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212 Fifth Avenue New York 10, N.Y,
Copyright 1933
Copyright under International Copyright Union.
All rights reserved under International American Union (1910)

Printed in U. S. A.

H. Bennett

Board of Editors
H. M. Abbott Century Stearic Acid Co.
Carl F. Ackerbauer Mimgan & Higgins Glue Co.

Wm. Alkus Chas. W. Berg Laboratories

W. J. Baeza Industrial Research Corp.

Robert Berkowitz Metal Hose & Tubing Co.

S. Blumentbal Shirley Laboratories

F. L. Bronson Consulting Chemist

M. R. Buffington Lea Fabrics, Inc.

Everett F. Carman Consulting Chemist

Prof. Horace M. Carter Columbia University

Br. S. H. Con’e Consulting Chemist

L. G. Copes Gold Dust Corp.

S. Cummings Pylam Products Co.
V. Danziger Breinig Bros., Inc.

M. Doniger Empire State Varnish Co.

Prof. H. C. Enders Cooper Union Institute
A. L. Fisbbacb Miners, Inc.

Dr. Harrison Hale University of Arkansas

R. Hart Hart Products Corp.

M. P. Hofman U. S. Colloid Mill Corp.

B. W. Hubbard Ideal Roller & Mfg. Co.

H. J. Hughes C. C. Wakefield Co., Ltd.

Paul R. Jones Balfour, Guthrie & Co., Ltd.

Dr. B. Jurist Research Laboratories, Inc.

H. Keller Evangeline Products Co.

W. A. Kingman Lowe Paper Co.

Frederick Krassner U. S. Haval Supply Base

W. S. Lawrence Kaumagraph Co.


C. A. Marlies College of City of New York

J, C. Marquardt N. Y. Agric. Exp. Station
Garson Meyer Eastman Kodak Co.
Prof. J. A. Neilson Michigan State College
C. A. Nowak Nowak Chem. Laboratories

H. Ochs John P. Carlson, Inc.

Prof. Charles B. Ordway Alabama Polytechnic Institute

Prof. D. F. Othmer Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn

Prof. H. C. Peflcer Purdue University

Leonard A. Perrin Prudential Lacquer & Chem. Co.

F. L. Pinner “El Farmaeeutico”

Douglas R. Pinnock Wood & Selick, Inc.

Dr. L. W. H. Randall Consulting Chemist

Prof. G. Ross Robertson University of California

Edward Rosendahl Glyco Products Co., Inc.

Dr. Eric gchuelke Colloid Chemical Laboratories

Prof. Wm. H. Schuyler Bucknell University

Dr. Le Roy D. So ft Consulting Chemist

J. W. Spiselman Weiss & Downes, Inc.

A. G. Stillwell Stillwell Laboratories

Prof. 0. R. Sweeney Iowa State College

Prof. H. Taub Columbia University

Dr. Y. Tuma Consulting Chemist

L. J. Venuto Binney & Smith, Ine.

M. Weiner* Gelatine Products Co.

J. Whitehill Smith, Kline & French

Herbert J. Wplfe Superior Printing Ink Ca
Chemistry as taught in our schools and colleges is confined principally to synthe-

sis, analysis and engineering —and properly so. It is part of the proper foundation

for the education of the chemist.

Many a chemist on entering an industry soon finds that the bulk of the products

manufactured by his concern are not synthetic or definite chemical compounds but are
mixtures, blends or highly complex compounds of which he knows little or nothing.

The literature, in this field, if any, may be meagre, scattered or antiquated.

Even chemists, with years of experience in one or more industries, spend con-

siderable time and effort in acquainting themselves on entering a new field. Con-

sulting chemists, similarly, have problems brought to them from industries foreign

to them. A definite need has existed for an up-to-date compilation of formulae for

chemical compounding and treatment. Since the fields to be covered are many and
varied an editorial board was formed, composed of chemists and engineers in many

Many publications, laboratories, manufacturing companies and individuals have

been drawn upon to obtain the latest and best information. It is felt that the

formulae given in this volume will save chemists and allied workers much time and


Manufacturers and sellers of chemicals will find in these formulae new uses for

their products. Non-chemical executives, professional men and others, who may be
interested, will gain from this volume a speaking acquaintance” with products

which they may be using, trying, or with which they are in contact.

It often happens that two individuals using the same ingredients in the same

formula get different results. This may be the result of slight deviations or unfa-

miliarity with the intricacies of a new technique. Accordingly, repeated experiments

may be necessary to get the best results. Although many of the formulae given are

being nsed commercially many have been taken from patent specifications and the

literature. Since these sources are often subject to various errors and omissions,
due regard must be given to this factor. Wherever possible it is advisable to con-

sult with other chemists or technical workers regarding commercial production. This
f 1 1 9
will save time and money and avoid head-aches .

It is seldom that any formula will give exactly the results which one requires.

Formulae arte useful as starting points from which to work out one’s own ideas.

Formulae very often give us ideas which may help us in our specific problems. In

a compilation of this kind errors of omission, commission and printing may occur.

We shall be glad of any constructive criticism in this, our first attempt.

To the layman, it is suggested that he arrange for the services of a chemist or

technical worker familiar with the specific field in which he is interested. Although

this involves an expense it will insure quicker and better formulation without wastage

of time and materials.

H. Bennett
Addenda, Alcoholic Liquors _ 541
Adhesives 1
Agricultural Specialties 16
Alloys 19
Animal Preparations 24
Beverages and Flavors 25
Food Products 47
Cleaners, Soaps 75
Bleaching, Coloring, Dyeing 87
Cosmetics 101
Decolorizing, Deodorizing, Disinfecting . . . . . . . 148
Emulsions . . . . . . . . . . ; 151
Etching, Engraving, Lithographing . . . ... . 164
Explosives, Pyrotechnics, Matches . 169
Fire Proofing, Fire Extinguishing . . . 173
Fluxes and Solders; Welding 176
Fuels 179
Glass, Ceramics, Enamels 182
Ink, Carbon Paper, Duplicators., Crayons, Etc 192
Insect, Rodent and Weed Destroyers . . . 214
Insulation, Electrical Specialties 224
Lacquers, Paints, Varnishes, S tains (Jg2|T)

Leather, Hides, Skins, Furs 307

Cement, Concrete, Stone and Materials of Construction . . , 328
Metals and Treatment . 341
Miscellaneous 345
Oils, Fats, Greases, Lubricants, Cutting Oils 356
Paper and Pulp 367
^Pharmaceutical and Proprietary Preparations 375
Photography . . . . . 391

Plastics, Celluloid, Cellulose Esters, Compositions 394

Plating . .399
Polish, Abrasives, Metal Cleaners . 417
Repairing, Renovating, Removing Stains 433
Resins, Gums, Waxes ..... 442
Rubber 448
Rust Preventing, Pickling 458
Silk, Rayon, Cotton, Fibre .... 459
Sizing and Stiffening, Softeners . 474
Waterproofing 478
Tables 484
References Consulted .... 491
Index 493
Supply Section

Chemical Advisors
Special Raw Materials
Containers, Etc.
Please read Preface before attempting to make up any formula.

* Bakelite, Adhesive A
glue base which when mixed with
Shellac 16 w ater and
alkalies produces a smooth
Pontianak Gum 8 glue (having a much longer "life' ; than
Titanium Dioxide 2 a similar material made without casein
Asbestine 22 and seed meal) is formed of dried blood
Alcohol 22 albumin 90, dried milk casein 15-30, a
seed meal high in protein material such
Box Toe Adhesive as peanut, cotton-seed or soy-bean meal
30-45 and finely comminuted cellulose
1. Bosin 1300 gm.
about 100 parts.
2. Shellac 200 gm.
3. Alcohol 1520 c.c.
4. Whiting 4000 gm.
* Adhesive, Moisture-Proof Cellophane
Dissolve one and two in three and then
work in four until uniform. Ethylene Glycolmonoethylether
* Adhesive, Casein Lactic Acid 80-20%
Casein 50 The above is mixed with an equal vob
Magnesium Oxide 3 ume of water.
Soda Ash 1
Water 500
Yeast 1
Adhesive for Celluloid to Celluloid
Sod. Borate 2
Gum Camphor 1 part
* Adhesive, Casein
Alcohol 4 parts
75 Dissolve the camphor in the alcohol
and then add 1 part Shellac. Warm to
Slaked Lime 15
5 dissolve. This cement is applied warm,
Sodium Fluoride 7 and the parts united must not be dis-
turbed until the cement is hard.
Mix the above with water for use.

* Adhesive, Waterproof Casein * Celluloid

and Bubber, Adhesive for
Soda Ash 15
Ethyl Crotonate is a solvent for both
Sod. Acetate 6
pyroxylin and rubber. Both surfaces are
Sod. Fluoride
cleaned and each is wet with Ethyl Cro-
Slaked Lime 45
140 tonate and pressed together.
Basic Copper Carbonate 3

* Casein, Liquid Adhesive Cellulose Ester Adhesives

Casein 100 1.
Urea 90
Water 100 15 parts nitrocotton.
6 parts camphor.
Mix together and allow to stand until 79 parts acetone.
dispersed and free from lumps ; this may 10 parts filler.
be hastened by heating to 140-160° F.
with stirring. Addition of more water 2.
causes thickening or precipitation. This 20 parts scrap film.
adhesive is fairly water-proof and not 60 parts ethyl acetate.
alkaline like most commercial casein ad- 20 parts ethyl alcohol.
hesives. 10 parts aluminium powder,
All formulae preceded by an asterisk ( ) are covered by patents.
3. and elastic, and is not attacked by cold
16 parts nitrocotton. or warm water.
12 Resins may also be added to the
10 parts ethyl acetanilide.
parts acetone. straightforward celluloid solution, in
which case a solvent must be selected
152 parts starch.
which dissolves both celluloid and resin.
Acetone is probably the most suitable in
parts cellulose acetate. this connection. Cellulose acetate may
8 parts tricresyl phosphate. be used in place of celluloid, and suit-
20 parts methyl alcohol. able resins are copal and rosin, the fol-
30 parts ethyl acetate. lowing mixture, for example, giving ex-
30 parts methyl acetate. cellent results:
25 parts filler.
Celluloid 20 g.
5. Acetone 60 g.
12 parts nitrocotton. Copal 5 g-
4 parts ethyl acetanilide. Rosin 5 g.
parts castor oil. White lead 1 g-
20 parts ethyl acetate. Acetone 20 g.
20 parts methyl acetate. In addition there may
be added a
17 parts methyl alcohol. small proportion of nitro -benzole, which
25 parts starch. improves the odour.
6. An adhesive layer of exceptional prop-
erties is obtained by using de-camphored
14 parts scrap film.
celluloid and castor oil, which are thor-
2 parts ethyl acetanilide. oughly incorporated in ethyl acetate or
2 parts castor oil. acetone. This adhesive is stable for an
3 parts tricresyl phosphate. unlimited period and may be made up
13 parts ethyl acetate. on the following lines:
13 parts methyl acetate.
Castor oil 85 g.
6 parts methyl alcohol.
Nitrocellulose 15 kg.
21 parts acetone.
6 parts benzine.
20 parts starch. Solvents as required.
7. Pigments, fillers and odoriferous sub-
10 parts nitrocotton. stances may also be incorporated.
4 parts camphor.
2 parts tricresyl phosphate. * Cigarette Tip Adhesive
50 parts acetone. Nitrocellulose rosin 13, tricresyl-
20 parts butyl acetate. phosphate triacetin 1.6, ethylene
14 parts filler. glycol 2.5, glycol monoformate 5 and
lithopone 45 kg.
Cellulose Ester, Adhesives for
Solution I. 12.8 kg. alcohol-damp * Decaleomania Adhesive
nitrocotton in 12.0 kg. Glue 13.5
methyl acetate. Water 28
Solution II. 25.0 kg. first crepe latex Butanol 7.3
dissolved in 72 kg. ben- Toluol 9,7
zole, Alcohol 26,8
or Turkey Red Oil 14,7

Solution I. 7.5 kg. celluloid in 7.5

kg. acetone, 7.5 kg. * Glass to Cement Adhesive
methyl acetate and 15
kg. ethyl acetate. Glass is coated on one side with a mixt,
of Na silicate and a metal oxide, e.g.,
Solution II. 17.5 kg. first crepe latex
ZnO, which readily forms a silicate. The
in 72 kg. benzole.
glass then heated gradually to 100°,
Solutions I and II are mixed and preferably by heating it to 40°, main-
thinned to a suitable viscosity. taining that temp, for a few hrs., raising
An even simpler method consists in the temp, to 100°, and maintaining that
dissolving celluloid in acetone or a simi- temp, for 1-2 hrs. The solid coating
lar solvent, the layer remaining after thus obtained does not corrode the glass
evaporation being highly adhesive, soft and adheres well to cement or gypsum.

Glass to Brass Adhesive * Synthetic Resin Adhesive

Caustic Soda 1 For the prepn. of a transparent weath-
Bosin .
3 erproof resin to be used in the manuf.
Plaster of Paris 3 of reflectors for uniting glass particles
Water 5 to a support, a mixt. of PhOH 40, CH 2 G
Boil together until all lumps disappear soln. 100, and NaOH 1.2 parts is warmed
and cool before using. This sets in about to about 62° for about 2.5 hrs., treated
20 min. with 3.3 parts of lactic acid, and warmed
again to about 60° until the mixt.
Quicksetting Insulating Adhesive
becomes sirupy.
Modified Alkyd Resin 11-20
Pyroxylin Solution (35%) 64^-73 * Adhesive for Silk or Rubber
Tricresyl Phosfate 4-8
Lacquer Thinner 11-21 Latex 5-15
This is useful on coils and radio parts. Rubber 20-52
Rosin 1.5-5
Copal 3-10
* Latex Adhesives 6-25
Latex 100 Color 3-18
Invert Sugar 2 Gum Arabic 6-25
Sod. Thiosulfate 3
Pot. Bichromate 2
^‘Masking” Adhesive Tape
Latex 100
For making a paper base or backing,
Albumen 2
the paper is first submitted to a prelimi-
Carraghean Moss 5
3 nary treatment by a saturating solution
3 involving a glue base. The saturating
Sod. Bichromate
solution is composed of the following ma-
terials and proportions.
Adhesive, Leather Shoe
Good leather adhesives for use by the 36 pounds of dry glue
shoe industry are based on nitrocellulose, 72 pounds of water
rubber or casein. A
nitrocellulose compn.
contains nitrocellulose 200, AeOAm 15, 108 pounds (approx. 16° Twaddell)
AmOH glue solution. Complete swell-
15, rosin 10, camphor 5, Venice
turpentine 15 and linseed oil 20 parts. ing is permitted, assisted by
Soft leather is made to adhere especially warming.
well by the following compn.: gutta
To then added 108 pounds
this is
percha 85, rosin 25, asphalt 26, petroleum
of yellow glycerine.
130 andf CS 2 300-350 parts.
108 pounds (approx. 16° Twaddell)
glue solution
* Adhesive, Mask 108 pounds pale yellow glycerine
Beeswax 52
Lanolin 24 216 pounds glue-glycerine water
Venice Turpentine 15
Castor Oil 9
To this is added 216 pounds of
* Mica Adhesive water.
Gilsonite 2
1 216 pounds water
Benzol 3 2 pounds Formaldehyde

Allow to swell and mix properly. This 434 pounds

may be thinned down with benzol or
The paper above described is prefer-
ably continuously submerged and passed
* Adhesive, Heat Plastic through a bath of the saturating solution
The following is used for special as above prepared and then passed
adhesive binding tapes, through pressure rolls to squeeze off the
Balata 10 lb. excess and then dried by heating. It will
Rosin 5 lb. be observed that just complete satura-
Mineral Oil S oz. tion is preferred as this step is closely
related to the success or failure of the * Adhesive Tape
treatment. Plasticized Crepe Rubber 10
The rubber resin compounds in their Cumarone Resin 2
solvents may be spread upon the paper Zinc Oxide %
backing directly, utilizing a knife
Compound to a plastic mass on a rubber
spreader to uniformly and equally dis- mill and then “cut” to desired body
tribute this material upon the base or
with benzol or naphtha. Before applying
backing. The solvent may thereafter be
to cloth or paper the latter should have
removed by evaporation, preferably with- the reverse treated with a flexible glue
out recovering the solvent and leaving the (formalized) to prevent soaking thru and
rubber mixture upon the paper backing. sticking. Then apply above mixture with
a knife spreader evenly and allow to dry.

Rubber Resin
Tape, Coating for Adhesive
2 lb. of plantation rubber.
Heat 10 parts Castor Oil to 270° C.
5 lb. of Mexican or wild rubber, and to it add slowly with stirring 6 parts
high in natural resin content.
shellac and 1 part rosin. The addition of
1 lb. of zinc oxide pigment. glycerol or glycols produces more sticky
The ingredients above enumerated are products.
compounded on a rubber mixing roll and
then cut to the desired consistency in a
rubber solvent, based upon the necessary Tape, Masking
viscosity for spreading this material. As above except that 9 parts of shellac
Ordinarily, the solvent is calculated by is used.
the number of pounds of solid compound
in one gallon of solvent such as, for in- Adhesive, Tin
stance, 8 pounds of solid or compounded
1. Pot. Hydroxide 5
material and 1 gallon of benzol, which is
commonly referred to as an 8 pound cut. 2. Water 56
3. Rosin 50
The variations in proportions of solvent
4. Rezinel ]Sfo. 2 5
added will depend upon the desired thick-
ness of adhesive coating required in the Heat one and two to boiling and while
residuum. stirring vigorously run in three and four
It will be understood that the examples which have been melted together: stir
above given are for purposes of getting until uniform and add
the requisite adhesiveness in temperate Water 50
climates. An increase in resinous ma-
terial or wild rubber may be made for * Adhesive, Vegetable
material to be used in colder climates and
(a) Soya bean flour 30
in warmer climates the resin component
may be reduced. Alum 1
The resinous component may also be Water 70
varied in its reactions to solvents by
Caustic Soda 18% 13
choice of the resinous material. Thus, / Slaked Lime 4
for purposes of removal of the adhesive \ Water 20
from some body to which it may be (b) Cottonseed flour 30
applied, it may be made soluble to vari- Alum 1
ous organic solvents, either benzol, gaso- Water 70
line, acetone or alcohol. Thus, where it Caustic Soda 18% 13
is desirable to make a surgeon’s tape, f Slaked Lime 4
which is soluble in alcohol, an alcohol \ Water 20
soluble resin is added in the examples (c) Low grade wheat flour 30
above cited. Such resin may be Bur- Portland Cement 10
gundy pitch. This will permit alcohol to Water 30
be used in removing a piece of adhesive Caustic Soda 18% 30
tape from any surface, such as from the Warm to 80° C. and add
skin of a patient, by merely soaking the
Sod. Silicate 15
backing of the tape in alcohol. The
rubber, in any event, merely acts as a
vehicle for the resin and the character of Adhesive Wax
the adhesive in its reaction to solvents Rosin 100
‘will be dependent upon the character of Paraffin Wax 10
the resin incorporated with the rubber. Thin Mineral Oil 88

Sticky Wax Casein, “ Dissolving^

Rosin 100 3 to 4 parts of cold water by weight
Talc 16 to each pound of dry Casein.
Lanolin 60 1 ounce 26° Ammonia to each pound
Paraffin 8 of dry Casein.
.Sapon. Wax 2 If a heavy solution is required, use
Melt together and while stirring 3 to 1 proportion; if a thinner
rapidly add slowly a boiling caustic soda solution is desirable, use 4 to 1.
solution (10° Be.) stir until uniform. Pour water into a jacketed kettle, or a
kettle heated by live steam, and add the
Adhesive for Wigs Casein. .Stir well to break down any

Damar 20 lumps that may form and then add

Rosin 20 Ammonia. Stir the mixture after adding
Beeswax 40 the Ammonia and immediately turn on
Venice Turpentine 20 the heat. Heat, while stirring, to about
160° P. Turn off the heat when this
Heat to 90° C. and stir until uniform
temperature is reached and continue to
cast in sticks.
stir, preferably with a mechanical agi-
tator, until the Casein is completely dis-
* Adhesive, Wood solved, which will take about half an
Casein 23 hour.
Hydrated Lime 4 If the temperature exceeds 160° during
Pot. Chlorate 1.5 the heating, it is not serious, although it
is advisable not to apply excessive heat,
Sod. Pluoride 1.5
Soda Ash 1.9 particularly when Ammonia is used, as
Borax 4 there is a tendency to somewhat weaken
Alum 1 the Casein and to darken it in color.
Titanic Anhydride 1 When the Casein is completely dissolved
it may be diluted, if necessary, by the
This will not combine with tannins and addition of warm water and used, as dis-
oilspresent in wood. solved, either hot or cold, in the same
manner as ordinary glue.
* Adhesive, Wood Veneer 10 pounds Casein
Pot. Dichromate 0.25-2.0% 1% lb. Powdered Borax
1-1.5% 40 to 60 pounds cold water
Slaked Lime
Tapioca or Cassava flour balance Stir cold for about 15 minutes or until
the Casein commences to swell.
Mix with water for use.
Then heat in a jacketed kettle for 40
to 60 minutes at a temperature not
Waterproof Adhesive for Wood higher than 160° P. stirring constantly.
Light gasoline 0.5 gal.
Acetone 0.5 gal. Ammonia 26° can be used in place of
Soft cumarone 10.0 lb. Borax.
Pine oil 0.5 lb. .
To make a thin solution we suggest
Tricresyl phosphate 0.25 lb. using equal parts of Ammonia 26° and
Trisodium Phosphate or Borax and Tri-
Adhesive for Pixing Wood, Tin, etc. to sodium Phosphate.
Celluloid If a preservative is desired you can use
Shellac 2 gm. about 2% of Benzoate of Soda or *4 of
Spirits of Camphor 3 gm. 1% Carbolic Acid.
Alcohol 4 cc.

Warm together until dissolved.

Note do not dissolve Casein in a.
copper kettle as this tends to discolor the
Casein particularly if the solvent is
* Adhesive, Water-Resistant Ammonia.
Peanut Meal 100 lb.
Hydrated Lime 16 lb. Cork and Wood Plour, Binders for
Soda Ash 10 lb. A. Rosin 100
Sod. Silicate 30 lb. Dibutyl Phthallate 35
Copper Sulfate 2 lb. Sod. Silicate 4
Water 400 lb. Nitrocellulose 4
The above is used in glueing wood. Castor Oil 2
B. Ester Gum 50 Bituminous Cement
Cumarone Resin 50 A mixt. of asphalt 660, asbestos fiber
Linseed Oil bodied 10 60, pulverized soapstone 100, infusorial
Bibutyl tartrate 35 earth SO and sand 300 lb. is used with a
C. Urea formaldehyde resin 50 softening agent formed from a mixt. of
Cumarone Resin 25 (a )
asphalt 48.8 lb., “turpentine substi-
Rosin 25 tute” 2.9 gal. and coal oil 10.7 gal. and
Tricresyl phosphate 20 (&) paraffin wax 73.1, A1 stearate 3.6 lb.
Bibutyl phthallate 20 and coal oil 9.7 gal. The product is suit-
able for sealing pipes and conduits.

* Binder, Oilproof and Waterproof

Lead Oxide 59.6 * Cement, Dental
Iron Powder 2.0
Zinc Oxyphosfate 3
Portland Cement 13.2
Slaked Lime 5.8 Tin C. P. 1
Glycerol 8.2
Water 6.2 * Glass Cement
This sets quickly and is resistant to
Chlorinated Naphthalene 10 lb.
shock. Ester Gum 10 lb.
Rubber Latex 1 lb.
Acid Proof
* Cement,
Melt together and apply hot. This
Si0 2 powder ground from grains of good may also be used for uniting metals,
strength and of sufficient purity not to wood, etc.
be attacked by acids is mixed with a
hardening agent, e.g., NaBF 4 or Na 2 SiF 6 ,

and a solution of Na silicate in which the Cement, Safety Glass

Si0 2 /Na2 0 ratio is < 3-5 1. Graphite
Pyroxylin 12
may be added as a lubricant. Camphor 2
Ethyl Methyl Ketone 30
Alcohol 15
Aquarium Cement Gum Benzoin 2
To 10 of glazier’s putty add 1 lb.
lbs. Triacetin 5
dry litharge, 1 lb. dry red lead, and 1 gill Benzyl Alcohol 2.5
of asphaltum. Mix to a stiff consistency
with boiled linseed oil and add sufficient
lampblack to give a slate color. Waterproof Glass and Metal Cement
Another well-known formula consists This cement will also stand fairly high
of 10 parts by bulk of plaster of Paris, temperatures.
10 of fine sand, 10 of litharge, 1 part of Cement and litharge in equal parts are
powdered rosin, and sufficient boiled lin- thoroughly mixed. Then glycerine in an
seed oil to make a stiff putty. A third amount equal in volume to half the vol-
formula is as follows: Red lead 3 parts, ume of the mixed powder is added and
litharge 7, fine sand 10, powdered rosin the whole thoroughly mixed with a
1 part, and spar varnish sufficient to make spatula. This cement will set under
a stiff cement. water.
In each case add the linseed oil or var- To fill the hole
repair leaks in pipes,
nish little by little and mix the ingredi- with the cement and bind in place with

ents very thoroughly. If the putty cheese cloth. Then daub a quantity of
should become too soft, merely add more the cement on the cloth and wrap the
of the dry materials as the exact propor- whole tightly together with iron wire.
tions are not especially important. The powders may be mixed ready for
use, but the glycerine must only be
added as needed.
Adhesive Cement (For Fine Furniture)
Casein (fine ground) 12 lb.
Lime (powdered, unslaked) 13 lb. * Iron Cement
Mica (dry, ground) 15 lb. Ground birch charcoal 4
Barium sulphate (barytes) 60 lb. Am. Chloride 0.5
Mix all ingredients. Keep in dry con- Rye flour 1
tainer. To use, mix with water until Soda Ash I
pasty. Hardens in about 24 hours. Sod. Nitrate 0.25

Iron Cement (for castings) Bubber Cement (For Use on Leather

Iron filings 128 lb. Shoes)

Plaster of Paris 20 lb. Naphtha (62° B4.) 9.8 pt.

Whiting 8 lb. Carbon Tetrachloride 5.4 lb.
Gum Arabic 8 lb. Crepe Bubber 0.33 lb.
Carbon Black 1 lb. Makes 1 gal. cement on allowing to
Portland Cement 4 lb. swell.
Make into a paste with water directly
before using. Baincoat Bubber Cement
Hevea Bubber 50
Linoleum Cement Litharge 20
Clay 20 Whiting 26.5
Bed Oxide of Iron 20 Bosin 2
Dextrin 60 Sulfur 1.5

The powders are thoroughly mixed and Grind and mix thoroughly, Apply with
made into a paste of desired consistency heat and pressure.
with water.
* Cement, Bubber to Metal
* Cement, Linoleum and Tile Crepe Bubber 68 lb.

1. Sicapon 82 Benzol 6800 lb.

2. Paraffin ® Bromine 40—80 lb.

3. Glycerin 9 Allow to stand and shake slowly until

Heat 1 and 3 to 80° C. and add 2 uniform.
which has been melted to it slowly with
vigorous stirring until emulsified. Cement, Bubber Tire
Crude Bubber 2 lb.
* Cement, Linoleum Backing Bosin 2 lb.
A satd. felt base is coated with an Carbon Bisulfide 1 gal.
alkyd resin paint which may be made by
heating together at 150-180° ethylene
glycol 35, diethylene glycol 3. 5-7. 5, * Cement for Bepairing Shoes
glycerol 8-13, phthalic anhydride 105 and Portland Cement 10 lb.
drying oil acids 30 parts and dissolving Bubber 10 lb.

the product in ethylene glycol monoethyl Bosin 1-5 lb.

ether or similar low-boiling solvents. Shellac 2 lb.
Sole Leather Scrap 6 oz.

* Cement, Oxychloride Benzine 1

Bused Calcium Chloride Ill

Magnesium Sulfate 120 * Pipe Joint Compound
Calcined Magnesite 250
10 The following compound contains no
Casein poisonous materials and may be prepared
Water 204
in dry form which will keep indefinitely.
It forms perfectly leak proof joints when
* Cement, Pipe applied as a paste by mixing with water.
Graphite 55% Flour 66
Sicapon 45% Portland Cement 25
To the above paste may be worked in Talc 3
amounts of oils or water to obtain a Lamp Black 3
lubricating effect. This paste hardens Sea Sand 3
under heat to seal joints effectively.
* Filler, Expansion Joint
* Lute, Chlorine Besistant
Cottonseed Oil 16
Burnt Clay (finely ground) 65
Bosin ^
Caustic Soda 40° B4. 35
Diglycol Oleate 1
Melt the above and add
* Pipe Cement, Plastic
Sulfur 8
Asphalt 24-28
Silica Dust 4
Tung Oil 4-8
40-48 Continue heating and stirring until
Asbestos Fibres
Petroleum Naphtha 20—24 thick.
Floor Crack Finer ring is difficult or impossible. However,
32 the thickened mass will become fluid
Plaster of Paris lb.
200 lb.
again in a short time at ordinary tem-
33 peratures and will return to a good work-
Dextrine Yellow lb.
ing consistency in about an hour. It will
Make into a stiff dough, with water remain in this condition for 6 or 8 hours,
before use. but when the liquid finally sets and dries,
as in a glue joint, it forms a hard and
insoluble film.
This glue may be used in either hot or
Blood albumin (90 per cold presses. When cold pressed, how*
cent solubility) 100 parts ever, it has only moderate strength, and
Water 170 parts for that reason is not to be depended
Ammonium hydroxide (spe- upon in aircraft construction where maxi-
gravity 0.90)
cific 4 parts mum strength is required. If hot pressed,
Hydrated lime 3 parts it is high in strength and very water
Water 10 parts resistant.

Pour the larger amount of water over

the blood albumin and allow the mixture Flexible Bindery Glue
to stand undisturbed for an hour or two. Glue No. 1 123 lb.
Stir the soaked albumin until it is in solu- Glycerin 90 lb.
tion and then add the ammonia while the Water 123 lb.
mixture is being stirred slowly. Slow
stirring is necessary to prevent foamy
Betanaphthol % lb.

glue. Combine the smaller amount of

Terpineol % lb.

Water and the hydrated lime to form milk

Extra Flexible Bindery Glue
of lime. Add the milk of lime, and con-
tinue to agitate the mixture for a few Glue No. 2 75 lb.
minutes. Care should be exercised in the Glue No. 3 75 lb.
use of the lime, inasmuch as a small Glycerin 64 lb.
excess will cause the mixture to thicken Water 144 lb.
and become a jellylike mass. The glue Betanaphthol % lb.
should be of moderate consistency when Terpineol % lb.
mixed and should remain suitable for use
for several hours. The exact proportions Flexible Machine Bindery Glue
of albumin and water may be varied as Glue No. 3 150 lb.
required to produee a glue of greater or Glycerin 105 lb.
less consistency or to suit an albumin of
Water 135 lb.
different solubility from that specified. Betanaphthol % lb.
Terpineol % lb.

Blood albumin (90 Regular Bindery Glue

per cent solubility) 100 parts
Water 140-200 parts Glue No. 1 175 lb.

Ammonium hydrox- Glycerin 10 lb.

ide (specific grav- Water 175 lb.

ity, 0.90) 5% parts Betanaphthol % lb.

Paraformaldehyde 15 parts Terpineol % lb.

The blood albumin is covered with the Tablet Binding Glue

water and the mixture is allowed to stand
Glue No. 1 120 lb.
for an hour or two, then stirred slowly.
Glycerin 113 lb.
The ammonium hydroxide is next added
Then the para- Water 113 lb.
with more stirring.
Zinc Oxide 5 lb.
formaldehyde is sifted in, and the mix-
ture is stirred constantly at a fairly high
Betanaphthol % lb.

speed. Paraformaldehyde should not be

Terpineol % lb.

poured in so rapidly as to form lumps

nor so slowly that the mixture will Glue for Cellophane
thicken and coagulate before the required 17%parts gum arabic
amount has been added. 52%
parts water
The mixture thickens considerably and 30 parts Glycerine
usually reaches a consistency where stir- .05 part Formaldehyde
* Casein Glue, Water Resistant Leather Sole Glue
Rosin 60
Casein 39
Crepe Rubber 40
Peanut Meal 39
Varnish 20
Hydrated Lime 11
Trisodium Phosfate 4 Digest on a water-bath and when dis«
Sodium Fluoride 7 solved cool and add
Water 225-235 Naphtha 30
Add solids slowly to the water
while stirring with an efficient stirrer. * Liquid Glue
Continue until smooth and free from Sod. Chlorate 3.5 lb.
lumps. Allow to stand 20-30 minutes is stirred into a hot solution of
and add a mixture of aldol %, water 1, Glue 10 lb.
and 50% copper nitrate 2. Stir for 5 Water 13 lb.
minutes when it is ready for use.
Liquid Glue
Borax 2
" Dissolving M Glue Water (Boiling) 4
In a 100 gal. steam jacketted kettle Pot. Carbonate 1
place 80 gal. water; to this add 100 lbs. Stir the above into
glue and soak for one hour; turn on Glue 16
steam and cook glue until dissolved; do Water (Boiling) 32
not heat above 110° F.
Masking Tape Glue
Cabinet Makers 9 Glue Glue (compatible with Calcium
Chloride) 50
Glue No. 2 87% lb.
Water > 35
Glue No. 3 87% lb.
Glycerin 10 lb. Allow to swell for 3-4 hrs. Heat to
160° F. and then add while stirring
Water 175 lb.
Betanaphthol Vi lb. Glycol Bori-Borate 8
Terpineol Vi lb. Glycerin I
followed by
Calcium Chloride 0.35
In the above formulae the glue is
Water 2
soaked in cold water over night and
heated not over 150° F. and stirred un- Care must be taken that temperature is

til dissolved. The other ingredients are kept below 170° C.

then dissolved in it and the liquid is
then poured into molds where it sets on * Glue, Vegetable
Soya Bean Flour 100 lb.
Slaked Lime 10-20 lb.
Caustic Soda 5 lb.
Case Making Machine Glue 1

Water 100 or more lb.

Glue No. 2 175 lb.
Glycerin 10 lb.
Water 175 lb. Mucilage
Betanaphthol % lb. To 30 gallons water add 75 lbs. gum
Terpineol Vi lb. arabic, clean sorts. Mix at 160° F. until
completely dissolved; add 6 lbs. carbolic
acid, 1 lb. oil of cloves. Strain and fill.
Furniture Glue
Animal glue 10 lb. Envelope Mucilage
Powd. white lead 2% lb. Gum arabic 1 part
Powdered Chalk 5 oz. Starch 1 part
Sodium salicylate 2 lb. Sugar 4 parts
Wood alcohol 1% pt. Water, sufficient to produce the de-
Water 19 lb. sired consistency.

Dissolve sodium salicylate in water. The gum arabic is first dissolved in

Dissolve animal glue in the same water. water, the sugar added, then the starch,
Mix lead and chalk; add to the sodium breaking up all lumps, after which the
salicylate water and glue. Add wood mixture is boiled for a few minutes An

alcohol to the batch. order to dissolve the starch, after which

it is thinned down to the desired con- Make smooth paste of flour and cold
sistency with more water. water and then pour into boiling water.
Stir and boil for 5 minutes.
Mounting Paste
White dextrine 1 lb.
Gum arabie 1 oz. Library Paste
Water 1 Vi pt.
Acetic acid 1 oz. 1.
Oil of wintergreen 20 drops Tragacanth (powdered) 20
Oil of cinnamon 20 drops White Dextrin 10
.Salicylic acid 20 Wheat Flour 60
The dextrine the gum, which
and Glycerin 10
should be pulverized, are dissolved in the Cold Water 40
water, and then the salicylic acid added Salicylic Acid 3
and dissolved. This liquid is heated with Boiling Water 400
the dextrine, and when the whole has
become pasty, which should require a Mix the tragacanth with 160 parts of
quarter of an hour, the acetic acid is boiling water, stir well and set aside.
added, stirring in slowly. The heating is Mix the dextrin and the flour with the
continued, taking care not to boil the cold water, stir well and add to the
mass. The paste will soon become pearly, tragacanth mucilage. Pour into the re-
and should then be removed from the fire sulting mixture the rest of the boiling
and the perfume oils added while it is water stirring constantly. Rub up the
cooling. It should be stirred thoroughly salicylic acid with the glycerin, add to
while the oils are being added. the mucilage and boil for 5 to 6 minutes
with constant stirring.

Mucilage, Stick Form 2.

Powdered white glue 10 parts White Dextrin 6 oz.
Powdered gum arabie 2 parts Diluted Acetic Acid 1 oz.
Sugar 5 parts Oil of Clove 10 drops
Water Sufficient Glycerin 1 oz.

Mix the glue and gum, then stir in Water to make 16 fl.oz.

enough cold water to make the solution Make a paste of the dextrin with 6
the consistency of thick syrup. Soak ounces of cold water, add 8 ounces of
overnight to allow the glue and gum to boiling water, boil 5 minutes with con-
absorb the water, then add enough stant stirring, then add enough hot water
water to again bring it to a thick syrup. to make 14 fluid ounces. Let cool then
Pour into a flat bottom pan that has been add the other ingredients.
chilled and cut into sticks of desired size
when almost solid. If poured into molds
the molds should first be well greased
and then chilled by setting upon cracked Library Paste
ice. Flour 16
The addition of 0.1% of Moldex in the Gum Acacia 12
water used will prevent spoilage. Gum Tragacanth 3
Salicylic Acid 0.5
Clovel 0.6
Decorators * Paste
Water 160
Pints by Weight
Rye meal 4 Use part of water to make a paste of
Fine whiting 2 flour. Heat another part of water with
Casein 1 gums until dispersed. Mix these two well
and other ingredients and bring a
Powdered alum % while stirring.
to boil

the above ingredients together and

rub to a fine powder. Use 2 lb. of the
mixture to one quart of water either hot
or cold. .
Library Paste —Photo Mounting
White Potato Dextrine 15 lb.
Flour Paste Water 15 lb.
Wheat Flour 4 lb. Glycerin 1 lb. 15 oz.
Cold Water 2 qt. Formaldehyde 2% oz.
Boiling Water 3 gal. Oil of Sassafras 2% oz.

White Library Paste Metal Cap Seal.

To 30 gallons cold water, add 75 lbs. Rubber Factice

white potato dextrine. Break up all Gutta Percha
lumps then heat to 180° F. Add 6 lbs. Asbestos Flour
carbolic acid and 1 lb. oil of wintergreen. Dark Red Iron Oxide
Strain and till into jars while hot. Allow
to stand for three days.
* Plastic Seal for Glass Jars
Starch Paste This composition withstands action of
The strength of starch paste is in- oils and fats.
creased by the addition of a small quan- Glue Edible 75
tity of ammonium hydroxide. Paste may Casein 175
be rendered flexible by the addition of Talc 75
glycerine. The following formula pro- Titanium Dioxide 75
duces satisfactory results: Diethylene Glycol 400
100 grams Water Paraformaldehyde 10
4 grams Ammonium Hydroxide Am. Hydroxide 18
8 grams Paste Starch Water 900
1 gram Glycerine
Sealing Wax
Starch Paste
Shellac (Button) 14
Corn or Tapioca Starch 4 Rosin 24
Cold Water 8 Vermillion 1%
Boiling Water 64 Barytes 14
Make a paste of starch and cold water French White 4
then pour into boiling water and stir until Turpentine 1
translucent. Melt shellac and rosin j keep hot and
work in pigment and finally the turpen-
Putty tine. Cast in sticks.
Whiting 800
Corn Oil 20
Crude Cottonseed Oil 10
Sealing Wax
Thin Mineral Oil Shellac
Sod Oil 3
Venice Turpentine
Elastic Putty
Turpentine 5
Rosin Oil 8 Sealing Wax
Linseed Oil and drier 5.5
Limed Rosin
Barytes 8*6
Whiting 73.0
Precipitated Chalk
Non-Shrinking Putty Red Lead
White Lead ISO lb.
Raw Linseed Oil 16 gal.
Whiting 505 lb. Sealing Wax—Red
Silica 41 lb. Orange Shellac 39 lb.
Flour Paste 41 lb. Rosin 78 lb.
Turpentine 14 lb.
Whiting 56 lb.
Silex 35 lb.
Whiting Putty Pale Vermillion 5% lb.
Whiting 800 lb.
Raw Linseed Oil 23 gal.
Sealing Wax—Brown—Cheap
Orange Shellac 26 lb.

White Lead-Whiting Putty

Rosin —H
grade 83 lb.
Turpentine 7% lb.
Whiting 700 lb. Whiting 32 lb.
White Lead 100 lb. Silex 31 lb.

Raw Linseed Oil 22 gal. Burnt Umber 4 lb.

Hard Wax Stopping for Filling Screw Flexible Paper Box Glue
Holes in Wood Animal Glue 45%
Carnauba wax 16 lb. Glycerine 15%
Paraffin wax 8 lb. Water 39%
Rosin 8 lb. Preservative 1%
Asphaltum 1 lb. Soak the animal glue (bone glue
Melt the above together and apply suitable for paper box work) in cool
hot. water for approximately two hours and
melt at 140° F. Stir the glycerine into
the glue solution after the temperature
Cellophane Glue has reached 140° F. If the glue is kept
Animal Glue 40’% for a period of time, some effective
Water 40% preservative should be added.
Aquaresin 20%
Use grade of glue common to paper Celluloid 32 oz.
box work; soak glue in cool water for Acetone 128 oz. or 1 gal.
around one hour, melt in water bath at Amyl Acetate 16 oz. or 1 pint
140° F. and stir in Aquaresin. Add Methanol 16 oz. or 1 pint
sufficient -water to produce the proper
working consistency at 130-140 ° F. Mix all the ingredients in a jar and
allow to stand until dissolved shaking
from time to time.

Clean surface well before applying
Liquid Glue then apply a thin coating; first allow to
Animal Glue 46.7% dry then apply another coat and cement
Water 46.7% articles.
Sodium Nitrate 6.6%
Dissolve sodium nitrate in cool water, Adhesives for Hard Rubber
stir glue into solution, allow to soak 1. Carefully melt together 1 part gutta
two hours, melt in water bath at tem- percha and 2 parts coal tar pitch. Im-
perature between 140-160° F. Heat a mediately apply the fluid, homogeneous
couple of hours or until mixture remains hot mass to the parts to be joined, these
fluid at room temperature. Glue may first having been degreased. Allow the
be preserved by adding phenol or other repair to cool under pressure.
common preservative. 2. Broken hard rubber can be repaired
by applying to the 2 surfaces to be
joined, concentrated silicate of potas-
Glue —Starch Paste sium and subjecting them to strong pres-
Starch (Cassava) 30% 3. Marine glue is made of 10 parts
Glue (Bone Glue) 10% rubber dissolved in 120 parts benzol or
Water 60% turpentine. Add 20 parts asphalt or 18
The starch and glue are put into solu- parts gum lac and allow to digest until
tion separately and mixed hot. Any the mass is homogeneous. The solid
additional water necessary to produce glue, when it is to be used, is liquefied
the desired consistency is incorporated by careful heating; while the surfaces to
later. be joined are first heated.
4. Melt together equal parts of pitch
and gutta percha. Apply hot.
Flexible Bookbinding Glue
5. Dissolve 20 parts of rubber in 160
Animal Glue 30% parts benzol or naphtha and mix with a
Water 29% solution of 20 parts gum lac and 50 parts
Glycerine 30% mastic in the smallest possible amount
Preservative 1 % of 90% alcohol.
When the surfaces to be adhered are
Soak the glue (medium grade hide) smooth, it is always necessary to roughen
in the cool water for two hours, and
them first by filing them lightly.
melt at a temperature of 140° F. Stir
the glycerine into the glue after the
140° F. temperature has been reached. Oilproof Joint Cement
In the event the glue is kept for a For use in connections of rubber and
period of time, some effective preserva- metal pipes carrying gasoline, oils,
tive should be incorporated. greases, etc.

A. Aquaresin GM 25 used, Le ., addition of 6% alum and other

Lampblack 5-15 salts. Abrittle glue will give a differ-
ent pattern than a tough glue. Sand
B. Graphite 10 sprinkled over film of gelatine is also
Sicapon 20-40 employed to make certain patterns.

Sizing of Paper
Silicate Adhesive
Glue is used to serve for two distinct
Sod. Silicate 40 purposes in the manufacture of wall
Water 10 paper. It is employed as a binder for
Tescol 10 the clay, or other material with which
The water is mixed with the silicate the papers are grounded, and also as a
and the Tescol is added a little at a sizing agent for the ground colors, espe-
time with good stirring. Do not add cially for sun-fast wall paper.
further quantities of Tescol until the The most general practice is to precipi-
previous portion is dissolved. This ad- tate the color directly on an insoluble
hesive is less alkaline and not as brittle base as finely divided BaS0 4 , draw off
as most silicate adhesives. Further flexi- the precipitated mass after setting, wash,
bility can be gotten by adding some to free it of excess precipitant or re-
glycerin to the Tescol. agent, and then separate from the ex-
cess of water by running it through a
centrifugal hydroextractor. This heavy
Handling of Glue
insoluble base (pulp color) is easily in-
Special precaution should be used in corporated with glue solution in prepa-
all cases to insure a soaking of the glue ration of sized material.
in the required amount of cold water for In preparation of some pulp colors, a
at least 4 hours. In order to effect solu- number of chemicals are employed in
tion of glue the temperature should be order that the exact shade of color de-
increased to about 160° F. Prolonged sired may be produced. The viscosity of
heating and excessive heating should be reagents employed and frequent failure
avoided, because this has been shown to to wash out completely the excess of pre-
result in extensive loss due to the hydro- cipitant or reagent has indicated the use
lyzing action of the water. In applying the of a good hide or bone glue.
heat, the most advantageous method is In ordinary sized papers the glue is
to apply heat ( e.g., steam or electricity) applied in one of two ways. The glue is
to a water jacket in which glue container either put into the beater with the paper
is placed. pulp previous to making, or, the paper
To employ glue such that the greatest is run through a dilute bath of glue
benefit may be derived from its physical before drying. There is seldom anything
and chemical characteristics, the surface used with the glue except at times a
should be made so warm that the melted little alum to give paper a somewhat
glue will not be chilled before it has harder finish.
time to effect a thorough adhesion. Coated paper is made by applying a
For high class joint work only the bet- mixture of high grade animal glue and
ter grades of hide glue should be em- various pigments or fillers, about the
ployed. consistency of cream, to the paper after
For Veneer work the medium grades it has been finished. High gloss papers
are indicated. In this case a high vis- are of this type.
cosity is desirable on account of the
tendency of a thin liquid to penetrate Sizing of Textiles
the pores of the thin sheet of wood and
For this service hide glue finds exten-
show itself on the opposite surface.
sive use because of absence of the most
objectionable impurity S0 2 or sulphites.
Chipped Glass As the employed tor dyeing fab-
Glue and Gelatine are allowed to rap- rics are much more
delicate than those
idly dry out upon a plate of glass. As used in paper and are usually soluble,
the glue loses moisture it contracts and the absence of traces of mineral acids or
adhesion of the gelatine is so great that alkalies is also indicated.
it away the surface of the glass
tears Hide or extracted bone glue Is used on
itself, chipping it into characteristic cotton goods to stiffen and give body to
fern-like patterns. The general appear- the material. If solution of this glue is
ance of the design can be modified by too thin it will penetrate the pores of
varying the properties of the solution cotton fibre to such a degree that the
latter will be altogether too stiff to use, oil of turpentine and 2 parts of refined
while if it is too viscous will not be
it oilof turpentine and add 10 parts slaked
absorbed at all and will fail to dry out lime to mixture.
during passage through drying chamber.
The desired results are obtained when a
Strong Paste
very dilute solution of this glue is treated
Glue 4 parts
with a solution of alum. The alum thick-
Water 80 parts
ens the solution and is satisfactory be-
cause no precipitation will result. in one pot
Carpets, tapestries, burlap wall cover- Starch, 30 parts
ing are all heavily sized with this grade Water 20 parts
of glue. so that a thin milky fluid without lumps
In the case of shade cloth where firm- is obtained. Mix two while hot and
ness with flexibility is desired strong — after cooling add 5-10 drops phenol.
high grade glue is used.
All straws used in the manufacture of
hats are sized. In this case a product Venetian Paste
that is more or less resistant to the ac- Fish Glue 4 oz.
tion of water and also light in weight is Cold Water ¥2 pt.
desired. A
final bleaching is given the Venice Turpentine 2 fl. oz.
material, by the use of oxalic acid, or Rye Flour 1 lb.
lead acetate. Many manufacturers bleach Water 1 pt.
their glue before sizing. Boiling Water 2 qt.

Soak and
dissolve glue and while hot
Adhesive Paste stir in Venice turpentine. Make up rye
Steep 4 of ordinary gelatine in 16
oz. flour and pour into boiling water. Stir
oz. H2 0 until it becomes soft, dissolve and add glue solution. Will adhere to
and while hot add 2 lb. of good flour painted surface.
paste and one part H 2 0. Heat to boil-
ing and when thickened remove from fire.
Label Paste
While cooling add % oz. silicate of soda
and stir with wooden spatula. Soak glue in 15% Acetic Acid solution
and heat to boiling and add flour.
Pastes for Paper and Fine Fancy
Articles Mucilage
Dissolve 100 parts glue in 200 water Soak 5 parts of good glue in 20 parts
and add a solution 2 parts of bleached of water and to liquid, add 9 parts glu-
shellac in 10 of alcohol. Stir constantly cose and three parts gum Arabic. Mix-
while adding. Keep temperature below ture may be brushed on paper while luke-
50° C. warm. It does not stick together but
adheres to bottles.
Paste for Fixing Labels (Machines)
Make 10% solution of glue and add to Glue for Cementing Glass
this25% by weight of glue or dextrin. (To be exposed to boiling water)
Mix while warm and add to every pound Five parts hide glue, one part dissolved
thereof %
oz. each of boiled linseed oil
acid chromate of lime ; the glue prepared,
and turpentine. This paste resists damp- becomes, after exposed to light, insol-
ness and thus prevents printed labels uble in water in consequence of a par-
from falling from metallic surfaces. tial reduction of chromic acid.

Paste for Joining Leather to Pasteboard

Leather to Metal Glue
Dissolve 50 parts of glue with 50 parts
water, add 1% Venice turpentine and Digest a quantity of nutgalls (approx.
next a thick paste made with 100 parts 1 part) reduced to powder in 8 parts
starch in water. distilled water for 6 hours and filter.
If tannic acid is available use 5% solu-
tion instead. Dissolve 1 part by weight
Cement for Attaching Metal Letters to of glue in same quantity of water.
Glass, Marble, Wood Leather moistened with decoction of nut-
Dissolve over a water bath 5 parts glue galls or acid solution, and glue applied
in a mixture of 15 parts copal varnish, to metal previously roughened and
5 parts boiled linseed oil, 3 parts crude heated. Dry under pressure.

Sausage Casing Glue part of mastic gum in 5 parts alcohol-

Glue for making sausage casings: Add water solution. Mix the two solutions
to 1 quart of hide glue 20% solution,
and keep in well stoppered bottles.
% to 1 oz, bichromate of potash. Warm
slightly when about to use it and before
application moisten paper, latter must
Stratena —Household Cement
be dried rapidly and then exposed to Dissolve 12 parts of white glue in 16
light until yellow glue becomes brown- acetic acid, and then add this solution
to 2 parts gelatine in 16 of water. After
ish, boiled in sufficient quantity of water
to which 2 to 3% alum added until chro-
mixing add 2 parts shellac varnish.
mate is dissolved out.
Banknote or Mouth Glue
Wood Coating Glue Dissolve gelatine with about to % %
sprayable coating composition suit- of its weight of brown sugar in as small
able for use on wood, cloth, paper, etc., a quantity of water as possible. When
comprises a non- jellying stable solution liquid cast mixture in thin cakes and
of substantially 29 parts glue free from when cold cut to size. When required
foreign substances of acid reaction in a for use moisten one end.
solvent comprising alcohol about 33 parts
and water about 35 parts and about 0.1 Paste for Cardboard
weight of the glue of a glue plasticizing
substance such as glycerol or turkey red Dissolve 14 oz. of high grade glue in
26 oz. 2 0.HAdd 1 oz. of a solution
composed of 1 part shellac in 7 parts
alcohol and stir as long as solution is
Glue for Hectograph warm. Next dissolve Vz oz. of dextrine
One part glue, 1 part glycerine and in 7 oz. of alcohol and oz. of3^ 2 0, H
smallest amount of H 2 0 possible is used stir and place vessel in warm water until
as hectograph mass for the transfer of solution is complete. Mix two solutions
matter, when with concentrated solution and allow to cool. When wanted for use
of aniline color. cut off a small piece and liquefy by
Liquid Glue
Glue liquid is prepared by treating a Paste for Pads
hot solution of animal glue with a sol- Glue 4 parts, glycerine 2, linseed oil
uble perchlorate not having a tanning ^2 , sugar 4, dye to color. Dissolve glue
action. Sodium perchlorate 3.5 parts and add glycerine with sugar and then
may be stirred into a hot solution of add dye and stir in the oil. Use paste
glue 10 parts in water 13 parts. hot.
Glue liquid is prepared by treating
animal glue with chloric acid. Animal
glue 10 parts, dissolved in water 15 parts,
Waterproof Glue
may be stirred with 20% chloric acid 3 Solution of glue by itself or mixed
parts. with pigments is used in painting walls
in distemper. A
waterproof coating is
obtained as follows: Boil part of pow-
Glue for Joints in Leather Driving dered gall-nuts and 12 parts H
2 0 until
Belts mass is reduced %
of its bulk. Strain
Soak 1 part domestic isinglass and 25 through cloth and apply solution to dry
parts glue in 75 parts water until thor- coat of distemper paint, the latter be-
oughly soft. Heat until solution has coming thereby as solid and insoluble as
been effected. Add 0.2% Beta Naphthol oil paint. The tannin of gall-nuts acting
and 0.1% Venice Turpentine C.P. Sur- only upon soft glue, the solution has to
faces to be cemented should be free from be applied so that the lower layer of the
grease, slightly roughened and glue ap- glue becomes thoroughly soaked through.
plied at a temperature of 150° F.

Waterproof Wrapping Paper

Jeweler’s Cement Dissolve 24 alum, 4 white soap in 32
Dissolve over the water bath 25 parts water in one pot. In another 2 gum
of fish glue in a small quantity of alco- arabic, 6 glue in 32 parts water. Mix
hol-water mixture 40%, add 2 parts of 2 solutions. Heat and immerse paper,
gum ammoniac. Separately dissolve 1 dry. ; ;
ture of 86-104° F. is sufficiently elastic
Tungstic Glue
to admit of being drawn out into thin
(Substitute for Hard India Rubber) sheets. On cooling, this mass becomes
Mix thick solution of glue with tung- solid and brittle and on heating is again
state of soda and HC1, by means of soft and plastic. It can be used for all
which a compound of tungstic acid and purposes to which hard rubber is
glue is precipitated which at a tempera- adapted.

Apples, Removing Arsenic Spray Residue Dissolve the above and saturate soil
from around roots.
Removal of As to within tolerance
limits is effected by washing with 0.33% * Disinfectant, Seed
HC1, provided no oil-spray has been used Trichlorodinitrobenzene
on the fruit. Accumulations of oil Barium Dioxide
or wax may necessitate the use of Talc
0.66-1.33% HC1. Apples were injured
by 2% HC1. Oils having viscosity >65-75
or lighter oils applied very late in the Fertilizers
season rendered As removal very difficult. Commercial compounded
fertilizers are
Storage of apples at ordinary temp, prior from various raw materials which contain
to washing also increased the difficulty of one or more of the three necessary in-
cleaning, but cold storage had little effect. gredients : Nitrogen, Phosphoric acid and
Kerosene emulsion, prepared with kaolin Potash.
and used in conjunction with hot HC1, Different crops need different propor-
facilitated oil and wax removal. Heating tions of these chemicals and in general it
the acid (35-40°) improved washing is better to have the Nitrogen present in
efficiency more than did increasing the two or more forms such as Ammonium
concn. of HC1 used. Sulphate, Sodium Nitrate, Organic (such
as tankage, blood, cottonseed or other
Banana Plants, Combating 1 (
Panama meals, etc.) The phosphoric acid is de-
Disease ’ ’ rived from super-phosphate or animal
bone : the Potash from mineral salts §uch
Best results were gotten by treating
as Muriate, Sulphate or mixtures such as
rootsand surrounding soil of each plant
Kainit or Manure Salt, and in special
with iy2 pints heavy gas oil (sp. gr. up
cases, Carbonate, Typical formulae
to 0.8869).
In a formula the first figure represents
Prevention Black Rot in Delphinium the percentage of Nitrogen, the second,
Mercuric Chloride 1 Available Phosphoric acid and the third,
Sod. Nitrate 1 Potash.
Water 1280

A simple formula 4-8-4

Ammonium sulfate (contains 20% Nitrogen) ... 400 lb. equal
80 lb. N
Super-phosphate (contains 16% Available P2O5) 1000 lb. 160 lb. P2OQ
Muriate Potash (contains 50% K
2 0) ............. 160 . lb.
80 lb. K2 0
Earth (to make up one ton)....,.......... 440 lb.

4-8-7 Potato Fertilizer

Am. Sulfate (20% N) 100 lb. contain

20 lb.

Sodium Nitrate (16% N) 100 lb, 16

Blood (13% N) 340 lb. contain 44 lb. N

Super-phosphate (16% P2O5) 1000 lb.
160 u
Muriate Potash (50% K 280 “ 140 “
2 0) lb.

Earth 180 lb.

Tobacco Fertilizer Quack-Grass Killer

Pounds Sod. Chlorate 1 lb.
Sulphate Ammonia (20.50% 1ST) 293 Water 1 gal.
Tankage (7% N) 286
Cottonseed Meal (5.50 N) 351 Spraying two or three times yearly is

Superphosphate (18% P 2 0 5 ) 778 efiicaceous.

Sulfate Potash (48% K 2 0) 292

* Insecticide Against Lice
Aluminum Naphthenate 25 gm.
dissolve in
General Garden Fertilizer Turpentine 500 gm.
Pounds add
Sulphate Ammonia (20.50% 1ST) 293 Acetone 375 gm.
Nitrate Soda (16% N) 125 Alcohol 125 gm.
Tankage (7% N) 286
To the above mixture add:
Superphosphate (18% P 2 Og) 889
Muriate Potash (50% K 2 0) 200 Sodium Salt of Benzyl Naph-
Filler 207 thalin Sulphonic Acid 20 gm.

Lettuce Bottom Rot, Control of
Ethyl Mercury Phosphate 1
Grass Fertilizer Powdered Bentonite 2
Sulphate Ammonia ( 20.50'% N) 585
Castor Pomace (4.50% N) 440 Ornamental Bushes, Insecticide for
Superphosphate (18% P2O5) 667
Kerosene 10 gal.
Muriate Potash (50% 2 0) K 80
Soap Chips 5 lb.
Filler 228
Water 10 gal.
Nicotine Sulfate 1 oz.

Corn Fertilizer * Peat Fertilizer

Pounds Peat which has been treated moist with
Sulphate Ammonia (20.50% N) 341 HC1 and then dried is stirred for 1-1 Vn '

Tankage (6% N) 166 hr. at 170-180° with a 1: 1 mol. mixture

Superphosphate (18% P 206 ) 1333 of H3PO4 and KH2PO4; the product,
Muriate Potash (50% K2 0) 160 after cooling, is mixed with H
2 0, neutral-

ised with NH S and dried.

* Fodder, Preserving Green Potato Blight Control

Spraying with 6% Hydrochloric acid Dusting with following gives good re-

in the ratio of 5 lb. per 100 lb. of sults

fodder prevents development of injurious Anhydrous Copper Sulfate 1
organisms. Slaked Lime 8

* Fungicide, Seed
Potato Flake Fodder
The seed dusted with
10 Potato flakes contain all the solid con-
Copper Mercury Sulfocyanide
20 stituents of the tubers and are an easily
digested fodder material. The potatoes
are washed, cooked or steamed under
Grass Killer pressure, and then mashed to a pulp,
Grass between the bricks or stones of a which is dried as a film on steam-heated
walk may be killed by adding a strong rollers, scraped off, broken up and stored.
solution of calcium chloride in water. 400 kg. of potatoes eontg. 18% starch
yield 100 kg. of flakes contg. 12-15%
H2 0, 6-7% protein, 0.3-0 .5% fat, 1.2- dissolve in hot solution of caustic potash
1.5% cellulose and 72-77% N-free exts. made by dissolving 5 lb. KOIi in 10 lb.

Seed Potato Disinfectant

Potassium Resin Solution
The dip is prepd. by adding to 25 gals,
of water, a mixt. of 6 oz. of HgCl 2 dis- Made by heating.
solved in 1 qt. of com. HC1. Forty bu. Pine Resin 4 lb.

of potatoes can be treated with 25 gals, Potassium Hydroxide 2 lb.

of the dip. The soaking period is 5-40 Water 10 lb.
min. according to the severity of
One gallon of stock solution to 50 gals,
Bhizoctonia and scab infection.
water gave combination fungicide and
contact insecticide.
Seed Disinfectant
Hydrated Lime 95 Tree-Bands, Insect
Water 500
Rolls of corrugated paper are saturated
Stir well and add while agitating
Mercuric Chloride 5 with following and wrapped around trees
Water 100 Mineral Oil 1% lb.
Filter and dry precipitate. Alpha Napthylamine 1 lb.
Paraffin Wax 4 oz.

Sprout Killer
* Weed-Killer
Sprouts or shoots of young trees can
be killed by injecting into them a twenty (Non-poisonous to cattle)
per cent solution in water of sodium Calcium Chloride 20
arsenite. Since this material is very Sodium Chlorate 30
poisonous it must be handled with the
utmost care.
Weed Killer for Seed Beds

Sulphur Resin Spray Zinc Sulfate 8 gm.

Water 250 c.c.
Stock spray made by mixing equal
parts of potassium polysulphide solution Dissolve and apply above equally to
(liver of sulphur) with potassium resin every square foot of seed bed. Careless
solution. application will damage root tips. The
second dose for a succeeding crop should
Potassium Polysulphide Solution be half of above strength.
Flowers of Sulphur 4 lb.
* Aluminum Alloy
When making fusible alloys, melt the Silicon 5-12%
lead and bismuth together. When mol- Nickel 2-6%
ten, add the tin with stirring. When the Aluminum Balance
tin has been molten into the mix, adjust This alloy highly resistant to
is de'
the temperature of the mix to about 300° terioration at elevated temperatures.
C,, and using the cadmium sticks in tongs
as stirrers, work in the necessary cad-
* Copper Alloy, Heat Treatment of
mium. Cadmium burns easily in air,
hence the temperature must be watched, Wire composed of an alloy of Cu 20^
and if it rise much above 300° C. this Mn 30, and Ni 50% is annealed, prefer-
may happen. ably in vac. at 300-450° (350°), for 12-
Good metal can often be recovered 24 hr. The treatment increases the elas-
from the dross formed in making fusible tic limit and tensile strength.
alloys by working the dross with the
ladle or a stick against the side of the * Alloy, Bearing
Tin 9-11%
Lipowitz Metal Antimony 9-11%
Cadmium 3 Cadmium 1.4—1.8%
Tin 4 Arsenic 0.9-1.7%
Bismuth 15 Copper 1.2-1.6%
Lead 8 Lead Balance
Melt above together and add
Mercury 2 * Alloy, Bearing
previously heated to 220° C. Aluminum 3-12.5%
Melting point of above is 143° F. Copper 0.1-2%
Magnesium 0.5-2.3%
Zinc Balance
Kose Alloy
Bismuth 2 * Alloy for Bearings and Knife Edges
Lead 1
Tin 1 Carbon 0.5-0.7'%
Silicon 0. 7-0.9'%
Melting point 200° F.
Manganese 0.5-0.7%
Chromium 7 .5-8.5%
Electrical Fuse Alloy Tungsten 7 .5-8.5'%
Tin 24
The remainder being iron, which may
Lead 344
contain small amounts of impurities such
Bismuth 500
as phosphorus, silicon and sulphur, and
Melting point 163° F. is surface hardened by treatment with
ammonia at an elevated temperature.
* Alloy, Aluminum
An A1 alloy not requiring hardening * Alloy, Brake Drum
by heat treatment and suitable, e.g., for
Nickel 0.5-30
internal-combustion and
engine pistons
Carbon 3-3.75
piston rings, consists of A1 77.5-91, Cu Silicon 1-2.5
6-12, Ni 1-3, Or 0.05-5 and Mg 0.5- Manganese 0,4-1
A1 alloys, particularly for internal-
combustion engine pistons, contain Si
* Alloy, Copper
10-17, Ni 4-8 and either Cu 1-5 or Mg An alloy of high strength and electrical
0.5-2%. conductivity consists of
Copper 94 This is resistant to acid and heat and
Beryllium 1 has a high power of elongation.
Chromium 5
* Iron Alloy, Corrosion Resistant
* Alloy, Copper Bearing
Copper Q.2-0.5%
Copper 62.3-46.2% Tungsten 0.01-0.5%
Tin 4-8% Chromium 0.00-0.5%
Zinc 3-10% Carbon less than 0.05%
Lead 30-35% Manganese less than 0.25%
Calcium 0.2-0.5% Silicon less than 0.02%
Phosphorus less than 0.02%
* Dental, Alloy Sulfur less than 0.02%
(Resilient and non-corrosive) Iron Balance
Gold 39.8
Copper 45 * Lead Alloy
Nickel 14 A tough, slightly hardened alloy suit-
Chromium 1 able for storage battery plates consists
Platinum 0.2 of
Calcium '
* Alloy, Drill Bit Tin 0.5-2.0%
Tungsten Carbide 90-97 Lead Balance
Molybdenum 0.5-5
Tantalum 2-9.5 * Lead Coating Alloy
A lead alloy for coating wire is com-
* Alloy, Electrical Resistance posed of
Chromium 85-95 Antimony 0.6-1.4%
Molybdenum or Tungsten 15-5 Bismuth 0.05-0.5%
Lead Balance
* Alloy, Electrical Contact Point
* Alloy, Magnetic
Silver 65
Copper 30 An alloy of 70-30% Go and 30-70%
Nickel 5 Fe melted with 0.5-4% V and, after
rolling intosheet, is annealed at 900-
1000° and allowed to cool slowly.
* Hard Alloy
A process for obtaining alloys of high * Alloy, Permanent Magnet
hardness consisting in forming an alloy
of 5 to 25% of tin and the balance chiefly Carbon less than 0.2
nickel and heating said alloy to a tem- Nickel 2
perature lying between 900° C. and the Silicon 5
melting point of the alloy, then rapidly Cobalt 15-55
cooling said alloy and subsequently an- Iron 40-80
nealing it at temperatures between 400 Molybdenum 5-20
and 800° C.
A process for obtaining alloys of high * Silver Alloy, Tarnish Resistant
hardness consisting in forming an alloy Silver 80-95%
of 8 to 30% of molybdenum and the Nickel 0.1-2%
balance chiefly nickel and heating said Cadmium Balance
alloy to a temperature lying between
900° C. and the melting point of the
* Alloy, Silver Brazing
alloy, then rapidly cooling said alloy and
subsequently annealing it at temperatures Alloys which are suitable for use in
between 400 and 800° C. brazing contain Ag 48-52, Cu 12-16, Zn
14-18 and Cd 16-20%.
Alloys which are suitable for brazing
* Alloy, Imitation Gold
purposes contain Ag 48-52, Zn 14-18,
Cobalt 1-5 Cd 16-20, Cu 12-16 and P about 0.5-2%.
Chromium 0.5-5
Tin 0.5-1
Zinc 0.1—0.5 Non Tarnishing Silver Coating
Titanium 0.5-1 Ag and its alloys are protected against
Silver 0.5-2 atm. influences by dipping in a soln.


contg. Cr0 3 , Cu NH
4 cliloride and (or) Copper, Improving Electrical
a persulfate, whereby an invisible coat- Conductivity of
ing is produced on the metal. The molten metal is deoxidised with
0.005-0.1% Li, the amount used being
* Alloy, Stainless Silver sufficient to leave 0.002-0.005% Li in
the cast metal.
Silver 50-89.5
Zinc 0.5-20
10-40 * Gold, Imitation
To 5 lb. 10 oz. of melted Cu are suc-
* Alloy, Sulfur Resistant cessively added 3 oz. fuller’s earth, 7 oz.
Na 2 B 4 073 oz. ammoniated mercury, 12
Chromium ,

oz. Sn, 3 oz. MgO and 1 oz. ale., and

Manganese 6-16% the mixt. is agitated and boiled. The
Molybdenum 1-10% resultant alloy simulates Au and is mal-
Carbon > 0.3% leable, ductile, immune from tarnishing
Iron Balance
and suited for jewelry.
This has a high strength at 600° C.
* White Gold, Untarnishable
* Alloy, Sulfur Resistant Steel
A white Au (Au 50, Cu 30, Ni 11,
Chromium 6% Zn 9%) rendered untarnishable by
Silicon 0.75% plating with Sn and afterwards heating
Tungsten 1% to 240-250° to form a surface alloy.
Carbon > 0.5%
Iron Balance “ Invar”

* Alloy, Thermocouple Two alloys containing approx. 36.5%

Rhenium 3-15%
Fe, 54.5% Co, and 9%
Cr have coelf s.
of expansion <107 and —1.2X10-6, re-
Platinum Balance spectively. Polished surfaces are unat-
tacked by moist air, H
2 0, sea-H 2 0, etc.
* Alloy, Thermostatic Couple for many months.
(a) Nickel 32-42
Iron Balance Electrotype Metal
(b) Molybdenum 1-10 Tin 4%
Nickel 34-45 Antimony 3%
Iron Balance Lead Balance

* Tough Alloy Electrotype Backing Metal

Nickel 2.5-18% Tin 4%
Copper 2.5-18% Antimony 3.5%
Tungsten Carbide to make 100%. The Lead 92.5%
ibove alloy is cast in forms.
* Resistance, Electrical Metal
(Niehrome substitute)
* Alloy, Watch. Spring
Aluminum 5-10%
Nickel 30
Manganese 0.5-5%
Beryllium 0.1-0.
Carbon 0.05-1%
Tungsten 8
Iron Balance
Iron Balance

Linotype Metal
* Brake-Shoes,
Automobile Tin 4-4.5%
To prep, an alloy for brake shoes, Antimony 11.5%
35-49% Cu and 1-2% Sb are melted in Lead Balance
one crucible and 49-64% Pb in another.
The melted Pb is gradually added to the Monotype Metal
melted alloy of Cu and Sb with const Tin 7.3%
agitation and heating. The product is Antimony 16.8%
poured into a mold provided with an Lead Balance
iron gauze lining which serves as a skele-
ton and the whole is cooled until it solidi- * Pewter or Brittania Metal
A soft white metal consists of Sn to<
gether with of hardening metal
1-15% * Stainless Steel
selected the Sb-Cu group and
from A process for making a stainless metal
0.005-0.1% of A1 or Zn. composition which comprises intimately
admixing finely divided particles of iron,
nickel and chromium, which have clean
* Refining Type Metal surfaces and are of a size sufficiently
Used and partially oxidized type metal small to pass through a 200 mesh screen,
is refined by fusing with a reducing substantially in the proportion of iron
agent comp rising, for example, the fol- 74%, nickel 8% and chromium 18%, sub-
lowing components: rosin 200, basswood jecting the resulting admixture to a
C 50, BaS 50, borax 50, NH
4 C1 17.5 and pressure of not less than 20,000 pounds
Na 2 C0 3 15 parts, mixed at temps, suffi- per square inch, and heating the com-
ciently high to melt the rosin. When pressed mixture in a non-oxidizing at-
cool, 75 parts of NaIIC0 3 are added. mosphere to a temperature above 900° C.
The mass is then powd. but not substantially above 1200° C. to
form a substantially homogeneous prod-
Stereotype Metal uct.

Tin 6.5-7%
Antimony 12.75-13% * Steel, Stainless
Lead Balance Nickel 5-35%
Chromium 9-13%
* Steel, Armor Plate Molybdenum 3-10%
0.28-0.45% Iron Balance
Chromium 2-4%
Molybdenum 0.15-1% * Stainless Bright Annealing
Nickel 1-3.3%
Balance Articles such as sheets formed of
nickel, stainless steel or Ni-Cr alloys with
a bright surface are obtained by treat-
* Steel, Non-Magnetie ing the metal with HN0 3 to render the
Carbon 0.45-0.95% bright surface passive and then heating
Chromium 1.5-5% to about 900° to 1100° for several hrs.
Manganese 7-10% in a reducing atm. to effect annealing
Nickel 8-10% without discoloration.
Iron Balance
* Steel, Tool
* Steel, Non-Oxidizing
(For motor valves) A hard alloy for tools, implements and
Carbon 0.45-0.65% projectiles consists of W38-98 and Be
Manganese 0.3-0.6% 2-9,5%, with or without up to 3% C and
Silicon 1 .3-2.5% 57% Fe, the Be being at least 5%
if the

Chromium 11-14% W is less than 82% and the Fe at least

Cobalt 2-3.5% 5% if the C exceeds 2%. The Wmay

Molybdenum 0.6-1.3% be replaced wholly or in part by Mo and
Iron Balance Cr, the Fe by Ni, Co, Mn
or Ti and the
C in part by Al, Mg, Si, B, Zr or Ce.
* Steel, Razor Blade
Carbon Q.5-2,5% Steel, Tool
Chromium 5-20% Iron 10-33
Manganese 0.1-1.75% Carbon 1-4
Molybdenum 0.05-2% Tungsten 64-46
Nickel 0.25-3.5% Chromium 16-11.5
Silicon 0.1-2% Cobalt 8-5.5
Vanadium 0.05-1.5%
lipn Balance * Tool Steel

Steel (C= 0.9-1%) 95-98.2

* Steel, Rustless Cobalt 0.2-5
Chromium 14-20%
Carbon > 0.4% Non-Tarnishing Acid Resistant Alloy
Copper 0.5-6% Thallium 10
Molybdenum 0.4-3.5% Aluminum 10
Iron Balance Silver 80

White Gold and heated first at 900-980° for 20-50

hr. graphitise the free cementite,
An alloy which possesses many of the
then at 730-650° for 10-50 hr. to graph-
physical properties of Pt including
itise the pearlitic cementite and deear-
some degree of resistance to acids is
burise the white Fe.
prepared by alloying a primary alloy
with a large proportion of Au. For a
soft 18 -carat white Au the primary alloy * Hardening Steel
contains Au 37 (37.4), Ni 38.1 (44.5),
Cu 16.4 (5.0), Zn 7.1 (11.1), and Mn 1.4 Linseed oil is heated to the b.p., resin
(2%). This alloy is best prepared from Ys lb. per gal.) is added, and the metal
granulated metals, and approx. 25% of (Fe or steel) is immersed in the solu-
the alloy is melted with 75% of Au in tion until it attains the same temp.;
the second stage. the metal is then removed, covered with
powdered resin, and quenched in cold

*Copper Refining Electrode Alloy

* Rustproof Steel
Thallium 10
Tin 20 Molten Fe or steel containing 3% Ti
Lead 70 '
and 0.5-0.6% Mn is treated with 1-
The above is far more resistant than
20% of a 50:50 Pb-As alloy, whereby
the Pb separates to the bottom of the
lead when used in electrolytic deposi-
liquid mass and the As remains finely
tion of copper from acid solutions.
dispersed throughout the ferrite crys-
tals and protects the resulting castings
* Stainless Steel from rusting.
Above a bath of molten Fe (500 kg.)
with the desired C content is formed a * Working Aluminum-Magnesium Alloys
slag of chromite (300 kg. containing
In the working of aluminum-base alloys
48% Cr2 0 3 ), NiO (30 kg.), CaO (150
kg.), CaF 2 (40 kg.), and bauxite (30
containing from about 5 to 15 per cent
of magnesium, the steps comprising pre-
kg.), and to this is added a mixture of
heating the alloy at a temperature above
the same chromite (820 kg.), NiO (110
about 550° F. but below the temperature
kg.), A1 (316 kg.), and 75% ferrosilicon
of incipient fusion, cooling the alloy
(82 kg.), whereby an exothermic reac-
rapidly to a working range which is be-
tion ensues with the direct production
low about 600° F. and is also below the
of stainless steel.
preheating temperature but is not lower
than about 475° F. and working the alloy
* Cold Drawing Wire Alloy within said range.
An alloy suitable for cold-drawn
wire, etc., comprises Cu 91-99 (96.25),
* Blasting Resistance Wire
Sn 0.25-3.00 (1.75), A1 0.5-4.0 (1.0),
Si 0.25-2.0 (1.0)%. A bridge wire for blasting caps com-
prising gold about 58.4% and nickel
* Electrical Contact Alloy about 41.6% alloyed together and drawr
to the required size to have a desired
An alloy of Au 30, Ag 70% is very electrical resistance per unit of length.
suitable for contacts that are open for
long periods.
* Corrosion Proof Steel
* Low-Expansion Alloy Acorrosion-proof steel free from
graphite and Si consists of Cr 20-30,
An alloy having a eoeff. of expansion
about 1X10-6 over a range of temp,
W 5-6, Ni 5-10, Cu 10-15, C 2.5-3 and
the rest Fe.
depending on the amounts of the minor
constituents comprises Cr 95-99, Fe
0. 1-3.0, Si 0.1-2.0, C not more than 1.0> * Sulfur Resistant Steel
and Mn-j-N-f-0 not more than 0.4%. An
alloy suitable for high-pressure oil
and steam fittings, etc., contains Fe to-
* Strong Malleable Cast Iron gether with Cr 6, Si 0.75, W
1 and O
from a trace up to 0.5%.
White-Fe eastings are packed with
4-15% of Fe2 0 3 into an annealing pot
* Cattle Food Coal Tar (neutral) % oz.

Dried Blood 75 Pine Tar 3 oz.

Precipitated Chalk 5 Fish Oil 24 oz.

Molasses 20 Diglycol Oleate 1 oz.

Shake well before using: apply at

Lice and Mite Tablets (Poultry) night and wash off next day.
Calcium Sulfide 16.13
Silica Sand 7.52
Gypsum 6.48 Distemper Cure for Dogs
Sugar 57.80
Fluid Extract of Buckthorn 1 oz.
Starch 11.64
Fluid Extract of Ginger % 0 z.

Poultry Louse Powder Syrup of Poppies 2 oz.

Simple Syrup 1 oz.
Nicotine 0.28
Cod Liver Oil 4 oz.
Naphthalene 9.98
Shake well.
Sulfur 19.80
Sodium Fluoride 0.54 Dose —A tablespoonful is given twice

Veterinary Gall Salve

Tribromphenol 5.75 kg. Animal Condition Powder
Petrolatum 67.15 kg. Sulfur
Beeswax 9.2 kg. Rosin 5
Lard Compound (Paraffin Fenugreek Seed 5
added in summer) 29.9 kg. Flaxseed Meal 5
Alum 13.8 kg. Magnesium Sulfate 5
Sulphur 27.6 kg. Ginger African 4
Indigo 2.25 kg. Gentian Root 4
Copperas 4
Melt the wax; add the other ingredi- Sod. Bicarbonate 4
ents,and rub thoroughly through oint- Antimony 2
ment mill. Salt 2
Pot. Nitrate 1
Worm Expeller
All of above materials should be pow-
Magnesium Sulfate 12.04
dered and then mixed thoroughly.
Calcium Sulfate 9.05
Calcium Silicate 6.85
Venetian Red 7.34
Mange Cure
Sand 2.11
Nicotine 0.22 Potassium Carbonate 8 gr.
Flowers of Sulphur 64 gr.
Mange Ointment Oil of Pieis 12 c.c.
Mercurous Iodide Yellow 10 gr. Oil of Cade 12 c.c.

Salicylic Acid % oz. Linseed Oil to make 11 liters

Sulfur Sublimed 3 oz.

(Alcoholic Liquors will be found on page 541.)

Almond Extract Coffee Aroma

Oil Bitter Almonds F.P.A. 1% fl. oz. Ethylmethylacetaldehyde 4, 2, 3-pent-
Alcohol 3 pt. anedione 4, C5H5X 3, AcH 3, isovaleric
Water 5 pts. acid 2, a-methylfurfurole 2, Ac2 1, fur-
furole 1, PhOH 1, isoeugenol 1, methyl
Almond Flavor mercaptan 0.6, guaiacol 0.5, a-methyl-
cyelopentenolone 0.5, thioguaiacol 0.4,
1 Fluid Ounce Oil Bitter Almonds
furyl mercaptan 0.3, octyl ale. 0.2 parts.
40 Fluid Ounces Glycopon S
59 Fluid Ounces Water
* Coffee Extract

Imitation Almond Flavor Ground Boast Coffee 40

Glycerol (Anhydrous) 160
Benzaldehyde (F.F.C.) 1.3
Glycopon XS 16 Heat at 80-90° C. with stirring and
Glycerol 24
Water 128 Coffee Substitute
Anise Flavor Coffee Bean Powdered 33
Sugar Powdered 5
3 Fluid Ounces Oil Anise
Boasted Peanuts Powdered 62
75 Fluid Ounces Glycopon S
22 Fluid Ounces Water
Dry Ginger Ale Extract
8 oz. Solid Extract Jamaica Ginger
Caraway Flavor
2 drams Oil Ginger
2 Fluid Ounces Oil Caraway 2 drams Oil Sweet Orange
70 Fluid Ounces Glycopon S 1 dram Oil Limes, Distilled
28 Fluid Ounces Water *4 dram Oil Mace
% dram Oil Coriander
Celery Flavor % dram Oil Lemenone
4 Fluid Ounces Oil Celery Grind the above in a mortar with 4 oz-
70 Fluid Ounces Glycopon S powdered magnesium carbonate then add

26 Fluid Ounces Water 1 gallon Glycopon XS slowly while grind-

ing in thoroughly; then add one gallon
water slowly and stir thoroughly for 2
Thyme Flavor hours; add 2 oz. kieselguhr and filter
3 Fluid Ounces Oil Thyme through fine filter paper. The finished
70 Fluid Ounces Glycopon S product should be aged to develop a finer
27 Fluid Ounces Water aroma and taste.
4 oz. of this extract is used per gal-
Cinnamon Flavor lon of syrup.

1 Fluid Ounce Oil Cinnamon

Fluid Ounces Glycopon S Ginger Ale
14 Fluid Ounces Water Jamaica Ginger, fine powder 8 lb.
Capsicum, fine powder 6 oz.
In making the above flavors the oil
Alcohol a sufficient quantity
should be dissolved in the Glycopon by
stirring at room temperature. The water Mix the powders intimately, moisten
is then added slowly with vigorous stir- them with enough alcohol to make them
ring. In some cases (where a clear flavor distinctly damp but not wet, set aside
is desired) mix in a weight of magne- for four hours, then pack in a cylindri-
sium carbonate equal to the weight of cal percolator and percolate with alcohol
the oil used; stir and filter. until ten pints have been collected ; place
the percolate in a bottle of at least 2-
gallon capacity and add 2 fluid drams Cologne Spirit 8 fluidounces
of oleoresin ginger, shake and add 2 % Sugar 6 pounds
pounds of finely powdered pumice stone Water 3 pints
and agitate frequently for twelve hours, Caramel enough
II then the next step is most important. Mix the the Cologne
Add 14 pints of water one pint at a time, spirit and the water, add the spirit of
then shake briskly and add the next. orange and set aside for two days shak-
After adding all the water set aside ing occasionally. Then filter, add the
for twenty-four hours, agitating strongly lime juice and the ginger ale extract and
every hour or so, then add: dissolve the sugar in the mixed liquids.
Oil of Lemon 1% fl. oz.
Oil of Rose Geranium 3 fl. dr.
Pure Lemon Flavor
Oil of Bergamot 2 fl. dr.
Oil of Cinnamon 3 fl. dr. Dissolve 5 fluid ounces Lemon Oil in
Magnesium Carbonate 3 oz. 95 fluid ounces Glycopon S; no heating
is necessary.
First rub the magnesia with the oils The same proportions of oils of orange,
in a mortar, add nine fl. oz. of the clear limes, caraway, peppermint, winter green,
portion of the ginger mixture to which etc., may be used as above to make
two ounces of alcohol have been added 5%
and continue trituration, rinsing the Glycopon S will dissolve 10% of oils,
mortar out with the ginger mixture, pass Glycopon XS will dissolve any quan-
the ginger mixture through a double fil- tity of oils, but should only be used in
ter and add the mixture of oils through
concentrated flavors because it has an
the filter. Finally pass enough water
ethereal odor.
through the filter to make three gallons
of the finished extract which is to be
used 4 fi. oz. to a gallon of syrup. Dilute Imitation Lemon Flavor
the syrup, 1 fl. oz. with 6 fl, oz. of car- 5 Fluid Ounces Citral
bonated water; bottle. 96 Fluid Ounces Glycopon AAA
Note: The ginger ale can be colored a 189 Fluid Ounces Water
darker color with caramel.

Imitation Lemon Flavor

Soluble Ginger or Capsicum Flavor y± oz. Citral
12 Fluid Ounces Oleoresin Ginger 100 oz. Glycopon AAA
or Capsicum 1 lb. Glucose 43° Baume
243 Fluid Ounces Glycopon AAA 60 oz. Water
6 Ounces Precipitated Magnesium
189 Fluid Ounces Water
Lemon Extract
In making the above flavor, first mix Oil of Lemon, U.S.P. 6% oz.

the oleoresin thoroughly with Glycopon

Alcohol, 190 proof 121% oz.

AAA and then add the magnesium car- Mix, let stand overnight, then filter.

bonate, working it into an even paste.

Add the water slowly with thorough stir- Lemon Oil Emulsion
ring, then filter.
1. Gum Arabic 13 oz.
2. Terpeneless Oil of Lemon 20 oz.
Havana Cigar Flavor 3. Oil of Lemon 20 oz.
Coumarin, pure, cryst. 1 dr. 4. Glycerin 40 oz.
Methyl Benzoate 4 dr. Water
5. to make 10 gal.
Essence Vanilla, Special 2 pt. Mix one and four then mix in two and
Oil Cascarilla 1 dr. three to this add five slowly with good
Oil Valeriana % dr. stirring. Beat intermittently until homo-
Acetic Ether, Absolute 5 oz. geneous. Then pass through an homoge-
Glycopon XS 1 pt. nizer.

Kola Beverage Syrup

Concentrated extract of lemon Shall . —
be prepared from oil of lemon, or lemon
Fluidextract of Coca 4 fluidounces peel, or both, and ethyl alcohol of proper
Fluidextract of Kola 2 fluidounces strength, and shall contain not less than
Spirit of Orange 1% fluidounces 20 per cent, by volume, of oil of lemon
Lime Juice 1% pints and not less than 0.8 per cent, by weight,
Ginger Ale Extract % fluidounce of citral.

Extract of lemon . — Shall be prepared Terpeneless extract of orange Shall .

from oil of lemon or lemon peel, or both, be prepared by shaking oil of orange
and ethyl alcohol of proper strength. It with dilute ethyl alcohol or by dissolv-
shall contain not less than 80 per cent, ing terpeneless oil of orange of proper
by volume, of absolute ethyl alcohol, not strength in dilute ethyl alcohol, and shall
less than 5 per cent, by volume, of oil correspond in flavoring strength to or-
of lemon and not less than 0.2 per cent, ange extract.
by weight, of citral derived solely from
the oil of lemon or lemon peel used in
Orange flavor ,
nonalcoholic . —Shall be
a mixture of 20 per cent, by volume, of
its preparation. oil of orange (U.S.P. standard) and 80
Terpeneless lemon
extract Shall
of .
— per cent, by volume, of cottonseed oil.
be prepared by shaking of lemon with
oil The cottonseed oil shall be thoroughly
dilute ethyl alcohol, or by dissolving refined, winter pressed, sweet, neutral,
terpeneless oil of lemon of proper and free from rancidity. The finished
strength in dilute ethyl alcohol, and shall product shall be clear, free from sedi-
contain not less than 0.2 per cent, by ment and rancidity.
weight, of citral derived solely from oil
of lemon.
Lemon flavor, nonalcoholic Shall be .
— 4 oz.
Orange Oil Emulsion
a mixture of 20 per cent, by volume, of
oil of lemon (U.S.P. standard) and 80
16 lb. water
per cent, by volume, of cottonseed oil. 24 lb. cane sugar
The cottonseed oil shall be thoroughly re- 60 lb. invert sugar
fined, winter pressed, sweet, neutral, and
20 oz. terpeneless oil orange
free from rancidity. The finished prod- 20 oz. oil orange
uct shall be clear, free from sediment Dissolve the gelatin in the water, add
and rancidity. the cane sugar and heat until dissolved.
Then add the invert sugar and mix well ,*

Lemonade Powder for Soft Drinks add oils j homogenize.

86 parts Cane Sugar

14 parts Dry Bordens Lemon Powder
Orange Powder for Soft Drinks
l/io Bart Citric Acid 80 Parts Cane Sugar
Color with a yellow certified food color. 20 Parts Dry Bordens Orange Powder
The above powders are mixed and col- y5 Part Citric Acid
ored. Four ounces of above powder Color with an orange certified food
when mixed with pint of cold water will color.
makfe delicious lemonade. The above powders are mixed thor-
oughly. Four ounces of above powder
when mixed with pint of cold water will
* Mat6, Improving Taste and Odor make a delicious orange drink.
Mate 100
Acetaldehyde (1%) 100
Peppermint Flavor
Allow to stand for day and dry.
Ounces Oil Peppermint
3 Fluid
70 Fluid Ounces Glycopon S
Imitation Maple Flavor
27 Fluid Ounces Water
1 lb. Maple Base
1% lb.Glycopon AAA
1 lb.Sugar Color *
Tea Extract, Concentrated
Balance water to make 1 gal. A concentrate in paste form
tea is
made by the following method. It is
noteworthy in that all bitter principles
Orange Extract
*are eliminated without destroying any of
Oil Orange 6% oz.
the delicate flavoring principles. A
Alcohol 121% oz.
quantity of tea leaves is submerged in
Mix, let stand overnight, then filter. two to four volumes of cold water in a
Extract of orange —
Shall be prepared
. sealed container. A
quantity of pow-
dered dry calcium hydrate, approximately
from oil of orange or orange peel, or
both, and absolute ethyl alcohol of 3 to 5% of the quantity of tea leaves
proper strength, and shall contain not is added to the water and the complete
less than 80 per cent, by volume, of ethyl mixture is subjected to agitation through
alcohol, and not less than 5 per cent, by the manipulation of the container for
volume, of oil of orange. about a half hour. After this period
the extract is decanted or filtered off * 6 oz. Vanillin
through, a cloth or fine mesh and the com.' 2 oz. Coumarin
plete residue is returned to the container 4 oz. Oleoresin Vanilla
for a second extracting which may be 3 y2 lb. Glucose 43° Baum$
repeated as often as desired. The vari- 4 oz. Caramel Color
ous extractives from the various extrac- Balance water to make 1 gal.
tive operations are mixed together and The usual procedure on above formulae
subjected to desiccation by a process is to put the Vanillin and Coumarin in
known as spray drying. The concentrate a container containing the required
is then mixed with 50% solution of amount of Glycopon AAA; heat to 50°
glycerine and water to produce a rela- C. and stir until completely dissolved.
tively thick paste, packed in hermetically Then allow to cool to room temperature
sealed containers, preferably collapsible and add to it slowly with stirring the
tubes so that the paste may be positively required amount of water. If caramel
sealed and measured quantities thereof color, prune juice, sugar or syrup is to
readily dispensed. be added, these should be dissolved first
in the water.
Pure Vanilla Flavor Where a water- white Vanilla is de-
Oleo resin Vanilla 4 oz. sired, the solution of Vanillin in Glyco-
Glycopon AAA 2 pt. pon AAA
may be decolorized by the ad-
Water to make 1 gallon. dition of a little tartaric or citric acid.
Flavoring ingredients must be com-
pletely dissolved in Glycopon before any
water is added. Filter clear after two Non-Alcoholic Vanilla, Lemon and
or three days. Almond Flavors
Vanilla Beans may be exhausted with
Glycopon AAA diluted with water as The following method for making a
completely as with alcohol. ISTo solvent non-alcoholic flavor has been suggested:
losses occur through evaporation.
Non-Alcoholic Vanilla120.00
Imitation Vanilla Flavors
Vanillin 3.2 Gm.
Coumarin 0.19 Gm.
f Vanillin 2 oz.
Glycerin mils
1. JCoumarin % oz.
Syrup 180.00 mils
[Glycopon AAA 32 fluid oz.
Water 120.00 mils
Water to 7 gallons. Ether mils
Color sufficient
Vanillin 2 oz.
Coumarin 1 oz. Dissolve the vanillin and the coumarin
Glycopon AAA 28 fluid oz. in the ether. Mix the glycerin, syrup
Sugar 5 lb. and water, add to this ether solution of
Water to 5 gallons. the vanillin and coumarin. Beat until
the ether is entirely volatilized and then
Vanillin 20 oz. add the color.
Coumarin 4 oz. The Paste type of flavors has been
Glycopon AAA 1% gal. suggested for non-alcoholic lemon and
( Water 184 oz. almond. Soak 250 Gm. of gum traga-
Take 1 lb. of above and add water to canth in 4 liters of distilled water for
it slowly with stirring to make 2 gallons. three or four days or until it is spftened
and has taken up as much water as it
will hold. Now forcibly strain it through
Imitation Vanilla Concentrate
10 oz.
cheesecloth. Mix 120 mils of this muci-
lage with 360 mils of glycerin. This
Coumarin 3 oz.
will serve as the vehicle for the flavor.
Glycopon AAA 128 oz.
For this quantity of paste add gradually
and with constant trituration in a mor-
Vanillin 20 oz.
tar 60 mils of oil of lemon.
Coumarin 10 oz.
For almond flavor use 120 mils of the
Glycopon AAA 1 gal.
paste and 360 mils of glycerin and to
this add gradually and with constant
Concentrated Vanilla Compound Flavor trituration 15 mils of benzaldehyde which
(Highest Quality)
must be free from hydrocyanic acid and
For dilution with water up to 17 to 1. chlorine.
60 oz. Glycopon AAA
; .


Compound Vanilla Extract Extra concentrated extract of vanilla

A. Mexican Vanilla Beans 1 lb. —Shall be prepared, without added flav-
Bourbon Vanilla Beans 1 lb. oring or coloring, from prime vanilla
Water 2 gal. beans, with or without glycerin; shall
Alcohol 2 gal. contain, in 100 cubic centimeters, the
Glycerin 26 oz. soluble matters from not less than 100
Rock Candy Syrup 2 pt. grams of vanilla beans, and shall con-
tain not less than 30 per cent, by vol-
Grind or cut the beans small and place
ume, of absolute ethyl alcohol, and when
in a porcelain jar or clean wooden keg;
one part by volume, of the product is
pour over them the water at a boiling
diluted with nine parts, by volume, of
temperature and macerate for twenty-
dilute alcohol (40 per cent, by volume)
four hours. Then add the alcohol and
the resulting mixture shall comply with
glycerin and macerate for forty-eight
the requirements for vanilla extract ex-
hours; lastly, add the rock candy syrup, cept in regard to alcohol content. The
stir well and macerate for not less than
label shall clearly indicate the strength
four weeks. of the product and if the product is not

B. Vanillin 2 oz.
made directly from vanilla beans, the
Alcohol 2 pt. label should contain a statement to that
Mix and let stand for twenty-four effect.
hours; then add one pint rock candy 4X strength, extract of vanilla. Shall —
syrup, and let stand for twenty-four be prepared without added flavoring or
hours longer add one pint prune juice
: coloring, from prime vanilla beans with
and let stand for twenty-four hours or without sugar and/or glycerin; shall
then add five pints boiling water and let contain, in 100 cubic centimeters, the
stand for two weeks. Filter. soluble matters from not less than 40
To make the extract add one quart of grams of vanilla beans ; shall contain
solution (B) to one gallon of solution not less than 35 per cent, by volume, of
(A). absolute ethyl alcohol, and when one
part, by volume, of the product is di-
Vanilla Extract luted with three parts, by volume, of
Oleoresin Vanilla 4 oz. dilute alcohol (40 per cent by volume)
Alcohol 4 pints the resulting mixture shall comply with
Simple Syrup 1 % pints the requirements for vanilla extract, ex-
Water 2% pints cept in regard to alcohol content. The
label shall clearly indicate the strength
Mix by stirring thoroughly. Simple
of the product and if the product is not
syrup is prepared by dissolving 3% lb.
made directly from vanilla beans, the
of sugar in one quart of water. label should contain a statement to that

Pure vanilla extract. Shall be pre- effect.
pared without added flavoring or color-
ing, from prime vanilla beans with or
without sugar and/or glycerin; shall N o i»- A LCOHOUC
contain, in 100 cubic centimeters, the sol-
uble matters from not less than 10 grams
of vanilla beans; shall contain not less Imitation Black Walnut Flavor
than 40 per cent, by volume, of absolute Walnut Flavor
8 oz. Oil of Black
ethyl alcohol, and show a Wichman lead 1% lb. Glycopon AAA
number not less than 0.70. The strength 1 lb. Glucose 43° Baume
of the extract in respect to the vanillin 2 oz. Sugar Color
and vanilla resins, which shall be derived Balance water to make 1 gal.
solely from the beans used, shall be not
less than 0.17 per cent vanillin and not Wintergreen Flavor
less than 0.09 per cent vanilla resins. Ounces Methyl Salicylate
3 Fluid
70 Fluid Ounces Glycop®n AAA
Imitation vanilla, artificially flavored

and colored. Shall be a solution of van-
27 Fluid Ounces Water
illin and coumarin in dilute
with 5 per cent, by volume, of true Chocolate Syrup
vanilla extract, colored with caramel.
There shall be not less than 0.6 gram of Heat 2 lb. chocolate.
Add 6 lb. 30° B6. sugar syrup
vanillin, 0.1 gram of coumarin, and 35
centimeters of glycerol (U.S.P. stand- Boil down to desired thickness
ard), in 100 centimeters of the finished Add %o of 1 %
Sodium Benzoate


Fruit Syrup The above formulae can be used for
One quart lemon, orange or other fruit making any emulsion flavor by substi-
tuting other oils or combinations of oils
pulp ;
6*4 lb. sugar; 5 pints water; *4-
1 oz. citric acid, and 1 oz. Viscogum. for lemon or orange oil. Thus oil of
peppermint, wintergrcen, cinnamon,
Directions clove, nutmeg or any combinations of

1 lb. of sugar with 1 these or other oils may be used to make

Mix thoroughly
Bring the 5 pints of emulsions of different flavors. The con-
oz. of Viscogum.
centrations of the oils given in the above
water to a boil and add slowly while
stirring the mixture of Viscogum and
formulae may be varied to suit individ-
Then boil vigorously for one ual requirements. Emulsions made with
minute. If artificial color is desired, it 50% of some oils are so thick that they
may be added at this point. Now add will scarcely flow. The viscosity of a
the balance ( 5*4 lb.) of sugar and cook
weak oil emulsion may be increased by
until completely dissolved. Allow to cool
mixing some cotton or other edible oil
to 180° F. and add the citric acid, previ-
with the flavor oil used, before emulsifi-
The cation.
ously dissolved in a little water.
fruit pulp is then added and slow stir-
The addition of 1% phosphoric or
hydrochloric acid or a larger amount of
ring is continued until cool. If some ad-
ditional flavor is desired it is added at
a weaker acid increases the stability of
these emulsions. The acid should be dis-
this point. If a preservative is indi-
solved in the water used.
cated then 3.6 grams of Benzoate of
Soda is stirred in. The finished syrup is
stirred slowly while bottling. It is ad- Essence Grape Aroma “Special”
visable to shake each bottle the next day
Nerolin 20 gr.
before packing for shipment. The pulp
Essence Cognac 10 mils
will now remain in suspension for long
Sol. Methyl Anthranilate
Is 10 20 mils
Tinet. Cacao 20 mils
EMULSION FLAVORS Fluid Ext. Valerian 2 mils
Sol. Benzoic Ether 1: 10 1 mil
Formula (Cold Method) Grape Juice 60 mils
A. 1. Lemon or Orange Oil 25 oz. Glycopon XS 200 mils
2. Emulsone B 3-4 oz.
3. Water q.s. 1 gal. Pistache Essence
4. Glycerin 10 oz.
Oil Lemon, Handpressed 4 mils
Put and (2) in a pot fitted with
(1) Oil Bitter Almonds,
a beating stirrer. Start mixing to wet F.F.P.A. 8 mils
the gum thoroughly with the oil. Add Essence Strawberry Aroma 12 mils
(3) and (4) while beating vigorously. Benzyl Acetate, pure 3 drops
Continue beating until homogeneous. Glycerine, pure 12 mils
Continue beating intermittently for a Peach Flavor, pure 3 mils
few hours. If the above amount of es- Glycopon XS 120 mils
sential oil is not desired, any part of it Green Color *4 gm.
may be replaced with mineral or cotton-
seed oil.
Essence Prune Juice for Blending
Tinct. St. John'sBread 10 oz.
Formula (Hot Method) Extract Vanilla 5 oz.
B. 1. Lemon or Orange Oil 25 oz. Prune Juice 28 oz.
2. Emulsone B 2 oz. Prune Spirit 12 oz. 4 dr.
3. Water q.s. 1 gal. Essence Rum Kingston 2 oz 4 dr.

4. Sugar 16 oz. Tinct. Lemosin Oak 30 oz.

Essence Raisin Wine 10 oz.
Mix (2) and (4) intimately in dry Essence Cognac Fine Cham-
pot. In a steam-heated kettle or double
pagne 5 oz.
boiler, bring (3) to a boil; add the mix-
Essence Figs 2 oz. 4 dr.
ture of and (4) very slowly while
(2) Essence Grape Aroma 2 oz.
stirring. Cover the kettle and boil for
two hours, while stirring. Allow to cool
and add the oil slowly while beating Oil Blood Orange
vigorously. Continue beating until uni- Oil Sweet Orange, Hand-
form. Continue beating intermittently pressed 64 oz.
for a few hours. Oil Lemon, Handpressed 15 oz. 4 dr.

Oil Peach Blossom 2 dr. Sol. Peach Aldehyde, pure

Methyl Anthranilate, pure 1 dr. 1 : 20 1 mil
Vanillin, pur. cryst. 16 oz. Glycopon XS 2000 mils
Apple Cider 1500 mils
Com Ether Water 750 mils
Glycopon XS 5000 gr.
Oil Pear Ethereal
Acetic Ether 1000 gr.
Fusel Oil Benzyl Propionate 1 pt.
30 gr.
Coriander Oil 4 gr.
Amyl Acetate, pure 11 pt.
Butyric Ether, Absolute 4 pt.
Oil Cognac 4 gr.

Oil Neroli Artificial

Oil Gin, Old Tom
Oil Coriander, pure 3 oz. 4 dr. Ambrettone 2 gr.
Oil Angelica Root 3 dr. Oil Rose Geranium 5 gr.
Oil Anise, Russian, Rectified 1 oz. Infusion Balsam Tolu 8 gr.
Oil Caraway, Dutch 4 dr. Glycopon XS 50 gr.
Oil Juniper Berries, Phenyl Ethyl Acetate 20 gr.
Rectified 7 oz. 4 dr. Orange Oil 40 gr.
Glycopon XS 1 pt. 8 oz. Rose Leaf Infusion 75 gr.
Oil Neroli Gen. Bigarde 100 gr.
Geranyl Acetate 100 gr.
Essence Gin, Old Tom Methyl Anthanilate 100 gr.
Essence Gin, Holland 1 gal. Inf. Orange Flowers 100 gr.
Glycopon XS 1 pt. Linalol 100 gr.
Oil Coriander, pure 1 oz. Oil Petit Grain Algerian 150 gr.
Oil Calamus 1 oz. Linalyl Acetate 150 gr.

Essence Gin, London Dock Apricot Oil

Oil Gin, Old Tom 6 oz. Oil Neroli Art. 12 oz.
Oil Gin, Holland 18 oz.
Oil Cognac White 14 oz.
Oil Cassia, Rectified 4 dr.
Oenanthic Ether 14 oz.
Glycopon XS 64 oz.
Peach Aldehyde 100% 4 oz.
Vanillin 64 oz.
Arrac Aroma Essence Oil Apple Ethereal 16 oz.

16 gr. Acetic Ether 96 oz.

Oil Birch
gr. Valerian Ether Absolute 16 oz.
Oil Cognac 16
Oil Maraschino 25 gr. Glycopon XS 240 oz.

Oil Celery 8 gr.

Essence Sweet Cherry
Rum Essence 250 gr.
Glycopon XS 250 gr. Heliotropin 60 gr.
Solution Jasmin, Concrete
1 10 in Glycopon XS
24 mils
Oil Gin Holland
Solution Peach Aldehyde, pure
Oil Lemon 1 dr.
1: 20 in Glycopon XS 7% mils
Oil Anise 1 dr. 2 mils
Cyclamic Aldehyde, pure
Oil Angelica Root 6 dr.
Oil Bitter Almonds,
Oil Fusel 4 dr.
16 mils
Oil Juniper Berries 20 oz.
Vanillin 84 gr.
Oil Rosemary Flavor 6 dr.
Fluidextract Rhatany 35 mils
Coriander 4 dr.
Oil Oil Cloves 2% mils
Glycopon XS 10 oz.
Oil Cinnamon Ceylon 1% mils
Cherry Juice 800 mils
Essence Holland Gin Glycopon XS 800 mils
Oil Gin 1000 mils
Glycerine C.P. 200 mils Essence Whiskey Bourbon
Glycopon XS 216 oz. Fusel Oil 1 gal.
Oil Bitter Almond 1% oz.

Essence Apple Aroma Oil Rose Art. 48 min.

750 mils Vanilla Extract 32 oz.
Oil Apple Ethereal
Oil Jasmine Flowers 3 mils Ess. Jamaica Rum 40 oz.
Am yl Valerianate, pure 20 mils Pineapple Aroma 40 oz.
10 gr. Acetic Ether 12 oz.
Tinct. Civet 4 oz. to 1 gal. 5 mils



Essence of Jamaica Oil Spice Gewuertz 2 dr.

Oil of Cassia 1 dr. Butyric Ether, Absolute 2 dr.
Oil of Birch Tar 25 drops Tinct. Foenigraeci, Concen-
Oil of Ylang Ylang Natural 3 dr. tration 3 oz. 4 dr.
Oil of Orange Flower
Natural 20 drops Essence Kartoffel Schnaps
Oil of Ceylon Cinnamon 15 drops Essence Rye Whiskey 8 oz.
Rum Ether Pure 3 pt. Essence Nordhaeuser Korn 8 oz.
Acetic Ether 2 % oz.
Butyric Ether 1 oz. 1 dr.
Tincture of Saffron 1 lb. Oil Cherry Ethereal
to a gal. 4 oz. Amyl Acetate, Pure 12 pt.
Extract of Vanilla Pure 3 oz. Amyl Butyrate, Pure 8 pt.
Balsam Peru 2 dr. Benzaldehyde, free from
Tincture Styrax U.S.P. 2 dr. Prussic Acid 12 pt.
Coumarin 5 dr. Oil Lemon, Handpressed 16 oz.
Oil Sweet Orange, Hand-
Essence Whiskey (
Scotch ’ ?
pressed 8 oz.
Guaiacol, pure 4 dr. Oil Cloves, Pure 16 oz.
Oil Cade, pure 1 oz. Oil Cassia, Leadfree 8 oz.
Butyric Ether, pure 4 oz. Vegetable Red Coloring,
Essence Rye Whiskey 2 gal.
Essence Rootbeer
Essence Cognac Brandy Oil Sassafras, Pure 1 oz.
Essence Brandy 20 oz. Oil Anise Russian, Rectified 1 oz.
Extract Vanilla 4 oz. Oil Lemon, Natural 1 oz.
Tinct. Orrisroot, Florentine Methyl Salicylate (Oil Winter-
(2 lb. to 1 gal.) 2 oz. green Art.) 18 oz.
Oil Cognac, Genuine 1 oz. Glycopon XS 6 oz.
Oil Bitter Almonds, Free from Water 11 oz.
Prussic Acid 2 dr. Bismarck Brown Color
Essence Rum, New England 6 dr.
Acetic Ether, Absolute 2 oz. 2 dr.
Nitrous Ether, Absolute 2 oz.
Essence Rum New England
Glycopon XS 10 oz. Oil Cinnamon, Ceylon 2 dr.
Oil Cloves, Pure 2 dr.
Oil Chamomile, Roman 4 dr.
Essence Slivovitz Rum Ether, Pure 4 pt.
Oil Bitter Almonds, Butyric Ether, Absolute 3 oz.
F.F.P.A. 2 mils Extract Vanilla 4 dr.
Oil Neroli, Artificial 1 mil Acetic Ether, Absolute 3 oz.
Oil Cognac, Genuine, Green 2 mils Glycopon XS 8 oz.
Vanillin 5 gm.
Essence Raspberry Aroma 300 mils
Essence Plum 300 mils Root Beer Oil
Essence Jamaica Rum 25 mils Methyl Salicylate 5 oz.
Essence Raisin Wine 50 mils Safrol 8 oz.
Prune Spirit 100 mils Oil Orange 1 oz.
Glycopon XS 100 mils Oil Clove 2 drops
Oil Nutmeg 2 drops

Essence Nordhaeuser Horn

Coumarin % oz.
Vanillin 1 oz.
Carvol 10 oz. Glycopon XS 64 oz.
Oil Caraway, Butch 2 oz. Water q.s. 128 oz.
Oil Coriander, pure 30 drops 1 ounce of above flavors 2 gallons.
Acetic Ether, Absolute 4 dr.
Glycopon XS 60 oz.
Glycerine, Pure 18 oz. Oil Scotch
Oil Corn Fusel 6 oz.
Oil Bitter Almonds 4 dr.
Essence Nordhaeuser Korn Oil Coriander 4 dr.
Ruin Ether, Pure 2 gal. Oil Cade 1 oz.
Corn Fusel Oil 2 pt. Guaiacol 2 dr.
Butyric Ether Tincture of Lemosin Oak
Glycopou XS Oak Bark, Powder 2 lb.
Glycopon XS 4 pt.
Water 4 pt.
New England Rum Essence
Nitrous Ether 250 gr.
Tincture of Maple Bark
Butyric Ether 250 gr.
Acetic Ether 250 gr. Maple Bark, Powdered 2 lb.

Oil Lemon 3 gr. Glycopon XS 4 pt.

Oil Cinnamon 3 gr. Water 4 pt.

Oil Neroli 1 gr.

Balsam of Peru 2 gr. Tincture of Saffron
Rum Ess. No. 10 500 gr. Saffron 1 lb.
Glycopon XS 1 gal.
Tincture of Castorium
Castorium, Canadense 1 lb. Tincture of Sandalwood
Glycopon XS 1 gal. Sandalwood, Powder 2 lb.
Glycopon XS 1 gal.

Tincture of Civet
Tincture of St. Johns Bread
Civet,Genuine 4 oz.
Glycopon XS St.Johns Bread, Powder 2 lb.
1 gal.
Glycopon XS 4 pt.
Water 4 pt.
Tincture Foenugreek
Foenugreek, Powder 2 lb. Tincture Orrisroot, Florentine
Glycopon XS 1 gal. Orrisroot, Florentine,Powder 2 lb.
Glycopon XS 4 pt.
Water 4 pt.
Essence Raisin Wine
Extract Vanillin 70 oz. Tincture of Almonds, Shells
Essence Raspberry Aroma 2 oz.
Almonds, Shells 4 lb.
Oenanthic Ether, Absolute 4 dr.
Glycopon XS 6 pt.
Geraniol Pure 2 oz. 2 dr.
Water 2 pt.
Acetic Ether, Glacial 2 oz. 2 dr.
Glycopon XS 40 oz.
Methyl Anthranilate Pure 20 drops Tincture of Arnica
Arnica Powder 1 lb.
Glycopon XS 1 gal.
Oil Plum Ethereal
Oil Pineapple, Ethereal 4 pt.
Tincture Gum Benzoin, Siam
Oil Jamaica Rum 4 pt.
Gum Benzoin Siam, Powder 2 lb.
Essence Slivovitz 4 pt.
Glycopon XS 1 gal.
Essence Peach Blossoms 4 pt.
Glycopon XS 6 pt.
Tincture of Musk Tonquin, Grains
Tincture of Foenugreek, Concentrate Musk Tonquin, Grains 4 oz.
Foenugreek, Powder 4 lb. Glycopon XS 1 gal.
Glycopon XS 1 gal.
Tincture Musk Artificial
Tincture of Figs Musk Artificial 100% Pure 4 oz.
Figs 4 lb. Glycopon XS 1 gaL
Glycopon XS 4 pt. Dissolve.
Water 4 pt.

Tincture of Mastie
Tincture of Hickory
Hickory Bark, Powder 2 lb. Gum Mastic Powder 1 lb,
Glycopon XS 5 pt t
Glycopon XS 2 pt.
Water 4 pt.
Essence Apple, Extra Oil Cloves 2% mils
Oil Apple, Ethereal 1500 mils Oil Cinnamon 1*4 mils
Peach Flavor 100 mils Cherry Juice 800 mils
Glycopon XS 5000 mils Glycopon XS 800 mils
Water 3500 mils
Vegetable Liquid Yellow Cognac Essence
Color 10 mils
Oil Bitter Almond 20 drops
Oil Absinthe, French Oil Cognac 50 gm.
Violet Flower Essence 25 gm.
Oil Wormwood, American 10 oz.
Woodruff Essence
16 50 gm.
Oil Star Anise. Leadfree oz.
Oenanthie Ether 15 gm.
Oil Anise Russian, Rectified 12 oz.
Acetic Ether 120 gm.
Oil Fennel, Rectified 6 oz.
Oil Neroli, Artificial % dr.
Glycopon XS 3 oz. Oil Scotch Whisky Mix
Tinct. Gum Benzoin, Siam 2 lb. Oil Fusel 6 oz.
to 1 gal. 3 oz. Oil Bitter Almond 4 dr.
Oil Coriander 4 dr.
Oil Anisette Oil Cade Pure 1 oz.
Guiacol Pure 2 dr.
Oil Anise Russian, Rectified 465 mils
Butyric Ether 4 oz.
Oil Sweet Fennel, Rectified 20 mils
1 oz. to 60 gal*
Oil Coriander, Pure 10 mils
Oil Star Anise, Leadfree 465 mils
Oil Angelica Root 30 mils Oil Peach Blossom
Oil Bitter Almonds, Oil Neroli 16 oz.
F.F.P.A. 8 mils Oil Cognac Genuine 14 oz.
Oil Rose, Artificial 2 mils Cenanthic Ether 14 oz.
Peach Aldehyde 100% 4 oz.
Oil Alkermes, Cordial Oil Apple Ethereal 16 oz.
Acetic Ether Absolute 96 oz.
Oil Cinnamon, Ceylon 100 gm.
Valerianic Ether Absolute 16 oz.
Oil Cassia, Leadfree 200 gm.
OilCloves, Pure 200 gm. Glycopon XS 240 oz,

OilMace, Distilled 450 gm.

OilRose, Genuine 1 gm. Oil Bourbon 1-30
Glycopon XS 50 gm. Oil Fusel 6 pt.
Butyric Ether 2 oz.
Anisette Flavor Oil Bitter Almonds 2 dr.
Oil Jam. Rum 16 oz.
Oil Star Anise 100 gm.
Tinct. Castoreum 8 oz.
Oil Anise 50 gm.
Oil Carvol 7 gm.
Oil Lemon 5 gm. 122 oz.
Oil Rose % gm.
Oil Neroli 2 gm. Extract Bourbon 1-1
Oil Cardamon 2 gm. Oil Bourbon 6 oz.
Glycopon S 32 oz.
Essence Arac Sugar Color 20 oz.
CitricAcid S. 8 oz.
Oil Neroli Petale, Extra 15 drops Tannic Acid Sol, 1 oz.
Essence Jamaica Rum 42 oz.
Extract Vanilla 12 oz.
Essence Cognac Fine Cham- 67 oz.
Water 61 oz.
pagne 2 oz. 4 dr.
Essence Raisin Wine 1 oz.
128 oz.

Essence Wild Cherry Aroma Super Aroma Bourbon 1-5

Heliotropin 40 gm. Oil Fusel Rectified 240 oz.
Solution Jasmine 24 mils Ess. Pineapple i/ oz.
Peach Aldehyde 7% mils Ess. Peach Blossom 14 oz.
Oil Bitter Almond 23 mils Citric Acid Solution 50% 240 oz,
Vanillin 84 gm.
FI. Extr. Phatany 35 mils
Solution Saccharin Saturated
Oil Jam. Rum
oz, %
13 oz,


Glycopon S 133 oz. Oil Mace Distilled IY2 dr.
Tannic Acid Sol. 1 oz. Oil Anise Seed, Russian^
Rectified 1 dr.
Oil Angelica Root 40 dr.
Oil Bitter Almonds, F.F.P.A. % dr.
Special Whisky Flavor 1-16 Oil Wormwood, American 20 dr.
Oil Neroli Bigrade, Petale,
Super Aroma Bourbonette
Extra 1 dr.
1-5 100 oz.
Oil Cognac, Genuine, 'White 15 dr.
Oil Bourbon Cyllo 4 oz.
Glycopon XS 20 oz.
104 oz.
Essence Concord Grape
Bourbon 1 to 1 Methyl Anthranilate, Pure / 10 oz.
Oil Bourbon 40 oz. Glycopon XS 100 oz.

Oil Combindlion 20 oz. Glycerine, Pure 45 oz.

Glycopon XS * 10 oz. Vegetable Red Liquid 5 oz.

Tannic Acid Solution 1 lb.

C.P. Tannic Acid Dissolved
Essence Cognac Brandy
in 1 gal. Hot Water 10 oz.
Saccharin Solution 1 lb. Sol- Essence Cognac Fine Cham-
uble Water Saccharin 5 gal. pagne *' 5 oz.
Extract Vanilla 2 dr.
Boiling Water % oz.
Tinct. St. Johns Bread 2 dr.
Citric Acid Solution 10 oz.
Sugar Color 100% 200 oz. Glycopon XS 2 oz.
Vanilla Ext. Imitation 2 oz. Glycerine, Pure 4 dr.
Imit. Vanilla Ext. 1 oz. Vanillin.
Dissolve in Yq gal. Glycopon S; Y2 gal. Essence Cognac Fine Champagne
Water. White 20 oz.
Oil Cognac, Genuine,
Oil Bitter Almonds,
W hisky
Flavor 1-25 F.F.P.A. 1 oz. 2 dr.
Oil Bourbon 100 oz. Acetic Ether, Absolute 45 oz.

Oil Fusel 200 oz. Glycopon XS 15 pt.

Ess. of Peach Blossom ? Y% oz. Essence Raisin Wine 10 oz.

Ess. of Pineapple Aroma V% oz. Tinct. Lemosin Oak 5 oz.

Tannic Acid C.P. 1 dr.

Essence Creme de Menthe

Oil Peppermint, Twice
Rectified 2 oz.
Essence of Peach Blossom 2 dr.
Oil of Peach Blossom IV2 oz.
Glycopon XS 35 oz. 4 dr.
Peach Aldehyde 100% 2 dr. Green Coloring.
Glycopon XS 0 pt.
Water 28 oz.
Essence Whiskey ‘ ‘
Rye ’

Gordon Gin Essence Oil Fusel Potato 2 pt

16 oz.
Oil Fusel Rye 18 pt.
Oil Juniper Berries
Oil Angelica Root 20 cc.
Rum Ether, Pure 20 pt.
Oil Coriander, Pure 5 oz.
Oil Angelica Seed 20 cc.
40 cc.
Oil Bitter Almonds,
Oil Coriander 2 oz. 4 dr.
60 F.F.P.A.
Oil. Lemon cc.
20 Glycopon XS 50 pt.
Sweet Orange cc.
1 pt.
5 cc.
Tinct. Catechu
Neroli 2 dr.
5 cc. Vanillin
Geranium Rose 4 dr.
Glycopon XS to make 1 gal. True 1 dr.
Tinct. Balsam, Peru,
4 oz. of above to make 50 gal.

Essence Chartreuse Essence Trester Brandy

1 Y% dr. Oil Cognac, Genuine 4 oz.
Oil Peppermint, Rectified
2 dr. Oil Corn Fusel 5 oz.
Oil Lemon, Handpressed
1 dr. Methyl Salicylate 3 oz.
Oil Cassia, Leadfree
1 dr. Acetic Ether, Absolute 2 lb. 8 oz.
Oil Cloves Pure
Glycopon XS 24 pt. Grape Syrup Form
Water 3 pt. 12 oz. ArtificialGrape Oil 6 oz.
Tartaric Acid 2% lb.
Essence Tutti Frutti Cream of Tartar 2 oz.
Tannic Acid 15 gm.
Essence Benedictine 16 oz.
16 oz.
Grain Alcohol 3 pt.
Essence Maraschino
16 oz. Sugar Syrup 7 pt.
Essence Curacao
Essence Violet Flowers 16 oz, Color sufficiently to give the desired
Oil Strawberry, Ethereal 32 oz. shade.
Tinct. Vanilla 1 lb. to 1 gal. 32 oz. The syrup is made by dissolving 7
pounds granulated sugar in sufficient
Essence Rock and Rye Whiskey water to make one gallon.
Oil Corn Fusel 7 oz. 4 dr.
Oil Cognac, Genuine Green 4 dr. Grape Flavor
Balsam Peru, True 4 dr.
Essence Jamaica Rum 4 dr.
Vanillin 2 dr. Tartaric Acid 2% lb.

Acetic Ether, Absolute 4 dr. Cream of Tartar 2 oz.

Coumarin 5 dr. Tannic Acid 15 gr.
Essence Raisin Wine.* 12 oz. Granulated Sugar 10 lb.

Peach Flavor 4 dr. Concentrated Grape Oil,

Glycopon XS 35 oz. Artificial 6 oz.
Glycerine, Pure 16 oz.
Mixthe tannic acid with cream of
tartar. (The tannic acid may be
Oil Benedictine omitted if desired.) This should be
Oil Sweet Orange, Hand- mixed thoroughly, then mix this with
pressed 72 oz. about %
pound of the acid (fine pow-
Oil Angelica Root 6 oz. dered.) Mix well, then work in the
Oil Calamus 3 oz. remaining acid in lots of %
pound at a
Oil Cinnamon, Ceylon 3 oz. time, thorough mixing being essential.
Oil Mace, Distilled 3 oz. It is best done by sieving several times,
Oil Celery 3 oz. mixing well after each sieving. Now
Glycopon XS 12 oz. work in the sugar the same way, so that
the whole forms a perfectly even mix-
ture. Now slowly work in the artificial
French Curacao
grape oil, mixing thoroughly. Sufficient
Oil Orange 10 oz. color is added to give the required
Mace Oil 8 cc. shade when dissolved in water. Mix
Cassia Oil 16 ec.
thoroughly and spread out until dry,
Cloves Oil 8 cc. then rub again through a sieve and put
Lemon Oil 32 cc.
up in packages.
Rose Oil 1 cc.
As the color will vary in strength, it
Vanillin 1 dr.
will be necessary to experiment a little
Jam. Rum Ess. 2 oz.
to get the exact quantity required to
give the desired color when the product
Grape Oil
is made up into a finished drink.
Benzyl Butyrate 10% fl. oz. In the strength given here, a tea**
Methyl Anthranilate 4% fl. oz.
spoonful will be sufficient to flavor
Methyl Salicylate % fi. oz.
strongly a quart of water.
Amyl Valerianate % fl. oz.
Fluid Extract Valerianate 3 fl. oz.
Port Wine 75 fl. oz. Powdered Flavors
Alcohol 150 fl. oz. Put about 4 ounces of the powder
Grape Juice 50 fl. oz. into a mortar and spray or drop the
Glycerine 25 fl. oz. mixed flavoring materials over it
Mix the first five with the alcohol,
slowly, mixing well. When all have
been added, gradually add the remain-
then add the other materials one at a der of the acid, mixing well after each
time in the order given, stirring well addition. The color should be dissolved
after each addition. Let stand for 24 in the flavoring mixture before adding
hours and filter. the acid. When well mixed, place in a
glass dish and stir often until it has

dried out sufficiently to admit of pack- Artificial Oil of Raspberry

ing. Best put up in glass bottles with Acetic Ether 5 oz.
closely fitting stoppers, but may be put Formic Ether 1 oz.
up in cans. The quantity is sufficient Methyl-Salicylic Ether 1 oz.
for 45 gallons of liquid. Nitrous Ether 1 oz.
Raspberry Oenanthic Ether 1 oz.

The base as above 1 lb. Sebacylic Ether 1 oz.

Butyric Ether 1 oz.
Artificial Oil of Raspberry 1V2 oz.
Bordeau S. Amaranth Benzoic Ether 1 oz.
Amyl-Butyric Ether 1 oz.
Color 2 to 5 gr.
Flavor Succinic Acid 1 oz.
Artificial Vanilla 1 dr.
Saturated Solution Tartaric
Acid in cold Alcohol 5 oz.
Strawberry Glycerine 4 oz.
The base as above 1 lb. Tincture of Orris 100 oz.
Ponceau 3 R
Color 2 to 5 gr.
Mix the succinic acid with the tine-
Artificial Oil of Strawberry 1% oz.
ture, add the others and, lastly, the
Artificial Vanilla Flavor 1 dr.
glycerine. One ounce of pure vanilla
extract will improve this.
The base as above 1 lb.
Artificial Oil of Pineapple
Artificial Oil of Cherry 1*4 oz.
Amaranth Color 10
Amyl Butyrate 1 oz.
Bordeau S. gr.
Butyric Ether oz.
Sebacie Ether 1 oz.
Pineapple Acetic Ether 4 dr.
The base as above 1 lb. Amyl Acetate 4 dr.
Artificial Pineapple Oil IV2 oz. Pineapple Juice 4 dr.
Napthol Yellow, Color 10 gr. Glycerine C. P. 4 oz.
Alcohol 50 oz.

Wild Cherry Mix, adding glycerine last.

Oil of Wild Cherry. (See

formula below) V2 pt. Artificial Oil of Peach
Distilled Water , % gal.
Ethyl Formate 5 oz.
Cologne Spirits V2 gal. Ethyl Butyrate 5 oz.
a oz .
Red Color /4 fi*
Ethyl Acetate 5 oz.

Add Ethyl Sebacate 1 oz.

Mix water and Cologne Spirits.
Valerianate 5 oz.
che oil of Wild Cherry, mix and add the
Oil of Bitter Almonds 5 oz.
color. Mix well.
2 oz.
Use to: Glycerine 5 oz.
1 gallon Simple Syrup. Amyl Alcohol 2 oz.
1 ounce Extract.
Alcohol enough to make up 100
Oil of Wild Cherry
Acetic Ether 10 fi. oz.
Artificial Oil of
Benzoic Ether 5 fl. oz.
Ethyl Benzoate 5 oz.
Oil of Bitter Almonds 5 fi. oz.
Ethyl Oenanthate 1 oz.
Amyl Valerianic Ether 2 fl. oz.
Ethyl Acetate 5 oz.
Benzoic Acid 2 fl. oz.
8 fl. oz. Benzoic Acid 1 oz.
6 pt. Glycerine 3 oz.
Cologne Spirits
Oil of Bitter Almonds Yi OZ.

* Coffee Extract Alcohol enough to make up 100

Roast ground fresh coffee is perco- ounces.
lated with hot water until exhausted.
5-20% Glycerin is then added. Excess Artificial Vanilla Flavor
water is driven off by heating in vacuo Vanillin 6 dr.
at temperatures up to 90° C. Oumarin 2 dr.
Alcohol 2 pt.
Water 5 pt. ized. The pure annatto which precipi-
White Sugar Syrup 1 pt. tatesmust be washed thoroughly with
Glycerine G. P. 1 pt. water and dried.
This solution may be used for color-
Caramel color enough to give the de- ing ices and various other articles.
sired shade.
Dissolve the vanillin and eumarin in
the alcohol, then add the other mate- Bed
rials and let stand for a few days be-
The Liquid Cochineal
fore using. If not clear, filter.
syrup is made by dissolving 12 ounces Powdered Cochineal 1 oz.
of sugar in water enough to make a Carbonate of Potassium. % oz.
pint of syrup. Alum y2 oz.
Bitartrate of Potassium 1 oz.
Alcohol 1 fit. oz.

Strawberry Glycerine (C. P.) 6 £L oz.

Artificial Oil
Water, enough to make 16 fi. oz.
Ethyl Butyrate 5 oz.
Ethyl Formate 1 oz. Triturate the cochineal intimately
Ethyl Salicylate 1 oz. with the carbonate of potassium and 8
Ethyl Nitrate 1 oz. fluid ounces of distilled water, then
Ethyl Acetate 5 oz. add the alum and bitartrate of potas-
Amyl Acetate 3 oz. sium successively, put the mixture in
Glycerine C. P. 2 oz. a capacious vessel to boil, then set aside
Alcohol enough to make up 100 to cool, add alcohol and glycerine, filter
ounces. the same and pass enough distilled
water through the filter to make 16
fluid ounces.
Beverage Colors
Carmine Solution
Carmine, best 48 0 gr.
Tincture of Turmeric
Ammonia Water 6 fl. oz.
Turmeric (ground) 1 lb. Glycerine 6 fl. oz.
Dilute Alcohol 10 pt. Water, to make 16 fl. oz.

Exhaust by maceration and percola- Triturate the carmine to fine powder

tion. Keep in a dark place. in a wedgwood mortar, gradually add
Saffron 1 lb. the ammonia water, and afterwards the
Alcohol 5 pt. glycerine, under constant trituration.
Water 5 pt. Transfer the mixture to a porcelain
capsule, and heat on a water bath, stir-
Mix alcohol and water and add saf- ring constantly, until the liquid is en-
fron. Allow this mixture to stand in tirely free from ammoniacal odor.
a warm place for several days, with Then cool and add enough water to
occasional agitation, then filter. The make 16 fluid ounces.
tincture thus prepared has a deep Carmine solution may also be pre-
orange color and when diluted, or used pared by triturating the carmine with
in small quantities, gives a beautiful just enough solution of potassa to dis-
yellow tint to syrups. solve it, then adding 2 fluid ounces of
alcohol and enough water to make 16
ounces. Or, instead of the solution of
Orange potassa, use sufficient saturated solution
Solution of Annatto of borax to dissolve the carmine, then
It is prepared by dissolving pure add enough water to make 16 fluid
annatto in alcohol, making it of any ounces.
desired strength. Pure annatto only Carmine solution makes a brilliant
should be employed. Ordinary annatto color, and is largely employed, but it is
used for dyeing may be purified by not a satisfactory preparation to use
dissolving in a weak solution of sodium at the soda fountain because the syrups
carbonate or other alkali by the aid of are acid as a rule and will separate the
heat. Let cool, and add pure dilute carmine from its alkaline combination
sulphuric acid, drop by drop, stirring and cause its precipitation.
constantly, until the soda is neutral-

Brown Red Pour the water upon the litmus, stir

Compound Tincture of Cudbear well, allow to stand for about an hour,
stirring occasionally, filter, and to the
Cudbear, powder 120 gr.
filtrate add the alcohol.
Caramel 1 %
av. oz.
Alcohol, of each Sufficient
Water, of each Sufficient Root Beer Emulsion
Macerate the cudbear with 12 fluid
Gum Arabic 17 lb.

ounces of a mixture composed of 1 vol-

Water 6% gal.

ume of alcohol and 2 of water for 12 Heat and stir until dissolved. Filter
hours, agitating frequently, then Alter. through cheese cloth.
Add the caramel, previously dissolved in
2 fluid ounces of water, and then pass
through the filter enough of the before- Formula No, 1
mentioned alcohol water mixture to (To make 10 gallons of concentrate.)
make the whole liquid measure 16 fluid Oil of Wintergreen (syn-
ounces. thetic) I pt.
This preparation may also be made Oil of Sassafras 1 pt.
by dissolving 1% ounces of caramel in Vanillin 4 oz.
2 fluid ounces of water, adding 4 fluid Coumarin 1 oz.
ounces of tincture of cudbear and then
Formula No, 2
enough of a mixture composed of 1
volume of alcohol and 2 of water to (To make 10 gallons of concentrate.)
make the whole measure 16 fluid ounces. Oil of Wintergreen (syn-
thetic) 2 qt.
Oil of Sassafras 1 qt.
Chlorophyll Oil of Cloves 1 pt.
This may be employed in alcoholic Oil of Cassia 1 pt.
solution for coloring preparations of a
Emulsification or absorption of the
green tint. It may be purchased or it
oils in the gum solution can be accom-
may be prepared as follows: plished by simply gradually pouring the
Digest leaves of grass, nettles,
_ oils into the gum solution, while the
spinach, or other green herb, in warm _

same is being vigorously agitated.
water, until soft; pour off the water, should be agitated for at least 10 min-
and crush the herb to a pulp. Boil this utes and as this process is going on you
for a short time with a %
per cent
will note the tendency of the gum solu-
solution of caustic soda, and afterwards
tion to thicken. If you have an emul-
precipitate the chlorophyll by means sifier, so much the better; emulsifier,
of dilute hydrochloric acid; wash the however, is not essential, as a good
precipitate thoroughly with water, press
stirring with a wooden paddle or a
and dry it, and use as much for the large size cream whipper will do the
solution as may be necessary.
work. While you are mixing this solu-

tion, about one gallon of sugar coloring

(caramel coloring) should be added to
Tincture of Grass
give the concentrate a dark color. The
Lawn Grass, fresh, cut fine 2 av. oz. resulting product is then made up with
Alcohol 16 fl. oz. water to make exactly 10 gallons and
then given another thorough stirring
Put the grass in a wide mouth bottle before being placed in container. One
and pour the alcohol upon it. After gallon of this product will flavor 20
standing a few days, agitating occa-
barrels of root beer.
sionally, pour off the liquid.
This is a useful preparation for giv-
ing a green color to essences, syrup of East India Lemon Sour Extract
violets, etc. It can be used with alco- Oil of Lemon 6 oz.
hol or water. Oil of Limes 2 oz.
Alcohol, 95 per cent % gal.

Purple Warm Water % gal.

Alum V2 dr.
Tincture of Litmus
Litmus, powder 2% av. oz. Add the oils to the alcohol and shake
Water, boiling 16 fl. oz. well. Dissolve the alum in the water.
Alcohol 3 fl. oz. Add the water gradually in small
quantities, shaking well after each ad- Vanillin 12 dr.
dition, Set aside to settle for 6 hours. Coumarin 3% oz.
A scum will form on top. Separate Nerolin 5 oz.
extract from this with rubber hose. Ethyl Benzoate 6 oz.
Filter clear through magnesia. Methyl Salicylate % lb.

Use to: Ethyl Butyrate % lb.

1 gallon Simple Syrup, Ethyl Acetate 1% lb.

2 Vq ounces Lemon Sour Extract.

Benzyl Acetate 1% lb.

3 ounces Lemon Sour Acid. Amyl Acetate 3 lb.

% ounce Yellow Color.

8 lb.

Ciderette Syrup
Vanilla Basic Ether
Sugar 4G lb.
Cardamom Oil oz.
Water 6% gal.
Cinnamon Oil 2% oz.
Soluble Lemon Extract 4 fi. oz.
Clove Oil 4 oz.
Butyric Ether 1 fi. oz.
Ethyl Oenanthate 8 oz.
Sugar Color 114 fi- oz.
Vanillin 8 oz.
Citric Acid Solution 50 fi. oz.
Amyl Acetate iy2 ib.
Use to: Ethyl Acetate 3 lb.
8-ounce soda bottle.
1 to 1% ounce Syrup. G lb.

Imitation Apple Flavor
Oil of Cherry Artificial
Amyl Valerianate G oz.
Ether Acetic 3 oz. Amyl Acetate G fi. oz.
Spirits of Nitrous Ether 3 oz. Amyl Butyrate 3 fi. oz.
Amyl Butyrate, Absolute 1 oz. Benzoic Ether 3 fi. oz.
Oil of Bitter Almonds
Aldehyde % oz.
(free from prussic acid)
Essence of Peach Blossom oz. % Oil of Lemon
fi. oz.
Alcohol 95 per cent, enough to make fi. oz.
1 quart. Oil of Orange 1 fi. oz.
Oil of Cloves % fi. oz.
Glycerine 10 fi. oz.
Cheap Apple Cider
Oil of Cardamom 6 dr.
Roiled Cider 2 gal. Cologne Spirits 30 fi. oz.
Granulated Sugar 25 lb.
Tartaric Acid % gal.
Cherry Compound
Water 30 gal.
Dry Citric Tartaric Acid (%
Color to suit with sugar color.
Thoroughly mix; let stand three days,
Citric and %Tartaric) iy4 ib.
Extract Cherry Concentrated 1 pt.
then draw off and add one ounce of Vegetable Red Color in
benzoate of soda to each ten gallons liquid form 8 oz.
©f cider. Keep in a cool place. Water, enough to make 1 gallon.

Sweet Artificial Drinking Cider Brewed Ginger Ale

Boiled or Condensed Cider 8 gal. This gives a true flavored ginger ale.
Granulated Sugar 10 lb.
Fifty barrels of hot water are run
80 per cent Acetic Acid 9% oz. into the kettle and heated to boiling.
Water enough make up Six hundred pounds of granulated sugar
to to 50 gal-
lons. are now added, making sure that the
Note: A leading firm tells us that same dissolves properly. This having
they have put up thousands and thou- been accomplished, seventy-five pounds
sands of barrels of drinking cider using of powdered ginger, twenty-one pounds
the above formula and it has given ex- of crystallized citric acid and eight
cellent results. ounces of 'powdered capsicum are intro-
duced into the solution, which is per-
mitted to boil for half-hour. Eighteen
Strawberry Basie Ether Wild pounds of good quality hops are now
Wintergreen Oil 6 dr. added and the solution boiled for an
Ceylon Cinnamon Oil 6 dr. additional three-quarters of an hour.

whereupon it is made up to a volume half hour for 12 hours. Then add 14

of, at fifty-two barrels, cooled
least, pints of water in quantities of 1 pint
over the Baudelot cooler and run into a at each addition, shaking briskly mean-
settling tub, where it is permitted to while. This part of the operation is
remain overnight. most important. Set the mixture aside
The following morning the clear su- for 24 hours, agitating it strongly every
pernant liquid is withdrawn or, to work hour or so during that period. Then
more economically, the whole solution take
may be filter-pressed and run into a Oil of Lemon 1% fl. oz.
clean vat or fermenter. Oil of Rose (or geranium) 3 fl. dr.
Having reached this stage, the bever- Oil of Bergamot 2 fl. dr.
age may be treated in one of two dif- Oil of Cinnamon 3 fl. dr.
ferent ways. Either five barrels of this Magnesium carbonate 3 fl. oz.
solution may be withdrawn, pitched
with yeast and permitted to ferment Rub the oils with the magnesia in a
completely and after completed fermen- large mortar and add 9 ounces of the
tation freed of the yeast by filtration, clear portion of the ginger mixture to
returned to the main portion of the which have been previously added 2
solution and stored for, at least, ten ounces of alcohol, and continue tritura-
days. If preferable or more conve- tion, rinsing out the mortar with the
nient, instead of withdrawing a portion ginger mixture. Pass the ginger mix-
of the solution to be completely fer- ture through a double filter and add
mented and subsequently returning the through the filter the mixture of oils
same, the entire solution can be care- and magnesia; finally pass enough
fully cheeked fermented by pitching water through the filter to make the
with the customary amount of yeast resulting product measure 24 pints, or
and permitting the gravity to decrease 3 gallons. If the operator should desire
no more than 0.8 of one per cent, aftei an extract of more or less pungency he
which the solution or beverage must may obtain his desired effect by in-
be chilled almost to freezing, filtered creasing or decreasing the quantity of
and run into a clean and sterile vat, powdered capsicum in the formula.
where it is to be stored for a period of
ten days. The beverage is carbonated
and the usual manner, as
filtered in
Lemon Extract (Terpeneless)
practiced in the manufacture of cereal Oil of Lemon 30 lb.
beverages. It is advisable to carbonate Citral 8 oz.
twice, after which the beverage is Cologne Spirits 16 gal.
ready for bottling.
The bottled ginger ale may be pas- in a churn and work 2 hours. Of
11 gallons of water, add gradually
teurized if desired, although this is
not necessary. If sold in bulk it is to about 5 gallons every hour and work
be racked into freshly pitched packages for two hours more, then add 3 gallons
and can be shipped without any danger water and work more. The whole proc-
ess takes about 10 hours. After ten
of fermentation.
hours add 1% gallons Cologne Spirits.
Let stand for 48 hours and filter.
Soluble Ginger Ale Extract
(To be used in the proportion of 4
Use to:

ounces of extract to 1 gallon of syrup.) 1 gallon Simple Syrup.

1 ounce Extract.
Jamaica Ginger, in fine powder 8 lb.
Capsicum, in fine powder 6 oz.

Alcohol, a sufficient quantity. A Root Beer

the powders intimately, moisten
Mix Oil ofSweet Birch or
Methyl Salicylate 15 oz.
them with a sufficient quantity of alco-
hol and set aside for 4 hours. Pack Oil of Cloves % oz.

in a cylindrical percolator and percolate Oil of Sassafras % oz.

with alcohol until 10 pints of percolate Oil of Lemon % oz.

Oil of Cassia Vs oz.
have resulted. Place the percolate in
a bottle of the capacity of 16 pints, Mexican Vanilla Extract
(best quality) 6 pt.
and add to it 2 fluid drams of oleo-
Cologne Spirits 15 pt.
resin of ginger,* shake, add 2% pounds
Caramel 4 oz.
of finely powdered pumice stone, and
agitate thoroughly at intervals of one- Oil of Nutmeg 2 dr.
Dissolve the oils in the alcohol. Mix Granulated Sugar 8 oz.
the caramel with the vanilla extract. Water 2% pt.
Pour the colored vanilla extract into the Sugar Color 1 oz.
alcoholic solution. A brown precipitate
will form, which acts as the clarifying
Dissolve the oils in two pints of the
agent, and may be filtered out after spirits. Each oil must be added sepa-
standing an hour to two hours. rately and well shaken with the spirits
before another oil is added. Now put
Use to: the pumice stone and sugar in a Wedge-
1 gallon Simple Syrup (10 pounds wood mortar, add the mixture gradually
sugar to gallon wr ater). and rub together to a paste. Mix the
1 ounce Root Beer Extract. remander of the spirits and water
% ounce Citric Acid Solution. together, add the sugar color to these,
and dissolve carefully. Mix the whole
2 ounces Caramel.
together gradually, stirring well until
Oil of Wintergreen 20 oz. all combines, and filter through filter

Oil of Sassafras 24 oz. paper.

Oil of Anise 10 dr. Use to:
Oil of Cassia 1 oz. 1 gallon Simple Syrup.
Cologne Spirits 31/2 gal. 1 ounce Extract.
Water V2 gal.
Plain or Simple Syrup
Use to:
Simple Syrup. Granulated Cane Sugar 30 lb.
1 gallon
2 ounces Extract.
Water (boiling) 7 qt.

C Pour the sugar into the water gradu-

Oil of Sassafras 2 % £L oz. ally, stirringmeanwhile, and when dis-
Oil of Winter green 2% fl. oz. solved, strain through coarse cotton
Oil of Sweet Orange 2 fl. oz. cloth. Do not cover container until
Amyl Butyrate 2 fl. oz. thoroughly cooled. This will produce
Oil of Spruce y2 a. oz. four gallons of syrup. The relative
Oil of Cloves 2 dr. proportions of sugar and water are very
Oil of Anise 2 dr. important since, if a smaller amount of
Cologne Spirits 7 pt. sugar is employed, fermentation sooner
Water 2 pt. or later will ensue. If too much sugar
is used, crystallization will surely fol-
Adda little at a time the oils to the low, resulting in a liquid too thin to
Cologne Spirits, shake well, add the 2 keep under ordinary temperature.
pints of water and filter through
Beverage Acidulants
Use to:
gallon Simple Syrup.
Citric Acid Crystals 4 lb.
Boiling Water 4 pt.
1% ounces Extract.
D When dissolved, filter through filter
Oil of Sassafras 5 fl. oz. paper using glass funnel. Keep in glass
Oil Peppermint
of % fl. oz. and avoid contact with metal.
Oil Tar
of 10 drops
Oil Cinnamon
of 10 drops
Tartaric Acid Solution
Carbonate Magnesius 4 av. oz.
Tartaric Acid Crystals
Cologne Spirits % gal. Boiling Water
4 lb.
Water V2 gal. 4 pt.
Treat the same as above.
Use to:
1 gallon Simple Syrup.
% A- ounce Extract. Mixed Acid Solution
2 fl. ounces Sugar Color. Tartaric Acid Crystals 2 lb.
Boiling Water 4 pt.
Citric Acid Crystals 2 lb.
Sarsaparilla Extract Treat the same as above.
Oil of Wintergreen 4 oz.
Oil of Sassafras 4 . oz.
Phosphoric Acid Solution
Oil of Anise 1 oz.
Cologne Spirits 5 pt. Phosphoric Acid 85% 4 lb.
Powdered Pumice Stone 4 oz. Cold water to make one gallon.

Stand over night and filter through bed and percolate. One-half to 1 ounce
paper. Mix acid in stone jar and keep of this is used per gallon of syrup.
in glass bottle.
Sapinone Foams
Cherry Acid Solution Formula A —
Citric Acid 2% av. lb. Sapinone 1 lb.
Tartaric Acid 2% av. lb. Glycerine % gal.
Hot Water 1 gal. Water % gal.

Thoroughly dissolve and add Phos-

. Dissolve the sapinone in %
gallon of
phoric Acid syrupy 2 fluid ounces. clear water, then add glycerine. Use
y2 dram to 1 gallon or 1 ounce to 15
gallons of syrup.
Compound Cider Acid
Citric Acid Crystals 5 lb.
Formula B —
Sapinone 24 av. oz.
Tartaric Acid 5 lb.
Water 1 gal.
Acetic Acid, pure 80% 1 pt.
Phosphoric Acid Syrupy 1 pt. Dissolve sapinone in water by agita-
tion and when dissolved add
Place all the acid in a stone jar and
add two or three gallons of. boiling Formaldehyde 2 fl. dr.

water, stirring until all is dissolved. Use 1 dram to 1 gallon or 1 ounce to

Add water to make 6 gallons. 15 gallons of syrup.

Foam Producers Ginger Ale Extract

Soap Bark Foams Oleo Resin Ginger 15 oz.

Formula A— Oleo Resin Capsicum 2 oz.

Quillaja bark is used in the form of

Lemon Extract 5 pt.

tincture and may be prepared as fol-

Orange Extract 2% pt.

Alcohol and Water 2 gal.

Quillaja, fine chips 5% av. oz. Use to:

10 fl. oz. 1 gallon Simple Syrup.
Water Sufficient 3 ounces Extract.

Mix the drug with 24 fluid ounces of

water, boil for 15 minutes. Strain and Ginger Ale Extract (Belfast)
add enough water through the strainer Oleo Resin Ginger 24 oz.
to make the volume equal to 22 fluid Oleo Resin Capsicum Sy2 oz.
ounces. Mix the liquid when cool with Oil of Lemon (Terpene-
the alcohol, let stand for 12 hours, filter, less) 36 oz.
and to the filtrate add enough water Oil of Orange (Terpene-
to measure 32 fluid ounces. less) 12 oz.
If a cheaper preparation is desired, Oil of Cassia IV2 dr.
the alcohol may be replaced by water Oil of Rose, Artificial V2 dr.
or by glycerine. If the former be used, Oil of Cloves IV2 dr.
the preparation must be preserved by Cologne Spirits Sy2 gal.
the addition of a small amount of sali- Water 3 gal.
cylic acid solution. Either of the latter
Use to:
is to be preferred to the alcoholic solu- Simple Syrup.
1 gallon
tion, as the alcohol has the tendency to 2 ounces Extract.
cause premature expulsion of gas from
the soda when served.
About one fluid ounce of this prepa- Ginger Ale Extract
ration is usually sufficient for one gal- Oil of Ginger 4 oz.

lon of syrup. Oil of Capsicum 1 oz.

Formula B— Lemon Extract 16

1 lb. Orange Extract
Soap Bark (chips) Alcohol 3% pt.
Boiling Water 10 pt.
1 pt.
Water 3V2 pt.
Alcohol (95%)
Boil the soap bark in the water for Ginger Champagne Syrup
30 minutes. Allow to cool. Add the 46 lb.
alcohol. Pack a small quantity of dry
soap bark in a percolator to make a
Water 6% gaL


Soluble Extract of Use to:
Ginger 8 fl. oz. 1 gallon Simple Syrup.
Soluble Extract of 1 ounce Extract.
Orange 16 fl. oz.
Soluble Extract of
Lemon 8 fl. oz. Concrete Orange Extract
Sulphurous Acid 4 fl. oz.
Vanilla Extract 2 fl. oz.
Gum Tragaeanth 2 dr.
Glucose 4 oz.
Sugar Color 2% fl. oz.
Concentrated Oil of Orange oz.
Citric Acid Solution 32 fl. oz.
Oil of Bitter Orange 1 oz.
Use to: Concentrated Tincture of
% ounce soda bottle, Orange 12 oz.
1 to 1% ounces of above. Citrai 15 gr.
Cola Flavor: Use to:
Oil of Lemon 120 drops gallon Simple Syrup.
Oil of Sweet Orange 80 drops 1 ounce Extract.
Oil of Nutmeg 40 drops
Oil of Cinnamon 40 drops
Oil of Coriander 20 drops
Oil of Neroli 40 drops
Orange Champagne Syrup

Alcohol, 95 per cent 1 qt. Sugar 46 lb.

Water 614 gals.
Add in rotation, shaking -well before Soluble Orange Extract 3 fl. oz.
adding next ingredient, and let stand
Soluble Lemon Extract 20 fl. oz.
48 hours when it is ready to use.
Soluble Lime Extract 5 fl. oz.
Cola Syrup Sulphurous Acid 3 fl. oz.
Sugar 60 lb. CitricAcid Solution 3 fl. oz.
Water 5 gal. Orange color to suit.
Dissolve sugar and bring to boil. Use to:
Then, while boiling, stir in syrup: Each pint bottle 214 ounces Extract.
Beet Sugar Color 40 fl. oz.
Let cool and add:
Phosphoric Acid Syrup 3 fl. oz. Orange Extract
Alkaloid of Caffeine 1% av. oz. Alcohol (94 per cent) 2% gal.
(Dissolved in 8 ozs. boil- Terpen eless Oil of
ing water.) Orange 11 dr.
Fluid Extract Cola Neroli 5 drops
Leaves 1% fl. oz. Water 2% gal.
Fluid Extract Kola Nuts 2% fl. oz.
Alcohol 1 pt.
Extract of Vanilla 5 fl. oz. Orange Cider Compound
Cola Flavor 4 fl. oz. Acid Citric and Acid Tar-
Glycerine 4 fl. oz. taric (% of each) 1% pt.
Lime Juice 16 fl. oz. Orange Extract (above) 1 pt.
Let age for three days. Sugar color 6 oz.
Note: The sugar color used in all Cola Vegetable Red Color (any
drinks must be the best. red color will do) 2 oz.
Water, enough to make 1 gal.

Extract of Limes
Oil of Limes 6 fl. oz.
Orangeade Substitute Powder
Alcohol, 95 per cent .
% gal. Terpeneless Oil of Orange 1 dr.
Distilled Water % gal. Orange Color No. 1
Citric Acid
2 to 5 gr.
12 oz.
Powdered Sugar 4 oz.
Mix the oil of orange with about 1
Orange Extract ounce of alcohol. Put the sugar in a
Sweet Orange Oil 64 oz. mortar and gradually add the solution
Oil of Bitter Orange 32 oz. of the oil. The color should be dis-
Grain Alcohol 6 gal. solved in the oil solution before mixing
Water 6 gal. with the powder. After the liquid has
beverages and flavors 45
been mixed with the sugar, add the incorporated in the cooker because Soy
Citric Acid gradually, mixing well after Body Grits contain but a trace of starch
each addition. and need no cooking as the carbohydrate
The same remarks concerning the use content amounting to about 35% is in
of the terpeneless oil apply to this as the form of soluble dextrins and sugars.
to the lemon powder. If ordinary oil
of sweet orange is used, it will be neces-
sary to employ at least one ounce to
Yogurt or Bulgarian Buttermilk
get as strong a product as made with
the quantity of the terpeneless oil speci- _
Propagate a small culture of the Ba-
cillus Bulgaricus from day to day as in-
fied. Furthermore, a product made
dicated for the lactic culture for butter-
with the ordinary oil will not possess
milk. This culture may be obtained
the same keeping qualities as one made
from various commercial laboratories.
with the terpeneless oils, as they will
To prevent contamination by yeasts or
gradually acquire a turpentine odor and
gas-forming bacteria, it is necessary to
flavorby the oxidation of the terpenes carry this culture at a temperature of
contained in the oil.
about 110° F. A small egg incubator
may be used for this purpose.
Carry in a similar way a culture of
the ordinary sour-milk organism, which
3% gallons of water with 11 pounds may be obtained from many of the com-
of fancy brewing malts and 1 pound of mercial laboratories.
Soy Grits (Kreemko). The water in this Thoroughly pasteurize the milk to be
malt mash is first raised to a tempera- —
fermented. If a small quantity 5 to 10
ture of 122 degrees F. and the malt to-
gether with the Body Grits is run in and
gallons, for instance —is to be made, it
may be done by holding a can of milk
the temperature again raised to 122 and in a tub or vat of water heated by a
maintained for 2 hours. steam hose. If a larger quantity is
The cooker mash is made at the same made, one of the starter cans used in
time using 1 pound of malt and 4 pounds creameries will be found convenient.
of rice and 3% gallons of water. The These are essentially cylindrical vats
water used in this cooker mash is raised with mechanical stirrers and a jacket
# to 122 degrees F. and the malt and the rice which can be filled with steam for heat-
are run in and the mash brought again to ing or water for cooling. The milk
122 degrees F. and this temperature should be held at a temperature of at
maintained for one hour after which tem- least 180° F. for not less than 30 min-
perature it is quickly raised to 170 de- utes.
grees and maintained for % hour, after Cool the milk to about 100° F. Draw
which it is raised to boiling and boiled oif one -half and inoculate it with the
for %
hour. It is then emptied quickly culture obtained in the second operation.
into the malt mash from which the lauter Inoculate the remaining half with Bul-
has first been drawn, the lauter being garicus culture obtained in the first oper-
nearly all of the liquid portion of the ation. The amount to be added will
malt mash. This proportion of materials depend on the quantity of milk to be
in the mashes and heated in the manner fermented, the time at which it is desired
described will give a temperature of to have it curdled, and the temperature
mixed mashes of 170 degrees Fahrenheit, maintained during the fermentation.
which temperature is maintained for 20 This can best be determined by experi-
minutes and then raised to 175 for com- ence. One pint should be sufficient for
plete saccharification. The lauter which any amount between 10 and 20 gallons.
was withdrawn from the malt mash is
added back into the combined mashes im-
mediately when the temperature of 170 Buttermilk Lemonade
degrees is reached.
This method is one in cereal chemistry
refreshing and nutritious drink may
be made by the addition of lemon juice
producing a larger quantity of dextrin
material, reducing the fermentable mat-
and sugar to buttermilk, following the
ter. After running off: the first wort at
same procedure as in making ordinary
lemonade. It will usually be found nec-
about 18.5 balling the grains are sparged
essary to use more sugar and more lemon
down to one yelding 11% gallons of wort
juice than in making lemonade with
in the kettle. The Soy Grits (Kreemko)
water. Buttermilk lemonade should be
are employed in this manner in order to
served very cold.
completely peptonize the protein content
it contains. The material should not be

Kefir or Koumiss remixed by a little shaking as the milk

comes from the bottle and there is no
Use buttermilk or freshly curdled sour appearance of separate particles of
milk. This should be thoroughly agi- cream. All who have had occasion to
tated to break the curd into fine particles. test the quality of carbonated milk as a
Buttermilk containing Bacillus Bulgari- beverage agree in regarding it as a pleas-
cus will give a flavor too acid for most ant drink. In the ease of milk bottled
tastes. under a pressure of 150 pounds of car-
Add 1 per cent cane sugar (1% oz. to bon dioxide, the milk delivered from the
the gallon). Add a small amount of siphon is about the consistency of whip-
yeast cake-— one-fourth of a cake will be ped cream, but, on standing a short
sufficient for 1 gallon of buttermilk. The time, it changes into a readily drinkable
yeast cake should be ground up in water condition. From the experience had, it
so that it will be well distributed. would seem that carbonated milk might
Bottle this preparation, leaving suffi- easily be made a fairly popular beverage.
cient space to permit a thorough shaking
of the contents. Strong round bottles
of the type used for carbonated drinks
should be used, as considerable pressure
Malted Milk Powders
is developed by the fermentation. If the
bottle is not provided with a sealing de- 50 parts Powdered Malt Extract
vice the corks must be securely tied or 20 parts Powdered Skimmed Milk
wired in place. 30 parts Cane Sugar
Hold for 4 or 5 days at a temperature
of 65 to 70° F., shaking every day to Mix well. One teaspoonful when added
keep the curd well broken up. At the to 8 ounces of a mixture of chocolate
end of this time there should be consid- syrup, milk and ice cream and then
erable gas but not enough to blow the mixed with the malted milk machine will
milk out of the bottle. It should have make a delicious malted milk drink.
a pleasant acid taste with a slight bit-
terness. The fresh milk sometimes has
a yeasty taste but this gradually disap-
pears. If the milk is kept on ice it will Manufacture of Buttermilk from
remain in good condition for two weeks
Skimmed Milk
or more.
The quality of buttermilk is
probably that produced by churning
clean-flavoured cream which has been
Carbonated Milk
properly ripened with the acid of a pure
The best results are secured when culture of lactic acid. Surplus skimmed*
newly pasteurized milk or cleanly drawn milk, may, however, in many cases, be
fresh milk is treated with carbon diox- profitably converted into an artificial
ide in a tank, such as is used in bottling buttermilk of practically the same com-
establishments in preparing carbonated position and quality as the natural but-
drinks, and then placed in siphon bottles. termilk.
When charged under pressures of from In making artificial buttermilk the
70 to 175 pounds and kept at tempera- skimmed-milk may or may not be pasteur-
tures ranging from 35° to 60°, bottles of ized, In either case about 10 per cent
clean fresh milk or pasteurized milk kept of clean flavoured lactic acid culture
from four to five months without per- should be added to the skimmed-milk
ceptible increase in acidity. which is- maintained at a temperature of
Milk carbonated under a pressure of 70° F, until coagulation takes place. If
70 pounds comes from the bottle as a the time required to produce coagulation
foamy mass, more or less like kumiss that is too long the process should be hastened
is two or three days old. It has a slightly by increasing the percentage of culture
acid, pleasant flavor, due to the carbon used, rather than by raising the tempera-
dioxide, and has a somewhat more salty ture. Raising the temperature above
taste than ordinary milk. In the case of 70° F. will usually result in a product of
carbonated milk pasteurized at 185° F., inferior flavour.
there is, of course, something of a As soon as coagulation has taken place
* c
cooked * 7 taste. Though the cream the curdled milk is transferred to the
separates in the bottle, it is thoroughly churn which is revolved for thirty to

forty minutes as in churning cream. If be vigorously shaken for a few minutes

the skimmed-milk is allowed to stand long in the closed jar. It may now be strained
after coagulation takes place before to remove any lumps of curd not finely
being churned, the whey and curdy mat- broken up by the agitation after which it
ter of the finished product will show a should be kept in a cool place. If a clean
greater tendency to separate. The churn- pleasant flavour is obtained by such
ing breaks the curd into fine particles natural souring and the artificial butter-
producing a smooth velvety buttermilk milk is to be made frequently, it is ad-
which is difficult to distinguish from a visable to add a few ounces of the first
good natural product. As soon as the artificialbuttermilk to the next quantity
artificial buttermilk is drawn from the of skimmed-milk to be soured. Thus the
churn it should be strained to remove desirable flavour may be reproduced from,
any particles of curd which may not have time to time in the same manner as yeast
is propagated.
been broken up in the churning process.
The temperature of the product should The composition of such artificial but-
50° F. to termilk is practically the same as that
at once be reduced to at least
retard the development of acidity and of of natural buttermilk, the only difference
undesirable flavours. being that the latter usually contains
Artificial buttermilk may also be satis- slightly more milk fat. The percentage
factorily produced in a small way in the of miik fat in the artificial buttermilk
home. A clean fruit jar of suitable size may be increased to approximately that
of natural buttermilk by adding to each
may be partially filled with clean fresh
skimmed-milk which is allowed to sour one hundred pounds of skimmed-milk
naturally at a. temperature of
70° F. to before souring, two quarts of whole
75° F. When coagulated, the milk should milk.

Butter Substitute
1. Water 120
2. Galagum C. 1
3. Cottonseed Oil 40
4. Caustic Soda 0.02
5. Butter Flavor to suit

Dissolve 4 in 1 and strew 2 on sur-

face; bring to a boil while stirring;
3 and 5 into it slowly with high speed
intermittent stirring.

* Butter and Honey Cream

Liquid Honey
Butter f
The above are warmed and passed thru
an homogenizer.

Candy, Yeast
Acid 4
Epsom Salts
“Yeast-Foam” (live-yeast) 100
Tapioca Starch

The above is mixed intimately and

ready for use in candy
— YU
Non-Blooming Chocolate Coatings
7 ’

Spiced Chocolate (Vienna)

Chocolate liquor is heated to about 40°
2500 g. cacao
and not more than 3.5% of finely divided
2500 g. sugar
solid gelatin is added water not more
; 20 g. powdered cardamom seed
than 1% of the entire quantity is added
110 g. powdered cloves
as the mixing proceeds and sufficient fat
210 g. powdered cinnamon
such as cacao butter is added to bring the
fat content to about 30
25 g. Peru balsam
the temp, is
raised to about 60° and is maintained at
this point for about 15 hrs.
Coffee Chocolate
2000 g. cacao
Spiced Chocolate — 2000 g. sugar
2500 g. cacao ^90 g. ground coffee
2500 g. sugar
36 g. powdered cinnamon
19 g. powdered cloves Candy Jellies
8 g, powdered cardamom seed Moderately Firm Pectin Jellies for
or Slab Work
Spiced Chocolate —II Water 01 .,i
4000 g. cacao " / *
100 Grade Exchange Citrus
130 g. starch flour
Pectin 29
70 g. powdered cloves Qz
Acetate of Soda (U.S.P.) 'iy T
4000 g. sugar a 0S
Citric Acid (crystals or
g. powdered cinnamon
powdered) 2Vt oz
33 g. powdered cardamom seed Glucose (43° Be.) 20
6 g. Peru balsam lb*.
Granulated Sugar 20 lb
Color and Flavor
as desired
Spiced Chocolate III — Directions
2500 cacao
2500 g, sugar
Pu 21^ gallons of water in a

65 g. powdered cinnamon kettle lieat hot (170° F.). (Open

4 g. powdered coriander seed r steam ‘J acketod kettle may be

44 g. powdered cloves used
1 g. oil of lemon (2) Thoroughly mix 12 ounces of 100
8 g. powdered cardamom seed
Grade Exchange Citrus Pectin
with about
o pounds of granulated
(3) Add the Pectin-Sugar mixture
Spiced Chocolate IY — the warm water as it is being
stirred with
2500 g. cacao a. paddle. Continue to stir and heat to
2500 g. sugar boiling Boil vigorously for a moment.
5 g. powdered cloves (4) Combine the acetate of soda
110 g. powdered cinnamon citric acid. Dissolve in a small portion
25 g. powdered cardamom seed or hot water.
4 g, powdered nutmeg ^99- the acetate of soda-citric
solution to the kettle and
then the 20
Spiced Chocolate— gIuCOse - Heat to boiling
2500 g. cacao
(6) Add the remainder of the
1800 g. sugar sugar
(14 pounds) and cook to 222°-224°
2 g. powdered cardamom seed or to a good ‘‘sheet."
o0 g. powdered Ceylon cinnamon (This tempera-
P dS t0 75- 78%
50 g. vanilla s?Z«ZZ 7
solids at sea level.
i r
total s °bble
It is sufficient to cook
1 g. powdered nutmeg
p ,at
Y Y yourF ab°ve
at er at
12 ° - the boiling

Spiced Chocolate YT (Leipzig) COl ° r 8413 flavor
sAf? Y® then cast >
into starch at once.
2500 g. cacao This formula will
3000 g, sugar produce about 48 to
50 pounds of candy.
oaa P ow ^ ere d cardamom seed JaAleAwA
be CI7stallized,
iced, or coated with
200 g. powdered cinnamon chocolate.
130 g. powdered cloves JVote.- Cooking the batch to 224°
F. is
recommended for slab work.
Refined Corn Sugar may
be substituted

for all or a part of the cane or beet CitricAcid (crystals or

sugar given in the above formula. powdered) 2 oz.
Glucose (43° Be.) 20 lb.
Granulated Sugar 20 lb.
Tart and Moderately Firm Pectin Jellies Color and Flavor as desired
for Cast or Slab Work
(Especially for Fruit Flavors) Directions
(1) Put 3 gallons of water in a kettle
Ingredients and heat hot (170° F.). (Open fire or
Water 2% gal. steam- jacketed kettle may be used.)
100 Grade Exchange Citrus (2) Thoroughly mix 15 ounces of 100
Pectin 12 oz. Grade Exchange Citrus Pectin with about
Acetate of Soda (U.S.P.) 3 oz. 8 pounds of granulated sugar.
Citric Acid (crystals or (.8) Add the Pectin-Sugar mixture to
powdered 4 oz. the warm water as it is being stirred
Glucose (43° Be.) 20 lb. with a paddle. Continue to stir and heat
Granulated Sugar 20 lb. to boiling. Boil vigorously for a moment. <

Color and Flavor as desired (4) Combine the acetate of soda and
citric acid. Dissolve in a small portion
Directions of hot water.
(1) Put 2% gallons of water in a (5) Add the acetate of soda-citric, acid
kettle and heat hot (170° F.). (Open solution to the kettle and then the 20
fLre or steam- jacketed kettle may be pounds of glucose. Heat to boiling again.
used.) (6) Add the remainder of the sugar
and cook 222°-224° F.,
(2) Thoroughly mix 12 ounces of 100 (12 pounds) to
Grade Exchange Citrus Pectin with about or to a good sheet 99
1 f
(This tempera-

6 pounds of granulated sugar. ture corresponds to 75—78% total soluble

(3) Add the Pectin-Sugar mixture to solids at sea level. It is sufficient to cook
the warm water as it is being stirred with the batch to 10°-12° F. above the boiling
a paddle. Continue to stir and heat to point of water at your factory.)
(7) Add the color and flavor, then
boiling. Boil vigorously for a moment. cast

(4) Combine the acetate of soda and into starch at once. This formula will
citric acid. Dissolve in a small portion produce about 48 to 50 pounds of candy.
of hot water. The finished piece may be crystallized,
(5) Add the acetate of soda-citric acid sanded, iced, or coated with chocolate.
solution to the kettle and then the 20 . Note: Cooking the batch to 224° F. is
pounds of glucose. Heat to boiling recommended for slab work.
again. Refined Corn Sugar may be substituted
(6) Add the remainder of the
for all or a part of the cane or beet
(14 pounds) and cook to 222°-224° F,, sugar given in the above formula.
or to a good
* 4
. (This tempera-
ture corresponds to 75— 78% total soluble
solids at sea level. It is sufficient to cook Tart and Firm Pectin Jellies for Cast or
the batch to 10°-12° F. above the boiling Slab Work
point of water at your factory.) (Especially for Fruit Flavors)
(7) Add the color and flavor,
then cast
into starch at once. This formula will Ingredients
produce about 48 to 50 pounds of candy. Water 3 gal.
The finished piece may be crystallized, 100 Grade Exchange Citrus
sanded, iced, or coated with chocolate. Pectin 15 oz.

Note: Cooking the batch to 224° F. is Acetate of Soda* (U.S.P.) 2% os.

Citric Acid (crystals or
recommended for slab work.
Refined Corn Sugar may be substituted powdered) 3% oz.

for all or a part of the cane or beet sugar Glucose (43° BA) 20 lb.
Granulated Sugar 20 lb.
given in the above formula.
Color and Flavor as desired

Work Directions
Firm Pectin Jellies for Cast or Slab
(1) Put 3 gallons of water in a
Ingredients and heat hot (170° F.). (Open fire or
Water 3 gal. steam- jacketed kettle may be used.)
Exchange (2) Thoroughly mix 15
ounces of 100
100 Grade
Citrus Pectin 15 oz. Grade Exchange Citrus Pectin with
Acetate of Soda (U.S.P.) IV2 oz.
about 8 pounds of granulated sugar.


(3) Add the Pectin-Sugar mixture to a good f sheet (This temperature cor-

the warm water as it is being stirred with responds to about 78% total soluble solids
a paddle. Continue to stir and heat to sea level. It is sufficient to cook the
at (7)
boiling. Boil vigorously for a moment. batch to 12° F. above the boiling point
(4) Combine the acetate of soda and of water at your factory.)
citric acid. Dissolve in a small portion Add the color and flavor, then cast
of hot water. into starch at once. This formula will
(5) Add the acetate of soda-citric acid produce about 48 pounds of candy. The
solution to the kettle and then the 20 finished piece may be crystallized, sanded,
pounds of glucose. Heat to boiling iced, or coated with chocolate.
again. Note: Refined Corn Sugar may be
(6) Add the remainder of the sugar substituted for all or a part of the cane
(12 pounds) and cook to 222°-~224° F., or beet sugar given in the above formula.
or to a good 1 sheet. ”
‘ (This tempera-
ture corresponds to 75-78% total soluble Tart and Tender Pectin Jellies for Cast
solids at sea level. It is sufficient to cook Work
the batch to 10°~12° F. above the boiling (Especially for Fruit Flavors)
point of water at your factory.)
(7) Add the color and flavor, then cast
into starch at once. This formula will Water 2% gal
produce about 48 to 50 pounds of candy. 100 Grade Exchange Citrus
The finished piece may be crystallized, Pectin 8 oz.
sanded, iced, or coated with chocolate. Acetate of Soda (U.S.P.) 2% oz.
Note: Cooking the batch to 224° F. is Citric Acid (crystals or
recommended for slab work. powdered) 4% oz.
Glucose (43° Be.) 20 lb.
Refined Corn Sugar may be substituted
for all or a part of the cane or beet sugar
Granulated Sugar 20 lb.
Color and Flavor as desired
given in the above formula.

Tender Pectin Jellies for Cast Work (1) Put 2%

gallons of water in a
kettle and lieat hot (170° F.). (Open
Ingredients fire or steam-jacketed kettle may be
Water 2% gal.
100 Grade Exchange Citrus (2) Thoroughly mix 8 ounces of 100
Pectin 8 oz.
Grade Exchange Citrus Pectin with about
Acetate of Soda (U.S.P.) 1% oz. 4 pounds of granulated sugar.
Citric Acid (crystals or (3) Add the Pectin-Sugar mixture to
the warm water as it is being stirred with
powdered) 2% oz. a paddle. Continue to stir and heat to
Glucose (43° B&) SO lb.
Granulated Sugar boiling. Boil vigorously for a moment.
20 lb.
Color and Flavor as desired (4) Combine the acetate of soda and
citric acid. Dissolve in a small portion of
Directions hot water.
(1) Put 2%gallons of water in a (5) Add the acetate of soda-citric acid
kettle and heat hot (170° F.). (Open solution to the kettle and then the 20
fire or steam-jacketed kettle may be pounds of glucose. Heat to boiling
used.) again.
*(2) Thoroughly mix 8 ounces of 100 (6) Add the remainder of the sugar
Grade Exchange Citrus Pectin with about ( 16 pounds) and cook to 224° F., or to a
good sheet.
” (This temperature cor-
4 pounds of granulated sugar.
(3) Add the Pectin-Sugar mixture to
responds to about 78%
total soluble solids
the warm water as it is being stirred with at sea level. It is sufficient to cook the
a paddle. Continue to stir and heat to batch to 12° F. above the boiling point
boiling. Boil vigorously for a moment. of water at your factory.)
(4) Combine the acetate of soda and (7) Add the color and flavor, then
citric acid. Dissolve in a small portion cast into starch at once. This formula
will produce about 48 pounds of candy.
of hot water.
The finished piece may be crystallized,
(5) Add the acetate of soda-citric acid
solution to the kettle and then the 20 sanded, iced, or coated with chocolate.
pounds of glucose* Heat to boiling Note: Refined Corn Sugar may be sub-
again.. stituted for all or a part of the cane o*
(6) Add the remainder of the sugar beet sugar given in the above formula.
(16 pounds) and cook to 224° F., or to

Firm Pectin Fruit Jellies for Slab Work Honey (82-83% soluble
solids) 20 lb.
Ingredients Granulated Sugar 20 lb.
Water 3 gal. Color and Flavor if desired
100 Grade Exchange Citrus
Pectin 15 oz. Directions
Acetate of Soda (U.S.P.) 1 oz.
Citric Acid (crystals or (1) Put 3 gallons of water in a
kettle and heat hot (170° F.). (Open
powdered) 2 oz.
fire or steam- jacketed kettle may be
Glucose (43° Be.) 20 lb.
Granulated Sugar 20 lb.
(2) Thoroughly mix 16 ounces of 100
Fruit Pulp (2 No. 10 tins or) 13 1b.
Grade Exchange Citrus Pectin with about
Color and Flavor as desired
8 pounds of granulated sugar to which
Directions has been added the 1 ounce of Acetate
of Soda (U.S.P.).
(1) Put 3
gallons of water in a kettle
(Open fire or (3) Add this mixture to the warm
and heat hot (170° F.). water as it is being stirred with a
steam- jacketed kettle may be used.)
paddle. Continue to stir and heat to
(2) Thoroughly mix 15 ounces of 100 boiling. Boil vigorously for a moment..
Grade Exchange Citrus Pectin with about
(4) Add the remainder of the sugar
8 pounds of granulated sugar.
(12 pounds) and cook to 219° F., or to
(3) Add the Pectin-Sugar mixture to a good “sheet." (This temperature cor-
the warm water as it is being stirred
responds to about 65% total soluble
with a paddle. Continue to stir and heat
solids at sea level. It is sufficient to
to boiling. Boil vigorously for a
cook the batch to 7° F. above the boil-
moment. ing point of water at your factory.)
(4) Combine the acetate of soda and Cool the batch to 170° F.
citric acid. Dissolve in a small portion
(5) Add the honey which should be
of hot water.
at a temperature of about 170° F. Mix
(5) Add the acetate of soda-citric acid thoroughly with the batch, then add the
solution to the kettle and then the 20
acid solution. Pour on a slab at once.
pounds of glucose. Heat to boiling again. When the batch has set, the jellies are
(6) Add the remainder of the sugar cut. They may be crystallized, sanded,
(12 pounds), the fruit pulp (2 No. 10 iced, or coated with chocolate.
tins), and cook to 224° F. or to a good
’ ’ (6) This will produce about 50 pounds

(This temperature corresponds
of candy.
to about 78% total soluble solids at sea
level. It is sufficient to cook the batch to
12° F. above the boiling point of water
at your factory.) Moderately Firm Pectin Coflee Jellies
(Z) If desired, color and flavor may for Cast or Slab Work
be added, although flavor is seldom
needed. The batch is poured at once
into oiled or waxed paper-lined forms Coffee Extract (see note) 2% gal.
co the desired depth and allowed to 100 Grade Exchange Citrus
stand until set. It is then cut to pro- Pectin 12 oz.
luce pieces of the desired size which may Acetate of Soda (U.S.P.) 2*4 oz.
oe crystallized, sanded, iced, or chocolate Citric Acid (crystals or
coated to produce extra fancy confections powdered) 4 oz.
at low cost. Glucose (43° BA) 20 lb.

