Anestesi Pada Digestif

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Brit. J. Anaesth.

(1964), 36, 438



Department of Anaesthetics, Welsh National School of Medicine, Cardiff, Wales


The problems of anaesthetizing ill patients with intestinal obstruction arise from the
possibility of aspirating stomach contents, and from attempts to produce adequate
abdominal muscular relaxation. The hazards and mechanisms of both vomiting and
regurgitation are discussed in detail. On this basis, the rationale of preventing aspira-
tion is described. For the production of adequate abdominal relaxation, the muscle
relaxants appear to be the method of choice, despite occasional abnormal responses
in these patients. The nature of these responses and methods of rendering them even
less common are discussed in detail.

One of the constantly recurring problems which patient soon becomes gravely ill from dehydration
anaesthetists have to face is the patient who and electrolyte loss. The electrolyte content of the
requires operation for the relief of intestinal fluid lost depends on whether the small bowel
obstruction. Some of these patients are compara- obstruction is high or low. If it is high, a large
tively fit, but others are so gravely ill that they proportion of the fluid lost is gastric juice (contain-
present anaesthetic problems demanding a degree ing H+ ions) and its loss produces a metabolic
of care and skill which only great experience alkalosis, whereas if the obstruction is low, a
can provide. These problems have been grouped much greater loss of pancreatic and intestinal
under two main headings, the aspiration of secretions (containing HCOj ions) produces a
stomach contents and the provision of adequate metabolic acidosis. The intestinal secretions also
surgical access in the abdomen. The purpose of contain potassium in a concentration similar to
this paper is to discuss these in the light of recent that of plasma, and its loss has important effects
contributions to the literature. also (vide infra). The changes associated with
In the pre-operative period there is also a group dehydration and electrolyte loss are not marked in
of problems which, although not the direct con- the majority of cases, because the obstruction is
cern of the anaesthetist, have an important usually diagnosed and treated early. In the gravely
bearing on his work and they will be mentioned ill patient, however, these changes have an
first briefly. important bearing on the survival of the patient
and on the action of muscle relaxants} and they
PRE-OPERATIVE PROBLEMS will be discussed later.
Fluid and electrolyte loss. The accumulation of fluid and gas in the bowel
Normally, about 8 litres of digestive juices are causes abdominal distension and the rise in intra-
secreted every 24 hours, most of which is re- luminal pressure impairs the blood supply to the
absorbed in the colon. If there is an obstruction bowel wall. This occurs to an appreciable extent,
proximal to the colon, large volumes of gas even without strangulation, and is a cause of the
(mainly nitrogen) and fluid accumulate above it. toxaemia seen in intestinal obstruction of any
Small bowel obstruction presents a more urgent duration.
problem than large bowel obstruction because the Strangulation occurs when the blood supply to
the bowel wall is cut off. It gives rise to an
Present address: Department of Anesthesiology, intensely toxic peritoneal fluid (Barnett and
University of Washington School of Medicine, Seattle,
U.S.A. Doyle, 1958; Barnett, 1959a, b; Fine, 1961), the

absorption of which endangers life, and the patients over 70 years old (Savage, 1960; Scott,
toxicity of which increases progressively the 1961).] Once the "drip-and-suck" regime has been
farther down the alimentary tract the site of instituted the patient's general condition will not
strangulation is from the stomach. In addition, deteriorate, provided strangulation is not present.
great congestion of the bowel is caused because If there is any doubt, however, the patient must
the veins are usually occluded first. This results be treated as if strangulation is present and
in the extravasation of plasma or whole blood operation is mandatory as soon as the patient can
into the bowel wall and lumen, and the loss may tolerate it [When strangulation has caused
be so great as to require transfusion (Crawford gangrene of the small bowel, the mortality is
and Nemir, 1960; Savage, 1960).
30 per cent, rising to 90 per cent in patients over
The replacement of fluid and electrolyte 70 years old (Savage, I960).]
deficiencies is usually undertaken by the surgical Much work has been done recently on "low
team and will not be discussed here. The anaes- flow states" of the peripheral circulation, associ-
thetist must be able to recognize such deficiencies,
ated with prolonged hypotension, Le. intestinal
however, and must be able to treat them ade-
obstruction of some duration. As a result of the
quately, for he will have to institute or supervise
such treatment himself on occasions. low flow rate of blood in the peripheral vascula-
ture red blood cells form aggregates, causing
Pre-operative medication. post-capillary occlusion (Gelin, 1961; Gelin and
When the patient's general condition is poor, Zederfeldt, 1961; Moore, 1963; Lancet, 1964).
narcotics, which are depressant, should be given This leads to further reductions in tissue per-
sparingly if at aU. Ill and elderly people readily fusion, increasing the metabolic acidosis already
aspirate material into the lower air passages caused by hypotension. It leads to micro-infarc-
without evoking any protective response. Mor- tion of parenchymatous organs such as the kidney
phine and its analogues also depress this response where, in addition, the glomeruli may be blocked
in these patients, with the same results (Pontop- by aggregations of red blood cells causing
pidan and Beecher, 1960). If such drugs are re- oliguria.
quired in hypotensive patients, they should not Restoration of the blood pressure may not
be given hypodermically, but intravenously necessarily abolish these changes, which are due
because of the danger of rapid absorption later to an increase in the viscosity of the blood at low
when the blood pressure is restored. If atropine flow rates and a decrease in the suspension
is felt to be necessary for dehydrated patients, it stability of the blood. However, the administration
is kinder to inject it intravenously at the induction of low molecular weight dextran (m.w. 40,000;
of anaesthesia.
not the dextran used as a plasma expander)
appears to improve the peripheral bloodflow
The timing of the operation.
Prompt diagnosis and early operation both re- considerably (Bergentz et al., 1961). Metabolic
duce the mortality of intestinal obstruction. acidosis and ':low flow states" have an important
However, a proportion of patients arrive in hos- bearing on the action of muscle relaxants and will
pital in very poor general condition, and such be discussed later.
patients should not be taken to the operating With the fluid and electrolyte deficits replaced
theatre too soon (Burdette and Stevens, 1961; and the peripheral circulation restored, a con-
Marcus, 1962). There is much to be said for siderable improvement occurs in the patient's
allowing adequate time (2-4 hours) for replace- general condition. The extremities are no longer
ment of fluid and electrolyte deficiencies, reduc- cyanosed and cold but pink and warm; the blood
ing abdominal distension, and ensuring that the pressure rises to about 100 mm Hg or more and
stomach is kept empty. The aim is to improve there is reasonable filling of the veins on the
the operative risk by getting the patient into the back of the hand. As soon as these changes have
best possible condition for surgery. [The mor- taken place, the patient should be taken to the
tality is 12 per cent rising to 50 per cent in operating theatre.

