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Kahivhen Q.

Casinillo Book of Mormon, Religion 122

Independent Study

Lesson 14
Moroni 8 - 10

3. Moroni 9:22–26. Spiritual Strength in a Time of Evil

Read Moroni 9:22–26. Explain in writing how the principles Mormon shared with Moroni in these verses can lift and
give encouragement to someone struggling with the wickedness of today’s world.

Mormon’s writing can lift and give encouragement to someone struggling with the wickedness of today’s world
because it tells us to always trust in God and be faithful in Him. He assert that even the wicked world will weigh us
down, Christ will lift us up through His mercy, long-suffering and also with our hope to attain eternal life.

4. Moroni 10:1–7. Moroni’s Promise

a. Read Moroni 10:3–7 and list what Moroni counseled us to do to “know the truth of all things.”

Moroni counsels and exhorts that as we:

1. Read the Book of Mormon
2. Remember how merciful the Lord to us as his Children from the beginning up to present.
3. Ponder it in our hearts.
4. Ask God in the name of Christ.
5. Ask with a sincere heart, real intent and faith in Christ.
6. The Holy Ghost will let us know to truth of all things.
7. Deny not the power of God.
8. Deny not the gifts of God.

b. Read the student manual commentaries “Moroni 10:3: ‘When Ye Shall Read These Things’”; “Moroni 10:4–5:
Receiving a Testimony of the Book of Mormon”; and “Moroni 10:4: ‘With Real Intent’” (pages 401–2). Write what role
pondering “how merciful the Lord hath been” plays in obtaining a testimony of the Book of Mormon.

Pondering how merciful the Lord hath been, plays an important role in obtaining a testimony of the Book of
Mormon. When we take a deeper consideration and thought on how the Lord has blessed us, reviewing our pasts and
reflecting the mercies and powers of God, our testimony of the Book of Mormon increases. We will go back in time from
the beginning and will recognize that God is always the same and cannot change. He always loved and cared for us. He
fought every battles we have and protected us from all hardships and trials. We will began to medidate his infinite
goodness and His true character, attributes and traits, thereby gaining and testimony and drawing closer and closer in
our relationship to him.

c. Write two or three paragraphs that include

(1) your testimony of the Book of Mormon,

(2) how following the counsel outlined in Moroni 10 has helped your testimony grow,
(3) how feelings of the Spirit came to you for that testimony, and
(4) how your testimony has changed as you have studied the Book of Mormon this year.

Taking time to study the Book of Mormon has been my enjoyment and habit. While being a student is time
demanding, I occupy an important schedule to search its words. As I prioritize reading this book, I gain more strength
and confidence to go forward and make good decisions in life. I’m more motivated to be a better person and to show my
best example to others. I have the greatest desire to share what important truths and principles I have learned from this
book. I began to feel the Spirit guiding my daily life and strive to be a better person. Even though I already finished
reading the book, I follow the counsel of our Prophet because he has promised us greater spiritual blessings. I know that
Joseph Smith’s words that the Book of Mormon will help us draw nearer to God is true and by His spirit, I am influenced
by its confirming witness and peace. When I have troubles and pains, this book gives me comfort and assurance that all
will be alright. This book challenges me also to put off my natural man and strive to improve and be like the Savior.

5. Moroni 10:9–18. Gifts of the Spirit Read Moroni 10:9–18; 1 Corinthians 12:4–11; Doctrine and Covenants 46:11–25;
and the student manual commentary “Moroni 10:8–18: Gifts of the Spirit” (pages 402–3). Write responses to the
following. Include the verses where the answers are found:

• Make a list of all the gifts of the Spirit described in these accounts.
1. Gift to teach the word of wisdom
2. Gift to teach the word of knowledge
3. Gift to have exceedingly great faith
4. Gift to be healed
5. Gift to heal
6. Gift to work mighty miracles
7. Gift to prophesy concerning all things
8. Gift to behold angels and ministering spirits
9. Gift of tongues
10. Gift of interpretation of languages and of divers tongues
11. Gift of discerning of spirits
12. Gift of asking
13. Gift of listening
14. Gift of hearing and using the still, small voice
15. Gift of being able to weep
16. Gift of avoiding contention
17. Gift of being agreeable
18. Gift of avoiding vain repetition
19. Gift of seeking righteously
20. Gift of not passing judgment
21. Gift of looking to God for guidance
22. Gift of being a disciple
23. Gift of caring for others
24. Gift of being able to ponder
25. Gift of offering prayer
26. Gift of bearing a mighty testimony
27. Gift of receiving the Holy Ghost

• Why do you think we each receive different gifts from God?

