Environment - Vocabulary Bank

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•Colloca&on with climate:

hot, warm cold, cool mild

extreme, harsh, inhospitable, equatorial, Mediterranean,
damp, humid, wet
inhabitable, severe subtropical, temperate, tropical
northern, southern arid, dry

•Colloca&on with season: Hot, cold wet, dry, monsoon

•Colloca&on with temperature: high, warm, cold, cool, low, subzero, moderate, normal, extreme,
boiling, freezing, mel7ng

•Type of weather:
Snow, rain
Drizzle/shower (=light and brief rain)
Hail/sleet (pellets of frozen rain)
Fog, haze, mist: sương mù (thường đi với thick)

•Type of natural disaster:

Blizzard, torren7al rain, avalanche, drought, hurricane, heat wave, lightning, 2dal wave, tsunami,
cyclone, gale (=strong wind), flood (thường đi với severe/flash)
Land degrada7on

La7tude: vĩ độ
Precipita7on (thường đi với Onh từ low/medium/high): lượng mưa
Ocean currents, Clear blue sky, Bi7ng winds, strong wind, heavy snow/rain, extreme weather, boiling hot,
scorching heat, biVerly cold


To drizzle: to rain lightly. it's started to drizzle |(as adjec7ve: the drizzling rain)
To pour: the storm clouds gathered and the rain poured down/ it started pouring rain
To recycle: Tái chế. The car's broken parts were recycled into new steel
To boycoV: Tẩy chay. we need to boycoV plas7c bag to reduce the level of industrial wastes
To switch to: switching to green energy is the top priority to lessen the global pollu7on
To get drenched: heavily soaked. I fell in the stream and got drenched.

Chuck it down: rain heavily. In spring it usually chucks it down for days on end
Rain or sunshine: in all weather. I love to be outdoors no maVer it's rain or sunshine.
Like a sauna: a hot and humid place. My city is like a sauna in summer
Be soaked to the skin: heavily drenched. I’m soaked to the skin aCer the rain.
Teeth are chaVering. it’s too cold right now. My teeth are chaDering.
To wear more layers. I wish I was wearing more layers.
Being frozen to the bone. I’m frozen to the bone.


Hot climate Cold climate Wet climate Dry climate

Sweltering = Boiling= Chilly= Nippy: Damp= moist: slightly wet Arid/ droughty: too
Scorching uncomfortably cold Humid: very wet dry
=sizzling=blazing: Freezing: very cold Muggy: unpleasantly warm
uncomfortably hot Clammy: damp & sticky & humid
Balmy =warm Sticky: hot + damp
(=slightly wet)
Lush (growing luxuriantly): we have a lush and green countryside
Dismal sky = overcast: trời âm u, nhiều mây đen.
Environmental Issues
Noun colloca7on

oSerious environmental degrada2on: The process in the quality of environment changes to a

worse condi7on.
Example: In some industrial zones, the produc&on processes may result in serious
environmental degrada4on.

oIrresponsible disposal of industrial waste: Discharge industrial waste without concern about
the environment.
Example: Global warming stems from the irresponsible disposal of industrial waste.

oWaste treatment systems: The way to treat wastes without harming the environment.
Example: “If factory installed waste treatment systems instead of discharging chemical
wastes into rivers, water pollu&on could be controlled.”

oThe emission of greenhouse gases: The act of sending out gas, especially carbon dioxide or
methane, that is through to trap heat above the Earth and cause the greenhouse effect.
Example: “If all countries in over the world could decrease their energy consump&on, this
will reduce the emission of greenhouse gases.”

oChemical fer2lizers/herbicide (weed killer): Poison used to kill unwanted plants.

Example: “Organic farmers do not pollute the water or the soil which result from the
applica&on of chemical fer4lizers and weed killers.”

oEco-friendly: Not harmful to the environment.

Example: “Countries such as Japan are leading the way, for example, in developing more
eco-friendly cars, buses and lorries.”

oIllegal logging and deforesta2on: the work for culng down trees for commercial purpose in
an illegal way.
Example: “It should not be forgoDen that illegal logging in the Amazon Basin is s&ll a major
factor in climate change.”

oContamina2on of land, air or water: To make land, air or water dirty or harmful by pulng
chemicals or poison in it.
Example: “Contamina4on of land, air and water has reached alarming levels.”

olong-term consequences: something that happens in the distant future as a result of a

par7cular ac7on or set of condi7ons.

Example: “The effects of our use of fossil fuels today may last for genera&ons, and it is
almost certain to have long-term consequences for humanity.”
o Renewable energy: Renewable energy comes from sources that can be easily replaced
naturally so that there is always more available.

Example: “Wind farms and other sources of renewable energy will help to reduce CO2
emission to an acceptable level.”

o Environmental protec2on: The act of protec7ng the environment.

Example: ” Environmental protec4on is one of the most important challenges almost every
country is facing.”

o Sustainable development: The development without damaging the environment.

Example: ” The government should commit to sustainable development and the protec&on
of the environment.”

o Toxic waste: Poisonous waste

Example: Efforts to recycle waste are only a par&al solu&on. Meanwhile, the problem of toxic
waste remains.

o Food miles: Distance food has to travel between where it is grown or made and where it is

Example: We can all reduce our carbon footprint by flying less, and reduce our food miles by
buying local produce.

o Searing heat: extreme heat

Example: Parts of Europe which used to be cooler now experience intense, searing heat, and
temperatures soar above the average every summer

o Widespread flooding

Example: Most areas in Europe suffer widespread flooding on a regular basis.

oEnvironmental catastrophe

Example: We may have less than a decade to avoid an environmental catastrophe on a
global scale.

oThe deteriora2on in the air quality

o Exhaust fumes from vehicles
Verb colloca7on

oTo discharge chemical waste: to dispose of chemical waste.

