Volume VIII Issue 1

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VIII, Issue

L.E.K. Consulting
The Winds of Change:Evaluating the Potential
Wind power has historically and Risks of Wind Power Investment
been a very small piece of the
U.S. power generation land-
scape, primarily due to high General Electric and Goldman Sachs,
relative production costs and Wind powered electricity generation have made sizable investments in this
significant logistical challenges. has long been an extremely small and energy source.These developments,
However, recent changes in fossil uneconomic part of the power genera- plus the emergence of additional envi-
fuel prices, coupled with height- tion landscape,requiring federal subsi- ronmental and economic drivers,have
ened awareness and concern dies and utility green power programs caused industry analysts to take note
regarding environmental issues to support its existence.Due to issues and have led many to update their
associated with traditional regarding cost,reliability,transmission forecasts on wind power.Some estimates
sources of power generation, constraints and other factors,the pre- now project that the U.S.could see
have led many investors to vailing belief of energy industry experts a significant boom in wind power,
consider investments in wind and other market participants has increasing its share of domestic genera-
power more seriously than consistently held that wind power will tion capacity by as much as 10 to 20
ever before. always play a very small role in U.S. percent over the next 12 to 15 years 2.
Despite the recent emer- power generation.
Is this forecast realistic,or has the
gence of factors that could drive Wind power currently represents potential of wind power been exagger-
an increase in wind power
less than 1% of total U.S.electric power ated? In an effort to better understand
investment, we feel that any
generation capacity and an extremely the long-term prospects for wind
increase will be minimal. Given
small fraction of power generated 1. power generation,we have analyzed
the inherent risks and uncertain-
However,over the last several years, several factors affecting the growth in
ties associated with long-term
wind power has seen a higher rate of investment for this alternative energy
wind power projects, several
generation capacity growth than any source and offer our conclusions
conditions must be in place to
other type of power generation,includ- continued on page 2
produce economic returns at a
ing natural gas.In addition,several
level that investors will require.
important industry participants,such as
While we believe that specific The Winds of Change: Evaluating
opportunities for value creation the Potential and Risks of Wind Power
will indeed exist, wind power will Investment was written by Chris
1 “Renewable Energy:Wind Power’s Contribution to
continue to play a very small role Kenney,Vice President and Energy &
Electric Power Generation and Impact on Farms and Rural
in U.S. power generation. Communities,” U.S.Government Accountability Office, Utilities Practice Leader,and Chris Rule,
September 2004.
Vice President,in L.E.K.’s Chicago Office.
2 www.awea.org
Figure 1
regarding implications for wind power
Growth in Capacity by Energy Source
generation in the U.S.energy infra- (1998–2003)
structure.This analysis includes:

• An assessment of the issues driving 20

the growth of wind power CAGR


• A review of the challenges that 10

wind power must overcome 5

• An appraisal of what is required for
wind power to become a significant Wind Natural Dual Other* Nuclear Hydro Coal Petroleum Other
Gas Fired Renewable**
part of the nation’s power generation
Share of 2003
0.7 22.0 18.1 0.3 10.5 10.5 33.0 3.8 1.2
Capacity (%)
and supply structure
Note: Wind capacity
year AWEA
AWEA data;
data; all other
all other datadata is 2003
is 2003 DOEnet
net summer generating
generating capacitycapacity
*Includes other gases,batteries,
othergases, batteries,chemicals etc;etc;
chemicals **Includes wood,
**Includes waste,
wood, landfill
waste, gas, solar,
landfill biomass,
gas, solar, geothermal
biomass, etc. etc.
• An analysis of a “typical”wind Source:
L.E.K. analysis

power project

We believe that our analysis Figure 2

provides potential investors with an U.S. Installed Wind Power Generating Capacity
(1981–2004) (1999-04
informed view of wind power as well 7
as a framework for thinking about the
issues that impact the success of a
potential investment in this power
source. As with all capital-intensive MW 4
projects,factors impacting the specific
investment must be assessed before
drawing conclusions about expected
project outcomes. 1














