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1. - What do you think the biggest cause of stress is for most people?
Everyone has different stress triggers. But I think that the biggest cause of stress is work. One of the
main causes of labor stress is being unhappy in your job and also working long hours.

2. - What do you think the most stressful stage of our live is?
I think that the stage more important than life is the stage of adulthood and that in it you acquire more
responsibilities and you also have to work to earn money.

3. – Think of three stressful jobs. Are there any advantages to these jobs?

a) Flight Attendant
I think that one of the most stressful jobs is that of flight attendant because as a flight attendant, it is
your job to ensure that every passenger has a safe and comfortable-as-possible flight. You are always
in the public eye and face pressure to remain on schedule. You are responsible for completing cart
services on time, and dealing with unhappy and disgruntled passengers.

b) Nurse
I think being a nurse is stressful because the work can be unpredictable because you never know
when you are going to be short-staffed, when you will receive an influx of new patients, or when an
emergency will happen.

c) Firefighter
Being a firefighter is one of the most stressful and dangerous professions but also the least paid but
firefighters are exposed to various dangers and are always ready to help.

4. – Think of three low – stress jobs. What kind of job would you prefer? Why?

a) Librarian
I think that one of the least stressful jobs is to be a librarian because a librarian just has to control the

b) Artist
Being an artist is one of the least stressful jobs because an artist develops his creativity without stress.

c) Hairdresser
One of the less stressful jobs is that of a hairdresser since most of the time they spend without clients
or have to wait for the hairdresser to be filled.
I prefer a work that is developed in the field of construction because because I will earn a lot of

money but I also want to have fun at that job.


The flu usually doesn’t need a medical treatment unless someone develops complications. To cure flu
there are some tips without going to the doctor. For example:
- You should drink a hot lemonade every night before sleep for 3 days
- You should drink a lot liquids such as water
- You should rest in bed on the couch with a book
- You shouldn’t take cold drinks
- You should wash your hands well

If you haven’t already, speak to your doctor about getting a flu vaccine for you. If your doctor
prescribes medicine to ease symptoms, go to the pharmacist before you go to pick it up.

On my next Holyday, I’m going to Ambato. I’ pretty sure I’m going to travel into Ambato on the 5th
of September, and I’m going to stay in a house of my cousin. I’m going to visit all the important
museums of the city. I will spend some time at the nature in Baños.
And in the future I plan to have a great family and I would like to live in another country, have a
good job and be able to have a good financial statement, I would also like to travel around the world
with my brother.

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