots 245
Rhinosporidiosis 654 synechiae 595
Rose thorning 1180, 1187
Rhinovirus 261 Ringer lactate 252
Rosen’s incision 647, 875
Rhodamine 225, 396 Ringertz tumor 657
Rosenmuller lymph nodes 1004
Rhodopsin 211, 806 Ringworm 1073
Rosenthal fibres 956
cycle 806 Rinne’s test 649, 868
Rising sun 651 Roseola infantum 707
Rhombencephalon 12
sign 1174 Rosette
Rhomboideus major 33
Risperdione 327, 1117 cataract 580f
Rhomboideus minor 33
Rhythmic fluctuation, spontaneous 164 Ritgen maneuver 978 types of 391
Rhytidectomy 930 Ritodrine 324 Ross procedure 690
Ribs 59 Ritonavir 295 Rossman fold 189
atypical 59, 60 Ritter’s disease 232 Rostral two bumps 117
classification of 59 Ritual circumcision 88 Rostrum 115
false 59 Ritumala 992 Rosuvastatin 336
first 59 cycle-beads 1000f Rotator cuff
floating 59 Rituximab 311, 369, 423 injury 733
fracture, multiple 931 anti-CD20 antibody 331 signs of 733
lower border of 12th 62 Rivaroxaban 347 tear 733
notching 1179f Rivarucci cuff 147 tendons 733
typical 59 Rivastigmine 321, 1094 Rotavirus 262, 476
upper border of 65 River blindness 596
Roth’s spot 781, 1212f
Ribavorin 694 Rivinus, notch of 622
Rothera’s test 208
Riboflavin 206, 209 Rivociclib 373
Rotor syndrome 683
deficiency 570 Rizzuti sign 572
Rotten eggs odor 539
Ribonucleic acid viruses 258, 261, 262 RKSK logo 485f
Road-to-health growth chart 674 Rotter’s nodes 43
Ribonucleoprotein 216
Robert’s pelvis 976 Rotterdam criteria 1022
Ribonucleotides 215
Ribosomes 130 Robert’s sign 1184 Rotting fence post 1167
Ribozyme 176 Robertson’s cooked meat broth 247 Rotting fish 187
Rice grain calcification 274 Robertsonian translocation 429, 429f odor syndrome 217
Rice water stools 252 Robin Hood effect 1142 Rough endoplasmic reticulum 412
Richter’s syndrome 414 Robson system 951 Rouleaux formation 420f, 421
Ricinus communis 550 Rocker bottom foot 436, 747 Round body needle 876
Rickets 187, 212, 515, 1165, 1168 Rocky mountain spotted fever 841, 859 Round ligament 12
Rickettsiae 220, 256 Rocuronium 1147 Roux-en-Y esophagogastrojejunostomy 886
Rickettsial diseases 256 Rodent ulcer 869 Roving-ring scotoma 559
Ricochet bullet 531 Rodenticide 348 Royal air force rule 614
Riddoch phenomenon 812 Roenne’s central nasal step 587 Rubber person syndrome 20
Rideal walker test 227 Rofecoxib 330 Rubber stopper, colored 440
Rider’s bone 24 Rokitansky Aschoff sinuses 83 Rubeanic acid 396
Riedel’s thyroiditis 849 Rokitansky hernia 900
Rubella 459, 464, 475, 707
Rifabutin 289, 292, 339, 838 Rokitansky protuberance 1038
congenital 707
Rifampicin 240, 338, 848 Roll-back malaria 286
postnatal 707
Rifamycin 376 Romano Ward syndrome 770
Romanus lesion 1165 Rubeola 459
Rifapentine 339
Romberg test 636, 638 Rubeosis iridis 591, 592f, 595, 603
Rifaximin 374, 827
Romidepsin 369 Rubin/Leech Wilkinson cannula 1029f
Rifled firearm, calibre of 529f
Right pinna, nerve supply of 621f Romiplostim 423 Rubin’s criteria 991
Right to Disability Act 460 Roomy nasal cavities 654 Rubin’s maneuver 983
Right upper quadrant signs 1179 Root Rubner’s test 555
Rigidity 169, 172 branches of 39 Rucaparib 373
Rigler’s sign 1179 cut off sign 742 Ruffled border 24
Rigler’s triad 892, 903 ganglion, dorsal 111, 134, 170 Rufinamide 344
Rigor mortis 141, 518, 519f, 533 of nose, fracture of 657f Rugger-Jersey spine 1168
Riley-Day syndrome 569, 869 Ropinirole 345 Rugoscopy 515

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Index 1303

Rule of Sarcoidosis 212, 388, 573, 596, 600, 822, 839

scanning 1200
nine 535 microscopy of 822
sublingual 19
six 513 Sarcolemma 139, 140
submandibular 19, 1205f
Rumination disorder 1111 Sarcoma 934
tumors 959
Runner’s knee 741 botryoides 1041
Salivary secretion 167
Runyon’s classification 243 osteogenic 449
Salivation, excess 545
Rush’ disease 609 Sarcomere 139
Salkowski, Lieberman-Burchard reactions 193
Russell bodies 395, 655 Sarcoplasmic reticulum 130, 140, 326
Salmeterol 324, 337
Russell silver syndrome 438, 577 Sarcosine 181
Salmon patch 869, 927, 1208f
Russell traction 725 Sarcotubular system 140
Salmonella 219, 220, 245, 787
Rusty sputum 814 structure of 140f
osteomyelitis 406
Ryanodine receptor 140 Sarecycline 376
typhi 219
Ryle’s tube 933f Sarilumab 374
typhimurium 393
insertion 1156 Sartorius flexes 52
Salpingectomy 991
Rytand’s murmur 763 Satellite lesions 596
Salpingitis 240, 1018
isthmica nodosa 1018 Satellitism 220
S surest sign of 1018 Saturated saline solution 271, 548
S sign, reverse 1185 Salpingo-oophorectomy 1023 Saturation curve, substrate 178f
Saber shins 709 bilateral 1032 Saturday night palsy 138, 729
Sabin-Fieldman dye test 271, 708 Salpingopharyngeus 626 Sausage digit 1190
Sabouraud’s dextrose agar 1072 Salt and pepper Savva’s test 1126
Saccades 812 appearance 839 Saw tooth appearance 1187
Saccharic acids 199 fundus 600 Scabbard trachea 1188
Saccharin test 660 scars 709 Scabies 1080
Saccharopine 182 Salt milk agar 232 incognito 1080
Sacculations 79 Salt water drowning 523 mite 1080f
Sach’s buffered glycerol saline 244 Saltatory conduction 136 varieties of 1080
Sacral colpopexy 1020 Saltatory flap 880 Scala
Sacral plexus 56 Salter and Harris communis 628
Sacrococcygeal teratoma 4 classification 731, 732f media 627
Sacrohysteropexy 1019 type physeal injury 732f tympani, lower 626
Sacroiliitis 1165 Salus’ sign 607 vestibule, upper 626
Sacrotuberous ligaments 45, 52 Samarium 153 1200 vestibuli 627
Sacubitril 773 Samson-Young classification, modified 1126 Scalene tubercle 60
Saddle nose 709 Samter’s triad 660, 696 Scalp 98, 1073
Sadism 538 arterial supply of 98
Sandal toes 435
Saegesen’s tender point 907 dangerous area of 98
Sanders-Retzlaff-Kraff formula 580
Safinamide 374, 869 layers of 98
Sandfly 465
Sag sign 740 nerve supply of 98
Sandhoff’s disease 195
Sago spleen 391 sensory nerve of 100f
Sandpaper skin 235 Scalpel blades 874
Saheli 997
Sahli hemoglobinometer 442f Sandwich sign 1187 Scaphoid
Sahli pipette 442f Sandy patches 275, 836 cast 736
Saint’s triad 884 Sanger’s deoxynucleotide method 214 fracture 736
Sakaguchi test 183 Sanger’s reagent 191 radiographs of 737f
Salaam spells 703 Sanger’s technique 191 proximal pole of 724
Salbutamol 323, 324, 337, 696 Santorini, fissures of 629 waist of 736
side effects of 324 Saphena varix 919 Scapula 28, 511
Salicylate 448, 640 Saphenous eye 920 angles of 28
Salicylic acid 330, 1058 Saphenous nerve 55 attachments on 28
Saline Saphenous vein congenital high 29
diuresis 542 great 58 head of 28
infusion sonography 1029 long 918 margins of 28
Saliva 167 small 59 processes of 28
dribbling 522 Sapna 502f pulsating 41
Salivary calculi 107 Saponification 520 Scapular artery, dorsal 41
Salivary gland 18, 105, 260 number 193 Scapular region, muscle of 34, 35
disease 309 Sapropterin 186 Scar 1045
major 105 Saquinavir 295 formation 389
minor 105 Saragramostim 409 tissue 1199
pleomorphic adenoma of 962 Sarcoglycans 140 Scarf syndrome, long 522

Index Ram Gopal ts to Kamlesh.indd 1303 23-02-2019 12:39:30

1304 Sure Success MAGIC

Scarlet fever 235, 464, 1061 Scleritis 576 Seitz filter 274
Scarpa’s ganglion 632 posterior 576 Seizures 344, 955, 988
Scarpa’s triangle 54 Scleroderma 833, 836, 1083 absence 799
Scarring alopecia 1052, 1057 crisis 333, 839 complex partial 173
Schaffer’s gradings 583 Scleromalacia perforans 576 partial complex 344
Schatzki’s ring 883 Scleroproteins 182 types of 798
Schaumann bodies 393, 822 Sclerosis 1045, 1169 Seldinger technique 95, 1133, 1182
Scheie’s gradings 583 systemic 839 Selective estrogen receptor modulators 368,
Scheuermann’s disease 869 Sclerotic bodies 394 754
Schiff’s reagent 427 Sclerotic cells 268 Selegiline 345
Schilling test 404, 786 Sclerotome, medial 5 Selenium 176, 212
false positive 404 Scoline 1146 sulfide shampoo 1074
Schindelysis 95 Scoliosis, structural 869 Selenocysteine 181, 212
Schiotz tonometry 585f Scombroid fish poisoning 248 Seliwanoff’s test 199
Schirmer’s test 574, 574f Scopolamine 553 Sella turcica 97
Schistocytes 409f, 425 Scorpion 554f Sellick’s maneuver 1139, 1148
Schistosoma 269 sting 554 Semaglutide 374
haematobium 286 venom 552, 554 Seman’s squeeze technique 1115
intercalatum 275 Scotch tape test 271 Semen 1026
mansoni 286, 836 Scotochromogens 243 analysis 1026
parameters 1026
mekongi found 275 Scotophilia 538
Semicarpus anacardium 550
Schistosome 275 Scott test 556
Semicircular canal, lateral 637
eggs 271, 275 Scottish dog 1169
Schistosomiasis 271, 839, 1180 wearing collar 1169
origin of 45
clinical features of 275 Scrambled egg appearance 1180
tendon of 49
Schizencephaly 14 Scratch sign 1074
Seminal fluid 197
Schizophrenia 1090-1092, 1096, 1117, Scratch test 746
tests for 537
1122, 1125 Scrofuloderma 1063
Seminal vesicles 12, 86
paranoid 1093, 1114 Scrotal
Seminoma 13, 954, 1206f
Schmidt’s syndrome 858 ligament 89 Semi-open anesthetic systems 1138
Schmorl’s nodes 742, 1188 scan 1200 Semitendinosus 48
Schneiderian papilloma 657 swelling, acute 929 Semont’s maneuver 638
Schober test 842 temperature 89 Senile cataract, types of 579
Schoemaker’s line 740 Scrotum 12, 89 Senior-Løken syndrome 835
Schroeder’s ring 983 layers of 89 Sensitive articles, heat 227
Schroeder’s sign 980 left half of 89 Sensitive test 964
Schuffner’s dots present 285 strawberry 1207f Sensorineural deafness
Schuknecht theory 649 swelling of 1203f congenital 846
Schultz method 980 Scrub typhus 256 unilateral 650
Schultz-Charlton reaction 235 Scurvy 211, 1166, 1166f Sensorineural loss 650
Schwabach test 633 Scutum 424, 628 Sensory
Schwann cell 133, 1065 Sea blue histiocyte 413 anomalies, tests for 616
Schwannoma 956, 1207f Sea snakes 553 deficits 123
Schwartze’s operation 647 Sea water drowning 523 loss 57, 742
Schwartze’s sign 649 Seagull sign 1187 nerve supply 664
Sciatic nerve 45, 56, 168 Seasonal affective disorder 1101 receptors 168
tibial part of 52 Seat belt abrasion 527 root 108
Sciatic notch Sebaceous glands speech area 114
greater 45 ducts of 17 Sentinel lymph node 658, 935
index 511 modified 618 biopsy 916
Scimitar sign 1186 Seborrheic keratosis, sudden multiple 1072 Sepsis 535, 861, 1140
Scimitar syndrome 930 Seclusio pupillae 595 neonatal 680
Scissor reflex 572 Secnidazole 374 screen 681
SCIWORA 744 Secretomotor nerve supply 107 severe 861
Sclavo’s serum 249 Sector diagram 456 syndrome 861
Sclera 6, 576 Secukinumab 311 Septate uterus 1016f
chronic inflammation of 576 Secular trend 464 Septic
diseases of 576 Sedation 334 embolism 390
Scleral discoloration 577 Seddon’s classification 138 shock 861
Sclerectomy, deep 588 Segond fracture 1188 refractory 861
Sclerema neonatorum 1082 Seidel scotoma 587 superficial thrombophlebitis 919

