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Monday Dl SPORTS, B1

D ecem b er 5, 2005
Bringing the valley hom e to you since 1869.
50 cents

1-84 eastbound still closed after slide Rains west of Cascade Locks, police and hicle. He suffered only minor injur­ In it ially, all four lanes were

Falling rocks injured two closed to traffic, but one westbound
transportation officials said. ies, however, said Hastings.
people in the Columbia One woman had to be extricated “ Their vehicles were struck by lane was reopened to traffic by late
from her car after it was flattened large boulders that came down from Sunday night and the second about
Gorge on Sunday. 4:20 a.m. today, said Dave Thomp­
by the pounding rocks. Her con­ a cliff on the south side. Some of the
dition could not immediately be rocks were as large as vehicles. One son, a spokesman for the Oregon
verified , but is thought to be that didn’t make it all the way down Department of Transportation.

Boulders as large as cars slid down to the road was about three times
serious, said Oregon State Police Lt.
a cliff in the Columbia River Gorge, Gregg Hastings. The car of a second that size — it was bigger than a There was no estimate of when
injuring two people and blocking driver was also pounded by the bulldozer, and about as big as a the eastbound lanes might be re­
three of four lanes of Interstate 84 falling boulders, destroying the ve­ small house,” he said. opened, Thompson said.

WW school as fall

plans head to wanes

work session With less than 1.5 inches of
rain in November, the area
lags normal annual totals by
about 7 inches.
Among ideas the
of the Union-Bulletin
Wh at : The School Board will
consider is a major hold a work session to Although a dose of rain closed out
renovation at Walla discuss feed b ack and the month, it was an otherwise dry
information gathered from and cold November.
Walla High School. staff m eetings, public forums
After starting with a high of 68
and a professional random
su rvey about 25- year degrees, daytim e tem peratures
By LUIS GOMEZ Facilities Im provem ent Plan cooled off quickly, according to the
of the Union-Bulletin
and a possible bond issue. National Weather Service. As a re­
Ex tensive details about Wh en : 5:30 p.m. Tuesd ay sult, the average high temperature,
several construction projects Wh er e: District Boar d Room , 46.3 degrees, was 2.5 degrees below
at Walla Walla school sites 364 South Park St.
normal for the month.
and professional survey re­
The average lo w ,. 34.8 degrees,
sults w ill be discussed at a
signs for three schools were was also slightly below normal, the
Walla Walla School Board
laid out in terms of size, weather service reported. The
work session Tuesday.
technology upgrade, security coldest night of the month came on
The m ultim illion dollar fa­
upgrades and facility main­ Nov. 28 when the mercury dropped
cilities improvement plan, a
tenance. to 25 degrees.
proposed package of four
bonds over 25 years to reno­ Rausch said the plan in­ Despite spurts of rain, total pre­
vate and replace p ub lic cludes m aking new con­ cipitation was 1.44 inches, a figure
school buildings, w ill take struction or m ajor reno­ 1.41 inches below normal. The
center stage in the d is­ vations — depending on heaviest rainfall hit on Nov. 1 with a
cussion as school board which is more cost- effective third of an inch measured at the
members get ready to ap­ — at Wa- Hi, Edison and airport. Measurable rainfall fell on
prove a possible bond issue Paine campus. 12 days throughout the month, in­
for May. Construction would begin cluding a storm _ _ _ _ _ _
as early summer 2007 and be that dropped .16
School officials also ex­
completed within less than of an inch on
pect the board to discuss a
bond tax rate, which is in­ two years, according to a Nov. 29.
tim eline discussed during Se e the day- by-
tended to stay flat through
out the 25 years, said busi­ the two November public fo­ Accord in g to d ay b r eak d o w n
for N o vem b er ’s
ness manager Aron Rausch. rums. t h e N a t i o n a l weat her. Page A3
He said the tax rate w ill be The conceptual designs O c e a n i c an d
shown at the public forums At m o sp h eric A d m in ist r at io n ’s
calculated by taking the total
amount of the bond divided proposed to replace the cur­ monthly climate summary, total
by residents’ assessed prop­ rent Edison building with a precipitation for Walla Walla has
erty value. new one; demolish buildings reached 11.31 inches this year, a
on the east side of the Paine figure 7.06 inches below normal.
“ And since that changes
campus to build new facili­
every year, we can only The highest wind gust during the
ties; and remodel some parts U- B photo by JEFF HORNER
make an estimate to that,” month was 41 mph recorded on
of Wa- Hi while replacing Wh it m an sen io r an d history m aj or Lu cy Palm er sh eim p eer s t h r ou g h t he g lass porthole/
he said. Nov. 3.
some buildings with two- pict ure f r am e of a r ecen t ly ar r ived p ioneer - era o r g an at t he M ax ey M u seu m ’s clim ate-
After several months of
story facilities, excluding the co n t r o led st o r ag e ch am b er . Although November continued
meetings between school ad­
gym and theater.

