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Bloprarmacentics ard Phamacoktne tes Mo.tphaeda, Gamneen 46S64R0035 Arnttations of P¥-partition Hypothess The PH partttion theony eaplains 1 Simple towns, the Process of Any, absorption frm the GIT ard Its distribution actoss au biological wenbranes. key the PP.partition Hypothesis evel Simplitted the otheputse Compitcated process oF doug absorption and theetove has 1#s own mtkattons. Some of the deviations anes 4. presence, of Ntrtual wembrane Pl, 2. Assorption of torised duu. 3. Tnfluerce of GT Surface area ard wriderce time oF dug, tye presence of agrecus unstiaed — diffusion layey, A.prawye of Yirtuel membrane pitt garter thak only the pH ts absorbed « An | The ph partition) Hypothests a luntoriged duug ak a given GI wren ‘ |S: shaped curve , Caled at the * pl_ absorption curve denoting Afsoctattnn of daug , 1s obtained uken pi S plotted Vesus bs ion, ee ems eae extert of absoption of saltayUc aud has been Observed ok a gwen Qt pH than thak predicted by BH paxtttion Hypothests « ‘the enpeimertal pll_absorplio Cuwves ove less Seep ard shite to the Left Clower ph values) for a baste dug ew Chigna ph valet’) for an acidic dang, sis ted to the Suggestion thak @ virtual pH also cabled \y" af the micwclimade fl ditferert trom the lumenal pH enists at the wembyone Surface the virtual ‘Membrane pM ackuolly determine the extent of dung tontsation and thus, doug absorption, > PN of GL Unmer PR. absorption eure tor atic. ard basic es Dotted Unes widicate curvet predicted by PA pautttton hypothests and Bold ter dicate the Practical curves. 2. Absorption SF Toned Asus An tmportont axumption of the theory was Hat only Sores tam) ee the aug {Absorbed ard — peameatton wt the tonked aug ts Meqlighble since Hs vote of absorption B 3 to 4 Hmes Len thon Wat of untried dug, ths fh true to a latge extent af tonused digs have low Uptd Sotubttty ond relabiveby poor permeability , Homevet, the prea ion Cunve shift suqgatted that tonsed fom ob Sore dug = Alto get obsorbed -to a Conidetable extent. qe Such duugs have a lage Upopic qroup Ww) thehy Seuuckure 1 Aetpite — hety lontsatton , they ufll be absorbed pasely 46S64R0035° O_ “p. Merphinan deuvadtves fofuerce OF GO Surface ara ond vealdence Hine Of SRG According fo te pt _pauttion Areony , actdte drugs axe best ausotoed from Stornach Cacidic pt) ard arte dings tom qketing Codkaline tm Jah, Conditions they are untonted fio a lage extent . ths cold fe true ured, Cordtttons — Ue Surtace, alea of stomach and thettine ave Same. » \n cold also wean nt once an acldie ding Aeache the \ rkaline, the vematning racton will be. poorly absorbed arch [tha Waste dug reaches the tntesting ard gets absorbed Considetably, \\ wna Yet be able. 42 attain t's thaapeutic level, But peepee Of the GE PW ard the degree oF tontgatron, both | actdte ord bavic duuoy OL rove reoptdly absorsed rom | te interne, priwaudly Yecaute of tts louge suvfoce area ard | Seana Mei we WS lange fate area ard tong vewdance | me ck Ake dug tm the mteltine. \dr-Psance of squenus undated dittysen layers. | Tae PR shift in the absoyption of acidic and hatte dus, {oto actourts for the fact tok te bulk A the Unneral \ gud ie mak 1) diveck Contac vith the membrane bit a bate, im 0S agueost unitrned difturton Layer, ts interposed betwee, Bom. Such a model $8 depteted 1 figure and hay a heal Hitkne Te 6 0 aster for absoxptton of Atup str the | ertgtra) pH. partition Mreony thes vole. Urntting, step m the ovsorteion ot duugs Wat the fuuttioning Ww the Upld Baretey, With: the “Wesrporotion “oF “unstitred queass | diflucan |” | aya, a dug mut diffuse frst through tus aqueous baw ark ten thrown the Upetdal foasney «huh dah boving lage paustion coeftictent Can Toptdly penetrate. Upld wernovare but olffuvion through Unstived wate, taye. % the fate Undine step my ety absorption, > nis apptes tr pattiulay to htgh olecula, teeta fathy adds ard bfle acids. > Despite It's Umttodions, the pl partition theory ts Still usetad mM the loayic urdastanding oF dug absorption and rroverrerk ety — between Vaxout 2. i Compauk rents. Prese ewe Of AAU v ager onthe menbrené | WY A] papene bulk Hud of the | Y | car | Aqucow, unchaved | ha : dittustor lay ey | - , \ipotdal bornenorane 1s Blood. { ) Brug stably A aug Yor oval vse tray dattabtlise efthe, dusting Hs Sree on the GIT. Two repr Stabstlity prdbierns resulting wm pooy bioavailalaltty of om orally administered doug On: degradation ob the dang qt mactive. form & tntetactn with one on more different Components elthe, of the dosage form en tho. preient tm GIT 4 form a Comper trok 18 poorly Sduble wo 8 umabsosbabie - EE

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