Em - 190819 Reflection Paper

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Jian Orlane Go 2015077570

5AR-6 August 19, 2019

Reflection Paper on Suzuki’s Speeches

1) Based on the first presentation of Suzuki, what is the core or main sentiment of her
Suzuki’s speech in the Rio 1992 UN Earth Summit was impactful and filled with the
pure and concerned thoughts of a child who saw herself as a voice to awaken those of power
to act upon the deterioration of the Earth. Her speech focused on the call for change in the
wasteful lifestyle of human beings by highlighting the effects it has caused such as the
pollution of air and cancer within fishes, and the time we have left to reverse it. Suzuki also
emphasized on our need to empathize and contribute towards the well-being of our fellow
human beings, in her words, “to share with” as by the end of the day we are all connected
as brother and sister on this Earth. Being in her country which has more control and power
to shift the change in our climate and earth, and being in the position of speaking in front
of those who are able to enable this endeavor, she urges on making this earth a better place
by sharing the resources we can easily spare and to stop war amongst countries to focus on
the bigger picture of fighting for the future of the Earth.

2) Comparing the theme of her first presentation to the recent presentation, is there
anything new to her talk? Share your personal opinion comparing the similarities and
differences of both presentations.
In Suzuki’s more recent speech, she remains loyal to her main theme of changing the
wasteful lifestyle that is consuming the earth rapidly. She reflects on what happened within
the last 20 years since her last speech, and notes that the transition of the earth is caused by
man, and adds that it is also man that can reverse the effects. She later on notes that it is not
only the leaders who are responsible and capable in being the voice to mobilize the shift
the decline of the ecosystems, but the citizens as well. She touches on the topic of capitalism
which has become the main nemesis in the fight against climate change which focuses on
the generation of money in the expense of nature.
Where the main difference between her two speeches lies in the perspective that
she takes onto actualizing the change, as well as the target audience she wishes to reach. In
her speech in 1992, she spoke as a child who knew that her greatest tool for change was her
voice, who did not have the same power that those she spoke to had to change the earth. As
a grown woman, she realizes through the feedback brought by her 1992 speech that it is not
only world leaders that she must reach, but her fellow countrymen and human beings that
each have their influence to snowball into the greater effect of saving this earth. We must
unite as one earth instead of fighting to get the message and act upon reversing what we
have destroyed. Additionally, Suzuki does not break away from her main theme on being
compassionate towards others. Speaking as a mother, she becomes one who wants to pave
the way for her children to live life with the same opportunities as she had, and urges others
to practice “Intergenerational love” which adds on her previous speech of thinking of the
children and the less fortunate. It is this love that will become the driving force for the
change in society brought upon by all generations as the youth is the most at stake by our

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