ASPIRATION OF STOMACH CONTENTS IN stomach; preventing gastric contents reaching the

INTESTINAL OBSTRUCTION pharynx, either by vomiting or regurgitation
Airway complications, such as aspiration and (these are separate and distinct mechanisms);
atelectasis, are supplanting shock, electrolyte positioning the patient so that aspiration is
imbalance and renal failure as the leading causes impossible; sealing off the airway by means of a
of death in surgical patients (Simenstad, Galway cuffed endotracheal tube, thereby separating the
and MacClean, 1962). The incidence of aspira- pharynx from the lower air passages; and
tion in intestinal obstruction is unknown, but in avoiding general anaesthesia.
several series of unselected cases undergoing
"elective" surgery, aspiration of detectable, Emptying the Stomach.
although inconsequential, amounts of stomach A wide-bore oesophageal tube, such as a Levine's
contents occurred in about 17 per cent of patients tube, must be passed and the stomach emptied.
(Weiss, 1950; Culver, Makel and Beecher, 1951; (A Ryle's tube is quite inadequate for this pur-
Berson and Adriani, 1954). It must be assumed pose.) Even after apparent success, the anaesthe-
that in patients with intestinal obstruction this tist must proceed on the assumption that the
incidence will be much higher unless preventive stomach is not completely empty.
measures are taken. It is worth noting that ap-
proximately 8 per cent of all surgical deaths are Preventing Gastric Contents leaving
due to aspiration of stomach contents in patients the Stomach.
with intestinal obstruction (Edwards et al., 1956; Interest is periodically revived in this idea, which
Collins, 1960; Clifton and Hotten, 1963). was first described 60 years ago (Kausch, 1903).
Basically, a tube is passed into the stomach and
inflation of a cuff blocks the gastro-oesophageal
When aspiration into the lungs occurs in quan-
junction and prevents reflux (Macintosh, 1951;
tity, the patient may die almost immediately from
Fisher, 1953; Guiffrida and Bizzari, 1957). How-
drowning or from profound anoxia following laryn-
ever, the oesophagus is a very distensible organ
geal spasm, bronchospasm or other airway obstruc-
and the pressure from below can dislodge the
tion. He may also die from reflex cardiac arrest
tube. Consequently, the method has never been
mediated via the vagi, though this calamity is
widely regarded as reliable.
rare. Fortunately, the patient usually survives the
immediate crisis. Small amounts of acid material
cause coughing and laryngospasm, but larger Preventing Gastric Contents reaching
quantities give rise to an intense bronchospasm the Pharynx.
and pneumonias—Mendelson's syndrome (Men- (I) Vomiting.
delson, 1946; Lancet, 1962). The course is acute Vomiting may be associated with the colicky
and critical, and again the patient may die. abdominal pain of intestinal obstruction, but it
usually occurs during induction with an inhala-
Treatment includes restoring the patient's
tional agent, particularly in patients whose
oxygenation (Morton and Wylie, 1951), placing
\ stomachs are not empty. It is a highly integrated
him in a head-down position, applying tracheo-
act, involving the respiratory centre, the larynx,
bronchial suction and lavage (Bannister and
•the abdominal muscles, and the musculature of
Satillaro, 1962; Simenstad, Galway and MacClean,
the stomach and oesophagus (Browns 1963). It
1962), and administration of antibiotics and
gives ample warning of its onset, and prodromal
hydrocortisone (Dines, Baker and Scantland,
signs include salivation, swallowing and irregular
1961). The best treatment of the aspiration of
respiration. In early anaesthesia the patient can
stomach contents, however, is prevention.
still protect his airway by means of coughing or
laryngeal spasm. There are three ways in which
PREVENTION OF ASPIRATION vomiting can be prevented:
Aspiration can be prevented by: emptying the The stomach must be as empty as possible at
stomach; preventing gastric contents leaving the the actual moment of induction.