Note ; Refined Com

Sugar may be sub- Granulated Sugar 20 lb.

or a part of the cane or

Color and Flavor if desired
stituted for all
beet sugar given in the above formula.
(1) Put 2% gallons of Coflee Extract
Firm Pectin Honey Jellies for Slab Work in a kettle and heat hot (170° F.). (Open
fire or steam- jacketed kettle may be
Water 3% gal. (2) Thoroughly mix 12 ounces of 100
100 Grade Exchange Citrus Grade Exchange Citrus Pectin with about
Pectin 16 oz. 6 pounds of granulated sugar.
Acetate of Soda (U.S.P.) 1 oz (3) Add the Pectin-Sugar mixture to
Citric Acid (crystals or the warm Coflee Extract as it is being
powdered) 2 oz. stirred with a paddle. Continue to stir

.&/ fifb’S/o
and heat to boiling. Boil vigorously for the(6)citric acid dissolved in a small
a moment. amount of hot water.
(4) Combine the acetate of soda and Cast into starch at once. This
citric acid. Dissolve in a small portion formula will produce about 48 to 50
of hot water. pounds of candy. The finished piece may
(5) Add the acetate of soda-citric acid be crystallized, sanded, iced, or coated
solution to the kettle and then the 20 with chocolate.
pounds of glucose. Heat to boiling Note: Cooking the batch to 224° F.
again. is recommended for slab work.
(6) Add the remainder of the sugar
(14 pounds) and cook to 222°-224° F.,
or to a good “sheet.” (This tempera- Chocolate Pudding Desert
ture corresponds to 75-78% total soluble 23 parts corn starch
solids at sea level. It is sufficient to 9 parts tapioca starch
cook the batch to 10°-12° F. above the 18 parts cocoa powder
boiling point of water at your factory.) 50 parts cane sugar
(7) Add the color and flavor, if de- Vanilla Flavor to suit. %

sired, then cast into starch at once. This The above powders are very carefully
formula will produce about 48 to 50 mixed. Four ounces when carefully
pounds of candy. The finished piece may cooked up with a pint of milk will make
be crystallized, sanded, iced, or coated a delicious pint of chocolate pudding.
with chocolate.
Note: Cooking the batch to 224° F. is
Gelatin Dessert Powder
recommended for slab work.
Gelatin Powder (best grade) 80
Sugar Powder 450
Tartaric Acid Powder 10
Moderately Firm Molasses Pectin Jellies
For Cast or Slab Work
Thickening of Jams, Preserves and Other
Ingredients Fruit Pastes
Water 2*4 gal. For many specific uses, particularly in
100 Grade Exchange Citrus baking and for soda fountain use, true
Pectin 12 oz. fruit as well as imitation fruit jams, pre-
New Orleans Molasses 5 lb.
serves and pastes must be thickened. This
Glucose (43° Be.) 15 lb.
thickening is necessary to prevent leak-
Granulated Sugar 20 lb.
age in pies and pastries and too rapid
Citric Acid (crystals or
flow when used as coatings and dressings.
powdered) 4 oz.
Here Galagum fills a long felt want with
Color and Flavor as desired a resultant lowering of costs in addition.
Directions The method for making 100 pounds of
finished jam or preserves is as follows:
(1) Put 2% gallons of water in a Mix thoroughly 7 ozs. of Galagum with
kettle and heat hot (170° F.). (Open 35 ounces of cane sugar. The usual
fire or steam- jacketed kettle may be amount of sugar and fruit is boiled to-
gether in a steam- jacketed kettle. Start
(2) Thoroughly mix 12 ounces of 100 the stirring paddle when boiling begins
Grade Exchange Citrus Pectin with about and add VERY SLOWLY the above
6 pounds of granulated sugar. mentioned mixture of Galagum and
(3) Add the Pectin-Sugar Mixture to sugar. Heat up to 221° F. and then turn
the warm water as it is being stirred
off heat. Continue stirring until cool.
with a paddle. Continue to stir and heat
If desired the jam may be worked on the
to boiling. Boil vigorously for a cooling table, mixing it occasionally. The
moment. use of Galagum in this process increases
(4) Add the 5 pounds of New Orleans the bulk or volume more than 5 per cent.
Molasses to the kettle and then the 15
pounds of glucose. Heat to boiling
again. Imitation Jellies
(5) Add the remainder of the sugar The corn syrup imitation jelly is made
(14 pounds) and cook to 222°-224° F., as follows The 8 pints of water is

or to a good “sheet.” (This tempera- brought to a boil. Add slowly with stir-
ture corresponds to 75-78% total soluble ring the 70 grams of Aacagum, which
solids at sea level. It is sufficient to cook has been previously mixed with the 7 ozs.
the batch to 10°-12° F. above the boiling of Cerelose. Bring to a boil and cook
point of water at your factory.) Add for one minute. Now add the certified
food color which has been dissolved in boiling for 5 minutes, remove from the
a little warm water. Then add the 7 lbs. stove, and allow to drain. Let this stand
of warm com syrup. Stir until completely for one hour, then pour into a flannel
mixed and at no time need the tempera- jelly bag, press to obtain all possible
ture be higher than 200° F. Transfer juice, drip thru a bag to remove particles
the jelly to pail, allow to cool down of fruit. The juice is then placed in a
about 150° F. Then add with stirring kettle and brought to a boil, at which
the 35 grams of phosphoric acid and fruit time there is added 1 lb. sugar for each
flavor. The jelly will set in several hours pound fruit taken. The jellying point is
or allow to set all night. determined by dipping a spoon into the
The imitation cane sugar jelly is made boiling solution, and then holding it
exactly the same way as the corn syrup above kettle allowing the syrup to drop.
jelly with the exception that you mix the When it drops in flakes or sheets from
70 grams of Aacagum with about 10 per the spoon pour immediately into clean,
cent of the weight of cane sugar. This sterilized jelly glasses. When jelly is cold
mixture will aid the Aacagum considerably pour hot paraffin over it and store it *

in going into solution when added to the away.

hot water.
The phosphoric acid used in the above Fig Preserves
formulae was made by diluting 85 per
cent phosphoric acid with an equal vol- 6 qts. figs
2 qts. sugar
ume of water. The fruit flavors used
3 qts. water
were of the fruit oil type and were dis-
solved in Glycopon XS. Add one cup soda to 6 qts. boiling
water. Plunge figs into hot soda solution
and allow to remain until white, milky
Jelly (Non Sweating) fluid is extracted (about 15 minutes) or
Agar-Agar or Pectin 0.752-1% until water is cold enough to plunge hand
Sod. Alginate 0.5-1% into comfortably. Put figs thru two cold
Sugar 15-20% water baths to rinse well.
Water 78-83% Cooking. Drain figs thoroughly and
Citric Acid 0.03-0.04% add gradually to the syrup you have made
by boiling the sugar and water together
10 minutes and skimming. Cook rapidly
Guava Jelly
until figs are clear and tender (about 2
Preparation of Juice:
Wash Guavas, and slice into small
pieces with a sharp knife. For each Fig Jam
pound of fruit add 2 pints of water and - wash and drain.
Select very ripe figs,
boil until soft (about 25 minutes), allow To every gallon of peeled figs add 2 qts.
to stand until cold. Pour into cheese sugar, mash and cook to the proper con-
cloth bag and- allow to drain pressing to sistency. When nearing the finishing
extract all' juice. This juice is then point be careful not to scorch. If using
drained without pressing thru a clean a thermometer, cook to 222° F. or 106° G.
flannel jelly bag.

Making the Jelly:

Grapefruit Preserves
Bring the juice to a boil, and then add
1 lb. grapefruit peel
the sugar. Continue boiling until the
jellying point has been reached, which is
% lb. sugar
1 pt. water
indicated by the flaking or sheeting from 2 slices of lemon
the spoon. The jellying point of the
Preparation: Select bright fruit with
guava is 108° C. or 226^° F.
a thick peel, wash carefully. Cut peel
into strips or shapes. To 1 lb. of fruit
Knmquat J elly add 2 pints of water and the lemon. Boil
for 15 minutes, change the water and
1 lb. Kumquats
boil again. Repeat the process as often
1 lb. Sugar
as is necessary to remove as much of the
1*4 pints water bitter of the peel as is desired. Remove
Wash kumquats, treated with soda, and the peel and the lemon from the water
then cut in halves. For each pound of and drop them into a boiling syrup made
fruit taken add 1% pints water. Boil by adding %
sugar to 1 pint water for
for 15 minutes then the kettle is covered each pound of peel taken and boiling
and set aside for 15 hours. After again until the sugar is dissolved. After the
peel is added boil until the peel is trans- Celery Seed ¥2 oz.
parent and the syrup sufficiently heavy* Cardamom V2 oz.
Slippery Elm 4 oz.
Peach Preserves Indian Curry Powder
10 lb. peeled sliced cling stone
Coriander Seed 5 oz.
peaches Turmeric 5 oz.
7 lb. sugar Cardamom 40 oz.
3 pints water Cayenne Pepper 10 oz.
10 peach kernels Fenugreek Seed 4 oz.
Bring sugar and water to a boil, add The above ingredients are mixed and
cne peaches and kernels. Cook until the
allow to dry in a warm oven to drive off
fruit is clear when lifted from the syrup.
the moisture. It is then ground very
Pack in sterilized containers and seal. fine and packed in tins.

Coffee Extract
Orange Marmalade
This is prepared by bringing 3 gallons
3 lb. oranges
of water to a boil and adding 1 Vt pounds
3 lemons
of Ground Coffee. The mixture is stirred
1% pint water well and set aside to draw for 10 minutes.
3 lb. sugar
The extract is then strained through a
Wash, remove the peel and seeds, cut- suitable cloth, or filtered, and will yield
ting one half of the peel into very thin the needed 2*4 gallons of extract.
strips, and add it to the pulp and balance
of the peel, which has first had the yellow Pineapple Icing
portion grated off and has been passed
Pineapple (grated or crushed) 1 lb.
through a food chopper with the pulp.
Cover with water and let stand overnight. Thicken to proper consistency with
Boil for 10 minutes the next morning, icing sugar. Heat to 110° C. and appl>
allow to stand for 12 hours, add the while warm.
sugar and again stand overnight. Cook
it rapidly next morning until the jelly Lemon Icing
test can be obtained (about 222° F.). Hot Water 16 oz.
Cool to 176° F. pour into sterilized Sugar 120 oz.
glasses, and seal with paraffine. Lemon Grating or Juice 2 oz.
Glucose Syrup 4 oz.

Green Tomato Mince-Meat

1 peck green tomatoes Orange Icing
2 lb. raisins
Hot Water 16 oz.

2¥z lb. brown sugar Sugar 120 oz.

lb. suet or eoeoanut Orange Grating or Juice 2 oz.
2 tsp. ground cinnamon
Glucose Syrup 4 oz.
2 tsp. nutmeg
2 tsp. cloves Maraschino Icing
% cup vinegar
tsp. salt.
Hot Water 16 oz.
Maraschino Juice 6 oz.
Chop tomatoes and drain. Cover
fine Chopped Cherries (to suit)
with cold water, heat thru and drain Sugar 120 oz.
again. Add chopped raisins and other Glucose 4 oz.
ingredients. Cook 30 minutes. Pack
into sterilized jars and process 15
Coffee Icing
Fresh Made Coffee 16 oz.
Sugar 96 oz.
Curry Powder (Spicing) Invert Sugar S oz.
Caramel Color % oz.

Coriander Seed 16 oz.

White Pepper 1 oz. Vanilla Icing
Cayenne Pepper ¥i oz. Hot Water 16 oz.
Ginger i
m oz.
Sugar 112
Mace ¥2 oz. Vanilla ¥2 oz.
% oz. Egg Whites 3 oz.
¥2 oz.

Chocolate Icing Sugar 96 oz.

Hot Water 16 oz. Glucose 8 oz.
Sugar 96 oz. Water 32 oz.
Melted Butter 4 oz. Add syrup to beaten whites, and beat
Melted Chocolate 16 oz. up until desired consistency is reached.
Inverted Sugar 8 oz.

Royal Icing
Home Made Icing Beat light:
Beat stiff: Egg White 16 oz.
Egg Whites 32 oz. Icing Sugar 96 oz.
Salt % oz. Juice of Lemon 1 oz.
Sugar 16 oz. Cream of Tartar Vs oz.
Vanilla (to suit) Vanilla Vk oz.
Boil together to 236-240° F.
Sugar 104 oz.
Fruit Cake Shrine
Glucose 8 oz.
Water 2 oz. Bring to a boil:

Add cooked syrup to beaten egg whites Water 16 oz.

Glucose 12 oz.
and beat until stiff. Add chopped fruits,
nuts as desired.
Malt Extract Powdered % oz.
Gelatine (dissolved) 1 oz.
Chocolate Fudge Flavor to Suit
Bring to a boil: Apply while hot to baked cake.
Chocolate 16 oz.
Butter 4 oz.
Sugar 16 oz. Cocoa Icing
Milk 16 oz. Beat together until smooth and glossy:
Glucose 6 oz. Plastic Cocoanut Butter 16 oz.
Cool to 120° F. Invert Sugar 20 oz.
Then add and mix smooth Water 12 oz.

Vanilla 1 oz. Cocoa 20 oz.

Sugar Icing 72 oz. Icing Sugar 88 oz.

Egg Whites 2 oz. Milk Powder 4% oz.

Salt Vs oz.
Mix smooth.
Vanilla % oz.
Butterscotch Fudge Marshmallow
Cook to 235° F.: Soak together:
Brown Sugar 64 oz. Gelatine 3% oz.
Milk 32 oz. Cold Water 13 oz.
Butter 8 oz.
Then heat to 140° F. and add
Glucose 1% oz.
Hot Water 24 oz.
Cool to 120° F.
Invert Sugar 16 oz.
Then add 104
Icing Sugar oz.
Milk 16 oz. Vanilla 1 oz.
Lemon Juice 1 oz.
Beat and use while warm.
Salt % oz.

Butter 8 oz.
Icing Sugar 128 oz.
Marshmallow and Meringue Powders
Burnt Sugar Vk oz.
Use Warm. Formula No. 1
25 lb. Dried Egg Albumen
25 lb. Galagum C
Light Meringue Icing 40 lb. Corn Starch
Beat until stiff: 5 lb. Skimmed Milk Powder
Egg Whites 32 oz. 5 lb. Powdered Alum
Salt Vs oz. Vanillin to suit.
Vanilla % oz. Mix the above well and run through a

Boil to 240° F. fine mesh sifter.

Formula No. 2 Cool and mix the crystallized product
25 lb. DriedEgg Albumen with
25 lb. Galagum C Malt Diastase 3
10 lb. Tapioca Starch
35 lb. Cane Sugar (powdered)
Skimmed Milk Powder * Baking Powder
5 lb.
Vanillin to suit. Sod. Bicarbonate 300
Mix the above well and run through Calcium Dihydrogen Phosfate 33
a fine mesh sifter. Sod. Hydrogen Pyrophosfate 405
Starch 262
Formula No. 3
25 lb. DriedEgg Albumen
25 lb. Galagum G Household Baking Powders
25 lb. Com Starch
20 Corn Sugar (powdered)
Sodium Bicarbonate 28 parts
5 lb. Skimmed Milk Powder
Mono Calcium Phosphate 35 parts
Mix the above well and run through a Corn Starch 27 parts
fine mesh sifter.
In any of the above formulae, where
Mix the above powders thoroughly and
store in airtight containers.
it is desired to reduce the amount of
Galagum C, then the difference is made 2.
up with cane sugar.
The above meringue formulae are to Sodium Bicarbonate 28 parts
Calcium Acid Phosphate 29 parts
be used as follows:
Take 5 oz. of meringue powder to 1 Sodium Aluminum Sulphate 19 parts
Starch Corn 24 parts
quart cold water and 3 lb. cane sugar.
Put the cold water into a clean kettle,
then add to it the sugar and meringue Sodium Bicarbonate 28 parts
powder. Beat in the machine until the Mono Calcium Phosphate 12 parts
required stiffness is obtained. For marsh- Sodium Aluminum Sul-
mallow whip take 2 oz. of meringue phate 21^ parts
powder, 1 quart cold water, 3 lb. of cane Starch Corn 38 % parts
sugar and whip to the desired stiffness. 4.
Now dissolve thoroughly 2% oz. of Gela- Sodium Bicarbonate 28 parts
tin in %
pint hot water. Add this slowly Sodium Aluminum Sulphate 28 parts
to the beaten meringue, and continue to Corn Starch 44 parts
beat up until the desired consistency is
Bakers Baking Powder
* Flour,
High Bising 5.

To increase the vol. yield of bread, Sodium Bicarbonate 35 parts

etc., made from dough free from egg yolk Mono Calcium Phosphate 9 parts
or egg-yolk substitute and substantially Sodium Aluminum Sulphate 29 parts
free from fat, a phosphatide, e.g ., lecithin Corn Starch 27 parts
from soy beans, to the extent of 0.05-1% 6.
is incorporated in the flour. Sodium Bicarbonate 35 parts
Sodium Aluminum Sulphate 35 parts
Corn Starch 30 parts
* Improvement of Flour 7.
The addition of the following greatly Sodium Bicarbonate 35 parts
improves baking properties of flour. Calcium Acid Phosphate 36 parts
(NH 4 )2S 2 08 2.5-5% Sodium Aluminum Sulphate 24 parts
CaH4 (P04 ) 2 2.5-5% Starch Corn 5 parts
Pot. Citrate 2.5-5% 8.
Sodium Bicarbonate 28 parts
Sodium Acid Pyrophosphate 20 parts
* Flour Improver
Mono Calcium Phosphate 22 parts
The baking capacity of flour is in- Corn Starch 30 parts
creased by adding 0.1-0.5 gm. of fol- 9.
lowing mixture to 1 kg. of flour: Sodium Bicarbonate 27 parts
Asparagine 3 lb. Cream of Tartar 60 parts
Hydrogen Peroxide 10 lb. Corn Starch 13 parts
— ;

10 . freezing, keeps well and has good flavor
Sodium Bicarbonate 27 parts and appearance.
Cream of Tartar 45 parts
Tartaric Acid 6 parts Mayonnaise
Corn Starch 22 parts Egg Yolk 8 oz.
In these formulas mix the powders well. Vinegar 8 oz.
Sugar 1% oz.
* Mold on Food, Preventing Oil 96 oz.
The food is coated with glyceryl for- Salt 1% oz.
mate. Mustard % 0£.
Prevention of Mold On
* Fruit, Water 10 oz.
1. Citrus fruit is treated with a warm Build up and run on colloid mill.
solution containing 2 ounces each of
Borax and soda ash per gallon, prefer-
ably under high pressure. Milk and Cream, Increasing Viscosity of
2. Dissolve in 1 gallon of water, 5 to 8 To increase the viscosity and improve
ounces of borax, and %
to 1 ounce each the consistency of milk or cream, the ma-
of casein and glucose. Coat fruit, and terial is heated to 40 —
42° in 20 30 —
allow to dry. min., cooled to 2 3 6 in 20 30 min.— and
* Eggs, Preservative ! For

held at 2 3° for 1 2 days. —
Benzene 10,000
* Cream, Artificial
Crepe Rubber 500
Naphtha 10,000 Butter Fat 19
Carbon Bisulfide 2,000 Vegetable Fat 10
Sulfur 70 Milk Powder 7
Paraffin Wax 500 Sugar 0.75
Derris Root Extract 200 Gelatin 1
Borax 0.25
Water 62
Ice Cream Powder Flavor to suit
Dried Milk Powder 51
Sugar Powder 52 * Breast Milk, Artificial
Sod. Carbonate 2
Cream of Tartar 4.4 A substitute for human milk is prepd.
Vanillin 0.66 by adding to animal milk, or animal milk
products, appropriate amts, of albumin,
One pound of above makes 10 lbs. ice
lactose, 2 C0 3 , RC1, K2HPO4, Fe oleate
and citrates of Na, Ca and Mg. Thus,
to a heated mixt. of whey 100, 25%
Mayonnaise cream 180 and water 720 ce. there may
Whole Eggs 4 be added albumin 3.6, lactose 52, 2 C0 3 K
Egg Yolks 16 0.267, KC1 0.3, K0HPO4 0.232, Na citrate
Liquid Pectin 2^ oz. 0.5, Ca citrate 0.54, Mg
citrate 0.12 and
Mustard Powder (yellow) % oz. Fe oleate 0.006 g.
Sugar 1% oz.
Salt 1 oz.
* Milk Products, Preserving
Vegetable Oil 1 "gal.
Mayonnaise Flavor 2 cc. A small proportion (suitably about
Tincture Capsicum (optional) 4 cc. 1.5%) of glycerol or other polyhydric ale.
Lactic Acid 4 cc. such as dimethylene and trimethylene
glycol or propylene glycol is added to pre-
Vinegar 6% oz.
Water 6% oz. vent development of rancidity in milk,
dried milk, cream, butter, etc.
Cottonseed Salad Oil 70.25 Manufacturing Cream Cheese (Hot
Egg Yolk 10.00 Process)
Vinegar (50 grain) 10.00 The new method of manufacturing
Water 3.90 cream cheese involves a new principle
Salt 1.45 namely, the aggregation of the fat
Sugar 3.50 globules into large clusters by proper
Mustard 0.80 homogenization. This is accompanied by
White Pepper 0.10 a partial coagulation of the casein in
This formula gives good resistance to these fat clusters so that the entire mass
sets to a permanent condition which is * Nuts, Removing Rancidity of
not materially affected by temperature. In order to remove rancidity and dis-
Sweet cream of good flavor containing coloration, rancid nut meats are immersed
40 to 42 per cent of milk fat is the basis in a NaOH soln. (suitably of about 5%
for this cheese. From 3 to 5 per cent of strength) and subsequently treated with
soluble dry skimmilk is stirred into the a HC1 soln. (suitably of about 1%
cream. Then 0.5 to 0.7 per cent of finely strength), washed and dried.
ground agar free from objectionable
flavor or odor should be added to this
mixture while it is being constantly * Lard, Preventing Rancidity in
stirred. The addition of 0.05-0.1% Gum Guaic
The mixture should then be heated to to lard or other fats prevents rancidity.
180 to 185° F. and held for 5 to 10
minutes for the agar to dissolve. It
should then be cooled to 110° F. Add * Salt, Cooking and Fermentation
0.75 per cent of common salt and 0.5 to A salt mixt. contains cations of alkali
1 per cent of good commercial starter and alk. earth metals in a physiol, equil.
depending upon the rate at which acidity such that it does not modify the surface
is desired in the cheese. The mixture tension of an electroneg. lipoid soln. and
should then be passed thru a coarse that the optimum colloidal state for org.
strainer and homogenized at 3,000 to albumin is reached. Examples contain
4,000 pounds pressure per square inch. NaCl 86.81, KC1 5.54, MgCl 2 3.53, CaCl 2
g., and NaCl 74.55, K tartrate
The mixture should leave the homogenizer 4.1 7.47~
at the consistency of soft butter and Mg lactate 8.15, Ca lactate 9.78 g. The
slightly firmer than ice cream as it leaves salt mixts. are used in cooking, fermenta-
the freezer. tion , tanning , etc.
The mixture should be placed im-
mediately into the final molds before the
temperature lowers to 100 or less because Sherbets
the finest body and texture is secured if 13.5 lb. Sugar
the cheese is not mixed after the agar has 2% to 3 oz. Sheragum
set. The cheese can be chilled in the Flavor, Water, Acid, Color
refrigerator to 70° and then placed in a and mix make
to 5 gallons of mixture.
70° room for 10 or 15 hours for the acid
flavor to develop. 1. Directions if not pasteurizing:
The quantity of acid developed in the Mix well or slightly less of
3 oz.
cheese can be varied not only by the Sheragum with of the sugar of the
percentage of starter but by the quantity mix. Add this to the cold water in the
of dry skimmilk. The more dry skim- vat, agitating all of the time. Add the
milk the higher the acidity will be. Acid flavor and rnix thoroughly. If the flavor
develops somewhat slowly in this cheese contains a high sugar content, cut down
so that it may be necessary to increase on the amount of sugar added. The
the percentage of starter under special amount of sugar given is satisfactory
conditions. when orange or lemon sherbets are made.
When relish, olives, etc,, are mixed This mixture requires no aging, but if
with the cheese it is generally not neces- aged overnight will give a smoother
sary to use starter since the relish gives product.
plenty of tartness and flavor to the Freeze with cold refrigerant and when
cheese. The quantities used vary from the mixture has started to thicken
10 to 30 per cent. The cream can be slightly add the acid (3-4 oz.,of 50%
homogenized at 120° thus making it pos- citric When the mix is a little
sible to pack a much warmer cheese with add 2 quarts of regular mix.
less danger of the agar congealing before Draw when frozen or when the overrun
packing. It is desirable in such cheese reaches 25 to 30 per cent.
to use fully 5 per cent of dry skimmilk The regular formula used by the plant
to help prevent any whey drainage. If
may be used. The only things to watch
there is much juice from the relish it
may be desirable to add it to the warm

are that the gum is mixed well with a
large quantity of sugar and added slowly
cheese before homogenization but such a to the cold water, or milk if milk is used.
procedure increases the acidity in the Do not add the acid until the mixture is
cream thereby causing excessive fat being frozen. The mix may be added
clumping. This may be offset by the use any time. We
always add the mix at the
of lower homogenization. freezer because if the mixture is very
acid, it may curdle the mix.


2 . Directions if product is pasteurized: of the most desirable ice .from a com-

The same rule is followed, but that mercial standpoint.
2% oz. of Sheragum will be sufficient in In the two examples of powder given
this case. Acid, color and flavor are not above, the first will give a greater yield
pasteurized. Since heating brings out a than the second. In both instances the
little flavor from the gum, the gum and agar should be ground to pass approxi-
enough sugar to carry it should be left mately a 40 mesh screen. The pectin may
out until the mixture is cooled. vary in amount, depending upon the
smoothness desired in the finished product
and it will be understood that if a lower
* Sherbet (Water-Ice) grade of pectin is used a corresponding
The following formula gives a smooth increase in the amount will probably be
product of good stability. required. In both examples the citric
acid crystals should be ground to a
(1) Prepare, in the form of a powder,
the following ingredients, weighing and powder and then mixed with the other .

mixing same according to percentages ingredients. .

Water Ices and Sherbets
Per cent
The formulae give only the basis for
(a) Corn Sugar 85.724
the mixture and do not attempt to specify
Agar 2.857
flavors and fruit juices to give the water
Pectin (160 grade) 4.286
ices or sherbets their characteristic
Citric Acid Powdered given on the
flavors. The figures are
Crystals 5.713
basis of 100 pounds of mix which is about
Gelatin 1.420
10% gallons. The mix has a specific
gravity of approximately 1.14 at 10° O.
and weighs 9.5 pounds per gallon. The

or specific gravity varies greatly, depending

(b) Corn Sugar 87.517
largely upon the percentage of sugar and
Agar 2.872
the temperature.
Pectin (160 grade) 4.877
Citric Acid 4.734
Water Ice
100 .
25.0 lb.
Cane Sugar
ice mix, Corn Sugar 7.0 lb.
(2) Prepare 100 pounds of
using 7 pounds of the above powder, 21
Agar 0.2 lb.
(3.2 ounces or 90.6
pounds sucrose (beet or cane sugar), 20
pounds of fruit, and 52 pounds of water.
Gum Tragacanth or High-
grade India Gum 0.4 lb.
In preparing the ice mix, the 7 pounds
(6.4 ounces or 181.2 grams)
of powder should be dissolved in 25 to 30
Water, Fruit, Fruit Acid,
pounds of water and heated to boiling 67.4 lb.
Flavor, and Color
temperature, boiling not to exceed ap-
proximately one minute, as excessive boil- Overrun 20 to 25 per cent —Total yield
ing in the presence of the acid will reduce 13 gallons. ^

the jellying strength of the pectin. The

Sherbet Using Milk
solution thus prepared is then added to
25.0 lb.
the balance of the mix. In case concen- Cane Sugar
7 .0 lb.
trated fruits (such as concentrated orange Corn Sugar
Q'2 lb.
juice) are used, additional amounts of Agar
water will be necessary for diluting the
(3.2 ounces or 90.6
fruit concentrate to normal strength. In Gum Tragacanth or High-
addition to the ingredients listed, addi- grade India Gum 0.2 lb.

tional flavoring and coloring may be de- (3.2 ounces or 90.6 grams)

Whole Milk SO.O lb.

sirable or necessary, depending upon the _

fruit used. It should be mentioned that Water, Fruit, Fruit Acid,

Flavor, and Color 17.6 lb.
a good ice, smooth, palatable, of desir-
able flavor, and possessing good keeping Overrun 25 to 30 per cent —-Total yield
qualities, should contain a uniform 13.5 gallons.
amount of acid, preferably 0.60 to 0.6o
per cent titratable acidity, calculated in Sherbet Using Ice Cream Mix
terms of citric acid. Also, air incorpo- 25.0 lb.
rated to the extent of 30 to> 40 per cent
Cane Sugar
Corn Sugar 7.0 lb.
of the original liquid content is generally 0.2 lb.
considered as sufficient fox the production
(3.2 ounces or 90.6 grams) Vanilla Sauce Powder
Gum Tragacantli or High- Corn Flour 100
grade India Gum 0.2 lb. Vanillin 0,5
(3.2 ounces or 90.6 grams) Yellow Food Color 0.05
Ice Cream Mix, without
Sugar or Gelatin 10.0 lb.
Water, Fruit, Fruit Acid, Procedure for Washing and Sterilizing
Flavor, and Color 57.6 lb. Freezers Using Steam and Chlorine
Overrun —25 to 30 per cent —Total At the conclusion of the freezing oper-
ation drain the ice cream from the
yield 13.5 gallons.
freezer. Rince the strainer, hopper, and
The mixture should be prepared by first outside of the freezer, particularly at the
weighing most of the water or all of the head, with cold water. Fill the freezer
milk, if any is used, leaving out enough two-thirds full of cold water. Run one-
water to dissolve the agar and to allow half minute and drain.
for fruit juices, etc. The sugars should Fill the hopper full of water at 140°
be thoroughly mixed with the powdered to 145° F. and add a half pound (I cup
gum tragaeanth or high-grade india gum full) of cleansing powder. Wash the
and slowly poured into the 'water while strainer, hopper, and outside of the
the water is being agitated rapidly. freezer with a brush. Brain the solution
Powdered agar is preferable to granular into the freezer, (the freezer should be at
or shreds because it can be more readily least two-thirds full) run one-half minute,
dissolved. The powdered agar should be and drain the freezer.
poured into 50 times its weight of boiling Remove the head, scrub with a brush,
water while the water is being agitated being certain to clean out the front bear-
rapidly. The water with agar should con- ing. Wash the bearing end of the dasher
tinue to boil for about five minutes when with a brush, remove from freezer, and
the agar will be completely dissolved. The wash. Replace dasher and head.
hot agar solution should be added to the Fill the hopper full of w ater at 180° to

mix as if it were a hot gelatin solution. 185° F. so that the screen is immersed.
The gelatinization strength of agar is Let it stand 2 minutes to sterilize the
reduced by boiling in acid solutions, but hopper and screen. Brain into the
it is only slowly altered by boiling in freezer, (the freezer should be at least
water, so it is important that fruit acid two-thirds full) run one-lialf minute, and
should be added to the mix after the drain.
agar. All other ingredients used should Partially close the freezer gate so that
be added to the mix at this time and the it is about one-fourth open. Turn steam
total weight brought up to the required into the freezer, through a special re-
amount with water, making allowance for movable pipe, with sufficient force to give
the fruit and fruit acids or juices which a noticeable blowing of steam from the
are usually added at the freezer. fruit hopper opening. Steam until the
There is no necessity of aging water steam condensate dripping from the
ices or sherbets made with agar and gum freezer is above 180° F, This will require
as stabilizers because the action of each 3 to 5 minutes for a 10-gallon freezer
takes place within a few minutes. and 5 to 8 minutes for a 25-gallon
Evidence of a weak gel formation should freezer. Open the gate and let the
be readily observed at once if sufficient freezer stand intact until ready for use.
agar has been used, since agar solutions Before using the freezer, fill the hopper
set at 40° to 42° C. and since the tem- with water at 100° to 110° F., making
perature of the cold mixes is much certain that the screen is covered. Add
lower. sufficient chlorine to give 100 p.p.m. and
stir well. If desired, the chlorine solu-
tion can be pumped into the hopper from
Vanilla Bean Flavoring Powder a special tank. Brain the chlorine solu-
25 Parts Ground Vanilla Bean tion into the freezer, operate the freezer
74 Parts Confectioners Powdered for one-half minute, and drain. The
Sugar freezer is then in excellent sanitary con-
1 Part Oil of Bitter Almond dition and ready for immediate use.

Mix the above ingredients very thor-

oughly. Place in sifter top cans and use * Vitamin Concentrate
as powdered flavor over ice cream, cereals A vitamin concentrate in tablet form,
and baking. consisting of a pulverized and compressed
blend of the following raw vegetables
: : : —


containing vitamins A, B, C, I) and E Macaroons

in substantially the following proportions 6 Kilos Ground Nuts
Per cent 15 Kilos Crystallized Sugar
Spinach 10 to 20 5 Kilos Potato Flour
Green Cabbage 5 to 15 500 Grams Glucose
White Cabbage 25 to 40 2 Kilos Glace Sugar
Lettuce 3 to 7 4 Kilos Rice Flour
Carrot 20 to 40 2 Litres Narobin Solution
and dehydrated to less than 10% of their
original moisture content.
Uses of Narobin in Connection with
Eggs, in General Baking, Pastry
Eor Fancy Cakes, Tea Cakes, Macaroons Making, Sponge Cake, and Other
Preparation of the Narobin solution :
Stir 10 grams Narobin powder (mixed
Here, by the use of Narobin solutions,
with a little sugar to help solution) in a saving from 10 to 25% of eggs, can
one litre water, allowing about one hour be effected. Aside from economy,
for dissolving. (Note: the metric Kilo Narobin appears to make the egg whites
is equivalent to 2.2 pounds, and One
rise, giving them body, and preventing
Ounce is equivalent to about 28 grams). lumping. Various formulae are given
Cakes below, showing the use of Narobin solu-
12 Kilos Sugar tion to replace whole eggs, egg whites,
17% Kilos Flour etc., in various blends. For instance,
5 Kilos Butter formulas Aand B are found to take the
5 Kilos Raisins place of 20 quarts of whole eggs.
2 Litres Eggs Narobin Solution is made up of 20 to
5 Litres Narobin Solution 30 to 35 grams per litre of water,
200 Grams Baking Powder with which solution replaces one egg by 50
Orange or Other Flavor grams and each white or yolk by 25
grams, as a general basis for use.
Sponge Cakes
12 Kilos Sugar
18 Kilos Flour Formula A and Variations:
5 Kilos Margarine 12 QuartsWhole Eggs
500 Grams Powdered Milk 5 QuartsEgg Whites
5 Litres Narobin Solution 3 Quarts Narobin Solution (one
2 Litres Eggs ounce per quart water)
250 Grams Baking Powder solution with the
Mix the Narobin
Cake No. 2: whites, then incorporate with the entire
eggs (or yolks). Use in preparations the
6 Kilos Sugar
same as actual eggs. This formula takes
7 Kilos Flour
the place of 20 quarts of whole eggs.
5 Litres Eggs
3 Litres Narobin Solution with 6 Litres Whole Eggs
Vanilla Flavor 2% Litres Egg Whites
2 Kilos Melted Margarine 1% Litres Narobin Solution (30
grams Narobin per litre
Cake No. 3: water)
6 Kilos Sugar
7 Kilos Flour Can replace 10 litres of whole eggs.
5 Litres Eggs It is equally possible, with very good
3 Litres Narobin Solution results, to use 5 litres whole eggs, 2%
1 Litre Egg White and %
Litre litres egg whites, 2%
litres Narobin
Narobin Solution, beaten together solution.
30 Grams Ammonia (baking powder) Note: Egg whites may be replaced by
2 Kilos Criseo (a vegetable substitute powdered egg albumen. This is par*

for butter) ticularly recommended in winter/

Cake No. 4:
6 Kilos Sugar Formula B and Variations
71/2 Kilos Flour 10 Quarts Whole Eggs
4 Litres Eggs 5 Quarts Egg Whites
4 Litres Narobin Solution 5 Quarts Narobin Solution (same
Beat well together. strength)
This is found to replace 20 quarts of in connection with storage eggs, giving
whole eggs. them substantially more adhesive power,
5 Litres Egg Yolks and facilitating their emulsion.
2% Litres Egg Whites
2 Litres Narobin Solution (30
* Chocolate Margarine
grams Narobin dissolved in
one litre warm water) Cocoanut Oil 1800 lb.
This takes the place of 10 litres of egg Cocoanut Oil (hydrogenated) 500 lb.
yolks. Cottonseed Oil 300 lb.
Formula B is recommended for spice
cakes, etc., giving better results than by
In preparing a mix of these ingredi-
ents, the hydrogenated and unhydro-
use of egg yolks alone. In summer it is
better to reduce the proportion of genated cocoanut oils are preferably first
Narobin, as well as the quantity of egg mixed together by churning them at a
temperature of approximately 90° F., at
which temperature the oils are free-
flowing, and the agitation continuing
Formula C and Variations over a period of approximately three
10 Quarts Egg Yolks minutes.
5 Quarts Egg Whites The proportion of hydrogenated cocoa-
5 Quarts Narobin Solution (same nut oil used may vary considerably from
strength) the figure given above, keeping in mind
Narobin solution is prepared by dis- the desired consistency and other char-
solving 30 to 35 grams Narobin powder acteristics of the final product.
in one litre warm water. Fifty grams of After the cocoanut and hydrogenated
this solution replaces one whole egg, and cocoanut oil have been mixed as above,
25 grams takes the place of one yolk or thirty gallons of water at a tempera-
one white. ture of about 46° F. are placed in the
churn with the fats and the whole mass
Formula D and Variations is agitated for about five minutes. Then
Dissolve in one quart of water from 1 the 300 lbs. of cottonseed oil, which
to 1% ounces Narobin; and it will be
should be at a temperature of about
80° F., are mixed in. At this point the
noted that one egg can be replaced by
slightly less than two ounces of this solu- mass will be in a fiowable state. The
tion; and one egg yolk, or one egg white important feature during this step is to
can be replaced by about one ounce of prevent the oils from graining. The
this solution. temperatures above are selected with this
For 100 whole eggs, formula for re-
in mind but are not critical.
placement is:
The next step is to pour this fiowable
mass into cold water maintained at a
75 Whole Eggs
temperature of about 34° F. to crystal-
45 Ounces of the Narobin Solution
lize the fats. This is accomplished by

(Narobin Solution 30-35 grams in flowing the fatty mass into a stream of
one litre warm water.) cold water, whereupon the fatty mass is
For 100 egg yolks, formula for re- broken up and quickly chilled to produce
placement is; small globules or granules of fat. The
75 Egg Yolks stream flows for such a distance that
22 Ounces of Narobin Solution the fat and water will remain together
for preferably less than two minutes. It
For 100 egg whites, the formula for
will be understood that the vegetable fats
replacement is
may, however, be crystallized in any
75 Egg Whites desired manner.
22 Ounces of Narobin Solution The fat mixture, after being crystal-
Use of less Narobin (both in quantity lized, is mechanically removed from the
and strength of solution) is recommended water and dumped into a large mass of
in summer than in winter. This is because water at a temperature of 67° F. This
the composition of the egg differs in the latter temperature is important, and for

seasons the fresh eggs in summer hav- best results should not be permitted to
ing more albumen than in winter; and vary by more than 2° F. either way. The
correspondingly in winter they '
contain fat, being in a highly subdivided state
more yolk. before being charged into the water, is
Formulas A, B, C and D should only rapidly and uniformly brought to very
serve as examples, and as definite start- nearly the temperature of the water and
ing points. Narobin gives better value at that temperature coalesces again into
a large unitary mass. The purpose of worked into the mass, while the fats of
charging the fat base into water is to the base are in a solidified state, that is,
bring it quickly and uniformly to the without the application of heat. At this
This may be also
desired temperature.
accomplished by tempering in the air to
time about %%by weight of salt, based
on the total wr eight of the mix, is added.
the same temperature as specified but not After these ingredients have been worked
so satisfactorily as by the use of water. together until the mass is smooth and of
After leaving the water bath, the fat suitable texture, the mass is spread in
is placed in a continuous working device, thin layers to permit it to reach uniform
preferably one having screw blades, and temperatures in the shortest possible
is worked until the water content is time, and is chilled to render it capable
brought down to about 9%. When this of being printed. The product may then
point is reached, the mass is removed to be printed and packed for shipment and
a butter worker, comprising a revolving sale. If the product is to be packaged in
table and a wooden roll, and is worked glass or other similar containers, how-
on this device until the moisture content ever, this chilling step is unnecessary.
is reduced to somewhat below 9%, prefer- The chocolate-bearing material used
ably to about 7%. The exact manner of should be in the form of an aqueous
working is not critical, neither is it syrup. A
syrup of the following formula
necessary to use the specific types of ma- is satisfactory:
chines mentioned above. Since the object Percent by
of this working is to reduce the moisture weight
content, it is evident that any device Sugar 62
which will accomplish this object will Cocoa 12
be operative. However, the particular Chocolate 7
arrangement discussed above, or an Salt 0.2
equivalent thereof, has the virtue that all Vanilla 0.01
particles are properly worked so that the Water balance, or about 18%
tendency for white particles to appear
in the finished product is lessened. The emulsifying agent to us# is one
After the moisture content has been commonly sold under the name of
“ Eniargo!.** This is a complex fatty
reduced and the mass has been thoroughly
worked to maintain all parts of the mass mixture consisting of approximately 50
at the same temperature, so as to elimi-
to 55% of moisture and 45 to 50% by
nate most, if not all, of the hard particles,
weight of fatty matter. The active
emulsifying agent in the fatty matter is
the material is placed in a tempering
monostearyl glycerine sodium sulpho-
room, where it is held at a temperature
acetate, which is present in the mixture to
of about 64 to 68° F. for from twelve to
eighteen hours. the extent of approximately 15 to 20%
It is desirable to work or mix the fatty
by weight.
material with the milk and aqueous choco-
The product of this process is a sub-
stantially permanent and homogeneous
late syrup immediately after the moisture
emulsion of an edible vegetable fat and
content has been reduced to the proper
amount, but if this can not be done be-
an aqueous chocolate-bearing syrup,
which is of smooth uniform texture and
cause of insufficient equipment, the fatty
of semi-solid consistency and spreadable
material must be kept under close tem-
perature control in a tempering room.
like butter. The flavor of the chocolate
predominates over that of the other in-
After the tempering is finished, the
gredients, thus making a new product
material is mixed with milk, for example,
entirely different from any spread for
about twenty gallons of milk for each
bread, cake, pastries or the like previously
2600 pounds of fatty material.
Preferably, the milk should be slightly
acid. This may be accomplished by add-
ing a suitable amount of lactic acid cul- * Cheese, Pasteurizing
ture and ripening the milk to about .85%
acidity. At the time that the milk is The process of treating soft acid cheese
added, a suitable amount, for example, having a pH of about 3.5 to 5 which com-
about 3% by weight of an emulsifying prises, adding an amount of an alkaline
agent should be added. These ingredients substance to the cheese to bring its pH to
are then thoroughly worked together at about 5.5 or 6.5, pasteurizing the mixture
room temperature. and then adding an amount of an acid
About 1560 lbs. of a suitable chocolate substance to the cheese to bring its pH
syrup, also at ordinary room tempera- back to about 3.5 to 5.
ture, are then added and thoroughly
Cultured Milk 4. Add 1*4-2 per cent of the mother
Three different organisms are com- culture and mix well.
monly used in the manufacture of cul- 5.Incubate at about 72" F. for 18
tured milk drinks in this country. The hours or until acidity of about .75 per
most common product is that made by cent is reached.
souring milk under control conditions 6. Break curd and cool immediately to
with pure cultures of S. lacticus. Some at least 50° F. by pumping over surface
manufacturers prefer a heavy body and cooler.
a sharper flavor which they secure by
adding a small proportion of L. bul- Preparation of L. Bulgarians Starter
garicus starter to that made with S. lac- A. Mother culture.
ticus. For the acidophilus drink a third 1.Use only high quality skim milk.
organism is used called L. acidophilus. 2.Place milk in glass container such
All three of these starters^can be secured
as fruit jar and heat to 190-200° F. for
from any commercial culture laboratory. 30 minutes.
In some eases no butterfat is added, 3. Cool slowly to 100° F.
but a much more palatable product can 4. Using sterile spoon or pipette trans-
be secured by the addition of sufficient fer about 10 cc. of the last mother cul-
cream to make a total fat content of 1-2 ture to each quart of the sterilized milk.
per cent.
Cover bottle immediately.
Essential to Have Good Starters 5. Incubate at 100° F. for about 18
hours or until firm curd is formed.
Probably the most essential require-
6. Place in 40° F. room until used.
ment for the successful manufacture of
cultured milk is that the starter be kept B. Bulk starter.
pure. This means that proper facilities In ease only small quantities of bul-
must be available for growing the cul- garlac are to be made it will not be neces-
tures, and a competent person must be in sary to prepare any bulk starter of the
charge.. Even with the best of care, bulgaricus culture, as a sufficient amount
starters occasionally “go off and need

of the mother culture can be prepared to
to be replaced with new stock. supply the quantity needed to mix with
Mother cultures should be grown in the lactic starter. Otherwise jmoceed as
the laboratory. From these mother cul- follows:
tures the bulk cultures can be set. In
no case should the attempt be made to 1. Use only high quality skim milk.
carry starters by transferring from one 2. Heat to 190° F. for 30 minutes.
vat or can to another. The transfer 3. Cool to 100-105° F.
should be carefully made, using only 4. Add 1*4-2 per cent of mother
sterile equipment, from the mother cul- culture.
ture to what is to be the next mother. 5. Hold at 100° F. for 18 hours or until

Since the preparation of the three starters acidity of about 1.00 per cent is obtained.
•^tries somewhat each one will be con- 6 . Break curd and cool immediately to
sidered separately. at least 50° F. by pumping over surface

Preparation of S. Lacticus Starter Occasionally bulgaricus starter is sold

for a cultured milk drink, but its flavor
A. Mother culture.
is so sharp and its body so viscous that
1. Use only high quality skim milk.
it is better to mix it with the lactic cul-
2. Place milk in glass container such
ture. A
desirable drink can be prepared
as fruit jar and heat to 190° F. for 30 by adding one part of the bulgaricus to
minutes. nine parts of the lactic culture together
3. Cool slowly to 72° F.
with the amount of cream necessary to
4. Using sterile spoon or pipette trans-
supply 2 per cent fat in the finished
fer about 10 cc. of the last mother cul- product.
ture to each quart of the sterilized milk. This product has the advantage of a
Cover bottle immediately, distinct acid flavor, a smooth and fairly
5. Incubate at about 72° F. for about
heavy body with little tendency to whey
18 hours or until curd is well set up. off.
6. Place in 40° F. room until used.

R. Bulk starter. Preparation of L, Acidophilus Starter

1. Use only high quality skim milk. The preparation of acidophilus cultures
2. Heat to 180° F. for 30 minutes. requires considerable care as slight con-
3. Cool to 72° F. tamination will ruir> the culture.
A. Mother culture. The second method is to churn a good
Sterilize selected milk in autoclave
1. grade of highly colored cream until butter
by heating to 240° F. for 15 minutes. granules of desirable size are secured.
2. Cool to 100° P. The granules are then chilled in a 40° P.
3. Add about 10 cc. of mother culture room until firm and are then added to
using sterile pipette. Cotton plug should starter that has been cooled to at least
be flamed before returning to flask. 50° F., in sufficient quantities to be vis-
4. Incubate at 100° P. for IS hours. ible in the bottle. A
small quantity of
5. Use immediately if possible other-
cream added to the starter will improve
wise store at about 50° P. the flavor. The main objection to this
Acidophilus cultures should be examined method the fact that the finished
microscopically occasionally to make sure product lacks the buttermilk flavor. Its
the culture is pure. main advantage is in the reduced volume
of cream that must be churned.
B. Bulk starter. Another metliod is to ripen 8-10 per
1. Use selected milk. cent pasteurized sweet cream to an acidity
2. Heat to boiling or slightly higher of about .35 per cent. Butter color is
for 30 minutes. added and the mixture churned until
3. Cool to about 100° F., hold 30 granules of the proper size are "secured.
minutes and again heat to boiling for 10 Enough cooled starter is then added to
minutes. bring the fat content down to about 1 per
4. Cool to 105° P. cent. This gives a product of good flavor
5. Add 1-1 Vq per cent mother culture. and fairly light body. The advantage of
6. Incubate at 105° P. for 18-20 hours this method over the first is the greater
or until an acidity of about .70 per cent ease of churning and the reduced volume
is reached. of cream that must be handled in the
7. Cool as rapidly as possible to 50° P. churn.
Care must be taken to keep the tem-
perature up to at least 100° P. during
the incubation period. All possible Sour Cream
sources of contamination should also be
Commercial sour cream sometimes
controlled as the culture must remain
called Jewish cream, is the heavy bodied,
pure. These factors are so important
smooth textured product of high acid
that specially constructed vats are neces-
flavor secured by processing and ripening
sary for the successful manufacture of
sweet cream under control conditions. It
acidophilus milk on a commercial basis.
is used as a spread for bread, as a dress-
L. acidophilus cultures may be stored at
ing for vegetables, and in the making of
40° P. or lower for several days without
sauces of various kinds.
affecting the number of living organisms.
There are several successful methods
for preparing sour cream. Variations in
plant equipment and plant conditions
Churned Buttermilk
make it impossible to suggest a method
Catering to the ideas of certain indi- applicable to all plants. Three general
viduals who believe that the products and procedures will therefore be given.
practices of our childhood are better than
those of today, many dealers have placed A. Method for making sour cream with-
on the market within recent years a type out the use of a viscolizer or homo-
of fermented milk termed churned butter- genizer.
milk. This product has been made in 1. Using enzyme
numerous ways, but in general there are a. Pasteurize the cream (18-20 per
three methods.
cent fat) by heating to 175° P.
Probably the more common method is
for 30 minutes.
to ripen thoroughly and pasteurize a
b. Cool to 85° P. and add 3 per
2-per cent milk to about .75 per cent
cent starter and .5 cc. of rennet
acidity. The ripened milk is then churned
(diluted with 30 volumes of
at a sufficiently high temperature to pro-
water) to each 100 pounds of
duce butter granules in the usual length
of time or even shorter. The churning is
c. Pour cream into shotgun cans.
stopped when the granules are about the
size of small rice grains. The buttermilk d. Incubate at 85° P. until a firm
is then pumped over a cooler and bottled. curd is formed.
If butter coloring is added to the milk e. Cool rapidly without stirring by
before churning a more distinct granule placing can in ice water or
40° P. room.
will be obtained.
This is a fast method for making a box without a bottom and with slits
sour cream of good body. sawed in the sides to allow drainage. The
2. Using cheese curd mold is set on the draining table, a fol-
a. Pasteurize 32 per cent cream by lower is put on the curd, and one or
heating to 145° F. for 30 min- two bricks are used on each cheese for
utes and cool to 72° F. pressure. The cheeses are allowed to re-
b. Add 3 per cent starter and main in the molds for 24 hours, when
incubate at 72° F. for 18 hours. they are removed, the entire surface rub-
c. Mix 4 parts of soured cream
bed with salt, and the cheeses piled three
with 1 part of cottage cheese deep. The salting is done each day for
curd and 1.5 parts of good three days, after which the cheese is
starter which have been previ- taken to the ripening cellar, which should
ously mixed and strained to re- be comparatively moist' and have a tem-
move curd particles. perature of from 60° to 65° F. Ripen-
ing requires two months.
3. Using skim milk powder
a. Add 3 per cent skim milk pow-
der to 20 per cent cream.
Brie Cheese
b % Raise temperature gradually to

145° F. with constant stirring. This is a soft, rennet cheese made from
Hold 30 minutes at 145° F. cows ’ milk. The cheese varies in size
c. Cool to 72° F. and add 3 per and also in quality, depending on whether
whole or partly skimmed milk is used.
cent starter and %
ce. rennet
The method of manufacture resembles
(diluted with 3 volumes of
water) to each 100 pounds of closely that of Camembert.
milk. The milk used is usually perfectly
fresh. It is not uncommon, however, to
d. Place in shotgun cans. ?

e. Incubate 15 hours at 72° F. mix the evening s milk, when kept cool
f. Cool without stirring by placing- overnight, with the morning s milk. Borne

artificial coloring matter is added to the

can in ice water or 40° F. room.
milk, which is then set with rennet at a
B. Method of making sour cream, using temperature of 80° or 85° F. After
viscolizer or homogenizer. standing- undisturbed for about two
1. Pasteurize 18-20 per cent cream at hours, the curd is dipped into forms or
180° F. for 30 minutes. hoops, of which there are three sizes in
2. Homogenize at 180° F. using 3,000 common use. The largest size is about 15
pounds pressure on one valve. (Be sure inches in diameter, the medium size about
homogenizer is thoroughly washed and 12 inches in diameter, and the smallest
sterilized previous to use.) size about 6 inches in diameter, all vary-
3. Cool to 72° F. and add 3 per cent
ing in height from 2 to 3 inches. After
starter. drainage for 24 hours without pressure
4. When acidity of .6-7 per cent has
being applied, the hoops are removed, and
been reached package and store at 40° F, the surface of the cheese is sprinkled with
salt. Charcoal is sometimes mixed with
A body can be secured
slightly heavier the salt used. The cheese is then trans-
by adding 2 or 3 per cent of milk powder ferred to the first curing room, which is
to the cream; or enough concentrated kept dry and well ventilated. After re-
skim milk to increase the serum solids 2-3 maining in this room for about eight days
per cent; or .25 per cent of high grade the cheese becomes covered with mold. It
gelatin. is then transferred to the second curing
better body can also be secured by room or cellar, which is usually very dark,
ripening the cream in the final container imperfectly ventilated and has a tempera-
if such a procedure can be made practical. 6
ture of about 55 F, The cheese remains
there for from two to four weeks, or until
Brick Cheese
the consistency and odor indicate that it
Perfectly sweet milk is set in a vat at is sufficiently ripened. The red colora-
86° F. with sufficient rennet to coagulate tion which the surface of the cheese
it in 20 or 30 minutes. The curd is cut finally acquires has been attributed to an
with Cheddar curd knives, is then heated organism designated Bacillus firynaticus .
to 110° or 120° F., and is stirred con- The ripening is due to one or more species
stantly. The cooking is continued until of molds which occur on the surface and
the curd has become so firm that a hand- produce enzymes, which in turn cause a
ful squeezed together will fall apart when gradual and progressive breaking down
released. The curd is then dipped into of the casein from the exterior toward
the mold, which is a heavy rectangular the center. The interior of a ripened
cheese varies in consistency from waxy of about 2 quarts of milk. After drain-
to semiliquid and has a very pronounced ing for about 18 hours, preferably in a
odor and a sharp characteristic taste. room having a uniform temperature of
65° or 70° F., the cheese is turned. This
Brinza Cheese is repeated frequently for about tw o r

days, when it is removed from the forms

This cheese from sheep ’s milk, or a
and salted on the outside. After 24 hours
mixture of sheep’s and goats’ milk.
the cheese is carried to the curing rooms,
The cheese is made in small lots, from
which are maintained at temperatures of
2 to 4 gallons of fresh milk being used
from 53°. to 59° F. and with a high rela-
at one time. This is put into a kettle and
tive humidity. Curing the cheese is the
when the temperature of the milk is from
75° to 85° F. sufficient rennet is added
most difficult part of the manufacturing
process, for not only must there be a
to obtain coagulation in 15 minutes. The
uniform and progressive development of
curd is broken up and the whey dipped,
the ripening agents, but the curd must be
and the curd is placed in a linen sack and
gradually desiccated at the same time.
allowed to drain for 24 hours. It is then
Proper conditions of humidity and tem-
cut into pieces and placed on a board,
perature must be maintained and subject
where with frequent turnings it is allowed
to regulation in order to favor the
to remain until it commences to get
development of the needful mold,
smeary, which requires about eight days.
Penicillium camemberti, the bacteria, and
The pieces are then laid one on top of yeasts. Although the growth of the mold
another in a vessel holding from 40’ to 60
is necessary in order to bring about a
pounds, where they remain for 24 hours,
gradual breaking down of the casein, this
after which they are removed, the rind
growth should not be too vigorous and
cut away, and the curd or partially cured
luxuriant; otherwise the product will be
cheese broken up in another vessel. After
rendered unfit for commercial purposes.
10 hours salt is stirred in and the curd
Following the growth of the mold, other
run through a mill, which cuts it very
organisms develop, giving the resultant
fine, when it is packed in a tub with beech
cheese a reddish appearance instead of a
white and blue, as is the case in the
initial mold fermentation. From 15 to
Camembert Cheese 20 days are required to bring about the
This is a soft, rennet cheese made from proper balance between the various forms
cow’s milk. A typical cheese is about of life. At the end of that time the
cheese is allowed to complete its ripening
4% inches in diameter, three-quarters of
at the lower limits of the indicated tem-
an inch or 1 inch thick, and in the mar-
peratures and with a minimum of
ket in this country is usually found
wrapped in paper and inclosed in a
wooden box of the same shape. The
cheese usually has a rind about one-eighth Cheddar Cheese
of an inch in thickness, which is composed The milk, morning’s and evening’s
of molds and dried cheese. The interior mixed, is set at 85° F. with sufficient
is yellowish in color and waxy, creamy, rennet to coagulate to the proper point in
or almost fluid in consistency, depending from 25 to 40 minutes. At the time of
largely upon the degree of ripeness. setting the milk should have an acidity
Camembert cheese is made from whole of about 0.18 or 0.20 per cent. Color
milk or from milk slightly skimmed. It may or may not be used. The curd is cut
is not advisable to skim the milk unless when it breaks evenly before the finger.
it tests more than 3.5 per cent butterfat. The cutting is done with curd knives
The temperature of setting is from 78° made up of blades set about one-third of
to 87° F., and the quantity of rennet an inch apart in frames. In one frame
added for this purpose is sufficient to get the knives are set perpendicularly and in
the desired degree of firmness in from the other horizontally. "When well cut the
two to five hours. The curd is then, trans- curd is in uniform cubes of about one-
ferred, usually with as little breaking up third of an inch.
as possible, to perforated tin forms or After being cut, the curd is heated
hoops about 4% inches in diameter and slowly and with continued stirring until
the same in height. These rest upon rush it reaches a temperature of from 96° to

mats, which permit it free drainage. The 108° F. With the use of mechanical agi-
filling of the forms may be done at two tators, as is the common practice, the
or three different times, short intervals curd should be heated about 4° higher
being necessary for the curd to settle, than when stirring is done by hand.
^ach form holds the equivalent in curd After heating, the stirring is continued
intermittently until the curd is sufficiently ticles are not allowed to mat together
firm. This is determined by squeezing after the whey is drawn. The curd is
a handful, which should fall apart im- stirred occasionally to prevent this mat-
mediately on being released. The whey ting process, but it differs from the sweet-
is then drawn. At the same time the acid curd cheese, as acid is allowed to develop
should have reached about 0.20 per cent, before salting and pressing. Formerly a
or one-fourth of an inch, the latter of comparatively large quantity of stirred-
which is determined by measuring the curd cheese was made, but very little, if
length of strings when the curd is touched any, is made at the present time.
to a hot iron. The curd is then matted A washed-eurd cheese varies from the
about 4 inches deep, sometimes in tho regular Cheddar process in having the
bottom of the vat, sometimes on racks milled curd subjected to cold water for a
covered with a coarse linen cloth. After short period. This process is evidently
it has remained there long enough to practiced to force the curd to take up a
stick together it is cut into rectangular small percentage of the water and in-
pieces easy to handle, which are turned crease the yield. It results in a cheese
frequently and finally piled two to four which apparently breaks down or ripens
deep,- in the meanwhile the temperature much more rapidly than cheese made in
of the curd is kept at about 90° F. When the ordinary way. This ripening is very
the curd has broken down until it has the likely not due to the excess of moisture
smooth feeling of velvet, which requires but to some other unexplained reason.
from one to three hours, it is milled by Some States have prohibited the use of
means of a machine, which cuts it into the State brand on washed-eurd cheese.
pieces the size of a finger. It is then
stirred on the bottom of the vat until
whey ceases to run, which requires from Cheshire Cheese
one-half to one and one-half hours, when This cheese is one of the oldest and
it is salted at the rate of 2 or 2% pounds most popular of the English varieties.
of salt to 100 pounds of milk. It is then It is a rennet cheese made from whole
ready to be put into the press. The curd milk of cows, and is named for Chester
is put into tinned-iron hoops of the pro- County, England, where it is largely pro-
per size, which are lined with cheesecloth duced. It is made in cylindrical shape,
bandages. The hoops are put into presses from 14 to 16 inches in diameter, and
and great pressure is applied by means weighs from 50 to 70 pounds. In making
of screws. The next morning the cheese this cheese sufficient annatto is used to
is removed from the hoops and put on give the product a very high color. The
shelves in a curing room. Formerly it process of manufacture varies in detail in
was kept in a curing room as long as six different sections. Perfectly sweet milk,
months, but at the present time it is night s and morning ’s mixed, is set at a

covered with a coat of paraffin and put temperature of from 75° to 90° F. In
into cold storage when from 3 to 12 days one hour, the curd is cut usually with an
old. There is a growing demand on the instrument in which knives are set in a
part of consumers for mild cheese, and frame to cut cubes 1 or 1% inches square.
consequently ripening must be carried on This is pushed down through the curd
at a temperature below 50° F. and finally worked back and forth at an
An important point in the process of angle. This is continued for about an
manufacturing Cheddar cheese is the de- hour, or until the particles of curd are
velopment of the desired quantity of acid, the size of peas. The curd is then allowed
which is responsible for the proper break- to settle and mat on the bottom of the
ing down of the curd before milling and vat for about an hour, when it is rolled
salting. The maximum quantity of acid up to one end, weighted down, and the
that can be developed in the whey with- whey drawn, after the desired degree of
out injuring the texture of the cheese acidity has been obtained.
The curd is
should, therefore, be aimed at. It is very cut in pieces of the right size to handle
probable that too much weight has been and is piled on racks. It is then run
placed on the desirability of a maximum through a curd mill, salted at the rate of
development of acid, and that practically 3 pounds to 1,000 pounds of milk, and
as good cheese can be produced without put into a hoop having a number of holes
the high acid. in the side, through which skewers can
Some of the details in the manufacture be thrust into the cheese to promote
of Cheddar cheese are varied to some drainage. The cheese in the hoop is put
extent, and other names may be used to into a heated wooden box called an oven,
designate the cheese so made. A stirred- and sometimes light pressure is applied,
curd cheese is one in which the curd par- the pressure increasing gradually until it
reaches about 1 ton. The curing cellar With milk of a good quality a yield of
or room is about 60° to 65° F. The time 15 to l8 pounds of cheese per 100 pounds
required for thorough ripening is from of skim milk is obtained. Cottage cheese
8 to 10 months. should always be kept in a refrigerator
or in a cooler until disposed of.
Cottage Cheese
is sometimes made with
Cottage cheese
a small amount of rennet, and the curd Cream Cheese
is heated to from 118° to 125° F. It may Genuine cream cheese is made from a
be made on a small or a factory scale. rich cream thickened by souring or from
With this method the skim milk is pas- sweet cream thickened with rennet. The
teurized, cooled to 70° or 80°, and 1 to 5 cream for this cheese should always be
per cent of a starter added. Kennet is pasteurized. This thickened cream is put
then added at the rate of 1 c.c. per 1,000 into a cloth and allowed to drain, the
pounds of milk. The curd is allowed to cloth being changed several times during
develop an acidity of about 0.55 in from the draining, which requires about four
6 to 10 hours. The coagulum is then cut days. It is then placed on a board covered
into %-inch cubes. Water at a tempera- with a cloth, sprinkled with salt, and
ture of 115° is run over the curd in about turned occasionally. It is ready for con-
an hour and the temperature of the wash sumption in from 5 to 10 days.
water than gradually raised to 120°. The Another variety of cream cheese is
curd is then stirred until it will stand made from cream with a low content of
without breaking. It is then gradually butterfat (6 or 8 per cent). A small
cooked to a temperature of 118° to 126° quantity of a lactic-acid starter is added
in the course of one and one-half to three to the cream, and after the mixture is
hours. When the curd may be squeezed warmed to from 70° to 76° F. and thor-
in the hand and still retain its shape, the oughly stirred, rennet is added at the
whey is withdrawn and the curd is washed rate of from 1 to 1 % ounces of com-
two or three times in cold water. After mercial liquid rennet to 1,000 pounds of
the washing the water is withdrawn, and cream. Usually the cream is placed in
the curd ditched along the side of the vat shotgun cans holding about 30 pounds
or kettle, and drained for one hour. It each. After setting for about 18 hours,
is then placed in a cooler for 12 hours. the curd is poured, with as little breaking
To each 100 pounds of curd, 70 pounds as possible, upon draining racks covered
of a mixture of milk and cream contain-
with cloths. After a few hours drainage
ing 10 per cent cream is added. The curd the cloths are drawn together, tied, placed
is then stirred for a few minutes. After upon cracked ice, and allowed to remain
creaming the cheese is placed in a cooler overnight. The curd is then pressed,
at 30° to 40° until ready to use or ship. salted, and worked to a paste by means
When the cheese is made on a factory of special machinery or by suitable sub-
scale a drier product is desired in order stitutes. The cheese is then molded into
that it may be marketed successfully. pieces weighing from 3 to 4 ounces,
For this reason the curd is generally wrapped in tin foil and, without curing,
cooked at a higher temperature than placed upon the market. The standard
when made oh a small scale.The main package of cream cheese is 3 inches by 2
equipment necessary for making cottage inches by 1 inch. It is a mild rich cheese
cheese on a factory scale is a pasteurizing which is relished most when eaten a few
outfit and a channel-bottom Cheddar vat. days after it is made. Cream cheese is
Ordinarily from 5 to 10 per cent of a now quite extensively made in the larger
good lactic starter is added to skim milk, factories of the United States, where the
after which the milk is allowed to ripen ever-increasing demand for it. makes it
at a temperature of 70° to 80° F. until one of the most popular varieties of soft
curdled. The curd is then cut into cubes cheese.
and gradually heated to from 115° to
125° in 30 to 45 minutes.When the
whey has been removed, the curd is Edam Cheese
washed with cold water, drained, and The perfectly fresh milkis set at .82*
piled along the sides of the vat. Ordi- to 84° F. ; color is added and sufficient
narily the cheese is salted at the Tate of rennet is used to coagulate the milk in 30
3 or 4 ounces per 100 pounds of milk. minutes. The curdled milk is divided
Often the cheese is mixed with cream evenly with a knife. After 20 minutes
and then marketed in small, single ser- the whey is partly removed. The curd is
vice, paraffined paper containers, or in further divided; after 10 minutes another
butter tubs. portion of the whey is removed and stir-
ring is resumed for 10 minutes. Then Department of Agriculture or by State
the temperature of the mixture is in- agencies.
creased to 92°. The curd is now allowed It has been found that by clarifying
to settle and the whey removed; then the the milk a much better quality of cheese
layer of curd is cut into pieces, each part can be produced, both in regard to eye
having the size of a cheese. These are formation and in improving the body of
left to settle in the molds, and they are the cheese. Clarification tends to reduce
then turned a few times; after being the number and to increase the size of
wrapped in cloth they are pressed two or the eyes. It is estimated that fully two-
three hours. After this they are salted, thirds of the factories of Wisconsin now
either by rubbing in salt and putting clarify their milk for the manufacture of
them in molds without lids, or by immer- wheel and block Swiss.
sion in brine for three days. They arc In making the cheese in Switzerland
then stored for ripening and turned at the evening ’s milk is skimmed; the morn-
intervals, which is the cause of their ing’s milk is heated to 108° or 110° F,,
flattened shape. When they are a few and the cream from the evening’s milk is
weeks old they are marketed and the added and both thoroughly mixed. The
ripening process continues in the ware- evening ’s milk cooled with a little saffron
houses of the cheese merchants. to color it, is then added, and the whole
is mixed. The milk is then brought to a
temperature of 90° in summer and 95° in
Emmenthaler (Domestic Swiss) Cheese winter, and sufficient rennet is added to
This is a hard, rennet cheese made coagulate the milk in 30 or 40 minutes.
from cows milk, and has a mild, some-
The. whole process is carried through in a
what sweetish flavor. It is characterized huge copper kettle holding 300 gallons.
by holes or eyes which develop to about The rennet used is obtained by soaking
the size of a cent in typical cheeses and the calf ’s stomach in whey for* 24 hours.
are from 1 to 3 inches apart. Cheese of When .the milk has thickened to almost
the same kind made in the United States the desired point for cutting, which is
is known as Domestic Swiss, and that practically the same as for ordinary
made in the region of Lake Constance is American or Cheddar Cheese, the thin sur-
called Algau Emmenthaler. face layer is scooped off and turned
There is a slight difference in manipu- wrong side up. This is supposed to aid
lation of the milk in making Emmen- in incorporating the layer of cream into
thaler cheese in this country as compared the cheese. The curd is then cut very
with Switzerland. In the latter country coarse by means of a so-called harp. The
the evening s and morning s milk is
7 7
cheesemaker, with a wooden scoop in each
mixed and made into cheese, while in the hand, then draws the mass of curd
United States it is popularly believed toward him, that lying on the bottom of
that the evening s milk must be made into
the kettle being brought to the surface.
cheese immediately after milking, as is At this point the cheesemaker and an
done with the morning’s milk. assistant commence stirring the curd with
However, there is a growing tendency the harp, a breaker having first been fit-
to make the cheese from milk delivered ted to the inside of the kettle to interrupt
once a day or from milk that has been the current of the whey and curd. The
slightly ripened, as it is believed that harps are given a circular motion and cut
the quality of the cheese is thereby im- —
the curd very fine about the size of
proved. wheat kernels.
Swiss che«se is made both with home- After this stage is reached heating is
made rennet and with commercial rennet. commenced. In Switzerland until recently
When homemade rennet is employed all the heating was done over an open
usually no additional cultures are used. fire, the kettle being swung on a large
In some cases the homemade rennet is crane; most of the factories have the
inoculated with a pure culture starter of same method at the present time. In this
lactobacillus bulgaricus. With modern country the same method was followed in
methods it has been found desirable to the early days of the industry, but at the
use the following pure cultures: (1) The present time inclosed fireplaces, into
lactobacillus bulgaricus to check unde- which the kettle ean be swung and doors
sirable fermentation and to aid in con- closed to retain the heat, are largely em-
trolling the ripening; (2) the use of an ployed. This takes away much of the
eye and flavor culture to aid in the de- discomfort of the operation. In a few
velopment of eyes and flavor. These instances the kettle is set in cement and
pure cultures are sent out by the Bureau an iron car containing the fire is run
of Dairy Industry of the United States under it. The most modem factories use
steam, which appears to be the most satis- The cellars vary in temperature from 55°
factory way. When the heating is begun to 65° F., though in extreme cases 70°
the contents of the kettle are brought or a little higher may be used. While the
rapidly to the desired temperature, which cheeses are in the ripening cellar, which
may be from 126° to 140° F., the higher in Switzerland may be from 6 to 10
temperature often being necessary to get months or longer, and in the United
the curd sufficiently firm. In the mean- States three to six months, they should be
while the stirring continues for about one turned and washed every other day for
hour, with slight interruptions near the the first two or three months and less
end of the process, when the curd has often subsequently. At the same time a
become so firm that it will not mat to- little coarse salt is sprinkled on the sur-
gether. The end of the cooking is deter- face. In a few hours this salt has dis-
mined by the firmness of the curd, which solved, and the brine is spread over the
is judged by matting a small cake with surface with a long-handled brush.
pressure by the hands and noting the The cheeses are very large, about 6
ease with which the cake breaks when inches in thickness and sometimes as
heating the edge. much as 4 feet in diameter, and weigh
When the curd is sufficiently firm, the from 60 to 220 pounds. In shipping, a
contents of the kettle are rotated rapidly number of them are placed in a tub which
and allowed to come to a standstill as may contain 1,000 pounds of cheese.
the momentum is lost. This brings all Sometimes Emmenthaler cheese is made
the curd into a cone-shaped pile in the up in the form of blocks instead of in
center of the kettle. One edge of a heavy the shape of millstones. The blocks are
linen cloth resembling burlap is wrapped about 28 inches long and 8 inches square
around a piece of hoop iron, and by this in the other dimensions and weigh usu-
means the cloth is slipped under the pile ally from 25 to 28 pounds.
of curd. The mass of curd is then raised
from the whey by means of a rope and
pulley and lowered into a cheese hoop on Gorgonzola Cheese
the draining table. These hoops are from This variety, known also as Stracchino
4 to 6 inches deep and vary greatly in di Gorgonzola, is a rennet, Italian cheese
diameter. The cloth is folded over the made from whole milk of cows. The in-
cheese, a large follower is put on top, and terior of the cheese is mottled or veined
the press is allowed to come down on the with a penicillium much like Boquefort,
cheese. The press is usually a log swung and for that reason the cheese has been
at one end and operated by a double grouped with the Eoquef ort and Stilton
lever. Pressure is continued for the first varieties. As seen upon the markets in
time just long enough for the curd mass this country the surface of the cheese is
to retain its shape. The hoop is then re- covered with a thin coat resembling clay,
moved, the cheese turned over, and a dry said to be prepared by mixing barite or
cloth substituted. The cheese is allowed gypsum, lard or tallow, and coloring
to remain in the press about 24 hours, matter. The cheeses are cylindrical in
during which time it is turned and a shape, about 12 inches in diameter and 6
dry cloth substituted six or more times. inches in height, and as marketed are
At the end of the pressing, the curd wrapped in paper and packed with straw
should be a homogeneous mass without in wicker baskets.
holes. The cheese is then removed to the The milk used in making this cheese
salting board, covered with a layer of is warmed to a temperature of about 75
salt, and occasionally turned. In a day F. and coagulated rapidly with rennet,
or two it is put into the salting tank in the time required being usually from 15
a brine strong enough to floaty an egg ; it to 20 minutes. The curd is then cut very
remains there at the discretion of the fine, inclosed in a cloth and drained, after
cheesemaker for from one to four days. which it is put into hoops 12 inches in
Often no brine tank is used with diameter and 10 inches high. It was for-
Emmenthaler cheese. merly the custom to allow the curd from
The cheese is then taken to the curing the evening 's milk to drain overnight and
cellar. In the best factories two or more to mix it with the fresh, warm curd from
cellars with different temperatures are the morning's milk prepared in the same
available, and the cheeses are placed in way. The curd from the evening's milk
them according to their development. If and that from the morning's milk, crum-
it appears that the cheese may develop bled very fine, were put into hoops in
too fast and have too many and too. large layers with moldy bread crumbs inter-
eyes, it is placed in a cool cellar; if the spersed among the layers. The cheese is
reverse is true, a warm cellar is selected. turned frequently for four or five days,
tli©cloths being changed occasionally, two months. When ripe the cheese is
and salted from the outside, the proc-
is wrapped in paper, then in tin foil, and
ess requiring about two weeks. It is put into boxes, each containing about 50
then transferred to the curing rooms, cheeses.
where a low temperature usually main-
is Contrary to the popular belief, no Lim-
tained. At an early stage in the process burg is imported into this country at the
of ripening, the cheese is usually punched present time. This type of cheese is
with an instrument about 6 inches long, made so cheaply and of such good qual-
tapering from a sharp point to a diameter ity in this country that the foreign make
of about one-eighth inch at the base. has been crowded out of the market.
About 150 holes are made in each cheese.
This favors the development of the peni-
cillium throughout the interior of the Loaf or Process Cheese
cheese. Well-made cheese may be kept It is defined as the clean, sound, heated
for a year or longer. In the region where product made by comminuting and blend-
it is made, much of the cheese is con- ing, with the aid of heat and water and
sumed while in a fresh condition. with or without the addition of salt, one
or more lots of cheese into a homogeneous
plastie mass.
Limburg Cheese At present it is estimated that one-half
This is a soft, rennet cheese made from of all cheese made in this country is
cows* milk which may contain all the marketed as loaf or process cheese.
butterfat or may be partly or entirely American Cheddar, Swiss, Brick, Lim-
skimmed. The best Limburg is undoubt- burg, and even Camembert have been
edly made from the whole milk. This handled in this manner.
cheese has a very strong and character- In the preparation of this product,
istic odor and taste, weighs about 2 cheese of different degrees of ripeness
pounds, and is about 6 by 6 by 3 inches and of inferior quality with respect to
in size. flavor and texture may be used. Well-
Limburg cheese originated in the cured Canadian, well-cured Emmen thaler,
Province of Luttich, Belgium, in the or culture Swiss cheese is often used to
neighborhood of Herve, and was marketed impart a typical flavor. It is stated that
in Limburg, Belgium. Its manufacture as much as 20 per cent white American
lias spread to Germany and Austria, cheese is often blended with Swiss cheese
where it is very popular, and to the in order to give the finished product the
United States, wdiere large quantities are proper texture.
made, mostly in New York and "Wis- The method of manufacture consists in
consin. cleaning the surface of the cheese, grind-
Sweet milk, without any coloring mat- ing it, and then adding a small quantity
ter, is set at a temperature of from 91° of an emulsifier, such as sodium citrate,
to 96° F. with sufficient rennet to coagu- sodium phosphate, or rochelle salts, dis-
late the milk in about 40 minutes. In solved in water, and finally heating the
foreign countries a kettle is used, but in mixture in jacketed containers with con-
the United States an ordinary rectangu- stant agitation until the cheese has
lar cheese vat is found to be more satis- reached the proper degree of consistency.
factory. The curd is cut or broken into It is then put into suitable containers
cubes of about one-third of an inch and either directly or by specially designed
is stirred for a short time without addi- machinery. From 1 to 2 percent of
tional heating. It is then dipped into emulsifiers are often used. Considerable
rectangular forms 28 inches long, 5% skill is required in selecting the best
inches broad, and about 8 inches deep. kind of cheese to use as well as in regu-
These forms are kept on a draining lating the manner and duration of the
board, where the whey drains out freely. cooking. Ordinarily the cheese is gradu-
When the cheese has been in the forms, ally heated and stirred until a tempera-
with frequent turnings, for a sufficient ture of 140 to 160° F. is reached. The
length of time to retain its shape, it is stirring is continued at this temperature
removed to the salting table, where the for a longer or shorter period according
surface is rubbed daily with salt. When to the nature and kind of cheese.
the surface of the cheese commences to In the initial heating there is at first
get slippery the cheese is put into a a slight separation of fat. This is fol-
ripening cellar having a temperature of lowed by physical changes in the char-
about 60° F. While in the cellar the sur- acter of the curd so that the cheese be-
face of each cheese is frequently rubbed comes plastic and stringy. Upon further
thoroughly. To ripen requires one or heating this plastic state is gradually
broken down and a homogeneous mass as Keufehatel but have slightly different
with but slight plastic qualities is de- shapes.
veloped. When the cheese has reached Neufchfitel cheese is made in the same
this creamy condition and while still very manner as cream cheese, except that a
hot, it is weighed and run into tin-foil- little less rennet is used, perhaps 1 ounce
lined containers. Such packages render of commercial liquid rennet to 1,000
the cheese remarkably free from subse- pounds. Either whole milk or partly
quent mold development. skimmed milk is used. Rennet is added
Most of the process cheese manufac- to it at ordinary temperatures, and the
tured in this country is made in a few curd when sufficiently firm is broken up,
large plants. At the present time there put into molds, and subjected to pressure.
are no regulations as to the kind or After being salted, the cheese is cured for
quality of cheese that may be used in from 8 to 15 days in a so-called drying
blending and no statement on the pack- room and then ripened in a cellar at a
age as to whether or not emulsifiers are temperature of about 55° F. During the
used. process of ripening the cheese becomes
covered at first with a whitish mold and
later with a blue mold in which red spots
Munster Cheese appear. After about one month it is
Munster a rennet cheese of the whole
is ready for sale.
milk of cows, made in the vicinity of
Munster, in the western part of Germany
near the Yosges Mountains. Similar Parmesan Cheese
cheese made in the neighboring portion The milk, which has been skimmed to a
of France is called Gerome, and Munster greater or less extent, is heated in copper
cheese made near Colmar and Strassburg kettles to a temperature varying, accord-
is sometimes given the names of those ing to the acidiry of the milk, from 90°
two cities. to 100° F. The kettle is then removed
The milk is set at about 90° F., with from the fire, rennet added, and the
sufficient rennet to coagulate it in 30 kettle covered and allowed to stand for
minutes. The curd is then broken up and 20 minutes to one hour, when the curd is
allowed to stand from 30 to 45 minutes cut very fine and cooked, with stirring, to
without stirring, when it is dipped with 115° or 125° F. for from 15 to 45 min-
a sieve,which gives slight pressure to utes. The curd is removed from the
the curd and holds back the small par- kettle by means of a cloth, and after

ticles. After removing the whey the curd draining for a short time is put into
is scooped into forms or hoops, and cara- hoops about 10 inches high and 18 inches
way or anise seed is usually added. The or more in diameter, and lined with
hoops are made in two parts, the lower coarse cloth before filling. Pressure is
being 4 inches high and 7 inches in then applied for 24 hours, the cheese
diameter, with holes in the bottom for being turned frequently and the cloths
draining, and the upper of the same di- changed. The salting, which is begun in
mensions. The whole resembles an ordi- from one to three days after removing
nary cheese hoop with bandages. The from the press, is continued for a con-
hoop is lined with cheesecloth. After the siderable length of time, often 40 days.
curd has been in the hoop for 12 hours The cheeses are then transferred to a
the upper part of the latter may be re- cool, well-ventilated room, where they
moved, the cheese turned, and the cloth may be stored for years, the surface
removed. The cheese is now put into the being rubbed with oil from time to time.
upper portion of the hoop and turned The exterior of the cheese is dark green
frequently for from four to six days. In or black, due to coloring matter rubbed
the meantime the temperature is held at on. the surface. Agreenish color in the
68° F. After salt has been rubbed on the interior has been attributed to the con-
surface daily for three days the cheese is tamination with copper from the vessels
taken to the cellhr, which has a tempera- in which the milk is allowed to stand
ture of from 51° to 55° F., where it is before skimming.
allowed to ripen for two or three months. Parmesan cheese when well made may
be broken and grated easily and may be
kept for an indefinite number of years.
Neufch&tel Cheese It is grated and used largely for soups

This a soft rennet cheese made ex-

and with macaroni. A
considerable quan-
tity of this cheese is imported into this
tensively from either whole or skim milk
country and sells for a very high price.
of cows. Bondon, Malakoff, Petit Carre,
and Petit Suisse are essentially the same
Roquefort Cheese of mold on the surface. In order to favor
This is a soft, rennet cheese made from the growth of mold in the interior, the
the milk of sheep. It is also stated from cheese is pierced by machinery with from
good authority that as much as 2.46 per 20 to 60 small needles, which process per-
cent of cows’ milk and 0.18 per cent of mits the free access of air. The cheese
goats’ milk are mixed with the sheep’s may be sold after from 30 to 40 days
milk. There are, however, numerous imi- or may remain in the eaves as long as
tations, such as Gex and Septmoncel, five months, depending upon the degree
made from cows’ milk, which resemble of ripening desired. During the process
Roquefort. One of the most striking of ripening by scraping and evaporation
characteristics of this cheese is the mot- the cheese loses from i6 to 20 per cent
tled or marbled appearance of the in- of the original weight. When ripened, it
terior, due to the development of a peni- weighs 4% or 5 pounds.
cillium, which is the principal ripening
agent. Stilton Cheese
Part of the milk heated to 122° to
This a hard, rennet cheese, the best
140° F. When this milk is mixed with
of which is made from cows’ milk to
the remainder the resulting temperature
which a portion of cream has been added.
should be 76° to 82°, which is the setting
The cheese is about 7 inches in diameter,
temperature for the cheese. In from one
9 inches high, and weighs 12 or 15
to two hours after the addition of rennet
pounds. It has a very characteristic
the curd is cut until the particles are
wrinkled or ridged skin or rind, which is
about the size of walnuts. The whey is probably caused by the drying of molds
dipped off, and the curd is put into
and bacteria on the surface. When cut it
hoops which are about 8% inches in
shows blue or green portions of mold
diameter and 3% inches in height. The
which give its characteristic piquant
hoops usually are filled in three layers, a
flavor. The cheese belongs to the same
layer of moldy bread crumbs between
group as the Roquefort of France and the
each. The bread used for this purpose is
Gorgonzola of Italy.
prepared from wheat and barley flour,
The morning’s milk is put into a tin
with the addition of whey and a little
vat, the cream from the night’s milk is
vinegar. It is thoroughly baked and kept
added, and the whole is brought to a tem-
in a moist place from four to six weeks,
perature of 80° F., when the rennet is
during which time it becomes permeated
added. It is claimed by some cheese-
with a growth of the mold. The crust is
makers that the curd should be softer
removed, and the interior is crumbled
when broken up or cut than the curd for
dried, ground very fine, and sifted* The
Cheddar cheese, whereas others believe
cheese is not subjected to pressure. It is
that it should become very firm before it
turned usually one hour after putting
is disturbed, one or two hours being
into hoops and is not wrapped in cloths.
Formerly the manufacture of the
allowed for setting. When sufficiently
firm, the curd is dipped into cloths which
cheese up to this stage was carried on
are placed in tin strainers. After drain-
by the shepherds themselves, but in recent ing for one hour, the cloths containing
years centralized factories have been
the curd are packed closely together in a
established, and much of the milk is col-
large tub and allowed to remain for 12
lected and there made into cheese. The
hours, when they are again tightened
cheese is then taken to the caves. These
and packed for 18 hours. The curd is
are for the most part natural caverns
ground up coarse, and salt is added, 1
which exist in large numbers in the region
pound to 60 pounds of curd. It is then
of Roquefort. The temperature in these
put into tin hoops 8 inches in diameter
caves is 40° to 45° F., and the air
and 10 inches deep. The cheeses remain
circulates very freely through them.
in the hoops for six days, when they are
Recently artificial caves have been con-
When the cheeses bandaged for 12 days, or until they be-
structed and used.
reach the caves they are salted, which
come firm, and are then placed in the
curing room at 65° F. Ripened Stilton
serves to check the growth of the mold
cheese of late is often ground up and put
on the surface. One or two days later
into jars holding from 1 to 2% pounds.
they are rubbed vigorously with a cloth
and are afterward subjected to thorough
scraping with knives, a process formerly Infants Milk
done by hand, but now performed much To make cow’s milk more easily diges-
more satisfactorily and economically by tible by bottle-fed babies one— level
machinery. The salting, scraping, or tablespoon gelatine for each quart of
brushing seems to check the development milk is used. The gelatine is soaked for
10 minutes in %
cup of cold milk taken heated to a temp, over about 65° and
from formula, then placed in boiling which contains a hardening agent such as
water and stirred until dissolution. Then K alum and an emollient such as glycerol,
add remainder of the milk. and the coated article is then dipped into
Jelly Powders: In the manufacture of a gelatin soln. of about 27% at a temp,
flavored gelatine, 10 parts gelatine is of about 43-46° which has not been
mixed with 85 parts sugar to which flavor, heated to above about 65° and the coat-
color and tartaric acid 2 parts are used ing formed is dried.
to sharpen the flavor.
Gelatin in Ice Cream and other Pood
* Preserving Pepper Extracts
Products: V2 of 1% gelatine in ice
cream prevents the formation of ice crys- Extracts of red pepper are preserved
tals by acting as an emulsifying agent by the addition of 0.01-0.05% thiosina-
improves the texture and body of the mine.
finished product.
* Sausage Casing
* Non-Sweating' Peanut Butter Cheese cloth or calendered muslin is
1-5% of Diglycol Stearate or Glyceryl coated with a viscous, gelatinous solution
Monostearate or Cetamin is dissolved by prepared by boiling down the extract
warming and thorough mixing in the from 25 lb. of fresh hog skins or hides
peanut butter mass. with 8 gal. of H
2 0 to 15 lb. w t. and

adding glycerin 2%, 10-20%, and Nad

KNO3 1 oz. to 3 lb. of hide solution.
* Protective
Coating for Meats The cloth is smoked for about 24 hr. to
The dipped into a gelatin
articles are dry and harden the coating alterna- ;

soln. contg. about 30% gelatin at a temp, tively, it may be treated with 2-3%
of about 57-60° which has not been CH2O followed by hypochlorite.

* Cleaning Compound brass; and if the metal is immediately
This product is claimed to be non- polished and lacquered with clear lac-
quer, a reasonably permanent finish will
inflammable; for cleaning floors and oil

Hydrogenated Naphthalin 35 Cleaning Copper Coins

Cyclohexanol 10 Sodium Cyanide 6-8 oz.
Sulphonated Oleates 10 Water 1 gal.
Water 20
Apply the above solution hot with a
Turpentine 15
tampieo brush, and when tarnish is re-
Ammonium Chloride 3
moved, wash with clean cold water, then
Isoamyl Acetate 2
hot water and dry.
Caution . —This material is poisonous
Cleaning Compound, Bottle and care must be taken in handling.
Sodium Metasilicate 10
Soda Ash 20 Dry Cleaning Fluid
Trisodium Phosphate 25 (Non-inflammable and quick acting)
Butyl Cellosolve 1
Diglycol Oleate 1
To Clean Bronze
Water 1
Saturate a 5% acetic acid solution (or Isopropyl Alcohol 10
household vinegar) with ordinary table Carbon Tetrachloride 14
salt. This solution will clean bronze or
Cleaning Fluid, Non-Inflammable Benzine 5 oz.
Chloroform 1 oz.
A. Carbon Tetrachloride 6% gal.
Deodorized Gasoline Mix solution and oleate; shake
(68° Be) 3% gal. well and add the ether shake, and add

Chloroform 4 oz. o ounces of benzine; agitate thoroughly;

B. Carbon Tetrachloride 6 gal.
then add I ounce of chloroform and
Deodorized Naphtha shake again. Allow to stand a few min-
utes and shake at intervals, when a mix-
(57-59° Be) 3% gal.
ture having the consistency of cream
Benzol gal. % and showing but little tendency to sepa-
Chloroform 4 oz.
rate will result.

* Cleaning Fluid
* Deodorant Cleaner, Porcelain
Methyl Acetone 2
Ethyl Acetate 1 Sod. Bisulfate 80
Alcohol 1 Pine Oil 4
Methanol 1 Sodium Sulfate 16

* Cleaner, Dairy Equipment Powdered Glove Cleaner

Trisodium Phosphate 30-50 Cream of Tartar Powd. 480
Sod. Metasilicate 40-60 Soap Bark ICO
Soap 2-10 Whiting 96
Soda Ash 8-10 Oil Birch Tar 12

Dry Cleaner * Hand Cleaner and Softener

Oleic Acid 370 gm. Coarse Corn Meal 60-80 lb.
Stearic Acid 80 gm. Glycerol 7-22 lb.
Potassium Carbonate 80 gm. Soap 11-22 lb.
Water 70 gm. Color and perfume to suit.
Benzin 395 gm.
Stronger Ammonia Water 5 gm. Hand Wash, Mechanics Antiseptic
Melt the stearic acid and dissolve it
Chloride of Lime Powd. 175 gm.
in the warmed oleic acid. To this add Sod. Bicarbonate 359 gm.
the warm benzin and mix thoroughly.
Boric Acid 35 gm.
Dissolve the carbonate in the water and
Water 30 oz.
add this with constant stirring into the
benzin mixture. Finally add the ammo- For use on grimy hands to prevent
nia and beat into a homogeneous paste. dermatitis dilute with 10 times water
and follow by thorough rinsing with
mild soap and water.
Gasoline Cleaning Cream
1. Cocoa Soap 5 gm. Cleaning Paste for Mechanics
Ammonia Water 8 cc.
100 lb. Stearic Acid
Solution Potassa 4 cc.
54 lb. Caustic Soda Soln. 30° Be
Water, enough to make 30 cc.
10 lb. Soda Ash
Dissolve the soap, by the aid of heat, 836 Water
in 10 cc. of water, add the ammonia and
solution of potassa, and sufficient water 1000 lb.
to make 30 cc. To this saponaceous
Heat at 85° C. for about 10 minutes,
cream carefully add, in small portions at
stirring until uniform. Fine pumice
a time, 5000 cc. of gasoline. This is
stated to be an excellent cream for re-
stone may be incorporated as an abra-
sive if desired.
moving grease spots from clothing.
Spirit of Ammonia 20 gm.
Ether 50 gm. Kerosene Jelly Cleaner
Gasoline 150 gm. 1. Trihydroxyethylamine Stearate 5
Oil Lavender 5 gm. 2. Kerosene 16
Tincture Soapbark 225 gm. 3.Cresylic Acid 1
Alcohol 500 gm. 4.Water (Boiling) 45
Oleate Ammonia 2 ! oz. Heat (1) and (2) until dissolved; add
Solution Ammonia 2 1 oz. (4) slowly while stirring with high speed
Ether a . oz. mixer then add (3).
This makes an excellent antiseptic 0.5 lb., light mineral oil 6 lb., petroleum
cleaner for woodwork, tile, porcelain, jelly 2.5 lb., pumice stone 20 lb., ben-
etc. zine 0.5 lb. and perfume 0.5 lb.

* Laundry Detergent
Printers Form Cleaner
Soap 5.5 lb.
Water 29 lb.
Sod. Metasilicate 20 lb.
Water 50 gal.
Heat together until dissolved. Bun
into this slowly with rapid stirring:
Bifie Cleaner
Turpentine 11 oz.
Sperm Oil 10
Pot. Nitrate 4 oz. Turpentine 10
Ammonium Hydroxide 12 oz. Acetone 10
Mineral Oil 17 oz. Kerosene 20
Lanolin 0.5
Leather Cleaner
Castile Soap (Powd.) 6 Bug Cleaner
W ater
160 Di-Glycol Oleate 44
Boil until dissolved: cool and add Butyl Cellosolve 5
Ammonium Hydroxide 6 Ethylene Diehloride 12
Glycerin 14 Alcohol 15
Ethylene Dichloride 7 Oleic Acid 11
Ammonium Hydroxide 11
Water 45
Marble and Porcelain Cleaner This may be made thinner by increas-
Diatomaceous Earth 3 ing the amount of water.
Sulfuric Acid 9
Sodium Sulfate 88
* Silk Stockings and Gloves, Detergent
Ammonium Hydroxide (0.880) 3
Marble and Porcelain Cleaner
Gum Arabic 1
Sodium Bisulfite 25
Sodium Sulfate 75
Oil Lavender Spike %
Water 14
2 ounces of the above are used per
* Cleaner, Oil Painting gallon of wash water.
Tetralin 35
Hexalin 10 Cleaning Straw Hats
Sod. Sulforicinoleate 10
Turpentine 15 1. Hats made of natural (uncolored)
straw, which have become soiled by wear,
W ater
r 20
may be cleaned by thoroughly sponging
Am. Chloride 3
with a weak solution of tartaric acid in
Amyl Acetate 2
water, followed by water alone. The hat
after being so treated should be fastened
* Cleaner for Oil Paintings by the rim to a board by means of pins,
A paste for cleaning oil paintings, so that it will keep its shape on drying.
delicate fabrics, precious wood, etc., is Packets containing some of the acid in
obtained by stirring a soln. of 3000 g. powdered form and wrapped in wax
rice starch and 50 g. deodorant, e.g., rose paper may be put up and sold for this
oil, almond oil, PhNOg, in 9 1. HoO into
purpose. Of course, printed directions
a mixt. of CC14 280, decahydronaphtha- for the use of the acid should accom-
lene 980, cyclohexanol 380, olive oil 340 pany the packet.
2. Sponge the hat with a solution of:
and H*0 240 g. and adding up to 1620
g. of 15° Be. NaOH soln. Sodium Hyposulphite 10 parts
Glycerin 5 parts
Alcohol 10 parts
Detergent and Paint Eemover
Water 75 parts
Tallow 14 lb., coconut oil or the like
Lay aside in a damp place for 24 hours
8.5 lb. and a soln. of NaOH 3.75 lb, in
water 25 lb. are foiled together, water
and then apply:
75 lb. is added, with further boiling, and Citric Acid 2 parts
there are then also added silicate of Ha Alcohol 10 parts
or glycerol 3 lb., an aq. soln. of borax Water 90 parts


Press with a moderately hot iron after Distilled Water 32
stiffening with gum water if necessary. Oxalic Acid %
3. If the hat has become much dark-
ened in tint by wear the fumes of burn- * Soap
ing sulphur may be employed. The ma-
terial should be first thoroughly cleaned
Cottonseed Fatty Acids 60
by sponging with an aqueous solution of Hardwhite Stearin 20
potassium carbonate, followed by a simi- Soda Ash 12
lar application of water, and it is then
Caustic Potash 8
suspended over the sulphur fumes. These These are ground together to form a
are generated by placing in a metal or dry water soluble soap.
earthen dish, so mounted as to keep the
heat from setting fire to anything be- Soap, Castor Oil
neath, some brimstone, and sprinkling
To obtain a transparent, amber-col-
over it some live coals to start combus- ored castor-oil soap (A), mix 30 cc.
tion. The operation is conducted in a KOH
deep box or barrel, the dish of burning
of 80% (wt./vol.) with 15 cc. in-
dustrial ale. and 99.4 g. castor oil. The
sulphur being placed at the bottom, and resulting opaque jelly when put into a
the article to be bleached being sus-
warm place will be clear after 10 min.
pended from a string .stretched across To prep, from this a compound soln of
the top. A cover not fitting so tightly cresol, add further 142 g. cresol, shake,

as to exclude all air is placed over it,

and the apparatus allowed to stand for
then add H
2 0 to make 300 ee. To prep,
a more dil. soln. of A, add to the above
a few hours. Hats so treated will re-
quire to be stiffened by the application
quantity of A
sufficient IIoO to make
225 cc. This soln., liquid castor-oil soap
of a little gum water, and pressed on a
block with a hot iron to bring them back (B ), is miscible with H
2 0 in all propor-
tions, is permanent and may be used as
into shape.
a stock soln. for other prepns.
Wall Paper Cleaner
Whiting * Floating Soap
10 lb.
Magnesia Calcined 2 lb. A substance capable of generating H
Fullers Earth 2 lb. is added to the soap or a constituent
Pumice Powd. 12 oz. thereof before, during or after the sa-
Lemenone 4 oz. ponification process. Thus, 20 g. of A1
dust may be added to 100 kg. of hot
Laundry Sours liquid grained soap.
Neutralizing scale for use in souring
after a chlorine bleach on cotton, etc.
1 ounce of 56% acetic acid equals the
* Soap, Dry Cleaning
following Oleic Acid 1
0.6 oz. Oxalic Acid Cyclohexanol 1
0.5 oz. Sulfuric Acid Cone. Carbon Tetrachloride 1
1.4 oz. Nitre Cake (33%) Ammonia (26° B6) 0.2
0,5 oz. Sodium Silico Flouride Water 0.5
0.6 oz. Sodium Acid Fluoride
Dry Cleaning Soap
1.0 oz. Muriatic Acid
1.0 oz. Sodium Bisulfite Red Oil 1000
2*0 Lactic Acid (44%)
oz. Pot. Hydroxide (50° B<§) 400
Hexalin 1000
others that could be added are SO2 gas,
Benzine or Carbon Tetra-
“hypo,” formic acid, etc.
chloride 300
Water 300
Laundry Blue The first two items are warmed to 70°
Ultramarine Blue 35 C. and stirred until saponification is
Aniline Blue Soluble 1 complete. Cool and stir in other ingre-
Soda Ash 30 dients.
Corn Syrup 7
Make into a Dry Cleaners Soap
paste with water and
press in forms. 50 to 55 parts good quality red oil
(oleic acid).
12 to 14 parts caustic potash is
Liquid Laundry Blue added to the red oil and stirred
Prussian Blue 1 until soap solution is reached.


34 to 36 parts denatured alcohol. aids in brightening the colors of the

cleaned garments.
The red oil soap is added to the alco-
This formula is composed of the fol-
hol and the mix stirred for one hour.
lowing ingredients
Diglycol Oleate is used as a dry clean-
ing soap because of the following ad- Naphtha Soluble Soap
vantages :
Oleic Acid 107 lb.
1. Dissolves quickly and clearly in dry Butyl Cellosolve 27 lb.
cleaning solvents. Cleaner’s Naphtha 25 lb.
2. Low surface tension increases pene- Triethanolamine 19.7 lb.
tration. Potassium Hydroxide 8.3 lb.
3. Possesses high detergent powers. Water 13.5 lb.
4. Does not build up pressure on filters.
The oleic Butyl Cellosolve and
5. Low cost.
naphtha thoroughly mixed and
One pint is usually used with 50 gal- heated to 140° E. in the absence of
lons of solvent. flames. In a separate container the po-
tassium hydroxide is dissolved in the
water and mixed with the Triethanola-
Dry Cleaning Liquid Soap mine. The water solution is then stirred
(Non- Alkaline) into the oleic acid solution, and stirring
Diglyeol Oleate 130 is continued for about 30 minutes until
Tetralin 28 a clear stable solution is produced.
Naphtha 30

Laundry Soap
Drycleaners Soap Tallow Soap 75%
White Oleic Acid 6-10% Steam-distilled Pine Oil 25%
Triethanolamine 3- 4% The pine oil content of this laundry
Carbontetrachloride 18-17%
soap promotes excellent penetration and
Cleaners Naphtha 73-69%
has been tested and proven to insure the
Mix white oleic and triethanolmine removal of more dirt. Pine oil has no
and heat solution until hand warm. Then deleterious effect on any type of textile
add carbontetrachloride and cleaners fibre. A
laundry soap of this type works
naphtha, stirring mixture slowly. well at any temperature and will assist
in the brightening of colors. It leaves a
pleasant piney odor in the damp clothes,
Dry-Cleaning Soaps which disappears upon drying.
One of the major uses for Triethan-
olamine is in the preparation of dry- Liquid Soap
cleaning soaps. The first requisite of
Eighty kg. palm-seed oil and 20 kg,
such soaps is that they be soluble in
dry-cleaning solvents, a property which is sunfl ower seed oil are sapond. at 50°
of Triethanolamine with 52 kg. 50 Be. KOH. After the
a characteristic
mixt. has stood, it is adjusted to the de-
soaps. In practice a mixed Triethan-
sired alky., and then the filling mass (con-
olamine-potash soap can be used, the
sisting of 200 kg. eryst. sugar, 10 kg.
mixture being cheaper and at least as
soluble as the Triethanolamine soap it-
K 2 C0 3 and 10
kg. KC1 dissolved in 1000
kg. water) is added.
self. A
formula along these lines, which
gives excellent results in dry-cleaning,
has been worked out and thoroughly * Liquid Soap, Non-Gelatinizing
tested. It produces a soap which is sol-
Eight kilograms of coconut oil, 2 kilo-
uble in naphtha in all proportions, and
grams of tallow and 1.3 kilograms of
is therefore particularly adapted for use
olein (oleic acid) are saponified by the
with systems.
filter Being more com-
half-boiled process with 7.2 kilograms of
pletely saponified than ordinary soaps, it
caustic potash lye (40 degrees Be.) with
is more concentrated and hence less is
the addition of 15 liters of water.
required for use. The incorporation of
Shortly after saponification is completed,
Butyl Cellosolve in the formula gives a
3.2 kilograms of a 50 per cent solution
particularly effective coupling action,
of potassium acetate are added. ^ The
and allows the addition of water which soap is then allowed to cool. It is fil-
is vitally necessary for good detergent
tered to remove impurities.
action. It also assists in removing food-
stains and other water-soluble spots and
Concentrated Liquid Soap for Silk is dissolved in 77 parts by weight of

Goods, Silk Stockings, Etc. water and again up to a maximum of

55 parts 0.5 part of potash is added.
5 parts It is very interesting to follow through
Solid Caustic Potash
Diethylene Glycol 20 parts the progress of saponification. At the
Bed Oil or Oleic Acid 20 parts beginning the temperature of the mix-
ture rises slowly, since only a small part
Yield 100 parts of the mixture is saponified under the
initial conditions of the process. But
Dissolve the caustic in the water, add the rise in temperature constantly be-
the diethylene glycol, bring to a boil and comes greater and the principal reaction
add the red oil. Adjust either with red of the saponification then takes place.
oil or alkali until the sample dissolved
Hence if the mixture has been agitated
in alcohol is neutral to phenolphthalein. at a temperature of 65 to 70 degrees C.,
the temperature rises slowly to approxi-
Formula: Liquid Cleaning Soap mately 75 to 78 degrees C. Thereafter
the rise is more rapid until approximately
Rosin Soap (Anhydrous) 10%
85 degrees C. is attained. At this point
Oleate Soap (Anhydrous) 10% the greater part of the contents of the
Steam-distilled Pine Oil 20%
kettle is saponified and the heat of reac-
Trisodium Phosphate 4% tion liberated becomes smaller and fur-
Water 56%
ther increase of the temperature is
This product makes a very efficient
cleaner for use on all types of floors,
slower. In most cases the temperature
increases to approximately 94 to 96 de-
woodwork, tile, porcelain, etc. The pine
grees C. and remains constant at that
oil content insures penetration and a
point for some time. Then there comes
solvent action to assist the removal of
a point at which the temperature in the
greasy and oily Aims. This product lias
kettle begins to fall. Saponification re-
a pleasant piney odor that will act as a
action may then be considered as finished
partial deodorant, and the pine oil con-
tent will also insure some disinfecting
and it only remains to saponify residual
traces of unsaponified matter. Hence
the mixture in the kettle must show at
this point noticeable traces of caustic
Liquid Soap alkali, so that the saponification of the
The soap base may be made from one- residual fat and oil may be affected
third coconut oil and two-thirds soya when the mixture is well-agitated.
bean oil. The proportions used in sapo- As the mass in the kettle is worked
nification are 10.75 parts by weight of up, it first becomes thick and heavy, but
soya bean oil, crude or bleached, 5.00 then soon thinner and thereafter thicker
parts by weight of coconut oil and about and heavier again. When this happens,
7.87 parts by weight of 50 degrees Be agitation is best stopped and the soap
potassium hydroxide. The soap obtained mass is allowed to remain quiescent for
from this saponification is dissolved in some minutes. Then the soap is fitted
77 parts by weight of water to which a and tested. If sufficient alkali were
maximum of 0.5 part by weight of present, technically complete saponifica-
potash has been added. tion would be obtained. Thus, the re-
Another soap is made from two-thirds sults would be as good as those obtained
coconut oil and one-third castor oil. The by hot saponification of fats.
proportions used in saponification are At this point the fitting of the soap
10.75 parts by weight of coconut oil, 5.0 begins. The soap must have a slight
parts by weight of pure castor oil and but clearly perceptible acrid taste. This
about 7.48 parts by weight of 50 degrees test may be used when the complete
B6 potassium hydroxide solution. After saponification test is not made in the
saponification, the soap is dissolved in works laboratory. This test is, however,
76 parts by weight of water and as very simple and should be made. A
above a maximum of 0.5 part by weight small quantity of the soap is dissolved
of potash is added. ill distilled water. The solution must
In making the soap from coconut oil not be turbid, but absolutely clear. If
and olein, the following proportions are there is a slight turbidity, this indicates
used: 8.5 parts by weight of coconut the presence of unsaponified oils or fats.
oil, 5.0 parts by weight of best quality However, in this case, no traces of free
oleic acid and about 7.3 parts by weight caustic potash could be detected in the
of 50 degrees Be potassium hydroxide soap, since the correctly carried out half-
solution. After saponification the soap boil process gives absolutely good re*


suits. If too little lye has been used in red oil is used with best results for this
the saponification process, which may purpose. This product dissolves rapidly
also happen when the potassium hydrox- and completely in the liquid soap to give
ide solution employed is not 50 degree a clear solution. Neutralization is there-
strength (this does not happen often), fore rapid and as complete as desired.
if the solution of potassium hydroxide is
allowed to remain in storage tanks ex-
White Rose Soap
posed to the air for too long a time so
that considerable of the hydroxide is Soap Chips 10C kilos i

converted into the carbonate and the Perfume

strength of the solution accordingly re- Geranium Algerian Oil 250 grms.
duced, then the soap may be lacking in Rhodinol 250 grms.
potash lye and in fitting the soap it then Benzyl Acetate 250 grms.
becomes necessary to add potassium hy- Patchouli Oil 50 grms.
droxide. In this case the potassium hy- Clove Oil 100 grms.
droxide solution is diluted with distilled Benzoin Siam Tincture 75 grms.
or soft water to about 30 degrees Be Musk Ambrette Residue 300 grms.
concentration, so that it can be mixed Aldehyde C14 5 grms.
with the soap more readily and more No color.
uniformly. The fitting of the soap must
be repeated in this ease after a short Violet Soap
time has elapsed and the same process is
Soap Chips 100 kilos
carried through until a definite excess of
Orris Powder .100 kilos
potassium hydroxide is detectable in the
soap. Perfume
Alkali in Soap Base
Orris Resinoid 100 grms.
If the excess of alkali is found to be Ylang Ylang Bourbon
too large when the soap base is tested, Oil 100 grms.
the taste of the soap being too sharp, Bergamot Oil 250 grms.
then there must have been an error in Innone Special for Soap 200 grms.
measuring out the alkali for saponifica- Musk Ambrette Residue 300 grms.
tion of the fats and oils, on the assump- Benzyl Acetate 50 grms.
tion that there was nothing wrong with No color.
the latter and they were completely
saponifiable. However, fats and oils,
Oriental Bouquet Soap
which are not completely saponifiable,
and hence are not of first quality (tech- Soap Chips 100 kilos
nical grade), are not suitable raw ma- Perfume
terials for making liquid soaps. How- Lavender Oil 250 grms.
ever, if the soap base contains too much Patchouli 200 grms.
alkali, then it is necessary to neutralize Vetivert Bourbon 200 grms.
the same. This is accomplished by in- Cananga Oil 200 grms.
troducing a small quantity of coconut Musk Ambrette Residue 150 grms.
into the hot soap. Good results are also
obtained with oleic acid. After the Color
added fats or oils have been thoroughly Bark Green 100 grms.
mixed with the soap mass and saponi-
fied, the soap must be tested again after Lilac Soap
about ten to fifteen minutes and fitted. Soap Chips 100 kilos
As has been remarked above, if the Perfume
soap base had a content of about 65 to Terpineol 400 grms.
66 per cent of fatty acids, it need be Methyl Ionone 100 grms.
dissolved only in three times its weight Phenylacetaldehyde 100 grms.
of distilled or soft water to give a liquid Hydroxicitronellal 200 grms.
soap containing about fifteen' to sixteen Benzyl Acetate 100 grms.
per cent of fatty acids. If the soap Bromostyrol 50 grms.
base contained only a slight quantity of Musk Artificial 50 grms.
alkalin excess and was used without fur- Color
ther treatment, the liquid soap will be Lavender Blue 75 grms.
found to be practically neutral. On the
other hand, if the proportion of excess
potassium hydroxide in the soap base Almond Blossom Soap
was quite large, then the liquid soap Soap Chips 100 kilos
must be neutralized. An acid turkey White Almond Flour 10 kilos


Perfume Benzoin Siam Tincture 200 grms.
200 grms. Musk Artificial 100 grms.
Bergamot Oil
Iso-Eugenol 200 grms. Color
Nerolin 200 grms. Light Green 75 grms.
Bitter Almond Oil 100 grms.
Aubepine 100 grms.
Vanilla Tincture 75 grms. Bed Bose Soap
Bromostyrol 15 grms. Soap Chips 100 kilos
Aldehyde C14 10 grms. Perfume:
No color. Geranium Algerian Oil 250 grms.
Phenylacetaldehyde 100 grms.
Bhodinol 100 grms.
Eau de Cologne Soap Perfume
Benzyl Acetate 100 grms.
Low Priced Perfume Sandalwood Oil 250 grms.
Soap Chips 100 kilos Yertivert Bourbon 50 grms.
Orris 5 kilos Benzoin Siam Tincture 100 grms.
Bergamot 100 grms. Musk Artificial 50 grms.
Lemon Oil 50 grms. Color
Bosemary 50 grms.
Nerolin 100 grms. Light Cinnabar 150 grms.
Cananga 50 grms. I
Musk Tincture 10 grms.
Pine Oil Powder Scrubbing Soaps
No color.
The pine powder scrubbing soaps are
specialty products since they are manu-
Lavender Soap Perfume factured for specific use rather than for
general use.
Low Priced Perfume
Manufacturers have found that clean-
Soap Chips 100 kilos ers may be recommended for many pur-
Lavender Oil 300 grms. poses in addition, however, pine powdet
Bosemary 50 grms. scrubbing soaps are invaluable to the
Nerolin 150 grms. public garage owner and filling station
Civet Tincture 10 grms. manager for dissolving grease and dirt
from concrete flooring. Its light sudsing
property is a great advantage in that it
Light Green 100 grms.
does not leave a slippery film. In addi-
tion its searching piney fragrance excel-
Heliotrope Soap Perfume lently disperses many obnoxious odors.
Soap Chips 100 kilos The following is representative of the
Perfume best grades:
Heliotropin Crystal 500 grms. Parts by Weight
Vanillin 100 grms.
Iso-Eugenol •
100 grms.
50 Oleic Acid (Acid Number 195) —
50 “I” Wood Bosin (Saponification
Clove Oil grms.
Bitter Almond Oil
Number 165) —
13.3 Sodium Hydroxide (100%)
Artificial 100
100 Pine Oil
Geranium Algerian Oil 100 grms.
737 Soda Ash (58%)
Musk Artificial 30 grms.
Civet Tincture grms.
4.7 Water
It is prepared in the following man-
Colors ner:
Lavender Blue 75 grms. The oleic acid and “ 1 ” Wood
Dissolved in water and put in the are added to a vat and brought to a
mixer with soap and oil. temperature of 80° C. The sodium hy-
droxide is dissolved in the specified
amount of water. Temperature of the
New Mown Hay Soap
mass is then dropped to 60° C. and the
Orris Powder 5 kilos sodium hydroxide solution is added by
Soap Chips 100 kilos stirring in slowly. After complete sapon-
Perfume ification the Pine Oil is added by stir-
Bergamot Oil 250 grms. ring in slowly. Add the soda ash to the
Coumarin 250 grms. previous mass and mix it in a mechani-
Nerolin 200 grms. cal stirring device similarly constructed

to a cement mixer. The resultant prod- then added to balance water loss during
uct is free flowing. sustained heating to bring product to
The pine powder is sprinkled over the original weight.
greasy floors and wet down with a hose.
The usual scrubbing practice is followed.
Pine Oil Liquid Scrubbing Soaps
Or it may be dissolved in a bucket of
hot water and applied in usual manner. The scrubbing soaps on the market
are either liquid or powder. The former
are principally composed of soaps and
Pine Oil Liquid Hand Soaps solvents with lesser percentages of alkali,
Liquid soaps usually are made with whereas, the latter are mostly alkali with
cocoanut oil-potasli soaps, or a combina- slight traces of soap and solvent.
tion of palm-kernel oil and vegetable oil- Pine Oil Liquid Scrubbing Soap is
potash soaps. recommended for general use and is
These soaps are diluted with water, widely used in many institutions to pre-
depending upon the price the consumer serve costly surfaces and for its deodor-
wishes to pay for such a product. When izing properties.
high percentages of water are present The following is a good formula for a
large percentages of ethyl (or grain) liquid scrubbing soap:
alcohol, glycerol or sugar are added to
lower the freezing point. Consequently, Parts by Weight
there is less chance for the soaps to 133.0
61.6 Oleic Acid (Acid Number—
solidify out of solution and cause a sub- 194)
sequent clouding of the finished product. 61.6 te
I” Wood Rosin (Acid Num-
A cloudy product causes sales resistance ber —165)
while a clear, transparent product does 16.3 Sodium Hydroxide (100%)
not. Pine Oil
Manufacturers of liquid soaps have 26.7 Tri-sodium Phosphate
found that the addition of pine oil in- 700.8 Water
creases the cleaning action of the soap.
In addition, pine oil imparts a piney 1000.0
fragrance to the soap. The following It is prepared in the following man-
formula was developed for use in a ner:
washroom dispenser: The Oleic Acid and t(
I” Wood Rosin
are added to a vat and heated to a tenr
Parts by Weight perature of 80° C. The sodium hydrox-
160.0 Cocoanut Oil (Saponification ide is then dissolved in a sufficient
No. 257) amount of the water to make a 15% to
46.0 Potassium Hydroxide (89% 20% solution. One-half of the alkali
Pure) solution is then added to the mass and
40.0 Pine Oil stirred in slowly. The remainder of the
754.0 Water water together with the tri-sodium phos-
phate is then added by stirring in slowly.
1000.0 After temperature has been dropped to-
It is prepared in the following man- 60° C. the balance of the sodium hydrox-
ner: ide solution is added with vigorous agi-
Cocoanut oil of Ceylon Grade is added tation and continued for 15 minutes.
to a vat and heated to a temperature of After complete saponification the Pine
80°-~85° C. The potassium hydroxide is Oil is added by stirring vigorously for
then dissolved in a sufficient amount of several minutes.
the water to make a 15% to 20% solu- The or completed product is
tion. One-half the solution is then added light dark brown in color, de-
red to
to the cocoanut oil and stirred in slowly. pendent upon the type of rosin or oleic
The balance of water is then added fol- acid used.
lowed by the balance of potassium hy- Such a pine liquid scrub soap is espe-
droxide which is stirred in
adapted for fine tile, cork, rubber,
linoleum, mastic, terrazzo and painted
slowly. The temperature of the mix is
then kept at 80°-85° C. for a period of
from two to three hours with good agi- 1. It is a powerful solvent.
tation. After complete saponification, 2. It does not contain any injurious
the solution is then cooled, chilled and ingredients.
filtered in this chilled state. The Pine 3. It is an efficient cleanser.

Oil is then added by stirring in very 4. It removes grease and stains*

slowly. A sufficient amount of water is 5. It deodorizes.

6. It repeats. Mix the two with good stirring; re-

7. It is economical to manufacture. move from heat and add

8. It is a concentrated product and Turpentine 1200
effects a great economy. while stirring well.
9. Use 4 in a 10 quart pail of
(preferably hot) water and then ap-
ply in usual manner. “Waterless ? 7
A soap which may be used to clean
Pine Oil Soap hands without water consists of
Water 8.0 parts Agar-Agar 2
Solid Caustic Soda 2.5 parts Psyllium 3
Alcohol 10.0 parts Glycerol 50
Pine Oil 18.0 parts Soda Ash 50
Red Oil (Oleic Acid) 17.5 parts Soft Soap 50
Water 44.0 parts Am. Hydroxide 25
Javelle Water 5
Yield 100.0 parts Water 815
Mix the ingredients while stirring in
the order given at a temperature of about Soap Paste)
40° C.; finally adjust with red oil or
Soap (66%) 70
alkali until a sample dissolved in alco-
Sod. Silicate 1.5
hol is neutral to phenolphthalein.
Soda Ash 3.5
Water 25.0
Pine Oil Scrubbing Soap
Potash Corn Oil Soap 96-97 * Perborate Soap Powder
Pine Oil 4- 3 Mag. Sulfate 1 lb.
Water 10 lb.
Saddle Soap
Dissolve above and mix into
Carnauba Wax 54
Soap Flakes 20 Sod. Silicate (75° Tw.) 10 lb.

Tallow 26 Soda Ash 22.5 lb.

Turpentine 21 Soap (Melted) 50 lb.

Sperm Oil 6 When thoroughly mixed cool to 50*3 and

Water 5 work in
Sod. Perborate 9.5 lb.
Soft Soap for Textile Purposes This mixture is finally reduced to a
83 parts Saponified Red Oil. powder.
17 parts fair grade of animal grease.
3 parts 36° Baume Caustic Soda Lye. * Soap Powder
5 parts Carbonate Potash.
24 parts Caustic Potash.
Soap (Figured on Dry Basis) 10
Bentonite (Dry Basis) 2.5
and mix the Carbonate of
Dissolve Soda Ash 45
Potash and Caustic Potash with the Soda
lye and add to the melted fat in a boil-
* Soap Powder, Non-Caking
ing kettle. Boiling should be accom-
plished with live steam. Add sufficient Sod. Metasilicate 10
water to bring to the required soap con- Neutral Soap 3.3
tent and continue boiling until the sa- Soda Ash 20
ponification is complete. Then, while still
boiling, make the necessary correction * Soap Powder, Antiseptic
by adding more fat or caustic as needed
Soda Ash 75-85
to bring about neutrality.
Powdered Soap 14-18
Barium or Sodium Peroxide 1.6- 2
Saddle Soap Trioxymethylene 0.1-0.35
Beeswax 500
Caustic Potash 80 Washing and Bleaching Powder
Water 800
Sod. Perborate 8-10%
Boil for 5 minutes while stirring. In Sod. Persulfate 8-10%
lother vessel heat
Sod. Carbonate 65-70%
Castile Soap 160 Sod. Tetraborate 15%
Water , 800
* Protective Cream Steam-distilled Pine Oil 10%
A cream for protecting hands from Soda Ash 75%
paint, lacquer grease, etc., consists of Water 5%
Soap Flakes 19 This product makes a very efficient
Dextrin 4 scouring compound for cleaning concrete
Lanolin 2 floors, tile, marble, granite, etc. The
Aquaresin 3 pine oil content insures good penetration
Water 72 and is essential for the efficient removal
of greasy and oily dirt.
* Soap Rancidity, Prevention of
0.05-1.0% of Bicyandiamide is added
to the soap.
Sweeping Compounds
* Rancidity in Soap, Prevention of Although there are many sweeping
compounds on the market made of saw-
The addition of 0.2% Sod. Sulfanilate dust, sand, ground feldspar, oil, wax
is recommended. emulsions, coloring matter, disinfectant,
etc., it is believed that in many cases
* Soap Stabilizer fine sawdust moistened with water at the

The addition of 0.2 to 0.4% triethan- time of use will prove satisfactory. Some
olamine oleate to soaps inhibits oxida- prefer a compound containing sand, oil,
etc.; for example, the Treasury Depart-
ment at one time used a compound made
up according to the following formula
Rug Cleaning Soap
Sand 10 parts by weight
Oleic Acid 28 lb.
Fine Sawdust 3*4 parts by weight
Butyl Cellosolve 5 lb.
Salt lYz parts by weight
Ethylene Bichloride 13 lb.
Paraffin Oil 1 part by weight
Triethanolamine 15 lb.
Mix thoroughly.
Water 125 lb.
Isopropanol 14 lb.
Certain Government offices have ad-
vised us that a compound conforming to
The oleic acid, ethylene diehloride and the following formula has been satis-
Butyl Cellosolve are mixed and then factory in service;
I added to a solution made of the Trieth-
anolamine and water. The mixture is Fine Sand 35%
well stirred and sufficient isopropanol is
Pine Sawdust 40%
added to form a clear solution. The Paraffin Oil 15%
product emulsifies in water, and the
Water (dye if coloring is de-
emulsion made with an equal volume of sired) 10%
water is recommended for cleaning rugs. The Navy Department has used a
compound consisting of a uniform mix-
ture of clean, fine sand and finely ground
Paint and Tar Solvent
sawdust properly impregnated with a re-
Xylene 140 lb. fined heavy mineral oil and water. Such
Triehlorethylene 47 lb.
a compound must show on analysis not :

Ethylene Bichloride 61 lb. more than 20 per cent of water, not

Oleic Acid 40 lb.
more than 50 per cent of clean sand, not
Sulphonated Castor Oil 24 lb.
less than 5 per cent of refined heavy
Isopropanol 33 lb.
mineral oil, and the remainder finely
Triethanolamine 16 lb.
ground sawdust. Some of the commer-
This is made by mixing the xylene, cial compounds are colored with iron
triehlorethylene, ethylene dichloride, oleic oxide or other pigment and contain
acid and sulphonated oil, adding the iso- naphthalene flakes.
propanol and triethanolamine and stir- Essential oils, such as oil of eucalyp-
ring to obtain an even, clear mixture. tus, oil of sassafras, etc., are frequently
This solution is easily dispersed in water added to impart a pleasant odor to the
and makes a stable emulsion that is ex- compound or to mask any unpleasant
cellent for removing paint and tar from odor that may be due to the ingredients

wool. used.

Powdered Scouring Compound * Combined “Sour and Bluing”

Rosin Soap 5% The proportions in which to mix. the

Oleate Soap 5% compound is six (6) ounces of aniline
dye to one hundred (100) pounds of Opal
boric acid ; these proportions being best Fluorescene 1 lb. to 3000 gaL
suited for souring and bluing under
ordinary conditions, but the proportions
of dye and boric acid can be increased
or decreased as may be found necessary Coloring Milled Soaps
to completely neutralize the residual Average soap mill holds 200 pounds
alkali in the cloth or clothes, and pro- For each batch use 197 pounds of Ho. 1
vide the proper degree or extent of acid- soap chips. Add 3 lb. of zinc oxide.
ityand bluing. Add proper perfume.
The invention provides a new product
which may be packed for commercial - Pink ——%6 oz Rhodamine BX,

Green 1 oz. of Chloro Green S-310

and domestic use. The product being
non-corrosive, free running, and harm- —
Blue 1 oz. of Alizarine Blue A. S.
less, is safely handled, can be easily

Yellow 1 oz. of Pylam Yellow S-318
weighed or measured, and overcomes the Red —1 oz.Cloth Red
hazard of using strong acids and/or acid Amber — 1 Pylam Amber S-271

salts for the souring operation. The use Rose— % Yiolamine 2R

Violet—1 oz. Pylam Violet S-333
of the product efficiently and completely
neutralizes all the alkali contained in Lemon— % Fluorescene

the cloth or clothes, provides acidity if

All the above dyes are dissolved in
desired or needed, thoroughly and evenly
water before being added to the soap.
blues the cloth or clothes, cuts down the
number of rinsing operations, and pre-
serves the fabric.
Dry Cleaning Soap on Ammonia Base
Coloring Liquid Soaps This soap is easily prepared cold by a
simple mixing operation. A
good soap
for pressure filter systems, if good grade
Rhodamine B Ex 1 lb. to 6000 gal. oleic acid is used.
Yellow Oleic Acid (preferably cold
Pylam Yellow S-318 1 lb. to 1500 gal. pressed) 32 gal.
Stoddard Solvent or
Blue Varnolene „ 15 gal.
Alizarine Blue 1 lb. to 1500 gal.
Ammonia 64 lb.
Leaf Green
Mix these ingredients thoroughly; in
Haphthol Green 1 lb. to 1500
cold weather the oleic acid should be
Olive Green warmed up.
Chloro Green S-310 1 lb. to 1500 gal.
Beer Pipe Cleaning Compound
Amber Caustic Soda 12.5
Bismarck Brown 1 lb. to 1500 gal. Soda Ash 87.5
Bleach for Animal Fats suspension in a solution containing
Bleach for use with animal fats and 1% of ISTaOH (on the wt. of air-dry
oils is to use from 1 %
lb. to 4 lb. pulp), washed, and bleached with an
alkaline hypochlorite liquor. The NaOH
Manganate of Soda or Permanganate
Salts and from 2% lb. to 6 lb. of Sul- steep reduces the resin content but does
phuric Acid to each 100 lb. of fat. not affect the a-cellulose content.
Dissolve required quantity of Man- (B) The above process is applied to
ganate of Soda or Permanganate Salts pulp which is caused to flow as a con-
in from 20 to 25 times its own weight tinuous stream through a suitable sys-
of boiling water. Dilute required quan- tem. The ISTaOH liquor is added to the
tity Sulphuric Acid with 10 times its
raw pulp entering the system, and at a
own weight of water. Liquefy fat thor- point reached by the pulp about 2 hr.
later the bleach liquor is added and the
oughly at as low temperature as possible
and then add slowly and with vigorous temp, raised to 27°.
agitation the Manganate or Perman-
ganate solution, continue agitation ac- * Chlorine Free Bleaching Powder
tively for 15 to 30 minutes, then add,
Sodium Peroxide 12.5
also with vigorous agitation the dilute
Citric Acid 4.17
Sulphuric Acid and continue stirring for Soap (Powd.) 33.33
15 minutes. Then steam is to be turned Sod. Carbonate 41.66
on and an active boil kept up until all Sod. Silicate 8.34
brown stain disappears, which should be
from 30 to 60 minutes from time boiling
commences. Then settle and draw off
* Chloride of Lime, Non-Hygroscopic
spent solution and wash oil with water. Cliloride of Lime is ground intimately
If using Manganate of Soda care must with 5-10% Calcium Sulfate.
be taken not to add bottoms or undis-
solved portion. Permanganate Salts cost
Bleaching Cotton in Kier
a little more but is more readily soluble.
(per 1000 lb. cotton)
Hydrogen Peroxide
Bleaching Vegetable and Animal Oils (100 Volume) 25 lb.
Fatty oils (etc.) are mixed with a Sodium Silicate (Sp. gr. 1.14) 40 lb.
dry CaOCl 2 product containing 50-60% Sulfonated Corn Oil 4^ lb.
of available Cl; in amount equiv. to
Heat to 185-195° F. for %-l hour.
0.5-1.0% of available Cl on the oil, and Rinse well and dry.
heated at 70-90° until bleached; the
separated oil is blown with superheated
steam until free from available Cl. Bleaching Cotton
The goods to be bleached are impreg-
Bleaching Angora Wool nated with a solution of Turkey-Red Oil
of from 5 to 10 per cent strength, ac-
good method is to prepare a bath cording to the natural color of the cot-
at 60° F,, make alkaline with ammonia,
ton, wrung and centrifuged to get rid
add the required hydrogen peroxide, give
of the excess, and then dried. The goods
the yarn (previously thoroughly wetted
are next boiled for six hours under pres-
out) a few turns in the liquor and sub-
sure with from 1% to 2 per cent of
merge and allow to stand over night. slightly soured,
caustic soda, rinsed,
.Remove from the bath the following
rinsed again, passed through a very weak
morning and rinse in warm water.
soap bath, again rinsed, and then dried.
If the cotton is very pure and easily
* Cellulose Pulp, Bleaching bleached the process may be simplified
(A) Unbleached sulphite pulp is by putting the Turkey-Red Oil into the
treated at room temp, as a flowable aq. boiler with the lye. The process has
special importance for bleaching makko- Sodium Hypochlorite Bleach
yarn, as that yarn, so largely used for To prepare Sodium Hypochlorite.
finer counts, has been hitherto very diffi- Dissolve 100 lb. of 33% Bleaching
cult to bleach, requiring strong baths of Powder in 40 gallons of water.
chloride of lime. Dissolve 60 lb. of Soda Ash in 20 gal-
Turkey-Red Oil may also be used to lons of boiling water, afterwards diluting
advantage in bleaching cotton by the with 10 gallons of cold water.
usual chloride of lime method, as fol- The Soda solution is then to be mixed
lows : with the bleaching powder paste and
Goods may be treated with the oil well stirred for one-half hour and al-
before bleaching. Pad goods in a 5 per lowed to settle over night.
cent solution of the oil, and steam with- In the morning the clear solution is to
out pressure. The oil may also be added be drawn off.
to the contents of the kier, whether this The residue should be washed with
consists of lime, soda, or caustic soda. clear water, allowed to settle, and the
Two litres of Turkey-Red Oil per cubic top liquor added to the main solution.
meter of caustic soda at 3° Tw. are The washing may be done for econ-
sufficient. The oil is added to the satu- omy, several times, each time letting the
rated liquor, which is afterwards intro- solution settle and adding the top to the
duced into the kier. There is no change main solution.
required in the bleaching operation. Use only sufficient wash waters to
When lime is used, the oil is added to bring the main solution to stand at 6°
the lime after slaking, and then the to 7° Tw.
necessary quantity of water is added. A How add 1% to 2 lb. Soda Ash. Dis-
milky liquid is thus obtained, which only solveand let stand over night, when all
settles very slowly, and which penetrates the lime will have been thrown out of
the goods perfectly, especially when solution.
tepid. The use of the oil in the lime It is then ready for use by simple
boil gives better results than in the dilution in water to the desired strength
caustic soda boil. for bleaching.
Before the anti-chlorine bath it is ad- Sodium Hypochlorite has advan-
visable to wash well in soft water, in tages over the old-time Chloride of Lime
order to remove any undecomposed oil. solution. The goods come out softer.
Goods bleached with the aid of Turkey- They rinse cleaner, and this insures bet-
Red Oil are much softer than those ter strength of the fibre and a more per-
bleached without. The chemieking is manent white.
easier and quicker, while at the same
time less bleach may be used.
Bleach for Furs
Water 3 gal.
Hydrogen Peroxide 3 oz.
Bleachers, Chlorine Pot. Persulfate 6 oz.

Hypochlorite Liquor Made with Sod. Pyrophosphate 6 oz.

Liquid Chlorine
In 400 to 500 gallons water dissolve: Hypochlorite Bleach
150 to 200 lb. Soda Ash Caustic Soda 120 lb.
80 lb. Caustic Soda Water 700-800 lb.
100 lb. Chlorine
Stir until dissolved.
The Chlorine should be added to the Put 100 lb. of above in carboy packed
alkaline solution slowly to prevent heat- in ice and salt. Pass into it chlorine
ing and loss. gas from a weighed cylinder on a scale.
Another method is to use a solution When 16 lb. chlorine has passed in and
of Caustic Soda: solution is still alkaline to phenolph-
400 to 500 gallons water thalein shut off: chlorine. Keep tempera-
125 lb. Caustic Soda ture as low as possible. The resulting
100 lb. Chlorine hypochlorite solution may be diluted as
Tanks or tubs of good depth should
be us§d in making Hypochlorite solu- Javel Water
tions.^ If shallow solutions are used, the Bleaching Powder 20 lb.
Chlorine will not absorb readily and the Soda Ash 20 lb.
finished solution will not be stable. Water 60 gal.
Mix well until reaction is completed.

Allow to settle over night and siphon off lar form, and not in gummy masses.
the clear liquid. Filter off the shellac on a large Witt
plate or Buchner funnel provided with
Laundry Bleach a filter paper, and wash thoroughly with
a large amount of cold water. Without
Soda Ash 23 lb.
drying or other treatment, the bleached
Chlorine 7.6 lb.
shellac is dissolved by heating for a long
Water 60 gal.
time on the steam bath with 1,000 cc.
J? of distilled water containing 7 g. of
Laundry “Sour
crystallized borax.
Oxalic Acid 3 lb.
Water 3 gal.
Heat with stirring until dissolved. Cool Bleaching Tussah Silk
and add Dilute 10 gallons hydrogen peroxide
Acetic Acid (56%) 8% lb. (12 vol. per cent) with 3 to 4 times the
weight of water, and add waterglass
One pint of this sour is used per 200
until a feebly alkaline reaction sets in.
lb. of goods.
After cleaning the Tussah silk well with
boiling soap and a little soda, enter it at
* Bleaching Paper Pulp about 40° C. (105° F.) into this bath,
The pulp agitated at room temp,
is to advantage charged with 4-8 oz. soap
with 0.25-10% of a hydrosulphite per 10 gallons, gradually raise the tem-
(Na 2 S 2 0 4 ) in aq. solution and then, perature to boiling heat, and leave for
without subsequent washing, converted 6 to 8 hours or over night in this bath.
into paper. When the bleaching is complete, rinse
thoroughly, treat for several hours in a
bisulphite bath and rinse well once more.
Bleaching Bayon-Cotton Skeins
1. Treat for Yz hr. at 70° C. with 1%
Sod. Sulfide.
* Stripping Composition for Dyed
2. Binse until free from sulfide. Fabrics
3. Treat with 0.1-0.25% sod. hypo- 1. Sodium Hydrosulphite 90 gm.
chlorite. Petrolatum 10 gm.
4. Treat with 0.25% Hydrochloric Sodium Caseinate 5-30 gm.
Acid. Instead of sodium caseinate, use iso-
5. Binse acid free. propylnaphthalene sodium sulphonate,
6. Bepeat 3 and 4. sodium rieinoleate, sulphonated oil, with
7. Binse with soft water until free or without soda ash, sodium bisulphite,
from acid and chlorine.
or common salt.
8. Binse with 1% sulfonated oil or
2. Sodium Hydrosulphite 90 gm.
olive oil soap.
Oleic Acid 10 gm.
9. Extract excess solution and dry.
Soda ash sufficient to effect complete
or partial saponification.
Bleaching Shellac for Water Solution Instead of oleic acid, you can use
Dissolve 30 g. of orange shellac in 600 stearic acid, sulpholeic acid, castor oil,
cc. of water containing 10 g. of an- corn oil or sulphonated castor oil. In-
hydrous sodium carbonate, by warming stead of soda ash you may use borax or
on the steam bath. Let the solution ammonium carbonate.
stand over night for the wax to collect This gives a stable composition in
and the orpiment to settle out; then cake or other solid form.
filter through a plaited paper into a
1-liter beaker. Sodium hyperbromite so-
lution is prepared by dissolving 5.5 g. Water Soluble Colors
of caustic soda in 150 cc. of water and Dissolve the color in hot water. Filter
adding to this 3 cc. of bromine, drop to insure that you have no particles of
by drop with vigorous shaking, and cool- undissolved color (these cause spots and
ing. The bleaching solution is added to blotches). Use from 2 to 3 ounces of
the filtered shellac solution and then the color to a gallon of water. It is not
mixture allowed to stand for 15 min- necessary to make fresh color each time.
utes. Then acidify by adding 1:1 hy- It is important, however, to stir the
drochloric acid in small portions, with color, if you have not used it in some-
vigorous stirring. The beaker should time. This is necessary, as some colors
stand in a vessel of cold water so that have a tendency to settle out of solution
the shellac will be precipitated in granu- on long standing. A
little stirring puts
them back into solution again. Do not of colored liquid soap looks much lighter
use a tin or iron container for your than one gallon of the same colored soap.
color solution. A chemical reaction will Make sure that the suds are not too
set up that will decrease the coloring deeply colored.
Bath Salts
Alcohol Soluble Colors
Use water or alcohol colors.
Dissolve from 2 to 5 ounces of color When you use water soluble colors, it
per gallon of alcohol, depending on the is best to make a solution as concen-
shade. Filter and use as required. These trated as possible. Color some of your
colors are also soluble in acetone, ethyl salt very heavily and then mix this up
acetate. with the rest of your salt. This will
minimize the water used. Add the color
Oil Soluble Colors before you add the perfume oils.
These are soluble in perfume oils,
oleic and stearic acid, as well as other
Light and Washing Fast Dyeing Process
fatty acids, vegetable and mineral waxes,
vegetable and mineral oils; molten para- A brown shade very fast to washing
dichlorbenzole. Also soluble in acetone, and light is obtained by printing fabric
ethyl acetate and toluol. with a thickened paste (A) containing
When the colors are dissolved in oils, m-NH2 C 6 H4 OH (I), HC1, and a sub-
. .

waxes or fatty acids, the solvents should stance capable of liberating CH 2 0 ( e.g .,
be heated to insure full solution of the CH 2 0, NaHSOg), steaming for 4-8 min.
color. You will not get full money value in a Mather-Platt, and oxidizing in 25%
or perfect solution if you dissolve the aq. Na 2 Cr 2 07 at 60°, followed by soap-
color in cold oils. ing and washing. Mordant dyes, espe-
cially alizarin, may be added to A, and
the resulting shade is deeper if Cr(OAc) 2
Milled Soaps
is also added. The brown pigment has
You can use water or alcohol soluble an affinity for basic dyes, and these may
colors. Water colors preferred, as alco- be added to A or applied afterwards,
hol may cause blistering. Add the liquid whereby very deep shades are obtained.
color to the soap in an amalgamator if The HC1 in A may be replaced by a

possible preferably after the perfume
and zinc oxide. If no amalgamator is
mixture of HC0 2 H
or AcOH and JNTH4 C1.
An alternative printing process, whereby
used, distribute the color throughout the the same brown pigment is formed ulti-
soap as much as possible, before milling. mately, consists in condensing CH 2 0
Spots and blotches are caused by undis- with (I) in the presence of an alkali
solved color, so make sure that you have and using the resulting transparent
a clear color solution. gelatinous product in the prep, of A.

Cold, Half -Boiled and Boiled Soaps * Rendering Liquid Hydrocarbons

and Soap Bases Fluorescent
You can use water or oil soluble col- Less than 0.05% of any of the fol-
ors. If you use water soluble colors add lowing added to hydrocarbon oils or
the liquid color after saponification has liquids imparts fluorescence.
started. Wherever possible, as in figged
Dehydrothio-toluidine or xylidine
soaps, crutch in the color after saponifi-
Primuline Base
cation is completed. Do not add dry 6-amino-2-phenyl benzthiazole
color to your mass and expect it to dis-
5-amino-2~phenyl benzoxazole
solve.! You will have trouble. Some of
the color will not dissolve and will spot
your soap, and cause blotches when the
soap is used. If you use an oil soluble * Aluminum, Coloring
color dissolve it in hot oil before you Alloys of Zn, A1 and Cu are colored
use it. black by dipping them into a bath com-
posed of equal vols. of (1) a 10% soln.
Liquid Soaps of CuS04 , and (2) a soln. of picric acid
Use water soluble colors only; first 1: 120 for about 6 see. Various colors
having dissolved them in hot water and are obtained by using a bath contg.
filtered. Use as much of the solution as equal vols. of (1) a 12% soln. of Cu
is necessary to give required shade. Do tartrate and (2) a 16% soln, of NaOH.
not over-color. Remember that 2 ounces


2.5 lit.

Silver Nitrate 25.0 gm.

Potassium Carbonate 25.0 gm.
The coloring of metals depends to a
Sodium Bicarbonate 25.0 gm.
great extent upon the skill of the oper-
10.0 gm.
Potassium Bichromate
ator as well as to the different chemicals
and methods used. The brushing and
Water 1 lit.
relieving operations must be done by gm.
Silver Nitrate 10
one familiar with these operations to 2.5 gm.
Potassium Chromate
produce uniform results. For the brush- 100.0 gm.
Pot. Carbonate
ing operation fine crimped nickel silver 80.0 gm.
Sodium Bicarbonate
or brass wire wheels axe used and oper-
ated at 800 R.P.M., either wet or dry. To obtain a bright surface immerse
Tampico or muslin buff wheels are for not more than 10 to 15 minutes.
nsed for relieving operations. They are
generally used with water and fine Oxidized Silver Effect on Aluminum
pumice and operated at 800 R.P.M. Dip the aluminum in a bath containing
The use of the sand blast is essential
Hydrochloric Acid 1 gal.
also in producing various shades of col-
Arsenic 2 oz.
ors, as some very beautiful effects may
Iron Sulphate 1 oz.
be produced by the proper use of the
Copper Sulphate 2 oz.
sand blast machine, both before and
after the coloring operation. The aluminum must be absolutely
The colors produced by chemical, means clean and free from grease before dip-
are oxides or sulphides, or a combination ping.
of both.
Silver Finishes
The silver finishes are sulphide fin-
Black Finish for Aluminum
ishes, and the chemicals used are either
Water 1 gal* sodium, potassium, calcium, or ammo-
Caustic Soda 1 lb.
nium The potassium salt pro-
Common Salt 4 oz.
duces the hardest black and the ammo-
Heat the water in an iron or earthen- nium salt the softest. Either salt is
ware vessel, and dissolve the caustic nsed in the proportion of Vs to 1 oz. per
soda. Stir well, and add the salt. Keep gallon of water, and used hot. To pro-
at about 200° F. and place the aluminum duce a black color the finish is obtained
article in for about fifteen minutes. by either wet or dry scratch brushing,
Rinse thoroughly, and immerse in second and the relief or gray finishes with the
bath made up as follows: use of a rag or tampico wheel with fine
Hydrochloric Acid 1 gal. pumice and water.
Iron Sulphate 1 lb.
White Arsenic 1 lb. Coloring Copper
Water 1 gal.
There are many formulae for the col-
Dip the aluminum in this bath for a oring of copper or copper plated work,
few seconds only. Rinse well in hot and the color will depend upon the
water. chemicals used, the temperature and the
length of time the work is left in the
Aluminum, Electrolytic Coloring of coloring solution.
Of 7 suitable electrolytes, H 3 P0 4 The work should be perfectly clean
N +NaOH (0.2 N) gives the best coat- and free from any grease or finger
( )
ing for coloring. The coating is formed marks.
at the anode by electrolyzing at 100 v.
at 25°. The following dyes are suitable:
Brown on Copper
Alizarin Sicc. (red) ; alizarin orange S 1. Potassium Chlorate 1 oz.

W Pdr.; Azoflavine F F N
(yellow); Copper Sulfate 4 oz.

Union Green B; Water Blue; Alkali Water 1 gal.

Violet R
O O; Alizarin Black for silk Use hot, scratch brush wet. If color
Pdr. is uneven, repeat coloring operation and
scratch brush dry.
* Silver Finish for Aluminum A
darker or more red color is produced
(Jirotka Process) in this solution:
Copper Sulfate 4 oz.
Immerse the aluminum in boiling bath 2.
Nickel Sulfate 2 oz.
of one of the following solutions.
Potassium Chlorate 1 oz. Water 1 gal.
Water 1 gal. Use boiling temperature.
Finishing operations are the same as
above. Brown Color
Various shades of bronze from a
Gold Sulphur ett of Antimony 4 oz.
chocolate color to a black can be pro-
Caustic Soda 8 oz.
duced in a solution made of: Water 1 gal.
3, Potassium Sulphide %to 1 oz.
Use at boiling temperature. Scratch
Water 1 gal.
brush dry and if color is not even and
For the light shades use cold and a dark enough, repeat immersion and
short time of immersion. For darker, scratch brush operations.
use hot, with longer immersion.
Various colors are produced in any
of the following solutions used either Brown Color
hot or cold. Copper Sulfate 4 oz.
4. Yellow Barium Sulphide 1 oz. Potassium Chlorate 2 oz.
Water 1 gal. Water 1 gal.
5. Yellow Barium Sulphide 1 oz. The work immersed in this solution
Calcium Sulphide %
oz. (fl.) for a minute or so, and without rinsing
Water 1 gal. immerse in a sulphur solution made of
6. Golden Sulphurett liquid sulphur 1 ounce, water 1 gallon.
Antimony % to 1 oz. The work is rinsed in cold water, and if
Caustic Soda 1 to 2 oz. color is not dark enough, repeat both
Water 1 gal. dipping operations. Dry by using hot
7. Copper Sulfate 12 oz. water and sawdust and scratch brush
Acetic Acid 4 oz. dry.
Caustic Soda 4 oz.
Water 1 gal. Brown Color
8. Copper Sulfate 4 oz. Liquid Sulphur 1 oz.
Copper Acetate 2 oz.
Water 1 gal.
Potassium Chloride 6 oz.
Water The workis immersed in this solution
1 gal.
for a minute or so, and then without
9. Copper Sulfate 8 oz.
rinsing immersed into a solution made
Potassium Permanganate 1 oz.
of sulfuric acid 1 oz., nitric acid 1 oz.,
Water 1 gal.
water 1 gallon. If color is not dark
Royal Copper Finish enough, repeat both dipping operations
and scratch brush dry.
There are two methods of producing
this finish, one with molten sodium
nitrate and the other with the use of Verde Color
the blow torch. When any quantity of Copper Nitrate 16 oz.
work is to be done, the nitrate method Ammonium Chloride 4 oz.
is recommended. The articles must be Acetic Acid 1 qt.
of either copper or have a heavy deposit Water 3 qt.
3>f copper upon them. Best results are
Immerse the work and
let dry. If color
obtained by lead plating the copper be-
isnot uniform use a painter’s sash brush
fore the heat treatment process.
which is moistened with the solution and
To prepare the lead solution, dissolve
stipple lightly.
6 oz. of caustic soda in 2 quarts of water
and add 2 oz. of litharge (lead).
Verde Antique Finish on Copper
Copper Nitrate 16 oz.
Blue Color
Acetic Acid 4 oz.
Hyposulphite Soda 8 oz. Water 1 gal.
Lead Acetate 4 oz.
Bestapplied hot and sparingly to
Water 1 gal.
previously moistened surface.
Use at boiling temperature and im-
merse just long enough to produce blue
* Green Patina on Copper

Green Color
The article is made the anode m a
solution containing 10% MgS04 ., 2%
Nitrate of Iron 2 oz. Mg ( OH) 2 , and 2% KBr0 3 ,
using a
Hyposulphite Soda 8 oz. stainless steel or C cathode. The bath

is operated at 95° with 4 amp./sq. dm. Sod. Cyanide 4% oz.

at 5 volts for 15 min. Sod. Carbonate 1 oz.
Rochelle Salts 2 oz.

Verde Antique Finish Water 1 gal.

Copper Nitrate 4 oz.

By adjustment of current and temp,
any shade between copper and yellow
Ammonium Chloride 4 oz.
Calcium Chloride 4 oz.
brass may be produced. A sufficiently
thick coating is needed so that it may
Water 1 gal. stand an acid dip.
Green Finish on Brass
Brass articles are colored various * Bronzing Iron and Steel
shades of green by any of the following
When dry they should be lac- The bronzing bath consists of
Caustic Soda 126 lb.
quered to preserve the coating.
Water 150 lb.
1. Hyposulfite of Soda 8 oz. Pot. Cyanide 4 lb.
Acetate of Lead 2-6 oz.
Litharge 39 lb.
or Nickel Sulfate 2-6 oz.
Neutral Lead Chromate 1 lb.
or Iron Nitrate .
2-6 oz. Lead Peroxide 2 lb.
or Iron Chloride 2-6 oz.
Chromium Oxide 2 lb.
Water 1 gal.
Use hot.
Coloring Iron
2. Sod. Bisulfite 4 oz. Etching (“browning,” “bluing,”
Lead Acetate 1% oz. etc.).—-Solutions of chemical reagents
Water 1 gal. are applied to the steel with a cloth or
sponge; the steel is allowed to oxidize
Use hot and dip repeatedly.
for some hours while drying; the rust is
then scraped off, leaving a thin adherent
3. Copper Sulfate 2 oz. coat of oxide. The process is repeated
Iron Sulfate 2 oz. a number of times, depending on the
Am. Carbonate 2 oz. depth of color desired. The surface is
Water 1 gal. then oiled. The following is a repre-
sentative list of combinations of reagents
Steel, Blue-Black Finish that have been used for producing the
A. Place object in molten Sodium respective colors:
Nitrate (700-800° F.) for 2-3 minutes.
Remove and allow to cool somewhat; Color, and Reagent for Producing
wash in hot water; dry and oil with Black: by
mineral or linseed oil. First formula — Weight
or Bismuth chloride 20
Mercuric chloride 40
B. Place in following solution for 15 Copper chloride 20
minutes. Hydrochloric acid 120
Alcohol 100
Copper Sulfate % OZ. Water 1000
Iron Chloride 1 lb. Second formula
Hydrochloric Acid 4 oz. Copper-nitrate solution (10 per cent) 700
Alcohol 300
Nitric Acid V2 oz.
Water 1 gal. Third formula
Mercuric chloride
— 4
Then allow to dry for several hours; Ammonium chloride 50
Water 1000
place in above solution again for 15
min.; remove and dry for 10 hr. Place Brown:
in boiling water for %
hr.; dry and First formula
Alcohol. 45
scratch brush very lightly. Oil with
Iron-chloride solution . 45
mineral or linseed oil and wipe dry. Mercuric chloride 45
Sweet spirits of niter (ethyl nitrite -f-
alcohol) 45
Coloring Brass Red Copper sulphate. .
Nitric acid 22
Electroplate in following solution at

Water 1000
110-120° F. at current density of 6
Second formula'
amp./sq. ft. using cast bronze or elec- Nitric acid 70
trolytic copper anodes. Alcohol. .......
. . ... ............ 140
Copper sulphate. ... , . .. . . .... .... • • • 280
Copper Cyanide 3 oz. Iron filings. • * • • • * * • 10
2IincCyanide *
oz * Water . * • • 1000
H £ : :


Blue: 1. Before cutting to shape.
Iron chloride . 400 2. After cutting to shape.
Antimony chloride 400
Gallic acid . 200 Method (1). Material is put in
Water 1000 frames and backed with a starch sizing
Bronze: to give body. Bye is then brushed on.
Manganese-nitrate solution (10 per Bye may also be added to the sizing.
cent) 700 Bried and die cut to shape.
Alcohol 300
Method (2). After backing coat is
Niter bath . —
The cleaned steel is put on, the material is die cut and then
heated in fused sodium nitrate or potas- dipped into the dye solution.
sium nitrate or a mixture of the two, Bye solutions prepared as follows
often with the addition of manganese
dioxide. The color acquired by the steel Yellow
depends on the temperature of the bath, Auramine O 1 oz.
as well as its composition. Other fused Benatured Alcohol 4 oz.
oxidizing baths can probably be used Water 4 oz.
also. Nose
Temper colors —The {
temper colors’ 7
B 1 oz.
4 oz.
seen on steel when it is heated between
220° and 320° C. are due to a thin Benatured Alcohol 4 oz.
layer of oxide. Such a layer of oxide is
often applied as a protecting coating,
the blue color being the one usually Pylam Purple 1 oz.
used. The steel is heated in free air and
Water 4 oz.
the various colors will be produced at Benatured Alcohol 4 oz.
the following temperatures
Peacock Blue
Temper Color F. Patent Blue 1 oz.
Pale yellow . 418 Water
Straw . 446
2 oz.
Brown . 491 Benatured Alcohol 2 oz.
Purple. . 536
Pale blue . 572 Green
Dark blue . 599
Pylam Brilliant Green 1 oz.
The color depends somewhat on the Water 4 oz.
duration of the heating and to a lesser Benatured Alcohol 4 oz.
extent on the nature of the steel.
Eosine 1 oz.
Statuary Finish on Naval Bronze Water 2 oz.
To produce statuary finishes on naval Benatured Alcohol 2 oz.
bronze base the following solns. may be
used: for light bronze, KC10 3 1 oz. and Cerise
CuS04 5II2 0 4 oz. per gal. water; for
- Bose Bengale 1 oz.
dark bronze KC10 3 1 oz., NiS0 4 7H 2 0 -
Water 2 oz.
2 oz. and CuS0 4 5 2 0 4 oz. per gal.
Benatured Alcohol 2 oz.
water; for dark to blue-black finish,
K 2 S or (NH4 ) 2 S %-l oz. per gal. water.
* Sulfur Byeing Process
Black Finish for Tin The dull red-brown shade obtained by
First clean tin thoroughly from grease dyeing cotton with the acenaphthene S
by soaking in boiling caustic potash so- is rendered faster and changed to a
lution. Binse and transfer immediately clear red- orange shade by after-treat-
to bath made up of. ment at 100° for 20 minutes in a bath
Hot Water containing per liter, 4 cc. of NaOH (d
1 gal.
Antimony Chloride 1.38), 1.5 g. of Na 2 S 2 0 4 and 10 g. of
6 oz. ,

Copper Chloride 12 oz.

an alkylating or arylating agent.
Keep in until desired color is obtained,
then rinse in hot water.
Colors for Bath Salts
Coloring Artificial Flowers —
Yellow Lissamine Fast
Yellow 2 GS
(Made from Cotton, Muslin, Silk, Velvet) Orange—Naphthalene Fast
Material is colored in two ways. Yellow 2 GS

Pink Rhodamine BS Orange

Green Solway Green GS Acid Orange 1 oz.
A 0.1% solution of dye is made in
Heat to Dye
1 qt.
water. One pint of this solution is used
boil. at 100? O.
to 100-150 lb. of bath salts. Bed
Croceine Scarlet 3BX 1 oz.
Coloring Belt Edges Water 1 qt.
Heat to boil. Dye at 100° O.
Bismarck Brown 1 oz. * Coloring,
Water Brandy
1 pt.
Borax Shellac Water Solution 1 Sod. Acetate 1
Water 5
Black Corn Sugar 100
Mgrosine Crystals 1 oz. Heat until a dark brown color forms.
Water 1 pt.
Borax Shellac Water Solution 1 pt.
Coloring Concrete
Table of Colors to be Used in
Coloring Bone Buttons Concrete Floor Finish
Amounts of pigments given in table
B lack are approximate only. Test samples
Pylam Ebony Black 1 oz. should be made up to determine exact
Water 1 qt. quantities required for the desired color
Heat to boil. Dye at 100° C. and shade.
Pounds of Color Re-
Color Desired Commercial Names of Colors quired for Each Bag of
for Use in Cement Cement to Secure
Light Medium
Shade Shade
Grays, blue-black and black '.
Germantown Lampblack* or A 1
Carbon Black* or 4
3 1
Black Oxide of Manganese* or 1 2
Mineral black 1 2
Blue Ultramarine blue 5 9
Brownish red to dull brick red .......... Red oxide of iron
. 5 9
Bright red to vermilion Mineral turkey red 5 9
R,ed sandstorm to purplish red Indian red 5 9
Brown to reddish-brown Metallic brown (oxide) 5 9
Bull, colonial tint and yellow Yellow ochre or 5 9
Yellow oxide 2 4
Green chromium oxide or 5 9
Greenish blue ultramarine 6
* Only first quality lampblack should be used. Carbon black is of light weight and requires very
thorough mixing. Black oxide or mineral black is probably most advantageous for general use. For
black use 11 pounds of oxide for each bag of cement.
Silvering Dragees
Silvering operation should be carried Dragees must be perfectly dry before sil-

out only in clean vessels. Gelatin solution ver coating is applied. Silvering is ac-
is first prepared by softening 25 parts complished by addition of silver powder
gelatin with little water and cooking soft- to glass-lined kettle containing pills.
ened mass and then passing liquid gelatin This kettle is made so that it can be ro-
through filtering cloth. Gelatin is then tated and silvering takes place while ket-
mixed with 60 parts acetic acid in suit- tle is in motion. Uniform speed of 80 to
able flask. The smaller the original 100 R.P.M. is important. Pills must run
sugar-coated pills, the thinner the gelatin out of kettle quite dry and then they are
solution must be and the more acetic acid further dried on glass plate or dish. If
must be added. Silvering process should silver coating does not possess required
be carried out in room in which air is luster, then dragees are allowed to re-
dry and as cold as possible, compatible main few days and are then run into
with comfort of workers. Dragees are glass-lined kettle again and moistened
moistened with gelatin solution in ordi- with little acetic acid. Hermetically
nary kettle and operation is carried out sealed containers must be used for stor-
by hand. Only smooth dragees should be ing silvered dragees, because they lose
used, because a fine, metallic luster can luster on contact with air.
be produced only on smooth surface. Another good method for silvering
dragees is to prepare a little gum solu- acid by 1 per cent sulphuric acid. This
tion or white syrup with which sugar- has the effect of clearing the bath of
coated pills are moistened. They are dichromate and ensuring the action of
then placed in box which is filled with the chrome. The chrome dyes are the
few pieces of silver leaf. Box may be fastest in general respects of all the
made of porcelain, glass, horn or wood. soluble dyes, and although the process is
It is closed and rotated so that dragees expensive and laborious compared to vhe
roll around in it in continuous circle. straight use of acid dyes, the results are
Rotation continues as long as any metal- well worth the extra trouble involved.
lic particles remain unattached to pills.
More silver leaf is added as may be nec-
Leather, Applying Basic Dyes to
essary and rotation of box is continued
until perfectly silvered pills are ob- Before dyeing with basic dyes, tanned
tained. If dragees contain medicaments, leather is treated for 30 min. with a
which react with silver, such as for ex- liquor containing as much CUSO4 as the
ample sulfur compounds, a collodion dye to be afterwards applied, whereby
coating is applied before silvering or the depth of shade obtained subsequently
before sugar coating pill. Thus the pills is 4-5 times that similarly obtained on

may be placed in roomy dish and mix- non-treated leather, whilst exaggerated
ture of 2 parts collodion and one part grain defects and a tendency for the
ether is poured over them. Pills are dyed flesh side of the leather to be loose
rolled in solution until solid, uniformly to rubbing (evident in leather not fixed
lustrous spotless coating is obtained. after tanning) are avoided. The Cu
treatment colors the tanned leather from
a pale yellow to brown, but insufficiently
Fur Skin Dyeing to affect the shade obtained with the
A typical acid dyeing process would basic dye, and enables acid dyes to be
be as follows : The dyestuff solution is satisfactorily replaced by basic dyes.
sieved into the bath, 10 per cent Glau-
ber's -salt and 2 per cent acetic acid on
* Black Leather Dye
the weight of the material are added.
The goods are entered at 20 deg. C., O-Dichlor Benzol 30 gm.
raised to 40 deg. C., and a further 10 Spirit Soluble Higrosine 7.5 gm.
per cent Glauber's salts added. After Oleic Acid 5 gm.
dyeing for half an hour at this tempera- Alcohol
20,000 48 gm.
ture, the bath is slowly raised to 65 deg.
to 70 deg. C., and a further 2 per cent Coloring Gasoline
acetic acid added. If necessary, the
bath may be cleared by the addition of
Red—1 Azo Oil Red
gallons gasoline.
from 1 to 2 per cent formic acid. It is
advisable to allow the s^ins to cool down

Orange30,000 Azo Oil Orange
1 lb.
gallons gasoline.
at least for half an hour in the baths, Yellow—
Azo Oil Yellow
1 lb.
as this, while helping to exhaust the
20.000 gallons gasoline.
bath, also helps to increase the penetra- *Green— Anthraquinone Oil Green
1 lb.
30.000 gallons gasoline.
After dyeing the skins are treated in *Blue— Anthraquinone Oil Blue
1 lb.
a solution containing
gallons gasoline.
Olive Oil Soap 100 grm. *Violet— 1 Anthraquinone Oil Violet
Olive Oil 20 grm. gallons gasoline.
Ammonia 10 grm. In commercial practice dye is first dis-
per liter, for 15 minutes at 20 deg. C., solved in benzol (1 lb. to 2 gal.).
then hydro-extracted without rinsing and The above dyes do not precipitate out
dried. This process for acid dyestuffs and have good light fastness.
of solution
gives very good results.

To Whiten Yellow Gasoline

Fur Skin Dyeing 1. Determine Saybolt number of gaso-
Chrome colors are applied in the same line.
way as the acid dyestuffs, but they are 2. Dissolve Pyla-White in benzol
dyed with the addition of potassium
di chromate equal to half the Add Pyla-White
weight of 3. in following pro-
dyestuff. The skins are dyed for 1 to 2 portion :
hours at 70 deg. C., and it is advisable
1 lb. to 2500 bbl. Saybolt Color
to replace the final addition of acetic
Ho. 16
1 lb. to 5000 bbl. Saybolt Color ored compound of some other metal. The
No. 18 compounds of copper are the most use-
1 10000 bbl. Saybolt Color
lb. to ful. By treating zinc with various cop-
No. 20 per solutions several colors may be ob-
1 lb. to 25000 bbl. Saybolt Color tained. All shades of black and brown
No. 22 produced by small changes in the pro-
4. Agitate until Pyla-White solution
cedure, such as time of dip, concentra-
is thoroughly distributed.
tion, etc.

Whitening is instantaneous. An adherent bright black can be read-

ily produced by electrodeposition in the
following bath:
Coloring Glycerin
Nickel Ammonium Sulphate
Y ellow—Auromine (per gal.) 8 oz.
—Pylam Scarlet No.
Scarlet 1323 Zinc Sulphate 1 oz.
Green—Malachite Green Sodium Salpho-Cyanate 2 oz.
Blue—Methylene Blue
Orange— Chrysoidine A fairly adherent black capable of
Violet—Methyl Violet being brushed to remove the coloring in
Black—Pylam Basie Black the high lights results from a 5*second
Brown—Bismark Brown dip in the following solution:
Use from one to two ounces per gallon Sodium Hydroxide (per gal.) 4 oz.
depending on depth desired. White Antimony Trioxide oz.
Use at 158° to 167° F.
Coloring Gelatine Solutions A similar result may be obtained by
means of a 30 -minute dip in the follow-
1 oz. of color ing solution:
1 pt. of water
Single Nickel Salts (per gal.) 10 oz.
This makes a stock solution. Sodium Sulphate 15 oz.
Add as much of stock solution to the Ammonium Chloride 1 % oz.
dissolved gelatine to give desired depth. Boric Acid 2 oz.
The following shades are available:
Black, brown, gray, gold, bronze, etc.,
Yellow —Tartrazine may be produced in a large range of
Bed —Pylam Brilliant Gelo Bed Oiling with a light oil, or in
Blue—Patent Blue
some cases the use of a coat of clear
Violet —Hastings Light Violet lacquer will improve the luster and per-
Green—Mixture of Tartrazine and manence of the deposit.
Patent Blue Colors produced by chemical means
Black—Acid Jet Black are reasonably permanent when used in-
doors. When exposed to outdoor at-
Gelatine Backed Lantern Slides mospheres a relatively short life may be
Same as above.

Coloring Zinc Die Castings

Black Stain on Zinc
Nickel Chloride 4 oz. Formula No. 1
Ammonium Chloride 6 oz.
Copper Sulphate 125 grin.
Ammonium Sulphocyanide 2 oz.
Potassium Chlorate 60 grm.
Zinc Chloride oz.
Water 1 lit.*
Water 1 gal.

The solution should be used at 100° F.

* A full quart —to be exact 1.0567
Immerse the work until a black color of This solution should be heated to about
sufficient intensity is obtained. 150° or 160° F., and the hot solution
should be brushed on the eastings.
Coloring Die Cast Zinc
Formula No. 8
Zinc weathers to a soft gray. To ob-
Copper Sulphate 100 grm.
tain other effects artificial coloring is
Nickel Ammonium
necessary. This may be accomplished by
Sulphate 100 grm.
electrodeposition or simple immersion
Potassium Chlorate 100 grm.
(chemical coloring). Since the com-
Water 7 lit.
pounds of zinc are chiefly white, the
process of coloring zinc necessitates the This solution is to be applied by im-
production on the zinc surface of a col- mersion (dipping).
Formula No. 3 mately mixed with 3 lb. of turpentine
90 grm. and 12 lb. of 50% Turkey red oil, suffi
Antimony Chloride
800 grm. eient H 2 0 being added to give a thin
Hydrochloric Acid 60 grm. paste. The mixt. is heated to 80° and
dild. to 10 gal. with b. HoO. The clear
This solution is applied by immersion soln. is poured into 300 gal. of soft H 2 0
(dipping) j pulled out and wiped with a contg. 2.5 lb. of olive oil soap'. 100 lb.
dry cloth, then immersed again, with- of cellulose acetate yarn is dyed with
drawn and wiped with linseed oil. this soln. by treating for 1.5 hr. at 75° C.
Solutions for producing a brown color
are as follows:
* Lubricating Oils, Stabilizing Color of
Formula A There is added to the oil 0.05-1%
Copper Nitrate 200 grm. butyl diethanolamine.
Water 1 lit.

Use this at 65° F., and apply the * Coloring Paper

liquid by immersion.
400 of rosin and 500 g. of aniline
Formula B color are dissolved in 10 1. of ale. The
Copper Sulphate 38 grm. soln. is applied to paper which is then
Sodium Carbonate 400 grm. dried.
Ordinary Sugar 56 grm.
1 Spotting Pencil
Water lit.
(For restoring color on fabrics, etc.)
Note: Sodium Carbonate comes in
Stearic Acid (B.P.) 50 parts
several grades, but the grade to use in
this solution is what is designated as
Japan Wax 50 parts
Required amount of oil dyes for shade.
having ten molecules of water.
This solution is to be painted on and Place material in a steam- jacketed
allowed to dry : then the castings are vessel, preferably; melt slowly and agi-
brushed with a dry brush to remove ex- tate until thoroughly mixed. Pour into
cess and non-adhering material. After forms desired to cool.
this treatment warm the castings to
about 130° F,, or slightly higher. Use
Stains or spots removed previously on
fabrics and on last of original shade
* Paraffin Wax, Coloring these spotting pencils can be used ad-
1. Bye 2 vantageously in restoring original shade.
2. Trihydroxyethylamine Stearate 6
3. Paraffin Wax 400 or more
Byeing Straw Green
Melt (2) and dissolve (1) in it with
stirring and then add to (3) which has
Thelight green which is so popular on
been melted. straw hats at present is produced with
basic coloi^ in a bath made up of 5 per
* Butter Coloring cent acetic acid and 5 per cent Malachite
green crystals. The dyeing is continued
Oil-soluble Yellow Food
at about 160 deg. F. for an hour or until
Color 2-3 grm.
the shade is acquired, after which the
Water 100 grm. straw is removed, rinsed, hydro-extracted
Gum Arabic % to 1 grm.
and dried at a low temperature.
The color matterpreferably oil-free,
even though of course it should be oil-
soluble, so that as little foreign oil or
Suede Brown, Byeing
fat as possible may enter into the -fin- Sheepskins for suede are usually of a
ished butter or oleomargarine. straight vegetable tannage, or vegetable-
In order to avoid freezing of the tanned and retanned in chrome. These
aqueous compound, various additional in- should be given a good wash before col-
gredients may be added, especially dur- oring, They are then ready for the bot-
ing the colder seasons of the year, as tom. The selection of the mordant fur
for example glycerin, in sufficient bottoming depends largely on the shade
amounts to accomplish the desired xpur- of brown desired. Usually a bottom of
pose. sumac extract and fustic crystals will
prove satisfactory. For a particularly
Byeing Cellulose Acetate
dark shade a small amount of logwood
4 lb. of 4-nitro-2-methoxy-4' dimethyl- crystals may be used with them. After
aminoazobenzene (25% paste) are inti- drumming for fifteen to twenty minutes


at 90° to 100° F., a striker such as tita- National Phosphine BN 20 oz.

nium potassium oxalate or bichromate of National Safranine A 5 oz.
potash is added, and drumming is con-
and run for 15 to 20 minutes. Then
tinued for an additional ten or fifteen
drain and the pack is ready for the fat
minutes. The drum is then drained and
the skins given a slight rinse.
Fat liquor in a fresh bath for twenty-
They are then ready for the first dye- five minutes with:
bath. This is usually a bath of Acid
Colors. The skins are drummed in this Sulphonated Neatsfoot Oil 10 oz.
bath for twenty minutes at 110° F. At Then wash and horse up. The
the end of this time, if the color is not skins are then hung up, dampened in
sufficiently exhausted, a small amount of sawdust, staked, tacked, blocked and
formic acid is added and drumming con- brushed.
tinued for ten to fifteen minutes. Then The selection of a good fat liquor is
the drum is drained. very important. This applies to chrome-
The next step is the addition of the tanned suede as well as vegetable-tanned
Basic Color. This may be made in one suede. The use of too much fat liquor
bath or in several, according to the shade is to, be avoided, as this will cause a
desired. After obtaining the shade de- sheen or a greasy appearance. One
sired, drain and fat liquor in a fresh should also avoid the use of too much
bath. The skins are then washed in the dye, particularly a Basic Color, as this
drum or in a tub and horsed up. After will cause crocking. Washing the skins
putting out, they are hung up to dry. thoroughly and brushing after blocking
When dry they are dampened back in will help to overcome this.
the sawdust, then staked, and tacked on Chrome-tanned leather prepared for
the boards. From the boards they are suede is colored in a similar manner to
blocked and finally brushed. the process just given for combination
For particularly dark shades on this tanned leather. However care should be
stock, it is sometimes necessary to give taken to be sure the stock is thoroughly
a second coloring. After hanging up, wet out before starting to color. This
the skins are wet back and then colored stock is much harder to wet out than
to the desired shade. They are then the previous stock. The chrome-tanned
finished as previously stated. leather also has a better affinity for the
The following formula is for Prado color, and it also may be colored at a
Brown, one of the popular brown shades. slightly higher temperature. After wet-
This is calculated for 1,000 square feet ting out, the leather is given a bottom
combination tanned sheepskins prepared of sumac extra, fustic crystals and log-
for suede. After washing, bottom for wood crystals if necessary.
fifteen to twenty minutes at 110° F. with This is drummed for fifteen to twenty
Fustic Crystals 3 lb. minutes at 110° to 120° F. Then the
Logwood . 1 lb. mordant is struck with a suitable striker
such as bichromate of potash and run
strike with :
for another ten minutes. The liquor is
Bichromate of potash 5 oz. then drained off and the skins rinsed.
and run for ten minutes. Drain and The skins are then given a bath of an
rinse. Dye for twenty minutes at 110° acid brown similar to National Para
F. with Brown PD, National Besorcine Brown B,
or National Besorcine Brown BN, and
National Besorcine
R run in this for twenty minutes at 110°
Brown 3 lb. 8 oz.
National Wool Orange
to 120° F. By this time, if color has
not sufficiently exhausted, add a small
A Cone. 1 lb. 12 oz.
amount of formic acid and run for ten
National Buffalo Black NBR 10 oz.
minutes. Then drain, and top with a
then add basic brown. Bun for twenty minutes
Formic Acid 12 oz. at 110° F. Drum in a fresh bath with
and run for ten minutes. Drain. a small amount of Sulphonated Neats-
foot Oil and egg yolk. Wash in drum
Top with: or tub and horse up. The skins are then
National Bismarck Brown hung up to dry. When dry, dampen in
Y Extra 3% lb.
sawdust and stake them. Then dry well
National Safranine A 8 oz.
to bring up the nap. Tack on boards
National Methylene Blue 2B 10 oz.
and then brush.
Bun at 110° F. for twenty minutes and In horsing up suede, the skins should
add: always be placed grain to grain. When
placed in the dust, they should he put Brown Mahogany
grain to grain, also. Azo Rubine 4 oz,
Chrome-tanned suede may also be col- Pylam Red 4 oz.
ored with Direct Colors. When used for Nigrosine Powder 2% oz.
this purpose, they should be applied di- Acid Orange 5% oz.
rectly to the leather.
Dissolve in 4 gal. hot water.

Colored Waters (Non-Fading) Baric Walnut

These are for filling bottles which are Pylam Black 5 oz.
exposed to sunlight. Acid Orange 1 oz.
Pylam Yellow 1 oz.
Amethyst Dissolve in 2 gal. hot water.
Sodium Salicylate 10 gm.
Tine. Ferric Chloride y2 dr.
Distilled Water 2V2 gal. Light Walnut
Pylam Black 2 oz.
Acid Orange 2 oz.
Dissolve in 1 gal. hot water.
Copper Sulfate 4 oz.
Ammonia sufficient todissolve
Pylam Black 1 oz.
Distilled Water 21/2 gal.
Metanil Yellow 7 oz.
Dissolve in 4 gal. hot water.

Nickel Sulfate 3 oz. Spirit Stains
Sulfuric Acid 6 oz. Bed Mahogany
Distilled Water 2% gal.
Pylam Spirit Black % oz.
Bismarck Brown 3 oz.
Basic Fuchsine y2 oz.
Garnet Bed Dissolve in 1 gal. denatured alcohol.
Pot. Bichromate 16 oz.
Sulfuric Acid 16 oz.
Water 2i/ gal. Brown Mahogany
Pylam Spirit Black 4L/2 oz.
Pylam Spirit Orange 3 oz.
Bose Bed
Basic Fuchsine y2 oz.
Cudbear 2 oz.
Water 10 oz.
Dissolve in 2 gal. denatured alcohol.
Macerate for two days and filtei
dilute with water to the proper shade
and add y2 oz. Ammonium Hydroxide to
each gallon. Bismarck Brown 3 oz.
Pylam Spirit Black 1 oz.
Dissolve in 1 gal. denatured alcohol.
Pot. Bichromate 16 oz.
Nitric Acid 8 oz.
Oalc (Baric)
Distilled Water 2% gal.
Pylam Orange 10 gm.
Bismarck Brown 3 y2 gm.
Malachite Green 2 gm.
Water Stains Dissolve in 1 pint denatured alcohol.
Bed Mahogany
Azo Rubine 4 oz.
Pylam Red 4 oz. Oalc ( Golden )
Pylam Black % oz. Pylam Orange 1 oz
Acid Orange 31/2 oz. Auramine 1 oz.
Dissolve in 3 gal. hot water. Dissolve in 1 gal. denatured alcohol.


The preceding are soluble in alcoholic Oil Stain

and lacquers containing alcohol.
% oz. of Oil Soluble Color
1 quart of Benzol
Does not raise grain. Penetration
Coloring Wood poor.
Water Stain
y2 of any Basic Color
Varnish Stain
1 quart of Water
Gives best pene-
y2 of Oil Soluble Color
This raises the grain. 1 quart Varnish
Stir until thoroughly dispersed and
allow to stand overnight.
Spirit Stain

y2 of any Basic Color

1 quart of Denatured Alcohol. Shellac Stain
Good penetration. Raises the grain Same as spirit stain. Substitute shel-
somewhat. lac solution for denatured alcohol.

Violet Ammonia Camphor 1.5 gm.
Alcohol 120.0 ec.
Ammonia Water 12 pt.
Water 28 pt. Water, enough to make 500.0 ec.
Perfume (see below) 1 oz.
Color enough Pine Oil Bath Liquid
Turkey Red Oil 10 oz.
Perfume for the Foregoing Fluorescein 3
/io oz.
Anisic Aldehyde Y2 dr. Pine Oil 3 oz.
Benzyl Acetate dr. Water 3 oz.
Ionone 1 dr.
Dissolve the fluorescein in the turkey
Coumarin 1 gr.
red oil; add the pine oil and when well
Oil of Bergamot 15 min.
mixed add the water, stirring until a
Oil of Neroli 10 min.
uniform liquid results. Strain if neces-
Tincture of Musk 4 oz.