The Growth of Wind Power

Source: EIA, GAO, L.E.K. analysis
While wind generation is currently
a very small portion of U.S.power The investment in this area does Renewable Energy (now known as
production,it is the fastest growing not appear to be limited to a niche Horizon Wind Energy)
type in the country. According to the set of speculative investors. Rather,
• John Deere has recently announced
Department of Energy (DOE),wind the growth appears to be driven by
that it is creating a business unit to
generation capacity grew over the past a diverse set of market participants:
fund and develop wind projects
five years at approximately 23%,rising
• FPL Energy is the leading wind
to 6,740 Megawatts (MW) by the end • Mid American Energy,80% owned
power investor among investor-
of 2004,as shown in Figures 1 and 2. by Warren Buffet’s Berkshire
owned electric utilities and now
The renewal of the Production Tax Hathaway, has recently completed a
holds over a third of the nation’s
Credit (PTC),which provides federal $323M,310.5 MW project in Iowa
total capacity
subsidies for renewable energy projects, What is driving this increasing
also fueled an additional increase of • In March of 2005,Goldman Sachs
level of investment in wind power
over 2,000 MW in 2005 3. announced its acquisition of
capacity and what is the likely “end
Houston-based developer Zilkha
3 www.eia.doe.gov
L.E.K. Consulting llc

game”for wind power in terms of its Improvements in Technology Environmental Benefits from
share of total generation? In order to “Clean” Energy Sources
Historically,the most significant
develop a perspective on the future of As with many other renewable energy
challenge to wind power has been its
wind power,we have analyzed several sources,wind power generation is
extremely low level of efficiency rela-
factors that are positively affecting considered a “green”technology because
tive to other power generation sources.
wind power economics today in order it does not generate air or water emis-
In the early 1980s, when the initial
to gauge both the potential impact of sions and does not produce hazardous
utility-scale wind turbines were
each variable,as well as the likelihood waste materials. Also,wind power does
installed, wind-generated electricity
that the factor will persist for the medi- not deplete natural resources such as
cost as much as 30 cents/kWh, many
um- or long-term.Since wind projects coal,oil or gas,or cause environmental
times that of nuclear, gas or coal.
are anticipated to provide investors damage through extraction or trans-
However, as Figure 3 shows, by 1990,
portation of source fuels.
Figure 3
Cost of Wind-Generated Energy Over the last two decades,reports
40 (1980–2002)
on the deteriorating condition of the
35 earth’s atmosphere,as well as concerns
30 regarding natural resource depletion,
began to accelerate the level of research
Cents and development in renewable energy
Per 20
kWh technologies.Recently,setbacks in fuel
cell technology development and diffi-
10 culties with landfill gas technology have
5 shifted more of the renewable genera-
0 tion emphasis to wind power. In







addition, recent success in pilot utility

Source: GAO,AWEA green power programs have sparked
greater interest in further rollouts
returns over a 25 to 30 year life,it is improvements in wind turbine of these programs, highlighting the
returns over a 25 to 30 year life,it is
important to assess the likely impact of technology decreased the cost of potential demand for renewable energy
important to assess the likely impact of
growth drivers beyond the next few years. production by more than 75% 4. sources by the general public 5.
growth drivers beyond the next few years.
We believe that there are five
We believe that there are five In the last decade,wind power
key wind growth drivers:
key wind growth drivers: designs have incorporated much taller Continued Government
• Improvements in technology turbine towers as well as larger rotor Subsidization and Promotion
• Improvements in technology
diameters,resulting in further efficiency Partiality driven by the environmental
• Environmental benefits from
• Environmental benefits from improvements.While the rate of benefits noted above,the federal gov-
“clean”energy sources
“clean”energy sources efficiency improvement has flattened ernment has intermittently promoted
• Continued government considerably in recent years,proponents
• Continued government renewable energy investment and
subsidization and promotion of wind power maintain that there are
subsidization and promotion continued to strengthen this position
• Rapidly increasing fossil fuel costs still opportunities to improve efficiency through the 2005 Energy Act,where the
• Rapidly increasing fossil fuel costs and lower wind power costs.Wind
• Emphasis on diversification of current level of PTC ($19/MWh) was
• Emphasis on diversification of turbine manufacturers have recently affirmed and extended through 20076.
U.S.power sources
U.S.power sources piloted new turbine technologies, but
4 & 5 www.awea.org
there is still a great deal of uncertainty
6 Please see L.E.K.’s Client Advisory:Energy Act of 2005 –
regarding the efficiency improvements
Implications for Private Equity, for a more in-depth review
associated with these introductions. of the 2005 Energy Act.