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Index 1305

Septicemia 246, 861 Shadow test 557 joint 31

Septicum 247 Shaggy esophagus 1187 stabilisers of 32
Septum Shah-Waardenburg syndrome 1070 movements of 32
anteroinferior part of 656 Shake test 444, 967 posterior dislocation of 733f
bleeding polypus of 660 Shaken baby syndrome 600 spica 724
primum 10 Shakir tape 714f traction 983
secundum 10 Sham rage 172 Shrapnell’s membrane 622
transversum, mesoderm of 8 Shanghai fever 254 Shriner’s formula 879
Sequestra 749 Sharpey’s fibres 24 Shrinking lung syndrome 837, 1185
Sequestration crisis 405 Shave biopsy 1084 Shrivastava committee 491
Sequestrum 749f Shawl sign 1068 Shwachman syndrome 309
Sereny test 244 Shear stress 150 Shwachman-Diamond syndrome 410
Serial integrated test 435 Sheehan’s syndrome 392, 845, 981 Sialic acid 191, 197
Shenton’s line 745
Serine 182, 187 Sialoproteins 163
Shepard’s Crook deformity 756
proteases 179 Sibutramine 342
Shepard’s formula 970
threonine kinase inhibitors 370 Sickle cell 1209f
Sherren’s triangle 896f
Seroconversion 288 anemia 405, 405f, 406f, 600, 723, 1167
Sherrington law 615
Serocystic disease 914 disease 237, 246, 260, 405, 431, 1168
Shick test 242
Serology 283 Shiga toxin 244 trait 405, 431
Serotonergic drug 792 Shigella 220, 244, 569, 787 Sickle shape 405
Serotonin 164, 170, 327, 386, 814, 1104, 1122 infection, complications of 245 peritoneal fold 74
hyperactivity 1098 Shiny corner sign 732, 1165 Sickness
Serous membranes, mesothelium of 17 Shirodkar’s operation 985 absenteeism rate 496
Serous retinopathy, central 600f, 608, 608f Shirodkar’s sling 1019 benefit 496
Serpent’ sign 1174 Shish kebab’ technique 747 enhanced 496
Serpigenous macular lesions 691 Shock 158, 872, 891, 893 extended 496
Serratus anterior 33, 34f absorber 50, 966 black 459
Sertoli cells 1, 89, 705 cardiogenic 872 insurance, compulsory 458
Serum creatine compensatory stage 872 sleeping 282
kinase 139 distributive 872 Siderophore 252
phosphokinase 1123 index 981 Siderosis 612, 820
Serum glutamate pyruvate transaminase 184 modified 981 Siegle’s speculum 633
Sessile gallbladder 83 irreversible stage 872 Siegrist streaks 608
Sessions court 505, 506 lung 869 Siffert-Katz sign 741
Severinghaus electrode 1156 monitoring of 873 Sigmoid
Sevoflurane 1143, 1144, 1145 obstructive 872 mesocolon connects sigmoid 74
Sewer gas 555, 556 progressive stage 872 sinus 93
Sex refractory stage 872 thrombosis 646
chromosomal severe 1142 volvulus, radiological features of 1180
monosomies 426 spinal 172 Signet ring 64
trisomies 426 stages of 872 Sildenafil 332, 773, 1115
cord stromal tumors 1038 treatment of 873 Silica, inhalation of 820
types of 872
determination 511, 512 Silicone
Shone complex 690
differentiation, disorders of 704 oil 597f
Short attention span 1102
therapy, dual 1115 rubber 1127
Short gastric vessels 74
unnatural 537 Silicosis 820
Short limb 677
Sexual asphyxia 523 Silk sutures 1164
Short plantar ligament 51
Sexual behaviour 119 Silkworm disease 218
Short stature 437, 676, 677
Sexual delusions 1093 disproportionate 677 Silver nitrate 565
Sexual deviations 538 proportionate 677 Silver sulfadiazine 569
Sexual drive, excessive 1115 Short trunk 677 Silverman Anderson score 680
Sexual dysfunction 1115, 1122 Short wavelength automated perimetry 588 Silverstein microwick 650
Sexual offences Shotgun wounds 530f Sim’s speculum 1041f
unnatural 537 Shot-silk appearence 559f Simmond’s focus 817
natural 537 Shoulder Simon’s sign 522
Sexual paraphilias 538 abduction splint 724 Simpson pain 1031
Sexual perversions 504, 538 atraumatic instability of 732 Sims-Huhner test 1027
Sexual response cycle, phases of 1115 conditions 732 Simulium blackfly 596
Sexually transmissible microorganisms 1085 dislocation 732 Simvastatin 838
Sexually transmitted disease 1089 posterior 733 Singer’s nodes 665
Sezary syndrome 1067 dystocia 983 Single blind trial 498

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1306 Sure Success MAGIC

Single motor unit 142 color 1044 Slipped capital femoral epiphysis 746, 869
Single unit smooth muscle 143 contact, direct 1062 Slit diaphragm 161
Sinogram 629 deep 745 Slit lamp biomicroscope 562f
Sino-vaginal bulbs 1004 diseases 291, 578 Sluder’s neuralgia 656, 660
Sinus viral 1061 Smack 1113
bradycardia 769, 771f disorders 1057, 1071 Small angle starbismus 615
confluence of 112 dry 211 Small blood vessels, non-neoplastic
congenital 931 hot 553 proliferation of 390
contralateral cavernous 123 epidermis of 17 Small bowel
development of 653 grafts 879 barium enema 786
frontal 654 advantages 879 disease 895
inferior sagittal 112 disadvantages 879 obstruction 1187
node, rhythm originates in 771f full thickness 879 Small cell
occipital 112 survival of 879 carcinoma 1176
posterior intercavernous 112 hemangiomas 927 lung cancer 1193
preauricular 629 histology of 1044f Small fat droplets 825
straight 112 lesions 840, 1045 Small for gestational age 717
superior sagittal 112, 113 primary 1045 Small intestinal
tachycardia 771f secondary 1045 crypt epithelial stem cells 384
thrombophlebitis, lateral 859 Peau d’orange appearance 1208f mucosal function 786
tract 254 peeling of 671 Small intestine 164, 165, 276, 786
excision of 629 perilesional 1074 benign tumors of 948
transverse 67, 112 prick test 267 malignant tumor of 948
venarum 67 reactions, drug-induced 1080 proximal 401, 1111
venosus, left horn of 9 snip test 271 Small joint pains, symmetrical 838
Sinusitis 237, 817 stem cells 384 Small lymphocyte, nucleus of 403f
acute 653 stimulation of 169
Smaller airways, patency of 155
frontal 653, 654 testing, negative 308
Smallpox 249, 260
recurrent 132 to-skin contact 711
vaccine 219
sphenoid 653 tractions 725
Smell, loss of 173
Sipple syndrome 858 trauma, penetrating 1063
Smith-Peterson approach 740
Sirenomelia-mermaid appearance 4 tubercular infections of 1063
Smoke appearance, puff of 1183
Sirolimus 775, 801, 831 vesicle 261
Smokeless gunpowder 530
Sirtuins, role of 383 wrinkling of 1044
Smooth bore firearm, cartridge of 529f
Sisomicin 353 Skinfold thickness 714
Smooth endoplasmic reticulum 130, 315
Sister Joseph’s nodule 71 Skip metastases 935
Smooth muscle 139, 142, 143, 321, 378
Sitophobia 1104 Skull 95, 511, 512, 1182
cells 390
Situs inversus 132, 700, 817 anatomical position of 95
modified 927
Six-penny bruises 525 base of 526
characteristic electrical activities of 143
Sjögren’s syndrome 574, 798, 835, 836, 839, bones 95
842, 860 foramina 96 constriction 386
Skeletal maturation fractures 528 contraction 143
generalized accelerated 675 plain X-ray of 850f mechanism of 143
retarded 675 strawberry 1190 hamartoma, congenital 1046
Skeletal muscle 128, 139, 168, 182 sutures 95 physiologic anatomy of 142
contraction, molecular mechanism of 141fc types of 511 relaxes 387
relaxants 141fc, 326 Slap injuries 645 types of 143
stem cells 384 Slapped cheek rash 260 Smooth pursuit movements 812
Skeletal system 1165 Slave, black 526 Smudge cells 415
one-liners 1188 Sleep Snake
Skeleton apnea 1110 bite 464
immature 723 severe 825 treatment of 553
of foot, accessory bones in 48 disorder 1108, 1109 non-poisonous 554
Skene breathing 825 poisonous 553, 554
paraurethral glands of 12, 1004 disturbance 334 venom 552
urethral glands of 12 drug-induced 1114 Snellen’s chart 562, 563
Skewness, measures of 452 stages of 1109 Snellen’s letter, construction of 562f
Skiascopy 557 walking 1109 Snellen’s visual acuity, interpretation of 563
Skin 6, 233, 254, 539, 930, 1043, 1195 Sleeping beauty syndrome 1116 Snoring 692
biopsy 869 Sliding filament theory 141 Snow blindness 573
blisters, trauma induced 1078 Slim disease 296, 459 Snowstorm appearance 1001
cancer 546, 957, 1070 Sling operations, abdominal 1019 Snuff box, anatomical 37

