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Editorial Anaesthesia 2014, 69, 95–110

risk-adjusted hospital mortality mea- thesia information management sys- tion of volatile anesthesia. Anesthesi-
surement. Anesthesiology 2013; 118: tem on timeliness of prophylactic ology 2012; 116: 1195–203.
1298–306. antibiotic administration. Anesthesia 14. Kopyeva T, Sessler DI, Weiss S, et al.
10. Kheterpal S, Gupta R, Blum JM, Trem- and Analgesia 2007; 104: 1462–6. Effects of volatile anesthetic choice on
per KK, OReilly M, Kazanjian PE. Elec- 12. Sessler DI, Devereaux PJ. Emerging hospital length-of-stay: a retrospective
tronic reminders improve procedure trends in clinical trial design. Anesthe- study and a prospective trial. Anesthe-
documentation compliance and profes- sia and Analgesia 2013; 116: 258–61. siology 2013; 119: 61–70.
sional fee reimbursement. Anesthesia 13. Sessler DI, Sigl JC, Kelley SD, et al. Hos-
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11. Wax DB, Beilin Y, Levin M, Chadha N, in patients having a Triple Low of low
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New perspectives on airway management in acutely burned

A previously healthy 37-year-old and states that while the patient has and resisting pressure to expedite the
man sustains a flash burn to his clinical signs indicative that tracheal patient’s transfer due to breaching of
face after lighting a bonfire using ac- intubation should be undertaken, the ED’s 4-h wait policy, the patient
celerants, late on a Saturday night. advice should be sought from the is deemed safe to transfer without
The local ambulance service is called regional burns centre. The on-call tracheal intubation. He arrives at
and a first responder paramedic intensive care consultant at the the regional burns centre in the
attends. The patient is conscious, regional burns centre advises that early hours of Sunday morning; his
with erythema and small areas of the patient be monitored in a steep burns are assessed, dressed and
blistering localised to a mask-like head-up tilt for several hours, that analgesia given. He is discharged
distribution of his face. He has intravenous fluid therapy be home later that day with advice on
singed nasal hair and eyebrows and restricted to maintenance therapy analgesia and further care; contin-
carbonaceous sputum, but no imme- only, and that he will call and talk ued specialist care and dressings are
diate skin loss. He is triaged accord- to the patient by phone every hour provided on an outpatient basis.
ing to the Major Trauma Decision until all are satisfied that the The above scenario is based
Tool and deemed appropriate for patient’s voice is unchanged and loosely on an actual case; while the
immediate transfer to a local emer- that his airway is not at imminent scenario will be familiar to many
gency department (ED). On arrival, risk of obstruction. He also explains who work in UK acute burns units,
rapid assessment reveals that his that if the patient’s trachea is intu- the actual airway management and
injuries are limited to facial burns bated, the nearest available burns transfer may be somewhat different.
only. The on-call anaesthetic regis- intensive care unit (BICU) bed is Part of this variation is due to the
trar identifies that while the 300 miles away; however, if not then complex infrastructure that exists in
patient’s lips are swollen, there is no an appropriate bed is available at the UK for the provision of burn
evidence of burn or swelling inside the regional burns centre, 30 miles care. Of the UK’s 18 adult and
his mouth or upper airway. The on- away. After several hours of moni- eight paediatric burns facilities, not
call anaesthetic consultant is phoned toring, speaking with the patient, all are co-located with Major

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Anaesthesia 2014, 69, 95–110 Editorial

