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Assignment: Task-Based Instruction

After these three sessions, you have dealt with thought information related to TBI. Now,
in groups of up to 4 people or in pairs, it is your job to design two (2) different tasks within
the transversal topic 'Environment - Sustainability'. You will need to decide the school
grade the tasks are aimed at, time allotted, and number of students. The tasks should
include the three steps: pre-task, during-task, and post-task.

Task 1

Grade: 6TH
Module: Environment and sustainability.
Goal: Specify actions to save energy in the community.
Number of students: 30
Function: Describe actions in a simple and logical sequence.
Objectives: Exchange information about daily activities through wh-questions and
Time: 2 Hours
Subject: Sustainable actions to save energy in the región.


Warm-up: How do you save energy in your región?

Introducing vocabulary using flashcards with some sustainability actions to save energy.
Students imitate the sustainablity actions to save energy and the others guess.

The teacher asks: What sustainability actions to save energy do you practice in your
Students discuss the question in pairs and then, they share their ideas with the rest of the

The teacher shows a short video about sustainablity activities to save enrgy in the world
and presents the following questions:

How do they practice sustainability actions to save energy?

How often do they practice them?
Why do they practice these actions?
Who do they practice the actions with?
What do they want to do to keep the natural resources?
The teacher gives some minutes to think about the questions and starts a debate to
answer the previous questions.

Finally, the teacher asks students to write a paragraph of maximun ten lines considering
the previus questions and their own ideas about the sustainable actions to save energy.
Task 2

Grade: 9TH
Module: Environment and sustainability.
Goal: Specify activities for environmental conservation in the community.
Number of students: 30
Function: Give and receive recommendations and suggestions.
Objectives: Exchange information on daily activities using questions and answers.
Time: 2 Hours
Subject: Ideas for environmental conservation.


Warm-up: The teacher presents the following question: What is environmental

He or she takes notes on the board about student’s ideas while he or she corrects some
pronunciation, spelling, vocabulary and gramar mistakes.


The teacher asks students to watch a video about environmental conservation and to take
notes for a later discussion.

Students make groups of 3 and share ideas in a debate. They write down some important

The teacher starts a revisión of new vocabulary motivating the students to write the words
on the board and then pronounce them.
Finally, The teacher asks the same groups to prepare a poster about activities that
promote the environmental conservation and make a presentation about it.

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