We all have different gifts because we cannot receive all gifts and they are many. But the Spirit of God will give
the gift to every man according to God’s will.

• What can you do to develop or receive gifts?

We are commanded to seek earnestly the best gifts with all our hearts and to desire them worthily.
• What evidence have you seen that these gifts exist in the Church today?

I have seen members magnify callings in the church who are uneducated and inexperienced. While offering their
time and dedication in doing their services, I recognized that God has already given them these gifts like the gifts to
teach words of wisdom and to invite the Holy Ghost during their meetings.

• How have the gifts of others been a blessing in your life?

It has been a blessing to me physically and spiritually. I remember always my father giving a father’s blessing and
when in times of sicknesses, he administers the anointing of oil to the sickly. I am also one who received those blessings
of physical strength and comfort when I need it and spiritual conviction and testimony that these blessings are real and

6. Moroni 10:27–33. Moroni’s Final Farewell

a. Read 2 Nephi 33:10–15; Jacob 6:7–13; and Moroni 10:27. Write one or two paragraphs about what all three of
these prophets have in common concerning you, them, and the judgment bar of Christ.

During the Day of Judgment, all these prophets will testify and witness the truthfulness of the Book of Mormon.
Nephi said that if they will believe in Christ, they will also believe the words in the Book of Mormon. He invites the
readers to respect the words of the Jews, the Nephites and the word of of Lamb of God. Jacob also stated to not reject
and deny the words of the prophets and also the good word of Christ but to continually be nourished by the Good word
of God. Moroni also will testify the truth of the Book of Mormon and witness his declaration of his words.

If the people will reject the words of the book, they all mentioned that they will see those prophets at the Bar of
God. All of them were commanded of the Lord to write upon the plates and to be record keepers. They are now
considered as witnesses of the truthfulness of the Book of Mormon. If the people will not believe, they will be put to
shame and condemnation at the Savior’s Judgment. They all bid farewell and sealed their writings that they will soon see
each other and will prove to all men that what they’ve written and recorded are all true.

b. After reading Moroni 10:26–33 and the student manual commentary “Moroni 10:31–32: ‘Come unto Christ, and Be
Perfected in Him’” (pages 404–5), write an essay on what the phrase “Come unto Christ, and be perfected in him”
means to you (Moroni 10:32).

By coming to Christ and being perfected in Him, we experience joy and happiness in life. We do our best to
follow the Savior’s teachings and example. It is then requisite to strive to be perfect because he has commanded us to
be like Him. When we come to Christ, we become his mouth, hands and feet. We visit the sick and help them. We offer
aids and services to those in need and strengthen those who are week. We forget our own problems and burdens and
let charity, the pure love of Christ to be the center of our lives. We will be watchful and careful of how we treat others
by words and actions. We have no intention to do evil or to cause harm but to be good to all men and even to love our
When we want to come unto Christ, we let the Holy Ghost teach and guides us. We do all we can to invite the
sweet spirit in our homes and avoid causes of anger and misunderstandings and contention. We will be more tolerant,
considerate, forgiving, and patient to each other. Our love, trust and care will grow and abound in our homes. We will be
more responsible and diligent in our duties and strive to fulfill our promises and covenants. There will be less idle times
and lazy behaviors, instead, a more proactive and industrious and earnest servant. We will be magnifying our callings
and frequent temple participants. We will do family history for our ancestors and share the gospel to our friends and
neighbors. In short, as Paul has said: “We believe all things. We hope all things and we have endured many things and
hope to be able to endure all things. If there is anything virtuous, lovely or of good report, or praiseworthy, we seek
after these things.”

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