Trauma Centres (MTCs), and not present to their local ED, where the purely to facilitate safe transfer.
all are able to manage patients decision for tracheal intubation will This is supported by data from the
requiring invasive ventilation; this be based on assessment of the UK National Burn Injury Database
makes the pattern of patient refer- likelihood of imminent airway (NBID; see, which
ral/transfer complicated and depen- obstruction, the need for transfer to show that between 2003 and the
dent upon the patient’s local specialist care, and the time taken end of 2012, 173 (17%) of 1029
healthcare infrastructure. Primary for such a transfer to take place. patients acutely admitted to BICUs
transfer to a specialist burns facility Thus, until the infrastructure of UK after tracheal intubation underwent
is not often an option. Burned burns care alters significantly, such extubation within ‘0 days of
patients will often receive initial that all burned patients are ventilation’, with 505 (49%) under-
management in a local ED, in their managed primarily in specialist cen- going extubation within ‘1 day of
regional MTC, or in the pre-hospi- tres, local EDs will continue to be ventilation’ (NBID, personal com-
tal setting. For those with severe faced with infrequent but extremely munication).
facial burns, the need for immediate challenging decisions about burned These data highlight that cur-
tracheal intubation is usually obvi- patients, particularly regarding their rent assessment criteria have a low
ous and takes place as soon as airway management. As depicted in specificity for predicting airway
appropriate expertise is available, the case described above, the avoid- obstruction following burn injury.
wherever that is. ance of tracheal intubation can While over-triage may be necessary
However, for patients with less result in a far shorter transfer to to avoid the risk of catastrophic
severe burns, such as the one specialist care, and a lack of expo- airway obstruction during transfer,
described above, airway manage- sure to the risks of intubation. it is vital to recognise that tracheal
ment decisions are more complex. However, in reality, many such intubation introduces morbidity in
In the UK, these patients frequently patients undergo tracheal intubation its own right (Table 1). It also

Table 1 Risks/considerations relating to tracheal intubation, invasive ventilation and inter-hospital transfer (for those
requiring invasive ventilation) for patients with burn injury.

Tracheal intubation
Facial burns may complicate pre-oxygenation and mask ventilation
Laryngoscopy may be hindered by excessive secretions, soot, and oedema leading to distortion of the glottis and
supraglottis [1]
Pulmonary aspiration is more common in emergency tracheal intubation [2]
Patients with subglottic injury may be at a greater risk of developing tracheal stenosis following intubation [3, 4]
Co-existing burn shock increases the likelihood of worsening hypotension on induction
Desaturation will occur faster in the presence of acute pulmonary pathology and a raised metabolic rate
Rare complications include granuloma formation, laryngeal chondromalacia and tracheoesophageal fistula [1]
Invasive ventilation
Sedation frequently results in hypotension, potentially contributing to the phenomenon of ‘fluid creep’, with exacerbation
of interstitial oedema [5]
Vasopressor use in the presence of interstitial oedema may further compromise perfusion to burn wounds, and can
potentially exacerbate and extend the area of burn necrosis [6]
‘Iatrogenic’ airway oedema resulting from the intubation process may prolong the need for sedation and invasive
ventilation, with the attendant risks that such management brings
Inter-hospital transfer
Transfer to a burns intensive care unit (BICU) becomes mandatory once the trachea is intubated
BICU beds may be unavailable in the nearest burns unit, necessitating transfer over greater distances
Long-distance transfers are associated with increased risk of hypothermia on arrival at the specialist centre [7], and
hypothermia can delay initial surgery and produce increased mortality [8]
Even if tracheal extubation follows rapidly, a second transfer to a local centre may not be safe for a number of days, and
will disrupt continuity of care