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Index 1307

Soap-bubble Somatostatin 166 Spermatic fascia

appearance 1188 receptor scintigraphy 889, 1200 external 72, 898
lesions 266, 276 Somatostatinoma 859 internal 89
Social communication disorder 1124 Somatrem 360 Spermatid 1, 2f
Soda lime 1138 Somatropin 360 Spermatocytes
Sodium 126 Somite 4 primary 1
amobarbital 1123 Somnambulism 1109 secondary 1
bicarbonate 1151, 553 Somogyi effect 857 stage 1
calcium edetate 543, 547 Sonic Hedgehog gene 14 Spermatogenesis 1
carbonate 1142 Sonnenschein’s test 552 stages in 2f
channel 549 Sonographic Murphy sign 904 Spermatogonia 1
inactivation 1146 Sonotubometry 644 Spermatozoa 2
chloride solution, saturated 544 Sorafenib 368, 943 reservoir of 89
citrate 613 side effects of 370 Spermia nomenclature 1027
dithionite test 405 Sorbitol MacConkey media 244 Spermicides 993
glucose contransporter-2 inhibitors 364 Sorrel salt 545 Spermidine 182
hypochlorite 227 Sotalol 335 Spermiogenesis 1
lauryl sulfate method 441 Soto’s syndrome 675 process of 2f
metabisulphite test 405 Sound, conduction of 630 Sphenoid
nitroprusside 334, 583 South American blastomycosis 267 body of 97
polyanethol sulfonate 229 South-Western blotting 214 greater wing of 97
thiopentone 1142 Souvenir bullet 531 spine of 97
thiosulfate 555 Spade hand 737 Sphenopalatine foramen 97
urate 215 Spaeth’s gradings 583 Spherocytes 400, 408, 408f
valproate 344, 703, 718, 1119 Spalding’s sign 1184 Sphincter pupillae 593, 804
zirconium cyclosilicate 375 Spanish fly 555 Sphincter urethrae 91
Sodomy 537 Spared joints 747 Sphingolipidoses 603
Soemmering’s ring 582 Sparrow foot marks 527 Sphingomyelins 129, 191
Soft sore 1085 Spasms, infantile 344, 703 Sphingophospholipids 191
Soft tick 465 Spastic neurogenic bladder 164 Spider veins 919
transmit 860 Spasticity 169 Spiderweb cells 395
Soft tissue Special courts 506 Spiegelberg criteria 991
disease 233 Special newborn care units 483 Spigelian hernia 899
infections 253 Special staining methods 226 Spina bifida 14, 718
injury 726 Speckle tracking 767 cystica 14
structure lost 1170 Spectacle 559 occulta 14, 14f
Soil 247 lenses 560 ultrasound of 973
Soiling index 501 Spectinomycin 240, 353 Spinal anesthesia
Solar retinopathy 869 Spectral distortion 641 complications of 1140
Soldier’s plaque 720 Spectroscopy 539 total 1140
Soleal line 48 Speech Spinal artery
Soles, hyperkeratosis of 546 audiometry 634 anterior 123
Soleus 53 detection threshold 634 posterior 111, 123
Solifenacin 1021 discrimination score 634 single median anterior 111
Solitary bone lesion 753 disfluency of 674 Spinal canal 1167
Solitary pulmonary nodule 1172 disorders 666 Spinal conditions 742
Solvent drag 127 normal 666 Spinal cord 4, 109, 111, 171, 262, 521, 544,
Somatic reception 634 1087, 1161
afferent nuclei, general 119, 120 rhythm of 114 blood supply of 111
cell 3 scanning 803, 868 circumference 111
death 517 sound disorder 1124 compression 796, 1162
human nematodes 276 spoken 114 concussion of 526
instability 431 Sperm 2, 192, 1026 disease 802
mosaicism 438 concentration 1026 end of 112
stem cells 384 morphology, abnormal 1027 gray matter of 137
symptom disorders 1108 pathway of 1 hemisection of 803
Somatization disorder 1107 preparation 1030 injury
Somatoform autonomic dysfunction 1107 Spermaceti 191 acute 743
Somatoform disorders 1107, 1108 Spermatic cord 898 methylprednisolone 814
Somatosensory pathways 170 coverings of 898 lumbar puncture 111

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1308 Sure Success MAGIC

meninges of 111 Spondyloarthropathy, seronegative 842 Stapes surgery 652

transection of 172 Spondylolisthesis 1169 Staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome 1079
Spinal fusion 1168 Spondylolysis 1169 Staphylococci, coagulase negative 233, 582
Spinal motor neurons 133, 134 Spondylosis, degenerative 1168 Staphylococcus
Spinal nerve 111 Sponge kidney 833 aureus 123, 219, 223, 232, 267, 569, 571,
segment 925 Spongiosis 1054 787, 815, 1173
Spinal trauma 743 Spontaneous generation theory 458 colonies of 232f
Spindles 168 Sporadic myxoma 784 epidermidis 233, 569
Spine 1168 Spore 226 hemolyticus 233
dorsal 746 disinfection of 228 saprophyticus 233
fracture of 526 forming bacteria 221 Staphyloma 570, 576, 577
three-column concept of 742 Sporicidal agents 228 Starch 198
Spinnaker sign 1185 Sporothrix schenckii 265, 268 Starfish hand 737
Spinocerebellar tract 119 Sporotrichosis 268 Starry sky appearance 419f
anterior 171 Sports injuries 742 Startle reactions 1105
posterior 171 Sportsman’s hernia 901 Starvation deaths 539
Spinothalamic tract Sporulation 223 Stasis eczema 1056
anterior 171 Spotted fever 859 Static lung volumes and capacities 154
lateral 171 Sprengel’s shoulder 29, 746 Static test 533
Spiral arteries 1009 Spurious drug 318 Statins 777, 838, 1135
Spiral embedded tubes 1128 Spurling test 744 potency of 336
Spiral fracture 533 Sputum Status
Spiral groove 29 disinfection of 228 asthmaticus 1142
Spiramycin 708 green 814 epilepticus 799
Spirillum volutans 222 smear 467, 468 marmoratus 392
Spirochete 220 types 814 Stave cells 84
denticola 663 Squamocolumnar junction 1033 Stavudine 295, 825
Spirometra 273 Squamous cell Steam under pressure 227
Spirometry 696 atypical 1033 Stearic acid 193
Spironolactone 314, 869, 913, 1012 cancer 950 Steatohepatitis, non-alcoholic 391
Spitz classification 698 carcinoma 292, 657, 658, 952, 958, 959f, Steatorrhea 167, 785
Spleen 84, 302f, 380, 906 1035, 1062 Steatosis 1206f
average enlarged 479 Squamous epithelium, migration of 646 Steele Richardson syndrome 813
functions of 84 Squamous non-keratinised epithelium 568 Steeple sign 693f, 1185
hilum of 84 Square edge lenses 582 Steering wheel imprint 527
histology of 84 Square root sign 780 Stein-Leventhal syndrome 1021
ligaments of 84 Squat test 741 Steinman’s first test 741
microscopic structure of 1204f Squint Steinmann pin 725
projects 84 convergent 810 Stellate cell 118
rate 284 incomitant 617 Stellate ganglion 111
rupture of 926 paralytic 617 block 1142
visceral surface of 84 surgery 1156 Stellate granuloma 388, 392
Splendore-Hoeppli Squirting’ papillae 1048 Stellate wound 532f
deposits 395 SRK formula 580 Stem cell 384
phenomenon 1081 Stab wound 526f adult 384
Splenectomy 423, 826, 906 Stack’s method 513 factor 398f
Splenic Stacked brick adherence pattern 244 grafting 575
artery aneurysm, calcified 931 Staghorn calculus 1189 neural 385
dysfunction 237 Stalactite growth 220 pluripotent 385
flexure 891, 1180 Stalk metaphysis, celery 1190 transplantation 407, 414
follicles 391 Stallworthy sign 988 types of 384
hilar injury 906 Stammers hernia 900 universal marker of 575
rupture, signs of 907 Standard days method 992 Stemmer’s sign 926
vessels 74 Standard gamma camera 1198 Stenger’s test 633
Splenium 115 Stanford classification 782 Stenosis
Splenomegaly 411, 414 Stankiewick’s sign 659 nasopharyngeal 662
Splenorenal ligament 84 Stapedectomy 649 pulmonary artery 762
Splenunculi 84 Stapedial reflex 635 branch 762
Spliceosome 217 causes of absent 635 subglottic 670
Splint 724 test, use of 635 Stensen’s duct 106
Split thickness skin grafts 879 Stapedius 629 Stents, drug-eluting 775
Spondylitis 819 develops 625 Stereognosis 114, 860

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Index 1309

Stereopsis 615, 617 subdivisions of 76f Striate branch, lateral 122

tests for 615 venous drainage of 77 Striatum 175
Stereotactic body radiation therapy 1194, 1195 Stomas 891 Stridor 664, 692
Stereotactic radiotherapy, fractionated 651 Stomatitis, angular 209 Stroke 379, 405, 792, 1183
Sterile causes of 793
pyuria 835 locations
concentration methods 277
storage area 228 common 792
supplies department, central 228 culture methods 277 signs, common 792
Sterility 538 softeners 341 symptoms, common 792
Sterilization 226, 228 Stork bites 671, 869, 927 treatment of 792
methods, summary of 228 Stormy’ fermentation 246 Stromal keratitis 571
spaulding classification of 228 Strabismus 248 Stromal swelling pressure 568
techniques 218 clinical methods in 615 Strongyloides
Sternal angle 42 Strachan’s syndrome 1083 larva 271
Sternal index 512 Straight leg raising test 742, 742f stercoralis 276
Sternal puncture, site of 61 Strain injuries, chronic 731 Strontium 1200
Sternberg’s canal 97 Strangulation, causes of 892 Struma ovarii 1039
Sternoclavicular joint 31, 60 Stratified squamous Strychnine 137, 553f
Sternocostal head 42 columnar epithelium 564 poisoning 552
Sternomental distance 1126 non-keratinised epithelium 18, 75 tests for 552
Sternum 60, 60f, 512 Stratum Strychns nux vomica 552
body of 60 corneum 1043, 1045 Stryker notch view 732
ossification of 61 germinativum 1043 Stuck Foley’s catheter 910
parts of 60 granulosum 1043 Studdiford’s criteria 991
Steroid 1135, 1168 lucidum 1043 Student’s elbow 734
ear drops 644 spinosum 1043 Student’s T-test 454
sudden stoppage of 1049 Straub tail reaction 343 Study designs 498, 499, 501
sulfatase, deficiency of 1069 Strauss reaction 254 Stupor 1093
synthesis 130 Strauss syndrome 1102 Sturge Weber syndrome 600, 801, 927
inhibitors 1012 Streak retinoscope 562f Sturm’s conoid 559
therapy 675 Stream of thought, disorders of 1092 Stylohyoid 105
chronic 238 Street virus 477 Styloid process 48
topical 571 Strength duration curve 136 Stylomastoid foramen 96
Stethoscope test 633 Streptobacillus moniliformis 859 Subacromial bursa 32
Stevens-Johnson syndrome 560, 1079 Streptococcal antigen 235 Subaponeurotic areolar tissue, loose 98
Stewart Hamilton principle 146 Streptococcal pharyngitis 236 Subarachnoid
Stickler syndrome 604, 583 Streptococcal pyrogenic exotoxins 235 cisterns 113
Stierlin’s sign 1180 Streptococci, classification of 234 space 111, 113
Stiff-Person syndrome 870 Streptococcus 234f expansion of 1163
Stiles crawford effect 559 agalactiae 236 Subcapsular opacities, anterior 579
Stillbirth 671 gallolyticus 236 Subclavian
Stimson’s maneuver 732 pneumoniae 230, 237, 569, 571, 611, 644, artery
Stimulation 653, 693, 815 branches of 92
parasympathetic 145 pyogenes 220, 234 left 10
point of 135f Streptogramins 353 injecting 1114
Stipple sign 1182 Streptokinase 179, 235, 778 vein, right 95
Stiripentol 376 urokinase 349 Subclavius 42
Streptolysin 235 Subcondylar region 657
Stoichiometry 127
O 235 Subconjunctival space 596
Stomach 76, 164, 521
S 235 Subcostal vein, left 94
appearance of 543 Streptomycin 339, 353, 655
arterial supply of 77, 77f Subcutaneous tissue, infiltration of 1082
toxicity 659 Subdeltoid bursa 32
bed of 76 Streptos 219 Subdermal implants 997
bowel test 533 Stress Subdural space 113
disorders 884 disorder, post-traumatic 1105 Suberosis 820
hair-ball of 888 echocardiography 767 Subhepatic space, left 74
lymphatic drainage of 77, 77f relaxation 143 Subiculum 627
nerve supply of 77 urinary incontinence 1021 Sublentiform 116
mechanism of 1021 Sublingual salivary glands, secretomotor
parts of 76
Stretch receptors 168 nerve supply to 107f
proximal 1181
Stretch reflex 169, 172 Submandibular salivary glands,
pylorus of 71 Stria medullaris thalami 116 secretomotor nerve supply to 107f