Little-known museum
ministrators and architects, the dry conditions which have ruled
the board will review input The approximate price for since the start of the year, the
these and other facility im­ season’s first winter storm which hit
from staff, public forums and
p r o v em en t s h as b een the area Tuesday and Wednesday
a survey.
tentatively set at $72 million have, at present, left precipitation
Members of the public

a window to history
— $32 million from state totals above normal for the start of
previewed a rough draft of
matching funds plus $40 in
the 25- year plan and “ con­ the month.
local taxes over 25 years.
ceptual designs” last month
at Blue Ridge Elem entary Pub lic response to the However , acco rd in g to the
and W alla W alla Hig h plan during the meetings National Weather Service office in
was mostly positive even Pendleton, the potential for more
School. climate- controlled chamber, waiting to
Major construction de- Please see ^ COST, A3 Whitman College history rain or snow this week appears low
be put on display. with only a 10 percent chance for
students run a small museum on Each of the 3,000- plus relics will p recip it at io n f orecast through
has been officially set.
campus and currently have a eventually get its turn. But even though Friday.
PLAN DETAILS No bond issue has been the old, red phonograph and molds of
approved , so therefore no Lewis and Clark-oriented exhibit. orangutan skulls w ill spend a month or Cold temperatures w ill also re­
A bond would be renewed official date has been set. main in the picture this week, with
every six years starting in 2006,
two in the museum across the hall, not
A m ajor part of the funds By FARRIS EMILIE SANDERS daytime highs not expected to rise
totaling about $72 million from many people w ill see them.
would to go renovate or rebuild for the Union-Bulletin out of the 30s and nighttime lows
tax payer m oney and state buildings (m ainly Wa- Hi, Edison
The artifacts belong to the Maxey
m atching funds. Local Museum at Whitm an College. It is run staying in the 20s and possibly into
and Pain e cam pus). Rem aining There is a room in Walla Walla that
tax payers would pay about $40 m oney would go to facility by history students, who put together the teens.
million while the state
comes close to being a secret. It is filled
m aint enance, technology exhibits throughout the year on a var­
contributes $32 million. floor to ceiling with pieces of local and Andy Porter can be reached at
upgrades and im provem ents, iety of topics.
No tax rate or bond issue date and security upgrades. regional history. A wide range of ob­ aportena or by calling 525-3300,
jects rest quietly on shelves in the Please see v0 STUD EN TS, A3 ext. 282.



re shouldn’t need another wake-up
Gr8 Bks,
Partly cloudy. Highs 31-36.
Page B8
\ A / c a l l . We believe that the terrorists will
* * strike again, so does every respon
Partly Cloudy boiled down sible expert that we have talked to.”
TODAY’S INDEX Up f or a ch al l en g e? H ave a
— Thomas Kean
Classified B5- 7 Viewpoints A6 Movies A8
try at id ent if ying a f ew g r eat for m er Vir ginia g o ver n o r an d Sep t . 11 p an el m em b er, a Rep u b l i­
Comics A7 Local A1 ,3 Obituaries A9
wor k s, t ex t - m essag e st yle. can , on U.S. p r ep ar ed n ess for a terrorist att ack. Pa g e A8
Dear Abby A7 Markets A10 Scoreboard B2- 3

Walla Walla Union Bulletin, Walla Walla, Washington, US

December 05, 2005, Page 1
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8HR H q$G dVN 3NaaI o laN s 3 aoI sNylsoy
7 grgsHp
8$CqHR 8FC Vq dINqGqK VH q$G
aripprHH ra au O
8 $VN H FV 6V$WRFNK T :n93 !PbG $ e.2G3.2G :P33P :PoP $ ENfU O O
tq $- xHRRH xHRRH hqnG !.GY ’8bY i PYLYUW *bYbGH $ 3P 3Y i PYLY $f *bYGbY
7 Hrsu0u

Walla Walla Union Bulletin, Walla Walla, Washington, US

December 05, 2005, Page 3

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