L.E.K. Consulting llc

It is important to note that there are It is our strong belief that the The Challenges for Wind
few examples of this type of subsidiza- fundamental economics must work Power
tion persisting in situations where a if wind power generation growth is While there are many benefits of wind
technology is expected to continue to going to be sustained.We have summa- power that support the likelihood of
be uneconomic (without federal sup- rized our current perspective on this positive future prospects for this energy
port) for the long-term.Consequently, issue in the last section of this article. source,there are several obstacles that
there is considerable uncertainty sur- must be overcome if it is to become
rounding the future application of both Emphasis on Diversification a significant portion of the overall U.S.
production tax credits and renewable of U.S. Power Sources power generation base.
energy credits beyond the short-term.
Driven by the recent volatility in gas We believe that there are five key
Furthermore,while the PTC prices as well as by increasing concerns challenges to wind power development
was extended,the legislation did not regarding political stability in major and adoption:
include a proposed U.S.Senate provi- oil and gas producing nations,certain
sion that 10% of the nation’s electricity industry analysts feel that the U.S. • Transmission barriers and costs
be generated from renewable sources would benefit from reducing its depen- • Reliability issues
by 2020.Many states have established a dence on oil and natural gas for power
• Uncertainty of Production
Renewables Portfolio Standard (RPS) production.While this view has gained
Tax Credit (PTC)
in recent years, though individual consensus in recent years,it is consid-
states’ability to enforce the standard is ered to be a minor factor in any shift to • Aesthetics
unclear,and most energy industry par- renewable energy investment.Though • Project economics and
ticipants view the RPS as a guideline. gas-fired power plants represented capital investment
the majority of capacity additions in
Rapidly Increasing Fossil the last eight years, this fuel source
Fuel Costs accounts for less than 20% of annual
power generation8 (Figure 5).
Wholesale power prices have risen
dramatically in the last several years–
over 100% in the past year alone–driven Figure 4
in large measure by the price of natural Henry Hub Gas Price vs. ERCOT Power Price
(Jan. ’03–Dec. ’05)
gas7 (see Figure 4).Since natural gas-
16 120
fired power plants are the price-setters
in most U.S.regions,the economics 100

underlying power generated by other 12

fuel sources have improved substantially 10
Henry Hub ERCOT
during this period.This is true for Gas Price
8 60
Power Price
($/MMBtu) ($/MWh)
wind power and has led to a marked
improvement in investors’perspectives 40

on future wind power investment.

0 0
Mar 03

May 03
Jan 03

Jul 03

Nov 03
Sep 03

Jan 05

Nov 05
May 05

Jul 05

Sep 05
Mar 05
Mar 04
Jan 04

Nov 04
Jul 04

Sep 04
May 04

Source: Bloomberg, JP Morgan

7 Bloomberg;Smith,A.et al,“The Power ‘Peaker’– Weekly
Data for U.S.Electric Utilities and IPPs,” JP Morgan.

8 www.awea.org; www.gao.gov

L.E.K. Consulting llc

Figure 5 they are visibly evident.Often the most
U.S. Power Generation by Source effective locations for wind towers are
2,000 on ridge or mountain tops and other
open areas where they might be
considered “eyesores”. Cape Wind
Associates recently sought to construct
wind towers off the shore of Cape Cod
(000s) until local opposition stalled the
project. Senators Lamar Alexander and
500 John Warner, from Tennessee and
Virginia,respectively,recently proposed
the “Environmentally Responsible


Other Ren.