106 © 2014 The Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland

Editorial Anaesthesia 2014, 69, 95–110

raises the possibility that some and a low threshold for early tra- nicians in non-specialist centres
patients may receive prolonged cheal intubation; this is reflected have infrequent exposure.
ventilation due to complications and advocated in much of the med-
arising as a result of intubation ical literature. Clinical signs such as Determining the need for
performed purely for the purposes a hoarse voice and carbonaceous tracheal intubation
of transfer. sputum are frequently cited as pre- Data from burns centres consis-
In this editorial, we review the dictors for the development of air- tently show that only a minority of
pathophysiology of airway burns way obstruction [13]; the 2001 patients with burns require airway
and the existing assessment criteria American Burns Association prac- intervention. As early as 1976, Bart-
for airway compromise. We propose tice guidelines provide the most lett et al. [15] reported that of 740
that with increased use of technol- recent guidance on airway manage- patients admitted to a regional
ogy and a more patient approach to ment after thermal injury and sug- burns centre, only 36 required tra-
airway assessment in mild to mod- gest that while “prophylactic cheal intubation within the first
erate facial burns/scalds, we might intubation is not indicated for a 24 h despite over 300 having burns
improve the specificity for assessing diagnosis of inhalation injury to the face and neck and 250 hav-
airway compromise and reduce the alone”, intubation should be ing a history consistent with inhala-
need for, and complications from, “strongly considered” if there is con- tion injury. More recently, Eastman
tracheal intubation. cern over “progressive oedema et al. [16] retrospectively reviewed
occurring during transport to the 11 143 patients admitted to a regio-
Pathophysiology of burns unit” [14]. nal burns centre over a 23-year per-
airway burns The question then is how can iod from 1982 to 2005; 11%
Both the onset and the severity of we better predict progressive airway underwent tracheal intubation
airway oedema are difficult to pre- oedema that may lead to airway before arrival, either at the scene or
dict accurately, and we know sur- obstruction? Current teaching is that in a local ED. Of these, the mean
prisingly little of the natural history the above clinical signs, together total body surface area burned was
of airway pathology following ther- with a history of impaired con- 35%, inhalation injury was sus-
mal injury [9, 10]. Thermal injury sciousness or confinement within a pected in 26%, and mortality was
to the oral cavity and throat can burning environment, predict air- 30%. Tracheal extubation took place
cause oedema; with severe injury, way oedema and potential obstruc- on the day of admission in 12%, on
airway obstruction may result as a tion [15]. However, the UK data the first day in 21% and on the sec-
consequence of oedema of the suggest that either these recommen- ond day in 8%. Only one patient
supraglottic airway and, in particu- dations are being ignored, with too required re-intubation at a later
lar, the false vocal cords [11]. In liberal an approach to tracheal intu- date, for reasons unrelated to his
many cases, clinically significant bation, or the clinical signs lack initial thermal injury. This is similar
obstruction only occurs following specificity. Certainly there are addi- to the UK data collected by NBID
fluid resuscitation, with maximal tional, albeit limited, data to support and, given the usual time of onset
oedema typically presenting 8-36 h our concern that some burned and remission of airway oedema
after the initial insult, and lasting patients are undergoing intubation and clinically significant lung
for up to four days [5, 11, 12]. when a more conservative approach injury, it is our opinion that a sig-
may suffice (NBID and [15, 16]). nificant number of Eastman et al.’s
Current practice for However, there is very little evidence patients could have been safely
assessing the burned on the management and subsequent managed without tracheal intuba-
airway outcomes of patients with airway tion and with non-invasive respira-
It is common practice to maintain a compromise after severe burn tory support. (Though of note,
high index of suspicion for the injury. In addition, the relative rarity patients who underwent tracheal
development of airway obstruction, of severe burn injury means that cli- intubation and subsequently died

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Anaesthesia 2014, 69, 95–110 Editorial