Example: “Nowadays, more and more company and industrial zones have been discharging
chemical waste into rivers, causing death to many fish and other aqua&c animals.”

oTo liRer the street: To leave the waste paper, cans, etc. on the street.
Example: “Residents will consider newcomers dirty and ill-mannered if they liAer the street
or spit gum in public places.”

oTo burn fossil fuels: Burning a fuel such as coal or oil that is produced by the very gradual
decaying of animals or plants over millions of years.
Example: "Individuals can make a small contribu&on by not burning wood and other fossil

oTo be spoiled by: To be received a bad effect that it is no longer aVrac7ve, enjoyable, useful. (
Bị làm hỏng)
Example: “Several famous beaches in Vietnam have been spoiled by this lack of respect for
the local environment.”

oTo deplete natural resource: To use up the amount of natural resource.

Example: ” Deple4ng natural resource is become a serious concern for the government to
get deal with.”

oTo impose/introduce green taxes: Taxes which relate to the protec7on of the environment

Example: Poli&cians should not be afraid of imposing green taxes and incen&ves to
encourage eco-friendly design in architecture.

oTo fight climate change: To prevent a permanent change in weather

Example: “Interna&onal coopera&on is necessary to fight climate change.”

oTo conserve energy: To protect and prevent energy from reduc7on.

Example: “Scien&sts in many countries are coopera&ng to find a method to conserve

oTo sort the daily garbage: To arrange garbage in groups according to size, type daily.

Example: “One thing that individual can do to protect the environment is sor4ng the daily

oTo dump waste: To dispose of waste in an irresponsible manner

Example: Disposal of household waste is a daun&ng task for local authori&es. Towns and
ci&es cannot just dump such waste and hope it will go away.
oTo offset carbon emissions: Pay for an equivalent amount of carbon dioxide to be saved

Example: Some airlines have schemes now for offseFng carbon emissions.

oTo Reduce carbon footprint: reduce amount of carbon dioxide

oTo Combat climate change

Example: It is absolutely vital that every civil plays their role in comba&ng climate change

oTo raise the public’s ecological consciousness

oTo promote environmentally-friendly technology

oTo reduce the dependence on the tradi2onal energy resources/on fossil fuels.

oTo suffer from adverse effects of environmental problems

oTo burn fossil fuels to generate energy

oTo curb environmental deteriora2on

oTo destroy/degrade the environment

oTo alleviate environmental problems

oTo contaminate the environment

oTo lower the demand for energy in every household

Reading material

Text 1: We will need a second earth

A new report reveals that if we fail to reduce our rates of consumption, we will soon need a new earth to meet
our needs. The report, issued by conservation groups, warns that our demands on natural resources are
unsustainable and that if they continue to rise at the same rate, by the mid-2030s we will require a second
planet to maintain our lifestyles.
A spokesperson for one group said, ' Our reckless consumption is destroying the planet. In addition, there are
economic repercussions - with the unprecedented depletion of natural resources, food, water and energy costs
are set to soar.' The US and China are the worst offenders, together accounting for forty per cent of the global
ecological footprint - measuring the amount of nature it takes to support people.

Text 2: Damaging the environment

Disposal of household waster is a daunting task for local authorities. Towns and cities cannot just dump such
waste and hope it will go away. Household waste contains many materials and substances which are extremely
harmful to the environment, and authorities need long-term solutions. Efforts to recycle waste are only a
partial solution. Meanwhile, the problem of toxic waste remains. One expert recently warned that the risks to
public health are so great that we may have less than a decade to avoid an environmental catastrophe on a
global scale.
Source: English collocation in use advanced - F O'Dell and M McCarthy (2008)

Text 3: An interview with Gary Prime about Climate change and its consequences
Interviewer: Would you agree that climate change is the most urgent issue facing us today?

Prime: Definitely. You only have to look at the change weather patterns in many parts of the world.
It's absolutely vital that we change our ways before it's too late. Parts of Europe which used to
be cooler now experience intense, searing heat, and temperatures soar above the average
every summer. Other areas suffer widespread flooding on a regular basis. We can not
continue in this way without there being dire consequences.
Interviewer So what can people do in the face of this irreversible climate change?

Prime Yes, there is. We can all reduce our carbon footprint by flying less, and reduce our food miles
(the distance food has to travel between where it is grown or made and where it is consumed)
by buying local produce. Some airlines have schemes now for offsetting carbon emissions.
Interviewer Flying's only one part of it, though. most of the problems come from vehicle emissions and
power stations.
Prime True, but there are things we can do about that too. Buy a hybrid car, develop alternative
energy sources for homes, solar heating for instance, and build more offshore wind farms.
Oil supplies will run dry within 50 years. Renewable energy can make a real difference. And
politicians shouldn't be afraid of introducing green taxes and incentives to encourage eco-
friendly design in architecture. with sufficient will, we can find a solution.
Interview Gary Prime, thank you for giving up your time for this interview.

Prime No problem, I've just got enough time to catch my flight to Los Angeles.

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