Index Ram Gopal ts to Kamlesh.indd 1309 23-02-2019 12:39:31

1310 Sure Success MAGIC

Submucosa 876 Summons 504, 507 commission 541

Subperiosteal resorption 850, 1167 Sunburst calcification, central 1187 Regulation Bill, 2016 540
Subscapularis 35 Sunderland’s classification 138, 138f Susac syndrome 602
tear 733 Sunflower cataract, anterior 612 Sustentacular cells 89
tendon 733 Sunitinib 368 Sutherland wrap 553
insufficiency 733 Sunlight-sensitive non-inflammatory Sutures 95, 875
Substance abuse disorders 1111, 1113 blistering 207 absorbable 875
Substance use disorder 1123 Sun-ray appearance 1188 closure 513
Substantia nigra 13, 117, 119, 170, 794 Sunscreens 1083 monofilament 875
Substrate concentration 177 Sunstroke 464 nonabsorbable 875
effect of 178f Superficial disease 952 polyfilament 875
Subthalamic nucleus lesion, contralateral 174 Superficial fascia, membranous layer of 90 Suvorexant 374
Subthalamus-pallidothalamic fibres 116 Superficial fibular nerve 56 Suxamethonium 1146
Succinylcholine 1146, 1147 Superficial fungal infections, Swachh Bharat-Clean India Campaign 488f
systemic effects of 1146 oral treatment of 356 Swallowing
Suckling mice 258 Superior canal dehiscence syndrome 638 disorders 1181
Sucquet-Hoyer Superior laryngeal nerve, paralysis of 664 painful 882
anastomosis 390 Superior mesenteric artery 112, 891 Swan neck deformity 838f, 1189
canal 928 syndrome 78 Swan-Ganz catheter 872
Sucrose 198 Superior mesenteric Swarming growth 220
Sudeck’s atrophy 756 vein 77 Sweat
Sudeck’s point 79 vessels 890 chloride 694
Sufentanil 376, 1149 Superoxide gland 43
Suffocation 523 anion 160 disorders 1079
Sugammadex 1147 dismutase 212 large ducts of 18
Sugar Supine abdominal film 893 modified 618
acid of 545 Suppuration, stage of 644 tumors, benign 1083
iron, triple 244 Supraclavicular fossa 21, 658 test
Sugiura sign 596 Supracolic compartment 75 false negative 694
Suicidal behavior 1098 Supracondylar fracture false positive 694
Suicide 538, 1101 complications of 735 Sweaty feet 187
attempt injury 525, 538, 539 extension type of 734f Sweet’s ethereal smell, colorless gas with 227
inhibition 179 flexion type of 734f Sweet’s syndrome 1069, 1072
examples of 179 Supracondylar spur 30 Swelling 670
Sulbactam 351 Supracristal plane passes 45 mitochondrial 379
Sulci 113 Supraglenoid tubercle 28 Swimmer’s ear 254
absence of 14 Supraglottic larynx 665, 666 Swimmer’s itch 275
types of 113 Supranuclear palsy, progressive 813 Swimmer’s muscle 34
Sulcus Supraorbital foramen 98 Swimming pool
complete 113 Supraorbital nerve 1065 granuloma 354, 1063
lateral 113, 114 Supraorbital notch 96 odor 186
limiting 113 Suprarenal glands, arterial supply of 851f Swine flu 357, 475
parieto-occipital 113 Suprasellar calcification 1183 Swinging flashlight test 804
secondary 113 Supraspinatus 35 Swiss cheese 854
Sulfa allergy 345 tendonitis 731 pattern 1014
Sulfa drugs 422 Supraventricular tachycardia, paroxysmal 769 Swollen belly syndrome 277
Sulfadiazine 283 Suraksha clinic 490f, 1089 Swollen gums 211
Sulfadoxine 355 Surfer’s ear 643 Swyer James MacLeod syndrome 694
Sulfamethoxazole 291 Surgeon’s knot 876f Swyer James syndrome 1013
Sulfasalazine 314, 331, 330, 838 Surgery 871 Sylvian fissure 114
Sulfonamides 254, 350, 355, 361, 684, 825, primary cytoreductive 1040 Sylvius 117
838, 848, 1056 topics, high yield 925 Symmetric painful sensory neuropathy,
Sulfonylureas 363 Surgical positions 926 distal 392
Sulfosalicylic acid test 443 lithotomy 926 Sympathetic root 108
Sulfur reverse trendelenburg 926 Sympatholytics, central 333
colloid scan 942 supine 926 Sympathomimetics 323
granules 254 direct 323
Trendelenburg 926
indirect 323
test 183 variation of supine 926
Symphysis pubis 513
Sullivan’s index 460 Surgical wounds, types of 871
Synaptic knobs 133
Sulphuric acid 544 Surrogacy 540
Synaptic transmission 137
Summation 142 commercial 540 Synaptobrevin 137

Index Ram Gopal ts to Kamlesh.indd 1310 23-02-2019 12:39:31

Index 1311

Synarthroses 25 Tadalafil 773, 1115 cell 401

Synchondrosis 25f Taenia coli 79 poikilocytes 411
Synchysis 604 Taenia multiceps 274 sign 613, 613f, 1188
Syncitium formation 262 Taenia saginata 269, 273 Technetium-99m scans 1200
Syncytiotrophoblast 4, 964 asiatica 274 Tecovirimat 375
Syncytium, physiologic 133 Taenia solium 269, 273, 286 Tectocerebellar tract 119
Syndactyly 747 Tafenoquine 359, 360, 376 Tectorial membrane 630
Syndesmosis 25 Tafluprost 374, 589 Tedizolid 353
Syneresis 604 Tagraxofusp 377 Teduglutide 364
Synergists 615, 811 Tailor’s ankle 731 Teeth
Synergohymenotropic toxin 232 Tailor’s muscle 52 changes 1069
Synoptophore 615 Takayama’s hemochromogen crystal test 539 development stages 514
Synovial fluid 209 Takayasu disease 869 discoloration of 354
analysis 451 loss, antemortem 514
Takotsubo cardiomyopathy 779
examination 1207f permanent 513
Talazoparib 377
Synovial joints, types of 26 pre-deciduous 671
Taliglucerase alfa 373
Syntaxin 137 pulp of 385
Talipes equinovarus, congenital 745 successional 513
Synthetic vasopressin analogues 346 Talocalcaneal angle 745
Syphilis 219, 839, 861, 1086 temporary 513, 676
Talocalcaneal parallelism 745 Tefractive index 568
acquired 654 Talocalcaneonavicular joint 27, 51 Teichmann’s hemin crystal test 539
congenital 514, 573, 636, 654, 709,
Talofibular ligament, anterior 742 Teichoic acid 222
868, 1088
Talus 742 Teicoplanin 351
early latent 1087, 1088
body of 724 Teixobactin 374
early manifestations of congenital 709
Tamm Horsfall protein 443 Telangiectasia 919
in pregnancy 1088
Tamoxifen 914, 916, 1058 periungual 1071
late 1088 Telavancin 351
Tamsulosin 325
primary 1086-1088 Teleceptors 168
Tandem bullet 531
quaternary 1087 Telefono 526
Tandem mass spectrometry 186
secondary 1086, 1087 Telephone scatologia 538
Tandem repeat sequences 439
serologic tests for 1087 Teletherapy 1193
stage of 1088 Tangier’s disease 197
Telithromycin 353
tertiary 782, 1087 Taper cut needle 876
Telltale triangle sign 1179
Systemic carbonic anhydrase inhibitors 590 Tapeworms 273, 358
Telmisartan 333
Systemic inflammatory response syndrome alternate names of 273
Telogen effluvium 1058
860, 877 classification of 273 Telomerase 216
Systemic lupus erythematosus 836 Taphonomy 517 Telomere shortening 383
Systemic mastocytosis, WHO criteria for 412 Tapir nose 655 Telotristat 373
Systemic sclerosis, diffuse 836 Tardieu spots 521 Temazepam 1115
Targeted therapy 368, 369, 414, 416, 952 Temozolomide 366, 956
Tarsal bones 48 Temperature, critical 1155
Tarsal conjunctiva, upper 566 Temporal bone 97
T cell 302 Tarsal tunnel syndrome 730 hemorrhages 524
classification of 303 Taste 101 X-ray for 1189
immunodeficiency 308 Tastzellen cells 1044 Temporal gyrus
lymphoma, risk of 1055 Tatera indica 255 anterior transverse 114
T sign 1184 Tattoo mark 556 aspect of superior 114
T tube cholangiogram, postoperative 1181 Taurine 208 Temporal lobe 173, 647, 802
Tabby cat myocardium 382 Taurocholic acid 208 epilepsy 659, 1092
Tabes dorsalis 861, 1087 Tavaborole 374 lesions 1091
Tache de bouge 1050 Taxanes 367 Temporal quadrant, upper 604
Tache Noire de sclerotica 518 Tay-Sach’s disease 194, 431, 603 Temporal summation 142
Tachyarrhythmia 772, 849 Tazarotene 1051, 1058 Temporalis fasica 647
Tachycardia 145, 232, 321, 324, 868, 1150 Tazobactam 351 Temporomandibular joint 101
producing atrial receptors 148 T-cell disorders, primary 307 actions of 101
ventricular 770, 771f, 778 Tea-pot stomach 888 bilateral 95
Tachyphylaxis 318 Tear 604 Temsirolimus 369
Tachypnea 693, 1150, 1154 film Tendon 730, 750, 930
transient 679 break up time 574 reflexes, deep 172
Tacrolimus 831, 1055 interferometry 575 rupture 355
Tactile precorneal 574 transfers 746
hallucination 1092 Teardrop Tendonitis 355
receptors 168 bladder, causes of 1181 Tenecteplase 349, 778