Pine Needle Bath Tablets

Liquid Toilet Ammonia
(For Bath) A good formula for the production of
pine needle extract bath tablets is as fol-
Ammonium Stearate (Paste) 8 oz.
lows: 65 parts of common salt, 15 parts
Ammonia 28° 6 oz.
of borax, 17 parts of true pine needle
Water 50 oz.
extract, 3 parts of pine needle perfume
Glycerine 2 oz.
oil, such as pine needle oil, bornyl ace-
Perfume to suit.
tate, oil of silver pine, oil of knee pine,
rounded ofl with lavender oil, oil of sage,
Borated Bathing Solution and strengthened with eucalyptus oil.
Boric Acid 10 gm. About 10 to 15 parts of fluorescein are
Alum. Powd. 2.5 gm. used for color.
A pine needle extract preparation added 4 parts of pine needle oil, 1 part
which willgive the bath a fine green of juniper oil and 12.5 parts of alcohol
color is made as follows: 25 parts of As soon as this mass has been uniformly
pulverized borax, 25 parts of common mixed, 15 parts of water are added and
salt, 12 parts of calcined soda, 0.05 part the emulsion is formed by vigorous shak-
of fluorescein and 1% parts of oil of ing and agitation. At the end 50 to 60
silver fir. Another formula calls for 5 parts of water are added.
parts of fluorescein, 10 parts of ammo-
nia, 25 parts of oil of knee pine, 25
parts of oil of silver fir, 935 parts of Pine Needle Balsam
95% alcohol. Uranine may
be used in Pine needle balsam is prepared as fol-
the place of fluorescein with the result lows: 3 parts of lavender oil are mixed
that a greener shade is obtained. with 20 parts of pine needle oil, 25 parts
of knee pine oil, 1,000 parts of alcohol
Pine Needle Concentrate and enough chlorophyll to give desired
(For Bath) green color. Following formula is for
pine needle balsam with approximately
Many pine needle oil preparations now 50% alcohol content: 100 parts of tinc-
marketed, do not take into account that ture of nutgalls, are mixed with 50 parts
when they are put into water the oil of aromatic tincture, 50 parts of sweet
floats on top and only makes contact
spirit of niter, 20 parts of ethyl acetate,
with a very small portion of the body.
25 parts of pine needle oil, 50 parts of
By using the following formula the oil knee pine oil, 5,000 parts of 95% alcohol
is emulsified and spreads uniformly and 5,000 parts of distilled water. Sugar
through the bath, giving the entire body
color or chlorophyll may be added to
the benefit of the pine needle oil.
color the mixture.
1. Pine Needle Oil 10 lb. A pine needle bath preparation may
2. Sodium Sulforicinoleate 10 lb. also be made as follows: 20 parts of
3. Water 5 lb. bath chamomille, 40 parts of peppermint
4. Fluorescein To Suit leaves, 100 parts of calamus root, 60
Mix 1 and 2 until dissolved. Add 3 parts of woodruff herb and 80 parts of
slowly with stirring. Add 4 and stir eucalyptus leaves, the entire mixture cut
until dissolved. up into proper form, is treated with
The above formula when thrown into 4,800 parts of 96% alcohol and <anace-
water disperses uniformly to give a rated for 14 days. Mixture is filtered
milky green solution. Other oils may and residue pressed. The filtrate is
be substituted for Pine Needle Oil. If mixed with 120 parts of aromatic tinc-
a lower cost is desired, part of the pine ture, 50 parts of oil of Siberian fir
oil may be replaced by mineral, olive or needles free from terpenes, 20 parts of
cottonseed oil and a larger amount of knee pine oil, 20 parts of juniper oil, 15
water may be added. parts of eau de cologne and 275 parts
of pure glycerin of 28° Be. Residue
after filtration may be digested with
Pine Needle Milk 4,000 parts of boiling water and filtered.
(For Bath) The two^ extracts are united and colored
Pine needle bath milk is prepared as green with chlorophyll.
follows: In one process the milky con-
sistency and appearance is secured by
emulsification with soap, gum tragacanth Effervescing Bath Salts
and the like. In a second process the Another important class of bath prep-
same effect is secured with tincture of arations contains oxygenated salts, which
benzoin. Other directions call for lano- release oxygen gas during the bath.
lin as an aid in procuring the emulsified Preparations that develop carbon diox-
condition. The simplest formula calls for 2 ide during the bathing process are closely
parts of eucalyptus oil, 2 parts of lemon allied to the former and the two may
oil, 18 parts of oil of silver pine, 15 be grouped together in the class of effer-
parts of knee pine oil, 400 parts of tinc- vescent bath salts. These are the prepa-
ture of benzoin, 8,000 parts of alcohol rations that have been recommended for
and 3,000 parts* of water. In another attaining slimness of figure.
formula, 6 parts of soda soap are dis- The simplest carbon dioxide releasing
solved in 100 parts of alcohol,* 10 parts preparation contains sodium acid sul-
of this mixture are triturated into a phate and sodium bicarbonate. While
smooth paste with y2 part of gum

this preparation is effective, it is by no

tragacanth powder. Then there are means so effective as the mixture which

contains tartaric acid or potassium bi- tassium bitartrate. Another new prepa-
tartrate. These chemicals increase the ration of this type calls for 3 parts of
cost of the preparation, but they are sodium perborate, 4 parts of manganese
well worth while adding. They are used sulphate, 11 parts of sodium tartrate.
in the place of the sodium acid sulphate. Pressed residues from sweet and bitter
If 900 parts of sodium bicarbonate are almonds can be used to good advantage
used, then about 750 parts of pulverized as catalysts. These residues may be
tartaric acid or 1,200 parts of potassium mixed with the dry oxygenated salts.
acid tartrate are required. It is essen- They possess the additional property of
tial that this preparation should not re- creating a lather when the composition
act to produce carbon dioxide before it is dissolved in water.
is actually used, and in order to prevent
the reaction from taking place prema-
turely it is sufficient to add to it a
water-absorbing salt, such as sodium sul-
Effervescent Bath Salts
phate, and about 200 parts are enough
to give good results. Instead of the Another preparation is made from 400
sodium sulphate, the same proportion of parts of pulverized sodium biborate, 200
starch may be used. It is also useful to parts of sodium sulphate, 300 parts of
add a lather-producing agent so that the sodium bicarbonate, 225 parts of tartaric
carbon dioxide is released in the bath in acid, 50 parts of lactose, 25 parts of talc
very fine bubbles. Such an agent is pul- and 15 parts of oleum pinus silvertris
verized soap or dry crude quillaia bark and oleum pinus pumilio. Ingredients
extract or else a solution of casein in are mixed 2 or 3 times and passed
lye. These preparations may be used in through a fine sieve, and then the color-
connection with pine needle compositions ing matter, for example fluorescein, is
as well. added. Addition of talc and milk sugar
A new formula for the preparation of is necessary to be able to prepare tablets
bath salts that evolves carbon dioxide is possessing a certain strength and sta-
the following: 90 parts of .sodium car- bility.
bonate, 75 parts of tartaric acid, 12Q The use of herbs for the manufacture
parts of starch, 15 parts of lemon oil of bathing preparations gives excellent
and *5 drops of ionone. The oil and results. The herb extract may be made
starch are mixed and other ingredients from a number of different botanicals,
added and kneaded into a paste with such as peppermint leaves, sage leaves,
ether. Approximately 1 part of gum rosemary leaves, thyme and chamomille,
benzoin is mixed with 30 parts of ether which may be used in the proportion of
and used for the above purpose. Mix- 100 parts each. The botanicals must be
ture can be pressed into tablets which used free from dust and are treated with
are stable due to the starch contained in 250 parts of 90% alcohol.
them. Production of this preparation is
An effervescent pine needle bath salt simpler and less troublesome, if a pine
preparation is made as follows: 300 needle milk is prepared for direct use.
parts of sodium bicarbonate, 275 parts The first step in the process is to pre-
of pulverized sodium bisulphate, 12 parts pare a 5% solution of 80% soda soap
silver fir oil. Uranine is added until in 95% alcohol. Eive parts of the finest
color is yellow. Tablets may be pressed pulverized white gum tragacanth are „

from this mixture. triturated with 100 parts of soap solu-

Bath salts, which evolve oxygen, are tion. Then 45 parts of pine needle oil
generally made with the aid of sodium and 5 parts of juniper oil dissolved in
perborate. A
catalyst must be used in 125 parts of 95% alcohol are mixed with
making the preparation. Thus for 1,000 paste. Thereafter 550 parts of water at
parts of sodium perborate, there are re- 30° C. are added and mixture is agitated
quired 1.4 parts of manganese dioxide or for long time. A thick emulsion is
6.7 parts by weight of cobalt carbonate, formed, resembling a cod liver oil emul-
or 40 parts of gypsum or 26.7 parts of sion. This emulsion is ready for use
'magnesium fluoride. and can be added directly to the bath.
An salt of this type
effective bath Astringent substances such as oak bark
contains 300 parts of sodium perborate extract may be added to the emulsion,
and a catalyst composed of 6 parts of but this must be done during the manu-
manganese sulphate and 9 parts of po- facturing process.
Jelly BriUiantine The colors may be varied to give more
14 suitable shades.
Spermaceti lb.
Beeswax 6 lb.
Mineral Oil 100 lb. Cuticle Remover
Perfume 1 lb. Pot. Hydroxide 2 oz.
Color to suit. Water 1 gal.
Melt the waxes in the mineral oil. Phenyl Ethyl Alcohol Vl oz.
Strain and allow to cool to about 115°
F. Add perfume; stir until cold. Cholesterol-Lecithin Cream
(Synthetic Hormone)
Liquid BriUiantine Lanolin, Anhydrous 20 gm.
Mineral Oil 100 Stearin 10 gm.
Chlorophyll (Oil Soluble) To Suit Cacao Butter 20 gm.
Perfume To Suit White Wax 20 gm.
Sweet Almond Oil, Pre-
Solid BriUiantine served with Nipagin 200 gm.
Petrolatum 100 lb.
Cholesterol 6 gm.
2 oz.
Lecithin 12 gm.
Perfume Oil 8 oz.
Water 80 gm.
Sodium Benzoate 1.5 gm.
Borax 15 gm.
Face Clay Nipagin M. 0.8 gm.
Clay 100 lb.
Water (Cold) 20 gal.
Tincture of Benzoin 3 pt. Cholesterol and Lecithin Skin Creams
Perfume 3 oz. Lanolin, Anhydrous 30 gm
Add the water to the clay and grind White Wax 50 gm
till smooth. Evaporate until 150 lb. re- Spermaceti 10 gm
main. Bun through mill to smooth Borax 2 gm
clumped particles; cool and mix in the Water 18 gm
benzoin and perfume. Fill in collapsible Cholesterol 1.5 gm
pure tin tubes. Egg Lecithin 0.5 gm.
Lanolin Emulsion
* Corpse Tissue Filler Lanolin 80 lb.
Zinc Oxide 50 lb. Stearic Acid 15 lb.
Glucose 10 lb. Triethanolamine 5 lb.
Borax 20-25 lb. Water 200 lb.
Plaster of Paris 3 lb.
Phenol 1 lb. Preparation
Alum 5 oz. Weigh out the Triethanolamine and
stearic acid and add to the whole quan-
Mole and Blotch Covering tity of water. Heat the mixture in a
Collodion kettle and, when the stearic acid is
1 gal.
Zinc Oxide 1 lb. melted ; stir to a creamy soap solution.
Geranium Lake Vs OZ.
Add the lanolin and continue heating
Yellow Ochre Lake without stirring until the lanolin is
1 Vs OZ.
melted and the mixture is just below the
boiling point.
Leg and Arm Blemish Covering At this point stir the mixture thor-
Stearic Acid 4 lb. oughly until a thick creamy emulsion
Diethylene Glycol 16 lb. results. Continue stirring intermittently
Heat to 180° F. and
to this add while until the emulsion has cooled to room
stirring the following solution heated to temperature.
140° F.
Caustic Potash 4 oz.
This emulsion is a very smooth, lightly
Water 16 pt.
colored cream of excellent stability, ancl
When uniform work in following can be diluted to any desired consistency
Zinc Oxide 15 lb. with water. Such a lanolin emulsion is
Yellow Lake 12 oz. essentially a water-soluble lanolin and
Persian Lake 4 oz. can be used in place of the straight fat
Perfume Oil 4 oz. whenever washability is advantageous.

Variations Stearic Acid triple

To overcome a slight rancid odor in pressed 5 oz. 260 gr.
lanolin it is suggested that one per cent Oil Sweet Almond 3 oz.
terpineol by weight be added to the Ethyl Amino Benzoate oz. %
lanolin prior to emulsification. More- Melt acid and oil together and add
over, only the purest anhydrous grade Ethyl Amino Benzoate. Stir until dis-
should be used for cosmetic and medic- solved and adjust temperature to 70° C.
inal preparations. Lanolin, as a readily
absorbed and beneficial oil, is recom- Anti-Sunburn Cream
mended for use in many skin creams, Stearic Acid 96
and may readily be incorporated in van- Trikalin 20
ishing creams, cold creams and shaving Glycerin 32
creams. Water 400
ITses Aesculin 10-25
Sunburn creams, hand lotions, shaving Perfume To Suit
Astringent Cream
Anti-Perspiration Cream 1. Glycosterin 3 lb.
1. Lanolin Hydrous 1 2. White Petrolatum 1 lb.
3. Astringent Powder Ho. 1 4 oz.
2. Benzoinated Lard 90
4. Water 15 lb.
3. Zinc Oxide 6.5
5. Perfume 1 oz.
4. Salicylic Acid 1.2
5. Benzoic Acid 0.9 Heat (1) and (2) to 160° P. and add
6. Perfume Oil 0.4 to it slowly (4) which has been heated
to 200° 0. Stir and work in (3) until
Dissolve (4) and (5) in small amount
of alcohol; mix into (1) and then work
uniform; add (5) just before pouring.
into (2). Grind in (3) until smooth and
then work in (6). Absorption Base Cream
Absorption Base Creams are coming
Almond Cream Liquid to the fore because of their beneficial
effect on the skin because of their cho-
OilSweet Almonds 1 lb.
Spermaceti 2 lb. lesterin and oxyeholesterin content.
Beeswax 2 lb. Parachol is a highly refined absorp-
2. tion base of the Eucerin type, which is
Castile Soap Powdered 3 lb.
Borax 2 used in producing high grade creams
Quince Jelly 1

which are pure white not yellow like
Alcohol 1 pt.
most creams of this type and which are
also free from the objectionable lanolin
Water 4 pt.
odor. Such creams do not dry out and
Melt the spermaceti and wax together. will not corrode metal containers. The
Dissolve the soap and borax in hot following formula may be used as a
water. Mix these together and add bal- starting point. Por special purposes,
ance of ingredients. Stir and filter sulphur, 'bismuth subnitrate, mercury
through cloth. salts, titanium dioxide, salicylic and
thymol or other products may be intro-
Almond Cream for After Shaving duced.
Potassium Carbonate
1 oz. 130 gr. f Parachol 10 lb.
Distilled Water 15 oz. 1. J Parasterin 20 lb.
l Mineral Oil 10 lb.
Dissolve Potassium Carbonate in water, 2. Water 25 lb.
Heat (1) in water, both, till melted,
Gum Tragacanth 175 gr.
allow to cool to 45-47° C. Warm (2) to
Glycerin 10 oz. 45-47° C. and add in 7 or 8 different
Borax 1 oz. portions to (1), stirring vigorously, tak-
Distilled Water 64 oz.
ing care not to add more water until
In 20 oz. hot water dissolve Borax previous portions are absorbed.
then add Gum Tragacanth and Glycerin.
Bleach Cream
Allow to stand 12 hours, stirring fre-
quently. When gum has formed mucil- White Wax 1% oz.

age add the remaining 44 oz. of water White Petrolatum 12% oz.

while stirring and strain through muslin. Ammoniated Mercury 1% oz.

Bismuth Subnitrate % oz. slightly to change the consistency of the
Oil ofRed Rose 40 drops cream as desired.
Melt the white wax
in a double boiler.
Add the petrolatum and stir until melted. Cleansing Cream
Cool. Mix the ammoniated mercury and
1. Mineral Oil (White) 54
bismuth subnitrate. Add %
pound cold 2. Beeswax 18
petrolatum mixture and mix in a paint
3. Parachol 5.5
mill. When smooth, add the balance of 4.Borax 1
the petrolatum mixture and perfume.
5. Water 21
6. Perfume 0.5
Melt together 1, 2 and 3. Dissolve 4
Cleansing Cream in 5 and heat to boiling. Add this to
Stearic Acid 29 lb. first mixture slowly with stirring; add
Lanolin (Anhydrous) 8 lb. perfume before solidification begins.
Mineral Oil (White) 50 lb.
Triethanolamine 3.6 lb.
Cleansing Cream
10 lb.
Water 100 lb. 1. Mineral Oil 80 lb.
2. Spermaceti 30 lb.
3. Glycosterin 24 lb.
Melt the stearic acid in the mineral Water
4. 90 lb.
oil, add the lanolin and bring the tem-
5. Glycerin 10 lb.
perature of this oil solution to 70° C. 6. Perfume to suit.
Then add it to the solution of Triethan- Heat 1, 2 and 3 to 140° F. and stir
olamine and water which has been into it slowly 4 and 5 heated to same
brought to the boiling point in a sepa- temperature. Add perfume, at 105° F.
rate container. Stir vigorously to obtain stir slowly until cold after allowing to
a uniform emulsion and add the Carbitol stand for 5 minutes stir until smooth
solution of the perfume. Continue with and pack.
even stirring until a smooth cream is
obtained and then occasionally until cold.
Too rapid stirring causes an undesirable Cleansing Cream
aeration of the cream. '
Mineral Oil 78 lb.
White Wax 5 lb.
Properties 1. -
Spermaceti 28 lb.
Cleansing creams contain a fairly high Stearate (Special) 20 lb.
content of mineral oil and usually a wax 2. Perfume 1 lb.
base. The latter is not essential in a Glycerin 4 lb.
properly formulated cream although it is
Water 92 lb.
frequently used. The mineral oil content
is normally quite high as it is this
Heat Nos. 1 and
3 separately to 200°
F, • then add No. 1 to 3 slowly, stirring
material which dissolves or suspends the
dirt particles so that they may be read-
thoroughly. When the cream begins to
set, the perfume is added and stirred in.
ily removed by a cloth or 'absorbent'
paper. The higher percentage of Tri- Allow to stand over night. Stir thor-
ethanolamine used in this type of cream oughly the next morning and package.
than in a vanishing cream serves to com- This cream will not sweat oil during hot
pletely emulsify the oil, aids in its pene- weather and will maintain its consist-
tration into the pores, and forms a cream ency.
which is readily removed with water.
Soluble Cleansing Cream
Carbitol exerts a soothing action on the
skin and facilitates the cleansing action.
(Latherless Shaving Cream)
Creams of this type are made without
Variations heat. Merely beat together.
While various waxes and oils may be Ammonium Stearate (Paste) 250 oz.
used in this type of cream, it is impor- Mineral Oil, White 25 oz.
tant that the correct proportion of Tri- Perfume to suit.
ethanolamine be used. A
deficiency of Stir until most of the ammonia has
the base is indicated by a thin emulsion, evaporated.
which is not readily washable, and a This cream is particularly soothing to
surplus by a granular cream which tends the skin and combines the properties of
to separate on cooling. The water con- a vanishing and cold cream.
tent can be increased or decreased
Cleansing Cream pletely emulsify the oil and lanolin, aids
A cream for removing dirt from the their penetration into the pores and
hands without the use of water contains forms a cream which is readily removed
casein 9, lime water 16, NH
3 0.5, soda
with water, if desired. Carbitol exerts
or hydrocellulose 9, per- a soothing action on the skin and facili-
1, oxycellulose
fume 0.5 and water 64 parts. tates the cleansing action of the cream.
Due to the high Carbitol and lanolin
contents this cream is soothing and heal-
Liquid Cleansing Cream (Non- Greasy) ing to the skin and can be used as a
1. Beeswax 1.5 hand lotion as well as a cleansing cream.
2. Spermaceti 6.5
3. Cherry Kernel Oil 6.0
Glycosterin 4.0
Procedure for Making Cold Creams
5. Water 122.0 Dissolve borax in water heating

6. Alcohol or Isohol 3.0 this to 150° P.

7. Galagum 1.0 2. Melt in another pot beeswax, Glyco-

8. Borax 3.0 Wax A and white mineral oil and keep

9. Perfume 3.0 at about 150° F.; add with stirring 3/7
10. Glycerin 4.0 parts Lily of the Valley (or other per-

Melt together 1, 2 and 3. Heat while
stirring 4, 5, 7and 8 together until uni- b
Add 2 to 1 slowly with thorough stir-
ring; continue stirring until cool enough
form. Mix these two solutions stirring
to pour.
until uniform. Stir in 6, 9 and 10 and
1. Borax 2 parts
mix until uniform.
Water 54 parts
2. Glyeo-Wax A 20 parts
Liquid Cleansing Cream White Beeswax 26 parts
Stearic Acid 25 lb. White Mineral Oil 120 parts
Lanolin (Anhydrous) 34 lb. 3. Perfume 1 part
Mineral Oil (White) 57 lb. Softer creams can be prepared by in-
Triethanolamine 9 lb. creasing the amounts of water in the
Carbitol 75 lb. above formulae.
Water 315 lb. If creams are packed when too warm
Quince Seed Mucilage 19 lb. the finished products will not look as
Terpineol 0.35 lb. well as if they are poured when cooler.
The best time for packing is just before
Preparation the cream begins to set.
Melt the stearic acid in the mineral
oil, add the lanolin and terpineol and Cold Cream
bring the temperature of this oil solu- Stearic Acid 30 lb.
tion to 70° C. Add it to the solution of Lanolin (Anhydrous) 20 lb.
Triethanolamine and water which has Beeswax (White) 16 lb.
been brought to the boiling point in a, Mineral Oil (White) 33 lb.
separate container. Stir vigorously until Triethanolamine 3.8 lb.
a good emulsion is formed and then add Carbitol 16 lb.
the quince seed mucilage, slowly, with Water 95 lb.
continued stirring. Add the perfume Preparation
to the Carbitol and stir this slowly Melt the stearic acid, lanolin and
into the cream. The stirring should beeswax in the mineral oil and heat to
be fast enough to keep the cream about 70° C. Prepare in a separate
well mixed but not aerate it. If the kettle a boiling solution of the Triethan-
stirring is not continued until the cream olamine and water, and add to this the
is cold, it thickens upon standing. The hot solution of waxes. Stir vigorously
quince seed mucilage is made by adding until acreamy emulsion is obtained and
9% ounces of quince seed to 20 pounds add the Carbitol to which the perfume
of water at 80° C., soaking 5 or 6 hours, has been added. Continue stirring until
and straining through a cloth. Some homogeneous and the product has reached
suitable material should be added to the Pour into jars
the proper consistency.
quince seed mucilage to prevent its mold- while still warm.
ing over a period of time.
Properties Cold creams are somewhat similar to
The high percentage of Triethanola- cleansing creams in composition. They
mine used inthis cream serves to com- contain less oil and usually a mixture of
fats and waxes of a type absorbed by Petrolatum White 18
the skin. Since cold creams usually re- Mineral Oil 8
main in contact with the skin for sev- Water 200
eral hours, they should contain the Perfume To Suit
proper skin conditioners and the maxi-
mum absorbability of the fatty matter. Cold Cream (Cleansing Type)
The given cream is of good texture, is White Wax 10 oz.
white and stable, and soothing in its Paraffin 9 oz.
action. It is also a washable cream. Ceresin 2 oz.
White Petrolatum 8 oz.
Variations Liquid Petrolatum 3 lb.
The given formula should serve as a Borax 1 oz.
starting point for making up a cream to Water, Distilled 1 pt., 4 fl. oz.
suit the individual preference and should
not be considered as necessarily the best
Cold Cream (Greaseless)
product obtainable. Great variation in
the wax and oil constituents is allow- A very low priced light bodied but
able with little change in the basic in- stable cream is made as follows:
f Glycosterin 22 lb.
gredients. For example, vegetable and
animal oils or fats may be substituted 1
I Petrolatum White 16 lb.
for all or a part of the mineral oil

1 Paraffin Wax . 12 lb.
which is used only in the cheaper creams. I Mineral Oil 32 lb.

Specific attention should be paid to the r Water 128 lb.

choice of perfumes, for some 'tend to 2. J Borax 3 lb.
discolor cosmetic creams after standing [ Pot. Carbonate 2 lb.
for a time. Neither Triethanolamine Heat above separately to 80° C. and
nor Carbitol, however, will have a de- pour (2) into (1) slowly while stirring.
teriorating effect on perfumes properly Add perfume at 55° C. stir and pack.
chosen. If cold packed a high gloss is given to
surface by passing a flame lightly over
Cold Cream (Inexpensive) surface in each jar.
Spermaceti 125
White Wax 120
Greaseless Quinosol Cream
Liquid Petrolatum 560
Borax 5 180 grams stearin are melted in 6 to
Distilled Water 190 7 liter vessel on water bath with 400
Oil of Rose, Synthetic q.s.
grams of water. Melted mass is allowed
to remain on water bath and is mixed
Melt the wax and spermaceti on the
with boiling solution of 18 grams potas-
water bath and add the liquid petro-
sium carbonate in 400 grams water and
latum. Heat the distilled water and in
stirred constantly with wood stirring rod,
it dissolve the borax. Add this warm while carbonate solution is added in
solution to the melted mixture while both
small portions. This is continued until
are warm and at about the same tem-
uniform mass is obtained. Excess alkali
perature. Beat rapidly; as soon as it
in product must be neutralized with a
begins to congeal add the oil of rose and
beat until congealed. Dispense prefer-
little stearin. Then 300 grams C. P.
glycerin, 40 grams lanolin and 10 grams
ably in pure tin tubes.
beeswax are added and finally 1 to 2%
(20 to 40 grams) perfume bouquet usu-
* Cold Cream ally used in perfuming soap. When
Glyceryl Monostearate 18 homogeneous product is obtained, vessel
Beeswax 1 is removed from water bath and cooled
White Petrolatum 6 to 55° C. while being constantly stirred.
Lard 4 Then solution of 12 grams quinosol in
Mineral Oil 7 800 grams water, heated to same tem-
Sweet Almond Oil 5 perature, is added in portions. Mixture
Glycerol 3 is agitated while being cooled to room
Water 55.5 temperature. It is permitted to stand
Diethylaminoethyloleyl- for 1 to 2 days, then worked up again
phosfate 0.5 and finally filled into tubes or jars.

Cold Cream (Low Cost) Cold Cream (Non- Greasy)

Glycosterin 20 Glycosterin 22 lb.
Paraffin Wax 30 Petrolatum ^Vaseline) 16 lb.
/' «e= ;

= == '
= 1

= 109
Paraffin Wax 12 lb. Ethyl Amino Benzoate y2 oz.
Mineral Oil 30 lb. Potassium Carbonate 1 oz. 175 gr.
Water lb. 100 Borax 1 0 z.
Heat first four ingredients to 170° F. Distilled Water 70 oz.
and stir together. Then slowly with Glycerin 9 oz.
stirring pour in the water which has ^Melt Stearic Acid and Apricot Kernel
been heated to the same temperature. Oil together and add Ethyl Amino Ben-
Stir thoroughly and then allow to stand zoate. Stir until dissolved and strain
(hot) until air bubbles are gone. Add through cloth. Dissolve Potassium Car-
perfume and stir and pour at 110-130° bonate and Borax in Distilled Water and
F. Cover jars as soon as possible. filter then add Glycerin. Adjust tem-
The above cold cream when made on perature of both the oil-stearic acid mix-
a commercial scale costs less than 5 cents ture and of the Borax, Potassium Car-
per lb. exclusive of perfume. bonate solution to 75° C. then add slowly
while stirring the melted stearic acid and
Liquid Cold Cream apricot kernel oil mixture to the aqueous
(Water-soluble) solution. Stir until completely emulsi-
1. Mineral Oil 72 lb.
fied and until temperature has dropped
Trihydroxyethylamine to about 40-45° C. Fill into jars or
Stearate (Special) 14^ lb.
Water (Warm)
3. 160 lb.
4. Perfume 1 2 lb.
, y Cold Cream
Heat (1) and (2) until just melted Mineral Oil 1 gal.
together, and stir. add (3) Next White Beeswax 2 lb.
slowly with thorough stirring and con- Water (preferably distilled) y2 gal.
tinue until batch is homogeneous.
the Powdered Borax (bolted) 2 oz.
Allow to stand one night and stir for
Mix beeswax and oil in one container.
15 minutes before packing.
Bring to 150° F. then reduce to 120° F.
This cream washes off easily with cold
Dissolve borax in water. Bring to 120°
water. The consistency can be changed .

F. Pour borax and water solution

by varying the amount of water in this
slowly into wax and oil solution stirring
constantly but not rapidly. At 115° F.,
Theatrical Cold Cream perfume and pour into containers.
Spermaceti 125 gm.
White Wax 120 gm. Cold Cream
Liquid Petrolatum 560 gm.
Beeswax 540 grams
Borax 5 gm.
Spermaceti 300 grams
Water, Distilled 190 gm.
Mineral Oil 1730 grams
Stearin 430 grams
Cold Cream, for Sun and Wind Burn Water 720 cc.

Apricot Kernel Oil 54 oz. Borax 100 grams

White Beeswax 13 oz. Sodium Benzoate 10 grams
White Ceresin Wax sy2 oz. Perfume.
Ethyl Amino Benzoate y2 oz.
The fat bases should be melted with
Borax Powder y2 oz.
mineral oil. The borax and benzoate of
Distilled Water 25 oz. soda dissolved in water and brought to
Melt Apricot Kernel Beeswax and
Oil, the boil and stirred while still hot into
Ceresin Wax together and add Ethyl the molten fats. Allow to cool with
Amino Benzoate. Stir until dissolved. slow agitation. Add perfume.
Adjust temperature to 65° C. Dissolve
Borax in hot Distilled Water and filter. Cream
Adjust temperature to 65° C. Then add
Borax solution slowly while stirring to Stearic Acid 4 oz.

the oil and wax mixture kept at the Paraffine Wax y2 oz.

same temperature and stir until cold. Glycerine 12 oz.

Add Ammonia 26° y2 oz .

Vanishing Cream, for Sun and Wind

Burn When there is a perfect saponification,
add 16 oz. warm distilled water in which
Stearic Acid triple must be dissolved 15 grams powdered
pressed 14 oz.
Apricot Kernel Oil 5 oz.
Greaseless Cream Hard Soap 1 dr.

Stearic Acid 40 lb.

Distilled W ater
1 oz.

Water 22 gal. Dissolve and add

Glycerine 3 gal. 1 pt. Hydrous Wool Fat 1 oz.
Borax 3 lb. 12 oz. Glycerin 1 oz.
Potassium Carbonate IS oz.
If a more liquid cream is desired the
Mineral Oil 1 pt.
amount of soap may be increased to 1%
Use 20 gal. in kettle with
water drachm, and the glycerin and hydrous
Stearic Acid andStir well.
melt. Add wool fat reduced to % oz. each.
potassium carbonate and borax dissolved
in 2 gal. hot water. Beat until smooth.
Stir constantly. Add mineral oil in
about 15 minutes, gradually add glyc-
* Lemon Cream
erine. Heat all for hour. %
Stir con- The formulae given for cold creams
stantly until cool. Add perfume. can be modified to make a lemon cream
by substituting Lemenone for the usual
perfume to the extent of of 1% and %
Greaseless Cream coloring yellow.

Stearic Acid 14 oz.

Glycerine 12 oz.
Potash 4 oz.
Cleansing Cream, Lemon
Water 8 oz.
Borax 1 oz. 1. Lemon Juice 70
Perfume To Suit 2. White Petrolatum 12
.3. Parachol 17
4. Lemenone. 1
Greaseless Cream
Melt 2 and 3 and add 1 slowly with
Stearic Acid 30 oz. stirring. Then stir in 4 until uniform.
Cocoa Butter 2% oz.
Water 12 pt.
Borax 2^ oz. Liquefying Cream
Water 9 pt. Mineral Oil 7 lb.
Add Ceraflux 3 lb.
Sodium Carbonate 2 oz. Petrolatum 2 lb.
Water 4 oz. Melt together at 220° F. and stir at
Glycerine 15 oz. room temperature until cold. Then add
Peroxide 15 oz. perfume; pour into jars while liquid but
Ammonia Water 10% at lowest possible temperature. This
cream will not sweat oil during hot
Greaseless Cream
Stearic Acid 4 lb. 12 oz. Creams, Massage
Glycerine 8 lb. 8 oz.
Water 14 pt.
One formula suggests compounding 65
Ammonia Water m oz.
parts of mineral oil, 35 parts cetyl alco-
hol and 10 parts water. In another, 90
Heat. 2 glycerine with 12 pints
parts stearic acid, 9 parts potassium
water into the ammonia. Then melt carbonate, 800 parts water are used to
Stearic Acid. Add first mixture and make soapy mixture by first melting
balance of glycerine and water. Heat to stearic acid and then adding solution of
80° C.
carbonate in water and stirring until all
carbon dioxide evolution has ceased.
Liquid Lanolin Cream Then mass is cooled. It is mixed with
5 parts white beeswax, 20 parts anhyd-
Liquid lanolin cream depends upon a rous lanolin, 150 parts glycerin and per-
suspension of lanolin by the aid of soap. fumed with 6 parts oil of eucalyptus, 5
The following is a satisfactory formula: parts oil of pinus sylvestris and one part
camphor. In another formula 65 parts neous product, it is recommended to pass
mineral oil, 7.5 parts stearic acid, 7.5 the magma through an ointment mill
parts white beeswax, 6 parts solid para- before putting in jars. Addition of 1.5%
ffin wax, 9 parts liquid paraffin, 0.5 part sodium benzoate helps preservation.
sodium carbonate, 0.5 part borax and
35 parts water are mixed together.
Cream may be perfumed. Another Bolling Massage Cream
cream contains 500 parts lanolin, 500 Stearic Acid ( Triple
parts rose water, 500 parts lard, 200 Pressed) 6.75 lb,
parts glycerin, 15 parts cheiranthus, and I Cocoa Butter 13.50 oz.
5 parts dianthus (clove pink).
Mineral Oil 2.25 lb.
Corn Starch 12.00 lb.
Massage Cream Boric Acid 2.40 lb.
2. i

Glycerin 1 ounce i
Water 5.60 gal.
Borax 2 drachms

Moldex 1.50 gm.

Boracic Acid 1 drachm i.' Glycerine 45 fl. oz.
0 \
Oil Bose Geranium 30 drops }-
Ammonia 26 Baumd 12 fl. oz.
Oil Anise 15 drops Perfume (Bose) 4 oz.
Oil of Bitter Almonds 15 drops Color (Bose) 1 oz.
Milk 1 gallon Mix the corn starch with cold water
Heat the milk until it curdles and until smooth (no lumps). Add the boric
allow it to stand 12 hours. Strain it acid. Heat until it forms a thick trans-
through cheese-cloth and allow it to lucent paste, stirring continually, taking
stand again for 12 hours. Mix in the care to avoid overheating and burning
salts and the glycerin, and triturate in the bottom of the pan. Take off: the
a mortar, finally adding the odors and heat and add No. 3. Stir. Then add
the coloring. The curdled milk must be No. 1, which has previously been melted
as free from water as possible in order together at 200° E. Stir rapidly for
to avoid separation. about to 2 hours. Add color and
perfume, and 2 oz. sodium benzoate dis-
solved in 4 oz. water. Pack cold.
Bolling Massage Cream
These creams are generally colored Cream, Mosquito Bepellent
pink, with eosine. The general process
for making these creams is as follows:
White Mineral Oil 16 oz.
Beeswax U.S.P. 4 oz.
(1) To 128 parts of fresh milk add
Spermaceti 1 oz.
2/10 of 1% of formaldehyde 40% solu-
tion or 1% sodium benzoate is added as
Distilled Water 8 oz.
Borax 30 gr.
an antiseptic, and enough of a 2% solu-
Butyl Salicylate 1.5 oz.
tion of eosine to give the proper shade.
Mixture is warmed to about 50-55° C.
on water bath while stirring gently, then Mosquito Bepellant Liquid
strained if necessary. White Mineral Oil 95
(2) Prepare on the side, a 20% solu- Hexyl Salicylate 5
tion of alum or a concentrated solution The above products are not malodor-
of potassium sulphate in distilled water ous or very volatile.
and bring it to the boiling point.
Bring mixture No. 1, (milk) to boil- Nourishing Cream
ing point and pour while stirring slowly, '
Beeswax 15 parts
the boiling mixture (No. 2). Stop heat-
Mineral Oil 45 parts
ing, continue to stir gently, and let cool
1. - Lanolin
slowly at about 55° C.
(Anhydrous) 12 parts
When cool, and upper liquid is clear,
Glyco-Wax “A” 15 parts
strain on muslin previously wetted, allow

r Water 25 parts
precipitate to drain, wash with little
2. „ 1 Borax parts
cold water, drain again. Then pass
through filter press if there is too large
Benzoate of Soda
[ % part

excess of water. Consistency of cream

3. Perfume % part
will depend upon quantity of water al- Heat Nos. 1 and 2 separately to 200*
lowed to remain in casein. Then add to F., then add 1 to 2 slowly with stirring
casein about 1%of perfume and 10 to in an emulsifier or beater. When the
15% of glycerin or carbitol in order to cream begins to set add the perfume.
prevent quick drying of casein, and put Allow to stand over-night j stir the next
in tightly sealed jar. To obtain homoge- morning and package.
This cream possesses exceptional pene- slowly with stirring (2) which has been
trating powers and is absorbed very heated to the same temperature. Add
readily by the skin. the perfume at about 105° F. and stir
in. Pour at 95-100° F.
Nourishing Cream
(Skin Food Type)
Tissue Cream
Glyeosterin 12 lb.
Lanolin 800 parts
Petrolatum (Vaseline) 4 lb.
Almond Oil 100 parts
Lanolin 6 lb. Glycerine 100 parts
Mineral Oil 12 lb.
Benzoic Acid 2 parts
Water 65 lb.
Perfume to suit.
Melt lanolin on water bath, and add
The procedure is the same as for cold'
the oils and glycerine. Stir until of
uniform consistensy. When cool, add
Nourishing Cream Cholesterol perfume.
White 600 gm.
Spermaceti 100 gm. Tissue Cream with Cholesterin
Stearin 500 gm. Lanolin 325 grams
Lanolin, Anhydrous 600 gm. Cocoa Butter, odorless 200 grams
Cacao Butter 400 gm. Beeswax, White 300 grams
Sweet Almond Oil Spermaceti 55 grams
(with preservative) 1,800 gm. Oleic Acid 50 grams
Cholesterol, Purest 120 gm. Stearic Acid 200 grams
After solution of the cholesterol has Sesame Oil (with
been effected, stir the following hot solu- preservative) grams 800
tion into the molten mass until pasty: Cholesterin (Pure) grams
Borax grams 50
Sodium Benzoate 15 gm. Water grams 800
Borax 100 gm. Sodium Benzoate 8 grams
Water 1,700 gm.
Procedure: Melt the waxes, fats, and
oil. Add the cholesterin. Make a hot
Sun Burn Cream solution of the borax, sodium benzoate
Lanolin 2 lb. and water and stir into the melted fats
White Petrolatum 8 lb. after the cholesterin has dissolved. Mix
Zinc Oxide 4 lb. thoroughly and perfume to suit.
Glycerine 4 lb.
Mix the above thoroughly.
Tissue Cream with Lecithin and
Tissue Cream Lanolin, Anhydrous grams
White Wax 5 oz. Cocoa Butter, odorless 100 grams
Spermaceti 1 lb. Beeswax, White 200 grams
Petrolatum (Light Amber) 1 lb. Stearic Acid T. P. 100 grams
Mineral Oil 1 Vs pints Olive Oil (with
Lanolin (Hydrous) 2 lb. preservative) 1000 grams
Borax % oz. Lecithin 22 grams
Water 10 oz. Cholesterin 44 grams
Benzyl Alcohol 1 drachm Water 600 grams
Oil Bitter Almond 1 drachm Parahydroxybenzoic Acid 4 grams
Oil Rose Geranium 1% drachm Sodium Benzoate 10 grams
Oil Bergamot 2 drachm Procedure: Melt fats, waxes and oils,
add cholesterin and lecithin. Stir in a
Tissue Cream (Non- Alkaline) solution (hot) of the water and sodium
Spermaceti 10 benzoate. Dissolve the parahydroxy-
Lanolin 20 lb.
benzoic acid in a small quantity of alco-
1. Glyeosterin 46 lb.
hol. Mix, perfume, and color.
Olive Oil 20 lb.
Almond Oil 30 lb. Tissue Cream with Lecithin
Water 90 lb.
Lanolin, Anhydrous grams
2 22
Sodium Benzoate lb.
Spermaceti 22 grams
3. Perfume to suit
Beeswax, White grams
Heat (1) to 150° F. and run into it Cocoa Butter, odorless 28 grams
Almond Oil (with Mineral Oil 6 %
390 grams
50 grams
Almond Oil 6 %
Glycerin 3%
Borax grams
5 Water 63 %
Sodium Benzoate grams
Parahydroxybenzoic Acid grams
2 Petrolatum Cream
Water 220 grams
Procedure as before.
Glyceryl Monostearate 10 %
White Petrolatum 20 %
Mineral Oil 10 %
Tissue Cream with Cholesterol, Lecithin Water 60%
and Turtle Oil
Beeswax, White 220 grams Vanishing Creams
Stearic Acid 100 grams Vanishing Creams made with Glyco-
Cocoa Butter, odorless 200 grams mine (a real forward step in cosmetics)
Lanolin 200 grams enable anyone to produce perfect prod-
Turtle Oil 1000 grams ucts, noteworthy because—
Almond Oil (with
1. The use of caustic soda, potash and
preservative) 1000 grams ammonia is eliminated.
Cholesterin 58 grams
2. No glycerin is necessary.
Lecithin 120 grams A
3. most beautiful pearly finish re-
Water 800 grams sults.
Parahydroxybenzoic Acid 8 grams 4. Closed jars will not dry or shrink,
Sodium Benzoate 12 grams 5. It may be poured in jars when cold.
Borax 120 grams 6. The batch is complete in 24 hours.
Proceed as above.
Tissue Cream (Soft) with Cholesterin 1. AcidStearic 20 lb.
Base 9 / Glycomine 11 lb.
Absorption Base 30 grams \ Water 50 lb.
Lanolin 5 grams 3. Perfume 12 oz.
Water 55 grams Heat No. 2 to 200° F. and add No. 1
Beeswax, White 10 grams (previously heated to 200° F.) to it
Procedure: Melt the wax and lanolin, slowly with stirring in an emulsifier or
add the base and stir in the water whipper. Continue stirring until maps is
(warm). homogeneous. Allow to stand over-night.
(Note: Consistency in the foregoing Add No. 3 and mix for 20 minutes. This
formulas can be adjusted by changing cream is softer than the old-fashioned
the wax content to suit.) creams but typifies the highest grade
modern vanishing cream. The pearliness
VANISHING CREAMS in this cream increases with age and is
Ordinary Type helped by stirring cold the next day.

Glyceryl Monostearate 10.0%

A softer cream con be produced by
increasing the amount of water.
Glycerin 3.0% A harder cream is made by pouring
Petrolatum 3.0% hot by increasing the amount of
Spermaceti 5.0% stearic acid; and also if stirring is very
Mineral Oil 2.0% slow.
Stearic Acid 2.0%
Caustic Potash 0.1% Astringent Cream
Titanium Oxide 1.0% An cream of the highest
Water 73.9% type is made by adding one ounce of
Astringent Powder No. 1 to the above
Pearly Type vanishing cream just before it begins to
Glyceryl Monostearate 2.5% thicken.
Stearic Acid 10.5%
Glycerin 4.5% Vanishing or Foundation Cream
Ammonia (S. G. 91) 2.5% 4 lb.
- Stearic Acid
Water 80.0% A
A. 1 lb.

Moderately Fatty Cream Water 2 gal. '


12% B. Glycerin 2 lb.

Glyceryl Monostearate

Petrolatum 6% . Pot. Carbonate 2 oz. .


4% C. Perfume Oil 2 oz.

Lanolin 11
In separate aluminum or enamel pots crusting on top. Rapid stirring after
heat A
and B to 180° F. Add B to A this point has been reached will usually
slowly with stirring until uniform. Stir cause aeration and yield a thin cream.
in C at 110° F.
The above makes an excellent sunburn
cream with or without the addition of Vanishing or Foundation Cream
1% Quinine Ricinoleate. Stearic Acid 24 lb.
Triethanolamine 1 lb.
Water 8 gal,
Vanishing Cream Glycopon S 12 lb.
Stearic Acid 50 lb. Water 8 gal.
Lanolin (Anhydrous) 9 lb. Perfume 8 oz.
Triethanolamine 2.5 lb.
Carbitol 18 lb.
In separate vessels heat stearic acid
Water 120 lb.
and all other ingredients except perfume
to 180° F. Add one to the other and
Preparation stir until uniform. Mix in perfume at
In one container melt the stearic acid about 105° F.
carefully and add the lanolin. Heat the
Triethanolamine and water separately to
boiling and then add the melted fatty Vanishing Cream
acid to with constant stirring. When
Stearic Acid 35 lb.
a smooth mixture is obtained, stir in the Witch Hazel 6 gal.
Carbitol to which has been added the Distilled Water 10 gal.
perfume. Continue with even stirring Glycerine 50 lb.
while cooling until a heavy, smooth Castor Oil 8 oz.
cream is obtained, and then stir occa- Sodium Borate 8 oz.
sionally until cold. The cream will be- Ammonia 28%
come thinner as it cools and the acid
56% oz.
Properties Melt stearic acid and castor oil in one
Avanishing cream should be com- container and in another heat Witch
pletely absorbed without leaving a greasy
Hazel and Water in which has been dis-
residue. It should have no tendency to
solved the Sodium Borate. When at
flake or roll and should impart a feeling
about 20° under b. p. of water, add
of softness and smoothness to the skin. ammonia to water solution and instantly
It should afford some protection against introduce into this solution the stearic
wind and sun and also act as a powder acid. Agitate cream for 12 hours until
base. The given product gives these de- every trace of ammonia gas has passed
sired properties to the fullest extent, and off. Agitate again the next day for two
is free from irritating effect. hours. Add perfume.

Vanishing Cream
Stearic Acid 18 lb.
An excellent suntan or sunburn cream
Glycerine 6 pints
can be made with the above formula
using 40 lb. stearic acid and 20 lb.
Ammonia Water
26° Baume 1 pint 2 oz.
Stearic acid
Water 11 gal.
the essential ingredient
of a vanishing cream since it produces
the desired ^dryness” and pearliness. Melt stearic acid at low heat. Mix
It should be a very pure product if no glycerine with ammonia and 11 gal. of
rancidity or discoloration is to develop. water. Add to stearic acid in several
The grade of acid has some effect upon portions, heating and stirring until
the consistency of a vanishing cream, smooth and liquid. When all water has
and if it is very hard and waxy, more been added remove from fire. Add per-
water will have to be added to give the fume. Stir occasionally until mass is
proper body. As a rule, by variations cold. Strain cold through cheese cloth.
in the amount of
this ingredient, any
desired consistency can be obtained. Vanishing Cream
The speed of stirring also has an effect Stearic Acid 16 ib.
upon the body of the cream. During Water 74 lb.
the cooling, as soon as a stiff smooth Glycerine 10 lb.
emulsion is obtained, stirring should be Borax iy2 lb.
reduced until just sufficient to prevent Potassium Carbonate % lb-

When finished add Rose Water 54 mil.

Glycerine 5 lb. Glycerin 10 mil.
Perfume. Rose Colour a trace
Melt stearic acid and glycerine on Dissolve the salicylic acid in the
water bath, keeping at 70° C. Dissolve Cologne spirit, and the aluminium chlor-
Potassium Carbonate and Borax in water ide in the rose water. Mix and add the
at 70° C. Add this solution very slowly glycerine. A
more delicate perfume may
constantly stirring to stearic acid and be used.
glycerine having turned off the heat. B. Paste Type
After water is added, keep on stir-
all Salicylic Acid 10 gm.
ring until cream forms. Then turn on Levigated Zinc Oxide 60 gm.
the heat again and stir until whole mass Greaseless Cold Cream 480 gm.
is practically liquid. Turn off heat and Perfume to Suit.
stir till cold. Shortly before getting
cool, add 5 lbs. glycerine.
Deodorant Pencil
Zinc Stearate Creams
Zinc stearate cream may be prepared Gr. Gr.
with 150 grams glycerin, 100 grams Zinc Phenolsulfonate 5 10
water, 80 grams zinc stearate. Stearate Zinc Oleate 10 10
is first triturated with glycerin and Aluminum Palmitate 7.50 7.5
water gradually added. Cream is very Parachol 20.00 30
soft, white and absolutely homogeneous. Glyco Wax 40.00 30
Sometimes ingredients of cream separate Titanium Dioxide 15
after long standing. This can be cor-
Rub firstingredients to fine
rected by addition of about 5% of medic-
powder and add to liquified wax the
inal pulverized soap which ensures per-
Parachol mixture. Stir until just before
manent cohesion of various ingredients solidification and pour into molds.
in uniform mixture.
Five parts zinc stearate may be easily
mixed with 50 parts petrolatum and is * Deodorant Pencil
useful for many purposes, particularly White Kaolin 40%
in healing cuts. Glyco Wax 20%
Lanolin salve is made with 325 parts Mineral Oil 20%
lanolin, 35 parts ceresin wax, 150 parts Aluminum Chloride 20%
mineral oil and 150 parts water. Ceresin Melt wax in water bath and add mim
wax is melted in heated mineral oil and eral oil keep at 90° C. and add the inti-
then lanolin is added and mixture al- mately mixed aluminum chloride crystals
lowed to cool. Mass is triturated into and kaolin. Stir with pressure until
soft salve and water and perfume are smooth paste is formed. Pour at once
worked in gradually. Five to 10% of into molds and cool slowly.
zinc stearate is added to obtain prepa-
ration suitable, for dry skin.
Perspiration Deodorizing Cream
Liquid Body Deodorant
Beeswax 8 oz.
A. Liquid Petrolatum 24 oz.
Aluminum Aceto Tartrate 1 lb. Sodium Borate 100 gr.
Rose Perfume (water soluble) 1 oz. Benzoic Acid 20 gr.
Water 5 gal. Salicylic Acid 400 gr.
B. Hot Water 16 oz.
Aluminum Chloride Melt the wax and and heat to about
(crystalline) 8 lb. 160 degrees P. Dissolve the other ma-
Hydrochloric Acid 4 oz. terials in the water, heat to the same
Phenyl Ethyl Alcohol 4 oz. temperatures as the wax solution, and
Water 5 gal. pour it into the latter, beating briskly
Color to suit until the cream is formed. Here a com-
paratively high temperature of the solu-
Perspiration Deodorants tions, plus a small amount of stirring,
results in a glossy cream.
A. Liquid Type
Perspiration Deoderant
Salicylic Acid 2 gm.
Aluminum Chloride 4 gm. Sod. Perborate 10
Cologne Spirit 30 mil. Sod. Bicarbonate 2


Glycerin 1 Green , Light
Rose Water 98 Zinc Oxide 3 lb.
Tint pink with eosin. Green Lake 1 lb.
Deodorant Powder Ultramarine Blue 1 lb.
Carbon Black 1 lb.
Methyl Salicylate 1.5 parts
Zinc Oxide 2 lb.
Oil of Eucalyptus 2.0 parts
Thymol 12.0 parts Brown
Menthol 0.5 parts Burnt Umber 3 lb.
Boric Acid 39.0 parts Zinc Oxide 1 lb.
Acetanilid 43.0 parts Green, Baric
Starch 2.0 parts Green Lake 3 lb.
Zinc Oxide 1 lb.
Deodorant Powder
Zinc Peroxide gm.
0.5 Violet Lake 1 lb.
Betanaphthol Benzoate gm.
0.1 Zinc Oxide 3 lb.
Talcum 99.4 gm.
Heat colors and wax mixture and grind
in ointment mill; pack by pouring hot.
Strontium Sulfide 50
Zinc Oxide 50 Eyebrow Sticks
Rice Flour 60 Paraffin Wax 300 gm.
Perfume to suit Cocoa Butter 300 gm.
Beeswax 100 gm.
Solid Eau de Cologne Petrolatum 100 gm.
1.3 parts of sodium hydroxide are dis- Carbon Black sufficient-
solved in 40 parts water; and 8.5 parts
Mix thoroughly and run into molds to
of stearic acid are dissolved in 50 parts form sticks.
of 90% alcohol. Then the two solutions
are thoroughly mixed and heated slowly
until the liquid turns clear. The essence Non-lathering Hair Cleanser
of Eau de Cologne is then added and the Ammonium Stearate (Paste) 30 oz.
liquid cooled to avoid evaporation of the Water 2 oz.
oils, but not enough to allow it to con- Perfume to Suit
geal. After the oil has become thoroughly This is made cold by simple mixing
mixed with the base, the solution is then until homogeneous and until most of
poured into moulds and allowed to cool. ammonia has evaporated.

Eau de Quinine Dandruff Mixture

The following a formula for an in-
is Chloral Hydrate 1 dr.
expensive eau de quinine: Glycerin 4 dr.
Tincture of Cantharidin 1 dr. Bay Rum 8 oz.
Quinine Hydrochloride 10 gr. Mix.
Tincture of Capsicum 20 min.
Glycerin 30 min. Dandruff Remedy
Bay Rum, Prepared with Ammonium Carbonate 5
Industrial Spirit to 20 oz. Alcohol 30
Tincture of Cudbear Glycerin 20
sufficient to color Rose Water 200

Eye Shadow Dandruff Treatment

Mineral Oil 5 lb.
This complaint requires for its treat-
Lanolin 2 lb.
ment and cure external medication's in
Petrolatum 1 lb.
the form of ointments, shampoos and hair
Beeswax 1 lb.
tonics, and these should contain anti-
Paraffin 2 lb.
septics, parasiticides and stimulants. The
Perfume Oil 4 oz.
following formulas indicate the type of
Color with any of following combi- preparation
nations : Scalp Tonic
Blue Resorcin 10 gm.
Ultramarine Blue 2 lb. Chloral Hydrate 5 gm.
Zinc Oxide 2 lb. Camphor 0.2 gm-

Tincture of Cantharides 10 gm. 0.5 part of haematoxylin and 0.3 part
Alcohol 50 gm. of para-aminodiphenylamine, gives deep
Oil of Geranium, black shade which does not turn greenish
Oil of Bergamot, black. Mixture consisting of 0.5 part of
Oil of Lavender, haematoxylin and 0.5 part of para-
Oil of Bitter Almond aminophenol gives fine chestnut brown
of each 0.25 gm. shade, while mixture of 0.5 part of
Glycerin 2 gm. haematoxylin and 0.5 part of metaphenyl-
Distilled Water to make 1,000 gm. enediamine gives beautiful platinum
Color with trace of aniline dye.
Filter blond shade.
perfectly clear and bright.
Hair-Dye, Non-Toxic
Apply to scalp three or four times a
Colors such as 5: 5' dichlorothioindigo
week and rub in thoroughly.
or 5:5' dichloro-6 6' dimethylthioindigo

Ointment for Dandruff which are bluish red and blend therewith
Salicylic Acid 10 gr- suitable proportions of brominated-beta-
Precipitated Sulphur 15 gr. napthalene indigo which is yellowish
White Petrolatum 1 oz. green with or without indigo to secure
Oil of Geranium, dark neutral shades. The amount of each
Oil of Bergamot of each 2 min. color will depend upon the shades desired.
The coloring material is dissolved in hot
Apply once or twice a week, Follow
water to which a small amount of sodium
with shampoo the next morning.
hydrosulphite and ammonia are added
and is ready for application to the hair.
Dandruff Ointment In coloring the hair, it is first washed,
Precipitated Sulphur 8 lb. if necessary, after which the solution is
Oxyquinoline Sulphate 1 lb. applied uniformly with cotton or a small
Lanolin 10 lb. brush. The solution is permitted to re-
Petrolatum 61 lb. main on the hair until a sufficient amount
Castor Oil 15 lb. thereof is absorbed. The time required
isi variable, depending upon the shade to
Tincture Fish Berries 1 lb.
Balsam Peru 2 lb. be produced. The hair is then again
Carbolic Acid 85% 2 lb. washed and dried. The exposure of the
hair to the atmosphere after washing and
Mix the sulphur with the castor oil rub-
while the hair is drying results in oxida-
bing thoroughly until lumps have disap-
tion of color base to produce the desired
peared. Mix the oxyquinoline sulphate color. The hair is then shampooed and
with ten pounds of petrolatum, run
dried. As a result of the operation, the
through an ointment mill three times, add
hair is permanently colored and may be
the sulphur castor oil mixture, mix
washed repeatedly without removing the
thoroughly and run through mill again.
color therefrom.
Melt the lanolin and the rest of the
The solution as described affords all of
petrolatum, add the remainder of the cas-
the necessary material for the treatment,
tor oil, mix thoroughly and then mix in
it being unnecessary, as is usual in many
the oxy-sulphur mass. Mix thoroughly, hair dyeing operations, to apply hydrogen
add the balsam Peru, continue mixing for
peroxide or similar chemical agents. It
thirty minutes.
is possible, therefore, to supply coloring
material in a single solution of the leuco
Dressing for Kinky ’
Hair base adapted to produce the desired color
Beefsuet 16 oz. or shade when the material is applied in

Yellow Beeswax 2 oz. the manner described to the hair. A

Castor Oil 2 oz. typical example of such a solution con-
Benzoic Acid sists of:
10 gr.
Oil of Lemon 1 dr. Color 10 gm.
Oil of Cassia 15 drops Sodium Hydrosulphite 1 gm.
Melt the suet and wax, add the castor Aqua Ammonia 50 cc.

oil, and acid, allow to cool and add other

Water 1 liter

oils. Such a solution is adapted to afford a

deep color. In light shades the propor-
* Hair Dyes tion of color would be considerably less.
Mixture may consist of 0.5 part of The hair after treatment as described is
haematoxylin and 0.3 part of orthoamin- soft and free from harshness. There is
ophenol. Striking blonde shade is ob- no substantial loss of strength and the
tained thereby. Mixture which contains hair takes a permanent wave readily when
treated by the usual waving methods. Oil of Green Elder 3
The colors are fast and do not change Oil of Eucalyptus 3
when the hair is exposed to strong light
or becomes moist with perspiration. Hair Tonic
Alcohol 10 gal.
Castor Oil 7 gal.
Quinine Ricinoleate 1 lb.
Water 20 gal. Perfume Oil 1 lb.
Gum Tragaeanth 1 lb.
Boric Acid 1 lb.
Moldex 2 oz.
Allow to stand over night and stir until Hair Shampoos
uniform; then stir in The absence of alkalinity in Triethano-
Perfume Oil 4 oz. lamine soaps and their harmless effect
Color to suit upon the skin has brought about their
use not only in emulsified cosmetic creams
but also in special cosmetic soaps. A very
Hair Fixers or Straighteners
good hair shampoo, for example, is com-
(Waxy) posed of a neutral cocoanut oil soap of
A Triethanolamine. For a variation, Carbi-
Ceraflux 40 lb. tol may be added as a cleanser and
Glyco Wax A 10 lb. stimulant for the scalp according to the
Petrolatum, White or Yellow 100 lb. following formula:
Rosin 40 lb.

Melt together until clear and stir until

uniform. Pour into jars while melted. Shampoo
Oleic Acid 55 lb.
B Cocoanut Fatty Acids 40 lb.
Beeswax 10 lb. T riethanolamine 50 lb.
Petrolatum, Yellow or White 100 lb. Carbitol 55 lb.
Parafiux 40 lb.
Flexoresin B1 40 lb. The product prepared in this way is a
liquid soap of a clear red color, which can
Method as given for formula A. For-
be diluted with water to any desired con-
mula A give a very light colored
sistency or concentration.
product if white petrolatum, and FF
rosin is used. Harder or softer product
may be gotten by slight variation of the
Olive Oil Shampoo
Olive Oil 4 lb.
Lemon Rinse Oleic Acid 8 lb.
1. Lemonone 3 oz. Cocoanut Oil 8 lb.
2. Isohol 14 lb. Caustic Potash 5 lb.
3. Citric Acid 31/2 lb. Alcohol 3 pt.
4. Tartaric Acid 4141b. Water to Make 10 gal.
5. Water 16 lb.
Dissolve the caustic potash in water.
Dissolve 1 in 2 and add to it slowly Mix and heat the oils to 120° F. Pour
with stirring 3 and 4 which have been in the alkali solution and stir until
dissolved in 5. saponified. Add two pints of the alcohol
and heat to 180° F. Meanwhile prepare
*Hair “ Restorer 7 ' the following mixture and add foregoing
Glycerine 16 oz.
Cholesterol 5
Ethyl Acetate Borax 16 oz.
Allow to stand 24 Potassium Carbonate 8 oz.
hrs. and stir till dis-
Oleic Acid 1 oz.
solved. Add
Alcohol SO 0 Dissolve the oleic acid in one pint of
After standing another 24 hrs. add Dissolve borax and potassium
Balsam Peru 50 carbonate in glycerine with heat, mix
thoroughly and add oleic solution. Add
* *

Hair-Restorer ; 7 this mixture to soap base while still quite
Vaseline ,
48 hot. Transfer to a refrigerating tank
Beeswax 1 the day after soap has been finished, re-
Olive Oil 3 frigerate to 40° F., filter and fill at once.

Lime Juice and Glycerin (for hair) Milky Hair Wash

White Wax 500 gm. (Kerosene)
Oil of Sweet Almonds 2 kilos, 500 c.c.
1. Trihydroxyethylamine
are melted together in a water-bath and Stearate Special 10 lb.
added to 2. Kerosene 150 lb.
, Glycerin 300 gm. 3. Pine Oil 6 lb.
Citric Acid 30 gm. 4. Water 250 lb.

dissolved in a litre of rose water. Finally, Heat Nos. 1 and 2 to 140° P. and stir
there are added with stirring in an auto- until dissolved; then stir in No. 3. Now
matic mixer: allow No. 4 to run in slowly while stir-
ring. If the pine oil is objectionable,
Alcohol (95 per cent.) 150 gm.
Oil of Lemon however, any other oil may be substituted
75 gm.
Oil of Bitter Almonds for it. It may be colored beautifully by
10 gm.
means of any water-soluble dye free from

Dry Shampoo Powder

Cocoanut Oil Soap Powder Soapless Shampoo
Sodium Carbonate Mono- Sapinone 10
hydrated 45% Water 900
Borax 25% Alcohol 100
Henna Leaves Powder trace Perfume 15
Aniline Yellow trace
Perfume to suit Eau de Quinine Hair* Tonic
Mix together and sift. Keep in closed Quinine Hydrochloride 30 gm.
2 ontainers. Salicylic Acid .25 oz.
Glycerine 4 oz.

Soapless Shampoo Resorcin 4 oz.

Alcohol 52 oz.
Sulfonated Olive Oil, con-
Perfume and Color
centrated 40 parts
Water Q. S. 1 gal.
Sulfonated Castor Oil, con-
centrated 10 parts
White Mineral Oil 15 parts
Water 35 parts Hair Tonic, Honey and Flower
25% Solution of Caustic
Oil of Orange 2 oz.
Soda to Clear Oil of Lemon 1 oz.

Mix all the ingredients with the excep- Oil of Bergamot ¥2 oz.
tion of the caustic soda, warm to 45-50°
Castor Oil 10 oz.

C. and add enough of the caustic soda

Honey 1 oz.
Oil of Cloves 1 dr.
solution (1 or 2%) until the mixture
turns bright. Perfume as desired. Lavender 2 dr.
Geraniol 2 dr.
Coumarin 1 dr.
Soapless Shampoo Synthetic Musk % dr.
Mineral Oil 1 gal.
1. Sulfo Turk “A” 10 lb.
Industrial Methylated Spirit 2 gal.
2. Mineral Oil 10 lb.
3. White Oleic Acid 10 lb.
4. Alcohol 2-10 lb.
Scalp Tonic
Mix the above materials in the order
Tannic Acid U.S.P. 0.5
given. If desired, the cost can be re-
Salicylic Acid U.S.P. 1.0
duced further by adding an additional Castor Oil U.S.P. 24.5
amount of water. The water should be Resorcinol Monoacetate 5.0
added carefully with stirring. The addi- Alcohol 69.0
tion of water should be stopped just
Perfume sufficient
before a cloudiness appears.
These shampoos are used by pouring a
little into the hand and rubbing to a Hair Tonic —Cholesterol
creamy consistency with water and then Alcohol 75%
applying to the hair which must be wet. Glycerine 5%
Cholesterol 1%
Lecithin Hair Wave Concentrate
Distilled Water 12% Gum Karaya 25 lb.
Perfume 1% Alcohol 10 gaJ.
Chloroform 5 % Liquid Glycol Bori-Borate gal.

Dissolvelecithin in chloroform add

Perfume Oil 8 oz.

and one gallon of alcohol. Color to suit

Mix the perfume with the alcohol, add Shake and stir into water for use.
the glycerine, add the lecithin-cholesterol
mixture, agitate for one hour, add the
water and agitate for two hours. Allow Finger Wave Dryer
to stand over night and filter.

Potassium Carbonate 40 gm.

Borax 10 gra-
Mucilage of Tragacanth 100 ce.
Hair Tonic Coumarin 5 gm.
Methyl Acetophenone 1 cc.
Tannic Acid 0.5
Alcohol 100 cc.
Salicylic Acid 1-0
Rose Water to make 1000 ee.
Castor Oil 24.5
Resorcin Mono Acetate
Borax 600 gm.
Alcohol 69.0
Acacia 80 gm.
Perfume Sufficient
Boiling Water 18 liters
When cold add:
Spirit of Camphor 75 cc.
Heliotropin enough for perfume
Hair Setting Fluid
(Dries quickly and leaves no visible
Hair Wave Fluid
Glycomel 5 lb. 1. Trogeen 4 lb.
Isohol 20 lb. 2. Glycopon S 16 lb.
1. Karaya Gum White 5 lb. 3. Isohol 16 lb.
Formaldehyde 1 lb.
4. Water 128-256 lb.
Lilac Oil 3 lb.
Water 454 lb.
Wet 1 thoroughly with 2 and 3 and
454 allow to stand (overnight if possible).
3. Water lb.
Stir 4 in slowly a little at a time. The
Mixtogether ingredients in (1). This viscosity of thickness of this fluid de-
is then poured slowly into (2) while creases with the use of more than a cer-
stirring thoroughly until all particles are tain amount of water. This dries rapidly
dispersed. This gives a concentrate. To and does not leave a white deposit on
make a finished product for use on the the hair. It requires no preservative and
hair, this mixture is stirred into (3). will not spot.
If a colored product is desired a lit-
tle spirit soluble aniline green is dissolved
in (1).
Hair Wave Jelly
Gum Tragacanth 12 oz.
Alcohol % gal.

Permanent Waving Fluid Water 3 gal.

Borax 8 gr-
Permosalt 75 lb. Benzoic Acid 8 dr.
Ammonia 28 degree 72 lb. Perfume 3 dr.
Glycerine 7 lb.
Water *
800 lb.
Put the tragacanth into a vessel, add
the water and borax and allow to stand
Stir the above until dissolved and filter until dissolved, a period which will de-
the next day. pend upon whether the tragacanth is

powdered in ribbons or lumps. Add

which perfume and benzoic
Hair Setting Preparations
have been added and mix thoroughly. Decoctions of quince seed and of
Squeeze through muslin bag. psyllium seeds are among those em-
ployed. For example, a decoction of 0.2
part of psyllium seed in 100 parts of
distilled water, prepared by boiling for
Hair Wave Liquid live minutes, and straining, mixed with
an equal bulk of spirit, may be employed.
Quince Seed 30 oz.
Water 10 gal.
Borax Powdered 20 oz.
Perfume 4 oz. Hair Setting Lotion
Benzoic Acid 3 oz.
Emulsone B, in Powder 0.1
Alcohol 10 oz.
Isopropyl Alcohol 10.0
Boil the water, add the quince seed and Terpineol 0.25
allow to stand overnight stirring occa- Water, Distilled, or Bose to 100.0
sionally. Add the borax solution (made Thoroughly mix the emulsone B with
with part of the water). Filter. Add 0.2 of isopropyl alcohol in a perfectly
perfume and benzoic acid solution and dry, capacious bottle. Add 8 of water
mix thoroughly. all at once, and shake violently. Dilute
with water, adding the rest of the iso-
propyl alcohol in which the terpineol has
been previously dissolved, towards the
Iiair Curling Powder end. After standing, it is desirable to
filter the lotion, or to decant it from the
Sodium Carbonate 15%
sediment, if a perfectly clear product is
Sodium Bicarbonate 85% required, and perfectly clear lotions
Mix powders thoroughly. make a much stronger appeal than cloudy
ones. As is well known, terpineol has a
lilac-like odor, and, especially if made
with rose water, this lotion smells quite
Hair Wave Powder nice. The terpineol, however, may be
replaced by any water-soluble perfume,
Gum Karaya .
100 lb.
a number of which, already compounded,
Sod. Benzoate 2 lb.
are now on the market. A bare trace of
Perfumed Oil 1 lb.
carmoisine gives the lotion a pretty tint,
Color to suit
or any other innocuous water-soluble dye
To use put in water to swell and stir can be employed.
till uniform.

Hand Cleaning Preparations

Permanent Waving Solution
The following formulas make prepa-
Permosalt 1 lb. rations for cleaning the hands by just
Water 5 gal. using it and wiping off with a towel:
Allow to stand overnight and filter.
To this add Castor Oil 25
Sulfoturk C 13 oz. Sol. Caustic Potash (1-1) 10
Ammonium Hydroxide 125 oz. Alcohol 60
Petrol 10
A milky stable mixture results.
Water - 20
Neutralize with oleic acid.

Permanent Wave Solutions Oleic Acid 4 oz.

4 Turpentine Substitute 1 oz.

A. Hydrazine Hydrochloride
Water 96 Alcohol 2 oz.
Castor Oil 1 oz.
B. Borax 3.75
Sod. Bicarbonate 3.50 Neutralize with solution of caustic
Linseed Oil 0.17 potash (1-1). Add water 2 oz. to form
Starch 0.40 a paste, incorporate 15 per cent borax
Water 99.00 powder.


Cleaning Artificial Dentures Ceresine 15 lb.

The following formula lias been found Beeswax 5 lb.

to be satisfactory in every way Bromo “Acid” 4 oz.
Perfume Oil 1 lb.
Precipitated Chalk 4 oz.
Heavy Magnesium Carbonate 1 oz.
Light Magnesium Carbonate % oz. Lipstick
Powdered Soap 2 dr. 1. Stearoricinol 4 to 6 oz.
The dental plate brush should be 2. Paraffin Wax 1 oz.
slightly damp when using this powder. Beeswax
3. 1 oz.
Bromo Acid
4. % oz.
5. Geranium Lake k
x oz.
Hand Cleanser and Conditioner 6. Perfume to suit.
1. Mineral Oil 70 lb.
Melt and grind above in heated oint-
2. Olive Oil 8 lb. meat mill 160° F. and n
3. Trihydroxyethylamine No alcohol or other solvent is neces-
Stearate (Special) 14 lb.
sary as 1 is a powerful solvent.
4. Water 70 lb.
The above formula gives an indelible
5. Perfume 2 lb.
stick which goes on evenly to form a
Heat Nos. 1, 2 and 3 together to 140° coating free from objectionable gloss.
F. and stir until homogeneous. Add No. After it penetrates it does not come off
4 slowly while stirring and then stir in easily.
the perfume. Continue stirring until In hot weather the above formula
cool. By varying the amount of water a should be modified by increasing the
thicker or thinner preparation will be amount of Beeswax.
formed. The thicker preparations are
put up in tubes and are now carried by
men and women especially
Lip Pomade
who, when water is not available, merely Mineral Oil 1 gal.
put a little of this cleaner on their Petrolatum White 2 lb.
hands, rub it in and then wipe off with Ozokerite White 5 lb.
it the grease, oil, paint or dirt present. Beeswax White 2 lb.
Not only is this an excellent detergent Perfume 1 oz.
but it leaves the skin smooth, and pro- Color to suit
duces a cooling sensation and prevents
Lotion Formulae
chapping during cold weather. #
Lanolin 12 lb.
Mineral Oil 20 lb.
Lip Sticks A. T r ihy dr oxy ethylamine
Vaseline 15 oz.
Stearate (Special) 4*4 lb.
Beeswax 10 oz.
Glycosterin 2 lb.
Spermaceti 400 gr.
; 1

Glycerin 8 lb.
Carmine 6 dr. B . Water 200 lb.
Perfume to suit. {

Melt and stir. Allow to cool some

Benzoate of Soda % lb.
c.Perfume to suit.
before adding perfume. Pour into molds. Heat A and B separately to 180° F.
and run B into A slowly while stirring.
Lipstick, Indelible When temperature has dropped to 100°
Stearoricinol 28 lb. F. add perfume. Continue stirring until
Mineral Oil 4 lb.
Lanolin (Anhydrous) 2 lb. The low cost and high quality of these
Petrolatum 2 lb. lotions make them of great interest.
Paraffin Wax 8 lb. This eliminates the use of spermaceti,
Beeswax 8 lb. almond oil and gums which are prone to
Bromo “Acid” 1 lb. spoilage and the technique is very simple.
Lake Colors 5 lb. These formulae can be made thinner
Perfume Oil 1 lb. by increasing the amount of Glycerin or
By varying the colors correspondingly thicker by decreasing the amount of
different shades may be gotten. Glycerin. They have excellent smoothing
and nourishing properties for the skin
because of their Lanolin and Glycerin
Orange Changeable Lipstick content.
Cocoa Butter 20 lb. 1. Lanolin 1 lb.
Castor Oil 12 lb. 2. Tincture of Benzoin 20 oz.

3. Glycosterin 10 lb. No. 5 to 140° E. and run in slowly to

4. Witch Hazel 250 lb. the above mixture, stirring thoroughly.
When the temperature has dropped to
Melt1, 2 and 3 together and run into
105° F. add the perfume drop by drop,
this slowly with stirring 4 heated to
stirring until completely absorbed. Con-
140° E.
tinue stirring until cool and package.
After Shave Lotion
Menthol 1 dr. Honey and Almond Type Lotion
Boric Acid 2% oz. 1. Glycosterin 8 lb.
Glycerine 5 oz. 2. Glycopon S 15 lb.
Alcohol 5 qt. 3. Glycerin 36 lb.
Water, to make 5 gal. 4. Honey 4 lb.
Perfume 5. Water 240 lb.
Dissolve menthol in alcohol. Add 6. Almond Perfume to suit.
Boric Acid, perfume, and glycerine. Stir Heat 1, 2 and 3 to 140° F. and then
thoroughly until everything is dissolved. add slowly with stirring 4 and 5 heated
Add water. Filter. This preparation to same temperature. Finally add 6 and
may be colored by adding enough color stir until cold.
to give shade desired.

Anesthetic Shaving Lotion

Sun Burn or After-Shave Lotion
Boric Acid 160 gr.
1. Emulsone B 50 gm. Menthol 8 gr.
2. Boric Acid 50 gm. Benzoeaine 6 gr.
3. Isohol 100 gm. Alcohol
6 oz.
4. Phenol 1 dram
Water to 1 pt.
5. Menthol 1 dram
6. Oil of Rose 1 dram Dissolve the menthol and benzoeaine
in the alcohol and add gradually to the
7. Glycopon AAA 400 gm.
Water water in which the acid has been dis-
8. 7 pt.
9. Titanium Dioxide 2 oz.
Rub No. 1 and No. 2 together with
No. 3, add and mix in thoroughly Nos. Lotion, Anti-Sunburn
4, 5, 6 and 7. Mix Nos. 8 and 9 and Quinine acid sulphate is used in pro-
stir into previous mixture rapidly for 4 portion of 4 parts, dissolved in 64 parts
minutes only. Strain through cheese- of water which also contains 1 part of
cloth and bottle. This gives a thick citric acid and 12 parts of 95% alcohol.
soothing cream which is very popular. This solution is added to mixture of 4
parts of finest, pulverized gum traga-
Milky Powder Base or Lotion canth and 5 parts of glycerin. Solution
is added to gum mixture in small por-
1. Glycosterin 10 lb.
tions with constant agitation. Prepara-
2. Water 300 lb.
tion is easily made and is highly effec-
3. Perfume to suit
tive. It can be perfumed to taste.
Heat 1 and 2 until melted. Stir while
cooling, adding perfume at 105° F. By
decreasing the amount of water more Astringent Lotion
viscous products are obtained. By re- Water 24 oz.
ducing the water to 100 lb. a paste
cream is formed. The addition of Tita-
Glycerine V2 oz.
Alum 1 oz.
nium Dioxide to the above forms a liquid Isohol 4 oz.
powder or u night- white. 7 7 Lavender Oil 1 dram
Zinc Phenol Sulfonate oz. %
Almond Lotion Dissolve the Lavender Oil in the Isohol
1. Mineral Oil 35 lb. and stir into the water containing the
2. White Wax 2 lb. other ingredients.
3. Trihydroxyethylamine
Stearate (Special) 8 lb.
Perfume (Almond)
4. 1 lb. Artificial Sun Bum Liquids
5. Water 50 lb. A. Powd. Cudbear 20 lb.

Heat Nos. 1, 2 and 3 together to 140° Powd. Henna 4 lb.
F. and stir until homogeneous. Heat Peanut or Almond Oil 32 lb.
Macerate at 120° F. for 3 hours and Emollient Cosmetic Wash
filter. Triethanolamine 10.0 gm.
B. Quinine Sulfate 2 lb. Stearin 15.0 gm.
Witch Hazel 5 lb. Paraffin Oil 10.0 gm.
Lanolin 10 lb. Distilled Water 65.0 gm.
Peanut Oil 92 lb.
C. Peanut Oil 60 lb.
Olive Oil 35 lb. Face Lotion
Bergamot Oil 1 lb. Triethanolamine 0.5 cc.
Laurel Berry Oil 3 lb. Glycerine 28° Be. 4.0 ec.
Chlorophyll 1 lb. Alcohol 95% 33.0 cc.
Formulae B and C above require ex- Water 62.0 cc.
posure of skin to sun. Perfume 0.5 cc.

Astringent Lotion (Mild) Hand Lotion

Alcohol 3 % gal. Macerate 3 oz. of Quince Seed in 2
quarts of cold water for 24 hours. Strain
Glycerin 4 pt.
Orange Flower Water 20 gal. through linen cloth with force and add
Zinc Phenol Sulfonate 1 lb. 1 quart of water to the strained mucil-
Color to suit age. Mix: Bay Rum, 16 oz; Glycerin,
Perfume to suit 8 oz. ; Orange Flower Water, 12 oz.;
Alcohol, 26 oz. and add to the mucilage,
followed by sufficient water to make 1
Astringent Lotion gal. of finished product.
Witch Hazel Extract 5 gal.
Zinc Phenol Sulfonate 8 oz.
Color and Perfume to suit Hand Lotion
Boric Acid 1 dram
Astringent Lotion Cleanser Glycerine 6 drams
Alcohol 5 gal. Dissolveby heat and mix with
Glycopon S 4 lb.
Lanolin 6 drams
Water 5 gal. Petrolatum 1 oz.
Phenol 2 oz.
Perfume 5 oz. The borated glycerine should be cooled
Color to suit. before mixing. Add any perfume de-

Astringent Lotion
* Insect and Poison Plant Lotions
Alum 1 oz.
Pot. Carbonate 0.25 oz. A. Cyclo Hexylamine 25
Glycerin 0.50 oz. Alcohol 75
Rose Water 10.00 oz. B. Linoleic Acid 2
Water to make 1% pints. Some of Triethanolamine 1
this water can be replaced by witch C. Stearic Acid 1
hazel. Triethanolamine 2
Zinc Oxide 1
Water or Alcohol to suit
Lemon Juice Lotion.
Glycerin 2 g.
Lemon Juice 5 g.
Lemon Juice Lotion
Water Pectin 2.5
88% g.
Lemon Lemon Juice 9.5
Oil % g.
Water 88
4% g.
Moldex 0.15
Melt the above together at lowest pos-
sible temperature and stir until cold.
Skin Lotion
Zinc Phenolsulfonate 30 gr.
Acne Lotion Alcohol 4 dr.
Glycerine 2 dr.
Triethanolamine 10.0 gm. Tinct. of Cochineal 1 dr.
Stearin 22.0 gm. Orange Flower Water 1% oz.
Petroleum Jelly 3.0 gm. Rose Water to make 6 oz.

Lotion for Oily Skins sufficient rose water to give total of
Boric Acid 1 dr. 1,000 parts. Mixture is allowed to stand
Alcohol 0.5 oz. several days and then filtered through
Bose Water 5.5 oz. hair sieve.

Sunburn Preparations
Liquid White (for Skin)
1. Subnitrate of Bismuth 1 i/2 dr.
Lotion for hand and arms contains Powdered French Chalk 30 dr.
2,500 parts witch hazel extract, 5,000 Glycerine 2 dr.
parts rose water, 1,000 parts alcohol, Bose Water iy2 oz.
1,800 parts glycerin, 100 parts tallow,
Mix the powders, and rub down care-
100 parts magnesium carbonate, 50 parts
fully with the glycerine; then add the
magnesium stearate and 1,000 parts anti-
rose water. Shake the bottle before use.
pyrine. First, antipyrine is dissolved in
witch hazel extract and rose water. Then 2. Glycerine Cream 2 dr.
glycerin is added. Perfume used is al- Jordan Almonds 4 dr.
lowed to be absorbed by magnesium car- Bose 5 oz.
bonate, magnesium stearate and tallow. Almonds 3 drops
Essential Oil of
Then alcohol is added. This suspension Blanch the almonds, and then dry and
is strongly shaken for two dayj. Milk beat them up into a perfectly smooth
is filtered through coarse filter paper. paste; then mix in the glycerine cream
The two preparations are united with and essential oil. Gradually add the
vigorous stirring and decanted. This rose water, stirring well after each ad'
preparation is applied with cotton. Skin dition; then strain through muslin.
is rubbed and preparation is allowed to
dry. Skin remains white the entire
Swedish Face Tonic
evening. Advantage of this preparation
(After Shave Lotion)
over ordinary liquid powder is that a
dull white effect is obtained, lasting 4 1. Zinc Phenolsulfonate Vq oz.
to 6 hours. 2. Witch Hazel 15 oz.
3. Isohol 10 oz.
4. Glycerine 1 oz.
Smooth-Skin Balm
The formula given for Sun Burn on
5. Balsam Peru % oz.
6. Lavender Oil 10 gm.
page 123 with the exception that the Dissolve Nos. 1 and 2 and then dis-
Phenol is replaced by 1 dram Bismuth solve Nos. 4, 5 and 6 in No. 3. Mix
both solutions and stir thoroughly. Al-
low to stand overnight and filter.
Skin Milks
Milky preparations for use on skin can Sunburn Liniment
be made with lanolin, cucumber milk Formula
and almond milk. In first case 50 parts
lanolin are mixed with 3 parts medicinal
Water White Steam-distilled
soap, 20 parts glycerin, 300 parts rose
Pine Oil 75%
water, 5 parts tincture of benzoin, 10
Medicinal Olive Oil 25%
parts perfume bouquet and 612 parts The finished product will be almost
water. In second case 30 parts lanolin water white and is an effective treatment
are melted on water bath and 200 parts for sunburn. The product is applied by
warm rose water, containing 10 parts rubbing directly on the sunburned sur-
pure potash soap and 20 parts glycerin face of the skin.
in solution, are gradually added. Then
mixture of 10 parts perfume composition Mascara
and 30 parts tincture of benzoin are
added, and mixture is removed from
Stearate Special 40 lb.
water bath and mixed with 700 parts
Carnauba Wax 10 lb.
warmed, freshly percolated cucumber
Carbon Black 30-40 lb.
juice. Mixture is agitated until it cools
off. In third case 70 parts shelled Melt with stirring and cast or extrude
almonds are crushed with addition of in sticks.
sufficient rose water to give stiff paste.
Liquid Mascara
Then 20 parts tincture of benzoin, 2
parts benzaldehyde and one part rose oil Tine. Benzoin (25%)
are mixed and added to paste along with Black Dye (Oil Soluble)
7 parts borax and 50 parts glycerin in
Hail Preparations Heat to 85° C. and add to above.
Hail bleach consists of 3% borax, 7% Zinc Oxide 2% lb.
glycerin (28° Be.), 90% perfume water, Zinc Stearate 1 lb.

2.4% preservative. Bleacli of greater Clay (Colloidal) 1% lb.

potency is made with 65% hydrogen Sienna (Baw) 1 oz.
peroxide (3%), 34% distilled water, 1% Bub together at 30° C. and mix in.
alcoholic solution of ammonia, 0.5% ter-
peneless pineneedle oil. Liquor for re-
Oil Bed Bose % oz.
Oil Lilac Blossoms oz.
moving nicotine stains contains 90%

hydrogen peroxide (3%), 10% ammonia

solution (density 0.96), or bisulfite liquor Muscle Oil
or sulfur dioxide may be used. Polish- Castor Oil Odorless 10 gal.
ing powder contains 40% pumice powder, Alcohol 5 gal.
15% talc and 45% stannous oxide, or Perfume Oil 5 oz.
65% titanium dioxide, 10% talc and
25% pulverized pumice. Hail enamel Solidified Perfume (Oils)
consists of 7% white carnauba wax, 7%
Japan wax, 2.5% spermaceti, 80.5% Trihydroxyethyl Amine Linoleate 1
wThite petrolatum, 0.2 5% turpentine, 0.5%
Orange or other oil 1
acetic acid (80° Be.), one per cent ethyl Water 1
alcohol (96 to 98%), 0.25% alcanin and Add in above order stirring well.
one per cent perfume. Hail paste con-
tains 99% white petrolatum and 0.5 to
one per cent of non-poisonous, fat-sol-
Sun Tan Oil
uble, scarlet red, or 15% white beeswax, The basis of all such bronzing prepa-
rations is generally a vegetable oil, pref-
10% white ceresin, 30% sweet oil of
almonds, 35% tartaric acid, 4% citric erably arachis oil (peanut oil), olive oil,
acid and 6% alum. Liquid cream for or sesame oil. Arachis oil in particular
after- treating nails contains one per cent is said to have a bronzing effect, but in
white beeswax, 4% glyceryl monostear- nearly all cases it is accompanied by a
ate, 10% sweet oil of almonds or apricot special dye, such as the one indicated
kernel oil, 5% white petrolatum, 80% below.
distilled water and one per cent preser- The following formula may be used as
vative. a basis for experiments, and is said to
have a bronzing effect as a result of
Hail White direct application:
Zinc White Sifted 5 grm. Arachis Oil 60 gm.
Chloroform 20 grm. Bergamot Oil 1 gm.
Paraffin 2 grm. ,
Olive Oil 38 gm.
Oil of Heroli 15 drops Waxoline Brown (Dye) 1 gm.
Dissolve the paraffin in the chloroform
and add the other ingredients with con- Sun Tan Oil
stant agitation.
Cherry Kernel Oil 100
Green Color (Oil Soluble) to suit
Moldex 0.1
* Hicotine Stain, Bleach for
A compn. especially suited for remov- Sun Tan Oil
ing nicotine and other stains from the Peanut Oil 98
hands or delicate fabrics consists of an Quinine Oleate 2
aq. contg. alkali hypochlorite or
Perfume and color to suit.
hypobromite, the available Cl or Br be-
ing 0.5-15%, free alkali less than 8%
and the former being 1-3 times the Sun Tan Oil
latter. Mineral or Olive Oil 95-98
Quinine Bicinoleate 5- 2
Oil Soluble Bed or Orange to suit
Hose Shine Preventer
Corn Starch 1 lb. Beauty Pack
Glycerin y
2 2 lb. Tragacanth 25
Bub together. Alcohol 40
Water 2 pt. Glycopon S 40 •

Turkey Bed Oil 1 pt. Calamine 80

Eosin (0.1% solution) 7 oz. Zinc Oxide 30

Zinc Stearate 50 Cinnamic Alcohol 5 gm.

Glycerin 20 Jasmin Liquid Absolute 2 gm.
Lime Water 1000 Grasse Eose Oil 0.50 gm.
Dissolve the tragacanth in the alcohol Heliotropin, Crystallized 2 gm.
and carbitol. Then add to the lime Infusion of Florentine Orris,
water. Eub up zinc stearate, zinc oxide 20 per cent 100 gm.
and calamine with glycerin. Add traga- 90 Per Cent Alcohol to produce 1 litre.
canth, alcohol, glyeopon S, lime water
mixture to calamine, zinc oxide, zinc * Plastic Cosmetic
stearate and glycerin mixture. Gelatin 100 lb.
Water 350 lb.
Soap Perfume, Tuberose Allow to swell and stir in
Cananga Oil 200 grm. Ethylene Glycol 52 lb.
Phenylpropyl Alcohol 200 grm. Zinc Oxide 85 lb.
Benzyl Acetate 100 grm. Castor Oil 50 lb.
Amyl Salicylate 100 grm. to make a smooth plastic mass.
Phenyl Ethyl Alcohol 100 grm.
Petitgrain Oil (Paraguay) 60 grm.
Linalol 40 grm. Face Powders
lonine Beta
Heliotr opine

Base I Medium Weight
Talc 50
Musk Xylol 40 grm. Chalk Pptd. 15
Benzoin Kesin 60 grm. Kaolin Bolted 20
Zinc Oxide 15
1,000 Zinc Stearate 5
Perfume Oil 12 oz.
* Water Soluble Perfumes
(Jellified Perfumes)
Base II —Bice
Tale 45
1. Glyeopon 297 1 lb. Eice Starch 20
2. Perfume 1 lb. Zinc Oxide 15
3. Water %-l lb. Kaolin 10
Mix Nos. 1 and 2 together until uni- Zinc Stearate 10
form. Add No. 3 slowly with stirring Perfume Oil 8 oz.
until a jelly is formed. The water must Base III —Light
be added VEEYslowly, stirring thor- Talc 60
oughly, but as soon as a turbidity ap- Chalk Pptd. Light 15
pears no more water can be added. These Zinc Oxide 10
jelly perfumes disperse in water to give Zinc Stearate 10
a milky solution when concentrated and Kaolin 5
a slightly turbid solution when highly Perfume Oil 10 oz.
diluted. By incorporating medicinal in-
gredients, ointments, salves, etc., are
Base IY —Heavy
Talc 45
made which are not sticky and wash off Kaolin 30
readily with water. Zine Oxide 10
Titanium Oxide 10
Extract of Cyclamen Zinc Stearate 5
Cyclamen Aldehyde 5 gm. Perfume Oil 10 oz.

Hydroxycitronellal, very Coloring.

pure 25 gm. The raw colors as bought are mixed
Benzyl Ethyl Carbinol 10 gm. with talc in the ratio
Terpineol, very pure, middle
1 Color
distillate 5 gm.
9 Talc
Methyl Ionone 5 gm.
Citronellol, purified 10 gm. and are either ball milled or screened
Benzyl Acetate 2 gm. through fifty mesh wire screen and then
Citral, Water-white, very bolted through a 120 mesh silk screen.
pure 0.50 gm. The talc used is figured as part of the
Alpha Ionone, Water-white, formula. These colors are then known
extra fine 10 gm. as bases.
Phenyl Ethyl Alcohol 10 gm. Geranium Lake Base
Bhodmol Ex Geranium 10 gm. Burnt Sienna Base
Bergamot Oil 5 gm. Persian Orange Base
Yellow Ochre Base * Carnation Perfume Base
Burnt Amber Base
Purple Lake Base or Violet Lake Base.
* Note . —Do not use in creams or lip-
sticks as it is apt to irritate.
Approximate coloring for powders 100 Isoeugenol 30
lb. Base. Eugenol 30
Rhodinol 10
Phenyl Ethyl Alcohol 10
Rachel or Cream Vanillin 3
Yellow Ochre Base 5 lb. Alpha lonone 5
Synthetic Rose 7
Benzyl Salicylate 5
Persian Orange Base 5 lb.
Medicated Perfume
Lavender Oil (42% Ester) 30
Brunette Camphor 10
Burnt Sienna Base 4 lb. Menthol 5
Yellow Ochre Base 4 lb. Thymol 5
Rosemary Oil 25
Methyl Salicylate 15
Flesh Benzaldehyde 5
Yellow Base 2 lb. Oil Bay Terpeneless 5
Geranium Base 1 lb.
Dandruff Remover
Mineral Oil 5 gal.
Dark Rachel
Turkey Brown Oil 5 gal.
Yellow Ochre 7 lb. Medicated Perfume 1 lb.
Burnt Sienna Base 3 lb.
Geranium Base 1 lb.
Sweet Pea Perfume Base
Phenyl Ethyl Phenyl Acetate 5
Suntan Dimethyl Acetophenone 3
Burnt Sienna Base 20 lb. Ethyl Vanillin 1
Benzyl Acetate 5
Violet or Lavender shades are secured Musk Ketone 5
with a Violet Lake Base. Greens with a Ylang Manila 5
Green Lake Base. Dullness in shades is Benzyl Salicylate 10
secured with Burnt Amber Base. Synthetic Rose 2
Procedure: All materials a,re brushed Cinnamyl Alcohol 20
through a thirty mesh screen into mixer Hydroxycitronellal 20
and color added: Mixed for an hour or Linalool 10
until a good distribution is effected. Hydrotropic Aldehyde 1
The perfume is rubbed into 2 pounds of Neroli Petale 5
Magnesium Carbonate and screened to Terpineol 8
break particles. The perfume and Mag-
nesium Carbonate is then added to the Fac% Powder
balance of the ingredients, mixed again
and all sifted through a 100 to 150 Osmo Kaolin 45
mesh silk screen.
Zinc Oxide . 10
Rice Starch 15
Magnesium Carbonate 7
Neroli Perfume Base Talc 18
Magnesium Stearate 5
Neroli Petale 25 Perfume (Compound) 2
French Pettigrain 35 Heliotropine 1
ISTerol 10
Rhodinol Sift through 120 mesh.
Linalool 5
Linalyl Acetate 3 Face Powder (Heavy for Night Wear)
Orange Flower Absolute 5 Osmo Kaolin 30
Methyl Anthranilate 5 Titanium Oxide
Aldehyde CIO (10%) 30
2 Talc
Phenyl Ethyl Alcohol 23
5 Magnesium Carbonate 10
Magnesium Stearate 7

Perfume 3 Rouge Compacts
Heliotropine 2 Carmine 1 oz.
Sift through 120 mesh. Tale 21 oz.
Gum Acacia 1% oz.
Ammonia a few drops
Bath Powder
Powdered Borax 1 lb. Mix first three items in a mortar, add
Ammonia Muriat 2 oz. a few drops of ammonia and some water.
Synthetic Violet 2 dr. Pound into a fine mass adding more water
Synthetic Heliotrope 2 dr. in small portions to form a stiff paste.
Fill into molds immediately. The amount
of carmine can be increased to obtain
Liquid Powder different shades.
Zinc Oxide 3 lb.
Precipitated Chalk 3 lb.
Glycerine 1 pt. Brushless Shaving Creams
Alcohol 4 pt. Soapless Type
Perfume 4 oz. Glyceryl Monostearate 6.5%
Water 4 gal. Stearic Acid 6.5%
Color Mineral Oil 4.0%
(See Face Powder) Peanut Oil 4.0%
Rachel—1 oz. Yellow Ochre Base Glycerin 10.0%
Tan—1 oz. Burnt Sienna Base Water 69.0%
Flesh—1 oz. Geranium Base
Alkaline Type (Pearly Appearance)
Peach y2 oz. Persian Orange Base
A. Cocoanut Oil 20.0 parts
Suet 15.0 parts
Bath Powder B. Caustic Potash (90%) 31.0 parts
Powdered Borax 1 lb. Caustic Soda (90%) 4.0 parts
Ammonia Chloride 2 oz. Borax 2.5 parts
Synthetic Violet 2 dr. Water 142.5 parts
Synthetic Heliotrope 2 dr. C. Water 140.0 parts
D. Stearic Acid 145.0 parts
E. Glyceryl Monostearate 40.0 parts
Talcum Powder Stearic Acid 80.0 parts
Venetian Talcum Powder 700 gm. Water 380.0 parts
Osmo-kaolin or Colloidal
Clay 200 gm. In the case of the alkaline type, “ A”
Magnesium Stearate 100 gm. must be saponified with “B”. To this
Benzyl Ethyl Carbinol 3 gm. add “C” and then “D,” which has
Alpha Ionone 2 gm. already been melted. The whole mass
Cyclamen Aldehyde or should be stirred for a few minutes at a
Cyclosal 1 gm. temperature of about 80° C., so as. to be
Ethyl Vanillin Crystallized 0.5 gm. sure that no lumps will form. It should
Heliotropin Crystallized 5 gm. then be allowed to cool without stirring.
Titanium or Zinc Oxide 25 gm. After one to two days, the mass will take
on a pearly appearance. Then an emul-
sion made with “E” should be added
Toilet Powder while both are cold. In order to make
Talcum 8 parts by weight the emulsion “ E ” smooth, it is advisable
Boric Acid 1 part by weight to take ten parts of the combined mass
Starch 1 part by weight resulting from “A,” “B, ” “C ” and
“JD,” and add this to “E” while the
latter is still hot. The pearly appearance
Facial and Body Reducer will temporarily vanish but after two
Camphor 5 oz. days will again appear.
Epsom Salt Powdered 10 oz.
Isohol 85 oz.

Tincture Iodine 1 c.c. Shaving Cream, Brushless
Water 5 oz. Stearic Acid 12
Perfume 2 oz. White Mineral Oil 12
Stir quickly while bottling as this Paraffin Wax 5
preparation separates quickly. Bottles Soap Flakes 3
should be labeled “Shake before using.” Water 72
Brushless Shaving Cream Paste Rouge
Liquid Creams Beesw ax r
8 lb.
Stearic Acid 200 g. Stearoricinol 28 lb.
Triethanolamine 10 g. Mineral Oil 4 lb.
Water 800 g. Lanolin Anhydrous 2 lb.
Thicker Creams Petrolatum 2 lb.
Stearic Acid 200 g. Bromo Acid 1 lb.
Triethanolamine 10 g. Lake Colors 5 lb.
Anhydrous Sodium Carbonate 10 g. Perfume Oil 1 lb.
Water 800 g.
Perfumed Artificial Sea Salt
Brushless Shaving Cream Potassium Chloride 1 oz.
Stearic Acid Triple 75 lb. Magnesium Chloride 6 oz.
Sesame Oil 70 lb. Calcium Sulphate 1 oz.
Spermaceti 10 lb. Sodium Chloride 2 dr.
Strong Ammonia Solution 10 lb. Coumarin 1 dr.
Hot Water 315 lb. Alcohol 6 dr.
Glycerin 30 lb.
Perfume q.s. * Lathering Shaving Cream
Procedure . —Melt waxes and fats. Boil 'Mineral Oil 2 oz.
water, add ammonia,
and pour into Tallow Edible 4% oz.
melted with constant agitation.
fats 1. ' Stearic Acid 10 oz.
When completely saponified stir slowly Coch. Cocoanut Oil 5 oz.
until quite cold. Add perfume. i.Glyco Wax A y2 oz.
Caustic Potash Lye
36° BA 17 oz.
Brushless Shaving Cream
Caustic Soda Lye 36°
StearicAcid 50 gm. ( Be. iy2 oz.
Cocoa Butter 9 gm. Water 23 oz.
Sodium Carbonate Mono-
hydrated 10 gm.
Boric Acid 1% oz,
Borax 20 gm. { Glycopon AAA 2 oz.
4. Stearic Acid (C.G.) 10 oz.
Glycerin 40 c.c. Perfume
5. %oz.
Alcohol 32 c.c.
Water The above formula gives a profuse
o o e.c.
lathering cream equal to the best creams
Perfume q.s.
on the market. It gives a thick, rich, non-
Procedure —
Dissolve the sodium car-
drying lather of the small bubble type,
bonate, borax, and glycerin in hot water. which softens the beard quickly and con-
Melt the fats and waxes and add the tains no uncombined alkali, making it
alkali solution. Stir briskly until effer- non-irritating to the skin. This cream
vescence ceases and a smooth white soap is pearly and the pearliness increases with
is formed. Stir slowly until cold; then age.
add the perfume mixed with alcohol. Heat (1) until melted and keep melted.
Heat (3) until dissolved; then cool.
Liquid Rouge Now add (2) to (3) and stir; then add
this to (1) slowly with good stirring,
Erythrosine 0.25 gm. keeping batch hot on a steam-bath; con-
E osin-bluish 0.40 gm. tinue stirring until homogeneous. Keep
G-lycerin 80.00 cc.
hot and allow to stand covered for 30
Alcohol (grain, 190 proof) 560.00 cc.
minutes. Stir for 5 minutes. Melt (4)
Simple Syrup 100.00 cc.
in a separate pot and run it into the
Heliotrope Bouquet q.s.
above batch with good stirring; allow
Distilled Water q.s. 1000.00 cc.
to stand covered for 30 minutes; take off
Dissolve dyes in glycerin-alcohol mix- steam-bath and stir until thick; add (5)
ture. Add simple syrup and heliotrope; when almost cold; stir thoroughly. Allow
then add water. to stand covered for week or ten days,
stirring each day for five minutes.

Paste Rouge
Bydecreasing the amount of waxes in Shaving Cream (Lathering)
lipstick formula, an excellent paste rouge Melted mutton tallow (250 g.) and 50
is made. g. ox tallow are saponified with 178 ec.
50° Be. potassium hydroxide solution and

boiled to sticky mass. Cool and mix with to avoid rapid stirring, as this tends to
boiled solution of 150 g. stearin, 40 g. aerate the cream.
anhydrous lanolin, 50 g. potassium car-
bonate and 1200 g. water. Make up to Properties
3000 g. with water. Cream No. 1 is a white, pearly product
somewhat like a vanishing cream and is
preferable for oily skins. Cream No. 2
Lather Shaving Cream
is a smooth white cream of greater body
Cocoanut Oil 18 lb. than the other, and is preferred for use
Stearic Acid 73 lb. on dry skins. Both creams are readily
Caustic Potash Lye 39° Be. 54 lb. applied to give a smooth coating on the
Glycerine 33 lb. face, have a soothing after-effect and are
Water 27 lb. readily washable. The consistency of
Put and glycerine in kettle and heat
oil these creams can be varied by altering
to 120° F. and stir thoroughly. Add the proportion of water, and other
slowly 35 lb. lye and continue to stir changes can be made along the lines indi-
until it thickens. Add balance of lye cated by the difference in the two for-
mixed with the water slowly with con- mulae. A cream of good consistency can
stant stirring until smooth. Allow to be made by combining the two formulae
stand in kettle 24 hours, then add per- given above.
fume. Fill into tubes.
* Latherless Shaving Cream
Lathering Shaving Cream Latherless creams of a highly pearly
appearance are made by using the formula
Stearic -^cid 30.0%
2. Cocoanut Oil 3.3%
given above for vanishing cream. A
menthol may be incorporated to produce
3. Caustic Potash, 50° Be. 18.8%
a cooling effect on the skin.
4. Caustic Soda, 20° Tw. 1.6%
These shaving creams are particularly
5. Glycerin 5.0%
interesting because they do not contain
6. Water 41.3%
caustic soda, potash or ammonia and,
Perfume to suit
therefore, will not eause the most tender
skin to smart or redden. They penetrate
Latherless Shaving Creams hairs and soften the skin, producing a
remarkably clean and smooth shave.
Cream No. 1 Since they are really vanishing creams,
Stearic Acid 50 lb. they not only clean the skin but do away
Lanolin (anhydrous) 9 lb. with the necessity of after-shaving lotions
Carbitol 3 lb. and creams. An antiseptic shaving cream
Triethanolamine 1.5 lb. of this type is made by dissolving a small
Borax 1.7 lb. amount of any non-acid, non-irritating
Water 135 lb. antiseptic in the batch.
Cream No. 2
Stearic Acid 40 lb. * Latherless (Brushless) Shaving Cream
Lanolin (anhydrous) 7 lb.
Mineral Oil (white) 18 lb.
Carbitol 3 lb. 1. Mineral Oil 10 lb.

Triethanolamine 3.3 lb. 2. Glycosterin 10 lb.

Borax 3.7 lb. 3 Water 50 1b.

Water 125 lb. Procedure

Preparation Heat (1) and (2) to 150° F. and stir
Melt the stearic acid, which should be (3) into heated to 150° F. slowly. A
the purest grade obtainable, either alone little perfume and menthol (if desired)
or with the mineral oil depending upon is stirred in at 105° F. and stirring is
which formula is followed. Add the continued until cold.
lanolin and bring the temperature to
about 70° C. Heat the water, Triethano-
lamine and borax in a separate container
Shaving Cream, Latherless
and when at the boiling point, add the Glycosterin 10 lb.

acid solution. vigorously until a

Stir Ethylene Glycol 10 lb.
smooth emulsion is obtained and then Mineral Oil White 8 lb.

add the perfume dissolved in the Carbitol. Lanoline 2 lb.

During the further cooling of the cream, Stearic Acid 34 lb.
Stir gently but continuously taking care Glycerin 2 lb.
Water 134 lb. Industrial Spirit 3 pt. (2 pt.)
Menthol 0.2 lb. Water 5 gal.
The alternative quantities are for a
Shaving Sticks cheaper preparation
Stearic Acid 40
Cocoanut-oil 10
23 For Mosquito Bites
Caustic Potash 38° Be.
Caustic Soda 38° Be. 6 The following application is suggested
Glycosterin 4 as a means of preventing insect bites:
Fats must be saponified at 70° Celsius. Cedar Oil 2 dr.
The reaction is rather strong, therefore Citronella Oil 4 dr.
the lye must be added more quickly than Spirits of Camphor ad 1 oz.
usual; to the saponified mass add Gly- This should be smeared on the skin of
costerin and leave to the self-induced the exposed parts as often as is necessary.
heating process for three hours, but stir Cod-liver oil used in the same way has
through hourly. Put into forms or pass been highly recommended, and in combi-
through a drying machine. A soap put nation with quinine it makes an effective
into forms takes very long to harden. “sunburn and midge cream, 7} a formula
Good drying is necessary. The freshly being as follows:
machined sticks are too soft for cutting
Quinine Acid Hydro-
and must be left to harden several hours.
chloride 5 parts
After cutting wrap in tinfoil for preserv-
Cod-liver Oil 20 parts
ing their soft and pliant quality.
Anhydrous Wool Fat 75 parts
Oil of Lavender (or
Shaving Cream for Tubes geranium) a sufficiency
Stearic Acid 15 The irritation of a mosquito or fly bite
Peanut Oil 5 may be allayed by gently rubbing the
Cocoanut-oil (Cochin) 7 puncture with a moist cake of soap, or
Caustic Potash Lye 40° Be. 14 by applying a 1 per cent alcoholic solu-
Water 16 tion of menthol, or 1-20 aqueous carbolic
Glycosterin 2 lotion. Hydrogen peroxide or weak
Stir as usual, add to the melted fats at ammonia solution dabbed on is also use-
70° Celsius the mixed potash lye and ful. If the bite shows signs of sepsis,
water till sufficiently thick, leave till fully constantly renewed hot boric fomenta-
saponified and cooled. The melted Gly- tions should be applied, or if a limb is
costerin and perfume is then stirred into implicated, hot saline arm or leg baths.
the soft mass.

Shaving Cream
An excellent styptic powder results from
Lard 100 the mixture of 50% powdered tale and
Olive- oil Sesame- oil 80
50% phthalyl peroxide. The latter often
Cocoanut-oil (Cochin) 70 contains up to 40% of its weight as
Glycosterin 5 phthalic acid; this is beneficial and acts
Caustic Potash 40° Be. 125 as a stabilizer. The mixture is antiseptic.
Solution of Potash 20° Be. 15
Melt fats and Glycosterin, saponify
with caustic potash lye; add the potash Styptic Pencils
solution, perfume and pass through a The following are the methods adopted
3-roll-mill. By addition of a little alco- for the manufacture of alum pencils:
hol during the rolling the cream will get White: Liquefy 100 gm. of potassium
a silky shine. alum' crystals by the aid of heat. Remove
any scum and avoid overheating, particu-
larly of the sides of the vessel in which
After-Shaving Lotion
liquefaction is being carried out. The
The following is a formula for a men-
molten liquid should be perfectly clear.
thol after-shaving lotion:
Triturate a mixture of French chalk in
Tragacanth (pdr.) 8 oz. (5 oz.) fine powder, 5 gm., glycerin 5 gm. to a
Formalin 2 dr. (4 (dr.) paste, incorporate with the liquefied alum
Menthol 2 oz. (1 oz.) and pour into suitable molds. A
Cologne Oil 2 oz. appearance can be imparted to the result-
Red Coloring a sufficiency ing pencils by the addition of more


I French chalk. Clear: Carefully liquefy Removing Tattoo Marks

potassium alum crystals so as to avoid
I loss of water of crystallization, adding a I.
( small amount of glycerin and water Pepsin and papain have been proposed
(about 5 per cent) until a clear liquid is as applications to remove the epidermis.
obtained. This is poured, whilst hot, into A glycerol solution of either is tattooed
suitable moulds, previously smeared with into the skin over the disfigured part;
fat. The solidified pencils are rendered and it is said that the
operation has
t smooth by rubbing them with a moistened proved successful. Papain, 5 water, 25
piece of cloth. glycerol, 75; diluted hydrochloric acid, 1.
Rub the papain with the water and hydro-
chloric acid, allow the mixture to stand
Styptic Pencils for an hour, add the glycerin, let it stand
Liquefy 100 grams of potassium alum for three hours and filter.

crystals by the aid of heat. Remove
any scum and avoid overheating particu- II.
larly of the sides of the vessel in which Apply a highly concentrated tannin
liquefaction is being carried out. The solution to the tattooed places and treat
molten liquid should be perfectly clear. them with a tattooing needle as the
Triturate a mixture of French chalk in tattooer does. Next vigorously rub the
fine powder, 5 grams, glycerin 5 grams, to places with a lunar caustic stick and
a paste, incorporate with the liquefied allow the silver nitrate to act for some
alum and pour into suitable moulds. A

time until the tattooed portions have

whiter appearance can be imparted to the turned entirely black. Then take off by
resulting pencils by the addition of more dabbing. At first a silver tannate forms
French chalk. on the upper layers of the skin, which
dyes the tattooing black ; with slight
symptoms of inflammation a scurf ensues,
Witch Hazel Jelly which comes off after fourteen or six-
Boric Acid 1 oz. teen days leaving behind a reddish scar.
Tragacanth 2 oz. The latter assumes the natural color of
Witch Hazel 1 gal. the skin after some time. The process is
said to have good results.
Obviously such treatments are heroic
Wrinkle Remover and carry along with them the risk of
permanent scarring. It is therefore a job
Distilled Extract
for a trained dermatologist rather than
Witch Hazel 500 parts
for a layman.
Boric Acid 20 parts
Menthol 1 part
Glycerin 50 parts Chypre Perfume Base for Face Powder !

Perfume (with a spirit

100 parts

Santylyl Acetate 5 I

Elderflower water 329 parts

Musk Ketone 5
Musk Ambrette 2
1,000 parts
Vetivertol Acetate 5 |

Dissolve the menthol in the perfume Patchouli 2 i

and add to the mixed liquids. Make up Isoeugenol 5


to volume as directed. Methyl Ionone 5 r

Bergamot 25 j

Ylang Ylang Manila 10 '

Skin Whitener Tolu Resin 5
(Night White or Powder Base) Vanillin 2
1. Glycosterin 10 lb. Linalool 3
2. Water 60 lb. Mousse de Chene 7.5
r 3. Titanium Dioxide 3 lb. Cinnamyl Alcohol 5.0

Heat 1 and 2 to 150° F. and stir until Labdanum Resin 3.5

cold. Allow to stand overnight (very im-

portant). Stir the next morning and Gardenia Perfume Base
make sure that it is COLD. Then stir in
Lilac Synthetic 20
| Titanium Dioxide until uniform. In place 10
Rose Synthetic
of titanium, tale or zinc stearate ma> be
Lily Synthetic 30
Jasmin Synthetic 25
Phenyl Acetaldehyde (50%) 2 Phenyl Ethyl Alcohol 5
Methyl Naphthyl Retone 6 Anisic Aldehyde 7
Isoeugenol 2 Phenyl Acetaldehyde (50%) 5
Vanillin 2 Musk Xylene 3
Styralyl Acetate 3 Sandalwood Oil 1

Honeysuckle Perfume Base Lily Perfume Base

Hydroxycitronellal 25 Hydroxycitronellal 30
Alpha lonone 10 Terpineol 20
Terpineol 5 Methyl lonone 5
Phenyl Ethyl Alcohol 6 Ylang Ylang 5
Cinnamyl Alcohol 10 Rose Absolute 3
Vanillin 3 Jasmin Absolute 2
Jasmin Absolute 2 Heliotropine 5
Mimosa Absolute 5 Cyclamen Aldehyde 3
Neroli Absolute 1 Phenyl Ethyl Alcohol 10
Musk Ketone 2 Vanillin 0.5
Methyl Naphthyl Ketone 5 Methyl Phenyl Acetate 0.5
Linalool 5 Nerol 6
Benzyl Acetate 5 Rhodinol 5
Rhodinol 5 Linalool 5
Cinnamyl Acetate 5
Heliotropin 5 Peach Blossom Odor
Phenyl Acetaldehyde (50%) 1 (for toilet creams)
Pure Peach Lactone 840 gm.
Jasmine Perfume Base Amyl Acetate 25gm.
Benzoic Aldehyde 10gm.
Benzyl Acetate 50 Vanillin 90gm.
Hydroxycitronellal 15 Ethyl Valerianate 20gm.
Cinnamyl Alcohol 10 Ethyl Butyrate 25 gm.
Linalool 7
Ylang Ylang Manila 7
Para Cresyl Caprylate 2 Rose Perfume Base (Water Soluble)
Methyl lonone 3 Phenyl Ethyl Alcohol 70
Benzyl Formate 1 Rhodinol 15
Benzyl Propionate 3 Phenyl Acetaldehyde 5
Amyl Cinnamic Aldehyde 2 Methyl Phenyl Acetate 1
Vetivert Bourbon 2
Lavender Perfume
Geranium Bourbon 2
Methyl lonone 3
French Lavender Oil 500 Aldehyde CIO (10%) 2
Spike Lavender Oil 100
Bergamot Oil 200
Geraniol 100 Sandalwood Perfume —
Sandalwood Oil 60 Sandalwood Oil 200
Rosemary Oil 80 Cedarwood Oil 150
Thyme Oil 20 Patchouli Oil 15
Coumarin 30 Bergamot Oil 30
Dimethyl-hydroquinone 10 Eugenol 10
Artificial Musk 3 Vetiver Oil 20
Tincture of Civet 10 Artificial Musk 5
Mousse de Chene 3 Geranium Oil 30
Labdanum Resin 3 Cassia Oil 5
Styrax Resin 3 Cananga Oil 5
Ext. of Mousse de Ch§ne 10
Lilac Perfume Base Styrax Resin 5
Coumarin 5
Terpineol 30 Dimethyl-hydroquinone 3
Hydroxycitronellal 15 Tincture of Civet 20
Cinnamyl Alcohol 10
Rhodinol 10
Heliotropin 7 Sandalwood Perfume —II
Rose Absolute 2 Sandalwood Oil 100
Jasmin Absolute 5 Cedarwood Oil 120
— . — .- ' * — 1 —
*; . *- —^
. .


G-eraniol 20 Anise Oil 100 gm.

Terpineol 50 Bergamot Oil 150 gm.
Hydroxy-citronellol 10
Artificial Musk 3
Styrax Resin 3 Perfume for Windsor Soap
Low Triced Terfume
Violet Perfume
lonone 400 Soap Chips 100 kilos
Concrete Orris Oil 20
Caraway Oil 250 gm.
Cassia Oil 200 gm.
Cananga Oil 40
Methyl Heptin Carbonate 8
Clove Oil 50 gm.
Sandalwood Oil 15
Benzyl Acetate 40
Perfume for Almond Soap
Artificial Otto of Rose 20 Low Triced Terfume
Bergamot Oil 20 Soap Chips 100 kilos
Phenyl-ethyl Alcohol 10 Bergamot Oil 150 gm.
Heliotropin 35 Palmarosa Oil 75 gm.
Cassie Extract 20 Bitter Almond Oil 100 gm.
Styrax Resin 15 Mirbane Oil 75 gm.
Artificial Musk 2
Ext. of Mousse de Ch6ne 5
Pompas Bouquet
Low Triced Terfume
Perfume for Windsor Soap
Soap Chips 100 kilos
Cassia Oil 200 gm.
Low Triced Terfume Clove Oil 100 gm.
Soap Chips 100 kilos Thyme Oil 100 gm.
Caraway Oil 250 gm. Balsam Peru Tincture 100 gm.

Violet Perfume Bases, Synthetic

Constituents. Tar7 m ,
Boise de Nice.
— Classic. Ordi-

/. II. IIL 17. V. VL 711 .

lonone Alpha 260 400 500 350 350 300 150

lonone Beta 140 — — — — — 250
Methylionone 200 — r- 250 250 — —
Orris Concrete — 50 — 25 — — ;

Orris Resinoid — 150 — 65 — 100 —
Cassie, Natural — 20 — — 10 — —
Jasmin, Natural — 15 — 25 — 20 —
Rose, Natural — 10 — - — 10 — « ..

Benzyl Acetate 50 25 100 40 100 30 100

— — 100 25 — — —
20 35 — — — — —
— — — — — —
Musk Xylol
Musk Ketone

40 35

— — 10

Methyl Heptin Carbonate

— — — — 7.5

Methyl Octin Carbonate
Coumarin —5 35
— — 30 — —
— 100 45 100 100 100
Heliotropin 70
10 — — — —
- —
Vanillin 30
— —

Phenylethyl Alcohol
— 60
50 —



125 50

— 50 ——
— — — 10 ~ — — .

Violet Leaf Absolute
Methylnonyl Aldehyde — — —
* 0.5 —
— 25 — *
— —



85 —

50 — 40 50 ...

Linalyl Acetate
— — *— 20

Geranyl Acetate


. ;

Aldehyde C 12 5 1

Anisic aldehyde ex anethol — 60

Toilet Soap Base which can be readily milled into a per-
fectly neutral and stable toilet soap.
The following represent five standard
This process has demonstrated its use-
and workable compositions of the stock
fulness as it has been employed in prac-
used in making the soap base. The first
tical operations for quite some years.
mixture contains eighty per cent of fresh
beef tallow, and twenty per cent of good
grade coconut oil; the second, sixty-five Half -Boil Process
per cent of beef tallow, fifteen per cent
of lard and twenty per cent of coconut A fourth process for the manufacture
oil; the third, seventy per cent of of soap base consists in complete saponi-
bleached palm oil, fifteen per cent of fication of the fatty mixture (neutral
sulphonated olive oil and fifteen per cent fats) only by the half -boil process. The
of coconut oil; the fourth, sixty-five to soap is then comminuted to chips and
seventy per cent of beef tallow, ten to these are dried in the usual manner as
fifteen per cent of castor oil and twenty in all the soap making processes and
per cent of coconut oil; the fifth, sixty thereafter milled. Toilet soaps that are
per cent of bleached palm oil, twenty per manufactured by this process contain in
cent of beef tallow and twenty per cent excess of eight per cent glycerin. Hence
of coconut oil. it is evident that the soap is sufficiently
In making soap bases of second qual- plastic and easily millable. A long se-
ity good gi ades of fat refuse are used in ries of experiments has also proven that
large quantities and also palm kernel oil the soap is absolutely stable. Naturally
in the place of coconut oil. These raw a most important prerequisite of this
materials can be converted into well- soap making process is that the raw
saponified soaps and of good keeping materials used must be absolutely pure
quality, but only when great care is paid and free from any odor as well as free
to the details of the process. However, from albumens. If the raw materials
the soap base that is made in this man- received into the plant are not of this
ner cannot be perfumed satisfactorily. quality, they must be purified by suitable
The oldest and mostly used process for means before being used in the kettles.
the manufacture of excellent soap bases Only when the temperature varies very
is first to saponify the tallow, lard, palm markedly and when the humidity of the
oil, castor oil and the like and to salt- air is very high, close to 100 per cent, do
out the same once or several times. Then soaps made in this manner become wet.
the coconut oil is added and the saponifi- On the other hand, soaps made by other
cation continued and the soap salted out processes of saponification as well as
until a^niger is obtained. This process after-treatment become wet much more
has been improved by beginning the readily under considerably less severe
saponification of each batch of stock in conditions.
a different kettle and after the batch Some toilet soap manufacturers con-
has been completely saponified, the vert the soap base into toilet soap by the
salted-out curd soap from a previous following process. The raw materials,
saponification is added. It is claimed consisting of tallow, lard and the like,
that this method makes for technically are completely saponified in a large tank,
complete saponification of the stock in a provided with an agitating apparatus
more easily and safely attained manner. and situated close to the kettle.
A third method of boiling the soap fication is carried out according to the
does not involve the addition of any emulsification-saponification process by
salt. It has been used in various toilet the half -boil method using a small ex-
soap works and has been found satisfac- cess of lye. Then immediately after
tory over a period of years. The salting saponification the mass is added to the
out of the curd from the previous boil curd soap which has been subjected to
as well as of the soap from the boil to several changes, the soap obtained from
which the curd soap has been added is a previous boil. When the entire mix-
accomplished with concentrated sodium ture has been saponified, then the soap
hydroxide lye. The graining of the fin- is salted out, salt being used in making
ished soap is also accomplished with two changes. The soap is then finished
dilute sodium hydroxide solution and not in the usual manner. The emulsification
with salt water. The curd soap that is and saponification of the stock, which is
obtained after standing for thirty-six carried out in a single operation, gives a
hours in the kettle is quite alkaline. soap which is completely saponified.
However, the alkalinity of the soap dis- This process is therefore of considerable
appears as the latter is dried. The re- advantage.
sult is that a product is finally obtained

Pearl Nail Enamel of the petrolatum, the lanolin and the
High Viscosity Nitrocellulose 20 oz. mineral oil and add the potassium solu-
Low Viscosity Nitrocellulose 10 oz. tion. Then add the titanium mass. Mix
Cellosolve Acetate U
pt. thoroughly and mill again.
Pale Dammer Gum 10 oz.
Butyl Acetate 1 qt.
Toluol 3 gal. Castor Oil 6 oz.
Ethyl Acetate 2 gal. Oil Tar Bectified 10 oz.
Pearl Essence 18 oz. Phenol 1 oz.
Dibutyl Phthalate 1 pt. Formalin 1 oz.
Sesame Oil 160 oz.
Lotion for Dry Dandruff Soft Soap 10 oz.
Alcohol 30 oz.
Tannic Acid 10 oz.
Chloral Hydrate 16 oz.
Perfume to suit.

Witch Hazel 200 oz.

Procedure: Dissolve the soap in part
Castor Oil 5 oz. of the alcohol using slight heat. Dis-
Soya Bean Oil 50 oz. solve the formalin and the phenol in the
Alcohol 800 oz. rest of the alcohol. Mix the sesame,
Perfume to suit. castor and tar oils, add the soap and
Procedure Dissolve the tannic and then the formalin-phenol.
the chloral in the alcohol, add the witch Other materials utilized in the prepa-
hazel and the oils and mix thoroughly. ration of ointments and lotions of this
kind are: storax, creosote, ammoniated
Lotion for Oily Dandruff mercury, sulphonated bitumen, procaine
hydrochloride, copper oleate, sublimed
Zinc Sulphate 2 oz.
sulphur, balsam of Peru, titanium oxide,
Phenol 1 oz.
silver lactate, alcohol, olive oil, sesame
Menthol 2 oz.
oil, benzoated lard and a number of ab-
Glycerin 50 oz.
sorption bases.
Water 120 oz.
Formalin 2 oz.
Alcohol 40 oz. Eczema Preparations
Perfume to suit. Ointments
Lanolin 200 oz.
Procedure: Dissolve the zinc sulphate Petrolatum 200 oz.
. some of the water. Dissolve the
Beeswax 50 oz.
phenol and the menthol in the alcohol, Phenol 5 oz.
add the glycerin, the formalin and the Camphor 10 oz.
remainder of the water. Mix thoroughly Oil Eucalyptus 50 oz.
and filter.
Salicylic Acid 10 oz.
Other chemicals used in the manufac- Perfume to suit.
ture of dandruff preparations include:
crude oil, precipitated sulphur, oil of 525 oz.
tar rectified, oil of camphor white, tur-
key red oil,of thyme, soya bean oil,
Curling Liquid
thuja, cresol, lignol, sulphonated bitu-
men, lanolin, betanaphthol, croton oil, Quince Seed 30 oz.
bismuth subcarbonate, mercuric salicyl- Water 10 gal.
ate, arsenic iodide. Borax Powdered 20 oz.
Perfume Compound 4 oz.
Benzoic Acid 3 oz.
Preparations for Scabies Alcohol 10 oz.
Procedure: Boil the water, add the
Potassium Sulphide 50 oz.
quince seed and allow to stand over-
Water 250 oz.
250 night, stirring occasionally. Add the
Petrolatum oz.
250 borax solution (made with part of the
Lanolin oz.
water). Filter. Add perfume and ben-
Titanium Dioxide 5 oz.
zpic acid solution and mix thoroughly.
Mineral Oil 200 oz.
Extracting the quince seed hot in-
Perfume to suit.
creases the turbidity of the extract. If
Procedure: Dissolve the potassium in margin of profit is great enough it is
the water. Take part of the petrolatum better to extract the mucilage cold. As
and mill in the titanium. Melt the rest an additional precaution the quince seed
138 the chemical formulary
should be cleaned by blowing. This eral oil. Strain and allow to cool to
wastes a little of the mucilage but it about 115° F. Add perfume; stir until
also removes clay and sand which the cold.
seed is apt to contain. In addition to the hair tonics for the
two primary scalp conditions, dry and
oily,there are a multitude of others for
Curling Jelly
which various claims are made. This
Gum Tragaeanth 12 oz. group is so various that it would be
Alcohol % gal. impossible to give an adequate outline.
Water 3 gal. We shall, therefore, content ourselves
Borax 8 gr. with giving two typical formulas to-
Benzoic Acid 8 dr. gether with one containing cholesterol.
Perfume 3 dr. Much attention is being given to hair
tonics containing lanolin derivatives,
Procedure: Put the tragaeanth into a
lecithin, etc.
vessel, add the water and borax and
allow to stand until dissolved, a period
which will depend upon whether the
Hair Tonic —Dry Scalp
tragaeanth is powdered, in ribbons or Castor Oil I gal.
lumps. Add alcohol to which perfume Crude Carbolic 30% 8 oz.
Cresol U. S. P. 3 oz.
and benzoic has been added and mix
thoroughly. Squeeze through muslin bag.
Lignol 1 gal.
Soya Bean Oil 2 gal.
Precipitated Sulphur 2 oz.
Hair Whitener
Procedure: Mix the soya bean oil, the
Aniline Blue 2 oz.
castor oil heat to 100° F. and add the
Distilled Water 15 gal.
lignol. Take a small quantity of this
Procedure: Dissolve blue in one half mixture and rub up precipitated sulphur
the water by allowing it to stand over into a smooth paste. Mix with rest of
night. Mix thoroughly add the rest of oils. Add carbolic and cresol.
the water and filter. It is undesirable Dry scalp is often a diseased condi-
to run this preparation through a tion, accompanied by dandruff. Often it
mechanical filter because the stain is al- is caused by poor circulation of blood.

most impossible to remove. It is better Above preparation should be rubbed into

to filter in five gallon bottles reserved scalp at night, and, because odor is ob-
for this purpose. noxious, shampooed out in morning.
Label should contain a statement to the
effect that the longer the preparation is
Liquid Brilliantine left on the better will results be.
Light Mineral Oil 99%
Perfume (Usually Flower Type) 1%
Procedure: Mix and filter.
Hair Tonic —Oily Scalp
Water *
15 gal.
Glycerine 2 gal.
Brilliantines are favorite sellers, the Alcohol 30 gal.
liquid being the best seller of the two. Menthol 7 lb.
Although some chemists insist that bril- Resorcinmonoacetate 8 oz.
liantines should bemade from vegetable Perfume q. s.
oils, the danger of rancidity in cases
where the hair is not shampooed fre- Procedure: Dissolve menthol and per-
quently is great and it seems advisable fume in alcohol, mixing rapidly. Add
therefore to adhere to light mineral oil. glycerine and 10 gallons of water. Dis-
The purpose of a brilliantine is to solve resorcinmonoacetate in rest of
brighten the hair, to help hold it in water, add to the above and mix for
place and to perfume it.. three hours. Allow to stand over night
and filter.

Jelly Brilliantine Hair Tonic— Containing Cholesterol

Spermaceti 14 lb. Alcohol 75%
Beeswax 6 lb. • Glycerine 5%
Mineral Oil 100 lb. Cholosterol 1%
Perfume 1 lb. Lecithin 1%
Color to suit. Distilled Water 12%
Perfume 1%
Procedure: Melt the waxes in the min- Chloroform 5%
Procedure: Dissolve lecithin in chloro- Parachol
form, add cholosterol and one gallon of Acid proof
17 %
Lemon (to perfume) 1%
alcohol. Mix the perfume with the alco-
hol, add the glycerine, add the lecithin-
cholosterol mixture, agitate for one hour
100 %
add the water and agitate for two hours. Mix the parachol with the petrolatum
Allow to stand over night and filter. with heat and mix until homogeneous.
Allow to cool slightly and then slowly
add the lemon juice while mixing rap-
Dandruff Ointment idly. Add the acid proof lemon.
Dandruff ointment is usually a power-
fully antiseptic salve, the following
formula being typical of the class: Translucent Jelly Cream
Precipitated Sulphur 8 lb. Stearic Acid
Oxyquinoline Sulphate 1 lb.
Spermaceti 15%
Lanoline 10 lb. White Petrolatum 30%
Petrolatum 61 lb. Mineral Oil 49%
Castor Oil 15 lb. Perfume Oil to Suit.
Tincture Pish Berries 1
Balsam Peru 2
100 %
Carbolic Acid 85% 2 lb. Melt the stearic acid and the sperma-
ceti, add the petrolatum and when
Procedure: Mix the sulphur with the melted stir in the mineral oil which has
castor oil rubbing thoroughly until lumps first been heated. When almost set stir
have disappeared. Mix the oxy quinoline in perfume.
sulphate with ten pounds of petrolatum,
run through an ointment mill or milling
Greasy Type Cleansing Cream
rolls three times, add the sulphur castor
oil mixture, mix thoroughly and run Spermaceti 23%
through the mill again. Melt the lano- Petrolatum White 20%
line, and the rest of the petrolatum, add
Mineral Oil 57%
the remainder of the castor oil, mix Perfume to Suit.
thoroughly and then mix in the oxy- 100%
sulphur mass. Mix thoroughly, add the Make as above.
balsam of Peru, continue mixing for
thirty minutes, add the tincture fish ber- Cold Cream
ries and the carbolic acid and mix again Mineral Oil 54 %
for twenty or thirty minutes. The ma- White Wax 18 %
chine best suited for this ointment is a Absorption Base Parachol 5.5%
pony mixer. Borax 1 %
Water 21 %
* Lip Stick Perfume .5%
26.7% 13.3% kaolin, 10.9% pon-
talc, 100 0 .
ceau 3R 6.3% amaranth, 17.1% yellow
ochre, 5.7% zinc oxide, 3.6% paraffin, Melt the white wax, add the mineral
5.9% beeswax, 2.4% carnauba wax, 4.7% oil. Dissolve borax in part of water
sulfonated oil and 3.4% petrolatum. with heat. Add to melted fats. Heat
Body materials, that is talc and kaolin, rest of water, stir in absorption base
are mixed, then dry coloring matter is until smooth and mix with fats. Agitate
added including ponceau, amaranth and thoroughly and when just above solidify-
yellow ochre; then zinc oxide and finally ing point, add perfume.
binder which is first fused so that mix-
ing with binder takes place above melt- Lecithin Lotion
ing point of same. Mass is mixed well
until plastic and poured into sticks. Milky lotions (emulsions) are produced
Some other ingredients mentioned in- by dissolving lecithin in oil and agi-
clude eosine Y, tartarazine, borax and tating or churning the oil solution with
bentonite. Sulfonated oil in lipstick neutral soap solution containing water
or glycerine. In this way there form
aids dispersion of color on skin.
emulsions that are not too stable. Fai
more stable is the following emulsion:
Lemon Juice Cleansing Cream Two parts of monostearin glycerine es^
Pure Lemon Juice
White Petrolatum
0 ter, 1 part stearin alcohol, 5 parts
stearin, 2 parts lanolin, 5 parts mineral
oil (according to the particular fattiness Skin Smoothener
desired 10-15 parts) and 2 parts lecithin Boric Acid 3 drams
are melted and 1 part potash in 5 parts Tragacanth 8 grams
glycerine and 40 parts hot water is Glycerine 3 drams
stirred during heating into the fused Distilled Water 16 oz.
mass. It is further heated until the
mass no longer rises thick. Then it is
Boil — stir until a clear jelly is ob-
stirred cold. then thinned after
It is
cooling with more water until the par- Rolling Massage Creams
ticular thin liquid state desired is at-
Creams of this type are made from
tained. Instead of or in conjunction
freshly precipitated casein from milk.
with the first two constituent parts a They at first, seem to disappear when
glycol stearate may be used.
rubbed on the skin, then on further rub-
bing, roll into small particles carrying
Lecithin Nourishing Cream with them the dust and dirt collected in
Lanolin 15 gr. the pores of the skin. They have the
Beeswax 15 gr. disadvantage of not keeping very well
Spermaceti 10 gr. as the water contained in the casein
Petrolatum 35 gr. evaporates rather quickly, especially if
Borax 1 gr. jars are not kept tightly closed, or are
Water 22 gr. opened too frequently.
Cholesterin 1 gr. These creams are generally colored
Lecithin 1 gr. pink, with eosine. The general process
Perfume as required for making these creams is as follows:
(1) To 128 parts of fresh milk add
Massage Cream
2/10 of 1 %
of formaldehyde 40% solu-
tion or 1% sodium benzoate is added as
Spermaceti 10 gr. an antiseptic, and enough of a 2% solu-
Solid Paraffin 15 gr. tion of eosine to give the proper shade.
Mineral Oil 45 gr. Mixture is warmed to about 50-55° C.
Lecithin 1.5 gr. on water bath while stirring gently, then
Cholesterin 0.5 gr. strained if necessary.
Borax 1 gr.
(2) Prepare on the side, a 20% solu-
Water 30 gr. tion of alum or a concentrated solution
Perfume as required of potassium sulphate in distilled water
and bring it to the boiling point.
The solution of and choles-
Bring mixture No. 1, (milk) to boiling
terin is accomplished best in the liquid
point and pour while stirring slowly, the
or melted fats and waxy constituents.
boiling mixture (No. 2). Stop heating,
The melted mass is permitted to be continue to stir gently, and let cool
cooled at say 40° C. and the hot solu-
slowly at about 55° C.
tion of borax in water is poured first in
small portions and then in larger por-
When cool, and upper liquid is clear,
strain on muslin previously wetted, allow
tions into the fused mass while stirring
precipitate to drain, wash with little cold
thoroughly. Then it is stirred cold.
water, drain again. Then pass through
In the case of vanishing cream, it is
filter press if there is too large excess of
somewhat more difficult to work in the water. Consistency of cream will de-
lecithin. The simplest way is to dissolve
pend upon quantity of water allowed to
the lecithin in the melted stearic acid
remain in casein. Then add to casein
(overheating should be prevented) and
to mix the potash solution into it by
about 1 % of perfume and 10 to 15% of
glycerin or carbitol in order to prevent
stirring in the usual way. On the other quick drying of casein, and put in tightly
hand saponification and emulsification sealed jar. To obtain homogeneous prod-
might be affected by the lecithin. If
uct, it is recommended to pass the magma
any oil is permitted in the vanishing through an ointment mill before putting
cream, lecithin is ground fine with warm
in jars. Addition of 1.5% sodium ben-
mineral oil (1 part of lecithin to say zoate helps preservation.
%-l part of mineral oil), so that a
mass is produced that can be distrib-
uted. As soon as the cream has been Depilatory Cream
mixed and while it is still warm, the A formula for a depilatory cream is
warm lecithin oil is stirred thoroughly one part gumtragacanth, 10 parts water,
into it. The whole of it is stirred cold. 10 parts glycerin and six parts starch,
together hot, and intimately mixed with

35 parts strontium sulphide, 3 parts Mosquito Cream

sodium sulphide, 30 parts zinc oxide, 10 Good resultscan be secured from com-
parts lanolin, 15 parts water and 0.2 position containing 5 parts powdered
part menthol. Eormula for depilatory wheat starch, 10 parts water, 45 parts
powder is 30 parts strontium sulphide, .

glycerin 28° Be., 30 parts lanolin and 5

20 parts calcium sulphide, 30 parts to 10 parts oil of clove. Starch is rubbed
starch, 16 parts talc, 3 parts aluminum into smooth paste with water; glycerin
acetate and one part menthol. is mixed in and mass converted into
jelly-like consistency by heating and agi-
tating; it is then allowed to cool.
Soothing Cream
Used to relieve skin irritation, espe-
Hail Polish (Paste)
cially after a depilatory has been used.
A zinc oxide paste, containing 28 A good formula for a nail polish in
parts almond oil, 60 parts zinc oxide, 15 paste form contains 100 parts of light
parts "talc and 60 parts cold cream is colored rosin, 60 parts of stearin, 60
useful; also a mixture of 30 parts lano- parts of yellow beeswax and 200 parts
lin and 90 parts soap -camphor liniment
of ceresin wax. These ingredients are
perfumed with oil of lavender. melted together on water bath and then
300 parts of white petrolatum are mixed
in. Then a well mixed mixture of 200
Depilatory Perfumes parts of washed kieselguhr, 140 parts of
zinc oxide and 100 parts of tin oxide is
Theessential oils, which have been
mixed with the waxy base. Before mix-
found suitable for perfuming depilato- ture is removed from water bath, color-
ries include oil of wintergreen, vetivert
ing matter is added, for example alkanna
oil,patchouly oil, oil of thyme, lavender
pink, as well as 15 to 20 parts of per-
oil; also the aromatics, amyl salicylate,
fume. These ingredients must be added
terpineol, benzyl acetate, menthol. About
shortly before mass becomes solid and is
2% is usually added. Lavender oil, par- poured into containers.
ticularly terpeneless, is much liked for
this purpose, as it alleviates skin irri-
tation. Preparations for Baldness
Hair Lotions Pilocarpine Hydrochloride 20 oz.
Precipitated Sulphur 120 oz.
One part cholesterin, 0.3 part lecithin Parachol 60 oz.
in 200 parts of 96% alcohol and mixed Balsam of Peru 60 oz.
with 3 parts castor oil. Another solu- Resorcinol Monoacetate 30 oz.
tion of 0.5 part oxyquiniline sulfate and Petrolatum 900 oz.
0.2 part salicylic acid in 75 parts 96% Water 60 oz.
alcohol is added and mixture made up Perfume to suit.
to 300 parts by weight,
i Procedure: Dissolve the pilocarpine in
water and mix with absorption base.
Vanishing Cream Mill the sulphur and the monoacetate
Five parts of cocoa butter are melted with part of the petrolatum. Melt the
rest and stir in the absorption base and
with 25 to 30 parts of pure stearin on
water bath at not above 100° C. Warm add finally the sulphur mass. Mix thor-
solution, 60° C., of 100 parts water,
seven parts potash, eight parts borax, 16
parts glycerin, 12 parts alcohol and 3 Lotion
parts ammonia, is added to 30 parts of
Mercuric Chloride 1 oz.
molten mass. Much carbon dioxide gas
Salicylic Acid 5 oz.
is liberated, which necessitates large ket-
Chloral Hydrate 5 oz.
tle for operation. Vigorous agitation is Glycerin 25 oz.
required. After most of carbon dioxide Acetone 10 oz.
has escaped, hot-filtered solution of 0.5 Alcohol 200 oz.
part agar-agar in 20 parts water is Water 825 oz.
added and mixture stirred until cool. Perfume to suit.
Perfume is added shortly before mass
congeals. Cream is filled into containers Procedure: Take part of the petro-
after standing 1 to 2 days. latum, add the salicylic, the phenol and
the camphor and mill thoroughly. Melt


the lanolin, the rest of the petrolatum continual stirring until a saponaceous
and the beeswax, stir in the milled base mass has been produced.
and add the oil of euealyptus. Now, in two separate vessels, dissolve
the lecithin in the chloroform; and mix
the rosemary with the rose water. Then
add the lecithin solution to the rose water
Lotion mixture. In the final step in this prepa-
Oxyquinoline Sulphate 1 oz. ration, this mixture is then added very
Tincture of Fish Berries 10 oz. slowly, to the saponified oil that was first
Glycerin 30 oz. produced. Stirring should be continued
Tincture Benzoin 8 oz. for about an hour after mixing has been
Witch Hazel 150 oz. completed.
Water 10 oz. There are a number of other chemicals
Perfume to suit. which have been used in the manufacture
of psoriasis products. Among the more
Procedure: Dissolve the sulphate in popular of these may be included the fol-
water. Mixthe fish berries with the lowing: lanolin, sesame oil, peanut oil,
glycerin, add the benzoin and the witch benzoic acid, bismuth subgallate, linseed
hazel. Then add the sulphate solution. oil, birch tar, ehaulmoogra oil, neats foot
Other chemicals used in the manufac- oil, croton oil, cod-liver oil, and soya bean
ture of eczema preparations are: calo- oil.
mel, iodoform, oil of wormwood, silver
protein, sodium iodide, potassium iodide,
pine tar, bismuth resorcinate, mercuric Dandruff Preparations
salicylate, bismuth subnitrate, red mer- Ointment
curic iodide, basic aluminum acetate, Lanolin 12 oz.
benzocaine, bismuth oxyquinolate, and Water 15 oz.
various absorption bases. Silver Lactate 3 oz.
Tincture Pish Berries 5 oz.
Sulphur Iodide 3 oz«
Psoriasis Preparations Balsam of Peru 15 oz.
Cocoa Butter 20 oz.
Ointment Petrolatum 60 oz.
Chrysarobin 3 oz. Glycerin 10 oz.
Salicylic Acid 1 oz.
Perfume to suit.
Rectified Oil of Pine Tar 10 oz.
Soft Soap 15 oz. Procedure Dissolve the silver lactate
Petrolatum 28 oz. in water and the sulphur iodide in glyc-
Absorption Base 5 oz. erin, Melt the petrolatum, the lanolin
Perfume to suit. and the cocoa butter, stir in the silver
lactate solution, add the sulphur iodide
Procedure: Mill the salicylic and the solution and finally the balsam of Peru
chrysarobin with a part of the petro- and the fish berries.
latum. Melt the rest of the petrolatum
aM the absorption base, add the soap,
the pine tar and the chrysarobin-salicylie Lipstick
mass and mix thoroughly.
White Beeswax 20 grin.
Paraffin 5 grm.
Spermaceti 8 grm.
Lotion Cocoa Butter 10 grm.
Oil of Mace 10 oz. Benzoated Lard 25 grm.
Olive Oil 10 oz. Parachol 20 grm.
Liquid Ammonia 15 oz. Bromo Acid 3 grm.
Essence of Rosemary 5 oz. Color Mixture for Shade 10 grm.
Rose Water 50 oz. Para Oxybenzoic Acid
% oz. Ester .05
3 oz. Perfume (with flavor
Perfume to suit. character) 1 grm.
Procedure : In making this prepara- Procedure Mix the colors first with
tion, the proper method to be followed is the bromo acid. Melt the parachol and
to add the olive oil to the mace. This the lard, add the color mixture and grind
step should be followed by thorough mix- through a paint mill three or four times.
ing. After this operation is completed Meanwhile melt and mix the rest of the
the ammonia water is added slowly, with waxes, and, when the colors are ready,

add the melted waxes and mix thor- containers, they will last for years.
oughly. Heat should not be raised above When acetanilide and magnesium car-
the melting point of the waxes. As soon bonate are used alone, then about 15%
as the batch is finished it should be menthol or menthol and camphor should
molded, keeping it so far as possible at be added.
a constant temperature.
Wrinkle Cream
Anti-Perspiration Liquid First requirements of skin creams for
Oxyquinoline Sulfate 1 removing wrinkles is that they must be
Rose Water 500 greaseless. Cream is naturally used as
massage cream, for process of removing
wrinkles involves massaging. Suitable
Anti-Perspiration Powder formula for such cream is 1600 parts of
Oxyquinoline Sulfate 1 rose water and 350 parts of glycerin.
Talc 10 This mixture is brought up to boiling
and 40 parts of potash soap added.
Freckle ‘ 1
Removers ’ ’ Solution is boiled again and 18 parts of
purified calcined potash added. In an-
Two grams of zinc sulphophenylate,
other vessel 180 parts of white stearin
30 grams of distilled water, 2 grams of
are melted. First solution is filtered
ichthyol, 30 grams each of anhydrous
through cloth to remove impurities.
lanolin and petroleum jelly and 2 grams
Then it is brought to boiling and molten
of lemon oil or other suitable perfume,
stearin allowed to flow into vessel in thin
will give good results.
stream while solution is vigorously agi-
Preparations with a bleaching action
tated. Large vessel must be used for
are made containing 1500 grams of wool
carrying out operation, for mass must
grease, 530 grams of almond oil, 110
not be allowed to boil over due to evolu-
grams of beeswax, 150 grams of borax,
tion of large quantities of carbon diox-
150 grams of hydrogen peroxide (100%
ide. If contents of kettle boil over, re-
by volume) and 10 grams of yellow
sult is insufficient saponification of con-
tents and poor product. This is noticed
by formation of small lumps in cream.
Freckles Treatment These lumps cannot be properly rubbed
Alcohol 4 oz. into skin and spoil entire action of cream.
Stronger Rose Water 2 oz. This cream is really a soft soap. Mass
Tincture of Benzoin 15 dr. is cooled after being boiled long enough
Apply every night after scrubbing. and is agitated thoroughly and perfumed
with 15 parts of rose oil and one part of
vanillin. Small amount of alcohol may
Perfume Sticks be added either after or during addition
Most suitable base for these perfumed of stearin. This is effective in prevent-
crayons is acetanilide. It is used in pro- ing formation of lumps.
portion of 87.5 parts by weight. It is
melted on water bath or over flame, pro-
vided it is carefully stirred while being Concentrated Hair Wave
heated. Temperature must not rise above Gum Karaya White 5 lb.
80° C. When it is molten, 10.5 parts Aquaresin G. M. 5-10 lb.
of pulverized magnesium carbonate are
mixed in until it dissolves entirely. Then Rub together thoroughly and stir in
there are added 35 parts of xylene musk, Isopropyl Alcohol (99%) 20 lb.
17.5 parts of heliotropin, and 3.5 parts Perfume and color to suit.
of Japan wax. When all ingredients This concentrate when thrown into
have been melted, 8.4 parts of perfume water and stirred gives a uniform prod-
dissolved in 4.2 parts of benzyl alcohol uct whose thickness depends on amount
are added. of water used. This product differs from
Mass will solidify rapidly and can be similar preparations in that it gives the
formed into shape while still warm. hair lustre and does not flake off.
Amount of heliotropine added is maxi-
mum allowable limit, for more of this
substance will make mass soft. Perfume Eau De Cologne and Toilet Waters
must not be added in excess of that pre- Base A
scribed above, for the excess will simply Italian Lemon Oil 20 grm.
ooze out of mass. When these perfumed Bergamot 20 grm.
crayons are properly packed in air-tight ISTeroli or JSTeroli Synthetic 35 grm.
Italian SweetOrange Oil 10 grm. Rhodinol 5
Lavender 40-42% Ester 10 grm. Phenyl Ethyl Alcohol 7.5
Orris Root Tincture 2 grm. Citronellal Acetate 2.5
Ambreine or Ambrethene 3 grm.

Use 100 grams to 1 gallon 70% alco- Fancy Cologne

hol. Allow to stand for one week. Chill Terpeneless Lemon 3
and filter while cold. Terpeneless Bergamot 15
Neroli Petale 25
Nerol 15
Perfume Bases Terpeneless Bergamot 7
Floral Eau De Colognes (Acacia Type) Phenyl Ethyl Alcohol 10
Base A (above) 100 Hydroxycitronellal 15
Methyl Naphthyl Ketone 2 Cinnamyl Acetate 5
Anisic Aldehyde 1 Ambreine or Ambrethene 5
Benzyl Acetate 1

Jasmin Synthetic
Chypre Cologne Benzyl Acetate 400
Base A 100 Hydroxycitronellal 100
Oak Moss Absolute 3 Linolool 50
Vetiverol Acetate 5 Heliotropin 50
Patchouli 3 Amyl Cinnamic Aldehyde 50
Coumarin 5 Para Cresyl Caprylate 50
Santalol Acetate 4 Ylang Ylang Oil 50
Jasmin Absolute 250
Gardenia Cologne
Base A 100
Rose Synthetic
Styralyl Acetate 2
Hydrotropic* Aldehyde 0.5 Rose Otto 150
Rose Absolute 50
Rhodinol 200
Jasmin Cologne Phenyl Ethyl Alcohol 300
Base A 100 Phenyl Ethyl Propionate 100
Benzyl Acetate 5 Alpha lonone 50
Amyl Cinnamic Aldehyde 2 Vetiverol Acetate 25
Hydroxycitronellal 3 Rhodinol Acetate 25
Citronellol Butyrate 25
Lilac Cologne Phenyl Acetic Aldehyde 50% 50
Base A 100 Aldehyde C9 (10%) 15
Benzyl Acetate 5 Alcohol CIO (25%) 10
Terpineol 5
Anisic Aldehyde 1 Carnation
Phenyl Acetic Aldehyde 1
Hydroxycitronellal 5
(Do not use in Creams or Lipsticks)
Phenyl Ethyl Alcohol 100
Isoeugenol 250
Orchidee or Trefid Cologne Eugenol 300
Base A 100 Rose Otto 25
Isobutyl Salicylate 10 Rhodinol 100
Musk Ambrette 20% in Benzyl

Ethyl Vanillin 10
Benzoate 5 Musk Ketone 50
Benzyl Isoeugenol 50
Carnation Cologne Methyl lonone 50
Base A 100 Oppoponax Resin 2
Isoeugenol 5 Tolu Resin 8
Eugenol 5
Vanillin 2 Oregon
Methyl lonone 3
Phenyl Ethyl Alcohol Carnation Synthetic 250
Methyl lonone 200
Peru Balsam 10
Rose Cologne Tolu Balsam 10
Base A 100 Benzoin 50
Rose Geranium 2.5 Ylang Manilla 60
Jasmin Synthetic 50 Para Cresyl Phenyl Acetate 25
Cinnamyl Alcohol 150 Para Cresyl Acetate 10
Rose Synthetic 50 Methyl Para Cresol 10
Oppoponax Resin 5
Castoreum Absolute 5
Ambreine or Ambrethene 150 Honeysuckle
Phenyl Ethyl Alcohol 100
Cinnamyl Alcohol 100
Jacinthe Synthetic
Heliotropin 50
Phenyl Acetic Aldehyde 50% 200 Alpha Ionone 100
Phenyl Acetic Aldehyde Mimosa Synthetic 50
Dimethyl Acetal 50 J asmin Synthetic 100
Hydrotropic Aldehyde 50 Rose Synthetic 50
Brom Styrol 10 Terpinol 50
Methyl Octrine Carbonate 10% 15 Phenyl Acetic Acid 10
Clary Sage Oil 20 Musk Ketone 25
Ylang Manilla Oil 50 Musk Ambrette 25
Methyl Ionone 50 Methyl Naphthyl Ketone 50
Phenyl Ethyl Alcohol 100 Para Cresyl Phenyl Acetate 10
Cinnamyl Alcohol 200 Hydrotropie Aldehyde 10
Rose Synthetic 50 Neroli Synthetic 50
Phenyl" Ethyl Propinate 50 Phenyl Ethyl Phenyl Acetate 50
Phenyl Propyl Acetate 50 Linalool 50
Terpineol 55 Nerol 50
Vanillin 20 Hydroxycitronellol 170
Musk Ketone 30

Tuberose Synthetic Isobutyl Salicylate 250
Tuberose Natural 100 Benzyl Salicylate 150
Cinnamyl Alcohol 50 Ylang Bourbon Oil 150
Phenyl Propyl Alcohol 100 Methyl Ionone 100
Ylang Manilla Oil 300 Isoeugenol 30
Benzyl Salicylate 100 Eugenol 30
Benzoin Resin 50 Bergamot Oil 100
Tolu Resin 50 Linalyl Acetate 50
Styrax Resin 50 Citronellol Acetate 65
Methyl Ionone 50 Coumarin 50
Heliotropin 50 Para Cresyl Phenyl Acetate 25
Methyl Salicylate 25
Aldehyde 012 (10%) 50
Violet Synthetic
Alcohol C12 (25%) 25
Alpha Ionone 200
Beta Ionone 50
Neroli Synthetic Methyl Ionone 150
Neroli Petale 250 Orris Resin 100
Erench Pettigrain 300 Cassie Synthetic 50
Phenyl Ethyl Alcohol 100 Jasmin Synthetic 50
Linalyl Anthranilate 100 Vetiverol Acetate 50
Linalool 50 Coumarin • 25
Nerol 100 Vanillin 25
Rhodinol 50 Bergamot 50
Phenyl Acetic Acid 5 Hydroxycitronellal 50
Sweet Italian Orange Oil 45 Isobutyl Phenyl Acetate 50
Musk Ketone 50
Violet Natural 100
Narcisse Synthetic
Ylang Bourbon Oil 150
Benzyl Acetate 100 Ambre (Fixative)
Hydroxycitronellal 200 Musk Ketone 30
Terpineol 100 Musk Ambrette 30
Cinnamyl Alcohol 100 Labdanum Bleached 100
Rose Synthetic 75 Orris Absolute 10
Coumarin 50 Methyl Ionone 50
Jasmin Synthetic 50 Vanillin 50
Yetiverol Acetate 50 Tangerine Cream
Coumarin 50 Follow cold cream formula using water
Clary Sage Oil 25 soluble orange color and tangerine per-
Bergamot Oil 125 fume.
Heliotropin 100
Benzyl Cinnamate 100
Besin Peru 50 Mint Cream
Besin Tolu 50 Follow cold cream formula using water
Santalool Acetate 80 soluble green color and peppermint per-
Besin Benzoin 50 fume.
Ambreine or Ambrethene 100

Wild Cherry Cream

Mimosa Synthetic
Follow cold cream formula using water
Mimosa Absolute 100
soluble cherry cold and wild cherry per-
Dimethyl Acetophenone 100
Isobutyl Salicylate 100
Phenyl Acetic Acid 25
Phenyl Acetic Aldehyde (50%) 25
June Type Cream
Linalool 75
Benzyl Acetate 50 The most recent advance in an all pur-

Coumarin 50 pose cream, sold in tubes, is exemplified

Cinnamyl Alcohol 200 by the following formula which gives a
Cinnamyl Acetate 75 waxless cleansing, nourishing, stimulating
Hydroxycitronellal 150 and softening cream which also acts as
a powder base.
A. Glycosterin 16 lb.
Cold Cream, Modern Mineral Oil, White 3 gal.
Paraffin Wax 1 lb. Petrolatum, White 6 lb.
Cetamin 2 lb. Parachol 2 lb.
Petrolatum, White IV2 lb. B. Water 7% gal.
Mineral Oil, White 3 pt. Glycopon AAA 4 lb.
Heat to 180° F- and to it add with
stirring In separate vessels heat A and B to
160° F. Add B to A slowly while stir-
Water (Boiling) 1 gal. ring vigorously. Ajelly like mass re-
When at 150° F., while mixing, add 1 sults. Add 4 oz. perfume and continue
dram perfume and mix till thick. Pack stirring. As temperature drops to 110°
cold. F. a transformation takes place —
a* beau-

tiful white cream results ; stirring is

continued until cold when it is packed
Lemon Cream
into tubes or jars. It may be packed
Follow above cold cream formula, us- warm by heating, with stirring, to 105-
ing a little Tartrazine in the water and 110° F.
Citral in place of perfume.
This cream wipes off the skin without
leaving a greasy film. It, nevertheless,

Cucumber Cream penetrates and is readily absorbed by

the skin.
As above except using water soluble
To give a cooling effect on the skin,
green color and cucumber perfume. 1-2 oz. of menthol may be added with
the perfume.
Strawberry Cream Modified forms of this cream may be
made by the addition of water soluble
As above except using water soluble colors and appropriate perfumes, oils 01
pink color and strawberry perfume.
other materials to produce
Lemon Cream
Lavender Cream Strawberry Cream
As above except using water soluble Cucumber Cream
lavender color and lavender perfume. Turtle Cream
Viosterol Cream
Lecithin Cream
Violet Cream Hormone Cream
Follow cold cream formula using water Olive Oil Cream
soluble violet color and violet perfume. Almond Oil Cream
Tissue Builder Cream dissolved in the water and 1 oz. of cu-
Paraffin Wax 1 lb. cumber perfume is used.
Cetamin 2 lb.
Lanolin Anhydrous 1 lb.
Lemon Cream
Petrolatum, Amber 1 lb.
Same as ColdCream (above) except
Mineral Oil 3 pt.
that a little Tartrazine is dissolved in
Heat above to 180° F. and while mix- the water and as perfume either 1 oz. of
ing add slowly Terpeneless Oil of Lemon or Citral is
Water (Boiling) used.
1 gal.
Continue stirring and at 150° F. add
li/2 drams perfume. This cream is Brushless Shaving Cream
poured into jars at 130-135° C. Deramin 4 lb.
Water 5 gal.
Hair Milk Heat to 180° F, and pour into
1. Mineral Oil, White 144 lb. Stearic Acid 15 lb.
2. Trihydroxyethylamine Lanolin 1 lb.
Stearate 29 lb. previously heated to 180° F. while mix-
3. Water, Warm 320 lb. ing moderately.
4. Perfume 3 lb. Add perfume 4 oz. when thick and mix
While stirring heat (1) and (2) until until cold. If a cooling effect on the
melted together. Add (3) slowly with skin is desired 1 oz. Menthol may be
stirring until uniform. Add (4). Stir. added with the perfume.
Allow to stand overnight, stir moderately
and package.
Liquefying Cleansing Cream
This preparation corrects dry scalp and
Soft Type
hair and imparts a gloss to the latter and
keeps it in place. It replaces old fash- Petrolatum, White 3 lb.
ioned greasy hair oils and brilliantines. Ceraflux 2 lb.
Petrolatum, Liquid 1 gal.
Melt together and add 1 dram per
Cold Cream fume,* pour at lowest possible tempera
Mineral Oil, White 1 gal. ture.
hite 1 lb.
Ozokerite, White 1 lb.
Medium Type
Ceraflux 2 lb.
Spermaceti 5 lb.
Heat to 170° F. and add to above, Petrolatum, White 8 lb.
while mixing Ceraflux 4 lb.
Water % gal. Petrolatum, Liquid gal.
Borax 1% oz.
Melt together and add 1*4 drams per
previously heated to 170° F. When fume; pour at lowest possible tempera
temperature is 140° F. add 1 oz. per- ture.
fume and pour into jars at 130-135° C.
Hard Type (for Hot Climates)
Tissue Cream Spermaceti 5 lb.

To the above mixture of waxes add Petrolatum, White 8 lb.

Ozokerite 5 lb.
Lanolin Anhydrous 1 lb.
Petrolatum, Liquid gal.
and replace the Beeswax, White by Yel-
Proceed as in Medium Type above.
low Beeswax.

Cold Cream
Turtle Oil Cream
White Beeswax 150 gm.
Same as Tissue Cream (above) with
White Mineral Oil 600 gm.
the addition of Turtle Oil *4 lb. and % Water 240 cc.
oz. Moldex, dissolved in the water.
Borax 10 gm.
Melt beeswax in mineral oil. Dissolve
Cucumber Cream borax in water. Add two with vigorous
Same as Cold Cream (above) except stirring until cool. Perfume to suit.
that a little water soluble green color is
Vanishing Cream Heat to 180° F. and pour into
To make a quart. Stearic Acid 16 lb.
Stearic Acid (Triple
previously heated to 180° F. while stir-
Pressed) 1920 gm.
ring, not too quickly. Add 4 oz. per-
G-lycerin 960 gm. fume when cream thickens and stir until
Soda Ash 60 gm.
cold. Allow to stand overnight and pack.
Borax 840 gm.
The pearly finish becomes more pro-
Distilled water to make 32 fl. oz.
nounced with age.
Melt stearic in glycerine and one-half This cream is noteworthy because it is
the water. Dissolve soda ash and bora^j; free from ammonia, soda, potash and
in other half. Mix two with stirring glycerin and therefore will not affect
until cream is cooled sufficiently. Per- tender skins.
fume to suit.

Pearly Vanishing Cream Astringent Cream

This cream is non-beading as it is free Add 4 oz.Astringent Powder to the
from glycerine. above when cold. Or, preferably, grind
Deramin 4 lb. the Astringent Powder into 1 lb. of the
Water 5 gal. cream and then mix into the entire batch.

* Ammonia Gas Mask Absorbent into shallow pans to depth of one inch
First make a solution of and heat to 160° F.
Sod. Silicate 43 kg.
Water 51 gal. * Refrigerator Deodorant

Sulfuric Acid 3500 c.e.

Take sour cherry charcoal 45%, coco-
Water 13 liters nut charcoal 25%, boxwood charcoal 20%
and trioxymethylene 10%, all in granular
Add 10 liters of this acid solution form. This mixture is placed in a rotat-
slowly with stirring to the silicate solu-
ing cylinder or barrel, provided with agi-
tion. The balance of the acid solution is
tating apparatus, and stirred for ten
then poured in quickly while stirring
minutes or until a homogeneous product
vigorously. Stir until neutral or slightly
of uniform composition is obtained. The
acid. On standing for about hour a% granules are then sieved to remove any
glassy blue white jelly forms. This is
pulverant material, and the mixture is
transferred to a number of canvas bags
then poured into a cylindrical container
and placed in a press. Pressure is ap-
of perforated sheet metal, the perfora-
plied to squeeze out as much water as
tions being of such size as to freely admit
possible. A
rigid white gel is left. This
air, gases and vapors but too small to
is pressed thru a No, 4 screen and placed
permit egress of the granular particles of
in a suitable mixer. To this is added
carbon and trioxymethylene.
the following solution
In the foregoing there is used sour
Malic Acid (Powd.) 20 lb. cherry, coconut and boxwood carbon or
Water 4 liters charcoal and trioxymethylene in granular
heated slowly to 65-70° C. with good stir- form, however, pulverant materials may
ring. Add slowly another liter of water be used with equally good results, or a
while stirring for 20 minutes. Transfer central core of molten trioxymethylene
to a mill and grind to uniform size. Pour may be used around which is disposed the

gas absorbing materials, all of which may Spray for Movie Theatre
then be enclosed in a pervious container, The following is a formula for a prepa-
a perforated cylinder of sheet aluminum ration suitable for spraying in theatres:
approximately 3 inches tall and 2%
Pine-needle Oil
inches in diameter being one form in
which I prefer to manufacture this ap-
Formalin of each 2 oz.
paratus. Such a receptacle has a capacity
Acetone 6 oz .
Isopropyl Alcohol
of approximately 105 grams and will con- to 20 oz]
tain: For use as a spray 1 oz. is mixed with
Grams a pint of water.
Sour Cherry Wood Charcoal 47.25
Cocoanut Shell Charcoal 26.25 Theatre Sprays
Boxwood Charcoal 21.00
Trioxymethylene 10.00 (1)
Oil Lavender 60 c.c.
In the foregoing, use pulverant tri- Oil Bergamot 30 c.c.
oxymethylene which is packed in a thim- Oil Peppermint 5 dr.
ble or capsule of unsized paper. This Oil Cloves 30 dr.
capsule forms a central core about which Acid Benzoic
granular absorbent ma- 1.8 gm.
is packed the
Alcohol sufficient to make 300 c.c.
terial. The shape and size mentioned is
one form suitable for use in a refriger- The benzoic acid is dissolved in the
ator having a capacity of approximately and the volatile
alcohol oils added.
8 cubic feet.
Another form product may be manu- (2)

factured as follows: Pine Needle Oil # 2 oz.

Per cent Formalin *
2 oz.
Acetone 6 oz.
Sour Cherry Wood Charcoal 45
Cocoanut Shell Charcoal 25
Isopropyl Alcohol to make 20 oz.

Boxwood Charcoal 20 For use, mix 1 of above with a

Trioxymethylene 10 pint of water for spraying.

These materials are mixed to a stiff paste

with ox blood, diluted with 10 volumes * Disinfectant
of water, and the mass is charred in suit- A disinfectant having a coefficient of
able molds at 600° C. so as to form cakes
2 plus in accordance with Ridea.1 -Walker
or blocks which are available for use with-
(1921 modification) may be prepared by
out the necessity of a containing re- mixing the following ingredients in the
proportions given:
Per cent
* Garlic, Deodorizing by weight
Garlic is chopped very finely and heated
Tar Acid Oil (25% tar acids) 68
with water in a pressure cooker. The Rosoap 30
odorous materials are then removed by Castor Oil Soap 2
blowing air or steam thru it. A disinfectant having a coefficient of
3 plus may be prepared by mixing the
following ingredients together in the
Deodorant Spray proportions given:
For theatres, lavatories, etc. Per cent
Pine-needle Oil by weight
Formalin of each 2 oz. Insecticide Oil 56.0
Acetone 6 oz. High Boiling Tar Acids 4.0
Isopropyl Alcohol to 20 oz. Water Gas Tar Distillate 8.0

For use as a spray 1 oz. is mixed with Rosoap 30.0

a pint of water. Castor Oil Soap 2.0
In the above examples, rather than
adding the rosoap to the oily por-
Pine Deodorizing Spray tions, it is preferable to add the oily

Pine spray Pine oil 250, geranium oil portions such as the tar acids, insecticide
5, bergamot oil 5, lavender oil 15, rose- oil, and water gas tar distillate, to the
mary oil10, bornylacetate 15 and iso- rosoap while stirring and heating. The
PrOH 700 parts. remaining ingredients may be added in
any order.
Water isadded to the above composi- Household Disinfectant
tions to produce a disinfectant in the (Phenol Coefficient about 2.5)
form of an emulsion. Any desired pro- Straw Colored Cresylic Acid 50 parts
portion of water may be used. The emul- (Phenol Coefficient about 5.0)
sion formed is of an exceptionally stable Sulfonated Castor Oil, Con. 25 parts
character. 25% Caustic Potash Solution 15 parts
Any animal or vegetable soap may
Add the caustic potash while stirring
be substituted for castor oil soap to aid
to a mixture of the other two, and ad-
in stabilizing emulsions. For instance
just either with alkali or red oil (oleic
soya bean oil soap or stearic acid soap
acid) until a sample dissolved in alcohol
may be used. Sulphonated oils may also is neutral to phenolphthalein.
be used.

* Disinfectant, Deodorizing Pine Oil Disinfectant

Lime 85-93
A low priced disinfectant and deodo-
rizer for spraying (when diluted with
Sod. Tetrasilieate 15-7
water) or general cleaning purposes.
Alum 5
Rosoap 10 lb.

* Disinfectant
Pine Oil 60 lb.
The pine oil isworked into the Rosoap,
Toluene sulfodiehloramide
gradually, to avoid lumping. Part of
Caustic Soda 10
the pine oil may be replaced by kerosene
Sod. Sulfate 110
to lower costs. The above when stirred
When dissolved in water it is a strong into water gives a milky white emulsin.
bleach and disinfectant.

Pine Oil Disinfectants

Household (Cresol) Disinfectant
Pine Oil Disinfectants are commonly
Dissolve 25.5 gms. Caustic Soda in 140 made according to the Hygienic Labora-
c.c. water, warm this and add to a tory Formula:
warmed mixture of 500 c.c. Cresylic Acid
and 180 c.c. Rozolin; stir thoroughly and Parts by Weight
add water to make 1000 c.c. Pine Oil 1000
Wood Bosin (Acid Num-
Cresol Disinfectant
ber— 165) 400
Sodium Hydroxide (25% Solu-
A. Cresol 35 tion) 200
Creosote 45
Castor Oil Soap 20 1600
It is prepared in the following manner :
B. Rosin 17
The Pine Oil and 4t I” Wood Rosin are
Washed Cresote 71 heated together at a temperature of
Cresol 10 80° C. in a jacketed steam kettle, the de-
Caustic Soda 2
gree of heat is maintained until the rosin
Water 2
is thoroughly dissolved in the Pine Oil.
The temperature is then dropped to 60° C.
White Cresol, Disinfectant at which point the Sodium Hydroxide
Cresol 50 (25% solution) is added by stirring in
Cresote 7.5 very slowly. Saponification should be
Glue 2.5 complete in thirty (30) minutes. This
Castor Oil Soap 0.5 product has a predicted phenol coefficient
Caustic Soda 0.1 of 3.5 to 4 determined by the Food and
Water 60 Drug Act Method against B-Typhosus.
The following formula was developed
Disinfecting Laundry using a vegetable oil soap base:
Soak for 1 hour in any of following Vegetable Oil Soap Base 20%
and rinse. Pine Oil

Formalin 1
Pine oil is added to the vegetable oil
Water (at 140° F.) 200
soap and stirred in slowly. No beating
Emulsified Cresol (Cresylic Acid) 1
is required for this blend. This product
Water 100 has a predicted phenol coefficient of 5.2
Use cold.
determined by the Food and Drug Act
Method against B- typhosus.
— :


The following label has been approved spray a 1 to 40 dilution with water
for disinfectants by the Government: on roosts and dropboards; to kill fleas,
wash dogs in a 1 to 40 dilution in soapy
Pine Oil Disinfectants water.
Active Ingredients The Government has strict regulations
Pine Oil 1 to prevent labeling a product as a disin-
Soap or Base 2 fectant if an adulterant is present.
Inert Ingredients Manufacturers should have a represen-
Moisture 3 tative sample of their disinfectant tested
(Moisture not to exceed 10% of total.) for determination of phenol coefficiency.
The above procedures, if followed, in-
Pood and Drug Act —
Test Phenol sure the manufacturer of having a disin-
Coefficient (4). (Pill in blanks (1) fectant labeled within the Government
(2)— —(3) (4) to correspond with the
disinfectant manufactured.)
A Steam-distilled Pine Oil Disinfectant
made according to the prescribed rules
Directions and regulations insures the following
In the bathroom. —To wash the bath- 1. Has a clear sparkling amber color.
tub, basin and toilet, apply in a 1 to 40 2. Produces a snowy white emulsion in
dilution in water. water.

In public places. .Schools, Hotels, 3. Does not bum body tissues.
Theatres, Stores, Office Buildings, Col- 4. Is non-corrosive and non- toxic to
leges, etc. Spray freely one part to forty humans:
parts of water. 5. Does not stain when in diluted form.

In garbage receptacles. To check the 6. Leaves a clean piney odor where-
development of putrefactive action and ever applied.
breeding of flies. Spray the receptacle 7. Kills typhoid, scarlet fever, diph-
with a 1 to 40 dilution in water. theria and cholera germs, etc.

In the stable. To help promote sanita- 8. Is free from suspended matter.
tion and destroy stable odors. Spray a This denotes uniformity.
1 to 40 dilution in water. 9. May be used as an antiseptic for

In kennels, chicken houses, etc. To kill minor cuts and bruises as a wet dressing.

Emulsions that is, something which does not mix
Theory with water.
Since the theory and practice of Emulsification formulae and methods
emulsions is still in a highly disorgan- have been evolved chiefly through prac-
ized state the theoretical side will be tice— by actually making innumerable
touched on but lightly. emulsions. Because of the vagaries and
An emulsion may be considered as a eccentricities of emulsions practical
homogeneous suspension of tiny drop- workers have made greater technical
lets of oil in water or water in oil. The advances in this field than the pure
oil in water type may be represented research chemists. Too often the
by the usual furniture polish (milky) trained chemist does not achieve as
and the water in oil type by butter. good emulsions as the lay worker—be-
The term “oil” includes oils (mineral, cause the former rebels instinctly
vegetable, animal or essential), fats, against empirical formulae and does not
greases, waxes, hydrocarbons (benzol, follow instructions as implicitly as the
naphtha, turpentine, etc.), synthetics man <f who knows he doesn't know."
(thylene dichloride, nitrobenzol, etc.) Moreover each new emulsion represents
a new problem having numerous vari- Emulsifying Agent
able factors. These should not be under- Ammonium Linoleate Paste
estimated if a good stable emulsion is
desired. The technique and preparation A cream colored paste; ammoniaca!
of any particular formula should first be odor.
mastered before any variations are at- This is an excellent agent for emulsi-
tempted. fying vegetable and fish oils, waxes,
fat, resins, hydrocarbons and many
Methods other water insoluble products. When
Just as one man's food may be an- emulsifying a water insoluble product

other's poison so one method, which having a melting point of over 100° C.,
will give a perfect emulsion in one case, the latter should be first dissolved in
may produce a perfect failure in an- naphtha, ethylene dichloride, turpentine
other. Thus no one method or emulsi- or similar solvent. Alcohol as a rule
fying agent will serve universally. should not be used as it breaks down
Specific technique will be given later in most emulsions. Similarly acids, esters
the case of the different emulsifying and salts must be avoided.
agents recommended.
When an emulsion of a solid melting Procedure
above 100° C. is desired, it should first Using proportions given in the fol-
be melted with sufficient solvent or oil lowing table, dissolve the indicated
to reduce the combined melting point amount of water in the Ammonium
below 100° C. For example naphtha- Linoleate Paste. This is done by cov-
lene with naphtha or other hydrocar- ering the Ammonium Linoleate with
bons; synthetic resins with hydrocar- the required amount of water and al-
bons or vegetable oils. lowing it to soak over night. Work in
slowly the next day until dissolved
completely. Do not attempt to dissolve
Technical emulsions are used in in any other way or lumps will result.
numerous ways in many fields. The To this add slowly with vigorous agi-
following are but a few of a large
tation the indicated amount of oil and
number of uses. Polishes, beauty continue stirring until homogeneous.
creams, lotions, water-proofing, agricul- When a wax is to be emulsified the
tural sprays, mayonnaise, cleaning com-
wax is melted and considered as an
pounds, lubricants etc. Many new spe- oil. In this ease the water must be
cialty emulsions are likewise being
heated above the melting point of the
wax. Most trouble is encountered in
Summary making wax emulsions because the solu-
tion of Ammonium Linoleate in water
It must be borne in mind, however, and the melted wax are not heated suf-
that perfect results cannot be gotten
ficiently. To play safe keep each of
until a few experimental emulsions are
these solutions between 95 and 100° C.,
made in order to become familiar with not allowing the temperature to drop
working conditions. That is why ex-
below the melting point of the wax
perience shows that one of the given
while adding one to the other. These
formulae should be mastered before at-
formulae have been repeated numerous
tempting any variations.
times with uniformly good results. If
Variations in raw materials, proce-
your emulsion is grainy or forms a film
dure, enors in proportions, etc., produce
of wax on the surface, then the fault
poor results. The formulae given have
is in manipulation and not in the Emul-
been repeated many times and will
sifier. Good wax emulsions cannot be
work if they are strictly adhered to.
made by hand or with a slow moving
Of course these formulae cannot fill
paddle. The vigorous agitation of a
every individual requirement. '
Varia :
fast electric stirrer is essential.
tions are therefore necessary. In order
Emulsions of the various inflammable
to work out successful formulae, pa-
hydrocarbons produce products of high
tience is essential. That which is worth
cleansing powers and of a much higher
while getting is worth while striving
for. It is suggested that only one in-
gredient or proportion be varied at a
In manysynthetic reactions where
better contact is desired between an
time. This enables one to know exactly
aqueous and a water insoluble liquid
what produces the change in the fin-
recourse is had to emulsions. Similarly
ished product.
a water soluble solid may be dissolved

in water and then emulsified with the Triethanolamine Oleate 6

water insoluble liquid. Water 78
Coconut Oil Emulsion
(All parts by Weight)
Coconut Oil 81
Ammo- Triethanolamine Oleate 6
Parts nium Oleic Acid 12
Material of Linoleate Water
Emulsified Parts Water
No. Paste
1. Kerosene 90 90 8
2. N aphtha 90 100 7
Corn Oil Emulsion
3. Benzol 90 100 7 Corn Oil 86
4. Gasoline 90 100 7
5. Pine Oil 90 90 10
Triethanolamine Oleate 6
6. Carnauba Wax. . . 90 620 12 Oleic Acid 6
7. Beeswax. 90 500 12 Water 82
8. Ozokerite 90 400 14
9. Turpentine 90 100 8
10. Nitrobenzol. ...... 90 100 8 Cod Liver Oil Emulsion
11. Orthodichlorbenzol 90 100 8 Cod Liver Oil 82
12. Methyl Salicylate . 90 100 8
Triethanolamine Oleate 6
The above formulae can be lessened Oleic Acid 6
in cost by reducing the amount of emul- Water 80
sifier used. The minimum can be de-
termined by experiment. Increasing Cotton Seed Oil Emulsion
the amount of water will give thin Cotton Seed Oil 86
emulsions. Certain oil emulsions are Triethanolamine Oleate 6
improved by the addition of 1 or so % Oleic Acid
of ammonia dissolved in water when 80
making the emulsion.
Emulsifying Agent
Trihydroxyethylamine Stearate
Oil Emulsions
(T. S. for short)
Using Triethanolamine Oleate A light brown wax. Faint fatty odor.
The procedure is to stir the trieth- In the formulae given below proceed
anolamine oleate with the oleic acid as follows:
until dissolved and then, while beating Melt the T. S. with the oil and add
vigorously to run the oil and water into this to the water (some prefer to use
it in successive alternate portions. warm water) slowly while stirring vig-
Emulsification takes place immediately orously with an electric mixer. Warm
and beating can be discontinued in a water and very rapid stirring produce
few minutes. These emulsions are very uniformly stable emulsions.
stable. As they are diluted, however,
the degree of stability decreases. Salts, Formulae
acids or other electrolytes disrupt these Trihydroxy-
emulsions. The addition of small Material Parts ethylamine
amounts of cresylie acid, alcohols or Emulsified Parts Water Stearate
A. Mineral Oil 75 185 15
pine oil thicken them considerably. B. Pine Oil 75 85 14
C. Turpentine 75 85 14
D. Paraffin Wax. . . . 85 200 10
Almond Oil Emulsion E. Eucalyptus Oil. . 75 85 14
F. Balsam Copaiba.. 75 85 14
Almond Oil 81 G. Gasoline 75 85 14
Triethanolamine Oleate 6
Oleic Acid 6
Water 81 Fuel or Lubricating Oil Emulsion
Fuel or Lubricating Oil 88
Castor Oil Emulsion Triethanolamine Oleate 6
Castor Oil 82 Oleic Acid 5%
Triethanolamine Oleate 6 Water 90
Oleic Acid 12
Water 82 Lard Oil Emulsion
Lard Oil 88
Chinawood Oil Emulsion Triethanolamine Oleate 9
Oleic Acid 4
Chinawood Oil 86
Water 76
Oleic Acid 10
Linseed Oil Emulsion Rubberseed Oil Emulsion
Linseed Oil 86 Rubberseed Oil 84
Triethanolamine Oleate 6 Triethanolamine Oleate 6
Oleie Acid 6 Oleic Acid 6
Water 78 Water 84

Menhaden Oil Emulsion Sesame Oil Emulsion

Menhaden Oil 86 Sesame Oil 86
Triethanolamine Oleate 6 Triethanolamine Oleate 6
Oleie Acid 6 Oleic Acid 6
Water 80 Water 85

Soya Bean Oil Emulsion

Neatsfoot Oil Emulsion
Soya Bean Oil 86
Neatsfoot Oil 86 Triethanolamine Oleate 6
Triethanolamine Oleate 6
Oleic Acid 6
Oleic Acid 6
Water 85
Water 78
Sperm Oil Emulsion
Olive Oil Emulsion Sperm Oil 82
Olive Oil 86 Triethanolamine Oleate 6
Triethanolamine Oleate 6 Oleic Acid 6
Oleic Acid 6 Water 82
Water 78
Oil in Water Emulsions, Coloring
Palm Oil Emulsion Water soluble dyes are recommended.
Palm Oil 86
The dyes are best dissolved in the
Triethanolamine Oleate water to be used in the emulsion.
If the emulsion is to be colored after
Oleic Acid 6
Water completion, dissolve the color in as
water as possible and add the con-
centrated dye solution to the emulsion
Paraffin Oil Emulsion and stir vigorously. If impractical to
Paraffin Oil 80 add this small quantity of water, the
Triethanolamine Oleate 12 dry dye should be added in small
Oleic Acid 6 amounts to the emulsion and stirred
Water 80 vigorously.

