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Name: Palomino Ñaupa Cris Katherin

How did the music change in the last decades?
In my opinion, it is clear that this omnipresent Internet
technology has changed interpersonal communications;
social networks are the meeting and
information exchange point of the digital world.
However the way teenagers live has changed over time. It is
not the same to be a person of 20 years nowadays as it was
the last decade (and not what to say years ago). These
differences are evident in how we learn and interact with our
surroundings. Many people say that the technology that we
have today makes us move away from people and have a
faster lifestyle.
The problem today is also the fact that we can talk about a
lot of technology, but unfortunately not everyone has access
to it. In countries like ours, purchasing power means that a
person who is 20 years old lives in the same conditions as our
grandparents did, generating social biases. The development
of a country is intimately linked with access to
telecommunications, which makes the tax our government
has applied to this industry even more controversial.
Nowadays, music changes as our way of thinking about
society changes. Technology also takes place in this change.
Many people agree on the advance of technology but others
do not.
for example the radios, CD, DVD, the discs that used to be
used or bought to be able to listen to a favorite band now
with the technology are available in all the devices or
different internet platforms which facilitates their download.
In spite of this change that exists and that surely will continue
advancing technically, a little percentage of people still have
the habit of wanting to listen to their music or videos on DVD

or CDs or discs.

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