Index Ram Gopal ts to Kamlesh.indd 1311 23-02-2019 12:39:31

1312 Sure Success MAGIC

Tennis Tetracycline 251, 252, 350, 354, 612, 655, Thiophorase 217
elbow 37, 734 719, 785, 786, 825, 885 Thioridazine 1117
leg 53 eye ointment 566 Third trimester 970
racquet incision 875 uses of 354 bleeding 987
Tenofovir 294, 295 Tetrahydrobiopterin 183 Thomas’ dictum 976
Tenosynovitis 737 Tetrahydrocannabinol 1113 Thomas’ splint 724, 724f
stenosing 731 Tetrahydrofolate 188 Thompson’s prosthesis 739f
Tense blisters 1075 Tetralogy of Fallot 688, 689 Thoracic
Tensilon test 797 Tetrathionate 229 aorta, branches of 92
Tension Tezacaftor 375 artery, internal 62, 62f, 67
band wiring 741 Thalamus 116, 262 cavity 152
glaucoma, normal 587, 588 anterior nucleus of 119 duct 63, 63f, 112
headache 791 blood supply of 116 ganglion, first 1142
maximum 143 dorsal 116 inlet 61
pneumothorax 697, 823, 873, 1173, 1173f dorsomedial nucleus of 119 myelomeningocele 15f
premenstrual 1107 Thalassemia 403, 405 surgery 1128
Tensor fascia lata 52, 54 alpha 406 tumors 946
origin of 45 carrier 399 vertebra 110, 110f
Tensor imaging, diffusion 1162 trait 399 wall
Tensor palati 101, 626 Thalidomide 370, 719, 747 anterior 62f
Tensor tympani 624, 625, 629 Thallium 548 veins of 62f
Tentorium cerebelli 112 Thanatology 517 Thoracocentesis 821
Teratogenic drugs 718 Thanatophobia 1104 pleural tapping 65
Teratoma 954 Thayer Martin medium, modified 238 Thoracolumbar stiffness 870
mature 1038 Theca-lutein cyst 1037 Thoracopagus 987
Terazosin 325 Thenar muscles 37, 729 Thorax 59
Terbinafine 356 abdomen 93
Thenar space 44
Terbutaline 323, 324, 337, 696 bones of 59
Theophylline 337, 338, 353
veins of 93
Teres major 35, 39 decreased clearance of 338
Thorium 1168
Teres minor 35 side effects of 869
Thorn apple 322, 553
Terfenadine 327 Therapeutic index 317
poisoning 553
Teriflunomide 797 Thermal conductivity, high 1136
Thorn pricks 268
Teriparatide 754 Thermal injury 534
Thorotrast 1168
Terlipressin 346 Thermodilution 146
Thorpe tubes 1137
Terminal bulbs 571 Thermogenesis, nonshivering 679
Terminal ileitis 255 Thermogenin 21
abnormal 1092
Terrible/unhappy triad of O’Donoghue 741f Thermokeratoplasty 558
content, disorders of 1097
Terry Thomas sign 1188 Thermometers 227
disorders 1092
Terry’s nails 1071 Thermoreceptors 168
of form of 1092
Terson syndrome 600 Thessaly test 741
Thiabendazole 358 process, disorders of 1097
Test tube baby 1030 Thread veins 919
Testicular enlargement 677 Thiacetazone 339
Thiamine 187, 206, 209 Thrombin 1164
Testicular feminization 1012 inhibitors, direct 422
syndrome 705, 954 deficiency 785
Thiazide 346 multiple actions of 424f
Testis 89, 163, 197, 1007, 1195, 1209f Thromboangiitis obliterans 841, 869, 922
diuretics 719
appendix of 12 Thrombocytopenia 335, 348, 371, 415, 423,
Thiazolidinedione 364
descent of 12 475, 709, 927, 1153
Thick intertwin membrane 1204f
eversion of 929 drugs induced 422
Thiersch’s graft 879
high-riding 929 paradoxical 422
Thiersch’s operation 894, 926
seminiferous tubules of 1 Thrombocytopenic purpura 707
seminoma of 1209f, 1211f deep fascia of 54 idiopathic 422
sertoli cells of 1 lateral rotators of 52 Thrombocytosis 402
torsion of 929 muscles essential 411
Testosterone 705 anterior 52 Thromboembolism 370, 390, 420, 1011
Tetanospasmin 247 posterior 52 Thrombolytic 349
Tetanus 142, 247 Thimble bladder 819 therapy 777
neonatal 466 Thin tegmen tympani 623 Thrombophilia 920
neonatorum 459 Thiocyanates 911 Thrombophlebitis 682
prevention of 480 Thioguanine 367 migrans 1072
toxin 137 Thiol metabolite 314 migratory 390
toxoid 476 Thiopentone 1142 superficial 918

Index Ram Gopal ts to Kamlesh.indd 1312 23-02-2019 12:39:31

Index 1313

Thrombopoietin 398f Thyrotoxic crisis 849 Tirofiban 348

Thromboprophylaxis 769 Thyrotoxicosis 325, 772, 847 Tisagenlecleucel 415
Thrombosis 389, 411 primary 848f Tissue 144, 266
Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura Thyroxine, function of 846 amebicides 281, 360
423, 833 Tiagabine 343 culture 259
Thromboxane A2 152, 328 Tianeptin 1118 damage 531
Thrombus formation 784 Tibia 47 debridement of devitalised 921
Thudicum’s nasal speculum 1042f and fibula, attachments of 47f destruction 388
Thumb anterior border of 47 Doppler imaging 767
double jointed 431 attachment to 50 embolism 390
drop 729 blood supply of 48 hypoxia 448
interphalangeal joint of 729f intercondylar area of 47, 47f loose connective 20
print appearance 220, 249 lateral condyle of 54 macrophages 298
rule of 559 lower end of 48 necrosis 347
sign 693, 1185 nutrient artery of 58 paper
Thurston-Holland sign 732 pseudoarthrosis of 747 crumpled 194
Thymic aplasia, congenital 308 shaft of 47 scar 1087
Thymidylate synthetase 367 upper end of 47 perfusion of 150
Thymoma 410 vara 741, 869 peripheral 195
Thymus 301, 302 Tibial artery proper development of 381
Thyrohyoid membrane 663 anterior 58 splenic 544
Thyroid 203, 910, 1165 branches of anterior 58 subcutaneous 21
artery, inferior 111 posterior 58 submucosal 663
basics 846 Tibial collateral ligament 48, 49, 52 Titin 139
binding globulin 846 Tibial condyles, periphery of 50
Titmus test 615
bruit in 869 Tibial nerve 57
Tizanidine 326
cancers 911, 912 anterior 56
TNO test 615
carcinoma posterior 57, 730
Tobacco mosaic virus 219
medullary 912 Tibial pulse, posterior 58
Tibial tuberosity-ligamentum patellae 47 Tobaccosis 820
papillary 912 Tobey-Ayer test 646
cartilage 121, 663 Tobramycin 353
anterior 28
disorders 1070 Tocilizumab 331
posterior 53
enlargement 910 Tibiotalar ligament, anterior 50 Tocolytic agents 984
eye disease 848 Tibiotalar slanting 1168 Tocolytic drugs 984
gland 846 Tibolone 1015 Tocopherol 212
development 16 Ticagrelor 348, 777 alpha 577
follicles of 17 Ticarcillin 254 Todd paralysis 798
histology of 846f Tick Toe, great 921f
goiter 638 paralysis 860 Tofacitinib 331
hormones typhus 860 Togaviruses 262
secretion of 847f Ticlopidine 348 Token economy 1121
synthesis of 846f Tidal volume 154 Tolcapone 345
transport of 846 Tidy wounds 871 Tolperisone 326
imaging 1184 Tigecycline 354 Toluidine blue dye 537
inhibitors 361 Tildrakizumab 375 Tolvaptan 346, 375, 845
irradiation 911 Tillaux, spiral of 615 Tom Smith arthritis 749
medications 1135 Time multiple puncture test 467 Tomato ketchup 292
nodules 1184 Time since death 515, 518 retinopathy 597f
benign 910 Timolol 589 Tombstone iliac
malignant 910 Tinea 1073 bones 1167f
operations 911 capitis 1073, 1074 wings 1167
papillary carcinoma of 912f pedis 1073 Tomcat urine 187
scan 1200 unguium 1073 Tongue 6, 18, 101
secretion, regulation of 847 versicolor 1074 black 1083
storm 361, 849 Tinel’s sign 138, 729 development 15
tumors 360 Tinel’s test 730 muscle of 101
Thyroiditis 847 Tinidazole 281 strawberry 235
painless 849 Tinnitus 335, 573, 649, 650 taste buds 101
postpartum 849 Tinsdale medium 241 Tonic clonic seziures, generalised 344
Thyromental distance 1126 Tiotropium bromide 322, 337 Tonic pupil 804
Thyroplasty 665 Tire sign 538 Tonic reflexes 172