Peanut Oil Emulsion Maroon Color

Peanut Oil 86 Pylam Water Maroon
Triethanolamine Oleate 6 1 lb. to 400 gal.
Oleic Acid 6 Yellow
Water 80 Tartrazine 1 lb. to 1200 gal.

Perilla Oil Emulsion Black

Perilla Oil 84 Nigrosine Crystals 1 lb. to 1200 gal.
Triethanolamine Oleate 6
Oleic Acid 6
Water 82 Alizarine Violet 1 lb. to 1200 gal.

Rapeseed Oil Emulsion
Pylam Chloro Green S-310
Rapeseed Oil 85 1 lb. to 1200 gal.
Triethanolamine Oleate 6 Rose
Oleic Acid 6
Violamine 2R, DuPont
Water 85
1 lb. to 1200 gal.
Rosin Oil Emulsion Bismarck Brown 1 lb. to 1200 gal.
Rosin Oil 80
Triethanolamine Oleate 6 Amber
Oleic Acid 4 Pylam Amber S-271
Water 82 lib. to 400 gal.

Coloring Washing Powders Melt Gelatine in water and while

Dishwashing and cleaning compounds boiling hot, add melted rosin slowly,
made from T. S. P., modified soda, soda agitating violently. Continue agitation
ash or combinations of same are colored until perfectly smooth.
as follows:
Favorite color is peach, which gives Bosin 700 gr.
a greenish fluorescence when dissolved Water 2100 cc.
in water. Stearic Acid 63 gr.
Color: Soluble Fluorescene, Triethanolamine 21 gr.
1 lb. to 1250 lbs. compound Melt Bosin and Stearic Acid together.
Add Triethanolamine to water. Heat
Coloring Mineral Oil water to boiling point and stir in
melted rosin. Stir until smooth.
Brilliantines and light mineral oils
for same are colored as follows:
Bosin 14 gr.
Water 84 ec.
Pylakrome Green LX-799
Heat to boiling,* turn off heat and
1 lb. to 1600 gal.
add while stirring vigorously
Ammonium Hydroxide 5 cc.
Azo Yellow 1 lb. to 1600 gal.
Water 34 cc.
Blue Stir until all lumps disappear (re-
Alizarine Oil Blue 1 lb. to 2000 gal. heating may be necessary).
Grasol Violet 1 lb. to 2000 gal. Asphalt Emulsions
Asphalt 500 gr.
Bed Water 500 cc.
Pylakrome Bed No. 420 Bentonite 30 gr.
1 lb. to 1600 gal. Quebracho 30 gr.
Soda Ash 10 gr.
Water in Oil Emulsions, Coloring
Combine bentonite, Quebracho, soda
Oil soluble colors are recommended. ash and water and heat to 200° F.
The colors are dissolved in the oil be- While stirring, add asphalt which has
fore emulsification. been heated to approximately 200° F.

Green Pylakrome Oil Continue stirring until asphalt is dis-
Green 1119 8 oz. to 100 gal. persed.
Azo Yellow 8 oz. to 100 gal.
Alizarine Oil Blue 8 oz. to 125 gal. Asphalt 2800 gr.
Alizarine Oil Violet 8 oz. to 125 gal. Water 2800 gr.
Azo Oil Bed 8 oz. to 100 gal. Bosin Soap (50%) 118 gr.
Oil Black 8 oz. to 25 gal. Pine Oil 40 cc.
Add rosin soap to water and heat to
Black Wax Emulsions 200° F. Heat asphalt to 200° and add
To any non-edible wax emul-
color pine oil. While agitating, slowly pour
sion stir into it, with a high
black, asphalt into water and continue agitat-
speed mixer about 10 parts Paris Paste ing until a smooth emulsion is formed.
per every 100 parts of wax present in
the emulsion. * Asphalt Emulsion
A very stable 1:1 bitumen-H 2 0 emul-
Bosin Emulsions sion is formed by adding part of the
Bosin 700 gr. melted asphalt, while stirring, to hot
Water 2100 cc. dil. NaOH; when a scum begins to form,
Glue 150 gr. 0.5% of oleic acid is added and the rest
Melt glue in water and while boiling of the asphalt together with oi< 2%
hot, slowly add melted rosin, agitating clay.
violently. Continue agitation until per-
* Pitch Emulsion
fectly smooth.
Bitumen or pitch is dispersed in an
Bosin 700 gr. aq. paste of starch the p B of which
Water 2100 cc. has been adjusted to 4.0-5. 0 by the
Gelatine 150 gr. addition of tannic acid or material con-
taining tannin. The product may con- been added, but not before, stir vigor-
tain 60% of bitumen, 1.5-2% of starch, ously until the mixture is fairly homo*
0.15-0.2% of tannic acid, and the re- geneous. Then slowly add with con-
mainder H2 0. stant stirring 33 lbs. of water, obtain-
ing a thick smooth emulsion.
Continuing with the same stirring
Soluble Oil Emulsions
rate, first add the remainder of the oil
The soluble oil method is particularly in small portions, and finally the re-
applicable for medium viscosity mineral maining water in a similar manner.
oils and is not successfully applied to Emulsification is complete when the
other oils or solvents. With such min- oil and water are evenly distributed.
eral oils, however, the method yields
excellent emulsions which are quite Properties
stable. These oils usually require from The olive oil emulsion so prepared is
3.5 to 4.0 per cent Triethanolamine, de- pure white and creamy, and will be
pending upon the stability desired in stable in the concentrated form in
the emulsion. The amount of oleic acid which it is made. If greater dilution is
lies between 8 and 11 per cent, the desired, water may be stirred into this
amount varying especially with the emulsion in any proportion. When di-
type of oil. The more refined oils are luted to five times its volume, giving
the most difficult to emulsify as will be a 9% concentration of oil in water, no
seen from the following table: separation should occur within 24 hours.

Soluble Oils Variations

Trieth- When storage for an indefinite period
Type of Oil Color Oil Oleic Acid amine of time is unnecessary, a technically
Cutting Oil. . . Yellow 881b. 8.01b. 3.71b.
satisfactory product can be similarly
Textile Oil . . . Bloom 87 lb. 8.8 lb. 3.5 lb. prepared with only 7 per cent oleic acid
Medicinal Oil. White 861b. 10.01b. 4.0 lb. and iy2 per cent Triethanolamine.
Rayon Oil. . . . White 85 lb. 10.4 lb. 4.0 lb.

Formulation by this method requires Uses

great exactness, and it is always neces- Textile lubrication, shampoos, hand
sary to derive formulae for the specific lotions.
oil to be emulsified because of the great
variation in commercial petroleum prod- Pine Oil Emulsion
ucts. Given an unknown oil, take 88 Pine Oil 91 lb.
grams, add 8.0 grams of oleic acid and Oleic Acid 6 lb.
stir to a clear solution. How measure Triethanolamine 3 lb.
carefully 4.0 grams of Triethanolamine Water 100 lb.
into this solution and stir thoroughly. Preparation
On holding this mixture up to the light,
it will usually be cloudy or show minute
Add the oleic acid, Triethanolamine
suspended droplets. How add oleic acid
and 30 lbs. of the pine oil to the mixer
and stir until the product is clear.
drop by drop, stirring thoroughly after
Then add very slowly an equal volume
each addition until the mixture becomes
of water stirring vigorously meanwhile.
clear. It will now emulsify in water,
but a few drops further of acid will
When this mixture has become a
smooth uniform emulsion, the remainder
give a slightly superior soluble oil. The
of the oil is gradually added with con
total oleic acid can now be calculated
stant agitation. The rest of the water
and the whole formula reduced to the
is next similarly added until emulsifica-
basis of 100 pounds.
tion is complete.

Olive Oil Emulsions
The pine emulsion so prepared is
Olive Oil 88 lb.
a creamy, white product which is in-
Oleic Acid 10 lb.
definitely stable when concentrated. It
Triethanolamine 2 lb.
can he further diluted as desired, the
Water 80 lb.
best results being obtained when the
Preparation water is stirred into the product. At
Working at ordinary temperatures very high dilutions, such as is obtained
add the Triethanolamine, oleic acid and with 1% oil in water, good dispersion
30 lbs, of the olive oil to the agitator. and fairly high stability still character-
As soon as these three ingredients have ize the emulsion.

Variations eral oils is the above formula which

To make this product as concentrated was derived for an oil suitable for an
as possible and still maintain ready orchard spray. Similar formulae will
dilution with water, preparation is sug- be found for other oils of this type.
gested as follows. Dissolve 3 lbs. of
Triethanolamine in 40 lbs of water and
add slowly, with high-speed stirring, a Into a container equipped with a
solution of 6 lbs. of oleic acid in 91 lbs. simple stirring device, pour 7 pounds of
of pine oil. the mineral oil together with all of the
Uses oleic acid. Stirring for a few minutes
produces a homogeneous solution to
Disinfectants and deodorants, textile
which should now be added the exact
wetting-out and scouring agents.
quantity of Triethanolamine. Mix this
into the liquid until a clear solution
Light Mineral Oil Emulsion results.
Mineral Oil 88 lb. To the above product add the remain-
Oleic Acid 8.0 lb. der of the oil and stir sufficiently long
Triethanolamine 3.7 lb to obtain a uniform solution. In mak-
Water ing shipments it will be sufficient to add
Eormulation one part of the oil base to four parts
of the untreated oil without stirring.
The above formula was derived for
a particular low viscosity lubricating Properties
oil and is typical of the formulation for
a cutting oil.
The soluble oil so prepared will not
deteriorate or separate on storage. It
Preparation will emulsify spontaneously when added
Weigh out the oleic acid and 8 pounds slowly to water and will form a stable
of the mineral oil and stir together to
white emulsion. Dilution, however, is
obtain a uniform solution. Then add best performed by first stirring well
the exact amount of Triethanolamine with an equal volume of water and then
and stir until the solution is clear. diluting to the extent desired.
Some warming will occur during the Uses
reaction of the acid and amine.
This soluble oil base is dilutable with
Orchard spray, hand cleaner, sham-
the remainder of the oil at any time.
Simply stir the remaining 80 pounds of
the oil into the base, or four parts by White Paraffin Oil Emulsion
weight of the oil to one part of the Paraffin Oil 85 lb.
base. Oleic Acid 10.4 lb.
Properties Triethanolamine 4.0 lb.
Both the soluble oil base and the Water
resulting soluble oil are stable indefi- Eormulation
nitely and will not separate on standing The refined white paraffin oils re-
when made up in the proper propor- quire somewhat more Triethanolamine
tions. The product emulsifies sponta- and oleic acid to become readily soluble.
neously when poured into water. The The above formula is an example of the
best method of emulsifying, however, proportion of ingredients for a particu-
is accomplished by stirring the oil with lar oil of this type. Preparation of the
an equal volume of water until a emulsion will be considered on the basis
smooth creamy mass is obtained, and of this particular oil.
this can be diluted further with water
as desiredl Preparation
Uses In weighing out the ingredients, all
Cutting oils, soluble greases. measurements except those of the oil
should follow the formula very exactly.
Add the oleic acid to 5 pounds of the
Befined Mineral Oil Emulsion oil and stir until homogeneous. Then
Mineral Oil 87 lb. add the Triethanolamine and mix^ thor-
Oleic Acid 8.8 lb. oughly until a clear viscous solution is
Triethanolamine 3.5 lb. obtained. The mass will heat up on ac-
Water count of the saponifying action of the
Eormulation amine upon the oleic acid.
Typical of the partially refined min- To this solub] oil base, the remain-
ing 80 pounds of paraffin oil may be Uses
added when desired, or simply one part Leather soaking, silk soaking, leather
by weight of this base to four parts of dressing.
the oil. Stirring sufficient to mix the
two materials only is necessary. A
Linseed Oil Emulsion
fectly clear liquid will result if the pro-
Linseed Oil 88 lb.
portion of oleic acid is correct.
Oleic Acid 10 lb.

Triethanolamine 2 lb.
Water 80 lb.
This soluble oil is readily emulsified Preparation
into any quantity of water, although it
is preferable to agitate it first to a
Working at ordinary temperatures,
thick creamy emulsion with an equal
thoroughly mix the oleic acid, Trieth-
volume of water before further dilution. anolamine and 30 lb. of the linseed oil.
At a concentration of 5 per cent oil in Add 33 lb. of water to this mixture
water, the emulsion should be perfectly slowly with constant, vigorous stirring.
stable for 24 hours.
This procedure yields a thick, smooth
Uses The remainder of the oil is then
added in small portions, maintaining
Rayon lubrication, cosmetic creams.
the same stirring rate, and the rest of
the water is added similarly. Stirring
is discontinued as soon as the last of
Neat's Foot Oil Emulsion
the water has been evenly dispersed.
Neat's Foot Oil 88 lb.
Oleic Acid 10 lb. Properties
Triethanolamine 2 lb.
This emulsion is of the oil-in-water
Water 80 lb. type, and is a stable, creamy product
Preparation which can be further diluted with
Add together the oleic acid, Trieth- water. The emulsion should be stored
anolamine, and 30 lb. of the Neat's in an airtight container as oxidation of
foot oil at ordinary temperatures. Mix the oil decreases the stability of the
thoroughly in the agitator and gradually emulsion.
add 33 lb. of water, stirring vigorously Variations
meanwhile. A thick, uniform emulsion In the case of linseed
oil, it is often
will result. desirable for the emulsion to be of the
Continuing with vigorous stirring, water-in-oil type. If the procedure
add slowly the remainder of the oil and given above is followed, using 1%
then the rest of the water. Discontinue Triethanolamine and 3% free fatty acid
stirring when an even mixture is ob- instead of the indicated proportions,
tained. such an emulsion will result.
Properties The given formulae have been tested
on a boiled linseed oil and will require
The Neat's foot oil emulsion prepared
as above is a uniform white and stable
some alteration for raw linseed oils.
product. The stability decreases some- These different oils have a variable free
what on dilution, although in a 10% fatty acid content which affects chiefly
concentration of oil in water, no separa- the amount of oleic acid to be added in
tion may be expected to occur within emulsification.
24 hours. Dilution down to 1% is pos- Uses
sible, provided the water is carefully Emulsion paints, linoleum coatings.
stirred into the original thick emulsion.
This is the most general of the emul-
sification methods and can be success-
When the emulsion is to be used fully used to emulsify most of the prod-
shortly after preparation, the percent- ucts. In the same way that previous
ages of Triethanolamine and oleic acid methods are particularly valuable for
can be considerably reduced. This is certain products, however, the Trieth-
best brought about by stirring further anolamine method is invaluable in spe-
oil and water alternately into the origi- cific cases. It is recommended for min-
nal emulsion by the procedure given eral solvents, such as gasoline, naphtha,
above. On the other hand, the Trieth- kerosene and benzol, and for many of
anolamine method of emulsification can the emulsion mixtures, such as polishes
be used. and cosmetic creams.
A number of polish and cosmetic Variations
formulae are given later to explain the With the given formula the amount
use of this method in the latter con- of water in the kerosene emulsion may
nection. The following are typical of be reduced to 50 pounds, the emulsion
the formulae for emulsions of the min- remaining of the oil-in-water type. If
eral solvents, the ingredients being
the proportion of water is further
given as usual on a weight basis. lowered, and particularly if the emul-
sion is prepared by gradually adding
Triethanolamine Method the water solution to the oil solution,
Type of Oleic Triethanol- the resulting product will usually be of
Solvent Solvent Acid amine Water the water-in-oil type. The latter type
Kerosene 89 . 8 3 100 is also favored by an increase in the
Naphtha., 82
. . 14 4 100 percentage of oleic acid.
In using this method, two solutions Uses
are made up, to be called the oil solu- ‘ 1

tion" and the li water solution" re- Polishes, cleaning compounds, insec-
spectively. The solvent and oleic acid
are mixed and being mutually soluble, The water method of emulsification
form a clear oil solution. In a separate has been developed for use particularly
container, the water and Triethanola- with waxes and other semi-solid mate-
mine are similarly dissolved together rials, such as greases and asphalts, and
at ordinary temperatures to form a for the preparation of the wax polishes.
clear water solution." It gives very good results, however, in
The oil solution is then added in its other emulsion problems and is a con-
entirety to the water solution, and the venient method whenever stearic acid
mixture at once violently agitated. A is preferable to liquid fatty acids.
white emulsion results instantly. To The following tabulation presents
obtain good stability it is important suggestions for the formulae to be
that stirring be as rapid as possible at adopted for waxes. The proportions of
the start, and then be continued inter- the ingredients are given on a weight
mittently a few times after the emul- basis.
sion has formed. Water Method
Type of Stearic Triethanol-
Wax Wax Acid amine Water
Kerosene Emulsion Beeswax. 300
. 88 9 3
Kerosene 89 lb. Carnauba. . 87 9 4 400
Paraffin, 88 9 3 300
Oleic Acid 8 lb. . .

Lanolin.. . 80 15 5 200
Triethanolamine 3 lb. Japan. . . . 85 12 3 400
Water 100 lb.
Preparation In this method, the wax or oil is
emulsified by means of a water solution
The preparation of emulsion is
this of the soap which is made from the
typical of the procedure used for any Triethanolamine and stearic acid. The
liquid. In one container weigh out the water is measured out into a container
above quantities of kerosene and oleic or kettle which can be heated. The
acid and mix these two liquids thor- Triethanolamine is then stirred into
oughly. In a separate container stir this and then the stearic acid is added.
together the water and Triethanolamine On heating, the acid gradually melts
until a homogeneous solution is ob- and can be stirred into the water to
tained. give a smooth soap solution, and the
The oil solution is now poured into temperature is raised to just below the
the water solution, and the resulting boiling point. The wax is now melted
mixture is stirred or agitated vigor-

in a separate container and its tem-

ously. After the emulsion is well perature brought to 85-95° C. This is
formed, it should be stirred occasion- then added to the water solution and
ally, a few minutes at a time.
the whole at once stirred vigorously to
obtain a good emulsion. Stirring is
Properties then continued gently until the product
This method produces a pure white has cooled.
emulsion of kerosene which possesses ex-
cellent stability. It is of the oil-in- Carnauba Wax Emulsion
water type and can be diluted to any Carnauba Wax 87 lb.
extent desired by the addition of water. Stearic Acid 9 lb.


Triethanolamine 4 lb. Properties
Water 400 lb. The paraffin wax emulsion so pre-
Preparation pared a creamy, white product, the
Weigh out the stearic acid, water and consistency and stability of which are
and Triethanolamine, and heat the mix- but little affected by temperature
ture in a kettle to 100° C. After the changes. In its concentrated form, no
acid has melted completely and the solu- separation will occur over a period of
tion is boiling gently, stir carefully months. To make a more dilute prod-
until the acid has been dissolved and uct, water may be stirred into this
a smooth soap solution is obtained. emulsion.
In a separate steam-heated container Variations
melt the carnauba wax until a tempera- The wax and stearic acid are melted
ture of 85-90 0 O. is reached. Do not together over a steam bath until the
allow the temperature to rise above temperature is 90° C. and thoroughly
95° C., or the wax will be darkened in mixed. The mixture is then poured
color. Now add the molten wax to the quickly into a boiling solution of the
boiling soap solution and stir vigor- Triethanolamine and water, and is at
ously until an even dispersion of the once violently agitated. The emulsion
wax results. Stir gently, but continu- is then stirred gently until it has cooled
ously, until the emulsion has cooled to to room temperature. The same pro-
room temperature. cedure is to be followed if oils or sol-
vents are to be mixed with the wax,
the only change being a substitution of
The carnauba wax emulsion, when a portion of the wax in the given
prepared as described, is a very smooth, formula.
cream-colored product. It is rather vis- Uses
cous when cold, but of thinner consist- Sizing and waterproofing, cosmetic
ency when warm, and is a very stable
creams, polishes.
emulsion. It may be diluted with water
if desired.
Variations Triethanolamine Emulsions
The substitution of oleic for stearic The soap method of emulsification has
acid in the above formula produces an proved to be the most practical method
emulsion somewhat less stable but much of treatment for the majority of animal
less viscous. It therefore permits a and vegetable oils, as well as for cer-
considerably higher concentration of tain types of organic solvents.
wax to be used. When other ingredi- Typical of the oils to be emulsified
ents are to be added they are best in- by this method, as well as the formulae
cluded prior to emulsification by to be developed, is the following table
methods given in the polish formulae. which gives the proportions of ingredi-
ents by weight:
Soap Method
Leather dressings, auto polishes.
Oleic ethanol-
Paraffin Wax Emulsion Type of Oil Oil Acid amine Water
Castor Oil 82 16 2 80
Paraffin Wax 88 lb. Cottonseed Oil ... 88 10 2 80
Stearic Acid 9 lb. Lard Oil 87 10 3 80
Linseed Oil. ...... 88 10 2 80
Triethanolamine 3 lb. Olive Oil . 88
. 10 2 80
Water 300 1b. Neat’s Foot Oil. .'. 88 . 10 2 80
Preparation Dichlorethyl Ether. 83 12 5 100
Ethylene Dichloride 86 10 4 100
Mix the water, Triethanolamine and Lubricating Oil. 89 . . 9 2 100
stearic acid and heat to 100° C., Pine Oil. ... 91
. . 6 3 100
White Paraffin Oil 82 14 4 100
allowing the mixture to boil gently.
Then stir carefully so that a smooth The procedure by method con- this
soap solution is obtained with a mini- sists in stirring the oiland water alter-
mum of foam. In a separate container nately into the soap made from the
melt the paraffin wax and bring its tem- Triethanolamine and oleic acid. To
perature to 90° O. Add the hot wax one- third of the oil is added the total
immediately to the boiling soap solution oleifi acid and Triethanolamine and
and stir vigorously until the wax is these are stirred together until homo-
evenly dispersed. Continue to stir the geneous. Stirring vigorously, a volume
emulsion slowly while cooling. of water equal to the oil present is now

added slowly, a thick creamy emulsion One part of Di-Glycol Stearate when
resulting. The remainder of the oil can melted in 10-30 parts of boiling water
next be added with continuous stirring, produces, on stirring, while cooling, a
and finally the rest of the water in a uniform milky dispersion of the wax
similar manner. The following details in water which is very stable. The con-
an emulsion prepared by this method. sistency varies with the amount of
water used. They may be also used as
lubricants to be squirted between
Ethylene Dichloride Emulsion spring-leaves or other inaccessible
Ethylene Dichloride 86 lb. places. On evaporation of the water a
Oleic Acid 10 lb. film of non-flowing wax remains behind
Triethanolamine 4 lb. as a lubricant. These make excellent
Water 100 lb. suspending media for titanium dioxide,
Preparation carbon black, graphite, silica and other
Mix together the oleic acid, Trieth- abrasives.
anolamine and 30 pounds of the ethyl- Formulae
ene dichloride until a clear solution is .
A] 10 Pine Oil. 40 Water 40
This will become somewhat .
. '.
obtained. 10 Mineral Oil.. 50 Water 500
warm due to the saponification of the SI Di-Glycol 10 Paraffin Wax 40

Water 250
Stearate Water 50
fatty acid by the Triethanolamine. jq I 10
Ej 10 Water 300
Now add slowly, with thorough stirring,
50 pounds of the water, finally obtain- Procedure
ing a thick creamy emulsion.
The wax
melted with the Di-
oil or is
Then with continued stirring of this Glyeol Stearate.The water is heated
emulsion, add first the remainder of the
to a temperature above the melting
oil in small portions and finally all of
point of the wax and added slowly
the water likewise. Continue
while stirring vigorously. '

Properties stirring
until cool. By varying the
amounts of water, emulsions of vary-
The emulsion resulting above is pure ing consistency are obtained. They are
white and stable. It may be further very white in color and stable. Other
diluted with water to any extent de- oils and waxes may be emulsified in a
sired, theemulsion containing 20% of similar way.
solvent showing no separation, in 24 Formulae (A), (B), (C), (D) all use-
hours. Emulsions of chlorinated hydro- ful as polishes.
carbons can not be stored indefinitely Formula (A) serves as a liniment,
because of a gradual hydrolysis in the disinfectant or deodorant. The pine oil
presence of water. It is, therefore,
may be replaced by turpentine, citron-
recommended for use within a few ella oil or perfume compounds.
weeks of its manufacture. Formula (B) with a little perfume
dissolved in the oil makes an excellent
lotion or liquid cleansing cream.
Ethylene dichloride is frequently Formula (D) with a little perfume
used in textile scouring agents in emul- is used as a lotion or powder base.
sified form. Eor such uses a high pro- Formula (E) serves as a greaseless
portion of soap to solvent is desirable, ointment in paste rouge base (with the
and in this case a soluble ethylene di- addition of Glyco Wax B).
chloride can be made. A clear solution
results when 50 pounds of this solvent
are stirred with 34 pounds of oleic acid Emulsifying Agent
and 16 pounds of Triethanolamine, and Miscibol (Pot. Oleo-Abietate)
this mixture emulsifies instantaneously A viscous paste; resinous odor. Alka-
when added to water. line reaction.

Uses Used in place of Turkey Red or Sul-

fonated oils where an acid product is
Scouring and wetting agents, pol-
undesirable. For making “ soluble”
ishes, insecticides. oils.
The following formulae gives clear
Emulsifying Agent solutions without heating. When these
Di- Glycol Stearate solutions are thrown into water they
A light colored wax. Practically diffuse rapidly to give milky emulsions,
odorless (m.p. 58-60° C.), This is abso- A, Pine Oil 6 lb.
lutely free from alkalies or amines. ,
Miscibol 1 lb.
Pine Oil 5 lb. The ammonium and water
Kerosene 1 lb. were allowed stand overnight as
Miscibol 1 lb. above. Then heated to 90° C. and
Water 1 lb. stirred by means of high-speed mixer.
The wax and oil were heated together
until the wax dissolved in the oil, and
Asphalt Emulsion taken to 100° C. This solution was
A hot dil. aq. soln. of alkali such as then added to the ammonium linoleate
a soln. of NaOH of about 0.5% strength dispersion in water, and stirred rapidly.
is prepcl. and about an equal wt. of This gave a paste emulsion.
asphalt is melted; part of the melted
asphalt is stirred into the hot soln. '*
Colloidal Lecithin
slowly until scum begins to form on
the surface, then a small quantity (suit- Lecithin. 1 lb.
ably about 0.5% of the final product) Glycerol I lb.
of oleic acid is added, followed by addn. Gelatin 2 lb.
of the rest of the asphalt while the Water 100 lb.

temp, and agitation are maintained and Warm and stir until dispersed.
a small proportion of clay is added to
give desired stability and adhesiveness. Cumar Emulsion
Cumar 50
Asphalt Emulsion Naphtha 50

A sodium oleate solution is made up Allow to stand overnight and stir

until dissolved. Add
to a concentration of 20 per cent by
the addition of oleic acid and caustic Blendene 20
soda to water at 90° C. This is then w hile
stirring with a high-speed agi-
diluted with 9 times its volume of water tator; add slowly
heated to 90° C. The 2 per cent soap Water 100
solution is run through the colloid mill
Stir vigorously for 5-10 minutes.
with an equal amount of asphalt heated
to not exceeding 100° C. The resultant
emulsion contains equal parts of asphalt Halowax Emulsions
and water, with 1 per cent by weight
of soap. Formula No. 1
Water 3 lb.
Carnauba Wax, Kerosene Emulsion
Halowax 1 lb.
Stearic Acid 53 gm.
Carnauba Wax 16.0 gr. Triethanolamine 27 gm.
Kerosene 20.0 cc.
Ammonium Lin oleate 2.4 gr. Formula No. 2
Water 200.0 cc. Water 3 lb.
Halowax 3 lb.
The ammonium linoleate was placed
Stearic Acid 108 gm.
in a vessel and covered with the water
Triethanolamine 54 gm.
(cold) and allowed to stand overnight.
The following day it was warmed and Formula No. 3
stirred completely dispersed in
until Water 3 lb.
the water, taking care that no lumps Halowax 13 oz.
were left. This was taken to 90° C. Halowax Oil No. 1000 3 oz.
and stirred by means of a high speed Stearic Acid •
108 gm.
mixer. The wax was melted, taken to Triethanolamine 54 gm.
100° C., and the kerosene added and Melt the wax and stearic acid to-
stirred until the wax was dissolved in gether and stir. Heat the water and
it. This was then added to the hot triethanolamine until they start to boil.
ammonium linoleate dispersion and the Add the wax to the water and stir with
agitation continued until the emulsion an electric stirrer and then run through
was cool. This gave a fluid emulsion. the colloid mill. A good emulsion is
obtained if it is cooled quickly after
Carnauba Wax, Mineral coming from the colloid mill.
Oil Emulsion
Mineral Oil (Spindle) 19 cc.
Carnauba Wax IS gr. Lanolin Emulsion (Fluid)
Ammonium linoleate 2.4 gr. Biglyeol Oleate (Light) 10 gm.
Water 102 cc. Lanolin (Anhydrous) 30 gm.

Wanned till dissolved. Added to the *Tricklorethylene Emulsion

above with rapid agitation Triehlorethylene 67 lb.
Water 60 ec. Turkey Red Oil 4.5 lb.

made slightly alkaline withCaustic Bentonite 2 lb.

soda ( %% ) * Stir five to ten minutqs. Water 26 lb.
Amonnia (26° Be.) 0.45 lb.

Paradiehlorbenzene Emulsion
Paradiehlorbenzene 12 gm. *Sulfonated Mineral Oil
Glycol Stearate 3 gm. This useful as an emulsifying agent
Water 150 cc. and “ spreader" —
for various emulsions
Melt the glycol stearate in the water — particularly agricultural sprays.
(about 90° 0.). Stir rapidly (high- Two volumes of lubricating stock
speed mixer). Melt the paradichlor- such as brown neutral oil are mixed
benzene, preferably on water bath and under continuous and rapid agitation
add slowly to the stearate dispersion in with one volume of acid, ordinary 95
water. Continue stirring until cool. to 97 per cent sulfuxdc acid, for thirty
minutes at a temperature approximately
35° to 40° C. The reactivity of the
Rosin, Turpentine Emulsion oil in commercial batches tends to cause

Rosin 11.0 gm. excessive heating and the material

Turpentine 2.5 gm. should be suitably precooled or else the
Ammonium Linoleate 2.0 gm. mixture intimately cooled to avoid the
Water 50.0 cc. rise of temperature above 50° C.
Ammonia 15.0 ec. One feature of this process is the
control of temperature during the reac-
The ammonium linoleate and water tion and terminating the reaction in the
are taken in the usual way (see
up minimum time so that the useful product
page 152) ;
heated, and mechanically agi- acids produced will not be destroyed.
tated (high-speed mixer). The rosin The temperature of the reacting mass
and turpentine are heated together of sulfuric acid and mineral oil must
and added to the ammonium linoleate not be allowed to rise materially above
dispersion in water to which has pre- 50° C. and that the lowest temperatures
viously been added the 15 cc. of am-
compatible with a satisfactory reaction
monia. Stirring is continued until
produce the best grade of water soluble
product acid. With proper temperature
This gives a paste emulsion.
control either ordinary concentrated
sulfuric acid or 20% fuming acid may
* be employed.
Rubber Emulsion
The production of this useful product
A mixt. of rubber 100, benzene 10- acid is also possible by the use of a
100, glue 1 and casein 1 part is masti- proportional quantity of fuming sul-
cated while slowly adding an aq. soln. furic but it is then preferable to add
of K oleate until the rubber constitutes the fuming acid gradually to the oil
the dispersed phase of the batch. The while the agitator is running and also
product is suitable for use as a cement- to cool the reacting mass as with a
ing medium. water bath surrounding the agitating
vessel and preferably cooled agitators,
Raw Tallow Emulsion (50%) At the end of the reaction time one
Raw Beef Tallow (Good volume of water is added to this mass,
Quality) 80-100 lb.
and mixed by the same rapid agitation
Trihydroxyethylamine until uniformly distributed. The mass
Stearate 9 lb. is then allowed to stratify into three
Water 90-100 lb.
layers. The upper layer consists of oil
(6-8 ounces of Trisodium phosphate and oil soluble sulfonic acids. The
added to water may prove advantageous middle layer consists of some oil, sul-
if water used is of a high degree of
fonic acids, sulfonic tars, organic sulfur
hardness.) bodies, sulfuric acid, water, some sul-
This is a substitute on an equal basis furous acid and the bodies in which I
for commercial 50% Sulfonated Tallow am interested. The bottom layer con-
sists essentially of sulfuric acid and
in sizing preparations.


Tlie oil layer (upper) and the acid with approximately one-third its volume
layer (lower) are then removed from of benzol (benzene) to purify it. After
the middle layer which is a thick green- sufficient agitation the mixture is al-
ish black mass and may even show a lowed to stratify and the lower layer
purple color in thin layers. containing product in solution is drawn
The separated middle layer is then off from below. This benzol wash-
dissolved in three volumes of alcohol ing is repeated three or four times
(methyl or ethyl) and dry finely pow- or until the sulfonic tars have been
dered soda ash (sodium carbonate) practically all removed.
added under agitation until the strong After the solution has been washed
free acids are neutralized and precipi- with benzol it is returned to the still
tated as salts insoluble in alcohol of where the dissolved benzol and remain-
this concentration. ing alcohol are removed by further dis-
The aqueous alcohol is then filtered to tillation.
remove the precipitated salts. The re- The resulting purified product may be
sulting alcoholic filtrate is then further reduced to any desired consistency by
diluted with an equal volume of water evaporation. When reduced so as to
and either exactly neutralized with a contain 30 to 40 per cent solids product
solution of sodium hydrate, or may be is a brown colored syrupy liquid com-
made alkaline with ammonia. pletely soluble in water and in alcohol
The filtrate is then placed in a still and contains practically no oil soluble
to remove and recover the excess of al- matter. The color is variable from light
cohol. When the alcoholic content of brown tonearly black depending on
the filtrate has been reduced to approxi- the time and temperature of the origi-
mately ten per cent by volume, the fil- nal reaction and on the oil stock used.
trate is removed from the still and In general the lighter colored acids are
placed in a closed agitating vessel of superior quality.
where it is heated to 50° C, and mixed


Brass, Black Pickling of Denatured Alcohol 16 oz.
Copper Carbonate 750 Water 96 oz.
Ammonia Hydroxide 150
Immersion from 3 to 8 minutes is
* Stainless Steel, Etching
Iron Chloride 100
Etching Glass Water 50-75
A. Sod. Fluoride 9 dr. Use at 25-37.5° C.
Pot Sulfate 108 gr.
Water 1 pt.
B. Hydrochloric Acid
(cone.) 10 fi. dr.
Etch Resist
Zinc Chloride 216 gr. In etching glass it is necessary at times
Water 1 pt. to block off portions which one desires
Mix solutions A and B in equal amounts to keep unetched. A
solution for this
before use. purpose is composed of the following
Asphaltum 12.5%
Etching Steel Bees Wax 4.5%
The following solution is used. Ceresine Wax 58 %
Nitric Acid 32 oz. Stearic Acid 25 %
Hydrochloric Acid 3 oz.


ETCH SOLUTIONS FOE (a) Phosphoric Acid (85%) 1 oz.

(b) Gum Arabic Soln. 32 to 40 oz.
Etches for Zinc Plates (a) 1 gal. of chemically pure HN0 2
Ammonium Nitrate 3 oz. with 7 Gals, of 20 H
Ammonium Phosphate 31/2 OZ. (b) Dissolve zinc to the point of satu-
Calcium Chloride % OZ. ration in this HNO3 solution.
Hydrofluoric Acid % OZ. (c) Take 1 oz. of resulting soln. and
Gum Arabic Soln. % oz. of gum arabic soln. and mix with
(Saturated) 80 oz. a gallon of water.

Phosphoric Acid 1 part 2 oz. Bichromate of Ammonia

Gallic Acid 2 parts 1 pt. Gum arabic Solution
Gum Arabic Soln. 8 parts 1 tps. of the following
Water 14 parts 2 14 oz. Phosphoric Acid (85%
Gum Arabic Solution 32 oz.
84 oz. Gum Solution
Ammonia Water (16%) 3 oz.
Phosphoric Acid 1 oz.
Gum Solution is water saturated with
Hydrofluoric Acid 5 or 6 dr.
gum arabic and filtered.

Pour each of the above ingredients

intogum separately and stir continuously. Etches for Stone
Keep 24 hours before using. HNO 3 gum solution until
added to
action of acid is plainly visible when it
is applied to the stone.
Etches for Either Zinc or Aluminum
Sod. Phosphate 1 part
Pot. Phosphate 2 parts Counter Etches
Sod. Nitrate 1 part A. For Zinc Plates.
Pot. Nitrate 2 parts Alum 4 oz.
Dissolve in 1 gal. of hot water and HN0 3 1 oz.
add 2 ozs. Phosphoric Acid. h2 o 1 gal.
Mix and cover plate thoroughly, then
Ammonium Nitrate 2 parts dry plates as quickly as possible.
Ammonium Phosphate 2 parts For Aluminum Plates
Gum Arabic Soln. 20 parts 1. Potash Aluminum 869 dr.
Water 75 parts HN0 3 185 c.c.
h2 o 12 gal.
Ammonium Nitrate 1 part 2. H20 1 gal.
Ammonium Biphosphate 1 part HNO s % oz.

Gum Arabic Solution 10 parts Acetic Acid 2 oz.

Water 38 parts HCL 1 oz.
(Mix thoroughly.)
Etches for Aluminum Plates 3. Acetic Acid 99.5% 2 oz.

(a) Dissolve 2 ozs. of Pulverized Amm.

Potash of Aluminum % oz.
Water 60 oz.
Bichromate in 16 ozs. water. Acetic Acid (99.5%) 2% oz.
(b) Mix 1 oz. of the soln. resulting
Nitric Acid Sp. Gr. 1.403 114 oz.
from (a) with the following. H. F. Acid (Tech.) 1 oz.
(1) (20%) Phosphoric Acid 1 oz. Water 2 gal.
(2) Gum Arabic Soln. 8 oz.
(3) Water .
8 oz.
* Paste Acids

(for etching, cleaning and soldering)

(a) Sod. Phosphate 14 oz.
1. Suspendite 6 lb.
(b) Sod. Nitrate 14 oz.
2. Water 70 lb.
Dissolve (a) and (b) in % gal. of hot
3. Muriatic Acid 28 lb.
water and add 1 oz. (80%) Phosphoric
Acid. Use this etch without gum, Allow 1 and 2 to stand over-night and
spreading it evenly over the Plate, by then mix until smooth. If necessary use
means of a soft sponge or a brush made warm water. When cold add 3 slowly
of camels or badgers hair. and stir until uniform.
: BA


Antique Gold Finish Swab gently wtih soft cloth or cotton
Gold Cyanide oz. % to remove last thin film of deposit.
Silver Cyanide dwt.
Sodium Cyanide 6 oz.
*Desensitizing Lithographic Plates
Sodium Carbonate 2 oz.
Water 1 gal. 1. Preparation of the Coating Solution.
A very small quantity of lead dissolved
in caustic soda isadded to this solution. Formula —
In preparing the lead solution dissolve 1 Dissolve
ounce of lead carbonate and 4 ounces of % oz. of dry ammonium bichromate
caustic soda in 1 quart of water, and in 4 oz. of water
add 20 to 30 drops to each gallon of Add this solution to
solution. 15 oz. of fresh, strained gum arabie
Operate solution at 110° F., with 4 to 5 solution having a density of 14° on
volts. Use 18 karat green gold anodes. the Baume hydrometer, or a specific
Agitation of the work is essential to pro- gravity of 1.115 at 60-70° F.
duce the antique finish. After the smut
is produced relieve on a small rag wheel, Formula —
using bicarbonate of soda moistened with This solution can also be made without
water. The work is lacquered to protect the use of a hydrometer by completely
the finish. dissolving
Gun-metal Finish 4% oz. of air dry gum arabie in
10 oz. of water,
After the work has been polished and
cleaned, it is placed in the following solu- straining through at least four thick-
tion for ten to fifteen minutes nesses of cheese cloth, and making up to
15 ounces, with water.
Ferric Chloride 2 oz.
Mercury Nitrate 2 oz. To this is added a solution made by
Muriatic Acid 2 oz. dissolving
Alcohol 8 oz. % oz. of dry ammonium bichromate in
Water 8 oz. 4 oz. of water
After immersing the work in this solu- In either case the solution, if correctly
tion it should be hung up to dry for 10 made, will measure approximately 12%°
to 12 hours. Repeat the immersion and on the Baume hydrometer, or 1.094
drying operation, then brush lightly with specific gravity at 60-70° F.
a fine crimped steel wire wheel. Finally,
oil with paraffin or linseed oil, and remove
Precaution —
This solution will give the

best results if made up fresh from sweet

excess oil with a soft cloth. gum arabie solution, each day. It should
be kept in a cool place and in a brown
Photo Engravers Collodion bottle to protect it from light action and
should under no circumstances be used if
Nitrocellulose (15-20 sec.) 3
it has been standing longer than two
Ether 48.5
Alcohol 48.5
Filter and bottle.
The proportion of gum arabie to
ammonium bichromate need not be limited
to the exact figures given above, but may
Etching Filler be varied with experience to as low as 12
A for etched lines in metal to
filler ounces of 14° Baume gum solution, or
make them more distinctive has the fol- 3 y2 ounces of dry gum* arabie, to ounce %
lowing formula: of ammonium bichromate. This propor-
White Bees Wax tion produces a harder film but one that
10 gr.
French Chalk under certain conditions may show a
5 gr.
Melt together. tendency to take a light tint. The pro-
portion given in the formulae and B A
(above) has worked well in practice and
Etching Aluminum Reflectors should be followed at least until experi-
Water at 45° C. 950 c.c. - ence has been gained.
Hydrofluoric Acid (48%) 50 c.c. The viscosity of the coating solution
Rotate reflector every 30 seconds. may be reduced, if desired, by adding to
Pour off and wash with running water. it a little water. The diluted solution will
Introduce 50-50 Nitric acid to remove produce a somewhat thinner coating but
black film. the characteristics of the surface will
Pour off and rinse with water. not be appreciably affected.
2. Preparation of the Image. Distance Time of exposure (minutes)
from arc Aluminum Zinc
Zinc and aluminum plates and litho-
graphic stones on which the design has 48 in. 8% IQ
been produced by any of the methods
60 in. 18^ 16
78 in. 23 28
commonly used, can be treated. The
preparation of the design should be car- Lengths of exposure to be given,
ried to the point at which it is ready for using a 30 ampere double open arc print-
the final etch. The final etch may be ing lamp, using y2 " photographic white
applied in the usual manner before the flame carbons
application of the coating, but this is not Distance Time of exposure (minutes)
necessary since the bichromated gum film from arc Aluminum Zinc
alone produces complete desensitization. 48 in. 3% 4
Precaution :

The surface must be 60 in.
78 in.
8 y2
“clean” The image or design must be
sufficiently well developed and greasy to Due to the fact that are printing lamps
stand the usual etching and gumming. of various makes vary somewhat in cur*
The coating should not be applied to a rent and voltage characteristics and in
photo-litho plate or stone until the image light intensity, the above tables are only
has been strengthened by rolling up suffi- to be taken as a guide.
5. It is generally
ciently to stand etching and gumming. If safe to assume that the same exposure
the ink is too spare, or if the image is which will give a satisfactory albumen
under developing ink alone, there may be print on a metal plate or stone, through
difficulty in washing out the design after the average dry plate negative in a print*
coating and exposing. .Surfaces on which ing frame, is the proper exposure to give
there is crayon or tusche work should be the bichromated gum desensitizing film.
etched, gummed, washed out and rolled The distance from the light source to the
up well before application of the coating plate or stone during exposure should be
solution. at least as great as the length of the
diagonal of the plate, in order to secure
3. Coating the Plate or Stone.
uniform light action.
Dampen the surface and ifhas been
under gum, wash it offi with a clean Washing.
sponge. Take offi the excess moisture 6. After exposure, the plate or stone is im-
with a sponge or clean rag. Pour a little mediately washed for not less than two
of the bichromated gum solution from minutes in running water to remove the
the bottle onto the surface and rub it unchanged ammonium bichromate, the
down evenly with a clean dry rag. With excess of water is wiped offi with a
another clean dry rag or piece of cheese sponge or rag and the plate is gummed
cloth rub until the coating is thin and up with ordinary gum arabic solution in
dry exactly in the same manner as in the usual way and dried. It is then ready
gumming up. to be washed out and put under

Precaution: Just as in gumming, the asphaltum.
coating must be thin so that the work Precaution If the excess ammonium

is not covered. After the coating is bichromate is not thoroughly removed

hardened, streaks are difficult to wash out from the film by washing, the hardened
and should be avoided. If the work has gum film will gradually become grease-
been too sparsely inked it will be difficult receptive unless the printing operation is
to prevent streaks. begun within a short time. If an im-
properly washed plate stands in the dry
4. Exposure. condition longer than 2 or 3 days it will
After coating, the entire surface is ex- scum.
posed to the rays of an arc lamp to
harden the film. Any light source of Printing.
sufficiently high intensity can be used. Plates or stones prepared in this way
Since arm lamps are in general use for should be handled in the usual manner
printing down, they are recommended for except that in most cases they can be run
this purpose also. A variety of these is without etch or dope in the fountain
available, having varying intensities, and water. Should a tendency to fill up be
we give the following suggestions for ap- encountered, the work should be gummed
proximately correct exposure: out and the surface gummed up and
a. Lengths of exposures to be given, dried. A
little weak etch may be added
using a 25 ampere single open arc print- to the fountain if thickening persists.
ing lamp, using photographic white Chromic etches should be avoided. A
flame carbons. satisfactory formula is as follows:
*4 oz. 85% phosphoric acid the “case connection,” the hook is in
16 oz, 14° Baume gum arabic solution. direct contact with the metallic plate of
the case, portions of the wax being re-
From to% %
ounce of this mixture
moved in order to bring the metal and
added a gallon of dampening water
the graphite surface into electrical con-
is usually all that is needed to keep the
tact, while the back of the case is in-
work open.
sulated with wax. In the method now
Because of the nature of the coating
hardened gum, the plates appear
more generally employed, and known as
the “face connection,” the hook is in
slick ” to the pressman and therefore

contact with a small copper plate im-

seem to carry more water than they
actually do. The first reaction of the bedded in the wax near the top of the
pressman is to cut down his water, and form and in contact with the graphite
this usually results in a scum caused by surface. In the latter method the
the plate being too dry. A
little ex-
metallic plate itself is not in the circuit,
perience is necessary to enable him to and there is less tendency for copper to
Since deposit upon any accidentally exposed
learn how to control the water.
portions of it.
the Talleys of the grain are filled with the
water absorbent coating, printing is After the copper is deposited to the de-
sired thickness (usually 0.006 to 0.010
actually done with less surface moisture
inch (0.15 to 0.25 mm.) ) the case is taken
than on ordinary plates, but of course
some water must be carried. Should a from the bath, and the copper “shell”
is loosened by means of hot water. After
scum appear, do not etch the plate until
you have tried increasing the water a trimming the edges, the back of the shell
is treated with soldering fluid (usually an
little. If the scum disappears then, the
acidified solution of zinc chloride) and
trouble is due to too little water.
coated with “tin foil” containing about
35 per cent of tin and 65 per cent of lead,
after which it is laid face downward upon
Electrotyping a heated pan. After the tin foil is melted
The first step in the production of an upon the back of the shells, molten
electrotype consists in the preparation of electrotype metal (usually containing
an impression or “mold” in wax of the from 3 to 4 per cent each of tin and anti-
form to be reproduced. The molding wax mony and from 92 to 94 per cent of lead)
usually consists of ozokerite to which is poured over them to the desired depth.
various substances have been added to The electrotypes thus produced are
produce the desired physical properties. cleaned, cut, and trimmed to the desired
The molten wax is poured upon one side size, “finished” to a plane surface and
of a metallic plate, consisting of lead, shaved to the proper thickness. They may
copper, or aluminum. The wax-coated be subsequently curved if desired.
metal is termed a 1 case ’ After taking
. in many cases, for the most perfect
the impression of the form by the use of reproduction of halftone or other work in
suitable pressure at a slightly elevated low relief, molding in thin sheet lead at
temperature, usually by means of a high pressures is practiced. The lead
hydraulic press, the resultant “mold” is mold thus produced is cleaned with alcohol
“trimmed” and “built up” to produce to remove grease, and is then treated
the desired degree of relief in the finished with a dilute solution of chromic acid or
plate. a chromate. This forms a thin film of
The mold is then coated with graphite, lead chromate, which prevents the de-
applied by a wet or a dry process, or posited metal shell from adhering too
both. After washing out the excess of tenaciously. The subsequent steps are
graphite, the form is either introduced similar to those involved when wax molds
directly into the depositing bath, or, in are used.
some cases, is given a preliminary treat- For the better classes of work,
ment (so-called “oxidizing”) with cop- especially color process halftones, or for
per sulphate solution and fine iron filings, plates requiring very severe service, nickel
whereby a thin film of copperis deposited electrotypes (commonly called 1 steel * 1 or
by “immersion” upon the graphite. The “nickel steel”) are frequently employed.
baths are usually contained in lead-lined In their preparation, a thin layer of
wooden tanks, with copper ctoss bars, nickel (usually about 0.001 inch or 0.025
from which the anodes and cathodes are mm.) is first deposited upon the wax or
suspended. Electrical connection to the lead mold, copper is then deposited back
graphited cathode surface is made by of the nickel, and the resultant nickel-
means of the suspending hook by either copper shell is treated as above. The true
of two methods. In the one known as “nickel electrotype” thus made should
not beconfused with a nickel-plated chromium, usually about 0.0002 inch
electrotype in which nickel is deposited (0.005 mm.) has been often applied to
upon the surface of a finished copper nickel or copper electrotypes that are to
electrotype. be used for very long runs, for example
During recent years a thin coating of in the printing of cartons and labels.

* Blasting Composition Diphenylamine 1
Am. Chlorate 54 Pot. Sulfate 1
Barium Nitrate 29.5
Aluminum Powder 1.5 * Igniter, Blasting Cap
Aluminum Granules 9
Pot. Ferricyanide 20-40
Rosin 3
Pot. Chlorate 10-30
Nitrocellulose 70-30
* Explosive

An explosive consists of NaC10 3 5-50,

* Ammunition Primer
NaN0 3 5-50, o-0 2 NC 6 4Me 5-15,H
(0 2 N) 2 C 6 3 Me 5-15, and sawdust 5-15 Mercury Fulminate 10-40
parts. Antimony Sulfide 20-45
Barium Nitrate 10-60
* Explosive, Blasting
Lead Trinitroresorcinolate 5-35

Sod. Chlorate 77.1

* Percussion Cap Primer
Dinitrotoluol 17.1
Castor Oil 5.05 Lead Azide 5-15
Paraffin Wax 0.75 Cu Silicide 10-15
or Barium Nitrate 10-15
Pot. Chlorate 75 Tetrazene 10-15
Dinitrotoluol 18.4
* Electrical Detonator
Mononit ro Naphthalene 1.06
Castor Oil 4.8 Lead Sulfocyanide, 30-50
Paraffin 0.74 Pot. Chlorate 10-30
Smokeless Powder 30-50
*Fuse, Blasting
A mixture such as Pb thiocyanate * Cartridge Primer, Explosive
30-50, KC10 3 10-30 and ground smokeless
powder 30-50% or one of similar char- Mercury Fulminate 30
Lead Trinitro Resorcinate 10
acter which may contain Cu thiocyanate,
Barium Nitrate 29
a nitrate or a perchlorate is used as
Lead Sulfocyanide 10
ignition material around the ignition wire
Abrasive 20
of an electric fuse, and a detonating^
Binder 1
charge may be used comprising tetrani-
tromethylaniline associated with a mix- * Primer, Explosive
ture of Hg fulminate and KC10 3 in the
proportions of 90 and 10%, respectively. Stable to shock and friction.
Pot. Chlorate 28
* Powder, Ballistic Antimony 55
Zinc Dust 17
Nitrocellulose (13.15% N) 85
10 35% Gelatin Solution
Dinitrotoluol sufficient to act as a binder
Dibutyl Phthalate 5
* Primer, Explosive The sawdust and vaseline mixture is
Mercury Fulminate 37 made by rubbing 8 oz. of sawdust with
Barium Nitrate 32 6 oz. of melted vaseline.
Antimony Sulfide 28
Ground Glass 3 Potassium Perchlorate 4% oz.
Trinitro Toluol 4-8 Strontium Nitrate 20 oz.
Sulphur 5% oz.
* ‘ *
Tracer ? 3
Bullet Composition Rosin % oz.
Animproved light emitting composi-
Sugar % oz.
tion is a mixture of two parts of mag-
Antimony, Powdered % oz.
Vaseline-sawdust Mixture 10 oz.
nesium powder and three parts of bismuth
oxide, which when pressed under a load
of ten cwts. into tracer pellets for shot Perchlorate Potash 12% parts
gun cartridges, gives excellent results, Nitrate Strontia Powdered 50 parts
having the desired properties of certainty Powdered Charcoal 1 part
of ignition, brightness of trace, and free- Powdered Sugar 4 parts
dom from danger of possible toxic effects. Red Gum 15 parts
Similar results are obtained with a mix-
ture of one part magnesium powder and
Potassium Chlorate ,
6 parts
one to two parts of sodium bismuthate.
Strontium Nitrate 2 parts
composition containing three parts
Strontium Carbonate 1% parts
of bismuth oxide, two parts of magnesium
powder or other suitable metallic powder,
Gum Kauri (red gum) 2% parts
and half a part of strontium peroxide.
The addition of the strontium peroxide Green Fire Composition
changes the white colour of the flame
Barium Chlorate 90 gm.
emitted by the tracing composition to a
Powdered Orange Shellac 10 gm.
reddish colour and in brilliant sunlight
the trace is much more discernible than This mixture is made by mixing the
a completely white light. above two ingredients together.

* Explosive Primer Barium Chlorate 23 parts

Zirconium (Powd.) 10
Barium Nitrate 59 parts
Mercury Fulminate Potassium Chlorate 6 parts
Barium Nitrate Orange Shellac 11 parts
Stearic Acid Powd. 1 part
Antimony Trisulfide 15

Barium Chlorate 55 parts
Barium Nitrate 33 parts
“Red Fire ; Shellac 12 parts
Strontium Nitrate 66 parts
Potassium Chlorate 25 parts
Barium Nitrate 6 parts
Powdered Orange Shellac 9 parts
Potassium Nitrate 3 parts
Sulphur 2 parts
Strontium Carbonate 16 parts
Potassium Chlorate 72 parts Barium Nitrate 18 parts
Orange Shellac Powdered 12 parts Shellac 4 parts
Mercurous Chloride 4 parts
Potassium Chlorate 37 parts Potassium Chlorate 2 parts
Strontium Nitrate 50 parts
Shellac Powd. 13 parts Barium Nitrate 3 parts
Potassium Chlorate 4 parts
Strontium Nitrate 8 oz. Gum Kauri *( red gum) 1% parts
Sugar 4 oz.
Potassium Chlorate 1 oz.
Potassium Perchlorate 15 oz.
Blue Fire Composition

Strontium Nitrate 80 oz. Potassium Chlorate 6 parts
Flowers of Sulphur 20 oz. Ammonio-sulphate of -Copper 8 parts
Wood Charcoal (powdered) 1 oz. Shellac 1 part
Gum Kauri (red gum) 2 oz. Willow Charcoal 2 parts
V aseline-sawdust Mixture 10 oz.


Potassium Chlorate 40 parts Potassium Nitrate .
10 parts
Copper Sulphate 8 parts Sulphur 2 parts
Rosin 6 parts Charcoal 2 parts
Iron Pilings (fine) 7 parts
"White Pire Compositions For loading into ordinary paper cases.
Potassium Nitrate 24 parts
Sulphur 7 parts
Potassium Nitrate 36 parts
Charcoal (wood) 1 part
Sulphur 2 parts
Charcoal (wood) 10 parts
Potassium Nitrate 7 parts Por loading into paper cases.
Sulphur 2 parts
Powdered Antimony 1 part
Light Sticks
Potassium Perchlorate 3% oz. Pill thin paper tubes of about %"
Barium Nitrate 17 oz.
outside diameter and V long with the
colored fire compositions, alternating.
Powdered Sulphur 3% oz.
One end of the tube should be closed
Finely Powdered Aluminum 5 oz.
tightly to a depth of 3" with clay or sand.
Pill with powder of the desired color and
Potassium Perchlorate 7 oz. close end by pasting a piece of tissue
Barium Nitrate 34 oz. paper around it, after inserting a fuse.
Flowers of Sulphur 7 oz. Boil a handful of sawdust or wood
Aluminum Bronze (dust) 2 oz. shavings in a cup of water containing a
Aluminum Flakes 7 oz. teaspoonful of potassium nitrate. When
dry, it will burn with a whitish yellow

Pyrotechnic flame, sizzling as it burns. Add tea- %

spoon of strontium nitrate to the water
A nonhygroscopic successively explod- before boiling the sawdust in it. When
ing composition consists of the sawdust is then immersed and dried
Pot. Chlorate 35 lb. it will burn with a red flame. Barium
Magnesium Oxide 35 lb. nitrate will make the flame green; cop-
Phosforus Trisulfide 12 lb. per sulphate, blue.
Gum Arabic 1 lb.
Pot. Bichromate 5 lb.
Clay and Sand 8 lb. Homemade Sparklers
White Potassium Chlorate 10 oz.
* Pyrotechnic ( ‘
Snakes ; Granulated Aluminum 2 oz.

Naphthol Pitch 300

Charcoal %6 oz.

Tetryl 100 Mix to consistency of thick cream with

Nitrocellulose 20 a solution of 2 oz. of dextrine in a pint
Nitric Acid 250 of water and coat upon wires or slender
Linseed Oil 60 wooden sticks.
Stearic Acid 0.5 Por red sparkler add 1% oz. powdered
Graphite 0.5 strontium nitrate.
Por green sparkler add 2 oz. powdered
* Pyrotechnic Starter barium nitrate.

Calcium Silicide 10
Lead Bioxide 15 Smoke Composition
Fused Silica 30 White :Powdered Potas-
Copper Oxide 30 sium Nitrate 4 oz.
Powdered Soft Coal 5 oz.
Showers of Pire Sulphur 10 oz.
Pine Sawdust 3 oz.
Potassium Nitrate 18 parts
Red: Potassium Chlorate 15 parts
Sulphur 8 parts Paranitraniline Red 65 parts
Lampblack 5 parts Lactose (powdered) 20 parts
This composition burns with a yellow- Green Synthetic Indigo
: 26 parts
ish color, throwing out streamers of Auramine Yellow O 15 parts
golden sparks, due to the lampblack Potassium Chlorate 33 parts
which is used. The mixture burns slowly Lactose (powdered) 26 parts
and is suitable for filling paper tubes. Yellow: Precipitated Red
Arsenic Sulphide 55 parts
Powdered Sulphur 15 parts extinguished ; and may be used again and
Potassium Nitrate 30 parts again.
Pot. Chlorate 35
Smoke. Composition for Producing Calcium Plumbate 3.7
Sulfur 0.9
Tetrachlorethane or Chloro-
40-50 Benzoyl Peroxide 3.7
55-25 Powdered Glass 14.2
Zinc Filings
Hexamethylene Tetramine 42.5
Pot. Nitrate
Glue Solution sufficient to bind
Sod. Nitrate
5-15% Formaldehyde 0.5
Calcium Silieide
Pitch Mold into rods and coat with thin sod.
* Gas Bomb, Combined Tear and Smoke
Match, Repeatably Igniting
Chloroacetophenone 12.5-30
Hexachlorethane 27.3-52.5 From the following is molded a match
Ammonium Chlorate 5 which ignites on rubbing and may be
Zinc Dust 2 blown out and used repeatedly.
Zinc Oxide 2 Pyroxylin 50
Pot. Chlorate 20
Powd. Glass 10
* Yellow Smoke Composition Camphor 8
One substance well adapted to produce Pyridine 4
yellow smoke is: potassium bichromate Am. Oxalate 2
66 parts, bismuth tetr oxide 20 parts, mag-
nesium 14 parts; that is, the ingredi- * Blasting Fuse
ents are substantially in the proportion Fuses for “touching-off 99 by electric-
13: 4: 2, respectively. ity are made from an explosive mixt.
Another substance that gives the same giving no gas and a hot flame. Reduced
result is: potassium bichromate 65 parts, Fe and K 2 Mn 2 0 8 , or of Sb and
bismuth subnitrate 20 parts, and mag- K Mn
2 2 0 8 , or of Ca0 2 and C-Mg, all in
nesium 15 parts, the proportions having the proportions 1:1.
approximately the same relation as above
The compositions specified gives off * Black Powder
puffs of yellow smoke that are particu- Pot. Nitrate 72
larly adapted for use in daylight fire- Sulfur 6.5
works and various daylight signaling Charcoal 21
devices. Turkey Brown Oil 0.5-2
The dry materials must be in fine
* Match, Repeatably Igniting
powder. The Turkey Brown Oil is used
These matches are ignited by friction; to slow up the rate of combustion.
Dry Fire Extinguisher 800 gallons of solution is used for each
Ammonium Sulphate 30 lb. thousand pounds of shells and the mix-
Sod. Bicarbonate 18 lb. ture is cooked for approximately an hour
Ammonium Phosphate 2 lb. and a half with occasional agitation by
Eed Ochre 4 lb. the injection of steam, which also serves
Silex 46 lb. to keep up the temperature.
When the charge has been sufficiently
cooked, the liquor is withdrawn and boiled
Fire Extinguishing Fluid down from about 5% solid contents to
Carbon Tetrachloride 94-95 about 40% solid contents. If desired,
Solvent Naphtha 5 the stabilizer may be fortified by the
Ammonia Gas 0.5-1 addition to the boiled extract of minute
The above minimizes production of quantities of borax, sodium resinate,
toxic fumes when extinguishing fires. benzoate of soda or para-formaldehyde.
The stabilizer may be used in liquid
form but is preferably dried to a cake
* Fire Extinguishing Liquid (Non- in a suitable vacuum drier and the cake
Freezing) ground to a crystalline powder of approxi-
Pot. Carbonate 3-L-42 mately 40 mesh.
Ethylene Glycol 5-6% The proportions of the stabilizer to be
Pot. Chromate 2^3% used will vary with the foaming ingredi-
Water Balance ents used therewith and the kind of foam
desired. By using approximately 3
ounces of the powdered extract, 22 ounces
* Fire Extinguishing Foam of bicarbonate of soda and 30 ounces of
Large quantities of roasted peanut aluminum sulphate and combining these
shells are ordinarily available as a waste ingredients with a suitable volume of
product at little or no cost and this fact solvent, preferably approximately one
as well as the facility with which they pound of powder to one gallon of water,
may be digested, the high percentage of a stiff, tenacious foam will be produced
yield, and the excellence, color and non- which has great mobility, may be con-
staining characteristics of the product veyed through conduits with but little
make roasted peanut shells preferable to deterioration, does not stain or discolor
the husks of other legumes, which may, materials with which it comes in contact,
however, be used. and which owing to light color, is
In the preparation of stabilizer, the readily visible so that itcan be deter-
roasted peanut shells or hulls, together mined whether it is being projected to the
with any discarded peanut shells or hulls, right spot.
together with any discarded peanut ker- The dry powdered extract is preferably
nels or peanut vines which may be mixed combined w ith the bicarbonate of soda

with the shells, may be shredded and and this mixture is preferably fed
charged into a vertical extraction cylinder separately from the aluminum sulphate
and mixed therein with approximately into a stream of water flowing through a
10% of commercial caustic soda. Warm hose or pipe. The powder may be intro-
water, or the wash water from a previ- duced into the water by means of an
ously treated batch of shells, is then ejector or ejectors creating sufficient suc-
introduced into the cylinder and dissolves tion to draw the powders into the run-
the soda. The cylinder is then closed ning stream in proper proportions or by
and water at a temperature of approxi- mechanical feeders. The powders are dis-
mately 290° F. is forced into the cylinder solved by contact with the water in the
at a pressure of approximately 60 pounds hose or pipe to form foam which is
per square inch, the air in the cylinder ejected from the nozzle.
being vented therefrom. Approximately |

All formulae preceded by an asterisk (*) are covered by patents.

Fireproofing * Fireproof Coating
Periodically the question of fireproofing Wood covered with following is re-
woodwork, curtains, and drapings crops sistant to fire and heat.
up, especially in regard to trade displays Asbestos 40
and exhibitions. The use of sodium Magnesite 30
acetate for fireproofing wood has been Magnesium Chloride
known for a long time, and a solution (30% solution) to make paste
of 15 per cent, strength has been found
the most suitable concentration. Better
* Metal, Fireproofing
results are obtained if the sodium acetate
is reinforced with a small quantity of A metal article is protected and ren-
disodium phosphate. For flame proofing dered fire-resisting by coating it with a
planks a solution containing 228 grams layer of high-melting asphalt, then with
sodium acetate crystals and 33 grams a layer of asbestos paper or felt satd.
disodium phosphate crystals per litre with a mixt. of asphalt 60 and chlorinated
should be used. The planks are given polyphenyl 40% and then with a layer of
three coatings with this solution, time the asphalt.
being left between each application to
allow the liquor to soak in. For efficient * Paint, Fireproof
working the application of about 70
grams anhydrous sodium acetate per A fireproof paint made exclusively of
square metre of Wood surface is neces- inorg. materials contains 20% silicate,
sary. The depth of penetration depends 15% KOH, 20% dil.H 3 P0 4 15% finely

on the thickness and nature of the wood. divided asbestos, 15% ZnO and 15%
In the case of air dried pine boards of kaolin, intimately mixed.
17 mm. thickness a total penetration of
15 mm. was found, the boards being * Fireproofing Paper
coated on both sides. If the wood has
Craftboard or paper is satd. with a
been well dried out it is advisable to give
soln. contg. Al2 (804)3 8 oz., Ti sulfate
a preliminary treatment with water.
For coating curtains, paper, etc., the V2 oz. and water 1 gal. heated to
140-180° F. The craftboard or paper is
L.C.C. recommends 1 lb. of ammonium
removed and partially dried and then
phosphate and 2 lb. of ammonium
dipped in a soln. contg. Na 2 S0 4 10 lb.,
chloride to 1%gallons of water, or alter-
Na 3 B0 3 5 .1b., Na silicate soln. (39° Be.)
natively 10 oz. borax and 8 oz. boracic
14 gal. and water 28 gal. heated to
acid per gallon of water. The second 140-180° F. The craftboard or paper is
formula is stated to be better for delicate
partially dried and pressed in desired
articles. The fabrics should be dried shape.
without rinsing, and in all cases a small
piece of the cloth should be treated first,
in order to find the effect on colour and * Fireproofing
texture. Paper or wood is impregnated with
* Fireproofing Solution Cryolite or Sodium Fluosilicate 1-3
Aluminum Sulfate 1-2
Fibrous materials are immersed or 3-5
Sod. Silicate
treated under pressure with following:
Water 12-24
Am. Chloride or Carbonate 12
Boric Acid 8
Rayon, Fireproofing
Ammonium Hydroxide 8
Water 70 Rayon immersed in 10% Phos-
cloth is
foric Acid at 40° C. for 15 min.
Fireproofing Canvas
Am. Phosphate 1 lb.
Am. Chloride 2 lb. Fireproofing Textiles
Water 1% gal. The cloth is impregnated with
Impregnate with above; squeeze out Borax

excess and dry. Boric Acid 30
Water 600
Fireproofing Light Fabrics and dried.
Borax 10 oz. Ammonium Chloride 20 kg.
Boric Acid 8 oz. Zinc Chloride 30 per cent. 300 1.

Water 1 gal. Ammonia 28 per cent. 350 1 .

Impregnate; squeeze and dry. Water 100 1


The Paris Municipal Laboratory, the oxide which combines also with the
recommended the following process fiber.
Prepare a 2 per cent, solution of alumi-
num sulphate and a 5 per cent, solution Asbestos Dope
of silicate of soda. Mix and enter the
After squeezing and drying the

Asbestos. The cloth is painted with
cloth. a dope containing asbestos which hardly
aluminum silicate formed is insoluble. interferes with suppleness. An interest-
Another method consists in padding the ing composition is:
fabric in a solution of ammonium phos- Asbestos 350 gr.
phates, then steeping in an ammoniacal Silicate oi Soda, 36 deg. B. 350 gr.
solution of magnesium chloride. The Water 1,000 gr.
compound formed on the fiber is insoluble
in water. The fabric is rinsed to remove #
particles crumble and shrink. Con-
the excess of magnesium chloride and tinue heating for about 12 hours. Crush
dried. and screen to uniform sizes; replace in
Tungstate of zinc resists washing, and pans and reheat at 185-195° F. until
this makes it preferred at times to tung- proper state of dryness is reached (about
state of alumina. The most usual 8 hours). The dried material is of a
method consists in padding in a solution granular glassy light yellow color. This
of stannate of soda at 14 deg. B., and material is air-cooled and sifted thru No.
then drying. The goods are then entered 6 and No. 8 screens.
into a bath of the following composition:

Tungstate of Soda, 35 deg. B. 4 parts Fireproofing Wood

Acetic Acid, 9 deg. B. 1 part Wood can
be effectively fireproofed by
Ammonium Hydrochloride, 4 immersion in a 15 per cent aqueous
deg. B. 3 parts solution of anhydrous sodium acetate
Acetate of Zinc, 17 deg. B. 2 parts with the addition of about 3-4 per
cent of crystalline sodium phosphate
After centrifuging and drying the (NA 2 HP04 .12H2 0).
fabric is hot-calendered to evaporate the
acetic acid.
* Fireresisting Fiberboard
Perkin recommends the following
method: Pad with a solution of stannate Woodfiber is satd. with 10% NaOH
of soda at 26 deg. B., and dry, then treat soln. and the treated fibers together with
with a solution of ammonium sulphate at mineral wool fibers are introduced into a
1,0 deg. B., squeeze, dry and wash in body of a carrier liquid such as water
water to remove the excess of ammonium and agitated to bring the fibers into sus-
sulphate. This last step is not indis- pension (the mineral wool fiber compris-
pensable, as the sulphate has flame- ing 50-90% of the total fiber in the sus-
proofing properties. The stannate of pension) and a product such as fiberboard
soda combines intimately with the fiber or the like is then formed from the
and the ammonium sulphate precipitates suspension.

For Chemical Advisors, Special Raw Materials, Equipment, Containers, etc., 'consult Supply
Section at end of book.

Soldering Solutions Solder

Zinc Chloride made by completely Tin 1
neutralizing hydrochloric acid with zinc Lead Phosphide 0.1
is most universally used. In addition to Lead 98.9
this rosin, ammonium chloride and a .

mixture of 15% zinc chloride, 25% glyc- * Soldering Fluid

erine and 60% water are satisfactory Zinc Chloride 10-50
for copper, brass, steel, terne plate, Glycerol 0.5-50
tinned steel, monel metal, etc. Hydro- Alcohol 5-50
chloric acid is necessary on galvanized Water 1-50
A well-made soft-soldered joint will * Liquid “Solder”
develop 5000 to 6000 lb. per sq. inch in
shear. Heavy Clear Lacquer 57.5
Silver solders consist of silver 20% to Benzol 23 t

70%, copper 50% to 18%, zinc balance,

Aluminum Powder 19.5 I

Borax or Boric acid mixture used for This has good heat resistance and is
fluxes. Melting points of silver solder
vary according to composition usually
200 to 300 degrees F. below those of the * Solder, Aluminum

usual brazing brasses and about 1100 Zinc 40-60
to 1200 degrees F. above ordinary soft Tin 40-60
solder. Cadmium 1-10
Aluminum solder is a 12% silicon and Iron 0.5- 5 *

88% aluminum melting at about 580 de- Rosin 2


grees C. (1076 degrees F.). Tallow 2- 5


Soldering Solution for Stainless Steels

* Solder, Aluminum
Lead 25
Zinc Chloride, Commercial 37 gm. Zinc 40
Glacial Acetic Acid 99.9% 23 gm. Tin 20
Hydrochloride Acid, Com. Aluminum 5
34.5% HC1 40 gm.
Solder, Aluminum
Soldering Solution for Rustless Irons Tin 60
Zinc 40
Hydrochloric Acid, specific
gravity 1.18 60 gm.
* Solder, Aluminum
Ferric Chloride, Lump Form,
Pulverized Zinc 50
33 gm.
Nitric Acid, Specific Gravity Tin 20
Lead 15
1.42 2 gm.
Add in order named. Magnesium 10
Tinning Flux —Zinc chloride stick
from saturated solution in water.
Solder. Aluminum
Aluminum 30
Non-Corrosive Soldering Flux Zinc 20
Tin 15
Rosin 1 oz.
Copper 5
Denatured Alcohol 4 oz.
Bismuth 10
Silver 10
All formulae preceded by an asterisk (*) are covered by patents,
% 7


* Aluminum Solder Zinc Solder Flux
Zinc 10-30 Cadmium Chloride 40
Aluminum 7-15 Lead Chloride 40
Copper 1- 5 Ammonium Bromide 16
Bismuth 1- 8 Sodium Fluoride 4
Tin Balance

* Solder, Aluminum Pewter, Soldering

The surfaces are cleaned thoroughly.
Aluminum 30
As. a flux there is used a mixture of
Zinc 20
Tin 15
rosin and olive oil. A
good solder con-
sists of
Copper 5
Bismuth 10 Bismuth 50
Silver 10-20 Tin 25
Lead 25
* Solder, Brazing
Solder, Silver
Phosforus 2.5-10
Silver 20
Zinc 5-50
Copper 45
Copper Balance
Zinc 30
Cadmium 5
Solder, Brazing
Copper 40-55
* Solder, High Speed Steel
Zinc 60-45
Powd. Soft Steel 85
* Fused Powd. Boric Acid 8
Chain Solder
Borax 2
A solder composition which may be Powd. High Speed Steel 5
applied to greasy machine-made chain in
the hank, rubbed into the joints, and
excess rubbed off so that after heat- Solder, Stainless Steel
treatment none will remain on the sur- Tin 66
face of the chain, is composed of pow- Lead 34
dered Sn 2 pts., powdered Cu 1 pt., red
P 1 pt. Solder, “ Stainless Steel 7
Manganese 20
* Solder, Copper and Brass Copper 25
Nickel 5
Iron Chloride 8
Silver 49
Zinc Chloride 8
Gold 1
Lard 26
Eosin 2
Glycerol 6 Soldering Paste
Tin 12V2
Water 10 parts
Lead 12 Zinc Chloride 25 parts
Ammonium Chloride 2 parts -

Dark Petrolatum 65 parts

Flux, Soldering and
Dissolve the salts in the water
Zinc Chloride 71 stir into the petrolatum.
Am. Chloride 29
* Welding Flux
* Soldering Flux, Anti-Fermentive
Calcium Fluoride 1
Salicylic Acid (Powd.) 20 Borax 3
Eosin (Powd.) 20
Melt together and cast into sticks.
Fuse together
Calcium Fluoride 25 * Flux, Welding
Borax 75
Pot. Carbonate 3
Pot. Chloride 3.7
* Solder Flux Lithium Chloride 6.9
Fuse together Pot. Sulfate 7.2
Zinc Chloride 8-20 Borax 20
Stearic Acid 88 Boric Acid 21
Soda Ash 38.2

For Chemical Advisors, Special Raw Materials, Equipment, Containers, etc., consult Supply
Section at end of hook.
Welding Rod Composition Boric Acid 49
Tungsten 1 -12% Borax 9
Chromium 1 -10% Iron or Copper Oxide 30
Nickel 0.1 - 5% Sod. Silicate 12
Aluminum 0.1 - 8%
Vanadium 0.1 - 2% * Welding Rod for Bronze to Iron
Carbon 1.75- 4% Copper 80 -96
Manganese 0.5 - 5%
- 3% Tin 1 -10
Silicon 0.2
- 6% Phosfor Copper 0.2- 1
Molybdenum 0.1
Iron Balance
* Welding Wire, Nickel
Welding Rod Composition
Magnesium 0.2-0.02%
Carbon 0.60- 0.85% Silicon 4 -0.05%
Manganese 11 -13.5 % Titanium 2 -0.05%
Nickel 2.5 - 3.5 % Nickel Balance
Silicon <
Iron Balance Solder (Powder Form)
* Iron Filings 100 parts
Welding Electrode Coating
Ammonium Chloride 50 parts
Cotton cloth impregnated with follow- Sulphur in Powder Form 25 parts
lowing mixture is used:
Mix well.
Tale 10
Feldspar 30 * Aluminum Solders
Ferromanganese (low C) 10 A. Tin 66-69%
Sod. Silicate 24 Zinc 27.5-28.5%
Aluminum 2.5-6.5%
* Welding Rod
Copper 80 -96 B. Tin 47.5-49%
Tin 1 -10 Zinc 47.5-49%
Phosphorus Copper 0.2- 1 Aluminum 2.5-5%

* Welding Rod C. Tin 37-45%

Nickel 20-30 Lead 37-45%
Copper 10-20 Zinc 9-21%
Iron Balance Aluminum 1- 5%
* Welding Rod, Bronze * White Metal Welding Composition
A bronze rod is coated with the fol- Copper 5
lowing composition and used with a Antimony 5
blow-pipe flame: Zinc '

All formulae preceded by an asterisk (*) are covered by patents.

Solidified Alcohol Boil together; cool; run in slowly with
Alcohol 1000.0 cc. stirring
Stearic Acid 60.0 gm. Benzine 500 gm.
Caustic Soda 13,5 gm. Water 2 gm.
Dissolve the stearic acid in 500 cc. of
the alcohol, and the caustic soda in the *“ Canned Heat”
remaining alcohol. Warm to 60° C.,
mix, and allow to solidify.
A fuel which gives an in-
tense smokeless flame and which will not
explode or evaporate is made as follows:
Solidified Alcohol
Ceylon Cocoanut Oil 50 lb.
Denatured Alcohol 1000 cc. Crude Palm Oil 12% lb.
Soap Chips (Well Dried) 28-30 gm. Pale Bosin 37% lb.
Gum Lac 2 gm. Caustic Soda Lye 38° B&. 50 lb.
Heat alcohol to 140° F., add soap and Water 2% lb.
lac, mix till completely dissolved, allow 96 per cent Alcohol 8 oz. (about)
to cool. In operation the 50 pounds of Ceylon
* “Anti-Knock” Fuel cocoanut oil is placed in a suitable ves-
sel and the remaining ingredients mixed
Mercuric Cyanide dissolved in a little therewith according to the following
glycerol is added to gasoline to extent method:
of 0.01-0.1%. The cocoanut oil (Ceylon cocoanut oil)
and rosin are melted over a moderate
* Fuel Briquettes fire. The palm oil is then added and
A non-caking or poorly caking fuel, also melted. The melted rosin fat is
strained and when it shows a tempera-
e.g., anthracite or semi-coke, is mixed
ture of about 176 degrees Fahr. it is
intimately with 10-25% of a finely-
ground caking coal and with a small stirred in the lye in a fine jet. When
combination has been effected, the water
amount, e.g,, 1-2%, of a binder such as
is added to the thick colloid mass, which
pitch, the mixture is briquetted, and the
is thereby rendered somewhat more liquid
briquettes are embedded in a neutral re-
fractory material, e.g., small coke, and
by the addition. The alcohol is now
crutched in and the mass is permitted to
carbonized. For household fuel carboni-
rest for about an hour; the pan or re-
zation is effected at 600-650°, whilst
briquettes for industrial purposes are
ceptacle being well covered. more in-A
timate union is thereby produced. The
produced by carbonization at 900-1000°.
somewhat thick, transparent colloid is
then brought into the frame, again
* Briquets, Fuel drawn through with the crutch and al-
In making fuel briquets with an an- lowed to stand without being covered.
thracite base, culm 85-90, asphalt 5-10 To this emulsification agent is added 75
and pulverized bituminous coal about per cent of denatured alcohol, and the
5% are used together. The asphalt is whole heated to a boiling point after
rendered freely fluent by heating, the which it is allowed to cool; the colloid
culm is heated to about the same temp, thus formed being then ready for use.
and mixed with the asphalt and the bitu-
minous coal is then added and inter- and Coke, Improving
* Coal
mixed. Appearance of
* Jelly, Benzine The following method is useful in re-
Soap 20 gm. storing the lustre of weather beaten or
Alcohol 20 gm. discolored coal; to allay dust; to pre-

All formulae preceded by an asterisk (*) are covered by patents.

vent freezing; preventing corrosion of Mix in a heated dough mixer. Mix in
metal contacted; to improve efficiency of Sawdust 60
combustion. Charcoal or Coal Dust 10
1. Sicapon or Lignin Liquor 100 Compress strongly into bricks.
2. Fuel Oil 4
3. Water 280
* Gasoline Gum Formation Inhibitor
Run (2) into (1) slowly with, rapid
0.001-0.1% of cresol is added to the
Stirring then follow up with (3). gasoline.
0.01-0.15% lecithin is added to the
Coal, Coloring gasoline.
The coal is immersed in the following
solution; the time of immersion influ- Gasoline Fuel, Modified
ences the shade of coloring. The following composition gives satis-
Water 100 gal. factory service for buses, trucks and
Iron Chloride 2% lb. tractors.
Pot. Ferricyanide 3 lb. Light Creosote Oil 90
Solvent Naphtha 10
* Prevention of Gasoline 50
Dusting of Coal or Coke
A light mineral oil of about
‘ 1
32 grav-
* Gasoline, Solidified
ity ;; and having a flash point of about
175° is atomized onto agitated coal or Thirty-five grams of stearic acid are
coke so as to deposit a film on the pieces dissolved in five hundred cubic centi-
amounting to about 1 gal. of oil per ton meters of ethyl alcohol by warming, and
of material, which serves to suppress then seven cubic centimeters of a thirty
dust. U. S. 1,886,633 relates to a simi- per cent solution of sodium hydroxide
lar product. (30% sodium hydroxide and 70% water)
is added and the heating continued is
until the reaction is complete. Forty-
Fire Kindler
five hundred cubic centimeters of gaso-
1. Cork Dust 50 line is now slowly added and the result-
2. Sawdust 50 ing mass is then set aside to cool and
3. Paraffin 80 gelatinize.
4. Pot. Chlorate 10
Sugar Coconut Oil 32 parts
5. 10
Sodium Hydroxide (30%) 9 parts
Dissolve (4) and (5) in a minimum Water 60 parts
amount of water and mix thoroughly Ethyl Alcohol 3 parts
with (1) and (2). Place in heated Gasoline 6000 parts
dough mixer and pour in melted (3) The preferred manner of preparing
mix until uniform and cast in blocks. this form of the composition is as fol-
lows :
Fire Starters A mixture of thirty-two cubic centi-
meters of coconut oil, seven cubic centi-
Rosin or Pitch 10
meters of a thirty per cent solution of
Sawdust 10 or more

sodium hydroxide, and sixty cubic centi-

Melt and mix and cast in forms. meters of water are heated on a kteam
bath until the coconut oil is melted.
Fire Kindlers Three cubic centimeters of ethyl alcohol
is then added and the mass is boiled
Paraffin Crude 30 until the reaction is complete, where-
Rosin Pitch 10 upon thousand cubic centimeters of
Wood Flour 60
gasoline are slowly added while stirring
Compress strongly into bricks and the resulting mass is then set aside
to cool and gelatinize.
Rosin Dark 30 The resulting gelatinous composition is
Petroleum Oil Thin 5 a glutinous solid that is readily handled
Sawdust 65 and which is well adapted for use as a
solid fuel in lieu of dangerous and
Mix and compress strongly into bricks.
highly inflammable liquid fuels such as
alcohol or gasoline. Also this composi-
Distillery Waste 20 tion is well adapted for other uses such
Paraffin Crude 10 as removing spots and stains from cloth*


ing and other apparel, and with the ad- Fuel Oil
dition of antiseptic agents provides a Fuel Oil 460 cc.
desirable germicide. Degras 5 gm.
Dissolve by vigorous stirring; run in
Solidified Gasoline slowly following solution
Gasoline 0.5 gal. Pot. Nitrate 6% gm.
White Soap (Fine Shaved) 12 oz. Borax 2^ gm.
Water 1.0 pt. Water 38 cc.
Household Ammonia 5 oz. Finally pass through colloid mill.
Heat the water, add soap, mix and The above mixture ensures perfect,
when cool add the ammonia. Then work rapid and complete combustion.
in slowly the gasoline to form semi-solid
* Motor Fuel
* Special Gasoline Gasoline 70
The addition 0.2-1% oxidized paraffin Benzol 20
wax to gasoline serves to act as a lubri- Methyl Formate 10
cant in automobile cylinders.
* Motor-Fuel, c ‘
Anti-Knock 9 7
* Gasoline, Stabilizing added to gasoline to
The following is
1 7 7
Decolorization and stabilization against prevent knocking .

development of undesired color odor or Aniline 1.5

gum deposition is effected by adding a Acetone 0.2
tri- or other poly-hydroxybenzene (suit- Alcohol 0.8
ably 1 lb. of pyrogallol to 75,000 lb. of
oil). ’

Special Fuel
* Internal Combustion Fuel Aluminum Powder 95
Gasoline 60-90 Sulfur Powder 5
Tertiary Butyl Alcohol 40-10
* Engine Carbon Removers
A. Sulfur 0.5
* Kerosene, Solidified 0.5
Kerosene 96.5 Naphtha 99
Albumen 1.5
Heat the above to 40° C. cool add to B. Aniline 2
his Benzol 2
Acetone 2 Alcohol 2
Remove precipitated albumen and
lolidify by heating to 60° C. C. Furfuryl Alcohol 10
Xylol 10

Materials, Equipment, Containers, etc., consult Supply

For Chemical Advisors, Special Raw
lection atend of book,
* Casting Slip, Ceramic tough reinforcing material, such as cel-

Am. Hydroxide 0.10-0.62 lulose ester plastic of which celluloid is

Caustic Soda 0.01-0.14 a common example. Among the ce-

Rochelle Salt 0.01-0.10 ments or binders heretofore used are

Oxalic Acid 0.01-0.10 the so-called glyptal resins, such resins
Litharge 0. 000003-006
comprising the condensation products of
a polyhydric alcohol with a polybasic
acid. Unmodified resins of this type
Crucibles, Refractories when used as cements, have in general
Flake Graphite 21 certain favorable characteristics, one of
Crushed Silicon Carbide 45 which is that the sheets will not separate
Hint 11 due to the absorption of moisture by
Borax 5 the cement, but have certain undesir-
Tar 18 able properties when used in the manu-
facture of safety glass, one of the ob-
* Crucibles, Non-Porous jections to the resins being their tend-
ency to polymerize and become brittle
A^OgoH^Q is heated for 1 hr. at
and lose their holding power in the
1000°, mixed with kaolin (5:2) and
course of time. They also have the
2V-HC1, and ground in a ball mill. The property of acting as plasticizers or
paste is heated until viscous, dried in
solvents of the cellulose plastic and are
the air for 1 day, and heated at 900°
themselves not soluble in non-solvents
for 4 hr. and finally. at 1650° for 0.75
of cellulose ester plastic. I have found
hr. The product is non-porous and that resins of this kind can be improved
temp.-resistant. The linear shrinkage
for the desired purpose; made soluble
undergone is about 27%. in non-solvents of cellulose ester plastic
solvents; and made non-solvents of cel-
^Refractory Lining lulose plastic by the use of fat or fatty
A metallic pot is lined with a mixture acid or oil in certain proportion during
of the polymerization of the resins.
The following formulae set forth in
Slacked Lime 100
five examples of proportions of ingredi-
Borax 6
ents required to form modified poly-
Vitreous Enamel 26
hydric alcohol polybasic acid condensa
Glue Solution 12
tion resins:
It is dried and baked at 500-700° C.
Example No. 1
Marking Glass
Glycerol 94
40° B6. Sodium Silicate can be used Phthalic Anhydride 148
as a marking ink on glass. It adheres Fatty Acids (obtained from
well after drying. After a few weeks, Soya Bean Oil) 120
the dried silicate is washed off, the
glass will be found etched. If desired, Example No. 2
colored pigments may be added to the Parts
silicate to make it show up better. Glycerol 94
Phthalic Anhydride 148
Fatty Acids from Castor Oil 40
^Safety Glass
Corn Oil 100
Laminated or safety glass which or-
dinarily consists of two sheets of glass Example No. 3
cemented by a suitable binding mate- Parts
rial to the opposite sides of a sheet of Glycerol 94

All formulae preceded by an asterisk (*) are covered by patents.


iilf! iiii . i
1 1 1 1


Phthalic Anhydride 123 temperature preferably being between

Fatty Acids (obtained from 200 and 250 degrees F. and the pressure
Linseed Oil) 210 being about 150 pounds per square inch.
If desired, the solvent used may be
Example No. 4 made up of a mixture of several sol-
Parts vents.
Glycerine 92
Phthalic Anhydride 185 (
Horak 1
Oleic Acid 141
China Wood Oil 20
glass, made in
slovakia, is said to possess great elas-
Example No. 5 ticity, and to be resistant to sudden
Glycerol 92 tion is:

Phthalic Anhydride 175 Per cent.

Butyric Acid 44 Sand 60-70
China Wood Oil Acids 50 Boric Acid 15-30
Soya Bean Oil 50 Potassium Carbonate 1-2
Sodium Carbonate 3-6
The amounts of phthalic anhydride Zirconia 1-3
and of fatty acid are interchangeable Titanium Dioxide 1-3
according to their acid equivalents: one
mol. of phthalic being equivalent to 2 *
Golden Luster on Glass
mols, of fatty acid, or % mol. of oil,
Cl 2 is passedinto an aq. soln. of
where it is used as the source of fatty
acid. The proportions used need not nec- FeClg, and the soln. is mixed with

essarily be molecular quantities, since H2 02 The soln. is sprayed on a glass


certain advantageous effects either in surface heated to 700° to produce a

the preparation or in the final product golden luster.
may be obtained by using an excess of
one or two ingredients. * Eefractory Glass
Other monobasic acids, such as ben- The made of Si0 2 65-75,
glass is
zoic, propionic, butyric, lactic, salicylic, B2 03 A1 2 0 3 2-5, alkali oxide
their analogues or substitution prod- 4-10 and ZnO 3-10%. The linear ex-
ucts, can be used in place of the fatty pansion coeff. is 4 X 10-6. It is resistant
acids from oil or polybasie acid to to acids and alkalies. *
esterify part of the hydroxyl groups of
the polyhydric alcohol. Likewise poly-
hydric ethers, such as the polyglycerols Glass, Resistant
and diethylene glycol, or the ether de- Silicon Dioxide 70
rivatives of a polyhydric alcohol, such Boron Oxide 16-20
as mono-ethyl-ether of glycerol, may be Litharge 10
used in place of part or all of the poly- Iron Oxide 5
hydric alcohol. Examples of other This glass is resistant to high tem-
polyhydric alcohols are glycol and man- peratures, quick temperature changes
nitol, and of other polybasie acids, suc- and is easily worked.
cinic, sebacic, tartaric, citric, malic,
maleic and lactic.
Among the non-solvents of cellulose Glass, Ruby
ester plastic which may be used as sol- The following is added to the basic
vents of the above resins are the follow- glass batch
ing : heavy coal tar naphtha, toluol, Selenium 2 %
benzol, xylol, carbon tetrachloride, Cadmium Sulfide 1 %
cumene and ethyl benzene. The propor- Arsenic Trioxide 1 %
tion of resin to solvent ranges from Carbon 0.5%
two to twenty parts in one hundred. In
applying the cement, the resin is dis- Safety * Glass,
solved in the solvent and sprayed onto
the faces of the glass sheets in a thin There provided between glass
film or coat. This film is allowed to dry sheets alkyd intermediate layers, and
out in part or in whole after which the there is applied a relatively low pres-
sheets are assembled and subject to sure, e. g.j 50 lb. per sq. in., at about
heat and pressure following the usual 110° for 5 min.; subsequently the temp,
practice in laminating safety glass, the islowered to 70-75° while the pressure

For Chemical Advisors, Special Raw Materials, Equipment, Containers, etc., consult Supply
Section at end of book.


is slowly increased to about 200 lb. 9 Kg Calcite
The finished product is removed from 60 g Pyrolusite
the press after cooling to room temp.

Belgian Plate Glass

* Glass, Substitute
50 Kg White Sand
The following when applied to wire 17 Kg Sulphate
or cloth net forms a transparent mate- 40 Kg Calcite
rial which may be used in place of 1 Kg Coal Bust
glass. It is non-breakable and trans- 230 g Arsenious Acid
mits ultra-violet light and is used for
poultry houses, playrooms, etc.
German Plate Glass
Cellulose Acetate 100
Triphenyl Phosf ate 12-17
50 Kg White Sand
Bibutyl Tartrate 12-17 17 Kg Sulphate
Acetone 80-90 1 sufficient to get 3 Kg Soda
Alcohol 10-20 j thickness desired
18 Kg Calcite
1 Kg Coal Bust
500 g Arsenious Acid
* Glass, Ultra-Violet Transmitting
Silica Sand 53-57% English Plate Glass
Feldspar 23-27%
Calcined Pot. Carbonate 8% 50 Kg White Sand
Bone Ash 12% 14 Kg Sulphate
18 Kg Calcite
The above is used for ultra-violet

light incandescent
520 g Coal Bust
lamp bulbs. 500 g Arsenious Acid

Thermal Glass French Plate Glass

material, as elastic as fused Si0 2 , 50 Kg White Sand
more workable and stable in the flame, 17 Kg Chalk
and less liable to surface-cracking, is
19 Kg Sulphate
prepared by fusing (at >
1700°) a mix-
ture of 90-99 pts. of Si0 and 10-1 pts.
500 g Coal Bust
of beryl.
2 510 g Arsenious Acid

* Glass Ultra-Violet Transparent Glaze, Acid Resisting

A batch for making glass especially Lead Oxide 0.8
transparent to ultra-violet radiation of Sodium Oxide 0.1
w ave^ lengths below 3200 A, U. consists Iron Oxide 0.1
of silica 560, borax 527 and powd. Silicon Oxide 1.5
metallic Zn Boron Oxide 0.4
8 parts.

* Glass, Ultra-Violet Ray Transmitting Glazes, Alkali-free Lime

A having high ultra-
colorless glass Satisfactory bright glazes having a
violet transmission is formed by melt- maturing temp, of cones 11 to 13 were
ing a^F-contg.
100.0 batch in a carboniferous produced. A good cone 13 bright glaze
container. The batch may comprise was produced with 100 limestone, 26
Si0 2 35.5-40, H3BO3 16.5-32.5, A1 0 kaolin, 245 calcined kaolin and 396
2 3
21-27 and CaO 11-17% together with sand. With mat glazes it was found
CaF2 . necessary to use at least 3 mols. of
Si0 2 to prevent crazing. A
good cone
11 mat was produced with limestone
Bohemian Plate Glass — 100, kaolin 26, calcined kaolin 112 and
50.0 Kg Quartz sand 96. These glazes are especially
20.0 Kg Potash resistant to abrasion and chem. action
8.5 Kg Calcite and therefore are recommended for
g Arsenic chem. porcelain, cooking utensils, insu-
lators and tech, stoneware. A
magnesia-lime, alkali-free glaze was
Bohemian Plate Glass —II produced with calcined magnesite 19,
50 Kg White Sand limestone 78, kaolin 26, calcined kaolin
12 Kg Potash 45 and sand 144.
* Glaze for Copper Tankards in the form of a moist pulp and then
Silicon Dioxide 45.5 heating the article for a short time, so
Pot. Oxide 8 that the difficultly fusible substances do
Sod. Oxide 14 not completely dissolve in the readily
Boron Trioxide 19.5 fusible substances, with the result that
Aluminum Oxide 6.5 a coarse-grained coating is produced.
Calcium Fluoride 6.5 A suitable mixt. contains borax 36.3,
feldspar 36.3, quartz 32, soda 6, NaN03
6 CaF 2 L8 and kaolin 10 parts.
* Enameling Copper
Cu and Cn
alloys are given an inten-
* Opacifier,
treatment with acid and then
coated with an enamel free from prod- An NaZr silicate and
opacifier contg.
ucts capable of tarnishing, e.g., one Zr silicate is prepd. by heating a mixt.
contg. Si02 45.5, K2 0 Na 2 0 14, Ba2 0 3 of Zr silicate about 78 and Na 2 C0 3
19.5, A1 2 0 3 6.5 and CaF2 6.5. The en- about 22% to about 900-950° and cool-
amel applied directly by pulveriza-
ing and disintegrating the product.
tion and the objects are baked at a
temp. (800°) at which all the constitu- Vitreous Enamel Opacifier
ents of the enamel melt to form a Antimonate 3
limpid covering. Tin Oxide 1

Vitreous Enamel Removing Vitreous Enamel

240 grams borax, 410 grams potash Place article in a boiling 30% Caustic
feldspar, 30 grams saltpetre, 120 grams Soda solution and enamel will dissolve.
sodium carbonate, 30 grams calcium
spar, and 170 grams quartz are fused
together to produce 1,000 grams of lump Enamel for Gold Dental Crowns
enamel. This is crushed, ground with Silicon 6.5
60 grams of tinting substance and about Borax 2
20 grams of zirconia opacifier. The Soda Ash 1.65
latter should contain about 1 gram of Sodium Nitrate 0.3
salt of unstable acid, for example, Cryolite 1.2
sodium nitrate of formate. Tin Oxide 0.5

* Vitreous Enamel, Translucent

* Enamel, Vitreous
Fe which has a particularly low fusi-
Sod. Silicate 68
bility has its constituents limited in the
(23% Na-74% Si) following manner, boric anhydride 10-
Aluminum Hydrate 5
23, Ba or Sr 5-25, K
3.5-19, Si0 2 4-13,
Borax 13
Zn 0-23, Ca 0-10, A1 2 0 3 0-3 and F
Sod. Antimonate 12
0-3%. The enamel is applied by heat-
Cryolite 6
ing the article to redness and powder-
Barium Carbonate 8
ing the enamel thereon so that it im-
mediately melts.
Vitreous Enamel, Acid Proof
acid proof enamel suitable for u * Porcelain Composition
in chemical apparatus consists of Pyrophylite used to replace all the
Sand 527 silica and some of the feldspar in a
Kaolin 65 porcelain compn., to obtain a product
Borax 57 of higher dielectric and mech. strength
Calcium Carbonate 85 and of lower porosity. A mixt. may
Soda Ash 230 be used formed of china clay 34, ball
Sodium Silico Eluoride 42 clay 13-19, feldspar 37-22 and pyro-
phylite 16-25%.
* Enameling Iron
* Porcelain, Insulating
Fe articles, particularly sheet Fe, are
provided with a colorless ground-enamel China Clay 34 lb.
Ball Clay 13 lb.
coating, free from CoO or NiO, by ap-
plying a suitable mixt. of readily fus- Feldspar 37 lb.
fusible substances Pyrophylite 16 lb.
ible and difficultly
Electrical Porcelain ware should be carefully stacked on
Kaolin 40-55 grates in such a manner as to admit
Quartz 25-32 free access of air to all parts of every
Feldspar 20-28 piece of ware. Care must be taken to
Grind very finely; mis well and prevent fiat surfaces from coming into
* 1
3 3
at 1400° C. contact with each other, and space must
be provided between the different pieces
of ware to admit sufficient air to com-
* Refractory Composition pletely oxidize all carbonaceous matter
(For crucibles and furnace linings) present. It must be remembered that
the heat treatment forms an iron scale
Barium Oxide 31-51
which must subsequently be removed
Aluminum Oxide 17-37
Silicon Dioxide 22-42 by acid, and consequently the time and
temperature should not be carried be-
The above is not corroded by alumi- yond that necessary to burn off the oil.
num or its alloys. Removing Grease with Caustic Soda.—
Caustic soda or potash may be used for
removing fatty materials, especially if
Enameling Steel
they are present in small amounts. In
The preparation of the steel for en- this process the steel article is immersed
ameling consists in giving it such treat- in a boiling solution of caustic soda or
ment as is necessary to leave a clean potash and allowed to remain for a few
surface, free from any foreign matter minutes. It is then taken out and
that will injure the enamel when ap- washed free from alkali in clear water.
plied and burned. The treatment re- This precaution is necessary because the
quired depends upon the nature and adhering alkali solution would rapidly
size of the piece of ware and the kind neutralize the pickling acid into which
of foreign matter that is to be removed. the steel is next placed for the removal
The sand blast is used in cleaning of rust and other deleterious impurities.
large ware and such as can not be easily
cleaned by pickling. When the sand Pickling
blast is used, no other treatment is re- After the oil and carbonaceous mat-
quired, since grease, rust, and any other ter have been removed from the sur-
foreign matter is readily removed by face, it is necessary to remove all rust
it. This is the most effective method and oxide of iron. The pickling solu-
of cleaning steel and one that gives an tion used is one of either sulphuric or
excellent surface for enameling. For hydrochloric acid.
small pieces it is much more expensive
1. Mixing the Raw Materials
than pickling, and it is economical only
in making large pieces or special shapes General practice in mixing the raw
of comparatively high value. materials consists in weighing the
batch, which generally approximates
Treatment Preliminary to Pickling 500 pounds, into a box and then turning
Nearly all light steel ware is cleaned the mixture over a few times with a
by the pickling process. The prelimi- hoe or shovel. In the case of colored
nary treatment before the ware is enamels it is considered mixed when
placed in the pickling acid varies. the coloring oxide is uniformly dis-
Grease and carbonaceous matter must tributed, imparting a uniform gray
be removed from the ware before plac- color to the batch. In white enamels
ing in the pickling solution, and three the practice is to turn the mixture a
general methods are in use for doing certain number of times, which is con-
this; scaling, washing in caustic alkali sidered to be sufficient. Here is one
solutions, or the use of proprietary of the places where enamelers can im-
cleaning compounds. prove their practice and raise the stand-
Sealing —
Scaling or heating the ware
. ard of their ware by doing away with
slipshod methods and resorting to more
to redness is the method most generally
employed. During the process of shap- thorough, exact, and economical meth-
ing the ware from the sheet of steel ods. Rotating drums and other forms oi
it invariably collects grease from ma- mixing machines give much more satis-
chinery and workmen’s hands, and one factory results.
method of removing such carbonaceous Every enameler, and even the unedu-
matter is to burn it off. Especially is cated laborer who has worked around
this the case when handling large num- the smelter, has observed that the
bers of small pieces. To do this, the enamel smelts more quickly when most
thoroughly mixed. This issimply the is formed, in which the opacifying
practical application of the well-known agents, fluorides, tin oxide, and anti-
scientific principle that the speed of mony compounds afe carried in suspen-
chemical reactions is directly propor- sion. Longer smelting results in a con-
tional to the area of surface of contact siderable solution of these materials, as
between the reacting substances. If a well as decomposition of the fluorides
fire brick were crushed to a powder and and consequent reduction in the opacity
mixed into the batch it would go into of the enamel. No opacity is obtained
solution in the melt and disappear with from tin or antimony oxides after they
the other ingredients of the batch, are once taken into solution. Quick
while that same brick when laid in the smelting is therefore to be desired, and
wall of the smelter will stand for this again calls attention to the value
months without being eaten away. This of fine grinding and thorough mixture
same principle applies to all the refrac- of the raw materials.
tory ingredients of the batch. A large
piece of flint stone will go through a
Tempering Enamel Slips
melt and come out with only the sharp ^
In preparing enamel slips for applica-
edges eaten off. The length of time re- tion to the ware the frit is ground wet
quired for smelting the enamel depends and contains 5 to 10 per cent (by
directly upon the fineness of the raw weight) of plastic clay. To increase
material, especially flint and feldspar, the viscosity of the slip and aid in hold-
and upon the thoroughness with which ing the enamel in suspension, a floccu-
they are mixed. It follows, then, that lating agent is added. In white or
better mixing of the raw materials cover enamels magnesium sulphate is
means less labor, generally used for this purpose. In
2. less fuel, less time of
smelting, and less wear and tear on the ground coats borax is almost univer-
smelter. sally employed, since nearly all other
It is not only from an economic salts which have a similar effect on the
standpoint that thorough mixing is ad- slip are likely to cause rusting of the
visable. The quality of the white en- steel during the drying of the ware.
amels is inversely proportional to the 4 1. Fine grinding makes the frit more

length of time spent in producing a easy to float, but enamelers dare not
thorough melt. Long smelting results grind too finely, because of difficulty in
in a considerable reduction in opacity. getting a uniform coating on the ware.
Fine grinding and thorough mixing in- Ground coat enamels especially must
sures a uniform fusion product in the be coarse, not finer than 100 mesh, and,
shortest possible time and hence mini- better, 80 mesh.
mum solution of opacifying agents and 2. Lead enamels would, of course, be

minimum reduction in opacity. more difficult to float than lighter ones,

but lead is seldom used in enamels for
Melting sheet iron. However, all frits are rela-
In the smelter the enamel mixture is tively high in specific gravity as com-
melted and fined until no lumps of un- pared with clays and therefore settle
fused or undissolved material can be more readily.
detected in a string of the glass drawn Settling is easily prevented by
3. *

from the melt. The melting process making the slip thick, approaching a
begins with the fusion of the least re- paste, but in order to apply them by

fractory ingredients or fluxes borax, dipping or spraying, slips must be suf-

soda ash, etc. at relatively low tem- ficiently fluid to flow. With sueh a con-
sistency heavier substances will settle
peratures. The liquid attacks the more
refractory substances both by solution unless a floating agent is used.
and by chemical reaction. The forma- 4. Viscosity has been described as the
tion of eutectics between the raw ma- friction between two liquids flowing in
terials and the compounds resulting contact with each other, or between a
from chemical reaction facilitates the liquid and a solid moving in it; in
melting process. other words, resistance to flow. The
If the smelting process is continued efficiency of a floating medium in pre-
for a sufficient length of time a per- venting the settling of heavier particles,
fectly homogeneous glass in which all therefore, depends upon its viscosity or
constituents would be in equilibrium resistance to the motion of particles
would result. Such a condition is not passing through it. The floating me-
obtainable, especially in white enamels. dium in the case of enamels is not to
The melting should proceed only to the be considered as the water, but as the
point where a stable borosilicate glass clay substance in suspension in water.
High viscosity is also required in en- istoo thin and will not be sufficiently
amel slips to prevent them from flowing burned where it is thick. Either of
down the sides and into the corners these defects will cause the finished
of the ware after dipping. A steel ware to be defective. The method best
body, being nonabsorbent, offers a dif- suited to produce this result, with due
ferent problem from that of a porous consideration to the cost of the opera-
body dipped in a glaze slip. The ab- tion, is the one generally used.
sorption by the porous body prevents Slushing. —
By far the greatest propor-
the flowing of the glaze, but the enamel tion of enameled ware is slushed, espe-
slip must stay in place by virtue of its cially in the case of all light wares and
viscosity, although it is possible that such as can be easily shaken to distrib-
surface tension also plays an important ute the enamel uniformly. The opera-
role here, tion consists in dipping the piece of
5. It is evident that a sufficient ware into the enamel slip, removing it
amount of the floating medium to pre- and shaking it in such a way as to
vent settling can readily be added, but leave a thin and uniform coating over
other considerations limit the amount the entire surface of the metal. There
of clay which can be used with any are two factors of vital importance in
glaze or enamel, about 10 per cent being securing proper results by this method
the maximum permissible in the latter. — the consistency of the enamel slip
The efficiency of the clay as a floating and the skill of the operator. The con-
agent is therefore highly important, sistency of slip for slushing is such as
especially in enamels where the frit is is termed "short"; that is, it has a
of higher specific gravity and more high viscosity and will not run down or
coarsely ground than in glazes or en- drain off from vertical surfaces after
gobes, and where the amount of clay dipping.
used is necessarily small. To the novice it would seem a simple
matter to dip a piece of steel into a tub
1.Application of the Enamel of slip, shake off a little, and obtain a
There is no more vitally important nicely coated piece of ware. As a mat-
operation in the entire process of en- ter of fact, considerable practice is re-
ameling than the application of the first quired to acquire skill sufficient to slush
coat of enamel. A piece of ware which even simple shapes uniformly, while
has passed through the operations of extensive training and a very high de-
forming and cleaning has acquired con- gree of skill is required in the handling
siderable value to the manufacturer on of complicated shapes.
account of the labor expended upon it. —
Draining . -This method is frequently
In the application of the ground coat applied to perfectly flat ware, such as
it is possible to enhance this value or signs, and to simple shapes. The piece
to destroy it, or, still worse, to so treat it of ware is dipped in the slip and is then
that it will pass through the succeeding set on edge to allow the excess to run
operations and still be worthless as a off at the bottom. The consistency of
finished piece of ware. Given a good the slip, which is very different from
ground coat, properly applied and that used in slushing, is the principal
burned, the finishing of the ware is factor in the success of this operation.
simple. The very best ground coat im- In this case the viscosity is much lower,
properly applied or burned can give so that the slip will flow down the ver-
only a poor piece of ware, regardless tical surface, but at the same time its
of what its previous cost or future consistency must be such that it will
treatment may be. Every possible pre- form a good coating and adhere to the
caution should therefore be taken to in- ware after the excess drains off. It
sure a suitable coating on the steel. must also be sufficiently viscous to keep
Four different methods are used for the enamel in suspension and not allow

applying the enamel to the steel slush- it to settle onto the bottom of the tank.
ing, draining, spraying, and dusting. Spraying .

For applying enamel to
The choice of method depends upon the complex shapes and heavy ware, spray-
size and shape of the ware and the ing is frequently resorted to. It is too
nature of the enamel. The chief factor expensive to use on the ordinary grades
to be considered in the application of of ware, but for special shapes with
the enamel is to obtain a coating of many corners and sharp angles, or any
uniform and sufficient thickness on the piece of ware which can not be slushed
surface of the ware. If a thin and uni- uniformly, spraying is the best method
form coating is not obtained, the en- of coating. It is wasteful of material
amel will burn off the portions where it and requires skill to obtain good results,

but if proper care used any piece

is be. It should be said, further, that
of ware can be very uniformly coated best results are always obtained with
by spraying. The piece may be placed thin enamels. Barring the properties
on a whirling rack and turned while the of whiteness and opacity, the excellence
spray is being applied. of enamels is inversely proportional to
The of the enamel is
consistency their thickness. This is especially true
highly important again in this case. of the ability of the ware to withstand
The enamel must be ground sufficiently bending and abrasion. In view of these
fine to prevent stopping the nozzle of facts the aim should always be to keep
the sprayer, but for best results it must the enamel as thin as possible, while at
not be too finely ground. Its viscosity the same time obtaining the desired
must be high to prevent flowing. Since opacity and color.
the distribution of the slip over the
surface is accomplished in this case by 2. Drying
the movement of the spray and not by Ground-coat enamels should be dried
shaking the piece, it is possible to work as rapidly as possible to prevent rust-
with a higher viscosity than in slushing. ing of the steel. This will be controlled
Dusting —
This method of application
. to some extent by the flocculating
is very common in cast-iron work, but agents used in the slip, but rapid dry-
in steelwork it is used only on heavy ing is the best practice in any case. If
wares, such as condensers for chemical an alkaline flocculating agent is used
works, etc. It has a decided advantage for tempering the ground coat, it can
in the production of acid-resisting be dried in the open air without serious
wares, because no raw materials are rusting; but if chlorides or sulphates
added to the frit, whereas when any are used, rusting is almost sure to re-
of the other methods of application are sult even with rapid drying. This rust
used, it is necessary to add some raw may or may not be visible after the
clay and soluble salts to the frit in ware is dry, but it is quite sure to make
order to get a slip of the proper consist- its appearance, when the ground coat is
ency. These raw materials are invari- burned, in the form of spots where the
ably decidedly injurious to the enamel, iron oxide has reacted with the enamel
especially where resistance to chemical to such an extent as to form a spot-like
corrosion is desired. While an enamel iron scale. When these spots are
is a glassy coating, it is far from being formed, it is practically impossible to
a solid glass; and the more raw mate- cover them with cover enamel. They
rial added in grinding the frit the will show in the finished ware either as
further is the finished enamel removed dark spots or as pits in the surface.
from this condition, since these raw While proper drying of the ground coat
materials are only to a very slight ex- can not entirely prevent this trouble
tent combined with the frit during the in an improperly tempered enamel, it
brief burning operation. Because of will always reduce the trouble, and
this fact the dusting method is de- when the ware is not dried rapidly the
cidedly the best to use for making trouble is likely to come even in the
enameled ware to resist chemical cor- best tempered enamel.
rosion. The rate of drying of cover enamels
In carrying out this process, the is of less importance than in drying
ground coat, as well as cover coat, is ground coats. However, rapid drying
frequently dusted on. The metal is is here again desirable. One of the
wiped with a wet sponge or cloth, and chief reasons for this, especially in
the powder dusted on while the metal white enamel, is the fact that dirt in the
is still wet. Sometimes an adhesive form of factory dust sticks to the ware
agent is added to prevent the enamel while wet, and therefore rapid drying
from falling off when dry. of the white enamel makes for pure
The methods used for cover enamels white ware. Another point in favor of
are the same as those used for ground rapid drying of finished ware is the
coats. The quality of workmanship in need of space for storing the ware.
applying cover coats is far less impor- After the enamel is dry the ware can
tant than in applying ground coats. If be handled and stored in much less
a piece of ware is perfectly coated with space than when wet, and in making
the ground coat, the cover coat may some classes of wares, such as cooking
be quite imperfectly applied and still utensils, the problem of finding room
give good results. Of course there are for storing sufficient ware to keep the
limits to this, and the more uniformly furnaces going is sometimes trouble-
the enamel is applied the better it will some. There are two common defects
caused by improper drying. Water imity to some heavy piece of metal or
streaking, caused by moisture from dry- other surface which absorbed the heat
ing ware condensing on the cold surface while the main body of the piece of
of wet ware and running down vertical ware was free to heat up rapidly. A
surfaces in streaks, can be avoided by good burner will strike the happy me-
proper circulation of air in the dryer. dium and leave his ware in the furnace
When ware dried too rapidly the en-
is long enough to fire the heavy parts
amel will crawl. This is caused by the properly but not long enough to burn
formation of shrinkage cracks due to off the light parts. The nature of the
driving off the moisture from the clay enamel influences very materially the
too rapidly. These cracks do not show burner's ability to properly burn light
in the dry ware, but when it is burned and heavy parts, but he can greatly
the enamel crawls and collects in beads. facilitate matters by using proper care
This defect will be caused when a piece in setting his ware on the grates.
of wet ware is set on a hot piece of The temperatures used for burning
metal or when the drying is very sud- enamels differ widely, depending upon
den. The same defect may result from the enamel and the ware. General prac-
rough handling of the dry ware, a sud- tice is to burn the ground coat at much
den sharp blow breaking the bond be- higher temperature than the finishing
tween the dry enamel and steel, which coats. This is not due to the fact that
results in crawling. the ground coat necessarily has a higher
softening temperature than the finish-
3. Burning Enamels ing coats, but rather to the fact that
General Description . —
Muffle furnaces it has been found that the general ex-
are almost invariably used for burning cellence of the ware is improved by this
light wares and especially white ware. procedure.
For burning heavy steel wares open
furnaces are used. Ground-Coat Frit
The ware is set on pointed projec- Borax 90
tions from iron grates, which should be Soda Ash 23
kept sharp so that the least possible Potash Feldspar no
part of the grates comes in contact with Quartz 70
the enamel. Only pieces of approxi- Manganese Dioxide 18
mately the same size and weight should Saltpeter 18
be burned together, since only a few Cobalt Oxide 1.5
minutes are allowed for burning a fork Fluorspar 27
of light steel ware, and if there is much
difference in the size of the ware it Mill Addition
will heat up to the temperature of the Per cent
furnace at different rates. As a result Clay 8
of this the lighter ware will be suffi- Water 50
ciently fired before larger pieces have
Magnesia .25
acquired the desired temperature, and Borax in Boiling Solution 2.0
some of the ware will be sure to be
imperfectly fired. White- Coat Frit
In setting the ware on the grates pre- Borax 100
paratory to firing, care should be taken Soda Ash 54
to see that ample space is left between Potash Feldspar 110
all surfaces. Heavy parts like handles Flint no
on dishpans and ears on kettles should Saltpeter 23
be removed as far as possible from all Fluorspar 13
other surfaces. The reason for this is Barium Carbonate 25
not only to permit these heavy parts Antimony Oxide 20
to heat up as rapidly as possible but
Zinc Oxide 25
also to prevent them from absorbing
Cryolite 25
radiated heat from parts near them,
Mill Addition
thereby retarding the rate at which
Per cent
these parts are heated.
It frequently happens that there will Tin Oxide 6
be a small area on a piece of ware un- Clay 6

derburned while the piece as a whole is Magnesium Sulphate .5

properly burned. Investigation of the The key to the burning temperatures

cause of this will reveal the fact that used, with their index numbers and the
this underburned spot was in close prox- time required in each case to produce

the best results in the enamel, are as slate. Ca(OH) 2 20, CaS04 7, K
2 SG 4 2,
follows: Ca silicofluoride 1 part and water.
Ground Coat
Index Number Temperature, Time, Acid Resistant Enamel
°F. Minutes
1900 2
Quartz 47.3 52.5 55.8
Felspar 22.4 19.1 17.5
First White Soda 29.8 32.0 33.0
Index Number Temperature, Time,
Marble 16.8 13.7 13.4
Boric Acid 6.2 3.5 ...
°F. Minutes
1 122.5 120.8 119.7

Percentage of Bases
Second White Si0 2 62.0 65.1 67.2
Index Number Temperature, Time, b 20 3 3.5 2.0 .

# # #

°F. Minutes ai 2 6 3 4.1 3.5 3.2

1 . . 1500 3 k2 0 3.1 2.6 2.4
2. 1600 2 Na2 0 17.9 19.1
1700 1M CaO 9.4 7.7 7.5
Ultra Violet Glass
100.0 100.0 100.0
A glass of the compn. B 2 0 3 82, Li2 0
13.6, BeO 4.4% may be prepd. by fusing Enamel I has a cubical coefficient of
below 950° in a Pt or A1 2 0 3 crucible. expansion of 322.8X10-7, II of 321.4 X
This glass and the K
2 Q and Na 2 0 ana- 10-7, and III of 342X10-7.
logs should be valuable substitutes for The preliminary surface treatment of
quartz in optical work. They transmit the iron before enamelling is most im-
light after long exposure to air and portant. Not only the gross irregulari-
ultra-violet light, and can be fused to ties, but all surface impurities should as
ordinary glass. far as possible be removed. The usual
method employed today is the sand-blast,
using a mixture of relatively coarse sand
* Gilding Glass
and steel scrap, blown at a pressure of
Glass contg. Si0 2 74.6, B 2 0 3 8.8, A1 2 Q 3 four to six atmospheres. It is necessary
4.3, alkali 3.7 and bivalent oxide 4.6%, that this cleaning process be applied as
is coated with an ethereal oil soln. of Au soon as the casting has cooled, and it is
resinate contg. 3-30% Au and fired. a frequent practice for the castings to be
heated to a dull red after the sand-
blasting, this heating particularly favor-
* Safety Glass
ing the decomposition of the iron car-
One surface of each of 2 sheets of bide.
glass is provided with a skin coating of The technology of the application of
a compn. formed from gelatin 1, nitro- the acid-resisting enamels differs from
cellulose 1, a mutual solvent such as that of the ordinary enamelling process
HO Ac 70, a gelatin solvent such as water only in regard to the final coat; in both
14 and a nitrocellulose solvent such as cases the application of the ground coat
acetone 14% and the coated surfaces are is the same. This ground enamel, the
united with an intervening sheet such as so-called frit, is chosen so as to have a
a pyroxylin compn. wide temperature softening interval, and
consists usually of two parts of ground
flint and one part of borax, with small
* Refractory Brick
quantities of felspar and fluorspar. This
A compn. for making refractory ar- ground mass is applied to the cast iron
ticlessuch as furnace bricks or crucibles by the wet process, and is burned on at
contains plastic infusible clay 100, powd. a temperature of about 1000° C. It is
glass 10, borax 5 and NaCI 15 kg. The white, and makes a very firm bond with
proportions varied. the metal. The wet covering enamel,
finely ground, is sprayed on to this frit,
and it is advantageous to incorporate a
* Brick, Sound Proofing
little clay in the grinding mill. On to
Bricks which have good sound-deaden- the layer of wet coating enamel there is
ing properties are formed from slag 40, sieved a fine powder, closely similar in
composition to the enamel itself, after dull lustre, and it is sometimes the prac-
which the coating is thoroughly dried. tice to give a final coat of highly lustrous
This application process is generally re- enamel. This latter usually is not very
peated several times. resistant to acid, and is dissolved off
when the vessel is put into use. The
Burning and Cooling Operations enamelled pieces should be cooled very
The temperature of burning depends slowly. If the cooling is too rapid, ow-
upon the fusibility of the enamel, and is ing to the comparatively poor heat con-
usually about 1000° C. Burning is usu- ductivity of the enamel, stresses are set
ally effected in muffle furnaces, but in up which lead to the formation of sur-
the case of very large pieces, in non- face cracks. Really well-controlled cool-
muffle furnaces of special construction. ing improves the acid resistance of the
According to German Patent 478,632, mass, for it is a well-known physical-
burning is effected in an electric furnace chemical principle that has been con-
under vacuum; by this means the forma- firmed in practice, that badly cooled
tion of bubbles is stated to be completely glasses are less resistant to the leaching
avoided. Numerous highly resistant action of liquids than are well-cooled
enamels give a surface of comparatively glasses.


Black Carbon Paper Acetone 225.0
75% of these materials in proportions Alcohol 135.0
suitable for grade desired. Resin 2.7
Glycerine 45.0
Candelilla Wax
* Carbon Paper
Crude Montan Wax
Mineral Oil A suitable paper is coated with
Toners (Oil Soluble) 10% Gutta Percha 30
Peerless Carbon Black 15% Lamp Black 17
This is ground hot. It is a base for- Carnauba Wax 30
mula which may be modified to suit con- Petrolatum 40
* Carbon Paper Carbon Paper
Glassine paper is coated with hecto- Crystal Violet Base or Methyl
graph ink. This may be dusted lightly Violet Base
with talc and is ready for use. 300 parts
are dissolved in
Red Oil 600 parts
Flexible Printing Roller
This is introduced into approximately
Casein Glue Solution 10
Glycerin 5 Sesame Oil 3500-4000 parts
Molasses 5 and added to
Clovel 1 Carnauba Wax 3500 parts
Mix until uniform and pour into melted at 105-110° C.
* Stencil Sheet * Chemical Printing on Wall Board
Coat paper with the following material, The material, e.g plaster board, is
Nitrocellulose 12.6 printed with 5-10% aq. KMn04 and
All formulae preceded by an asterisk (*) are covered by patents.

heated to form MnC^. Such printing is the design may be in several colors, if
readily eradicated when desired. desired. A portion of the chalk is
abraded from the stick by the rubbing
Animal Marking Crayon upon the fabric, and these abraded por-
tions, of infinitesimal size, yield up their
Tallow 180 dye to the moistened fabric. After dry-
Rosin 5 ing, the chalk particles may be brushed
Rozolin 2 away, if desired, leaving the design in
Melt together and add while stirring the form of a permanent impression upon
a mineral pigment such as Prussian Blue, the fabric. Dye applied with the im-
Red Iron Oxide, etc. Cast in glass or proved crayons is less likely to ‘ 1 bleed 3 7 ,

metal tubes. than if applied in any other manner, and

it is not removed by washing.
Blackboard Crayon It will be understood that the fabric
Calcium Carbonate is stretched prior to the application of
(precipitated) 60 lb. the design. It may be moistened before
Kaolin Clay 40 lb. or after stretching, and is moistened
Saponified Oleic Acid 5 lb. over substantially the area to be occu-
Caustic Soda % lb. pied by the design.
While it is stated that the fabric is
The Oleic Acid and Caustic Soda are
stretched prior to the application of the
mixed, warm, in a separate kettle and
design, this is not essential in all cases,
added to the clay mix along with enough
but is a matter of choice with the de-
water to bring to about the consistency
signer. It is apparent that the design
of putty. The mixing is done in a stand-
might be drawn by mechanism suitable
ard type dough mixer or other clay mix-
for the purpose instead of manually.
ing equipment.
The particles of chalk also absorb
moisture from the cloth, thus making a
* Cloth Marking Crayon definite flow of moisture into the mark
In making the crayon, pure chalk in or design, removing any likelihood of
the proportion of about 500 parts is the color running or bleeding.
thoroughly permeated with one to four
parts of dye of a suitable character in Drawing Crayons
alcoholic solution, a binder such as dex-
trin, in the proportion of about ten Black
parts, being used to assist in the mold- Kaolin 24 lb.
ing of the chalk into sticks. Carbon Black 22 lb.
The chalk particles should have a por- Garnet Shellac 12 lb.
ous structure, giving a very large adsorp- Denatured Alcohol 1 gal.
tion surface for the dye, which prefer- Turpentine % gal.
ably is an alcoholic solution of aniline Dissolve shellac in alcohol,* add tur-
dye of the desired color. pentine and then mix in solids and grind
While the preferable method of mak- to smooth paste. Mould and dry slowly.
ing the crayons is to permeate the chalk
in a powdered condition, the dye may be Blue
added after the molding of the chalk Soapstone 34 lb.
and binder into sticks. In this event, Chinese Blue 14 lb.
substances of a suitable nature to assist Garnet Shellac 12 lb.
penetration of the dye may be used, as Denatured Alcohol 1 gal.
for instance, butanol. These substances Turpentine % gal.
not only assist in the penetration of the
dye, but they retard the drying, and
Method —as under Black.

make it more uniform. The butanol

when used, assists penetration, but sub- Wax Drawing Pastels
stantially the same results may be ob- Black
tained without butanol, by extending the
Hard Soap 80
time of soaking. The chalk is dried in Beeswax Crude 60
air, or in ovens, as may be desired. Spermaceti Crude 28
Crayons so obtained are used in the Carbon Black 14
following manner. The fabric, such as Burnt Umber 5
silk, rayon or the like, is moistened over
Prussian Blue 4
the part which is to receive the design.
The design is then drawn upon the cloth Melt waxes and soap, mix in pigments
with the crayon, it being understood that and grind until smooth; pour hot in
yor Chemical Advisors, Special Raw Materials, Equipment, Containers, etc., consult Supply
Section at end of book.
’ . :


molds; and plunge into cold water to B lack
c 1

Soapstone 56
Bed Bone Black 8
Hard Soap 28 '
Yellow Soap 6
Saponified Japan Wax 28 Gum Arabic 2
Spermaceti 16 Glycerin 1
Carnauba Wax Dissolve gum in water, add glycerin,
Beeswax Crude mix in pigments; grind to a smooth
Orange Chrome Yellow paste with water and mold.

Method as under Black.

Lithographic Crayon Warehouse Chalk

Gypsum 40
Sod. Stearate 7
Soapstone 55
Beeswax 6
Carbon Black 6
Carbon Black 1
Petrolatum 1
Mix to a uniform paste with a thin
Lithographic Crayon glue solution and mold.
Beeswax 30
Tallow 25
Soap 20 Wax Crayons
Shellac 15 The manufacture of wax crayons fol-
Lamp Black 6 lows very closely that of the moulded
Heat in enamelled pot to melt together. candle, both in procedure and materials
Then heat strongly until vapor ignites. and an attempt to go into details would
Allow to burn for a while and smother be endless and rather futile. A finely
flame with cover of pot. Take out a divided dry color is usually more suit-
sample and test for elasticity. If not able as the coloring medium and usually
satisfactory ignite again in same way. more dependable. The dry color is added
to the wax combination after the wax is
melted in a steam jacketed aluminum
Marking Crayons
kettle. Mechanical agitation is contin-
Ceresin 40
ued until the kettle has been emptied in
Carnauba Wax 35
order to prevent any tendency of the
Paraffin Wax 20
Beeswax 5
color to settle to the bottom. The wax
should be maintained as nearly to the
Talc 50
melting point as practicable and rapid
Chrome Green or Other Pigment 15
cooling is perhaps more important here
than in candles. A good starting point
Crayon, Tailors’ Marking on the wax combination would b^ as
Carnauba Wax 11 follows
Stearic Acid 2 Double Pressed Saponified
Ceraflux 76 Stearic Acid 40 lb.
Ozokerite 6 Paraffine 45 lb.
Terra Alba 5 Beeswax 10 lb.
Carnauba Wax 5 lb.

Tailors’ Chalk
Dry color to suit.

The above proportions may be changed

Yellow to create a harder or softer crayon and
Chalk (Powd.) 28 Candelilla Wax
may be added or substi-
Soapstone 18 tuted for the Beeswax. Care should be
Pipe Clay 10 taken not to make the crayon too b*rd
Yellow Ochre 7 as a tendency of the points to crack or
Lemon Chrome Yellow 1*4 flake will be noted.
Make into a- paste with water and
White Mimeograph Moistening Compound
French Chalk 20 Powdered Soap 8 oz.
Pipe Clay '

20 Castile Soap 5 oz.

White Curd Soap 6 Glycerin 4 oz.
Make into a stiff paste with water Water to make 1 gal.
and dry.
: _ ;


Non-Offset Compound the writing is fresh, and this will gen-

No. 1 Lithographic Varnish 35 erally suffice.
Soft Cup Grease 35
Paraffin Wax 10 Ink Writing :

Beeswax 20 Except for the phenol and dye, this

Melt together ;
cool and run in mill. ink is half as concentrated as the record
and copying ink. It is similar to some
of the commercial writing fluids and
Ink: Copying and Record fountain pen
inks. The standard is
made same way as the preceding
in the
All the ingredients in the standard ink ink, and from materials of the same
must be of the quality prescribed in the quality. If made with slightly more
current edition of the United States hydrochloric acid than the formula calls
Pharmacopoeia. for it will keep longer without deposit-
Tannic Acid 23.4 gm. ing sediment, but it will be more corro-
Gallic Acid Crystals 7.7 gm. sive to steel pens.
Ferrous Sulphate 30.0 gm. The standard formula is:
Hydrochloric Acid, Dilute 25.0 gm.
Tannic Aid 11.7 gm.
Phenol (Carbolic Acid) 1.0 gm.
Gallic Acid Crystals gm.
Soluble Blue 3.5 gm.
Ferrous Sulphate 15.0 gm.
. Water to make 1 liter at 20°C. (6S°F.) Hydrochloric Acid, Dilute 12.5 gm.
Phenol (Carbolic Acid) 1.0 gm.
Here as in all other formulae,
Soluble Blue 3.5 gm.
c 1
water means distilled water, if it can
; ’

be had. Rain water is second choice. Water to make 1 liter at 20° C.

Dilute hydrochloric acid, U.S.P., is of (68° F.).
10 per cent strength. Concentrated hy-
drochloric acid as commonly sold is a
Writing Ink
water solution containing about 36 per
cent by weight of hydrochloric acid gas, (8 times concentrated)
so as to make the 10 per cent acid, 100 The ingredients are best dissolved as
parts by weight of concentrated acid follows
must be diluted with 200 parts by weight f Dissolved in
of water. 2 ounces Ferrous Sul- J 1 % oz. of dil. Hydro-
Soluble blue is one of the compara- I

[ 3 oz. of Water
tively few dyes that are not precipitated B^ U6 3 oz. of Water
by the other ingredients of the ink. Chl3 oz! of Phenol ]
When buying a supply of it, be careful C d " a*er
® oz ‘
olio oz! of Gali?o Atid
to say that it is to be used for making
For washing, etc. 2M oz. of Water
To make the ink, dissolve the tannic Dissolve first the Dye and Phenol
and gallic acids in about 400 milliliters pour into this mixture the acid solution
of water at a temperature of about 50° of Iron and then the Tannic-Gallic Acid
C. (122° F.). Dissolve the ferrous sul- solution. All solutions should be heated
phate in about 200 milliliters of warm to about 180° F. and the final mixture
water to which has been added the re- stirred well for some time and then al-
quired amount of hydrochloric acid. In lowed to cool. Let stand quietly for 2
another 200 milliliters of warm water or 3 days and decant.
dissolve the dye. Mix the three solutions
and add the phenol. Rinse each of the
vessels in which the solutions were made Writing Ink
with a small quantity of water, and use 1. Nutgalls Powd. 8
the rinsings to make the volume of ink 2. Logwood Chips 8
up to 1 liter at room temperature. Be .

3. Iron Sulfate 4
sure the ink is well mixed before it is 4. Gum Acacia 4
bottled. If sealed hermetically in a 5. Aniline Black 1
glass bulb, the ink will keep for years 6. Water 167
with practically no formation of sedi-
ment. So when bottling the ink, have
Dissolve (4) in % gal. water and (5)
in 3 gal. water; filter and mix these two
good tight corks and fill the bottles al- Boil (1), (2) and (3) in re-
most to the corks. maining water for 2% hours and strain.
This ink is primarily for records, and
Mix this liquid with previous solution.
is not like most copying inks. However
it will make one good press copy when

196 THE chemical formulary

Writing Ink —Red a large proportion of a dye that has
good tinting strength. The letter is then
Eosine 1 oz.
pressed face-downward upon a gelatin-
Gum Arabic 1 oz.
glycerin or a clay-glycerin pad, which
Phenol % oz.
absorbs a considerable amount of the
Water 1 gal. ink. From this pad it is possible to
print a number of increasingly paler

Writing Ink Blue Black copies upon other sheets of paper. The
Naphthol Blue Black 1 oz. name, hectograph, “hundred writing, M
Gum Arabic % oz. exaggerates somewhat, unless copies so
Phenol oz. pale as to be barely legible are counted.
Water 1 gal. In experimenting with quite a number
of dyes, it was found that the following
Red Writing Ink would give at least 30 copies with un-
Water, Warm 250 gal. broken line, and numerous other copies
Crocein Scarlet 15 lb. that were easily legible, though there
Carbolic Acid 1% lb. were breaks in the strokes of the pen.
Methyl violet gave the most copies, the
best red dye was rhodamine B, and
Blue Writing Ink emeral green and Victoria blue were the
Water, Warm 250 gal. best of their colors.
Methylene Blue 15 lb. The ink used in making these tests was
Carbolic Acid 1% lb. prepared according to the formula
Acetone 8
Jet Black Writing Ink Glycerin 20
Water, Warm 250 gal. Acetic Acid, Coml. 30% 10
Nigrosene 15 lb. Water 50
Carbolic Acid 1% lb.
Dextrin 2
Dye 10
Stamp-Pad Ink
Dissolve all color in 25 gallons of hot
water (about 160° F.), add balance of A solution of dye in water could be
warm water while mixing. Allow to used on a stamp pad, but it would soon
stand several days then decant without dry out. A mixture of equal volumes of
stirring up any sediment. glycerin and water remains moist under
all atmospheric humidities, though the
water content of the mixture fluctuates.
Concentrated Ink, Powder and Tablets In each 100 milliliters of the mixture of
Concentrated ink that meets all the re- glycerin and water dissolve 5 grams of
quirements of the specification can be dye. The following are used for making
made by cutting down the amount of the standards of different colors in the
water to a minimum, so as to make a specification: water-soluble nigrosine
pasty mass or a thick fluid with the sol- (black), soluble blue, light green, ma-
ids only partly dissolved. Instead of genta (red), and acid violet.
hydrochloric acid, which is volatile, an
equivalent quantity of sulphuric acid is
used; that is, 1.77 grams of the usual Recording Inks
concentrated acid of 95 per cent strength For outdoor recording instruments the
(66 deg. Baume). Weather Bureau uses inks made by dis-
solving about 10 grams of dye in 1 liter
of a mixture of equal volumes of glyc-
Ink: Red erin and water. As this mixture will
The standard ink is made by dissolv- freeze in some parts of the country, it is
ing 5.5 grams of crocein scarlet 3B in sometimes necessary to add a certain
1 liter of water proportion of alcohol to the ink.
For recording instruments in the labo-
ratory, the ink needs to contain only
Hectograph Ink enough glycerin to prevent its drying at
Years before some of the modern du- the tip of the pen. A mixture of 1 vol-
plicating devices had been invented, the ume of glycerin and 3 volumes of water
hectograph was used for printing small has been found satisfactory.
editions of circular letters, etc., and it is Almost any water-soluble dye might
still in rather wide use. The original is be used were it not that some of them
written with a special ink that contains rather unaccountably make blurred lines


on the usual and paper charts.

card Add sufficient ammonium hydroxide to
Dyes that have been found to work well dissolve the blue precipitate formed.
are crocein scarlet, fast crimson, brilliant
yellow, emerald green, soluble blue,
* Printing Ink for Cellulose Acetate
methylene blue, methyl violet, Bismarck
brown, and water-soluble nigrosine. Film
Cellulose Acetate 3
Ethylene Glycol Monomethyl
Marking Ink
Indelible Ether 50
Dissolve 5 grams of silver nitrate in Ethylene Glycol Monomethyl
its own weight of water, and add am- Ether Acetate 50
monia water (not household ammonia) Color to suit
until the precipitate that first forms just
dissolves. Separately dissolve 5 grams
* Ink, Concentrated Writing
of gum arabic in 10 milliliters of warm
water, and 3 grams of anhydrous sodium A paste ink suitable for writing on
carbonate (or 3.5 grams of the mono- diln. with water comprises water 2 oz.,

hydrate) in 15 milliliters of warm water. white potato dextrin 1 oz., gallic acid
Mix the three solutions and warm until 336 grains, tannic acid 120 grains, gran-
the mixture starts to darken. This ink ulated FesSO* 252 grains, HC1 130 min-
should be used with a gold or a quill ims, carbolic acid 1.5 drams, glycerol 2
pen if possible, but if not, with a clean drams, blue aniline A
217 grains, indi-
steel pen. The writing should be exposed gotin 68 grains and HOAc.
to direct sunlight or pressed with a hot
iron to develop the color. The ink must
* Ink, Gold Bronze
be kept in the dark.
Aniline black inks are made in one or Cresylic Acid 8
in two solutions, the argument for the Sulfuric Acid 4
latter being that the chemical reaction Borax 15
that produces the color must take place Flour 60
largely in the fibers where the mark is Chrome Yellow 3
wanted. There is no chance for the color Gold Bronze Powder 10
to be formed in the bottle before the ink Varnish 10
is applied to the fabric, and to make a Water 90
sediment that can not penetrate into the Heat to a boil while stirring and make
fibers. However, excellent one-solution thicker or thinner by altering amount of
inks can be bought. water.
For a two-solution ink the following When the finished ink is too heavy it
has been recommended may be reduced by petrolatum or varnish.
Solution A.
Copper (Cupric Chloride) 85 Writing and Copying Ink
Sodium Chlorate 106 Fountain Copying
Ammonium Chloride 53 Pen Ink Ink
Water 600 Tannic Acid 1.55 oz. 3.10 oz.
Gallic Acid 0.50 oz. 1 00 oz.

Solution B. Ferrous Sulphate ......... 2.00 oz. 4 00 oz.


Hydrochloric Acid (dilute). 1.67 oz. 3 34 oz.


Gum Arabic 67 Phenol 0. 13 oz. 0.13 oz.

Water 335 Soluble Blue 0. 47 oz. 0.47 oz.

Aniline Hydrochloride 200

Dissolve the Tannin and Gallic Acid in
Keep inseparate bottles. Immedi- about 3 pints of warm water (of about
ately before use mix 1 volume of A
and 130° F.) and add to it the Dilute Hydro-
4 volumes of B. chloric Acid (of about 7° Be.) and then
the solution of Ferrous Sulphate and
Blue-Print Ink Phenol in about 2 pints of water. Bring
up to 1 gallon, mix well and let stand
For writing on blue prints use the fol-
quietly for 4 days. Then decant without
lowing which bleaches white: stirring up any sediment formed.
Soda Ash 10 gm.
Water 50
Ink for Glass and Porcelain
Ink for Brass Shellac 4
Copper Acetate 1 Borax 1
Water 15 Water 150


Warm and stir until dissolved; cool * Ink, Indelible
and filter. Add A mixt. of castor oil 15, glycerol 15
Bye 1 aniline oil 3, PhoNH 5 and a small amt!
of methyl violet is one example and a
mixt. of soybean protein 15, aniline oil
Ink for Writing on Glass 5, /?-naphthol 1, Ph2 NH
5 and varnish 5
is another.
Pale Shellac 2 oz.
Venice Turpentine 1 oz.
Sandarac Vi oz. * Intaglio Ink
Oil of Turpentine 3 fl. oz.
Heat 3% Gilsonite under pressure
Bissolve by gently heating and then with 1 gal. solvent naphtha until dis-
add one of the following pigments. solved,* cool and beat in a 20% water
solution of dextrin.

Black Lamp Black % oz.

Blue Ultramarine % OZ.

Green Brunswick Green % oz.

Red Vermilion % oz. Printing Inks
Printing Inks may be divided into
three classes —
typographic, lithographic
and rotographic. They consist principally
Waterproof Ink for Glass
of a pigment, vehicle and drier.
Shellac Bleached 10
Typographic Inks
Venice Turpentine 4
Rosin Oil 1 Typographic inks are printed from a
Turpentine 15 raised surface. They dry principally by
Indigo Powder 5 oxidation and penetration. Magazine
and book inks dry largely by oxidation.
Representative formulae would be as
* Ink, Graining Black
Gum Arabic 2.5 Carbon Black 20 lb.
Ethylene Glycol 60 No. O Lithographic Varnish 30 lb.
Water 7.5 Rosin Oil 30 lb.
Pigment 30 Cobalt Brier 10 lb.
Stearine Pitch 5 lb.

Hectograph Ink Yellow

Acetone 8
Glycerin 20 Chrome Yellow 75 lb.

Acetic Acid (28%) 10 No. O

Lithographic Varnish 25 lb.

Water 50 Lead-Manganese Brier 2 lb.

Bextrin 2
Bye 10 Bed
Lithol Red 45 lb.
Bissolve dextrin in hot water with No. O Lithographic Varnish 50 lb.
stirring,*cool and add other liquids and Brier 5 lb.
Besides these pigments, formulae con-
tain many other colors, depending upon
Hectograph Ink their use and desired shade. News inks,
Fuchsine 1 oz. which come under the typographic class,
Alcohol 1 oz. dry principally by penetration, assisted
% oz. in some cases by oxidation. The follow-
y* oz. ing would be representative formulae:

Hectograph. Mass
Good Grade Powdered Glne 2 parts News Inks
Water 1 lb.
Glycerine 4 lb.
Carbon Black 12 lb.
Proceed as in printers ’ rollers compo- Mineral Oil 85 lb.
sition. Methyl Violet 1 lb.
Stearine Pitch 2 lb.
Blue pletely by evaporation. Generally sol-
Peacock Blue 15 lb. vents such as Toluene, Xylene and High
White Extender 7 lb. Flash Naphtha are used to dissolve the
No. 2 Lithographic Varnish 20 lb. resins which, together, make up the ve-
Mineral Oil 58 lb. hicles. Practically any resin soluble in
Bed the above mentioned solvents may be
Lithol Red 12 lb. used. A
formula would contain approxi-
White Extender 10 lb. mately
Mineral Oil 25 lb.
No. 0 Lithographic Varnish 25 lb.
33% lb.
Resin 33% lb.
Rosin Oil 27 lb.
Solvent 33% lb.
Until recently only black and brown
Lithographic Inks pigments were used, but at present roto-
The lithographic process depends upon graphie inks may be made in other colors.
the fact that oil or greasy substances
and water will not mix. Most present PRINTING INKS are made by wet-
day lithographic printing is done from ting and dispersing solid pigment colors
grained zinc or aluminum plates. The in a suitable liquid medium. The vehicle
original designs or characters are made used is usually a combination of oils and
onto the plates by the artist actually varnishes together with small amounts of
drawing or painting the original onto the driers, wax and grease compounds. The
grained plate or by transferring the de- ink is manufactured by first mixing the
signs from another print by transfer ink ingredients in a change can or kneading
or by a photo litho process, whereby the mixer and then ground on steel roller
design or negative is developed on the mills.
metal plate after it has been sensitized In formulating a printing ink, only
with an albumen coating. those pigments should be used that will
This coating which has no affinity for meet the requirements of the printed
water, allows the ink to transfer from a matter, such as permanency to light,
rubber roll to the plate and then to the alkali proof, etc., and the method of
paper. Lithographic inks, in composi- printing used (either typographic, plano-
tion, are very similar to typographic graphic or intaglio). The skillful blend-
inks. Generally a heavier lithographic ing of these pigments in a formula pro-
varnish is used as a vehicle. The only duces practically any desired color in the
essential difference in pigments is that chromatic scale.
they must not bleed in water or weak The gravity and oil absorp-
acids to any great degree. tion of the pigments will govern the
Vehicles. —
The vehicles in printing ratio of pigment to vehicle. The type of
inks are, as already mentioned. Litho- vehicle will vary according to the body,
graphic varnish is nothing more than a tack, penetration, hardness of printed
heat bodied linseed oil. It may range in films, and drying properties that is de-
viscosity anywhere from 2 poises to 500 sired to give to the ink. These in turn
poises. Rosin oils and mineral oils may are governed by the method of printing
be either of high or low viscosity. Al- used, type of press, size of the form,
though the above oils are most commonly and nature of the stock the ink is printed
used in typographic inks, china wood oil, on.
perilla oil and fish oil are also used. The final test of the suitability of a
Other ingredients may be found in printing ink is its ability to work well
inks such as waxes, resins and sometimes on the printing press, print perfectly and
solvents. to adhere properly to the printing sur-
Driers . —
Driers are made from lead, face.
The commercially available pigments,
manganese and cobalt compounds. These
are dispersed in various oils and var- the properties of each and typical, formu-
nishes. Generally lead and manganese lae containing these pigments are listed
driers are used in light colors while in the following:
cobalt is used in the darker colors. The
kind of driers used are also dependent
on the application.
Chrome Yellows
These are Lead Chromates made from
Rotographic Inks soluble lead salts and bi-chromate of
Rotographic inks are printed from an soda. They range in shade from a light
etched surface. They dry almost com- Primrose to a deep Orange.
Properties Light Medium Orange
Resistance to Light Good Excellent Excellent
Resistance to Varnish Bleed Excellent Excellent Excellent
Resistance to Water Bleed Excellent Excellent Excellent
Resistance to Paraffin Bleed Excellent Excellent Excellent
Resistance to Alcohol Excellent Excellent Excellent
Resistance to Alkali Poor Fair Good
Resistance to Acid Good Fair Poor
Hiding Power Excellent Excellent Excellent
Baking Temperature 230° F. 320° F. 320° F.

The Chrome Yellows can only be used They are destroyed by alkalies and acids
in making opaque colors and therefore but have good resistance to lithographic
only for the first color in three or four varnish and paraffin. They are slightly
color process work. soluble in water and alcohol.

Process Yellow
Process Transparent Yellow
Primrose Yellow Dry 4 lb.
Tartrazine Yellow Lake
Lemon Yellow Dry 1 lb. 8 oz.
Magnesium Carbonate Dry 1 lb.
Dry 4 lb. 12 oz.
No. 0 Lithographic
No. 1 Lithographic Varnish 1 lb.
Varnish 2 lb. 8 oz.
No. 2 Lithographic Varnish 3 lb.
Cobalt Linoleate Liquid Drier 3 oz.
No. 5 Lithographic Varnish 3 oz.
No. 00 Lithographic Varnish 1 lb.
No. 6 Lithographic Varnish % oz.
Lead Manganese Paste Drier 6 oz
Lead Manganese Paste Drier % oz.
Paraffin Wax 2 oz.
Process Yellow Kerosene Oil 6 oz.
Chrome Yellow Medium Dry 8 lb.
Amber Petrolatum 3 oz.
Magnesium Carbonate
Dry 1 lb. 8 oz. Cadmium Yellows
No. Lithographic Varnish
1 1 lb.
These are precipitated cadmium sul-
No. Lithographic Varnish
2 5 lb. fides and are produced in a light and
No. Lithographic Varnish
5 4 oz.
dark shade. They are very permanent
No. Lithographic Varnish
6 2 oz. to light and very resistant to alkali,
Lead Manganese Paste Drier % oz.
water, alcohol, oils and paraffin, but are
The above formulae may be modified affected by acids.
to be made stronger and more opaque by
omitting the magnesium carbonate and
using more of the chrome yellow pig- Cadmium Yellow
ments. Cadmium Yellow Light Dry 15 lb.
No. 1 Lithographic Varnish 4 lb.
Offset Tin Printing Yellow No. 3 Lithographic Varnish 8 oz.
No. 1 Transparent Lithographic Lead Manganese Drier 4 oz.
Varnish 20 lb. Wax Compound 4 oz.
No. 00 Transparent Lithographic Aluminum Hydrate Dry 1 lb.
Varnish ,
2 lb. No. 0 Lithographic Varnish 1 lb.
No. 2 Transparent Lithographic
Varnish 4 lb.
No. 3 Transparent Lithographic
C. P. Medium Chrome Yellow Orange Mineral
Dry 55 lb.
Orange mineral is also known as red
Gloss White Dry 15 lb.
lead. It is a very opaque and bright
Offset Ink Wax Compound 1 lb.
orange pigment of very good perma-
on last pass over mill and add nency. In formulating inks with orange
No. 7 Lithographic Varnish 1 lb. mineral it is necessary to use a lighter
pigment and a heavy varnish with it,
Yellow Lakes due to its high specific gravity and low
These give transparent inks which are oil absorption, otherwise it will work
used for process colors. They are made very poorly on the press. It has a strong
from the auramine, quinoline, tartrazine drying action on drying oils and there-
and naphthol yellow S dyes. They all fore does not require the addition of any
have very poor permanency to light. driers.
Opaque Orange Ink Permanent Orange
Orange Mineral Powder, Dry 30 lb.
Permanent Orange is made by coup-
No. 0 Lithographic Varnish 6 lb.
ling a diazotized solution of dinitro-
No. 1 Lithographic Varnish 12 lb.
aniline with beta-naphthol.
No. 3 Lithographic Varnish 3 lb.
Persian Orange, Dry 8 lb. Properties
Alumina Hydrate, Dry 13 lb. Resistance to:
No. 6 Lithographic Light Excellent
Varnish 1 lb. 8 oz.
Varnish Bleed Slightly soluble
Paraffin Bleed Good
Persian Orange Water Bleed Good
Persian Orange is made by precipitat- Alcohol Good
ing the azo dyestuff orange II with Alkali Good
either barium chloride or stannous chlo- Acid Good
ride on freshly prepared alumina hydrate Hiding Power Good
base. Baking Temperature 270° F.
Resistance to: For stock ink grind 1 part color with
Light Poor 1 part No. 0 Lithographic Varnish.
Varnish Bleed Good
Water Bleed Good Transparent Orange
Paraffin Bleed Good
Alcohol Poor Persian Orange Dry 7 lb. 8 oz.
Alkali Fair No. 0 Lithographic Varnish 6 lb.
Acid Poor Woolgrease 12 oz.
Hiding Power Very transparent Cobalt Linoleate Liquid Drier 8 oz.
Baking Temperature 270° P. Lead Manganese Paste Drier 4 oz.

Red Pigments
Lithol Toners
The produced by coupling Tobias Acid and Beta Naphthol. The various
colors are
shades ranging from Orange to Maroon are produced by forming different metallic
salts. The sodium salt is the Orange shade. The barium and calcium salts are bluer.
Sodium Bariwm Calcium
Properties Lithol Toners Lithol Toners Lithol Toners
Resistance to Light Fair Fair Fair
Resistance to Varnish Bleed Excellent Excellent Excellent
Resistance to Water Bleed Good Excellent Excellent
Resistance to Paraffin Bleed Excellent Excellent Excellent
Resistance to Alcohol Fair Good Good
Resistance to Alkali Good Good Good
Resistance to Acid Good Excellent Excellent
Hiding Power Good Fair Good
Baking Temperature 165 F. 230° F.

Gloss Die Stamping Red Cylinder Press Red

Gloss Stamping Varnish 33 lb. Sodium Lithol Toner Dry 8 lb.

No. 1 Burnt Plate Oil 2 lb. Barium Lithol Toner Dry 5 lb.
Gloss White, Dry 5 lb.
Plate Paste, Dryer 6 lb.
Magnesium Carbonate, Dry 5 lb.
Blanc Fixe Dry 27 lb. No. 0 Lithographic Varnish 20 lb.
Paris White (Whiting) Dry 28 lb. Boiled Linseed Oil 2 lb.

Calcium Lithol Toner Red Dry 4 lb. Lead Manganese Paste Drier 2 lb. 8 oz.
Cobalt Linoleate Liquid Drier 1 lb.
Red For Lake C
This color is coupling chlor toluidine Sulfonic Acid with Beta Naphthol
made by
and as in the case of Lithol Reds, various shades are produced by forming different
metallic salts.
The sodium salt is the orange shade also called bronze orange. The barium salt
is the red shade.
Red for Lake C is an excellent color for printing inks, possessing excellent work-
ing qualities, brilliance and transparency. The shades as a rule run much yellower in
undertone than lithol reds.
Properties Sodium Salt Barium Salt
Resistance to Light Fair Fair
Resistance to Varnish Bleed Excellent Excellent
Resistance to Water Bleed Good Excellent
Resistance to Paraffin Bleed Excellent Excellent
Resistance to Alcohol Fair Fair
Resistance to Alkali Fair Good
Resistance Acid
to Fair Good
Hiding Power Good Very poor
Baking Temperature 230° F.

Scarlet Ink
Job Press Bright Red
The pigment of Scarlet Ink is the lead
Ho. 1 Lithographic Varnish 4 lb. lake of the scarlet dye formed by the
Ho. 0 Lithographic Varnish 5 lb. combination of Xylidine and R salt. It
Lead-Manganese Paste is ground directly into the ink from the
Drier 1 lb. 8 oz. pulp and is marketed in this form only
Barium Red for Lake C Dry 4 lb. because the color cannot be dried with-
Gloss White Dry 7 lb. out losing practically all of its strength.
Aluminum Hydrate Dry 3 lb. Scarlet Ink is very transparent and has
Cobalt Drier 4 oz. a good finish, or gloss.
Resistance to
Offset Process Red
Light Fair
Ho. 1 Lithographic Varnish 32 lb. Varnish Bleed Fair
Ho. 3 Lithographic Varnish 4 lb. Water Bleed Fair
Barium Red for Lake C, Dry 44 lb. Paraffin Bleed Good
Aluminum Hydrate, Dry 8 lb. Alcohol Good
Blanc Fixe Dry 8 lb. Alkali Fair
Offset Ink Wax Compound 2 lb. Acid Fair
Paste Drier (Lead Acetate Hiding Power Very poor
Manganese Borate) 2 lb. Baking Temperature 165° F.

Para Reds
These colors are produced by coupling Para Hitraniline with Beta Haphthol. Two
distinct types; namely, Light and Dark Para Reds are used.
Para Reds are well suited for label and carton work due to their good permanence
to light and excellent covering.
Properties Para Bed Light Para Bed Dario
Resistance to Light Good Good
Resistance to Varnish Bleed Poor Poor
Resistance to Water Bleed Fair Poor
Resistance to Paraffin Bleed Poor Poor
Resistance to Alcohol Poor Poor
Resistance to Alkali Fair Fair
Resistance to Acid Good Poor
Hiding Power Excellent Excellent
Baking Temperature 230° F. 230° F.

Cylinder Press Red Ink

Label Red
Ho. I Lithographic Varnish 35 lb.
Ho. 0 Lithographic Varnish 5 •lb. Ho. 00 Lithographic Varnish 12 lb.
No. 1 Lithographic Varnish 8 lb. Heutral Wool Grease 4 lb.
Medium Bodied Rosin and Paste Drier (Manganese
Mineral Oil Varnish 6 lb. Resinate Lead Acetate) 4 lb.
Para Red Dark Dry 6 lb. Gloss White, Dry 22 lb.
Para Red Light Dry 2 lb. Barium Lake for Red C, Dry 23 lb.
Aluminum Hydrate Dry 8 lb.
Wool Grease 1 lb. 8 oz. Toluidine Red
Cobalt Linoleate Liquid Drier 2 lb. This color is made by coupling Meta
Wax: Compound 8 oz. Hitro Paratoluidine with Beta Haphthol.
Barium Sulfate Dry 10 lb. v It is lighter and brighter than Light

Para Bed and is noted for its excellent Paraffin Bleed Good
light-fastness and opacity. Alcohol Good
Alkali Poor
Properties Acid Poor
Besistance to: Baking Temperature 270° F.
Light Excellent Por stock ink grind 1 part color with
Varnish Bleed Good 1 part No. 0 Lithographic Varnish.
Water Bleed Pair
Paraffin Bleed Poor
Alcohol Poor Eosine and Phloxine
Alkali Excellent (Bluish Shade Bed)
Acid Good These are lake pigments made from
Hiding Power Excellent triphenyl methane dyestuffs. The dye-
Baking Temperature 320° E. stuff is precipitated with basic lead ace-
Eor stock ink grind 1 part color with tate on an alumina hydrate base. These
1 part No. 0 Lithographic Varnish. colors are very clean, brilliant and trans-
parent and are used in the manufacture
of process reds, where permanency is not
Madder Lake required.
This is made from the synthetic ali-
zarine dyestuff dihydroxyanthraquinone.
Besistance to:
Properties Light Very poor
Besistance to Varnish Bleed Good
Light Excellent Water Bleed Poor
Varnish Bleed Good Paraffin Bleed Poor
Water Bleed Good Alcohol Poor
Paraffin Bleed Good Alkali Very poor
Oils and Grease Excellent Acid Very poor
Alcohol Good Heat Very poor
Alkali Changes to
blue-violet Process Bed
Acid Poor Phloxine Toner Bed, Dry 12 lb.

o Power
Hiding Poor Alumina Hydrate, Dry 10 lb.

The madder lakes are used mainly for No. 0 Lithographic Varnish 7 lb.
No. 1 Lithographic Varnish 14 lb.
oil and grease proof inks such as on
butter-wrappers. No. 6 Lithographic Varnish 1 lb.
Wax Compound 3 lb.

Madder Lake Ink

Madder Lake, Dry 5 lb. 8 oz.
No. 0 Lithographic Varnish 3 lb. Iron Blues
No. 2 Lithographic Varnish 5 lb.
This class of colors is made from so-
Lead-Manganese Paste Drier 8 oz.
dium or potassium ferroeyanides and
Cobalt Linoleate Drier 12 oz.
ferrous sulfate. Three distinct types are
supplied for printing inks namely,
Milori, Bronze and Prussian blues.
Pigment Scarlet
(Bluish Shade of Bed) Properties
This color is manufactured by precipi- Besistance to
tating the soluble acid azo dyestuff Light Excellent
(made by coupling diazotized anthranilic Varnish Bleed Excellent
acid with B salt) with barium chloride. Water Bleed Excellent
The precipitation is made in the pres- Paraffin Bleed Excellent
ence of freshly prepared alumina hy- Alcohol Excellent
drate base thus forming an insoluble Alkali Poor
lake pigment. Acid Excellent
Baking Temperatures 320° E.
Besistance to:
Job Press Blue
Varnish Bleed Good Bronze Blue, Dry 9 lb.

Water Bleed Bit. soluble Permanent Violet, Dry 1 lb. 8 oz.

Ho. 0 Lithographic Alkali Blue Inks
Varnish 9 lb. 8 oz. (Reflex Blue Toner)
Lead Manganese Paste Drier 4 oz.
These inks are made from C. P. Alkali
No. 6 Lithographic Varnish 4 oz.
Blue, an organic dyestuff and litho-
No. 1 Lithographic
graphic varnish. The alkali blue color
Varnish 2 lb. 8 oz.
in dry pigment form is unsatisfactory
Barium Sulfate, Dry 6 lb.
for grinding, so that it is necessary to
Petrolatum 4 oz.
add the varnish to the wet precipitated
pulp and then to displace and drive off
Label Blue the water present.
Bronze Blue, Dry 8 lb.
No. 0 Lithographic Properties
Varnish 2 lb. 4 oz. Resistance to:
No. 1 Lithographic Varnish 1 lb.
Light Fair
Mineral Ink Oil 4 lb. 8 oz.
Varnish Bleed Excellent
Barium Sulfate, Dry 3 lb. 8 oz. Water Bleed Excellent
Aluminum Hydrate, Dry 6 oz. Paraffin Bleed Excellent
Permanent Violet, Dry 4 oz.
Alcohol Poor
Wool Grease 6 oz. Alkali Good
Cobalt Linoleate Liquid Acids Excellent
Drier 4 oz.
Lead Manganese Paste Drier 12 oz.
The Reflex on Alkali Blue toners are
very strong, clean, bronzy colors and are
used for toning up the iron blues and
Lichtdruck or Photogelatin Blue
also black inks.
No. 1 Lithographic Varnish 44 lb.
No. 3 Lithographic Varnish 3 lb.
Milori Blue, Dry 50 lb. Glassine and Cellophane Blue
Multon Tallow 1 lb. Spec. Hard Grip Varnish (No. 1
Lithographic Varnish and Am-
Steel Plate Blue berol) 25 lb.
Bronze Blue, Dry 52 lb. Cobalt Linoleate Drier 8 lb.
Barytes, Dry 14 lb. Beeswax (Melted into Drier) 2 lb.
No. 0 1/2 Plate Oil 27 lb. Red Shade Reflex Alkali
No. 1 Plate Oil 7 lb. Blue Ink 60 lb.
No. 00000 Lithographic
Varnish 5 lb.
Peacock Blue
Peacock blue is a lake color produced
oy precipitating the acid dyestuff, erio- Permanent Blue Toner
glaucine or patent blue, on alumina This is a very clean, strong, reddish
hydrate base with barium chloride. This blue made from the basic dyestuff, Vic-
color is greener than the iron blues and toria blue and phosphotungstic acid. It
of much greater cleanliness and trans- is produced in both the dry state and
parency. It is chiefly used in the manu- ink form.
facture of process inks.
Properties Resistance to:
Resistance to: Light Good
Light Very poor Varnish Bleed Excellent
Varnish Bleed Good Water Bleed Excellent
Water Bleed Poor Paraffin Bleed Excellent
Paraffin Bleed Good Alcohol Poor
Alcohol Poor Alkali Fair
Alkali Poor Acids Fair
Acid Poor Baking Temperature 270° F.

Process Blue
Blue Lake Ink
Peacock Blue, Dry 8 lb. 8 oz.
No. 0 Lithographic Varnish 4 lb.
Aluminum Hydrate, Dry 3 lb.

No. 1 Lithographic Varnish Magnesium Carbonate, Dry 3 lb.

3 lb.
Cobalt Linoleate Liquid Drier 1
Permanent Blue Toner,
Wax Compound Dry 2 lb. 8 oz.
8 oz.
No. 0 Lithographic Varnish 9 lb.
Cobalt Linoleate Liquid Drier 1 lb. Properties
Lead Manganese Paste Drier 12 oz.
Resistance to:
Wax Compound 8 oz.
Light Good
Varnish Bleed Excellent
Ultramarine Blue Water Bleed Excellent
Is an artificially prepared pigment Paraffin Bleed Excellent
made by heating together finely divided Alcohol Poor
soda ash or sodium sulfate, china clay, Alkali Good
sulfur and some form of carbon, without Acid Fair
contact with the air. The color of ultra- For stock ink grind 1 part color with
marine blue is reddish and very clean 1 part Ho. 0 Lithographic Varnish.
but it has the disadvantages of very
weak tinctorial value, poor working
qualities on the press and wearing action GREEH PIGMEHTS
on copper plates due to its sulfur con- Chrome Green (or Milori Green)
These are produced in various shades
Properties by precipitating greenish chrome yellow
Resistance to: upon freshly precipitated greenish iron
Light Excellent blue. These pigments are opaque and
Varnish Bleed Excellent have the same properties as the chrome
Water Bleed Excellent yellows and iron blues.
Paraffin Bleed Excellent
Alcohol Excellent
Alkali Excellent Resistance to:
Acid Poor Light Good
Varnish Bleed Excellent
Ultramarine Blue Ink Water Bleed Excellent
Paraffin Bleed Excellent
Ultramarine Blue, Dry 15 lb.
Alcohol Excellent
Aluminum Hydrate, Dry 4 lb.
Alkali Poor
ISTo. 1 Lithographic Varnish 8 lb.
Acid Good
Ho. 2 Lithographic Varnish 2 lb.
Hiding Power Excellent
Ho. 3 Lithographic Varnish 8 oz.
Cobalt Linoleate Liquid Drier 2 oz.
Job Green
PURPLE PIGMEHTS Milori Green, Dry 8 lb 8 . oz.
Ho. 0 Lithographic Varnish 1 lb.
Methyl Violet
Ho. 1 Lithographic Varnish 4 lb.
Methyl Violet is made from
the basic Ho. 2 Lithographic Varnish 6 lb.
dyestuff methyl violet by precipitation
Copal Gum Varnish 4 lb.
with tannic acid and tartar emetic. It is Primrose Yellow, Dry 22 lb.
ground in lithographic varnish from the Aluminum Hydrate, Dry 1 lb.
wet pulp and sold in ink form.

Properties Milori Green Ink

Resistance to: Milori Green, Dry 12 lb.

Light Very poor Ho. 1 Lithographic Varnish 3 lb.

Varnish Bleed Good Ho. 0 Lithographic Varnish 2 lb.

Water Bleed Good Copal Gum Varnish 1 lb.

Paraffin Bleed Good Ho. 00 Lithographic Varnish 8 oz.

Alcohol Poor
Alkali Poor
Green Lakes
The green lake pigments are all trans-
It has very poor drying qualities when
parent lake colors made from various
used in inks and should be used with
organic dyestuffs, such as acid green,
sufficient cobalt drier.
malachite green and Victoria green. All
of the green lakes are very fugitive ex-
Permanent Purple cept those that are precipitated with
Permanent purple is also derived from phospho -tungstic or phospho-molybdie
the methyl violet dyestuff but is precipi- acid. The use of green lake pigments in
tated with phosphotungstic acid instead printing inks enable one to obtain much
of tannic acid. cleaner and brighter greens than can be
made from milori green or tlie chrome Highgrade Carbon Black, Dry 22 lb.
yellows and iron blues. Blue for Black in Ink Form 14 lb.
Various shades and color strengths are Paste Drier (Manganese Resinate
produced by the color manufacturers and Lead Acetate) 12 lb.
the properties of each should be deter- Cobalt Linoleate, Liquid Drier 14 lb.
mined before used for any particular
purpose. Halftone Black for Coated Stock
Boiled Linseed Oil 16 lb.
Light Green Lake Ho. 00 Lithographic Varnish 12 lb.
Green Lake Light, Dry 7 lb. 8 oz. Ho. 3 Lithographic Varnish 12 lb.
Ho. 1 Lithographic Varnish 8 lb. Concentrated Cobalt Linoleate
Ho. 2 Lithographic Varnish 1 lb. Drier 8 lb.
Quinoline Yellow Lake, Dry 3 lb. Soft Wax Non-offset Compound
Ho. 6 Lithographic Varnish 12 oz. (see below) 12 lb.
Cobalt Linoleate Liquid Red Shade Reflex Alkali Blue,
Drier 1 lb. 4 oz. Ink 10 lb.
Lead Manganese Paste High Grade Carbon Black,
Drier 1 lb. 8 oz. Dry 18 lb.
Wool Grease 12 oz. Blue for Black in Ink Form 12 lb.

Black Pigments Web Press Black for Newsprint

The most important black pigments Heavy Body Mineral Ink Oil 33 lb.
are lampblack and carbon black or gas Second Run Rosin Oil 22 lb.
black. The former is produced by the Rosin Varnish (60 parts Mineral
burning of oils and fats with incom- Oil and 40 parts Rosin) 34 lb.
plete combustion. Carbon black is pro- Hews-grade Carbon Black,
duced by the burning of gas with insuffi- Dry 10 lb.
cient air for complete combustion. In Blue Toner (10% Methylene
both cases the black carbon soot is de- Blue in Oleic Acid) 1 lb.
posited and collected by various methods.
Carbon black is used more extensively
Lithographic Black
today than lampblack for the manufac-
turing of printing inks as it is much Ho. 3 Lithographic Varnish 24 lb.
stronger, blacker and gives glossier inks. Ho. 1 Lithographic Varnish 24 lb.

Lampblack produces duller inks and is Ho. 7 Lithographic Varnish 1 lb.

used for that purpose. The black pig- Red Shade Reflex Alkali Blue
ments have a great retarding action on Ink 9 lb.
the drying of oils and varnishes so that Finest Grade Carbon Black,
it is necessary to use larger amounts of Dry 32 lb.
driers in formulating black inks. The Concentrated Cobalt Drier 10 lb.
iron blues and alkali blue toners are
usually added to the black pigments to Copper Plate Black
give the effect of greater depth and
Ho. 1 Burnt Plate Oil 26 lb.
blackness to black inks.
Ho. 2 Burnt Plate Oil 4 lb.
Hard Black (Bone Black)
Heavy Job Black Dry 37 lb.

Carbon Black Soft Black (Bone Black)

8 lb.
Bronze Blue, Dry 5 lb.
Dry 16 lb.

Alkali Blue Toner Plate Paste Drier 10 lb.

3 lb.
Ho. 1 Lithographic Varnish Prussian Blue, Dry 7 lb.
5 lb.
Ho. 3 Lithographic Varnish 10 lb.
Ho. 5 Lithographic Varnish 4 lb. Bookbinder s Black

Gloss Varnish 3 lb.

Ho. 0 Lithographic Varnish 15 lb.
Cobalt Drier 2 lb . 8 oz.
Gloss Copal or Kauri Varnish 25 lb.
Lead Manganese Paste Drier 3 lb.
Concentrated Cobalt Linoleate
Drier 10 lb.
Bond Ledger or Job Black High Grade Carbon Black
Ho. 3 Lithographic Varnish 16 lb.
Dry 25 lb.
Gloss Varnish (Lithographic Bronze Blue in Ink Form 15 lb.

Varnish and Amberol) 19 lb.

Reflex Alkali Blue, Red Shade,
Amber Petrolatum 3 lb.
Ink 10 lb.
White Pigments and stable, making it safe to use with
may be divided into two classes,
These any of the printing ink vehicles and
transparent and opaque. pigments. It can be baked without dis-
Transparent White Pigments The above white pigments are used in
Aluminum Hydrate .
—Is made by pre- conjunction with the colored pigments
cipitationfrom alumina sulfate and so- as indicated by the various formulae.
dium carbonate.
It is the most transparent and best
working pigment available. Its very low Wax Offset Compound
specific gravity and high oil absorption 1. Beeswax 22
makes it an excellent inert extender to 2. Petrolatum Amber 20
be used with other pigments, especially 3. Mutton Tallow 5
those of high specific gravity and low 4. Paraffin Oil 22
oil absorption, giving the latter better 5. Kerosene 10
working qualities. Alumina hydrate im- 6.Naphtha (High Flash) 4
parts good finish or gloss to an ink. Melt (1), (2), (3) and (4) and stir
until dissolved. Turn off heat and work
in (5) and (6).
Magnesium Carbonate (Magnesia)
This is a precipitated mixture of
hydrated magnesium carbonate and mag- Soft Wax Non-Offset Compound
nesium hydroxide. It is used similarly No. 1 Lithographic Varnish 35
to alumina hydrate. It gives a flatter Soft Cup Grease 35
finish to an ink, is slightly less trans- Paraffin Wax 10
parent and has a little lower oil absorp- Beeswax 20
Blanc Fixe * Ink, Intaglio
This is barium sulfate.
1. Gilsonite 22
It is much less transparent than alumina
2. Petroleum Naphtha 51
hydrate and magnesia and has a much Glue
3. 5
lower oil absorption due to its high spe- Water
4. 22
cificgravity. It has much poorer work-
ing qualities and is only used as a cheap (1) is dissolved in (2) and (3) in
extender. It dries with a very dull (4) heating moderately. Emulsify the
two with vigorous stirring.
Gloss White
Gloss White is made by eoprecipitating * Intaglio Printing Ink
a mixture of alumina hydrate and blanc Grind together in ball mill
fixe. It usually contains 25% of alumina
A. Nitrocellulose (% sec.) 154
hydrate and 75% of blanc fixe, by
Isopropyl Alcohol 54
weight. It has much better working
Diethyl Phosfate 50
qualities than a corresponding dry mix-
Lampblack * 50
ture of alumina hydrate and blanc fixe
Alcohol 400
and is used as an economical and inert Toluol 34
base in printing inks.
B. Nitrocellulose (% see.) 123
Alcohol 43
OPAQUE WHITE PIGMENTS Triphenyl Phosfate 17
Acetone 440
Lithopone Toluol 267
This is a mixture of zinc sulfide and Tricresyl Phosfate 17
barium sulfate. It has good opacity and Castor Oil 16
hiding power and is used to a great ex- Milori Blue 120
tent for this purpose in printing inks.

Zinc Oxide * Intaglio Inks, Water Resistant

Zinc Oxide or white has good

zinc One hundred parts by weight of rosin
opacity and is greatly used for opaque are dissolved in one hundred parts by
mixing whites and other opaque inks. weight of benzine. The solution is then
emulsified in an aqueous solution of 160
Titanium Oxide parts by weight of sodium resinate (rosin
This is the most opaque pigment avail- soap) and 800 parts by weight of water.
able today. It is also the most inert This emulsion is then mixed with 200 to
280 parts by weight of pigment and Silver Nitrate 15
ground into an intaglio ink. Copper Sulfate 35
One hundred parts by weight of dam- Gum Arabic 20
mar may be dissolved in 100 to 150 parts Sal Soda 20
by weight of benzol. The solution is Distilled Water 80
then emulsified with a solution of sixty Ammonium Hydroxide 50
parts by weight of rosin soap in 600
parts by weight of water. The emulsion
A. Copper Chloride 85
is thereafter mixed with 160 to 220 parts
Sodium Chlorate 106
by weight of pigment and ground into Ammonium Chloride 53
an ink. Paste colors may be used in the Water 600
place of dry colors.
It is possible to use a brownish col- B. Aniline Hydrochloride 60
ored pigment which is made in the form Glycerin 30
of an emulsion of petroleum pitch or Gum Acacia 20
asphalt. Coloring matters or pigment Water 130
pastes plus diluents may then be added Mix 1 part of A
with 4 of B and use
to the emulsion. Thus a solution of one immediately as mixture does not keep.
hundred parts by weight of petroleum The marking is “ fixed 7 ’ by steaming it.
pitch (melting point 100 to 120° C.) in
one hundred parts by weight of benzol
is emulsified with 200 parts by weight
Aniline Black 7 gm.
of rosin soap of 20 per cent concentra- Alcohol 200 cc.

tion. Pigments are added for example Hydrochloric Acid 12 cc.

in the form of a paste consisting of one Shellac 10 gm.

hundred parts by weight of lithol red R Alcohol 800 cc.

and 300 parts by weight of water plus Dissolve the shellac in alcohol and then
a neutral diluent. stir in other ingredients.