General anaesthesia must be deepened as The lower end of the oesophagus. Although
smoothly and as rapidly as possible, so that there is no anatomical structure to account for it,
anaesthesia is deepened to a point where the lower 4 cm of the oesophagus acts physio-
vomiting does not occur. This may be logically as a tonically contracted sphincter J
achieved with diethyl ether, after increasing (Atkinson et al., 1957; Fleshier et al., 1958;
the patient's minute volume by adding Botha, 1959; Robson and Welt, 1959; Ingram,
carbon dioxide to the inspired mixture Respess and Muller, 1959). In proper function-
(Inkster, 1963). The hyperpnoea induced also ing is largely independent of the vagal innervation
helps to prevent vomiting. This technique (Greenwood et al., 1962; Clark and Riddoch,
requires a certain skill and emphasizes the 1962) and its tone is reduced by distending the
point that these cases must not be anaesthe- upper oesophagus and by swallowing. This oeso-
tized by a novice. Some anaesthetists prefer phageal segment is only moderately resistant to
halothane or cyclopropane, adding a liberal reflux but it is assisted by mucosal folds, which
proportion of oxygen to the mixture. Others are invariably present and which plug the conical
achieve deeper anaesthesia rapidly by in- space where the oesophagus joins the stomach
jecting a carefully calculated dose of thio- (Botha, 1958). They are held in apposition by
pentone. Here again, experience is essential. the active tone of muscularis mucosae (Dornhorst,
The administration of a paralyzing dose of a Harrison and Pierce3 1954). This tone may be
muscle relaxant as soon as the patient loses increased by vagotomy or by atropine (Clark and
consciousness prevents the muscular effort Vane, 1961, Clark and Riddoch, 1962). At all
required for vomiting (Wylie, 1963). events, both cause an increased resistance to re-
The mechanism of regurgitation is quite dif- flux. The mucosal folds, too, are normally only
ferent from that of vomiting (Atkinson, 1962) and moderately resistant to reflux, but they help to
in order to understand it, the factors maintaining dissipate the intragastric pressure evenly at the
gastro-oesophageal competence under normal gastro-oesophageal junction. In this way the
conditions will be discussed first. sphincter and the mucosal folds assist each other.
In addition, the oesophagus passes down from
The competence of the gastro-oesophageal a zone of lower pressure to one of higher pressure
junction. as it pierces the diaphragm. Since the lower
The intragastric-oesophageal and pleuro- 2-3 cm of the oesophagus are intra-abdominal
peritoneal pressure differences. The greater these and its walls are in apposition, this pressure
are, the more likely is regurgitation to occur. The difference further obliterates the oesophageal
average intragastric pressure required to produce lumen and tends to extrude the oesophagus up
reflux in a paralyzed anaesthetized patient in whom into the thorax. This tendency is resisted by the
the stomach and oesophagus are in normal re- phrenico-oesophageal ligament (Brown, 1963).
lationship is 35 cm H , 0 (range, 16-77 cm H3O) The diaphragm. This is not directly concerned
(Greenan, 1961). Clark and Riddoch (1962), using with the competence of the gastro-oesophageal
the same technique, found that an average intra- junction (Braasch and Ellis, 1956; Atkinson et al.,
gastric pressure of 23 cm H a O caused reflux 1957; Dornhorst et al., 1954; Botha, 1959).
(range, 13-28 cm H a O). This compares with an The "pinchcock" action of the crura may occur
average resting intragastric pressure in anaes- during deep inspiration, but it is precisely in this
thetized subjects of 11 cm H , 0 (Roe, 1962). phase of respiration that reflux may occur
The gastro-oesophageal angle. This is thought (Creamer, 1955). The importance of the dia-
to act mechanically as a flap valve, regurgitation phragm (in this context) lies in the fact that it
being more likely if the angle is less acute than maintains the normal relationship of the stomach
normal (Marchand, 1954; Sinclair, 1959; to the oesophagus and only if this is preserved
Greenan, 1961). It is possible, though, that this does the closing mechanism function properly.
factor has been overstressed in the past (Clark Certain patients with a full stomach do not
and Riddoch, 1962). regurgitate as anticipated, whilst others, properly