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1314 Sure Success MAGIC

Tonsil, abdominal 79 Toynbee test 644 Transovarian transmission 256

Tonsillar 790 Trabectedin 374 Transplant rejection, classification of 310
Tonsillectomy 661 Trabectome 588 Transplantation of Human Organs Act 503
complications of 662 Trabeculae carneae 68 Transport
partial 662 Trabecular body 68 host 461
total 662 Trabecular meshwork 583 maximum 164
types of 662 endothelium 6 media 220
Tonsillitis 661 Trabeculectomy 586, 588, 592 Transpulmonary pressure 153
acute 235, 661 Trabeculodysgenesis 585 Transpyloric plane 71, 112
chronic 661 Trabeculotomy 586 Transverse lie 983
recurrent 661 Tracehoesophageal fistula speech 668 Transversus abdominis, origin of 45
Tonsillotomy 662 Tracer bullet 531 Transvestism 538
Tonsure sign 1058 Trachea 64, 663, 1170 Trapdoor fractures 613
Toothpaste sign 1188 bifurcation of 111 Trapezius muscle 34
Topiramate 342, 344, 1113 divides 64 Trastuzumab 311, 369
Topography 561 Trachelectomy, radical 1037 Traube-hering waves 148
Topoisomerase inhibitors 367 Tracheobronchial disruption 930 Trauma 923, 1125, 1183
Topotecan 367 Tracheomalacia 665 injury severity score 924
Torches infections 708 Tracheostomy 668, 669 score 924
Torezolid 353 emergency 669 severe 893
Toric contact lenses 560 high 669 Trautmann’s triangle 628
Torre syndrome 1083 indications of 668 Travelers diarrhea 243
Torsades de pointes 327, 335, 770, 770f low 669 Travoprost 589
Torsion, testicular 929 permanent 669 Trazodone 1118
Torticollis 662, 869 site of 669 Treacher-Collins syndrome 638
congenital 747 tube care 669 Treadmill 1199
Torture methods 526 types of 669 Tree-in-bud
Torus aorticus 67, 70 Trachoma 566, 620 opacities 1174
Tositumomab 311, 369, 1196 scar 566f sign 1174
Total fertility rate 471 Trachyonychia 1052 Trehalose 198
Total flea index 480 Traction 725 Treitz hernia 900
Total shoulder arthroplasty, reverse 733 diverticulum 883 Trematode 269, 273, 275, 358
Tourette’s disorder 1106 ectasia 1212f infecting humans, largest 276
Tourniquet test 730 epiphysis 24 Tremors 174
Touton giant cells 388 epiphysitis 731 benign essential 795
Toxalbumin 552 Tractus solitaries, nucleus of 120 fine 545
Toxemia 242 Tramp’s muscle 614 rest 795
Toxic 772 Tram-track sign 1165 Tremulousness, acute 1112
amblyopia 618 Tranexamic acid 301, 349, 778 Trench fever 221, 459, 859
epidermal nercolysis 1079 Transaconitate 179 Trench foot 534
injury 82 Transairway pressure 153 Trendelenburg’s gait 51
direct 825 Transamination, examples of 184 Trendelenburg’s sign 49, 746
multinodular goiter 849 Transcervical method 998 Treponema 225
optic Transcleral diode laser pallidum 218, 219, 1086
neuritis 804 cyclophotocoagulation 592 Treponemal tests 1087
neuropathy 810 Transcriptase, reverse 216, 217 Trepopnea 814
shock syndrome 232, 235, 248 Transdermal nicotine patch 322 Treprostinil 773
Toxicology 312, 542 Transduction 230, 439, 631 Trethowan’s sign 746
general 542 Trans-fatty acids 192 Tretinoin 369, 416, 1058
history of 542 Transfection 439 Triage color codes 494
Toxin 1063 Transferases 177 Triamcinoline acetonide 337
demonstration of 242 Transformer function 631f Triaxial reference system 763f
mediated diseases 233 Transfusion 406 Triazines 366
Toxocara endophthalmitis 961 Transillumination test 518, 654 Triazoles 355
Toxocariasis 596 Transitional cell Tribadism 538
Toxoplasma 961 cancer 952 Tricarboxylic acid cycle 205, 205f
gondii 269, 283 carcinoma 952, 1182 Triceps
Toxoplasmosis 271, 291, 596, 600 papilloma 657 brachii 35
acquired 283 Transitional epithelium 18, 18f, 87, 88 coxae 51
bilateral congenital 597f Transketolase 176 skinfold 714
congenital 283, 708 Translabyrinthine approach 651 surae 53
ocular 283 Transmural pressure 153 Trichiasis 618

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Index 1315

Trichinella 277 Trotter’s triad 658 Tuberculous

spiralis 269 Trough line sign 733 chancre 1063
Trichinellosis 271 Trouser leg appearance 1183 lymphadenitis 819
Trichloroethylene 1142 Trousseau’s phenomenon 390 meningitis 445
Trichology 515 Trousseau’s syndrome 941, 1072 pyonephrosis 1208f
Trichomonas Trumpet sign 1188 sellae meningioma 804
vaginalis 281, 282f, 1017, 1017f Truncal ataxia 803 spine 819
Trichomoniasis 1017f Truncal vagotomy 887 Tuberous sclerosis 344, 600, 703, 710, 801,
Trichomycosis axillaris 242 Truncus arteriosus 9, 689 801f, 937, 1074
Trichorrhexis nodosa 185 Trunk Tubocurarine 1146
Trichotillomania 1058, 1111 branches of 39 Tubotympanic disease 645
Trichuris 277 flexion of 72 Tubular functions 163
trichiura, egg of 271f lateral flexion of 72 Tubular necrosis
Tricuspid atresia 766 rotation of 72 acute 829
Tricyclic antidepressants, adverse effects Trypanosoma 270 proximal 545
Tubular vision 587, 606, 1106
of 1118 brucei 269
Tubule 130
Trident hand 737 cruzi 269, 281
Trypanosomes 220 function, proximal 163
Tridosha theory 458
Tryptophan 181-183, 187, 493 mesonephric 12
Trietz, ligament of 78
hydroxylase 182 seminiferous 89
Trifoliate duodenum 1187
load test 210 straight 89
Trigeminal nerve 119
Tsetse fly 465 transverse 140
maxillary branches of 1070
bite transmits 282 Tubulin 131
ophthalmic branches of 1070
T-test 454 Tubuloglomerular feedback 162
section of 569
Tubal ligation 992 Tuftsin deficiency 309
Triglycerides 129, 191, 382
Tubal occlusion, stage of 644 Tularemia 221, 249, 860
digestion 167
Tubal patency 1028 Tulio’s phenomenon 638, 649
Trigone of bladder, epithelium of 11
test 1041 Tumarkin, otolithic crisis of 650
Trigonelline 210
Tubal ring sign 1184 Tumbling bullet 531
Trihexophenidyl 345
Tube sign 1188
Trilaminar germ disc, stage of 4
coagulase 233 Tumbling motility 255
Trilene 1156
material of 1127 Tumor 381, 1168
Trimesters 969
Tuber omentale 84 cells 298, 1211f
Trimetazidine 332 childhood 939
Tuberal region 117
Trimethadione 344 grade 934
Tubercle 29
Trimethoprim 291 lysis syndrome 962
incomplete fusion of 629
Trinucleotide repeat diseases 431 submucosal 666 features of 962
Triolism 538 Tuberculin 467 malignant 1209f
Tripeptide 181 conversion index 467 markers 938
Triphenyltetrazolium chloride 778 skin test 822 mediastinal 946
Triple bubble sign 1187, 1187f test 467 meningeal 955
Triple test 431 Tuberculoid leprosy 1064, 1065f mesonephroid 1038
Triptorelin 1010 Tuberculoma 819, 1172, 1183 neuroendocrine 1164
Trisegmentectomy 902 Tuberculoprotein 598 neuroepithelial 955
Triskaidekaphobia 1104 Tuberculosis 459, 467, 817, 880, 1060, 1208f neurogenic 948
Trisomy 13 436 childhood 817 nonfunctional 859
Trisomy 18 436 control 467 ocular 620, 959
Trisomy 21 435, 937 drugs for 338 pineal 955
Trochanter, greater 46 extrapulmonary 819 pituitary 955, 1209f
Trochelar nerve 119-121 infection primitive neuroectodermal 1183
palsy 810 incidence of 467 progression 934
Trochoid joints 26 prevalence of 467 radiosensitivity of 1196
Trofile assay 288 intestine 890 resection 855
Trolley sign 1165 larynx 666 spread of 658
Trombiculid mite 465 latent 468 stage 934
Trophic ulcer 571, 1045 lung 819f sternocleidomastoid 1210f
Trophozoite 280, 281, 286, 478 musculoskeletal 749 sternomastoid 685
Tropicamide 557 secondary 817 suppressor gene 936, 937
Tropomyosin 139 sputum disinfection methods in 468 testicular 437, 1209f
Troponin 139, 209, 777 stages of 818f trophoblastic 1041
Trotter’s and Glessers formula 514 ulcerative 890 tympanicum 651
Trotter’s method 656 verrucosa cutis 1063 vertebral 744

Index Ram Gopal ts to Kamlesh.indd 1315 23-02-2019 12:39:31

1316 Sure Success MAGIC

Tungsten filament 1157 U regions of 42

Tunica vessels of 40
albugenia 89 Uchida 998 Upper lip, philtrum of 15
vaginalis 89 method 998 Upper molar tooth, aecond 106
vasculosa 89 Ugly duckling sign 958 Urachal fistula 11
Tuning fork tests 633, 650 Uhthoff’s symptom 796 Urea 126, 184
Tuohy needle 1141f Ujala Scheme 488f bicycle 185
Turban tumor 869 Ujjwala LPG Scheme 486, 488f cycle 184
Turbulence, probability of 149 Ulcer 1045 disorders 185
Turbulent blood 147 contact 665 overall reaction of 184
lesser-curve 888 reactions of 184
Turkish saddle 97
metaherpetic 571 summary 185f
Turnbull’s blue 396
prepyloric 886 synthesis 201
Turner’s syndrome 437, 437f, 686
protectives 340 Urease positive organisms 220
Turner-Warwick’s incision 875
shield 565 Uremia 159, 830
Twin 986
Ulcerative colitis 330, 1180 Ureter 6, 85, 952, 1005, 1025, 1182
conjoined 987
compared 788 abdominal part of 86
dichorionic diamniotic 986f
Ulcerative keratitis, peripheral 573 blood supply of 86
monochorionic 986f, 987
Ulcus serpens 571 course of 86
monozygotic 439, 986
Ulipristal 1012 duplex 907, 1181
peak sign 1184, 1204f
Ulna 30 intravenous pyelography of 1203f
pregnancy 1204f Ulnar artery 41
reversed arterial perfusion 987 postcaval 907
Ulnar bursa 36 relations of pelvic part of 86
twin transfusion syndrome 987 Ulnar collateral ligaments 32 site of constrictions of 86
Two speaking tubes test 633 Ulnar fovea sign 758 Ureteric bud 11
Tylosis 618 Ulnar metaphysis 1166f Ureteric colic 908
Tympanic cavity 623, 624 Ulnar nerve 728, 730, 1147 Ureteric diverticula 85
anatomic divisions of 623 entrapment 729 Ureteric injury, sites of 1021
contents of 624 injury 728 Ureteric stone 1182
Tympanic membrane 8, 532, 622, 623f, 624 palsy, signs of 728 extraction 1208f
blood supply of 622 superficial branch of 38 surgery for 909
diseases of 643 Ulnar paradox 728 Ureterocele 907, 1181
hydraulic action of 630 Ulnocarpal stress test 758 Uretero-vaginal fistula 1020
layers of 623f Ultrasonography 982, 1158 Urethra 12
nerve supply of 622 Ultrasound 953, 985 development of 12
parts of 622 markers 435 male 12, 87
retracted 643 obstetric 1158 membranous 12
traumatic rupture of 643 type of 1159 prostatic 12
Tympanic plexus 625 Umbilical artery 974 rupture of 737
Tympanic reflex 635 blood flow patterns 975f Urethral
Tympanogram, types of 634 single 965 crest 87
Tympanometry 634, 644 Umbilical coiling index 965 discharge 1089
Tympanoplasty 647 Umbilical cord 965 purulent 240
later, facilitate 648 blood 385 injury 931
types of 647 diseases 679 meatus 931
Tympanum, boundaries of 624f Umbilicus, disorders at 71, 72 part 88
Tyndall effect 593 Undernutrition, WHO classification of 712 sphincters 88
Typhoid 890 Uniocular diplopia 616 syndrome 1088
fever 352, 354 causes of 616 tubularisation, failure of complete 88
surgical complications of 890 Uniparental disomy 438 valves, posterior 701, 1182
Typical rib, parts of 60f Universal Immunization Day 502 Urethritis 240, 1088
Tyre sign 538 Universal Immunization Programme 473 Urethrovaginal fistula 1020
Tyrosinase, absence of 1070 Universal system 514 Urge urinary incontinence 1021
Tyrosine 182, 183 Upper gastrointestinal Uric acid 215, 445f
hydroxylase 183, 322 bleeding 890 stones 909
kinase inhibitors 368, 414 endoscopy 880 synthesis 201
metabolism, disorders of 186 Upper limb 28, 268, 747 Uridine phosphate 204
Tyrosinemia 937 bones and joints of 28 Urinary angiotensinogen 829
neonatal 186 fractures 721 Urinary bladder 86
Tyson’s gland 19 muscle of 33 developmental sources of 11f
Tzanck test 261 nerve of 38, 40 embryology 11