Invisible Ink Indelible Laundry Ink

Cobalt Chloride 3 dr. 1. Phenol 32 fl. oz.
Water 4 oz. 2. Nitrobenzol 30 fl. oz.
Glycerin 1 dr. 3. Turpentine 12 fl. oz.
4. Nigrosine (Spirit Sol-
Ink, Invisible uble) 3 % lb.
Linseed Oil 1 dr. 5. Alum (Powd.) 6 oz.
Ammonia Water 20 dr. Heat (1), (2) and (3) in enamel pot
Water 100 dr.

to 105° C.; turn off heat and add (5)

This ink leaves no visible stain on the and stir until dissolved; add (4) and
paper, but when it is dipped in water, stir until completely dissolved. Allow
and while it is wet, the secret can be to stand 24 hours, filter and bottle. The
read. As the paper dries the writing above gives a black ink. By substituting
again disappears. other spirit soluble colors different shades
are obtained.
Laundry Marking Ink
A. Soda Ash 1 Marking Ink
Gum Acacia 1 A water glass marking ink is made by
Water 10 cooking together fifty parts by weight of
B. Silver Nitrate 4 water glass, 38 to 40 degrees BA concen-
Gum Acacia 4 tration, and twenty-five parts by weight
Lampblack 2 of each of water and ground rosin. The
Water 40 cooking continues until a smooth soap
Wet cloth with solution A and dry. solution is formed. Before this solution
Write with solution B using a quill pen. cools down, twenty parts by weight of
carbon black are added. When the pro-
portions used above are changed, so that
Silver Nitrate 6 equal parts by weight of water glass,
Gum Acacia 6 water and rosin are used, and when this
Soda Ash 8 soap solution is mixed with twenty-five
Distilled Water 15 parts by weight of carbon black and
Ammonium Hydroxide 8 seventy-five parts by weight of mineral
black, a so-called marking india ink is
obtained. This ink may then be com- of water, containing in one ease 0.3 part
pressed into tablets and dried. When by weight of crystalline sodium carbo-
moistened with a wet brush, the color is nate, in a second 0.3 part by weight of
transferred to the same and hence the potassium dichromate and in a third 0.3
ink can be used for marking purposes part by weight of potassium binoxalate.
with or without stencils. In each case the mixture is vigorously
agitated. Then ten parts by weight of
Marking Ink, Waterproof pine soot or carbon black, double cal-
cined, are uniformly moistened with alco-
A waterproofing marking ink is made hol, and this mass is then slowly mixed
by heating almost to the boiling tem- with the above-mentioned solutions.
perature a mixture of seventy parts by There is also added 0.1 part by weight
weight of water, five parts by weight of of tri-cresol and the entire mixture is
ammonia, 0.910 specific gravity, and then passed through a fine screen. When
twenty-five parts by weight of pulver- the aforementioned ingredients are to be
ized, red acaroid resin. The mass is con- used in the finely pulverized condition,
stantly agitated while being heated. then thirty parts by weight of vine black
Then sufficient ammonia is added in (Frankfurt black) are used in place of
small proportions, until the resin is com- the carbon black or pine soot and no
pletely dissolved, that is the undissolved alcohol is used. All the ingredients are
part from the first cooking is brought well mixed and then screened and a
into solution. The solution, still in the marking powder is thus obtained, which
hot state, is then passed through a very is very well suited for marking packages
fine sieve or through a hair cloth. The after it has been dissolved in eight to
sieved mass is then mixed with one-lialf ten times the quantity of hot water.
part by weight of acid green, three parts
by weight of bluish or violet-tinted
nigrosin, three parts by weight of sul- Marking Ink
phonated castor oil and 0.1 part by Inks for marking packages, boxes,
weight of tri-cresol. In order to make bales, etc., shipment are discussed.
the ink somewhat thicker in consistency, Two of the formulas given contain rosin
a little shellac size or casein solution is (1) Waterglass (38-42° Be) 50, 2 0 25 H
added. If the acaroid resin solution be- and ground rosin 25 parts are cooked
comes too thick, this is generally due to together and 20 parts of lampblack
the use of too much shellac size or casein added. (2) Medium hard stearin pitch
solution or ammonia. 30 and rosin pitch 25 parts are melted
together and coal tar light oil 40 and
lampblack 5 parts are added.
Acid Proof Marking for Quartz
A sharply defined, clearly visible Marking Ink
marking unaffected by acids and alkalis, Asphaltum 1 lb.
and permanent up to 1000 °, is made by Coal Tar 4 lb.
coating the surface with a polymerized Benzol 3 qt.
material (tung or linseed oil, Japan var-
nish, etc.), lightly scratching, etching
Marking Ink
with dil. HP at 80-90°, and filling the
marking with a pigment (grey -black) of Castor Oil 7
CuO, sand, and glycerin (I) which is Bosin Oil 1
fixed by gently heating to drive off the Methyl Violet 2
(I) and afterwards to a temp, sufficient Alcohol 90
to fuse the pigment. A
green pigment
consists of Pb 2 0 3 (5 pts.), Si0 2 (1 pt.), Blue Marking Ink
and C 02 3 (35 pts.) suspended in (I). Shellac 2
Gum Acacia 2
Borax 2
Marking Ink Aniline Dye sufficient
Without the use of stencils may be Ultramarine Blue sufficient
made by mixing four parts by weight of Water 26
haematin and twelve parts by weight of
white dextrin in eighty parts by weight
Ink, Meat Branding
of warm water. The solution is then
allowed to cool and is separately mixed 14 lb. of soluble nigrosine is
with three solutions, each prepared in dissolved in a warmed mixture of Glyc-
the warm state with two parts by weight erin 28 lb., Glyeppon AA, 10 lb., Acetic
Acid Glacial 12 lb. Cool and add 136 lb. Follow same procedure as for mimeo-
alcohol. graph ink base.

Meat Stamping Inks

Ink, Mimeograph
A. Red
Shellac 4 oz.
Carmine 16
^ Borax 4 oz.
Ammonium Hydroxide 120
Glycerin 45 30 oz.

Stir until dissolved then stir in Boil the above until dissolved; stir in I

Nelgin 8 oz.
Dextrin 20
Add with stirring
Water 20 oz.
B. Blue Then work in
Pure Food Blue Dye 30 Lampblack or other pigment 5 oz.
Dextrin 20
Glycerin 82
Outdoor Ink
Water 70
Shellac 12.5
Inks for Metals Alcohol 22.5
Cresol Tech. 15
An iron marking black can be obtained Nigrosine Base 5
by mixing thirty parts by weight of
medium hard stearin pitch with twenty-
five parts by weight of rosin pitch, forty . * Ink, Recording Instrument
parts by weight of coal tar light oil and Water Soluble Eosin 1 oz.
five parts by weight of carbon black. Formic Acid 2 cc.
The two pitches are first melted together, Glycerol 5 cc.
the* molten mass removed from the flame Water 1 gal.
and then very carefully mixed with the Am. Hydroxide to make alkaline
light oil or crude benzol. Great care
must be taken to avoid the mass running
over or the benzol or light oil catching Rubber Stamp Ink
fire. Then the carbon black is added Aniline Red 20
after first being passed through a fine Glycerine 6
screen. This ink is very well suited for Molasses 3
marking metal containers and sheet Boiling Water 80
metal and in fact or all purposes where
the ink does not penetrate into material Black Stencil Ink
and hence must possess a marked tend-
Paris Paste is thinned down with
ency to adhere firmly to the surface of
the same.
water and rapid stirring to the consist-
ency desired.
Mimeograph Ink Base If a waterproof ink is desired the
water is replaced by a rubless wax emul-
1. Lampblack (Best Grade) 10.5
sion or borax shellac solution.
2. Violet Toner 1.1
3. Aluminum Hydrate Light 3.8
4. Long Varnish 1.1 Ink for Use on Metals
5. Castor Oil 65.5 Copper Sulphate 10 g. I
6. Lanolin 18.0 Hydrochloric Acid, Cone. 4 g.
Mix (1), (2) and (3) dry and add Ammonium Chloride 8 g.
(4) and (5) and continue mixing until Gum Arabic 4 g-
uniform; add (6) and mix until thor- Lamp Black 2 g-
oughly incorporated. Then grind on a Water 10 g.
four roll mill. This base ink is too
heavy for direct use and is thinned down Typewriter Ribbon Ink
with castor oil to suit. Petroleum Oil 108
Peerless Carbon Black 25- 30 ?

Oleic Acid 20
Mimeograph Ink
Toner (Oil Soluble) .10
Lampblack (Best Grade) 6.4 Grind until uniform.
Violet Toner 0.6
Aluminum Hydrate (Light) 2.2
Long Varnish 0.6 Stamp Pad Ink
Castor Oil 78.5 Glycerin 5 lb. 6 oz.
Lanolin 11.7 Water 4 lb. 2 oz.
Warm to 150° F. and add ‘ ‘
’ 9
sheet of paper immersed in
Methyl Violet 6% oz. the solution and dried in the dark be-
slowly while stirring. Allow to cool and
comes blue when exposed to the sun. If
written on with a pen dipped in plain
stand for a few days and filter.
water, the letter will appear white. on a
blue ground. If the paper be held close
Magenta 4 oz.
to a hot fire, the blue becomes black.
Acetic Acid 4 oz.
Similarly, the blue letters that appear
Water 1 qt.
on a white ground, if strongly heated,
Alcohol 1 pt.
become permanently brown or black.
Glucose (43° Be) 1 pt.
Glycerine 2 qt.
Ink, Invisible or Sympathetic
Add the dye slowly with stirring to the
mixture of other ingredients. Warm and 1. Make
a five or ten per cent solution
stir until dissolved. Allow to stand a of cobalt chloride in soft or distilled
few days and filter. For violet and green water. When marks are made with this
mks acetic acid may be used as above; on paper it is not noticeable wrhen dry at
or other colors leave out acetic acid. ordinary temperature; on heating the
paper, blue-green lines will appear.
2. Writing or a drawing made with a
* Ink, Sheep Marking ten per cent solution of lead acetate (or
Pot. Permanganate 4 sugar of lead) in water will turn black
Trisodium Phosfate 5 if exposed to hydrogen sulfide, or if a
Dextrin 1 weak solution of ammonium sulfide is
Water to suit brushed gently over it.
3. Writing made with a five or ten
* Sausage Marking Ink per cent solution of ammonium or potas-
Spar Varnish 10- 20 sium thiocyanate in water will turn a
deep red if brushed gently or sprayed
ax 1- 2
with a dilute solution of ferric chloride.
Petrolatum 20- 38
Chinawood Oil Varnish 70- 85
Pigment 127-138 Transfer Ink
1. Ultramarine Blue 50
Stamping Ink 2. Gum Mastic 30
3. Beeswax 10
Denatured Alcohol 1 part
4. 10
Spirit Soluble Aniline
Dyestuff 1-3 parts Melt (3) and (4), work in (1) and
Glycerine 4-5 parts mix with melted (2).
Mix thoroughly in water bath at 100-
130 ° F. Allow to cool. Waterproof Drawing Inks
Use . —
Apply to inking pads or as sten- Yellow
ciling ink. Fresh Bleached Shellac 28 gm.
Borax Crystallized 7 gm.
* Ink, Stencil Water 1000' cc.
Rosin Oil 120 Dissolve the above by warming and
Turkey Red Oil 90 stirring; then add with stirring
Mineral Oil 10
Erythrosine Yellow 1 oz.
Water 60
Carbon Black 17 By
substituting the following dyes in
a like amount the corresponding shades
are obtained:
Ink, Sympathetic
Orange —Brilliant Orange R
A solution of oxal-molybdic acid yields —
Yellow Chloramine Yellow
an ‘rink’' the characters made with —
Green Brilliant Milling Green B
which are invisible in the lamp -light, or
in weak daylight, but which, exposed to

Blue Wool Blue G Extra
Violet—Methyl Violet B
strong sunlight or electric arc light, sud- Brown Benzamine Brown 3GO
denly appear in deep indigo blue. The
acid is prepared by adding to a boiling
solution of molybdic acid one of oxalic Dye Toners for Printing Inks
acid, also boiling, letting cool, and re- Distilled, Low Titre, Oleic
covering the crystals which form. Dis- Acid 50 parts
solve these in cold water to make the Oil Soluble Dye 50 parts
(Bucli as Victoria Blue Base, Colored Pencil Leads
Methyl Violet, etc.) Ammonium Hydroxide 2
Shellac 3
These are heated together and ground
Venice Turpentine 1
over rolls until a heavy paste is formed.
Prussian Blue or other pigment 6
Clay or Chalk 4
Ink Eradicator for Tracing Cloth The pigment are ground to a fine
Turpentine 17 paste with water; the shellac is dissolved
Pumice Dust 53 in the ammonia. The Venice turpentine
14 is rendered fluid by short heating. The
Paraffin 16 clay is worked to a smooth slurry with
water and pressed through muslin and
dried and powdered. Mix everything to-
Ink for Zinc gether in a mill until the consistency is
Copper Acetate 1 that of a thick dough. This is then fed
Ammonium Chloride 1 into a pressing machine of the macaroni
Water 15 type with openings of the size required.
Lampblack Yz The extruded leads are placd in a dry-
ing oven for drying.
Copper Sulfate 1
Pot. Chlorate 1
Red Indelible Lead
Water 36
Rosin Soap 60 gm.
Water 6 kg.
Blue Copying Pencil Dissolve with heat and add
Aniline Blue (Water Soluble) Shellac 40 gm.
Powder 2 kg.
Stir in
Water 4 kg.
Dissolve by heating; then cool and add Ponceau-Creosot 2 kg.
Gum Tragacanth Powder 20 gm.
and stir until dispersed; now add Albumen 40 gm.
Gum Tragacanth 40 gm.
Milori Blue (Powder) % kg.
Water 120 gm.
Kaolin (Powder) 3% kg.
Mill in
Make acid with sulfuric acid allow to
Cinnabar Powd. 2 kg.
stand overnight and neutralize with soda
Kaolin Powd. 2 kg.
ash. Extrude the leads and dry for a
Extrude through press and dry.
few days. Rub off crystals which have
formed on leads, by means of a damp
rag. Dry in an oven and clean off crys- * Stencil Sheet
tals again in same way. Repeat until
more crystalsform on drying. The resins used in the following for-
Redissolve a similar amount
in of mulae are phenol formaldehyde china'
water to which has been added the fol-
wood oil types which are hardened by
lowing filtered solution.
Sugar 80 gm. 16 parts of resin varnish, formed by
Albumen dissolving 45 parts of resin in the
20 gm.
Water solvent
120 gm.
9 parts peanut oil
then add with stirring
3 y2 parts of aluminum stearate.
Indigo-Carmin 500 gm. The second formula is as follows:
and heat on a water bath until of a 16 parts of resin varnish
doughy consistency. 10 parts of peanut oil
The Milori Blue and Kaolin should 6 parts of diethylene glycol monoethyl
first be mixed together with water to ether
form a slurry and ground wet and dried 4% parts aluminum stearate.
and powdered. To this is added and
thoroughly mixed in
The third formula is as follows:
16 parts of resin varnish
Sulfuric Acid *4 kg.
10 parts corn oil (refined)
The finished lead is waxed or greased 16 parts of diethylene glycol monoethyl
to protect it from atmospheric moisture. ether
4 Y2 parts aluminum stearate.
Experiments have shown that in the product at this time is substantially in
second and third formulae given above, soluble by virtue of the reaction produced
that diethylene glycol monobutyl ether by the heat treatment involving the con-
may be substituted in the same propor- stituent parts of the potentially reactive
tions for the diethylene glycol monoethyl resin.
ether. In preparing stencil sheets, according
The invention also contemplates the to the second and third formulae, the
use of other non-volatile derivatives of process is exactly the same, except that
glycol which may serve well in this use. the oil, either peanut or corn oil, as the
The invention further contemplates in case may be, the glycol derivative and
all of the above formulae, before the the aluminum stearate are mixed together
mixtures are finally prepared, that a col- prior to the introduction of the solvent
oring agent be added such as victoria and coloring agent.
blue base or other suitable coloring ma- 31 has been found in practice that a
terial in sufficient quantity to render the suitable base paper such as yoshino
coating opaque so that the cut letters of paper, coated and treated in the above
the stencil will reveal the white fibres of indicated manner produces a greatly im-
the backing sheet by the color contrast. proved stencil paper. The coating as
To prepare stencil paper according to prepared is quite insoluble in oils and
the first formula, it has been found well inks and yet is of such character that it
to first mix 9 parts of peanut oil and may be cut by a stylus or cutting type
3% parts of aluminum stearate and add to form very accurate letters.
to this the desired quantity of coloring It is further found that stencil paper
material which has been previously dis- thus prepared when cut, is very durable
solved in an appropriate amount of sol- and will withstand the wear of a large
vent, which is preferably 30 parts of any number of reproductions without causing
one or any mixture of alcohols, benzols blurs or imperfect letters. Furthermore,
or esters, but which may by way of ex- paper so produced is unaffected by
ample be toluol and ethyl or butyl alco- weather conditions, remaining in good
hol mixed in proportions of approxi- workable condition at all times and is
mately 20 to 25 parts respectively. ..
not subject to being dried out or hard-
This mixture is added at a tempera- ened by exposure to the atmosphere nor
ture of about 45 to 50 degrees centigrade is it subject to being cracked in a man-
and while maintained at this temperature, ner to pass ink when it is folded oi
16 parts by weight, of the resin varnish creased in ordinary usage.
containing substantially 45 per cent of
the solid resin is then added and the
* Stencil Sheet Coating
product stirred.
Suitable base sheets such as yoshino Water 130
paper are then coated in the usual way, Sulfo Turk C .40
with the coating solution prepared as Tricresyl Phosfate 20
above outlined, the sheets being immersed Ultramarine Blue 10
or floated upon the coating bath. When Oleyl Alcohol 10
the sheets have been thoroughly covered Gelatin 8
with the solution they may be drawn Beechwood Flour 6
across a straight edge or wire to remove Myricyl Alcohol 5
the excess material, if this is necessary, Glycerol 3
and then hung up to dry. The drying Binit ro Toluene 0.5
operation serves to volatilize part of the
solvent. Stencil Paper
After the drying operation, the sheet
is placed in an oven the temperature of
I. A
stencil sheet coating composition
containing the following substances in
which may be from 90 to 150 degrees
substantially the proportions specified:
centigrade but preferably substantially
140 degrees centigrade, and baked for a Aluminum Stearate 2 parts
period of 30 to 60 minutes. After bak- (45% Solution) Phenol
ing, the sheets are removed and cooled Formaldehyde Besin 16 parts
at which time the stickiness present dur- Chlorinated Naphthalene 14 parts
ing the heat treatment disappears. The Corn Oil 13 parts
* Agricultural Insecticide amount which is incapable of producing

An emulsifying composition comprises a uniform emulsion composite when the

casein, gamboge, ethyl alcohol, and soda. mass is agitated at normal atmospheric
As an example of such prepa-
illustrative temperature but is effective for producing
ration, 0.84 pounds of casein is slowly a uniform emulsion composite when the
poured into about 2 gallons of cold water, mass is heated to approximately 80° C.
and stirred until thoroughly wet and and vigorously agitated, heating the mass
soaked, then 0.63 pounds of dehydrated to approximately 80° C. and vigorously
sodium carbonate is added, stirring until agitating the heated mass. As a typical
all the casein is well in solution. Six gal- example of the method employed in pre-
lons of denatured alcohol is then added, paring an insecticide and fungicide ac-
and 1.67 pounds of powdered gamboge. cording to the present invention, 600 cc.
The gamboge is added slowly with con- of shale oil kerosene which is rich in
stant stirring. Enough water is then nitrogen bases and contains saturated and
added to make up a total of 20 gallons. unsaturated hydrocarbons are mixed with
The resultant solution should be dear and approximately 400 ce. of water carrying
of a dark cherry color, and contain not approximately 2 y2 grams of sulfite waste
over 0.1 to 0.2% of free alkali. Instead liquor calculated on the dry basis. In
of denatured ethyl alcohol, other available commercial practice it is most convenient
alcohols may be used, for instance methyl to use the sulfite waste liquor in the com-
alcohol or the higher primary or secon- mercial form containing 50 per cent solids
dary alcohols. With this composition, the and in this case 600 cc. of shale oil
oil to be emulsied is incorporated, pref- kerosene would be mixed with 395 cc. of
erably by slow additions, with agitation. water and 5 cc. of the sulfite waste liquor.
Most oils emulsify therein readily. Heat The mass prepared in either of the ways
may be applied if quicker emulsification mentioned is then heated to approxi-
is desired. For petroleum oil for example, mately 80° C. and thereafter vigorously
with a specific gravity of 0.891, a propor- stirred to form an emulsion comp'osite.
tion of 1 part by volume of the f oregoing
* Insecticide, Agricultural
composition to 5 parts of the oil affords
a satisfactory product. Such emulsion
will contain about 83.3 per cent of oil, Ex. I Ex. II
making up to a consistency about that of Per Per
lard at the same temperature. Such a Cent Cent
product, even after standing in a warm Glue 1.00 1.20
Water 20.00 24.00
place for months is free from separation. White oil, 60 viscosity (100° F) 65.46
Emulsions customary heretofore, under White oil, 80 viscosity (100° F) 77.77
the same conditions all show separation, Alcohol. 0.25
Sodium compound of preferen-
with oil at the top and water on the tially oil-soluble sulfonates
bottom. (55 per cent) 1.23 1.64
Lead arsenate. 9.45
* Agricultural Insecticide Toluol. Trace Trace

An insecticide and fungicide comprises

an oil-in-water emulsion of the 150°-300° The composition may be very readily
O. distillate fraction of crude shale oil, emulsifiedor thinned with water; for
in which the oil globules are at least as example passage through a rotary pump
large as approximately 4 microns in is usually sufficient for the production of
diameter. The process of preparing this a very stable emulsion.
comprises mixing with water and a For use as a spray, the thick emulsion
150°-300° O. distillate fraction of crude is diluted with between about 10 and
shale oil an emulsifying agent in an 100 volumes of water, a good distribution
All formulae preceded by an asterisk (*) are covered by patents.
being obtained with slight stirring. It every case and the cost is extremely low.
is preferred to dilute the thick emulsion The germinability of the seed grain is not
with about thirty to fifty volumes of impaired.
water, which gives an emulsion of ap-
proximately 2% oil content.
Insecticide Spray
(Agricultural Quick-Breaking)
Insecticide Spray, Agricultural
Diglycol Oleate 2 lb.
Shale Oil Kerosene 600 e.c. Pyrethreum Extract
Water 390 e.c. (Mineral Oil or Kerosene) 50 lb.
Sicapon 10 gm. Mixing the above together gives a con-
Heat between 70^-100° C. and stir centrated spray base free from alkalies.
vigorously to emulsify. The above is a The active principle of pyrethreum is
concentrate and is diluted to 60 liters thus unaffected. Burning due to alkali
for actual spraying. is also eliminated.
The above concentrate emulsifies
Agricultural Spray readily on stirring in water with a pump.
te ?
It is quick-breaking when sprayed on
Nicotine 1.20
the foliage.
Soap 20.20
Water 75.20
Insecticidal Dust
Agricultural Spray Sulfur 60.00
Nicotine 1.90
Anthracene Oil 75
Lead Arsenate 10.00
Fish Oil Soap 3
Arsenic 2.00
Water 22
Tale 28.00

* Agricultural Spray * Insecticide, Nicotine

Mineral Oil 2-2% gal. An anhydrous insecticide base consists
Diglycol Oleate 2-3 oz. of
Trihydroxyethylamine Nicotine 1622
Linoleate %-l lb. Oleic Acid 2002
Water 100 gal. Soda Ash 150
Add in the order above and beat vigor- Water is added to this for any dilu-
ously. The above emulsion is quick tion desired for spraying.
breaking and spreads easily.
* Floatable Powdered Insecticide
* Larvicide, Agricultural
Quicklime 300
Nicotine Sulfate 5-10 Paste Copper Arsenite 300
Sugar 2-5
Mix thoroughly and when heat begins
Water 2-8
to develop add
Diatomaceous Earth 75-100
Stearic Acid 12
Mix thoroughly and grind well before
Pyrethrum Extract use. Other insecticides such as arsenates,
Ground Pyrethrum Flowers 30 lb. pyrethrum, derris, lc nicotine dust, etc.
Ethylene Dichloride 20 gal. may be used. They should first be made
Percolate the above and finally squeeze into pastes with water.
out the wet mass. If a concentrate is
desired the extract is heated to drive off * Weed Killer
the solvent. There remains an okoresin
Sodium Chlorate 1.8
which may be dissolved in kerosene or Calcium Chloride 1.2
other distillate.

Vegetable Weevil, Insecticide for

Seed Disinfection
Sodium silieofluoride when used as a
Formalin vapor is generated by boiling dust (about 30-40 lbs. per acre) gives
a formalin soln. contg. 1 part of 40% in good results.
100 parts water and the seed is exposed
1-10 min. Tests in 4 widely sepd. areas
Weevils, Killing Corn
for 4 yrs. have given efficient control of
oat smut ( TJstilago avenae) and wheat Fumigation with CS 2 is recommended.
bunt ( Tilletia caries and T. foetens ) in Approx. 1 lb. of CS 2 is used to 100 cu.

For Chemical Advisors, Special Raw Materials, Equipment, Containers, etc., consult Supply
at end of book.
ft. of space to be fumigated. If tlie con- Copper Sulphate (98 percent.) 4 1b.
tact period exceeds 36 hrs., permination Best Quicklime (in lump form) 4 lb.
is injured. Optimum results were ob- Water 50 gal.
tained at temps, of 75-90° F. in closed
The copper sulphate should be dissolved
in a small wooden vessel at the rate of
1 gal. of water per lb. of sulphate (iron
* Herbicide or tin vessels must not be used). The
Water 67 lb. lime should be slaked to a fine paste with
Salt 19 lb. a little water in another vessel, and water
Sulfuric Acid 8 lb. added gradually to make a milk, and
Iron Sulfate 3 lb. finally diluted in a large barrel to the
Hydrochloric Acid 3 lb. requisite amount (46 gal.). The 4 gals,
The above is diluted with water and of copper sulphate may now be poured
sprayed on the weeds. slowly into the diluted milk of lime and
the mixture stirred thoroughly during the
process. The two components of the mix-
Spray, Horticultural ture may be kept separately for a long
time, but, after mixing, the spray fluid
0.84 pounds of casein is slowly poured
into about 2 gallons of cold water, and
should be used as soon as possible at all—
stirred until thoroughly wet and soaked,
events, within 24 hours. When used on a
then 0.63 pounds of dehydrated sodium large scale it may be convenient to make
carbonate is added, stirring until all the up a stock of each ingredient which may
casein is well in solution. Six gallons of be diluted down and mixed as required.
denatured alcohol is then added, and 1.67 For this purpose, 50 lb. of copper sul-
pounds ofpowdered gamboge. The phate may be dissolved in 50 gals, of
gamboge added slowly with constant
water and 50 lb. of lime, slaked and
stirring. Enough water is then added to
diluted to 50 gals, of milk of lime. Each
make up a total of 20 gallons. With this gallon will then represent 1 lb. of copper
composition, the oil to be emulsified is sulphate and 1 lb. of lime. When required
incorporated, preferably by slow addi- for use, the contents of the barrels
tions, with agitation. Most oils emulsify
should be thoroughly stirred and the
therein readily. Heat may be applied if requisite number of gallons taken out and
quicker emulsification is desired. For diluted according to the above formula.
petroleum oil for example, with a specific For a 50-gallon barrel, for instance, 4
gals, of lime-milk should be removed and
gravity of 0.891 a proportion of 1 part
by volume of the foregoing composition diluted with 42 gals, of water, and when
to 5 parts of the oil affords a satisfactory thoroughly stirred and strained the 4
Such emulsion will contain gals, of copper solution may be added
about 83.3% of oil, making up to a con- slowly. The addition of refined sugar (2
oz. to 50 gals.) is useful in delaying
sistency about that of lard at the same
temperature. Such a product, even after flocculation.
standing in a warm place for months is
free from separation. Treeband Composition
For horticultural spraying, a petroleum Sulfur Flowers 6
oil emulsion as indicated, would ordinarily
Linseed Oil 75
be used at a spraying strength of 2%
oil. This would be obtained from the Heat 1% hrs. with stirring until uni-
preparation referred to in the above form. Cool and thin with cottonseed oil.
example by diluting 2.4 gallons of the
emulsion to 100 gallons with water.
When sprayed, a highly satisfactory coat- * Tree Spray
ing on the vegetation is had, with a mini- The basic ingredients of this improved
mum loss from run-off or drip, and at the spray are oil and hydrated lime. The oil
same time the oil is well protected against is preferably a highly refined petroleum
damaging tender foliage. oil having a viscosity of about 50 to 150
sec. Saybolt at 100° F. and a specific
gravity of about 0.89 to 0.81. The
Bordeaux Mixture hydrated lime is preferably very finely
The following is the method of making powdered and it may be of commercial
Bordeaux Mixture for horticultural spray- purity. Other solids, such as talc,
ing. The customary wash is known as gypsum and bentonite may be used in-
“4-4-50,” and the official formula and stead of or combined with the lime, but
instructions are as follows: it has been found that hydrated lime
gives the best results. A preferred effective for combating the oriental fruit
formula for this tree spray is: hydrated moths which infest the sensitive leaves of
lime, 15 lbs.; white oil, %
gal.; casein, peach trees. It may also be used against
.38 lbs. The oil is thoroughly mixed with codling moths, red spider, aphids, scale
the solid ingredients in any suitable ap- and other insect and fungus pests.
paratus, for example, the mixture may be The term “refined oil** as used in the
passed through screens of about ten mesh claims includes relatively viscous oils
so that the solids will absorb a uniform which have been treated to remove the
amount of the oil. The above proportions unsaturated hydrocarbons or other com-
may be varied throughout a considerable pounds which may be injurious to foliage.
range, but for practical purposes, the
amount of oil used should not be sufficient
to yield a sticky or pasty mass. Instead
Pine Oil Insecticides
of using casein in the above formula,
about 2 per cent of gum arabic or an Yarmor Steam-distilled Pine Oil is

equivalent amount of gum ghatti, de- rapidly displacing such ingredients as

hydrated sulfite liquor or other materials methyl salicylate, citronella, lemon oil,
which have an emulsifying action may be safrol and oil of wintergreen in household
used. The powder will keep indefinitely, insecticides for it possesses a pronounced
and since it is relatively dry no preserva- germicidal value, aside from its pleasant
tive is necessary for the casein. The dry perfume odor.
powder may be shipped to the orchards in
paper bags and may be mixed with water 1. Formulae
to form a spray, about 20 pounds of pow- A. Pyrethrum Extract 1 qt.
der being incorporated in about 50 gals, Gasolene-kerosene 5 qt.
of water. The amount of water will, of Citronella 1 oz.
course, vary within wide limits, and it is Yarmor Pine Oil 6 oz.
usually desirable to proportion the mix- Paradichlorbenzene 8 oz.
ture so that the oil content in the final B. Pyrethrum Extract qt,
spray will be from % to 2 per cent. Gasolene-kerosene qt.
When this emulsified mixture is sprayed Paradichlorbenzene oz.
onto the foliage, it does not cling thereto Cedarwood Oil oz.
in large drops but it spreads evenly, Yarmor Pine Oil oz.
adheres closely to the leaves and gives a Methyl Salicylate oz.
smooth, uniform coverage which is C. Pyrethrum Extract qt.
superior to that obtained by prior sprays. Gasolene-kerosene qt.
This is a particularly important feature Yarmor Pine Oil qt.
because it insures the effectiveness of the
spray and it makes frequent and/or re-
peated spraying unnecessary. Hereto- Fungicide
fore sulfur has been avoided in oil sprays
because of its injury to plant foliage. A composition consisting of 95 per cent
Ordinarily sulfur, when combined with dusting sulfur and 5 per cent by weight
oil, causes the leaves to burn and curl up.
of either of the following dry and finely
It has been discovered that sulfur in ground substances: aluminum hydroxide,
amounts to about 15 per cent (calculated zinc oxide, or hydroxide, aluminum sul-
on the dry powder basis) may be mixed fate or zinc sulfate, or the basic sulfates
with this spray and used on sensitive of these metals, or other non-hygroseopic
salts formed from an anion, the hydroxide
foliage with safety. It has been found
that other toxic ingredients, such as of which is amphoteric, etc., was found
lead arsenate, monochloronaphthalene and to be much superior to straight sulfur
dusts, and at least equal to the most
their equivalents, may also be employed.
efficient lime-sulfur liquid sprays without
For instance, 0.1 per cent monochloro-
naphthalene (calculated on the diluted having any of the drawbacks of the
spray) has been added to my spray and
has been found effective without apparent
injury to sensitive plant tissue. There * Fungicide
has been developed no theory to explain
why normally injurious elements such as Light Petroleum Oil 18
sulfur, are rendered non-injurious when Gum Arabic 1
applied with a lime-oil spray of the char- Gum Ghatti 1
acter described, but experiments have Phenol 2
proven this to be a fact. This improved Sodium Polysulfide
spray has been found to be particularly


Fungus Killer a plan may be
convenient, a cc stock
Copper Carbonate 36 solution 7 of sodium arsenite is made up.
Copper Sulfate 3 This does not ferment and if kept in a
Sulfur 58 well-stoppered bottle will not deteriorate
appreciably. The stock solution is mixed
Fumigation Composition as desired with thin syrup.
Liquid HCN (25-50%) with chloro- One ounce arsenious oxide (common
picrin (2-3%, as warning agent) is ab- 6
white arsenic ?J )

sorbed by a granular material (6-20- % ounce sal soda crystals (if the soda
mesh) consisting of calcined infusorial has crumbled down into a tine white
earth. powder, use only ounce)%
Boil the above ingredients together
Fruit Spray Residue, Removing
with about one pint of water in a
Treatment with 0.3-1% Hydrochloric granite-ware pan. Ho not use aluminum
Acid at 95-105° F. gives good results in or galvanized vessels. After the arsenic
removing arsenical residues. is practically all dissolved, add enough
water to make the total volume of the
* Green Lead Arsenate solution one quart. Sometimes the
arsenic is not quite pure, and leaves a
A method of making a green colored
little cloudiness which will settle over
insecticide comprises reacting a water-
night, and which does no harm any-
soluble chromate with lead hydrogen
way. Mix thoroughly, bottle and label
arsenate so that some of the lead hydro-
gen arsenate is converted into a lead
POISON. At the time the syrup is de-
sired for use, mix the Stock Solution as
chromium arsenic compound and adding
above prepared with honey according to
ferric so that the lead
the following figures:
chromium arsenic compound formed and
the ferric ferrocyanide cooperate to pro- Stock Arsenic Solution 1 fi. oz.
duce a green-colored insecticide having in- Thin Honey 1 pt.
creased fungicidal and adhesive proper-
ties and without an appreciable increase

Method of Use . Soak pieces of ex-
celsior in the syrup, place in cans; cover
in water solubility. To 1680 lbs. of with loose-fitting lids, and place outfit in
litharge in suspension in water add 150 path of ants.
lbs. of nitric acid (36° Baume) follow Note. Ants seem to like straight honey
this with 20 lbs. of sodium dichromate. best. If economy is desired, cane syrup
To this add 1380 lbs. of arsenic acid (61 may be substituted for a part of the
per cent AS 2 C> 5 )
. After reaction between honey ingredient.
the litharge and the arsenic acid has
taken place add 15 lbs. ferric ferrocyanide
(Prussian blue). The yield on a dry Ant Repellent
basis will be around 2585 lbs. of dry water
1 lb. sugar in 1 qt. of
green lead arsenate. 125 grams arsenate of soda
Boil and strain.
Add spoonful of honey.
Argentine Ant Poison

This poison consists of a syrup, attrac-
tive to the insects, containing from one * Moth Proofing
to two tenths of one per cent of the Am. Selenate or Selenious
chemical element arsenic in the form of Acid 1-2
sodium arsenite. In view of the uncertain Water 1000
purity of commercial sodium arsenite, it
is advisable to prepare the chemical in
Allow material to soak in above for
solution from arsenious oxide, a stable, two hours; rinse with water and dry.
standard compound universally obtain-
able and of known poison strength. The
poisoned syrup prepared from this ma- Ant Destroyer
terial isnot immediately fatal to the Tartar Emetic 1 lb.
worker ants, but instead is carried by the Sugar Powd. 1 lb.
insects to the nests, where the queen and Arsenic Sulfide Powd. % oz.
brood are killed.
Inasmuch as the syrup does not keep
very well without a preservative, it is Ants, Carpenter, Destroying
perhaps better to make up a small supply Bore sloping hole at top of infested
each time it is used. In order that such wood and pour in a mixture of equal
parts of carbon disulfide and carbon Use one pint of this mixture to five
tetrachloride. The heavy liquid and its pints kerosene.
vapor will sink down and permeate
Another method is to dissolve one Insecticide, Bed Bug
pound paradichlorbenzenc in two quarts Kerosene 90
of kerosene and spray this solution. Clovel , 5
Cresol 1
Pine Oil 4
Ants, Preventing Entry of
Sprinkle Clovel or Oil of Sassafras at Bed Bug Exterminator
entrances. Ants do not like these odors Insect Powder 150
and will not enter. Colocynth 50
Phenol 50
Oil of Turpentine 100
Ant Powder Alcohol 1000
Sodium Fluoride 78 Macerate the crude drugs in the alcohol
Pyrethreum Powd. 8 for eight days, express, and filter, then
Starch 14 add the phenol and oil.

Fire Ant, Insecticide for Bed Bug Killer

Thallium Sulfate 2 oz. Kerosene 96-98
Sugar 5 lb. Phenol 4-2
Honey V2 lb. Use as spray in cracks and on springs.
Water 4^2 pt.

Insecticide for Mexican Bean Beetle

Ant Poison Spray with
Thallium sulphate has been found Barium Silicofluoride 5 lb.
effective in exterminating in -3 or 4 weeks Water * 50 gal.
small red ants in houses, where arsenic
compounds had previously failed. The
following mixture was used:
Insecticide, Cabbage Maggot
Water 1 pt.
Calomel 4
Sugar 1 lb.
Gypsum Powder 96
Thallium Sulphate 27 gr.
Honey 3 oz. * Insect and Mildew-Proofing Canvas
The whole is brought to the boil and well A process has been patented for the
stirred. treatment of fabrics with thallium salts
Fire ants in Texas were exterminated in such a way as to render them water,
by the use of a syrup containing 2 oz. of moth, mould, and insect-proof. The
thallium sulphate in 4V2 pints of water, process is said to be suitable for the
5 lb. of sugar and %
lb. of honey being treatment of textiles such as tent canvas,
added, and when dissolved the whole and in addition to imparting the proper-
made up to a gallon with water. Four ties mentioned above, is claimed to render
teaspoonfuls of this are poured on a the materials more durable.
moistened sponge which is placed in a Two solutions are required, A
and B.
box near the ant nest. An example of Ais as follows:

Soap 15
2 Casein 10
Naphthalene lb.
Carrageen 5
Oleo -resinPy rethrum 2 oz.
Bentonite 30
Methyl Salicylate 2% pt. Petrolatum 500
Deodorized Kerosene 6% gal. Water 2400
Dissolve the first two ingredients in the
kerosene by mixing or shaking and add Solution B consists of a solution of a
the methyl salicylate. thallium or certain other metallic salt,
one part of the salt being dissolved in
about 40 parts of water.
Insecticide (Bed Bugs) The soap, casein, carrageen, and water
Cresol 3 ' fl. oz. are beaten together, a small amount of

Dichlorobenzene 13 fl. oz. borax having been added to render the



casein soluble. The temperature should These sprays could be materially im-
be from 140° to 200° F. Into the emul- proved by the addition of more pine oil
sion which is formed, the bentonite is as evidenced by the subsequent data.
slowly sifted with constant stirring, and A series of four sprays were subjected
when incorporated, the melted petrolatum to identical conditions for a period of
is added, the liquid being continuously time at an agricultural college and a city
beaten during the operation. sanitation department.
The canvas to be treated is immersed The sprays were composed of the fol-
in and thoroughly wetted with A, wrung lowing ingredients, all figures computed
out and passed into R, washed in water on a volume basis:
to remove excess of metallic salts, again
wrung, and dried. The finished goods * fa

are said to be entirely without any greasi- §

1 | o’

ness, and to be of a good color.

p% I* pz
(a) Heavy-bodied
Paraffin Oil.
Kerosene Ext. of
. . 15% 20 % 30 %
Cattle Spray
Pyrethrum. . . 5 % 8 % 8 % 8 %
Kerosene Extract of (c) Yarmor Pine Oil. 25 % 30 % 30 % 50 %
Pyrethrum Flowers (d) Long-time Burn-
8 parts ing Oil 55 % 42 % 12 %
Steam-distilled Pine Oil 10 to 15 parts (e) Petroleum Distil-
Petroleum Oil (40 to late % 62
65 secs, viscosity)
100 % 100 % 100 % 100 %
to make 100 parts by volume
The kerosene extract is made at the The product prepared by simple mix-
rate of five pounds of flowers to a gallon ing of the ingredients. Care must be
of oil. The kerosene used should be taken that the ingredients are not allowed
highly refined so as to be as nearly non- to absorb water as this may produce a
irritant as possible. One may purchase cloudy product. The cloudiness is easily
ready made extract from the previously removed, however, by filtration through
mentioned companies. Pine Oil is the re- kieselguhr or like material.
pellent in the formula. Steam-distilled (a) The heavy-bodied paraffin oil is
pine oil is more repellent to flies and less obtainable from any oil refinery and
irritating to the shin than the cheaper should conform to the following specifi-
destructively distilled pine oil. If neces- cations :

sary the latter may be used at the rate Be. or A.P.I. Gravity 28.0
of 20 to 25 parts per hundred. Specific Gravity 60° F. 0.88725
Flash Point 350° F.
Fire Point 405° F.
Cattle Louse Insecticide
Viscosity at 100° F.
Dust with 90 to 100 Saybolt units
Sodium Fluoride 1 Pour Point 30° F.
Diatomaceous Earth 1 Color No. 2 Tag-Robinson
(b) The kerosene extract of pyrethrum
Cattle Parasiticide calls for a concentration of the extract
Precipitated Chalk
from pounds of flowers per gallon of
Rock Salt kerosene. Lethane may also be used as
Pine Tar a replacement product for kerosene ex-
tract of pyrethrum.
Copper Sulfate 1
(c) Yarmor Pine Oil conforms to
Make into plastic mass with water;
cast into blocks and dry.
specifications —
eighty-two per cent secon-
dary and tertiary alcohols.
(d) The long-time burning oil is ob-
Pine Oil Cattle Sprays tainable from any oil refinery and should
conform to the following specifications:
The axiom iC contented cow3 produce
more milk” has been the basis for con- Be. Gravity at 60° F. 40.0-45.0
siderable research work on pine oil cattle This fraction of oil is a shade heavier
sprays. than kerosene.
Various cattle sprays are being (e) The petroleum distillate is ob-
marketed, differing in ingredient con- tainable from any oil refinery and should
tent, but producing comparable results in conform to the folowing specifications:
combating warble and horse flies. There Flash. Cleveland Open Cup 260° F.
are also a few pine oil cattle sprays on Fire, Cleveland Open Cup
the market that have outstanding merit. 300° F. Minimum


Viscosity, Saybolt Thermo at 60° E.

( 2)
1000 to 1500
Parts by Weight
Color, 18" Lovibond 5.0 Maximum
Cloud Test 32° F. Maximum Powdered Borax 10
Insect Powder 1
TJnsaturation 4% Maximum Starch 1
A.P.I. Gravity 36.5 and 38.5°
These sprays were originally tested ac-
cording to the Peet-Grady Method and Parts by Weight
the results are tabulated for Formulae Kieselguhr 22
No. 2A and No. 2B. Sodium Fluoride 40
Sodium Chloride 10
Formulae No. 2A and No. 2B
The ingredients in the finest powder
Down in Dead after are thoroughly mixed and the powder
10 min. 24 hrs. sprinkled about runs of the insects.
Test No. 1 100 70 (4) Freshly burnt plaster of Paris and
2 98 72 fine oatmeal (dry) in equal parts are
3 98 75 thoroughly mixed and the powder is
4 100 66 dusted around places infested by roaches,
5 98 55
6 99 62
7 100 49 Insect Powder (Cockroach)
8 97 47 Powdered Borax 8 lb. 10 oz.
9 100 71 White Hellebore 8 oz.
Dalmation Powder 8 oz.
99 63 Ground Cloves 4 oz.
lese sprays were later tested on a Cayenne Pepper 2 oz.
practical scale at an agricultural college
and a city sanitation department. The
comments are indicative of what to ex- Roach Poison
pect when they are applied in the held. Sod. Fluoride 50
Formulae No. 2 and No. 2B received Flour 50
the unanimous vote as being the most
effective and most presentable products
of the four. They possessed the follow-
Roach Powder
ing characteristics: Sodium Fluoride 65
1. Burning or blistering of hides Pyrethrum 30
Starch 5
2. Odor— mild odor of the pine forest
3. Tainting of milk negative— if Earthworm Poison
sprayed 30 min. before milking
Corrosive Sublimate 1 oz.
time and usual care exercised.
4. —
Clarity free from suspended
75 gal.
ground with this solution
5. —
Color dark amber which unharmful to plant life; vegeta-

6. —
Repellency three to six hours tion should be sprinkled with water after
7. —
Volatility relatively slow drying
this treatment.

8. Kill— 63%
9. Knock-down — 99%
10. Matting of hair—negative Fly Spray
11. Healing properties—the pine oil This is made by macerating 500 gms.
content promotes healing of open of pyrethrum -with 4 liters of kerosene
wounds and cuts. (followed by expression) after 24 hours.
Results of field tests may be duplicated
Perfume by adding 90 cc. of methyl
salicylate to each 4 liters of solution.
provided no deviations are made in raw
materials specified. Pyrethrum 240 gm.
Kerosene 2000.0 cc.

Cockroaches, Exterminant for Gasoline 2000.0 cc.

Napthalene 30.0 gm.
Parts by Weight Macerate the pyrethrum in the petro<
Powdered Borax 4 leum liquids for 48 hours, then strain,
2 express and then add the naphthalene.
Chocolate Powder 1
Fly Spray be lulled by 5-6% BaCl 2 soln. or 0 15<%
Deodorized Kerosene 89 nicotine spray (40 gallons per
acre, mint
Methyl Salicylate 1 but it is more advisable to
destroy the’
Pyrethrum Powd. 10 ™‘ e

Percolate a few times and filter. »a

Fly Catching Mixture Warble-Fly, Control of

Rosin .Good results are gotten by
50 spraying
Ester Gum with
Heavy Mineral Oil Soft Soap
Melt together and
Water U lb.
stir until dissolved. 1 gal.
Remove from heat Derris Powder
and stir in
% lb.

Honey j_y2 Bracken, Eradication of

Spray with 1% solution of
Fly Paper chlorate.
Rosin 32
Rezinel Ho. 2 20 Moth Spray
Castor Oil g Camphor naphthalene 40, capsicum
Heat above and stir until uniform. ° f C 0Ves 10 t ur Pentine
Apply hot to suitable paper. lin’ one partsJ
’ 100 and
ale. 900 are macerated for 48 hrs
Increasing rosin content gives a heavier and strained.
faster drying coating. Decreasing rosin
gives a thinner stickier coating which
mains sticky for longer periods. Mothproofing Solution
For textiles —non-staining
Sod. Silicofluoride 0 52
FlyPaper Water
Water 21 98.48
Glucose -IQ
Sod. Silicate * Mothproofing Composition
Glycerin Chlorxylenols (mixed)
yo 3-5
First soak coated paper in a Trinitroisobutylxylene 3_5
alum solution; dry and then coat with Magnesium Carbonate 94-90

Fly Paper Mothproofing

Sodium Fluoride
5? sia . 32 gm.
Sodium Tauroeholate
Flexoresm El 20 0.2
Castor Oil Carbon Dioxide
Melt together, and dip paper into
g f£ '
to saturation point of water ’

warm Water
mixture. 100

Fly Paper Composition

Textile Mothproofing
A. Rosin
218 Paranitro Chlorbenzol 10-20
Rozolin 70 Paradichlorbenzol 80-90
Paraffin Wax 10
B. Rosin
225 Codling Moth Bands
Rosin Oil 30
Rozolin Ba re ^ reate<^ with a solution
( s
40 ?l ob-
tained by ^heating
°- “ 100
Pine Oil 30
Beta Haphthol 2 lb
Rosin Oil 30
Red Engine Oil (300 sec.) 114 pt!
Thin Mineral Oil 30
Aluminum Stearate 0Zm
Glyceryl Bori Borate 4
Glycerin 2 Codling Moth Spray
Hicotine tannate kills by contact
Beet Fly, Spray for mature eggs and young larvae
of the
codling moth. It remains toxic to the
Eggs and pupae are not greatly harmed
larvae for at least 21 days,
by contact insecticides. The larvae and is more
may toxic as a stomach poison
than PbHAs04 .

The spray-tank mixt. is prepd. from Snail Killer

U. S. P. tannic acid and free nicotine
Ferrous Sulfate 20
(50% soln.), the quantities being 4 parts Ferric Sulfate 20
tannic acid dissolved in 1600 parts water
Copper Sulfate 45
to which 1 part of nicotine soln, is added.
The mixt. is compatible with S, but not
with soap, lime-S soln., Ca caseinate or
Field Mouse Poison
other alk. or acid substances.
Whole Wheat 125 lb.
Thallium Sulphate 1% lb.
Nematodes, Spray for Combating Hot Water 6 qt.
Carbon Bisulfide 68 Starch, Dry % lb.
Eosoap 8 Glycerin V2 pt.
Water 26
The thallium sulphate is dissolved in the
Agitate violently and dilute 1: 50 with
hot water, and to this is added the starch,
water before use. Formaldehyde may be previously mixed with a little cold water.
added to control fungus pests.
The clear starch paste thus made is boiled
for 2 to 3 minutes, the glycerin is added
Peach-Borer (lesser), Control of and the mixture boiled for a short time
Paradichlor Benzol 1 lb.
and then incorporated with the wheat.
Crude Cottonseed Oil 2 qt.
A simple rat poison consists of a
tapioca flour paste, containing of
Other oils are not as satisfactory as
thallium sulphate, and spread on slices of
cottonseed oil.
bread. Another bait which has been used
successfully is made as follows: Vt oz of .

Eodent Poison thallium sulphate is dissolved in a large

Strychnine 0.55 tea cup of boiling water and half a cup-
Saccharine 0.15 ful of corn syrup, and 12 oz. of peanut
Flour 98.30 butter are added. Thin slices of bread
from two loaves are well covered with
Strychnine 0.35 this mixture and cut into small squares.
Anise Oil 0.15 Tablespoonful doses of these squares are
Sugar 20.50 plaeed in the tracks of the vermin.
Flour 79.00

Bed Bug Spray

Non-Poisonous Eat Destroyer Lysol 1 oz.
Gypsum 100 Carbon Tetrachloride 75 parts
Eye Flour 300 Eeflned Kerosene 25 parts
Dry thoroughly in oven and add 0.1 oil Mix. Sure death to bugs.
of anise. Keep in air-tight containers.

Mouse Exterminator Moth Killer

100 (For Upholstered Furniture)

Barium Carbonate
Oatmeal 300 Ethylene Dichloride 74 parts
Saccharin 1 Carbon Tetrachloride 25 parts
Water enough Paradichlorbenzene 1 part
and Diglyeol Oleate 1 part
Make a stiff dough, force through a
coarse sieve, and dry in an oven.
Insect Exterminator
* ?
Silverfish, Poison for Kerosene, Eeflned Grade 1 gal.
White Arsenic 30 gm. Py rethrum Powder, Best
Flour 500 c.c. Grade % lb.
Water to make paste Paradichlorbenzene 1 lb.
Perfume sufficient
* Electrical Insulating Compound * Liquid Electrical Resistance
The following formulae may be used A HoO-tube resistance for high voltages
as a covering or lute as well as for mold- is provided with means for cooling the
ing into forms: #
liquid so that its resistance is maintained
(a) Molasses 20 lb. substantially const. Instead of H
2 0 an
aq. soln. of CuSO^ or Manganni s liquid,
Litharge 50 gm.
contg. mannitol 121, H3BO3 41 and KC3
Stir until homogeneous. Allow to stand
0.06 g. per 1., may be used.
until desired degree of hardness or plas-
• ticity is reached.
* Non-Drying Plastic Conductor
(b) Nitrobenzol 100 gm. Glycol Bori Borate 20-30
Manganese Resina te 50 gm. Water 5
Molasses 40 lb. Carbon Black 10
The amounts in above formula may be
varied to produce different consistencies.
Insulating Coating, Electrical Filament
Layers of a satd. Soln. of A1 (N0 3 )3
* Electric Insulation of d 27 1.4 mixed with 3-10% by wt. of
Elec, insulating coating compns. are Si0 2 are applied to a filamentary W
prepd. on a base of urea-CH 2 0 resin, wire, and the wire is heated after each
mixed with materials with which solid successive layer is applied to convert the
solns. are formed. Example: 33 parts A1(N0 3 ) 3 to A1 2 0 3 . The wire is subse-
of a 46% soln. of urea-CH 2 0 resin in quently heated to a temp, above the
n~BuOH are mixed with a soln. of nitro- m. p. of Si0 2 but below the crystn. point
cellulose 15, blown castor oil 30, and of W to form a hard homogeneous in-
rosin 6 parts in AcOBu 25, EtOH 75 and sulating coating.
PhMe 75 parts, by wt. Coatings of this
compn. are very adherent, elastic and
* Insulating Tape, Electrical
durable after drying for 8 hrs. at 75°.
They are resistant to mineral acids and Tape is treated with following at 165°.
to the action of transformer oils at high Carnauba-Montan Wax 40-50
temps. Rosin 32-40
Castor Oil 10-28
^Electrical Insulation
The following composition is suitable * Insulation Composition, Coil Impregna-
for transformers, capacitators, cables,
Rosin 70
Crude Seale Wax 80 Asphalt 30
Petrolatum 10
Mineral Oil
Apply at 160-175° C.

* Insulation, Heat
* Electrical Insulation Lining
Flake Mica 800
Glue 1
Flour Paste 100
Water 24
Phenol 1
Sulfoturk C 2
Mica / 5 Put between strips of cotton or jute,
Sod. Silicate 5 and wrap around steam pipes.
All formulae preceded by an asterisk (*) are covered by patents.


Heat Insulation * Cable Oil, High Tension
Portland Cement The following is used for saturating
(quick setting) 15-40% high tension paper wound cables.
Mineral Wool 40-65 Mineral Oil 85-90 lb.
Diatomaceous Earth 20-30 Eosin 10-15 lb.
Eubber 0.2-0.5 lb.
* Heat Insulator
A material weighing approx. 20 lb. per Sanctuary Oil
cu. ft. comprises the set product of a Eape Seed Oil 3 lb.
mixt. formed from calcined gypsum 2 lb.,
Cotton Seed Oil
Al2 ( >304)3 3 oz -7 CaC0 3 1.5 oz., soap 4 g., (Winter Pressed) 1 lb.
talc 8 g. and water 26 fl. oz Linseed Oil 1 lb.

* Heat Insulating Material

* Stove Wick
Glass Wool or Mineral Cotton 80
Asbestos 18 Pumice Powdered 4
Plaster or strong Glue 2 Charcoal Powdered 1
Coke Powdered 1
Sand Powdered 1
* Eefrigerator Insulating Compound Grit Powdered 1
Latex 13 gal. Eosin Powdered %
Bentonite 60 lb. Silicate of Soda 2
Trihydroxyethylamine Water sufficient to make paste. Press
Abietate 2 lb. into shape and vitrify by heat to drive
Water 1 gal. off all volatile matter.


Nitrocellulose Lacquers materials as rosin, shellac, dammar,
These lacquers may be divided into kauri, sandarac, mastic, and
two parts —
volat ile an d non-volatile con-
: elemL* A
legion of names may be men-
stituents. Tinder the former may be tioned in the latter class. But we wilt
classed the liquids used to carry the sol- confine ourselves to the most representa*
ids into solution. The non-volatile mat- tive and popular members of each kind.
ter consists of nitrocellulose, gums or In this class are found ester gum, bake-
resins, and a plasticizer. lite, beckacite, amberols, lewisols, and
A film of nitrocellulose alone is not the rezyls and teglacs.
satisfactory for most uses, as it lacks Lacquer films become hard and brittle
adhesion, is stiff and brittle, lacks flexi- with age. To overcome the cracking and
bility and elasticity; and as a result of peeling of a brittle film due to the ex-
this, it will split or peel off the surface. pansion, contraction, or bending of the
Nitrocellulose has a high viscosity, and coated surface, a plasticizer, is incorpor-
a lacquer solution will not contain as ated into the lacquer! These materials '

much solids for the coating as a paint or may be oils, such as castor oil, blown
varnish of like viscosity. c as tor oil, blown rape seed oil, OKO oil,
Eesins are used to give a lacquer more and lacquer linseed oil. very impor-A
solids without increased viscosity, tant class is the high boiling esters which
greater adhesion, more gloss and some- are solvents for the cotton and many
times greater hardness. The resins used times for the resins. In this class will
are both natural and synthetic. The be found the ethyl, butyl and amyl esters
former class contains such well known of the phthalates, trieresyl phosphate, tri-

Ml formulae preceded by an asterisk ( *) are covered by patents.

phenyl phosphate; just to mention a few percentage formula, as a 20%, 25%, or
of the most common ones in use. These 35% solution.
plasticizers are non-volatile and will re-
main in the him for a very long time. Cotton Solution No. 1
They tend to form solid solutions with Dry %sec Cotton 25 %
the nitrocellulose. A
very important Den. Alcohol 10.7%
class and coming to the fore are the Butyl Acetate 16.1%
resin-plasticizers. In this class will be Toluol 32.1%
found ethyl or methyl abietate, beekolac Ethyl Acetate 16.1%
1308, paraplex 5B as those most popular This solution contains 2 pounds of dry
to-day. cotton in the gallon of solution. The
By the use of the term solvents, we solution weighs 8.3 pounds per gallon.
mean those liquids that are used to dis-
solve the nitrocellulose. Solvents are Cotton Solution No. 2
classified as low boilers and high boilers. Dry %see Cotton 35.8 lb.
JEach class performs a certain function. Ethyl Acetate 24.8 lb.
Low boilers are used to carry the cotton Toluol 24.2 lb.
into solution, provide volatility for the Ethyl Alcohol 15.2 lb.
lacquer, and also give the initial set for
This solution is a 36% cut, and con-
the film. Usually the low boiler is a
tains approximately 59.5 ounces of dry
faster solvent for the cotton than the
cotton in the gallon.
high boiler. The most popular member
of this class is ethyl acetate. The high Cotton Solution No. 3
boilers provide smooth How, prevent Dry 70sec Cotton 1.13 lb.
blush, orange peel and give homogeneity
Alcohol .51 lb.
to the film. In this class are found butyl Benzol 3.10 lb.
acetate, amyl acetate, butyl proprionate, Ethyl Acetate 3.00 lb.
ethyl lactate, butyl lactate, and the eello-
This yields one gallon of solution of a
high viscosity cotton.
Latent solvents are compounds or
liquids that are not solvents for cotton
by themselves. But they become so, by

Cotton Solution No. 4: To 24 ounces
of film scrap add one gallon of solution
the mere addition of a solvent. In this of 25% Ethyl Acetate; 25% Alcohol,
class are the methyl, ethyl, butyl, propyl, 16% Toluol, and 34% Bayway Solvent
and amyl alcohols. No. 55.
In the making of a solvent mixture or Resin solutions are cut from 4 to 14
thinner for a lacquer, other liquids are pounds of resin to the gallon of solvent,
used, such as benzol, toluol, xylol, solvent or else as a 50/50 cut of resin and the
naphtha, and also special petroleum solvent. The solvents used are generally
naphthas. These do not dissolve cotton, benzol, toluol, xylol, alcohol, and ethyl
and also lower the solvent power of a acetate. In general, different resins will
solvent when mixed with thenu This require different solvents. Some manufac-
class of liquids is called diluents, and turers cut their resins in a thinner to in-
though they are excellent solvents for a sure greater compatibility with the cot-
great many of the resins, we will call ton solutions. Ester gum, Lewisol, beck-
them diluents as they are not solvents for acite, amberol are dissolved in one gallon
the nitrocellulose. They give bulk to theft of toluol or thinner. The proportions are
'mixture, aid in keeping the resins im
8 pounds of the resin to one gallon of
solution, help balance the formula, andn the solvent. Elemi gum is dissolved in an
also lower the price. equal weight of solvent. For Kauri gum,
In the compounding of lacquers, cer- dissolve 40 pounds of the resin in 60
tain standard or stock solutions are used; pounds of a solution of 85% denatured
nitrocellulose or cotton solutions, and alcohol and 15% ethyl acetate. Dam-
the resin solutions. They are blended in .

mar Solution g ma(j e di ssolving 80

various proportions, a plasticizer and the pounds of dammar in a mixture of 20
solvents added to bring it to the desired pounds of ethyl acetate and 40
viscosity or concentration. pounds of petroleum naphtha of boiling
The nitrocellulose solutions are usually range-between 80 and ISO C. When
made to contain a definite amount of completely dissolved add TOO pounds of
ounces to the gallon, or to hold a certain ethyl-alcohol,^ agitate for a while and
amount of cotton in the gallon of solu- allow to settle overnight for a thorough
tion. Or else it may be cut according to the dewaxing. The shellac solution may be
2— STAINS 22?'
the ordinary 4 or 5 pound cut of shellac 1 Good solvent power.
in alcohol. -Good blush resistance.
A good solvent should possess high -Proper speed of evaporation.
solvent power, offer excellent blush re- 4 Low cost.
sistance, give good flow, make for excel-
lent compatibility and a thoroughly Solvent No. No. No, No. No,
(Thinner) 1 2 3 4 5
homogeneous film, and should be fast Petroleum
in its action. The formulae
listed be- Naphtha 44% .... 20% 30%
low may be used
for solvents and Toluol
50% 70% 40% 32%
reducers to thin the various stock solu-
Acetate. . 22% 18% 15% 10% ....
Ethyl Alcohol. .12% 12% 10 % 10 % 10 %
tions, when incorporating them with the Butyl Acetate .... 10% 23%
other ingredients for a lacquer for sale Butyl Alcohol .... 10% 5%
Amyl Acetate.. . 22% 20%
or use. Amyl Alcohol ....
Solvent ... .No. 1 No. 2 No. 3 No. 4 No. 5
Butyl Cellosolve 5%
Toluol 65% 60% 50% 50% 70%
Ethyl Acetate . 10% 15% 15% 15% 15%

Den. Alcohol. .... .... 15% 10% 5%

Butyl Alcohol . 15% 15% ....
5% Wood Lacquers
Butyl Acetate.
Amyl Acetate
. .... 20 % In a general run of wood lacquers,
Amyl Alcohol. 7% one will be called upon to supply a
Cellosolve 5% 5% 5% sanding sealer, high gloss clear, flat lac-
Butyl Cellosolve 5% 5% 5%
quers, rubbing or polishing lacquers,
The following formulae contain the and various specialties as required by
main elements of a good thinner for the trade such as alcohol proof lacquer,
general use, namely and rubbed effect lacquer.

Sanding Sealer: No. 1 Dry Basis No. 2 Non-V olatilc
1 qt. or 2 lb. %lb. 41b. lib.
1 qt. or 2 lb. 5 oz.
Resin Solution.... 1 pt. or 1 lb. % lb. 21b. Ilb.
Dibutyl Phthalate. %lb. Vs lb. % lb. % lb.
Blown Castor Oil. Vs lb. % lb. 32%% solids
1 lb. paste 32%% solids lib.
Solvent No. 3 . . . . ...... 1 qt. 1 qt.
The resin in No. 1 is amberol No. 801 Clear Lacquers
and in No. 2 is Lewisol No. 2. Each Yz 2
Sec. Nitrocellulose . 2 2 2 2 2
solution is made by cutting 8 pounds Dammar Solution .... 5 2
Ester Gum Solution . ... 3 1 3 2 4
of the respective resin in 1 gal. of a
cheap thinner.
Kauri Solution . . 1 %
Amberol Solution
Lewisol Solution 3
Clear Lacquers Blown Castor Oil .... ^ Yt V4.
Dibutyl Phthalate ... % ..
A high gloss clear can be made by Tricresyl Phosphate Yz
* Cotton Solution No. 4 1 gal.
Flat Lacquer
* Cotton Solution No. 1 gal. % Cotton Solution No. 1 2 lb.
Ester Gum Solution 1 gal.
8 pounds resin to 1 gal. thinner
Cotton Solution No. 3 % lb.
Amberol Solution 1
Amberol Solution gal. % Zinc Stearate (RBH) 1
(8 pounds resin to 1 gal. thinner as
Tricresyl Phosphate u lb.
Solvent No. 4 to one gallon,
Blown Castor Oil lb. %
Solvent No. 5 1 gal.

Below we will give a table of various Rubbing or Polishing Lacquer

wood lacquers. In this table will be Cotton Solution No. 1 4 lb.
found the non-volatiles. By the use of Cotton Solution No. 3 1 lb.
the standard solutions of cotton, resin Lewisol Solution 1 lb.
and solvents as given above these for- Dibutyl Phthalate % lb.
mulae may be compounded. The addi- Solvent No. 4 to one gallon.
tion of solvent and amount will be left
to the individual, to meet his specific
problem of price and quality. Alcohol Proof Lacquers
* Cotton Solution No. 1 1 gal.

Eor Chemical Advisors, Special Raw Materials, Equipment, Containers, etc,, consult Supply
Section at end of book.
* See page 226.


Amberol Solution I qt. gloss. If flattening is desired a zinc
Paraplex 5B 2 lb. stearate mixture is added. The base
clear used will depend on the price of
Solvent No. 3 to spraying consist-
ency. the enamel. If a cheap enamel is being
formulated, a base clear high in ester
*Cotton Solution No. 1 4 lb. gum will be indicated. Also the vis-
Lewisol Solution 2 lb. cosity may be increased by the use of
Dibutyl Plithalate 12 oz. high viscosity cotton or the film solu-
Solvent No. 3 1 qt. tion. For the better grade enamels, the
lower viscosity cotton is used to give
By combining the flat and gloss lac- more solids, and the better resins in-
quers in varying proportions, any de-
creased, such as amberol, lewisol, becka-
sired effect of semi-gloss, satin flnish
cite, and the rezyls. These resins will
or rubbed effect may be obtained.
also give the tougher and more flexible
Wood Enamels (Pyroxylin)
In a discussion of the pigmented Metal Lacquers
enamels two factors must be considered. These lacquers are used as a protect-
The ability to grind the pigment in the ive and ornamental coating on all class
plant, or must the ground pigment be of metal objects, such as, brass goods,
bought from an outside source. For plated ware, and even iron and steel,
the former we will list below some rep- and some of the newer alloys. When
resented grinds in a plasticizer and the purpose is to protect the highly pol-
gum solution. These will be explained ished surface against tarnishing, the
in detail and the difference from the mill lacquer is made of a rather high viscos-
ground product shown. ity cotton, as this type will give a
Pig- Blown D.B.P., Ester Lewisol tougher film than %
second cotton.
ment, Castor Gum, The film is thin and almost impercep-
Oil, tible. The resin used is usually low in
Lbs. Lbs. Lbs. Lbs. Lbs.
acid number and of a very pale color.
Black 10 16 8 12 12
White 60 8 4 12 12 The low acid number being required so
Red 40 2614 1314 18 as not to attack the metal coated. The
Blue .....
. 45 22 11 9 resin will add to the adhesion of the
Orange. . . 80 14 6 . .
*9 lacquer.
Yellow 67 15 5
Green 58 1314 614 3 High Viscosity Cot-
Indian Red. 68 14 6 9
ton 4 4 4 4
To make these equal to 100 pound
all Elemi Solution - - 2 —
basis add enough toluol to make 100
pounds. This will also thin the mixture
— m
— —

— 1

to the proper grinding consistency for Dibutyl Phthalate - i 1 1

a roller mill. For a ball or pebble mill Blown Castor Oil - — — 1
slightly more thinning will be required. Ester Gum Solution — _ - 1
The R.B.H. pigments are dispersed in Clear finishing lacquers for metal and
a medium consisting of %
second nitro- automobile work may be included in .

cellulose in a solvent mixture. These this class.

lacquer pigments will be found to be of
Dry Pyroxylin 10 parts
a uniform dispersion, excellent cover- Rezyl 19 20 parts
ing power, smooth, and may be obtained
Dibutyl Phthalate 5 parts
in any quantity from a gallon can to a
fifty gallon drum. In the use of the Dry Pyroxylin 10 parts
R.B.H. pigments additional plasticizer Rezyl 113 30 parts
must be added to compensate for the Dibutyl Phthalate 3 parts
added cotton and pigment. It will also
be found necessary to carefully watch Dry Pyroxylin 6
the resin content for gloss lacquers as Ester Gum 1 %
these pigments have a tendency to flat- Blown Castor Oil 1 %
ten a lacquer. Dibutyl Phthalate 1 %
In the formulation of a wood enamel, For the enamels for metal, we again
a good clear lacquer is usually taken as refer to the grinds given under wood
the base and the pigment grind added enamels and follow the same system of
to this to meet the required specifica- incorporating the pigment. That is,
tion for covering power. Sometimes take a clear base, and add sufficient
more resin is added to bring up the pigment to reach the requirements for
* See page 226,
good covering power. In this class of are quick drying. These lacquers are
material advisable to increase the
it is usually made from a medium to a high
plasticizer,for better' flexibility and viscosity cotton. They contain castor oil
better adhesion. and other oils as plasticizers and no
resins. The resins are not used as they
tend to detract from the flexibility.
Automobile Lacquers
The usual starting point in this work is
This class of lacquer deserves a spe- to begin with the plasticizer equalling
cial division and a complete line of the dry cotton. The plasticizers that
formulae will be given to cover the may be recommended for this work are
entire requirements. numerous. The old favorites are blown
Turner Sur facer —
This type of mate-
castor, raw castor oil, blown rapeseed
rial should possess excellent adhesion, oil and treated linseed oil. The newer
extreme flexibility and toughness, dry ones are ADM 100, butyl acetyl ricin-
quickly, high filling power, and be oleate, beckolac 1308 and hydroresin.
easily sanded by the dry or wet paper
in either water or naphtha.
To 2 pounds of dry *4 sec. cotton add Bronzing Lacquer
12 lb. of grind of A specialgrade of nitrocellulose is

40 lb. Keystone Filler

usually used for this type of material.
20 Lithopone
It is called bronzing cotton and has a
10 Talc or Barytes
viscosity of from 30 to 40 seconds.
40 lb. Beckolac o. 1308 N Besins are not used as the free acid
6% lb. Blown Castor Oil may cause the powder to turn. form- A
ula that has been tested and used is:
3% lb. Dibutyl Phthalate
in 1 gal Butyl Acetate Dry Pyroxylin 4 parts
Polishing Black —
High solids, good
. Dibutyl Phthalate 1% parts
covering power, good color, excellent Bronze Powder 5 lb.
flow, easy rubbing and must come to a Solvent 5 gal.
high polish with the least amount of
Bubbing. To
Specialty Lacquers
1 lb. dry y2 cotton
*4 lb. dry 30 sec. cotton
A lacquer in vogue today for deco-
rating purposes is the crystal lacquer.
add 2 lb. of the following pigment
This material depends on the action
of naphthalene to crystallize and of a
10 lb. Super Spectra Black
cotton solution and at the same time
15 lb. Blown Castor Oil
not affect the strength of the film.
15 lb. Tricresyl Phosphate j

2% lb. Butyl Stearate * Cotton Solution No. 1 15 lb.

15 lb. Lewisol Solution * Cotton Solution No. 3 5% lb.
42% lb. Toluol Naphthalene Flakes 4 lb.
Cyclohexanone 6*4 lb.
make up to two gallons with an ex- Amberol Solution 2 lb.
tremely good solvent. Tricresylphosphate *4 lb.
High Gloss Black This lacquer
. — Amyl Acetate 5 lb.
should possess high gloss of. a lasting Fill to 10 gal. with solvent.
quality, good coverage, good color, ex-
cellent flow and smoothness and be able
to stand the wear of the sun’s rays. A ^matt” lacquer for the furniture
trade may be made by taking:
Dry % sec. cotton 5 lb.
5 lb. Cut mite Shellac 2*4 lb.
Dry 15 sec. cotton 3 lb.
* A. S. Solution Cotton *4 lb.
Ester Gum 3 lb.
Lewisol 9 lb.
Baw Linseed Oil 2 oz.
Blown Castor Oil 2 oz.
Lindol 2 lb. pt.
Acetone 1
Blown Castor Oil 2 lb.
Toluol 1 pt.
Black Grind (above) 10 lb.
Solvent Fill to gal. with denatured alcohol.
q.s. 10 gal.

Nail Polish Lacquer (Clear)

Leather Lacquers
* Cotton Solution No. 1 32 oz.
Leather lacquers or leather dopes are 16
* Cotton Solution No. 3 oz.
used in the manufacture of artificial 16
leather and split leather. The solvents
Dammar Solution oz.

* See page 226.


Tricresyl Ph.ospb.ate 16 oz. Toluol 27
Butyl Cellosolve 16 oz, Den. Alcohol 17
C.P. Acetone to one gallon (1 qt.). Naphtha 14
The above may be colored to suit.
All the formulae given above though V2 sec. Pyroxylin 10
having proved their practical use by
Ester Gum 10
standing the test of sale and resale to
Hydro Resin 3
consumers are only offered as a starting
Blown Castor Oil 3
Butyl Alcohol 8
basis for one’s problem. In each trade
Toluol 43
there are individual requirements, and
Butyl Acetate 20
it is up to the skill and ingenuity of
Ethyl Acetate 3
the compounder to adapt or change his
formulae to meet these requirements.
Pearl Wood Lacquer
Olive Green Dipping Enamel 18 oz. % second Nitrocellulose
Carbon Black 10 8 oz. High Viscosity Nitrocellu-
Chrome Green (25%) lose
Boiled Linseed Oil 63 6 oz. Dammar Gum-Pale
Varnish 15 6 oz. Shellac
Benzine 13 2 ,
pt. Butyl Acetate
1 pt. Butyl Alcohol
* ^4 pt. Amyl Acetate
Anti-fouling Lacquer
4 pt. Toluol
Low-viscosity nitrocellulose 10.5, 3 oz. Dibutyl Phthalate'
resin 7.6, mercuric resinate 1.5, Paris 4 oz. Pearl Essence
green 1.5, pigment 6.0, castor oil 6.5,
butyl acetate 21.6, butyl alcohol 7.2,
ethyl acetate 8.6, denatured alcohol White Lacquer Enamels
15.0, methyl alcohol 3.9, benzene 8.4 per (1) Nitro-cotton Solution:
cent. The permeability of the films to 10 parts Nitro-cotton No. 6
water is decreased by increasing the dry
percentage of gum, whereas it may be 30 parts Butyl Acetate
increased by increasing the proportion 10 parts Toluol
of softener or cellulose derivative. 10 parts Ethyl Acetate
The ingredients are mixed and the
*Laequer Black Coating cotton dissolved.
Pyroxylin 10 (2) Pigment Paste:
Castor Oil •
10 10 parts Alftalate 222 100 A
Ethyl Acetate 30 per cent.
Benzol 35 10 parts Toluol
Alcohol 14.5 20 parts Titanium Dioxide
Nigrosene 0.5 (100 per cent Titanium
* Lacquer Coating, Non-inflammable The paste is ground finely on a mill.
Cellulose Acetate 12 (3) parts nitro-cotton solution art
Monoethylin Palmitate 12 mixed thoroughly with 40 parts of pig-
Triphenyl Phosfate 6 ment paste, and the enamel then diluted
Acetone 8.5 with the above-mentioned solvent mix-
Ethyl Acetate 7.5 ture to brushing, spraying or dipping
Alcohol 6.0 consistency.
Toluol 16.0
Cellosolve 17.6
Acetone Oil (90°-150° C.) 16.0 Nitrocellulose Lacquers
Diacetone Alcohol 2.5


Non-Blushing Lacquers 4.5 parts 222 A., Alftalate

34 sec. Pyroxylin 10 12 parts Nitro-cotton No. 6
Hydro Resin 2% 36 parts Butyl Acetate
Blown Castor Oil 4% 23 parts Ethyl Acetate
Ethyl Acetate *
10 24.5 parts Toluol
Butyl Acetate , 15

6 (b) Ethyl Acetate 2.5

14 parts 222 A Alftalate Petroleum Distillate (80-130°
14 parts Nitro-cotton No. 6 00- 4.9
16 parts Butyl Acetate Butyl Acetate 24.4
25 parts Ethyl Acetate Dibutyl Phthalate 1
6 parts Industrial Methylated
8 spirit * Lacquer Thinner
parts Butanol
Ethyl Acetate 20-40%
19 parts Benzol
Ethyl Alcohol 32-70%
Ethylene Dichloride 10-28%
18 parts 222 A Alftalate Lacquer Thinners
6 parts Nitro-cotton No. 6
15 parts Butyl Acetate A
Butyl Acetate 20
7 parts Industrial Methylated
Ethyl Acetate 10
Butanol Denatured Alcohol 10
7 parts
Toluol 60
31 parts Toluol
8 parts Benzol
parts Ethyl Acetate B
Butyl Acetate 25
Ethyl Acetate 15
(d) Butyl Alcohol 10
17 parts 222 A Alftalate Toluol 50
16 parts Nitro-cotton No. 6
19 parts Butyl Acetate *
Undercoat, Lacquer
30 parts Ethyl Acetate
Shellac 2-4 lb.
8 parts Industrial Methylated
Dibutyl Phthalate 2-10 oz.
Denatured Alcohol 1 gal.
8 parts Butanol
22 parts Benzol
The above lacquers differ from each Imitation Chinese Lacquer
other chiefly in their contents of alfta- Alcohol 1 gal.
late in proportion to nitro-cotton. The Shellac 4 lb.
higher the alftalate content the greater Sealing Wax 4-16 oz.
the filling property and elasticity. The
Different colored sealing waxes pro-
above solvent mixtures should only be
duce different colored lacquers.
regarded as examples. They may, of
course, be changed in the usual way for
nitrocellulose lacquers. It must, how- * Non-Gelling Lacquers
ever, always be remembered that alfta-
late 222 Ais insoluble in methylated
Half Second Cotton 12
* Lacquer, Shellac Estei Dammar 12
Dibutyl Phthalate 8
The following formulae have unusual
Zinc Oxide 30
elasticity and gloss and possess good
Tartaric Acid .3-1.5
adhesive properties and excellent dur-
ability and resistance to the actinic In 100 parts of a solvent mixture eon-
rays. sisting of:
(a) Per cent
Pyroxylin (wet) 11 by volume
Butyl Ester of Bleached Shellac 20 Ethyl Lactate 20
Butyl Acetate 24 Butyl Acetate 10
Toluol 40 Toluol 70
Pyroxylin 9 Half Second Cotton 12
Dammar (dewaxed) 5.9 Ester Gum 9
Butyl Ester of Bleached Tricresyl Phosphate 6
Shellac 10 Zinc Oxide 20
Alcohol 16 Sodium Tartrate .3-1.5
In 100 parts of a solvent mixture con
sisting of: Per cent
Per cent by volume
Butyl Oxyisobutyrate
by volume Ethyl Acetate
Isopropyl Lactate 40 10
Butyl Acetate
x7lo l
60 Toluol
Parts * Non- Gelling Metallic Lacquers
Half Second Cotton
Glyptal Eesin (“Bezyl 12”)
12 A typical non-livering
20 consists of (in parts by
Dibutyl Phthalate 3 0S B tiate 8 5 tricres yl
weight Cell u
Titanium Dioxide 20 „ £ L ’

phosphate 20 ’
gold bronze 17 5 , ethyl acetate
Zinc Oxide 10
31 5 .
benzol 60 , and the citric
Tartaric Acid or tartaric
5 to 6 s Other pigments to
- -

. ^ -^0 P ar
sisting of:
^s of a solvent mixture con-
tlX S

lnventl on refers include

brown, red oxide of iron,
Per cent bines, and chrome yellow.
The addition
by volume of an acid of the nature
specified above
Isobutyl Lactate preferably dissolved in a solvent
42 for the’
Naphtha (boiling range 140- base material, to compositions
have_ already livered is whieh
190 ° O.) 58 effective in de-
lvermg. them, i.e., restoring
rv their original condition
them to
and preventing
Parts further livenng. For this
Half Second Cotton purpose thf
12 acid preventive agent is
Dammar 22 same proportions as indicated. in the
Dibutyl Phthalate 8
Zinc Oxide 30
Tartaric Acid Artificial Flower Pearl Lacquer
Tn ^00 parts of a solvent mixture 40 oz. High Viscosity
. con- Nitrocel-
sisting of: lulose

Per cent
1 % pt. Cellusolve Acetate
by volume
% pt. Dibutyl Phthalate
1 qt. Butyl Acetate
Normal Butyl Lactate 37 1.2 lb. Glyptal
Naphtha (boiling range
g 150 - 2 y2 gal. Toluol
200 ° C.) 63 £ a b Ethyl Acetate
V 32 oz. Pearl Essence
Half Second Cotton 12 Pearl Dipping Solution
Ester Gum 9
Trieresyl Phosphate 3 lb. High Viscosity Nitrocellu-
Zinc Oxide lose
Sodium Tartrate .3-1.5
4 % gal. Amyl Acetate
8 oz. Pearl Essence
100 Parts of a solvent mixture
. con-
sisting of:
Per cent Pearl Enamels
by volume I pt. Lacquer Enamel (Black, Blue,
# ' 9
Ethyl Oxyisobutyrate Bed, etc.)
30 7 pt.
Butyl Acetate 10 Outdoor Durable Clear Lac-
Toluol quer
60 8 oz. Pearl Essence
Half Second Cotton * Non-Chalking Lacquer Coating
Dammar 12 Tindercoating: Half-second nitro-cot-
Dibutyl Phthalate on 10 oz., ester gum
5 oz., blown castor
Titanium Dioxide 20 dissolved (to 1 gallon) in a mix-
Zinc Oxide f "If
ture of ethylene glycol
10 monoethyl ether
Tartaric Acid 1-.5 25 per cent toluene 37
. xylene 23 , and ,
ethyl alcohol 15 per cent;
T? the
sisting of:
-*-d0 parts of a solvent mixture con-
may be 5 oz. of carbon black pigment
and 0.7
oz. of Prussian blue.
coat: Half-second cellulose nitrate 20 Toluol 26.0
oz., tricresyl phosphate up to 14 oz., Dibutyl Phthalate 5.0
dissolved in a mixture of equal volumes Glycol Abietate 16.5
of butyl acetate and toluene to make
1 gallon of solution. Top coating: Low- Paper Lacquer
viscosity cellulose acetate 20 oz., resin
Dry 100 lb.; rezyl 11,
0-20 oz., plasticizer 8-18 oz., dissolved
250 to 300 lb.; tricresyl phosphate, 50
in 1 gallon of a mixture of ethyl ace- to 100 lb.; and paraffin wax, 4 to 8 lb.
tate 25, acetone 30, ethyl lactate 25, Extra wrappings in cardboard contain-
and ethyl alcohol 20 per cent. Tests ers are sometimes rendered unnecessary
have shown that whereas ordinary cel- by coating one or both surfaces of the
lulose nitrate lacquer coatings will container with the foregoing type of
chalk and bloom within two or three coating. Rezyl lacquer coatings are
months of exposure and cellulose ace- suggested also for washable and other
tate directly over nitrate will blister wallpapers.
and peel after several months of severe
weather conditions, the combined * Paper Lacquer
(triple) coating described above will The following lacquer gives a bril-
remain in good condition for two years liant surface to paper or cardboard. It
or more when exposed to equally severe likewise renders it water-proof.
weather conditions.
Pyroxylin 16
Ethyl Acetate 20
Lacquer Pigment Base Butyl Acetate 71/2

The process may be carried out as Butyl Lactate 7y2

follows: 15 lb. of nitrocellulose (vis- Octyl Phthalate 15
cosity %sec. American) in the alcohol- Alcohol
Dammar (de-waxed)
damp condition and 15 lb. of alcohol
(or appropriate amount of other liquid, Albertol 3y2
such as benzol, toluol, or xylol) are Ester Gum 2%
kneaded together until the excess of Toluol 14
alcohol is taken up by capillarity; 86 * “ Pearl M Lacquer
lb. of pigment (e.g. a blend of 25 per
cent of titanium dioxide on a barytes Silky Lead Iodide 25
base) is added, and the kneading and Pyroxylin 10-15
mixing operation is continued until all Lacquer Thinner 100-150
the pigment is thoroughly wetted * Bronze Lacquer, Non- Thickening
(about half an hour). Ethyl acetate
(5 lb.) is then added and the kneading Pyroxylin 7
resumed until the pigment particles are Dibutyl Phthalate 3
sufficiently dispersed as indicated by Butyl Acetate 10
visual tests; this occupies an hour or Ethyl Acetate 30
more. The product is plastic or putty- Butyl Alcohol 10
like and may be sold as such, and may Ethyl Alcohol 35
be diluted for use with 5 lb. of ethyl Bronze Powder 5
acetate, 2 lb. of alcohol, and 10 lb. of To the above when homogeneous, is
toluol. It is possible to mix all the in- added water 5 parts, slowly with stir-
gredients together at once to form the ring.
putty-like mass, but the procedure de-
scribed above gives better results since * Crackle Lacquer Base
the viscosity is more easily controlled. This 11
crackle base” consists of a
metallic soap, such as an aluminium
Pyroxylin and Rubber Lacquer soap, mixed by grinding or otherwise
10 with a solvent such as ethyl acetate and
preferably also, during the grinding,
Rubber 5
100 with a small quantity of pyroxylin to
Ethyl Crotonate
give body to the mixture. A
composition consists of aluminium ste-
Lacquer, Quick Drying arate 25, ethyl acetate 74.5, pyroxylin
Pyroxylin 10.5 0.5 per cent. Other aliphatic alcohols
Denatured Alcohol 4.5 or esters may be used as solvent, but
Butyl Acetate 26.5 hydrocarbons are not suitable, as they
Ethyl Acetate 0.0 tend to cause the base to gel during
Butanol 5,0 storage. The crackle base should be


added to the ordinary cellulose nitrate 193 lbs, of wet cotton is a standard weight drum
and is composed of 135 lbs. of dry cotton and
lacquer in such proportion that the 58 lbs. of alcohol.
finished product contains 10-15 per cent
by weight of the metallic soap. In Lewisol No. 3 Solution
thinning the mixture of lacquer and
crackle base it is desirable to use ethyl Gals. Pts. Lbs.
Lewisol No. 3.
Wt. %
acetate or other readily volatile solvent . 52 56
1 7.22 Toluol 47.44
in order to accelerate the speed of dry-
ing. 15.22 100.00
Yield, 1.8 Gals. Weight, 8.45 Lbs. per Gal.
* Crystallizing Lacquer Each gallon of solution contains 4.4 lbs. of gum
About 12 lb. of nitro-cotton and 25
lb. of salicylic acid are dissolved in a * Wrinkle Finish Lacquer
mixture of acetone 45, ethyl acetate 45, A
wrinkle finish is produced by apply-
and butyl alcohol 10 per cent to produce ing to a lacquer film a mixture of
a liquid of specific gravity about 0.95 liquids, e.g.,AcOBu, AcOEt and PhMe,
or 0.96. The composition is applied to having a solvent action on the film.
paper, leather, or other base and the The lacquer is prepared from dry nitro-
solvent allowed to evaporate at about cellulose 7, chinawood oil 9, Ca resinate
60° to 85° F. When crystallization is
10, AcOBu 40 and PhMe 34 parts.
complete the coated product is passed
through a warm solution of sodium
borate or sodium phosphate, whereby Tinting Lacquers, Shellacs, Etc.
more or less of the salicylic acid is dis- (Light Yellow to a Ruby Red Color)
solved out according to the period of Resublimed iodine added in the pro-
immersion. In place of the above alka- portion of 2 grams of iodine to 1 gal-
line treatment it is possible to remove lon of lacqner or shellac will produce
the salicylic acid by passing live steam a clear golden yellow color that is fast.
through the paper. When such coatings This yellow color can be deepened by
are applied to wood it is preferable to the addition of more iodine to a point
wash the product with borax solution or when it begins to take on a clear ruby
benzol sufficiently to strike through to red color at about 50 grams per gallon.
the wood and dissolve from it a certain This color is also fast.
amount of the natural gum or resin,
thereby accentuating the grain; a pro- Air-Plane Wing Dope
tective coating of varnish, etc., should
then be applied. (Non-inflammable)
A formula used in England is as fol-

Gloss Furniture Lacquer lows:

Gals. Pts. Lbs. Material Wt. % Acetate of Cellulose 350 gr.
28 7.63 213.64 Cotton S olution 48.76 Triphenyl Phosphate 50 gr.
10 8.45 84.55 Lewisol No. 3 Solution. 19.30 Acetone 2,500 ccm.
2 8.65 16.30 Dibutyl Phthalate. ... 3.72
6 7.51 45.06 Butyl Cellosolve 10.28 Benzol 1,200 ccm.
3 7.29 21.87 Butyl Acetate 4.99 Alcohol 1,200 ccm.
3 6.76 20.28 Butyl Alcohol 4.63 Benzylic Alcohol
6.07 36.42 Lactol Spirits A
100 ccm.
6 8.32

438.12 100.00 5 1.
Tube B. —Gardner Holdt © 80° F.
The characterized by a higher
Sp. Gr. .921© 80° F.
This lacquer, to quote a finisher, “flows like a
flaming point and by retardation, may
varnish.” It, therefore will rub down with a perhaps be augmented by the use of
minimum of labor, which leaves more lacquer on chlorhydrocarbons in heavy proportion:
the work. It is very tough and three months of
exposure facing south at 45° to the horizontal did Acetate of Cellulose 150 gr.
not damage it.
Glyceryl Phthalate 100 gr.
Dichloride of Ethylene 600 ccm.
Cotton Solution Methylated Spirits 200 ccm.
Gals. Pts. Lbs.
193 .00
Wet Cotton.
Wt. %
Methyl Glycol 100 ccm.
22 7.36 161.92

Ethyl Acetate.
Acetate of Methylglycol 100 ccm.
46 7.22 332.12 Toluol 48.34
1 L
687.04 100. CO
Yield 90 Gallons of Solution
Weight, 7.63 Lbs. per Gal. Addition of Pigments .

This solution contains 1 y% lbs. of dry cotton in The addition of pigments, oxide of
each gallon of solution (or 19.66% by wt.). The zinc for instance, still further decreases
inflammability. Metallic salts applied Paints
to the cloth as the first step would act
Paints are surface coatings consisting
as retarding agents, but they are not
essentially of pigments ground in ve-
used as the dope would adhere less
hicles of drying oils
firmly to the cloth. In this connection,
and varnishes.
The quantity and type of pigments de-
it must be noted that the presence of a
termine the color, hiding value and to
non-saponifiable substance, such as a large extent the body or consistency
petrol, in the cloth completely prevents
of the material. They may also influ-
the adherence of dope. ence the drying time as well as the life
The aeroplane wings are brushed of the paint.
with the acetate of cellulose solution. The vehicle portion, both as to quan-
Pads or other machines are not much #
tity and type, influences essentially the
used for the cloth, as the solution is so life, gloss, flexibility and drying * time
volatile. After drying a second and of the material. It consists of drying
even a third coat is given. oils, gums, varnishes, dryers and vola-
The dry dope should stick tightly on tile matter.
the tissue, like the skin of a drum, and Pryers are metallic soaps of fatty
should resist changes of temperature, acids, such as Co, Pb, and Mn, com-
wet weather and sunlight. It is recom- pounds of linoleie and abietic acids,
mendable to protect it by means of a known as linoleates and resinates.
varnish, generally with a base of nitro- These are the important metals used
cellulose, to which pigments are added for dryers. More recently, other or-
to decrease very considerably its in- ganic acids have been used in place of
flammability. This protecting varnish the fatty acids, particularly naphthenic
can be prepared as follows: acid. The naphthenates are quite com-
Viscous Solution of Nitro- monly used at present.
cellulose 118 kgs. Volatiles, such as turpentine, solvent
Castor Oil 23 kgs. naphtha, varnolene, benzine, etc., are
Acetone 90 1. used merely to give fluidity in order to
Amyl Acetate 67 kgs. permit application by spraying, brush-
Methylated Spirits 67 kgs. ing and dipping.
Typical paint formulas follow:
For exterior use where surfaces are
Airship Pabric Pope
exposed to atmospheric conditions.
The rubberized fabric composing the
gas bags of airships is also treated with
Pyroxylin dope as follows: 1. White House Paint

Amyl Acetate 21% White Lead 210 lb.

Butyl Acetate 36% Zinc Oxide 60 lb.
62° Gasoline 28% Asbestine 30 lb.
Penatured Alcohol 2% Befined Linseed Oil 12 gal.
Castor Oil 8% Grind and add
Pyroxylin 5% Varnolene 1 gal.
Linseed Oil 7 gal.
Air Plane Pope Liquid Pryer (containing
To harden and increase the tensile 5% Mn and 5% Pb
strength of fabric used in airplane con- metal) 1 gal.
struction: Yield 27 gal.
Pyroxylin 8 oz.
2. Black
Solvent 1 gal.
Lamp Black 30 lb.
The solvent consists of the following:
Litharge 8 lb.
Ethyl Acetate 44% Whiting 52 lb.
Amyl or Butyl Acetate 22% Asbestine 60 lb.
Penatured Alcohol 2% Eaw Linseed Oil 25 gal.
Benzol 32% Grind and add
* Anti-fouling Composition Mixed Pryer (containing
Petrolatum 5 about 5 % each of Pb
Heavy Lubricating Oil 5 and Mn and 1 %
Co) 3 gal.
Eosin 2% Linseed 11 gal.
i Yield 53% gal.
3. Green Grind and add
Chrome Green 75 lb. Linseed Oil 5 gal.
Barytex 75 lb. Kettlebodied Linseed Oil 10 gal.
Silica 75 lb. Varnolene 1% gal.
Asbestine 75 lb.
Linseed Oil 22 gal. Lead Manganese Dryer 114 gal.
Grind and add
Outside House Paints are also made
Dryers Mixed 1% gal.
Linseed Oil ii
m gal.
in paste form and sold as such. The
user reduces them gallon to gallon with
linseed oil and adds about 1 pint of
Pb-Mn Dryer.
Yield 47% gal.

In grinding the pastes above add the PASTE PAINTS

oils firstinto the mixer and while mix-
Zinc Oxide
ing follow with the pigments. After
Zinc Oxide 415 lb.
the grind, the remaining vehicles are
Refined Linseed Oil 11 gal.
Other Colors: Yield 500 lb.
For light tints such as ivory, cream,
buff, gray, light brown, light green, and
light blue, use the white house paint Red Lead
Red Lead 465
formula and add small quantities of
colors in oil to the finished product to
obtain the required shades. The colors
Raw Linseed Oil m lb.

in oil most generally used for ivory, Yield 500 lb.

cream, buff, gray, and light brown are

raw and burnt umbers, lamp black, White Lead
chrome yellows, ochers, and red oxides. Corroded White Lead 430 lb.
For light blue, use either prussian
or ultramarine blue and lamp black,
Refined Linseed Oil 6% gal.

chrome yellow and red oxide, depending Yield 500 lb.

upon shade required. These are the
most usual combinations but others may Both the white ready mixed and
be used. It depends entirely upon the paste paints are made also by combin-
shades required. ing White Lead, Zinc Oxide, Titanox
Bright red or vermilion, use Formula and Ti0 2 with inerts in various propor-
as the above black or green, substitut- tions. Lithopone is sometimes included
ing Toluidine red for the colored pig- and although claims are made for these
ments, leaving the rest of the formulas pigments whether used alone or in com-
the same. Because of the price, tolui- bination, the Pb-Zn combination seem
dine is little used. Para Toner is gen- to give best durability for exterior pur-
erally substituted. poses. For hiding, Ti0 2 titanox and
lithopone are best in the order named.


Red Lead 1, 000 lb.
White Flat Wall Paint
Linseed Oil 10 gal.
Lithopone (high oil ab-
Grind and add sorption) 400 lb.

Linseed Oil 5 gal. Asbestine 100 lb.

Kettlebodied Linseed Oil 10 gal. Refined Linseed Oil 7y2 gal.

Varnolene 1% gal. 3 Hour Kettle Bodied
Lead, Manganese Dryer 1% gal. Linseed Oil 2% gal.
60% Limed Rosin Soln.
Yield 41% gal. in Varnolene 2 gal. %
Varnolene 5 gal.

Metal Protective Paint Grind and add

Zinc Dust Paint Varnolene 15 gal.

Zinc Oxide 250 lb.

Pb-Mn Dryer % gal.

Zinc Dust 750 lb.

Yield 4:5
Linseed Oil 10 gal.
Eggshell *
Ester gum-wood oil varnish may be used.
Preferably however use a partial phenol-for-
Low Oil Lithopone 400 lb. maldehyde condensation gum variety such as
Asbestine 50 lb. paranol or amber ol.
Tint to required color with colors ground
Whiting 50 lb.
in Varnish.
50 Gal. Ester Wood Oil
Varnish 17% gal.
3 Hr. Kettle Body Lin-
seed Oil 7% gal. Quick Drying Enamels
60% Limed Bosin Soln. 5 gal. Same as floor paints except use only
Grind and add the phenol-formaldehyde type. Also
have it a little longer in oil, about 27.
Varnolene 5 gal.
Mixed Dryer 1% gal.
Enamel for Walls and Wood Work
Yield 51% gal.
Low Oil Lithopone 350 lb.

Gloss Zinc Oxide 25 lb.

3 Hr. Kettlebodied Lin-
Low Oil Lithopone 375 lb.
seed Oil 12 gal.
Zinc Oxide 125 lb.
Light Ester Wood Oil 5 gal.
Befined Linseed Oil 12% gal.
3 Hr. Kettle Bodied Oil 10 gal.
Grind and add
Grind and add Light Ester Wood Oil 15 gal.
50% Varnish
3 Hr. Kettle Bodied Oil 5 gal.
Dammar Soln. in Varnolene 1 gal.
Pale Ester Gum Soln.

60% 16% gal.

Varnolene 10 gal.
Mixed Dryer 17s gal.
Varnolene 11% gal.
Yield 70 gal.
Varnish is a gum cooked in a dry-
Tint as above under house Paints, ing oil and thinned with volatile sol-
before painting. vents. Dryers are added in the form of
metallic compounds during the heat-
Wall Sealer ing process or they are added as metal-
Silica 20 lb. lic linoleates and resinates after the

Asbestine 10 lb. varnish is made. (Other organic com-

50 Gal. Ester Wood Oil pounds of these metals are also used
Varnish 3 gal. such as the naphthlanates.)
Grind and add
The presence of Pb, Mn, and Co in
solution accelerates the drying of var-
50 Gal. Ester Wood on nishes very materially. They act as oxy-
Varnish 7 gal.
gen carriers, absorbing oxygen from the
Blown Linseed Oil 2 gal.
air and surrendering it to the oils,
Varnolene 2 gal.
which combine with it to form a hard
Mixed Dryer % gal-
rubbery material.
Gums impart hardness to a varnish
Yield 16 gal.
film, and oils impart flexibility. The
used on walls for reducing porosity. longer” a varnish the more flexible
it is. This length is measured by the
Wall Wash for Neutralizing Free Lime number of gallons of oil used per 100 lb.
of gum, 50 gal., 25 gal., 10 gal., etc.,
on Fresh Plaster Walls
denoting the addition of the corre-
Zinc Sulphate 1 lb.
sponding gallons of, say, combined lin-
Water 1 gal.
seed and china wood oils to 100 lb. of
Floor Paint gum.
The most common gum used is ester
Lithopone 150 lb.
gum, the glyceryl compound of abietie
Zinc Oxide 50 lb.
acid or rosin. Limed rosin is also used
22 Gal. Varnish* 8 gal.
extensively but gives more discolora-
Grind and add tion and is not as neutral as the ester.
No. 22 Gal. Varnish* 16 gal. Neutrality is important, particularly
Varnolene 3 gal. when used in paint formulation when
Mixed Dryer % gal. such basic pigments are used as White
Lead and ZnO. An aeid varnish may
32% gal. result in coagulation or “livering” of
tie paint caused by metallic soap for- 3 Hr. Bodied Linseed Oil 8 gal.
mation. Raise to 540 and add
Mn Resinate, draw from fire 3 lb.
Gloss Oil Varnolene 60 gal.
. W. W. Rosin 100 lb.

Melt and beat to 450 F. 120 gal.

and add slowly
Ester Cut
Hydrated Lime (stir when
adding) 7 lb.
Ester Gum 500 lb.
Varnolene 25 gal.
Raise temp, to 550 F. con-
tinue stirring for about 15
Heat to about 400 care-

minutes. Draw from fire, let

fully in 200 gal. kettle. Draw
temp, drop to 400 and add
from fire and add
slowly while stirring Varnolene 25 gal.
Varnolene 10 gal.
Yield 100 gal.
Centrifuge while hot.
Similarly varnishes of any length can
Yield 20 gal. be made.

4 Hour Varnish (Partial Phenol-formal-

50 Gal. Rosin Varnish dehyde Type of Resin
W. W. Rosin 100 lb.
China Wood Oil 21 gal.
Melt and heat to 450° F.
and add slowly while stirring
25% Phenol-formaldehyde
condensation gum like para-
Hydrated Lime 7 lb. nol or amberol 100 lb.
Raise to 550 and hold 10
Heat to 500° F. and add
minutes, add slowly
PbO. Heat to 550 and
China 'Wood Oil 43 gal.
hold for about 20 min. 3 lb.
Heat to 520 and add
Litharge 5 lb. Add
Raise to 570 and let cool Hour Bodied Linseed Oil
3 4 gal.
to 550. Hold 20 min. and MnResinate. Heat to 530
add and draw from fire 2 lb.
3 Hr. Linseed Oil 7 gal.
Heat to 535 and add Xylol 10 gal.
Mn Resinates 3 lb. Varnolene 25 gal.
Draw from fire and add
Varnolene 60 gal. 70 gal.

Centrifuge while hot 120 gal. 40 Gal. Phenol-formaldehyde Type of

Resin (Durez 500 Gum
25 Gal. Rosin Varnish Plastic) 100 lb.
W. W. Rosin 100 lb. China Wood Oil 32 gal.
Hydrated Lime 7 lb.
Heat gum and oil to 460 F.
China Wood Oil 21 gal. in 20 min. Add
Litharge 3 lb.
3 Hour Linseed Oil 4 gak Hour Linseed Oil
3 8 gal.
Mn Resinate iy2 gal. Hold for body for about
Varnolene 35 gal. 20-30 minutes and add

Cobalt Linoleate (5 %%
gal. metal) 1 lb.
Lose heat to 425, add
50 Gal. Ester Varnish Xylol 24 gal.
Ester Gum 100 lb. Varnolene 30 gal.
China Wood Oil 42 gal.
Melt and heat to 520 25 Gal. Ester Varnish
PbO and heat to 570 5 lb. Ester 100 lb.
Drop to 550 hold for % hour. China Wood 21 gal.
Add Litharge 3 lb.


3 Hour Linseed Oil 4 gal. vary greatly with individual require-

Mn Eesinate 1% gal. ments.
Varnolene 35 gal. Speed of drying depends largely also
on the length of the varnish, the shorter
TO gal. drying faster.
Baking Enamels, primer and under-
Dammar Cut coats can be formulated after the man-
Dammar 500 lb. ner of fioor paint and 4 hour enamels.
Varnolene 25 gal. Each particular problem requires its
Dissolve as under Ester own special formula and must be made
Cut above. up largely empirically. Certain funda-
25 gal. mental facts of course should be known
such as increase in pigment content in-
100 gal. creases the flatness of the finish; in-
crease in non-volatile oil and gums
There are many other gums that may increase the gloss; the longer the var-
be used, particularly the innumerable nish the more flexible the film and also
synthetics, but the above illustrate the the softer; Phenolies give harder films
general type of formula. Many of the than phthalics and in general less gloss;
modern synthetic gums are really com- certain pigments such as toners do riot ^

plete varnishes and need be merely dis- stand excessive baking, that is high
solved and driers added in order to temperature and long baking. Also dry-
make a finished product. ers must be used in much smaller
The main type of synthetics may be amounts with the latter than in air dry-
divided into two parts: 1 Phthalic an- ing paints.
hydride condensation prod-
ucts and Phenol-formaldehyde con-
2, Interior Enamel I
densation products. Patty acids are Pigment 40%
always incorporated with these materi- Vehicle 60%
als and thus the gums really contain
oils and the finished product in many 100 %
cases are in reality varnishes and may Pigment
be so used. Zinc Oxide, French Process 100%
The first type, the phthalics, are best
used when light color is required, but Vehicle
they do not dry hard through unless 60%
applied in a very thin film.They tend Heat Bodied Linseed Oil

to remain soft underneath. They are Mineral Spirits 12 %

Turpentine 25%
particularly good in white baking en- 3%
Lead-Cobalt Liquid Brier
amels where discoloration is not per-
The phenolies are excellent for fast
100 %
drying and give excellent dry, hard Enamel II
badly, Interior
films. They however discolor
particularly on baking. Pigment 47%
For exterior purposes (spar var- Vehicle 53%
nishes) the long oil 50 gal. type is used.
For interior the shorter 25 gallon type,
100 %
A 25 to 30 gal. ester varnish is gener- Pigment
ally sold as a general purpose
varnish Lithopone 80%
for floors, furniture, etc. Zinc Oxide, French Process 20 %
Up to a certain point drying of all
varnishes can be hastened by adding 100 %
driers, cobalt being a top or
surface Vehicle
are 50%
drier while manganese and lead Heat Bodied Linseed Oil
through driers. Excessive driers, how-
Dammar * 10%
ever, hasten the deterioration of
Turpentine 8%
film and may cause wrinkling,
Mineral Spirits 30%
larly in baking. A proper balance Cobalt Liquid Brier 2%
should always be sought. The quantity
of metal should be determined
empiri- 100 %
cally. Based on solid content, lead is in part of ''Mineral
used up to about .1%, Mn .05%,
Co * dissolved
up to .05%. Of course these ratios can
Interior Enamel III Mineral Spirits 57%
Pigment 34% Lead-Cobalt-Manganese
Vehicle 66% Liquid Drier 3%
100% 100%
Pigment f Limed Rosin dissolved in part; of Min-
eral Spirits.
Lithopone 100%
Interior Gloss Paint I
Limed Rosin 20% Pigment
China Wood Oil 35% 60%
Linseed Oil 10% V ehicle 40%
Above cooked together and
reduced with Pigment
Mineral Spirits 33% Lithopone 65%
Cobalt Liquid Drier 2% Zinc Oxide 20%
Extenders * 15%
* Extenders for interior gloss paints in-
Interior Flat Paint I whiting, barytes, china clay, asbestine.
Pigment 65%
V ehicle 35% Vehicle
Heat Bodied Linseed Oil 65%
100% Mineral Spirits 32%
Pigment Lead-Cobalt Liquid Drier 3%
Extenders * 15% 100%
Interior Gloss Paint II
* Extenders for inferior flat paints include
asbestine, talc, silica, whiting, china clay. Pigment 55%
barytes. Vehicle 45%
Vehicle 100%
Limed Rosin 8% Pigment
Linseed Oil 7% Lithopone 80%
China Wood Oil 25% Extenders 20%
The above cooked together
and reduced with 100%
Mineral Spirits 58%
Lead-Cobalt-Manganese Limed Rosin f 20%
Liquid Drier 2% China Wood Oil f 25%
Refined Linseed Oil 25%
100% Mineral Spirits 27%
Cobalt Liquid Drier 3%
Interior Flat Paint II
Pigment 65% f Limed Rosin and China Wood Oil cooked
Vehicle 35% together and reduced with Mineral Spirits.

100% Interior Gloss Paint III

Lithopone 80% Pigment 52%
Zinc Oxide 5% Vehicle 48%
Extenders 15%
100% Pigment
Vehicle Lithopone 90%
Refined Linseed Oil 30% Asbestine 10%
Blown Linseed Oil 6%
Limed Rosin t 4% 100 %

Vehicle Zinc Oxide, Amer. Process 25%

Refined Linseed Oil 45% Extenders 15%
Blown Linseed Oil 10%
Limed Rosin $ 7%
Mineral Spirits 35% Vehicle
Lead-Cobalt Liquid Drier 3% Raw Linseed Oil 80%
Kettle Bodied Linseed Oil 5%
100% Mineral Spirits 11%
t Limed Rosin
dissolved in part of Min- Lead-Manganese Liquid Drier 4%
eral Spirits.
100 %
Exterior House Paint I
Pigment 67% Exterior House Paint IV
Vehicle 33%
Pigment 63%
100% Vehicle 37%
White Lead 70% 100 %
Zinc Oxide 20%
(Amer. Process) Zinc Sulphide 25%
Extenders * 10% White Lead 15%
Zinc Oxide, 35% Leaded 40%
100% Silica 10%
Asbestine 10%
* Extenders for exterior paints include
barytes, asbestine, silica.
100 %
Raw Linseed Oil 80%
Raw Linseed Oil 80% Kettle Bodied Linseed Oil 5%
Kettle Bodied Linseed Oil 5% Turpentine 5%
Turpentine 11% Mineral Spirits 6%
Lead-Manganese Liquid Drier 1

4% Lead-Manganese-Cobalt
Liquid Drier 4%
100 %
Exterior House Paint II
100 %
Pigment 64% Black Stoving Enamels or Baking
Vehicle 36% J apans
These are applied by dipping, brush-
100 % ing or spraying and are stoved at 150°
Pigment F. to 400° F. from 1 to 4 hours accord-
Lithopone 40% ing to the nature of the japan. Egg
Zinc Oxide, 35% Leaded 45% shell gloss or fiats are made by adding
Extenders 15% vegetable black in sufficient quantity
to give the desired result and thinned
100 % down with volatile thinner.
General Method of Procedure
Raw Linseed Oil 83%
Kettle Bodied Linseed Oil 7% The japans are made by cooking lin-

Mineral Spirits 5% seed with litharge, red lead and

black oxide of manganese (or burnt
Lead-Manganese Liquid Drier 5%
umber) for about five hours at 450° F.
to 475° F. The dryers are gradually
100 % taken up and the oil oxidized to an
almost solid mass. This is known as
Exterior House Paint III
lead oil. Stearine pitch, together with
Pigment 65% a bone pitch, to increase blackness, are
Vehicle 35% added to the hot mass and thoroughly
cooked for two to three hours until
100 % they are all completely amalgamated.
Pigment It is then thinned down with kerosene
White Lead 40% and tar spirits, strained and tanked un-
Titanox B 20% til impurities have settled out. Borne-
times a half to one ounce of Prussian Formula B
blue to the gallon is added during heat- Asphaltum 100 lb.
ing. This increases opacity and in Boiled Linseed Oil 2 gal.
parts increased hardness and drying to White Spirit 14 gal.
the oil. These japans are used for the
cycle and bedstead trade, also as in-
sulating varnish for impregnating ar- Brunswick Black A
mature and held coils of motors and Asphaltum 100 lb.
dynamos, also transformer and magnet

Dark Rosin 80 lb.
coils. Litharge 2 lb.
Manganese Dioxide 1 ib.
Black Stoving Enamel White Spirit 18 gal.
G-ilsonite Selects 100 lb.
Manjak 10 lb.
Linseed Oil 10 gal. Brunswick Black B
Burnt Umber 5 lb. Asphaltum 30 lb.
Kerosene 16 gal. Dark Rosin 100 lb.
Tar Spirits 16 gal. Slaked Lime 4 lb.

Stove at 300° F. for four hours. Boiled Linseed Oil 3 gal.

Litharge 2 lb.
Manganese Dioxide 1 lb.
Black Stoving Enamel White Spirit 30 gal.
Stearine Pitch 100 lb. Brunswick Blacks are only for in-
Rosin 20 lb. door use such as for coating iron work
Raw Linseed Oil 50 gal. and are too brittle for outdoor use.
Flake Litharge 24 lb.
Manganese Dioxide 2 lb.
Kerosene Berlin Black
20 gal.
Tar Spirits 40 gal. Berlin Blacks are air drying enamels
Stove at 300° F. for four hours. which give a mat or eggshell finish.

Brunswick Black 12 gal.

Vegetable Black 20 lb.
Black Varnish (Cycles) Turpentine 6 gal.
Prepared Pitch 37.5 parts
Boiled Linseed Oil 31.5 parts
Petroleum 12.5 parts Wood Paints
White Spirit 18.5 parts No. 1 Paint. Weight per gallon 14.8 lb.

Stove at 180° C.
Pigment 62%
Lithopone 50%
Black Stoving Enamel 35% Leaded Zinc Oxide 40%
Stearine Pitch 34 parts
Silica 5%
Asphaltum 11 parts
Asbestine 5%
Boiled Linseed Oil 22 parts
Turpentine 13 parts
Vehicle 38%
White Spirit 20 parts Raw Linseed Oil 80%
Kettle Bodied Oil 8%
Stove at 120° C. Naphtha 7%
Turp, Drier 5%
Air Drying Black Enamels and The above paint was reduced for
Varnishes primer by the addition of one quart of
Formula A raw linseed oil and one quart of turpen-
Asphaltum 100 lb. tine to one gallon of paint.
Boiled Linseed Oil 4 gal.
Red Lead 2 ib.
Manganese Dioxide 1 lb. No. 2 Paint. Weight per gallon 11% lb.

White Spirit 20 gal.

Pigment 44%
The Whit© Spirit is added to the mix- Titanox B 70%
ture of the other materials. Titanium Dioxide 15%
Zinc Oxide 15%

Drier 2 4
. %
75% Solution 2 7
. %
* phenol Rosin Varnish.
12% * Phthalic anhydride varnish percent-
Boiled Linseed Oil
Turpentine ages by weight:
3A% Glycerol Phthalate Linseed
Solution Acid Eesin 42 5 , %
1 -°% Heavy Naphtha '

90% 1
Pine Oil 10%) 57.5%
amish was
* The Phenol Rosin "V
follows: deduction of this paint for priming
made up (hy weight) as purposes was effected by the addition
Phenol Rosin 13-0%
45.0% of one-half gallon of raw linseed oil to
Wood. Oil one gallon of paint.
Heavy Naphtha 42.0%
for priming
This paint was reduced Elat Lacquer Paste
miruoses by the addition of
and one-half pint (All by Weight)
gallon raw linseed oil
of turpentine to
one gallon of paint. %" ES Cotton— dry basis 4 OZ.
Aluminum Stearate 16 oz.
Dibutylphthalate 1 oz.

No. 3 Paint. Weight per gallon 11% lb.

Ethyl Alcohol, including
alcohol in cotton 10 oz.
Pigment 43% Ethyl Acetate 13% oz.

Titanox B 70% Butyl Acetate 3 oz.

Titanium Dioxide 15% Butyl Alcohol 4 oz.

Zinc Oxide
15% Toluol lS’/a oz.

57% Grind 18 hours in a one-gallon porce-

Vehicle Ihe
77% lain mill with stone pebbles.
* Phenol Ester Varnish above gives proper size batch for such
Boiled Linseed Oil 1^%>
a mill. The mill should be one-halt
Turpentine full of one-inch flint pebbles.
3 ’ 1%
consisted Clear Gloss Lacquer
* The Phenol Ester Varnish (By Weight)
%" ES Cotton— dry barv;s 7%%
100% Phenol Formaldehyde
—Resin old 25%
^ Pale Dewaxed Dammar—
solid basis 4%%
Type 1

19-1% Dibutylphthalate *1 %
Ester Gum 71% | Blown Castor Oil 1%%
Rosin if Methyl Alcohol 4 %
Wood Oil %
1 ^
35.0% Ethyl Alcohol, including that
Bodied Linseed Oil f
in cotton
(Body Q Oil) 33% J
® %
37.1% Butanol
Heavy Naphtha Ethyl Acetate ° n
Xylol |.8% A
Butyl Acetate

Turpentine '?
Toluol %
Reduction of the No. 3 paint for
pTim- ______
by add-
ing purposes was accomplished
ing one-half gallon raw linseed
gallon of
one-half pint of xylol to one 1—Priming Coat
Eormula No.
(New Outside Wood)

No. 4 Paint. Weight per gallon 11% lb.

Materials Soft Paste Heavy Paste
H>0 h>* l0
White-lead ^
Pigment 43% Pure Linseed Oil J

Titanox B
Pure Turpentine 1%
fi gf*
pt. T-*-

15% Pure Drier

Titanium Dioxide
Zinc Oxide
gSSS.WK.w.ow W« sv
Vehicle 57% small amount
The addition of a very
* Phthalic Anhydride Var- this formulare-
83.5% of lampblack-in-oil to
nish sults more even and perfect appear-
Boiled Linseed Oil


hig job after the subsequent coats have results. They find it improves the paint’s
brushing and flowing qualities.
been applied. When boiled oil is used, reduce drier
It especially important that the
is to Va pint.
priming coat be mixed and applied
properly. It is the foundation for all Formula No. 4 —First Coat
succeeding coats of paint and unless it (Repainting Outside Wood)
secures a firm and lasting anchorage Materials Soft Paste Heavy Paste
the coats that follow will merely be White-lead 100 lb, 100 lb.
lying on the surface and will cause Pure Linseed Oil 2 gal. 2 gal.
endless trouble. More than ordinary Pure Turpentine 1 % gal. 2 gal.
Pure Brier fl pt. fl pt.
care in the mixing and brushing on of
the priming coat will provide good in- Gallons of Paint 7 gal.
surance against future trouble. Coverage (800 sq. ft, per gal.) 5,600 sq. ft.

The painter may use his own judg- This coat will hide the old surface
ment in using a smaller quantity of oil better if it is tinted to about the color
for woods which are less absorbent such If a white job is
of the final coat.
as southern yellow pine, white spruce,
wanted the addition of a very small
Alaska cedar and cypress.
amount of lampblack-in-oil to this
t When boiled oil is used, reduce drier to formula will result in a more even and
% pint.
perfect appearing job after the final
Formula Ho. 2 —Second Coat coat has been applied.
(New Outside Wood) Formula No. 5 —Second Coat
Materials Soft Paste Heavy Paste (Repainting Outside Wood)
White-lead 100 lb. 100 lb.
Pure Linseed Oil % gal. 1*4 gal. Materials Soft Paste Heavy Paste
Pure Turpentine 1 % gal. 1% gal. White-lead 100
* 3
lb. 100
* 3 gal.
Pure Brier Pure Linseed Oil gal.
1 pt. fl pt.
Pure Turpentine — gal. 1 qt.
Gallons of Paint 5% gal. 6 gal. Pure Drier fl pt.' fl pt.
Coverage (800 sq.
ft. per gal.) 4,500 sq. ft. 4,800 sq. ft. Gallons of Paint 6*4 gal.
Coverage (800 sq. ft. per gal.) 5,000 sq. ft.
Where paint is being
mixed, it is good practice to tint the Paint Ingredients in Tabular Form.
body coat approximately the shade of the For convenience and ready reference,
final coat as it will afford better hiding the previous formulas are tabulated later,
power. following which will be found the same
formulas reduced to the basis of one
Formula No. 3 —Third Coat gallon of paint.
(New Outside Wood) f When boiled oil is used, reduce drier to
% * pint.
Materials Soft Paste Heavy Paste sections where dirt discoloration or
White-lead 100 lb. 100 1b. mildew is prevalent, particularly on exposures
Pure Linseed Oil *2*4 gal. *3 gal. not subjected to direct sunlight, better results
Pure Turpentine 1 qt. 1 qt. will be obtained by reducing the linseed oil
Pure Brier 1 pt. fl pt. content by one-half gallon and adding one
pint of turpentine to this formula.
Gallons of Paint 5% gal. 614 gal.
Painting Porch and Other Floors.
Coverage (800 sq.
ft. per gal.) 4,700 sq. ft. 5,000 sq. ft. The same precautions must be taken in
preparing to paint a floor as in the
Repainting Outside Wood. Two coats — preparation of any other surface. If the
usually are enough on wood which has old paint is rough and scaly or thick
been painted before, the old paint serv- and gummy, the floor should be cleaned
ing as a priming coat. down to the wood by planing, burning
Before repainting, scrape off all loose and scraping or by the use of a liquid
and peeling paint and touch up the bare paint remover. If a remover containing
spots and defective places with paint lye or other strong alkali is used, the
mixed according to Formula No. 4 and surface must be brushed afterward with
then apply two coats as follows: a coat of strong vinegar to neutralize
* In sections where dirt discoloration or all remaining traces of alkali and then
mildew is prevalent, particularly on expo-
thoroughly washed with water. Make
sures not subjected to direct sunlight, better
results will be obtained by reducing the lin- sure that every part of the floor is firm
seed oil content by one-half gallon and in- and solid. After sandpapering and
creasing the turpentine by one pint. cleaning, the floor is ready for painting.
Although turpentine has been specified in
Formulas 2, 3, 4 and 5 many painters are Priming Soft Wood Floors. If the —
using a flatting oil instead with excellent floor is of white pine, poplar, hemlock,

or other soft wood, use the following Pure Turpentine 2 % gal. 2 *4 gal.
Pure Drier *4
formula for the first coat: pt. *4 pt.

Formula No. 6 —Priming Coat Gallons of Paint

Coverage (800 sq. ft. per gal.) 4,800
6 gal.
sq. ft
(Soft Wood Floors)
Soft Paste Heavy Paste
Formula No. 9 —Third Coat
Materials (Wood Floors)
White-lead 100 lb. 100 lb.
pure Linseed Oil 3 gal. 3 gal. Materials Soft Paste Heavy Past©
Pure Turpentine 2% gal. 3 gal. White-lead 100 100
Pure Drier fl pt. fl pt. Pure Linseed Oil
Pure Turpentine
— lb.
1 gal. 1 gal.
Gallons of Paint 9 gal. Pure Drier *4 pt. *4 pt
Coverage (700 sq. ft. per gal.) 6,300 sq. ft.
Floor Varnish gal. gal.
1 1

In applying use a brush well filled Gallons of Paint 5*4 gal. 5*4 gal.
One Coverage (800 sq.
with paint and brush out well. per gal.)
ft. 4,200 sq. ft 4,400 sq. ft.
cause of sticky floor paint is flowing
the paint on so thick that it does not For porch a varnish should be
dry thoroughly underneath, and then used that will withstand outside, expo-
hurrying too much with the other coats. sure. Where dark colored paint is used,
After the priming coat is dry, all thin tinting colors with turpentine to
joints, cracks, nail-holes and other de- paint consistency before adding to the
fects should be filled with a good white- paint.
lead putty. The putty should be firmly Twothings to keep in mind through-
pressed into the joints or holes and out the work are: first, vigorous brush-
smoothed over with a putty knife. ing to spread out each coat to the ut-
When the putty is entirely dry, sand- most; second, allowing each coat at
paper. least four days to dry.
f When boiled oil is used, reduce drier to Underside of Porch Floors. Porch —
*4 pint. floors require protection against moist-

Priming Hard Wood Floors. —New ure from the damp space beneath the

hard wood floors oak, maple, ash, yel-
porch. This space is frequently left
low pine or walnut are not often — without sufficient ventilation. If the
soil is damp the porch floor cannot help
painted but, if they are to be painted
absorbing a great deal of moisture,
with white-lead, use the following first-
which is almost certain to cause blister-
coat formula:
ing and peeling of paint. To prevent

Formula No. 7 Priming Coat trouble of this sort give the underside
of the floor, also the tongue and groove
(Hard Wood Floors)
edges of the boards, a coat of paint
Materials Soft Paste Heavy Paste mixed as follows:
White-lead 100 lb. 100 lb.
Pure Linseed Oil 2 gal, 2 gal. Formula No. 10
Pure Turpentine 2 % gal. 3 gal. (Underside Porch Floors)
Pure Drier fl pt. fl pt.
Materials Soft Paste Heavy Paste
Gallons Paint
of 8 gal.
100 100 lb.
White-lead lb.
Coverage (700 sq. ft. per 5,600 sq. ft.
Pure Linseed Oil 3*4 gal. 4 gal.
f When boiled oil is used, reduce drier to Pure Turpentine 2 gal, 2 gal.
*4 pint. Pure Drier 1 pt. fl pt.

The priming coat is the most impor- Gallons of Paint 8% gal. 9 gal.
tant. A first-class foundation saves ma- Coverage (700 sq.
ft. per gal.) 6,038 sq.ft. 6,300 sq.ft.
terial and labor in repainting.
Body and Finishing Coats. For the — *4
f When
boiled oil is used, reduce drier to

body or second coat and the finishing

or third coat on new floors, whether the Colored Exterior Paint. All formulas —
wood is soft or hard, use the two for- given so far in this book make white
mulas that follow. These same formu- paint, Where colored paint is wanted it
las should be followed in repainting can be made simply by adding tinting
wood floors with two coats. colors of the proper shade in the right
amounts. The tinting colors are known
Formula No. 8-— Second Coat as
colors-in-oil \ and can be bought

(Wood Floors) in tubes or in cans wherever you buy

your white-lead.
Materials Soft Paste Heavy Paste
While there is hardly a limit to the
White-lead 100 100 lb.
number of tints and shades that may
Pure Linseed Oil X
A gal* % g&l-
; 7 7


be produced by adding colors to white- change on exposure than those requir-
lead paint, some colors have a tendency ing tinting materials of a more fugitive
to fade rather quickly on exposure to type. The latter colors are grouped as
sunlight and should be avoided unless, “fairly permanent and “not perma-

as is sometimes the case, this faded, nent.
weathered appearance is desired for Formulas for Exterior Colors. If you —
special architectural reasons. Formulas are tinting a batch of paint which con-
for making a number of desirable colors tains more or less than 100 pounds of
are printed later. Any of these colors white-lead, simply increase or decrease
can be varied indefinitely by increasing the quantity of coloring material pro-
or decreasing the amount of. tinting portionately.
materials specified.
Most of the color formulas given call Permanent
for the use of two or more tinting mate-
rials but it should be remembered that
Fawn —No. 1001
9 oz. Eaw Umber
simpler colors may be made with but one
coloring material. Lamp-black, added in
Buff-—No. 1002
9 oz. Eaw Umber
varying amounts to white-lead paint,
produces a range of pleasing grays
iy2 lb. Eaw Sienna
chrome yellow will produce creams, yel- Rose Buff— No. 1003
lows and buffs; chrome green will make 9 oz. Eaw Umber
shades of green; and Venetian red pro- 1 y2 oz. Eaw Sienna
vides a variety of pinks. 1 y2 lb. Eaw Sienna
Since there is no standard of tone or
tinting strength for colors-in-oil of vari-
Cafe-au-lait No. 1004 —
9 oz. Eaw Umber
ous manufacture, all formulas for pro-
1 2 lb. Eaw Sienna
ducing colored paint must necessarily
13 oz. Burnt Sienna
be approximate. Chrome yellows and
2 oz. Lampblack
ochres, for example, are particularly
subject to variation in both strength Tan—No. 1005
and tone. 8 lb. Eaw Sienna
'The tinting colors should be added to
the batch of paint before the final thin-
Drab —No. 1006
8 lb. Eaw Sienna
ning. Never pour in all at once the 4 lb. Eaw Umber
entire quantity of color specified. Add
the color gradually and note its effect as Golden Brown —No. 1007
it is being stirred into the paint. Stop 8 lb. Eaw Sienna
when the right shade is reached even if 7 oz. Venetian Eed
you have used less than the formula calls
for. On the other hand, you will have
Ivory—No. 1008
13 oz. French Ochre
to provide more color if the specified
amount fails to bring the batch to the Ash Gray—No. 1013
shade wanted. Should you accidentally
2 Lampblack

mix too much color in the paint it will Lead Gray—No. 1016
be necessary to add more white-lead, 8 oz. Lampblack
properly thinned.
When a formula calls for large
Fairly Permanent
amounts of tinting color, it is necessary
to provide an extra quantity of thinners Colonial Yellow No. 1009 —
to avoid changing the consistency of 13 oz. French Ochre
the paint. This extra color should be iy2 lb. Medium Chrome Yellow
thinned before mixing in. Dump the Jade—No. 1011
color into a pail and bring it to paint
1% lb. Medium Chrome Green
consistency by stirring in linseed oil and
turpentine (equal quantities of each). Putty —No. 1014
Permanence of Colors. — The colors 2 oz.
3 oz.
Medium Chrome Yellow
which follow are grouped according to
their relative permanence. Of course,
all colors are subject to some fading
Silver Green —No. 1015
2 oz. Lampblack
but those classified as * ‘ permanent 7 7 3 oz. Medium Chrome Yellow
are less likely to show ^noticeable 12 oz. Medium Chrome Green

Not Permanent Formula No. 11 —Second Coat

Ceiling Bine No. 1010 — (Wood Shingles as Siding)
2 oz. Chinese Bine Heavy Paste
Materials Soft Paste
Opal—No. 1012 White-lead 100 lb. 100 lb.

114 lb. Medium Chrome Green Pure Linseed Oil 1 gal. .

2 gal.
8 oz. Chinese Bine Pure- Turpentine 1 gal. 1 gal.
Pure Drier 1 pt. 1 pt.

Bark Colors. —These colors are used Gallons of Paint 5% gal. .

6 gal.
chiefly for sash and blinds and require Coverage (600 sq,
Each formula is com- ft. per gal.) 3,375 sq. ft. 3,600 sq. ft.
no white-lead.
plete in itself, the thinners being shown
For the third coat use Formula No. 3.

with each color. Pormulas Nos. 1 and 2 Staining Wood Shingles and Rough
should be used for the priming and sec- —
Siding. A small amount of tinting ma-
ond coats respectively, on new un- terial, sufficient to stain the shingles or
painted wood and Formula No. 4 for siding to the desired color, should be
the first coat on repaint jobs when the added to a mixture of the following
following "colors are used as the finish- oils:
ing coat. The addition of lampblack to
the above formulas (on the basis of 8
% Flatting Oil

ounces of lampblack to each 100 pounds

% Pure Boiled Linseed Oil
In order to obtain the desired color
of white-lead) will provide a satisfac-
it is necessary only to add the proper
tory ground color.
tinting colors-in-oil to the above oil
mixture. The color formulas which fol-
Red No. 1017 — (Permanent) low give the amounts of colors-in-pil
required for each gallon of the oil mix-
20 Venetian Red
lb. ture to produce some of the more com-
10 lb. Indian Red mon colors. These are but a few of the
1% gal. Pure Linseed Oil many colors obtainable.
1 pt. Pure Turpentine
1 pt. Pure Drier Gray
This will make about 2% gallons of 12 y2 lb. White-lead
paint which will cover approximately % oz. Lampblack
2.200 square feet, one coat.
Deep Red Brown
Green—No. 1018— (Permanent) 3 lb. Dark Indian Red

No White-lead Bright Red

10 lb. Chromium Oxide 4 lb. Venetian Red
1 qt. Pure Linseed Oil
y2 pt. Pure Turpentine Green
y2 pt. Pure Drier iy2 lb. Chromium Oxide
This will make about a gallon of or
paint which will cover approximately 3 lb. Medium Chrome Green
800 square feet, one coat.
Brown—No. 1019— (Permanent) 4% lb. White-lead
No White-lead 1% lb. Prussian Blue
French Ochre 8 oz. Lampblack
10 lb.
3 lb. Venetian Red Note. —
While creosote oil sometimes is used
for staining shingles and rough siding
it is
% lb. Lampblack
not needed to produce a good, penetrating stain
3 qt. Pure Linseed Oil and is very likely to cause trouble if the
Pure Turpentine surface is painted in the future. Creosote
1 pt.
stains beneath a coat of paint are apt to
y2 pt. Pure Drier 4

“bleed” through and cause discoloration and

This willmake about 1% gallons of spoil an otherwise good job.

paint which will cover approximately

Helpful Hints in Mixing and Apply-
1.200 square feet one coat.
ing Paint.— 1. Be sure to mix plenty of
Wood Shingles on Side of paint, both for body and trim. It is
shingles used .better To have.' some left than to... run;
House.—Paint for wood
short, especially if you are using a col-
as siding should be prepared as follows:
For priming coat use Formula No. 1. ored paint. There will be no waste, for
the left-overs are useful for painting
For the second coat use: [
cellar stairs, roof valleys or gutters and be smoothed clown before the new paint
various odd jobs where the color of the is applied. If the old paint was white-
paint makes no material difference. lead and linseed oil only a light sand-
The body and trim color left-overs may ing and dusting off will be needed. If
be used for such work and a little lamp- hard, brittle paint was used it may
black added to the batch to produce a be necessary to scrape the surface or
neutral shade. perhaps remove the old paint with a
2. Re sure to put the tinting colors in gasoline or acetylene torch and scraper.
the paint before the final thinning. Do not paint over loose or sealing
The colors should first be thinned to paint. Be sure to brush off all the
paint consistency and added to the mix dust and dirt that has collected on
after the white-lead has been broken up the drip-caps over windows and doors,
in the ease of heavy paste white-lead, as well as on the window headers and
or before the final thinning if soft paste sills. If not removed, the dust and dirt
white-lead is used. To put in the colors will mix with the fresh paint and cause
in their paste form or in dry form is to streaking.
invite streaking when the paint is 11. Use plenty of “elbow grease.”
brushed out. Brush the paint well into the pores of
3. Strain your paint before using it. the wood and do not allow it merely to
Stretch a double thickness of cheese- flow from the brush. It is doubly im-
cloth or a fine wire screen over a tub or portant to brush the priming coat in
pail and pour your freshly mixed paint closely.
through it. This will remove small 12. For putty use only pure white-
lumps of color, skins and other foreign lead (either soft paste or heavy paste)
matter that may have fallen into the thickened to putty consistency with dry
mixing tub. Straining the paint also whiting. With this putty fill all nail-
adds to its spreading qualities. holes, cracks, knot-holes, dents and
4. Benzine and kerosene should never other defects in the surface. These
be used as a substitute for turpentine. places should be filled tightly after the
Mineral oil and other non-drying oils priming coat is dry. Putty containing
have no place in paint. Avoid them. petroleum and marble dust often mars
5. Use only the best liquid drier, an otherwise good painting job by mak-
made by some well-known manufac- ing yellow nail-holes and cracks.
turer. 13. Preparations of cheap shellac,
6. Knots and sappy streaks in new rosin, etc., are likely to cause knots to
wood should be shellacked, after the show yellow.
priming coat is applied, with pure shel- 14. It is well to mix the paint 48
lac varnish, brushed out very thin. hours before being used but do not put
When the lumber is extremely knotty, in the drier or all the turpentine until
less oil and more turpentine may be just before application. Paint should
used than the formula calls for, as too not be allowed to stand for long periods
much oil on the knots causes later coats unless it is kept in fully sealed, air-
to draw and check. tight containers; otherwise it will be-
7. Do no outside house-painting in ex- come fatty.
tremely cold, frosty or damp weather. 15. Two coats of paint, properly
Painting may be done in winter if care mixed and well brushed out, are always
is taken to choose periods when the better than one thick, heavy coat.
temperature is favorable (not lower 16. In the case of linseed oil substi-
than 50° F.) and surfaces are dry. tutes it issometimes claimed that they
8. Moisture is paint's worst enemy. are “just as good.”
Wood in new buildings almost always
contains a good deal of moisture. Let
the wood dry out thoroughly before Interior Wall Paints
painting. Never put more than the —
Preparing the Surface. It is always
priming coat on the outside of a house advisable to allow plaster at least six
until the plaster inside is thoroughly months to dry and season thoroughly
“bone dry.” Oil and water will not before attempting to paint it. Fresh
mix and paint applied over a damp plaster contains free alkali which has
surface may eventually peel. a tendency to keep paint from drying
9. Be equally careful when repaint- properly and to cause colors to bleach
ing. Wait for dry weather and examine out.
the surface carefully for moisture be- A good many people do not care to let
fore painting. their walls go unpainted for six months.
10. The surface to be painted should In such cases, painters oftentimes arti-
ficially*'age the new plaster by treat- should be remembered that textures
ing the surface with a solution made by cannot be hidden completely with paint
dissolving two pounds of zinc sulphate and if the texture is displeasing, the
in one gallon of water. After this solu- paper should be removed.
tion is applied, sufficient time is allowed If there is more than one layer of
for the plaster to dry before priming.* paper on the wall, or if the paper is ex-
the case of the priming coat, figure
* In tremely loose or if there is considerable
800 square feet per gallon. Also for the plastering to be done, it would be better
second and third coats, if turpentine is to to remove all the paper using a broad
De used.
knife or similar tool after saturating
Before applying any paint, be sure the paper with warm water. The plas-
that the plaster or old paint is clean ter should then be washed to remove
and smooth. Go over the wall very all traces of paste.
lightly with fine sandpaper or a wide
putty knife to remove grit and any Formula No. 12 —Priming Coat
loose plaster or paint, taking care not to
(Interior Plaster)
scratch the surface.
Fill all cracks and holes with patch- Materials Soft Paste .
Heavy Paste ..

ing plaster. The proper filling of cracks White-lead 100 lb. 100 lb.
is essential to a good-appearing and Pare Boiled Bin-
permanent paint job on plaster. The seed Oil 3 gai 3 gal.
Floor Varnish 2 gal. .2 gal.
plaster, to be filled properly, should be Pure Turpentine 114 gal. 1% gal.
first cut out in the shape of an inverted
V or triangle. Gallons of Paint
Coverage (600 sq. ft. per gal.)
Otis gal.
5,700 sq. ft.
The edges of the opened crack should
be soaked with water to aid the patch- Formula No. 13 — Second Goat
ing plaster in forming a bond with the
(Interior Plaster)
old wall.
Materials Soft Paste Heavy Paste
Interior Wood
Painting White-lead 100 lb. 100 lb.
All loose dust and dirt should be re- Pure Turpentine 3 14 gal. 1 % gal.

moved before painting. If the surface Floor Varnish % gal. % gal.

Pure Drier % pt. % pt.
is excessively dirty or covered with
grease, it should be washed. This is Gallons of Paint 5 14 gal.
bathroom and Coverage (700 sq. ft. per gal.) 3,675 sq. ft.
especially true of kitchen,
laundry walls and ceilings.
Walls that have been calcimined
Formula No. 14 — Third Coat, Flat
should be washed off with sponge and
warm water before applying the prim- (Interior Plaster)
ing coat. Materials Soft Paste Heavy Paste
It is frequently possible to paint suc- White-lead 100 lb. 100 lb.
cessfully over wallpaper provided there Pure Turpentine 1% gal. 2 gal.
is but one layer on the wall and that Floor Varnish 1 pt. 1 pt.

layer in fairly good condition. All sec-

Pure Drier % pt. % pt.

tions of loose paper should be torn away Gallons of Paint 5 gal.

and if there are any cracks underneath, Coverage (800 sq. ft, per gal.) 4,000 sq. ft.

they should be repaired with patching

plaster and the seams rubbed with No. Formula No. 15 —
Third Coat,
0 sandpaper. Painting is then done as Eggshell Finish
if on bare plaster. (Interior Plaster)
Some wallpapers contain bleeding
Materials Soft Paste Heavy Paste.
colors. When any light paint is applied 100 100
White-lead lb. lb.
over them the oil in the paint dissolves Pure Turpentine % gal. 1 gal.
the color and discoloration results. Floor Varnish ..
1% gal. 114 gal.
This can be stopped usually, by the ap- Pur© Drier Vz pt. % pt.

plication of two thin coats of shellac

Gallons of Paint 514 gal.
over the priming coat. If this difficulty Coverage ( 700 sq. ft. per gal.) 3,675 sq. ft.
is anticipated it would be well to test a
little light paint on the dark colors and Enamel —
Finish. When a prepared
if bleeding results it would probably be enamel is to be used as the finishing
easier to remove the paper than to ap- coat, the priming and second coats
ply the two coats of shellac. should be mixed according to formulas
If the paper is textured in a pleasing No. 12 and No, 13* Then follow with
manner it need not be removed but it enough coats of formula No. 13 to make
a ground which will not only completely Silver —
Gray No. 1026
hide the surface but will be flat and 1 oz. Lampblack
uniform. The finish of prepared enamel Light Blue—No. 1027
may then be applied over this ground.
Colored Interior Paint. The preced- — 1 oz.
7 oz.
Chinese Blue
ing formulas covering the painting of
interior plaster surfaces produce white Canary —No. 1028
paint. If colored paint is desired, the 8 oz.Medium Chrome Yellow
white paint can be readily tinted by the
addition of proper tinting colors before Pistachio — No. 1029
all the thinners are added, as explained
8 oz. Medium Chrome Yellow
under £ Tinting 3 1 See also the section
1 2 oz. Medium Chrome Green
in “ Colored Exterior Paint
7 ’

gives some valuable pointers on the

Stippling. —
This is one of the most
useful methods a painter can employ to
selection and use of colors-in-oil. give unusual beauty to an interior wall
Formulas for Interior Colors. The — job. A stippled effect is produced
following formulas are based on the use simply by striking the wet surface, be-
of 100 pounds of white-lead. For
fore the paint has set, with a special
smaller or larger amounts of white-lead
type of brush known as a wall stippling
3 imply decrease or increase the quantity
brush. The ends of the bristles “pick
of coloring material accordingly.
up ,; the paint resulting in a uniform
pebbly surface that eliminates all pos-
Formula No. 16 —Third Coat,
sibilities of brushmarks or surface
blemishes of any kind.
Oil Gloss Finish
Since a paint coat to be stippled can
(Interior Plaster) be applied with less attention to even
Note. — The following formula should be

used only as a base for dark colors, as light-

brushing, this method adds practically
nothing to the labor time required for
colored paint containing considerable raw
linseed oil will yellow badly when used on the job. At the same time it adds
interiors. "Where a light-colored gloss finish greatly to the finished effect.
is required, follow Formula No. 17.
One hundred pounds of heavy paste
(a) Materials Amounts white-lead thinned with 2 gallons of
Heavy Paste White-lead 100 lb. flatting oil (or turpentine) makes a
Pure Linseed Oil 3 gal. paint suitable for stippling. If a heav-
Flatting Oil % gal.
ier stipple is desired the quantity of
Pnre Drier 1 pt.
flatting oil may be reduced accordingly.
Gallons of Paint
Coverage (800 sq. ft. per gal.)
sq. ft.

Special Wall Finishes. Many people
prefer walls decorated in one color and
without doubt in many cases good taste
(b) Materials Amounts dictates this treatment. Others prefer
Heavy Paste White-lead 100 lb. blended, mottled or figured wall effects
Pure Linseed Oil 3 gal.
and these are frequently suitable. Some
Pure Turpentine % gal.
owners think they must give up the
Pure Drier 1 pt.
sanitary and other advantages of paint
Gallons of Paint 6 % gal.
when anything but a plain unfigured
Coverage (800 sq. ft. per gal.) 5,000 sq. ft.
finish is desired. This is a great mis-
Warm —No. 1020
Gray take. Quite a number of very beautiful
9 oz. Raw Umber and highly decorative blended, mottled
Lemon Ivory— No. 1021 and figured wall effects are obtainable
2 oz. Medium Chrome Yellow with paint made of white-lead and flat-
Shell Pink— No. 1022
ting oil. Moreover, with these effects
are still retained ease of cleaning, sani-
2 oz. Medium Chrome Yellow
tary qualities and rich texture.
4 oz. Venetian Red
Plain walls are desirable where sim-

Rose Gray No. 1023
plicity is indicated, where care must be
2 oz. Medium Chrome Yellow
taken not to detract from pictures or
4 oz. Venetian Red
in large formal rooms where a certain
1 oz. Lampblack
severity is required. But there are
Ruff —No. 1024 many cases where the use of special
3% lb. French Ochre finishes is not only in excellent taste
Peach—No. 1025 but preferable. To meet this demand,
3% lb. French Ochre there are described below and on the
2 oz. Venetian Red following pages some of the blended.
mottled and figured wall effects obtain- reverse way a light finish may be em-
able with, paint. ployed over a dark ground.

Crumpled Roll Finish.. To produce It must, however, be kept m
this finish, select two harmonious colors that as only about one-third of the
differing enough in tone to offer a ground -coat shows through, the finish-
pleasing contrast. ing coat is the one which determines
The ground or second coat, using the the dominant color of the decorative
second coat formula, should be tinted effect.
to match one of the colors selected and In new work the second coat should
should be applied in the regular way be tinted to the desired ground color,
and allowed to dry. Then the finishing while the third coat should be colored
coat is brushed on, a workable section in a sufficiently different manner to
at a time, and “rolled" as described show a proper degree of contrast when
below while still wet. Prepare the fin- removed by rolling in the manner pre-
ishing coat according to the third coat viously described. On repaint work,
flat finish formula and tint it to match however, the side wall color already in
the second color chosen. place, if in good condition and free of
The “rolling" or mottling is done grease and dirt, may be employed as the
with a double sheet of newspaper or ground, and in such an instance the
other absorbent paper crumpled tightly single finishing coat to be applied over
into an elongated wad seven to eight it should be tinted with proper refer-

inches in length. Newly printed news- ence to the ground so that the desired
papers should not be used because the degree of difference will be apparent.
printing ink may come off the paper Experiment with this finish will show
and spoil the appearance of the wall. that the size of the figure is determined
Starting at the top left-hand corner by the closeness with which the paper
selected for use is crumpled. Paper
of the freshly painted surface and roll-
crumpled loosely will produce a more or
ing diagonally downward, turn the roll
less widely spaced effect, while closely
of crumpled paper over and over with
crumpled paper will produce an exception-
the fingers, pressing it firmly against
ally uniform treatment.
the wall to keep it from slipping.
Where a three-tone finish is desired,
Continue the rolling to the bottom of
another coat of flat paint, tinted to a
the wall and repeat for the next strip,
third color, should be applied over the
permitting the end of the roll of paper
two-tone effect and then rolled as pre-
to just overlap the edge of the previous
viously described.
The crumpled roll finish should not
New rolls should be substituted when be attempted on rough-finished sur-
the paper becomes so saturated with faces since the high points of the plaster
paint as to leave an indistinct impres- will prevent the paper from reaching
sion. the paint in the depressed portions, thus
After a wall has been rolled it should leaving an indistinct pattern.
be examined. All blank or missed
spaces should be patted with the crum-
Btencil Finish.— Whether a decora-
tive note of color is required over an
pled paper, and all blurs touched up and entire side wall or simply in small spots
rerolled while they are still wet. here and there in the panels, the stencil
Care should be taken to apply no offers a ready means of supptying it.
larger section of the finishing coat than It is also invaluable as a quick method
can be conveniently rolled before it sets of securing a frieze or panel border
where moldings are missing.
The principal problem involved in a Although a stencil can be applied
treatment of this type lies in the selec- with ease, there are two points which
tion of the two colors to be used. Such should not be overlooked in connection
colors as ivory for a ground and tan for with its application. First, care should
a finishing coat combine nicely, as do be taken to avoid the use of a too thin
salmon pink and pale smoke gray, and paint as a stencil color. The paint
buff and light gray. should be of paste consistency, thinned
If considerable difference exists be- slightly with flatting oil, and should be
tween the colors selected for use, an applied with a brush carrying very little
effect may be expected that is sharper paint. Second, care should be taken
and more clearly defined than in the actually to compare the stencil color
case of two colors which are more or directly against the ground over which
less similar.Just as a dark finish may it is to be applied, since those colors in

be employed over a light ground, in the the immediate vicinity of the stencil
will influence and seem to change its the top of the wall in small spots, con-
color characteristic. siderably removed from one another.

Tiffany Finish. This finish, which Farther down the wall, the spots should
was originated by the famous Tiffany be made larger and, as the baseboard
Studios of New York City, is sometimes is approached, should be more closely
called a blended or glazed finish. To spaced.
prepare a surface for the tiffany finish As explained under ( Tiffany Finish, ' 3

it should first be brought up to the the colors should be blended into one
ground color selected by adding the re- another with a ball of cheesecloth with
quired amount of tinting materials to a faint suggestion of wiped high lights,
Formula No. 14. This coat should be through which the ground color is
allowed to dry thoroughly. Over this barely visible.
should be brushed a coat of straight The work should then be finished by
flatting oil, taking care to cover no tamping with a ball of clean cheesecloth
larger area than can be conveniently starting at the top of the wall.

worked about twenty-five square feet. The plain shaded effect, which is pro-
While the flatting oil is still wet, the duced by using but one glazing color,
glazing colors should be applied here is rendered in the same way except that
and there. Some of the colors-in-oil the color gradation should be as even
used for tinting paint are better as possible with no attempt made to sug-
adapted to glazing work than others. gest high lights by wiping through to
Raw and burnt sienna, raw and burnt the ground color beneath. The ground
umber, rose lake, cobalt and Chinese should be permitted to show only at the
blues and lampblack are most fre- top of the wall.
quently used as glazing colors. The —
Paint Blend, This finish employs the
last two mentioned should be used very same blending principle as the tiffany,
sparingly since they exhibit a tendency except that tinted flat paint is used
to “strike in" and unless care is taken instead of flatting oil and colors.
a spotty effect may result. While the ground, prepared just as
The colors should be blended one into for the tiffany by using Formula 14,
another with a wad of cheesecloth, us- tinted to the desired color, is still wet,
ing either a circular or a figure 8 mo- the blending is done with paint mixed
tion. High lights should then be wiped to the same formula (No. 14). The
out here and there to permit the ground necessary quantity of paint for the
color to show through and the work blending is divided into two or more
finished by tamping with a ball of batches and these parts tinted to dif-
cheesecloth. ferent but harmonizing colors. These
The method as outlined above applies colors, in well-assorted groups, are
of course to smooth finish plaster, but spotted over the wet ground and then,
equally interesting effects on this same before the paint has set up, smoothly
order may be obtained on rough finish blended into each other by tamping
plaster, provided the glazing colors with a stippling brush. The effect pro-
when applied are blended into one an- duced is very similar to the tiffany.
other by tamping with a stippling The principal advantage of this finish
brush. is the fact that the painting and the

Shaded Tiffany Finish. The shaded blending can be accomplished at the one
tiffany differs from the regular tiffany time instead of, as in the tiffany, hav-
in that the coloring, instead of being ing to wait until the ground coat is
the same all over, gradually gets darker dry before doing the blending.
down the wall, being very light at the
ceiling line. This interesting decora-

Polychrome Finish. The polychrome
or multi-colored finish is interesting for
tive effect is often employed as a treat- use where spots of color are required to
ment for alcoves, side wall panels or for accentuate certain moldings composed
vaulted ceilings to give the appearance of individual units such as the egg and
of increased height. dart, bead, floral motifs, etc., that may
An appropriate fiat ground color, pre- be present in the interior. It is, as a
pared according to the third coat flat general rule, most satisfactory for use
finishformula isselected, applied and as an added touch of decoration where
allowed to dry. Next a coat of straight a plain one-tone treatment has been em-
flatting oil is brushed on to cover as ployed on side wall and ceiling.
much of the surface as can be easily This finish is best obtained by apply-
worked at one time. ing to the various units composing the
While the flatting oil is still wet, the molding several different colors which
glazing colors should be applied near have been extended into tints by the


addition of white-lead. These tints harmonize with the remainder of the

should be quite light and nearly equal glazing color used on the side wall.
in value. Tinting parts of the molding Another interesting treatment is se-
in certain of these light colors offers a cured by wiping clean the areas appear-
particularly effective treatment for ing through the stencil openings and
large rooms, since it lends a colorful then applying, in the regular stencil

touch to an interior that might other- manner, some of the clear glazing colors
wise appear cold and uninteresting. used in originally spotting the wall for
Should the effect appear too bright the glazed effect. This will naturally
it can be toned down, when the paint produce a stencil in complete harmony
is dry, by the application of a thin glaze with the remainder of the side wall
coat as described below, under “'An- since the same colors arc used.
tique Finish.” The wiped stencil is, of course, appro-
Two-Tone Glaze or Antique Finish. priate for use only on plaster having a
This method of finishing the plain one- smooth finish. Obvious difficulties
tone wail, or some more elaborate deco- w ould be encountered
in endeavoring to
rative treatment, is indispensable where wipe clear the surface of a rough-
the colors used need to be softened finished ground.
and a rich depth of tone added to the —
Striping. Where a simple method of
work. treatment is required to lend a distinc-
The effect is obtained by first prepar- tive air to an interior which has been
ing a thin semi-transparent glaze com- painted in a plain one-tone effect, strip-
posed of flatting oil to which tinting ing may be used with good results.
material has been added to produce the Striping is simply a narrow banding
depth of tone required. Apply this line of some harmonizing color of
glaze over the dry finishing coat and greater strength than that applied on
then, while the glaze is still wet, wipe the side wall.
lightly over it with a ball of clean For general use this line should per-
cheesecloth. This operation will remove haps be three-quarters of an inch in
a certain amount of the glaze, permit- width outlining all window frames, door
ting enough to remain on the surface to frames, and running parallel with any
give an antique effect. other interior trim.

Wiped Stencil Finish. A coat of The striping line should be applied
straight flatting oil is applied over a direct to the side wall a few inches out
dry, flat, one-tone ground coat prepared from the wood trim, the distance de-
according to Formula No. 14, and tinted pending largely on the width of the
to the desired color. On this wet sur- stripe which is, in turn, determined by
face the glazing colors are spotted un- the size of the room. The usual dis-
evenly. The colors are then blended tance is about three to four inches for a
one into another until a tiffany finish is three-quarter inch stripe.
produced. Striping is also employed where imi-
While the tiffany is still wet the sten- tation stone effects are required as a
cil selected for use should be placed method of marking their outline.
firmly against the surface and the glaze —
Panel Effects with Paint. Large in-
appearing through the openings of the terior surfaces are sometimes found
stencil should be removed by wiping that would appear far more interesting
with a ball of cheesecloth. This allows if paneled than if left in large un-
the ground color to show through. broken areas.
The ease with which an error can be Striping or stenciling with paint to
corrected by simply glazing over the produce panels offers a simple solution
spot and rewiping through the stencil of the problem. In laying off the side
can be seen. wall in panels, considerable discretion
There are many interesting possibil- should be exercised in order that the
ities with this finish. When the stencil panels may be interesting in shape. As
is placed against the wall, the glaze a general rule, panels should be taller
may be wiped out clean to show a clear- than they are wide in order to lend an
cut pattern or it may be wiped lightly atmosphere of height to the interior.
to show a faint and somewhat indistinct When panels have been outlined and
outline. In the latter case, care should the decorative panel treatment carried
be taken to wipe clean the edge of the out, a solid striping line of color or a
area appearing through the stencil stencil border should be applied to
openings. This operation permits a frame properly each panel. The width
small amount of the glazing color to of the border is dependent on the panel
remain in the center of each figure, to size.


Sponge Mottle Finish. In the sponge textured with a brush, whiskbroom,
mottle finish the colors chosen for the sponge or any other means.
ground and mottling coats should differ A plastic paint prepared as described
sufficiently to show the desired degree may be tinted while it is being mixed,
of contrast in the finished effect. or may have eolors-in-oil worked into it
A flat ground; properly tinted; should while it is still wet on the wall. Such
first be applied and allowed to dry. a paint sets up overnight and can easily
Prepare this ground according to For- be glazed to lend additional color to the
mula No. 14; use this formula also for surface if such a procedure is desired.
the mottling coat. White-lead and oil plastic paint may
Now cut a coarse fibre sponge in half be applied to any surface that is in con-
in order to make a flat surface, soaking
one of the halves in water to soften

dition to receive paint plaster, wall
board, fabric wall coverings, brick, con-
the fibres and then wringing it out care- crete, wood and glass. In the case of
fully. fabric wall coverings, all loose or slack
To do the mottling,lightly press the fabric should be pasted or nailed in
flat side ofthe sponge into some of the place with nails driven through tin
mottling coat paint, previously spread disks. One coat of plastic paint, which
on a board, and then tamp the wall with is sufficient for all ordinary texturing,
it here and there. Go over the entire will completely hide small defects and
surface in this way, making no attempt nail heads.
to follow a set pattern. Much of the When the plastic paint is to be ap-
charm of the sponge mottle finish is plied to new plaster walls, it is recom-
lost if the sponge markings are mended that the walls first receive a
placed in straight lines and at fixed in- priming coat of wall primer. If the
tervals. walls have been previously painted with
More than one mottling color may, of an oil paint, and are in satisfactory con-
course, be employed. Use a separate dition for repainting, the plastic finish
sponge for each color. may be applied direct.
A beautiful and changeable effect Use an ordinary four-inch wall brush
may be secured by using an eggshell and coat only a workable section at a
gloss (third coat, eggshell finish), over time. If too large an area is covered
a flat ground coat. By tinting both the before the texturing is begun, the paint
ground and the mottling coats to the may be difficult to manipulate.
same color an effect of tracery may be
obtained due to changes in the angle
Plastic Textures. —
Paint prepared ac-
cording to Formula No. 18 may, when
of reflected light. applied, be textured to produce interest-

Combination Effects. All the special ing and highly decorative effects.
wall finishes described on the foregoing For a wall effect of modified texture,
pages are subject to interesting varia- apply a coat of paint mixed as follows:
tions and many may bo used with ex-
cellent results in combinations one with
another. A little experimenting will
Formula No. 18 —Plastic Paint
disclose innumerable possibilities. For Materials Soft Paste Heavy Paste
example, the two-tone crumpled roll fin- "White-lead 100 lb. 100 lb.

ish serves as an excellent background Dry Whiting 44 lb. 22 lb.

over which to apply a sponge mottle or

Flatting Oil 1% gal. 1% gal,
Pure Drier % Pt. Va pt.
stencil, giving an elaborate and highly
decorative treatment. Gallons of Paint 7% gal. 5% gal.
Coverage (160 sq.
"White-Lead and Oil Plastic Paint. ft. per gal.) 1,160 sq. ft. 840 sq. ft.
The trend is away from excessively
rough surfaces as wall finishes, but If sqft paste white-lead is used, thin
modified or low-relief textures are gain- the whiting with the flatting oil and mix
ing in popularity. This latter type of thoroughly with the white-lead, adding
textural effect can be produced readily the drier and such tinting colors as may
with a white-lead and oil plastic paint. be required.
Such a paint is made with materials If heavy paste white-lead is used, add
that the painter always has in his shop, half the flatting oil to the white-lead
is relatively low in cost and gives a and use the remainder to thin the whit-
durable finish that can be kept clean by ing. Then mix the two batches to-
washing. gether thoroughly, adding the drier.
The resulting paint, although heavy, Tinting colors may also be put in if
will brush out with comparative ease, desired.
after which it may be manipulated or A gallon of white-lead and oil plastie

paint will cover from 100 to 220 square ture this with a whisk-broom in the
feet, the difference in spreading rate manner described and, when dry, glaze
depending upon the thickness of film re- it with colors thinned with Sating oil.
quired to produce the desired texture. —
"Weave Moderne. This effect is pro-
The maximum coverage of 220 square duced simply by drawing a whisk-broom
feet to a gallon represents a spreading through the plastic paint at various
rate beyond which the plastic paint angles. The broom sweeps should be
would be too thin for producing even fairly long and overlap so as to form
the most modified relief effect. The an interesting series of interlacing di-
minimum coverage of 100 square feet agonal lines. Particularly effective re-
to the gallon represents a spreading rate sults may be had with this effect by
which, if further reduced, will not give glazing with gold, silver, bronze or
overnight drying, due to the heaviness some other metal color.
of the texture. An average coverage —
Water Wave. Beginning at the top
of 160 square feet per gallon should be of the wall, draw a whisk-broom or

estimated in figuring costs on plastic' paint brush slowly downward, at the

lead paint. same time moving it from left to right

Basket Weave. Drag the wide edge to produce a series of wavy lines.
of a whisk broom down over the paint —
Vein Relief. To produce this effect,
about six inches, until a square is simply strike the wet plastic paint
formed. Then place the broom imme- sharply all over with the fiat side of a
diately below, and at the left edgd of four-inch wall brush.
the square, and draw it horizontally —
Swirl Overlay, There are two ways
across the wall until the right edge of of forming this interesting figure. One
the motif above is reached. Repeat is to place the flat side of a coarse fibre
the first process below the horizontal sponge against the plastic paint, pulling
markings. When this pattern is laid the sponge sharply away after a quarter
over an entire wall the effect resembles twist of the wrist. The second method
a basket weave and makes an interest- is to use, in place of the sponge, a flat
ing modern design for small rooms or block of wood about six inches square
for the tea room, shop or studio. and an inch thick. With either tool
Fan Swirl.—-Starting at the top of the the markings should be made so that
wall, place a whisk broom against the the swirls overlap.
wet plastic paint and give the wrist —
Gothic Scroll. A serving spoon is
slightly more than a half turn to the the tool used in producing this pattern.
right to produce a circular effect. Re- The bowl of the spoon is pressed against
peat the process, making another simi- the wet plastic and moved spiral-
lar figure at the right of the first one. fashion. The outer sweep of the spiral
The whisk broom is held in horizontal should be six or eight inches in diam*
position. The bristles at the right act eter, the spiral becoming smaller as it
as the axis upon which the broom is approaches the central point from
turned. After several of these fan- which the spoon is lifted. A second
shaped swirls have been executed, a spiral, overlapping the first, is then
second series should be worked below added and the process continued to
the first and just close enough to enable form an all-over treatment.
the sweep of the whisk broom to carry —
Waving Reed. First drag a graining
the pattern up over the lower part of comb horizontally across the plastic
the first line. paint. Then, using the rounded end of
The Fan Swirl texture is particularly the handle of a paint brush or putty
striking if a glaze is added to accentu- knife, make upward curving lines a foot
ate the high points. to a foot and a half long. All the lines

Grass Cloth. The beauty of the should have the same general curvature
Grass Cloth effect depends as much on and taper off at the point to resemble
the colors used as on the texture. A reeds bending slightly before the wind.
coat of tinted plastic paint is first The “reeds” should interlace to provide
brushed on in the usual way. While a uniform all-over pattern. The use
this coat is still wet, spots of plastic of a glaze will bring out the texture
.paint of various colors are applied here strikingly.
and there. A whisk-broom is then —
Thatched Reed. This effect is ob-
drawn vertically across the surface so tained by drawing the rounded end of
as to blend the colors. the handle of a brush or putty knife
Another way to produce the Grass through the plastic paint to establish
Cloth finish is as follows: Put on a vertical and diagonal markings, closely
coat of tinted plastic paint. Then tex- interlaced. These, in the final finish.
should the matted effect of
suggest to smooth down all points raised in
closely woven
thatch. The^ texture is stippling.
emphasized if a glaze is applied. After the textured paint has set, it is
Willow Twig. —This
design is made marked off into blocks. This is accom-
plished by cutting parallel lines spaced
"by placing a rolling pin against the
plastic paint and simply rolling the pin
about a quarter of an inch apart and
upward. then lifting out the plastic paint be-

Fretted Texture. Just tamping the
tween the lines.
It is customary to use a thin glazing
wet plastic paint uniformly with a
coat in the case of the Travertine effect.
coarse fibre sponge produces the fretted
The liquid glaze may be made with
flatting oil, burnt umber and burnt

Bamboo Effect. First, tamp the wet sienna.
plastic paint uniformly with a coarse
fibre sponge. Then, with a length of

Caenstone. This texture is secured
simply by stippling cream-colored plas-
rounded stick, such as a pencil or piece
tic paint in a uniform manner with a
of half-round molding, press in the bam-
stippling brush and then glazing. The
boo-like marks. These markings should
blocking off is done in the same way
be sloped uniformly to the right or left
as in the case of the Travertine effect.
but no attempt made to produce an even

Tapestry Effect. This effect is ob-
tained by dragging a graining comb

Pine Needle Texture. The back- through the plastic paint to give a
ground of this effect is produced by series of vertical lines and then strik-
tamping the wet plastic paint uniformly ing the paint lightly here and there
with a coarse fibre sponge. The
with a sponge or a wad of paper. Glaz-
needles* are then formed by tamping

ing with gold, silver or bronze gives a

the paint with a wood block around
rich, beautiful finish.
which heavy cord has been wound in
fan shape. The block should be about
Painting Fabric Coverings. —To over-
come defects in plaster walls or to anti-
four inches square wrapped with six or
cipate others which it is feared may
seven turns of cord so that the turns
develop, plaster walls are sometimes
are together at one end of the block,
covered with muslin or a specially pre-
thus forming the fan shape.
pared fabric of some kind which is then

Palette Blend. The Palette blend is painted. No difficulties are encountered
produced by brushing on a coat of plas- in painting such fabric coverings. The
tic paint in the regular way and then painting is done in the regular way just
applying spots of plastic paint of an- as if plaster were being painted, and
other color while the all-over coat is the finished job is practically indistin-
still wet. This done, the two colors are guishable from ordinary painted plas-
blended together by placing a straight- ter. If the fabric has been previously
edge against the surface at various treated with, a size, no priming coat is
places and giving the tool a quarter necessary.
twist. The staightedge may be cellu-
loid, wood or metal. Care should be ex-

Painting Wall Board. Composition
wall board, which is used on many inte-
ercised to hold it very lightly against riors to take the place of plaster, may
the surface so that too much plastic be painted with satisfactory results.
paint is not piled up. The two colors Such surfaces may be treated like plas-
used should give a good contrast. ter walls and the painting should be
About three times as much paint will done in accordance with the recommen-
be needed for the undercoat as for the dations given for painting plaster.

Travertine. First apply a cream-
Washing Painted Walls. —
painted with white-lead can be cleaned,
colored plastic paint uniformly over the without harm, provided the following
surface. Then press a sponge lightly procedure is employed.
here and there, evenly distributing the A workable portion of the wall should
sponge markings and spacing them be sponged with a good white soap solu-
from four to eight inches apart. The tion, the work progressing from the
markings should measure about three baseboard toward the ceiling. This sec-
inches in width and be longer horizon- tion should then be rinsed with clear
tally than vertically. Such markings water and the adjoining section cleaned
can readily be made by grasping the in the same manner. The white soap
sponge tightly. A straightedge is fi- solution should effectively remove ordi-
nally drawn lightly across the textured *

nary dust and dirt which accumulates

plastic paint from left to right so as i
on most walls.

In certain public buildings, the walls Gallons of Paint 5 gal.

Coverage (800 sq. per gal.) 4,000
receive severe mechanical injury and ft. sq. ft.

become badly soiled, and it is sometimes Formula No. 21— Third Coat, Flat
necessary to use a solution stronger Finish
than that containing only white soap.
(New Inside Wood)
Some of the washing powders, which
do not contain an excessive amount of (a) Materials Soft. Paste Heavy Paste
alkaline material, prove very effective White-lead 100 lb. 100 lb.
in such cases. Cleaning powders that Platting Oil 1% gal. 2 gal.
contain a certain amount of abrasive Gallons of Paint 5 gal.
material will naturally wear down the Coverage (900 sq. ft. per gal.) 4,500 sq. ft.
paint film regardless of how hard it may or
be and their use should be avoided (b) Materials Soft Paste Heavy Paste
whenever possible. A little experiment- White-lead 100 lb. 100 lb.
ing will enable one to determine just Pure Turpentine 1 % gal. 2 gal.

how strong a soap solution is necessary Floor Varnish 1 pt. 1 pt.

Pure Drier Vz pt. k
l pt.
to produce the desired results without
injuring the paint film by either chem- Gallons of Paint 5 gal.
ical or mechanical action. Coverage (800 sq. ft. per gal.) 4,000 sq. ft.
Painting New Inside Wood. The fol- — Formula No. 22 —Third Coat,
lowing formulas are for white paint.
Eggshell Finish
If the paint is to be colored, tint it as
explained. (a) Materials Soft Paste Heavy Paste
White-lead 100 100
Formula No. 19 —Priming Coat Flatting Oil
Wall Primer
2 gal.
8 gal.
(New Inside Wood)
Gallons of Paint 13 gal.
(a) Materials Soft Paste Heavy Paste Coverage (900 sq. ft. per gal.) 4,700 sq. ft.
White-lead 100 lb. 100 lb. or
Platting Oil 2% gal. 3 gal. (b) Materials Amounts
Pure Linseed Oil 3 gal. 3 gal.
pt. 1 pt.
Heavy Paste White-lead 100 lb.
Pure Drier 1
Pure Turpentine 1% gal.

Gallons of Paint 9 gal. Floor Varnish % gal.

Coverage (800 sq. ft. per gal.) 7,200 sq. ft. Pure Drier k pt

or Gallons of Paint 5 gal.

(b) Materials Soft Paste Heavy Paste Coverage (700 sq. ft. per gal.) 3,500 sq. ft.

Pure Raw Linseed
100 lb. lb.
Formula No. 23 —Third Coat,
Oil 3 gal. 3 gal. Oil Gloss Finish
Pure Turpentine 2% gal. 3 gal.
Pure Drier 1 pt. 1 pt. (New Inside

Gallons of Paint 9 gal. Note, —

The following formula should be
used as a base for dark colors only, as light-
Coverage (700 sq. ft. per gal.) 6,300 sq. ft.
colored paint containing considerable raw lin-
seed oil will yellow badly when used on in-
As on outside wood, the painter may teriors. Where a light-colored gloss finish is
exercise his discretion in reducing the required, follow Formula No. 17.
quantity of linseed oil for woods which
are less absorbent such as southern yel- (a) Materials Amounts
low pine, white spruce, Alaska cedar, Heavy Paste White-lead 100 lb.

hemlock and cypress. The amount of Flatting Oil % gal.

flatting oil and drier should be increased Pure Linseed Oil 3 gal.
correspondingly. Pure Drier 1 pt.

Formula No. 20 —Second Coat Gallons of Paint

Coverage (800 sq. ft.
6% gab
(New Inside Wood) 5,000 sq.ft.
per gal.)
(a) Materials Soft Paste Heavy Paste
White-lead 100 lb. 100 lb. (b) Materials Amounts
Flatting Oil 1% gal. 2 gal.
Heavy Paste White-lead 100 lb.

Gallons of Paint 5 gal. Pure Linseed Oil 3 gal.

Coverage (900 sq. ft. per gal.) 4,500 sq. ft. Pure Turpentine % gal.
or Pure Drier 1 pt.
(b) Materials Soft Paste Heavy Paste
White-lead 100 lb. 100 lb. Gallons of Paint 6% gal.

Pure Turpentine 1%x gal. 2 gal. Coverage (800 sq. ft.

Pure Drier k pt. k pt.
per gal.) 5,000 sq. ft.
Enamel Finish. —When a prepared en- issoft, should first be applied to make
amel is to be used as the finishing eoat, an even foundation for the stain. If
the priming and second coats should be this precaution is not taken, the stain
mixed according to Formulas No. 19 and will strike in here and there, appearing
No. 20. Then follow with a sufficient dark in some spots and light in others.
number of coats of Formula No. 20. When this coat is dry, the stain should
be applied over it. After the stain
Formula No. 24 —First Coat Over has been on the surface for 5 or 10
Shellac minutes wipe off the surplus with a dry
(Special Interior Wood Finish) rag or waste.

(a) Materials Soft Paste Heavy Paste

White-lead 100 lb. 100 lb. Stain Formulas
Flatting Oil 1% gal. 2 gal.
(Natural Wood)
Gallons of Paint o gal.
(a) 2 qt. Flatting Oil
Coverage (900 sq. ft. per gal.) sq. ft.
2 qt. Pure Raw Linseed Oil
1 qt. Pure Brier
Soft Paste Heavy Paste
(b) Materials
White-lead 100 lb. 100 3b. —or
Pure Turpentine lVt gal. 1 Va gal. (b) 2 qt. Pure Raw Linseed Oil
Floor Varnish Vi gal. gal.
Pure Drier pt. % Vi pt. 2 qt. Pure Turpentine
1 qt. Pure Brier
Gallons of Paint 4% gal.
Coverage (800 sq. ft. per gal.) 3,800 sq.ft To this may be added colors-in-oil, in
the approximate proportions outlined
Old woodwork should be rubbed below, to obtain the required color.
smooth with sandpaper until all gloss
has disappeared. Then apply one coat Cherry
of paint mixed according to Formula 2 lb. Burnt Sienna
No. 24. 1 lb. Raw Sienna
When the first coat on either new or
old work is dry and hard, putty all de- If the burnt sienna has more of a
fects such as knot-holes, dents, cracks, brown than a fiery red tone, omit the
etc., putty made by stiffening
with raw sienna but use three pounds of
heavy paste white-lead to putty con- burnt sienna instead of two.
sistency with dry whiting.
From this point new and old work
should be treated alike. When the first 2 lb. Van Byke Brown
coat is dry, rub it down with No. 0 1 lb. Rose Lake
sandpaper. Repeat coats of Formula Yary the proportions of the above
No. 24 as many times as are necessary colors to get the depth desired for this
to bring the surface to clear white with stain.
no dark places showing through, always
sanding between each coat. Light Oak
Next apply one coat of high-grade 2 lb. Raw Sienna
white enamel. After this is dry, rub it
down with pumice and water. Then
% lb. Raw Umber
apply a second coat of the same enamel If the raw sienna is inferior in stain-
and finish with rotten stone and sweet ing power, omit the raw umber and use
oil. Polish finally with a chamois. three pounds raw sienna.
This completes the full-gloss finish.
Bark Oak
For a silk finish, rub down the last
coat with fine pumice and water. Raw Sienna
2 lb.
To obtain an ivory effect, tint the % Burnt Umber
last coat with just enough raw sienna Small amount Burnt Sienna
to turn it off the white, before apply-
ing the enamel. The enamel coats must Walnut
be tinted in like manner. 6 lb. French Ochre
1 oz. Venetian Red
1 oz. Lampblack
Interior Wood Stains
Staining Interior Wood. —In staining For graining colors the tinting mate-
new interior wood a coat of liquid com- rials given under “ Staining for the,

posed of equal parts of raw linseed oil particular wood to be imitated, should
and turpentine, particularly if the wood be thinned to brushing consistency with

3 parts Pure Turpentine the pores.. One coat makes a fair job,
2 parts Pure Raw Linseed Oil but two coats make a better one, filling
1 part Pure Drier up the checks which the first coat did
not fill.
This paint should be applied over the After the filler has dried for about
dry ground and, while still wet, should an hour, rub briskly across the grain of
be dragged, combed, or otherwise fig- the wood with coarse burlap or excel-
ured, in imitation of natural wood sior to remove surplus filler left on the
graining. surface.

Painting Interior Floors. There are The purpose in using fillers is to fill
two kinds of floors that require paint- the pores of open-grained wood, and to
ing —new floors laid with soft wood prevent darkening by the excessive ab-
such as hemlock or white pine; old sorption of varnish or other material
floors that have become worn, scratched, used for the finish.
stained or otherwise marred. New Oil Finish.— Oiling, no doubt, is the
floors of hard wood, such as oak, ash, most durable finish for a floor, though
maple or yellow pine may be painted, it requires frequent going over. One
if desired, but waxing or varnishing or effect of oil is to darken considerably
staining makes a handsomer finish. the natural color of the wood. For
Success with newly painted floors de- a floor oil use three parts of pure boiled
pends chiefly upon the choice of right linseed oil to one part of turpentine.
materials and knowing how to use them. When boiled oil cannot be obtained
In fact, the only important particular take four parts raw oil, one part turpen-
in which the film of floor paint needs to tine and one part drier. Stir frequently
differ from that on a window frame, while using; apply with a strong, stiff
door or the side of a house is the finish. brush; rub well into the wood. Clean
The priming coat must anchor firmly off all surplus oil not taken up by the
into the wood, it must dry thoroughly wood. An oiled floor should be wiped
and the outer coat must become hard frequently with an oiled cloth. Oily
before the floor is used. rags are liable to take fire spontane-
Other Finishes for Hard Wood Floors. ously and should be burned.
— For hard wood floors that are not to —
Shellac Finish. This treatment gives
be painted, four kinds of treatment may a fairly lasting finish if the floor is not

be named oiling, shellacking, varnish- to have very rough usage. Three or
ing and waxing. The processes overlap four coats of shellac, thinned down with
more or less and vary according to the good quality denatured alcohol, are rec-
kind of wood. The treatment selected ommended for either soft or hard wood
should also depend upon the way the floors.
floor is to be used.A few fundamentals —
Refinishing Old Floors. The proper
may be stated. time to take care of a floor is when the
Open-grained hard woods, such as first bare spot appears. Then all that
oak, birch, ash or walnut, should be is necessary is to scrub thoroughly,
treated first with a good silex paste apply a coat of floor varnish or paint
filler. Close-grained hard woods, like to such places as show wear and, when
maple or cherry, require no filter. Yel- dry, go over the entire floor.
low pine, owing to the pitch it is likely To bring a badly worn floor back to
to contain, should first have a thin coat its original state of perfection requires
of shellac to prevent the pitch from considerable work and ingenuity. There
blistering later coats. are two good methods by which this can
Good silex paste fillers may be pur- be done. One is to remove the old finish
chased ready to apply. Or an excellent and then scrape the wood with a car-
one may be made by mixing the finest penter’s steel floor scraper. This scrap-
silex, or silica, with equal parts of pure ing and subsequent sandpapering brings
linseed oil, pure turpentine and best the wood back to its original condition
japan drier, so as to form a medium and all that is then necessary is to fill,
paste. Reduce this paste to a fairly stain and varnish or paint as a new
thin mixture with turpentine only, al- floor. This is a somewhat expensive
lowing the filler to stand for a time. proceeding, however, and many people
In some cases it is possible to add the prefer to do the work in the following
colors-in-oil, with which the wood is to way: '


be stained, directly to the filler. This 1. Apply a good liquid paint and var-
is good practice. Brush across the nish remover. Cheap soda solutions dis-
grain of the wood with a stiff, stubby color the wood. Cover ten or twelve
brush that will work the paste well into boards at a time, the entire width of
the room. When finish has softened, Formula Ho. 26 —Second Coat
remove most of the film with a broad (Stucco, Concrete, Brick, Stone)
knife, finishing up with coarse steel
wool dipped in remover. Materials Soft Paste Heavy Paste
If the floor is not badly discolored, White-lead 100 lb. 100 lb.
Pure Linseed Oil 2 gal. 2
a thorough washing np with denatured Pure Turpentine 1*4 gal. 1 Vz
alcohol will be sufficient for the final Pure Drier fl pt. fl pt.
cleaning. If bleaching is required, how-
.ever, a hot saturated oxalic acid solu- Gallons of Paint 6Vz gal.
Coverage (400 sq. ft. per gal.) 2,600 sq. ft.
tion (as much acid as the quantity of
boiling water will dissolve) should be
applied over the entire floor. If there
Formula Ho. 27 —Third Coat, Gloss
are some spots that do not bleach out
after ten minutes, apply more of the hot (Stucco, Concrete, Brick, Stone)
solution to these places until the entire Materials Soft Paste Heavy Paste
uniform in color. Then, remove
floor is
White-lead 100 lb. 100 lb.
excess acid with warm water and Pure Linseed Oil 3 gal. 3 gal.
sponge and allow to dry. Pure Turpentine 1 qt.
Sometimes, when there are only a few Pure Drier fl pt.

dark, worn places in the floor, it is only

necessary to apply the bleaching solu-
Gallons of paint 6% gal.
Coverage (600 sq. ft. per gal.) 3,750 sq. ft.
tion to these spots, cleaning up the rest
* If pure boiled linseed oil is not available,
of the floor with alcohol. use pure raw linseed oil and add 1 Vz pints
2. Sandpaper with Ho. 1% grade, rub- pure drier.
bing with the grain of the wood. Wipe f When boiled oil is used, reduce drier to
Vz pint.
up the loose dust carefully and then
refinish in the manner desired.
will not be necessary, of course, to use
Formula Ho. 28 —
Third Coat, Flat
(Stucco, Concrete, Brick, Stone)

Materials Soft Paste Heavy Paste

White-lead 100 lb. 100 lb.
Painting Stucco, Concrete, Brick, Etc. Flatting Oil (or
Preparing Stucco or Concrete. — turpentine) 1 % gal. 2 gal.
Stucco, concrete work and the mortar
Gallons of Paint 5 gal.
in brick or stone work should be al- Coverage (600 sq. ft. per gal.) 3,000 sq. ft.
lowed to stand and dry at least a year
before paint is applied. If painted Semi-Flat Finish. An excellent —
within a year, it may be aged artificially semi-flat finish on brick, stone, concrete
by washing with a solution made by and stucco can be secured by applying
dissolving two pounds of zinc sulphate over the second coat one or two coats
in one gallon of water or with ordinary of paint made according to Formula
carbonic acid water. Ho. 22, substituting spar varnish for
Boiled linseed oil should be used as the floor varnish listed in the formula.
specified wherever possible, especially For brick-red finish on outside brick,
op stucco and concrete. If boiled oil is thin the color with flatting oil.
not available, raw oil and drier may be Painting Concrete Floors. The fore- —
Formulas for Hew Work.—For paint-
going priming coat Formula Ho. 25 —
may be used in priming concrete floors,
ing stucco, concrete, brick or stone, ap- substituting floor varnish for the spar
ply three coats of paint mixed accord- varnish listed. The second and third
ing to the following formulas: coats must be made to produce a harder
finish than is necessary in the case of
Formula Ho. 25 —Priming Coat concrete walls, as floors are subjected
(Stucco, Concrete, Brick, Stone) to much more severe usage. The fol-
lowing formulas will produce the hard
Materials Soft Paste Heavy Paste finish needed:
White-lead 100 lb. 100 lb.
Pure Boiled Lin-
s^ed Oil * 3 gal. 3 gal.
Formula Ho. 29 —Second Coat
Spar Varnish 2 gal.. .2 gal. (Concrete Floors)
Pure Turpentine 1% gal. 1% gal.
Materials Soft Paste Heavy Paste
Gallons of Paint 9% gal. White-lead 100 lb. 100 lb.
Coverage (200 sq. ft. per gal.) 1,875 sq. ft. Pure Linseed Oil Vz gal. Vz gab
lacquers, paints, varnishes, stains 281

2% gal. 2Vz gal. pletely cover bare metal. To the naked

Pure Turpentine
Pure Drier 1 pt ‘ 1 pt.
eye, the metal may appear to be covered
but under the microscope it is another
Coverage°(40 0 scp ft. per gal. ) 2,400 sq. ft. story. Many small pinholes and air
bubbles will be found. Even a second
Formula No. 30—Third Coat
coat will not absolutely cover all these
(Concrete Floors) pinholes. Athird coat is really neces-
sary. Of course, the more the paint is
Materials Amounts brushed out, the more the pinholes and
100 air bubbles are worked out. Plenty of
Heavy Paste White-lead lb.

