Triceps 2.0 - Kai Greene PDF

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Hae: lh aa ae al KAL GREENE i a ee | STRUCTURE OF THE TRICEP i. | TC att ee | EES ee i R | IF 3 PS ‘COPYRIGHT © 2018 DYNAMIC MUSCLE, LLC/KAI GREENE, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED, , , i a ra STRUCTURE OF THE TRICEP The tricep is a large muscle group located on the back of the upper arm. The triceps TCR RC ROC MACE Rm CCRSS ICT) muscles. These muscles are known as the long head, the lateral head, and the De The general function of the triceps brachii is a powerful elbow extensor. This is an evolutionary relic of our ancestors. These powerful extensors were used to maneuver through trees, but they are now very useful for explosive pressing movements. UO UOMO CRA LCR OU LIRR a CUR UR LE ue Ey ARCA RR MST IC RCM CCRT ous parative to the lateral and medial head. Studies have revealed that each of the tricep muscles may contain a different type of muscle fiber. The triceps are of exceptional importance for the aspiring bodybuilder. The triceps URL Le RCSL Ce UUM RRC UT muscle growth in the tricep if you truly want to fill out your sleeves. T R | IF F AS ‘COPYRIGHT © 2018 DYNAMIC MUSCLE, LC/KAI GREENE. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED, i i ell = ee SO Se The long head of the tricep is the only muscle of the triceps brachii that does not orig- inate from the humerus (bone of the upper arm). The long head originates from the CCRC ROR TE (UN TCU ROR URIs blade that lies right below the shoulder socket). The long head of the tricep moves between the feres minor and teres major (two muscles of the rotator cuff). The long head of the triceps TSCM RI RaCSS CLT) Sa AMT RR UTR Cer (bringing the arm closer to the body) of the arm when the long head is flexed. Itis the largest of the tricep muscle and superficially located, providing much of ee RRC Seem cr road ed Seed i = EE ra STRUCTURE OF THE TRIGEP LATERAL HEAD az) Cay) The long head of the tricep is primarily made up of type lla muscle fibers. These Ge CLO ORO CRRA ORCC velocity. They contain a plethora of mitochondria and can provide ATP via oxidative CSC RCS AC RCM CROC RUS ORSICORMCMR UUM ICTR myoglobin and capillaries. This muscle is best used for exercises that require sus- Ce CTU CLUE RSAC CUNT L aC a an aC om | R | iF 4 r b ‘COPYRIGHT © 2018 DYNAMIC MUSCLE, LC/KAI GREENE. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED, f i B aoe ct e ee SO Se SCCM LER ORT CNA CCC AME OTTO RRS OR SUR UN CURLER Cm UM CR Aa CCC RCD CRS Me ROS SUCRE MECC RIOR RCC the lateral side of the horseshoe shape. The lateral head of the tricep originates ROUSE Rome CUM EOS COT PICS AU ECU COTO CLERC CCRT TMC ry re ed ey Se ed ‘Attachment eee! Co rn Ome oc) eee ag uals Cee Posterior view ear) T R | IF F AS ‘COPYRIGHT © 2018 DYNAMIC MUSCLE, LC/KAI GREENE. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED, LF i = EE ra STRUCTURE OF THE TRIGEP LATERAL HEAD az) Cay) LS (i The lateral head of the triceps muscle is comprised primarily of type IIb muscle fibers. These muscles are fast twitch, fast glycolytic muscle fibers. These fibers are PCR RUC CMM OCC Rer TMT CCRC RRA Ce Or CUM LICR CRTC for fast contraction and provides ATP through anaerobic respiration. It can provide large amounts of energy for short bursts of power. This muscle is best used for powerful strength contractions. eC Nga om | R | iF 4 r b ‘COPYRIGHT © 2018 DYNAMIC MUSCLE, LC/KAI GREENE. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED, f i i ell = ee SO Se SRC SIS CUT URLCE CIM ROC RCC ROAR cm Itis located deep in the arm and not visible from the surface. The medial head arises from the posterior humeral shaft, beneath the radial sulcus. Its position EERO CO CUM eC CRS MLC CR CR the upper arm. The medial head is the most active of the three tricep muscles CTW Aun Le A“ - 5 i R | IF F hs ‘COPYRIGHT © 2018 DYNAMIC MUSCLE, LC/KAI GREENE. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED, 1 T R | IF F AS ‘COPYRIGHT © 2018 DYNA/sC MUSCLE, LLC/KAI GREENE, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED, i a ra STRUCTURE OF THE TRICEP SOCORRO ROM NT ERT Lem SSRIS OUmACTOmUTTRSa A URAC ACURUN TUM UCU CMC RUN A Cun aL ARS muscle appears bright red. The muscle contains little glycogen or creatine phosphate TRO UCR NCC MCR CORR ROC CU muscle that is very fatigue resistant. This type of muscle is most beneficial for endur- ance, low force production exercises. CV ea an aC RCA CE PSCC ROOM Ce UUM mAs form a powerful tendon which connects to olecranon of the ulna (the bony outcrop- ping you know as your elbow). = Cay Dever een ss pia , = [ae ed Oy iy [ \ J i a i el ra CULO GO | Tess 0 Le EXERCISE GUIDE: PROCESO CR a Ce CCI CR nag Ra Ua 2. Grab the band with each arm at an appropriate height. If the resistance is too low, Oe CRC CRS COMMER CTL mM LTR SSC ULL CONS C RR COUN ROR CRHU RCRD Ce UN RCN Oe 4. Flex your triceps before slowly returning to the starting position. 