Natural Gas

Windpower”bill,which would stop

tax credits for offshore and certain
Source: GAO,AWEA
land-based wind farms.Though the bill
was rejected in June by the Senate,more
Transmission Barriers and Costs assets often have to be “backed-up”by legislation is reportedly on the way.
other forms of generation in order to
Geographic limitation is a challenge for
meet regional requirements for avail- Project Economics and
the generation of wind power because
able generation capacity.Wind’s lack Capital Investment
many parts of the U.S.do not have a
of contribution to peak generation Of the five main challenges to wind
sufficient amount of wind to sustain
capacity inhibits investment when power development,economics is the
profitable levels of wind-generated
reserve capacity is a regional issue. most critical,because wind generation
power.Where wind is plentiful,(often
in remote locations) it may not be involves a large initial capital outlay
sufficiently close to high demand areas Uncertainty of the Production with a significant level of risk and
Tax Credit (PTC) uncertainty over a long project life. As a
or to nearby transmission lines.When
a wind tower is in a remote location, Recent federal PTCs have been a result,investors expect correspondingly
there are often significant costs associated major contributor to the current level significant returns.This is one of the
with connecting it to a regional grid and of commercial investment in wind primary reasons why wind power has
transmitting the energy produced.The power and are often a critical factor historically been a small part of the
costs associated with grid connectivity in bottom-line viability of a project. overall energy production landscape.
can quickly make a wind power project However,the continued availability of For this reason,any review of the
economically unfeasible.While there these tax credits is uncertain.While potential for wind power investment
are indications that the U.S.transmission there have been examples where federal should include an economic analysis
grid infrastructure is in line for a much funding has continued on a long-term of a possible wind project based on
needed upgrade,transmission challenges basis despite a lack of profitable returns, current investment conditions and
could limit the role of wind power for it is rare. As a result,there is a great deal expectations for drivers of project
a considerable time to come. of uncertainty about the role PTCs will revenues and costs.To better under-
play in future wind power investments. stand the economics of a wind power
project,L.E.K.has developed a feasibility
analysis (below) with a “typical”wind
The intermittent nature of wind project scenario.
generation limits its ability to con- Recently,wind power has been
tribute power reliably during peak challenged by significant resistance to
demand periods.Consequently,wind the placement of wind assets where
L.E.K. Consulting llc

Analyzing a “Typical” Wind Cost of the Installed Base project and by developer,and must
Power Project be considered when evaluating any
The initial capital investment in
As noted above,the primary determi- establishing a wind power resource is generation project.
nant of investment in wind power gen- the most significant project cost, as
eration in the U.S.is and will continue subsequent variable costs associated Operating and Maintenance
Costs (O&M)
to be the fundamental expectations with power production are relatively
for economic returns based on forecasts low.Most of this initial cost is associated A certain level of fixed and variable
for natural gas and electricity prices with the wind turbines (which have maintenance expenditures will be
in the future.In order to appropriately risen in price by 20–25% over the last required to run the wind plant as well
assess expected power prices that will 24 months),as well as some additional as keep it in condition to ensure power
impact the economics of a wind farm setup costs associated with the buildout production over its useful life.
project,this analysis should be devel- of the physical plant. While there are other variables
oped on a region-specific basis.Based in addition to those highlighted above,
on several factors,especially the regional Grid Connectivity fluctuations in these other factors
mix of generation fuel types as well typically do not significantly impact the
As noted in the previous section,
as the regional demand profile,average expected economic returns associated
transmission constraints or limited grid
annual power prices can differ by several with a wind power project.In order to
availability can be a significant hurdle
$/MWh across different regions,greatly gain a greater sense for the feasibility of
for a wind project.Depending on
impacting project returns.That being wind power investment under various
location,additional transmission costs
said,we have used expectations for the scenarios,we estimated the levelized
associated with a wind project can
Electric Reliability Council of Texas costs 9 associated with wind generation,
(ERCOT) power prices (a region char- range from $2 to $25/MWh.
given best estimates of the key variables
acterized by relatively high wholesale impacting project economics.The
power prices) in our analysis of the Production Tax Credit (PTC) assumptions used are:
economics for a “typical”wind project. As noted above, the federal govern- • 100 MW wind farm with a 30-year
The basic project economics are ment offers significant financial project life
driven by several factors,each involving incentives in the form of PTCs and
• 30% capacity factor
some level of uncertainty in advance of Renewable Energy Credits (RECs) to
project initiation.The primary factors are: wind power generators.The legislation • $1,300/kW installed base (reflects
governing the level of incentives is recent turbine price increases)
reviewed on a three-year basis,and the • $25/MW O&M costs (Note:
Quality of the Wind Source
PTC is currently at a level equivalent $/MW costs are at rated capacity;
Based on the location of the wind to $19/MWh of power production. corresponds to 0.82¢/kWh
project and the nearby geographical While this is a significant positive benefit at 30% capacity factor)
conditions, more or less wind power for wind generation,the three-year
can be produced.This is obviously • 50% leverage with debt at 7.5% for 15 yrs
review period causes much uncertainty
one of the most critical factors, as the regarding the level of incentives over • 1.9¢/kWh production tax credit
majority of wind project costs are the life of the potential project. • No additional renewable energy
incurred upon initial investment in the
credits or ancillary services expenses
project,with economic returns then
Financing Costs
being generated as power is produced
during the useful life of the project. The majority of power projects,wind 9 Levelized cost is a summary measure of the average

energy included, are characterized by cost of electricity per kilowatt-hour,expressed in current

dollars.It is defined as the net present value of all direct
a fairly high degree of debt financing. costs (for capital,fuel,and O&M) over the expected lifetime
of the system,divided by the system’s total lifetime output
The terms of this funding vary by of electricity.
L.E.K. Consulting llc