Pure Turpentine IV2 gal. good brushing effort is essential to a

^ first-class job.
Floor Varnish

Mixing the Paint. Paint is made
Gallons of Paint 8% gal.
with paste red-lead exactly as white-
Coverage (600 sq. ft. lead paint is made with heavy pasta
per gal.) 5,000 sq.ft. white-lead, by simply adding linseed oil
a little at a time and stirring constantly
tie tiird coat is dry tie
Wien with a wooden paddle. Dry red-lead
be finisied by applying a coat is mixed with oil in the same
of wax or a
iigi-grade floor varnish. the only difference being that it is less
The third coat should be tinted with a easy to incorporate with the oil.
little lampblack to
match the natural If the paint is to be tinted, “break
color of concrete. up“ or soften the red-lead first with
dry oll

just enough linseed oil to make a

After the priming coat is
able paste; then add the coloring mate-
other defects in tie floor
cracks and
should be filled with a
good putty. Tie rial and finally the remainder of
pressed into the When drier is used, put it in after
nutty should be firmly oil.

cracks and smoothed over with a putty the coloring material and before
the final oil.

^Two things to keep in mind through- —

Applying the Paint. Steel and iron
out the work are: first,
vigorous brush- shonld never be painted during wet
ing to spread out each coat
to the ut- weather nor when covered with dew or
most: second, allowing each
coat at frost. Early morning painting during
One cause of recom-
least four days to dry. the late summer months is not
stickiness on floors is flowing
the paint mended as a usual thing. It is always
not dry thor- better to wait until the sun
has had
on so thick that it does
hurrying is bad
oughly underneath, and then time to dry everything out. It
too much with the other coats. practice to attempt painting in
weather. , .
Bed-lead paint can best be
Metal Painting with a round or oval brush. Be sure
covering the
the Surface.— To obtain to use plenty of paint,
Preparing attempting to
care surface well and not
results with red-lead,
the best
applying as well make a gallon of paint go too far. Pay
should be exercised in particular attention to bolts,
as mixing the paint. vital pointersA they are
rust, dirt a heads, edges and corners, as
to clean off all loose influences
commenc- more subject to destructive
other foreign material before flat surfaces.
Wire brushes and scrapers than perfectly .
ing to paint.
remov- m The priming coat is the most impor-
will be found to Re effective precaution should
The sand blast tant. Extra care and
ing rust and scale.
good results and is strongly be taken during its application.
will give coats
Allow plenty of time between
recommended, but thorough scraping thoroughly.
satisfac- for the previous coat to dry
and brushing will usually be week is not too long, especially for,
tory. Rust, the great enemy of
iron A
an accelerator of further the priming coat.
and steel, is
rusting when it is loose enough to re
If rust is allowed to re- Formula No. 31—Priming Coat
tain moisture.
main it will work disaster even
after (Exterior and Interior Metal)
the paint has been applied. Paste _
rust and dirt are likely to cause Materials Red-lead Red-lead
Number of Coats.—Three coats Bed-lead .
100 lb. 100 lb.
paint are necessary on all outside Pure Linseed Oil 0s , .
Two coats will do for metal (See Note Relow) 2% gal. 3% Jai-
1 A
pur© Turpentine P*-
no case will one coat of paint


Pure Drier .1 pt. 1 pt. Chinese Blue-in-oil 12 lb.
Pure Turpentine i pt.
Gallons of Paint 4% gal. 5 hi gal.
Pure Drier
Coverage (800 sq„ 1 pt.
ft per gal.) 3,900 sq. ft. 4,200 sq. ft.
Gallons of Paint 9% gal.
Formula Ho. 32 Second Coat — Coverage (800 sq. ft.
(Light Brown) per gal.) 7,800 sq.ft.
(Exterior and Interior Metal)
Formula Ho. 35 Third Coat1

Paste Dry (Dark Green)

Materials Red-lead Red-lead
(Exterior and Interior Metal)
Red-lead 100 lb. 100 lb.
Pure Linseed Oil
(See Note Relow) 2% gal. 3% gal. Materials Amounts
Pure Lampblack-m- Paste Red-lead 100 lb.
oil 12 02. 13 oz.
Pure Turpentine 1 pt. 1 pt.
Pure Linseed Oil 4 gal.
Pure Drier 1 pt. 1 pt. Medium Chrome Yel-

Gallons of Paint
low-in-oil 12% lb.
5 gal. 5 Vi gal.
Coverage (800 sq.
Chinese Blue-in-oil 7% lb.
ft. per gal.) 4,000 sq. ft. 4,400 sq. ft. Pure Turpentine 1 qt.

J able,
If genuine boiled linseed oil is avail-
advise the use of one-third boiled
Pure Drier 1 qt.

oil to two-thirds raw oil. In this case, omit Gallons of Paint 7% gal.
the drier. Coverage (800 sq. ft.

The lampblack is added to the red- per gal.) 6,000 sq. ft.

lead for the second coat to change the

color of the paint to a light brown,
Formula Ho. 36 —Third Coat
which enables the painter to see readily
if any places have not been covered
(Exterior and Interior Metal)
properly. Moreover, a slightly shaded Materials .
second coat facilitates the inspection of
the final coat in the same way. Paste Red-lead 100 lb.
Pure Linseed Oil 14 gal.
Formula Ho. 33 Third Coat — Lampblack-in-oil
Chinese Blue-in-oil
52 lb.
16 lb.
(Dark Brown)
(Exterior and Interior Metal)
Pure Turpentine % gal.
Pure Drier % gal.
Past© Dry
Materials Red-lead Red-lead Gallons of Paint 24% gal.
Red-lead 100 lb. 100 lb. Coverage (800 sq. ft.
Pure Linseed Oil 3 % gal. 5 gal. per gal.) 19,500 sq. ft.
Pure lampblack-in-
Oil 6 lb. 6 y2 lb. Intermediate shades of green and
Pure Turpentine 1 pt. 1 pt.
Pure Drier 1 pt. 1 pt. brown may be secured by varying the
amount of coloring matter used. Where
Gallons of Paint 6% gal. 7% gal. the formulas given are altered to any
Coverage (800 sq.
ft. per gal.) 5,400 sq. ft. 5,900 sq. ft. great extent, however, be sure that the
amount of linseed oil used is increased
Dark —
Finishes. Where a dark color or decreased accordingly.
is desired other than the browns se-
cured by shading red-lead with lamp-

Light Finishes. In cases where deco-
rative finishes are desired other than
black, decorative finishes such as greens the dark ones obtainable by tinting red-
and black, are obtainable by simply lead, use second and third coats of pure
adding tinting materials to red-lead. white-lead paint tinted to the required
Formulas for tinting paste red-lead color, for either exterior or interior
light and dark green and black follow: work. Where considerable additional
tinting material is required, add linseed
Formula Ho. 34 Third Coat— oil and^ turpentine equal to one-half
(Light Green) the^ weight of the tinting material.
(Exterior and Interior Metal) White-lead and linseed oil are especially
adapted for use over red-lead and lin-
''.Materials.'''."" Amounts seed oil because linseed oil dries much
Paste Red-lead 100 lb. the same with the two pigments, and
Pure Linseed Oil 5% gal. therefore makes a homogeneous film.
Medium Chrome Yel- The following white-lead second and
low4n-oil 30 lb. final coats will be found to give good

generally, over a priming coat lead paint, will practically eliminate the
most common trouble experienced with
of red-lead:
interior sheet-metal work of this type,
Formula No. 37— Second Coat the formation of rust spots.
(Exterior Metal) Where the ceiling is to be finished in
white or a very light tint, it is recom-
Soft Paste Heavy Paste
mended that all the coats, including the
WMtp-lead 100 lb. lb.
priming coat, be of white-lead.
Pure Linseed Oil % gal. 1% Im-
pure Turpentine 1 Vz gab 1 M gal. For priming, use the following:
Formula No. 40 —-Priming Coat
pure Drier 1 Pt-

Paint 5 s
gal. 6 gal

T "'
Gallons of ?
(Interior Metal)
C a (
4,800 k#.
per 4,500 k.#. Amounts
Formula No. 38 —TMrd Coat Heavy Paste White-lead 100 lb.
(Exterior Metal) Pure Linseed Oil 2 gal.
Pure Turpentine 1 gal.
Materials Soft Paste Heavy Paste
100 Pure Drier 1 pt.
White-lead 100 lb. lb.

2V4 gal. 3 gal.

Pure Linseed Oil Gallons of Paint 6 g&h
1 qt. 1 qt.
Pure Turpentine * 1 * 1 pt.
Pure Drier pt. Coverage (800 sq. ft.
per gal.) 4,800 sq. ft.
5 7 gal. 6 Vi gab
Gallons of Paint /s

The second coat should be mixed as
%!Tr s°alr 4.700 •* #. 5,000 sq. ft.
such as follows:
* Under poor drying conditions,
the amount of drier
cold or humid weather, twice the Formula No. 41— Second Coat
not to exceed
should be increased,
amount called for by the formula. (Interior Metal)

A very attractive light gray, which (a) Materials

will in one coat (if applied 100 lb.
undereoating, Heavy Paste White-lead
heavy) hide the red-lead Flatting Oil %
can be obtained with the
formula: Gallons of Paint 5 gal.
Coverage (900 sq. ft.
Formula No. 39—Third Coat
per gal.) 4,500 sq. ft.
(Light Cray) or
(Exterior Metal) (b) Materials
Materials Soft Paste Heavy Paste Heavy Paste White-lead 100 lb.

White-lead 100 lb. 100 lb.

Pure Turpentine 2 gal.
French-ochre-in- Pure Drier 1 pt.
oz. oz.
oil .
oz. oz.
Gallons of Paint 5 gal.
Pure Raw Lin- 3%
seed Oil 3% gab gal. Coverage (800 sq. ft.

Pure Turpentine
1 qt.
per gal.) 4,000 sq.ft.
pt. 1 pt.
Pure Drier 1
third or
6% gal. If a flat finish is desired, the
Gallons of Paint should be made as follows:
Coverage (800 sq. final coat
5,400 sq. ft.
ft. per gab)
Formula No. 42—Third Coat,
Where white or an exceptionally light Flat Finish
tint is desired on interior
work over a (Interior Metal)
coats or
red-lead priming coat two
should he used to ob- Materials Soft Past© Heavy Paste
white-lead paint (a)
undercoat In 100 lb. lb,
scure totally the red-lead White-lead
& aI 2 'gab''
41 tor tne
Flatting Oil
such eases, apply Formula
ounce of 5 gab
second coat, adding about one Gallons of Paint
4,500 sq.
is to be
per gab)
lampblack if the final coat Coverage (900 sq. ft.
^ght tint. or


white or an exceptionally

lampblack Soft Paste Heavy Paste

The practice of adding (b) Materials
100 lb.
extenor 100
should be followed also on
1% 2 "''"'gal.: .

Formula Pure Turpentine

work. For the final coat, use Floor Varnish 1 pt. 1 Pt.
to finish %
42 or Formula 43, according Pure Drier pt. Pt.:

5 gab
Gallons of Paint
^Painting Metal Ceilings.—Painting Coverage (800 sq. ft, per gab) 4,ooo sq. ft.
metal ceiling with red-lead or
If an eggshell finish is preferred, use Formula Ho. 45 —Second Coat
the following for the third coat:
(Galvanized Iron)
Formula Ho. 43 —
Third, Eggshell
Materials Amounts
Gloss Finish
Paste Red-lead 100 lb.
(Interior Metal) Pure Raw Linseed
(a) Materials Soft Paste Heavy Paste
Oil 2% gal.
Lampblack-in-oil 12 oz.
White-lead 100 lb. 100 lb.
Platting Oil % gal. 1 gal. Pure Turpentine 1 pt.
Floor Varnish 114 gal. 1% gal. Pure Drier 1 pt.
Gallons of Paint 5*4 gal.
Coverage (800 sq. ft. per gal.) 4,200 sq. ft. Gallons of Paint 5 gal.
or Coverage (800 sq. ft.

Materials Soft Paste Heavy Paste per gal.) 4,000 sq. ft.
White-lead 100 lb. 100 lb.
Pure Turpentine % gal. 1 gal. Third Coat
Floor Varnish 114 gal. 1% gal.
Pure Brier Vz pt. Vz pt. (Galvanized Iron)
Gallons of Paint 5% gal. Mix the third coat similar to the sec-
Coverage (700 sq. ft. per gal.) 3,675 sq. ft, ond coat except where a decorative
finish is desired other than the slightly
(b) Materials Amounts shaded red-lead color. In the latter
Heavy Paste White-lead 100 lb. ease, substitute one of the tinted red-
Pure Turpentine 1% gal. lead finishing coats.
Floor Varnish % gal. —
Painting Radiators. Pipes and radia-
Pure Drier % pt. tors never before painted should first
be cleaned thoroughly with wire brushes
Gallons of Paint 5 gal. to remove all traces of rust, dirt and
Coverage (700 sq. ft. grease. Then apply a priming coat of
per gal.) 3,500 sq.ft. red-lead paint based on Formula Ho. 44.
In the case of pipes and radiators
Painting Galvanized Iron. No paint — that have been painted before and that
can be recommended to stand up satis- show some defect such as blistering or
factorily on galvanized iron at all times peeling, the old finish should be re-
because the coating left by the galvan- moved and the foregoing priming coat
izing process has a tendency to repel applied. If the old finish shows no de-
paint. Sometimes the paint takes hold fects, the priming coat may be omitted.
properly right away; other times con- In the painting of pipes and radiators
siderable difficulty is encountered in the decorative requirements of the room
making the paint adhere. should be considered. The finish may
It has been the experience of practi- be in aluminum or bronze, or in some
cal painters that paint made of pure light tinted paint which will harmonize
red-lead and linseed oil gives good re- with the color scheme of the room.
sults most consistently. The best re- In the painting of pipes and radiators
sults are obtained after the galvanized the decorative requirements of the room
iron has been exposed to the weather should be considered. The finish may
at least six months. be in aluminum or bronze, or in some
Apply three coats of paint mixed ac- light tinted paint which will harmonize
cording to the following formulas: with the color scheme of the room. The
metallic powders, if these are used,
Formula Ho. 44 —Priming Coat should be thinned to suitable painting
(Galvanized Iron) consistency with a mixture of one part
good varnish and two parts flatting oil.
Materials Amounts This makes an excellent bronzing liquid.
Paste Red-lead 100 lb. If a light-tinted flat paint is decided
Pure Raw Linseed upon, apply a second coat, tinted to ap-
Oil 2% gal. proximately the color desired in the fin-
Pure Turpentine 1 pt. ishing coat, based on Formula Ho. 41.
Pure Drier 1 pt. Then follow with the finishing coat
tinted to the desired color and mixed
Gallons of Paint 4% gal. according to the above formula or, if a
Coverage (800 sq. ft. semi-gloss finish is desired, according to
per gal.) 3,900 sq. ft. Formula Ho. 43. When a full gloss is
desired, a good prepared enamel may be thick the paint will alligator, leaving
employed for the finishing coat. the knots bare.
Ample time should be permitted to Painting the Hull. Prime the new —
elapse between coats so that each may wood with a thin coat of paint mixed
dry and harden thoroughly before the as follows:
next is applied. If it is possible to per-
mit the steam to pass gradually through Formula No. 46 —
Priming Coat
the pipes between coats, the drying may (Boat Exterior)
be hastened in this way. However, the Materials Soft Paste Heavy Paste
steam should not be turned on full. If mite-lead 100 lb. 100 lb.
the pipes are submitted to sudden heat- Pure Linseed Oil 4 gal. 4 gal.
Pure Turpentine 1%
ing, the coating will undoubtedly be gal. 2 gal.
Pure Drier fl pt. fl pt.
It should also be kept in mind that
Gallons of Paint 9 gal
almost all light tints show a tendency Coverage (700 sq. ft. per gal.) 6,300 sq. ft.
to darken slightly due to heat. This f When boiled oil is used, reduce drier to
should be taken into consideration when % pint.
the color is selected.
After the priming coat has dried thor-
oughly, fill all cracks, nail-holes, dents
and other defects in the surface care-
Boat Painting fully with putty. The hardest and most
serviceable putty is that based on white-
The practice in painting boats is
It should consist of white-lead,
regulated largely by one thing the — lead.
either soft or heavy paste, stiffened to
type of craft. If a boat is a yacht or putty consistency with dry whiting.
a launch, the owner aims to keep it Use sandpaper to smooth down the
always clean and bright. Its appear- rough places. Then apply a second coat
ance is a matter of pride with him. of paint, mixed as follows:
Hence the handsomest job obtainable
is none too fine, and coat upon coat of
paint is often applied in order to get
Formula No. 47 Second Coat —
(Boat Exterior)
an unusually fine finish.
Materials Soft Paste Heavy Paste
A rowboat, on the other hand, is not
White-lead 100 lb. 100 lb.
a show boat. While the possessor of Pure Raw Lin-
one or a fleet of them wants a job that seed Oil 1% gal. IV* gal.
looks well, only an ordinarily good Flatting Oil (or
finish is called for.
Turpentine 1 gal. I ! gal.
Pure Drier 1 pt. 1 pt.
When itcomes to canoes an alto-
gether different problem is presented.
Gallons of Paint 5}$* gal.
A high-class finish is wanted, but "it is Coverage (800 sq, ft. per gal.) 4,400 sq. ft.
not obtained in the same way, because
a canoe is usually built of canvas. Bepeat the second coat as many times
For present purposes, therefore, boats as desired. Many boatmen put on five
have been classified into three groups: or six coats brushed out very thin.
Power and Sail Boats; Bow Boats; Can- Without question this is the best prac-
vas Canoes. In this order, directions tice, as a number of thin coats produces
for painting them are taken up. much better results than the same

Power and Bail Boats. The outside thickness of film produced by putting
of the hull, deck-house and some parts on two or three thick coats.
of the interior are proper subjects for Finish with a coat of paint mixed as
the paint brush. Some of these parts follows:
should receive attention at least every
year. Formula No. 48 —Finishing Coat

Preparing the Surface. If the wood (Boat Exterior)
is new, dust it off carefully and cover Materials Amounts
all knots and sappy streaks with orange
Heavy Paste White-lead 100 lb.
shellac. The shellac can be made by
Flatting Oil (or Tur-
thinning dry orange gum shellac with
pentine) 2 gal.
good quality denatured alcohol, propor-
tioned on the basis of three pounds of
Spar Varnish % gal.

shellac to one gallon of alcohol, or the

liquid shellac may be purchased as
3 Gallons of Paint 5% gal.

pound cut pure orange shellac. * 9

Brush Coverage (800 sq. ft.
per gal.) 4,400 sq. ft.
the shellac on thin. If it is put on too
The preceding formula gives a Formula No. 52 —
Finishing Coat,
“flat” or glossless finish, which wears Eggshell Gloss
much better under exposure to the (Boat Interior)
water than a glossy paint rich in oil. Materials Soft Paste Heavy Paste
Painting Beck, Spars and Outside of White-lead 100 lb. 100

Cabin, Use the same formulas for the Platting Oil (or

priming and second coats on the deck, Turpentine) % gal. 1 gal.

spars and outside of the cabin as for

Ploor Varnish 1 3,4 gal. 1% gal.

painting the hull. Then apply the fol-

(If turpentine is used, add % pt. pure
lowing finishing coat. Be sure to allow
plenty of time between coats for the pre-
Gallons of Paint 5% gal.
Coverage 800 sq. ft. per gal.) 4,200 sq. ft.
ceding coat to become dry, at least forty-
eight hours.
Note. —
If an extra fine finish is desired,
draw the oil from the white-lead in the case
of all three coats.
Formula No. 49-— Gloss Finishing Coat If a gloss finish is desired, a prepared
enamel may be used for the finishing coat,
(Boat Exterior) or a gloss finish may be made by thinning 3
pounds of white-lead with sufficient turpentine
Materials Soft Paste Heavy Paste to make a thick paste and then thoroughly
White-lead 100 lb. 100 lb. mixing it with 1 gallon of high grade floor
Pare Raw Lin- varnish.
seed 2*4 8 gal.

Pure Drier
Pure Turpentine 1
1 qt.
1 pt.
Tints. —
The finishing coats specified
1 for the hull, the deck, the spars and the
Gallons of Paint 5% gal. 6% gal. outside and inside of the cabin make
Coverage (800 sq. white paint. Where a colored paint is
ft. per gal.) 4,700 sq. ft. 5,000 sq. ft. desired, tint the final coat in usual way.

Painting the Interior. New wood- — Painting Metal Parts. Iron and steel —
hulls, masts or other metal parts of a
work inside of cabins, saloons, etc.,
vessel should be painted with two coats
should first receive a thin coat of good
of red-lead, thinned according to the
orange shellac. Sandpaper the shellac
following formula:
when dry. Putty all nail-holes and
joints. Then apply a priming coat Formula No. 53
mixed as follows:
Metal Work on Boats)
Formula No. 50 —Priming Coat Materials Amounts
(Boat Interior) Paste Bed-lead 100 lb.
Pure Paw Linseed Oil * 2% gal.
(a) Materials Soft Paste Heavy Paste Pure Turpentine 1 pt.
White-lead 100 lb.. 100 lb.
Pure Drier 1 pt.
Platting Oil 1% gal. 2 gal.

Gallons of Paint 5 gal. Gallons of Paint 4% gals.

Coverage (900 sq. ft. per gal.) 4,500 sq. ft. Coverage (800 sq. ft.
or per gal.) 3,900 sq. ft.
<b) Materials Soft Paste Heavy Paste * If genuineboiled oil is available, use
White-lead 100 lb. 100 lb. one-third boiled and two-thirds raw oil, omit-
Pure Turpentine 1% gal. 2 gal. ing the drier.
Floor "Varnish U, gal. % gal.
Pure Drier ^4 pt. % pt. On ornamental parts, finish with
Gallons of Paint 5% gal.
white-lead tinted to suit. Below the
Coverage ( 800 sq. ft. per gal.) 4,200 sq. ft. waterline, finish with anti-fouling, if
Follow with a second coat, mixed as
Bepainting. —In repainting, use the
same formulas given for painting new
work, except that the priming or first
Formula No. 51 —
Second Coat
coat may be omitted. Old coats should
(Boat Interior) be well smoothed down and the surface
Heavy Paste dry before new coats are applied.
Soft Paste
100 lb. 100 lb.

Bow Boats. Bo not attempt to paint
Platting Oil (or immediately after taking the boat from
Turpentine) 2 gal. % 2% gal. the water. Let it dry out thoroughly.
No matter how good a paint is it will
Gallons of Paint 5 % gal.
not stick to a wet surface.
Coverage (900 sq. ft. per gal. ) 4,950 sq. ft.
Neither will paint adhere properly to
If an eggshell gloss is desired, apply a boat's bottom that is covered with
a finishing coat mixed as follows; dirt, water plants, marine animals, etc.

off all such, accumulation by •Tint as desired.

Pl Pin
The above formula should make
scraping or scrubbing. enough paint for the first coat on one
before applying any
Stop up all leaks canoe. Put the paint on thick and work
mint Cracks and seams can be filled
S with caulking eotton
soaked paste m it well into the canvas by careful brush-
bits of pine, ing. When dry, sandpaper the surface
Jiitp-lead, nail-holes with
S Very small leaks with
white-lead and then apply two coats of japan color
thinned with spar varnish and just
enough turpentine to make the paint
'p7int applied over an
uneven surface
appearance. brush out smooth. One pint of japan
isbound to present a bad color and one pint of varnish should be
Where the old paint is rough, bare sufficient to do the work.
down smooth and touch up
it If the old paint on a canoe is in good
before applying the first coat.
P condition, the white-lead paint need not
After heeding the foregoing direc-
inside be applied. Simply sandpaper the old
apply two coats of paint, two
according to the coat down smooth and apply^ the
and outside, mixed coats of japan color, and varnish.
following formula: To refinish the inside of a canoe,
Formula No. 54 sandpaper the old varnish thoroughly
and put on one coat of good spar var-
(Row Boats— Exterior and Interior) One pint of varnish should be
Materials Amounts sufficient.

Heavy Paste White-lead 25 lb. —

Patching. To mend a hole m

a canoe,
h gal. insert a piece of canvas beneath
Pure Turpentine with a
h torn part, pasting the patch on
Spar Varnish Pj-
rubbing varnish,
1 S ui little white-lead and
Pure Brier canoe
and clinching it to the ribs of the
1% gal- with brass or copper tacks. Very
Gallons of Paint can be fixed by plugging them
ft. holes
Coverage (800 sq. with
1,000 sq.ft. with white-lead stiffened slightly
per gal.) whiting.
is wanted, tint the
If a colored paint
addition of a very little White Enamel Paint, Outdoor
last coat. The
will P«><toe *
lampblack or dropblack will make 1
p-rav A little Chinese blue 100
colors follow Albertol 177 C Extra Pale
fusht blue. (For other Linseed Stand Oil Extra Pale
using only one-quarter
S directions ingredients called for,
tinting Thickened Wood Oil Extra Pale
of the quantity of pounds Cobalt (calculated as metal)
is based on 2o
as Formula No. 54 White Spirit
of 100 pounds.)
of white-lead instead white
The finishproduced by two coats of The albertol is dissolved in the
Eornula No or at a tem-
to spirit either in the cold,
paint mixed according If an and the
lustreless. perature of 50* C. (Ilf E.),
56 will be “flat” or remainder of
eggshell gloss is desired,
use Formula stand oils, driers and the
this solution.
the use of an addi- the white spirit added to
Nm 54, modified by is then ground
for the hn The finished varnish
tional pint of spar varnish, a still bet-
with zinc white. To obtain in-
^anvafoanoes.—When the paint is so ter white color, it is
alone, to use
cracked and broken that the can- stead of using zinc white
badly white and 25 per cent
shows through in places, d is best 75 per cent zinc
entirely y titanium white.
to remove the old coat
_ . .

is to
and start Another very usual procedure
means of a paint remover with a corre-
sand- grind the -white pigment
anew. After the old paint
is off,
stand oil
a coat of sponding quantity of linseed
paper the surface and apply thick paste The remainder
paint composed oft Tform a
solution, the driers
of the oils, the resin
this white
Formula Ko. 55 and the diluents are added to
(Canoes) paste.
Materials Soft Paste Heavy Paste
Decorators 9 Varnish

White-lead Parts
Pure Turpentine % PJ*
t t>+ *
Spar Tarnish % P|-
t 1 gU1 Albertol 177 C.
Pure Drier 1 _ Linseed Stand Oil
Wood Oil 30
Gallons of Paint Thickened
Coverage ( 70Q ft. per gal. ) l™
sq. i*.
Cobalt (calculated as metal) 0.12 125-175 Thinner
Diluents 125-175 Proceed as in 4 above.
The stand oils are mixed together,
and the albertol dissolved therein at a White Enamel Paint Indoor
temperature of 150° C. (302° F.). As
the temperature falls, the cobalt drier Zinc White 80
and finally the diluents are added. Ac- Titanium White 20
cording to the paleness desired, albertol Yarnish 120
177 C extra pale, pale or dark is used. Grind together thoroughly and thin
to brushing consistency.
3. Long Oil Outdoor Yarnish
100 parts Albertol 177 C are dis-
solved at a temperature of White Enamel Paint, Tin Printing
150-160° C. (302-320° F.) in Lithopone or Titanium
100 parts Linseed Stand Oil. When White 100
solution has taken place,
, Varnish 100-140
further Thin to viscosity desired.
165 parts Linseed Stand Oil and
85 parts Thickened Wood Oil are
added. The temperature is It is recommended that a stoving
then again for a short while temperature of 100° C. (212° F.) be
raised to 100° C. (212° F.). not exceeded.
0.35 part Cobalt (calculated as 6. Decorator's Varnish
metal) is to be added, and
then 100 parts Albertol 201 C.
200-275 parts Diluents. 90 parts Linseed Stand Oil
30 parts Thickened Wood Oil
If the American method is preferred, 0.12 part Cobalt (calculated as
see example No. 7. metal)
120-175 parts Diluents
4. Flatting Varnish
Procedure exactly as in the case of
100 parts Albertol 201 C are cooked example No. 4.
70 parts Linseed Stand Oil at 7. Quick-drying Outdoor Varnish by the
240-260° C. (464-500° F.) American Method. (Also suitable
until a small test of the for Boatand Finished Varnish.)
batch, thinned out with
100 parts Albertol 201 C are heated
double the normal proportion
of diluents, and cooled down
under the tap, remains quite 250 parts Raw Wood Oil under con-
stant stirring, as rapidly as
free from cloudiness.
possible, to a temperature of
30 parts Thickened Wood Oils are 275° O. (527° F.), and then
then added and the tempera-
ture again raised to 240° C.
removed from the fire. Ow-
ing to internal heating, the
(464° F.); after again carry-
ing out the dilution test de-
temperature continues to
scribed above.
rise. Therefore
0.1 part Cobalt (calculated
16 parts Lead Resinate are added
metal) and
100-150 parts Diluents are added Preparation of the Lead Resinate:
at falling temperature. 8 parts litharge are dissolved
in 100 parts of rosin at 240°
5. White Tin-printing Enamel C, (464° F.).
(May also be used as a white indoor To cool the batch,
enamel). 50 parts Linseed Stand Oil are
100 parts Albertol 201 C Extra added when the lead resinate
Pale has been taken up. Then
0.09 part Cobalt, and finally
90 parts Linseed Stand Oil Palest
20 parts Thickened Wood Oil .
150-300 parts White Spirit axe
Palest added.
0.075 part Cobalt (calculated as !
No dilution test is necessary.
metal) i
Water Paints should first be cleaned with care or
Potato Starch 10 trouble will be experienced with adhe-
Cold Water 30 sion. The following modification works
10 Be Caustic Soda 10 more smoothly and gives a better coat-
ing, but is not so durable or waterproof.
Mix the starch with cold water and
Na 2 0.3.3Si02 (S.G.1.4) 20%
add the caustic slowly in a thin stream
thick liquid is ob- Rice Starch 5%
till a transparent
Pigment 20%
Water 55%
B. 90-Mesh Lactic Casein 6
Water 20
Fireproof Paint
20 Be Caustic Soda 10
Aluminum Powder 1 lb.
Soak the casein in the warm water, Sodium Silicate 22° Be 1 gal.
not oyer 130° F., and add the caustic
whilst stirring.

C. Medium Congo Copal 20 Water Paint

Linseed Oil 50 Double Boiled Oil, with
White Spirit 30 Driers 50 1

Manganese (as Resinate) .1

Water 45

Sodium Silicate 5 j|

Linseed Oil Varnish as Pigment 50

above 80 The oil, which may be diluted if re-
Water 150 quired with 120° F. flash white spirit,
Grind in the required amount of pig- should be added to the aqueous phase in
ment with the oil varnish and then stir a slow stream with rapid and vigorous
Run the three solutions stirring.
in the water.
together through a Hurrel Homogenizer The oil may be replaced with, for
example, latex, and paints can be made
and the resulting emulsion will be stable
for a year. If for export to a hot coun-
on the following lines:
try, it is advisable to add a litle pre- 1. Sodium Silicate 10
servative, e.g., metachlor-paracresol. Ammonia 10
Water 10
Zinc Oxide 5
Irish moss sometimes used in order
Sulphur 3
to obtain a high viscosity in paste dis-
Zinc Dimethyldithio Car-
tempers and so keep the pigment from bamate .5
settling. It is usually dissolved before-
hand to form a very thick jelly and 2. 60% Latex 100
then added. One well-known brand of
Whiting 200
Spindle Oil 60
distemper on the market is composed
of an anhydrous basis of
Glue 5

Chalk 84.0 % The two solutions are made separ-

ately as indicated, and mixed. The
Blanc Fixe 1.5 % ratio of silica is not mentioned, but
Zinc Oxide .25%
presumably 3.3Si0 2 is indicated. The

Brunswick Green 7.4 % more alkaline varieties of sodium sili-

Dextrine 5.0 % cate cause precipitation of latex by rea-
Irish Moss 1.1 % son of hydrolysis. If, however, ammo-
Nitrobenzene .05%
nia be added to the solution this in-
the whole being so adjusted as to con- creases the OH ion concentration and
tain approximately 90% of water. prevents splitting of the silicate, so that
the latex is thickened and rendered
Silicate Water Paint stable. Aluminium sulphate also thick-

40 ens latex by precipitation of the pro-

Sod. Silicate
tein portion, giving a butter-like prod-
Pot. Silicate 25
Asbestine 15
Pigment (High Density) 20 1. Pale Boiled Oil 45 lb.
Rosin 45 lb.
Dilute with sufficient water before
White Spirit 25 lb.
A paint similar to this, but contain- Melt the rosin in the oil and dilute
ing much less pigment, may be used for while hot with the white spirit. Then
coating electric light bulbs, which grind in the pigment.
2 . Casein 120 lb. the warm water, the borax added first
Water 600 lb. and then the phenol. This solution is
Borax 24 lb. allowed to stand for 24 hours, and the
Ammonia 3 lb. Ingredients in the second list are then
10 % Potassium Bichro- added and after mixing hot those in the
third. It is well known that pigments
mate 30 lb.
Mirbane 3 lb. grind better in oil than in water and it
is a great advantage to grind the pig-
Dissolve the casein by steeping it in ment into the oil medium in the third
the water at 130° F., then add the list before emulsifying it with the
borax and the ammonia. Allow to cool casein solution. The proportion of pig-
and add the bichromate solution. By ment usually incorporated is about six
vigorous shaking emulsify the mirbane to eight times the total weight of the
with twice the amount of the casein medium.
solution just prepared, and add the
milky product to the balance. Then Water Paint
mix the oil into the casein solution, Triiiydroxyethylamine Lino-
using a whisk or colloid mill. It should leate 0.6
be noted that while 90-mesh casein is Glue 10
usually selected on account of its Water 32
speedy solubility, it is much better to Varnish 16
use 30-mesh casein as this contains Naphtha 4
fewer grits (from the grinding stones) Sodium Ortho Phenyl
and its viscosity is more uniform. Phenate 0.1

Water Soluble Shellac Solution Paint, Oil Emulsion

(1) To 5 parts of sulfonated rape oil Trihydroxyethylamine Linole-

add 1 part of sodium hydroxide. Warm ate 0.3
in a water bath until the excess water Glue 5
has been evaporated. Water 16
(2) Dissolve 3 parts of Ho. 1 in 36 Linseed Oil Varnish 8
parts of water. Phenol 0.2
(3) Add 5 parts of a 20% ammonia Procedure for the above oil emulsion
solution to the 39 parts of No. 2. paints is to dissolve the water soluble
(4) To 44 parts of No. 3 add 25 parts materials and heat together with stir-
of flaked orange shellac and agitate in ring until free from lumps. The oil, var-
a mechanical churn until solution is nish or other water insoluble material
complete. Under normal conditions this is run in slowly while stirring vigor-
will require about 6 hours. ously with a high-speed mixer. Best
The resultant heat should dissipate results are obtained by not too long
about 22 parts of the water so that the mixing and occasional rest periods.
completed mixture will contain approxi-
mately 4% lb. of shellac per gallon of
mixture. Railroad Water Tank Paint
Protecting the interiors of steel water
Matt Finish Distemper tanks from rust and corrosion is often
A typical formula for a matt distem- a troublesome problem because the
per of this type with good covering paint or other protective material is
power and resistance to water is casein nearly always under water, and fre-
10 per cent, lime 10 per cent, clay 10 quent repairsNor repainting mean put-
per cent, lime-proof pigment 10 per ting a tank temporarily out of service.
cent, and chalk 60 per cent. The pur- Therefore the method successfully used
pose of the clay is to keep the other by the Union Pacific System should be
pigments in suspension and to aid in the of interest to all with *similar problems.
brushing of the paint. This 10,000-mile rail system has 260
steel water storage tanks at 230 sta-
tions. They vary in capacity from
Oil-bound Distemper 6.000 to^ 1,000,000 gal. and run up to
(1) casein 30 kg., water 150 litres, 100 ft. in diameter at main terminals
borax 3.5 kg., phenol 1.0 kg.; (2) for- where maximum daily consumption is
malin 2.0 litres, water 5.0 litres; (3) 1.400.000 gal. The total storage ca-
rosin 15 kg., boiled oil 15* kg., white pacity is 31,300,000 gal. and represents
spirit 10 litres. The casein is soaked in an investment of several million dol-
lars. Probably no railway system en- 3. A rather high proportion of pig-
counters a greater variety of climatic ment is desirable especially on
and water conditions than the Union interior surfaces.
pacific. Its painting jobs are therefore 4. Each coat must be brushed out to
put to severe test and the problem of a thin film.
protecting the large investment is of 5. Litharge is to be used in each field
great importance. coat for interior surfaces.
Steel tanks are given a shop coat of 6. Proper intervals of time must be
ready-mixed red lead paint inside and allowed for the drying of each
out. After erection the exterior is coat.
given a brown and a black coat, both
being mixtures of red lead and lamp- Outside Wood Paint
black, with lampblack increased in the
black coat. Priming Coat Second Coat
Interiors receive three coats in addi- Soft Past© White-lead 100 lb. 100 lb.
Pure Linseed Oil
tion to the shop coat. The first field
coat is brown and is made by adding
Pure Turpentine
2 gal.
1% gal.
3 gal.

Pure Drier * 1 pt. 1 pt.
IQ oz. of lampblack paste, 6 fluid oz. of Gallons of Paint 7 gal. 6*4 gal.
japan driei*, and 2 lb. of finely powdered Coverage, one coat 5,600 sq. ft. 5,000 sq. ft.
litharge to 1 gal. of ready-mixed red * When boiled oil is used, reduce drier to
lead paint. A
second field coat, light Vz pt.

brown, has the same composition as the

first with the exception of the lamp-
Structural Paint
black paste, 5 oz. of which are used in- First or Inter-Top or Fin-
stead of 10. The third field coat, red, mediate Coats ishing Coats
isthe same, with all lampblack omitted. Blue Lead in Oil, Paste 100 lb. 100 lb.
The litharge passes a No. 325 sieve Raw Linseed Oil 2% gal. 8 gal.

with total residue on the sieve not ex- Turpentine or Paint

and Varnish Manu-
ceeding 1 per cent by weight. The.

facturer’s 48° to
ready-mixed red lead paint pigment con- 50° naphtha 1% gal. 2 qt.
tains 88 per cent of red lead by weight, Drier (ro&in free) 1 qt. 1 qt.
Approximate Paint
which must run not less than 94 per
cent true red lead. The lampblack paste
Weight per Gallon,
7*4 gal. m gal

18*4 to
is 25 per cent pure lampblack by Approximately 17.8 lb.
19*4 lb.
weight, balance pure linseed oil. Addi-
tion of the litharge gives an extraordi-
narily hard paint film that does not be- Paint for Interior Plaster
come unduly soft by continued soaking.
The ready-mixed red lead paint contains Priming Coat
76 per cent by weight of pigment. Soft Paste White Lead 100 lb.

Tanks are inspected annually and Pure Boiled Linseed Oil 3 gal.
painted at intervals of from four to ten Ploor Varnish 2 gal.
years,depending upon local conditions. Pure Turpentine 1% gah
To avoid interruption of water service, Gallons of Paint 9% gal.

a set of three 8,000-gal. steel tanks with Coverage (600 sq. ft.

demountable steel trestle support is con- per gal.) 5,700 sq. ft.
veyed on flat cars to the vicinity of the
Second Coat
paint job as a temporary storage plant.
The permanent tank is drained and the Soft Paste White Lead 100 lb.

steel cleaned, sometimes by sandblast- Pure Turpentine 1!4 gal.

ing, but more generally by scraping and Floor Varnish % gal*

wire brushes. Brush painting is usually Pure Brier % pt.

used. The paints described cover about Gallons of Paint 5% gab

400 sq. ft. per gal. with the brush Coverage (700 sq. ft.
per gal.) 3,675 sq. ft.
Through experience it has been
learned to watch closely the following
Third Coat Flat Finish —
vital items: Soft Paste White Lead 100 lb.
1. The steel work must be dry and
Pure Turpentine 1% gal.
Floor Varnish 1 pt*
temperature conditions favorable
when paint is applied. Pure Brier pt* %
Gallons of Paint 5 gal.
2. The paint must be thoroughly
mixed at the start and frequently Coverage (800 sq. ft.
per gal.) 4,000 sq, ft*
3 — .


Third Coat Eggshell Finish — with 3 gallons of Xylol and 18 gallons
of V. M. and P. Naphtha. This may
Soft Paste White Lead 100 lb.
require 2-4 hours. When solution has
Pure Turpentine
Floor Varnish
Pure Drier
m%% been completed add the linseed oil and
the Cobalt Drier.
Gallons of Paint 5% gal. The following grinds are suggested.
Coverage (700 sq. ft. Pigments may be added according to
per gal.) 3,675 sq. ft. specific requirements. These grinds can
be made conveniently in a pebble mill.

Black Walnut Stain No. 1 Grind No. 2 Grind

Gilsonite 2 lb. Above Vehicle 40% t?y
Titanium Pigment. 42% L
weight 33.3% by
Turpentine 2 lb. Asbestine. 18% 14.7% weight
Diatomaceous Earth 12 0
Ebony Stain Following the grind the batch is
Nigrosine (water soluble) 16 lb. thinned 50% by weight with a mixture
Oxalic Acid 7 lb. of 85% V. M. and P. Naphtha and 15%
Water 640 lb. Xylol. Grind No. 2 dries at a faster
Clear Shingle Stain
II. Varnish Type:
Creosote Oil 1 gal.
Kerosene 1 gal.
Varnish A
Cumar V 1 100 lb.
2 gal. China Wood Oil 33 gal.
Glycerine 18 lb.
Colored Shingle Stain (Red) Litharge 2% lb.

Red Oxide 45 lb.

Cobalt Acetate % lb.
Mineral Spirits 60 gal.
Asbestine 15 lb.
Linseed Oil 3 gal. Cooking Method: Carry China Wood
Grind and add
Oil and Glycerine to 400° F. Add 30
pounds Cumar meanwhile running heat
Creosote Oil 12 gal. rapidly to 560° F. Withdraw from fire
Kerosene 12 gal. and hold for first string from stirrer.
Chill with remaining Cumar. Body (if
29% gal. necessary) by holding around 500-480°
Similarly other colored shingle stains F. until a sample cooled on tin gives a
can be made by changing the colored good string. Cook in Cobalt Acetate.
pigments. Cool to 450° F. or below and thin.

Cumar Cut B:
* Mahogany Stain Cumar 100 lb.
The method of producing a fadeless Xylol 3% gal.
mahogany stain, which consists in mix- V. M. and P. Naphtha 13% gal.
ing with the steam extracted water in-
This is a cut of 6 pounds of Cumar
soluble extract of quebracho wood suf-
to the gallon of thinner.
ficient hot concentrated alkali solution
The solution is made by agitating
to produce a pH value of about 11 to
Cumar and the thinners in mechanical
12, and digesting with sufficient added
mixer or tumbling barrel for 2-3 hours.
hot water to produce a pH value be-
tween 7.0 and 8.5 in the final product. The following grinds are suitable:
Grind 3 Grind 4
Lithopone . 840
Traffic or Road Marking Paint Titanium Lithopone.. . . 840
Asbestine 360 parts
. 360 parts
I, Cold Cut Method for Traffic Paint: Cumar Cut B 300 hy 300 by
Cobalt Linoleate Paste weight weight
Cttmajr V Drier (5% Cobalt). 10 10
. ... - 100 pounds
. .

Kettle Bodied Linseed Oil.

. .

4 gallons
Varnish A ......... . 500 500
Xylol. ...... ... .
. ,. v.' . gallons

V. M. and P. Naphtha. 18 gallons These grinds are made in a pebble

Cobalt Linoleate Solution or Naphthenate
Cobalt Drier No. 42 Equivalent to 1 /i
— —
mill and are further thinned with 160
parts by weight of a mixture of 80%
.009 lb. Cobalt Metal.
V. M. and P. and 20% Xylol.
Procedure: Cut the Cumar by agitat- Varnish Type II road paint dries at a
ing in a power mixer or tumbling barrel slower rate than the cold cut type, but

I III ill i


has a better covering power. Grind Vehicles for Aluminum and Bronzing
type 4 is suggested for application over Liquids
asphalt. The following formulae are types of
vehicles which experiments have indi-
Vehicle for Beady Mixed Aluminum cated as being suitable for use for
Paint: aluminum coatings.
Some manufacturers find it desirable In most cases it is desirable to add
to offer aluminum paints with the alumi- 1% to 2 lb. aged aluminum flake to each
num powder already mixed with the gallon of liquid.
vehicle. This practice is not generally
advocated but it may be said that a Vehicle for Outside Aluminum
fair measure of success has been real- Paints:
ized with some vehicles in which alumi- A. Spar Type
num powder has been mixed and which
34 gal. China Wood Oil
has undergone limited storage.
10 gal. Kettle Bodied Linseed
Cumar V 1 100 lb. Oil*
China Wood Oil 5 gal. 25 lb. Bosin
Kettle Bodied Linseed Oil 5 gal. 7 lb. Litharge
Xylol 15 gal. 75 lb. Cumar V
V. M. and P. Naphtha 15 gal. 6% oz. Cobalt Acetate
Cobalt Besinate (3 %% 65 gal. Mineral Spirits
Metal) 1 lb.
* Linseed Oil is hodied at 575° F. for 3
* Linseed Oil Bodied 3 hours at 575 F. hours.

Cooking Method: China Wood Oil and

Cooking Method: Heat China Wood
Linseed Oil are carried to 400° F. at
and Bosin with a fast fire to 400° F.
which point 50 pounds Cumar are added.
While still on the ’fire add 25 pounds
The temperature is carried to 450° F.
Cumar. When the temperature of 475°
and is held until a good body is at-
is reached begin adding litharge while
tained. This is determined by testing
stirring rapidly. The Litharge may be
samples cooled on tin until a stiff but-
dusted in or mixed with China Wood
ton is obtained.
Oil to a fluid consistency prior to addi-
In experiments this vehicle has been
tion. The heat is cheeked only slightly
mixed with two pounds aluminum flake
during the Litharge addition and dur-
per gallon and has, in our observation,
ing this operation it is necessary to
given good flaking results upon stand-
whip down the foam. The fire is then
ing several months.
raised to bring the temperature rapidly
Vehicle for Aluminum Paint for Ex- to 575° F. This point should be reached
posure to High Temperatures: within 25 to 30 minutes of the start.
The kettle is withdrawn from the fire
The formula given below is suggested at this point and held until the tempera-
for an aluminum liquid which is to be ture gains 585-595° F. This requires
exposed to high temperatures. In many only a minute or two. The heat is
cases, since temperatures and other con-
checked with the linseed oil followed by
ditions vary, the varnish maker will
the Cumar. Stir rapidly and the tem-
have to vary his formulations to meet perature drops below 500° F. Hold be-
special conditions:
tween 500-480° F. until a sample cooled
Cumar W 100 lb. on tin gives a moderate body.
China Wood Oil 2% gal. Add Cobalt Acetate at 480° F, Cook
Light Cold Pressed until acetate fumes cease, eool and thin.
Menhaden Oil 2 % gal. The addition of 15-25% Xylol in-
Xylol <
5 gal. creases flaking effect.
V. M. and P. Naphtha 20 gal. The addition of 15-25% of Coke Oven
Cobalt Besinate (3%%) 0.8 lb. distillate (Xylol or Hi Flash Naphtha)
increases the flaking effect of the liquid.
Cooking Method: Carry China Wood
Oil to 400° F. Add 50 pounds Cumar B. Cumar —Phenolic Besin Type
and bring heat up rapidly to 565° F.
Hold for a short time and then check The following varnish involves the
with the fish oil and Cumar. Hold at use of Cumar with the oil reactive
500° F. (re-heating if necessary) for phenolic resins. The usual low cooking
about 10 minutes. Then add drier and temperatures may be used:
thin. China Wood Oil 25 gal.
Oil Beactive Phenolic Besin 20 lb.
Fused Lead Eesinate 5 lb. Powdered Basie Lead Carbo-
Cumar nate (White Lead) 314
V 3 M.P. 260-270° F. Mineral Spirits 50 g a*i #

or * Fettle Bodied at 575° 3?, for 3 hours.

W 1 M.P. 300-320° F. 75 lb. Procedure; Heat China Wood Oil and

Rosin in kettle quickly to 400° F. Add
Mineral Spirits 45 gal.
* about 25 pounds of Cumar and run
Liquid Drier
rapidly to 565-570° F. Withdraw from
Cooking Method: Pun China Wood the fire. Hold until the temperature
Oil, Phenolic Resin and Lead Resinate reaches 580° F. Chill the batch with the
to 400° F. Add one-half of the Cumar Linseed (or Perilla) Oil and 45 pounds
and carry to 480° F.-500 0 F. Hold for of Cumar. Stir as the temperature
body at this temperature. Chill with drops to about 525-520° F.
the * remaining Cumar. Cool, thin and
Add the
white lead and stir until taken up. Add
add liquid drier.
the remaining Cumar and cool to about
* It is that enough liquid
recommended 490° F. Hold between 490° F. and 475°
driers be 'added to give a concentration of F. for approximately 30 minutes or until
.02% .03% Cobalt Metal on tbe weight of
a sample cooled on tin gives a one inch
the oil. Cobalt Linoleate or hTaphthenate
Drier solution may be used. string or more. Cool below 450° F. and
C.Cold Cut Type The following grind is suggested.
Where the user wishes to prepare a
cold cut aluminum vehicle for outside Paste No. 1
use, he may use the following formula- Titanox C 1000 lb.
tion as a guide in his work. It must Varnish II 388 lb.
be realized that such a formula as given
below will not be as durable as the spar Total 1388 lb.
types, but will give suitable service in Grind on stone mill.
many cases.

100 lb. Cumar 2 V Reduction of Paste No. I

20 gal. V. M. and P. Naphtha Paste No. 1 1388 lb.
5 gal. Xylol Varnish II 253 lb.
10 gal. Kettle Bodied Linseed Mineral Spirits 229 lb.
Oil Liquid Cobalt Drier: Add equivalent
Liquid Cobalt Drier (Equivalent of 0.03% cobalt metal on the weight of
to 0.03% Cobalt on weight of the oil.
oil) If it is desirable to make a less ex-

Procedure: Cut Cumar by agitating pensive pigment combination it is pos-

sible to replace 25% of the Titanox C
with the V. M. and P. Naphtha and
When com- in the above grind with inerts. A com-
Xylol for several hours.
pletely dissolved add the Linseed Oil bination of 10% Asbestine and 15%
and Cobalt Drier. Whiting can be used for this purpose.

Vehicle for Interior Aluminum Paints: * Glazing Composition

50 lb. Cumar V 2
Whiting 15
2 gal. Xylol
Asbestine 15
10% gal. V. M. and P. Naphtha
Asbestos Fiber 5
2 gal. Kettle Bodied Linseed Aluminum Powder 9
Linseed Oil Boiled 30
1 pt. Japan Drier Naphtha 26

Wall Sealers Candy Glaze

The following formula may be used Shellac (arsenic free) 4 lb.
by the paint and varnish manufacturer Alcohol 6.5 lb.
in developing a good wall sealer. Isopropyl Acetate 2.4 lb.

Varnish II
China Wood Oil 30 gal.
Candy Glaze
Kettle Bodied Linseed or Copal Bold Chips 6 lb.
Perilla Oil * 3 gal. Isopropyl Alcohol (98-99%) 12 lb.
Cumar 1 W 88 lb. Isopropyl Acetate 2 lb.
N Rosin 12 lb.


Finish Coats
* Acid Resistant Paint
28 100 lb. Commercial Hard Past©
Asbestos Fibre
Silicate White Lead Carbonate
Aluminum Raw Linseed Oil
2 gal.
Barium Sulfate
2 gal. Boiled Linseed Oil
Stearin Piteb
2-2% oz. Chinese Blue in Oil
Petroleum Asphalt
Mineral Asphalt
“ 19 oz. Burnt Umber in Oil
Naphtha iou
“ These quantities make about 7 gal. of
Antifouling Paint
2 lb. * Paint, Cement
a. Eosin
1 lb. Hydrated Lime 43
Naphtha 160 lb. Hydraulic Cement 10.5
Talc 12.0

1 lb. Metronite H*5

b. Chrome Green $.5
2 lb. Salt
3 lb. Mica
Naphtha 160 lb. Gum Arabic 1*®
Gum Karaya
Irish Moss ®*1
Chrome Green 21 lb. 0.3
e. Calcium Stearate
Rosin j* }?•
This is used as a cold water exterior
Naphtha -^0 Ik*
First apply a coat of (a)
and when i

dry apply a coat of (b).

When this
Cement Water Paint
has dried apply (c).
50 lb. White Portland Cement
5 lb. Gypsum
* Paint, Automobile Top 4 2 lb. Calcium Chloride
% Hydrated Lime
Carbon Black
Calcium Phosfate
^ lb.

* 60
Calcium Carbonate lb.
" intimately in pebble mill. Stir
Sodium Silicate Mix
about 7 to 8 lb. of the above into 1 gal
of water and paint over wet
Wood When paint sets up, wet down with or-
_ dinary tap water.

Auto Top Dressing

Cold Water Paint, Outside
Mix a solution of benzol and asphal- Whiting 55 lb.
turn to the consistency of
milk and to 15 lb.
add Clay
each pint of the resulting mixture 2 lb.
of lin- Dextrine
about two or three tablespoons Casein 12 lb.
seed oil. The linseed oil is added to 15 lb.
make the dressing more flexible. Trisodium Phosfate
1 lb.
1 oz.
Corrosive Sublimate
Blackboard Paint used
of the above are use.
Ten pounds
Carbon Black Jk. with 1 gal. of water.
Prussian Blue j-
Enamel Paint Bemover
Lithopone * :£*
Powdered Carborundum 7 lb. Benzene (90° Bfi) |°
lb. Alcohol
Drier Liquid Jq
lb. Acetone -.a

7 h Nitric Acid
Linseed Oil Boiled
Sulfonated Oil -
Bridge Paint
Undercoats Enamel Paint (Outdoor)
25 lb. Dry Bed Lead ^ White Lead 9 PL_t%n
% gal. Baw Linseed Oil Zinc Oxide .
2 gal. Boiled Linseed Oil Barium Fluoride
1 gill Petroleum Spirits

% :


China Wood Oil 10-15 Light sand-blasting is also said to
Linseed Oil 5-10 have been used for cleaning galvanized
Turpentine 10-20 iron and putting it in condition to take
Manila Copal 5-10 paint. No doubt this would accomplish
Alcohol 50-70 the purpose.
Ethyl Acetate 30-50 Even in the ease of perfectly clean
zinc, it is not easy to get paint to stick
always. No paint yet invented adheres
Flexible Paint for Marking or Stencil to it as well as in the case of iron or
Work wood. What chemists call “the surface
Adheres well to rubber goods. Can tension” is different. Not that any
be hot pressed into fabrics. good paint invariably all comes off.
60 Generally most of it stays on but that
Gutta Percha
is not very satisfactory.
Colored Pigment 40
If galvanized iron is weathered and
The colored pigment is milled into the then well cleaned, there is seldom any
Gutta Percha on a roll mill. Pigments trouble encountered when the paint is
such as vermilion, cadmium sulphides, red-lead. Probably most of the difficul-
ultramarine, etc., may be used. Organic ties in painting galvanized surfaces are
color lakes are also satisfactory. On traceable to improper preparation done
account of the smaller quantity of lake by not too expensive labor. This is
needed, the difference should be made why weathering, which does not skip
up with blanc-fixe. anything, is best.
The mixed compound is dissolved in
solvent naphtha with slight warming.
A 20% solution gives good coverage and Paint Grinding
may be sprayed easily. A small percentage of Oleic Acid ma<
terially helps the grinding of Carbon
Freight Car Paint
Iron oxide paste, containing 25% lin-
seed oil, 100 lb.; rezyl 110, 42 lb. and Heat Resisting Paint
xylol 18 lb.; liquid drier, 8 lb.; naphtha Powdered Graphite 1 lb.
or mineral spirits, 59 lb.; total, 227 lb. Lampblack 1 lb.
or 23% gal. The liquid drier should Black Oxide of Manganese 0.33 lb.
contain 1 lb. of lead linoleate and % lb. Japan Gold Size 0.33 pt.
of manganese linoleate dissolved in Turpentine 0.50 pt.
turpentine or coal-tar naphtha. A still Boiled Linseed Oil 0.33 pt.
more rapid-drying and enduring paint Mix together until a uniform eon
can be made by grinding the pigment in sistency is obtained.
a solution of rezyl 110 instead of using
an oil paste.
High Light Reflecting Paint
Galvanized Iron, Treatment before The following formulae are suggested
Painting for obtaining proper illumination in in-
teriors and providing desirable paints
Some people, before painting it, wash
that can be washed repeatedly:
the galvanized metal with vinegar.
This is said to be good. Others scrub it 100 lb. Pure White Lead (heavy
well with burlap wet with benzine. paste)
Scrubbing the surface with soap and 2 gal. Flatting Oil
sand can be recommended. The best or
method seems to be, however, to leave 100 lb. Pure White Lead (heavy
the galvanized metal exposed to the paste)
weather for a few months. 2 gal. Pure Turpentine
Still others report good results from Floor Varnish
1 pt.
washing the well-cleaned surface with
a one per cent solution of copper chlo-
% pt. Pure Drier
They may be tinted as follows (Quan
ride, acetate or sulphate. The solution
is left on for a time and then brushed per 100 lb. white lead)
titles are

off before painting is attempted. A Ivory White


—3 oz. French Ochre
few months of exposure is probably lb. French Ochre
better, however, even than this treat- Light Buff —3 lb. French Ochre
lacquers, paints, varnishes, stains 277
Priming Coat Casein Solution:

100 lb- Pwe White Lead Soft Casein

SO ox,
Past© Borax 12 ox.
214 gal. Pure Boiled Linseed Oil Water 480 oz.
2 gal. Spar Varnish Add to this a mixture of ,880
Pure Turpentine am-
monia nA
IV2 g al - 90 cc. and saturated phenol solu-
Makes about 9 gal. tion 10 cc.

Second Coat Pigment Paste:

100 lb. Pure White Lead Soft Casein Solution
7 pt.
Paste Water 9 pt.
2 % gal. Pure Paw Linseed Oil Lithopone 50 lb.
1 gal. Spar Varnish
Pure Turpentine Paint
1 gal.
iy2 pt. Pure Drier Preserved Latex
16 pt.
Casein Solution
Makes about 7% gal.
Pigment Paste
14 pt.
32 pt.
Third Coat
100 lb. Pure White
Lead Soft Heat Sensitive Paints
Turpentine The Double Iodide of Silver and
2 gal. Pure Mercury
1/2 pt. Pure Drier
Silver Iodide 5 parts
Makes about 5% g aP Mercuric Iodide p part
This compound mixed with shellac
* Paint, Hydrocarbon Besistant and painted on thin strips of steel
Minium change from a very bright yellow to a
^o deep red as the temperature increases.
Glycerol (30° Be.) ^
^ y
Sod. Silicate (36 Be.)
water, oils, cold Luminous Paints
This paint resists
Parts by
and heat. White Weight
Luminous Calcium Sulphide 20
* Paint, Iron Protective Zinc Oxide 10
12.5 Barium Sulphate
Zinc Chromate 10
12.5 Varnish
Basic Lead Chromate 30
Sublimed Blue Lead .

Silicate 50 Yellow
60 Luminous Calcium Sulphide
Linseed Oil 20
20 Barium Sulphate
China Wood Oil 5
10 Barium Chromate
Turpentine 4
5 Varnish 25
Petroleum Naphtha Yellow
Luminous Calcium Sulphide 20
* Latex Paints Barium Sulphate 5
Latex (50% solids)
50% Orpiment 4
16 %% Varnish 25
2 % Bed
Zinc Oxide
8 % Luminous Calcium Sulphide 20
3% Barium, Sulphate 5
5% Bealgar 4
Soap Wo Varnish 25
The -whole of the fillers are forma Green
wet with 40 parts of water to Luminous Calcium Sulphide
thick cream, and then
added to the 20
alter Barium Sulphate 5
latex. The film may be vulcanized Ultramarine Blue (French) 3
formula Cobalt Blue 3
^Paints made on the following Varnish 28-30
or pull off.
do not coagulate, “ball-up”
Violet Equivalent Paste Red-lead Formula
20 Paste red-lead2.232 gal. =100 lb. 83 09^
Luminous Calcium Sulphide Additional oil.

. 2.352 gal. = 18.231b... 15144/

. .

Barium Sulphate 5 Turpentine 0.147 gal. = 1.061b o’qqA *

Violet Lake .
2 Drier 0.147 gal. = 1.061b... 0.88%
Varnish 25
4.878 gal. = 120.35 lb . . . 100.00%
Light Weight Formula
Luminous Paint Dry red-lead 25
Raw linseed gal.=
lb . . . 74 30 %
Barium Sulfate 34 lb. oil.. 1 7.75 lb. 23 03
. .
Indian Lake 22
Turpentine y2 pt. = 0.45 1b... 1.335%
lb. Brier H Pt. = 0.45 lb. .. 1.335%
Madder Lake 23 lb.
Total 1.47 gal. = 33.65 lb. %
Luminous Calcium Sulfide 76 lb.
Weight of one gallon, 22.2 lb.
. .100.00 /c

Varnish 73 lb.
Equivalent Paste Red-lead Formula
2.232 gal. = 100
Paste red-lead . lb... 80 8 %
Luminous Paint Additional oil. . 2.75 gal.= 21.311b... 17 2 %
Turpentine 0.17 gal.= 1.23 1b... 0.88%
The following are two formulas for Drier 0.17 gal.= 1.23 1b... 0.88%
.uminous paint giving a yellow glow:
5.32 gal. = 123.77 lb. . .100.00
Strontium Carbonate
Potassium Chloride 0.5 — PAINTS
Sodium Carbonate — 2
Tinted Paint Formulas
Sodium Chloride 0.5 0.5
Manganese Chloride 0.4 0.2 Light Brown
(28 lb. Pigment to 1 gal. Oil)
The mixture is heated in a crucible
for three-quarters of an hour at about Dry Red-lead Formula
1,300° C. The more permanent variety Dry red-lead. ... 28 lb 75.98%
of luminous paint used for watch hands Paste lampblack. J4 lb. = 0.2 lb.... 0.54%
consists of zinc sulphide activated with Raw linseed oil. , 1 gal. = 7.75 lb 21.04%
Turpentine /2 pt.
l = 0.451b 1.22%
radium bromide. Drier y2 pt. = 0.45 1b 1.22%
1.53 gal. = 36.85 lb 100.00%
Weight of one gallon, 24.15 lb.
* Marine Paint
Coal Tar 1 gal. Paste Red-lead Formula
Sodium Cyanide 5 oz. Paste red-lead. 2.232 gal. = 100 lb.. 82.58 %
Cement 1 lb. Paste lampblack 0.082 gal. = 0.75 lb. 0.62 .
Raw linseed oil. 2.352 gal. = 18.231b.. 15.05 %
Turpentine. 0.147 gal. =
. . . 1.06 lb. 0.875% .

Drier 0.147 gal. = 1.06 lb.. 0.875%

Structural Metal Paints
4.96 gal. = 121.1 lb.. 100.000%
The Three Principal Paint Formulas Weight one gallon, 24.42 lb.
Note: Any red-lead paint may be tinted light
Full Weight Formula brown by adding two ounces of paste lampolack
Dry red-lead 33 lb 79.23% to each gallon of paint, or three-quarters of a
Raw linseed oil.. , 1 gal.- 7.75 lb 18.61% pound of paste lampblack to each 100 pounds of
paste red-lead.
Turpentine. ..... M pt. = 0.451b 1.08%
Drier M pt. = 0.451b 1.08% Black
Total 1.58 gal. = 41.65 lb ...
100 lb. paste red-lead 2.23 gal,
. 100.00%
52 lb. paste lampblack. 5.5 gal*
Weight of one gallon, 26.4 lb.
16 lb. paste Prussian blue. .... .... 1.6 gal.
108.5 lb. raw linseed oil 14.0 gal.
Equivalent Paste Red-lead Formula 3.6 lb. turpentine. ............. .. . 0.5 gal.
3.6 lb. drier 0.5 gal.
Paste red-lead 2.232
. gal.= 100 86.54%
lb . .

Additional oil. . 1,851 gal. =14.34 lb.. 12.36%

Turpentine gal. =
283 7 lb. 24.33 gal.
0.116 0.8351b., 0.55%
Drier.. 0.116 gal.= 0.8351b.. 0.55% Weight of one gallon, 11.7 lb.; contains 3.8 lb.
dry red-lead.
4.315 gal. = 116.01 lb.. 100.00% Dark Brown
100 lb. paste red-lead 2.23 gal.
Medium Weight Formula 6 lb. paste lampblack 67 gal.
Dryred-lead.. 28 76.40%
lb. . . . 28.1 lb. (3M gal.) linseed oil 3.63 gal.
Raw linseed oil. . 1 gal. = 7.751b..,. 21.14% .901b. (1 pint) turpentine 12 gal.
Turpentine y2 pt. = 0.451b 1.23% .90 lb. (1 pint) drier 12 gal.
Drier Hpt. = 0.451b 1.23%
135.9 lb. 6.77 gal.
Total 1.51 gal. =36.65 lb . . . 100.00 % Weight of one gallon, 20 lbs.; contains 13.7 lb
Weight of one gallon, 24.2 lb. dry red-lead.


Light Gray Olive Drab Paint

Heavy Paste Formula White Lead (ground in raw
linseed oil) 6 lb.
100 lb. paste white-lead (heavy paste) .2.85 gal.
° 9* lb oaste lampblack 028 gal. Raw Umber (ground in raw
Qf lb', paste French ochre.
(4 gal.) raw lmseed oil
. 0.033 gal.
4.00 gal.
linseed oil) 3 lb.
3 n lb
0:901b:(lpin«^ P
0.90 lb. (1 pi at)
^ iM
25 ga.
125 £ ai ‘
Chrome Yellow (ground in
raw linseed oil) % lb.

71777*1 u 7.16 gal.

Linseed Oil Raw 1 pt.
133.55 id.
We ght.
Qf one gallon, 18.6 lb. Turpentine % pt.
Japan Drier % pt.
Soft Paste Formula
100 lb. paste white-lead (soft paste) . . 3.23 gal.

0.25 lb. paste lampblack

gal. Outside White Paint Base
lb. paste French ochre.
.033 gal.
gab) raw lmseed
Lithopone (high oil ab-
25.2 lb. (3 H oil
125 gal. sorption) 250 lb.
0.90 lb. (1 pint) turpentine
125 S aL 250 lb.
0.90 lb. (1 pint) drier Zinc Oxide

6.79 gal. Asbestine 105 lb.

197751 b

Weight of one gallon, 18.8 lb. Refined Linseed Oil 18% gal.
Bodied Linseed Oil 0% gal.
Light Green Yarnolene (Naphtha) 2 % gal.
lb. paste red-lead.
2 -23 gal.
30 lb. paste chrome yellow
med. . . l.*-5 gal.
1.2 gal.
12 lb. paste Prussian blue * Paint, Outside
5.5 gab
42.625 lb. raw linseed oil
0.90 lb. turpentine White Lead 37.5
°- 125gaL
0.90 lb. drier Keene’s Cement 12
10,43 Tartaric Acid 0.5
186.4 lb.
contains 8.9 lb. Linseed Oil 42.5
Weight of one gallon, 17.9 lb.;

drv red-lead. Turpentine 5

Dark Green Japan Drier 1.5
2.23 gal. Paraffin 0.5
100 lb. paste red-lead
med.. 0,522 gal. 0.5
lb. paste chrome yellow Carbon Tetra Chloride
12 5
7*5 lb. paste Prussian blue
0.75 gal.
4.0 gal.
31.0 lb. raw linseed oil
lb. turpentine
0.25 8“*
1.80 lb. drier
°- 25 gaL Outside White Paint
Material Pound?
6” lb.
8 00 '
Carbonate White Lead 41.0
Weight of one gallon, 19.3 lb.; contains 11.6
dry red-lead. Zinc Oxide
Linseed Oil
Turpentine and Driers 5.4
Paint, Oil Emulsion
Linseed Oil 9 100.0
(1) 6.0
Water 16
Alum 24.0
Glue 4
0.1 Titanox B. .
Chlorphenol White Lead
0.5 21.8 Basic Carbonate
Sulfo Turk C 30.9 Zinc Oxide
6.0 Asbestine
Potato Starch 10 31.9 Lmseed Oil
Water 30 6.1 Turpentine, Varnolene and
Casein 6 Driers
Varnish 80
Water 170
3 Pounds
Am. Oleate
Lithopone (Albalith)
Zinc Oxide (American Proe*
(3) Casein
30 ess) XX
Water Asbestine
Borax Silica
0.2 . 1t
Phenol Alkali refined or mechanically
Formaldehyde refined Unseed Oil
Rosin Kettle Bodied Linseed Oil
1.5 2.5
Pale Boiled Linseed Oil 6.6 Turpentine. Varnolene
Naphtha (V.M. & P.) Driers
Sulfo Turk C
Pounds 16 gal. Linseed Oil (bodied 4%
4.8 AX1 Lithopone hrs. at 590° F.)
2S.7 35 per cent Leaded Zinc Oxide 2% lb. Lead Acetate
Asbestine 8 gal. Linseed Oil (bodied 4%
hrs. at 590° F.)
4.8 Silica
58 gal. Varnolene or Oleum
29.9 Refined Linseed Oil
2.6 Kettle Bodied Linseed Oil Run Lewisol No. “2, China Wood Oil,
1.8 Brier and 16 gal. Linseed Oil to 450° F. in 15
1.9 Thinners minutes and add Lead Acetate. Run to
565° F. in 10 minutes and hold for sign
of string. Check with 8 gal. Linseed
Cheap Outside White Paint
Oil, hold at 500° F. for 11% minutes,
Lithopone 300 lb. and reduce at about 450° F.
Paris White 200 lb.
After cold or after grind add Cobalt
Asbestine 130 lb. in the proportion of .03% based on the
Refined Linseed Oil 7 gal. weight of the oil.
Refined Fish Oil 7 gal.
Limed Gloss Oil 11% gal.
Varnolene (Naphtha) 5% gal. Rubbing Varnish
Kerosene 5% gal. 100 lb. Lewisol No. 2
Liquid Japan Brier 2% gal. 20 lb. Hardened Rosin (800 lb.
Spar Varnish 3 gal. Rosin, 64 lb. Lead Acetate,
Water 4% gal. 40 lb. Lime)
Where colored paint is desired raw 10 gal. China Wood Oil
oils and dark gloss oil may be used 5 lb. Powdered Litharge
with suitable pigments replacing all or 2% lb. Zinc Sulfate
part of the above pigments. 8 gal. Dipentene
30 gal. Benzine
4 lb. No. 49 Brier
* Fresh Plaster, Painting On
The following composition when
ap- Bireetions:
plied to fresh plaster acts as a moisture 4 gal. CW
Oil and H Rosin run
absorbent and permits of the applica- to 510° F.
tion of paint at once. 4 More China Wood Oil
Rosin or Shellac 20-60 added and run to 540° F.
Titanox 5-20 2 gal. China Wood Oil, Litharge,
Zinc Oxide « 5-10 Zinc Sulfate and the
Benatured Alcohol 25-50 100 lb. Lewisol No. 2 added and
Xylene 50-75 run to 500° F. Hold for 20
minutes to hard pill. Cool
and reduce.
Paint, Cold Water
Casein 10
Lime 10 Varnish
Chalk 60 77 lb. Lewisol No. 2
Clay 10 29 gal. China Wood Oil
Pigment 10 2% lb. Lead Acetate
To the above dry mixture water 8 gal. 4-hr. Bodied Linseed
added just before use. 56 gal. Varnolene or Oleum
Run Lewisol No. 2 and China Wood
Oil to 450° F. in 15 minutes. Add Lead
* New Plaster Wall Size
Acetate and run to 565° F. in 10 min-
Copal 25 utes. Hold for signs of string (about
Alcohol 30 1 minute). Check with Bodied Linseed
Xylol 60 Oil and hold for 3 minutes at 500° F.
Lithopone 10 Cool to 450° F. and reduce.
Titanox 5
Zinc Oxide 10
84 lb. Lewisol No. 18
Varnish Formula Ho. LV-112
16 lb. WWGum Rosin
40-gal. 2 % lb. Lead Acetate
92% lb. Lewisol No. 2 3 lb. Harshaw ’s No. 42 Cobalt
13 gal. China Wood Oil 29 gal. China Wood Oil

4 gal. Heavy Bodied Linseed The above gallons are “U. S. gal-
Oil (bodied 4% hrs. at 590° lons. 1 *

8 gal. Dipentene
76 gal. Varnolene Varnish Formula No. LV-107
Run the Rosin and China Wood Oil 40-gal. Long
to 450° F. in 15 minutes. Add Lead 50% Solids
Acetate and run to 565° F. in 8 minutes. Approximate Body F — Gardner-Holdt
Check with Heavy Bodied Linseed Oil, Scale
stir and add Lewisol No. 18. Stir until 92% lb. Lewisol No. 2
all in solution. Run to 500° F., hold for 29 gal. China Wood Oil
body if necessary, cool to 450° F. and 2% lb. Lead Acetate
reduce. Not as durable as No. 2, but 8 gal. Linseed Oil (bodied 4%
easier to handle. hrs, at 590° F.)
58 gal. Varnolene or Oleum
Varnish Formula No. LV-89 Run Lewisol No. 2 and China Wood
25-gal. Long Oil to 450° F. in 15 minutes and add
Lead Acetate. Run to 565° F. in 10
13 gal. China Oil Wood minutes and hold for signs of string
2 gal. Bodied Linseed Oil (4% (not over 45 seconds). Check with
•hours at 590° F.)
Bodied Linseed Oil, hold 3 minutes, and
50 lb. Lewisol No. 2
reduce at about 450° F.
10 lb. Prepared Rosin
After cold or after grind add Cobalt
1 gal. Dipentene No. 122
in the proportion of .035% based on the
30 gal. Varnolene or Oleum weight of the oil.
Run China Wood Oil and Lewisol No. This varnish dries in from 2 to 4
2 to 425° F. slow (20 minutes). Stir hours. Yield 104% gallons.
continually, run to 520-530° F. in 14 The above gallons are S. gal-
minutes. Hold for string, in this case lons/ 9
9 minutes, check with Bodied Linseed
Oil, Prepared Rosin, cool to 450° F. and Varnish Formula No. LV-111
40-gal. Long
Varnish Formula No. LV-93
92% lb. Lewisol No. 2
21 gal. China Wood Oil
25-gal. Long 8 gal. Linseed Oil (bodied 4%
This varnish is recommended where hrs. at 590° FI)
permanency of white, waterproofness, 2% lb. Lead Acetate
good flow and color, and very fast dry 8 gal. Linseed Oil (bodied 4%
are desired, but where it is not neces- hrs. at 590° F.)
sary to pass the severe fume closet test. 58 Varnolene or Oleum

7% gal. China Wood Oil Run Lewisol No. 2, China Wood Oil
25 lb. Lewisol No. 2 and 8 gal. Linseed Oil to 450° F. in 15
5 lb. Prepared Rosin* minutes and add Lead Acetate. Run to
% lb. Litharge 565° F. in 10 minutes and hold for signs
15 gal. Varnolene or Oleum of string (not over 45 seconds). Check
with 8 gal. Linseed Oil, hold at 500° F.
Run 6% gal. Wood Oil and 17 lb.
for 7 minutes, and reduce at about 450°
Lewisol No. 2 to 575° F. in 15 minutes F. : .

(held for 1 minute). String and check After cold or after grind add Cobalt
immediately with 1 gal. China Wood in the proportion of .03% based on the
Oil, Litharge, Prepared Rosin, and bal-
weight of the oil.
ance of Lewisol No. 2. Drop heat to
475° F., hold for 10 minutes at 475-450°
F. for signs of string and reduce. Ester Gum Mixing Varnish
Note. Hie varmsn must oe checked (L.V.-151)
immediately at first sign of string at 22% gal. China Wood Oil
575 F. 22% Imperial Ester Gum No, 8
* The Prepared Rosin for the above is made
by heating 800 lb. Rosin with 32 3b. Lead
Heat to 525° F. and hold for string
Acetate and 25 lb. Lime. and add 45 lb. Imperial Ester Gum No.
After the grind or before the varnish is 8, 2% lb. Red Lead, 3% lb. Ground
put up add .35% Cobalt based on the non- Litharge, and gain to 550° F. and add
volatile content of the varnish. Yield, 25%
gallons. 6 gal. LV-150 Oil.


Stir well, and, if necessary, Lose to 120 lb. LY-S9 Lewisol No. 2
500 and let cool to 425°. Varnish
Acid. Oleum. 200 lb. Grind
164 lb. LV-S9 Lewisol No. 2
LV-150 Oil 15 fL oz. Brier
30 gal. China Wood Oil
30 lb. W. G. Rosin Drier
Gain to 525° F. and hold for string 100 gal. 25 lb. Harshaw Lead
and add 30 lb. W. G. Rosin, 30 gal. No. 45
Superior Linseed Oil and stir well and 75 lb. Varnolene
gain to 545° and add slowly 15 lb. 31 gal. 25 lb. Harshaw Cobalt
Ground Litharge. No. 42
Stir for 15 minutes and let cool and 75 lb. Varnolene
The above gallons are “TJ. S. gal-
Ions. ) > White Enamel .

129 lb. Titanox B

Sanding Sealer 43 lb. Zinc Oxide
120 lb. LV-111 Lewisol No. 2
Gals. Pts. Lbs. Material Wt. % Varnish
8 61.04 Cotton Solution. . 41.70
3 25.35 Lewisol Solution. 17.32 200 lb. Grind
6 5.83 Zinc Stearate Base , 3. 98 164 lb. LV-111 Lewisol No. 2
2 2.16 Di butyl Phthalate 1.47
1 4 10.83 Butyl Acetate. . . 7.40 Varnish
1 4 10.14 Butyl Alcohol. . . 6.93 15 fL. oz. Nuodex Cobalt
1 6.76 Denatured AlcohoJ . 4.62
4 24.28 Lactol Spirits A. 16.58
White Enamel
20 146.39 100.00
SAND IN TEN MINUTES 129 lb. Titanox B
43 lb. Zinc Oxide
120 lb. LV-112 Lewisol No. 2
Cotton Solution Varnish
Gals. Pts. Lbs. Material Wt. % 200 lb. Grind
193.00 Wet Cotton 28.00 164 lb. LV-112 Lewisol No. 2
22 7.36 161.92 Ethyl Acetate 23.57
46 7.22 332.12 Toluol ... ...... 48.34
15 £L oz. Nuodex Cobalt
687.04 100.00
WEIGHT 7.63 LB. PEE GAL. White Enamel
This solution contains 1 H
lb. of dry cotton in
129 lb. Titanox B
each gallon of solution (or 19.66% by wt.).
The 193 lb. of wet cotton is a standard weight 43 lb. Zinc Oxide
drum and is composed of 135 lb. of dry cotton 120 lb. LV-115 Lewisol No. 2
and 58 lb. of alcohol. Varnish
200 lb. Grind
Lewisol Solution 164 lb. LV-115 Lewisol No. 2
Gals. Pts. Lbs. Material Wt. % Varnish
8 00
. Lewisol 1.2 or 18 . . 52 56.
15 fi. oz. Nnodex Cobalt
1 7.22 Toluol 47.44
15.22 100.00 Varnish Formula No. LV-66
Approx, 22-gal. Long
This varnish is recommended where
Zinc Stearate Base
extreme waterproofness, weather resist-
Gals. Pts. Lbs. Material Wt. % ance and ability to resist yellowing out
75.00 Zinc Stearate 25.72
25 180. 50 Toluol
of direct light are not required, but
5 36.10 Toluol* 12.38 where it is desirable to pass very severe
gas tests-
291.60 100.00
YIELD 37 34 GALLONS WEIGHT 7.78 LB. PER GAL. 144 lb. Lewisol No. 2
* Grind in pebble mill four hours and rinse out 16 lb. W G Rosin
with Toluol. 2% lb. Lead Acetate
3 lb. No, 42 Brier (Harshaw)
White Enamel 15 gal. Kellogg KVO Linseed
129 lb. Titanox R Oil
43 lb. Zinc Oxide 15 gal. China Wood Oil


4 gal. Heavy Bodied Linseed the batch. Add the liquid driers at
Oil 41 2 Lours at 590° F. 350° F.
8 gal. Gum Turps Remarks
76 gal. Varnolene or Oleum This varnish is a so-called “four
Bun the Wood Oil and the Kelloggs hour” varnish. Ithighly water and
KVO Linseed to 450° F. in 15 minutes. alkali resistant. Samples have been
Add Lead Acetate and heat to 525° F. maintained at a temperature of 30° F.
in 7 minutes. Hold at 525° F. for 10 for 7 days without showing precipitation.
minutes. Immediately add the rosin
and Lewisol No. 2 and the Heavy Bod-
Cobalt Drier
ied Linseed Oil. Stir well and heat to
500° F. and hold for 50 minutes. Cool W. W. Bosin 100 lb.
to 400° F. and reduce, adding the Co- Refined Linseed Oil 100 lb.
balt after the grind in proportion of Cobalt Acetate 16 lb.
.035% Cobalt as metal based on the Mineral Spirits 35 gal.
weight of the oil. This varnish dries Heat Bosin and Linseed Oil to 350° F.
in from 2 to 4 hours depending, of and add Cobalt Acetate slowly. Keep
course, on conditions. Yield, 140 gal- the temperature rising. When nearly all
lons. the Acetate has been added, the mixture
The above gallons are “IJ. S. gal- may crystallize but in raising the tem-
lons. perature to 500° F. it will again become
liquid. Add the balance of Acetate if
not already added and hold at 500° F.
Four Hour Varnish
until all acetic acid fumes have been
The following formula using Nevin- eliminated. Cool to 390° F. and add
dene is suggested where rapid drying is Mineral Spirits.
desired in a medium oil varnish. The This drier contains one ounce of Co-
Limed Bosin is used to assist kettle balt Metal per gallon.
manipulation, to prevent drier precipita-
tion and to keep the Nevindene com-
pletely dissolved. To obtain maximum Manganese Drier
speed of drying no Linseed Oil is used. W. W. Bosin 100 lb.
Refined Linseed Oil 100 lb.
Medium Oil Varnish Manganese Acetate 15 % lb.

Nevindene 81 lb.
Mineral Spirits 35 gal.

Limed Bosin (5%) 13 lb. The procedure in making this drier is

No. 1 Fused Lead Besinate 6 lb, the same as that described for the Cobalt
China Wood Oil 25 gal. drier.
No. 1 Cobalt Drier 1 gal. This likewise contains one ounce of
No. 1 Manganese Drier % gal. Manganese Metal per gallon.
Mineral Spirits 44 gal.

0.60% Lead Metal based on weight of Short Oil Varnish

China Wood Oil. Neville Hard Besin 100 lb.
0.03% Cobalt Metal based on weight of China Wood Oil 10 gal-
China Wood Oil. Mineral Spirits 25 gal-
0.011% Manganese Metal based on No. 1 Cobalt Drier 1% gal- 1

weight of China Wood Oil. 0.10% Cobalt Metal based on weight of

China Wood Oil.
Heat the Wood Oil to 4p0° F. and add Procedure
13 lb. of Limed Bosin and 40 lb. of Heat the Wood Oil to 400° F. and add
Nevindene. Bun the batch so as to get 30 lb, of Hard Besin, Bun the batch so
to the top heat of 565° F. in approxi- as to get to the top heat of 565° F. in
mately 30 minutes from the start of the about 35 minutes from the start of the
cook. Hold at 565° F. until a few drops cook. Hold at 565° F. until a few drops
“spun” on glass “pick up” 12 to 15 “spun” on glass “pick up” about 24
inches before
i ‘
breaking. ’ * Chill with inches before “breaking.” Chill with
the Lead Besinate and balance of 41 lb. the balance of 70 lb. of Hard Besin. The
of Nevindene to cool around 495° F. batch should not show a “string” at any
Hold here for a syrupy body but do not stage. If desired, just enough of the
“string” the varnish. As soon as the Resin may be added to “chill” to 490°
desired body is obtained add enough F. and the kettle held here for a final
Mineral Spirits to completely “check” “stout” body. The Resin must all be


in solution when the kettle has cooled to Four Hour Varnish
425° F. The Mineral Spirits should be
added as soon as all of the Resin has
variation is given below. Three gal-
lons of China Wood Oil have been re-
dissolved. Add the Liquid Drier at placed by three gallons of Bodied Lin-
350° F.
seed Oil. This gives a film with slightly
Remarks more flexibility.
This varnish serves to illustrate the
Nevindene 81 lb.
use of straight Cobalt Drier with Neville
Limed Rosin (5%) 12% lb.
Resin. For many purposes it will be de-
No. 1 Fused Lead Resinate 6% lb.
sirable to replace some of the Cobalt
China Wood Oil 22 gal.
Drier with Fused Lead Resinate.
Bodied Linseed Oil 3 gal.
No. 1 Cobalt Drier 1 y16 gal.
Medium Oil Varnish No. 1 Manganese Drier % gal.
Neville Hard Resin 84 lb. Mineral Spirits 44 gal.
No. 1 Fused Lead Resinate 6 lb.
0.60% Lead Metal Based on weight of
Ester Gum 10 lb. China Wood Oil.
China Wood Oil 20 gal.
1.20% Lead Metal based on weight of
Bodied Linseed Oil 3 gal. Linseed Oil.
Mineral Spirits 42 gal.
0.03% Cobalt Metal based on weight of
No. 1 Cobalt Drier 1 gal. China Wood Oil.
No. 1 Manganese Drier % i
0.06% Cobalt Metal based on weight of
0.60% Lead Metal based on weight of Linseed Oil.
China Wood Oil. 0.01% Manganese Metal based on weight
1.20% Lead Metal based on weight of of China Wood Oil.
Linseed Oil. 0.02% Manganese Metal based on weight
0.03% Cobalt Metal based on weight of of Linseed Oil.
China Wood Oil.
0.06% Cobalt Metal based on weight of Procedure
Linseed Oil.
0.011% Manganese Metal based on Heat the Wood Oil to 400° F. and add
weight of China Wood Oil. the Limed Rosin and 40 lb. of Nevin-
0.022% Manganese Metal '
based on dene. Run the batch so as to get to the
weight of Linseed Oil. top heat of 565° F. in approximately 30
minutes from the start of the cook. Hold
Procedure at 565° F. until a few drops "spun” on
Heat the Wood Oil to 400° F. and add glass "pick up” 12 to 15 inches before
10 lb. Ester Gum and 40 lb. of Hard breaking 3 3 Chill with the Lead Resin-
‘ ‘

Resin. Run the batch so as to get to the ate and enough Nevindene to cool to
top heat of 565° F. in approximately 30 around 495° F. Hold here for a syrupy
minutes from the start of the cook. Hold body but do not "string” the varnish.
at 565° F. until a few drops '‘spun” on As soon as the desired body is obtained,
glass "pick up” 12 to 15 inches before add any remaining Nevindene and enough
‘ 1
breaking 3 3 Chill with the Lead Resin-
Mineral Spirits to completely "check”
ate, the Hard Resin (the 44 pounds that the batch. Add the liquid driers at
have been "held out”) and enough of 350° F.
the Linseed Oil, if necessary, to cool to Remarks
approximately 495° F. Hold here for a
This varnish is a so-called "four
syrupy body but do not "string” the
hour” varnish. It is highly water and
varnish. Add balance of Linseed Oil, if
alkali resistant. Samples have been
any, and follow at once with the Mineral
maintained at a temperature of 30° F.
Spirits if necessary to further "check”
for 7 days without showing precipitation.
the batch. Add the liquid driers at
350° F. Method: The China Wood Oil is heated
Remarks to about 470° F. and 75 pounds Cumar
added with stirring while on the fire.
When freshly made, this varnish may
The temperature is run up to about 530°
show some ‘ f silking, 3 but ageing for one F. and the kettle is withdrawn and held
or two days usually eliminates it. Under
until a drop of the oil on cold glass sets
good conditions, this varnish will permit
to a hard button. The balance (25
of the application of two coats a day.
pounds) of Cumar is added with stirring.
Here again, faster drying may be ob-
The temperature falls below 500° F. The
tained by increasing the drier content,
kettle is put back on the fire and heated
particularly the Cobalt.
to about 510° F. It is held for 15 to 30
minutes until sufficient body is attained about 15-17 minutes of start) to 485° F.
as indicated by a drop of the melt cooled Check fire, and gradually stir in litharge.
on glass. In this varnish it should give When the litharge is in, boost the fire "to
a hard button. The batch is cooled and reach 590° F. This takes 5 to 7 min-
the cobalt linoleate is added. Thinning utes. Take off fire at 590° F. and gain
is started at 450° F, or below. It should 600° F. which temperature is reached
be noted that at no point in this opera- quickly. Chill at once with 5 gallons of
tion is the China Wood Oil cooked so China Wood Oil and follow at once with
that it strings from the stirrer. the Cumar. Stir rapidly and the tem-
This formula is successful except perature drops below 500° F. Hold at
where elasticity is of utmost importance 455-475° F. for the proper body (about
in which case a longer oil varnish may 40 minutes to an hour is required).
be used. Sometimes it is necessary in this opera-
tion to place on the fire to maintain the
temperature. Add the Cobalt Acetate,
Cumar in Concrete Paints around 460° F. cool to 450-440° F. and
The following varnish A may be used thin. 'When intended as a grinding ve-
for general purpose alkali resisting var- hicle it is better to add the cobalt as a
nishes or as a vehicle for concrete paints. liquid drier after grinding.
However, varnish B is more satisfactory Note: The excess of litharge, added to restrain
where greater elasticity and ease of the rate of oil polymerization at the elevated

grinding are required. temperature, forms a cloud of insoluble lead

drier which requires some time to settle. .

Whit© lead or Lead Acetate in equivalent

amount can be used instead of the litharge.
Varnish A
China Wood Oil 20 gal. Concrete Silos, Varnish for Interior of
Cumar V 125 lb.
This simple coating is suggested as a
Mineral Spirits 35 gal.
wash coat fox concrete silo interiors since
Method: Put China Wood Oil in ket- it will resist the alkaline action of the
tle, run very quickly (12-16 minutes) to concrete and the organic acids and other
400° F. and add 100 pounds of Cumar. reactive liquids which, generated in the
Carry the heat rapidly to 56° F. (this ensilage, have a destructive action on the
point should be reached within 20-25 concrete.
minutes of the start) and withdraw the Cumar V-3 100 lb.
kettle from the fire as the temperature Xylol 5 gal.
gains 570-575° F. Do not allow the V. M. and P. Naphtha 15 gal.
batch to string, but check with the re-
Dissolve the Cumar by agitation with
maining 25 pounds of Cumar. This must
the solvent mixture in a vessel provided
be stirred in rapidly. It will be neces-
with a mechanical mixer or in a tumbling
sary to cool from this point by running
barrel. The solution possesses a com-
a stream of water on the kettle until the
paratively low viscosity.
temperature is just below 500° F. Body
Stir in about 300 pounds of Portland
the batch between 500-450° F. as it
cement and apply with a heavy brush.
cools. The varnish can be reheated to
It will be understood that if a glaze coat
480-490° F. if necessary. The body is
is required less cement will be used. If
estimated by cooling a sample of the
a flatter finish is desired a greater
melt on tin. The batch is thinned at
amount of cement can be added.
450-430° F.
The mixture is applied with a heavy
A Cobalt Japan (Equivalent of 1 lb.
of 5% Cobalt Linoleate) is added later.

Alkali Resisting Varnish

Varnish B Where a varnish of maximum alkali
resistance is desired the following for-
China Wood Oil 30 gal.
mula is suggested.
Cumar V 100 lb.
Litharge (Sublimed) 7% lb. China Wood Oil 10-12 gal.
Cobalt Acetate % lb. Cumar W 100 lb.

Mineral Spirits 60 gal. Cobalt Linoleate of 5%

Metal Content (or
Method: Put 25 gallons China Wood equivalent) 8 oz.
Oil in the kettle, carry to 400° F. then
Mineral Spirits 28 gal.
add 25 lb. Cumar. Bun quickly (within

VARNISH Take off fire at 590° F. and gain 600° F.
Medium Oil —China Wood Oil which temperature is reached quickly]
Chill at once with 5 gallons of China
(High Cooking Temperature)
Wood Oil and follow at once with the
China Wood Oil 20 gal. Cumar. Stir rapidly and the tempera-
Cumar V 125 lb.
ture drops below 500° F. Hold at 455-
Mineral Spirits 35 gal. 475° F. for the proper body (about 40
Method: Put China Wood Oil in ket- minutes to an hour is required). Some-
tle, run very quickly (12-16 minutes) to times it is necessary in this operation to
400° F. and add 100 pounds of Cumar. place on the fire to maintain the tempera-
Carry the heat rapidly to 565° F. (this ture. Add the Cobalt Acetate, around
point should be reached within 20-25 460° Fv cool to 450-440° F. and thin.
minutes of the start) and withdraw the Note: The excess, of litharge, added to re-
kettle from the fire as the temperature strain the rate of oil polymerization at the
gains 570-575° F. Do not allow the elevated temperature, forms a cloud of insol-
batch to string but check with the re- uble lead soap which requires some time to
settle. White lead or Lead Acetate in equiva-
maining 25 pounds of Cumar. This must lent amount can be used instead of the
be stirred in rapidly. It will be neces- litharge.
sary to cool from this point by running
a stream of water on the kettle until the Long —
Oil China Wood —
Spar with Rosin
temperature is just below 500° F. Body and Litharge (Regular 34 gallon type)
the batch between 500-450° F. as it cools. China Wood Oil 34 gal.
The varnish can be reheated to 480-490° Cumar V 70 lb.
F. if necessary. The body
Rosin 30
by cooling a sample of the melt on tin. Litharge 7%- 8 lb.
The batch is thinned at 450-430° F. Cobalt Acetate or equivalent
Cobalt Japan (Equivalent of 1 lb. Cobalt Linoleate or Manga-
of 5% Cobalt Linoleate) is added later. nese Resinate 5.3 oz.
Mineral Spirits 60-65 gal.
Long Oil- —China Wood —Linseed Method: Run China Wood Oil and
Rosin Type Rosin to 465-470° F. and add Litharge
China Wood Oil 20 gal. while stirring down foam. Carry quickly
Linseed Oil 10 gal. to 575-585° F. and pull from the fire
Cumar V 100 lb. while it gains 600° F. Check at once
Rosin 20 lb. with the Cumar which quickly lowers the
Cobalt Linoleate (about temperature to about 535° F. Chill here
5% metal) 1.5 lb. with hose to about 515-510° F. and gain
Mineral Spirits 40 gal. body as the batch slowly cools to 480° F.
Method: The China Wood Oil and
Add Cobalt Drier at 480° F. Cool to
450-440° F. and thin. It is not desir-
Rosin are heated to about 535° F. and
able in any case to allow the China Wood
drawn off the fire. When the oil strings
Oil to string.
the Linseed Oil is added to chill. The
Cumar is then added and the kettle put Note: For better flowing results use 31 gal-
lons China Wood Oil and 3 gallons of kettle-
back on the fire, heated to 500-510° F., bodied Linseed Oil. For longer oil batches use
held for 15 to 30 minutes or until suffi- 34 gallons of China Wood Oil as given above
cient body has been obtained. Add drier, and chill at 600° F. with 3 to 6 gallons of
Linseed Oil.
cool and thin at 450° F. or below.

Long — —
Oil China Wood Oil Spar with a
Long Oil —China Wood Oil —Cumar Resinate (25 gallon Quick Drying)
Spar Type with Litharge China Wood Oil 25 gal.
China Wood Oil 30 gal. Cumar V 75 fb.
Cumar V 100 lb. Fused Lead Resinate (5%
Litharge (Sublimed) 7% lb. Lead Content) 25 lb.
Cobalt Acetate ^ lb. Cobalt Linoleate (6.5%
Mineral Spirits 60 gal. Metal) 12 oz.
Method: Put 25 gallons China Wood Mineral Spirits 50-55 gal.
Oil in the kettle, carry to 400° F. then Method: Run the China Wood Oil to
add 25 lb. Cumar. Run quickly (within 300° F. and add the Fused Lead Resin-
about 15-17 minutes of start) to 485° F. ate, then carry temperature quickly to
Check fire, and gradually stir in litharge. 560° F. and withdraw from the fire. Al-
When the litharge is in, boost the fire to low it to gain 575° F. Hold a moment
reach 590° F, This takes 5 to 7 minutes. and chill immediately with 75 pounds of
Cumar. Stir rapidly and the temperature U. This point should be reached within
drops to 510-515° F. Allow the varnish 20-25 minutes' of the start. The kettle
to gain body as it cools from this point. is withdrawn from the fire at tills point
It is important to gain a good body so and the temperature is allowed to gain
that when the batch is thinned with 50- about 590° F. Do not allow the batch
55 gallons Mineral Spirits it will have an to string but check with 65 pounds of
F. or G. (Gardner-Holt) body. It is not Cumar and stir rapidly. The tempera-
good practice to string the Cumar Var- ture drops to 500-4.80° F. Put kettle on
nish, therefore the progress of the body- fire and heat to 500 or 510° F. Cook at
ing of the oil is noted by withdrawing 500-470° F. until a sample cooled on
samples from the stirrer and testing on glass gives a hard button. Gradually
pieces of tin. add the remaining Cumar without allow-
Fused Zinc Resinate with a small per- ing the temperature to be reduced too
centage of lead can be used instead of much. Add the Cobalt Acetate at 470°
the Fused Lead Resinate in the above F. and hoiu until it is taken up. Cool
formula. Limed Rosin can also be used and begin thinning at 430-410° F.
if approximately pounds litharge is Instead of using Fused Lead Resinate,
added at 460° F. on the up-heat. untreated Rosin can be added to the
Rather than cook the Cobalt drier into China Wood Oil at the start and at 450°
the batch, some varnish makers prefer to F. to 470° F. about 1% pounds of pow-
add the Cobalt in the form of a liquid dered Litharge dusted in, while the oil is
drier. stirred rapidly. From this point the up-
heat is continued and the remaining pro-
Short Oil —China Wood Oil Alone cedure is followed.

China Wood Oil 12 gal.

Cumar V 100 lb. —
Medium Oil— China Wood Linseed Oil
Cobalt Linoleate of 5% (Low Cooking Temperature)
Metal Content (or equiva- China Wood Oil 15% gal.
lent) 8 oz. Refined or 3% hour Kettle
Mineral Spirits 28 gal. Bodied Linseed Oil 2% gal.
Method: The China Wood Oil is heated Cumar V 100 lb.

to about 470° F. and 75 pounds Cumar Cobalt Linoleate (5%

added with stirring while on the fire. Metal Content) 12 oz.
The temperature is run up to about 530° Mineral Spirits 34 gal.
F. and the kettle is withdrawn and held Method: The China Wood Oil is heated
until a drop of the oil on cold glass sets to about 470° F. and about 74 pounds
to a hard button. The balance (25 Cumar added while still on the fire, with
pounds) of Cumar is added with stirring. sufficient stirring to prevent the Cumar
The temperature falls below 500° F. from sticking bottom of the kettle
to the
The kettle is put back on the fire and (as local overheating would darken the
heated to about 510° F. It is held for varnish). This should require not over
15 to 30 minutes until sufficient body is 12 minutes. The temperature is then run
attained as indicated by a drop of the up to about 535° F., the kettle with-
melt cooled on glass. In this varnish it drawn from the fire and held for 15 min-
should give a hard button. The batch is utes, or until a drop on a cold glass plate
cooled and the cobalt linoleate is added. sets up to a fairly hard button. The
Thinning is started at 450° F. or below. cooking under any circumstances should
It should be noted that at no point in not be continued so far that the oil be-
this operation is the China Wood Oil gins to string from the stirrer. The bal-
cooked so that it strings from the stirrer. ance of the Cumar (25 pounds) and the
Linseed Oil are added with stirring to
check the heat. It is important to get
Short Oil— China Wood Oil with a
the proper body without stringing and
Holding Agent
this method has been found to be both
China Wood Oil 10 gal. easy and safe. The final bodying is con-
Cumar W or Cumar V 90 lb. ducted at 500-480° F. until a sample
Fused Lead Resinate 10 lb. tested on glass indicates that the correct
(Metal content about 5%) body has been obtained. The Cobalt is
Cobalt Acetate 2 oz.
then added and after cooling below 450°
Mineral Spirits 18-20 gal.
F. the batch is thinned. This varnish
Method: The China Wood Oil and has excellent lustre and is hard and
Lead Resinate are put into the kettle and tough.
the heat is carried rapidly to 575-580° This varnish can be improved in drying
time by the addition of two pounds of Bodied Linseed Oil 15 gal.
Lead Resinate or Lead Linoleate with the Litharge 3 lb.
Cobalt Linoleate. Manganese Acetate % lb.
Cobalt % lb.
Turpentine 22 gal.
75-Gallon Rosin Tarnish Formula
Mineral Spirits 10 gal.
I Wood Rosin 100 lb.
Heat WoodOil and Ester Gum
5 and
run to 450° F. and add
Hydrated Lime 7 lb.
gal. Linseed Oil to 400° F. Add
arge. Raise quickly to 580°. Gain
run to 560° F. and add in a slow stream
Hold for light string. Add balance of
with stirring
Linseed Oil. Reheat to 500° F. until 2"
Raw China Wood Oil 37% gal.
to 3" string established from stirring
rod. Cool to 440° and thin.
Raw Linseed Oil 9% gal.
run to 590° F. and add
Raw Linseed Oil 28 gal. 25-Gallon Amberol F-7 Varnish Formula
Sublimed Litharge 8 lb.
Amberol F-7 90 lb.
run to 510° F. and cook at this tempera-
Lead Resinate 10 lb.
ture until proper body is obtained (about
4 hours). Reduce with
China Wood Oil 22 gal.

Medium Bodied Linseed Oil 3 gal.
40 gal.
Mineral Thinner 45 gal.
Varsol 45 gal.
in which is dissolved
Liquid Cobalt Drier % gal.

Cobalt Linoleate Paste Drier 4 lb.

Liquid Manganese Drier % gal.

Cook the Amberol F-7 and China Wood

Oil to 560 °, check with 3 gallons of Lin-
25 -Gallon Ester Gum Varnish Formula seed Oil and hold for body at 500°. Pull
Ester Gum 40 lb. from fire. Add Lead Resinate and then
China Wood Oil 9 gal. to G body. Add Liquid Driers.
Bodied Linseed Oil 1 gal.
Litharge 1 lb.
50-Gallon Amberol F-7 Varnish Formula
Manganese Acetate 4 oz.
Cobalt Acetate 1 oz. Amberol F-7 95 lb.
Turpentine 5 gal. China Wood Oil 35 gal.
Mineral Spirits 10 gal. Medium Bodied Linseed Oil 15 gal.
Fused Lead Resinate 8 lb.
Heat 9 gal. Wood Oil and 35
Cobalt Acetate 6 oz.
Gum to 400° F. Add 1 lb. Litharge. Manganese Acetate 4 oz.
Raise quickly to 580° F., gain 590 off
Mineral Thinner 73 gal.
fire ; hold for light string from stirring
rod. Add immediately 5 lb. Ester Gum Cook the Amberol F-7, China Wood Oil
and 1 gal. of Bodied Linseed Oil (3 hrs.). and 5 gal. of Linseed Oil to 560°. Check
At 440° F. add driers. Then thin. with 10 gal. of Linseed Oil and hold at
500° F. for body. Pull from fire. Add
Lead Resinate and when all is in, add
50-Gallon Ester Gum Varnish Formula Cobalt and Manganese Driers. Thin at
Ester Gum 36 lb. 450° F.
China W ood
Oil 13 gal.
Perilla Oil 1% gal. 75- Gallon Amberol F-7 Varnish Formula
Bodied Linseed Oil 3% gal.
Amberol F-7 100 lb.
Litharge 1 lb. 11 oz.
Manganese Acetate China Wood Oil 47 gal.
6 oz.
Med. Bodied Linseed Oil 28 gal.
Cobalt Acetate
Fused Lead Resinate
Mineral Thinner
m ib.
102% gal.
Mineral Spirits 12 gal.
Liquid Cobalt Drier sufficient to give
Heat Wood Oil, Perilla Oil and Ester metallic cobalt equal to .03% of the
Gum to 400° F. Add Litharge. Quickly oil content.
raise to 580-590° F. off fire. Hold for
light string. Add Bodied Linseed Oil. Cook the Amberol F-7, China Wood Oil
At 440° F. add driers and reduce. and 14 gal. of Linseed Oil to 55 0° F.
Check with 14 gal. of Linseed Oil, hold
for body at 500° F. Pull from fire. Add
75-Gallon Ester Gum Varnish Formula Lead Resinate and thin to body F. Add
Ester Gum 40 lb. Liquid Driers.
China Wood Oil 15 gal.


25-Gallon Amberol 226 Varnish, Formula To each gallon of the a bove varnish add
Amberol 226 100 lb. 1% fl. ounces XK-1092 Cobalt Drier and

China Wood Oil 25 gal. % fl. ounce XK-944 Lead Manganese

Mineral Thinner 38 gal.
Liquid Cobalt Drier sufficient to give
Cobalt Metal equal to .03% of the
oil content. 75-Gallon XR-254 Bakelite Varnish
Cook the Amberol and China Wood Oil Formula
to 460° F. and hold for body. Thin with China Wood Oil 25 gal.
Mineral Thinner to Body F. Add Liquid Bakelite XR-254 33% lb.
Cobalt Drier. Mineral Spirits 24 *
Dipentine 2% gal.

50-Gallon Amberol 226 Varnish Formula Procedure: Oil and resin in kettle to

Amberol 226 - 100 lb.

450° F. in %
hour. Hold at 450° F.
for 35 minutes and thin at once. Driers
China Wood Oil 50 gal.
To each gallon of the above varnish add
Mineral Thinner 61% gal. 2 fl. ounces of XK-1092 Cobalt Drier and
Liquid Cobalt Drier containing suffi- 2 fl. ounces of XK-944 Lead Manganese
cient Cobalt Metal to equal .03% of Drier.
the oil content.
Cook the Amberol and China Wood Oil
to 460° F. and hold for body. Thin to XK-944 Lead Manganese Drier
Body F and add Liquid Cobalt Drier. This drier is prepared by dissolving
2.7 lb. of lead manganese Soligen in 1%
75-Gallon Amberol 226 Varnish Formula gallons of mineral spirits by warming.
One fluid ounce of this drier contains
Amberol 226 100 lb.
approximately one gram of lead and .21
China Wood Oil 75 gal.
gram manganese as metal.
Mineral Thinner 92 gal.
Liquid Cobalt Drier containing suffi-
cient Cobalt Metal to equal .03% of Varnish Formula
the oil content.
Rezyl No. 113 solution containing 40%
Cook the Amberol and China Wood Oil by weight of Rezyl No. 113, 30% Xylene
to 460° F. and hold for body. Thin to and 30% Hi-Flash Naphtha. J 7 Driers
Body F and add Liquid Cobalt Drier. are present as linoleates equivalent to
0.4% Lead, 0.05% Manganese and 0.03%
Cobalt based on the weight of the Rezyl.
25-Gallon XR-254 Bakelite Varnish
Formula Varnish Formula
China Wood Oil #
22% gal. Solution containing 35% solids, i.e,,
Varnish Grade Linseed Oil 2% gal. 17%% each of Rezyl No. 113 and No.
Bakelite XR-254 100 lb. 1102, plus 32%% Xylene and 32%%
all percentages by
’ J

Mineral Spirits (Varsol) 27% gal.

* c
Hi-Flash Naphtha,
Dipentene 10 gal. weight. Driers present are 0.3% Lead,
0.04% Manganese and 0.02% Cobalt
Procedure: Oils and resin in kettle to based on the total weight of the com-
150° F. in 25 minutes. Hold at 450° F. bined Rezyls.
for 22 minutes and thin immediately.
Driers: To each gallon of ‘the above var-
Baking Varnish for Wrinkle-Finish
nish add 1% fL ounces XK-1092 Liquid
on Metal
Cobalt Drier and one ounce XK-944 Lead
Manganese Drier.
Manila Gum 2% lb,
Tung Oil 2% pt.
Raw Linseed Oil % pt.

50-Gallon XR-254 Bakelite Varnish Zinc Sulphate 3 oz.

Formula Lead -Manganese Drier 3 oz.

China Wood Oil 25 gal.

Turpentine % pt.
Varnolene 4 pt.
Bakelite XR-254 50 lb.
Mineral Spirits 22% gal. Melt gum to 625° F., cool to 575°.
Procedure: Oil and resin in kettle to Heat again to 640° F., cool to 600°.
450° F. in 30 minutes. Hold at 450° F. Heat again to 650° F., cool to 600°.

for 20 minutes and thin at once. Driers: Heat again to 610° F.

Heat oils separately to 375° with the The XR-254 and china wood oil were
zinc sulphate, add to gum, then add run to 480° F. in 30 minutes, held 45
drier; heat to 560° F., cool and add minutes and the linseed oil added. The
thinner at 375° F. batch was then pulled from the fire held
for body and reduced.
* LightFast Colored Varnish
Example X . —
In 100 parts of commer-
Bottle Varnish
cial spirit varnish (containing as essen- 65
tial part a resin, for instance shellac) Ceresin 5
there is dissolved 0.5 part of perchloric Japan Wax 5
acid (concentrated). There is thus ob- Melt and stir until uniform. While
tained a varnish which can be colored stirringand heating add slowly
fast to light. By using 0.25 part of Barytes (Powder) 35
Malachite green crystals, there is pro-
Allow to cool to 90° C. and add slowly
duced for example a beautiful green col-
with stirring
oring fast to light.
Example 2 . —
In 100 parts of warm Alcohol 2
commercial spirit varnish there are dis- taking care that it does not boil off.
solved 0.25 part of Victoria blue B, Other pigments may be used in place of
highly concentrated, whereupon 0.5 part barytes. This varnish is applied hot.
of concentrated nitric acid is added. The It may also be used for bottle cork
varnish is of blue color fast to light. capping.

Bookbinder ’s Varnish * Bakelite Type Varnish

Venice Turpentine 5 kg. Resins of the phenol-aldehyde or of
Bleached Shellac H kg. the glyptal type, capable of being hard-
Alcohol 35 kg. ened, are mixed with an equal wt. of
rosin, or other non-hardening resin, and
Anti-Rust Varnish the mixt. is heated at 200° for 30-60
Cumarone China Wood min. The resulting resin is very sol. in
Varnish 25 parts turpentine and oils to give a varnish
White Spirit 15 parts
which dries in 8-10 min. The rosin
serves to render the synthetic resin per-
Lead Chromate % part
manently sol. Varnish may be made
directly, for example, as follows: ceresol
Varnish, Anti-Skinning Agent for 100, 40% HCHO 100, rosin 100, hexa-
The addition of 0.1% guaiacol dimin- methylenetetramine 1-1.5 and chinawood
ishes “skinning.” oil 200 parts are heated together under
reflux for 2 hr. The H
2 0 is then distd.
off. Heating is continued at 250° for 1
Amberol Varnish hr. and 10-20 parts of Pb or Mn tung-
K-12-A Amberol 90 lb. state are added. Turpentine may be
Limed Rosin 10 lb. added.
China Wood Oil 11 gal.
Kettle Bodied Linseed Oil 4 gal.
Lead Acetate 2 lb.
Bakelite-Nevindene-Ester Gum
Mineral Spirits 22% gal. All Round 50 gallon Utility Spar Varnish
Heat the Amberol, 5% gallons of wood (To compete with the lower priced
oil and one gallon linseed oil to 500° F. Albert ols)
Hold for five minutes. Add remainder Nevindene *
10 lb.
of wood oil and gain 540° F,, check wdth Ester Gum 80 lb.
rosin, add lead acetate, linseed oil and Bakelite XR-821 10 lb.
reduce. China Wood Oil 50 gal.
Mineral Spirits (Sunoco) 60 gal.
Bakelite Varnish Solvent Naphtha (2-50-W) 10 gal.
XR-254 100 lb. Metallic Cobalt in the form
ChinaWood Oil 23 gal. of Cobalt, Linoleate or
Improved Raw Linseed 2% gal. other Soluble Form 13 gm.
Oellosolve 6 gal. Heat the Nevindene, Bakelite Resin,
Toluol 7 , 2 gal. Ester Gum and China Wood Oil to 470°
High Flash Naphtha 4 gal. F. in 30 minutes. Hold for at least 30
Mineral Spirits 33 gal.
minutes for a string of about 3 inches
Cobalt Drier (Resinate) m gal. cold from glass. Cheek with all of the

Solvent Naphtha and part of the Min- dene also permits the use of more thin-
eral Spirits to 350° F., or less. Add the ners, and in this respect further reduces
driers and remainder of thinners. the cost.
Length The China Wood Oil is heated only
50 gal.
for a sufficient length of time to render
Body E it free from gas check and is as free
Color 5 + from jell formation as it is possible to
Non-volatile 50% make.

Drying Time 4 hr.

This Varnish is not as sensitive to
Note: In orclex* to render this 'Varnish free
driers as usual and will not skin in the
from gas check it must be held for not less
than 30 minutes at 470° F., as the propoi*- container. It has improved gloss and
tion of Bagelite Resin is comparatively small. flow.

This Varnish will compare favorably

Bakelite-Nevindene Floor Varnish
with varnishes made with any of the
Albertols costing 4c to 5c per pound more This is an all round Floor Varnish and
Floor Enamel vehicle. On account of its
than the combined Resins herein.
great water, acid and alkali resistance,
It will have greater elasticity and du-
it is particularly suitable as a vehicle for
rability in as much as the Phenolfor-
concrete floors, and as a Wall Sealer.
maldehyde is reacted with the oil in place
of having been previously reacted with
When made properly, it lias good gloss
and dries quickly to a very hard film
the Ester Gum.
It also has the further advantage of
being cooked at a low heat.
W r
hen used as a vehicle for pigments,
the acid number should be increased by
the substitution of 3 to 5 pounds of
Bakelite-Nevindene Varnish for Rosin in place of part of the Nevindene.
Maximum Adhesion It must be remembered that neither
The following Varnish represents a Bakelite nor Nevindene have any appre-
Bakelite Varnish containing all the resin ciable acid number.
of acid, alkali and water
resisting char- Nevindene 80 lb.
acteristics, and probably represents the Bakelite XE-821 20 lb.
maximum in adhesion for this type of China Wood Oil 25 gal.
Varnish. The addition of Nevindene Mineral Spirits (Sunoco) 21 % gal.
adds to the film hardness and improves Solvent Naphtha (2-5G-W) 6 gal.
the adhesion to a greater extent than in Metallic Cobalt in the form
the similar type straight Bakelite Var- of Cobalt Linoleate or
nish. It materially reduces the cost. other Soluble Form 6.5 gm.
Nevindene 20 lb. Note: If preferred, a mixture of Cobalt and
Bakelite XR-254, XR-820, Lead Linoleate of equivalent strength may be
used in place of straight Cobalt,
or XR-821 65 lb.
China Wood Oil 48 gal.
Heat the Nevindene, Bakelite Resin
Mineral Spirits (Sunoco) 44% gal.
and China Wood Oil to 470" F. in 30
minutes. Hold for 20 to 25 minutes for
Solvent Naphtha (2-50-W) 5 gal.
a firm 3 to 4 inch string from glass.
Metallic Cobalt in the form
Check with all the Solvent Naphtha and
of Cobalt Linoleate, or
part of the Mineral Spirits to 350° F.
other Soluble Form 45 gm.
or less. Add the drier and remainder of
Bakelite XR-302 30 lb.
Heat the Bakelite XR-254, Nevindene Length 25 gal.
and China Wood Oil to 450° F., in 30 Body
minutes. Hold for exactly 9 minutes by
Color 6 -
the clock. Cheek with all the Solvent Solids 60%
Naphtha and part of the Mineral Spirits Drying Time 2-4 hr.
to 350° F. Add driers and remainder of
thinners. At as low a temperature as The Varnish has a tendency to yellow
over a period of time, but when used
possible, preferably cold, add the XR-
with the usual floor colors, this is of no
Length 50 gal.
Body .
Color A Typical Blended Oil Esterifled Rosin
Non-Volatile . 60% Mixing Varnish
Drying Time 4 hr. W. W. Rosin 125 lb.
In addition to its lower cost than the Glycerine, sp. gr. 1.26 12% lb.

Resin for which it is substituted, Nevin- Zinc Dust 6 oz.


Cobalt Resinate 5 lb. Allow (1) and (2) to soak % hr. and
Tung Oil 25 gal. warm and stir until all particles disap-
Heated Treated Linseed Oil pear. Put in a vessel fitted with a high-
(Stand Oil) 9 gal. speed mixer and run (3) into it slowly,
White Spirit 50 gal. while stirring vigorously. Stir until uni-
Melt the rosin and the glycerine with form.
5 gallons of tung oil. Heat the mixture
Varnish, Flat
to 350° F. Add the zinc dust and raise
the temperature slowly to 600° F. Allow Linseed or Chinawood Oil 15-30%
to cool to 280°-300° F. In another pot Calcium or Aluminum
heat and mix the stand oil and tung oil Stearate 15-30%
rapidly to 550° F. Remove from the fire, Kerosene 40° Be. 33-40%
when the temperature will rise to 570°- Naphtha Balance
580° F. Check with base and cool to
500° F. immediately. Allow to cool to Hard Cold Made Varnish
470° F. and hold to 2-inch string. Add
Bleached Shellac 20 lb.
drier before adding white spirit for thin-
Sandarae 38 ‘

Pale Manila Gum 32 lb.

Typical Example of an Enamel Varnish, Rosin WW 10 lb.

Using Modified Phenol Formaldehyde Denatured Alcohol 16 gal.
Resin Carbon Tetrachloride 4 °

Hard Resin 100 lb. Mix in tumbling barrel until dissolved.

Varnish Linseed Oil 12 gal.
Stand Oil 15 gal. * Varnish, Insulating
Thickened Wood Oil 12 gal.
White Spirit 30 gal. Rosin 1,000, metallic aluminium a little
Turpentine 5 gal. quantity, glycerine 50-150, anhydride of
Cobalt metal in suitable liquid sodium sulphide or anhydride of sodium
drier such as cobalt selenide 5-30, and tung-oil 1,500, which
resinate .25 lb. has been previously stirred up with 0.1-
0.5% of anhydride of sodium sulphide or
Heat the varnish oil to 400° F. and
anhydride of sodium selenide are mixed
add resin gradually. When all the resin
together and treated at 240-300° C.
is in, raise the temperature to 500° F.,
mix by thinning
When they have sufficiently reacted upon
and test for stability of
themselves, color, pigment or other suit-
the sample with double the quantity of
able plastic matter is added or not added
thinners mentioned in the formula. The
to the mixture according to the require-
thinning should be done after the sample
ment of the circumstance, and the mix-
has been cooled by immersion in water.
ture is properly diluted with a solvent,
Now add thickened oils and maintain e.g.j turpentine oil.
temperature at 450° F. until varnish re-
mains clear after thinning test. Allow
to cool to 400° F. Add driers and thin Insulating Varnish
out according to formula. Cumarone Resin 30 parts
Ester Gum 16 parts
* Crystallizing Varnish W T
ood Oil 114 parts
Glyptal (Chinawood Fatty V hite
Spirit 132 parts
Acids Type) 19 lb.
Kerosene 57 parts
Blown Chinawood Oil
Linseed Oil 48 parts
38 lb.
Cobalt Acetate 0.05 part
Liquid Cobalt Drier 5.5 lb.
Solvent Naphtha 9.5 lb.
High Boiling Gasoline 28 lb. Orange Shellac Varnish
T. N. Orange Shellac 200 lb.
Varnish, Electrical Conducting Alcohol 40 gal.
Varnish 54 Powd. Oxalic Acid 20 oz.
Lithopone 37.8 Tumble in barrel for 6-8 hrs. until
Lampblack 8.2 dissolved; strain through cheese-cloth.

Varnish, Emulsion- Long Oil Outdoor Varnish

1. Proflex 5 100 parts albertol 201 C are cooked in
2. Water 50 100 parts Linseed stand oil at a tempera-
3. Varnish (4 hour) 40 ture between 240 and 260° C. (464-
500° F.), until a small test of the rise in temperature to 575° F. Hold heat
batch, thinned out with double the at 57 5° until liquid attains desired body.
normal proportion of diluents and At this point chill with 7% gal. of
cooled down under the tap, remains Heavy-bodied Oil. Allow material to
quite free from cloudiness. Then cool to about 375° F. and thin with Min-
further eral Spirits. When cold add about 4
225 parts linseed stand oil (in two por- gallons of lead manganese liquid drier.
tions) are added, and the whole is This formula makes approximately 145
mixed with gallons.
125 parts thickened wood After

each addition of oil is made, the Quick Drying Spar Varnish

batch is again brought to a tem- Beckacite Extra Hard 160 lb.
perature of 240° C. (464° F.), and Chinawood Oil 50 gal.
in this way any slight turbidity Heavy-bodied Oil 10 gal.
which may be produced when adding Mineral Spirits, depending
the oil is eliminated. At the con- on body desired 75-85 gal.
clusion of the cooking process the
dilution test described above is again Directions: Heat gum and Chinawood
carried out, in order to make quite Oil to 565° F. This operation takes ap-
sure that the albertol is completely proximately 45 minutes. Remove kettle
dissolved. from fire and material will automatically
rise to 575° F., at which time add the
0.45 part cobalt (calculated as metal) is
added at falling temperature, and Heavy-bodied Oil. To chill back and
finally prevent polymerization, cool material to
200-300 parts diluents are added. about 375° F. and add thinner. Then
add about 3 gallons of liquid drier. This
For the higher temperatures which are formula makes approximately 165 gal-
necessary in the case of Albertol 201 G lons.
we recommend to work with enamel- or
aluminium-kettles in good condition, for Heavy-Bodied Oil
the contact of the batch with iron in the
One part raw wood oil, three parts
heat causes strong darkening of the var-
bleached Linseed. Heat to 565° F. for
2 % hours.
Quick Drying Rubbing Varnish
Typical Resinate Varnish
Beckacite Extra Hard 300 lb.
China wood Oil 22^ gal. W. W. Rosin 150 lb.

Thinner 75 gal. Lime 9 lb.

Manganese Linoleate 1 lb.
Liquid Drier 2^ gal. Tung Oil 40 gal.
Directions: Heat gum and Chinawood White Spirit 75 gal.
Oil to 565° F. This operation takes ap- Turpentine 5 gal.
proximately 45 minutes. Remove kettle
from fire and material automatically rises Melt the rosin and add the lime, and
in temperature to 575° F. Cool material heat the mixture to 525° F., holding for
to about 375° F. and add thinner. Then 15 minutes. After adding the tung oil,
add about 3 gallons of liquid drier. heat to 350° F. and stir in the litharge.
Heat to 490° F, and hold for pill, about
1 to 1^ hours, then add the manganese
Liquid Drier linoleate; cool and reduce.
Rosin 60 lb.
Cobalt Acetate 40 lb.
Rubber Shoe Varnish
Mineral Spirits 100 gal.
Limed Rosin 10 lb.
Stearin Pitch 30 lb*
Quick Drying Floor or Interior Varnish Asphalt 30 lb.
Beckacite Extra Hard 200 lb. Coal Tar 10 lb.
Chinawood Oil 30 gal. Benzol 100 lb.
Heavy-bodied Oil 7 g&l* % Light Naphtha 20 lb.
Mineral Spirits, depending^ Allow to settle and decant before
on body desired 75-85 gal. using. g

Directions: Heat gum and the China- (Wood Oil)

Short Oil Varnish
wood Oil to SOS® F. This operation takes
Cumarone Resin 100 lb.
approximately 45 minutes. Remove kettle
from fire ?nd material will automatically China Wood Oil 12 gal


Thinner 28 gal. Gum Mastic *
98 p)>

Cobalt Linoleate 14 oz. Castor Oil 48 lb.

Thinner consists of equal parts of Alcohol 980 lb.
white spirit and solvent naphtha. Venice Turpentine 20 lb.

Note: In using cumarone resins in oil var-

nishes do not use oxide drier powders, e.g
litharge, as owing to the neutrality of cuma- Water Shellac Varnish
rone, the drier is liable to be precipitated. Borax
The oil Is heated to 100° C. The cumarone 20 lb.
resin is added gradually in small portions and Shellac 60 lb.
the mix kept at 100° C. for 2 hours. It is Water 167 lb.
then brought up to 250° C. for fifteen min-
utes, removed from the fire and allowed to
Warm with stirring until dissolved.
cool to 180° C. The drier is then added, and
after further cooling add the thinner.
* Varnish, Water Resistant
Short Oil Varnish (Linseed Oil) Tung Oil 100
Cre'sol 120
Cumarone 100 lb.
Formaldehyde 120
Linseed Oil 10 gal.
Rosin 50
White Spirit 25 gal.
Pyridine 1
Cobalt Liquid Drier 1% gal.
Chlorinated Naphthalene 70-120
Melt together with stirring and grad-
Medium Oil V arnish ually raise temperature to 140° C. Cool
Xndene Resin 81 lb. and thin with following solvent
Limed Rosin 13 lb. Toluol 90
Fused Lead Resinate 6 gal.
Xylol 250
Cobalt Liquid Drier 1 gal.
Manganese Drier 3 pt.
White Spirit 44 gal. Whitewash
Dissolve six pounds of trisodium phos-
Long Oil Varnish (Linseed) phate in two gallons of water. Scan ten
Cumarone 86 lb. pounds of casein in four gallons of water
Linseed Oil 45 gal. for two hours, or until soft, add to
White Spirit 72 gal. the first solution and dissolve. Stir to
Driers as above. smoothness twenty-five pounds of whit-
ing and fifty pounds of hydrated lime
in seven gallons of water. When the
Spar Varnish mixtures are cold, slowly add the first
Cumarone Resin 100 lb. solution to the lime, stirring continu-
Rosin 20 lb. ously. Dissolve five pints of formalde-
Linseed Oil 10 gal. hyde in three gallons of water and just
Cobalt Linoleate 2% lb. before use add it slowly to the white-
Thinners 40 gal. wash, stirring hard. Do not make more
than can be used in one day.
Straw Hat Varnish
Elemi 50 lb.
Whitewash (Without Glue)
Rosin 45 lb.
Sandarac 30 lb.
Dissolve 15 lb. salt in 7^ gallons
Shellac 5 lb.
water and add slowly with stirring 50 lb.

Castor Oil 12 lb.

hydrated lime.
Alcohol 860 lb.
* Plastic Paint
Transfer Varnish Calcined Gypsum 100
Gum Mastic 6 lb. Paper Pulp 1-8
Rosin 12 lb.
The above is mixed with water as a
Sandarac 25 lb. texture coating and may be 1 * ?
Limed Rosin 1 lb. by a brush or sponge.
Venice Turpentine 25 lb.
Alcohol 75 lb.
* Plastic Paint
Violin Varnish
Ground Calcined Sulfate 40-60
Gum Sandarac 78 lb. Ground Mica 15-35
Gum Elemi 31 lb. Asbestos Powd. 10-15
Casein 100 mesh 8-10 on the following basis: 100 pounds paste
Slaked Lime 5- 7 white-lead, 1.5 pounds paste lampblack,
0.1 pound paste Chinese (Prussian) blue,

* Paint, £ ‘ 1 gallon raw linseed oil, 2 gallons boiled

Raised Surface 7

linseed oil, 1 quart turpentine, 1 quart

Crude Crepe Rubber 10 drier.
Trichlorethylene 80
Tetrachlorethane 20
* Shellac Paint, Metallic
Ethyl Acetate 25
Methanol 15 (Non-gelling)
Bleached Shellac Solution *25 lb.
Powdered mica, aluminum or pigments Copper Bronze Powder 3 lb.
may be dusted on surface while wet to Malic Acid 0.2-1.5 lb.
£ £ 7 7
give a raised or relief effect. Tricresyl Phosfate 0.5 lb,

*Caking of Crystals, Prevention of

Ship Paint
Fine asbestos fibre up to 5% is mixed The experts in charge of drv-doek work
in to prevent caking of crystalline
on the Atlantic coast have found satis-
faction in repainting work done with the
following formula:
* Roof Paint
Paste Red-Lead 100 lb.
Coal Tar 20 Raw Linseed Oil 1 Vi gal.
Gasoline 5 Japan Drier 1 qt.
Alcohol 1 Turpentine or Mineral
Spirits 1% qt.

* Paint,
Rust Proofing
4% gal.
For use on metals submerged in water.
Gilsonite Paint 98.6
Paints, Phosphorescent
Sodium Alumino Silicate
(Finely Ground), 0.9 A paint having a green -blue phosphor-
Mercuric Chloride escence contains Sr(OH)o 20.7, S 8.0,
(Finely Ground) 0.5 MgO 1.0, Na 2 C03 3.0, Li 2 S0 4 1.0, col-
loidal Bi 6.0 cc. (0.3 g. in 100 isc. 2 G). H
One with a reddish glow contains SaO
Structural Steel Paint 40.0, S 9.0, Li 3 P0 4 0,7, Cu(N0 3 ) 2 3.5 cc.
Dry Red-Lead, 20 lb =0.273 gal. of a 0.4% ale. soln.
Raw Linseed Oil, 5 pt. =0.(325 gal.
Turpentine, 2 gills ) =0125
U IZt> S
* aL
ffal * Paint, Plastic
Liquid Drier 2 gills)
Dead-burnt gypsum or Keene ’s cement
1.023 gal, is ground wholly or completely to 325-
mesh and mixed with 1-5% of starchy
100 pounds of heavy paste white-lead, material, 1-6% of gum arabic (20-mesh)
4 ounces of paste lampblack and 8 ounces or other H 2 0-sol. gum, and a hydration
of French ochre, with 4 gallons of raw accelerator, alum. The paint can be
linseed oil and a pint each of turpentine applied with a brush or trowel and may
and drier. The lampblack with the also contain fillers.
white-lead produces a light gray which
the ochre, being a pale yellow color, turns
into a slightly warmer tint. Paint Base for Textiles
Though the paint is just off the white, Lithopone 75 gra-
its slight deepening by adding the lamp- Linseed Oil, Boiled 15 ce.
black and the ochre causes it to be Oil of Turpentine 10 cc.
sensibly more opaque. One coat of this
Working Formula:
gray will u cover’ 7 or conceal the bril- 25
Lithopone oz.
liant scarlet of red-lead, which one coat
Linseed Oil, Boiled 5 oz.
of pure white will not do. Some put a •3%
Oil of Turpentine oz.
further coat of white, or a light color,
over the gray. Put in cornucopia to make design on
The finishing coat used on the Phila- cloth. Before it is thoroughly dry, shake
delphia-Camden highway bridge was a on gold dust or steel beads or similar
substantial gray paint weighing 20,5 material. Remove excess with a blower.
pounds per gallon. The paint was mixed
* Water Paint acid gone. Mix (4) and (5) and stir

Am. Linoleate 7 into above and mix thoroughly while

Glue 13 heating. Raise temperature to 540° F,
600 stirring and beating down foam. Cool to
460° F. and add 'Kerosene while stirring.
Allow to soak overnight and heat and
Run in slowly When cooled to 240° F. add benzine with
stir todissolve; cool.
with stirring
This gives a practically colorless quick
Varnish 150 drier.
Rosin s 80
Turpentine 70
Pigment to suit
Wood Paint Primer
Pigment 65.6%
Basic Carb. Lead 60%
* Water Paint Zinc Oxide
Titan ox B
20 %
A compn. to be applied to old water- Aluminum Bronze Pwd. 1 %
paint coatings before applying a new Vehicle 34.4%
coating is prepd. as follows: Wax 3, Raw Linseed Oil 40%
Boiled Linseed Oil 30%
pitch 15, and benzine 10 parts are heated
together on the water bath, and wood
Turpentine 16 y2 %
Solvent Naphtha 10 %
meal 5, NaOH
soln. (sp. gr. 1.32) 4, and Drier (Pb. Mn.)
Weight per Gallon
16.7 lb.
chalk 3 suspended in water 60 parts are
added, the whole being stirred and then
poured through a fine sieve. Washing or 25-Gallon Rosin Varnish Formula
scraping of the old coating is rendered I Wood Rosin ‘
50 lb.
unnecessary. Raw China Wood Oil 25 gal.
Hydrated Lime 2 lb.
* Water Paint for Stucco heat to 550° F. (to 570° F. off fire).

A paint suitable for use on cement

Check with
I Wood Rosin 50 lb.
stucco is formed of white portland ce-
ment 50, hydrated lime 50, NaCI 7, Ca add
stearate 3 and sucrose 2 parts, ground
Sublimed Litharge 6 lb.
dry in a ball mill with any desired col- allow to cook at 500° F. for 1% hours,
cool and reduce with
oring matter. A1 stearate may be sub-
Turpentine 20 gal.
stituted for Ca stearate and some other
Varsol 20 gal.
modifications may be made in the compn.
Cobalt Linoleate Paste Drier 4 lb.
50-Gallon Rosin Varnish Formula
Cheap White Paint
I Wood Rosin 100 lb.
Whiting 105 lb.
run to 450° F. and add
Barytes 105 lb.
Hydrated Lime 6 lb.
Lithopone 200 lb.
run to 560° F. and add slowly with con-
Zinc Oxide 20 lb.
stant stirring
Raw Linseed Oil 12^ gal. Raw China Wood Oil
Blown Linseed Oil gal.
37^ gal.
3 Raw Linseed Oil 10 gal.
Liquid Drier 2 gal.
heat to 550° F. (to make 575° F. off
Turkey Red
11 % gal. fire). Check with
Oil 1 gal.
Water gal.
Linseed Oil 2% gal.
7 Sprinkle on top of batch
Grind pigments in oil and then mix in
Sublimed Litharge 4 lb.
other liquids. allow to cook down to 450° F. and re-
duce with
Liquid Paint Drier Turpentine 30 gal.
Varsol 30 gal.
1. Rosin W. W. 200 lb.
in which has been dissolved
.2. Calcium Hydroxide 16 lb.
Cobalt Linoleate Paste
3. Lead Acetate (Powd.) 16 lb
Drier 6 lb.
4. Chinawood Oil 8 gal.
5. Manganese Borate 2 lb.
6. Benzine 98 gal. Paint and Varnish Remover
7. Kerosene 9 gal. Benzol (90%) 3 gal.
Melt (1) and (2) and strew (3) over Denatured Alcohol 2 gal.
surface. Heat slowly raising temperature Paraffin Wax 1 lb.

to 450° F. and heat until odor of acetic

* Paint and Varnish. Eemover Linseed Oil 44 lb.
Caustic Soda 10.45 Turpentine 40 lb.

Bod. Silicate (40-42° B$) 9.14 Liquid Drier 24 lb.

Water 69.55
Copperas 0.71 Acid Proof Wood Stain
Flour 10.15
Solution A
Copper Sulfate 12%
Paint and Varnish. Remover
Benzol 50
Pot. Chlorate 12 %
Water 100
Methanol 25
Acetone 15
Gasoline 10 Solution B
Paraffin V ax
2% Anilin Oil (Light) 15
Hydrochloric Acid (Cone.) 18
Water 100
Paint and Varnish. Remover The wood surface must be freed thor-
50 oughly from paint, varnish, grease and
Benzol 15 dirt. Heat solution A to a boil and give
Acetone 35 wood two coats while hot, allowing first
Paraffin 3 coat to dry before applying second.
Apply two coats of solution B in the
same way. When surface is thoroughly
Paint and Varnish Removers
dry wash well with soap and water. Dry
TriSodium phosphate and sodium meta- and rub well with linseed oil.
silicate will quickly and easily remove
varnish. They will also work on paint if
not too old or too thick. Use 1 lb. to 1 Wood Stains, Non-Grain Raising
gallon of boiling water. Mop or brush Water or Spirit Soluble
on, and let stand 20 to 30 minutes. Then Dye 4- 6 oz.
rub off and rinse well with water. Ethylene Glycol 15-25 oz.
Heat on water bath until dissolved ;
and add
Wood Bleaches Methanol 1 gal.
As a wood bleach sodium perborate is
probably superior to any of the others * Putty
now used (including the old stand-by Marble Dust 10
oxalic acid). It has the great advan-
Whiting 70
tage over the acid bleaches that it can Linseed Oil 2
be mixed directly with sodas and alka- Mineral Oil 15
lies, since it stable in alkaline solu-
Asbestos Powd. 2.5
tion. A soluble silicate should be pres-
Machine Oil 0.5
ent as a stabilizer. A
good mixture is
90% sodium metasilicate and 10% so-
dium perborate. Some of the metasili- Preparing Zinc for Painting
cate may be replaced by trisodium phos- A practical formula is: 135 grams so-
phate. This is a combination paint and dium dichromate, 400 cc. nitric acid, 600
varnish remover and wood bleach. Use cc. sulfuric acid, and 20 liters water.
1 lb. to 1 gallon of boiling water. Mop Contrary to most etching solutions, this
or brush on, and let stand 20 to 30 min- gives an even crystalline ground which
utes. Then rub off and rinse well with will not show under a paint. A brown
water. scum usually appears on the surface when
the metal comes from this solution. How-
Wood, Plastic ever, immersion for about a minute in a
Nitrocellulose 15-20 dilute nitric and sulfuric acid solution
Ester Gum 5- 9 readily removes this scum. The plate is
Castor Oil 1- 5 then washed free from acid and dried.
Wood Flour 15-30 This drying is important. The water
Lacquer Thinner 79-66 must either be wiped off by means of
sawdust or any other absorbing medium,
or be displaced by dipping the plate into
Wood Filler Powder a lacquer thinner that is sufficiently mis-
Silica Powder 200 lb. cible with water so as to allow the plate
China Clay 32 lb. to dry free from contact with water.
This process has the same disadvantage A harder and quicker-drying, but
as sandblasting in that it is often quite somewhat brittle, vehicle for indoor use
impractical to apply the finishing mate- can be obtained by blending rezyl 11.4
rial immediately after treatment. with eumarone resin. Rezyl 113 in
equal parts of coal-tar naphtha and
mineral spirits recommended as an
Oil Soluble Stain aluminium-bronze vehicle for outdoor
Red Mahogany use. Its adhesion, toughness, rapid dry-
Sudan Red 2 oz. ing, durability make it superior to the
Pylakrome Black No. 319 3 oz. long-oil spar varnish ordinarily used for
Azo Orange 30 1 oz. this purpose. It works more easily than
Dissolve in two gallons benzol. rezyl 1102, dries a trifle more slowly but
forms a more flexible film, and hence
Brown Mahogany
is "well adapted for all types of exposed
Azo Oil Yellow 408 2 oz. metal work. Rezyl 110 dries somewhat
Pylakrome Oil Green 430 % oz. more slowly than rezyl 113, but brushes
Sudan Red 1 oz.
more easily and permits of the use of
Azo Orange 2 % oz.
mineral spirits with aluminium-bronze
Dissolve in two gallons benzol. for priming wood, for which its elastic-
Walnut ity, adhesion and durability recommend
Azo Oil Yellow 408 7 gm. it. When used in metal paints, the
Sudan Red % gm. vehicle should contain 10 per cent of
Pylakrome Green 430 1 gm. coal-tar naphtha and 10 per cent raw
Azo Orange 4 gm. linseed oil to insure proper floating and
Dissolve in one pint of benzol. leafing of the aluminium-bronze. Al-
Oak though rezyl 1103 is still slower drying
than rezyl 110, it makes aluminium
Azo Yellow 15.5 gm.
paints with excellent working qualities
Pylakrome Black 319 .5 gm.
for brush application.
Dissolve in two pints of benzol. Good adhesion and elasticity make
The above also soluble in waxes, ac- the oxidizing rezyls excellent for quick-
etone, turpentine and lacquers. drying undercoats. The following aro
typical formulas in addition to the
primer formulas already given:
Synthetic Resin Finishes
Baking primer: Iron oxide, 150 lb.;
Oxidizing rezyl solutions make excel- rezyl 110, 100 lb. and xylol, 43 lb.;
lent vehicles for aluminium-bronze fin- Y. M. and P. naphtha, 155 lb.; lead
ishes for either interior or exterior
work, the powder being mixed just
linoleate, 2 lb.; manganese linoleate, %
lb.; total, 450% lb. or 38% gal. Foi
prior to application. For general deco- best results, this primer is applied in
rative work, rezyl 114 is recommended a thin film and baked at least one hour
as giving a quick and hard-drying gloss. at 200° F.
Rezyl 1102 is exceptionally resistant to A surfacer which has given good re-
heat, hence well adapted for use on sults in both air-drying and baking is
steam pipes, radiators and the like, as formulated as follows: Iron oxide, 50
well as for prolonged baking at high tem- lb.; lithopone, 50 lb.; black mineral
peratures. For oil refinery and filling filler, 300 lb.; siliea, 100 lb.; rezyl 114,
station equipment, aluminium finishes 100 lb. and xylol, 100 lb.; mineral
made from rezyl 1102 are recommended, spirits, 50 lb.; turpentine, 30 lb.; lead
because resistant to petrol. Typical
formulas follow:
linoleate, 2 lb.; manganese linoleate, %
lb.; total, 782% or 57% gal. Several
Rezyl 114, 100 lb. and coal-tar naph- coats of this surfacer can be applied in
tha 100 lb. (J and 33 lb. of xylol); rapid succession, and the whole film
mineral spirits, 70 lb.; lead linoleate, 2 •baked hard in one operation. It has
lb.; cobalt linoleate,% lb.; aluminium- good water-resistance, elasticity and
bronze, 70 lb.; total, 342% lb. or 38% toughness, yet sands easily and lacquer
gal. This is an air-drying finish for can be applied over it without lifting.
brush application.
A baking finish for spray application
Fused Manganese Resinate
is made as follows: Rezyl 1102, 100 lb.;
xylol, 150 lb. (same as Solution A, 250 Rosin 200 lb.

lb.); toluol, 150 lb.; cobalt linoleate, % Manganese Dioxide 25 lb.

lb.; aluminium-bronze, 70 lb.; total, Heat Rosin to 310-330° F. and add
470% lb. or 55% gal. dioxide slowly with careful stirring.

Raise temperature to 430° F. and then The water, ammonium hydroxide and
to 485° E. which point all but five glycerine are first mixed together. The
pounds of the dioxide should have been shellac is then added.
The mixture is
added. The addition of the last five allowed to stand for one hour or longer.
pounds should not be made until a chilled It is then heated on a water bath to
sample is of a clear amber color. Stir 150° F., whereupon a clear solution is
until thick; remove from heat and produced. This material is useful as an
shovel into cooling forms. inexpensive varnish. This material
may be improved by substituting Aqua-
Limed Eosin resin (G M) in place of glycerine.
Eosin 200 lb.
Slaked Lime 10 lb.
* Transfers
Heat Eosin to 480° F.; remove from
heat; sprinkle lime on surface and stir
suitable paper sheet is first impreg-
nated, as by means of immersion or
in gradually. Heat again to 550-580°
spraying, with a material to act as an
F. Allow to cool to 480° F. and pour
ink-absorption nunimizer and ink soft-
into forms.
ener. This material is a liquid mixture
* Phthalic Anhydride Varnish Eesin including one or more volatile solvents,
one or more oils, fats or waxes, and
By cooking a mixture of two parts
phenol. Various formulae have in prac-
phthalic anhydride, two parts glycerol
and four parts linseed oil fatty acids
tice been found satisfactory. A recom-
mended formula is the following:
for 6 hours at 325-400° F., and then
continuing the reaction for the same Toluol 6 gal.
period and at the same temperature, but Kerosene Oil 2 gal.
with the addition of another two parts Neat's Foot Oil 2 gal.
of phthalic anhydride, resins with the
Phenol 7 fb.

above-mentioned qualities are produced. Another formula giving good results

When incorporated with driers, var-
is the following;
nishes and enamels in which these Ethylene Bichloride 5% gal.
resins are the vehicles, dry to hard Carbon Tetrachloride 1% gal.
tough flexible films in 4-6 hours. With- Petroleum Jelly 14 lb.
out driers they bake at 200° F. for 2 Phenol 7 lb.
hours to hard coatings with excellent
After the paper is impregnated, the
outdoor durability.
volatile solvents should be completely
or substantially completely evaporated;
Waterproof Shellac it being recommended that the impreg-
Scrap Celluloid 20 oz. nated paper be allowed to season for
Methylated Spirits 2% pt. from one to several days. The phenol
Acetone 2% pt. A. left in the paper is for the purpose of
Camphor 1% oz. acting later, at the time of heat and
Benzole 2 pt. pressure transfer, as a dissolving or
Orange Lac 8 lb. softening agent for the pigmented ink
Methylated Spirits 1 gal. B. laid down on the paper at the time the
Butyl Alcohol 1 gal. - paper is printed to form the new trans-
Benzole 1 part 1 fer sheet. The oily or greasy material
Methylated Spirits 1 part
remaining in the paper after the evapo-
°* ration of the volatile solvents restrains
Acetone 1 part i

Butyl Alcohol 1 part - l such ink against other than minute ab-
sorption by or penetration into the
Mix the above separately, and take paper.
three parts of A. to seven parts of B.
The paper selected is preferably
If the mixture is to be sprayed, use
fairly smooth to accept good clean
C. as a thinner. It would then be neces-
printing; but such paper is not neces-
sary to prevent frothing by the addition
sarily heavily sized or calendered or
of Glycol or Butanol in the proportion
otherwise specially finished.
of 1 gallon to 30 gallons of the mix.
The printing may be executed with
ordinary printing equipment and by
Water Solution of Shellac any of the usual printing methods; for
100 gm. Water instance, lithography, typography or
8 gm. Ammonium Hydroxide rotogravure may be successfully em-
2 gm. Glycerine ployed. However, in order to secure
20 gm. Bleached Wax-free Shellac best results, the printing inks used
should be somewhat different from those other words, said richly pigmented ink
of customary composition. Ordinary residue remains somewhat soft, yet has
printing inks include oil varnish, which a certain toughness and pliability, or
will dry within a relatively short time, self-sustaining quality; which result is
forming a considerable bond with the obtained by the addition of a proper
fibers of the paper; and consequently amount of resinous material, such, for
these inks are not of maximum effi- instance, as specified in the ink formu-
ciency in carrying out the present in- lae given.
vention. Instead there is recommended The base material is desirably, if not
an ink having a richly pigmented, con- essentially, treated in such manner as
tent; preferably so rich as to give a to carry an ink-transfer accelerator at
stiff paste were not some slow evaporat- the time of heat and pressure transfer.
ing solvent incorporated. While the phenol residue in the paper
The ink is thus richly pigmented, is activated by the heat of the transfer
and yet is brought down to the proper step to soften the ink, the accelerator
consistency, that is, the usual consis- acts to intensify such softening. Thus
tency of an oil varnish printing ink by the accelerator acts in conjunction with
the addition of such a solvent as benzyl the phenol residue in the paper, thereby
alcohol or ethylene glycol monomethyl to hasten transfer of the ink to the base
ether. Such ink may be conveniently material. The accelerator, further, acts
made up of the following: as a binder to hold the transferred ink
Color Pigment 3 lb. —
on the base material yet without any
undesirable binding action on or adhe-
Linseed Oil Varnish 4 lb.
Copal Resin %
lb. sive cling to the paper of the transfer
Dibutvl Phthalate 1 lb.
Benzyl Alcohol %
lb. The practical value of this ink-trans-
fer accelerator -will be appreciated,
Another very satisfactory ink for use
in connection is made up of the follow-
when it isexplained that a fair trans-
fer may be occasionally effected even
when the ink used for the printing of
Color Pigment 3 lb. the transfer sheet is ordinary printing
Blown Castor Oil 5 lb. ink rather than a special ink as here-
Cumarone Resin % lb.
inabove described.
Ethylene Glycol Monomethyl It is recommended, however, that
Ether iy2 lb.
such special ink be employed in every
In making the ink, thorough grinding case; since always in transfer work the
is important if not essential. very and as uni-
finest possible results,
Best results are obtained when the form results as possible, are desirable.
printing is so executed that neither too If the transfer is to be made to a
much nor too little ink is supplied. The plain base material, or one not previ-
feeding of the ink should be so regu- ously lacquered, said ink-transfer accel-
lated that the solids of the design will erator may comprise, a solution of
have a good ink coverage, but there phenol in a volatile solvent or solvents.
should not be supplied surplus beyond The base material is sprayed or other-
this to such an extent that smearing of wise coated with such solution, and
the half-tones of the design will occur. while such coating is still moist, the
After the paper is printed, the sol- printed face of the transfer sheet is
vent content of the ink slowly evapo- laid against the coated side of the base
rates, allowing the remainder of the ink material, and the heat and pressure

to set but without drying completely transfer effected. Thus, at the time of
from the top surface of the printing heat and pressure transfer, the phenol
down to the paper. The ink remains and its still unevaporated solvents on
thus only partially dry apparently for the base material, are applied to and
an indefinite period. The richly pig- squeezed under pressure and in the pres-
mented ink residue left on the paper as ence of heat against the printing of the
a result of the printing operation is transfer sheet and against the paper
only loosely connected with the fibers carrier,— this carrier having, as afore-
of the paper, and if pressure or friction said, not only a phenol content, but also
is applied, the deposited ink may have a residue of oily or greasy matter. A
a large portion thereof easily removed, recommended formula for said solution
but not so easily as to be capable of is the following:
being accidentally smudged by lightly Toluol 6% gal.
slipping friction such as might occur in Benzyl Alcohol 2% gal.
ordinary transport and handling. In Phenol 7 lb.

Ethylene Bichloride 3 gal.

Another formula for said solution
Cellulose Acetate 75 oz.
giving good results is the following:
B Castor Oil ¥2 gal.
Ethvlene Bichloride 6 gal.
Trieresyl Phosphate ¥1 gal
Carbon Tetrachloride 2 gal.
aL Excellent results are obtained when
Benzol 9

^ f/ the heat and pressure are applied for
to he made to a about from five to fen seconds; the ap-
Xf the transfer is plied temperature is about 200° F. and
coated with a
base material previously the pressure is about 100 lb. per square
pigmented or clear lacquer (for
lacquer), the ink
stance, nitrocellulose On removal of the stack from the
carried by the
transfer accelerator to be press, the paper sheet may be immedi-
material may be provided by modi-
base ately stripped off by manual pull with-
Excellent results in
fying said lacquer. out the use of water or solvents, easily,
connection are obtained when a
oil, is added to and without blurring or smudging the
surplus of oil, as castor transferred printing. Then the base
the laequer. Such surplus oil content
the time of tiie heat material may be finished in any desired
of the laequer, at way, as by 'applying a coating of lac-
and pressure transfer is liberated and
lacquer coat- quer or the like, thereby to set the
driven out of the heated transferred ink.
ing and is taken up
and absorbed by
the ink thereon. Ordinary Composition for Transfers.
the paper carrier and
This surplus oil is similarly Parts by
is pre-
and similarly acts, when, as .
is dried be-
ferred, the laequer coating 100 Bosin
fore the transfer; the
surplus oil m 30 Beeswax
as soon as the 30 Gold Bronze or Pigment
this case being liberated
lacquer coating becomes Marking Composition-
cized The liberated oil acts, m
con- 2. Indelible
in the
junction with the phenol residue
accelerator Parts by
paper as an ink-transfer
pursuant to the invention. That
is to

say, this liberated oil

acts to intensify 100 Stearic Acid
the softening action of
the ph®*101 111 150 Induline Base
the paper carrier on the
ink of the lat- 3. Indelible Marking Composition-
ter in the presence of
the heat of the Colors.
so that, here also, a
transfer; Parts by
transfer is effected. 6,Weight
Further, in the case of a
in such 100 Cumar Light
base material, the surplus oil 25 No. 4 Litho Yarnish
purpose as
lacquer serves another useful 8 Mineral Oil
willnow be explained. Many ordinary Cobalt Drier
commercial lacquers, when used as
a 2%
have 30 Permanent Pigment
base coating for a base material,
a tendency, as the result of a heat
and 4. Permanent Marking Composition.
pressure transfer, to stick to the Parts by
paper carrier of the transfer sheet Weight
make removal of the latter dif- 100 Cumar Light
ficult if not impossible.
When an ordi- 50 Processed Bapeseed Oil
nary commercial lacquer has a 35 Bronze or Pigment
oil content pursuant to
the invention,
completely over- 5. Water Soluble Transfer Composition.
this sticking trouble is Printing Compound.
a. Glycerine 100 by wt.
A recommended formula for the new b. Gum Arabic
40 by wt.
laequer is the following:
c. Color (Bye or
Butyl Acetate 6 gal. Pigment) 25 by wt.
Toluol 3% gal.
2. Busting Material.
8 oz.
Soluble Cotton. 50 oz.
1 gal. Embroidery Composition for Trans-
Castor Oil fers.
laequer forcnu a
Another satisfactory
Parts by
is the following:
ga Weight
Ethyl Acetate fb •

16 Cumar
Ethyl Lactate 1 fa ga •
4 Rosin In a steam jacketed kettle put the
4 Canauba Wax turpentine and add the stearate a little
2 Stearic Acid at a time stirring to incorporate it uni-
8 Ultramarine Blue formly. Allow to stand overnight and
31.2 Titanox Ground then heat to 150° F. while stirring;
S.8 Litho Varnish Ground keep heat until a clear jelly forms!
. Leather Composition for Transfers. Stop heating when desired consistency
is attained.
Parts by
# Acid Proof Coating

100 Shellac Orange or White
For use on tanks, pipes, roofing, etc,
50 Venice Turpentine
40 Pigment Portland Cement 40 lb.
Mica 5 lb.
8. Indelible Transfer Ink.
Sulfur 50 lb.
Parts by Aluminum Powder 5 lb.
Mix and heat together until uniform.
100 Cumar
10 Varnoline
* Bituminous Coating
10 No. 4 Litho Varnish
20 Turkey Red Oil A compn. suitable for coating or sur-
20 Dyestuff (Induline Base) facing purposes or incorporating in
Permanent Pigment
30 road-making materials comprises low-
9. Flexible Marking Composition.
temp. tar with a fatty pitch dispersed
therein and an addn. of CaO or other
Parts by alk. compd. adapted to accelerate hard-
Weight ening. In an example 2 parts stearin
100 Light Cumar pitch is heated with 5 parts shale oil at
55 Processed Rapeseed Oil not over 60 lb. per sq. in. to 150° for 4
30 Rubber Latex hrs. to give a soln.which is dild. with
45 Vermilion 40 parts shale oil and stirred into 250
10. Fugitive Transfer Composition. parts tar warmed to 50°. The cooled
product may be mixed with gravel and
Parts by
slaked CaO.
100 Rosin
10 Beeswax Butter Tubs, Coating For
1 Cobalt Drier To eliminate woody odor in butter,
25 Gold Bronze the inside of tubs is sprayed with
11. Water Fugitive Transfer Composi- Casein 50
tion. NaOH 4
Parts by Water 170
Weight followed by 4% formaldehyde.
1 Mutton Tallow
1 Cocoa Butter Cellulose Coatings
4 Paraffine
After treatment with a dilute mineral
6 Rosin
acid at a moderate temperature, cellu-
Sufficient quantity —Pigment lose (in the form of cotton fibre, rags,
or waste) can be disintegrated and re-
Laboratory Table^Finish duced to a fine powder. In the latter
condition it is capable of even disper-
A black acid proof stain is made as sion in a dilute adhesive medium, such
follows: as nitrocellulose solution, drying oil or
Apply 2 coats of hot aq. soln. contg. starch. Apaint for metal or wooden
4% copperas, 4% blue vitriol and 8% surfaces can be obtained, for example,
KMnC>4 Rub off the excess of the sec-
by incorporating twenty parts of the
ond coat and apply 2 coats of aq. 12% powdered disintegrated cellulose with a
aniline and 18% coned* HC1. When clear solution of nitrocellulose plasti-
dry apply a coat of linseed oil. cized with tricresyl phosphate. Simi-
larly, the new material can be mixed
Turpentine Jelly with viscose solution to form a paste-
like product, which can be applied as a
Aluminum Stearate 40 lb.
paper coating.
20 gal.
^Concrete Coating amyl acetate, ethyl acetate or butyl ace-
Thirty-eight parts of rosin are melted tate. Benzol and alcohol mixture* which
with 1.9 parts of Zn chromate and is a common solvent for nitrocellulose
added at 220° to 32 parts of a mixt. of and rubber may be used.
the oil of Dryandria cordata and boiled
la using these nitrocellulose composi-

tions the leather is first treated or im-

linseed oil. Thirty parts o^tjhinner and
drier are added. To 60 parts of this pregnated with the waterproofing com-
varnish are added 40 parts off tjjam
ts&anox or position containing rubber and after the
ZnO pigment. waterproofing treatment is completed a

coating of the nitrocellulose composi-

* Corrosion Resistant Coating
tion or dressing is applied to the sur-
face of the leather. When the solvent
Coatings for preventing corrosion on in the .nitrocellulose composition evapo-
metals contain, e.g., stearic pitch 105.3, rates a surface finish remains on the
orthophosphoric acid 4.54 kgs., solvent leather which is not impaired by flex-
naphtha 155 1. and petroleum 100.8 1. ing the leather and which gives to the
leather a smooth finished appearance
*Pipe Coating and the “feel” which is a desirable
characteristic of leather when used in
Pitch 100 lb.
articles such as shoes and other kinds of
Mica Powder 10-30 lb.
Heat and stir until uniform; apply
hot. * Wall Coating
Mica 49
Pipe Line, Coating for Petroleum Clay 30 i

Among a great variety of eompns. Casein 18

protecting against corrosion, best re- Alum 2
sults were obtained with a mixt. of 50% Cream of Tartar 1

clay and 50% of an asphalt m. 80°. Color to suit. ,


" .

' :


This mixt. was applied to 8-ineh lines Mix with hot water and apply. "

connecting Baku with Batum. Pipes of

smaller diam. should be coated with a * Wrinkled Finish Coating
mixt. having a higher content of clay. 75
Phthalic Anhydride 148 j

Protecting Coating for Wax Finishes Linoleic Acid 85

Copal Yarnish 6 lb. ,
Tung Oil 85 |

Boiled Linseed Oil 6 lb. This mixture is heated at a tempera-

Turpentine 10 lb. ture of about 230-250° C. for a period
Mix above together, and appty a thin of about one-half to one hour, until a
coat to the wax finish. This will pro-
sample on cooling yields a non-sticky or
only very slightly sticky mass. The
tect it from damp without dulling the
heating operation is preferably carried
out in a non-oxidizing atmosphere such
as may. be obtained by passing a stream
* Rubber Pyroxylin Coatings of carbo dioxide or nitrogen or the like
Nitrocellulose Solution through or over the reaction mass.
(commercial duco) 50 cc. When the reaction is complete, the
Latex 20 cc. resin composition is cooled to about
50 150° C. and is thinned with coal-tar
Nitrocellulose Thinner ee.
Water 100 cc. naphtha (boiling point 160 -200 ° C.) un-
2 cc. til a solution is obtained containing
Castor Oil
about 40% resin. A liquid drier such
A satisfactory composition for this
as linoleate, or resinate,, is added in
purpose may be made up with^ rubber amounts sufficient to give a metallic co-
cement according to the following for-
balt equivalent of about 0,02 to 0.1%,
based on the weight of resin. The solu-
Nitrocellulose Solution tion is then ready for use and may be
(commercial duco) 50 cc. applied to a surface In any suitable
10% Rubber Cement 20 cc. manner, such as by brushing or flowing
Thinner 50 cc.
the solution thereon. The coating is
The thinners or solvents used for preferably heated to a temperature
nitrocellulose products which may be of about 100° C. for one hour, where
used in the above compositions are, upon there is obtained a light colored
adherent film* having a wrinkled finish but protects the casein from decompo-
and being of superior hardness and dur- sition and makes it somewhat more flex-
ability, and being substantially insolu- ible. Asimilar product can be made
ble in the usual solvents. by melting shellac with Triethanola-
mine and dissolving in boiling wT ater.
It is sometimes advisable, however, to
Filler for Cast Iron
carry along some alcohol with the water
This material is used to fill in the to give a clear solution. For example,
rough surfaces on cast-iron motor shellac treated with 10 per cent of
blocks, engines, machine-parts, etc., to Trieth^fclamine is completely soluble in
obtain smooth surface, before enamel or 50 per clmt alcohol.
lacquer is applied.
Japan Varnish 1 % gal.
Spar Varnish V2 gal. Treating Concrete Oil Tanks
Keystone Filler 4 lb.
It is recommended that all concrete
Aluminum Silicate Flake 20 lb.
oil-storage tanks should be treated with
silicate when first built. Concrete needs
Filler forAutomobile-Body Work water to obtain its final set. If oil is
Rubbing Varnish 2 gal.
put on it, the oil drives out the water
Blown Linseed Oil gal. % which is needed for the curing. Oil
therefore prevents the full curing of
Japan Varnish % gal. the concrete. To protect the concrete
Keystone Filler 4 lb.
Sublimed White Lead 4 lb. from the oil, the tanks should have a
Aluminum Silicate Flake 20 lb. treatment with silicate similar to that
for waterproofing concrete. The proc-
ess recommended is as follows:
* Crack Filler
1st coat, 1 part of silicate and 3
Silex 2
parts of water
Lacquer 4
2nd coat, 1 part of silicate and 2
Cornstarch 3
parts of water
Wheat Flour 3
3rd coat, 1 part of silicate and 1
Glue Powder 2
part of water
4th coat, 1 part of silicate and 1
* Milk Bottle Caps part of water
Heavy paper is impregnated in mol-
ten mixture as follows: Precipitated Cobalt Linoleate (Drier)
Carnauba Wax 80 A. 1. Linseed Oil 50 gal.
Rosin 18 2. Caustic Soda (76%) 80 lb.
Sulfur 2 3. Water 32 gal.
4. Water Boiling 166 gal.
Dispersions of Casein and Shellac
B. 5. Cobalt Acetate 250 lb.
Casein and shellac are animal prod- 6. Water Boiling 100 gal.
ucts which are acidic in character and
hence combine with alkaline reagents. Dissolve (2) in (3). In another ves-
The products formed by reaction with sel mix (1) and %
of the mixture of
Triethanolamine are similar to soaps in (2) and (3) mix thoroughly and allow
that they form colloidal dispersions with to stand two days. Heat while stirring
water. Partial neutralization of the until liquid and add 10 gal. hot water.
casein and shellac will, like the partial Bring to .a boil whipping down foam.
neutralization of stearic acid and rosin, Cool by addition of cold water if foam
produce sufficient soap to emulsify the cannot be controlled. Test with phenol-
remainder of the material. The greater phthalein; if alkaline continue boiling;
the amount of Triethanolamine used, if neutral add part of remaining caus-
the more nearly colloidal and clear will tic soda solution and boil until a sample
be the solution. on glass sets clear. The finished soap
As a rule, between 5 and 15 per cent should be but faintly alkaline.
of Triethanolamine by weight of the Dissolve (5) in (6) and heat to a
casein or shellac produces an excellent boil; run the above soap solution heated
dispersion in water. One formula in to a boil into it slowly while stirring
use takes two ounces of Triethanola- until precipitation is completed. Allow
mine to one pound of casein and one to cool over night and draw off water.
gallon of water. The Triethanolamine Wash the precipitate thoroughly with
not only produces a uniform solution, hot water.
Lead Drier finally hardened by stoving for twenty
minutes at 135° O., when the coating
Lead Tungate as a vehicle and drier
passes into the insoluble state. Succes-
for quick drying paints is prepared as
sive coats can therefore be applied with-
out danger of re-softening provided the
Litharge 30 stoving operation- is carried sufficiently
or Basic Lead Carbonate 35 far. Even very thin hardened films of
is added slowly with stirring to

China Wood Oil Fatty Acids^lOO
the composition are claimed to exhibit
prolonged resistance to sulfur com-
heated to 300° F. Stir until uiArm. pounds, air, moisture, salt spray, alco-
hol, acetone and perspiration.
* Nitrocellulose Emulsion

Ten parts by weight of nitrocellulose Paint Bemover

in the form of low viscosity nitrocotton 5 gal. Benzol
was added with stirring to 50 parts of 3 gal. Ethyl Acetate
hexalin acetate, the mixture being 2 gal. Butyl Acetate
heated to about 80° C. to facilitate con- 3% lb. 122° M. P. Paraffin
version into a homogeneous liquid solu- V2 oz. Nitrocellulose
tion. To the solution was then added Dissolve nitrocellulose in acetates.
10 parts of a 10% aqueous gum traga- Dissolve paraffin in benzol. Mix two.
canth solution which was prepared by
soaking the hard, horn-like raw gum in
water, for about twenty-four hours, and Waterproof Show Card Ink
then heating to effect its solution. The Hydromalin 13.8 lb.
10% solution of gum tragacanth was a Carnauba Wax 25 lb.
semi-solid paste and was readily dis- Heat together for % hr. at 120-140°
seminated throughout the cellulose ni- C. Turn off heat and dissolve with
trate solution to produce a homogeneous stirring.
composition. Water was then gradually Any oil soluble dye 0.3 lb.
added and mixed into the solution, the
solution taking up or absorbing the
When temperature has fallen to 100°
C., add while stirring vigorously,
water substantially without precipita-
tion of nitrocellulose until about 150 Distilled Water, Boiling 178 lb.
parts had been added, whereupon a Stir until uniform.
change of phase occurred and the nitro-
cellulose solution became dispersed as
fine, discrete particles in the aqueous
* Varnish for Wax Coated Surfaces
medium. The dispersion was of a paste- The varnishing of surfaces coated
like consistency, and when spread as with paraffin wax, especially, has been
a thin layer on glass and then dried, well nigh impossible because of the
resulted in a continuous, translucent length of time required for drying.
film. The following cold varnish dries very
rapidly on waxed surfaces:
*Urea Besin Stoving Finishes Ester Gum 25
Acetone 75
The water soluble condensa-
tion product of urea and formaldehyde Allow to stand overnight and stir be-
(when reacted in the proportion of one fore using. While this varnish sepa-
gram of the former and five ee. of the rates intwo layers and is cloudy, it will
40 per cent solution of the latter) has give a clear film and should not be fil-
been discovered to yield a highly resis- tered. No other solvents or proportions
tant end product on treatment with sali- of ingredients will produce as good
cylic acid. The latter, in solution in results.
a suitable organic solvent mixture (e.g.,
ethyl alcohol, butyl alcohol and ethyl Wood-Oil Stand-Oil (Thickened
lactate), is incorporated with the aque- Wood-Oil)
ous solution of the initial urea-formal- A batch of raw wood-oil, in prefer-
dehyde compound and enters into reac- ably not over 10 gallons at a time, is
tion during the stoving operation. The heated as rapidly as possible (within 20
to 30 minutes) to 260° C. Pull off from

compositions present features of inter-

est as protective coatings for articles the fire at this temperature. Tbe tem-
of non-ferrous metals, including brass perature will rise automatically (poly-
and aluminum. Application may be by merization) and as soon as a tempera-
dipping or spraying, and the film is ture of 280° C. is reached, the reaction
is stopped by the addition of 3 to 5 gal- is heated to 240-260° G. (464-500° F,)
lons of cold thin linseed stand-oil, so and the temperature maintained until a
that the temperature falls to 240° C. small test taken from the batch and
As soon as the consistency of a thin thinned down with double the propor-
stand-oil is reached, further thickening tion of thinners after cooling down to
is stopped by pouring the oil into a cold normal temperature under the tap,
large flat vessel. shows no signs of cloudiness. When
The oil thus cooled, now serves for this point is reached, and not before,
the quick cooling of the next batch of the two thickened oils are added, and
thickened wood-oil. It is best to retain the heating of the batch is continued at
from the cold thickened wood-oil as 200-220 1 C. (392-428° F.) until a
much as is necessary for the next batch. further test remains quite bright, when
In the course of time, the linseed oil tested as just described. The batch is
content of the thickened wood-oil will then allowed to cool down and during
decrease, and eventually be eliminated the cooling, first the driers, then finally
altogether, leaving pure thickened wood the thinners are added. In using a fluid
oil . siccative containing 2% metallic cobalt,
Unfortunately, raw wood-oil is some- the quantity required for the above
times found on the market, that even at recipe is 15 lb.
a temperature of 260° C. will not by
itself cause internal further rise of tem-
Enamel Varnish
perature nor polymerize further. It is,
therefore, recommended to make a pre-

Ingredients. 100 lb. Albertol 111L,
liminary test of each new delivery of 160 lb. linseed stand-oil, 40 lb. thick-
wood-oil. This test is to show exactly
ened wood-oil, 0.15 lb. cobalt (calcu-
lated as metal), 125-175 lb. thinners.
when internal heating takes place. If
at 260° this internal heating does not

Procedure. The previously prepared
set in, it will be necessary to raise the
thickened oils are mixed and heated to
150° G. (302° F.). The Albertol is then
temperature a further 5° to 10° C., or
at any rate, as high as is required until
gradually fed into the hot oils at such a
rate that no accumulation of undis-
internal heating commences. In this
case, the cooling down with cold oil is
solved Albertol takes place. When all
not carried out at 280° C., but at 285° the Albertol is in, the batch is allowed
to cool, and during the cooling, first the
C. or 290° G. It is, therefore, necessary
driers and finally the thinners are
to establish beforehand the proper tem-
perature for the preparation of the added. When using a liquid cobalt
drier containing 2% metallic cobalt, 7.5
wood-oil stand-oil, because the heating
lb. of the liquid drier are required for
of the wood-oil has to be carried out
quickly, in one action. this formula.
.The heating
must not be interrupted in any way, as
even by a temporary slight cooling or Long-Oil Boat Varnish (Yacht Varnish,
keeping at the same temperature for Marine or Submersible Varnish,
even a moment, the wood-oil would be Non-Spotting Outside Varnish)
gelatinized by the renewed heating.

Ingredients. 100 lb. Albertol 111L,
300 lb. thickened wood-oil, 0.3 lb. cobalt
(calculated as metal), 100-300 lb. thin-
Medium Long-Oil Varnish for Inside ners.
and Outside Use
Ingredients. — 100 Albert ol 209L,

Procedure. The previously prepared
lb. thickened oil is heated to 15*0° C. (302°
100 lb. Varnish linseed oil, 125 lb. Lin- F.) and the Albertol is gradually fed
seed stand-oil, 75 lb. Thickened wood- into the hot oil, at such a rate that no
oil, 0.3 lb. Cobalt (calculated as metal), accumulation of undissolved Albertol
150-200 lb. Thinners. takes place. When all the Albertol is

Procedure. The varnish linseed oil is in, the batch is allowed to cool, and
heated to 150-200° C. (302-392° F.) and during the cooling, first the driers, then
the Albertol gradually fed into the hot finally the thinners are added. If a
oil, at such a rate that no accumulation fluid cobalt drier, containing 2% metal-
of undissolved Albertol takes place. lic cobalt be employed, 15 lb. of it will
When the Albertol is all in, the batch be required for this batch.
Chrome Tan Calf Finish.
Pyroxylin 500
Gelatin 1 % oz. Tricresyl Phosfate 120
Casein 1% oz. Castor Oil 250
Borax % oz. B. Crepe Rubber 50
Shellac 2 oz.
Dextrine 3 oz. Benzol 500
Water to make 1 gal. Solution Aand B are allowed to swell
Pigment to suit separately and then milled together until
Kip Butt Finish
Shellac 6 oz.
Gelatin 6 oz. Leather Finishes
Soap 4 oz. Unpigmented finishes, known as season-
Water 1 gal. ings are applied in dilute solutions to the
Percentage of pigments as required. grain side, leaving a very thin flexible
film, sufficiently hard to take a polish
when the leather is glazed. That is when
Leather Bolls, Coating for the leather is rubbed on glass or agate.
Bed Lead 2.5 oz.
Clovel 2,5 oz.
Lampblack 2 oz. Egg Albumen Finish (for light colored
Glycerol 2.5 oz. leather)
Gelatin 1.5 lb. Egg Albumen 1.5 parts
Acetic Acid 1 gal. Milk 4.5 parts
Water 94.0 parts

Patent Leather Softening Emulsion The above are thoroughly mixed to-
Castor Oil 4 parts gether. This film becomes insoluble to
Casein 4 parts water when exposed to light and air over
Methylated Spirits 1 part a period of time. A much more rapid
Benzol 1 part method of rendering it insoluble is bj/
Water 50 parts ironing the skin or by treating it with
Preservative A . trace a dilute solution of a metallic salt which
does not react with the tannin of the
Imitation Leather Dressing
Note: In making the above mixture,
A transparent dressing for imitation care must be taken not to exceed 130° F.
leather may be made as follows : otherwise the albumen will coagulate.
% second dope solution
(nitrocellulose approxi-
Blood Albumen Finish (for glazed black
mately 30 %) 19 lb.
Wood alcohol 33 gal.
Castor Oil 2 qt. Blood Albumen 10 to 1S%
Amyl Acetate Nigrosine 1%
13 gal.
Should a colored dressing be desired a
Glycerine %%
proper dye may be added to the above
Milk 10 % ,

Water to make 100%

solution to obtain desired shade.
The skin is also ironed to render the
film insoluble.
* Artificial Leather Base Temperature of mixing should not ex-
A. Water 100 ceed 130° F.
Acetone 400

All formulae preceded by an asterisk (?) are covered by patents.

Casein Finish. Acetone Alcohol BOO gm.
be used, and Fusel Oil 200 gm.
Only lactic casein should
Solvent Naphtha 200 gm.
not rennet casein.
Alcohol 200 gm.
Casein 2 parts
Castor Oil 100 gm.
Borax 0.35 part
parts Solution of above is effected similar to
Water 90
Milk 10 parts the priming coat.

The casein is added to the warm milk

and water at about 130° F. and the borax Leather Finish
is stirred in afterwards. Formaldehyde Dissolve
is added as a fixative. The formaldehyde 1 oz. Nigrosine sol. in spirit in a
(less than 10%) must be added cold, very mixture of
slowly in a thin stream with constant agi- 3 gills spirit shellac solution and
tation to the cold casein solution, other- % gillacetine by heating on the
wise it will cause the casein solution to water bath, allow to cool and
gel. filter.
Nitrobenzene is added as a preserva-
tive. Spirit Shellac Solution
is prepared by dissolving
Coloring Leather Black 8 oz. shellac in
Make a thin paste of Paris Paste and 1 gallon methylated spirit by heat-
water and rub into the leather. When dry ing on the water bath, filter, and
coat with a bright drying wax emulsion allow to cool.
or shellac solution. This gives a perma- The leather is brushed over once o>
nent non-fading black. twice with this solution and after drying
polished with a cloth with or without the
application of cream.
Cellulose Finish for Patent Leather
After the usual rolling and smoothing Leather Finish
processes, the splits are brushed free A typical example of wT ax pigment
from dust. They are then given two finish — —
a russet finish is as follows:
priming coats and a final gloss finish. Boil 40 lbs. grey carnauba wax with
4 lbs. caustic soda and 5 gallons of water
Priming Coat:
for at least 8 hours, making to original
Celluloid 100 gm. volume with water, until saponification
Amyl Acetate 100 gm. is complete often a further boiling is

Ethyl Acetate 50 gm. necessary. Then add the following pig-

Acetone Alcohol 300 gm. ments :

Fusel Oil 300 gm.

