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[Describe a quick overview of your experience in general.

It is expected
between 3 to 10 rows. The is an overview it is not a career objective.
Focus on technical skills needed for the position that you will apply.
The [ ] must be removed. Do not change the typography used.]

Technical Skills
These yellow lines are only instructions remove them. At skills table you should write something like JEE, SAP MM,
SQL Server, C#, SCRUM, Methodology ASAP, etc. Years of experience are the number of year that you have been
used that skill. Level could be Exper, Advanced, Intermediate, Proficient. If you need more rows add them, as long
a you do not put more than the onces fit on this page.
Skill Years of Experience Level
[Skill] [number of years] [Level]

Remove these yellow lines.
You must used a table for each Company you have work. Detail Projects in the company that you have work.
Company [Company NAME]
Period [month YYYY a month YYYY] Job Title: [job title]

Project: [Detail the project]

Role: [Role in project]
Activities: [Detail]
Tootls: [Tools used in Project, make reference to the tools of the technical skills]

Company [Company NAME]

Period [month YYYY a month YYYY] Job Title: [job title]

Project: [Detail the project]

Role: [Role in project]
Activities: [Detail]
Tootls: [Tools used in Project, make reference to the tools of the technical skills]


Degree: [Full degree name]

Institution: [School or institution]
Period: [Month YYYY a Month YYYY]

Courses and Certificates

Remote yellow lines. If the course has no certificate, write N/A. Do not leave blank spaces.
Course Institution Year Certificate
[Title] [Where was taken] [YYYY] [Number]

Remote yellow lines. Level should be Native / Advanced / Intermediate / Technical
English Level
Reading [level]
Writing [level]
Spoken [level]

Spanish Level
Reading [level]
Writing [level]
Spoken [level]

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