were excluded from further analysis, tic/glottic regions, the more distal repeated at intervals or if there is
and may represent a subset for injuries being much rarer, and clinical deterioration. The presence
whom early tracheal intubation was more likely to cause airway com- of mucosal oedema, mucosal hy-
indeed indicated). promise. peraemia and pooling of secretions
Decisions to intubate patients’ Although a number of investi- indicates thermal injury, and sug-
tracheas often appear to us to be gations are used routinely to assess gests the need for close observation
taken too early, without adequate the adequacy of gas exchange and with repeated assessment; more sin-
time for assessment of progress. This oxygen delivery (e.g. arterial blood ister signs include narrowing of the
is compounded by the frequent use gas analysis with co-oximetry), laryngeal inlet, mucosal erosion,
of over-simplistic criteria rather diagnosis of upper airway obstruc- ulceration and exudation [18].
than adopting detailed and expert tion is more challenging. Fibreoptic At present, the evidence to
airway assessment followed by dis- evaluation may currently be the support routine nasendoscopy in
cussion with the regional burns unit. most promising diagnostic strategy this patient group is limited. In a
Clinical signs such as facial [1, 18], but abnormal flow volume small prospective series, Muehlber-
burns, hoarseness, drooling, carbo- curves have also been shown to cor- ger et al. [1] reported 11 patients
naceous sputum and singed nasal relate with the degree of supraglottic admitted to a regional burns cen-
hairs raise the possibility of airway injury, and can predict the need for tre. All had suspected inhalation
involvement, but they are unreli- eventual intubation [20, 21]. Lateral- injury, six had upper airway signs
able and poor predictors of injury view neck radiographs are unlikely consistent with established indica-
severity [1, 11, 17–19]. Reliance on to show glottic or supraglottic swell- tions for tracheal intubation, and
these signs may also lead to ing [1], and initial chest radiography eight had at least four clinical signs
patients with clinically significant is a poor predictor of inhalation suggesting upper airway compro-
airway involvement going unde- injury [22]. Similarly, while raised mise. Fibreoptic laryngoscopy was
tected [18, 19]. In a prospective carboxyhaemoglobin levels suggest performed on each patient: seven
observational study including 100 possible thermal airway injury, nor- had minimal supraglottic oedema
patients with clinically suspected mal levels do not exclude it [1]. and only mild pooling of secre-
inhalation injury [18], fibreoptic tions. The remainder had moderate
evaluation showed that 21% had Fibreoptic examination to severe supraglottic or glottic
no evidence of upper airway Bronchoscopy has long been used oedema, resulting in anatomical
pathology and 39% had no evi- to identify inhalation injury [11, distortion. After two further exam-
dence of tracheobronchial pathol- 23–25], but is unnecessary if sub- inations at 2-h intervals, all
ogy, while 38% with evidence of glottic pathology is unlikely. It may patients were deemed to have an
upper airway injury did not require sedation and laryngeal ‘adequate, stable airway’ and none
present with singed nasal hairs. anaesthesia, and is poorly suited to of the 11 required intubation.
Similarly, a retrospective study of serial assessment in a busy ED. In Although based on only a handful
41 patients [19] found that while the early resuscitation phase, serial of patients, this study demonstrates
facial and body burns were predic- laryngeal examination with a fibre- the utility of fibroptic nasendos-
tive for laryngeal oedema, there optic nasendoscope provides a sim- copy in both diagnosis of airway
was no correlation with carbona- pler and less invasive method for pathology, and repeated examina-
ceous sputum and soot in the oral rapidly identifying supraglottic tion to determine progression or
or nasal cavity, stridor, hoarseness, oedema, thereby helping to deter- lack thereof.
drooling or dysphagia. It is vital to mine which patients require intuba- Recently, Ikonomidis et al. [18]
differentiate burns and swelling tion [1, 18, 19]. In patients with proposed an inhalation injury score,
around the lips and face from clinical signs suggestive of thermal based on fibreoptic evaluation of
those in the mucosa of the mouth/ airway injury, a normal endoscopic the upper airway and tracheobron-
oropharynx and in the supraglot- appearance is reassuring and can be chial tree. Utilising the oesophageal

108 © 2014 The Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland

Editorial Anaesthesia 2014, 69, 95–110

mucosal injury endoscopic criteria, sary transfer to distant sites that B. Emerson
a grade of 1-3 is assigned individu- may result. Consultant in Anaesthesia and
ally to both anatomical regions However, we fully acknowledge Intensive Care
St Andrews Centre for Plastic
depending on the presence of the difficulties in determining which
Surgery and Burns
oedema, hyperaemia, bullous muco- patients will follow a benign course, Mid Essex Hospitals NHS Trust
sal detachment, ulceration and and which will develop airway Chelmsford UK
necrosis. In the future, such scoring obstruction and require invasive J. M. Handy
systems may help guide clinicians airway support. Consultant in Anaesthesia and
and provide a more objective Given the lack of sensitivity Intensive Care, Honorary Senior
framework on which to base deci- and specificity of clinical signs for
Chelsea and Westminster NHS
sions; whatever the system, they will the development of airway obstruc- Foundation Trust
almost certainly incorporate some tion, we advocate greater use of fi- London, UK
sort of fibreoptic airway assessment. breoptic technologies in assessing Imperial College London
However, in the meantime, there burned patients’ airways on admis- London, UK
can be no substitute for patient and sion and at pre-defined intervals or
repeated airway assessment by an if there is evidence of clinical dete- References
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Anaesthesia 2014, 69, 95–110 Editorial

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110 © 2014 The Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland

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