Solvent Naphtha 100 gm. Venetian Red 3 lb.
Alcohol 100 gm. Raw Umber 11 lb.
Castor Oil 125 gm. Brown Acid Dye 2 lb.
Mineral Dye (Umber) 50 gm. and more water as required.
The celluloid is dissolved in the mix-
ture of amyl acetate, ethyl acetate and Artificial Leather Dope
acetone alcohol. The dye is dissolved in High grade for hand finishing.
the castor oil and a little of the solvents. 8 oz. Pyroxylin (30-40 second
It is then milled and added to the dis- viscosity)
solved celluloid together with the rest 1 qt. Butyl Acetate
of the solvents. The mixture is blended 1 pt. Amyl Acetate
in a mill and applied to the splits by 1 pt. Butanol
brush and dried at 35° C. When dry, the 2 qt. Toluol or solvent Naphtha
leather is pressed and a second coat of 1 oz. Acetanilid
primer is given. When dry, the flesh 2 oz. Camphor
side of the splits is wetted down and the
grain side pressed with a grain-patterned
Cheaper grade of Artificial Leather Dope
plate. It is then sprayed with the final
gloss finish. 26 oz. Pyroxylin
2 pt. Ethyl Acetate
Gloss Finish: 1 pt. Methyl Acetate
Cejluloid 100 gm. 1 pt. Denatured Alcohol
Amyl Acetate 100 gm. 4 pt. Benzol
Ethyl Acetate 350 gm. 2 oz. Camphor


Castor or Rapeseed Oil to be used as * Imitation Leather
plasticizer for both of above, A
r .9 1 mixture of tung and linseed
Pyroxylin artificial leather is made oils is heated to 249°, then allowed to
from a cotton fabric, upon which has cool to 243°, PbO is added, and the temp,
been built up a plurality of coats of mix- maintained at 238-243° for 30 min. Mn
tures of oils pyroxylin and plasticizers and Co and synthetic or nat-
together with pigments to give the desired ural resin, e.g.,
Amberol (B.S, 1, light),
color. When the desired thickness has South Sea gum, are then added, the
been attained the material is run through temp, is restored to 218°, and the batch
an embossing machine where, under thinned out with a mixture of heavy and
proper conditions, the desired grain effect light petroleum naphthas.
is impressed into the fabric. If a hard
finish is desired a nitrocellulose coating
with a minimum of oil is applied as a Leather Stain Remover
final measure. But since from 3 to 30 A solution for removing stains f rom the
coats are applied it is probably economi- flesh side of leather is composed of the
cal to use low grade dope for the inter- following:
mediate coats and a high grade one for
Water 250 cc.
the first two coats and the last two or
Oxalic Acid 3 gr.
three coats. The dope itself is applied
by a blunt knife operated by a machine.
For this reason they are rather viscous. Waterproof Boot Dressing
The manipulation of the solvent formulae Spermaceti 3 oz*
to give the desired qualities together with Raw India Rubber 6 dr.
cheapness is a very specialized art and Tallow 8 oz.
each manufacturer cherishes what he con- Hogs Lard 2 oz.
ceives to be the best and cheapest for- Amber Varnish 5 oz.
mula. To avoid blushing when using
cheap low boiling solvents use forced dry-
,ng under heated drying tunnels at a Leather (Matt) Finish
temperature of 150° to 200° F. Dissolve 1 lb. of white Borax Chip
soap in 4 qts. of water and add to it 2
qts. of sulphonated castor oil, and boil
Split Leather
until you get a perfect soft soap or
Split leather is technically treated the emulsion. Add to the above a solution
same as cotton cloth, but has the added made from 4 oz. of flaxseed thoroughly
advantage of it being possible to cor- leached in 2 qts. of water, and then add
rectly call it “leather*
and a compen- 6 oz. of gelatine dissolved in 2 qts. of
sating cost from splitting with that of water, and 4 oz. of logwood crystals
only requiring three coats whereas 6 to should be added in the dry powdered
30 coats are used on cotton. Because of form, 1 lb. of lamp black and 4 oz, of
the irregular shape of the hide the dope direct black. When all is together in the
is applied by hand with a 2%" by 6"
kettle you should boil for about one hour,
swab and since it is brushed
neces- it is *then add sufficient cold water to make a
sary to use high boiling point solvents total of 3 gallons and then heat to about
and, in the case of black or patent 125° F., and stir well until mixture is
leather, each coat is pumiced smooth to perfectly smooth.
remove all flow and brush marks. The above should be boiled in the
steam jacket or over the fire; it cannot
* Artificial Leather
be done with the steam pipe on account
of the water from the exhaust.
Asuitable cloth is coated with a com- The above gives an excellent oily
position consisting of 1 pt. of nitrocellu- finish, and if your chrome matt leather
lose, 4-5 pts. of linseed oil (blown with should feel too rich or oily on the face,
air at about 250° so that its viscosity at you might reduce the amount of sul-
25-30° is 60-75 sec. as measured by the phonated castor oil used. The gelatine is
time taken by a steel ball of 0.25 in. diam. used to make the finish adhesive and by
to fall through 12 in.), and a pigment the use of a larger amount a brighter
dissolved in a mixed solvent ( e.g EtOAc finish will be produced, particularly when
30, CgH 6 30, methylated spirits 40 pts.); the leather has been ironed. The lamp
linseed oil may be replaced by other dry- black gives the matt calf the dull ap-
ing or semi-drying oils, and a drier may pearance desired.
be incorporated. The weights as given above are as

For Chemical Advisors, Special Raw Materials, Equipment, Containers, etc., consult Supply
Section at end of book.


2 qt. sulplionated castor oil. again given a coat of finish, dried, glazed
4 oz. flaxseed. and finally boarded again.
6 oz. gelatine.
4 oz. logwood crystals.
1 lb. lamp black. Dyeing Chrome Side Leather Black
4 oz. direct black. Recipe Ho. 1 Logwood and Bichromate
1 lb. white Borax chip soap. of Potash. For dyeing 100 lbs. of
leather, washed and shaved ready for
coloring, use:

Finishing of Black Vegetable Tanned Logwood Crystals 1 y2 lb.

Calfskins Extract of Fustic 4 oz.
Borax 3 oz.
After tannage, the goods are well
washed, struck out, equalized and re- Boil the logwood and Borax, until dis-
tanned in sumac at 30 degrees C., for solved, in 6 gallons of water. Then dis-
100 skins about 50 or 60 pounds of solve the fustic paste in 2 gallons of hot
sumac are dissolved in hot water. The water and stir it into the logwood liquor.
goods go into a sumac bath which has Then add enough cold water to make 12
been used for a previous pack and stay gallons of dye. In a pail dissolve:
there for 24 hours and then go to a new Bichromate of Potash 1% oz.
bath, then follow horsing up, setting out,
Put the leather into the drum with 3 or
boiling of the grain with a clear cod oil,
hanging in the air, striking out of the 4 gallons of water and run the drum five
minutes to wet the leather. Then pour
flesh and fat-liquoring of the flesh with
the prepared logwood liquor at 12° Fahr.
a mixture of degras and cod oil, too
into the drum and run the leather in it
much grease should be avoided in order
twenty minutes. Next pour the bichro-
to produce the brilliant grain. In place
mate of potash solution into the drum and
of the above the goods may be fat-
continue the drumming for ten minutes,
liquored in the drum giving 10 to 12 per
The following is a when the process should be complete.
cent, of fat-liquor.
good recipe :
Wash the leather in three changes of
water ; then fat-liquor it.
For 100 pounds of goods Recipe No. 2. Logwood and Titanium
5 pt. of cod liver oil, Salts. Prepare a logwood solution by
5 pt. of moellon, boiling logwood and Borax, then add
5 lb. of Marseilles soap, fustic paste and have 12 gallons of the
5 oz. of Borax and 100 pints of water. dye as described in Recipe No. 1. In a
little hot water in a pail dissolve for 100
After fat-liquoring, they are hung up, lbs. of leather:
struck out on flesh and grain and dried
Titanium Potassium Oxalate 6 oz.
out, stored for a few days and then
blacked. If pure iron black be employed, Run the leather in the logwood liquor
a solution of logwood to which it is well twenty minutes. Then add the titanium
to add a little potassium bichromate and solution to the liquor and run the drum
sodium carbonate is applied to the grain fifteen minutes. A good black results.
and made to penetrate. When the log- The leather should then be washed, fat-
wood has penetrated, the solution of iron liquored and finished.
is similarly applied. To get the black deeper into the leather
Excellent results can be obtained with or through it, drum it in palmetto extract,
aniline blacks, which are simple to apply then in 3 ozs. of titanium salts in solu-
by passing the solution over the goods tion ; add the logwood, and after twenty
with a brush. It is preferable to use a minutes, pour in 3 more ozs. of titanium
basic dye rather than an acid black when salts in solution, and after running the
it is to be applied with a brush. drum ten minutes longer, wash and fat-
After dyeing, they are given a light liquor the leather.
coat of oil on the grain, partially dried, Recipe No. 3. Logwood and Nigrosine.
boarded in several directions, laid in pile This process colours the flesh blue and
over night, cleaned on the grain with a the grain black. For each dozen sides,
little barberry juice, dried and rubbed dissolve 8 ozs, of nigrosine in hot water,
with a soft flannel. To obtain a brilliant and dram the leather in the solution
finish a light coat of finish should be twenty minutes or until the color is well
applied after the barberry* juice, e.g., a taken up. Then drain off all the water
solution of 10 per cent, of blood albumen and fat-liquor the leather with a suitable
in water should be applied, the goods fat-liquor, after which, black the grain
dried, glazed on the machine, boarded. on a table by brushing in logwood and
copperas or logwood and bichromate of
potash, first applying the logwood and
then the copperas or other striker. When
Acetic Acid
Nitrate of Iron
r)z .

the grain has become black, wash it, set
Boil the logwood in a .few gallons of
it out, apply a coat of oil, and hang the
water ; add the Bor&x and enough water
leather up to dry.
to make 12 gallons of liquor. In a pail
When leather is drummed in a logwood
of hot water dissolve the nigrosine. Run
liquor containing Borax until s the color
the skins in the logwood liquor for ten
is taken and then spread on a table or
minutes; add the nigrosine and run ten.
run through a machine and blacked
minutes longer. Then dissolve the acetic
upon the grain, it dries out with blue flesh
acid and nitrate- of iron in 2 gallons of
and black grain.
After leather is dyed with logwood and
water. Pour the solution into a drum
and run the latter fifteen minutes. Then
striker, it should be very thoroughly
drain the liquor out of the dram, wash
washed before it is dried and finished, to
the skins in two or three changes of
get rid of all the dye liquor.
water and then fat-liquor them. The
It is considered by some tanners con-
temperature of the dye liquor should be
ducive to a better color to run the leather
120° Fahr.
in a solution of palmetto extract or of
A Dyeing with Logwood and Copperas.
gambler before giving it the dye.
For each 100 lbs. of skin to be dyed, pre-
good method is to apply palmetto liquor,
pare a logwood liquor by boiling in a
say 2 lbs. to 100 lbs. of leather, then to
few gallons of water:
drum the leather in an alkaline logwood
fustic liquor, and then to develop the Logwood Crystals 1% lb.
color with a solution of titanium salts as Fustic Paste 4 oz.
described in Recipe No. 2. Borax 4 oz.
Good results are also secured by fat- Drum the skins in this liquor, of which
liquoring the leather first, then running there should be 12 gallons at a tempera-
it in gambler or palmetto and afterwards ture of 120° Fahr. for twenty minutes.
dyeing with logwood and striker. A In the meantime dissolve in 3 gallons of
better black, as to color and
durability, is boiling water;
obtained by using titanium salts in place Copperas 2 oz.
of iron liquor. Bluestone % oz.

Add cold water to the solution to reduce

Methods of Dyeing Goat Skins Black the temperature to 100° Fahr. When the
Dyeing with Logwood and Titanium twenty minutes are up, pour the solution
into a drum and allow the latter to rotate
Salts. For 100 lbs. of shaved skins use:
fifteen minutes. Then remove the skins
Logwood Crystals 1% lb.
from the drum, wash them in two or three
Extract of Fustic Paste 4 oz.
warm water and
changes of finally fat-
Borax 3 oz.
liquor them.
Boil the logwood in 6 gallons of water
until dissolved; then add the fustic paste Dyeing Kangaroo Skins Black
and stir thoroughly; run in enough cold
1, For each 100 lb. of skins,
water to make 12 gallons of liquor.^ Add
dissolve by boiling in 10 gallons of
the Borax and then color the skins by
drumming them in the dye until the log-
wood is taken up. The temperature of Logwood Crystals 1% oz.

the liquor should be 120° Fahr. While Fustic Paste 4 oz.

the skins are running in the dye, dissolve Borax 3 oz.

in a pail of hot water for each 100 lbs. Add 5 gallons of cold water to the liquor
of skins: and use it at 125° Fahr. Dram the skins
Titanium Potassium Oxalate 6 oz. in it for twenty minutes. While the
drum is running, dissolve in a pailful of
When the twenty minutes are up pour hot water;
this solution into a drum and drum the
skins ten or fifteen minutes longer. Then Bichromate of Potash 1 oz.
wash them in warm water and fat-liquor Pour this solution into thedrum and run
them. the drum ten minutes. Then drain the
Dyeing with Logwood Acetic Acid and liquor out of the drum and wash the skins
Nitrate of Iron. To color 100 lbs. of in three changes of water. They are then
skins use: ready to be fat-liquored.
Logwood Crystals 1% lb. Recipe 2. A
good color can be obtained
Black Nigrosine 1 oz. with logwood and titanium salts in the
following manner: For every 100 lbs. of leather should be dampened, staked and
skins, boil until dissolved in 10 gallons tacked.
of water;

Logwood Crystals 1 Vz lb. Chrome Liquor
Fustic Paste 4 oz. The chrome liquor can also be made by
Borax 3 oz. dissolving ten pounds of sodium bi-
chromate in two gallons of water, and
In another tub dissolve in 10 gallons of adding to • this liquor ten pounds of sul-
hot water for every 100 lbs. of skins: phuric acid. Then add to the solution six
Titanium Potassium Oxalate 5 oz. pounds of syrup glucose at intervals
allowing the agitation to subside before
Put the skins and half of the titanium adding another portion. This liquor
solution into the drum and run the drum should be diluted to 45 BA, and fifteen
ten or fifteen minutes ; then pour the log- pounds of it will tan one hundred pounds
wood liquor in and run the drum fifteen of skins. The dry skins, after they have
minutes; finally, to develop the colour, been washed back, can be also chrome
pour in the rest of the tianium solution tanned with six pounds of tanolin dis-
and run the drum ten minutes longer. solved in two gallons of boiling water.
Wash the skins and finish them, but have Drum the skins in the salt water solution
1 lb. of titanium salt in the barrel of
ten minutes, then add the chrome liquor
seasoning and no copperas. The logwood
in portions of one-third at a time at in-
liquor should be increased to 15 gallons
tervals of one-half hour, drumming for
by the addition of 5 gallons of cold water two hours. Then dissolve and pour into
and used at a temperature of 125° the drum eight ounces of sodium bicar-
bonate and drum one-half then add six
ounces more of the sodium bicarbonate
Blacking Chrome Sole Leather and drum another hour. After the leather
When the leather is blacked first and has been drained at least twelve hours
then stuffed, it is taken, a side at a time, it is washed and neutralized with Borax.
slicked out smooth on a table and given
a coat of logwood liquor, then a coat of Fat-Liquor for Chrome Side Leather
striker, next another coat of logwood and
more striker, after which it is washed, No. 1. Put 10 lbs. of palmetto, fig or
run through a wringer and put into con- other good soap into a clean barrel with
dition for stuffing. 10 gallons of water. Boil with steam
The logwood liquor is made of 6 lb. until dissolved. Then take four gallons
of logwood crystals and 2 lb. of Borax of neatsfoot oil and cut it by stirring
in 50 gallons of water. The striker is into it a few ounces of Borax dissolved in
made of 7 lb. of copperas and 5 lb. of hot water. Add the oil to the soap and
blue vitriol in 50 gallons of water, boil again; then add 6 lbs. of moellon
although any other good striker may be degras and boil until the liquor is
used. thoroughly emulsified. Run in enough
water to make 40 gallons of fat-liquor.
Four gallons of this emulsion may be
Coloring Chromed India-Kips
used for each dozen sides.
Anexcelent colour is secured by using
No. 2. For 100 lbs. of heavy grain
the following process: chrome leather:
For each 100 lbs. of leather ready to be
coloured, boil in 10 gallons of water, 1%
Fig Soap 1 lb.
lbs. of logwood crystals and 4 oz. of
German Degras 3 lb.

Borax, then stir into the liquor 4 oz. of Neatsfoot Oil 3 lb.

fustic paste. Use this liquor at 125° Sod Oil 3 lb.

Fahr. Drum the leather in it for one Borax 4 oz.

half-hour; then pour into the drum a Boil the first three ingredients in 6 gal-
solution of 5 oz. of titanium postassium lons of water for one half-hour. Then
oxalate in a pail of hot water and run add the sod oil and Borax and stir thor-
the drum fifteen minutes longer. If the oughly. Add water to make 12 gallons
leather has not been fat-liquored, it of liquor, which may be applied to the
should next be washed and then fat- leather at any temperature between 125
liquored, oiled and dried. The grain and 140° Fahr. If the leather is greasy,
should be well struck out, and oiled with wash it in a warm solution of Borax. If
a mixture of one part olive and three the fat-liquor is not fully taken up by
parts paraffin oils. Drying should be the leather, pour in the drum 4 ozs. of
me somewhat slowly; and when dry the salts of tartar dissolved in 3 gallons of
hot water and run the drum fifteen min- greasy should be given a sig before the
utes longer. The grain should receive logwood liquor is applied with a brush.
a good coat of cod or neatsfoot oil before The object of this treatment is to cut the
the leather is dried. grease out of the grain so that the log-
wood can pdnerate the grain. For this
Fat-Liquor for Chrome Glove Leather purpose a warm solution of Borax is
The following is given as especially very beneficial. The strength of the
suitable for glove leather; solution must depend upon the condition
of the leather.
Olive Chip Soap 12 lb.
Glauber ’a Salt 3 lb.
Borax 2 lb. Dressing Oil as an Alkali Fat-Liquor
Sod Oil 5 gal. with Borax
Cod Oil 3 gal. Mix in a wooden tank arranged with
Neatsfoot Oil 1 gal. open steam coil. Use 3 to 5% of Borax
in % of water to
Boil the first three ingredients for one- %
of oil. Heat the
mixture with steam. When the Borax is
half hour; then add the oils and boil
again about one-half hour; then fill up thoroughly dissolved and the mixture
the barrel to make 50 gallons of fat- stirred up, you will have a splendid fat-
liquor. Use 7 lbs. of this fat-liquor for liquor which may be used as soon as it
100 lbs. of leather. Dilute it with hot is cold.

water and use at 125° Fahr., drumming Caution

the leather in it for forty minutes. It is very necessary in mixing this oil
to use a wooden tank or a lead lined tank,
Fat-Liquor and an open steam coil, as an iron tank
An excellent fat-liquor for chrome or dry heat would have the effect of
glove skins is made of one pound of soap, darkening the oil.

eight ounces of neatsfoot oil, one and a

half pounds of egg yolk and two ounces Fat-Liquoring
of Borax for one hundred pounds of
For 100 lbs. of skins take;
leather. The soap and Borax are boiled
and dissolved in a few gallons of water; 2 lb. of Marseilles Soap,
1 lb. of Neatsfoot Oil,
the oil is then added and the mixture
thoroughly stirred. A few gallons of 35 gr. of Borax,
cold water are added to reduce the tem- 4 to 5 gallons of water at 60 degrees
perature to 90 degrees, when the egg yolk C. and drum for 40 minutes*
is added and the liquor thoroughly stirred The skins are now passed through
is used at a temperature of 120 degrees. water and if the shade is not sufficiently
There should be twelve gallons of it. The black they can be darkened further. For
preparation of sheepskins is about as fol- 50 skins take 5 gallons of logwood in-
lows They are dewooled with a paint of
; fusion, and pass the skins through it
sodium sulphide and lime or one made three times. Then the skins are immersed
of lime and red arsenic; limed for a few in a bath of sulphate of copper. Rinse
days in clear white lime. the skins in water, set out by machine,
apply a light coat of neatsfoot oil and
Fat-Liquor for Sheep Leather hang up to dry.
Finishing is as usual with the follow-
Put 10lbs. of potash soap into a clean
ing, which will produce a fine lustre:
barrel with 10 gallons of water, and boil
and stir it until it is dissolved. Into 4 4 of logwood infusion,

gallons of best neatsfoot oil stir 4 ozs. of 250 of ox blood,


Borax dissolved in a quart of boiling 500 cc. of milk,

water, taking Care to stir thoroughly to 300 gr. of barberry juice,

cut the oil. Put the oil into the soap 13 whites of egg,
solution and stir thoroughly. Then run in 60 gr. ammonia,
enough cold water to make 50 gallons of 60 gr. alcohol,
fat-liquor. The user can, if he desires, 12 gr. sulphate of iron,
add 10 lbs. of egg yolk to the oil and soap 2 litres of nigrosine solution,
solution, but not until it has been cooled 500 cc. of gall nut infusion.
down to 75° Fahr. with cold water.
Recipe for Fat-Liquor
Leather Heavily Fat-Liquored Cook seven pounds olive chip soap and
OhTome leather that has been so seven pounds fig soap in 25 gallons of
heavUy fat-liquored that the grain is water. Add one pound of powdered
Borax and cook until cut, then let cool to To Give a White Flesh Side to Calf
120° and add six gallons egg yolk. Fill Leather
the barrel with cold water to make fifty After tanning with sumac, the skins
gallons. This will fat-liquor sixty-five to are dried and shaved. They are then
seventy horse hides, kip or cow hides. The fulled very soft, dyed on the grain side
leather should be run for one hour in only, racked, stretched over a frame and
stuffing- mill, which should be kept at dried. When the grain side is finished,
120 °. the flesh side is pumiced, coated with the
Olive Oil, being a vegetable oil, pro- white dressing and glass papered. This
duces lasting effects on leather. It does white dressing is made as follows: For
not evaporate, spew or become gummy. a dozen skins, 2 pounds of Spanish white
The lasting effects of this oil have long and 12 ounces of white tallow soap are
been known, but because of its high cost stirred together with the white of 12 eggs
it has been used only on the fine grades and 2%gallons of water.
of leather. The skins after a thorough cleansing
are repeatedly coated with a mixture of

Degreasing Before Dyeing

100 parts of glycerine, 0.2 of salicylic
After the fat-liquored skins have laid and 2.5 of Borax.
acid, 0.2 of picric acid,
in pile for about twelve hours, they are They are then nearly dried and impreg-
degreased by brushing over on the grain nated in a dark room with a solution of
with 3 per cent. Borax and 2 per cent, bichromate of potash, after which, dry-
good white soap, made into a solution ing is completed and both sides given a
with 95 parts soft water. After washing coat of shellac varnish.
the grain with this, the skins are rinsed
in warm soft water, dried for dyeing, or
in some eases sponged over with, linseed Variety of Useful Shades
mucilage which retards the fixing of the By increasing or decreasing the quan-
colour, and keeps the grain a uniform tity of blue or black in the medium and
shade but it must be allowed to dry before dark browns a large variety of useful
the dye is applied. Some dyers prefer to shades can be obtained. For the light
dye before fat-liquoring, because less dye shades of brown the yellows are used as
is required, and if acid dyes are used sul- the shading agents.
phuric acid may be used in the dye-bath. To finish colored leather. take:

It must be remembered, however, that fat- Egg Albumen 6 QZ.

liquoring subsequent to dyeing removes a Glycerine 2 oz.
lot of the dyestuff. Where the dyeing Borax 2 oz.
follows the fat-liquoring under no cir- Shellac 4 oz.
cumstances must sulphuric acid be
Dissolve the albumen in lukewarm
allowed in the dye-bath, as this will pre-
water, then dissolve the shellac with the
cipitate free fatty acid on the leather
Borax and add to the albumen together
and cause uneven dyeing.
with the glycerine, and use cold. It is
always advisable to add to the seasoning
Formula for Producing Plump Leather mixture a little dyestuff of the same kind
as that used for dyeing the skins. The
above ingredients will be found enough to
Dissolve five pounds of Borax in hot make 10 gallons of seasoning. The
water and add it to 1,000 gallons of method of procedure, after applying the
water and soak hides from 2 4 to 48 hours season, is the same as for blacks, except
changing the water, if necessary, where that if a finishing oil for colors is found
the hides are very dirty. Have your stock desirable, special attention must be given
as clean as possible before it is put into to the selection of the right quality. The
thedimes. oil used should not be greasy; its con-
sistency should be thin, and it should
rapidly disappear into the leather. The
The best method depends somewhat on object of its use is merely to lubricate
the kind of stock being made. Starting and soften the grain, and only a light
stock in new and strong limes and finish- application is necessary.
ing up with weak ones makes the leather
very plump as well as soft, but it is pref-
erable to start in weak limes and finish Blue or Purple Coloring
up in strong ones. Extreme plumping at In some cases the sides are dyed blue or
the start tends to weaken the fibres of purple on the flesh. This is performed
the leather. by dissolving 6 pounds of logwood paste
and 2 pounds of Borax and a small quan-
tity of bine aniline in warm water, heated pliable, after which it may be rubbed
to the boiling point. If a purple-black is with fine sandpaper and pumice stone to
required, an additional quantity of Borax obtain a smooth finish.
and a small quantity of blue aniline
should be added, the quantities to be
regulated by the shade required. The For Tanning White Goat Skins
sides are run in this liquor for 20 4 oz. Sulphate of Aluminum
minutes. 4 oz. Sulphate of Potash
The finish is made up in the following 2 oz. Borax
way: For 10 gallons of season, 4 ounces If the skins are very greasy, use 3 oz.
ruby shellac, 2 ounces ammonia, 2 ounces of salt petre for a driver. All alum skins
haematin, 6 ounces nigrosine, 3 ounces should be dried out in the air and damp-
chrome leather black and 2 ounces gly- ened by sprinkling a little water on the
cerine are used. First dissolve the shellac flesh. Roll them up and allow them to
in water, to which has been added the stand for a day or two then arm crutch
ammonia; then dissolve haematin, nigro- them.
sine and chrome leather black; stir the
whole together until fairly cold. Give the For Tanning Snake Skins
sides a coat of this and air off, then
glaze ; then another coat, and glaze again,
A combination tannage is best. The
ingredients are salt, alum, gambler and
after which they can be grained and are
common flour. One third of each of the
ready to be sent out. chemicals and one pound of flour. Cover
with about a couple of gallons of water.
Tanning Fur Skins Add about five ounces of Borax to make
Cut off the useless parts of the skin, the skins soft.
and then soften it by soaking, so that
all flesh and fat may be scraped from The Graining Process
the inside with a blunt knife. Soak the
Graining is an art well understood in
skin next in warm water for an hour,
morocco finishing, and therefore it is not
and during that time mix equal quanti-
necessary to describe it in much detail.
ties of Borax, saltpetre and Glauber salts
The skin is sometimes bruised on the
with enough water to make a thin paste.
flesh before graining, but the general
About half an ounce of each ingredient
idea is to getas pronounced a marking as
will give enough for an opossum skin,
possible, and this is done by crossing and
and proportionately more will be required
recrossing in the ordinary way. Morocco
for larger ones. When the skin has graining, however, is a process in which
soaked in the warm water, lift it and
there is every opportunity for the work-
spread it out flat, so that the paste may
man to use his brains and experience, and
be applied with a brush to the inside
for this reason none but the best workmen
of the skin; more paste will be required
are usually employed for this purpose.
where the skin is thick than where it is
After graining in the damp state, the
thinner. Double the skin together, flesh
skins are aired off, and a coat of the fob
side inwards, and put it in a cool place
lowing season carefully applied. Dissolve
for twenty-four hours, at the end of
4 to 6 ounces best orange shellac in hot
which time it should be washed clean, and
water, and add 2 ounces of Borax, mak-
treated in the same way as before with a
ing up the whole into six gallons of finish.
mixture of one ounce of sodium carbonate
(washing soda), one-half ounce Borax
and two ounces hard, white soap; these Blacking Kangaroo Calf and Sides
must be melted slowly together without After stock has been stuffed and dried
being allowed to boil. The skin should out it should lay some days to mellow
then be folded together again, and put down. Then yellow back it. Take a 50-
in a warm place for twenty-four hours. gallon barrel and put in:
After this, dissolve four ounces alum,
10 gal. of Water
eight ounces salt, and two ounces^ sodium
1 gal. Neatsfoot Oil
carbonate (baking soda) in sufficient hot 1 lb. Sal Soda
water to saturate the skin; the water 1 lb. of Borax
used should be soft, preferably rain of Turmeric
5 lb.
water. When this is cool enough not to
scald the hands, the skin should be im- Boil well, then fill np barrel with cold
mersed and left for twelve hours ; then water in drum and 12 pails of mixture
wring it out and hang it up to dry. The and turn 15 to 20 minutes, then take out
soaking and drying must be repeated two and color as follows:
or three times, till the skin is soft and 1 pail of Sig.
1 pail of Logwood Liquor hides than can be handled at one time,
1 pail of Black the hides may be thoroughly salted and
A brush for each kept for from three to five months. The
hides must never be allowed to freeze or
heat during storage or tanning. Some
Imitation English Oak tanners state that salting before tanning
To make an imitation English oak or is helpful. It can do no harm to salt a
to bleach dark leather, submerge same in hide for a few days before it is prepared
a solution composed of for tanning.
4 ounces Borax
The directions here given have been
prepared for a single heavy eowT steer, or
4 ounces Oxalic Acid ,

bull hide weighing from 40 to 70 pounds

thoroughly dissolved in or for an equivalent weight in smaller
1 gallon of water. skins, such as calf or kip skins. The
heavy hides are best suited for sole, har-
ness, or belting leather. Lighter hides
Deliming Hides and Skins weighing from 20 to 40 pounds should be
Crocodile, Lizard and Python Skins. used for lace leather.
The dehydrated skins are restored by
soaking in cold water softened with 8 lbs. Preliminary Operations
of borax per 1,000 gallons, worked over Before it is tanned a hide or skin
the beam on the flesh side, and limed to must be put through the following pre-
loosen the scales and separate the fibers. liminary operations. As soon as the hide or
The skins are given 10 to 15 days in skin has been put through these processes,
fairly mellow lime liquors (no sodium start the tanning, following the directions
sulphide), and hauled daily. The strength given for the particular kind of leather
of the lime liquor is maintained by small desired.
additions of lime paste on alternate days. Slaning Lime
The scales are removed with an unhairing
knife, swollen flesh detached, and the Put from 6 to 8 pounds of burnt or
pelts washed in a paddle with running caustic lime in a clean half barrel,
water. Deliming is accomplished in the wooden tub, or bucket, with a capacity of
same vessel, using 2 lbs. of boric acid for at least 5 gallons. Use only good-quality
100 lbs. of skins, and paddling for about lime, free from dirt and stones; never use
214 hours. Finally the skins are washed air-slaked lime. To the lime add about
for 20 minutes in clear water. 1 quart of water. As the lime begins to
slake add more water, a little at a time,
to keep the lime moist. Do not pour in
Tanning Beptile Skins enough water to quench the slaking.
Dehydrated skins are soaked in water When the lime appears to be slaked, stir
(8 lbs. Borax per 1000 gallons) ; worked in 2 gallons of clean water. Do all this
over beam on flesh side and treated with just as in making whitewash. Slake the
sat, lime solution to loosen scales. Weak lime on the day before the soaking of
lime liquors are used now to treat skins the hide is .begun, and keep the limewater
for 10 days. Bemove scales by knife and covered with boards or sacks until ready
wash pelts in running H
2 0. Then de- to use it.
lime with 2 lbs. boric acid per 100 lbs. If available, fresh hydrated lime, not
skins, paddling for two to three hours; air-slaked, may be used instead of the
then a clear H
2 0 wash. burnt or caustic lime. In this case use
Bates stock immersed in water con- from 8 to 10 pounds in 4 or 5 gallons of
taining Fastan to bring gravity to 1° Be. water.
On next day strengthen liquor to 2 ° Be. Soaking and Gleaning
On 3rd day, strengthen to 3° B§. Bemove If the hide has been salted, shake it
skins on fourth day and place in Hypo
vigorously to remove most of the salt.
bath for 24 hours. Then wash and fat Spread it out, hair side down, and trim
off the tail, head, ears, all ragged edges,
and shanks.
Home Tanning of Leather and Fur Skins Place the hide, hair side up, length-
Preparation of the hide or skin for wise, over a smooth log or board, and,
tanning may be started as soon as it has with a sharp knife, split it from neck to
been taken off the animal, drained, and tail, straight down the backbone line,
cooled from the body heat. Overnight into two half hides, or ‘ ‘ sides . 7 ? It will
will be long enough. If tanning is not be more convenient in the later handling,
to be started at once or if there are more especially when the hide is large, to then


split each side
lengthwise through the knife. Finally wash off with a bucketful
“break,” just above the flanks, into two of dean water.
strips, making the strip with the back- The side must be soft, pliable, and
bone edge about twice as wide as the
clean all over before being* put into the
belly strip. Thus a whole hide will give lime, which is the next step.
two sides or four strips. If desired,
small skins need not be split. In these Liming
directions “side” means side, strip, or Wash
out the soak barrel. Pour in all
skin, as the case may be. of the slaked lime; nearly fill the bar-
Fill a 50-gallon barrel with clean, cool rel with clean, cool water; and stir
water. Plaee the sides, flesh side out, thoroughly. Place the sides, hair side
over short sticks or pieces of rope and out, again over the short sticks or pieces
hang them in the barrel of water. Let of rope, and hang them in the barrel so
them soak for two or three hours. Stir that they are completely covered by the
them about frequently to soften, loosen, limewater. See that the sides have as
and wash out the blood, dirt, manure, and few folds or wrinkles as possible and also
salt. The sticks or pieces of rope may be be sure that no air is trapped under them.
held in place by tying a loop of cord on Keep the barrel covered with boards or
each end and catehing the loops over nails bags. Pull up the sides and stir the lime-
in the outside of the barrel near the top. water three or four times each day until
After soaking for about three hours the hair will come off easily. This takes
take out the sides, one at a time, and from 6 to 10 days in summer and pos-
place them, hair side up, over a ‘ £ beam. 7 7 sibly as many as 16 days in winter.
A ready-made beam can be bought. A When thoroughly limed, the hair can
fairly satisfactory one may be made from be rubbed off readily with the hand.
a very smooth slab, log, or thick planed Early in the liming process it will be pos-
board, from 1 to 2 feet wide and 6 to 8 sible to pull out the hair, but the hide
feet long. The slab or log is inclined, must be left in the limewater until the
with one end resting on the ground and hair comes off by rubbing over with the
the other extending over a box or trestle hand. For harness and belting leathers
so as to be about waist high. leave the hide in the limewater for from
With the side lying hair side up over 3 to 5 days after this condition has been
the beam, scrub oil all dirt and manure, reached.
using if necessary a stiff brush. Wash Unhairing
off with several bucketfuls of clean Whenlimed, throw the side, hair side
water. up, over the beam, and, with the back
Turn the side over, flesh side up, and edge of a drawing or butcher knife, held
scrape or cut off any remaining flesh. nearly flat against the side, push off the
Work over the entire flesh side with the hair from all parts. If the side is suffi-
back edge of a drawing or butcher knife, ciently limed, a curdy or cheesy layer of
held firmly against the hide, while push- skin rubs off with the hair. If this layer
ing away from the body. Wash off with does not rub off, the side must be re-
one or twT o bucketfuls of clean water. turned to the limewater. After removing
This working over should always be done. the hair, put the side back in the lime-
Refill the soak barrel with clean, cool water again for another day, until any
water and hang the sides in it as before. fine hairs that may remain can be easily
Pull them up and stir them about fre- scraped off. Now thoroughly work over
quently until they are soft and flexible. the grain or hair side with a dull-edged
Usually a green or fresh hide needs to tool to “scud or work out as much lime,
be soaked for not more than from 12 to grease, and dirt as possible.
24 hours and a green salted hide for not
more than from 24 to 48 hours. Fleshing
When the sides are properly softened Turn the side over and “scud it
that is, about like a fresh hide or skin again, being sure to remove all fleshy
throw them over the beam and thoroughly matter, Shave down to the hide itself,
scrape off all remaining flesh and fat. It but be careful not to cut into it. Remove
is of the greatest importance to remove the flesh by scraping and by using a very
all this material. When it can not be sharp knife, with a motion like that of
scraped off, cut it off, but be careful not shaving the face.
to cut into the hide itself. Even should Now proceed as directed under “Bark-
there appear to be no flesh to take off tanned sole and harness leather,
and nothing seems to be removed, it is Chrome-tanned leather 77 or “Alum-

necessary to thoroughly work over the tanned lace leather, 7 depending upon the

flesh side in this way with the back of a kind of leather desired.
Wastes from Liming gar. Stir well. Place the sides, from
The lime, iimewater, sludge, and flesh- the deliming, over sticks, and hang them
in this bark liquor with as few folds and
ings from the liming process may be
used as fertilizer, being particularly good
wrinkles as possible. Move the sides
for acid soils. The hair, as it is scraped
about and change their position often in
from the hide, may be collected sepa- order to get an even color.
rately, and, after being rinsed several Just as soon as the sides have been
times, may be used in plastering. If de- hung in the bark liquor, again soak from
sired, itcan be thoroughly washed with 30 to 40 pounds of ground bark in about
many changes of water until absolutely 20 gallons of hot water. Let this second
clean and, after being dried out in a bark liquor stand until the sides have
warm place, can be used for padding, become evenly colored, or for from 10 to
upholstering, insulation of pipes, etc. 15 days. Take out of the tanning barrel
5 gallons of liquor and pour in about one-
quarter of the second bark liquor. Also
Bark- tanned Sole and Harness Leather add about 2 quarts more of vinegar and
stir it in well. Five days later add an-
Deliming other fourth of the tan liquor only (no
After the sides have been put through vinegar). Do this every 5 days until the
the unhairing and fleshing operations, second bark liquor is used up.
rinse them with clean water. Wash the The progress of the tanning varies
sides in cool, clean water for from six to somewhat with conditions and can best be
eight hours, changing the water fre- followed by inspecting a small sliver cut
quently. from the edge of the hide. About 35
Buy 5 ounces of TJ. S. P. lactic acid days after the actual tanning has been
(or 16 ounces of tannery 22 per cent started a fresh cut should show two dark
lactic acid). Nearly All a clean 40 to 50 or brown narrow streaks about as wide
gallon barrel with clean, cool water, and as a heavy pencil line coming in from
stir in the lactic acid, mixing thoroughly each surface of the hide.
with a paddle. Hang the sides in the At this stage weigh out about 40
barrel and leave them there for 24 hours, pounds of fine bark and just moisten it
pulling them up and stirring frequently. with hot water. Do not add more water
Take out the sides, work over or than the bark will soak up. Pull the
'‘scud" them thoroughly, as directed sides out of the bark liquor and dump
under Unhairing, M and hang them in in the moistened bark, keeping in the
a barrel of cold water. Change the water barrel as much of the old tan liquor as
several times, and finally leave them in possible. Mix thoroughly and while mix-
the water overnight. ing hang the sides back in the barrel.
If lactic acid can not be obtained, use Actually bury them in the bark. All
a gallon of vinegar instead. parts of the sides must be kept well down
in the bark mixture. Leave the sides in
Tanning this bark for about six weeks, moving
The sides are now ready
for the actual them about once in a while.
tanning. From 15 to 20 days before this At the end of six weeks pull the sides
stage will be reached weigh out from 30 out. A cutting should show that the tan-
to 40 pounds of good-quality, finely- ning has spread nearer to the center. Pour
ground oak or hemlock bark and pour out about half the liquor. Stir the bark
onto it about 20 gallons of boiling water. in the barrel, hang the sides back, and
Finely-ground bark, with no particles fill the barrel with fresh, finely ground

larger than a grain of corn, will give the bark. Leave the sides in for about two
best results. Simply chopping the bark months, shaking the barrel from time to
into coarse pieces will not do. Do not let time and adding bark and water as
the tan liquor come in contact with iron needed to keep the sides completely
vessels. Use the purest water available. covered.
Rain water is best. At the end of this time the hide should
Let this bark infusion stand in a be evenly colored all the way through,
covered vessel until ready to use it. Stir without any white or raw streak in the
it occasionally. When ready to start center of a cut edge. If it is not struck
tanning, strain oft the bark liquor through, it must be left longer in the
through a clean, coarse sack into the tan- wet bark, and more bark may be needed.
ning barrel. Fill the barrel about three- For harness, strap, and belting leather
quarters full with water, rinsing the bark the sides may be taken out of the bark
with this water so as to get out as much liquor at this stage, but for sole leather
tannin as possible. Add 2 quarts of vine- they must be left for two months longer.

When fully tanned through the sides are Sole leather. —Take the sides from the
ready for oiling and finishing. tan liquor and rinse them thoroughly with
clean water. Hang them up until they
Oiling and Finishing are only .damp and then apply a good

Harness and belting leather. Take the coating of neat’s foot or cod oil to the
grain or hair side. Again hang them up
sides from the tan liquor; rinse them off
until they are thoroughly dry.
with water; and scour the grain or hair
side thoroughly with plenty of warm
When repairing shoes with this leather
it is advisable, after cutting out the piece
water and a stiff brush. Then go over
Cl for soling, to dampen and hammer it
the sides with a slicker/ pressing the

slicker firmly against the leather while down and then, after putting it on
Slick ’ ’ the shoe, to make it waterproof and more
pushing it away from the body.
* 4

serviceable by setting the shoe in a shal-

out on the grain or hair side in all direc-
For harness, belting, and the like low pan of melted grease or oil and
letting it stand for about 15 minutes.
this scouring and slicking out must be
thoroughly done. The grease or oil must be no hotter than

the hand can bear. Rubber heels should

A slicker can be made from a piece of
not be put in oil or grease. The soles of
copper or brass about one-fourth inch
shoes with rubber heels may be water-
thick, 6 inches long, and 4 inches wide.
proofed in the same way, using a pie pan
One long edge of the slicker is mounted
for the oil or grease and placing the
in a wooden handle and the other long
heels outside the pan. Any good oil or
edge is finished smooth and well rounded.
grease will do. The following formulas
A piece of hardwood, about 6 inches
have been found satisfactory:
square, 1% inches thick at the head, and
shaved down wedge-shape to a thin edge, Formula 1: Ounces
will also serve as a slicker.
Neutral Wool Grease 8
While the sides are still damp, but not
Hark Petrolatum 4
very wet, go *over the grain or hair side
with a liberal coating of neat’s foot or
Paraffin Wax 4
cod oil. Hang up the sides and let them Formula 2:
dry out slowly. When dry, take them
Petrolatum 16
down and dampen well by dipping in
Beeswax 2
water or by rolling them up in wet sack-
ing or burlap.
Formula 3:
When uniformly damp and limber,
Petrolatum 8
evenly brush or mop over the grain or
hair side a thick coating of warm dubbin. Paraffin Wax 4
The dubbin is made by melting together Wool Grease 4=

about equal parts of cod oil and tallow Crude Turpentine Gum (gum
Thus) 2
or neat’s-foot oil and tallow. This dub-
bin when cool must be soft and pasty, Formula 4:
but not liquid.
Hang up the sides again and leave Tallow
until thoroughly dried. When dry, scrape Cod Oil
off the excess tallow by working over with
the slicker. If more grease in the leather Chrome-tanned Leather
is desired, dampen again and apply an-
For many purposes chrome-tanned
other coating of the dubbin, giving a
leather is considered to be as good as the
light application also to the flesh side.
When again dry, remove the tallow and more generally known bark or vegetable-
tanned leather. The chrome process,
thoroughly work over all parts of the
Rubbing over which takes only a few weeks as against
leather with the slicker. bark-tanning
with sawdust will help to take up any
as many months for the
process, derives its name from
the use
surface oiliness.
of chemicals containing chromium or
If it is desired to blacken the leather,
chrome.’ * It is a chemical process re-
this must be done before greasing.
quiring great care. It is felt, however,
black dye solution can be made by dis-
that by following exactly the directions
solving one-half ounce of water-soluble
here given, never disregarding details
nigrosine in 1^4 pints of water, with the
which may seem unimportant, a service-
addition, if handy, of several drops of
able leather can be produced in a com-
ammonia. Evenly mop or brush this solu- The saving m
paratively short time.
tion over the dampened but ungreased
time seems sufficient to justify a trial of
leather and then grease as directed in the
this process.
preceding paragraph.
3 ; e


Deliming lized sodium carbonate) ; and common
salt (sodium chlorid).
After the sides have been put through For each hide or skin weighing more
the unhairing and fleshing operations
than 30 pounds use the following quanti-
rinse them oft* with clean water.
ties forthe stock chrome solution:
If sole, belting, or harness leather is to
Dissolve Sy2 pounds of soda crystals
be tanned, soak and wash the sides in
(crystallized sodium carbonate) and 6
cool water for about six hours before put-
Change pounds of common salt (sodium chlorid)
ting them into the lactic acid.
in 3 gallons of warm, clean water in a
the water four or five times.
wooden or fiber bucket. The soda crystals
If strap, upper, or thin leather is to be
must be clear or glasslike. Do not use
tanned, put the limed white sides into a
the white crusted lumps .
wooden or fiber tub of clean, lukewarm
(about 90° F.) water and let them stay
At the same time dissolve, in a large
there for from four to eight hours
tub or half barrel, 12 pounds of chrome
before putting them into the lactic acid.
alum (chromium potassium sulphate crys-
tals) in 9 gallons of cool, clean water.
Stir the sides about occasionally. Be sure
that the water is not too hot. It never
This will take some time to dissolve and
will need frequent stirring. Here again
should be so hot that it is uncomfortably
it is important to use only the very dark,
warm to the hand.
hard, glossy, purple or plum-colored crys-
For each large hide or skin buy 5
tals of chrome alum, not the lighter,
ounces of U. S. P, lactic acid (or 16
crumbly, dull lavender ones.
ounces of tannery 22 per cent lactic
acid). Nearly fill a clean 40 to 50 gal-
When the chemicals are dissolved,
lon barrel with clean, cool water, and which can be told by feeling around in
stir in the lactic acid, mixing thoroughly
the tubs with a paddle, pour the soda-
salt solution slowly in a thin stream into
with a paddle. Hang the sides in the
barrel, and leave them there for 24 hours, the chrome-alum solution, stirring con-
plunging them up and down occasionally. stantly. Take at least 10 minutes to pour
in the soda solution. This should give
For light skins, weighing less than 15
pounds, use only 2 ounces of IJ. S. P. one solution of about 12 gallons which
is the stock chrome solution Keep this
lactic acid in about 20 gallons of water. .

solution •well covered in a wooden or fiber

If laetic acid can not be obtained, use
bucket, tub, or half barrel.
1 pint of vinegar for every ounce of lactic
acid. An
effort should be made to get To start tanning, pour one-third (4
the lactic acid, however, for vinegar will gallons) of the stock chrome solution into
not be as satisfactory, especially for the a clean 50-gallon barrel and add about 30
medium and smaller skins. gallons of clean, cool water; that is, fill
After deliming, -work over both sides the barrel about two-thirds full. Thor-
of the side as directed under ( Un- oughly mix the solution in the barrel and
hairing. ? ? hang in it the sides from the deliming.
For sole, belting, and harness leathers, Work the sides about and stir the solu-
hang the sides in a barrel of cool water tion frequently, especially the first two or
overnight. Then proceed as directed three days. This helps to give the sides
under Tanning ’
‘ 1
’ an even color. It should be done every
For thin, softer leathers from small hour or so throughout the first day. Keep
water over-
skins, do not soak the sides in the sides as smooth as possible.
night. Simply rinse them off
with water After three days, temporarily remove
and proceed as directed under ‘ c Tan- the sides from the barrel. Add one-half
ning. ; of the remaining stock chrome solution,

thoroughly m i xing it with that in the
barrel, and again hang in the sides.
The tanning solution should be made Move the sides about and stir the solution
up at least two days before it is to be three or four times each day.
used—that is, not later than when the Three days later, once more tempo-
sides are taken from the limewater for rarily remove the sides. Pour into the
the last time. barrel the rest of the stock chrome solu-
Remember that this is a chemical tion, thoroughly mixing it with that in
process and all materials must be of good the barrel, and again hang in the sides,
quality and accurately weighed, and that Move the sides about and stir frequently
the specified quantities of water must be as before.
carefully measured. After the sides have been in this solu-
The following chemicals are required: tion for three or four days, cut off a
Chrome alum (chromium potassium sul- small piece of the thickest part of the
phate crystals ) soda crystals (crystal- side, usually in the neck, and examine the


freshly cut edge of the piece. If the cut dissolve 2 pounds of borax in about 40
edge seems to be evenly colored greenish gallons of clean water and soak the sides
or bluish all the way through, the tan- in this solution overnight. For hides and
ning is about finished. Boil the small skins weighing less than 25 pounds, use
piece in water for a few minutes. If it 1 pound of borax in about 20 gallons of
curls up and becomes hard or rubbery, water. Move the sides about in the borax
the tanning is not completed and the solution as often as feasible. After soak-
sides must be left in the tanning solution ing overnight in the borax solution, re-
for a few days longer, or until a small move the sides and wash them for an
piece when boiled in water is changed entire day, changing the water five or six
little if at all. times. Take the sides out, let the water
The foregoing quantities and directions drain off, and proceed as directed under
have been given for a medium or large “ Dyeing black, } or, if it is not desired

hide. For smaller hides and skins the to blacken the leather, proceed as directed
quantities of chemicals and water can be under 4 ‘Oiling and finishing.”
reduced. For each hide or skin weighing
less than 30 pounds, or for two or three
small skins together weighing not more Dyeing Black
than 30 pounds, the quantities of chemi-
cals may be cut in half, giving the fol-

Water-soluble nigrosine. One of the
simplest and best means of dyeing leather
lowing solutions: black is the use of nigrosine. Make up
For the soda-salt solution, dissolve 1% the dye solution in the proportion of one-
pounds of soda crystals (crystallized half ounce of water-soluble nigrosine dis-
sodium carbonate) and 3 pounds of com- solved in pints of water. Be sure to
mon salt (sodium chlorid) in 1% gallons get water-soluble nigrosine. Evenly mop
of clean water. or brush this solution over the damp
For the chrome-alum solution, dissolve leather after draining as already directed
6 pounds of chrome alum (chromium

and then proceed as directed under Oil- ‘

potassium sulphate crystals) in 4% gal- ing and finishing. ,

lons of cool, clean water.
When the chemicals are dissolved pour

Iron liquor and sumac. If water-
soluble nigrosine can not be obtained, a
the soda-salt solution slowly into the fairly good black may be secured with
chrome-alum solution as already de- iron liquor and sumac. To make the iron
scribed. This will give one solution of liquor, mix clean iron filings or turnings
about 6 gallons which is the stock chrome with one-half gallon of good vinegar and
solution. For the lighter skins tan with let the mixture stand for several days.
this solution, exactly as directed for See that there are always some undis-
medium and large hides, adding one-third, solved filings or turnings in the vinegar.
that is, 2 gallons, of this stock chrome For a medium or large hide put from
solution each time, and begin to tan in 10 to 15 pounds of dried crumbled sumac
about 15 gallons instead of 30 gallons of leaves in a barrel containing from 35 to
water. Follow the directions already 40 gallons of warm water. Stir well and
given as to stirring, number of days, and when cool hang in it the wet, chrome-
testing to determine when tanning is com- tanned sides. Leave the sides in this
pleted. Very small, thin skins probably solution for about two days, pulling
will not take as long to tan as will the them up and mixing the solution fre-
large hides. The boiling-water test is quently. Take out the sides, rinse off all
very reliable for showing when the hide is bits of sumac, and evenly mop or brush
tanned. over with the iron liquor. Rinse off the
excess of iron liquor and put the sides
Washing and Neutralizing back in the sumac overnight. If not black
When the sides are tanned, take them enough the next morning, mop over again
out of the tanning solution and put them with iron liquor, rinse, and return to the
in a barrel of clean water. The barrel sumac solution for a day. Take the sides
in which the tanning was done can be out of the sumac, rinse well, and scrub
used after it has been thoroughly washed. thoroughly with warm water. Finally
When emptying the tanning barrel be wash the sides for a few hours in several
sure to carefully dispose of the tanning changes of water.
solution. Although not poisonous to the While both of these formulas for dye-
touch, it probably would be fatal to farm ing have been given, it is recommended
animals should they drink it, and it is that water-soluble nigrosine be used when-
harmful to the soil. ever possible, as the iron liquor and
Wash the sides in about four changes sumac formula is somewhat troublesome
of water. For medium and large hides, and may produce a cracky grain. After
blackening, proceed as directed under with the slicker. If more grease in the
i £
Oiling and finishing.
leather is desired, dampen again and
apply another coating of the dubbin.
Oiling and Finishing When again dry, slick off the tallow and
Thin leather. —
Let the wet tanned
thoroughly work over all parts of the
leather with the slicker. Rubbing over
leather from the dyeing, or, if not dyed,
with sawdust helps to take up surface
from the neutralizing, dry out slowly.
While it is still very damp go over the
Chrome-tanned leather is stretchy, so
grain or hair side with a liberal coating of
that in cutting the leather for' use in
neat 7 s foot or cod oil. While still damp tack
harness, straps, reins, and similar articles
the sides out on a wall or tie them in frames
it is best to first take out most of the
being sure to pull them out tight and
smooth, and leave them until dry. When
Chrome leather for shoe soles must be
dry take down and dampen well by dip-
heavily greased, or, in other words, water-
ping in warm w ater or by rolling them

proofed, unless it is to be worn in ex-

up in wet sacking or burlap. When uni-
tremely dry regions. Waterproofing may
formly damp* and limber go over the sides
be done after repairing the shoes by set-
with a “ slicker/ 7 pressing the slicker
ting them in a shallow pan of oil or
firmly against the leather, while pushing
grease so that just the soles are covered
it away from the body. “Slick 77 out on
by the grease. The soles should be dry
the grain or hair side in all directions.
before they are set in the melted grease.
After slicking it may be necessary to
Melted paraffin wax will do, although it
“stake 77 the leather. This is done by
makes the soles stiff. The simple for-
pulling the damp leather vigorously back
mulas given are satisfactory for water-
and forth over the edge of a small smooth
proofing chrome sole leather.
board about 3 feet long, 6 inches wide,
and 1 inch thick, fastened upright and
braced to the floor or ground. The top
end of the board must be shaved down Alum-tanned Lace Leather
to a wedge shape, with the edge not more
than one-eighth inch thick and the corners
well rounded. Pull the sides, flesh side After the sides have been put through
the unhairing and fleshing operations,
down, backward and forward over this
rinse them off with cool, clean water for
edge, exactly as a cloth is worked back
and forth in polishing shoes. from six to eight hours, changing the
Let the sides dry out thoroughly again. water frequently.
If not sufficiently soft and pliable,
Buy 5 ounces of U.S.P. lactic acid
(or 16 ounces of tannery 22 per cent
dampen them with water, apply more oil,
lactic acid). Nearly fill a clean 40 to 50
and slick and stake as before. The more
time given to slicking and staking, the gallon barrel with clean, cool water and
stir in the lactic acid, mixing thoroughly
smoother and more pliable the leather will
with a paddle. Hang the sides in the

Thick leather. Thick leather from the barrel and leave them there for 24 hours,
pulling them up and stirring them about
larger hides is oiled and finished in a
slightly different manner. For harness frequently. Take out the sides, work over
and strap leather, let the tanned sides, or “scud 77 thoroughly, as directed under
dyed if desired, dry down. While they
Unhairing, 7 7 and hang them in a barrel

are still quite damp slick over the grain of cool water. Change the water several
or hair side thoroughly and apply a times, and finally leave them in the water
liberal coating of neat s foot or cod oil. overnight.
Tack on a wall or tie in a frame, stretch- If lactic acid can not be obtained, use
ing the leather out tight and smooth, and a gallon of vinegar instead.
leave until dry. Take the sides down,
dampen them with warm water until Tanning
limber and pliable, and apply to the grain While the are being delimed,
side a thick coating of warm dubbin. thoroughly wash out the barrel in which
This dubbin is made by melting together the hide was limed. Put in it 15 gallons
about equal parts of cod oil and tallow or of clean water and 12 pounds of ammonia
neat 7 s foot oil and tallow. When cool it I alum or potash alum and stir frequently
must be soft and pasty, but not liquid. until it is completely dissolved.
If too nearly liquid, add more tallow. Dissolve 3 pounds of washing soda
Hang up the sides again and leave them (crystallized sodium carbonate) and 6
until thoroughly dried. When dry, scrape pounds of salt in 5 gallons of cold, clean
*£f the excess tallow by working over water in a wooden bucket. The soda crys-
tals must be clear and glasslike. Do not from the body. Slick out on the grain
use white crusted lumps. or hair side in ail directions.
Pour the soda solution into the alum Alum-tanned leather almost invariably
solution in the barrel very, very slowly, dries out the first time hard and stiff.
stirring the solution in the barrel con- It must be dampened again and restaked
stantly. Take at least 10 minutes while drying. In some cases this must
to pour in the soda solution in a small be done repeatedly and another applica-
stream. If the soda is poured in rapidly tion of dubbin may be necessary. By re-
the solution will become milky and it will peated dampening, staking, and slicking
not tan. The solution should be cool, and the leather can be made as soft and
enough water to nearly fill the barrel pliable as desired.
should be added.
Hang each well-washed side from the
deliming in the alum-soda solution. Pull Tanning Fur Skins
up the sides and stir the solution six or
Do not put the Much of the value of a fur skin de-
eight times each day.
pends upon the manner in which it is
bare hands in the liquor if they are cut
handled in the raw state. After the ani-
or cracked or have sores on them.
mal has been caught, every effort should
After six or seven days remove the
be made to follow the best practices in
sides from the alum-soda solution and
skinning and curing, in order to obtain a
rinse well for about quarter of an hour
skin of the greatest possible value. Cer-
in clean, cold water.
tain trade Customs also must be followed
to secure the top price. Fur skins
Oiling and Finishing
as a protection are a necessity for
Let the sides drain and dry out slowly. those living in cold climates, but com-
While still very damp go over the grain paratively few are used for this purpose.
or hair side with a liberal coating of Most of the fur skins are made into
neat s-foot or cod oil. After the oil has
articles which are more or less of a
gone in and the sides have dried a little luxury, and as such are valued largely by
more, but are still slightly damp, begin their appearance and finish which an in-
to work them over a stake. 7 7 The time experienced worker can seldom make suffi-
to start staking important. The sides
is ciently pleasing. Furthermore, raw fur
must p.ot be too damp j neither must they skins are valuable, and, if well eared for,
be too dry. When light spots or light usually find a ready market. Neverthe-
streaks appear on folding it is time to less, the spread between the prices paid
begin staking. Alum-tanned leather must for raw furs and those demanded for
be thoroughly and frequently staked. finished fur articles is enormous. No
Staking is done by pulling the damp doubt, this spread in many instances in-
leather vigorously back and forth over spires the attempts at home manufacture.
the edge of a small, smooth board, as An inexperienced person should not try
described. The sides must be staked to tan valuable fur skins or large hides,
thoroughly all over in order to make them such as cattle, horse, or bear, for making
pliable and soft, and the staking must into coats, robes, or rugs. The risk of
be continued at intervals until the leather damage or of an unsatisfactory product,
is dry. as measured by the usual standards of
When dry, evenly dampen the sides finish and appearance, is too great. The
by dipping them in water or by leaving difficulties in properly handling large
them overnight covered with wet burlap hides make the chances of success remote,
or sacks. Apply to the grain or hair side except by those having suitable equip-
a thick coating of warm dubbin. This ment and experience. Moreover, tanning
dubbin is made by melting together about the skin is only one step in the production
equal parts of neat s- foot oil and tallow
of the finished article. After being tan-
or cod oil and tallow. When cool, the ned, all skins must be tailored, many
dubbin must be soft and pasty but not must be dyed, and small ones must be
liquid. If too nearly liquid, add more matched, blended, and sewed together.
tallow. Leave the greased sides, prefer- All these operations require experience
ably in a warm place, until dry. Scrape and practice to secure the attractive ap-
off the excess tallow and again stake the pearance desired by wearers of furs.
sides. If the leather is too hard and stiff, Borne of the operations, such as those of
dampen it evenly with water before bleaching and dyeing, are so highly
staking. specialized that their undertaking should
After staking, go over the sides with a not even be considered by an amateur.
(C 77
pressing the slicker
slicker, firmly From the standpoint of serviceability and
against the leather, while pushing it away usefulness, inexperienced persons might
meet with a fair degree of success in tan- The time of soaking depends upon the
ning and tailoring fur skins, but few can condition of the skin. Some skins re-
ever hope to make a fur piece or garment quire only about two hours, while others
which will compare favorably in appear- need a much longer time. Very hard
ance with the shop or factory product. skins often must be thoroughly damp-
Alum-tanned leather almost invariably ened, rolled up, fur side out, and put
dries out the first time hard and stiff. away in a cool place overnight to soften.
It must be dampened again and restaked While a skin must be soaked until soft,
while drying. In some cases this must it should not stay wet longer than neces-
be done repeatedly and another applica- sary, as the hair may start to slip.
tion of dubbin may be necessary. By re- In fleshing and scraping, care also must
peated dampening, staking, and slicking be taken not to injure the true skin or
the leather can be made as soft and expose the hair roots, especially on thin
pliable as desired. skins.
When the soaking is well advanced and
Tanning Fur Skins the skin is getting in good shape, work it
in lukewarm water containing an ounce
Ho formulas for tanning are foolproof
of soda or borax to the gallon. Soap also
and success can be attained only by close
observation, plenty of work, and the exer-
may be added. This treatment promotes
cise of care and patience. All skins are
softening, cleans the skin, and cuts the
not treated just alike. In fact, each skin
has its own peculiarities, which only ex-
Work again over the beam and finally
rinse thoroughly in lukewarm water.
perience can show how to treat. Some
Squeeze out most of the water, but do
skins are tough and fairly thick and will
not wring the skin. Without further dry-
stand mistreatment; others are very thin
ing, work the skin in gasoline, using sev-
and tender and are easily ruined. Some
eral changes if very much dirt and grease
are fat and greasy and require thorough
are present. Squeeze and hang up the
working out of the grease; others do not.
skin for a few minutes.
An inexperienced person should experi- The skin should now be ready for tan-
ment with the least valuable skins. If a
number of skins of the same kind are to
ning. When painting or pasting of the
tan liquor on the flesh side only is in-
be tanned, one or two of the poorest
cluded in the directions for tanning, it is
should be tried first.
best to dry out the hair or fur side first
Soaking and Fleshing by working in sawdust. In this way any
heating of the fur side while the skin is
The first step to get the skin
thoroughly softened, cleaned, and free
tacked out is avoided, as are also matting
from flesh and grease. and stiffening of the fur. If while dry-
Split the tail the entire length on the
ing out the fur, the flesh side becomes
‘ 1 too dry, it must be evenly dampened with
underside. If the skin is cased, ’ ’ split
it neatly down the middle of the belly.
a wet cloth before applying the tan-
Soak it in several changes of clear, cool
water. When the skin begins to soften,
Combination Tannage
lay it on a beam or smooth pole and begin
working over the flesh side to break up A combination tannage is a combina-
the adhering tissue and fat. All dried tion of mineral and vegetable tanning.
skins have a shiny, tight layer of tissue. It has an advantage over the salt-acid or
This tissue must be broken up and en- salt-alum processes in giving a soft and
tirely removed, which is- best done by re- flexible skin, as well as a more lasting
peated alternate working and soaking, tannage.
A good tool for scratching the tissue is One of the most popular and successful
a metal edge of any kind, such as a draw- formulas for a combination tannage is:
ing knife or an ordinary knife with dull A pasty mixture of alum, salt, gambier,
saw teeth or notches filed in it. Work- and flour, with or without glycerin or
ing over with these dull teeth scratches olive oil, is made as follows: Dissolve 1
or breaks up the tissue so that it can be pound of aluminium sulphate and I pound
scraped off after further soaking. of salt together in a small quantity of
At the same time the grease and oil are water. Dissolve 3 ounces of gambier or
worked out of the skin. This operation Terra Japoniea in a little boiling water.
is of the utmost importance. It is utterly Mix the two solutions and make up to 2
useless to start tanning until all the tissue gallons with water. As this solution is
and grease have been removed and the used, mix it with enough flour to make a
skin is uniformly soft and pliable, with- moderately thin paste. If the skin has a
out any hard spots. hard texture and lacks natural grease.
thoroughly mix a little olive oil or gly- Finally, to clean and brighten the
cerin with the paste. i
tanned skin, tumble or -work it repeatedly
Soak, soften, and clean the skin as pre- in dry, warm sawdust, preferably hard"
viously described and tack it out flat and wood sawdust, or bran or eornmeal. Clean
smooth, flesh side up. Apply from two these out of the fur by gentle shaking,
to three coatings of the paste, depending beating, combing, and brushing.
upon the thickness of the skin. Only The flesh side may be smoothed if ne-
thick skins require three coatings. Each cessary by working over a sandpaper
coating should be about one-eighth inch block. This also helps to further soften
thick and should be applied at intervals the skin. If desired, the thicker sections
of a day. Between applications the skin of the skin may be made thinner and
should be kept covered with sacking or more flexible by shaving off some of the
paper. Scrape off most of the old coat- skin or hide.
ing before putting on a new one. After
the last coating has been applied, spread Salt- Alum Tannage
out the skin uncovered or hang it up to The salt*alum an old method
dry slowly. for fur-skin tanning, is widely used. It
When practically dry, wash off the is considered slightly better than the salt-
flour paste, rinse for several minutes in
acid tannage, being a little more perma-
water containing an ounce of borax to nent and, when properly carried out, giv-
the gallon, then in water alone. Squeeze ing skins which have a little more stretch
out most of the water. Put the skin over and It often happens, how-
a beam and slick it out well on the flesh ever, that alum-tanned skins come out
side with the back of a knife or edge of stiff and hard and must be repeatedly
a wr ooden slicker, thus working out most worked and sometimes retanned.
of the water. Again tack the skin out A salt-alum tanning solution may be
smoothly, flesh side up, and apply a thin made up in the following proportions:
coating of any animal fat, fresh butter
1 pound of ammonia alum or potash alum,
being particularly good, or a nondrying dissolved in 1 gallon of wmter j 4 ounces of
oil, such as neat’s foot, castor, or olive
washing soda (crystallized sodium car-
oil. Glycerin or a soap may be used in- bonate) and 8 ounces of salt, dissolved
stead of the grease or oil. If the skin together in one-half gallon of water.
originally was very greasy, it may not be When dissolved, pour the soda-salt solu-
necessary to apply any oil. tion very slowly into the alum solution
When nearly dry, but still slightly while stirring vigorously.
damp, begin to work the skin in all direc- The skin, cleaned and softened as pre-
tions, stretching it from corner to corner viously described, may be tanned by im-
and working the flesh side over a stake or mersion in this solution for from two to
a wooden edge, such as the back of a five days, depending upon its thickness.
chair or piece of board clamped in a vise. Because of the action of alum on some
The time to begin working is important furs it may be best, as a general rule,
and is best judged from experience. The to apply the tanning liquor as a paste to
skin must not be too wet,* neither must the flesh side only.
it be too dry. The appearance of a few Mix the tan liquor as used with suffi-
a light streak on folding is
light spots or cient flour to make a thin paste. Add
a good indication of the time to start the flour in small quantities, with a little
working the skin. water, and mix thoroughly to avoid
Work the skin in all directions back lumps. Tack the skin out smoothly, flesh
and forth, as if shining shoes with a side up. Apply a coating of the paste
cloth. The skin may also be worked this about one-eighth inch thick and cover the
way through smooth metal rings. Much skin. The next day scrape off most of
of the success in getting a soft skin lies the and give another coating.
in this repeated working, which must be Apply altogether, at intervals of a day,
done while the skin is drying out , not from two to three coatings, depending
after it is dry . If the skin is not soft upon the thickness of the skin. Only
enough when dry, it must be evenly damp- thick skins should need as many as three
ened and worked again while drying. This treatments. Leave the last coating on
may be repeated several times if ne- for three or four days. Finally scrape
cessary. off and rinse clean in water, putting in
After softenings and drying out it is about an ounce of borax to the gallon of
well to give the skin a hasty bath in gaso- water. Rinse at last in water only.
line. If the skin is greasy, this must be Work over the beam to remove most of
done. This also helps to deodorize some the water. Stretch the skin out flat and
skins, such as those of the skunk. sponge over the flesh side with a thin
soap paste. After tins has gone in, apply of grease or oil. Leave the skin stretched
a thin coating of oil. Leave the skin to dry, and while still damp work and
stretched out to dry, and while it is still stake as described.
damp, work and stake as described, wet- Finally clean in gasoline and sawdust,
ting and working repeatedly if necessary. and finish by shaking, beating, sand-
Finally, clean in gasoline and sawdust papering, brushing, and combing.
and finish as described above.
One Bath Fastan-Chrome Stock Liquor
Salt-acid Tannage
10 parts of dry one bath chrome dis-
One of the oldest processes of tanning solved in 100 parts H
2 0; cool to 90° F.
requires various mixtures of common salt and add 100 parts Fastan.
and sulphuric acid. Tanning, or, more
correctly speaking, tawing, by this means
To %
of this liquor add 100 parts H20
containing HyPo (15% on weight of
is open to the objection that sulphuric
pelts) add pelts and drum for one hour.
acid must be used very cautiously, and
must be completely neutralized to prevent
Then add another %of stock solution
and drum for two hours; and then add
later damage to the skin. Skins tanned
with salt and acid also show a tendency
last %and drum for one hour or longer.
To bleach chrome tanned leather, adjust
to become damp and clammy in wet
the pH of leather to 3.5 or 4.0 by treat-
weather and, if repeatedly subjected to
ing in HoO at 95° F. Then add dissolved
wetting, lose their tanned effect.
oxalic acid so as to have 1% in the solu-
A salt-acid tanning solution may be
tion; drum, 20 minutes, wash in 95° F.
made up in the following proportions:
For each gallon of water use 1 pound of
H 9 0 for 30 minutes, then wash in cool

common salt and one-h&lf ounce of con-

H 2 0.
Float the stock in a drum in 10 gallons
centrated sulphuric acid. Dissolve the
salt and carefully pour in the acid with
cold H
2 0 per 100 lbs. leather. Dissolve
stirring. This tan liquor must be made 15% HyPo separately and add 10%
and used in jars or wooden vessels, never
in metal containers of any kind. (When Add this mix to drum in three equal
portions at intervals of ten minutes and
pouring in the acid, do not inhale any
run for two hours.
more of the fumes given off than is neces-
sary, and also be careful not to get any
Kemove stock, wash for 20 minutes at
of the strong acid on the skin or cloth-
110° F. and float in 110° F. H
2 0 using
ing.) As soon as the acid-salt solution 5 gallons per 100 lbs. stock, fat liquor
with sulphonated Cocoanut Oil and 5%
has cooled, it is ready for use.
Put the cleaned, softened skin in the
Ti0 2 for %
solution so that it is entirely covered and
leave it for from one to three days, de- Fulling of Skins and Hides
pending upon its thickness. During this
time stir the skin about frequently. If
1%Paraldehyde (on wet weight of
skins). Drum the pelts for one-half hour
desired, the solution may be painted on or without agitation, for several hours.
instead. In this case, tack out the skin If greater degree of swelling is desired
smoothly, flesh side up, paint over with use greater per cent.
the solution, and cover the skin with well-
Sheep skin skivers are tanned by treat-
dampened sacking or cloth. At the end ing for 3 hours at 85% F. in a bath of
of six hours, paint over it again. With
thicker skins, give one or two more ap-
20% Fastan and 15% “HyPO” (based
on wet weight skinvers). After tanning,
plications of the solution about six hours
Fat Liquoring consists of 3-5% sulfo-
apart, keeping the skin covered between
nated oil (Castor or Cocoanut).
applications. After the last application,
hang up the skin or spread it, flesh side
up, without cover, and let it dry. Stuffing Leather
After tanning, either by immersion or 10 to 20% of Bentonite is emulsified in a
by painting, rinse the skin in clear water sulphonated Castor Oil solution (10% on
and squeeze out most of the water, but
do not wring it. Then work the skin for
weight of leather or a 2 to 3%solution).
Fat liquors for leather . 2 parts Sul-
about 10 minutes in a solution made up phonated Heats Foot Oil and 1 part
in the proportion of an ounce of borax straight Heats Foot Oil.
in a gallon of water, and finally rinse well
in clear water and squeeze.
* Fur Skin Tanning
Work over the skin with a slicker to
remove most of the water, tack it out flat, The washed skins are chrome tanned
flesh side up. and apply a thin coating in the usual way in a bath containing

5 lb. of chrome alum dissolved in 10 gal. ing about 32% of mercuric nitrate, 20%
of water at 70° F. and paddled for 2 of free nitric acid and 48% of water.
hours. A solution of 3 lb. of washing This solution is about the same as the
soda is then run in and the process con- mercuric nitrate carroting solution ordi-
tinued for a further 2 hours. The skins narily used.
are then left for 12 hours, rinsed, and Then take one half gallon of the above
then washed in a bath containing %
per solution, dilute it with three gallons of
cent, borax on the weight of the skins. water and add thereto about one and one
The patented process is that to the half gallons of water containing about
above chrome solution, 60 grin, of for- one half ounce of ammonium fluoride. To
maldehyde are added to every 10 litres the resulting solution then add two and
of chrome solution. After proper tan- one half gallons of a commercial peroxide
ning, the skins are rinsed and while moist solution (usually about 3%
are subjected to treatment with chloride and finally two and one half gallons of
of lime, being worked for 15 minutes in water.
the cold in a solution of 120 grm. hydro-
chloric acid (32° Tw.) per 10 litres. Fur Bye Mordants
Then, without rinsing, they are trans- K2 Cr2 0 7
1. 1 gr.
ferred to a bath containing the clear solu- to 1 liter
0.5 gr. cream of tartar
tion left from suspending 2 to 4 grm. of water
0.1 gr. CuS04 .5 H 2 0
chloride of lime in 10 litres of water over
half an hour. They are then replaced, 2. 4 gr. CuS0 4 .5 HoO to 1 liter
again without rinsing, in the acid bath
2 cc. CH 3 COO H (30%) of water
for 15 minutes and finally rinsed in a 3. 4 gr. FeS0 4 7 1L>0 to 1 liter
bath containing 1 to 2 per cent, sodium 2 cc. CH 3 COO (30%) H of water
thiosulphate, rinsed and finally hydro-
extracted. They are then ready for * Behairing Hides
H 2 S04 (6%) 1000
Silver Nitrate 0.05
Leather Substitute Immerse skins in above at 60° C. The
Cotton flannel napped on both sides is separated hair may be washed and used
impregnated with a solution of rubber for making felts.
containing rubber 70, resin 3, ZnO 20,
pigment 7%, dried, smoothed under ten- * Hide Depilatory
sion, and vulcanised, if desired. One side
Water 5270 lb.
of the material is then starched, and
Sod. Sulfide (30%) 50 lb.
coated with a rubber mix containing
Glucose 25 lb.
about 30% of cotton flocks, which is vul-
Maltose 18 lb.
canised, together with the unvulcanised
Lactic Acid 0.4-0.65%
impregnating rubber, and neutralised
with anhyd. NH
3. Additional coatings
are then applied which are starched, vul- Felting Liquid
canized, and neutralised, and finally the Mercury 1.2 lb.
article is dusted with talc. Nitric Acid 2.5 lb.

Let stand in cool place until the mer-

* Leather, Substitute cury is dissolved.

Cotton or jute is prepd. in the form

Warning Bo not inhale the fumes.
of a nappe of regular thickness and Then add a mixture of 5% lbs. nitric
acid (40%) in 60 lbs. water. Lastly
dipped into a liquid bath contg. resin
NH add 33 lbs. Ferhydrol (100 vol, peroxide)
3 200, PhNH 2 100, water
10, aq. 800
g. and latex 10 1., pressed, dipped into
and use at once.
an aq. bath contg. ACOH and afterward —
Warning Bo not inhale fumes.
dried to give a leather-like substance.
Special Felting Liquid
* Fur, Carroting Mercury 2.4 lb.
Nitric Acid 5.0 lb.
The following
solution prevents yellow-
ing and the fur is given better felting Let stand in cool plaee until the mer-
properties. cury is dissolved. Then add a mixture
First make up a mercuric nitrate solu- of 10% lbs. nitric acid in 50 lbs. of

tion by mixing 80 parts of a 40% nitric
acid solution with 20 parts of metallic
mercury. This gives a solution **
water. Lastly add 33 lbs. perhydrol and
use at once.
* Felting Animal Hairs Formic Acid ISO gm.
capacity for felting animal Glycerol 50 gm.
To enhance
Lairs are treated with
Water 100 qt.
Am. Silicofluoride 4 lb.
Water 1000 lb. * Tanning Agent, Synthetic
Three mols. of resorcinol or pyrogaliol
Tanning Liquid are condensed with 1-1.5 mol. of RzH
or a substitution product thereof at atm.
Material of vegetable origin such as
or raised temp, in an aq. medium in the
wood waste, bark, seed husks, straw, peat, presence of a small quantity of acid. The
etc., is treated with 25-40% H
0 SO 4 or .

reaction is stopped, by neutralizing the

HC1 with heating in the presence of
acid, as soon as (or shortly before) the
Ka 2 S 04 or NaCl. The soln. is dild. with reaction mixt. gives a neg. FeCl s test for
water to an acidity of 1-1.5%, then
resorcinol or pyrogaliol. 'Water-sol. pro-
nearly neutralized with soda, and used to
ducts useful as tanning agents are ob-
tan hides.

* Sole Leather, Tanning * Fur Carroting Solutions

The cleaned limed skins are treated for 1 Hypochlorous Acid
. 13-50
24 hrs. in following bath: Sulfuric Acid 15-60
Pot. Chromate 250 gm. 2 Hydrogen Peroxide
. 20-100
Boric Acid 200 gm. Sulfuric Acid 17-85


Acid-Proofing Creamery Floors * Alabaster and Gypsum, Hardening
Paraffin (150° F.) 4 Articles made of the above and similar
Turpentine 1 materials are given the hardness and
Toluol 16 appearance of marble by impregnating
Warm and stir until uniform. Pour with after first drying at 150-200° F.
into cans and allow to “set." Spread Water 1 gal.
on floor and allow to penetrate for 24 Sod. Silicate 1 lb.
hrs. At the end of this time the resid- Magnesium Sulfate 1 oz.
ual layer should be driven into the con- Fused Calcium Chloride 1 oz.
crete by heat. A
free flame should not They are then polished and rubbed
be used due to Are hazards: hot irons with linseed oil.
will be found safe and effective in forc-
ing the paraffin into the pores and capil-
* Asphalt Emulsion
laries of the finish for some distance
below the surface. Melt together 350 pounds of Asphalt
After either treatment, the floor should and 6 %
pounds of Pine Oil, keeping
be given a good waxing with any standard at a temperature between 145 and
floor wax suited for this purpose. As the 175° F. In another container dissolve 20
wax worn away through use, it is
film is pounds of Rosoap and 1 pound Caustic
replaced by a fresh coating with the use Soda in 150 pounds of water and heat to
of a polishing machine. Neither of these the same temperature. Run the Asphalt
methods of acid-proofing creamery floors into the water solution slowly while
will change the color of the finish ap- beating vigorously. The type of beating
preciably. necessary is that gotten from a high
speed turbo mixer or colloid mill.

All formulae preceded by an asterisk (*) are covered by patents.

* Asphalt Emulsion * Slag Brick
Asphalt 300, rosin 75, boiled china- The brick is composed of granulated
wood oil 150, boiled linseed oil 150 and blast-furnace slag 200-300, cement 50-
NagCOs 7.5 parts, which is dissolved in 100, pulverized CaCl 2 3-8, Pb (B0
3 3) 3
not H 2 0. When cool 3.4% of ammonia 1-6, and pigments 5-10 pts. It is moist-
is added. Any further desired amt. of ened and pressed.
H2 0 may be added.

Brickwork, Painting
Bituminous Composition Use any good quality outside paint.
(for roads, floors, tennis-courts, etc.) The first coat should seal the pores of
Sand 75-86 the brick; for this the paint is thinned
Bitumen 11-15 with turpentine and boiled linseed oil,
Eire Clay 3-10 and many painters also add varnish. The
second coat is not thinned so much, and
for the third the paint is used as it
Bitumen Emulsion comes in the can.
An emulsion for road making contains
Spramex bitumen 48, water 49.5, oleic
* Brick, Weatherproofing
acid 2 and calcined ISTa 2 C 03 0.5%. The
bitumen is warmed at 95-98°, and the A coating for brick, stucco, cement or
oleic acid added. The water is heated iron consists of
separately with the Na 2 C0 3 and the two , Cod Liver Oil Crude 1 gal.
liquids are introduced into the emulsifier. Beeswax Crude 12 oz.
Another emulsion contains Spramex bitu- Glacial Acetic Acid 4-12 oz.
men 50, mineral oil 2-2.5, resin soap
1, and water 45%. The bitu-
Coloring Cement Gray
men is melted and the mineral oil added
during agitation. The water is heated Paris Paste 8
to boiling, and in it are dissolved the Cement or Plaster 100
soap and KOH. The liquids are mixed Water sufficient
at 95°. With more bitumen there must The Paris Paste is dispersed in the
be added 1-2% of glue, starch, gelatin water by rapid stirring.
or INTa silicate, during or after emulsifi- If a darker color is desired the per-
cation. centage of Paris Paste is increased.

Concrete or Mortar

How to Figure Quantities

Quantities of Cement, Fine Aggregate and Coarse Aggregate Required for One Cubic
Yard of Compact Mortar or Concrete

Mixtures Quantities of Materials

Fine Aggregate . Coarse Aggregate

C. A. Cement in
F. A.
Cement (Sand)
(Gravel or
Stone) Cu. Ft. Cu. Yd. Cu. Ft. Cu. Yd.

1 1.5 15.5 23.2 0.86 .

1 2.0 12.8 25.6 0.95
1 2.5 11.0 27.5 1.02
1 3.0 * 9.6 28. S 1.07
1 1,5 7.6 11.4 0,42 22.8 6.85
1 2.0 2 8.3 16.6 0.61 16.6 0.61
1 2.0 3 7.0 14.0 0,52 21.0 0.78
1 2.0 4 6.0 12 .0 0.44 24.0 0.89
1 2.5 3.5 5.9 I
14.7 0.54 20.6 0.76
1 2.5 4 5.6 14.0 0.52 22.4 !
1 2.5 5 5.0 12.5 10.46 25.0 0.92
1 3.0 5 4.6 13.8 0.51 23.0 0.85

1 sack cement = 1 cu. ft.; 4 sacks=l bbl. Based on tables in “Concrete, Plain and Reinforced,”
by Taylor and Thompson.
For Chemical Advisors, Special Raw Materials, Equipment, Containers, etc., consult Supply
Section at end of book.
Materials Required for 100 Sq. Ft. of Surface for Varying Thicknesses of Concrete
or Mortar
C. = Cement in Sacks.
F. A. — Fine Aggregate (Sand) in Cu. Ft.
C. A.* Coarse Aggregate (Pebbles or Broken Stone) in Cu. Ft.
Quantities may vary 10 per cent either way depending upon character of aggregate used. No
allowance made in table for waste.

Proportion l-l H 1-2 1-2 H 1-3

Thickness C. F. A. C. A. C. F. A. C. A. c. F. A. C. A. C. F. A. C. A.
in inches

H 1.8 2.7 1.5 3.0 1.3 3.2 1.1 3.4

H 2.4 3.6 2.0 4.0 1.7 4.3 1.5 4.4
K 3.6 5.4 3.0 6.0
2.2 6.8
1 4.8 7.2 4.0 3.0 8.9
lli 6.0 9.0 4.9 9.9 4.2 10.5 3.7 11.1
1 H 7.2 10.8 5.9 11.9 5.1 12.7 4.4 13.3
IK 8.4 12.6 6.9 13.9 5.9 14.7 5.2 15.7
2 9.6 14.4 7.9 15.8 6.8 16.9 5.9 17.7

1-2-2 1-2-3 1-2 K-3 M 1-3-5

3 . 7.7 15.4 15.4 6.5 13.0 19.3 5.5 13.6 19.1 4.3 12.8 21.3
4 10.2 20.4 20.4 8.6 17.2 25.8 7.3 18.1 25.4 5.7 17.0 28.4
5 12.8 25.6 25.6 10.8 21.6 32.2 9.1 22.6 31.8 7.1 21.3 35.5
6 15.4 30.7 30.7 12.9 25.8 38.6 10.9 27.2 38.2 8.5 25.6 42.6
8 20.6 41.0 41.0 17.2 34.4 51.6 14.6 36.4 51.0 11.4 34.1 57.0
10 25.6 51.2 51.2 21.5 43.2 64.4 18.2 45.3 63.5 14.2 42.5 71.0
12 30.7 61.4 61.4 25.8 51.6 77.2 21.8 54.5 76.3 17.0 51.1 85.1

* Concrete, Building Blocks Paraffin 1

Cork Scrap 1-4 parts by volume Naphtha 32
Cement Drier Liquid 0.13
1 part
Sand 1-4 parts
Mix dry and gage with water to form
a sticky plastic mass, which is then cast
in forms. Dustproofing Concrete Floors
e ‘

* Concrete, Curing
Concrete Special ’ 7 silicate of soda is
recommended for this purpose. It is a
Evaporation of water from freshly syrupy solution. Technically, it is 42.25°
laid concrete is prevented by coating to 42.75° Baum6, with a ratio of sodium
with a gel consisting of oxide to silica of 1: 3.25. It is diluted
Bentonite 100 as noted below, and applied to the sur-
Magnesium Oxide 2 face of the concrete after it has set.
Mineral Oil 10 After the concrete is in place, it is de-
Water to suit sirable to wait at least two weeks before
applying the silicate, and four weeks is
Mortar, Road still Also the silicate treatment
Dry Sand 66-72 may be satisfactorily applied to clean
Cement 30.5-21.5 concrete at any later time; it is espe-
Iron Oxide 0.8- 1.5 cially good on old concrete.
Lime 0.5- 1 The diluted ** Concrete Special 7 ’ sili-
Calcium Fluoride 0.8- 1.5 cate soaks into the concrete, and a chem-
ical reaction takes place which hardens
* Lime Mortar, Hardening the surface and makes it more dense.

A mixt. formed of MgCl 2 6H20 *

3.5, Method of Application
MgSOg* 6H 2 0 hydrated lime 50 and
plaster of Paris 50 parts is suitable for In ordinary cases it will be found
a hard interior wall plaster. satisfactory to dilute each gallon of the
silicate with four gallons of water. The
resulting five gallons may be expected to
Masonry and Wall, Waterproofing cover 1000 square feet of floor surface,
Tallow 10 one coat. However, the porosity of floors
Linseed Oil Bodied 5 varies greatly and the above statement is
given as an approximate value for esti- strength. Heat cement should then be
mating purposes. dusted over the surface and worked in
The floor surface should be prepared with a broom or stiff brush. The new

for the treatment by cleaning free from concrete can then be applied in the usual
grease, spots, plaster, etc., and then manner.
thoroughly scrubbed with clear water. For resurfacing, the concrete should be
To get the best penetration the floor roughened with a pick, all loose particles
should be thoroughly dry, especially be- removed and the floor wet thoroughly
fore the first application, and if prac- with water over night. .Immediately be-
tical it is well to let it dry for several fore the new surface is applied the old
days before the first scrubbing. . . . The one should be washed with a freshly
solution may be applied with a mop or prepared mixture of 10 pounds of neat
hair broom and should be continuously cement with one quart of i * Concrete
brushed over the surface for several min- Special 77 in fourteen qqarts of water.
utes to obtain an even penetration. An This mixture should be brushed in well
interval of twenty-four hours should be and followed at once with the surface
allowed for the treatment to harden, layer.
after which the surface is scrubbed with
clear water and allowed to dry for the
second application. Three applications Concrete Efflorescence, Bemoval of
made in this manner will usually suffice,
Where efflorescence occurs, it may be
but if the floor does not appear to be
dissolved by a dilute solution of muri-
saturate# by the third application a
atic acid (1 part of concentrated acid to
fourth should be applied.
10 parts of water). In using this treat-
ment the surface of the concrete is wet-
ted before applying the acid and is
Acid Eesistant Concrete thoroughly washed after the acid treat-
The same treatment with silicate of
The length of time required for the
soda that is recommended for dust proof-
acid solution to dissolve efflorescence will
ing is remarkably serviceable in render-
depend upon the amount of the latter.
ing concrete resistant to acid. It works
In most cases, the acid can be washed
by filling the pores of the concrete with
off within three or four minutes. It is
a material that is acid-proof. Concrete
best not to leave the acid solution on
itself is rapidly attacked by acids, but
longer than four minutes, for it may
when thus protected by an acid-proof
etch the colored concrete. If some de-
filler, it has considerable acid-resistance.
posit still remains after the first appli-
For example, a block of concrete was
cation, a second can be made. The acid
prepared with the silicate treatment ap-
solution should be brushed on smoothly,
plied to one end and not to the other.
using the least amount possible for each
Concentrated hydrochloric acid was
poured over the block. The acid ate
Efflorescence also can be removed with
rapidly into the untreated end leaving it
a solution of equal parts of paraffin oil
friable and sandy. The treated end was
and benzine rubbed vigorously into the
only slightly affected. This
surface when the concrete is dry.
Along this line, therefore, the silicate
treatment also improves the wearing
treatment has frequently done good ser-
qualities of the surface by filling the
vice where old floors had to be used.
pores and bringing out the color more
The treatment is useful also for protec- uniformly. It is frequently applied to
tion against dilute acids, and against
concrete surfaces for these reasons only.
organic acids. In some cases repeated
silicating, perhaps once a year, may be

Concrete, High Early Strength

Cement Patches Increasing the time of mixing will in-
In patching or resurfacing concrete crease early strength. For concrete
Concrete Special* * silicate of soda can
‘ * cured at normal temperatures, increasing
be used to insure a good bond between the mixing time from 1 minute to 2 min-
the old and new cement. utes will add about 100 pounds per square
To a hole it should be chipped
refill inch to the strength at three days. About
out clean and somewhat under-cut. _ The 200 pounds per square inch are added
fresh surface should then be painted by increasing the mixing time from 1 to
with “Concrete Special * silicate full
5 minutes.
Concrete that is to attain high, early mop the floor shortly after drying to
strength should be kept damp at a tem- remove incrusted salts, otherwise white
perature of 70 degrees Fahrenheit or stains may be formed.
above, beginning soon after it is placed.
Concrete cured below 70 degrees hardens
more slowly and it is not likely to have Sodium Silicate Treatment
high strength at an early age. When sodium silicate is used, it is
The admixtures commonly used to in- applied in a 20% solution in two or more
crease the rate at which concrete hardens coats twenty-four hours apart. Ordina-
are calcium chloride and calcium oxychlo- rily the sodium silicate requires consid-
ride. These materials may be used erable time to. dry before the floor can
within certain limits to hasten hardening be used. Commercial sodium silicate va-
and to increase early strengths of con- ries in strength from 30 to 40% solution.
crete.* The quantities of admixtures It is quite viscous and requires thinning
* There is evidence to show that calcium with water before it will penetrate the
chloride and similar compounds do not react
floor. It has been found satisfactory to
in the same manner with all brands of port-
land cement. Trial batches of the brand of dilute each gallon of the silicate with
cement and the brand of accelerator proposed three gallons of water. Each gallon of
to be used should be made up and rate of the resulting solution will cover approxi-
hardening at the specified temperature noted
before proceeding with their use in important mately 200 square feet of floor surface.
work. The floor should be thoroughly cleaned
of all foreign matter, and should be dry
should not exceed from 2 to 4 per cent before the first application of the silicate
of calcium chloride or 7 to 10 per cent solution.
of calcium oxychloride by weight of the
The calcium chloride is dissolved in Aluminum Sulphate Treatment
the mixing water before adding it to the
other materials in the mixer. Most con- This treatment consists in one or more
tractors make np a solution of known applications of solutions of al umin um
concentration, adding the desired amount sulphate to the clean, dry surface. The
to each batch. Thus, if it is desired to solution is made up in a wooden barrel
use 2 pounds of calcium chloride per sack or stoneware vessel and the water should
of cement a solution containing 1 pound be acidulated with not more than one
per quart can be made, 2 quarts of the teaspoonful of commercial sulphuric acid
solution being added to the mixture for for each gallon of water. The sulphate
each sack of cement in the batch. It is does not readily dissolve and requires
important to remember that this solution occasional stirring for a few days until
is to be regarded as part of the mixing the solution is complete. About 2y2
water. pounds of the powdered sulphate will be
required for each gallon of water and
one gallon of the solution should cover
Concrete Floor Hardeners about 100 square feet of floor surface.
The fluosilieates of zinc and magne- For the first treatment the solution may
sium, when dissolved in water, have been be diluted with twice its volume of
used with fair success for hardening de- water. Twenty-four hours after this ap-
fective concrete finish. In making up plication the stronger solution may be
the solutions, % pound of the fiuosilicate used, and twenty-fours should elapse be-
tween subsequent applications.
should be dissolved in one gallon of
water for the first application and 2
pounds to each gallon for subsequent
applications. The concrete floor must be Zinc Sulphate Treatment
clean and free from plaster, oil, paint This treatment consists of the appli-
or other foreign substances, otherwise cation of about 16% solution of zinc
the solutions will not penetrate suffi- sulphate made acid with a teaspoonful
ciently to react. For the same reason of commercial sulphuric acid to every
the surface must be absolutely dry. After gallon. The mixture is applied in two
the floor has dried, the second applica- coats, the second coat being applied four
tion may be made. About 3 or 4 hours hours after the first. The surface should
are generally required for absorption, be scrubbed with hot water and mopped
reaction and drying. In this treatment, dry just before the application of the
with the average floor, one gallon of the second coat. This treatment gives the
liquid will cover approximately 130 floor a darker appearance.
square feet. Care should be taken to



Recommended Proportions of Water to Cement and Suggested Trial Mixes

Add U. S. Gals, of Suggested Mixture Materials per Cu. Yd,

Water to Each Sack for Trial Batch of Concrete *
Batch if Sand is

Kinds of Work Aggregates Aggregates

Ce- Ce-
Very ment ment
Wet Wet Damp Sacks Fine Coarse Sacks Fine Coarse
Cu. Ft. Cu.Ft. Cu. Ft. Cu.Ft.

5-Gallon Paste for Concrete Subjected to Severe Wear, Weather or Weak Acid and Alkali Solutions

Colored or plain topping for
heavy wearing surfaces as in indus-
trial plants and all other two-course
work such as pavements, walks,
tennis courts, residence floors, etc.
4 X 4J4 4 H i i
Maxim um
m si ze
10 12
aggregjate ?«"

One-course industrial, creamery

and dairy plant floors
concrete in contact with
and all other
weak acid
CO 4 m i
1 2 8 14 16

or alkali solutions. Maxim,um size aggregj it© %"

6-Gallon Paste for Concrete to be Watertight or Subjected to Moderate Wear and Weather

Watertight floors such as indus- Aver-

trial plant, basement, dairy age 1
barn, etc. Sand
Watertight foundations.
Concrete subjected to moderate
wear or frost action such as drive-
ways, walks, tennis courts, etc.
4 H 5 m i 2 H 3 6 M 14 19

All watertight concrete for swim-

ming and wading pools, septic
tanks, storage tanks, etc.
All base course work such as .

floors,walks, drives, etc.

All reinforced concrete structural
beams, columns, slabs, residence j
floors, etc. Maximum size aggregate 1

7- Gallon Paste for Concrete Not Subjected to Wear, Weather or Water

Foundation walls, footings, mass Sand i
concrete, etc., not subjected
weather, water pressure or other
4H 5H m i 2 %
Maximum size

1 J4

* Quantities are estimated on wet aggregates using suggested trial mixes and medium consistencies
quantities will vary according to the grading of aggregate and the workability desired.
It may be necessary to use a richer paste than is shown in the table because the concrete may be
subjected to more severe conditions than are usual for a structure of that type. For example, a swim-
ming pool ordinarily is made with a 6-gallon paste. However, the pool may be built in a place where
soil water is strongly alkaline in which case a 5-gallon paste is required.
Recommended Mixtures for Several Classes of Construction

Intended primarily for use on s?nall jobs

Gallons of Water Trial Mixture

to Add to Each for First Batch Maxi-
One Sack Batch mum
Kind of Work Aggre-
Dry Moist Wet Size
Sand and Sand and Sand and Cement Sand Pebbles
Pebbles Pebbles Pebbles

Sacks Cu. Ft. Cu. Ft. Ins.

Foundation walls which need
not be watertight, mass concrete 7)4 6 5 1 3 5 2
for footings, retaining walls, gar-
den walls, etc.

Watertight basement walls and

pits, walls above grounds, dams,
lawn rollers, hand tamper, shoe
scrape, hot beds, cold frames,
6 H 5 4U 1 2 X 3 H m
storage and cyclone cellar walls, etc.

Water storage tanks, well curbs 1

and platforms, cisterns, septic

tanks, watertight floors, side- !

walks, stepping stone and flag-


stone walks, driveways, porch 5 H 4)4 3 % X 2 !

3 1
floors, basement floors, garden
and lawn pools, steps, corner
posts, gate posts, piers, columns,
chimney caps, concrete for tree
surgery, etc.

Fence posts, clothes line posts,

grape arbor posts, mail box posts,
etc., flower boxes and pots, 4>£ 3% 3M 1 2 2 H
benches, bird baths, sundials,
pedestals and other garden furni-
ture, work of very thin sections.

Concrete and Cement Waterproof er To be flushed over concrete surface

A quantity of naphtha is heated to a and washed off with clean water.
temperature of approximately 80° C. and
aluminum stearate in the ratio of 2 to Cement Accelerator
10 parts by weight of stearate to 100
parts of naphtha is added to the hot
Commercial Calcium Chloride 4 lb.

naphtha. The two materials are them Water 96 lb.

agitated until a complete solution of the The above to be used as gauging water
stearate in the naphtha is effected. A for concrete.
quantity of anhydrous acetic acid,
equivalent to 0.8% to 1.5% by weight of * Cement Coloring
the solution, is then added and the re-
sulting mixture is thoroughly agitated.
Carbon Black 30
Iron Oxide 4
The product thus obtained is a clear
solution having a specific viscosity
Water 100
Pine Oil 1
Engler at 0° F. of 15 to 45 seconds per
100 ce. which can be stored without fear
of gelling occurring at ordinary atmo- * Cement, Retarding Settling of
spheric temperatures and which may be The set of portland cement is retarded
applied to the substance to be water- by adding 0.25-1.5% Manganese Sulfate.
proofed by means of a brush, spray or
other device, and good penetration be
* Cement Coating
A coating compn, has approx, the fol-
lowing compn.: white portland cement
Acid Wash for Concrete Surfaces (waterproof) 62.5, high-Ca hydrated
Aluminum Chloride (Com- lime 31.1, Irish moss (powd.) 0.1, NaCl
mercial) 1 lb. 6,0, Ca(C H
2 3 02)2 0.3%.
Water 10
: :


Cement Floor Hardener stain and apply a heated flat iron or

1 similar heat retaining body. Beinove
Magnesium Fluosilicate lb.
15 iron when cool. The bituminous material
Water lb.
will be found to be largely or wholly
The above to be flushed over a cement
absorbed by the blotting paper. Bepeat
surface. Wash with clean water to re-
treatment in case of only partial removal
move soluble salts.
Note: As carbon bisulphide is inflam-
mable, the above treatment should not
Hydraulic Cement be attempted in the vicinity of sources
90 of ignition.
Portland Cement lb.

Aluminum 2 lb.
Ferro Silicon 8 lb.
Cement Coated Wire
To increase the holding power of fast*
Cement Preservative ening devices made from wire, the latter
Chinawood Fatty Acids 10 lb. is supported as a coil on a rotating
Paraffin Wax 10 lb. mandrel dipped into one of the following
Kerosene 40 gal. mixtures.
Chinawood Oil 30
Ester Gum 20
Solutions Naphtha 50
Aluminum Oxide 40 15
Lime 40
Calcium Hydroxide 0,9
Iron Oxide or Silicon Dioxide 15
Lead Oxide (PbO) 0.3
Calcium Chloride 1
Manganese Dioxide 0.2
Chinawood Oil 33.6
* Cement, Slow Setting Naphtha 50.0

A compn. is formed of MgO 2, alum

2, NaOH 3, lime 100, water 67,
NaCl 1, * Dry Bot, Prevention of
a pigment such as whiting 2 and a filler
such as sand 125 parts. Wood or cloth is impregnated with
following to prevent dry-rot and for
* Cement Size
Copper Abietate 15 lb.
The contains 10 pts.
size of amor-
Amyl Alcohol 250 lb.
phous Si0 2 6 pts. of china clay, 5 pts.
Dissolve with heat and add
of talc, 0.8 pt. of pigment, and the re-
action product from Portland cement 48, Turkey Brown Oil 250 lb.
CaC0 3 10, alum 4.7, lactic casein 5.5, To above add slowly while beating
sulphuric casein 5.5, borax 1.8, and vigorously
Ca(OH) 2 3.5 pts. Water 5000 lb.

Sod. Acetate 235 lb.

Bemoval of Paint from Stone Surfaces

Paper pulp (old newspapers, cement
* Fireproof Construction
sacks or stock pulp) is prepared by
shredding in water by means of a steam The following is used in fire-proof
jet. Excess water is drained off, 10-15% building construction
washing soda is added to the pulp, fol- •Volcanic Cinders 45 lb.
lowed by sufficient fireclay (or lime), to Cement 20 lb.
render the mass plastic. Apply as a Gypsum 5 lb.
poultice to the surface to be treated; Hydrated Lime 5 lb.
allpw to remain 24 hours. Finely Ground Pumice 25 lb.
The poultice can usually be stripped sufficient for setting.
off easily at the end of the above period.
In obstinate eases, repeat treatment.
list traces of pigment are removed by Bubber Composition
scrubbing with a bristle brush with clear
. A compn. used formed of rub-
may be
water. ;;

ber 4, cork powder 12, 8 1, ZnO 2, whit-


Bemoval of Pitch, Asphalt, Etc., from ing 1, French chalk 2 and paraffin 2
Stone Surfaces parts, with coloring substances as de-
Soak one or two thicknesses of blotting
paper with carbon bisulphide. Lay over
Industrial Flooring Composition be at least %
2 of an inch above the fin-
Alpha Gypsum 10-77 ished level of the floor.
Asphalt 4-36 When in the opinion of the engineer
0-86 the mortar base has hardened sufficiently
Band or Gravel
to withstand rolling, the terrazzo mix-
ture shall be placed to the level of the
tops of the dividing strips.
Terrazzo Floor Finish
6. Finishing
1. Base Slab
After striking off to the finished level,
The surface of the base slabshall be
the concrete topping shall be rolled
struck off reasonably true at a level not length and crosswise so as to secure
less than 2 1 & inches below the required
thorough compaction of the stone chips
finish grade. and cement paste. Additional stone
chips of the larger size shall be spread
2. Aggregates
over the topping during rolling until 85
Nofine aggregate or sand shall be per cent of the finished surface shall be
used in the terrazzo finish. The coarse composed of stone. Immediately after
aggregate shall be (insert here the kind rolling, the surface shall be floated and
and color of marble chips desired). The troweled once. No attempt shall be
coarse aggregate shall be graded in three made to remove trowel marks.
sizes: % inch, % inch and % inch. After the terrazzo concrete has hard-
ened enough to prevent dislodgments of

3. Mixtures aggregate particles, it shall be ground

The mortar base for the terrazzo finish down with an approved type of grinding
shall be mixed in the proportions of one machine shod with free, rapid cutting
part of portland cement to 3 parts of carborundum stones to expose the coarse
clean, coarse sand, mixed with not more aggregate. The floor shall be kept wet
than 6 gallons of water per sack of port- during the grinding process. All mate-
land cement. rial ground off shall be removed by
The terrazzo mixture shall be one part squeegeeing and flushing with water.
of portland cement and 3 parts of stone Air holes, pits and other blemishes
chips. shall then be filled with a thin grout
Not- more than 4 gallons of mixing composed of. neat cement paste. This
water, including the moisture in the ag- grout shall be spread over the surface
gregate, shall be used for each sack of and worked into the pits. After all
portland cement in the mixture. patch fillers have hardened for seven
days the floor surface shall receive a
4. Consistency second or final grinding to remove the
The terrazzo concreteshall be of the film of cement paste and to give the
driest consistency possible to work with floor a polish. It shall then be thor-
a sawing motion of the strike-off board oughly washed and all surplus material
or straight-edge. Changes in consistency removed.
shall be obtained by adjusting the pro-
portions of aggregate and cement. In 7. Curing and Protection
no case shall the specified amount of All freshly placed concrete shall be
mixing water be exceeded. protected from the elements and from all
defacements due to building operations.
5. Placing The contractor shall provide and use
Before placing the mortar base and when necessary tarpaulins to cover com-
the terrazzo finish, the surface of the pletely or enclose all freshly finished
structural concrete slab shall be covered concrete.
with a uniform layer of fine sand inch % If at any time during the progress of
thick, and’ covered with an approved tar the work the temperature is, or in the
paper. opinion of the engineer will, within
The mortar base shall be at least twenty-four (24) hours, drop to 40 de-
inches thick and shall be screeded to an grees Fahrenheit, the water and aggre-
even surface %
of an inch below the gate shall be heated and precautions
finished floor level. taken to protect the work from freezing
Metal dividing strips about 1%
inches for at least three (3) days.
wide, at least 20 gauge, shall be inserted As soon as the concrete has hardened
in the mortar or supported on the slab to prevent damage thereby, it shall be
to conform to the designs specified by covered with at least one (1) inch of
the architect. The top of the strips shall wet sand, or other covering satisfactory
to the engineer, and shall be kept con- added as dry lime (water and “road
tinually wet by sprinkling with water for metal" being later added).
at least seven (7) days.

8. Cleaning * Plaster, Sound Adsorbent

After removing all loose material, the Furnace Slag (12-20 mesh) 300
finish shall be scrubbed with warm water Plaster of Paris 125
and soft soap, and mopped dry. Microcosmie Salt 2
Sod. Benzene Sulfonate 1
Water 85
* Marble, Imitation

An imitation marble slab is formed Board, Plaster or Wall

from a mixt. contg. Keene's superfine Portland Cement 67
white cement 64, marble or alabaster Ground Stone 109
powder 160, pure lime 1 and alum 1 part Shredded Sugarcane Fiber 24
and may be colored by immersion in
water on which coloring matter is floated
* Building Plaster
and rendered translucent by immersing
in oil. It may be further dipped in Dry Slaked Lime 15--30%
“ liquid bronze" and lacquer after dry- Limestone Dry (Powd.) 75-85%
ing and wax-polished. The limestone should be of 50-100
mesh. The addition of
Plaster of Paris 5-“15%
* Paving Material
may be made
About 100 parts of a fuel oil contg.
asphalt heated to about 105° an<l
* Patching Plaster
mixed with 5-10 parts of a metallic salt
of a higher fatty acid such as A1 oleate Plaster of Paris 32
(which is preliminarily mixed with a Dextrin 4
portion only of the oil), the mixt. is al- Volcanic Ash 4
lowed to cool to about 50° and there is
then added about 120-40 parts' of S and
Patching Plaster
the materials are further thoroughly
mixed. Plaster of Paris 32
Dextrin 4
Pumice Powder 4
* Eoad Surface, Bituminous
Eoad surfaces which have been sprayed * Plaster, “Nailable"
with bitumen, tar or their emulsions or
the like are further treated with a ma-
A plaster through which nails may be
driven without splitting consists of
terial formed by mixing gravel 1000 (or
a similar quantity of broken stone or Plaster of Paris 100 lb.

blast-furnace slag) with bitumen, tar or Pine Cotton Fibres 20-50 lb.

tar oil 4-5 parts.

* Plaster, Magnesium Finishing
Eoad Composition, Bituminous A stock mixt. is formed of powd*
magnesite 1 and powd. brick or stone 2-7
Compns. which may be spread hot or parts, with or without pumice powder,
pressed into bricks or the like are formed
and 3 parts of this stock mixt. is used
of peat moss, coconut fiber or similar
with 1 part of MgClo soln. of suitable
material 10, stone and sand 62 and 28% Water and pigments such as Fe
of a binder comprising fuel oil, hard or Zn oxide also may be added.
pitch such as that derived from petro-
leum residuum and native bitumen (suit-
ably in the relative proportions of * Plastic Booting Compound
2:9:4). Asphalt 34
Kerosene 26
* Paving Composition, Cold Asbestos 40

Tar 100, asphalt 25 and milk^of lime * Artificial Slate

(about one- third of which is lime And
two-thirds water) 40 parts are stirred Artificialslate, especially for use in
together, or a similar mixt. may be the manuf. of writing tables, is made of
prepd. contg, 10-12% hydrated lime a mixt. of about 4 parts cement, 9-30
parts powd. slate or slag, 5-6 parts clave with saturated steam at low pres-
EASiO s and one
or more metal salts such sure for 1-2 hours. Turn off steam and
as* Ca(H03) 2 , Ba(N03 ) 2 ,
K4 Fe(CN) 6 ,
allow to cool for one hour.
etc. Coloring matter may also be added.
The mixt. is kneaded into a paste by a * Stucco Composition
fatty soln. or emulsion (as of soap) K
in water, pressed and laid down in moist Portland Cement 28
air. Silica Dust 28
Limestone 10
Asbestos Flour 6
* Slate, Writing
Titanium Dioxide 4
Cardboard is coated with Boiled Linseed Oil 1 to make to
Alum 1 Mineral Spirits i a working
Titanium Dioxide 3 Turpentine J consistency
Pot. Silicate 1
Pumice Stone 1 * Tennis Court Composition
Linseed Oil 1
Gasoline 2 A layer of broken brick and clinker
of a granule size between 0.1 and 0.6
mm. is covered with a layer of eompn.
Light, Stone-like Product contg. gravel 15, coarse CaO 5, rock salt
Silocel or Kieselguhr 45 parts 5, cement 5 and brick dust 70%.
Portland Cement 45 parts
Color Pigment 10 parts
Tile and Floor Composition
Thoroughly mix all to get a uniform
Asphalt Emulsion 1.75
powder. Then add 70 parts of water,
Cement 1
and work in well. The resulting mix is
Crushed Rock 5
a damp, pulverent, crumbly agglomera-
tion. This mixture put into molds and
subjected to a pressure of approximately * Concrete Tiles and Blocks
200 lb. per sq. in. will yield a shaped Rubber latex (suitably 0.5-2.0 pints
body which will set to a stone like mass per cu. yard of concrete) is added to a
in a few hours. The density of the mass mixt. such as one comprising sand 3 and
is approximately 1.3 times that of water.
Portland cement 1 part and the compn.
The dry powder will keep indefinitely, may be reenforced with bamboo or other
but once the water is added the shaping material.
must take place within an hour. After
setting, curing in a damp atmosphere for
a few days will materit lly increase the Structural Tile
strength. Calcium Carbonate (Marble
If more water is used than above, a Dust, Fine) 15 parts
paste will result. The paste need not be Powdered Glass 4 parts
molded under pressure, but the resulting Magnesium Oxide (Heavy) 8 parts
set product is much denser. Magnesium Chloride Solution
(Sp. Gr. 1.19 @ 25° C.) 13 parts
* Stone, Artificial Mix powders and make a thick paste
Alum Rock 59 with the solution of magnesium chloride.
Alabaster Powd. 22 Pour into paraffined molds on a hard
Alabaster Plaster 17 shiny surface. Let stand till dry.
Water 2
The alum rock fused; the other in-
is < * Wall and Ceiling Composition
gredients are added and the mass is A mixt. of trachyte sand tuff 57,
molded. (washed free from clay)
cement 5.7 and soda used with
2 parts is
* Synthetic Stone sufficient water to cause the material to
Shale (325 mesh) 16.7
Calcium Hydroxide 10.0
Water 5.3 * Wall Efflorescence, Prevention of
Limestone Aggregate (Powd.) 68.0 The parts are washed with
Mix thoroughly and compress at 2500 water 4%
formaldehyde and
lb.pressure in polished molds. Remove; coated with cement or lime mixed with
allow to stand for an hour. Put in auto- water also contg. 4% formaldehyde. A
: H :


top coating of plaster is mixed with 5% * Wood Preservative

alum and water contg. 4% formaldehyde. A method of making wallboard
or like
article comprises precipitating zinc-meta*
arsenite in the presence of
a plant fiber,
* Waterproof Construction Material
and shaping and drying the liber. The
Suitable for walls, roofs, roads, etc. fiber, after felting on the Fourdrinier
Coal Tar 5-85 and before drying is treated successively,
Rubber 1~25 by spraying or otherwise, with two solu-
Granite Dust 5-85 tions, as hereinafter described, which

together and mill until uniform. react quickly to deposit zinc-meta-arsen-

ite upon and throughout the mass of
This may be molded into bricks or sheets.
fiber. Excess water may then be pressed
out and the wall-board dried as usual.
* Wood Preservative No corrosive substances are liberated
protected against fungi and during the drying, and the dried wall-
Wood is
insects by 0.1 N Na 3 As0 3 or 0.2 N board is found to be quite uniformly
mixed with a relatively coned, impregnated with microscopic crystals of
NaF, is
soln. of an alk. earth or heavy metal
zinc-meta-arsenite. The two solutions
CaCl 2 , with or without a above mentioned are prepared as follows
salt, e.g., 8
The mixt. does not Solution A: An aqueous solution of a
protective colloid.
soluble zinc salt, preferably zinc sul-
form a ppt. until after a certain time,
phate, is prepared, preferably without
and meanwhile the wood is given a single
impregnation with the mixt.
heating. A
suitable concentration is 15
per cent, calculated as zinc sulphate.
Solution B: Arsenious oxide is dissolved
* Wood Preservative in water by heating to the boiling point
for some time, preferably in the pres-
Copper Chips % 4
ence of small proportions of soda ash,
-Zinc Chips 1.5%
7 5% sodium hydroxid or sodium arsenite,
Cresol .

7% which act to facilitate and accelerate the

Ammonium Hydroxide
80 % solution of arsenious oxide in water.
The resulting solution is cooled to room
Dissolve by continued agitation.
temperature, and after cooling sodium
bicarbonate is dissolved in it, in propor-
* Rot-proof Fibre Board tions as indicated below. A
suitable con-
centration is 4 per cent As203 . The re-
Such a board is manufactured from a
action which occurs when these two solu-
pulp consisting of tions are mixed in proper order may
Fibre 1000 probably be represented by the following
Water 50,000 equation
Rosin Size 20
ZnS0 4 + As 20 3 +2NaHCO s =
Zinc Arsenite 3
Zn ( As0 2 ) 2 + Na 2 S04 4- 2 0 4- 2C0 2 .

or Creosote 50
The zinc sulphate and arsenious oxide are
preferably used in the proportions indi-
*WoodImpregnating Liquid cated by the above equations, that is to
15 say in equimolecular proportions. The
Neutral Mineral Oil
Mineral Spirits 36 proportion of sodium hydrogen carbonate
Liquid Manganese Drier 10 used is preferably approximately 95 per
Gloss Oil 10 cent of the quantity indicated by the
Turpentine 20 equation.
Orthodichlorbenzol 5
Chrome Alum 1 * Timber Preservative
Oil Soluble Dye 0.5
Fuel Oil 85
Asphalt 10
Naphthalene 5
WoodPreserving Composition
Heat together to dissolve and apply
A preservative compn. is prepd. by
mixing water 3-4 qt., lime 1-3 lb., Afri-
can gum 1.5-2 lb., a mineral or vegetable
* Timber Preservative
oil such as paraffin oil 0.75-1.0 qt., creo-
lin 0.5-2 oz,, paraffin oil 3-4 oz., HC1 15 grams of copper resinate are dis-
1.5—2 oz. and * a poison * , 4—8 oz.
solved in 250 grams of amyl alcohol,
and 250 grams of turkey-red oil are
added the mixture is made up to 5 liters
cork to give a product contg. 50-85% of
bulk by emulsification in water contain- cork. The mixt. is molded, hot-vulcanized
ing 235 grams of crystallized sodium under high pressure and cooled before
acetate. releasing the pressure. Pigments and
fillers may be added to the mixt.

* Artificial Wood * Roofing Composition

Sawdust 100 Pitch 25-40
Manganese Dioxide 1-3 Asphalt 25-50
Linseed Oil Boiled 2-8 Cork 25-50
Asbestos 5-10

Roofing Felt, Impregnation for
* Lumber, Synthetic
compn. is used which is relatively
(For Wall Board) more fluid than asphalt alone at elevated
Sawdust 80-90% temps, and which comprises 60-98% of
Hardened Synthetic Resin 10-20% asphalt having a m. p. not less than
about 32° together with 40-2% of para-
The resin may be melted or dissolved eoumarone resin.
and mixed thoroughly with the sawdust
under pressure and heat.
Roof Coating
Asphalt 10 lb.
Varnolene 3 gal.
Wood, Metal Coating
Short Fibered Asbestos 5 lb.
Wood, stone, textiles, paper, etc., are
coated with the following which is first
melted, cooled, ground and taken up with * Plastic Roofing Composition
Petroleum Asphalt 34
Metal (Powder) 40- 70 Kerosene 26
Paraffin Wax 60- 90 Asbestos 40
Graphite (Powd.) 60- 90
Precipitated Chalk 100-150
Sod. Silicate 180-220 Wood Strengthener
Casein 40- 70 A solution to help retain nails in wood
is made as follows:
Writing Surface, Washable
Rosin 1 lb.
base of cardboard, wood or the like Benzol 1 gal.
is coated with a pulp prepd. by dry mix-
ing marble cement (Keene’s cement) 20 Nails are dipped in this solution, with-
and zinc white 50 parts, and then in- drawn, allowed to dry and they are then
corporating linseed oil varnish 15 and ready for use.
turpentine oil 15 parts into the mixt.
The coated base is air-dried for 3-4 days, * Fireproof Wall Board
and the surface is then polished.
Fibrous wall board having finely
ground mica interspersed among the fib-
* Floor Covering Material
ers is fireproofed by impregnation with
Dry rubber
contg. 15-35% of S is a soln. comprising 4 NH
thoroughly mixed with small pieces of H3BO3, MgS04 and water.
*Aluminum, Surface Hardening Melt 1 and 6, stir in 7, 8 and 9.
A uniform hard coating of aluminum Heat to 500° F. for 20 minutes. Add 2
oxide is deposited if the aluminum is a little at a time and keep at 400° F. for
made the anode in an electrolyte contain- 20 minutes. Raise temperature to 480° h\
ing 5-12% H2SO4. and keep there for two hours. Cool to
300° F. and add with stirring 3, 4 and 5.

* Recovering Aluminum from Foils

* Corrosion Inhibitor, Auto Radiator
Paper-backed A1 foil is packed to a d
of 0.75-1.25 lb./cu. ft. and heated in a To prevent corrosion of cooling radia-
closed retort at 450-550° until all vola- tors containing glycerine or glycols, 0.2%
tile matter is expelled; air is then ad-
of dimethylmorpholine or ethanolmor-
mitted and the temp, kept const, until the pholine is used.
C is burnt out. The residual A1 is re-
moved and melted with the usual fluxes. * Cast Iron, Strong Malleable
An annealing pot is charged with white
* Aluminum Bronze Powder iron castings and with 4-15%of Fe
A1 is ground at 50° with stearic acid oxide, and maintained at a temp, of 900-
and a solvent, e.g., naphtha, turpentine, 980° for 20-50 hrs. to graphitize the free
C 6 H 6 until a smooth paste is obtained
cementite; the temp, is then lowered to
from which the solvent is removed until between 730° and 650° and maintained
at such range for 10-50 hrs. to graphitize
the remainder contains 58'% Al, 1%
pearlitic cementite and effect decarboni-
stearic acid, 1%
Al stearate, and 40%
solvent (preferably varnolene —a petro- zation of the white cast iron.
leum fraction, b.p. 152-207°).
* Coating Iron Sheets
Core Binder Fe or steel sheet (etc.) is plated with
(for aluminum castings) Sn, then coated with an asphaltic-base
enamel, and baked at 230°. The Sn pre-
Sharp Sand 45 lb.
vents flaking of the resulting japan
Molding Sand 45 lb.
Rosin Powd. 2 lb.
Flour 1 lb. * Sticking Iron Sheets, Prevention of
Rolled and pickled ferrous sheets and
Sharp Sand 71 lb. plates are treated with 0.001-0.2% sod.
Molding Sand 25 lb. chromate solution prior to annealing.
Rosin Powd. 4 lb. This prevents sticking of piled sheets in
Spray with molasses water and bake box annealing.
at 325° F. Remove from oven and coat
with soapstone. Return to oven to dry* * Electro-deposited Metal, Stripping
To removal of deposited
Core Oil metal, the mandrel is coated with a 0.05-
1. TungOil 10 gal. 0.5% soln. of beeswax in turpentine to
2. Linseed Oil 20 gal. which 1% of CS2 also is added.
3. Mineral Oil 20 gal.
4. Varnish “foots” 5 gal.
Metal Annealing Bath
5. Benzine 5 gal.
6. Rosin 200 lb. Sod. Ohloride 30 lb.

7. Lime Slaked 6 lb. Pot. Sulfate 44 lb.

Litharge Pot. Carbonate 21 lb.

8. 7 lb.
9. Manganese Dioxide 3 lb. Borax 5 lb.

All formulae preceded by an asterisk (*) are covered by patents.

Case Hardening of Tools Example
The tool is heated to 600-700°, sprinkled Molding Sand approx. 94 parts
with K4Fe(C-N) 6 again heated to 800-
Sulfur approx. 2 parts
900°, and cooled in a mixture of 250 g. Anthracene approx. 3 parts
of coal dust,. 75 g, of K
4 Fe(CN) 6 500 ,
Boric Acid approx. 1 part
c.c. of oil, 125 c.c. of HoO, and 250 g. Di-ethylene Glycol, 40 per
of powdered slate. cent aqueous solution Sufficient

Example 4
Bright Tin Finish for Screws Molding Sand approx. 93 to 91 parts
Use the following tin solution to pro- Borate of Glycol approx. 3 to 5 parts
duce a tin deposit on your work: Naphthalene approx. 4 4 parts
Water Sufficient
Aluminum Sulphate 2 oz.
Cream Tartar 2 oz. Example 5
Tin Crystals % oz. Molding Sand approx. 98 parts
Water 1 gal. Boric Acid approx. 2 parts
Ethylene Glycol, 40 per
Use a zinc container for the solution;
cent aqueous solution Sufficient
place the screws in the pan and boil for
45 minutes. A
new solution is necessary Example 6
for each batch of work. If the deposit is
not bright enough, tumble the screws in
Molding Sand approx. 95 parts
an oblique tumbling barrel, using clean Naphthalene approx. 4 parts
hardwood sawdust. Boric Acid approx. 1 part
Ethylene Glycol, 40 per
cent aqueous solution Sufficient

Carbonizing Steel
Example 7
The blanks are tumbled, burred and
Molding Sand approx. 97 parts
tumble finished previous to carbonizing Ammonium Bisulfate approx. 2 parts
and are then placed in the revolving drum Boric Acid approx. 1 part
of the carbonizing machine and pints % Ethylene Glycol, 40 per
of carbonia oil with Vq bushel of Burnt cent aqueous solution Sufficient
Bone added. The drum is closed securely,
gas turned on and heated to 700-750 de- Example 8
grees F. for .3 hours. The heat is turned
off and the drum allowed to run for 2 Molding Sand approx. 93 parts
hours to cool off. The contents are re- Ammonium Bisulfate approx. 2 parts
Naphthalene approx. 4 parts
moved and sifted and tumbled in % Boric Acid approx. 1 part
bushel of ISTo. 2 Granulated cork and 2
pints of japan oil for 5 minutes; then Ethylene Glycol, 40 per
cent aqueous solution
dried and cleaned by tumbling in % Sufficient
bushel of sawdust for 5 minutes to put
on a high polish. Example 9
Bake at 120 degrees F. for 8 to 10 Molding Sand approx. 9S parts
hours to harden oil. Boric Acid approx. 2 parts
Ethylene Glycol, 25 per
cent aqueous solution Sufficient
Gum for Parting Punch from Die
1 lb. Beeswax Example 10
% lb. Rosin Molding Sand approx. 93 parts
% lb. Venice Turpentine Naphthalene approx. 4 parts
Ammonium Bisulfate approx. 2 parts
Boric Acid approx. Ipart
* Casting Magnesium, Molds for Ethylene Glycol, 60 per
cent aqueous solution Sufficient
Examples 1 and 2
Molding Band approx. 93 to 97 parts Example 11
Sulfur approx. 6 to 2 parts Molding Sand approx. 97 parts
Boric Acid approx. 1 1 part Ammonium Bisulfate approx. 2 parts
Di-ethylene Glycol, 40 Boric Acid approx. 1 part

per cent aqueous so- Ethylene Glycol, 25 per

lution Sufficient cent aqueous solution Sufficient

Example 12 * Recovering Platinum

Molding Sand approx. 90 to SS parts Flotation concentrates containing Ft
Organic Borate approx. 3 to 5 parts are roasted to expel S, As, etc., cooled,
Sulfur approx. 2 2 parts mixed -with 5% of NaCl, and treated with
Naphthalene approx. 3 3 parts *C1 2 at 200-550° for 5 hr. The product
Ammonium Bi- is "leached with 0.5-1% HC1, the Cu re-
sulfate approx. 2 2 parts moved by agitation with CaCC> , and the 5

Water Sufficient Pt metals are pptd. by Zn dust.

Example 13
Molding Sand approx. 9S to 97 parts
* Powder, Parting or Facing
Borax (sodium
tetraborate) approx. 2 to 3 parts Fine Coke, Coal or Graphite 100
Aqueous Solution con- Rosin Residue 200
taining 15 per cent Heat to 250° C. to drive off volatile
sulfuric acid and 40 matter.
per cent ethylene
glycol Sufficient
Rust Proofing
Copperas is dissolved in water, 3.5 'kg.
* Mold, Magnesium Casting
per 1., in an iron vat. The materials to
(a) Molding Sand 920 be treated are suspended in this bath*
Water 60 The bath is heated to 95-98° and held
Sulfur 1 there for about %A to 1 hr.
Boric Acid 1
Ammonium Chloride 2
Ammonium Sulfate 2 * Parker bring, (Rustproofmg)
Ammonium Bromide 2
A Mn and Fe++ salts gave the
mixt. of
(b) Molding Sand 92 best results; the latter may be prepd. in
Water 6 quantity by dissolving 1 part of Fe fil-
Sulfur 2 ings in 10 parts of 65% H3PO4 at 100°,
After filtration the sola, is cooled slowly
* Casting Mold Coating and the large crystals formed are centri-
fuged and dried rapidly at 60°. The Mn
Graphite Powd. 4
salt (mixed with Fe) is prepd. similarly
Core Oil 2
from ferromanganese, and if the bath is
Gasoline boiled before use partial hydrolysis occurs
* Casting Oxidizable Metals, Mold for with the formation of Fe(H 3 PQ 4 ) 2 and
free acid. The optimum ratio of Fe to
Molding Sand 93
Mn in the protective coating is 1; 1,
Glycol Bori-Borate which is formed by selective deposition
Naphthalene 4
from a soln. of ratio 2:1; consequently
Water sufficient
the bath must be constantly replenished
with Mn. The standard eonen. adopted
* Molding Sand, Self Hardening was 35 lb. of Fe(H 2 P0 4 ) 2 pen 125 gals,
Ordinary molding sand is mixed with of H2 0 and the temp,
was maintained at
3-10% of a mixture formed from the
99°. Cu phosphate in small quantity
acted as an accelerator.
40° B& Sod. Silicate 80-90
Bentonite 2-7
Rustproofing Iron
Water 3-18
The article is cleaned by sand-blasting
* Mould-Core Wash or pickling in acid and plated with a
Am. Nitrate thin layer of Zn from a bath eontg.
Silica Flour NaCN 4, Zn(CN) 2 5, NaOH 4 oz., and a
Molasses small amt. of Hg per gal., zinc anodes
Asbestos contg. 0.5% of Hg and a c. d. of '25
Water amp./sq. ft. being used at 5 v. After
being washed well, the plated articles are
Nickel Welding Wire dipped in a soln, eontg. Ni chloride 4,
Silicon NH 4 C1 6, NaCNS 2,
and ZnCl 2 0.5 oz. per
Titanium 0 .05-2 % gal. The black deposit thus obtained
Magnesium 0.12-0.2% may be coated with lacquer or given an
Balance oil finish in the usual way.
Raw Materials, Equipment, Containers, etc., consult Supply
For Chemical Advisors, Special
§d6dou; ';at end'.' of book,'.
* Rust, Removing for 1 hr., cooling in air, and then hard-
Ferrous-metal articles are immersed in ening.
a bath of NaOH 20 and KMn04 1% at
190° F. to break down the resistance of Steel Parts, Preventing Corrosion of
oxide and scale to acid. The articles are Steel parts exposed to corrosive fumes
then immersed in a hot pickling path of are coated with
HC1, HN0 3 or H
2 S0 4 for 5 to 10 min. Lanolin
Articles so treated are substantially free 10
Naphtha 20
from etching. ,

* Pickling Solution for Stainless Steel

* Steel
Hardening Composition 10% (10% 60° Sulfuric Acid)
Pot. Ferroeyanide 50-70 10% Copper Sulfate
Soda Ash 7-12 Heated to 160-200° F.
Salt 15-25
Wood Charcoal 10-20 * Steel, Toughening
Mild steel heated above the Ac2
* Steel, Hardening and Tempering point, e.g. } to 760-780°, air-cooled until
it just exhibits magnetic properties, and
Linseed heated to about its b. p.,
oil is
2 oz. resin per gal. of oil is added, and
then quenched in cold 2 0. H
the metal to be treated is immersed in
the oil and resin soln. until the metal ac- * Annealing Chrome Steel
quires the temp, of the soln.; the metal Low-C Cr-Ni or high-Cr steels are
is then removed from the soln. and heated rapidly to 800-1000° and im-
covered with powd. resin, plunged into mediately quenched, the process being re-
cold coal-oil and permitted to remain in peated several times until the desired
the latter until the temp, of the metal and properties are obtained. The process may
immersion bath are equalized. be used also for softening an alloy of
51.3% Ni, 27.5% Mn, and 20.5% Cu, us-
ing a temp, of 900° and 10 alternations
Magnetic Chromium Steel, Heat Treat-
of heating and quenching.
ment of
The best magnetic properties of a steel
* Ingot Molds
contg. 1.3% C and 2.1% Cr are obtained
by quenching from 850° in oil. The steel Ingot inolds are made from Fe alloy
should not be held too long between 750° contg. C about 2, Mn 0.6-1, P less than 0.1,
and 850°, as a change takes place in the S less than 0.1 and Si about 3%. Details
double carbide. Incorrect heat treatment are given of the manuf of the alloy froxi
. /

can be remedied by holding at 950-1000® crude Fe and steel.

* Anti-Fogging Agent
(For Windows and WindsMelds)
Borax 125 The above solution is useful on sticky
Water 64,000 surfaces such as asphalt and soft resin
Elm Bark 1,000 coatings.
Acacia 16,000
Alcohol 1,000
Algae Bemoval
In a swimming pool one pound of cop-
Anti-Fogging Compound per sulfate, or blue stone, to two million
1. Glycerin S oz. pounds of water destroys algae. This
2. Pot. Oxalate 16 oz. material be fatal to fish. The
is likely to
3. Spirits Turpentine 1 oz. solidplaced in a sack and dragged
4. Camphor % oz. back and forth across the pool to secure
proper mixing. In computing amount
Warm (1)and (2) until dissolved;
remove from heat and add (3). needed, one gallon of water weighs eight
add (4) ;
and one-third pounds, or one cubic foot
of water weighs 62.5 pounds.
Anti-Fogging Liquid for WindsMelds
Glycerol 10-20 * Air-Conditioning Water Treatment
Albumen 1
Water 89-79 A composition to be added to water
Phenol used in air conditioning apparatus for
preventing corrosion, congestion and rust
* 1 ‘
Anti-Fogging ’ ,
Liquid in said apparatus consisting of the fol-
The following applied to windows
lowing ingredients and their reaction
products: water approximately 6.78 per
or automobile windshields to prevent
cent, caustic soda approximately 1.45 per
dimming by moisture.
cent, sodium bichromate approximately
Soap Ity. lb.
1.16 per cent, soda ash, approximately
Glycerol % oz.
2.90 per cent, di-sodium phosphate ap-
Water 1 pt.
proximately 1.63 per cent, sodium silicate
Acetone 1 oz.
approximately 86.08 per cent, and tannin
.006 per cent.
Anti-Fog WindsMeld Liquid
Glycerol 10 oz.
Alcohol % oz. Gasoline Carbon Looseners
Bose Water 6 oz. There are in the market a number of
Salt 0.06 oz. gasoline addition agents for the removal
Sulfur Powd. 0.06 oz. of* carbon. These are used in the fol-
lowing manner:
Anti-Mist Liquid
Add 4 oz. to five gallons of gasoline
in tank or supply through manifold by
(For Use on Glass)
attached cup.
Potash Coconut Oil Soap 120 The formulas for a few of these are:
Glycerin 60
1. Medium Oil 50%
Naphtha 3
Varnoline 50%
Clovel 2. Medium Heavy Oil 50%
1 Light Paraffin 50%
* Anti-Stick Coating Composition Wintergreen Odor 0.2%
Sod. Alginate 2 3. Kerosene or Varnoline 80%
Soap 1 Vaseline 20%
Glycerin 1

All formulae preceded by an asterisk (*) are covered by patents.



* Non-Corrosive Anti-Freeze Liquid
Brake Lining, Composition for
Crepe Rubber 14 Methanol 74
Lit 1 large 10 Water 25
Barytes 34 Borax 1
Zinc Oxide 5
Carbon Black 3 * Anti-Freeze Liquid, Non-Corrosive
Graphite 4
Methyl Alcohol 70
Sulfur 4
Water 30
Asbestos Yarn 12
Sod. Antimony Tartrate 0.1
Brass Wire 14

* Anti-Freeze Solution
* Anti-Freeze
Calcium Chloride 100 lb.
Coffee 2 lb.
Glycerol 1 gal.
jls extracted with Slaked Lime 4 oz.
Water 4 lb. Water to make 17 gal.
and added to following solution:
Calcium Chloride 260 lb. * Anti-Freeze Solution
Glycerin 1 gal. An aq. of 260 lb. of CaCl 2 is
Water to make 100 gal. mixed with glycerol 1 gal. and ale. 2 qt.
and with a coffee ext. derived by boil-
ing 2 lb. of coffee in water; the mixt. is
dild. to 100 gal.
Pints of anti-freeze per gal. of water
for protection at:
Anti-Freeze Solution
+ 10°F 0° F -10° F -20° F
Denatured alcohol ISO
0' Denatured Alcohol 50
proof 3.4 4.9 6.5 8.3 Methanol 10
Denatured alcohol 188° Glycerin 30
proof 3.3 4.7 6.0 7.7
Glycerine (USP) 95%.. 3.8 5.3 7.1 9.0
Water 10
Radiator glycerine 60% 10.0 18.7 39.0 106.5
Ethyleneglycol 95%.. 2.7 4.0 5.1 6.5 *
Non-Sulfating Battery Acid
Specific gravity for protection at:
DistilledWater 755 cc.
Sulfuric Acid 240 cc.
+ 10°F 0°F ~10°F — 20°F -30°F Aluminum Sulfate 18 gm.
Denatured alcohol 0.968 0.959 0.950 0.942 0.921
1.090 1.112 1.131 1.147 1.158
Am. Sulfate 4 gm.
Ethyleneglycol... 1.038 1.048 1.056 1.064 1.069 Basie Aluminum Acetate 5 gm.

* Anti-Freeze, Prevention of Foam in

* Battery Box Composition
Lard Oil 80 gm. Ground Scrap Rubber 15
Triethanolamine 40 Ground Used Tire Fabric
Sperm Oil 14 (de-rubberized) 7.5
Gum Arabic 2 Montan Wax 7.5
Butyl Carbitol 36 Carbon Black 1.5
Water 94 Silica Powder 30
Calcium Acetate 1.2 Blown Asphalt 22.5
# Gilsonite 16
Dye 0.3
The above is added to 2 gal. Ethylene * Brake Fluid, Hydraulic
Glycol to produce an anti-freeze which is
Triethylene Glycol 90
non-corrosive and doesn’t foam.
Sulfo Turk C 10

* Anti-Freeze Alcohol, Corrosionless * Carbon, Removing Cylinder

0.1% Dibutylamine or diethanolamine Oil of cedar wood 10, acetone 50, ben-
is used with aqueous alcohol solutions to zene 15, ale. 24 parts are mixed with
inhibit corrosion of iron. naphthalene in the proportion of 1 lb.
C 10 H 8 to each 6 gal. of the liquid.
* Anti-Freeze Liquid
Sod. Nitrate 98-99 lb.
* Electrical Potting Composition
Glue 1- 2 lb. The following is used on fixed elec-
trical condensers and dry batteries.
Chlorinated Naphthalene 25-40 lb. * Depolarizer for Dry and LeelaneM
Gilsonite 20-50 lb. Batteries
Montan Wax 30-50 lb. Manganese Dioxide 80
It has a flow point of 80-100° C. Graphite 20
Silica Gel 1
* Engine Joint Seal
Aluminum Oxide Oriental Barometer
Blown Castor Oil
Heat with stirring at 150° ( with cobalt ehlorid e, change their color
uniform and then stir in with the varying In grometrie state of the
air; turning pink or red with much
Mica Powder
Asbestos Short Fibres moisture, and blue when it is dry.

Belt Dressing Stick

Gasket Compound Bosin 65 lb.
Asbestine Powd. Tallow 6 lb.
Copal Varnish 9 Cut Stearic Acid 1 lb.
Scale Wax 20 lb.
Grind in ball mill for 3 hours.
Castor Oil 2.0 lb.
Bosin Oil 0.5 lb.
Engine Carbon Bemover Lanolin 4.2 lb.

Diethyl Formamide 1- 5
Benzol 49-40 Boiler Seale, Bemoval of
Alcohol 50-55 8-10% HC1 is most suitable for Gu
or brass app. ; 5-10% HC0 2 H, for A1 or
tinned metals; 15% AeOH, for Zn or
Puncture Preventive, Tire galvanized iron.
Bentonite 100
Magnesium Oxide 2 * Boiler
Asbestos Fiber 50
Water suitable quantity Soda Ash 67 parts
50% Caustic Solution 10 parts
Powdered Chestnut Extract 20 parts
Battery Terminals, Coating for Water 3 parts
Diglycol Stearate 10 the chemicals mentioned being mixed
Water 300 and pressed into briquettes.
Heat until melted and stir until dis-
persed. Bun in slowly with stirring Soda Ash 55 parts
Graphite Powd. 30-100 Sodium Aluminate 20 parts
Dextrine 8 parts
50% Caustic Solution 5 parts
Tire Paint Water 12 parts
Precipitated Chalk 40 lb. these chemicals being mixed separately
Spanish White 20 lb. from those listed above and pressed into
Gilder’s Whiting 15 lb. briquettes. *

Gum Tragacanth 10 lb.

Phenol Crude 10 oz. * Boiler Compound
Clovel 10 oz.
Gallnuts (Powd.) 5 lb.
Allow gum to soak overnight in 7 gab Pine Bark (Powd.) 2 lb.
water; add phenol and pigments while Larch Bark (Powd.) 2 lb.
stirring; if too thick add more water and Bosin 1 lb.
then stir in the Clovel.
100 gm. of the above are used per
cubic meter of water.
* Prevention of Frothing and Foaming
in Aqueous Solutions Boiler Compound
Add 1% by weight or less of a 2 to Soda Ash 87
10% solution of a metallic soap in pine Trisodium Phosfate 10
oil. The soap may be aluminum, barium, Starch 1
calcium; or zinc" oleate or stearate.

Tannic Acid 2

For Chemical Advisors, Special Haw Materials, Equipment, Containers, etc., consult Supply
; Section- at ven<L of .hook*'
* Box Toe Composition Sod. Silicate 5
Garbon Flour 45
Wood Pulp Tar sufficient to bind
Cotton Linters 30
Asbestos Fibre 10
Any thermoplastic sufficient to impreg-
* Carbon Remover
nate. Isopropyl Ether 10
Propylene Bichloride 10
* Brake Lining Ethylene Bichloride 10
Asbestos Fiber 45 Chloronaphthalene 8
Magnesium Oxide 3.6
Rubber 18 * Carbon Beposits, Removing
Sulfur 9
The cylinders are heated a little above
Graphite 6
65° C. and treated with following:
Litharge 6
Iron Oxide 3 Aniline 25
Kaolin 9*1 Alcohol 25
Benzene 25
Naphthalene 25
* Brake Lining, Friction Material for
Black Clay 45
Zirconium" Oxide 25 * Catalyst, Oxidation
Feldspar 15 Platinum 0.3
Agalmatolite 5 Ferric Sulfate 1.0
Magnesite 5 Magnesium Sulfate 98.7
Kaolin 5

* Brake-Lining,
Treatment for Flocculated Clay

To insure smooth brake action the lin- A special flocculated clay of low acid-
ity, which is especially suitable for com-
ing is treated with
pounding with rubber, is prepd., for ex-
Ground or Bed occulated ample, as follows: 8 lb. of Florida clay
Graphite 1 oz.
are peptized in 6 gal. of soft 2 0 by H
Light Lubricating Oil the addn. of 0.5 oz. of sodium pyro-
Naphtha 17
phosphate and 0.75 g. of rosin. rosin A
Carbon Bisulfide 19 The impurities are allowed
soap forms.
to settle and the clay is flocculated by
* Hydraulic Brake Fluid adding 0.25 oz. of 2 3A
1 (S 04.) .

Hydra-acetyl Acetone 40
Castor Oil 60 * Catgut and Tennis String,
Preservative for
* Brine Solution, Non-Corrosive Gelatin 3 lb. is cooked with water 1
Calcium Chloride 40 gal. up to a temp, of about 95° with
Water 60 addn. and stirring in of about 1 oz. of
Zinc Chloride 0.4 red oil and the further successive addn.
of about 5 oz. glycerol and about 5 oz.
of tallow oil while maintaining a temp,
Caking of Powders, Prevention of of about 95° during the prepn. of the
The "addition of 1-5% of
rice meal or compn.
dour prevents caking of powders and
crystals. * Be-inking Newspaper
Print removed from newspapers, etc.,
*Arc Carbons
by immersing them in 7 times their
Calcium Fluoride 40 weight of water containing 0.5% of Am.
Strontium Fluoride 10 Linoleate or Sodium Sulforicinoleate
Sodium Silicate 5 and 0.5% of carbon tetrachloride or car-
Carbon Flour 45 bon disulfide.
Tar sufficient to bind
* Be-inking Newspaper
* Carbon Electrode
The paper broken up and beaten for
A core is formed by baking 5-7 min. at 100-107° (1 atm.) in a solu-
Calcium Fluoride 40 tion containing NaOH (10 pts.),
Strontium Fluoride 10 Na 2B40 7 (25 pts.) NasPO* (4 pts.),

K 2 CO 3 (1 pt.) in 60 pts. of 2 0. Ink H rounded by a quantity of getter mixture.

pigments, etc., are removed by skimming These pellets are placed in a tube or
and the pulp is then washed. other chamber together with the coiled
filaments to be gettered and the tube and
contents vigorously agitated. This forces
the getter mixture into the core of the
Concentrated turkey red oil is a very coil. The diethyl phthalate present acts
efficient demulsifier and
used quite ex-
as a binder and causes the getter mixture
tensively in the oil fields for breaking to pack so that future handling of the
petroleum emulsions. This material is coils will not easily displace the getter.
made by slowly adding 10 of sulphuric % During the preheating and baking out
acid ( 66 Baume) to pale blown castor
of the lamp the diethyl phthalate is va-
oil. The above is allowed to stand for porized completely away from the mix-
two hours. It is then added to four ture. The remaining getter material
times its volume of a half of one per cent comprising phosphorus in relatively
water solution of sodium chloride and coarse condition, superficially coated with
mixed thoroughly. After about twenty- inert non-inflammable cyrolite (or so-
four hours the water will be precipitated, dium ferric fluoride) * withstands a
whereupon the same is decanted and the higher baking temperature than the finely
remaining sulphonated castor oil is neu- divided phosphorus getter composition
tralized with ammonium hydroxide. heretofore employed.

* Light Elastic Compound * Electrode, Arc Lamp

Wood Charcoal Dust 35
Zirconium Fluoride 10
Cotton Linters 10
Carbon 30
Crepe Rubber 55 Calcium Fluoride 60
The above is to be worked on a rubber
mill and may be vulcanized if desired. * Electrolytic Condenser
An electrolyte for above consists of
* Electric Lamp f ‘
Getter 9 3
Sod. Stearate 20
The following formula is used for Diethylamine Stearate 10
coating lamp filaments for cleaning- i £
Glycerol 95
up * 3
deleterious residual gases. Water 5
Cryolite (Silk Bolted) 200 gm.
Red Phosphorus 30 gm. Embalming Fluid
Alcohol 230 cc. Glycerin 250
Mix the above in a ball mill for half Formaldehyde 1565
an hour. Place in a tray; evaporate al- Pot. Nitrate 150
cohol and dry at 110 ° C. Sift through Borax 40
200 mesh screen and bottle. Boric Acid 120
The method of application of this ad- Dark Red BA Dye 0.4
mixture to the filament is as follows: Water 2800
Three hundred grams of metallic gran-
ulated zinc (between 20 and 40 mesh) Embalming Fluids
or other suitable non-absorbent material Solution of Formaldehyde 11 lb.
are placed in a casserole and approxi- Glycerin 4 lb.
mately 3 grams of diethyl phthalate is Sodium Borate 21/2 lb.
added thereto. The admixture is stirred
Boric Acid 1 lb.
particles are uniformly
until the zinc
coated with the diethyl phthalate. The
Potassium Nitrate 2 % lb.
Solution of Eosin, 1% 1 oz.
binder is retained upon the surface of Water enough to make 10 gal.
the zinc particles by surface tension ef-
The sodium borate, boric acid and po-
fects. One hundred grams of the dry
getter admixture is then added and the
tassium nitrate are dissolved in 6 gallons
of water; the glycerin is added, then the
casserole and contents rotated so that the
solution of formaldehyde, and lastly the
binder wetted zinc particles pick up the
solution of eosin, and the necessary
dry powder and cause it to adhere to the
surfaces thereof by the adsorption of the
amount of water.
Another formula in vogue is as fol-
diethyl phthalate.
The finished getter material will sub-
stantially comprise a quantity of round Thymol 15 gr.
pellets made up of a core of zinc sur- Alcohol % oz.


Glycerin' 10 oz. Am. Chloride 5.46
Water 5 oz. Mag. Carbonate 2.74
Pot. Dichromate 1.70
* Embalming Fluid Wood Pulp 4.82
Sodium Hydroxide 4 Paraffin Wax 2.00
Water 100
Glycerol 20
Sodium nitrate 5 Flower Gardens ( Chemical)
Sodium Oleate 4 6 tablespoonfuls of salt
Sodium Grthophenylphenol 10 6 tablespoonfuls of bluing
Sodium Oxalate 3 6 tablespoonfuls of water
Color to suit. 1 tablespoonful of ammonia water,
To the above add and pouring, after thorough mixing, over
Formaldehyde 32 a clinker, a piece of coke or of brick in
a broad bowl or dish. After the clinker
before using.
(or coke or brick) has been wet with the
liquid, drop on it a few drops of mer-
* Tissue Filler, Embalmers curochrome solution or of red ink or
Celluloid Scrap 1 green ink. But do not use iodine, be-
Methanol 7 cause this reacts with ammonia water to
Castor Oil % form the dangerously explosive nitrogen
Oil Cloves Vs iodide, a black powder which is safe as
Triacetin 10 long as it is wet but explodes with a
Ethyl Methyl Ivetone 7 loud report from very slight shock whei?
Eosin to suit color it is dry. After the materials have beer
brought together, a coral-like colored
growth soon begins to appear on the
Embroidery Treatment clinker. This increases rapidly.
Cotton cloth is saturated with The growth also tends to form on the
Alum 1 edges of the dish and will climb up and
Aluminum Chlorate (20%) 3 over them unless they have been rubbed
Water 17 with vaseline. The growth will not ex-
and embroidery is then tend beyond the vaseline.
Dry in air
worked on cloth. Then dry in oven at The “depression flower garden" is a
capillary phenomenon involving the ten-
80° F. Chlorine is liberated and attacks
may be brushed off
dency of ammonium salts to “creep."
cotton so that latter
from embroidery. The saturated solution deposits crystals
around its edges and upon the clinker
where the evaporation is greatest. The
Oxidation of Ether, Prevention of crystals are porous and act like a wick,
To every lb. of anaesthetic ether add sucking up more of the solution by
2 gm. Hydroquinone. capillary action. The solution thus
sucked up evaporates to produce more
crystals, more wick, and more growth.
Fire Extinguisher The addition of a little more ammonia
A fire extinguisher is absolutely nec- water to the dish will produce more
essary in the laboratory if the workers growth after the first growth has stopped.
are to be protected. Manufactured ex- Or the whole may be allowed to dry and
tinguishers are rather expensive, but the may then be kept without further change.
following substitute is very efficient. The “mineral flower garden" which
The metal part of a burned out elec- florists sometimes sell or display in their
tric light bulb is removed. The tube used windows, depends upon an entirely dif-
to seal the bulb is dipped in carbon ferent principle, that of osmosis or of
tetrachloride, and the tube broken. The osmotic pressure. A solution of sodium
vacuum draws the liquid into the bulb. silicate or 1
water glass 7 is poured .into

The break is sealed with wax. Fire ex- a jar or globe, and crystals of readily
tinguishing 1 i bombs J 7 of this type may soluble salts of certain metals which
be put in convenient places about the form colored and insoluble silicates are
laboratory. thrown in and allowed to sink to the bot-
tom. Growths resembling marine plants
* Chimney Fire Extinguisher spring up from these crystals and in the
Pot. Chlorate 15.02 course of a few minutes climb rapidly
Sulfur 19.12 upward through the liquid, often branch-
Zinc Powd. 49.14 ing and curving, producing an effect

which might lead one to believe that he Gems, Synthetic

sees exotic algae growing in an aquarium. Titanium Tetrafluoride 0.2
The experiment works best if the solu- Beryllium Oxide 0,5
tion of water glass is diluted to a spe- Iron Oxide 10
cific gravity of about 1.10. Aluminum Oxide 500
Ferricchloride produces a brown Magnesium Powder 100
growth; nickel nitrate, grass green;
Fuse together in a crucible and allow
cupric chloride, emerald green; uranium
to cool slowly.
t nitrate, yellow; cobaltous chloride or
nitrate, dark blue; and manganous ni-
trate and zinc sulfate, white. To Drill Holes in Glass
By taking a good steel drill and wet-
ting with a saturated solution of cam-
Freezing Mixture phor in oil of turpentine, holes may be
A mixture of 230 g. of NH 4 CNS, 30 g. rapidly and easily drilled through the
of NH 4 C1, and 300 cc. of H20 produces thickest plate glass.
a fall of temp, from 15° to —19°. In-
crease of NH4CI content reduces the cool-
Frosting of Glass, Prevention of
ing effect, which is thus wT ell under
control. (1) H 2O ft ,
NaOII soln. 6.5, palm oil
12 and rosin 1 part are cooked together.
Gelatine Capsules Thirty parts of 1I 2 0 are added and the
Gelatine parts cooking continued. Twenty parts of
Water 8 parts HoO and 25-30 parts of glycerol are
Sugar parts then added. The prepn, can be put up
Glycerine 2 parts in cans. (2) A
prepn. which can be put
Gum Arabic 1 part up in tubes is prepd. from soft soap 65,
glycerol 30 and turpentine 5 parts. (3)
Proceed as in printers rollers compo-
Twenty parts of paraffin, 10 parts of
wood oil and 70 parts of turpentine are
Gelatine Sheets used in making a non-hygroscopic compm
Gelatine 3 lb.
Water 5 lb. Glycerine Jelly for Microscope
Glycerine 5 oz. Mounting
Allow gelatine to soak in water until Water 3 oz.

soft and dissolve on water bath. Add Glycerine 3% oz.

Glycerine and color solution if colored Gelatine V2 oz.
sheets are desired. Pour measured Carbolic Acid 1 dr.
amount on polished plate glass that has Dissolve the gelatine in the water, and
been placed in absolutely level position when dissolved add glycerine and car-
so that the solution will not run off. bolic acid. Warm for 15 minutes stir-
Distribute solution evenly over surface ring continuously the whole time. Do
by hand or with a fine comb. Allow to not heat above 75° C. Allow to cool and
rest until gelatine has thoroughly set and on solidification drain off surplus water.
then place in rack to dry. When dry, Keep jelly in a cool place in an air tight
remove from glass by cutting to edges jar.
with sharp blade and lifting gradually
off glass. Biological Fixing Fluid
The thickness of the sheet depends on These new fluids have been developed
the amount of solution poured on glass. as the result of intensive research and
About 12 oz. of above sol. poured on are more or less free from the above diffi-
glass 20X24 will give a sheet 3/1000 culties. Materials fixed in them remain
thick. soft and will not harden when placed in
a 70 per cent alcohol solution. In addi-
Glue Composition for Plaster Casting tion, all common stains may be used.
Molds Two of the solutions are given as fol-
.Powdered Hide: Glue 1 'part
Glycerine parts Cuprie-paranitrophenol Fixing Solution
Water 1 part
100 ce.
60 per cent Alcohol
Sugar % part
Nitric Acid, sp. gr. 1,41-1.42 3 cc.
Finely Powdered Silica 1 part
Ether 5 cc.
Proceed as in printers rollers compo- Cupric Nitrate, Crystals 2 gm.
sition. Paranitrophenol, Crystals 5 gm.
This fluid is perfectly stable and is Manganese Chloride 30 gr.
not limited as to duration of fixation, but Manganese Sulfate 30 gr.
has a slow penetration rate. On addition of water to the above, heat
is generated.
Cupric-phenol Fixing Solution
Stock Solution A * Heat Producing Composition
Distilled Water 100 cc.
The following evolves much heat on
Nitric Acid (as above) 12 cc.
addition of water.
Cupric Nitrate (as above) 8 gm.
Sod. Acetate 87
Stock Solution B Sod. Hyposulfite 8%
80 per cent Alcohol 100 cc. Glycerol 3%
Phenol, Crystals 4 gm. Calcium Chloride 1
Ether 6 cc.
These solutions are perfectly stable * Heat Transfer Medium
and may be kept in glass stoppered bot-
tles, but the mixture does not keep and
Many substances have been used in
the search for a suitable material for
for this reason the duration must not
heat storage at high temperatures. Most
exceed forty-eight hours. For use, take:

Solution A one part Solution B three
— organic materials decompose at compara-
tively low temperatures, and even di-
parts. In using either fixing solution
phenyl, which is one of the most suit-
wash the material in several changes of
able, is useless above about 900° F. The
70 per cent alcohol.
ideal heat-carrier should not decompose
below say 1800° F., should be reasonable
Artificial Perspiration in price, non-corrosive, and as fluid as
(Used in testing materials against de- water within the widest possible range
fectsfrom perspiration.) of temperature.
Sodium Chloride 8 gm.
Recently a substance named S “N
fluid ’ has been developed, which appears

Acetic Acid 1 gm.

to approach very closely to this ideal. It
Butyric Acid *4 gm.
consists of a mixture of inorganic salts
Water 1000 cc.
of the general formula R' C14-R"' CI3,
e.g., 1 mol. NaCl with 1 mol. AICI3,
* Permanently Neutral Formaldehyde which solidifies to a homogeneous mass
Commercial formaldehyde contains and at 302° F. liquefies into a well-de-
traces of formic acid and develops fur- fined solution which regulates its molecu-
ther amounts on standing. lar ratio by expelling excess of A1C1 3 if
In order to obtain a permanently neu- present.
tral solution, it is only neeessary to add
to the commercial acid reaction formalde- * Hydraulic Fluid
hyde quantity of basic magnesium
a Water 10 gal.
carbonate. Agitation or stirring may be Soda Ash 7 lb.
used to effect intimate mixture. An ex- Soft Soap ,
2 lb.
cess of the salt does no harm. After Boil the above together and when dis-
neutralization the solution may be freed
solved run in with vigorous stirring
from the carbonate by filtration, decan-
tation or other suitable means. Fifteen
Lard Oil 2% gal.

grams of hydrated basic magnesium car-

bonate is ample to neutralize six hundred * Ice-Skating Rink, Artificial
grams of commercial formaldehyde solu- A suitable floor is covered with
tion. The excess may of course be used Sod. Hyposulfite 70
again. The use of a larger quantity Borax 29
does not change the hydrogen ion con- Alum 1
centration which is found to be 1X10-7.1.
This is, for all practical purposes, neu-
The surface may be covered with a
mixture of powdered soap and stearic
Heat Producing Composition
Powdered Iron * Incense
17 oz.
Manganese Hydroxide 1 oz. An incense consists of redwood bark
Graphitic Carbon 30 gr. flour, 50.5 per cent by wt. ; gam benzoin,
Ferric Chloride 30 gr. powdered, 9.90 per cent by wt.; gum
Ferrous Sulfate 30 gr. acacia, powdered, 16.50 per cent by wt.;

aromatic materials such as orris root, Printers Boilers Composition

yara yara, rose leaves, vetiver, coumarin, Powdered Hide Glue 1 part
etc., about 22.34 per cent by wt. berga-
mot, oak moss, or other alcoholic extracts,
; Glycerine 1 % parts
Water 1 part
0.55 per cent by wt.; and saltpetre, 0.66
per cent by wt.
Sugar % part
Add glue and sugar to mixture of
water and glycerine and stir well. Al-
low to stand until glue is thoroughly
Aluminum Oleate soaked and then place on water bath and
Distilled, Low Titre, Oleic melt. When mass is completely molten
Acid 282 lb. and all air bubbles have risen to sur-
Caustic Soda 40 lb. face, it is ready to be poured into molds.
The above forms 304 lb. Sodium
Boiler, Printers
Sodium Oleate 1824 lb.
Glue Highest Grade 20 lb.
Aluminum Sulphate 666 lb.
Water 20 lb.
The yield of Aluminum Oleate should
be 1740 lb.
Soak %
To this add
White Corn Syrup 40 lb.
Lead Oleate Cook in double boiler for 2 hrs.
Distilled, Low Titre, Oleic Add
Acid 282 lb.
Glycerine 16 lb.
Caustic Soda 40 lb.
Kezinel No. 2 1 lb.
The above forms 304 lb. Sodium
Agitate with a high speed mixer until
uniform and cast on a rubber core.
Sodium Oleate 608 lb.
Lead Acetate 379 lb.
* Puncture-Sealing Compound
The yield of Lead Oleate should be
769 lb.
Castor Oil % lb.
Talc 1^ oz.

* Packing, Oil Besistant

Wood Flour 1% oz.
Water % lb.
Crepe Bubber 40-50
Gum Arabic % oz.
Carbon Black
Cotton Linters 10-20
Benzol % OZ.
Clovel Ym oz.
Glue 2- 5
Glycerol 1- 2 * 4 ‘ 7 7

0.5- 1 Badiator, Stop-Leak for

2- 6 Flaxseed Meal 16%
Aluminum Powder
Sod. Silicate
* Packing, Metallic Stuffing Box
Casein 2%
Finely Divided Lead 90
Wool Grease 8
* Radiator Solution, Anti-Busting
Graphite Powder 2 ,

Saturated Soda Ash Solution 8

Saturated Copper Sulfate Solution 1
* Pectin, Soluble
Eight ounces of above used to 5 gal.
Sod. Bicarbonate 5- 10 water.
Tartaric Acid 12- 7
Pectin 10
* Befrigerant
Sugar 1000-1600
Methyl Formate 90-95
The above is a base for making jams 5-10
Alcohol Anhydrous
and jellies.

* Printing Blankets, Preservative for

* Befrigerant Leak Warning
Allyl Alcohol 0.5-1%
Carbon Black 5 lb.
Beeswax 0.6 lb.
Chlorpierin 0.5-2%
Long Chinawood Oil Varnish 8 gal.
Japan Brier 3 qt. Either of the above is incorporated in
Turpentine 2 gal. the refrigerant. If any leak occurs it
Naphtha 7 qt. is quickly noticed.
Shock Absorber Fluid The above forms Sodium Stearate
1 306 lb.
Caustic Potash 1 Sodium Stearate 612 lb.

Water 75 Lead Acetate 379 lb.

Dissolve above in vessel fitted with a The yield of Lead Stearate, dry, should
high speed mixer and while stirring rap- be 773 lb.
idly run the following in slowly:
Red Oil 3-5 Zinc Stearate
Methanol 1 double Pressed Stearic Acid 284 lb.
Mineral Oil 19 Caustic Soda 40 lb.
The above forms Sodium Stearate,
Soluble Starch
306 lb.
Ltntner Method: Potato starch is tri-
Sodium Stearate 612 lb.
turated with 7.5 per cent hydrochloric Zinc Sulphate 287 lb.
acid to a thin paste which is allowed to
stand 7 days at 40° C. The modified The yield of dry Zinc Stearate should
starch is washed with cold water until be 631 lb.

the washings no longer redden litmus

paper and is then expressed and dried. Stiffeners for Toes of Shoes
Solomon Method: 100 gm. of starch Cumarone 12 lb.
is mixed with 1000 cc. of water in which Petroleum 1 gal.
5 gm. of sulphuric acid has been previ- Pine Oil 2 ii. oz.
ously dissolved. The mixture is then
boiled for 2% hours, after which the ex- * Thawing Composition
cess acid is removed by addition of
barium carbonate and after filtration the
1 Athawing composition substantially
consisting of an intimate mixture of
filtrate is evaporated and the soluble
grains of crystallized anhydrous magne-
starch is precipitated by addition of alco-
sium chloride having the shape of thin
hol. The precipitate is collected and tablets of a length not exceeding about
2 millimeters, and about one per cent of
Leulier Method: 25 gm. of wheat a finely powdered alkali chromate.
starch is mixed with 100 gm. of alcohol
(95%) containing 5 gm. of concentrated
sulphuric acid. This mixture is heated
* Snow and Ice Melter
in a flask provided with an invert con- Salt 25
denser and is then boiled for 30 minutes. Am. Chloride 50
The modified starch is collected on a Mag. Sulfate 25
plain filter and is washed off with either The above may be diluted with silica
cold water or alcohol until the washings sand and water.
no longer redden litmus paper. The
washed starch is then dried. Copper Tubing, Bending
with molten lead
Fill tubing completely
* Boot Destroyer
and bend around wood form. When bent
Salt 285
heat and drain out lead.
Zinc Powder 14
Anthracite Coal Powd. 6
Hard Charcoal Powd. 3.5 Ultra Yiolet Filter
A useful for absorbing ultra vio-
Aluminum Stearate let light in connection with fluorescence

Double Pressed Stearic Acid 284 lb. photography consists of a 2% solution

Caustic Soda 40 lb. of Sod. Nitrite in a glass cell 1 cm. in
The above forms Sodium Stearate,
306 lb.
Sodium Stearate 1836 lb. Anti-Rot Compound for Wood
Aluminum Sulphate 666 lb. Sodium Fluoride 2 lb.

The yield of dry Aluminum Stearate Water 98 lb.

should be 1752 lb.

X-Ray Screen, Fluorescent
Lead Stearate Sodium Tungstate 29 gm.
Double Pressed Stearic Acid 284 lb. Calcium Chloride 11 gm.
Caijstic Soda 40 lb. Sodium Chloride 58 gm.


The whole is intimately mixed, and * Decolorizing Carbon

heated in a crucible. The* result of the
Pulverized bituminous coal is mixed

reaction produced by the heat is that

with an aq. solution of an alkali salt,
calcium tungstate is formed, which crys- e.g., Na 2 C0 3 (30-40% of the coal), and
tallizes out from the molten sodium
a wetting agent, e.g., sol. soap (1%).
chloride as the mass cools. After cool- The HoO is boiled off while continuing
ing, the mass is removed from the cru-
the agitation and the mixture is retorted
cible and washed with water to dissolve
at a red heat in absence of air and with
the excess sodium chloride. The powder
avoidance of fritting. The powder may
is then dried and sprinkled on a gummy
now* be used after cooling, but is im-
sheet of stiff paper, and when dry makes
proved by further treatment in a pan the
a good fluorescent screen for experimen- lid of which is adjusted to keep the mass
tal purposes.
just glowing by combustion, until 3 NH
ceases to be evolved.

Simple Azo Oil Dye

Sweeping Compounds
Sweeping Compounds are usually made
Ortho Toluidine 1 oz.
to contain a large percentage of filler,
Sulphuric Acid 2 oz.
such as clean sand and sawdust. One
Sodium Nitrite IVi oz.
well known mixture is made by dissolving
Water. Ice,
4 ounces of semi re fined paraffin wax in i
gallon of low viscosity lubricating oil;
Beta Naphthol % oz.
the wax being added to the hot oil. A dry
Caustic Soda 1 2 oz. mixture is prepared consisting of saw-
Water. Ice. dust 20 pounds; clean sand 10 pounds,
Procedure and salt three-quarter pound, and then
the lubricating oil is thoroughly incor-
1. Mix Ortho Toluidine and acid. porated with this. While mixing these
2. Add 8 ounces of water. materials about 2 ounces of an odorizing
8. Add ice until temperature drops to oil, such as clove! or cedar, may be added
4° a
4. Dissolve Sodium Nitrite in 6 ounces
of water.
* Thawing Composition Suitable for Use
5. Add solution to Ortho Toluidine on Railway Swatches, Etc.
and acid slowly. Brown fumes will Grains of erysfc. anhyd. MgCU having
evolve. Stir until fumes cease. This the shape of thin tablets of a length not
should take about 10 minutes. This exceeding about 2 nun. are mixed with
is part I. about 1% of a finely powd. alkali chro-
6. Dissolve the Beta Naphthol in the mate.
Caustic Soda in 1 quart of water.
Cool with ice to 10° C. This is * Composition to Prevent Moisture
part II. Accumulation on Glass
7. To part II add part I stirring all
An orange colored pre- To a satd. soln. of NaCl are added
the time.
cipitate will form. Filter, wash and 50 g. of KN03 , 25 g. of gelatin and
dry. 100 g. of 10% HC1, and the mixt. is
Note: Make sure receptacles for both
parts I and II are large enough. Radiator Solder
Do not inhale fumes produced.
Flaxseed Meal 100
Aluminum Powder 1-2
Mix together until all the flaxseed is
* Foam Prevention Agent covered with Aluminum. When this is
To reduce foaming of glycol anti- added to the w ater in a leaky automo-

freeze mixtures from 0.01-0.10% Calcium bile radiator, it swells and plugs up all
Acetate is added. leaks as the water circulates.
* Graphite Lubricant
The weighed fat is placed in a steam
Graphite 85
jacketed kettle equipped with a paddle
Gum Tragaeanth 10
type agitator and a small portion of the
Triethanolamine 1.6
Petroleum Oil, about half the volume of
Sod. Naphthionate 2
the fat, is added. Next the lime is
Water 250-400
hydrated and mixed with sufficient water
Graphite Suspension to form a thin paste. The lime is added
to the material in the kettle and the
Biglycol Stearate 4
whole is cooked for several hours with
Water 100
continuous agitation. When a small por-
Heat to 60° O. and remove heat and tino of the soap on cooling is firm and
stir until a milky dispersion is formed. brittle the remainder of the Petroleum
Add with stirring Oil is added slowly to avoid chilling. The
Graphite 10-20 agitation is continued until a uniform
* Lubricating Grease Base grease without lumps is formed.

Japan wax and castor oil (1-1.2 pts.

each) are melted and compounded with Locomotive Rod Cup Grease
A1 stearate (3 pts.) and the cooled base 35 parts Tallow
is pulverised and compounded with a 0.5 parts Sodium Hydroxide
mineral oil. 50 parts Steam Refined Cylinder Oil
10 parts Water
Cup Greases
Pressure Driving Journal Grease
114 parts Pat
40 parts Tallow
16 parts Quicklime
7 parts Sodium Hydroxide
870 parts Petroleum Eed Oil prefer-
45 parts Steam Refined Cylinder Oil
ably 500 Vise, at 100° P. or
10 parts Water
No. 1
123 parts Pat Cup Grease
17 parts Quicklime Lard OilExtra No. 1 150 gal.
855 parts Petroleum Pale Oil 100 Inedible Tallow 300 lb.
Vise, at 100° P. Hydrated Lime 198 lb.
Western Mineral Lubricat-
No. 2
ing Oil 900 gal.
140 parts Pat Water 75 gal.
19 parts Quicklime Oil Mirbane 6 lb.
840 parts Petroleum Pale Oil 100
Vise, at 100° P. Specifications

No. 3 Mineral oil. Viscosity 180 to 100° P.

(Saybolt) Color between 9 and 10%
157 parts Fat
(Robinson). Sp. Gravity 19 to 21.5
22 parts Quicklime
820 parts Petroleum Pale OO 100 Vise, Raume.
at 100° F. Extra No. 1 Lard. Color red or brown.
Should not contain more than 7% free
No. 5 fatty acid calc., as oleic.
205 parts Pat Inedible tallow. Clear, fresh and free
34 parts Quicklime from dirt. M. Pt. not less than 110° F.
760 parts petroleum Oil Free fatty acid not more than 5%.

All formulae preceded by an asterisk (*) are covered by patents.


Hydrated Lime. Finely powdered. Procedure

Contain about 27% to 28% Water and Charge in closed pressure cooker oi
66.6% available CaO. (A.S.T.M. Tenta- 12 barrels capacity, 30 to 50 gallons oi
tive Standards.) oil or tailings from previous batch.

Procedure Bun into pressure kettle, 150 gallons of

lard and 300 lb. of melted tallow.
Charge in an open steam jacketed Mix in separate container:
kettle 50 gallons of the oil, slop cup
Mineral Oil 30 gal.
grease, or tailings from the previous
Hydrated Lime 198 lb.
Water 10 gal.
Charge into the kettle, the lard oil and
tallow Add this to kettle.
Mix in separate vessel 198 lb. hydrated Close and fasten manhole or opening*
lime, 30 gallons mineral oil, 75 gallons Test for leaks by admitting compressed
water. air till pressure of 15 lb. is reached.
Add this mixture to kettle and start Belease pressure, close relief valve.
agitating paddles. Turn on steam in jacket. Pressure of
Turn on steam in jacket and bring tem- 100 lb. required. Rotate paddles at 38
perature of contents of kettle to 300° F. r.p.m.
in from 2 to 4 hours. Maintain pressure kettle at temp, not
Allow lime soap formed to stand in less than 300° F. and 50 to 80 lb. pres-
kettle over night with steam on but with- sure for 20 minutes.
out agitating. In open steam jacketed mixer of 30
Test soap to find if saponification is barrels capacity bring about 50 gallons of
complete, and estimate water content. slop grease to temp, of 225° to 265° F.
Soft pasty consistency indicates incom- Open valve on 12 barrel kettle and
plete saponification or too much water. allow soap to be discharged under its
Stringy more or less transparent soap own pressure into large open mixer.
denotes excessive water evaporation. Start paddles and begin adding oil till
Soap should be firm and break evenly but volume of oil is 400 gallons.
should not crumble too readily (excess Bring to 212° F.
lime). Corrections should be made by Oil added to 750 gallons.
adding from 1 to 5 gallons NaOH(20 B.) Add 4 gallons water. Temp. 180° to
or in case of excess lime an appropriate 185° F.
amount of tallow. Stir 10 minutes.
Bun in mineral oil till total oil in kettle Add mirbane and balance of mineral
is 400 gallons. Heat to 212° F. oil.

Bun in additional oil to 750 gallons. Stir 15 to 20 minutes. Fill at 160° to

Scrape down sides of kettle and add 170° F.
slowly 4 to 10 gallons water. Tempera-
ture should be 180° to 185° F. Graphite Cup Grease
Stir 10 minutes.
Add oil mirbane. Graphite Cup Grease.
Bun in remainder mineral oil (150 Per cent
gallons). by weight
Stir 15 to 20 minutes. Cup Grease No. 2 93.00
Fill at 160° F. to 170° F. Medium Ground Graphite 2.00
Grease produced is of medium con- American Talc 5.00
sistency known
as No. 3. Its melting
point is 190° F. to 195° F. and consis- Graphite Lubricant.
tency as taken by A. S. T. M. penetrom- Cup Grease No, 2 86.29
eter at 77° F. is 180. Steam Befined Cylinder Stock 6.80
Powdered Plumbago
(Graphite) 6.91
Manufacture of Cup Grease by Pressure
Cooking Marine Graphite Grease.
Cup Grease Cup Grease No. 2 92.00
Extra No. 1 Lard 150 gal. Fine Ground Graphite 8.00
Water 14 gal.
Pale Special Graphite Grease.
Western -
Oil .

Viscosity) 900 gal. Hard Tallow 10.00
Powdered Hydrated Lime 198 lb. Dark Petrolatum 80.00
No. 1 Inedible Tallow 300 lb. Fine Graphite 10.00
Oil Mirbane 6 lb.

For Chemical Advisors, Special Raw Materials, Equipment, Containers, etc., consult Supply
Section'. at" :On'd:.' of boA '

Grease, Lubricating
Slushing Oil (for foreign shipment)
Neutral 2S° Paraffin Oil 4 gal. % Cottonseed Fatty Acids 16
Anhydrous Lanolin 60 oz. Crude Montan Wax 21.4
Slaked Lime 3.5
Caustic Soda 0.36
* Wool Lubricant Heavy Black Mineral Oil 58.2
100 parts of olive oil or araeliis oil or Water *
a mineral lubricating oil or free oleic
Stainless Steel Lubricant
acid or mixtures thereof are emulsified
with 250 parts of water and 5 parts of Lubricant for Drawing and Forming
the triethanolamine salt of the acid Stainless Steel
phosphoric ester of cetyl alcohol, if de- Heavy Drawing Compound 1 gal.
sired with the addition of 3 parts of glue Hot Water 1 gal.
powder, or of other animal or vegetable Lithopone 2 lb.
protective colloids, or of soaps or of an Flovr ers of Sulphur % to 1 lb.
agent of the type of Turkey-red oil or of Cresylic
3.2 Acid 1 oz.
other sulphonation products of vegetable
* Mill Grease
or animal fats or oils. The emulsions are
then brought to the desired dilution with 26.2 parts by weight of Rosin Oil

from 2 to 35 times their weight of water 12.2 parts by weight of Tallow

and are employable for example as oil- 59.0 parts by weight of Oil (500
ing agents in making shoddy or in spin- second Saybolt at 210° F.)
ning fibrous materials or in brightening parts by weight of Sodium
dyed fabrics. Hydroxide
All of the tallow is mixed with one-half
of the oil and all of the sodium hydroxide
Thread Grease
(which may be
dissolved in a small
. 1 lb. Lanolin (dry) amount of water) in a conventional kettle
2 oz. Vaseline provided with heating and agitating
Melt No. 1 and No. 2 and add 3 oz. means. This mixture is heated, with
camphor. agitation, to a temperature of about 375
to 450° F., preferably about 400° F,,
until the tallow has been completely
Cordage Grease
Degras 30
Kerosene (Heavy) 60
The rosin oil is next added, the heat-
ing and agitation being continued, and
Caustic Soda (36° Be.) 10
the temperature is again raised to about
Warm together and stir until uniform. 400° F. (375 to 450°) to effect a reaction
between the excess alkali and the rosin-
* Lubricating Grease, High Temperature acid.
Finally, with continued heating and
Mineral oil of a viscosity of not less
agitation, the other half of the oil is
than 90 sec. Say bolt at 100° is mixed and
heated with an A1 salt of a fatty acid
added and the temperature is again
brought to 400° F. (375° to 450° F.).
such as A1 stearate constituting 15 -45 %
of the total mass, at temps, of about
The mixture should be neutral or slightly
70-125 9 and the mass is rapidly chilled alkaline at this pointand if the reaction
to prevent reversion.
is acid, a calculated amount of sodium
hydroxide should be added. The grease
is then ready to be poured into moulds.
* Grease, Lubricating The mill grease prepared by this proc-
A grease is manufd. by
lubricating ess is markedly different from and
mixing 0.5% of rubber latex with 9.5% superior to greases formed by the usual
A1 stearate and 90% hydrocarbon oil, and process which consists in saponifying a
heating the mtxt. with agitation to de- mixture of fatty acid and rosin. Instead
hydrate the latex and produce a trans- of a grainy, soft, low melting composi-
parent homogeneous texture and subse- tion a smooth, clear, hard, elastic, high
quently cooling. melting mill grease that shows unprece-
dented wear resistance is obtained.
* Lubricating Grease, Gasoline Proof Leather Stuffing
Oleic Acid 2.5 Ozokerite 6
Ammonium Linoleate V-- 17.5 Paraffin Wax 8
Glycerol 37 Rosin Oil 40
Lubricating Oil 35 Mineral Oil ’

* Emulsified Fluid Lubricant Then, after all the dilute carbonate solu-
The soap base or emulsifier is first pre- tion has been added, the composition
liquefies and produces an unstable emul-
pared. 300 pounds of elaine oil (com-
sified liquid from which water and oil will
mercial oleic acid) are heated in a kettle
to 100°-110° C. and 300 pounds of water- separate in a few days.
white grade rosin are added, preferably A permanent concentrated emulsion,
in two equal portions, and the heating is which will not separate, even though it is
continued until solution is complete. The heated to the boiling point or cooled to
solution is then cooled to about 95° C. ; the freezing point, may be formed if the
and a solution of caustic potash contain- ingredients are properly combined. Place
ing 102 pounds of water and 47 pounds the soda ash solution in the cruteher and
of 88-92% KOH (sufficient to saponify gradually add the solution of soap base
in oil to the soda ash solution while stir-
73% of the elaine oil) is slowly added.
The contents of the kettle are heated ring. The resulting compound contains
from 95° to 101° C. for about an hour about 50% water, and the emulsion will
until the foam caused by the liberated not break on standing, heating or cool-
carbonic acid disappears, and complete ing.
saponification has been effected between The concentrated emulsion is used to
the caustic potash and a portion of the make a suitably thinned emulsion such as
fatty acids. Then liquid is then cooled. cutting oil or emulsion. One volume of
The cooled thick soapy liquid is next the concentrated emulsion may be diluted
thinned, and the soap content is increased with 9 volumes of water for making a
and rendered more effective as an emulsi- cutting compound.
fier by adding an alcohol, such as de-
natured alcohol, and ammonia. The
* Lubricant
ammonia, however, is not, as a rule,
added in sufficient amount to saponify all An such as a mineral oil is mixed
the fatty acids. If concentrated am- with 3-5% of a Na, Zn or (Ja soap and
monia or a dilute water solution thereof with 5-15% of an amide or anilide such
is added directly to the soap solution, a as stearic, palmitic, oleic or araehidie
stringy, ropy product, which is not an anilide to increase the viscosity of the
efficient emulsifier, will result. The ropi- material.
ness can be prevented by mixing the
ammonia with denatured alcohol and then
* Lubricating Composition
adding the mixture to the soap solution.
Mix 98 pounds of 95% denatured alcohol Mineral Oil (300 Say bolt) 100
with 31 pounds of ammonia (26° Be.) Stearic Toluide 5
and slowly stir the mixture into the soap Melt together at 230° F. and then cool
solution. The resulting solution is a quickly to congeal.
syrupy liquid containing ammonia and
potash soaps and is used to mix with the
neutral oil in making the emulsion. * Upper Cylinder Lubricant
The concentrated liquid emulsion is
made by adding a solution of 21 gallons A lubricant to be added to gasoline
consists of
of neutral oil, such as paraffin oil, and
3% gallons of the soap base, previously Gasoline 120
mixed together, to a dilute solution of Benzol 15
soda ash. Preferably, add the above .Toluol 20

mixture to a solution made by adding 3.2 Camphor 50

pounds of an alkaline compound, such as Ether 20
soda ash, to 24% gallons of water. The Carbon Bisulfide 10
soda ash is present in such quantity that Castor Oil 40
it reacts with the remaining fatty acids Mineral Oil 50
and is preferably present in excess so as Petrolatum 470
to act as a softening agent for the addi- Clovel 5
tional water that is added to the emulsion
before it is utilized. * Lubricant, Journal-Box
A concentrated emulsion may be made
by adding the soda ash solution to a solu- Potash Coc. OH Soap (40%) 100
tion of the soap base in. the oil in a Water 30
cruteher, but when the ingredients ^are Neafc s-foot Oil 3
combined in this manner, the product Graphite 3
gradually thickens when about %
of the Cocoanut Oil 3
dilute carbonate solution has been added. Sod. Stearate
7 ’
Tlie above prevents * ‘
hot-boxes on Boring Oil
railroad cars. A. 1. Oleic Acid 15
2. Thin Mineral Oil 75
* Lubricant, Non-greasy 3. Caustic Soda (40° Be.) 5
4. Alcohol 5
Cellulose Acetate 100
Diethyl Phthallate 100 Warm 1 and
with stirring until
Ethyl Lactate 100 uniform and while mixing vigorously run
into it 2 and 4.