Building on this analysis, we MMBtu, and many industry analysts and barriers that will likely persist.
estimated the level of economic value expect prices to settle at a long-term We believe that any wind investment
(positive or negative) associated with equilibrium of $5–7/MMBtu in the will likely not generate a reasonable
wind investment. next 8 to 10 years. economic return without the benefit
Table 1 of a long-term,sustained production
Key Findings Year Average Annual tax credit.
Natural Gas Futures
Based on these assumptions,the Additionally,transmission costs
2006 $9.25/MMBtu
levelized cost of power would be ~$64 related to grid connectivity or line loss
2007 $9.64/MMBtu are likely to make many wind projects
/MWh without the production tax
credit.Including the production tax 2008 $9.23/MMBtu uneconomic,even with a long-term
credit,the levelized cost drops to ~$51 production tax credit in place.For this
2009 $8.77/MMBtu
/MWh.Note that this is an analysis “to reason,wind power investment must be
2010 $8.39/MMBtu
the busbar”: the O&M cost assumptions evaluated on a project-by-project basis,
2011 $8.01/MMBtu as project-specific factors (especially
do not include transmission costs that
wind energy may incur in the absence 2012 + $5.00–7.00/MMBtu grid connectivity issues and geographical
of grid connectivity.As noted above, conditions driving capacity factors)
Using the analysis from above
costs associated with grid connectivity will determine the outcome of the
and incorporating electricity pricing
for wind power under beneficial assessment.While there will continue
forecasts for the ERCOT region, as
conditions can be around $2/MWh, to be some incremental growth in
calculated using the L.E.K.regional
but can be more than $20/MWh under wind power,we do not believe that it
electricity supply/demand model,we
unfavorable conditions. will become a significant factor in U.S.
have estimated net present values for
power generation in the foreseeable
Given the assumptions used this “typical”wind project in ERCOT.
future.Though further clarity regarding
in this analysis, natural gas prices of Under favorable grid connectivity
the level of ongoing government subsi-
$8–9/MMBtu are necessary for new conditions, incorporating current
dization may improve this view,much
wind generation projects (with no expectations for natural gas prices,and
uncertainty (and project risk) remains.
additional transmission costs) to assuming sustained current production
provide reasonable economic returns tax credit levels for the life of the project, 10 Henry Hub is the pricing point for natural gas futures

without the PTC.With the tax credit wind investment is likely a positive contracts traded in the NewYork Mercantile Exchange.
It is a point on the natural gas pipeline system in southern
in place at 2006–2007 levels,necessary net present value project that generates Louisiana and is owned by Sabine Pipe Line LLC.

natural gas pricing drops to $6–7 economic profit over the life of the
/MMBtu. At current wholesale power investment.However,additional trans-
prices,grid-connected wind power is mission costs above the $4–6/MWh
likely economic with and without the range or any decline in gas price Executive Insights addresses current strategy
expectations would change this view. approaches that establish competitive
production tax credit.
advantage and deliver value-creating
Additionally,future removal or lower-
However,it is critical that investors growth in specific industries.Topics for this
ing of the PTC at any time in the next
analyze wind economics over the full L.E.K.publication are driven by our clients,
20 years would certainly make this colleagues and readership. If there is a
life of the project. Given expectations for
“typical”wind investment uneconomic. subject you would like to see discussed,
natural gas prices (as reflected in Henry
please contact Greg Austin at 800.929.4535
Hub futures trading10 ) this favorable
ext.9579 or by e-mail at g.austin@lek.com.
environment for wind generation Conclusion
If you would like to receive additional
will likely persist through 2006–07 Environmental and economic factors copies of Executive Insights,please do not
and into 2008, as shown in Table 1. have improved the fundamentals hesitate to contact us.
However,expectations indicate natural underlying wind project investment.
gas prices in 2009–11 to be ~$8/ However,there are still significant risks L.E.K. Consulting llc

L.E.K. Consulting llc
For further information contact a senior member
of our Energy & Utilities Practice:

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