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Dean Camar Novira


Research and Development

Educational research and development is one of research and development is one

research design aimed at developing and validating educational products. The process
involves identfying problems that need to be solved by educational products, like textbooks,
syllabus, assessment instruments, etc. In more rigorous programs of R&D, this cycle is
repeated until the fields-test data indicate that the product meets its behaviorally defined
objectives (Borg and Gall 1983:772).

The Process of Research and Development

1. Classroom problems related to instructonal supporting documents (like the

syllabus, the textbook, the media) as well as assessment instruments are
identified to be solved.
2. Theories, principles, or criteria of effective instructional supporting documents
and assessment instruments are reviewed from related references, from
teachers conferences, from discussion with collegues.
3. The selected instructional documents or assesments instruments considered to
be the cause of the problem is developed based on related principles, theories,
or criteria that have been studied.
4. The product is reviewed closely by the researcher to make sure that all the
appropriate principles have been applied in the development of the product.
5. The product is validated to related experts and revised accordingly to get quality
6. The instructional product is tried out in a small scale and revised based on the
result of the try-out.
7. The final product is published.
Reserch and Development is conducted to solve the classroom problem and to
achieve other behaviorally defined objectives. So the criteria of succes to
measure the acceptibility of the product are the evidence that the product has
proved to be able to solve the problems and the students of the field try out
have achieved the behaviorally defined objectives.

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