prepared for elective surgery, do regurgitate. In of the diaphragm, raising the intragastric
the second group the patients are often found to pressure.
have a hiatus hernia of the short oesophagus type (5) Pulmonary ventilation of a paralyzed
(Dinnick, 1961). The history and radiological patient, prior to endotracheal intubation.
appearance of the barium swallow are typical of The cardia invariably opens when the
the condition. The patients are often obese, with pharyngeal pressure exceeds 25 cm HjO,
short thick necks, so that they tend to develop with consequent insufflation of anaesthetic
airway obstruction during an inhalational induc- gases into the stomach. If the lungs are
tion. The short oesophagus type of hiatus hernia ventilated vigorously a high intragastric
predisposes to regurgitation by diminishing the pressure is soon produced and this, com-
gastro-oesophageal angle and by eliminating the bined with intermittent opening of the
mechanical effect of intra-abdominal pressure cardia during ventilation, makes regurgi-
acting on the lower 2-3 cm of oesophagus. Any tation very probable. During ventilation
airway obstruction enhances these effects (vide via the nose, the resistance of the nasal
infra). air passages produces a lower pharyngeal
The situation at the upper end of the oesopha- pressure (and hence less risk of gastric
gus should be noted also. When partially paralyzed inflation). The pharyngeal pressure (and
either by relaxants or deep anaesthesia, the the risk of regurgitation) is higher during
cricopharyngeal sphincter acts as a valve, allow- ventilation through the mouth with a
• ing an upward passage but no downward passage pharyngeal airway in position (Ruben and
(O'Mullane, 1954). The oesophagus can hold a Ruben, 1962).
considerable volume of fluid and this may appear (6) The presence of an intragastric tube
in the pharynx if the cricopharyngeal sphincter renders the gastro-oesophageal junction
» is paralyzed and if an oesophago-pharyngeal less competent than normal, and so may
pressure difference exists. Once in the pharynx, predispose to regurgitation.
the fluid must spill over into the larynx.
Prevention of regurgitation.
(II) Regurgitation. The measures to be taken are now self-evident.
This is a passive decanting of stomach contents, Reduction of the intragastric pressure. The
which is much more dangerous than vomiting. It stomach must be kept empty up to the very
may occur insidiously and even occasionally with- moment of induction, when the tube should be
out the anaesthetist's knowledge, because there withdrawn above the gastro-oesophageal junction.
are no prodromal signs. It can be reinserted after the patient has been
Factors predisposing to regurgitation. Reduction of the intra-abdominal pressure.
Any factor which increases the intragastric- Although desirable for several reasons, this is
j oesophageal or pleuro-peritoneal pressure differ- difficult and unsatisfactory. The nitrogen can be
' ences, or which increases the gastro-oesophageal "washed out" of the bowel by giving the patient
angle, predisposes to regurgitation. For example: oxygen to breathe (Fine, Banks and Hermanson,
(1) A raised intragastric pressure. 1936; Macintosh, Mushin and Epstein, 1958).*
(2) A change in the patient's posture, so that
gravity increases an already raised intra- •Recent work indicates that during anaesthesia, due to
gastric pressure (as when a steep head- the far greater solubility in blood of nitrous oxide than
nitrogen, nitrous oxide diffuses into the bowel lumen
down tilt is assumed). in a closed loop type of obstruction. The bowel is
(3) A reduction in the capacity of the peri- compliant so that the intraluminal pressure remains
constant but the volume increases. For instance, 50
toneal cavity, raising the intra-abdominal per cent nitrous oxide in the inspired mixture causes
pressure (as by distending the bowel). a volume increase, in such a loop, of 100 per cent,
whereas 70 to 80 per cent nitrous oxide causes a
(4) Obstructed spontaneous respiration, caus- volume increase of 500 per cent. This can occur within
ing (a) a marked increase in the pleuro- 10-30 minutes (Eger, 1964, personal communication).
peritoneal pressure difference during The possibility of rendering the abdomen difficult to
close, and postoperative breathing difficult, should be
attempted inspiration, and (b) overaction noted.

