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Antibiotic Resistance: A Major Threat to Human Lives

An antibiotic apocalypse is dangerously expanding around the world. We all know that
antibiotic is a powerful medicine known as antibacterial that kill and influences the growth of
bacteria. It is used to prevent and treat infectious diseases. It is considered as a wonder discovery
of the 20th century because it successfully treated patients with infection and save people’s lives
but sadly it is the major threat to human lives nowadays. Infectious diseases are becoming
untreatable for infectious bacteria develop their ability and defeat antibiotics that designed to kill
It is found that overuse, underuse and misuse of antibiotics is the major cause of
development of an antibiotic-resistant bacteria. According to Food and Agriculture Organization
of the United Nations, 700 thousand people die each year because of antibiotic resistance and if
left unaddressed, this will increase in 10 million in becoming decades. In the United States, at
least 2 million people get infected with antibiotic-resistant bacteria each year and at least 23,000
people die as a result. Rapidly rising of antibiotic resistance will definitely affect human lives
and put people at risk and crisis. It is very alarming so it is better for us to have knowledge about
this life-threatening case. These are the causes and the things we should know to prevent and
control the spread of an antibiotic-resistant bacteria:
• Over-prescribing of antibiotics
An estimated 30% of the millions of prescription written each year are not needed. We
have to know that antibiotics don’t cure viral infections such as colds and flu so don’t take them
if you’re suffering from these viral infections instead take a plenty of rest and drink a lot of
• Inappropriate taking of treatment
Make sure to complete the entire prescription of antibiotics even if you begin to feel
better. Don’t skip doses and use them as prescribed. If these wouldn’t practice, the remaining
bacteria will multiply and become resistant to antibiotic. Don’t also share your antibiotics to
others if not prescribe by the doctor and mostly don’t save antibiotics for the future.
• Unnecessary using of antibiotics in agriculture sector
Farmers are using antibiotics for animal growth promotion and vaccination. Antibiotics
are also used in agricultural crops. Increased use and abuse of antibiotics in agricultural sector
will lead food consumers at risk so we must ensure food safety and security. Resistant bacteria
are usually detected in chicken and meat so we have to follow the food safety tips and World
Health Organization (WHO) Five Keys to Safer Food - keep clean, separate raw and cooked,
cook thoroughly, keep food at safe temperatures, use safe water and raw materials. We should
also promote good practices in food and agricultural systems, good hygiene, biosecurity
measures, and practice use of alternatives to antibiotics.
• Hospitals and clinics poor infection control
Infection control should be one of the highest priorities of the hospitals and clinics
because there’s a lot of infectious diseases in these areas. Infectious diseases can easily enter to
human body. A patient that carries an antibiotic-resistant bacteria will act as the source of the
other patients. Hospitals and clinics instruments and environment should practice proper hygiene
and cleaning so that their patients will not be infected.
• Improper hygiene and sanitation
Bacteria are everywhere so we should practice proper hygiene and sanitation all the time.
High-quality of sanitation and hygiene is a great weapon to beat the rapidly spreading of
antibiotic-resistant bacteria so don’t forget to wash your hands always.
• Lack of new drug development
There is an insufficient research about antibiotics and new vaccines for preventing
and controlling infections so we have to be more careful and ensure that we become disciplined
enough to deal with antibiotic-resistant bacteria.

Bacteria reproduce quickly. We might not see them with the naked eye but they exist and can
end our lives. Life on our planet is not limited by human standards so awareness of proper using
of antibiotics is a big help to preserve antibiotics effectiveness and reduce the risk of antibiotic
resistance. It is better to be safe than sorry.

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