Index Ram Gopal ts to Kamlesh.indd 1316 23-02-2019 12:39:31

Index 1317

epithelium of 11 prolapse upper

intravenous pyelography of 1203f classification of 1019 part of 12
mucosa of 11f treatment of 1019 third of 1004
nerve supply of 87f relaxation 324 Vaginal bleeding 671, 994, 1014
Urinary casts 444f synechiae 994 painful 987
Urinary chloride 448 painless 988
tube 1006
Urinary D-xylose test 786 postmenopausal irregular 1031
vessels 1005
Urinary frequency 835 Vaginal candidiasis 354, 355
Uteroplacental dysfunction 972
Urinary incontinence 1021 Vaginal contraceptive sponge 993
Uterosacral ligaments, stretching of 1019
types of 1021 Vaginal cyst 1016
Uterotonic drug 981
Urinary microrna 829 Vaginal delivery, operative 1002
Uterus 12, 17, 969, 980, 1007, 1018
Urinary output 873 Vaginal discharge 671, 1035, 1089
body of 1005
Urinary retention 1141 serosanguinous 1040
dextrorotation of 969
Urinary system 11, 1181 watery 1017
didelphys 1016
Urinary tract Vaginal epithelial cells 537
displacements of 1019
calculi 850 Vaginal hysterectomy 1020
round ligament of 1006
diseases 444 Vaginal prolapse
size 985
infection 244 classification of 1019
supports of 1005
instrumentation 1088 treatment of 1019
transplantation 1015
Urination, frequency of 968 Vaginal repair 1019
Utricle, prostatic 12, 87
Urine 208 Vaginal stump 1020
Uveal bleeding syndrome, posterior 610
bilirubin, tests for 444 Uveal effusion syndrome 597 Vaginal vault 1032
burnt sugar odor of 187 Uveitis 564, 582, 593, 961 Vaginal wall
casts in 444 acute 594 anterior 1019
color 543 anterior 585 posterior 1019, 1041f
concentration of 163 anterior 292, 571, 594, 595 Vaginismus, non-organic 1115
crystals 445 chronic 594 Vaginitis 1011
different colors of 443 anterior 573, 579 Vaginoplasty 1015
discoloration 543 classification of 594 Vagotomy 160, 886
examination of 442 complications of anterior 595 parietal cell 887
odor 187 entities, special 595 selective 887
special 187 intermediate 594, 595 types of 887f
sample, collection of 442 Nomenclature, standardization of 594 Vagus 120
test 444 nongranulomatous 594 anterior 77
Urobilinogen 208, 444 posterior 594-596 nerve
Urocanic acid 182 recurrent 594t auricular branch of 96
Urogenital sinus 11, 12, 1004 Uvula stimulation 344
Urogenital system 5, 6 pointing sign 659 posterior 77
Urogenital tract 6 vesicae 86 Valacyclovir 314
Uyemura’s fundus 574, 600, 610 Valbenazine 374
Urogenital triangle 90
Valentino’s syndrome 886
Urokinase 179, 778 Valethamate 322
Uroporphyrinogen 207 Valgancyclovir 314
Urrets Zavalia syndrome 575 Vaborbactam 244 Vallate papillae 101
Urticaria 869, 1044, 1055, 1067 Vaccine 250, 473 Vallecular sign 693, 1185
injectable killed 253 Valley fever 266
pigmentosa 1046
meningococcal 476 Valproic acid 344, 825
Usher’s syndrome 638 pneumococcal 238 Valsalva aneurysm, ruptured sinus of 762
Ustekinumab 311 types of 238
Valsalva test 644
Uterine vial monitors 476, 476f
Valsartan 773
anomalies 1015 Vaccinia 260
Vacterial growth 224 Valve
artery 1005, 1006 endoscopic destruction of 702
Doppler 975 aspiration 1002 stenosis, pulmonary 689
embolization 1025 cleft’ sign 1168 Valvular heart lesions, common 768
occlusion 1025 extractor 1003f Van der Hoeve’s syndrome 649
bleeding, abnormal 1013 tube method 440 Van Herick’s method 584
Vagabond’s disease 1080 Van Lint’s method 580
contractions 984
Vagal fibres, non-cholinergic 166 Van Nuys index 915
curettes 1042f Vagal stimulation 145 Van Urk reagent test 556
fibroids 1012 Vagina 11, 18, 536, 969, 1004 Van’t Hoff’s law 127
leiomyoma 1024 development of 1004 Vancomycin 237, 350, 351, 640, 702

Index Ram Gopal ts to Kamlesh.indd 1317 23-02-2019 12:39:31

1318 Sure Success MAGIC

Vandetanib 368 posterior intercostal 62f Verocay bodies 395

Vanillyl mandelic acid 183, 710 reticular 919 Verocytotoxin 244
Vapor pressure 1144 retrocolumellar 656 Verruca vulgaris 1062
Vardenafil 1115 retromandibular 106 Verrucous carcinoma 1062
Varenicline 322, 1113, 1119 subclavian 95 larynx 667
Variceal bleeding 325, 826 superior intercostal 62 Verrucous epidermal nevus 1084
Varicella 475, 476, 706 thrombosis Vertebra 511, 1168
pneumonia 706, 1172 deep 778, 920 block 746
zoster risk factors for deep 920 bullet-shaped 1168
immunoglobulin 707 Velaglucerase 373 plana 1167, 1168, 1168f
virus 260, 292, 571, 706, 1061 Velocardiofacial syndrome 436, 1099 prominens 109
Varicocele, left sided 85f Velocity 149, 150 squaring of 1165
Varicose veins 919 critical 149 Vertebral artery 111, 122, 123, 793
classification 919 Velopharyngeal insufficiency 662 Vertebral column, length of 109
clinical features 919 Velpeaus hernia 900 Vertebral crush fractures 754
investigations 920 Velvety skin 431 Vertebrobasilar artery, intracranial
Variola 249, 260 Vemurafenib 370, 417 branches of 122f
Vas deferens 12 Vena cava 1161 Vertebrophrenic junction 1176
Vasa previa 964 inferior 68, 70, 94, 968 Vertebroplasty, percutaneous 744
Vascular dementia 1094 superior 68, 94 Vertigo 327, 573
Vascular dilatation 1181 Venereology 1085 Verumontanum 87
Vascular diseases 782 Venetoclax 374 Vesico-selective drugs 322
Vascular disorders, pulmonary 772 Venlafaxine 1118 Vesico-ureteric reflux 701
Vascular endothelium 256 Venous blood, hematocrit of 158 Vesicourethral canal, cranial part of 11
Vascular hindrance 150 Venous congestion of liver, chronic 389 Vesico-vaginal fistula 1020
Vascular malformations 927 Venous drainage 62, 80, 627, 851 Vesicular transport 128, 313
Vascular obstructive disease, pulmonary 773 Venous insufficiency, signs of 1056 Vessels, superior laryngeal 663
Vascular occlusion, mesenteric 892 Venous pressure, central 1133 Vestibular apparatus, peripheral 632
Vascular perfusion, chronic low 588 Venous sinus, lateral 627 Vestibular bulbs 12
Ventilation 152, 472 Vestibular connections, central 632
Vascular rejection, acute 310
assist control 1151 Vestibular evoked myogenic potential 636
Vascular smooth muscle 333
intermittent mandatory 1151 Vestibular exercises 638
Vascular spaces, large 927
noninvasive 1150, 1151 Vestibular function
Vascular spongy bone formation 649
perfusion scan 822 assessment of 636
Vascular system, basics of 150
pulmonary 155 clinical tests of 636
Vascular tumor, highly 651
Ventilatory support 1146 lab tests of 637
Vasculitides 1172
Ventouse delivery 682 tests 636
Vasculitis 840, 841
Ventral pontine lesions, acute 814 Vestibular hydrops 650
classification of primary 840
Ventral posterior nucleus 116 Vestibular nerve 632
hypersensitivity 841
Ventral rami 62 inferior 632
lymphocytic 1059 sectioning 650
Ventral respiratory group 159
Vasoconstriction 150, 152, 324, 329, 385, 607 Vestibular nuclei 632
Ventral root 111
Vasodilatation 150, 324 Vestibular pathways 632f
Ventral segment 45
Vaso-occlusive crisis, painful 405 Vestibular schwannoma 173, 650
Ventral surface medial margin 28
Vasopressin 160, 826, 843 Vestibular system
Ventral thalamus 116
antagonists 346 disorders of 638
Ventricular failure, right 389, 778
uses of 346 Ventricular fibrillation 771f, 779f peripheral receptors 632
Vasovagal reflex 165, 622 Ventricular pacemaker spikes 772f physiology of 632
Vastus medialis stabilises 52 Ventricular septal defect 687 Vestibular toxicity 354
Vault prolapse 1020 Ventricular system, congenital stenosis of 807 Vestibule 536, 1004
Vector transmission, evidence of 269 Ventricular systole 145 Viagra 1115
Vecuronium 1147 Ventricular tachycardia, polymorphic 770, 770f Vibrio cholera 223, 251, 787
Vedolizumab 374, 789 Ventricular wall rupture 778 Vibroacoustic stimulation test 972
Vegetable acid 555 Venturi mask 1132 Vicar’s knee 731
Vegetable poisons 550 Verapamil 771 Videofluoroscopy 1181
Vehicular injuries 737 Verbigeration 1092 Vidian nerve 109, 124
Vein 1005 Verdan zone system, modified 44f Vidian neurectomy 660
compressibility, loss of 921 Veress needle 877 Vietnamese time bomb disease 254
median cubital 36 Vermiform appendix 79 Vigabatrin 343, 344
paraumbilical 74 Vernal keratoconjunctivitis 565, 566f Vigilance, postpartum 980
portal 94, 1187 Vernet syndrome 651 Village Health and Nutrition Day 486