The fluid in the bowel can be removed by means rather than flow against gravity up into the
of a gastro-intestinal tube, for example, a Miller- larynx.
Abbott tube. Both these procedures are time- There are, however, several difficulties. Al-
consuming, often exceeding 6 hours. The passage though aspiration is prevented, the larynx may
of a gastro-intestinal tube is technically difficult, be submerged so that the pharynx must be cleared
even requiring radiological control, and it diverts rapidly if regurgitation occurs. Furthermore,
attention away from the problem of resuscitating gravity increases the intragastric pressure and the
of the patient. , abdominal contents come to lie on the dia-
Clearly each case must be judged on its merits, . phragm. A greater respiratory effort is re-
but as regards the prevention of regurgitation, the quired, increasing the pleuro-peritoneal pressure
reduction of abdominal distension is usually less difference. Both these factors predispose to re-
important than the ability of the anaesthetist to gurgitation. However, the risk is not great and
empty the stomach and to keep it empty up to can be minimized by ensuring that the tilt is not
the moment of induction. too steep.
Maintenance of a clear airway. It is hardly The head-down tilt is sometimes combined
necessary to impress on an anaesthetist embarking with the left lateral position, as an extra precau-
on an inhalational induction, the importance of tion. It has been shown that to avoid aspiration
avoiding laryngeal spasm and maintaining a clear in this posture a tilt of at least 20 degrees is
airway. Nevertheless, it is clear that the stormier required. This is very steep. In addition there
the induction the higher is the incidence of must be a clear egress from the mouth to allow
regurgitation (Weiss, 1950; Culver, Makel and any fluid reaching the pharynx to escape; fur-
Beecher, 1951; Berson and Adriani, 1954). In thermore, the patient must be endentulous so that
other words, this calamity becomes less likely with a cuffed endotracheal tube can be inserted with-
increase in the skill and experience of the anaes- out delay (Elliott, 1963). A head-down tilt is
thetist. usually combined with an inhalational induction
Pre-oxygenation. If endotracheal intubation is of anaesthesia.
to be facilitated by means of a relaxant, the lungs
Head-up tilt.
must not be ventilated until the cuffed endo-
tracheal tube is in place. Pre-oxygenation is there- This posture is usually adopted when intra-
fore required in order to tide the apnoeic patient venous induction of anaesthesia is contemplated
over the period required for laryngoscopy. (Snow and Nunn, 1959). Vomiting is prevented
by use of a muscle relaxant and this leaves only
Cricoid pressure. As soon as the patient loses the problem of regurgitation to be solved. The
consciousness, an assistant exerts firm back- patient is tilted so that the larynx is at such a
ward pressure on the cricoid cartilage, obliterat- vertical height above the gastro-oesophageal
ing the oesophageal lumen. This prevents regur- junction that the intra-gastric pressure is unlikely
gitated fluids entering the pharynx from below, it to exceed this hydrostatic pressure. In these cir-
prevents anaesthetic gases entering (and dis- cumstances, gastric contents, even if forced into
tending) the stomach from above, and it facili- the oesophagus, will not reach the larynx.
tates intubation by pushing the larynx posteriorly.
Cricoid pressure should not be used to prevent There are two serious drawbacks to this
vomiting, however, because the intra-luminal manoeuvre. The intragastric pressure cannot be
pressure might rupture the oesophagus (Sellick, estimated (see range of pressures on page 441)
1961). and so the required degree of head-up tilt cannot
be determined. Should stomach contents reach
Positioning the Patient to render the pharynx, then the patient is positioned so
Aspiration impossible. that aspiration is bound to occur. Further, gravely
Head-down tilt. ill patients become markedly hypotensive in the
In this position the patient may vomit or re- head-up position, although this can be minimized
gurgitate, but gastric contents finding their way by adjusting the operating table to form a "V"
into the pharynx tend to flow out of the mouth, or "N" shape, and by maintaining the position

for only a minute or so during the actual induc- muscles are affected by a subarachnoid block, the
tion of anaesthesia. patient cannot cough effectively although he may
Hypotension may also be produced even by a still be able to inspire deeply (Egbert, Tamersoy
small dose of thiopentone, and many anaesthe- and Deas, 1961). This contrasts with a high
tists prefer to induce anaesthesia with a suitable epidural block which, by reducing the capacity
mixture of cyclopropane (30-40 per cent) in for forced expiration only slightly, preserves an
oxygen, when the patient is in this position. effective cough (Moir, 1963).
Conduction anaesthesia may cause a deteriora-
Sealing off the Airway. tion in the patient's general condition by pro-
Aspiration of stomach contents from the pharynx ducing hypotension. In the elderly this occurs
is prevented by sealing off the airway. This is because the closure of intervertebral foramina
achieved by passing a cuffed endotracheal tube renders an epidural block unpredictable and more
and the patient is in considerable danger from the extensive than intended (Mostert, 1960). A
moment consciousness is lost until this has been similar result is obtained by administering a sub-
done. All methods of inducing general anaesthesia arachnoid block to a dehydrated patient (Lee,
in intestinal obstruction rely on the speedy 1959). Hypotension may also occur as a result
insertion of such a tube, and the anaesthetist of handling the bowel at operation, unless the
must ensure pre-operatively that the patient can, surgeon can block the vagi (para-oesophageal).
in fact, be intubated. He should check on incon- This may be impracticable if he is working in
/ veniently spaced teeth, arthritis of the cervical the lower abdomen.
spine or temporomandibular joint, and on whether A field block is unlikely to permit the return
the patient has a short, thick neck, or not. of distended bowel to the peritoneal cavity, so
In patients in whom endotracheal intubation is that either a subarachnoid or an epidural block
likely to be exceedingly difficult, a safer alter- is necessary to provide adequate relaxation. Both
native is to pass a cuffed endotracheal tube before will produce hypotension if the required number
the patient is anaesthetized, so that he can pro- of segments are blocked. Both may reduce the
tect his own airway until it has been sealed off. respiratory tidal volume, and if the patient is
Unfortunately, it is necessary to depress the pro- hypoventilating from any other cause, such as
tective laryngeal reflexes with local analgesia, in pre-existing respiratory disease or splinting of the
order to intubate a conscious patient, so that diaphragm by abdominal distension, he will
much of the safety of the method is thereby lost. become hypoxic. The combination of hypotension
and hypoxia is lethal and must be avoided
Avoiding General Anaesthesia. (Mushin, 1942; Edwards et al., 1956; Bonica et
At one time aspiration was so feared that it was al., 1957; Lund, Cwik and Quinn, 1961). In fact,
considered safer for the patient to remain con- ill patients with intestinal obstruction fare better
scious and in possession of the cough reflex by em- with a properly administered general anaesthetic
ploying conduction anaesthesia. The technique (Bonica, 1958).
was thought to avoid any deterioration in the To summarize, it appears to the writer that
patient's general condition due to "toxic" inhala- both thiopentone and a head-up tilt are inherently
tional agents, and it provided good relaxation. dangerous in these patients, and that probably
There are few valid reasons for employing con- the greatest safety here lies in an inhalational
duction anaesthesia today. induction with the patient in the head-down
Subarachnoid and epidural blocks may diem- position. Aspiration is very unlikely in such a
selves cause nausea and vomiting (Moore, 1955) posture and some reflex activity is preserved
and patients have died from aspiration of vomitus almost into the stage of surgical anaesthesia.
whilst a subarachnoid block was being performed Furthermore, with inhalational anaesthesia from
in the sitting position. The retention of con- the start, the anaesthetist can observe and control
sciousness does not necessarily prevent aspiration the patient's progress. This is not the case with
(Clark, 1963). Further, if the upper abdominal an intravenous induction.

