Important Role of TI in Society

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1. MUHAMMAD AGAM ROUFANDI 18-10-44-100-24

3. KAUTSAR AFANDI 18-10-44-100-08


Important Role of TI in Society

Information Technology (IT) is the study, design, development,

implementation, support or management of information-based systems,
especially software applications, computer hardware and mobile devices. IT
deals with the use of electronic computers and computer software to change,
store, protect, process, transmit and be safe in retrieving information.

Now that we live in the information age, information technology has become a
part of our daily lives that has a major impact on society. Every thing must
have advantages and disadvantages, so we need to know and find out the
effects of current IT developments, both positive and negative.

Information technology consists of computers, networks, mobile and wireless

devices, satellite communications, robotics, videotext, cable television, e-mail,
online games, and automatic office equipment. Information technology in
industries is also growing rapidly such as communication and electronic
organizations. In the past decade we have seen very rapid changes.

The pace of IT development in the community will be estimated at five to ten

years from now will really change the lifestyle that will be very different from
what is now. Currently on the market there are very good products, and out
there in addition to hardware and software don't forget the application.

Many companies now have departments or divisions to manage computer

networks and other technical fields related to IT for their business. Jobs in the
IT field include computer programming, network administration, computer
engineering, web development, technical support, and other related work.

Once we know the world of IT, here are some advantages and disadvantages of
IT for society :
Advantages TI for society :


The development of facilities that make communication more extensive and

become closer without obstacles increases the distance of communication. Not
only sharing information quickly and efficiently, but also facilitating the use of
language with the help of online dictionaries and geographical differences are
not an obstacle to exchanging information with each other.


Before everything is as easy as it is now, to send a message needs to be

through Warnet or Post Office, which not only requires a long time, and also
the cost is quite expensive. Now technology is growing more drastically,
communication is becoming cheaper, faster and more efficient. Internet
communication has also opened up face-to-face communication and updating
via streaming that is not only accessible on computers but also on cellphones
and other gadgets.

Cost Effectiveness

Information technology must help the computerization process. It can also

increase productivity, which in turn has an effect on those that produce and
increase what is needed.

Free time

All online businesses are open 24 hours globally, meaning that most
businesses can be opened anytime and anywhere. Buy from various countries
comfortable and easy.

Increased Job Opportunities

The era now requires new programmers, system analysis, hardware and
software developers and web designers are some of the many new job
opportunities that arise to fill the IT field. New jobs will probably continue to
emerge in the next few years.
Disdvantages TI for society :

Communication becomes empty

Before the existence of technology in the field of communication, to

communicate, one party must meet with other parties, so that the
communication process becomes real and transparent. Nowadays, the
communication process does not have to be face to face, so it feels less

Abuse for financial theft

Lately there has been news about breaking into customer money, from this it is
clear that the ability in the field of information and communication technology
that is not matched by strong faith, one can fall into acts of theft through
internet media.

The appearance of individualism

the more human dependence on technology, the lesser their souls, they prefer
to be alone with technology rather than taking part in more useful activities or

Humans become lazy to move

the more social media, the more people will be lazy to move, because it is
made easier with social media.

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