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ALL children and young have THE RIGHT EDUCATION, ITY of OPPORTUNITY PARTICIPATION in SOCIETY. Children with disabilities are one majo Sroup for whom this right STILL TO BE WON. |sorefuty evaluated insiruchon te help ‘exceptional othe greatest possible personal sel. ‘sufficiency and success in present and furure avIFERMraAT Howard, 100) Who are Learners lwith Special Educational Needs?! (LSENs) R.A. Number 9288 therwise known as “The Newborn Screening K NSS) Act of 2004 is based on the premise that la retarded child could have been normal. [Republic Act No. 7277 lan act providing for the rehabilitation, self- ldevelopment and self- reliance of disabled person land their integration into the Imainstream of society and for other purposes. Learning Disabilities - 4 cisorder in lone or more ofthe basic Ips Jat processes involved in understanding or in using tangquage, (OF written, that may manifest eset in animpertect ability tofteten, think, speam, reac, write, spell Jor todo mathematical calculations, linetuding conditions learners has learning \disabitity if he does not lachieve at the proper lage and ability in one lor more areas What causes learning disal 4. Genetics 2. Tobacco, alcohol and other drug using during pregnancy. 3. Complications during pregnancy. 4, Environmental toxins 5. Poor nutrition Charactoristics/Symptoms of ‘Shihdren with Lear nim ‘1.stow maturation of language ‘hills, especially those of Vere mosey naneurting or Treen precesing 1. bettie te reing inrenaing nartbor” STEN erate Many 0 peopte are hignty [creative and gifted in many ways. Even very famous and very successful people have llearning disabilities [Famous people who have Lo }4. Thomas Alva Edison l2. Albert Einstein 3. Tom Cruise Hans Christian Andersen jare often referred to las fidden hanaicaps ‘Clnsaieation of Learning fenton It affects one or two of] levery 500 births and the most affected are male lbabies. Behavior problems| in children with autism} lrange from mild to severe. ble Cau: Low level of serotonin which linked to _obsessive-compulsive} lbehavior. JsLinked to brain chemical oxitoxin lused to induce labor to pregnant lwomen. JsGenetic link which is inherent to} ftwins. lprobable Causes f |-Brain disorder at birth |.Problems in delivery and pre- mature birth |ePossible ‘medical-biochemical| link Appears during the first three years of life lasperger syndrome hich lacks delays In ognitive development land language [iitanadioinn esr ies involves an unvarying ttern of daily activities ike unchanging menu or iressing ritual includes movements that injure of can Injure person like poking, skin picking, hand iting, and head banging Hearing Impairment ne ad ne = 9 8d, suff ag of fnguiste rmation through ‘audition, seria TASS Overee of 1. stight27 - 40 48 |3. Moderates - 70 8 ——s [Causes of Dastness ‘Tove condition dru involved onthe prt of lnc pregnant mother who & tating mediation Jere the with abortion eft Wiel diseser — mumps, nfuent, german reese or maternal bella © congenital mallormation — cloure of | Jester cana ofthe ent, ouicaton ofthe tree te Jones andthe val window 1. baod ineompactitty ~ cus when Jremve mothers hive piv etnes a. Traumatic experience during delivery 35, preseure o injury b. use of forceps and intracranial hemorchage «-amania or lack of enygen due to prolonged labor ‘heavy sedation «¢. blockage ofthe infant's respiratory passage ‘ofthe membranes srrounding and potecig he ‘ain an spina cond Jaseasies~ caused by damage tothe inner eat don to dret nna of the meats rhe val infections Whe mum, chicken pox nanan and vines ho common elds vonke respiratory infection, cas and ater haraceied. by ran 3. Flnger spelling Sritisasystem of making English aterances wsibe with hand postions and configurations forthe 26 letter ofthe alphabet . Fillpino sign when used ential a5 in Rochester Method can fllow the Englsh language 5. Total Communieation '2.A method of choice where teacher uses a combination of reading, ADHD JAD / HD — (Attention Deficit & ‘Hyperactivity Disorder) - - A neurologically — ba: developmental disability] which revolves a round| inattentiveness, impulsivity and hyperactivity. 237 No tredominsty matantive Type Children” with AD/HD that] have little or no trouble sitting} Still or inhibiting behavior but| may — be predominantly} inatentive and “have | great getting or _staying| focused on a task or activity. 42D Predominant Myperectve— hildren | who may be able} P Bay, attention to task but| focus because they| oe be __predominantly| hyperactive- impulsive thus| having trouble controlling} impulse and activity. treatable. But first, a diagnosis must be made. As there is no clear-cut test that can determine whether| a child has ADHD Emotional Behavioral Disorder It refers to a condition exhibiting one or more of the following characteristics over a long time and toa marked degree a student's educational performance: Emotional Behavioral Disorder hp leabliey to build og maintain| satisfactor interpersonal] feationship with ‘peers. and] teachers. “Inappropriate of behavior feeling under normal Greumstances A general pervasive mood of| ‘unhappiness or depression casacaton of trains peter Dardet Oppositional Defiant Disorder Conduct Disorder ae Bendiior ae al si ncti ih is wi conduct ai ‘the. basic Cae of ey ropriate| Seeeta natins oF Riss Catagories of Cont Decree Aggressive conduct, resulting in] Physical harm to’ people of animals; Non-aggressive conduct, causing property loss or damage; Deceitfulness or theft; Serious rule violation Giftedness and « d_ youth with CoA Rae g Seen Poe ene Sela Sou Wietethen Cee cerhip. academe 3 a Sa eS a Talented Cerebral Palsy ja term used to describe a lgroup of chronic] conditions affecting body| movements and muscle} oordination. Multiple Disabilities these include any individuals with two] lor more disabling conditions. However, Ithis category often includes mental retardation as one of the categories, ind is usually used when disorders are Jserious and interrelated to such an| lextent that itis difficult to identify the| lprimary area of disability. It does not| Orthopaedic Disorder linclude deaf-blindness. associated — with —_ physical Conditions that seriously impait ‘mobility or motor activity. This category includes individual: with cerebral palsy or disease the skeleton or muscles, an accident victims, have limited strengths, vitality, or} alertness because of chronic or Other Health acute health problems. Conditions that fall into this Impairments category include heart conditions, asthma, Tourette syndrome, ADHD, diabetes AIDS or also called Late Stage ap avd SYNDROME means a group of health problems paar batted diseases A-cquired I-mmune D-efficiency S-vndrome ACQUIRED means you can get infected eis is a set of symptoms EO oscil rs develop as result of advanced aaa eesOume TaTeae es Creer t the een eet) also called Advanced HIV infection IMMUNE DEFICIENCY aoa ay AUT Th ect m diria fights diseases AIDS ome TVE ) ae mh Peel aad A feta gt latear-le-re ahi ed without need for compulsion, and providing Erlersr-ladtel elas) forts cela eat) ey-Taetal y-lils boo Leora RCO sent) CLC aeents Ue ery) CEM anit ta] ee ery TU ere) errata) Seren eer enr) Iara earn [a cuint hs arate ocr mul sa cete LAC Cunt mins dining, hunting, Pe aeme tome TT Mh) Earley] Pubes] Clad iia ar important to ar ahh Ue nol Oe aaa Ros passive, outdoors or (ate tem lunes DETR LT steer] Bolg Sree ta Da nents Fl rar amt te ttt tT BCE CS ences CONUS C Cac Piet eas erie nsec (Cee ie taata it oe designated as which are Ce CoS ICok: ity CeCe eee (tl ea CEE Recreational Physical activity is important to reduce obesity, and the risk of any Searcy

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