It is not always appreciated that the patient The Relaxants.

is in danger of aspirating gastric contents in the Depolarizing agents—suxamethonium.
immediate postoperative period also. Conse- This provides optimal relaxation so that the
quently, the anaesthetic technique should allow a trachea can be intubated rapidly, minimizing the
rapid return of consciousness with protective time that the airway is at risk. However, suxame-
reflexes and it must avoid, as far as possible, thonium occasionally increases the intragastric
agents likely to cause postoperative vomiting. The pressure (Roe, 1962; Andersen, 1962), due to
patient should recover in the lateral (tonsil) posi- contraction of the abdominal musculature and
tion under skilled supervision as in a recovery abnormal movements, caused by muscle fascicu-
room. Further consideration of the postoperative lation. This is yet another reason for ensuring
period leads to the other major problem, which is that the stomach is empty at the moment of induc-
that the effect of any agent used to provide good tion.
surgical relaxation may persist into the post-
operative period, causing hypoxia and inactive If the anaesthetist intends to use a longer
protective reflexes, and thereby endangering the acting non-depolarizing relaxant during the
patient's life. operation, it is wise to wait until the effect of
the suxamethonium is wearing off before giving
the non-depolarizing drug, otherwise a prolonged
THE PROBLEM OF SURGICAL ACCESS neuromuscular block may follow. The practice
Inadequate muscular relaxation may render the of administering two different types of relaxants
surgical procedure a near-impossibility in a in the same anaesthetic sequence is better
patient with a distended bowel. It is, therefore, in avoided, however, especially in cases of intestinal
the patient's best interests for the anaesthetist to obstruction.
provide adequate relaxation of the anterior If suxamethonium is used throughout a laparo-
abdominal wall. Such relaxation can be achieved tomy, the Likelihood of some neuromuscular block
by the use of conduction anaesthesia, inhalational persisting into the postoperative period depends
agents or muscle relaxants. on the method of administration, the total dosage
Conduction anaesthesia, although capable of and the rate of hydrolysis.
providing good relaxation, is contraindicated in The production of continuous adequate relaxa-
cases of intestinal obstruction as already stated. tion is difficult using intermittent doses of suxa-
The use of an inhalational agent ensures that methonium, though the method ensures that the
when the agent is exhaled at the end of the previous dose is hydrolyzed before the next is
operation the tissue concentration falls and given. The rate of hydrolysis depends on the level
muscle tone and power return. Unfortunately, the of the plasma cholinesterase (pseudocholinester-
depth of anaesthesia required in order to produce ase), but the plasma level is usually normal in
the desired relaxation often causes respiratory intestinal obstruction, provided there is little
depression and results in cardiovascular depres- inflammation or sepsis (Vorhaus and Kark, 1953).
sion with hypotension. Recovery of both con- Recently, suxamethonium has been used in
sciousness and protective reflexes in the imme- reduced dosage, its rate of hydrolysis being
diate postoperative period is delayed. In view of slowed by tetrahydroaminacrine, an anticholines-
these drawbacks, inhalational agents have only a terase (Barrow and Smethurst, 1963; Kenton,
limited place in providing adequate relaxation 1963). The safety of this interesting approach
in cases of intestinal obstruction in adults. remains to be seen, but the initial reports in
The anaesthetist's armamentarium still con- ill patients with obstruction are encouraging.
tains the muscle relaxants, however. They possess Catabolic protein loss is maximal about one
several advantages in that the dose used can be week after Laparotomy (Wilkinson et al., 1950) and
controlled accurately, only a light general anaes- the plasma cholinesterase is around the lower
thetic is required, and their action is readily level of normal at this time (Burnett, 1960).
reversed after operation, so that the patient Should the bowel become obstructed, due to
awakens quickly and is able to protect his airway. adhesions, about a week after laporatomy, the