Index Ram Gopal ts to Kamlesh.indd 1318 23-02-2019 12:39:31

Index 1319

Villaret syndrome 651 Visual pigment 211 Vomiting 553

Villefranche classification 21 Visual reinforcement audiometry 634 post-tussive 695
Villi 113 Vital capacity 154 projectile 807
Villous atrophy, partial 785 forced 155 refractory 988
Villous edema 1001 Vital point 118 severe 996
Vimentin 131 Vital signs 1156 von Domarus law 1097
Vinblastine 367 Vitamin 206, 209 von Hippel-Lindau disease 801f
Vinca alkaloids 367 A 193, 209, 211, 494, 825 Von Kossa stain 396
Vincent’s angina 663 deficiency 573, 610, 868 von Meyenburg complexes 83
Vincristine 367, 371 storage cell 392 Von Rosen splint 724, 724f
Vinorelbine 367 synthesis 82 Von Rosen view 745
Viper 553 toxicity 211 Von Willebrand disease 346, 423, 1153
Vipoma 859 anti-sterility 212 Von Willebrand factor 422
B1 209 von Zumbusch psoriasis 1049
Viral growth, detection of 259
B12 167, 183, 188, 210 Vorapaxar 349
Viral inclusion bodies 259
deficiency 183, 404 Vorbeireden 1092
Viral meningitis, causes of 869
Voretigene neparvovec 374
Viral neuraminidase inhibitors 357 B2 209
Voriconazole 355, 958
Viral reverse transcriptase enzyme 288 B3 210
Vorinostat 369
Virchow’s cells 1064 B5 210
Vortex keratopathy 573
Virchow’s triad 390f B6 183, 186, 210
Voyeurism 538
Virgin 535 B7 211 Vulva 1004
abdomen 893 C 20, 211, 403, 577, 612 blood supply of 1004
false 536 deficiency 860, 1166 lymphatic drainage of 1004
muscle 52 D 209, 212, 494, 719 nerve supply of 1004
Virginity, signs of 536 activation of 849f Vulvovaginitis 240, 266
Viridans group streptococci 236 deficiency of 1165
Virkud’s composite sling 1019 E 209, 212, 577
Virology 257 H 211
general 258 K 209, 212, 424, 719 Waardenburg syndrome 638, 1070
Virtopsy 521 injection 212 Waddell’s triad 527
Virulence factors 232, 234, 239, 241, 250, Vitelline Waiter’s deformity 39
252, 254 duct, incomplete obliteration of 79 Waldenstrom’s macroglobulinemia 421
veins 10 Waldeyer’s ring 661
Vitiligo 1050, 1070, 1074, 1082 Wall abnormalities, inferior 783
cultivation of 258
acquired 1070 Wallace’s lines 1079
discovery of 219
Vitrasert 292
fixed 477 Wallace’s rule 535
Vitriolage 545
infectivity of 259 Wallbridge classification 895
Viussens valve 70
size of 258 Wallenberg syndrome 793
Vivax malaria, treatment of 358
Viscera, special 544 Wallerian degeneration 138
Vocal cord 665
Visceral efferent nuclei, general 120 Walsham’s forceps 657
cordotomy 664
Viscocanalostomy 588 Waltzing 880
paralysis 664, 665
Vision 2020 489 Wandering bullet 531
positions of 664, 665f
blurred 573 Wandering nerve 124
Vocal nodules 665
field of 561 Vogt Koyanagi Harada syndrome 596, Wanstaker’s classification 1025
low 489 600, 1070 Warburg effect 934
painless progressive loss of 579 Vogt’s striae 572f Warburg hypothesis 202
sudden diminution of 806 Voice Ward Mayo’s operation 1020
Vismodegib 370, 374 disorders 666 Warfarin 347, 348
Visual acuity testing 616 hoarseness of 665
Visual axis 613 action, factors decreasing 348
rehab after laryngectomy 668 therapy 424, 831
Visual cortex, primary 114 rest 665
Visual cycle 806 Warm agglutinin 409
weakness of 666
Visual field defect 587, 805f, 844 Wartenburg’s syndrome 730
Volenti non fit injuria 509
neurological 804 Warthin Finkeldey giant cells 388
Volkmann’s ischemia 735
Visual hallucinations 812, 1091 Volkmann’s sign 735 Warthin’s tumor 959
Visual illusions 1114 Voltage gated channels 128 Warts 260
Visual loss, gradual 961 Volumetric modulated arc therapy 1196 common 1062
Visual motor test 1123 Voluntary action, converted to 119 histopathology of 1062f
Visual pathway Voluntary motor cortex 114 mosaic 260
lesions of 805f Volvulus 699, 892, 895 viral 1062
neurons of 803 sigmoid 892, 1186 Washburn 512

Index Ram Gopal ts to Kamlesh.indd 1319 23-02-2019 12:39:32

1320 Sure Success MAGIC

Washerwoman’s hand 523, 524f Wernicke’s hemianopic pupil 804 Wimberger’s sign 1188
Wastes 473 Wernicke’s speech area 114 Windsock deformity 698
incineration of 497 Wessle’s immune ring 571 Windswept deformity 1188
Water West syndrome 703 Wine maker’s lung 820
boiling of 275, 472 Westermarck sign 823 Winking owl sign 744, 1183
chlorination of 245 Western blotting 288, 214 Winquist and Hansen classification 739
deprivation test 845 Wet beriberi 209 Winslow test 518
hardness of 473 Wet gangrene 921 Winterbottom’s sign 282
pollution 473 Wet submarine 526 Wire loops 392
soluble Wetzel’s test 555 Wirsung, duct of 84
contrast series 881 Wharton’s duct 106 Wisdom tooth 514
vitamins 209 Wharton’s jelly 965 Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome 308, 937
Water’s view 654 Wheeze 692, 695 Withdrawal syndrome 334
Waterborne disease 275 Whiplash injury 526, 527 Wobble base pairs 215
Watercan’ perineum 240 Whiplash shaken baby syndrome 533 Wolf’s isotopic response 1082
Waterhouse-Friderichsen syndrome 239, Whipple’s disease 786, 787 Wolfe graft 879
Wolff-Chaikoff effect 846
392, 1180 Whipple’s operation, modified 945
Wolffian duct 11, 12
Water-lily sign 274, 1174 Whipple’s triad 857
Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome 771, 771f
Waterlow’s classification 712 Whirl’ sign 1174
Wolfram syndrome 808
Watery diarrhea 166 White adipose tissue cell 21, 21f
Wolman disease 195, 1180
painless 252 White ball appearance 1038 Wonderland syndrome 1116
Watson James approach 740 White cell cast 444f Wood’s lamp 1074f
Watson Schwartz test 444 White eyes orbital blow out fracture 613 Wood’s screw maneuver 983
Watson-Crick base pairs, reverse 215 White grain mycetoma 267 Wood’s sign 659
Wavy myocardial fibres 778 White heroin 1115 Woodruff’s plexus 656
Wax drippings 534 White leg, painful 390 Wool Sorter’s disease 249
Waxy cast 444f White matter World AIDS Day 502
Weak non-covalent bonds 189 anterior 171 World Blood Donor Day 502
Weaver’s bottom 731 disease, periventricular 793 World Breast Feeding Week 502
Web of causation, theory of 458 lateral 171 World Disabled Day 502
Weber’s test 633 White mouse 250 World Disaster Reduction Day 502
Weber-Fechner law 171 White poppy 1113 World Environment Day 502
Webster’s incision 874 White pulp 84 World Glaucoma Awareness Week 502
Wedge fractures, vertebral 754 White pupillary reflex 961 World Health Day 502
Wedl cells 582 Whitfield paint, modified 1082 World Hepatitis Day 502
World Immunization Day 502
Wegener’s granulomatosis 660, 841 Whitmore’s bacillus 219, 254
World Literacy Day 502
Weibel’s classification 63 Whitmore-Jewett system 953
World Malaria Day 502
Weibel-palade bodies 423 Whooping cough 250, 459, 464
World Medical Association declaration 540
Weigert focus 817 Wickham’s striae 1052
World Mental Health Day 502
Weigert-Meyer rule 1181 Widal test 246 World Population Day 502
Weight 675 Wigand Martin technique 983 World Rabies Day 502
bearing joints 747 Wilberg center-edge angle 744f World Red Cross Day 502
gain Wilcoxon rank test 454 World Sight Day 502
during pregnancy 967 Wilde’s incision 875 World’s First Fingerprint Bureau 503
reproductive 967 Wildermuth’s ear 643 Worm infestations 470
loss 715, 785, 988 Wilkie’s syndrome 78, 888 Wormian bones 1168
Weil Felix reaction 256, 300 Williams syndrome 437, 719 Woronoff’s ring 1050, 1050f
Weil Marchesani syndrome 583 Williams Turner’s slip 53 Worth 4 dot test 616
Welcome sign 978 Williams-Beuren syndrome 21, 686 Wound
Welcome trust classification 712 Wilms tumor 438, 709, 710, 939 botulism 248
Welding arc keratitis 573 syndrome 709 clean incised 525
Well leg traction 725 Wilson Blair sulfite medium 229, 245 closure and healing, classification of 871
Wenzell’s test 552 Wilson’s classification 535 clots, postmortem 525
Wermer’s syndrome 858 Wilson’s disease 391, 569f, 579, 826, 827, contact 532f
contraction 389
Werner’s classification 848 869, 1071
dangerous 540
Werner’s syndrome 383 Wilson’s operation 654
defense 525
Wernicke’s aphasia 173 Wilson’s risk score 1127
head of 525
Wernicke’s encephalopathy 209 Wimberger’s line 1166

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Index 1321

healing 211, 388, 389, 871 X-ray Zavanelli maneuver 983

hallmark of 389 Law’s view 1189 Zeihl-Neelsen stain 242f, 243
normal 871 production of 1157 Zellballen 392, 651
incised 525 Schuller’s view 1189 Zellweger syndrome 131, 194
infections 831 Stenver’s view 1189 Zenker’s degeneration 380, 534
matrix, provisional 389 submentovertical view 1189 Zenker’s diverticulum 660f, 883
strength 389 Towne’s view 1189 Zenker’s fixative 396
tail of 525 transorbital view 1189 Zero order kinetics 316
Wreden’s sign 926 tube 1157 Zidovudine 295, 825
Wredin’s test 533 Xylocaine 580 Ziehl Nielsen staining, modified 226
Wright-Giemsa stain 1085 Xylometazoline 324 Ziemann’s dots 285
Wrisberg nerve 124 Zieve’s syndrome 408
Wrist drop 729, 734 Y Zig-zag microfractures 534
deformity 1204f Yawning bullet 531 Zika virus 481
Wrist joint 33 Yaws 466 Zimmerman hypothesis 959
Wry neck 869 Yellow fever 262, 475, 926 Zinc 176, 212, 548
Wuchereria bancrofti 270, 279, 479 vaccine 476 deficiency 610
Yellow nail syndrome 1071 metalloproteinase 247
X Yersinia protoporphyrin 547
enterocolitica 255 supplementation 827
X chromosome inactivation 539
infection 1069 Ziprasidone 1117
Xanthelasma 602
pestis 220, 221, 223, 249, 255 Zoledronic acid 371
Xanthine 214
pseudotuberculosis 255 Zollinger-Ellison syndrome 165, 888
Xanthoma disseminatum 1084
Yersiniosis 255 Zollner classification 647
Xanthoproteic test 183
Yoke block 1136 Zolpidem 1109, 1119
Xenon 1143
Yoke muscles 615 Zona pellucida 3, 1027f
anesthesia 1138
Yolk sac 2, 259, 973 Zonisamide 343
advantages 1138
endoderm of 3 Zonula adherens 132
disadvantages 1138
forms, primary 5 Zonula occludens 132
Xenophobia 1104
tumor 954, 1039 toxin 252
Xenopsylla cheopis 255
Youden index 456 Zoonosis 284, 462
Xeroderma 842 Zoophilia 538
Young’s operation 654
pigmentosum 429, 937, 958, 1067 Zopiclone 1115
Young’s prostatectomy 869
Xerophthalmia 620, 842 Zsigmondy 514
Yuzpe method 997
WHO grading of 573 Zuska’s disease 913
Xerophthalmic fundus 574 Z Zwitter ions 180
Xeroradiography 918 Z plasty 880 Zygoma fracture, left 657f
Xerostomia 842 Zalcitabine 825 Zygosity 986
causes of 842 Zaleplon 1119 Zygote 3
Xerotic eczema 1056 Zanamivir 262 intrafallopian transfer 1030
Xiphisternal joint 60, 112 Zatuchni Andros score 982 Zymogen 167
Xiphoid process 60 Zauberkugel 876 activation 190
Xona pellucida, role of 3

Index Ram Gopal ts to Kamlesh.indd 1321 23-02-2019 12:39:32

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