5, Repeat for the desired amount of sets and reps. COMMON MISTAKES: COCR COAL UU RUA We TCL AL LC ey variable tension in a tool that can be carried with you. However, if you perform the TOUCH TCO a UR CRRA CLCURUCRUC UCIT removing the tension from your triceps. T R | IF F AS ‘COPYRIGHT © 2018 DYNAMIC MUSCLE, LLC/KAI GREENE, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED, f i a i el ra WORKOUT METHODOLOGY ” DECLINE CLOSE GRIP BENCH PRESS , EXERCISE GUIDE: 1. Set up a bench in the decline position. Place the desired amount of weight on the TT 2. Position yourself with hands closer than shoulder width and underneath the bar. This will be your starting position. RRC RCC TS CRMC RCA ROUEN Le Dg Cam CRORE URC RL CIN TSU RU a Ts he 5, Return to the starting position and repeat for the desired amount of sets and reps. COMMON MISTAKES: OT RUN Oe RCM CUR UN AN Wn CSR opt for heavy weights instead of a weight they can control. Slowly lower the weight to your chest and pause momentarily. Focus on the muscle you are activating to POUR RCS CRS MU RIC UCHLI \ J T R | IF F | L ‘COPYRIGHT © 2018 DYNAMIC MUSCLE, LLC/KAI GREENE, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED, 1} 20 - 1 aE oe “i ee WORKOUT METHODOLOGY ” DECLINE CLOSE GRIP BENCH PRESS , y : a : i R | IF 3 hs ‘COPYRIGHT © 2018 DYNAMIC MUSCLE, LLC/KAI GREENE. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ll , ’ i a ra CULO GY " INSTABILITY DIAMOND PUSHUPS , EXERCISE GUIDE: 1. Grab a medicine ball and bring it to an open space. 2. Make a diamond with your hands with your thumbs touching. Place your hands on UL 3. Enter plank position with your body in a straight line and the medicine ball beneath you. This will be your starting position. CAs ER UCase OR URC CL 5. Return to the stating position and repeat for the desired amount of sets and reps. COMMON MISTAKES: Pee TO oe Ce US CLO ROR CCR UO CTO mC U NCSC CML OIC pM CRS TUL TTC CORT ha ACLS Cat Ss T R | IF F | L ‘COPYRIGHT © 2018 DYNAMIC MUSCLE, LLC/KAI GREENE, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED, iY 20 - i a i el ra CULO GO EY MT ae eye a EXERCISE GUIDE: 1. Grab a dumbbell in each hand with your palms facing forwards. PRR UR SU MSR SLCC RUT R LR CARO your upper arms against your body with your forearms perpendicular to your torso. This will be your starting position. 3. Keep your upper arms against your sides as you extend your elbow. 4. Extend your forearms until they form a straight line with your torso. 5. Return the weight to your starting position. Repeat for the desired amount of sets and reps. COMMON MISTAKES: OR OUR Ue CC AS ACSC CUT RL exercise. Your body will naturally sway back and forth, decreasing the effectiveness of the workout. Stay rigid and focus on keeping your upper arms planted against your body. This will help you put the focus on the tricep during the entirety of the OCs \ J T R | IF F | L ‘COPYRIGHT © 2018 DYNAMIC MUSCLE, LLC/KAI GREENE, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED, ie} 20 - oe ctl ra CULO GO EY MT ae rye a vf el i ADVANGED TRICEP WORKOUT " WORKOUT DAY 1 | Exercise Week 2 Week3 Week 4 Cee eee 3x10 Err 4 sets of 12 Bench Press Pee esc) cvs EZ bar skull cee se rt sO re eee) ered Pee eae) ccs Band Press downs |3setsof12 4setsof10 4 sets of 124 sets of 20 (2 second Cesar ec Comes) j Ue Re Ee eee ee sO eee eee te) trad a T R | IF F AS ‘COPYRIGHT © 2018 DYNAMIC MUSCLE, LLC/KAI GREENE. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. a1 vA 1 el — PS aC aa Week 1 Week Exercis Week 3 Week 4 fel eel eee Ce Ee ee) Oe eee ecard pert Pen riss | ei Peay 3setsof12 4sets of 10 4sets of 12 3 sets of 20 eorees Pea ee ca STC Tricep VBar Press 3setsof12 4setsof10 4 setsof12 3sets of 20 rena 1 set with 1 drop set to onic ; Diamond ERS CE EC eRe rar) Seay Cray \ ~z 3 - T R | IF F AS ‘COPYRIGHT © 2018 DYNAMIC MUSCLE, LLC/KAI GREENE. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. AT] f

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