anaesthetist should be wary of using suxame- arine that the effect cannot be reversed by a
thonium during the second operation. reasonable dose of neostigmine at the end of
operation. To prevent overdosage it is essential
Non-depolarizing agents—tubocurarine and that both the anaesthetist and the surgeon differ-
gallamine. entiate between any difficulty due to distended
Patients with fluid and electrolyte deficiencies bowel on the one hand, and inadequate muscular
usually have an increased sensitivity to muscle relaxation on the other.
relaxants, especially of the non-depolarizing type. A poor peripheral bloodflow. Muscle bloodflow
This is probably due to an increase in the ratio is very important in the production of a neuro-
of intracellular to extracellular potassium, a re- muscular block (Churchill-Davidson and Richard-
duction in the volume of the extracellular fluid, son, 1952). Cases of intestinal obstruction often
and a reduction in the volume of urine excreted have a poor peripheral circulation ("low flow
(Foldes, 1957a, 1960). state"), and this slows down considerably both
The acute loss of extracellular potassium in the the onset of paralysis and the subsequent recovery
intestinal secretions is aggravated by the lack of of normal muscle power and tone. The neuro-
potassium intake from nausea and vomiting. In muscular block may be prolonged in these
severe dehydration, intracellular potassium is lost patients. Such a situation may be avoided by
also. Although oliguria tends to maintain the ratio pre-operative restoration of the blood volume and
of intracellular to extracellular potassium hence the blood pressure, but the peripheral
bloodflow is probably best improved by the
j ^ - ) , re-hydration of the patient with saline
administration, in addition, of low molecular
only will increase the ratio. This causes the cell weight dextran (m.w. 40,000).
membrane to be hyperpolarized and refractory Intraperitoneal antibiotics. The antibiotics
to depolarization, so that the myoneural junction streptomycin, neomycin, polymixin and kana-
becomes more susceptible to non-depolarizing mycin all have curare-like properties (Sabawala
relaxants (Feldman, 1963). Consequently, potas- and Dillon, 1959). They lower the blood calcium
sium replacement should be considered in these and thus affect the membrane potential of the
patients (Taylor, 1963). muscle endplates (Corrado, 1963). Cases have
After intravenous injection of a relaxant, its been reported in which large intraperitoneal doses
plasma level and its concentration at the myo- of these antibiotics reinforced the residual neuro-
neural junction come into equilibrium, and the muscular block after the use of non-depolarizing
maintenance of the neuromuscular block depends relaxants to such an extent that respiratory
on the plasma level. In turn this depends on the insufficiency resulted postoperatively (Pridgen,
redistribution of the relaxant into the extracellular 1956; Webber, 1957). Such antibiotics are fre-
fluid. If the volume of extracellular fluid is re- quently given by this route at the end of an
duced, a particular dose of relaxant results in a operation for intestinal obstruction, especially if
higher plasma level than usual. strangulation is present, so the anaesthetist should
The plasma level of a relaxant also depends on be on bis guard. A slow intravenous injection of
the rate of excretion in the urine. If the volume 10 per cent calcium gluconate reverses the block
of urine being excreted is small, then the plasma and is more effective than neostigmine (Pittinger,
level will fall slowly and a given dose of relaxant Long and Miller, 1958; Jones, 1959; Pandey,
will have a longer effect than normal. Gallamine Kumar and Badola, 1964).
is completely, and tubocurarine partly, excreted Re-curarization. Although rarely encountered
in the urine. in practice, it is (at least theoretically) possible
There are several possible causes for persis- for a patient to become re-curarized. There are
tence of the action of non-polarizing agents into three possible reasons for this. Firstly, urinary
the postoperative period. excretion is much reduced in dehydrated or hy-
Overdosage. The anaesthetist should not ad- potensive patients, and relaxants which are
minister such a dose of gallamine or tubocur- eliminated by the kidneys may still be acting

after the effect of neostigmine has worn off bonate. Subsequently, a similar group of patients,
(Jenkins, 1961). Secondly, in the postoperative in whom the acidosis was treated, did not die.
period water passes from the extracellular fluid Patients with intestinal obstruction often
into the intracellular fluid. This increases the con-present for surgery with a base deficit and with
centration of relaxant at the neuromuscular a "low flow state" of the peripheral circulation.
junction (Foldes, 1957b). Thirdly, if a patient Both produce metabolic acidosis, which is aggra-
vated by anaesthesia and by any hypoxia or
whose I -=^-1 ratio is only being maintained by
\JM>/ hypotension or by massive transfusions of
stored blood. Metabolic acidosis causes depres-
oliguria (vide supra) is given a non-depolarizing
sion of the central nervous system, producing
relaxant before being re-hydrated with saline only, drowsiness or unconsciousness; depression of the
=pi I ratio respiratory centre, with inadequate ventilation
will intensify any myoneural block still present. producing hypercarbia and hypoxia; and depres-
The patient will thus appear to have become re- sion of the cardiovascular system (Bunker, 1962).
curarized (Feldman, 1959, 1963). These effects Tracheal tug is also thought to be due to acidosis
should seldom be seen provided that overdosage (Scurr and Feldman, 1962). In severe acidosis
with relaxants is avoided, and that fluid and (pH<7.0), the ventricular contractile force of the
electrolyte deficiencies are corrected pre- heart weakens (Thrower, Darby and Aldringer,
operatively. 1961), and this causes hypotension and peripheral
Neostigmine-resistant curarization. The term cyanosis. All these effects may be ascribed to
is unsatisfactory because non-depolarizing relax- dehydration or blood loss, and metabolic acidosis
ants have never been directly implicated. The is not suspected.
syndrome was reported in six ill elderly and The blood pH should be restored to normal
dilapidated patients, suffering from intestinal by means of a buffer, such as a solution of sodium
obstruction (Hunter, 1956). Anaesthesia was in- bicarbonate [approximately 1.3 m.equiv/kg
duced in all patients with thiopentone and, after (Brooks and Feldman, 1962), approximately 6
intubation by means of suxamethonium, was m.equiv/kg (Thrower, Darby and Aldinger,
maintained using nitrous oxide, oxygen and 1961)], or a new organic buffer such as THAM
pethidine, with muscular relaxation obtained using [trishydroxymethylaminomethane (Nahas, 1959)].
tubocurarine or gallamine after the effects of This procedure should be carried out under bio-
suxamethonium had worn cff. Postoperatively, chemical control whenever possible. The adminis-
they were unrousable and their paralysis was tration of a buffer does not of itself reverse the
never completely reversed clinically. The patient state of "shock", but it allows time for the usual
had tracheal tug, peripheral cyanosis and methods of resuscitation to become effective.
inadequate tidal volumes. The fundamental It is not known whether this explanation covers
point is that they all died, not from respiratory all cases of "neostigmine-resistant curarization",
insufficiency but from circulatory failure. In but it seems that metabolic acidosis is one cause
spite of a long and involved correspondence in the of the syndrome. Consequently, the pre-operative
journals, the aetiology of the condition remained correction of fluid and electrolyte deficiencies
obscure until recently. It has now been suggested should prevent its occurrence postoperatively.
by Brooks and Feldman (1962), that the under- The causes of persistent relaxant action have
lying cause is a metabolic acidosis. They reported been emphasized, for reasons already mentioned,
five cases, presenting the typical clinical picture because of its seriousness and because its inci-
with apparent "curarization" (e.g. tracheal tug dence is somewhat increased in cases of intestinal
and inadequate respirations), cardiovascular de- obstruction. It must be remembered, however,
pression with hypotension and peripheral cyan- that its overall incidence is low and it would be
osis, and a fatal outcome. All these cases were still rarer if the pre-operative preparation of the
found to have a marked metabolic acidosis, with patient and the administration of relaxants were
a low arterial blood pH and a low plasma bicar- invariably carried out correctly. With these

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anaesthesia in the foot-down position for patients qui repre'sentent les metiicamcnts de choix malgre' les
with a full stomach. Brit. J. Anaesth., 31, 493. n£ponses anormales qu'on observe parfois chez ces
malades. La nature de ces reactions anormales et les
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sium imbalance. Anaesthesia, 18, 9. en detail.
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stomach contents during anesthesia. Anesthe- Mechanismen des Erbrechens und Regurgitierens
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surgery. Lancet, 1, 533. trotz der gelegenthch bei diesen Patienten beobachteten
Wylie, W. D. (1963). The use of muscle relaxants at abnormen Reaktion die Mittel der Wahl zu sein. Die
the induction of anaesthesia of patients with a full Art dieser Reaktionen und die Methoden zur
stomach. Brit. J. Anaesth., 35, 168. mdglichen Vermeidung werden ausfUhrlich beschrieben.

Anesthesia for Patients with Endocrine Disease. By diabetic patient are given refreshingly reasonable and
M. T. Jenkins and 41 other contributors. Pub- logical treatment; while the account of the physiology
lished by Blackwell Scientific Publications, Oxford. of the adrenergic mechanism, and the sympathetic
Pp. 234 + xiii; indexed; illustrated; 1963. Price 40s. nervous system in general, will be an eye-opener to
the beginner. Throughout the book the editor sprinkles
The problems which arise when anaesthetizing patients his own pithy and always helpful comments. Although
suffering from various disorders of the endocrine many of the contributors are from the University of
glands are now well known to expert anaesthetists. Texas, South Western Medical School, Dr. Jenkins has
It was, therefore, not with any expectation of great not hesitated to range widely in the United States for
novelty that this book was approached. Almost his colleagues and even to draw on five British anaes-
immediately, however, the reader is electrified by the thetists as well. Not the least rewarding aspect of this
unusual and stimulating manner in which Dr. Jenkins, book is to see the different ways in which a patient and
the editor, handles his commission. He gives the reader his problems can be regarded by various experts. That
the impression of sitting with the contributors as a they sometimes appear to have little in common is
panel, expressing its views freely on each and every more likely to indicate that they are all right, rather
problem as it arises. The text deals very comprehen- than the reverse, for each sees the problem from his
sively with the whole field of endocrine disease, includ- own standpoint. Books like this serve an excellent
ing obesity and disorders of blood pressure, by a purpose in bringing specialists together so that they
mixture of case reports, comments, and symposium- can develop respect for each other's opinions, to the
like panel discussions. There is hardly an aspect of ultimate benefit of the patient. Dr. Jenkins's book is
this subject which docs not receive novel treatment strongly recommended. It will undoubtedly serve as a
and from which the reader does not derive great model for other editors who have the task of cover-
benefit. Thus the obese patient and his cardio-respira- ing a localized area of anaesthesia with a group of
tory difficulty is fully explored; the problems of the experts. W. W. Mushin

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