Bicycle Chain Lubricant

B. Turkey Brown Oil 30
12 kg. of rosin oil, 25.0 kg. of mineral
Thin Mineral Oil 50
oil, 1.0 kg. of 10° B6. KOH, 4.5 kg. of
Caustic Soda (20° Be.) 10
Ca(OH) 2 35.0 kg. of flake graphite and
Alcohol 10
22.5 kg. of mineral oil. The rosin oil and
first portion of mineral oil are mixed and
C. Rozolin 18
emulsified in the alk. soln. The Ca(OH) 2
Thin Mineral Oil 74
and graphite are ground with the second
Caustic Soda (40° Be.) 5
portion of mineral oil, and well mixed
Isopropyl Alcohol 5
with the emulsion.

D. Naphthenic Acid 25
Lubricant for Lies and Plates Red Oil 25
(for moulded clay products) Thin Mineral Oil 100
Caustic Soda (24° B6.) 25
No. 1. —Thoroughly mix, with both in-
Alcohol 25
gredients lukewarm, one part of Saponi-
fied Red Oil and five parts of kerosene.
E. Rosin Oil

No. 2. Melt ten pounds of Double
Red Oil
Pressed Saponified Stearic Acid to just
Thin Mineral Oil 70
above the melting point and add ninety
Caustic Soda (36° Be.) 5
pounds of kerosene with brisk agitation
Methanol 5
to obtain a thorough mixture.
The above are mixed with -water for
Gun Lubricant
White Petrolatum 150 Rayon Lubricant (Partly Soluble Type)
Bone Oil (acid free) 50 70 to 80 parts Water White Mineral
Graphite Grease 10 to 20 parts Mineral Seal Oil (used
Ceresin 70 for cheapening cost of production)
Tallow 70 10 to 15 parts Neat’s-foot Oil (30
Heat together to 80° C.
P. C. T. grade)
and work in
Graphite 30 Adjust proportions to 100 parts.
Add in order named, agitate slowly and
warm until thoroughly mixed.
* Lubricant, Inorganic Allow sample to stand for a short time
The following formula gives a lubri- to see if satisfactory.
cant which is water soluble and not
hygroscopic or deliquescent under ordi-
nary conditions. It is particularly useful Rayon Lubricant (Insoluble Type)
in systems carrying benzol, turpentine, 50 to 100 parts Water White Mineral
oilsand other water insoluble liquids. Oil
0 to 50 parts Mineral Seal Oil
Glacial PhosphoricAcid 100
Boric Acid 2 Adjust to viscosity and use desired for,
Orthophosphoric Acid 1*4 with cost included in the final proportions
Heat to 122° O. and cool.

* Anti-oxident for Oils

Open Gear Lubricant
and Waxes
0.1% Tin Naphthenate
A home-made mixture of lb. white %
is dissolved lead, % gal. cylinder oil and
with heat in mineral oils and waxes to
lb. flake %
graphite makes an especially efficient
inhibit oxidation.
lubricant for open gears, according to
Link-Belt Shovel News . This mixture


adheres well to the gears and can be into this and then add 5 with stirring.

painted on with a brush as required at This produces a clear, stable, “ soluble”

intervals of about five hours. Cup grease oil.
may be substituted for the oil and the If 70 parts water are added slowly,
graphite may be omitted. Omission of with stirring, to 10 parts of the above,
the graphite is not advisable in warm a beautiful white stable emulsion results.
weather. The amount of water may be larger or
smaller as needs require. This emulsion
Solid Lubricant isuseful as a lubricant, cutting oil, polish
1. Bosin 9 or agricultural spray.
Machine Oil
2. 82
8. Caustic Soda (40° Be.) 9
Mineral Oil Softener
Melt 1 and 2 together and heat
(For Use on Sulfur After-Treated and
to 100° C. and run 3 into it slowly
Vat Bye Blacks or Dark Blues. Also
with stirring and raise temperature to
as a Soluble Cutting Oil)
110-120° C.
Sulfonated Fish Oil
* Candles, Non-sticking (sperm 75% ) 20 to 30 parts
To prevent candles from sticking to Pale Paraffin Oil 70 to SO parts
mold incorporate 5% of glycol or glycerin Adjust proportions on a 100 parts basis
in wax mixture. as to consistency desired. Heat fish oil
until clear. Agitate and then add the
paraffin oil cold and agitate again until
Valve Lubricant
the mix is clear. If desired for summer
Unaffected by gas and high tem- use the initial heating is sufficient, but
peratures. for winter use it is desirable to heat a
1. Barium Stearate 50 second time.
2. Mineral Oil 40 Test for use. A
ten per cent solution
3. Talc 10 in a blank solution should not separate
Heat 1 and 2 together with slow on boiling. It is desirable that these tests
mixing at 120-150° C. until dissolved be made on the material to be processed
work in 3. so as to see if any mineral oil marks show
up on the finished material.
* Castor Oil, Sulfonating
Oils, fats and fatty acids and their Dry Powdered Lubricant
mixts. (such as castor oil) are treated Zinc Stearate 50
with H
2 S0 4 of at least 1.80 sp. gr. and in Tale 50
a proportion of 45-100% the wt. of the This is of advantage on machinery in
material to be sulfonated. The acid is mills where white goods are handled as
rapidly added with continuous stirring this lubricant will not discolor goods.
and the reaction mixt. is simultaneously
cooled at least to 10-15° and the product
is thereafter immediately washed in a Cutting Oil Emulsions
salt soln., the latter is drawn off and the The term ‘ *
cutting oil
is applied to
product is finally at least partially
soluble lubricating oils which are used as
neutralized. machine lubricants. In lathe and speed-
tool operations the first requirement is a
* Castor Oil, Thickening cooling medium which will carry heat
* HNQ3 of 80-85° Tw. is gradually away from the cutting edge. In addi-
added to about 80 times as much castor tion, a certain amount of true lubricant
oil at a temp, of about 43°, and the temp, is advantageous, and both of these re-
is allowed to rise to about 115° and main- quirements are satisfied by a dilute oil

tained until crackling ’ ’ ceases.
emulsion. With the proper oil and
emulsifying agent, the corrosive action of
Cutting or Spraying Oil the water is likewise decreased and rust-
ing of steel prevented. In practice a
1. Mineral Oil 280 lb.
soluble oil is used to produce a 5 to 25
2. Miscibol 32 lb.
per cent oil emulsion, and this is flowed
3. Oleic Acid 24 lb.
over the cutting edge and continuously
4. Water 15 lb.
5. Denatured Alcohol 10 lb.
One of the most important require-
Mix 1,2 and 3 mechanically until dis- ments of a soluble oil for cutting is its
solved. Heating speeds solution. Stir 4 dependability. It should not separate
when left in open containers and it —
Type R Soluble Cutting Oils
should always emulsify in water with only These are stirred while heating until
the simplest stirring methods. The result- saponification is completed.
ing emulsion should also remain stable
Eed Oil 6
and uniform, a five per cent emulsion not
Eozolin 8
separating oil in 24 hours. Soluble oils
Caustic Soda (35° Be.) 4
fulfilling these qualifications can be made
with Triethanolamine. This agent, for
Cellosolve 4
Mineral Oil 78
one thing, permits the use of oils of high
lubricating value which are otherwise
difficultly emulsifiable. In addition it Eosin 5
yields emulsions of such high dispersion Eozolin 10
and uniformity that lower concentrations Caustic Soda (35° Be.) 3.6
of oil in water than are customary can Butyl Cellosolve 3.4
be used with equal lubricating effect. Mineral Oil 78
Another interesting application for
soluble oils is in the lubrication of textile
Eozolin 12
machinery. The elimination of ordinary
Paraffin Oil (28° BA) 81
oil spots from fabrics is usually an ex-
Caustic Soda (35° Be.) 3.6
pensive hand operation. On the other Alcohol 3.4
hand, when the spot is caused by a soluble
oil, it may be completely and readily re-
Castor Oil 10
moved in the regular scouring operation. Eozolin 6
If a stiffer lubricant, more of the texture
Degras 1 .?
of a grease, is desired, this can be made
Mineral Oil 45.4
of any consistency by stirring thoroughly
Water 27.4
up to 20 per cent water into one of the Caustic Potash (35° Be.) 9.5
soluble oils. Another way of making a

soluble grease consists in melting 10 per The above are mixed with 3-10 times
cent of stearic acid into a lubricating oil, as much water before using. They are
and then emulsifying this with an equal stable in presence of hard water.
weight of hot water containing 4 per cent
Type C —Sulfur Cutting Oil
Eesin Soluble Cutting Oil Eozolin 25
Eosin 5
Eosin 7.5 lb.
Mineral Oil 30
100 vise. Spindle Oil 2.5 gal.
Oleic Acid 6.0 lb.
Sulfo Turk O 20
Sulfur 15
100 vise. Spindle Oil 5.5 gal.
32° Be. Caustic Soda 4.0 lb.
Pine Oil 5
Alcohol 2.1 lb. Heat with stirring at 350° F. until dis-
Yield 10 gal. The above is dissolved in 4-20 times its
volume of hot mineral oil for use.
Heat the rosin with the first portion of
the spindle oil at a temperature of about
212° F. until the former is melted, then
* Cylinder Oil
add the other ingredients in the order
listed. The alcohol should be added when Cylinder oil is made by heating to
the batch has been cooled to room tem- 400° F. heavy steam-refined lubricating
peratures. oil 9, with A1 stearate 0.3, asphaltic ma-
terial 2and lard oil 8.5 parts, cooling the
* “ Cutting ? ?
Oils mixt. and adding 80 parts of heavy,
The following formulae are used for steam-refined lubricating oil.
cooling high-speed cutting tools.
Type A—Waterless Cutting Oils * Dewaxing Lubricating Oil
Eozolin 25 The oil is mixed with about
2.5 times
Wool Grease 10 its quantity of a diluent comprising ben-
Lard Oil 15 zene 65, acetone 25-32 and naphtha

Mineral Oil 50 3-10% and the mixt. is chilled to about

Eozolin 20 — 20°, the solidified wax is mechanically
Degras 5 sepd. from the chilled oil, and the diluent
Mineral Oil 75 is distd. from the dewaxed oil.
Drawing Oil Kerosene 100
A. Eozolin 28 Light Paraffin Oil '

Caustic Potash (38° Be.) 10
Thin Mineral Oil 64
Oil, Penetrating
B. Degras 40 For freeing rusted bolts, screws, etc.
Bosin 29 Kerosene ' .
Eozoil 21 Mineral Oil Light 70
Caustic Soda (40° Be.) 10 Secondary Butyl Alcohol 10

C. Tallow 10
Pine Oil, Solidified
Thin Mineral Oil 10
Japan Wax * 1
Tr iliy droxye tliyla mine Liuoleate 1
Caustic Soda (40° Be.) 4.2
Pine Oil 10
Water 8

* Fish Oil, Purifying Porcelain Mold Oil

About 5% dry Ca(OH) 2 and 5% CaO Stearic Acid 24
are mixed with fish oils, agitated and Ozokerite 1
filtered. By this treatment the fish oils Paraffin Wax 3
are deodorized, decolorized and stabilized. Heavy Mineral Oil 82

Increasing Viscosity of Oils Bayon Lubricating Oil

(insoluble type that can be used on the
The viscosity of animal, vegetable or
dipping whizzing method of oiling yarns)
mineral oils is increased by dissolving
therein 7-10% Ethyl Cellulose. 70-80 parts of Water White Mineral
20-30 parts Mineral Seal Oil
* Lubricating Grease Base W arm
water and mineral oil while
Lead Oleate 5 stirring then add mineral seal, propor-
Castor Oil 15 tions may be adjusted to get the desired
Sperm Oil 5 take-up of oil on the rayon yarns.
Aluminum Stearate 75

Soluble Oils
* Insulating Oil, Befining The name f 1
soluble oil 3 has been given

H to a clear oil solution which emulsifies of

The treated with 95-98%
oil is 2 S0 4
itself when added to water. Such an oil
(15-50 vol.-%) for %-2 hr., separated,
possesses some advantages over an ordi-
neutralized, washed, and dried. It is then
nary emulsion. In the first place, it has
treated with absorbent material (0.5%),
The puri- a good appearance since it is a clear,
e.g., Si0 2 gel, fuller’s earth.
bright solution. Furthermore, because it
fied oil 0.1-6% of aromatic
contains little or no water, the user
resinous compounds which act as anti-
If these are deficient
knows exactly what quantity of oil is
oxidizing agents.
being dealt with ; and, in addition, its de-
the oil may be blended, or thd product
creased volume on this account reduces
(0.1-5%) obtained by treating turpen-
handling, storage and shipping costs.
time with H
2 S0 4 , separating, neutraliz-
Finally, in important applications, it can
ing, and washing may be added.
be used in a first step as an oil, its self-
emulsifying properties being valuable in
* Penetrating Oil succeeding operations.
The following
is used for freeing The usual oils to be put into soluble
rusted connections, bolts, etc.
form are the mineral oils. The emulsi-
fying action is brought about by dissolv-
Heavy Lubricating Oil 27-32% ing a soap or similar compound in the
Amyl Acetate 0.25-1% oil. As a rule when sodium or potassium
Cottonseed Oil 2.0-2.5% soaps are used, a large excess of fatty
Kerosene Balance acid together with alcohol or other
mutual solvents are necessary. On stand-
Penetrating Oil ing, the latter solvents are often evapo-
Pine Oil 30 rated, the entire soap then being thrown
Blown Bape Seed Oil 30 out of solution. Ammonium soaps are
Carbon Tetrachloride 10 better as regards solubility in the oil, but


possess no stability on standing. Naph- XHoPh derivative is added to the oil to
thinie acids and sulphonated oils are reduce its pour test.

soluble, but large quantities are required

for emulsification, and both give the oil * Lubricating Oil, Low Cold Test
an acid reaction.
Because it is a mobile liquid wliich dis- Mineral Oil 100
solves clearly in hydrocarbons, oils and Neat ’s-Foot Oil 4.5
most organic liquids, diglycol oleate is Alum. Stearate 0.12
used for making soluble oils which emul- Heat together while stirring until
sify readily in water. Examples: uniform.

A. * Lubricating Oil, Low Cold Test

10 lb. Diglvcol Oleate
50 Turpentine
a water in oil Up to 2% of xylylstearamide is added
emulsion to a viscous hydrocarbon oil.
100 Water

* Lubricating Oil, Beclaiming Used
10 lb. Diglycol Oleate "i

50 Turpentine Ian oil in wr ater Oil such as that which has been used
100 Water emulsion in an engine or transformer is heated and

% Caustic Soda J impurities which settle out are removed

the oil is mixed with a fluid reagent com-
C. prising castor oil blended with about 10%
15 lb. Diglycol Oleate of mineral oil of high sp. gr. at a temp,
I a water in oil
60 Mineral Oil of about 70°, and the resulting mixt. is
75 Water [
further heated and subjected to the
action of superheated steam while stir-
Stainless Knitting Oil ring to drive off diluent material of non-
75 to 80 parts Good Quality Mineral lubricating character j about 3% of ma-
Oil (technical grade water white) terial such as trimethanolamine is added
15 to 25 parts Good Quality Neat's- to assist in sepn. of the oil from the
foot Oil (should show at least 30° reagent, the mixt. is cooled to about 22°,
F. c. t.) the oil is sepd. from the reagent and
deleterious matter by centrifuging, de-
Adjust proportions on a 100 parts basis
colorizing material such as fuller 7 s
as to viscosity desired.
earth is added, and the resulting mixt.
is passed through a straining medium
Oil for Leather such as an asbestos filter to clarify the
Bozolin 10 oil.
Mineral Oil
Mineral oil — Sulfonated-tallow emul-
sion suitable as finishing compound on
cheaper goods where a slight odor is not
Linseed Oil, Substitute
objectionable, may be corrected by some
Bosin, about 25 lb. special artificial odor. May be used foi
Animal Fat, about 12 lb. mercerized yarns.
Lubricating Oil, about 32° Be. 3 lb.
50 parts 50% Sulfonated Tallow
Cobalt Acetate to 3 % lb. ,

10-15 parts Mineral Oil Softener

Litharge 2 to 10 lb.
33-38 parts Water
Water, about 2 lb.
2 parts Trisodium-phosphate
Kerosene 65 lb.
(this should be dissolved up
The ingredients (with the exception of in the water)
the kerosene) are thoroughly mixed and
heated to about 480° F. and then cooled, Agitate while heating until solution
the kerosene being added and mixed after reached and sample tested will emulsify
turning off the fire. satisfactorily in cold and lukewarm

* Lubricating Oil, Chatterless * Mineral Oil Soluble Castor Oil

0.1-3% Lead Oleate or Sulforicinoleate Castor oil is heat treated at a temp,
is dissolved in the oil with stirring and not exceeding about 310° until no more
heating. than 4.2% of the total wt. of the oil has
been removed under atm. conditions, and
* Lubricating Oil, Low Cold Test the treated castor oil is mixed with min-
At least 20 g./litre of CeH^Me-NHs, eral oil in various proportions.
C(3 H Me
3 2 -NH 2 , or other alkyl-substituted
Mineral Oil Soluble Castor Oil The above is especially good for rayon
Castor Oil is heated to 200-280° C, because it doesn t weaken the latter and
with V2 %
of an y of the following until a washes off readily.
sample dissolves clearly in mineral oil.
Bauxite * Textile Oil, Soluble
Titanium Dioxide
Linseed Oil 100
Sod. Bisulfite
Sod. Bisulfite (38° Be.) 100
Phosforic Acid
Heat at 60-90° C. with air until a
sample is water soluble.
Olive Oil, Bleaching
Dark are treated with a 12% soln.
* Transformer Oil, Non-sludging
of tannic acid. From 1 to 4% of the acid
is necessary, according to the color of the 0.5% Cetyl Alcohol is added to trans-
oil, and very thorough mixing of the oil former oil to inhibit sludging.
and the soln. of the acid is required. A
5% soln. of citric acid also gives good
* Transformer Oils,
1 i
Non-sludging ’ ?
The addition of 0.1-1% Tetraethyl
Palm Oil, Decoloring Lead to transformer oils eliminates
The oil is heated to 90° in the presence “sludging” at high temperatures.
of 0.01% Cobalt Besinate and air is
blown through it for two hours.
Transformer Oil, Stabilizing
The addition 0,2-0.5% hydroxy-
Silk and Bayon Boil Off or Degumming biphenyl increases resistance to light, air
Oil and electrolytic action.
50 70 parts 50% Sulfonated
Castor Oil (No. 1) * Improving Transformer Oils
Use necessary amount of 20%
Caustic Soda Solution or slightly Transformer Oil 100 c.c.
larger amount of Caustic Potash Sod, Ethylate 0.03 gm.
to make into liquid soap. Anhydrous Alcohol 0.50 c.c.
30 to 50 parts Sodium Silicate (best Heat to 120° C.
quality commercially, iron free) The above treatment gives an oil of in-
Adjust proportions according con-
to creased insulating power.
sistency required, after thoroughly agi-
tating, allow to stand over 12 to 24 hours
Insoluble Oil Lubricant for Wool
and drain off water layer.
Test. Try concentrated solution added 10-20 lb. Lard Oil, No. 1 Quality
80-90 lb. Pale Paraffine (debloomed
to cold to hot water for solubility adding
goods to be processed. Test their feel. type) Oil
If too stiff the amount of sodium silicate Mix cold with stirring, then heat until
may be reduced accordingly. blended and add some type of artificial
The above formula may be used as a odor compound.
base and suitable solvents incorporated
into the mixture that will remove oil
* Baneidity and Oxidation in Fats and
spots, etc., in the heel, toe, or leg of
Oils, Prevention of
hosiery, or material under process.
Tests. Solvents must be checked for The addition of maleic or fumaric acids
miscibility and other necessary
require- or salts or esters of the same in amounts
ments for the particular use, especially as low as 0.02% is effective in some cases.
boiling temperatures. (Those above 212°
F. b. p. are best to use.)
Paper Size
40 of cream sizing is boiled with 36
* Textile Oil gallons of water. Then dilute with 185
An excellent oil for softening textile gallons of water to get a solution suitable
fibres and threads to be woven or knitted for calendar sizing. Mix 8 lb. of Hydro-
is made as follows: wax Cream plus %
lb. silicate of soda

Sulfo Turk C 12-15% with 2 gallons boiling water and stir

Oleic Acid 12-15% until uniform. Add this to the above
solution and proceed as usual.
Betanaphthol 2 %
Light Mineral Oil to make 100%


* Peanut Butter, Inhibiting Bancidity in occluded or dissolved hydrogen sulphide.
Peanut butter is mixed with 25 of its % The alkaline water is allowed to settle
weight of crushed sesame seed. and decanted off. The oil may then be
given successive washes with water at
about 100° C. until the wash water is
* Valve Stem Packing neutral to litmus paper or other indica-
Calcium Carbonate (Powd.) 100 tor and gives no brown coloration with
Graphite 35 copper sulphate. The product is finally
Talc 5 dehydrated to remove occluded or dis-
Cottonseed or Other Oil 20 solved water. The dehydration is prefer-
ably carried out by heating the oil under
Grind until uniform.
reduced pressure at a temperature below
100° C.
The product is a non-corrosive material
*Heat Conducting Lubricant suitable for use as a cutting oil base' and
Lubricants of improved thermal con- is free from objectionable odors. The
ductivity are made by incorporating product is also useful as a flotation agent
5-10% ammonium oleate or stearate. in the separation of minerals from ore
The amount of sulphur that may be
* High Speed Bearing Lubricant held in permanent combination by this
Mineral Oil 100 lb. process will vary with the composition of
Zinc Oxide 50 lb. the terpene oil used. The amount held in
combination depends upon the proportion
of unsaturated terpene hydrocarbons and
* Flotation and Cutting Oil Base tertiary terpene alcohols present in the
terpene oil. Bor example, a standard
I grade il steam distilled pine oil 77 of
100 parts of pine oil having a specific specific gravity 0.933 to 0.935 containing
gravity of about 0.933 to 0.935, 50 parts from 10 to 15% hydrocarbons and about
of sulphur and %
part of sodium car- 60% tertiary alcohols will permanently
bonate are heated at the reflux tempera- combine with about 50% by weight of
ture (about 180 to 190° C.) until the sul- sulphur.
phur is combined. During the heat treat- In order to obtain the maximum
ment, large amounts of hydrogen sulphide amount of sulphur in the final product
are given off but no water is liberated by this process, it is necessary to start
other than that which may be normally with about 100 parts by weight of the
present in the pine oil initially used. The pine oil and 75 parts by weight of sul-
alkali may or may not be added in water phur. When so large an amount of sul-
solution. If no water is used it is pref- phur is used, it is advisable to use a little
erable to have the alkali in a finally more alkali, for example, %
part by
powdered state. As little as %
part of
sodium hydroxide in a 50% water solu-
tion gives the desired results. 100 parts of pine oil of 0.933 specific
After the sulphur is combined so that gravity are placed in a suitable vessel
it will no longer precipitate on cooling, with 0.1 to 0.5 part of sodium carbonate
the heating may or may not be con- in water solution. 0.5 part of copper
tinued at higher temperatures, say about hydroxide in paste form is added to the
200° C., until liberation of hydrogen sul- mixture. The mass is next heated until
phide ceases. In the event that the con- the water in the copper hydroxide paste
tinued heating procedure is carried out, has been boiled off. After boiling, 30
the amount of sulphur in the final prod- parts of technical sulphur are then added
uct is about 20%. If the heating is not to the mass and a current of air is passed
continued until evolution of hydrogen sul- into the oil. The temperature is rapidly
phide ceases the amount of combined sul- raised to 165° C. and then gradually to
phur in the finished product is about 195° O. over a period of from one to
23%. three hours. Air is continuously passed
The reaction product is given a single through the mass during the entire re-
wash with an aqueous solution of caustic action period. The product is then cooled
soda containing about 1% of caustic soda and may be washed in the manner de-
on the basis of the oil present. The wash- scribed in Example I. The catalyst may
ing is preferably carried out at about be separated from the oil after the re-
100° C. to remove any corrosive sulphur action by either decanting after settling
compounds such as mercaptans and any or by filtration.
Preparation of Paper Pulps Jute
Although chemists have produced pa- Prepared by cooking cut burlap sacks
per pulps in the laboratory only an ex- (old bags) at normal or increased pres-
pert on paper can evaluate the products of sures with mild alkali such as 1-5%
these small scale experiments. The vari- sodium hydroxide or 5-10% calcium hy-
ation due to thermodynamic and mass droxide from 4 to 18 hours, washing and
action factors wliich can not be repro- beating the product to pulp.
duced in the laboratory makes any com-
parison with products made on a factory
scale extremely difficult. However, it is Bope
thought of some value to briefly outline (Hemp or Manilla)
the principal methods of production. A
Prepared by cooking rope (old rope)
very wide variation in concentration, etc., as outlined for jute.
is customary in plant practice but the
Note: There is more variation in
following figures give a fair indication method for production for the last two
of recognized proceeding. pulps than in the others. For instance
there is one secret process which pro-
duces an excellent product, bleached,
Groundwood washed and ready for the beater con-
A wood produced by grinding
flour of tinuously. All other methods are inter-
barked logs against stone. The process mittent. The complete cycle is less than
is purely mechanical. forty minutes. No other cycle is less
than seven hours.

Prepared by cooking wood chips at 70 Principal Types of Paper
to 80 lb. pressure 15 to 18 hours with a All papers are formed on a screen
solution of sulphurous acid which has catching the suspended fibers and pass-
been passed through a tower of lime or ing through the water. The resulting
dolomite. The final solution varies mat is dried by squeezing through felts
greatly but a total sulphur dioxide con- and heating on hot cylinders.
tent, 4.5%, 3.5% free and the rest com-
bined is considered good practice.
Chiefly prepared from sulphite and
Sulphate (or Kraft) soda pulp.
Prepared by cooking wood chips at
120 to 140 lb. pressure about 8 hours News
with a solution of sodium hydroxide and About eighty per cent ground wood..
sodium sulphide. The solution may have
a formula approximating sodium carbo-
nate, 11, sodium hydroxide 90, sodium Wrapping
sulphide 25 gm. per liter. Sulphite, Sulphate, Jute, Bope, or mix-

Prepared by cooking wood chips at
110 to 120 lb, pressure about 8 hours May be old rag, but usually sulphite
with a 6-8% sodium hydroxide solution. or sulphite and soda,

All formulae preceded by an asterisk ( )

are covered by patents.
Minor Types Add 25 c.c. of A to B. Mix vigor-
Waxed ously, Allow the mixture to settle and
decant the clear supernatant solution.
A paper that has been run through Add a crystal of iodine.

Sutermeister Stain
A. 1.3 gm. iodine, 1.8 gm. potassium
A paper that has been treated with
iodide made up to 100 c.c. with
concentrated sulphuric acid.
B. Saturated calcium chloride (at 70
Glassine deg. F.).
A heavily beaten, unloaded paper. To use this stain moisten the fibers
Superealandered. with A. Absorb the excess solution with
filter paper and moisten with B.

Grease Proof
Prepared as above, but not super- Phloroglucinol
ealandered. 5 gm. phloroglucinol in 250 c.c. of
50% hydrochloric acid. (One part cone,
Cellophane acid to one part water.) Avoid undue
exposure to light.
Hot teclmically a paper. A
him of re-
generated cellulose, cellulose nitrate or
acetate. To Prepare Paper for Identification
Take about one square inch of a rep-
Basie Weight resentative sample of the paper and
cover with a small quantity of 0.5%
Paper is sold by basic weight. Official
sodium hydroxide solution. Transfer to
basic weight is the weight of 500 sheets,
Trade custom basic a fine sieve and wash free of alkali.
25 by 40 inches.
Transfer to a small bottle or heavy test
weights vary. To convert from official
tube and add glass beads. Shake vig-
to trade figures the following factors are
orously to macerate the paper and dilute
Trade Size to about a 0.1% suspension. Dot a
microscope slide with small portions
Trade Name (inches) Factor
drawn with a wide mouthed pipette.
Book 25X38 0.950 Absorb excess moisture with filter paper
News 24X36 0.864 or dry in an oven at 105 deg. C.
Wrapping 24X36 0.864
Writing 17X22 0.374
Effect of Standard Stains
Determination of Basie Weight
This stain is especially useful for mak-
To determine basic weight without the
ing quick tests for the presence of
use of a special balance the ordinary
analytical balance may be employed.
ground wood. There is no need to pre-
pare a slide as a few drops on any sheet
The following formula will give the offi-
of paper not heavily coated will give a
cial basic weight.
satisfactory test. In the presence of
Gm.X 1.102X1000 ground wood a deep wine-red color is
Total area in sq. inches instantly produced.
= Basic weight in lb. Note: A pale coloration is sometimes
caused by the presence of poorly cooked
Obviously more than one sheet may be jute or sulphite, but the characteristic
used and the total area becomes the area stain of ground wood is so clearly de-
of one sheet multiplied by the number of fined there should be no confusion.
sheets employed.

Herzberg Stain
Stains Used in the Paper Trade The sample must be properly prepared.
Herzberg Stain —
Red Linen, cotton, bleached hemp.
A- Saturated Zinc chloride (at 70 deg. —
Blue Well cooked wood.
F,). —
Yellow Ground wood, jute, unbleached
B. 5.25 gm. Potassium iodide, 0.25 hemp.
gm. iodide, 12.5 c,c. wate?.
Sutermeister Stain of time the paper should be in contact
On properly prepared samples. with the acid. If a longer time is re-
quired stronger add may be used.
Red —
Cotton, linen, hemp.

Blue Soda.

Purple Bleached or thoroughly cooked To Fireproof Paper
sulphite. Prepare a solution as follows:

Green Jute, poorly cooked unbleached
Ammonium Sulphate 8 gra.
Boric Acid
Yellow— Ground
Borax 1.7
Water 100 ce.
To Strengthen Filter Paper The solution should be heated to 122
To harden filter paper so that it will deg. F. and kept at this temperature.
stand considerable strain from a filter The paper is dipped in the solution and
pump, it may be dipped in concentrated hung to dry. Wrinkles can be prevented
nitric acid (Sp. G. 1.42-1.43) for a few by drying in a press, or the paper may
minutes. It should then be well washed be subsequently ironed.
with cold water. This treatment will
produce a paper about ten times stronger To Remove Creases from Paper
than untreated filter paper and will not Creases may be removed from even
change its permeability nor increase the fine engravings if a little care is exer-
nitrogen content. The ash is slightly
cised. Place the sheet smoothed as far
as possible by hand on a clean sheet of
paper on top of a well-covered ironing
To Waterproof Paper board or similar surface. Cover with
Waterproofing is best accomplished by another clean sheet. Finally dampen a
parchmentizing paper but this treatment third sheet, place on top of the others
leaves a surface that is too irregular to and press with a moderately warm iron.
make a good writing surface. One part
of any of the following to six parts of Temporary Tracing Paper
water are supposed to give a good water- sometimes necessary to make a
It is
proofed paper. Glue, gelatine, shellac or
tracing on a regular sheet of writing or
aluminum acetate. Excellent results are Temporary translueence
bond paper.
obtained by using one part of borax, five
may be created by sponging the paper
parts of shellac and ten parts of water.
with benzine. As soon as the benzine
The mixture is brought nearly to the evaporates the paper reverts to its nor-
boil, but not boiled and kept hot until
mal condition. The last trace of odpr
all the shellac has passed into solution.
can be removed with a draft of warm air.
The paper may be dipped into the solu- While still translucent the paper will
tion, or it may be applied with a wide take either pen or ink drawing without
brush. The surface is a satisfactory ve- difficulty. The use of benzine provides a
hicle for ink or water color. method for tracing
quick accurate
To Parchmentize Paper
Prepare a fifty per cent solution of
Pass a water-leaf (un- Casein Glue
sulphuric acid.
Casein 100 lb.
loaded) paper through the solution being
careful that no air bubbles prevent even Water 50 gal.
Each part of the Borax 17 lb.
contact with acid.
paper should remain in contact with acid Ammonia 26° 1 qt.
for about 5 seconds. Promptly plunge The casein ispreferably soaked a few
the paper into a large quantity of coid hours in the water, the borax dissolved
water. Then wash with a running stream in a little hot water—added, and the
of water from the faucet or a wash bot- whole cooked to 160° F. till no undis-
tle with a wide-mouthed tip. Next wash solved particles of casein remain. Then
with a weak solution of ammonia to re- the ammonia is added and the glue
move the last trace of acid and finally cooled. .

wash with water to remove any ammo-

nia. An excellent parchment-like effect Wax Emulsion
is acquired by thick papers. However, Carnauba Wax 50 lb.
there is an art in this and only experi- Water 50 gal.
ence can guide the operator in the length Soap 12 lb.

For Chemical Advisors, Special Raw Materials, Equipment, Containers, etc., consult Supply
Section at end of hook-
The soap is dissolved in the water and Soda Ash 10 lb.
Dissolved in
brought to boiling. The wax is added Tri Sodium
3 gal. of
and boiling continued until all is emulsi- Phosphate 7 3b.
hot water
fied. The emulsion is preferably stirred Borax 5 lb.
continuously until cold. The soap may Ammonia 6 gills
«e any good grade of washing soap free
from rosin.
Paper Coating —Friction Finish
Clay 50 lb. Casein 200 lb.
Blanc Fixe Pulp Borax 12 lb.
(70% dry) 50 lb. Ammonia 5 qt.
Chrome Yellow Pulp “Water to make 150 gal.
(50% dry) 125 lb.
Talc 12 lb.
Water 43 gal.
Casein Glue 11 gal.
Talc 23 lb.
Carnauba Wax Emulsion 4 gal.
Clay 200 lb.
Blanc Fixe Pulp 390 lb.
Blue Medium Yellow Pulp 18 lb.
Prussian Blue Pulp Carnauba Wax Emulsion 16 gal.
(30% dry) 100 lb. Casein as above 32 gal.

Violet Lake Pulp

(35% dry)
Maroon Lake Pulp
75 lb.
Paper Coating —White—Soft Sized
Water 165 gal.
(35% dry) 75 lb.
Casein Glue 8 gal. Clay 1300 lb.

Carnauba Wax Emulsion 3 gal. Stir 15 min. in a rapid dissolver and

Talc 4 lb. add
Dry Casein 140 lb.
Stir 15 min. and add
Clay 50 lb.
Blanc Fixe Pulp 50 lb.
Dry Borax 18 lb.
Pulped Stir 5 min. and add
Italian Talc 4 lb.
Ultramarine Blue 5 lb. Ammonia 4 qt.
Water 4 gal. Heatto 140° F. and stir till casein is
Casein Glue 12 gal. dissolved and cool to room temp.
Carnauba Wax Emulsion 4 gal. Strain before using.
If hard sized coating is desired, in-
Red crease the amount of casein until the de-
Red Pulp (40% dry) 200 sired degree of sizing is obtained.
Talc Italian 4 lb.
Casein Glue 12 gal. Coating for Paper
Carnauba Wax Emulsion 6 gal.
Sodium Silicate 30 gm.
Sodium Sulforicinoleate 20 gm.
White Heat together on water bath and add
Clay 300 lb. 30 boiling water.
Water 20 gal. Dip paper intothis and draw out im-
Italian Tale 18 lb.
mediately. This gives a parchment like
Casein Glue 25 gal. effect to the paper.
Carnauba Wax Emulsion 12 gal. Keep the mix boiling for five minutes
and dip second piece of paper into it.
Paper Coating— Special for High This gives a translucent paper.

Finish White
Water 65 gal. Paper Coating
Soda Ash 3 lb.
Ammonia The relative amounts of clay, casein,
4 gills
and water in the coating slips were 100.
Satin White 440 lb.
17.5, and 250 parts, respectively. The
Clay 650 lb.
casein solution contained 100 parts of
Mix thoroughly and add the following casein, 10 of borax, 5 of soda ash, and
solution 2 of ammonia. The formula and method
Water 50 gal. of preparation of the clay-casein mixture
Casein 100 lb. were as follows:

Clay 3000 grams clay, 3825 ml.

slip: used for matt or semi-matt finishes.
water, and 10 ml. concentrated ammonia. Neither clay nor blane fixe gives such a
The clay was soaked overnight in 3000 waterproof coating as satin white. De-
ml. of water. The additional 825 ml. pending on the effect desired and the
of water were used the next morning to nature of the casein and the fineness of
wash the mixture into the agitator. The grinding of the pigment, one part of
ammonia was then added, and the mix- casein will bind satisfactorily about 20
ture agitated about 1.5 hours before the parts of barytes, 15 parts of chalk, 15
casein solution was added. parts of coarse elav, 12 parts of fine
Casein solution: 525 grams casein in clay, and 10 parts of satin white. In
2000 ml. of water; 52.5 grams borax in general, the greater the amount of min-
750 ml. water; 26.25 grams soda ash (58 eral matter present the greater the gloss
per cent sodium oxide) in 750 ml. water; and the more readily does the paper re-
11 ml. concentrated ammonia in 164 ml. ceive the ink.
water. The casein was soaked in the
2000 ml. of water for one hour at room Paper Coating Composition
temperature and was stirred meanwhile.
It was brought into solution by the ad-
A typical formula is as follows;
dition of the three solvents in the order Lactic Casein 9%
— borax, soda-ash, ammonia, each dis- Borax
Blanc Fixe 60%
solved in the stated amount of water.

After the solvents had been added, the Tale 1%

solution was stirred for 1.5 to 2 hours, Special Soap Solution 4%
warmed to 57° C. (135° F.), and Water 24%
screened through a No. 200 sieve. The The soap solution is made by boiling
screened solution after being cooled to together
room temperature was mixed with the Carnauba Wax 20.0 %
clay slip. The mixture was agitated for Potassium Carbonate 1.25%
1.5 to 2 hours, screened, and applied to Water 78.75%
the base paper in the coating machine.
A greater degree of water resistance can
be secured by substituting for the borax
Paper Coating one-sixth of its weight of caustic soda,
(Dull Black Velvet Finish) and when solution is complete adding
ammonium sulphate to the extent of one
Casein Solution (25-30% and one-half times the weight of caustic
Casein) 100
soda employed. All the additions are
I vo Bone Black 75
naturally made as solutions.
Grind mixture in a suitable mill and The most widely practised method of
use same day if no preservative is added. making up the finished coating solution
Paris Paste, a colloidally dispersed consists, broadly, in first dissolving the
carbon black can be used to give an in- casein in the manner stated above, re-
tense black color. This has already been ducing the temperature to 80-100° F.
finely ground and goes into aqueous and adding it to a perfectly smooth thin
media readily. slip of the mineral fillers and water. Any
other components, such as foam reducers,
are then added, and the batch taken to
Paper Coating
the coating machine.
The following formula gives a solution
which does not readily gel:
Lactic Casein 5.75%
Wax Emulsions for Paper Coating
Caustic Soda .25% A. Beeswax Emulsion
Yellow Beeswax 360
Sodium Bicarbonate .5 % Caustic Potash 2
Blanc Fixe 33 % Ammonium Hydroxide 8*4 lb.
Satin White 33 %
Water 27.5 % Boil with stirring for 1 hour. Add
The sodium bicarbonate should be added 150 gal. water and shut off heat.
t .

after solution of the casein by the

Clay works particularly well with
Wax Emulsion for Paper Coating
casein solutions giving a smooth adherent B. Ceresin Emulsion
film only a little less glossy than that Ceresin 200 lb.

given by satin white. Stearic Acid 200 lb.

Blanc fixe and precipitated chalk are Caustic Potash 9 lb.



Ammonium Hydroxide 13 lb. Orange Shellac Ammonia
Water 200 gal. Solution 1 gal.
Water 1-2 gal.
Boil with stirring for 1 hour; bring
up to 800 gal. with water while stirring. Paper Coating Mixture
Dry Clay 0.9 kilo
Paper Coating Solution Blanc Fixe Pulp (74%
1. Casein 500 lb. Solids) 0.9 kilo

2. Water 235 gal. Water 1.5 liter

3. Borax 25 lb. Allow to stand overnight.
4. Tri-sodium Phosfate 32 lb. No. 5 Glue 0.2 kilo
5. Ammonium Hydroxide 10 gal. Water 0.8 liter
6. Water 40 gal. Soak overnight and dissolve at 135*
F. cool. Stir for *4 hour.
Soak (1) in (2) for an hour. Dissolve ;

(3) and (4) in 25 gal. of (6) and add

to casein. Heat to 150° F.; turn off * Paper and Wall Board, Fireproof
heat, add (5) and balance of (6). Pulp is beaten with an aq. soln. hav-
ing a d. of about 18° BA at about 38°
Paper Coating Solutions and formed from a mixt. of MgS0 4 24,
Friction Finish
borax 8, (NH 4 ) 2 S0 4 8 and dextrin 1.6
parts. The soln. used is formed from a
A. Clay Dry 100 lb.
mixt. of MgCl 2 24, boric acid 4, NH
4 C1
Talc 2 lb.
4 and alco-glyeerodextrin soln. 1.6 parts.
Water 5 gal.
Dyestuff (4%) 4 lb.
Water 6 gal. "Glassine ?? Paper
Casein Solution 6% gal. Paper is coated with or dipped in the
Beeswax Emulsion 6 gal. following
Copal 100
B. Turkey Red Lake Alcohol 300
(33% dry) 300 lb. Castor Oil 8-12
Talc 2 lb.
Ammonium Hydroxide 1 qt. Glaze Paper
Casein Solution 7 gal.
100 parts Carnauba Wax are melted
Beeswax Emulsion 5 gal.
together at 120-130° C. with 25 parts
curd soap, while stirring well. 900 parts
Plate Finish boiling water are then added while stir-
Clay (Dry) 100 lb. ring well, very slowly at first and then
Water 5 gal. more rapidly, the whole being boiled up,
Dyestuff (4%) 4 lb. and stirred until cold.
Water 6 gal.
Casein Solution 10 gal. * Greaseproofing Paper
The following treatment will render
Paper Coating Solutions paper moisture-, grease- and acid-proof.
Litho Finish The paper is impregnated at 60-65°
with an aq. solution containing (wt.-%)
Clay (Dry) 25 lb.
pure gelatin 13, Irish moss 6.5, hide glue
Blanc Fixe (Dry) 75 lb.
Water 11 gal. 3.25, glycerin 8.25, C0Me2 0.375, NaOBz
Color to suit 0.125, K
alum 2, Na alum 1, 37% CH 2 0
Casein Solution 15 gal.
0.5. The dried paper is then treated
with a solution of 1 lb. of 37% CH 2 Q
and 1 oz. of glycerin in 1 gal. of EtOH.
Waterproof Coating

1. Ground Coat Imitation Parchment Paper

Turkey Red Lake 300 lb. A
small amount of Trieresyl Phosphate
Ammonium Hydroxide 2*4 lb. is added to a thin alcohol solution of
Casein Solution 20 gal. bleached shellac. Paper dipped in this
solution and dried will resemble parch-
2. Top Coat ment, except that it will be very resistant
Ammonia Casein Solution to moisture.
(1 lb. per gal.) 1 gal.
Mimeograph Paper Iron Oxide .2

The substance used for the coating Bod. Silicate 0.5

consists of a mixture of hydrocarbons of Alum 0.25
the fatty series plus ozokerite, oleine,
and palmitine. Shellac Solution for Paper Waterproofing
The carrier for the coating is a light In a wooden tank, fitted with steam
cellulose paper weighing about 12 gin. injector place
per square meter. This is placed on a
Water 25 gal.
metal plate, heated to 100° C. The coat-
Orange Shellac 150 lb.
ing is melted and painted on the surface
with a soft sponge. The operation is Ammonium Hydroxide 6*4 gal.
done on the reverse side to the one on Allow to stand overnight and then turn
which the tracing is to be made. The on steam until dissolved. Bring volume
molten coating penetrates the pores of to 100 gal. with cold water. Two coat-
the cellulose by dialysis and it thus be- ings of this solution are given to the
comes incorporated in a uniform manner paper.
which, when it comes into contact with
the hot plate gives perfect glazing to RESISTANCE OP WRAPPING MATERIALS
that side of the sheet. TO THE PASSAGE OF WATER VAPOUR
Formula for coating.
Loss, in
Trieosane 1250 parts Grammes per
Ozokerite 55 parts Materials Examined Square Metre,
Oleine 32.5 parts in 24 Hours
Palmitine 12.5 parts Waxed paper . , Down to 10
Waxed paper, after severe
* Paper, Moisture Proof creasing 90 to 100
Coated viscose film 16 to 20
Paper is made from a mixt. of treated Viscose film. 350 to 190
pulp 100, H20
2000 and salts of mixed Coated glasaine paper. ........ 100 to 150
fatty acids (such as linolic or oleic acid) Glassine paper 280
Vegetable parchment. 185 to 320
15 parts, and the paper is passed through Kraft papers 200 to 250
a 10% aq. soln. of basic A1 acetate and M.G. sulphite papers. . Up to 480

Transparent Wrapping Material

* Safety Paper
(Similar to Cellophane)
Paper is impregnated with
Ethyl Cellulose or Benzyl Cellulose dis-
Alcohol 5 oz.
solved in Ethyl Acetate and spread on a
Water 2 qt.
glass plate to dry will produce a per-
Iodine % oz.
fectly transparent sheet with a high
Cobalt Nitrate % oz.
gloss. A
small quantity of Tricresyl
Sod. Hyposulfite % oz.
Phosphate or Bibutyl Plithalate will in-
crease the flexibility of the same. This
Safety Paper
7 7 material may be colored as desired by
the addition to the solution of Benzyl
Paper treated to prevent fraudulent
alteration and useful for checks, drafts,
soluble dyes. The dyes are dissolved in
Benzyl and added to the solution.
etc., is made by incorporating in it or
coating it with a 10% water solution of
a leuco indophenol and drying it. It is * Water and Flame Proof Paper
then passed through a bath containing
5 lb. of Manganous Sulfate per 20 gal-
A mixture of asbestos fiber 93, wood
cellulose 3, starch 2, FegOg (or other
lons of water.
metallic oxide) 2 pts., Na silicate 0.5,
and alum 0.25 pt. is pulped with 2 D, H
Paper Softener sheeted, and dried, the metallic oxide
Paper dipped in a 10% water solution combining with the silicate and alum
of glycerine and dried will thereafter be constituents to form a binder for the
very soft and cloth-like. fibers.

* Deinking Paper
* Waterproof Heat Insulation Paper The paper treated with about 100
Asbestos Fiber 93 parts of water to each part of paper iv
Wood Cellulose *
3 an ordinary paper beater or hollander,
Starch 2 the said water containing sufficient of
the sodium hydroxide, sodium metasili- losic fibers may then be washed so as to
cate and/or trisodium phosphate to give insure the removal of any residual fillers
it the desired hydrogen ion concentration and pigment, this being done either, on
of pH 9.0 to 12.6. The duration of this the screen itself or, preferably, by trans-
beating is preferably about one hour. ferring the wet mass of cellulosic pulp
At the end of that time there is added to a vessel containing clear water and
for each 5 grams of paper present 10 ml. thereupon again throwing this new mix-
of a 1% soap solution or a 1% solution ture onto the screen. In localities where
of the sulphonated oil in water, wT hich is the water is hard and when soap has been
equivalent to 1/10 gram of soap to 5 used, it is advisable to employ a softened
grams of paper, or in the ratio of 1 part water or else to add sufficient alkali to
of soap or sulphonated oil to every 50 the water so as to prevent the formation
parts of paper. In other words, when of insoluble calcium soap, which, if
Seating a ton of paper, there would be formed, would deposit itself upon the
required 1/50 ton or 40 pounds of soap fibers and cause them to lose their bril-
or the said oil. The said sulphonated liant white color. If such an alkaline
oil is quite dispersible in water and pro- washing solution is employed, this does
duces a sort of milky emulsion. not necessarily imply a waste of mate-
After the addition of the soap or oil, rial, as the filtrate obtained from this
the beating is continued for about 20 washing step may, after correction for
minutes, until it is seen that the fibers its hydrogen ion concentration, be em-
have quite well separated from the fillers ployed for the first step in the treatment
in the paper and the ink pigment. If of a subsequent batch of printed paper.
the paper that is being treated does not However, if the sulphonated oil is em-
contain any fillers, it is advisable, al- ployed, this precaution will not be nec-
though not absolutely essential, to add a essary.
finely divided inorganic material such as In any event, and particularly when
finely powdered gypsum or land plaster, alkali is used in the wash water, the
or a colloidal clay such as bentonite. paper fiber is then further washed with
The amount of such fillers added for this pure water so as to remove the residua]
purpose may be on the order of from 10 alkalinity thereof and produce a pulp
to 25 pounds per ton of unfilled paper, suitable for the manufacture of new
such as newsprint, undergoing treatment. paper or paper product.
After adding this extraneous mineral The present process has been particu-
matter, the beating is preferably contin- larly useful in the removal of colored
ued a further 20 minutes so as to insure printing ink from highly coated maga-
the gathering of the ink pigment upon zine stock and similar papers, it being
the said mineral matter, so that it can- well known that the removal of modern
not redeposit upon the cellulosic fibers. rotogravure and process inks presents a
In either event, that is, when treating problem difficult of solution and a prob-
either coated or uncoated paper, the ma- lem which was never presented to prior
terial is now ready for filtration to sepa- inventors, as in the past ordinary print-
rate the cellulosic fibers from the pig- ing inks based upon merely a linseed oil
ment and fillers. This is accomplished base were the most commonly employed,
by running it over a coarse sieve having whereas the modern printing inks often
meshes fine enough to hold the fibers but contain synthetic resins and dyestuffs
sufficiently coarse to let the fillers, ink which are by no means as easy to remove
pigment and dispersed ink vehicle pass as the ordinary old-style printing inks.
through with the solution. It is pre- The temperatures employed in the
ferred to do this without any suction, treatment, it may be stated, may be any-
and the most advantageous manner of where between room temperature and
doing it is to pass the material over an about 180° F. (87° to 90° O.), the lat-
ordinary screen such as is well known in ter temperature being particularly suit-
the paper-making art. It is not advis- able. As the hydrogen ion concentration
able to employ any great degree of suc- approaches 12.6, it will be advisable to
tion, as this tends to mat down the fibers use a somewhat lower temperature, say
and thereby causes physical entrapment 160° F. (or from 60° to 75° O.). Heat-
of the pigment and fillers. ing the solution in this manner accele-
After the solution containing the sus- rates the action, but the process will work
pended pigment and fillers, etc., is passed even at room temperatures, provided the
through tile screen, the remaining cellu- agitation is sufficiently prolonged.
Acne Cream Skin Ointment
Petrolatum White 10 lb. Amber Petrolatum 270 oz.
Calamine 3 lb. Amber Liquid Petrolatum 78 oz.
Dissolve following together separately Paraffin Wax 16 oz.
>y heating Lanolin Anhydrous 10 oz.
Camphor Zinc Oxide 12 oz.
1 oz.
Thymol Ethyl Amino Benzoate 8 oz.
1 oz.
Menthol Phenol 2 oz.
1 oz.
Oil Bosemary 1 oz.
Oil Thyme % oz.

Methyl Salicylate 1 oz.

Thymol % 0 z.
Oil Lavender 1 oz.
Oil Eucalyptus % oz.
Ichthyol 1 oz.
Besorcin 1 dr.
Betanaphthol 1 dr. Mix oil, wax and fats together. Mix
Mix all together cold. Zinc Oxide and E. A. B. and sift through
No. 100 mesh sieve. Then add to melted
oil mixture. Stir until cooled to about
Acne Lotion 50° C. to prevent powder from settling.
Bose Water 5 gal. Mix Phenol and Thymol with essential
Alcohol 2 gal. oils and warm to effect solution. Add to
Glycerine 1 pt. ointment at 45°-50° and stir well. Grind
Menthol 1 oz. lehtyol with a few pounds of the oint-
Phenol 2 oz. ment and mix with bulk of ointment
Methyl Salicylate 1 oz. while still warm. Finally pass through
Benzaldehyde F. F. C. % oz.
ointment mill.
Zinc Oxide 2% lb.
Calamine 2% lb. Note: For special treatment of burns
add 4 oz. Picric Acid.
Boric Acid 1 % lb.
For acute eczema and other inflamma-
Acne Ointment tory conditions of the skin add 4 oz.
Betanaphthol 2
Sublimed Sulfur 4 Anesthetic, Local
Balsam Peru 15
Ethyl Aminobenzoate U. 8. P. 3
Petrolatum 15
Benzyl Alcohol 5
Ether 10
Analgesic Balm Olive Oil 82
Lanolin Anhydrous 45 oz.
Yellow Petrolatum 25 oz. Antiseptic Solution (N. F.)
Menthol 2 oz.
Boric Acid 25 g*
Ethyl Amino Benzoate 2% oz.
Thymol 1 g*
Distilled Water 18 oz.
Eucalyptol 5 c.c.
Oil Wintergreen oz.
Methyl Salicylate 1.2 c.c.
(1) Triturate Ethyl Amino Benzoate Oil of Thyme 0.3 c.c.
with a portion of the Yellow Petrolatum Menthol 1 g-
until smooth. Gradually add the re- Ethyl Alcohol 300 c.c.
mainder of the Petrolatum and the Purified Tale 20 g-
Lanolin. Water to 1000 c.e.

(2) Dissolve Menthol in Oil of Winter- Stir together and filter.

green and add the solution to No. 1, tri-
turating until thoroughly mixed. Finally
* Aspirin, Liquid
add the water and mix until homo-
geneous. Fill into tubes or jars. A solution of aspirin which does not

All formulae preceded by an asterisk (*) are covered by patents.

hydrolyze or decompose is made by using Applied to burns this leaves a thin moist,
the following as a solvent. cooling, protective layer and rapid heal-
Alcohol 10 ing results.
Glycerin 10
Calamine Lotion
Antiseptic Cure for Poison Ivy Calamine 8.00
Wash infected parts well with strong Zinc Oxide 16.00
soap and water to remove poisonous oils. Glycerin 15.00
Also use ether and chloroform or Lime Water 60.00
gasoline. Rose Water 120.00
Then apply 5%
solution ferric chloride
mixed with 50-50 alcohol and water. Camphor Ice
Pat generously on infected part. Castor Oil 25 oz.
White Beeswax 15 oz.
Aspirin Tablets Spermacetnm 49 oz.
Camphor Powder 10 oz.
Aside from other properties acetyl- Ethyl Amino Benzoate 1 oz.
salicylic acid tablets must have good ap-
Carbolic Acid 20 gr.
pearance and must dissolve rapidly in the
stomach. Such tablets are made with Melt Castor Beeswax and Sper-

base of 240 parts pulverized arrow-root macetum together and add Camphor and
starch and 240 parts heavy magnesium Ethyl Amino Benzoate. Stir until dis-
oxide. Base is well mixed and screened. solved. Then add Carbolic Aeid and
Then it moistened with solution of
is pour into molds.
coconut oil, 10 parts in about 400 parts
ether, and moistened mass screened again. Cream, Catarrh
Powder is spread on paper and ether Menthol 2
evaporates. Acetylsalicylic acid, 2000 Eucalyptol 3
parts, are added and mixture carefully Oil of Pumilio Pine 3
mixed to perfect homogeneity. Then it is White Beeswax 1
mixed with acetone as required, about 30 Hard Paraffin 6
parts to 250 parts powder. After drying White Soft Paraffin 85
and heating for 2 hours at 50° C., 2530 The beeswax and white soft paraffin
parts of the granulated mass are mixed are melted together and stirred until
with 30' parts pulverized agar-agar, 60 nearly cold, and the medicaments, pre-
parts arrow-root starch and 80 parts pul- viously mixed, are incorporated while the
verized tale. When unit of weight used mass is still soft. Some form of closed
is gram, 4000 tablets can be prepared
mixer is desirable, as otherwise there is
from final mixture, each tablet weighing considerable loss of menthol. The direc-
0.7 gram and containing 0.5 gram of
tions on the tube and its carton recom-
acetylsalicylic acid. To prevent powder mend the frequent use of the cream until
from tablets from penetrating into lower the troublesome symptoms are relieved.
die on tablet-making machine, latter is
covered with cotton threads impregnated
with paraffin oil. Pastilles, Catarrh
Gelatin 20.0
Glycerin 40.0
Asthma Remedy Sucrose 5.0
The following is smoked in a pipe dr Acid
Citric 2.0
as a cigarette. Sodium Benzoate, 0.2
Powdered Grindelia Robust a 240 gm. Oil of Lemon 0.1
Powdered Jaborandi Leaves 240 gm. Solution of Carmine sufficient
Powdered Eucalyptus Leaves 120 gm. Triple Orange-flower Water 6.0
Powdered Cubeb 120 gm. Distilled Water to 100.0
Powdered Stramonium The gelatin soaked in one and a half
Leaves 450 gm. times its weight of water until softened,
Powdered Potassium Nitrate 360 gm. the glycerin is added, and the mixture
Powdered Cascarilla Bark 30 gm. heated on a water-bath until the gelatin
has dissolved and the weight has been
reduced to 85. The acid and benzoate,
Bum Treatment dissolved in the orange-flower water, are
Gum Tragaeanth 30 added, then the oil of lemon and the
Gentian Violet (1% sol.) 1000 carmine solution, followed by water to
Allow to swell; warm and stir. the required weight. The mass is

strained through muslin while still hot. Corn Removers

A poured and its weight
trial pastille is Solution of monoeliloroacet ic acid in
ascertained. This weight is divided into ratio of 1:2 is suitable, but stronger
the total weight of the mass and sufficient solutions should not be used as they irri-
medicament is added for the number of tate skin. Another preparation contains
pastilles that the mass is capable of 10 parts salicylic acid and 90 parts
making. Care should be taken to avoid glacial acetic acid. This Is thickened
the formation of air bubbles when stir- with mucilage containing 0.5 part gum
ring in the medicament. Metal moulds tragacanth, 3 parts pectin, 3 parts gly-
require to be very slightly lubricated with cerin and 43.5 parts water. About 5
almond oil before the mass is poured. parts of this mixture is used for thicken-
Menthol and eucalyptus pastilles con- ing the preparation. Another composi-
tain about % gr. of menthol and % in. tion contains 1 part glacial acetic acid, 8
of eucalyptol in each pastille. parts lactic acid, 8 parts dried salicylic
acid crystals and 8 parts of aforemen-
Contraceptive Jelly tioned thickener. Formic acid and car-
bolic acid, thickened with same thickener,
Water 76.85 c.c.
may also be used.
Sodium Chloride 3.00 gm.
Lactic Acid 2.00 gm.
Glycopon 4 A 15.00 gm. Cough Lozenges
Paraehlormetaxylenol 0.10 gm. Extract Licorice 34 oz. 125 gr.
Oxyquinoline Sulphate 0.10 gm. Powdered Cubebs 1 1 oz. 188 gr.
Tragacanth Gum 2.75 gm. Ethyl Amino Benzonate 2 oz. 125 gr.
Dissolve the lactic acid and sodium
chloride in the water. Add the para-
ehlormetaxylenol and oxyquinoline sul- DENTAL PREPARATIONS
phate to the Glycopon 4 A. Warm till
Dental Preparations
thoroughly dissolved, then add the traga-
canth and stir till thoroughly mixed. To Dentists 7 Solution for Surface
this, add the salt, and lactic acid solution Anaesthesia
slowly with hand stirring till cold. Allow Glycopon S 80 fi. oz.
to stand overnight, and stir the following Ethyl Amino Benzoate 20 oz. ^

day. Oil Peppermint 50 minims.

If a heavier jelly is required, reduce Applied to the gums this solution de-
the amount of glycopon 4 A. sensitizes quickly and allows painless
scaling. It also desensitizes the dentine

Corn Cures are solutions of Pyroxylin,

and is therefore valuable In treating
generally in mixtures of esters and alco-
hols to avoid the unpleasant hydrocarbon
action on the body. An 8 oz. Pyroxylin Antiseptic Toothache Drops
solution in a mixture of 25% Butyl Beechwood Creosote 15 oz.
Acetate, 20% Butanol, 15% ethyl Acetate Oil Clove 30 oz.
and 40% denatured alcohol characterizes Cinnamic Aldehyde or Oil
them. The corn cures contain a small Cassia 20 oz.
amount of Salicylic Acid and occasionally Chloroform 30 oz.
a trace of Hemp. Ethyl Amino Benzoate 5 oz.
Mix Creosote with oils and Chloroform
Com Remedy then add Ethyl Amino Benzoate and stir
Acetone 168 oz. until dissolved.
Castor Oil 3 oz.
Venice Turpentine 6 oz.
16 oz *
Toothache Gum
40 oz. Yellow Beeswax 60 oz.
Salicylic Acid
Venice Turpentine 10 oz.
Ethyl Amino Benzoate 10 oz.
Gum Mastic Powder 10 oz.
Dissolve the Salicylic Acid and Ethyl Ethyl Amino Benzoate 5 oz.
Amino Benzoate in the Acetone. Then Dragon Blood Powder 10 oz.
add the Castor Oil and Venice Turpentine Oil Clove 5 oz.
and finally the celluloid. Allow this mix-
ture to stand, stirring it now and then
Melt Beeswax and Venice Turpentine
until the Celluloid is completely dissolved.
together and add Gum Mastic. Stir until

Then add sufficient Oil Soluble Chloro- dissolved. Then add Ethyl Amino Ben-
phyll to color it dark green. zoate and, when dissolved, Dragon Blood.

Raw Mate] s. Equipment, Containers, etc,, consult Supply

Por Chemical Advisors, Special
Section at end of hook.


Stir until cooled to about 50° 0. then add Agar Agar Flakes 23.275 lb.
Oil Clove and mold into sticks. Sodium Benzoate .75 lb.
Water 20. gal.
* Plaster,
Glycerin 5. gal.
(a) Silica (finely ground) 60-80 until the agar is dissolved.
Alpha Gypsum 20-40 Simultaneously in a steam-jacketed can
Gum Arabic 0.5 prepare an emulsion froni^ a strained
solution of:
(b) Alpha Gypsum 95-99% Acacia Gum Granular 27.75 lb.
Eoehelle Salts 1-5 % Sodium Benzoate .375 lb.
Water 13.125 gal.
Dental Plate Adhesive
Liquid Petrolatum 50. gal.
L While the liquid petrolatum is being
Vanillin 0.5
added to the Acacia solution, steam is cir-
Boric Acid Powd. 5.0
culating through the jacket of the can in
Powdered Acacia order to heat the emulsion to about 60°
Powdered Tragacanth
C. As soon as a uniform emulsion is ob-
of each enough to make 100.0
tained it is transferred to the steam-
II. jacketed kettle and mixed under stirring
with the hot agar solution. Then the
Powdered Acacia
stirrer is shut off and the hot mixture by
Powdered Agar-Agar
means of a pump is drawn from the
of each 0.05
kettle and strained through a 40 mesh
Powdered Tragacaifth to make 10.00
strainer into two 50 -gallon tin-lined cop-
In making these preparations, it is per cans, in which it is left undisturbed
essential that all of the ingredients be in for forty-eight hours. The so obtained
'the form of a very fine powder. agar mush is soft and smooth, although
of somewhat curdy appearance. It is
Earache Oil transferred to a mixing tank and mixed
Oil Thyme 2 oz. with a strained solution of
Oil Cajeput 2 oz. Acacia Gum Granular 27.75 lb.
Ethyl Amino Benzoate 3 oz. Sodium Benzoate .375 lb.
Oil Apricot Kernel 93 oz. Water 13.125 gal.
Dissolve Ethyl Amino Benzoate in and
Apricot Kernel Oil by gently heating. Liquid Petrolatum 37.5 gal.
When completely dissolved, allow to cool Glycerin 9.18 gal.
and add Oil of Thyme and Oil of Cajeput. Water, quantity sufficient
Finally add sufficient Oil Soluble Chloro- to make a total of 175. gal.
phyll to make it a light green color. Flavoring Materials 1. pt.

The mixture is circulated through a 40

Acriflavine, Emulsion of mesh strainer and homogenized with
Acriflavene 0.5 2500 lb. pressure.
Distilled Water (Hot) 25 The foregoing example is merely illus-
Stir until dissolved. trative of the invention, which resides
In a separate container sterilize by more particularly in the method and
neat product involving the mixing of a hot
solution of jell-forming substances with
Lanolin 30 gm.
an immiscible ingredient such as oil at
Allow it to cool and pour into a sterile relatively high temperature, and the cool-
mortar; add the acriflavine solution to ing of the mixture while it is quiescent,
this slowly while working it in with a that is to say, avoiding stirring during
pestle, not adding a further portion until the cooling of the mixture to room
the first is absorbed. Finally work in temperature.
sterilized liquid paraffin oil a little at a
time to make volume up to 500 e.c. This
gives a permanent, sterile emulsion. * Castor Oil Emulsion, Laxative

Castor Oil 35
Agar-Petrolatum Emulsion Milk of Magnesia 5
In a steam- jacketed kettle heat under Water 60
constant stirring:

Castor Oil Emulsion, Pharmaceutical White Cod Liver Emulsion

Bod. Hydroxide Sticks 9.8 gr. “A”
Water 25 oz. Gum Arabic 15 gr.
Castor Oil 6 lb. 5 oz.
Water 38 oz.
Sodium Benzoate 100.5 gr. Calcium Hypophosphite % oz.
Triethanolamine 288 minims. Sodium Hypophosphite % oz.
Dissolve Sod. Hydroxide in water, add Glycerine 4 oz.
sodium benzoate and add Triethanola- Saccharin ,001 oz.
mine. Cod Liver Oil 26 oz.
Mix with oil and run thru
colloid mill. Flavoring As desired
For flavor use sacharine (water soluble)
vanilla and lemon extract. B-”
Gum Arabic 225 gr.

* Pharmaceutical Castor
Water 6 oz.
Oil Emulsion 4' oz.
A prep, devoid of nauseous taste is pre-
pared by emulsifying 35-80% of the oil
H2 0 by the aid of 0.7% of NaOH or Mineral Oil and Agar Emulsion
KOH, or of 5% of milk-of -magnesia. 1.

Liquid Petrolatum 30.0

Cod Liver Oil Emulsion Agar 1.0
Cod Liver Oil 52 oz. Acacia 3.85
Water 88 oz. Tragacanth 0.75
Glycerine 10 oz. Spirit of Chloroform 2.5
Tragacanth 100 gin. Tincture of Lemon Peel 2.0
Oil of Sassafras 5 c.c. Elixir of Saccharin 0.3
Benzaldehyde 1 c.c. Phenolphthalein 1.5

Oil Coriander 1 c.c. Water, enough to make 100.0

Oil Cardamom 2 c.c. Raise 60 c.c. of water to boiling point
Tincture Vanilla 5 c.c. and dissolve the agar therein; heat the
oil; mix the powdered gums in a suitable

Emulsion sized mortar and, with trituration, add

Cod Liver Oil,
hot oil. Mix, with constant stirring, the
Cod Liver Oil 26 oz.
agar solution with the oil mixture dis- ;
Water 44 oz.
solve phenolphthalein in the mixed alco-
Tragacanth 50 gm. holic preparations and add to the emul-
Glycerin 5 oz.
sion ; to make up to desired quantity with
Calcium Hypophosphite % oz.
warm water.
Sodium Hypophosphite ¥2 oz.
Sacharine .001 oz.
Mineral Oil and Agar Emulsion
Benzaldehyde 7 parts
Gelatin 27 gr.
Oil Cassia 6 parts 1800 e.e.
Guaiaeol 6 parts “B”
Oil Sassafras 6 parts 2000
Mineral Oil c.c.
Oil Wintergreen 16 parts
Use above mixture to taste. “G”
Agar 68 gr.
Cod Liver Oil Emulsion Gum Arabic 110 gr.
Gum Tragacanth 110 gr.
A Oil of Orange 3 fl. dr.
Gum Arabic 2 oz. Saccharin 10 gr.
4 fl. dr.
Tragacanth % oz. Tine. Vanillin
Sodium Benzoate 2 dr.
H2 0 1% qt.
Glycerine 4 fl. dr.
Glycerine 8 oz.
Calcium Hypophosphite % oz. Water 2000 c.c.
Sodium Hypophosphite % oz.
Make np (i
A” mixture and add “B n
Saccharin 1 gr.
to same, using electric stirrer. Run mix-
B ture through colloid, mill, using .010 gap
God Liver Oil 29 oz.
Flavoring Prepare {t
G Jf mixture and add to
above. Run through colloid mill using Mucilage of Gum Acacia 30 gm.
.015 gap setting. Liquid Paraffin Medicinal 500 gm.
Add 960 grains phenolphtlialein to each If it is desired to include phenol-
gallon of emulsion. phthalein in the emulsion, 10 gm. of
phenolphthalein is added in the place of
Mineral Oil and Agar Emulsion an equal amount of water in the above
Agar 45 gr. Emulsion of Liquid Petrolatum with
Boiling Water 8 oz. Agar
Mineral Oil 8 oz. Heavy Liquid Petrolatum 500.0 c.c.
Phenolphthalein 120 gr. Agar 5.5 gm.
Flavoring Agent q. s. Sugar 120.0 gm.
Dissolve the agar in the boiling water; Acacia (fine powder) 30.0 gm.
heat the oil and mix the agar solution Tragacanth (fine powder) 4.0 gm.
while hot; add the phenolphthalein and Tincture of Vanilla 8.0 c.c.
beat vigorously with an egg beater until Tincture of Lemon 2.0 c.c.
cold. Add flavoring agents last. In re- Oil of Cassia 0.5 c.c.
spect to the latter, various oils may be Water, to make 1000.0 c.c.
used in this class of emulsion, such as Mix the agar and the sugar with 300
cassia, wintergreen, etc., in suitable pro- c.c. of boiling water and when they are
portions. dissolved strain the resulting solution and
In making these emulsions, acacia is set it aside to cool. Triturate the pow-
used at times, in addition to agar, as it dered gums with the liquid petrolatum,
gives the emulsion a creamy appearance. then add the agar solution and whip the
It is important that liquid petrolatum of mixture with an egg beater. Finally add
high viscosity be employed and to make the tinctures and the oil and lastly
such oil into a proper emulsion it is enough water to make 1000 c.c.
necessary to overcome the high viscosity
by heating the measured quantity of
liquid petrolatum on a water bath to Eye Lotions
about 50 °C. The warm oil is then mixed The following two recipes are } typical
with the hot agar solution as above. eye lotion preparations:
Agar-agar of commerce contains 10 to Boric Acid 50 gm.
30 per cent, water. It should therefore Sodium Borate 50 gm.
be dried till it ceases to lose weight Camphor Water 250 c.c.
before using. To make a solution of agar Distilled Water to make 1,000 c.c.
it is necessary to boil for 30 to 40 min-
utes, making up the water lost by evapo-
Zinc Sulphate 2 gm.
ration. An agar emulsion heavy enough Boric Acid 22 gm.
to be permanent hardens to a stiff jelly,
Camphor Water 250 c.c.
wnich cannot be poured out of a bottle Distilled Water to make 1,000 c.c.
unless the beaters are kept going till the
product is cold.
Eye Lotion
* Laxative Mineral Oil Emulsion Zinc Sulphate 0.24
Sat. Sol. Boric Acid 180.00
1. Psyllium Seed 0.3
Spanish Saffron (to color) 0.12
2. Agar 0.1
Alcohol 4.00
3. Gelatine 0.07
Camphor Water 250.00
4. Mineral Oil 70
5, Water 29.5
Swell 1, 2, 3 and 5 then boil; cool and
Eye Salves
filter add a preservative and run 4 in Mercury oxide, red or yellow, is used
slowly while beating intermittently. mixed with wool grease, petrolatum or
butter salve base. Special prepared salve
bases may also be used. In one compo-
Paraffin Oil, Emulsion of
sition 1 to 3% yellow oxide of mercury
(for internal use) (freshly precipitated) is mixed with 10%
Powdered Tragacanth 5 gm. of anhydrous wool grease, 8% of distilled
Moldex 1 gm. water, 2% of olive oil and white petro-
Alcohol (90 per cent.) 10 gm. latum to make 100%. In another compo-
Glycerin 150 gm. sition one to 2.5% of collargol is mixed
Distilled Water 394.5 gm. with 15% of distilled water, 12 parts


anhydrous wool grease and white petrola- using more or less olive oil the pencils
tum to make 100%. Another formula may be made of any desired consistency.
contains 0.001 gram mercuric chloride,
0.05 gram boric acid, 5 drops olive oil and
Gargle, Sore Throat
5 grams white petrolatum. Also 5 parts
red oxide of mercury are mixed with 3 The preparation is used, diluted with
parts opium and 100 parts fresh sweet two or three parts of water, either from
butter; also one part red oxide of mer- a spray applied to nose and throat, or
cury is mixed with 29 parts white bees- as a nasal douche from a nasal irrigator'
wax and 70 parts fresh sweet butter. or syringe. Habitual users commonly in-
hale the solution into the nostrils from
the palm of the hand. The preparation
Root Powder is also a most useful gargle for sore
Zinc Stearate 60 gm. throats
Alum Acetate 10 gm. Sodium Bicarbonate 1.00
Menthol % gm. Borax 2.00
Sodium Benzoate 0.80
Root Powder Sodium Salicylate 0.52
The ordinary old-time foot powder is Menthol 0.03
composed principally of some such base Thymol 0.05
as tale and starch, together with a little Eucalyptol 0.13
boric or salicylic acid. A
modification of Oil of Pumilio Pine 0.05
this old formula is as follows; Oil of Wintergreen 0.03
Alcohol (90 per cent.) 2.50
Salicylic Acid 6 dr.
Glycerin 10.00
Boric Acid 3 oz.
Solution of Carmine 0.52
Powdered Elm Bark 1 oz.
Talc or Kaolin sufficient
Powdered Orris 1 oz.
Talc 36 oz.
Distilled Water to 100.00

Oxygen-liberating liquids and powders

The dissolved in 80 of the
salts are
water and the glycerin added. The other
seem to be in favor for cleansing wounds
ingredients are dissolved in the alcohol
and feet. A typical formula for such a
powder is: and the alcoholic solution is triturated
with the talc (about 5 per cent,), and the
Sodium Perborate 3 oz. mixture added to the salt solution. The
Zinc Peroxide 2 oz. solution of carmine is added and the
Talc 15 oz.
whole is filtered, distilled water being
passed through the filter to produce the
Solutions for Perspiring Reet required volume. Filtration through talc
Formic Acid 1 dr. or kaolin is essential to the production of
Chloral Hydrate 1 dr. a clear and bright solution.
Alcohol, to make 3 oz.

Apply by means of absorbent cotton. Haemorrhoidal Suppositories

Boric Acid 15 gr. Ethyl Amino Benzoate 10 oz.
Sodium Borate 6 ar. Bismuth Subgallate 10 oz.
Salicylic Acid 6 dr. Thymol Iodide 5 oz.
Glycerine 1% oz. Cacao Butter, grated 75 oz.
Alcohol, to make 3 oz.
Mix the powders with the Cacao Butter
Ror local application.
as directed in the USP and make the
suppositories by the cold compression
Frost Bite Pencil method. These suppositories relieve pain
quickly, are astringent, antiseptic and
Camphor 25 parts
Iodine 50 parts
Olive Oil 500 parts
Paraffin, solid 450 parts Influenza Remedies
Alcohol sufficient 1. Sodium Salicylate 3 oz. 287 gr.
Dissolve the camphor in the oil, and the Phenazone 1 oz. 362 gr.
iodine in the least possible amount of Spiritus Ammonia
alcohol. Melt the paraffin and add the Aromatic 6 fL oz. 320 min.
mixed solutions. When homogeneous, Chloroform 40 min.
pour out into suitable molds. Water to Produce 1 gal.
Wrap the pencils in paraffin paper or Caramel as desired.
tin foil, and pack in wooden boxes. By The sodium salicylate and phenazone
are dissolved in the bulk of the water, to- Lavender parts
gether with sufficient caramel to give the Oil of Pine Needle parts
necessary colour, which should be either Eucalyptus parts
dark brown or almost black, and the solu- Rosemary G
tion filtered. The chloroform is dissolved Formaldehyde 4 parts
in the spirits and added to the clear Acetone 71 parts
aqueous solution, being made to bulk w ith r
Procedure Mix menthol and cam-
water. The dose of the normal mixture phor, and warm until liquefied. Add the
is one fluid ounce. oils and the solvent. Mix and add the
2. Sodium Salicylate 3 oz. 287 gr. formaldehyde.
Liquor Ammonii Aceta-
tis Cone. 1-7 2% fl. oz. No. 3
Ammonium Carbonate 480 gr. Thymol .5 part
Water to Produce 1 gal. Peppermint Oil 5 parts
Caramel as desired. Pine Needle Oil 3 parts
The sodium salicylate, potassium bicar- Formaldehyde 5 parts
Isopropyl Alcohol 86.5 parts
bonate, and ammonium carbonate are dis-
solved in the bulk of the water, with Procedure Dissolve thymol in the oils,
sufficient caramel to give a dark brown add and formaldehyde.
solvent Mix
colour. The solution of ammonium acetate thoroughly and filter.
is added and the mixture filtered, and'
made up to the quantity with water. The No. 4
dose of the normal mixture is one fluid Phenol 1 part
ounce. Menthol 1 part
Camphor .5 part
Cold and Influenza Mixture Thymol .5 part
Potassium Nitrate 2 Eucalyptus 2 parts
Potassium Bromide 2 Oil Clove 2 parts
Spirit of Nitrous Ether 8 Oil of Sassafras 2 parts
Strong Solution of Ammonium Chloroform 8 parts
Acetate 4 Isopropyl Alcohol 83 parts
Compound Tincture of Cardamom 2 Procedure Mix phenol, thymol, men-
Camphor Water to 100 thol and camphor and warm until lique-

Lah el One tablespoonful to be taken
. fied. Add the solvents and finally the
every four hours. oils. Mix thoroughly and filter.
Another mixture of similar type, but of
more pleasant taste, is: No. 5
Ammonium Carbonate 3 Menthol part
Potassium Bicarbonate 6 Camphor part
Tincture of Ipecacuanha 12 W intergreen
Strong Solution of Ammonium Eucalyptus parts
Acetate 12 Oil of Pine Needle parts
Chloroform Water to 100 Formaldehyde 4 parts
Label —
One tablespoonful to be taken
Iodine (2 %%
sol.) 1 part
Isopropyl Alcohol 85 parts
every four hours.
Procedure Mix menthol and camphor
and warm until liquefied. Add the winter-
Inhalants for Colds green, pine, formaldehyde, solvent and
No. 1 iodine. Filter.
Chloroform 10 parts
Formaldehyde 5 parts No. 6
Ether 6 parts Phenol 1 part
Menthol 3 parts Menthol 1 part
Eucalyptus 3 parts Camphor 1 part
Lavender 4 parts Oil of Pine Needle 1 part
Isopropyl Alcohol 69 parts Sandalwood 1 part
Procedure: Dissolve menthol in chloro- Lavender 3 parts
form, add the oils, ether and solvent. Mix Eucalyptus 2 parts
and filter if necessary. Strong Ammonia Solution 3 parts
Alcohol 87 parts
No. 2 Procedure: Mix
phenol, menthol and
Menthol 2 parts camphor and warm until liquefied. Dis-
Camphor solve the oils in part of isopropyl and


add to above. Mix ammonia with rest Castile Soap 24 gin.
of isopropyl and add to rest of mixture. Hot Water 480 e.e.
Mix and filter. Camphor 80 gm.
Note: the formaldehyde solution re- Alcohol 31) c.e.
commended in the foregoing preparations Oil of Turpentine q.s.
is 37%. The pungency of any of the
preparations can be toned down by the Dissolve the ammonium carbonate in
addition of sweeteners or by increasing 240 e.e. of water. Dissolve the soap In
the quantity of the more fragrant oils in the hot water, then mix the two solutions.
each formula. Dissolve the camphor in the alcohol and
add to the first mixture; shake well. Now
add the oil of turpentine in sufficient
Vaginal Jelly
quantity to make a creamy emulsion,
1. Gum Tragacanth 6 gradually adding and constantly shaking.
2. Glycerin 10
3. Water 100
4. Boric Acid 5 Lubricating Jelly
Mix 1 and 2 and add 3 and 4 slowly Fatty or oily substances, petrolatum,
with stirring; let stand overnight. for example, have been used for lubri-
cating surgical instruments, such as
Artificial Vaseline urethral sounds and vaginal specula.
Latterly mucilaginous preparations are
Geresin or Paraffin 15-20
advised for this purpose, as they may be
White Mineral Oil 85-80
readily removed by washing with water.
Such a preparation may be made as
Wart Remover follows
A. Salicylic Acid 2
Tragacanth, whole gr.
I. 48
Glacial Acetic Acid 20
Carbolic Acid, liquefied 50 m.
Glycerin 4 oz.
B. Trichloracetic Acid 90 Distilled Water 4 oz.
Water 10
Mix the three liquids, pour upon tra-
* Iodine, Colloidal gacanth contained into a mortar or
graduate, let stand for 12 to 24 hours or
Finely divided or colloidal I is pro- until the gum is thoroughly softened,
duced by treating cryst. I with 1% soln. then triturate or beat to a smooth paste.
of NaOH until a straw-colored liquid re- If desired still smoother, strain forcibly
sults, cooling, adding 10 g. of gum arable through cheese-cloth.
or other protective colloid for each lb. of Dispense in an ointment jar,
I, then adding rapidly strong HC1 to ppt. 2. A preparation now on the market is
all the I in the form of a brick- red ppt. stated to contain the gelatin of Irish moss
(ix,, finely divided colloidal 1). The with oil of eucalyptus and formaldehyde.
coarse crystals are filtered out, the Such a preparation may be made by add-
filtrate is allowed to stand and concen- ing to 16 fiuidounees of mucilage of Irish
trate and the supernatant soln. is drawn moss, 10 drops of oil of eucalyptus and 5
offi to remove the NaCl. drops of formaldehyde solution.

Lubricating Jelly
Camphor Oil 74 oz.
Oil Laurel, Expressed 10 oz. Karaya Gum 7.5 gm.
Oleoresin Capsicum USP (VIII) 5 oz. 1. - Glycomel 10.0 c.c.
Ethyl Amino Benzoate 2 oz. Isohol 5.0 c.c.
Gamphor Powder 2 oz. o Water 100 c.c.
Oil Rosemary 2 A /
\ Moldex
oz. 0.15
Chloroform 5 oz.
Oil Mustard, USP % oz. Bring 2 to a boil and stir until dis-
solved. Cool and add quickly to 1 while

White Liniment
stirring. A
heavy gel forms immediately.
Air bubbles can be removed by keeping
The following formula is said to yield warm for a time. This gel spreads
a creamy white preparation of excellent evenly on the skin and does not roll up.
penetrating power: Various antiseptics and medicaments may
Ammonium Carbonate 30 gm. be used to make vaginal and other jellies.
Water 240 e.c.
Menthol Pencil or Crayon Saccharin
Menthol 100 Saccharin 52 gm.
Benzoic Acid 10 Heliotropine 11 gm.
Eucalyptol 3 Peppermint Oil 50 c.c.
Cinnamon Oil 10 c.c.
Melt together and cast in forms.
Tincture of Cochineal 250 c.c.

Migraine Salve Alcohol, q.s. to make 10,000 c.c.

Ten parts beeswax and 46 parts an- Procedure —

Dissolve saccharin, helio-

hydrous lanolin are melted and ISO parts tropine, peppermint, cinnamon, and co-
water added. Mass is well mixed
distilled chineal in alcohol in the order stated.
and then mixture of 15 parts menthol, 16 Mix well. Chill and filter.
parts methyl salicylate and 2 parts rose-
mary are worked in and uniform salve
obtained. In another preparation 5 parts
Eucalyptol 10 oz.
menthol are dissolved in 6.5 parts acetic
Menthol 10 oz.
ester, 4.2 parts absolute alcohol, 1.85
Clove Oil 5 oz.
parts triple strength ammonia liquor and
Wintergreen Oil 1 oz.
solution is worked up into salve with 45
Heliotropine 0.1 oz.
parts anhydrous lanolin, 36.5 parts white
Acetic Ether 10 oz.
petrolatum and perfumed with 0.5 part
Chiorophyl Ether Soluble 2 oz.
lavender oil and 1 part essence of eau de
Alcohol, q.s. to make 1,000 oz.

Mosquito Cones
Procedure . —
Add all ingredients to the
alcohol one at a time, while mixing in the
Powd. Charcoal 16 oz. order given. Mix for three hours. Chill
Nitrate Potassium 2 oz. in a cooling tank to 40° F. and filter.
Carbolic Acid iy2 oz.
Insect Powder 8 oz.
Tragaeanth Mucilage, a Salol-Thymol
sufficient quantity Salol 10 oz.
Thymol 4 oz.
Make into paste with the
a stiff
mucilage, and form into cones weighing
Oil ofLavender
m oz.
about one ounce each. Benzoic Acid 20 oz.
2. Powd. Charcoal 16 oz. Glycerin 500 oz.
Nitrate Potassium 2 oz. Tincture of Cardamom 500 oz.
Benzoin 4 oz. Alcohol 2,000 oz.
Hard Tolu Balsam
Insect Powder
2 oz.
4 oz.
Procedure . —Dissolve salol, thymol, ben-
zoic acid, and menthol in alcohol. Mix
Tragaeanth Mucilage,
sufficient quantity.
well. Mix tincture cardamom with
glycerin, add to alcohol, add lavender.
Mix four hours, chill and filter.
Mosquito Powder
1. Oil Eucalyptus 1 oz. Mouth Wash
Powdered Talcum 2 oz. Benzoic Acid 1 lb.
Powdered Starch 14 oz. Boric Acid 2 lb.

This powder is to be rubbed into the Borax 1 lb.
exposed parts of the body to prevent the Alcohol 1% gal.
attack of the insect. Eucalyptus S fl. oz.
2. Oil Pennyroyal 4 oz. Oil of Thyme 1 fl. oz.
Powdered Naphthalin 4 dr. Oil of Wintergreen 2 fi. oz.
Starch 16 oz. Water 15 gal.
Mix well
like the preceding.
and sift. This is to be used Caramel Coloring m fl. oz.

The boric acid and borax are added to

part of the water and dissolved by boil-
ing. The solution is cooled by the addi-
Basic Formulae for Mouth Washes tion of the rest of the water and left to
be noted that terpeneless oils
It should become quite cold. The benzoic acia is
are best employed. For use, a few drops dissolved in half the alcohol, and the
of the produet are added to a glass of essential oils in the remaining half, and
water the two mixed and added to the water
•solution. The caramel colour is added Euealyptol 0.3 grn.
while stirring, and thorough mixing is Camphor .
0.3 gin.
continued for four hours. Oil of Peppermint 0.5 gm. ,

Alcohol 250.0 gm.

Mouth Wash Solution Hydrogen Dioxide 200.0 gm.

Benzoic Acid 12 parts Water to make 1,000 gm.

Tincture of Rhatany 60 parts
Alcohol Dissolve the resorcin and zinc chloride
400 parts
Oil of Peppermint in water, and the thymol, euealyptol,
3 parts
wintergreen, menthol, and camphor in the
A teaspoonful in a small wine-glassful
alcohol. Mix the two solutions together,
of water. add the peroxide ; stir for one hour, chill,
and filter.
Alkaline Mouth Wash
This is made as follows: Astringent Mouth Wash
Potassium Bicarbonate 21.0 gm. Zinc Chloride 1 gm.
Sodium Borate 20.0 gm. Alcohol 12 c.c.
Sassafras Oil 1.0 c.c. Euealyptol 20 dr.
Thymol 0.5 c.c. Oil of Cinnamon 2 dr.
Euealyptol 1.0 c.c. Oil of Peppermint 3 dr.
Methyl Salicylate 0.5 c,c. Distilled Water to make 100 c.c.
Cudbear 2.0 gm.
Alcohol 50.0 c.c.
Glycerin 90.0 c.c.
Mouth Wash, Analgesic
Magnesium Carbonate 10.0 gin. Anaesthesin is used in analgesic mouth
washes. This substance is easily soluble
Water to 1,000 c.c. in alcohol and difficultly soluble in water
and hence adheres to mucuous .membrane
Mix the potassium bicarbonate and so- with which it contacts. Two grams of
dium borate with 100 c.c. of water. When anaesthesin are dissolved in 90 parts alco-
the effervescence ceases, add this solu- hol and 20 parts water are added.
tion to 500 c.c. of water. This is then
Peppermint oil, anise oil and clove oil
added to the alcohol in which the essen- may be added to preparation.
tial oils have been previously dissolved.
Another product used in these mouth
The tincture of cudbear and the rest of washes is ethyl paraphenol-sulfo-para-
the water are next added with the mag-
nesium carbonate. The whole is mixed
aminobenzoate in 2% solution. Novo-
eaine hydrochloride may be used with
thoroughly for 2 hours and allowed to addition of taste correctives. An inter-
stand for 48 hours, chilled, and filtered. esting mixture is 800 parts tincture of
Purified talc may be used in place of the
pyrethrum, 40 parts tincture of Spanish
magnesium carbonate. pepper, 40 parts oil of dove, 20 parts
menthol, 20 parts camphor and 80 parts
Chloro-Phenol Mouth Wash chloroform.
Benzoic Acid 4 oz. Poliowing mouth washes may be used
Cinnamon Oil 8 oz. for treating pain caused by cariotic teeth.
Phenol 6 oz. Four parts red saunders are mixed with
Chloroform 6 oz. 2 parts guaiaeum wood, 5 parts myrrh,
Alcohol 1$0 oz. 5 parts cloves and one part cinnamon
Oil of Peppermint 2 oz. bark. This mixture is digested with 290
parts 90% alcohol, filtered, and 0.1 part
make 400 oil of clove and 0.1 part cinnamon oil.
Glycerin to oz.
In another preparation 16 parts tincture
Dissolve the benzoic acid in the chloro-
of myrrh are mixed with 8 parts tincture
form, add the glycerin and mix. Dissolve
of catechu, 4 parts tincture of guaiac, 4
the cinnamon, peppermint, and phenol in
parts tincture of rhatany, 3 parts tinc-
alcohol and mix the two solutions to-
ture of cloves, 2 parts spirits of coch-
gether. Mix for two hours, chill, and
learia, few drops cinnamon oil and 63
parts 50% alcohol. Simple preparation
consists of 2 parts oil of black mustard
Resorcin Mouth Wash and 30 parts spirits of cochlearia. Tannic
Resorcin 50.0 gm, acid is also used in these preparations.
Zinc Chloride 0.3 gm. Thus 8 parts tannic acid are mixed with
Menthol 5.0 gm. 5 parts tincture of iodine, 1 part potas-
Thymol 2.0 gm. sium iodide, 5 parts tincture of myrrh
and 200 parts rose water. Five parts Red Saunders enough to color
tannic acid are also mixed with 5 parts Oil of Clove 5 dr.
Oil of Cinnamon '5
tincture of pyrethrum, 4 parts lavender dr,
water, 40 parts 909c alcohol and 20 parts Zinc Chloride 4 gr.
distilled water. Finally 6 parts tannic Diluted Alcohol 1 pt.
acid are mixed with 3 parts tincture of Macerate three days with occasional
iodine, 6 parts tincture of myrrh, 70 shaking. Then filter.
parts 90% alcohol and 240 parts rose
Sterilizing Solution for Oral Mucous
Antiseptic Inhalant Membrane
Eucalyptoi 20.0 c.c. Tincture Iodine 2 parts
Menthol 7.5 gr. Acetone 3 parts
Oil of Rosemary 10.0 c.c. Glycerin 1 part
Oil of Pine Needles 10.0 c.c.
Oil of Lavender 3.0 c.c. *
Ephedrine Nasal Spray
Oil of Jack Rose Comp. 2.0 c.c.
Ephedrine Hydrochloride 0.17-1.0
Brilliant Green trace Gum Tragacanth 0.5-1.0
Ethyl Alcohol (S.D.) q.s. 100.0 c.c. Water 99
Dissolve the menthol in the oils. Make Dissolve above and then beat in
a strong solution of brilliant green in
Sod. Chloride 0.8
alcohol. Use enough to give finished
Ethylene Chlorhydrin 0.75
product a green tint. Add the remaining
Eucalyptoi 0.125
alcohol to make 100 c.c.
Phenol 0.062
Menthol 0.125
Antiseptic for Telephone Mouthpiece
Stearic Acid 6.00 Antiseptic Oil Spray for Nose and Throat
S. D. Alcohol 20.00
Oil Sweet Almond 2 gal.
Sodium Hydroxide 1.35
Ethyl Amino
S. D. Alcohol 10.00
Benzoate 12 oz. 350 gr.
Water 5.00
Thymol 3 oz. 360 gr.
Glycerin 5.00
Menthol 300 gr.
S. D. Alcohol 10.00
White Mineral Oil 8 gal.
Fluorescein 0.01
Eucalyptoi 3 oz.
Menthol 1.00
Oil Wintergreen 2 oz. 120 minims.
Camphor 1.00
Oil Eucalyptus 5.00 Heat Oil Sweet Almond to about 70° C.
Oil Lavender 5.00 and add Ethyl Amino Benzoate, Thymol
and Menthol. Stir until dissolved.
Mix 1 and 2 at 60° C. Then add the
Then add slowly while stirring White,
remainder and before it cools pour into
Mineral Oil and then Eucalyptoi and Oil"

Mentholated Throat and Mouth Wash

Aseptic and Analgesic Dusting Powder
Alcohol 4% gal.
for Wounds
Ethyl Amino Benzoate 12 oz. 350 gr.
Thymol 1 oz. 120 gr. Urea Crystals 80 oz.
Eucalyptoi 1 oz. Ethyl Amino Benzoate 5 oz.
Oil Wintergreen % oz. Thymol Iodide 5 oz.
Menthol 100 gr. Boric Acid Powder 5 oz.
Boric Acid 3 lb. Bismuth Subgallate 5 oz.
Distilled Water 5^4 ga l. Mix and grind in a ball or pebble mill
Dissolve Ethyl Amino Benzoate, Thy- and siftthrough a No. 120 mesh sieve.
mol, Eucalyptoi, Oil Wintergreen and Fill into cans with sprinkler top.
Menthol in Alcohol. Dissolve Boric Acid
in hot distilled water, cool and filter. Add Hay Fever Ointment
this aqueous solution slowly while stirring
Lanolin Anhydrous 50 oz.
to the alcoholic solution and filter.
Yellow Petrolatum 25 oz.
Ethyl Amino Benzoate 5 oz.
Zinc Chloride Mouth Wash Menthol % oz.

Tincture of Myrrh 2 oz.

Epinephrin Solution 1-1000 2 oz.
Thymol 5 gr. Distilled Water 23 oz.
Powdered Borax % oz. (1) Triturate Ethyl Amino Benzoate
and Menthol with a portion of the Yellow Oleic Acid 20 parts
Petrolatum until smooth. Gradually add Petrolatum 70 parts
the remainder of the Petrolatum and the
(2) Mix Epinephrin Solution with Dis- Decolorized Tincture of Iodine
tilled Water and add this aqueous solu- Iodine Crystals 50 parts
tion slowly under trituration to No. 1 and Potassium Iodide 25 parts
mix until homogeneous. Stronger Ammonia Water 100 parts
Water' .
400 parts
Alcohol, a sufficient quantity
Mustard Ointment
to make 1000 parts
Lanolin Anhydrous 45 oz.
Yellow Petrolatum 27 oz.
Ethyl Amino Benzoate 2 oz. Protective Coating for Pills
Camphor Powder 5 oz.
Tincture Benzoin 50
Distilled Water 20 oz.
Alcohol 50
Mustard Oil, USP 1 oz.
Vanillin 0,2
Triturate Ethyl Amino Benzoate and
Powdered Camphor with j>ortion of the Poison Ivy Lotion
yellow Petrolatum until smooth. Gradu-
ally add the remainder of the Petrolatum Aluminum Sulphate Crystals 19% oz.

and the Lanolin. Then add the Mustard Basic Secondary Lead
Oil and triturate until homogeneous. Acetate 26 oz.
Finally add the distilled water and mix Distilled Water 60 oz.

until perfectly smooth. Ethyl Amino Benzoate 2 oz.

Glycopon S 50 .

Zinc Ointment USP

with Ethyl Amino
Pyorrhea Astringent
White Petrolatum 65 oz. Potassium Iodide 15 parts
Paraffin 15 oz. Iodine Crystals 20 parts
Zinc Oxide 20 oz. Glycerin 25 parts
Ethyl Amino Benzoate 2 oz. Zinc Phenolsulphonate 15 parts
Distilled Water, a suffi-
Melt Petrolatum and Paraffin together cient quantity to make 100 parts
then add Zinc Oxide and Ethyl Amino
Benzoate previously sifted through a No.
100 mesh sieve. Stir until cold and pass Refrigerant Counter Irritant
through ointment mill. Menthol 10 parts
Iodine Crystals 10 parts
Chloroform 90 parts
Haemorrhoid Ointment (Pile Ointment)
Tincture Aconite, enough
Yellow Petrolatum 53 oz. to make 480 parts
Lanolin Anhydrous 30 oz.
Yellow Beeswax 5 oz.
Ethyl Amino Benzoate 5 oz. Granular Effervescent Cider Salt
Bismuth Subgallate 5 oz.
Thymol Iodide 2 oz.

Melt Yellow Petrolatum, Lanolin and Powdered White Sugar 1800 gnu
Powdered Tartaric Acid 900 gnu
Beeswax together and allow to cool. Mix
the three powders and triturate with a Powdered Sodium Bicarbo-
ointment base nate o>
o o gnu
portion of the until
Then add gradually the re- II.
mainder of the base and mix until oint- Powdered White Sugar 3200 gnu
ment is homogeneous. Note; This oint- Powdered Sodium Bicar-
ment must not come in contact with iron bonate 900 gnu
as discoloration will result so only porce- Powdered Tartaric Acid 820 gnu
lain or wooden utensils should be used. Powdered Potassium Bi-
tartrate 120 gnu
Stainless Iodine Ointment (N.F.)
Iodine, in moderately coarse Cider Flavor
'powder.;' .

5 parts Amyl Alcohol 4

Paraffin 5 parts Chloroform 4
Amyl Acetate 4 Stir 10-15 minutes and add
Amyl Butyrate 4 Am. Carbonate 20 lb.
Amyl Valerate 8
Stir until uniform.
The eases given above are effervescent,
but may not granulate easily. It 'will
therefore be better to replace the 900 gm.
of tartaric acid of the first recipe by Athletic Liniment
540 gm, of crystalline citric acid and Oil of Camphor 25 gm.
360 gin. of tartaric acid. Emulsone B 3.5 gm.
Rub together in mayonnaise type mixer
and add
Smelling Salts
Glycerin 7.5 gm.
Water 46.5 c.c.
Menthol 1
Camphor 2 Allow to soak for 1 hour and while
Weak Solution of Iodine beating add
(2.5 per cent, v/v) 1 Glycerin 7.5 gm.
Oil of Pumilio Pine I Water 46.5
Oil of Eucalyptus 1
Strong Solution of Ammonia 3 Beat intermittently for 1 hour.
Ammonium Carbonate 90 This produces a heavy fluid emulsion
which is very stable.
The ammonium carbonate should be
packed info the bottle, the strong solu-
tion of ammonia added, then the other
ingredients, previously mixed. Sodium Tooth Paste (Salt)
sesquiearbonate is sometimes substituted Glycerin 37% lb.
for ammonium carbonate. Soap, Neutral 1% lb.
Gum Tragaeanth 1 % lb.
Magnesium Carbonate,
Diabetic Tea Pow dered
13 lb.
Calcium Carbonate,
Two examples of such teas are as fol-
lows. Ten parts acacia flowers, 20 parts Powdered 51% lb.
Milk of Magnesia 31 lb.
mistletoe, 15 parts water fennel seeds
and 30 parts lady’s mantle. Also 5 parts
Distilled Water 24 pt.
Saccharin 282 gr.
lovage root, 5 parts valerian root, 5 parts
Salt, Powdered 108 lb.
blackberry root, 35 parts herba herba
Flavoring Oils Sufficient
anserinae and enough foliae myrtillae to
make 150 parts in all. Mix glycerin, water, soap, gum, milk of
magnesia and saccharin in a rapid mixer.
Add flavor and mix for 15 minutes.
Transfer to small mixer, add salt, run for
Tobacco Cure
five minutes and add magnesium car-
The following mouth wash is said to bonate; mix additional five minutes; feed
‘‘cure” one of smoking. calcium carbonate to pasty mass and mix
Silver Nitrate 0.2 for 20 minutes. Allow to stand 12 hours;
Oil Peppermint 0.1 stir slowly for 10 minutes and fill in
Water 100 tubes.
The mouth should be rinsed with this
several times daily.
(Acid) Tooth Paste Formula
Glycerin 200.0 parts
Flavor 6-143-C 9.6 parts
White Liniment * Acid Solution 64.0 parts
Am. Palmolate 18 lb. Benzoic Acid 0.8 parts
Water 15 gal. Calcium Chloride 2.4 parts
Stir until dissolved and add Cerelose 40.0 parts
Ammonium Hydroxide 4 gal. Powdered Gum Tragaeanth 6.4 parts
Water 30 gal. Powdered Gum Karaya 7.2 parts
Stir mechanically and add slowly Calcium Sulfate 304,0 parts
Turpentine 124 gal. Tricalcium Phosphate 90.4 parts
Oil of Camphor 12 lb.
Cottonseed Oil 8 lb. 724.8 parts
:: : :

* The acid solution is made as follows Dissolve glycosterin in water and gly-
5 parts each of citric, boric, and tar- cerine on water bath. Stirred mechani-
taric acids dissolved in 100 parts cold cally while cooling. Added 15 gm. of the
water. chalk and the soap slowly while stirring.
Allowed to cool. Transferred to mortar
and added rest of chalk, and oil of
(a) Mix the glycerine, flavor, acid peppermint, and saccharin, and ground
solution benzoic acid, calcium chloride, thoroughly.
and eerelose. Mix for 15 minutes. Finally added the 2 gm. of glycerin*
(b) Mix the powdered gums, Calcium stirred and tubed.
Sulfate and the Tricalcium Phosphate.
(c) Add (b) to (a) and mix at least
* Tooth Paste
two hours.
Mill through a paint or ointment mill Gum Tragacanth 1
before filling tubes. Pectin 5
Flavor is composed of 8.0 parts Oil Glycol 30
Peppermint, l/.l parts Oil Spearmint, 0.3 Water 63
parts Menthol and 0.4 parts Oil Cassia. Titanium Dioxide 37
Pepsin 22
Tooth Paste Lactate 4
Glycerine 41.0 parts Glycerin 4
Distilled Water 37.0 parts Flavor 2
Calcium Chloride 1.5 parts
Flavor 2.0 parts Tooth Paste ( Soapless}
Powdered Neutral White
Soap 15.0 parts
Glyeopon AAA 30 parts
Calcium Sulfate 82.0 parts
Powdered Karaya Gum 0.3 parts
Powdered Saccharine 0.2 parts
Powdered Tragacanth 0.3 parts
Powdered Gum Tragacanth Glycosterin 3.0 parts
2.0 parts
Crysalba (Swann Cal-
180,7 parts
cium Sulphate) 40 parts
Procedure Tricalcium Phosphate
(Swann) 5 parts
Mix the glycerine and gum tragacanth. Water 27 parts
Dissolve the calcium chloride in the Saccharin .05 parts
water and add to the glycerine-gum tra- Benzoic Acid 1 parts
gacanth mixture, stir and let stand until ^Flavor .5 parts
the gum is thoroughly hydrated (ap-
* Flavor has the following composition:
proximately one hour). Now mix all the
powdered ingredients and sieve thru 40 or Oil Peppermint 10 parts
60 mesh and add these and the essential Oil Spearmint 2 parts
oils to the elixir and mix until the paste Oil Cassia .2 parts
is smooth. Melt the Glycosterin. Mix the pow-
The consistency can be changed as de- dered gums with the Glyeopon AAA. Add
sired by adding more or less of the Cal- Benzoic Acid and Saccharin, Finally,
cium Sulfate but this should never be the water. Mix for 5 minutes. Heat
changed greatly. above melting point of Glycosterin and
After mixing the paste should be add to the latter with constant stirring.
ground thru a paint or ointment mill. After mixing for about 5 minutes add the
Flavor is composed of mixed Crysalba and Phosphate with stir-
Oil of Peppermint 8.0 parts ring, until a smooth paste is produced.
Oil of Spearmint 4.0 parts When the temperature is about 30° C,
Menthol 0.2 parts add the flavor mixture with stirring, and
Thymol 0,2 parts pour into tubes.
There seems no special difficulty in the
Tooth Paste preparation of this paste, and a smoother
Precipitated Chalk 50 gr. product will be obtained if the abrasives
Powdered Soap 6 gr. are mixed into the paste at a temperature
Glycerine 34 gr. sufficiently high to be above the melting
Saccharin 0.25 gr. point of the Glycosterin. And after all
Water 2,26 gr. has been added it is passed thru an oint-
Glycosterin 2,00 gr. ment mill. This paste does not seem to
Oil Peppermint 1.00 gr. harden in the tube nor become friable
Added Glycerine 2.00 gr. after exposure for 24 hours. The flavor


can of course be modified to suit indi- and the chalk and mix thoroughly ana
vidual taste. sift.

Dental Cream Tooth Powders

Precipitated Chalk 35% Magnesium Carbonate 425 gr.
White Neutral Soap 20 % Precipitated Chalk 560 gr.
Powdered Sugar 10 % Sodium Perborate 55 gr.
Purified Tale 10 % Sodium Bicarbonate 45 gr.
Glycerin 25% Soap 50 gr.
Oil Peppermint q.s. Sugar 90 gr.
Methyl Salicylate 8 c.c.
Mix the powders thoroughly together
into a paste with the gly- 1 gr.
and then work
Oil of Cinnamon 2 c.c.
cerin. Add oil peppermint.
Procedure: Dissolve the menthol in the
methyl, add the cinnamon and then add
Tooth Powder Flavors to and mix with sugar. Add soap, per-
No. 1 borate and mix thoroughly. Add the
Oil of Cinnamon 2.5 c.c. chalk and mix and finally add the bicar-
Oil of Clove .5 c.e. bonate and the magnesium carbonate.
Methyl Salicylate 8 C.C. ^Mix^horoughly and sift.

No. 2. Precipitated Chalk 500 gr.

Oil of Spearmint I C.C. Tin Oxide 95 gr.
Menthol .5 gr. Tricalcium Phosphate 100 gr.
Methyl Salicylate 8 c.c. Soap 30 gr.
Sugar 50 gr.
No. 3 Flavor to Suit 8 gr.
Oil of Cinnamon 2 c.e.
Procedure Incorporate flavors with
Oil of Peppermint 2 c.c.
sugar, add soap and mix thoroughly. Add
Oil of Clove 3 c.c.
triealcium and chalk, mix and add tin
No. 4
Oil of Anise 2 c.c. \^dh£
halk 400 gr.
Oil of Cinnamon 2 c.c. Calcium Chloride 60 gr.
Oil of Peppermint 1 c.c. Tri Calcium Phosphate 100 gr.
Methyl Salicylate 5 c.c. Pulverized Carnauba Wax 30 gr.
Soap 50 gr.
Tooth Powders Tale 200 gr.
Sugar 100 gr.
Titanium Dioxide 115 gr.
Flavors 10 gr.
Calcium Carbonate Heavy 600 gr.
Pulverized Neutral White Procedure Mix flavors with sugar add
Soap 100 gr. soap and mix thoroughly. Mix the wax
Sodium Carbonate Mono- with the talc thoroughly, add the tricah
hydrated 140 gr. cium and mix thoroughly. Add the chalk
Flavor (Oil of Winter- and calcium chloride. Mix thoroughly
green) 18 c.c. and sift.

Procedure: Rub up the oil with part Cream of Tartar 350 gr.
of the calcium carbonate until finely dis- Milk Sugar 300 gr.
persed. Add
the other ingredients and Colloidal Clay 375 gr.
mix thoroughly. Sift. Flavor 8 gr.
Color if Desired (usually pink)
Calcium Carbonate 500 gr.
Tricalcium Phosphate 150 gr. Procedure: Add flavors to milk sugar
Calcium Chloride 20 gr. and mix. Mix cream of tartar with the
Bicarbonate of Soda clay and mix both mixtures together
50 gr.
Pulv. Neut. Soap gr. thoroughly. Sift.
Confectioner's XXX Sugar 100 gr.
Flavor to Suit 8 gr.
Tooth Paste Flavors
Procedure: Mix the flavoring with the The following three formulas represent
sugar thoroughly. Add the soap and mix flavors to be used in preparing an herb
again. Add the bicarbonate and the cal- toothpaste, a wintergreen and a cherry
cium chloride. Mix. Add the tri calcium toothpaste.

1 . duces a jelly that can not be remedied or

Oil of Arnica 1 part brought into solution again. This pro-
Hyssop Oil 1 part duct is rubbery and possesses less
Oil of Thyme 1 part strength when cold. If it is dried and
Juniper-berry Oil 1 part powdered, the product is known as formo-
Calamus Oil 2 parts gelatine and due to the antiseptic action
Sage Oil 3 parts of formaldehyde it remains sterile and
Spearmint Oil 5 parts is a germicide and is also employed as a
Peppermint Oil 5 parts surgical dressing.
Oil of Wintergreen 8 parts
Peppermint Oil 10 parts
Aniseed Oil 10 parts For use as containers of doses of medi-
Cinnamon Oil parts cines are made from gelatine. A strong
parts solution of this gelatine is mixed with
Oil of Cloves 15
glycerine and a little sugar, and the whole
kept at a temperature of around 120° F.
Oil of Cinnamon 4 parts An iron rod, the end of which is shaped
Anethol 8 parts exactly as the capsules required, is highly
Oil of Cloves 4 parts polished so that the gelatine when cool
Oil of Bergamot 4 parts may be easily detached. The rod is dip-
Two of the
flavors antiseptic type ped into the solution and then revolved in
which may be
used either in toothpastes a drying chamber. The sections are re-
or mouth washes are as follows: moved as soon as solution has jellied and
allowed to dry. In using them the two
Oil of Anise % part sections are made so that one fits down
Eucalyptol 1 part over the other like a cover.
Menthol 1 part
Methyl Salicylate ¥2 part For Coating Pills
Gelatine is used, the object in this case
Oil of Anise 4 parts is to eliminate the taste of pill in swal-
Oil of Cassia 2 parts lowing and prevent evaporation of en-
Oil of Cloves 5 parts closed moisture. 1 part gelatine, 2 parts
Oil of Eucalyptus 8 parts
water are mixed with a little glycerine or
Oil of Lavender 4 parts sugar and the pills are coated by dipping.
Oil of Peppermint 9 parts This amount of gelatine assists in over-
Oil of Wintergreen 12 parts coming the nauseating affects of the
Menthol 12 parts medicine.

Athlete's Foot Ointment Gelatine Cells for Ultrafiltration

5% Flowers of Sulphur For ultrafiltration of colloids, mem-

95% Anhydrous Lanolin branes are prepared by impregnating

disks of hard filter paper or fat extrac-
Grind or triturate sulphur into lanolin
tion thimbles with a solution of gelatine,
and apply locally.
A 2-10% solution of gelatine is used and
the containing disk should be kept on
water bath at a certain constant tempera-
Mosquito Bite Ointment
ture during the impregnation. A
Boric Acid Ointment U.S.P. 95% of the filter will vary with the tempera-
Phenol 5% ture during the impregnation. Porosity
Triturate phenol into ointment cold. removing disks from liquid they are
allowed to drain, rotating constantly so
as to prevent an excess of jell forming on
Gelatin© in Pharmaceutical Preparations one side. After % hour the papers are
formaldehyde is added to a solu-
When placed in a 2-4% formaldehyde solution
tion of gelatine a change is observed to for 24 hours to render insoluble, the tem-
take place wliich is dependent on the perature being maintained at around
amount of formaldehyde added. When 10-15° C. The disks or thimbles are then
the amount added is less than .15% a vis- rinsed in cold water and kept in water
cous solution results, but insolubility is saturated with chloroform. For varying
not obtained in such a solution until the gradations in size of pore, concentrations
gelatine has been permitted to dry out. of gelatine are varied from 2-10% the
In greater percentages formaldehyde pro- temperature still being kept constant.

* Flashlight Powder
Sod. Carbonate (Anhyd.) 30- 40
Magnesium Powder 700-900 20- 30
Caustic Soda
Sulfur 10- 18
Pot. Bromide 5- 10
Pot. Permanganate 100-140
Sod. Hyposulfite 250-300
Pot. Nitrate 70- 85
Am. Picrate 3- 5
Magnesium Oxide Water 1000
(Calcined) 100-160
Charcoal 10- 30
Photographic Film, Reclaiming
All materials should he finely powdered
before mixing, which, should be done Forty kg. of discarded pieces of old
most carefully. film is washed for 15-20 min. in a soln.
prepd. by heating to 70° 100 1. of H 2 0
and 0.7 kg. of NaOH. The alkali-contg.
Smokeless Flashlight Powder gelatin and Ag
are drawn off and the
Zirconium 28 celluloid is further washed with hot
Zirconium Hydride 7 water before being used for other pur-
Magnesium 7 poses The alkali is returned to the
Barium Nitrate 30 washer for treating another 40 kg. of
Barium Oxide 25 film. After the alkali has been used on
Rice Starch 5 80 kg. of film it is boiled with steam in
a wooden vessel and HC1 (d. 1.19) is
Gelatin Film Cleaner
added to complete coagulation of the
gelatin. After settling, the supernatant
Alcohol 98-99 liquid is removed, the ppt. is filtered and
Diethyl Amine 2- 1 then ashed in a muffle at 500-600°. The
dried substance is mixed with Na 2 C0 3
* Paper, Ultraviolet Sensitive 1 : 3 and heated in a crucible until it is

Unsized paper is treated with a solu- liquid. To eliminate the admixtures, Ag

tion of o-C g 4 (NOo) . CHO
and an indi- is melted with KN0
3 until the surface is
cator (litmus or bromothymol-blue).
mirror-bright. The pptd. Ag 2 S from the
fixing soln. is treated in the same way
except that it is melted with Fe, as
* Developer,
Photographic Ag2 S 4- Fe = FeS -f 2 Ag. To regenerate
p-propylaminophenolhydro- fixing solution Ag is pptd. by Na 2 S.
ehloride 1
Sod. Thiosulfate 9 Photographic Negatives, Removing
Pot. Carbonate 8 Water Spots from
Water 200
For removing water-spot drying marks
on negatives bleach in the following
Photographic Developer, Rapid soln.: K
2 Cr 2 07 1 g., H
2 0 100 ce., HC1
Soln. A: metol 5 g,, hydroquinone 5 2 cc. and redevelop with an elon-hydro-
g., Na2 S0 3
100 g., H
2 0 1 1.,* soln. B; quinone developer.
K2 C03 100 g., H
2 0 1 1. Time of im-
mersion of film in soln. A, 1 min., fol- Photographic Negative Intensifier
lowed by immersion for to % %
min. in
The following formula is recommended
soln. B.
for the intensification of underdeveloped
transparencies: soln. (1): citric acid 10
Photographic Developing Fixer g., distd. H
2 0 500 cc., pyrogallol 7.5 g.
Metol 5- 10 soln. (2) : AgN0 3 10 g., distd. 2 0 200 H
Hydroquinone 15-20 ce. For use mix 25 ec. of (1) with 20
Sod. Sulfite 50- 80 drops of (2). Pour quickly over the
All formulae preceded by an asterisk (*) are covered by patents.
* %

plate and immerse it in a tray of the purple tones a-naphthylaraihe 4 g., water
soln. Fresh soln. is needed for max. in- 200 ce., HC1 10 drops is used. After
tensification. washing, dry slightly and iron the slightly
moist material.
Photographic Negative Intensification
The negative may be intensified by Printing Photographic, Single and
mordanting dyes to the image. Bathe Multiple Gum
the well-washed negative for 5 min. in
Art papers are sized with 60-70 g.
the following mordant bath: water 1000
soft gelatin, 3-5 g. chrome alum and
cc., CuS0 4 5H 2 0 40 g. ;
. citrate 40 g., K 1150 ml. water, to give clear highlights.
AcOH 30 ce.,
(glacial) 20 g. NH4 CNS, Five parts Senegal or Sudan gum arabic
Wash well, then
bathe in the dye bath to is dissolved in 10 parts water, and fil-
the desired d. Methylene blue ( 1

soln.) 287 cc., rhodamine (1% soln.) 333

tered through linen. To this is added %
of its vol. 3% starch soln., to give a mat
cc., phosphine (1% soln.) 380 cc., AcOH
surface, and a few drops 10% phenol.
(glacial) 10 cc. The bath is stated to For single gum, 1 part aquarelle or tem-
give a neutral black tone.
pora color is mixed with 2 parts gum
soln. and 3 parts 15% K
2 Cr 2 0 7 or
Negative Reducer, Photographic (NH 4 ) 2Cr20 7 plus a few drops NH 4 QH.
The following soln. is recommended: This is brushed out on the paper and
dried. If the proportion of gum is right
ferric NH
4 oxalate 40 g.; boric acid, 40
the color will wash off without exposure
g. Na thiosulfate, 200 g.; water, 1 1.

For use, this is diluted with at least an by simple bathing % hr. in cold water.

equal vol. of water. It does not keep so Exposure is 55° for thin, 65-70° for
well in the diluted form. If the reduced
medium, 75-90° for dense, negatives, on
negative has a slight yellow color, it may
Herlango Eder-Hecht neutral wedge pho-
tometer with Celloidin paper. Correct
be removed in a 1 % C2 H2 04 soln.
exposures develop in 1-2 hrs. in cold
water, or 6-8 min. with sawdust and
“Masking Cream ,
Photographic water and dil. K 2 C0 3 at 30-35°. Cr salts
Glycerol 6 oz. are removed by bathing in 10% alum
Water 8 oz. plus a few drops of glacial AcOH, 1-2
Whiting 32 oz. hrs., then wash well.. For 3 -step mul-
Balt % oz. tiple gum, the proportions are: (1) the
Ocher % oz. same as given above; (2) 1 g. of 4-8
parts dichromate, 0.5 part color; (3) 0.4
Photographic Printing on Cloth g. of 5 parts dichromate, 1 part color.

ForAg images on cloth the following

formula is recommended. Immerse the * Sensitizing Solution, Photographic
cloth in a 2% soln. of Iceland moss A sensitizing compn. especially appli-
contg. A1C1 3 . 6H 2 0, 2%. After drying, cable for fabrics, wood surfaces, tiles,
immerse in a sensitizing soln.: AgN0 3 AgN0
etc., comprises 3 300 grs., ferric
30 g., distd. H
2 0 150 cc., C$Hg0 7 HoO .
ammonium citrate (green scales) 375
10 g. The sensitized fabric is dried in grs., citric acid 300 grs. and H
2 0 1 pint.
the dark and printed under a negative The soln. is applied in drops and the
by using a printing frame. The image surface dried. The printed image is
can be toned with Au thiocyanate, fixed washed and fixed in hypo, various tones
and washed or toned with combining ton- being possible by this treatment. Im-
ing and fixing baths. For dye images the ages on fabrics can be washed and ironed.
primulin method is recommended, which
consists of: bathing the cloth for 10
min. in a warm soln. contg. 10 g. of Sepia Toning, Improved Bleach for
primulin dissolved in 300 cc. of hot H 2 0. What is said to be a much superior
The cloth is then washed and immersed method of producing sepia prints is:
in a bath consisting of; NaNOo 6.6 g., The print to be toned is partially
H 2 0 1 h, HC1 15 ce. It will then be bleached in a soln. contg, 1 part in 4 of
brownish red. After drying in a dark the following: CuCl 2 240 g.; HC1 1 oz.;
room the image is printed by the use of H 2 0 20 oz. It is "then redeveloped in
a contrasting transparency, the light-ex- normal metol-hydroquinone developer.
posed areas bleaching out in printing. The brown black thus produced is en-
The image is washed and developed in a tirely free from double tones. Only a
soln. of jd-naphthol 3 g., 4 g., NaOH slight rinse between bleach and develop-
H2 0 300 cc. to give a red tone. For ment and no fixing afterward are re-
For Chemical Advisors, Special Raw Materials, Equipment, Containers, etc., consult Supply
'.Section,'. at 'end' o^'hook*.
quired. Tins bleach is also better than B. If the image fades during washing,
others in sulfide toning. the print should be bathed in 5%
Toning Bath, Vanadium
Soln. A: distd. HoO, 500 cc.; FeCl 3 .
Silver Toning Bath Stains, Removing
6H 20, 25.0 g.j K3Fe(CH) 6 , 1.0 g.; The chalky deposit which forms on
KC10 3 , 2.5 g. Keep in a dark brown sulfide-toned prints during washing with
bottle in a dark place. Soln. B: VCI4 hard H 2 0 may be removed by means of
as paste, 5 g.,* HC1 (coned.) 25%, 50 ec.; dil. AeOH (2.5%). Mounted prints may
distd. HgO, 200 cc. For use, take 100 cc. be sponged with this soln. since the acid
of A, 100 cc. distd. H20 and 5-10 ce. of evaps. without harming the print.




Colors for Plastics Beep Indian Red 1.75
Burnt Turkey Umber .75
Mahoganies Resin 49
Burnt Sienna 2.92 Wood Flour 49
Black Oxide of Iron .44
Beep Indian Red .64
Beep Indian Red 1.50
Resin 49
Black Oxide of Iron .5
Wood Flour 49 Resin 49
Wood Flour 49
Burnt Sienna, Dark .8
Burnt Sienna, Very Dark 3.12
Black Oxide of Iron .08
Resin 49 INTigrosine Bye 1.4
Wood Flour 49 Black Oxide of Iron .6
Resin 49
Burnt Sienna 1.64
Wood Flour 49
Black Oxide of Iron .14
Beep Indian Red .22 Olive Brab
Resin 49 Black Oxide of Iron 1.9
Wood Flour 49 Yellow Oxide of Iron .1
Resin 49
Seal Browns
Wood Flour 49
Burnt Sienna, Bark 1.85
Black Oxide of Iron .1 Molding Powder
Ultramarine Blue .05 Asbestos Flour 147 parts
Resin 49 Chalk 147 parts
Wood Flour 49 Clay 147 parts
Bakelite 30 parts
Beep Indian Red .75 Cumarone 30 parts
Burnt Turkey Umber 1.75
Resin 49 Rubber Pyroxylin Mixture
Wood Flour 49 A common solvent for rubber and py*
roxylin is composed of following

All formulae preceded by an asterisk (*) are covered by patents.

Ethyl Butyrate Cork Composition Binder
Propyl Propionate
Casein 45
Isobutyl Butyrate
Borax 7
or Water 120
Ethyl Oenanthate Glycerine 76
Thus rubber and pyroxylin may be dis-
solved in these to form lacquers of spe-
cial properties. Composition Ornaments
Apattern is carved out of wood and is
covered by following composition to form
Sculptors Putty a 6
* die/ *:

Linseed Oil (Boiled) 15% Oil of Tar 3 oz.

Fullers Earth 15% Soapstone 4 lb.
Calcium Carbonate 70% Emery Flour 4 lb.
Mix all ingredients thoroughly. Orange Shellac 6 lb.
French Chalk 4 oz.

* Imitation Porcelain Plastic

Melt the shellac and add the oil of
Molten chlorinated naphthalenes (ap- tar. Add the soapstone, mixing thor-
prox. 50% Cl) are treated with 20-50% oughly. Mix separately the (dry) em-
of talcum, kaolin, chalk, white lead, or ery flour and French chalk; then pour
of other insol. material or pigment. The this into the melted shellac and oil of
masses soften when heated. tar, stirring thoroughly and vigorously.
Place the pattern or (£ die” in a box,
flat side down, and pour this mixture
e ‘
Celluloid ’

—Non-Inflammable over same. When cool the result will be
a mould into which can be cast the ma-
Cellulose Acetate 119-180
terials of which the ornaments or mould-
Acetone 33- 48
ings are composed.
Benzol 32—52
11- 20 The following composition has been
tested and found excellent for mouldings
and ornaments of this kind;
Cellulose Acetate
White Glue 13 lb.
400 g. of AcOH and 7.5 g. of 2 S04 H Rosin 13 lb.
are added to 100 g. of air-dry cotton- Raw Linsetxl Oil % qt.
wool (I), and 1-1.5 hr. later 250-280 g. Glycerine
of Ac 2 0 are added gradually, with const, Whiting
agitation, maintaining the temp, at 20-
30°. After complete dissolution of (I)
This mixture is prepared by cooking
(5-6 hr.) the triacetate is hydrolyzed at
15-35° during 20-70 hr. with a mixture the white glue until it is dissolved. Then
cook separately the rosin and raw lin-
of 52-56% AcOH and > 7.5 g. of 95% Add
seed oil until they are dissolved.
H2 S04 . H 2 S0 4
replaced by
may be
the rosin, oil and glycerine to the cooked
ZnCl 2 , in which case (I) should first be
glue, stirring in the whiting until the
treated with 66.5% HNO3 at 20-22° dur-
mass makes up to the consistency of
ing 30 min., washed, air-dried, acetylated
putty. Keep the mixture hot.
at 80° during 2.5 hr. using a 1: 8: 2.8
Place this putty mass in the die,
mixture of ZnCl 2 , AcOH, and Ae 20, and
pressing it firmly into the same and al-
then hydrolyzed during 42 hr. at 15°.
lowing it to cool slightly before remov-
The product thus obtained possesses high ing. The finished product is ready to
viscosity, stability,and insulating prop-
use within a few hours after removal.
erties,rendering it suitable for the manu-
Suitable colors can be added to secure
facture of COMe2 -sol. insulating lac-
brown, red, black or any other color. _
In applying ornaments made of this
composition to a wood surface, they are
first steamed to make them flexible; in
* Composition, Acid Proof
this condition they can be glued to the
(Suitable for Storage Battery Boxes) wood surface easily and securely. They
Cotton Flock 25 can be bent to any shape, and no nails
Infusorial Earth 25 are required for applying them.
Asphalt or Pitch 50

For Chemical Advisors, Special Raw Materials, Equipment, Containers, etc., consult Supply
Section at end of book.
* Molding Composition* Celluloid luloid plate. Acompn. contg. gelatin 3,
glycerol 15 and water 82% may be used.
Pyroxylin 100
Tricresyl Pliospliate 75- 80
Gypsum 300-350 * Cellulose Composition
Cellulose fibers are beaten in the fol-
* Phonograph Record Composition lowing solution; the wet mass is shaped
Cellulose Acetate 250 in forms and dried.
Triphenyl Phosfate 50
Magnesium Chloride 12
Diacetone Alcohol
Magnesium Sulfate 12
Sod. Bicarbonate 12
Acetone 1250
Borax 2
Aluminum Oxide 35
Salt 2
Asbestos Powder sufficient to suit
Water 128
Magnesium Oxide sufficient to suit

* Ivory, Artificial
* Bottle Caps, Gelatin
Two parts of casein are dissolved in 12
Elastic capsules are formed from a
parts of water to which a small addition
compn. consisting of a basic mixt. of of sodium hydroxide was added. To this
gelatin 400 and glycerol 100 parts to
casein solution add then a solution of so-
which is added a mixt. of about 0.015- dium penta-sulfide which contains 3.7
0.02 part of petroleum and about 0.03- parts of sulfur in 15 parts of water.
0.04 part of benzoin- resin, and the cap- The decomposition of the poly-sulfide
sules are hardened with a 3-5% formal-
with 10% hydrochloric acid goes beyond
dehyde soln. to which glycerol and ale. the formation of colloidal sulfur and re-
are added.
sults ultimately in a flaky coagel of col-
loidal sulfur in casing. The acid is re-
Gelatin Films* Hardening moved from the coagel by washing it
with water; the greater part of the
Gelatin or other protein layers are ren-
dered very insoluble by treatment with water retained by the casein is removed
the following:
by pressing it at a relatively low pres-
Formaldehyde 100 cc. The obtained mass is now homogen-
Pot. Carbonate 100 gm. ized, for instance in a salve mill, and
Water 1000 cc. becomes thereby so far plastic that it
may be transformed under high pressure
* Film, into plates or other desirable forms.
Hon- Inflammable
Application of heat greatly facilitates
Cellulose acetate 100, triphenyl phos- this transformation by pressure. The
phate 10-20, and diethyl phthalate 10- shaped masses are then finally dried at
15 parts are closely combined with the gentle heat and are hardened by heating
aid of a solvent composed of acetone 85 them for 10 hours at a temperature of
and ale. 15 parts to form a flowable 90 to 95°.
dope, which is cast on a suitable surface.
The excess of solvent is evapd. and the
resultant film stripped from the surface. * Plastic, Molding
500 grams of sugar, preferably brown
* Hon-Inflammable Film, Prevention cane sugar, is thoroughly mixed in about
of 1000 cubic centimeters of say 40% for-
maldehyde solution. When the sugar is
Such films are treated with dilute am- completely mixed in the formaldehyde
monia for six hrs. at 30-50° C. to pre- solution, heat is applied to the solution
vent shrinking or wrinkling during de- until a temperature of approximately 40°
velopment. C. is attained. The solution is main-
tained at this temperature for about 10
* Gelatin minutes. After the expiration of this
Sound Records
period, about 10 grams of sodium sulfite
A (which may be hard-
gelatin soln. (Ha 2 SOg) is added to the heated solu-
ened with a dichromate) is poured on the tion in small amounts while the tempera-
original^ wax master record to form a ture of the solution is increased to about
film which when solid is mounted on a 60° C. The temperature is preferably
suitable backing such as a metal or cel- maintained at 60° G. for about 10 min-

utes. When this time has expired the * Molding Composition, Thermoplastic
mass of material ready for use in the
Take 100 pounds leather scrap, and
production of plastic masses and of ce- soak this in water until the leather be-
mented products. comes softened or plumped. In practice,
The plastic material produced in this soak the leather for about 12 hours.
example sets and hardens by itself in Add about 2 %of urea or sulphuric add
the open air within a period of about 12 to the water, for soaking or plump-
to 24 hours. Under the influence of heat, ing.
say at a temperature of 180° to 200° G., After the leather has
' become suffi-
the plastic material sets in about 4 to 6 ciently softened in the soaking vat, I re-
minutes to a relatively hard, strong, move it and place it in a steam-jacketed
tough and resin-like solid. kettle, contained just sufficient water to
If the aforesaid plastic material is cover the leather. The leather is then
used as a binder or cementitious sub- heated at a temperature of approximately
stance for fibrous particles, such as saw- 190° F. for about one-half hour. The
dust or wood shavings, the plastic ma- temperature and the duration of heating
terial is mixed thoroughly with said should preferably be regulated so as not
particles. The thus-treated mass may be to produce complete disintegration or
permitted to set and harden in the open breakdown of the leather, which after
air but it is better to subject the mass to heating should be gummy, and a sample
heat and pressure. By applying a pres- placed between the fingers should pull
sure of about several hundred pounds out in long, fine threads. In the claims,
per square inch and a temperature of the term 4 < gum, 7 refers to the tacky

about 180° to 200° 0. to the fibrous ma- mass resulting from treating leather as
terial containing the plastic substance, a above described. The mass remains
dense hard board is obtained. tacky at room temperature.
After heating the leather, any water or
solution standing in the kettle is run off.
Benzyl Cellulose Plastic The gummy leather is then conveniently
Asbestos (Powd.) 300 run into a steam-jacketed mixer, contain-
Chalk (Powd.) 300 ing the substances to be mixed with the
Clay (Powd.) 300 leather gum, and which themselves have
Benzyl Cellulose 125 preferably been mixed previously to the
addition of the gummy leather.
A moulding pressure of 30-60 lb. per
The mixture to which the gummy
in. is used.
leather is added is preferably made up
as follows: Naphthalene, amounting to
* Plastic Composition
5% to 15% of the leather scrap, 10%
for example (10 pounds in the example
Ethyl Benzyl Cellulose 100 given above), is placed in the steam-
Triphenyl Phosfate 3 jacketed kettle. There is also preferably
Tricresyl Phosfate 3 added glycerine and ethylene- glycol, the
Benzol 200 relative amounts being variable and also
varying, somewhat with the amount of
The above used for dental and other
naphthalene or equivalent used. As a
molding or modeling purposes.
representative proportion use glycerine
to the amount of 10% of the weight of
the leather scrap (10 pounds in the ex-
* Celluloid Substitute (Non-Inflammable) ample given), and 1-2% ethylene-glycol
Camphor 35 parts (1-2 pounds in the given example).
Rosin 65 parts Thes§ are preferably mixed together in
the mixer at a temperature of 200° F.,
Fuse above at 130°-180° C. into a and a thorough mixing of the said in-
sticky condition in a closed vessel. The gredients performed before adding the
product formed by boiling 20 parts of leather gum.
waste floss silk in a 2%
caustic soda so- The leather gum may now be added to
lution is mixed in and the whole sus- the mixed substances in the mixer and
pended in sufficient alcohol. Mix heated the mixing continued until a uniform
for 48 hours with 80 parts magnesium mixture of the leather gum with the
carbonate to saponify the rosin and con- other substances is effected. 'When prop-
vert the fiber into a state of colloidal erly mixed, a sample should show a var-
solution. Finally the mass is kneaded nish-like homogeneous structure when
with a roller at 70° C, placed on a glass plate.
Hexamethylene tetramine is preferably
added to the solution; add an amount R. Cellulose Acetate 100
of this equal to about 2% of the scrap Acetyl- o-anisidine 20-40
leather (2 pounds in the given ex-
Tritolyl Phosfate 10-15
ample), Tins is added to the solution
or mixture of the gummy leather and
the other ingredients in a steam-jacketed Wax, Dental Impression
kettle, and the mixing continued to
thoroughly incorporate the hexamethylene Animpression material is prepd. by
tetramine. mixing and heating together a mineral
The contents of the mixer are then and drying oil mixt. 2. 5-4.5, a beeswax
dried to expel moisture, and preferably and paraffin mixt. 1. 5-2.5, A1 stearate
broken up or pulverized. For drying, 2.5-S.5, rubber, gutta-percha or balata
preferably use a vacuum drier, and tem- not more than about 0.06, starch 0.5-1.5
peratures of 170-180° F. and glycerol not more than about 0.125
Fillers and coloring material may be part.
added to the composition, either before
or after drying; preferably the coloring
* Plastic Insulation
material and tillers are added to the com*
position while the composition is in a A eompn. whichis waterproof, resist-
plastic state in the steam-jacketed mixer. ant to acids and alkali and has elec, in-
The usual fillers, used in thermo-plas- sulating properties is composed of an
tics, such for example as wood flour, as- unsaponifiable wax, such as paraffin wax,
bestos, paper pulp, ground cork, etc., ceresin or ozokerite, and rubber, gutta-
may be used. percha or balata, mixed to form a homo-
The composition may be molded in geneous mass. The wax forms 25-75%
heated molds. In molding articles with of the eompn.
this composition, the usual temperatures
of 300-350° F. or thereabout, and pres
sures of around 2,000 pounds per square * Glass Substitute, Flexible
inch, may be used. Atransparent material which may re-
The composition will soften in the place glass for many purposes is made
molding dies, take the form and polish by heating water (100 parts) to 45-50°,
of the dies, and also undergo a change; adding gelatin (140), ale. (240), glycerol
and under the heating set or cure. When (25), AcOH (25) and formol (30), stir-
subsequently subjected to heat, the ring to complete soln. and drying at be-
molded composition does not again be- low 50°.
come plastic.
The finished molded product is tough,
possesses a good appearance, takes a * Waterproof Plastic Coating
polish from the mold, has high tensile
strength and compression strength, and
The following composition may be ap-
plied hot to waterproof cement, concrete,
good di-electric properties and separates
well from the mold. It is also water
repellant. Cumarone 100
Carnauba Wax 10
Rezinel No. 2 5
* Thermoplastic
Marble Dust to suit
SeS 2 , formed from 2 mols. of S and
1 mol. of Se by heating above the m. p.
of Se (217°), is cooled, ground to a
Glue Composition
powder, fused at 125° with a filler ( e.g
asbestos, slate, Fe oxide, talcum, etc.), Indestructible mass for the manufac-
cooled, pressed cold and then converted ture of ornaments, toys, etc. A
into the Hard state by subsequent curing mass consists of 50 parts glue, 35 wax
for *4 hr. at 80-90°. The sulfide also or rosin, 15 glycerine, and required quan-
acts as an excellent binder for cloth and tity of a metallic oxide of mineral color.
paper and may be used for forming gears A soft mass consists of 50 parts glue, 25
and insulating strips. glycerine, 25 parts wax or rosin. Glue
is melted in glycerine with the assistance
of steam and the wax or rosin added.
* Thermoplastic Composition
Mass poured in liquid state into moulds.
A. Cellulose Acetate 100 Degree of hardness of mass is increased
Chloroaniline 20-40 by the addition of 30 to 35% zinc white
Tritolyl Phosfate 10-15

Printers Poller Composition for Printing Boilers
soft printer roller compound : Gela-
tine 32 parts, glue 4, softened in cold Composi- Compos!
water and melted. To this add 4 glu- Ingredients tion “ A ** tum^E*
cose, 72 glycerine and 1 oz. methylated Glue 10 lb. 32 lb.
spirit. Whole mixed and east in rollers. Molasses 0 lb. 12 lb.
This is unaffected by temperature, re- Sugar 10 lb. 0 lb.
tains its elasticity and does not shrink. Glycerine 12 lb. 50 lb.
Add formaldehyde to make glue insoluble Isinglass 1*4 oz. 0
in H20. India Rubber
in Naphtha 0 lb. 10 lb.

PREPARATION OP MHE TALS sand-rolling the objects are rolled in steel
barrels with abrasives such as sand,
FOR ELECTROPLATING alundum, carborundum or emery mixed
with water or oil. Where the number of
For the production of impervious ad- objects is small a steel wire brush is best
herent metal electrodeposits, the prepara- for removing coarse scale,
tion of the articles for plating is of the A certain amount of polishing should
greatest importance. be used in all cases before plating,
whether a high luster is desired or not.
A. Polishing and Buffing This is because the surface will be ren-
No general procedure can be given for dered more uniform, which will improve
all objects due to the large number of the quality of finish and corrosion re-
factors to be taken into account, such as sistance of the final plate. However, the
composition of the object, shape, size, polishing and subsequent treatments must
plate and surface finish desired, etc. The be carefully studied and controlled in
directions given here will be of a general order not to weaken the surface layers
nature, with some specific procedures for with subsequent peeling after plating.
the common base metals iron and steel, Under ordinary circumstances finishing
and copper and brass. Treatises on the is a two-step operation :
* c
cutting down J *
subject should be consulted for further to produce a smooth surface and “color-
information on these and other sub- ing” to produce a high final luster. It
stances. is often possible by proper choice of
Naturally the smoothness and polish of cloths, abrasives, speed of wheel, etc., to
the finished plate is greatly influenced by accomplish this with but two wheels, one
the same properties of the object before for each step. However, in some cases
plating, particularly if the plate is thin, more wheels are necessary for hard
as is usually the ease. Therefore, proper metals containing deep scratch marks,
attention must be given to the operations especially in the cntting-down step. Mate-
of polishing and buffing the object before rials used for the wheels include muslin,
plating, and in some cases afterwards. flannel, felt, canvas, brushes of various
The particular choice of cutting and kinds, leather and wood depending upon
finishing tools, abrasives, etc., is deter- the nature of the material being polished,
mined by the metal, the degree of finish the coarseness of the abrasive, the finish
on the final surface, etc. desired, the preference of the polisher,
For objects covered by a considerable etc. The abrasive composition is of much
amount of rust or millscale, sand-blasting greater importance, since it is the medium
or sand-rolling, will greatly reduce the doing the actual work. Excessive wheel
labor required for the final polishing. In wear means that the wheel is doing the
All formulae preceded by an asterisk ( ) are covered by patents.
work rather than the composition, and In going from one wheel to the next,
isdue to improper choice or insufficient the object should be rotated 90°, so that
amount of composition. For efficiency the new scratch marks are perpendicular
the wheels are run at the maximum allow- to the old ones. The object must be kept
able speed. In some cases the limit is on any one wheel until all the scratch
set by the material of or composition on marks of the previous step have been
the wheel, and in others by the material eradicated. If this takes an excessively
being buffed. Thus in the cutting-down long time, another wheel with an inter-
step, where the abrasive is held on by mediate grade of abrasive should be used.
glue a speed higher than 7,500 surface After polishing, the next step and the
feet per minute will soften the glue and one of greatest importance is the clean-
allow it to be tom from its setting on the ing of the article to be plated. The for-
wheel face. For soft metals on the other eign materials likely to be present on
hand a speed this high generates enough metallic surfaces are of two classes : first,
heat to soften the metal and cause it to grease, dirt and organic substances; and
flow. second, oxides, scale, tarnish, and rust.
The first or cutting down step (often
called simply polishing) is done by wheels B. Removal of Grease
faced with abrasive and glue. The abra- Grease of all kinds whether saponifiable
sives used are either emery or artificial or not can be removed by solution in
alumina, the latter being usually more de- organic solvents. In cases where the ob-
sirable for most purposes. The glue jects are heavily coated with grease, a
should be the best quality hide glue ; high cheap organic solvent such as gasoline, or
viscosity, strength andflexibility being of better a non-inflammable one such as car-
prime importance. Application of the bon tetrachloride or mixture containing
abrasive composition to the wheel is by it, should be used. However, this will not
rolling the wheel in a warm glue abra- give comx-dete cleansing, as the solvent on
sive mixture and allowing to dry. If run evaporation will leave a thin film of
at high speeds, polishing wheels should grease, making another operation such as
be faced with tallow to prevent burning. dipping into fresh solvent necessary. The
The second or coloring step (often latter is obviated in a recently designed
called simply buffing) is done by wheels apparatus, where the articles are sus-
faced with abrasive and grease. The pended in the vapor above a boiling ap-
abrasives used are of all kinds and paratus. The condensing solvent washes
grades, lime, silica, tripoli, emery, rouge, them free of grease, and since it is being
etc., being used. The melting point of continually distilled, no second step is
the grease used will depend on the speed, necessary. A non-inflammable solvent
a hard, high melting point grease being —
must be used in this case trichloro-
selected for buffing at high speeds. The ethylene has met with considerable favor
grease should be of the saponifiable recently because it does not hydrolyze as
variety, because of the easier and quicker readily as carbon tetrachloride in the
removal by alkaline cleaners. presence of moisture.
For steel containing mill marks on The common method of removing
which a high final luster is desired, the grease is by emulsification with alkaline
following combinations are suitable. solutions, which should be used as hot as
For very deep mill marks, two canvas possible. The detergents used in these
wheels faced with glue and abrasive solutions are soap of all kinds, caustic
should be used. Suggested abrasive sizes soda and potash, soda ash, trisodium
are 120 and 220 mesh. These should be phosphate, sodium metasilicate, sodium
followed by one or two buffing steps on cyanide, borax, sodium sesquicarbonate,
cloth wheels, depending upon the final sodium aluminate, etc., and all kinds of
finish desired. mixtures thereof. Sometimes finely di-
In cases where the object is not deeply vided insoluble substances such as silica,
scratched to begin with, the following alumina, etc., are added. These are not
three-wheel combination offers advan- fillers but help to clean either by scour-
tages. One canvas wheel faced with glue ing of the surface or by adsorption of
and 180 mesh abrasive; one tampieo the dirt. Each plater, seller of plating
brush wheel faced with fine emery paste; supplies, etc., has a particular composi-
and one cloth wheel faced with chrome tion and procedure that he swears by.
or steel rouge. The brush wheel offers Since the kind and degree of contamina-
the advantages of reaching backgrounds tion of metallic surfaces vary consider-
that cannot be reached with the usual ably in different plating shops, naturally
polishing wheel, and of not requiring the certain particular mixtures used in con-
glue-dressing step needed for the latter. junction with a specific procedure will


clean more quickly tiian others. However, giving a film which will cause subsequent
probably any hot alkaline solution will peeling of the electrodeposit. In such
work if given sufficient time. In general cases the object should be made the anode
either soap with one builder (alkaline for short time, either in the same or in a
salt) or a mixture of two alkaline salts separate bath. An alternative procedure
is used. The soap should be of a very is to use anodic cleaning. The mechanism
soluble variety so as to be quick and free of anodic cleaning is quite different from
rinsing; fish oil soaps have been found that of cathodic. In the latter, as stated
very satisfactory. Soda ash has been above, the action is due to the bubbles
used in the past as an alkaline soap of gas and the increased alkali concentra-
builder because of its eheapeness. Even tion. However, with anodic cleaning the
today practically all commercial cleaners action is largely due to the etching
contain much soda ash. However, it is (solution) of the surface. Since the im-
being gradually replaced by the more purities are on the surface only, they will
efficient detergents trisodium phosphate thus drop off. Anodic cleaning is often
and sodium metasilicate. These seem to used for brass and copper. Zinc should
act more quickly not only because of not be cleaned anodieally as it is attacked
higher alkalinity, but also due to specific so rapidly the surface blackens due to
emulsifying action. Caustic soda is used the finely divided metal formed.
in many mixtures; it cleans not only by Asimple cleaning bath base may be
its emulsifying action, but also by made of the following:
saponifying the fats present on the metal. 8 oz. per gal. (60 g. per 1.) Soda
(Since any alkaline solution will have Ash ( anhydrous sodium carbonate
some saponifying action, the greases used (Na2 C03 )
in the manufacturing and polishing oper- or
ations should be of the saponifiable 22 oz. per gal. (165 g. per 1.)
variety.) Washing Soda (Xa 2 00 3 • 10-
Electrolytic cleaning is frequent prac- HoO)
tice in plating shops. In this method an 16 oz. per gal. (120 g. per 1.) Triso-
electric current is passed through _ the dium Phosphate (Xa3P04 • 12-
object, which is made one electrode in a H 2 0)
hot alkaline solution. Usually the object or
is made the cathode, both because of the 4 oz. per gal. (30 g. per 1.) Sodium
greater gas evolution (hydrogen) which Metasilicate (Na 2 Si0 3 * 5H20)
gives a scouring action, and the higher
To this should be added 1-2 oz, per gal-
free alkali concentration giving an in-
lon of soap and 1-2 oz. per gallon of
creased cleaning action. Furthermore, as
caustic soda. If used electrolytically,
cathode metals will not dissolve and some
most or all of the soap should be elimi-
reduction of the oxides on the surface
may take place. The voltage applied —
nated 0.1 oz. per gallon is sufficient.
should be sufficient to produce a current
For large scale production a double
system will be found desirable. The
density of 10 amp. per sq. ft. (1 amp.
Any of the greater part of the grease by solvent dip
per sq. dm.) or greater.
or by a strong hot soap solution; and
solutions used ordinarily for cleaning
the alkali or alkaline then the object put into the electrolytic
may be employed;
be high to give good cleanser. Usually 3-4 minutes of the
salt content should
Cleaners containing sus- electrolytic cleaning is sufficient. When
be avoided, as solids clean there should be a continuous film
pended solids should
of water left on the object. Binse
are often occluded to an electrode during
Iron bars or the containing thoroughly before proceeding with the
tank may be used as anodes.
Special procedures must be used when
C. Bemoval of Oxides and Tarnish
the objects contain aluminum, zinc, tin
For ordinary cleaning caustic Oxides, scale and tarnish are usually
or lead.
soda or potash must be avoided as these removed by solution in a suitable reagent,
substances will dissolve. In cathodic the process being usually called pickling.
electrolytic cleaning these will dissolve to For iron and steel, sulfuric or hydro-
chloric acid is used; and for copper and
some extent in any case whether caustic
is added or not, due to the formation of
brass sulfuric and nitric acids.
Sometimes If the copper or brass is polished and
free alkali at the cathode. 4 4
clean, a short immersion in a bright
small amounts of the zinc, tin or lead
may be xedeposited from such cleaners, dip,
composed of 425 ml. cone. 2 S0 4 H
Baw Matei Is, Equipment, Containers, etc,, consult Supply
For Chemical Advisors, Special
Section at end of hook.
and 75 ml. cone. HN03 in 500 ml. water of the surface with Vienna lime may help.
is sufficient. For brass appreciable
with, In preparing highly polished brass for
amounts of oxide scales, a preliminary plating, the pickling step may be dis-
“sealing dip in a solution composed of pensed with by the addition of sodium
375 ml. cone. H2 S0 4 and 75 ml. cone. cyanide to the alkaline cleansing bath.
HNO3 in 550 ml. water should be used. This will dissolve the traces of oxides and
The brass is dulled by the latter process tarnish present. Cyanides should not be
and should subsequently be immersed in used for copper, as a film is formed which
a bright dip. is very difficult to wash off.
For large scale treatment of iron and The pickling step induces the following
steel, sulfuric acid should be used because detrimental factors when used on iron
of its cheapness. The proper concentra- and steel:
tion is about 10% by weight (1 part (1) Formation of surface carbon pre-
cone. H 2 S0 4 by volume to 16 of water). venting adhesion of the plate.
For smaller jobs hydrochloric acid is to
(2) Formation of hydrogen on the sur-
be preferred because of its more rapid
face, which is occluded and adsorbed pre-
action. The concentration should be 7%
venting adherence and causing brittleness.
by weight (5 parts commercial hydro- The factors have caused the failure of
chloric acid by volume to 32 of water).
plates (especially nickel) often in the
The time taken will depend naturally
past. The remedy found in recent years
upon the amount of scale present and will
vary from several minutes to an hour.

(Madsenell process patented) is degasi-
After pickling the metal to be
These acids act not only by actual solu-
plated is made the anode on a 12-volt
tion of the oxide, but also by attack of
circuit in concentrated sulfuric acid at
the metal with evolution of gas, which
room temperature. Usually a lead
helps detach the scale. For objects with
cathode is used. The current starts at
imbedded sand (from castings or sand
about 5 amp. per sq. dm. and subsides
blasting) hydrofluoric acid should be
over a period of from 30 sec. to 10 min.
added to 4% by weight (1 part commer-
to practically zero, when evolution of gas
cial hydrofluoric acid by volume to 16 of
ceases. By this process the occluded and
water). This will dissolve the silica.
adsorbed gases and embedded oils and
After pickling thoroughly rinse the ob-
greases are removed. Although a passive
ject and immerse immediately in the plat-
film of metal is probably formed, this
ing bath with the current on. The latter
does not seem to be detrimental to the
precaution is particularly important for
acid plating baths to avoid partial solu-
adhesion of the plate. An alternative
tion of the metal before the current starts
method is to use solutions of dichromatcs
or chromic acid; old chromium plating
to flow. The exposure to the air of the
baths serve admirably.
prepared object should be a minimum, be-
cause the surface is unusually clean and
particularly susceptible to oxidation.

D. Combination Procedures and Special PLATING ROOM

In many cases some of these cleaning
procedures can be combined or shortened.
Nickel Plating — Still Tanks
Nickel solution :
Thus if the metal has been highly buffed,
the pickling step can be omitted. The Nickel Ammonium Sul-
oxides have been removed during buffing, phate 8 oz. per gal.
and further oxidation prevented by the Nickel Sulphate 4 oz. per gal.
grease of the buffing composition. This Boric Acid 2 oz. per gal.
grease may be removed either by solvent
treatment of alkaline cleaning. Often a Ph. value of above solution is kept at
single solvent dip alone is satisfactory if 5.8; nickel content, should be 3% oz.
the object is to be chromium plated, be- nickel per gal. Tanks used at room tem-
cause the strongly oxidizing chromic acid perature. Additions for nickel are made
bath will oxidize the traces of grease re- by adding double nickel salt according to
maining. However, in some cases unsuc- analysis shown. Practice is about 5 lb.
cessful adhesion of the deposit occurs every ten days. Nickel anodes should be
with this simplified treatment. This may 99 plus, and maximum copper content
be due to the presence of absorbed matter .30%. Amperage and voltage is limited
which is not removed by the solvent. In to type of work, usually about 25 amperes
such cases the alkaline cleansers may and 6 volts for one hour.
yield better results, or a light scrubbing
: :

Machine Nickel Plating of work and quantity of cadmium desired.
Nickel Sulphate 4 oz. per gal.
Wash in cold water.
Nickel Ammonium Sul-
Wash in hot water.
12 oz. per gal.
Dry- in sawdust or hot box whichever
Magnesium Sulphate 2 oz. per gal.
the type of work requires.
Boric Acid 3 oz. per gal.
Some work is rubbed with steel wool to
brighten the metal finish.
Black Nickel Finish
Silver Plating
Nickel Ammonium Sulfate 8 oz.
Sodium Sulfoeyanate 2 oz. Silver bath formula
Zinc Sulfate
1 oz. Silver Cyanide
Sodium Cyanide
3 % oz.
1 gal. 5 oz.
Procedure for Plating Water 1 gal.

Work is strung on racks. Silver strike formula:

Hung on mild alkaline solution to re- Silver Cyanide % oz.
move grease. Sodium Cyanide 8 oz.
Wash in water. Water 1 gal.
All above work is done in the dip room. Procedure for Plating :

The following work is finished in the Wash and brush in milk alkaline solu-
buff room plating department.
Bright dip work is washed in milk alka-
Wash in water.
line solution again before going through
Dip in Cyanide solution.
the following operations.
Wash in water.
Buffed parts to be plated are first Flash in silver strike at 6 volts.
dipped and brushed with gasoline and Plate in silver bath for 30 min. at 2
dried in sawdust, after which they are volts.
dipped and brushed with milk alkaline Wash in cold water.
solution. Wash in hot water.
Wash in water. Dry in hot box.
Dip in cyanide solution.
Washed with water.
Plate in black nickel solution. Stripping Solution
Wash in cold water.
Stripping solution:
Wash in hot water.
Bright dipped parts are dried in saw-
Whale Oil Soap 4 oz. per gab
Buffed parts are dried in hot box. Sodium Hydroxide 8 oz, per gal.
Sodium Silicate 4 oz, per gal.
Cyanide Solution 2 oz. per gal.
Cadmium Plating Use at 212 degrees F.
Sodium Cyanide 9 oz.
Nickel Strip Solution
Cadmium Oxide 3 oz.
Nitric Acid 1 part
Sodium Hydroxide oz. 2
Sulphuric Acid 2 parts
Water gal. 1
Use at 40 degrees F.
Use at room temperature using 8 to 10
amperes per sq, ft.
Procedure for plating; Electric Cleaner
Very greasy work is washed in gasoline Mild Alkaline Solution 8 oz. per gal.
and dried in sawdust. This solution is used with an E. M, F-
Wash and brush" in milk alkaline of 6 to 12 volts, on work requiring excep-
solution. tionally clean surface. It can be aug-
Wash in water. mented by addition of stronger deter-
Dipin Muriatic Acid. gents but care must be used to prevent
Wash in water. staining of colored work. Use at
Wash and brush in milk alkaline 200 degrees F.
Wash in water.
Bright Dip
Dip in Cyanide.
Wash in water. Sulphuric Acid 66°
Plate in cadmium solution from 20 Baum 6 68 oz. per gal.
minutes to 1%
hours depending on type Nitric Acid 42° BaumA 20 oz. per gal.
Hydrochloric Acid 24° stant. When rochelle salts are added to
*Baume 14 oz. per gal. a bronze solution, better anode corrosion
Water 40 oz. per gal. is obtained, and therefore, a more uni-
Use at 40° F. form deposit.
In replenishing the metal content of a
brass or bronze solution it is not advis-
Blue Dip
able to make a stock from copper cyanide,
Copper Carbonate stirred into concen- zinc cyanide and sodium cyanide, as it
trated ammonia until saturated. Use at would be impossible to control the con-
temperature of 60 degrees C. Procedure stituents in their proper proportion to
for blue dipping brass is simply clean in produce a uniform color in the deposit.
potash, bright dip, blue dip, and hot A separate stock solution of the zinc salt
water dry. and copper salt is recommended. They
should be prepared by dissolving equal
Brass and Bronze Plating parts of copper cyanide and sodium
cyanide, and zinc cyanide and sodium
Formula for brass solution:
cyanide in water and placed in separate
Copper Cyanide 4 oz.
containers until wanted for use.
Zinc Cyanide 1 oz.
It is a known fact that when a zinc salt
Sodium Cyanide 6 oz.
is added to a brass or bronze solution
Sodium Carbonate 2 oz.
Water (and especially the latter), it takes con-
1 gal.
siderable time before a uniform color of
Temperature 90° F. Cathode current the deposit is obtained. This is probably
density 2.5 to 3 amperes per sq. ft.; 2 to due to the difference in potentials at
3 volts. Use rolled anodes, 80% copper, which the two metals are deposited. It
20% zinc.
is by the formation of the double cya-
This solution will produce a good yel- nides that it is possible to deposit these
low deposit. If a green deposit is de- two metals from the same solution in
sired, for instance, such as is used for a
different proportions.
flash deposit, in the novelty trade, pre-
vious to gold plating, use I ounce less of Remarks on Brass and Bronze Solutions
each, copper cyanide and sodium cyanide, Rochelle salts, when added to a brass or
and a small quantity of ammonium bronze solution, have the property of dis-
hydroxide. solving the oxides that form on the
As temperature plays a very important anodes, thereby permitting a more uni-
part in controlling a uniform deposit, it form deposit. One to two ounces per gal-
is advisable to have the tank equipped lon is to be recommended.
with a steam coil for proper regulation. It should be remembered that the fac-
In operating a brass solution, it is well tors that tend to make the zinc predomi-
to keep in mind that a high current nate in the deposits are a high zinc con-
density tends to produce a deposit that tent, high current density, low free cya-
is high in zinc; also, that the addition of nide content, decrease in temperature, and
ammonia or caustic soda to a brass solu- the addition of ammonia or caustic soda
tion has the same effect. to the bath.
Bronze solution: When arsenic is added to a brass solu-
tion to produce a bright deposit, care
Bronze plate ” (really a high-copper
should be used to avoid an excess as a
brass deposit) is generally produced in
light colored deposit will be the result.
an alkaline solution, one similar to a brass
To prepare the arsenic stock solution,
solution, but with a higher copper
take two pounds of caustic soda and dis-
solve same into two quarts of cold water.
Copper Cyanide 4 oz. Then add one pound of white arsenic and
Zinc Cyanide Vs oz. when all has been dissolved, dilute to one
Sodium Cyanide 5 oz. gallon. One ounce of this stock solution
Sodium Carbonate 2 oz. is enough to add to each 100 gallons of
Rochelle Salts 2 oz. solution. It is impossible to bright dip
Water 1 gal. a piece of work that has been plated in
Temperature 95° F. Cathode current a brass solution that contains an excess
density, 2 to 2.5 amperes per sq. ft.; 2 of arsenic. Arsenic should never be added
to 3 volts. Rolled bronze anodes, 90% to a bronze solution; neither should am-
copper, 10% zinc. monium salts be added.
Temperature always plays a very im- The free cyanide of a bronze solution
portant part in the control of this solu- is usually less than that of a brass bath.
tion, so the tank should be equipped with The color desired should be regulated by
a steam coil to keep the temperature con- the proportion -of the copper and zinc
saltsused and the temperature at which Nickel Sulfate 1.5
the bath is operated. Turkey Red Oil 12

Brass Plating on Steel Cadmium Plating

(for rubber adhesion) Formula for cadmium solution :

Copper Cyanide 4 oz. Sodium Cyanide 9 oz.

Zinc Cyanide 1 oz. Cadmium Oxide 3 oz.
Sodium Cyanide 6 oz. Caustic Soda 2 oz.
Carbonate of Soda 2 oz. Water 1 gal.
Water 1 gal. Temperature 80° F. Cathode current
Temperature 80° F. to 85° F. density, 8 to 10 amperes per sq. ft. 2 to ;

Cathode current density, 2.5 to 2 %

volts. Use iron and cadmium anodes;
amps, per square foot. Rolled anodes one iron to three cadmium.
should be used consisting of 80% Copper Remove cadmium anodes when solution
and 20% Zinc. is not in use.
The w ork must be perfectly clean and

In making the solution take %
of the
it necessary to maintain a regulated
is sodium cyanide, dissolve in hot water and
temperature and current density. then add the cadmium oxide. Dissolve
balance of the sodium cyanide and caustic
soda and add to the solution. Dilute with
Bronzes, Restoration of Ancient water to full volume.
article is made the cathode in 2 % The free cyanide content is a very im-
NaOH soln., and a weak current is passed portant factor. It should equal the metal
for some hrs., a sheet-iron anode being content, and for barrel plating it should
used. In this way the inerustration is re- be considerably higher.
duced again to metallic Cu, and the outer Barrel plating cadmium solution
layers of dirt and loose sponge Cu are usually contains twice the amount of
then readily removed by gentle brushing, chemicals used in the still solution.
this leaving a clean surface which usually
shows all the original surface details.
Copper Plating
Malignant patina is due to the presence
of Cu oxychloride in the corrosion prod- There are two types of solutions that
ucts; the above electrolytic process are used for the deposition of copper,
effectively eliminates the patina, espe- namely, the acid (sulphate) and the
cially when the malignant salts impreg- alkaline (cyanide) baths. Their use is
nate the mass of the bronze. Another dependent upon the class of work to be
method which gives satisfactory results is plated and the finish desired.
to brush the parts affected with dll. The cyanide solution is always used for
Ag2S 04 soln., which converts the chlorides depositing copper upon the ferrous
into insol. AgCl after being dried with metals, so as to prevent the deposition of
blotting-paper, the surface is brushed copper by immersion which would be the
with Ba(OH) 2 soln., which is allowed to result of the use of the acid bath on this
dry, leaving a white powder, which is class of work. There are two formulae
readily brushed away. for the cyanide solution, either of which
will give satisfactory deposits — carbonate
or cyanide.
Plating Cadmium Cyanide copper solutions:
For general purposes a soln. eontg. Cd Copper Cyanide 3% oz.
oxide 3.5, NaCN 10, Na 2 S0 4 4.2, Ni sul-
fate 0.08 and lignin sulfonate 1% is rec-
Sodium Cyanide 4% oz.
Carbonate of Soda 2 oz.
ommended; for very bright plates the Hyposulphite of Soda
above figures should be modified to 6, 16, %2 oz.
Water 1 gal.
6.6, 0.13-0.21 and 1.6%, resp. Both baths
are operated at 15-50 amp./sq. ft,, and
Copper Carbonate 5 oz.
at 25 amp./sq, ft. have a cathode current
Sodium Cyanide 10 oz.
efficiency of 96%. Lime is said to be the
Hyposulphite of Soda %2 oz.
best reagent for removing accumulations
Water 1 gal.
'of NagCOg.
Either solution should be operated at
100° F. to 110° F. Cathode current den-
* Plating Bath, Cadmium sity 4 to 6 amperes per sq. ft., 1% to
Cadmium Hydroxide 48 2 volts. Use rolled copper anodes. The
Sod. Cyanide 120 free cyanide content of the bath should
Sod. Sulfate 60 not be allowed to rise too high or else
1 :


gassing will be produced at the cathode

sity. The higher the sulphuric acid, the

causing a blistered deposit. Enough cya- greater the conductivity of the bath.
nide should be used to keep^ the anodes A
high acid content is indicated by the
fairly clean from the formation of basic formation of copper sulphate crystals,
copper salts, but not enough to prevent especially when the temperature of the
the dark discoloration which is produced bath is below normal.
by the use of the hyposulphite of soda. Coppering by immersion
This discoloration usually disappears
Copper Sulphate 1 to 2 oz.
when the current is off for a few hours.
If the cyanide solution is operated at
Sulphuric Acid % to 1 oz.
Water 1 gal.
room temperature, a higher free cyanide
content is necessary than at 110° F. Where
only a very thin film of copper
With a metal content of approximately is desired, the above solution will give
2.50 oz. of metallic copper per gallon and good results. The work is free from grease
operated at room temperature, a free cya- by the usual cleansing methods and then
nide content of 1 to 1.25 oz. per gallon immersed in the solution just long enough
will produce good results. If operated at- to become coated with copper. Rinse
110° F. use a free cyanide content of .50 thoroughly in clean cold water and dry
to .75 oz. per gallon. in sawdust.
Pitted deposits of copper are caused
when the carbonate content becomes too * Copper Plating Bath
high. When this occurs the carbonates
may be precipitated from the solution by The bath contains NaCu(CN) 3 free ,

the addition of barium chloride. The NaOH, and Na K tartrate or citrate in-
precipitated carbonates are allowed to stead of free NaCN or its equiv., e.g.,

settle, the solution syphoned off, the car- Cu(CN) 2 7.5-15, NaCN 3.2-7.S, NaOH
bonates removed from the tank, the solu- 15-30, Na K
tartrate 22-120 g. per liter.
tion is then replaced in the tank which It is operated at 80-100°, using current
is filled with water to proper solution at 6 volts.
level when the solution is ready for use.
It is not advisable to remove all of the Copper Eleetrotyping
carbonates, for without any carbonates a
The prepared graphited wax cases are
hard deposit will be produced. 1 ? 1
oxidized and kept in starting tank for
2-5 minutes. They are then copperplated
Acid copper solution:
Copper Sulphate 28 oz.
Copper Sulfate 210 gm. per liter
Sulfuric Acid 3 to 5 fi. oz. Sulfuric Acid 75 gm. per liter
Water I gal. Current density 110-140 amperes; 6
Temperature 75° F. Cathode current volts; temperature 85° F.
density for still solution 10 to 15 amperes
per sq. ft.; % to 1 volt. Agitation of
Copper Plating Class
the cathode or of the solution allows the
use of higher current density. Use rolled The following method is used for de-
copper anodes. positing silver upon glass, after which
the silver may
be copper plated:
Remarks on Copper Solutions The are freed from oil or
Bright deposits of copper from the grease, and placed in a dilute hydrofluoric
cyanide solution may be obtained by add- acid solution to roughen the surface
ing to the bath lead carbonate which has slightly; then rinsed in clean cold water;
been dissolved in a caustic soda solution. then they are ready for the silvering ope-
Agitation of the cathode is also neces- ration for which two solutions are
sary. The deposit from newly prepared necessary.
cyanide solutions is usually hard and at —
Solution No. 1. Dissolve 90 grams of
times blistered. The addition of one or sugar in 250 c.c. of distilled water; add
two ounces per gallon of caustic soda 4 e,e. of c. p. nitric acid and 175 c.c. of
helps to overcome this condition. ethyl alcohol. Make up to 1 liter by
Oxidized finishes are hard to produce diluting with distilled water.
uniformly from a cyanide solution that —
Solution No. 2. Dissolve 1.8 grams of
contains hyposulphite of soda. silver nitrate in 100 c.c. of distilled water,
More uniform bronze finishes are pro- and add ammonia drop by drop until the
duced from an acid copper deposit. An precipitate which forms is nearly redis-
excess of sulphuric acid in the acid solu- solved; then add 0.9 gram of potassium
tion produces a deposit that is hard and hydroxide dissolved in 25 c.c. of water;
streaky; so will an exessive current den- and again nearly redissolve the precipi-
tate by the addition of a few drops of 3. Immersion gold solution
Take 1 part of No. 1 solution and 9 Fulminate of Gold 4 dwt.
parts of No. 2 solution; mix together Yellow Prussiate Potash 12 oz.
thoroughly; and immediately immerse the Carbonate Soda 24 oz.
glass articles into this mixture. The sur- Caustic Soda *4 oz.
face will be covered with a deposit of Water 1 gal.
Solution should be boiled in a east iron
The deposit is quite adherent, and is a tank for an hour and allowed to cool to
base for heavy deposits of silver or cop- 180° F. before using.
per to be put on by electroplating.
If color is too light, it may be darkened
by adding a very small amount of copper
Copper Plating Aluminum carbonate which has been taken up with
is cleaned with 10% NaOH
The metal yellow prussiate of potash.
saturated with NaCl, washed, dipped in 4. Salt Water gold:
2% HC1, coated anodically (20-25 amp.
per sq. dm. at 50-60 volts with electrode Yellow Prussiate of Potash 64 oz.
separation 6 cm. for 10 see.-2 min. in Sodium Phosphate 32 oz.
H CH 2 C1.C02 H), Sodium Carbonate 16
2 C 2 04
10% aq. or oz.
washed, treated with Na 2 C0 2 and Sodium Sulphite 8 oz.
NaHCOg (23 and 45 g. per liter) at Gold as Fulminate 12 dwt.
90-95° during 10-20 sec., and then coated Water 4 gal.
with Cu from a neutral CuSCXj. or Boil for an hour and add to solution as
KCN-Cu bath. required.
Solution is boiled for one hour, then
Metalizing Non-Metallie Articles diluted with water to make four gallons
of solution. The solution is placed in a
Plastics, bone etc., are -washed with
porous pot which is put in a tank that
naphtha to remove grease; dried and
contains a saturated solution of sodium
soaked in 3-4% aqueous quinol; then im-
chloride heated to 190° F,
mersed in a solution of silver nitrate.
The porous pot is surrounded with a
Silver is deposited which may be polished.
cylinder of zinc which is provided with a
Other metals may be then plated thereon.
rest rod, on which the work to be plated
is suspended in the gold solution.
Gold Plating The advantage of this type of solution
1. Cyanide solution over the cyanide solution is that a more
uniform color may be obtained, although
Metallic Gold as Fulminate or
the deposit is not as rapid as with the
Cyanide 5 dwt.
cyanide solution, unless used with outside
Sodium Cyanide 2 oz.
current. This is accomplished by con-
Phosphate Soda 1 oz.
necting the zinc cylinder with the positive
Water 1 gal. lead from the generator and the work rod
Temperature 130 to 160° F.; 1 volt; 24 with the negative lead. The amount of
kt. gold anodes. voltage is regulated with the class of
2. Chloride solution: work being done. If the work is wired
Gold Chloride 6 oz. or racked, 1 to 2 volts is sufficient. If
Hydrochloric Acid 10 oz. basket work is being done, 5 to 6 volts
Water 1 gal. give good results.
Eoom temperature; 2 to 3 volts. The solution is replenished from a stock
In preparing the solution dissolve the solution:
gold chloride in dilute hydrochloric acid Yellow Prussiate of Potash 16 oz.
before adding it to the solution. The Sodium Phosphate 8 oz.
amount of free hydrochloric acid that the Sodium Carbonate 4 oz.
solution contains does not seem to make Sodium Sulphite 2 oz.
a great deal of difference in the operation Gold as Fulminate 1 oz.
of the bath, but it does have a decided Water 1 gal.
effect upon anode. The greater the
amount of free acid the faster the anode Green gold:
dissolves. Metallic Gold as Fulminate
This solution is used where heavy de- or Cyanide 4 dwt.
posits of gold are desired. The work is Silver Cyanide % dwt.
plated in cyanide bath for a few
the Sodium Cyanide 2 oz.
minutes before placing in the acid bath. Water 1 gal.
: .


Temperature 105° F.; 2 volts ; 18 karat Yellow Prussiate of Potash 2 oz.
green gold anodes. Sodium Cyanide 8 oz.
Dark or antique green gold solutions Rochelle Salts 2 oz.
are produced by adding to the green gold Water 1 gal.
solution a small quantity of lead car-
Temperature 150° F. to 175° F., 6
bonate that has been dissolved in caustic
volts, and lead cathodes.
soda,and increasing voltage to 5 or 6.
Agitation of the work produces best
results. Gold-Plating, Simple
White Gold The be plated, after being
article to
White gold and other karat gold solu- cleaned thoroughly is dipped into the
tions are best prepared by running the following which has been previously
gold into solution with the porous pot boiled for an hour or so. This solution
method. This consists of making a cya- operates best at 140-150° F.
nide solution of four ounces to a gallon Yellow Prussiate of Potash 24 oz.
of water which is to be the plating solu- Sod. Carbonate 12 oz.
Connect up tank for plating in the
usual way. Place anodes on anode rod
Caustic Soda % oz*

and on cathode rod suspend a porous pot

Iron Sesquichloride % oz
Gold Fulminate 3 pwt.
which contains a fairly strong solution of Water 1 gal.
sodium cyanide, 4 to 6 oz. per gallon.
Into the porous pot suspend a sheet of When becomes too red
color of deposit
copper, or better still a copper rod formed by the addition of gold ful-
it is fortified

into a coil, and operate solution until the minate and boiling for an hour or so
desired amount of gold has been dissolved before use.
from the anode. This can be readily de-
termined by weighing the anode from Gold (Colored) Plating
time to time. •
A. —Formula for rose gold solution:
Yellow Prussiate Potash 4 oz.
Rose gold solution: Potassium Carbonate 4 oz.
Yellow Prussiate of Potash 4 oz. Sodium Cyanide oz. %
Potassium Carbonate 4 oz. Gold as Fulminate or
Sodium Cyanide % oz. Cyanide 10 dwt.
Gold as Fulminate 10 dwt. Water 1 gal.
Water 1 gal. Use solution at a temperature <

Temperature 175° F.j 6 volts. If a 175° F., with 6 volts.

red color is desired, add small quantity
of copper carbonate. Formula for smut green gold:
Gold as Fulminate or
Cheap rose gold finish: Cyanide 10 dwt.
The work which must be brass is placed Silver Cyanide % dwt.
in the following dip until a smut is Sodium Cyanide 6 oz.
produced Water 1 gal.
Copper Sulphate 16 oz. Dissolve a small amount of carbonate
Muriatic Acid % gal. of lead with caustic soda in water, and
Water 1 gal. add to the solution until smut is produced.
Operate the solution at 100° F.. with 6
Dissolve the copper sulphate in the volts, using 18 karat green gold anodes.
water and then add the acid. The work
should have a deep red smut which should *
White Gold Plating Solution
be lightened somewhat by placing in a
saturated salt solution for a few seconds. Pot. Gold Cyanide 4 gm.
Plate in the regular fine gold solution, Water 1000 c.e.
then relieve the high lights with bicar- Nickel Formate sufficient to saturate
bonate of soda, replate in gold solution water.
for a few seconds, dry and lacquer.
To remove fire scale after soldering on Iron Plating
solid and karat gold, the work is pickled
Formula for iron solution:
in a dip composed of; sulphuric acid 12
ounces, sodium bichromate 4 ounces, Ferrons Chloride 40 oz.
water 1 gallon; used hot. Calcium Chloride 20 oz.
It is then made the anode in the follow- Water 1 gal.
ing solution: Temp. 200° F.; current density 40 to
:: ::

50 amp. per sq. ft.; 2 to 2% volts; pH NICKEL PLATING
1.5 to 2. Pure iron anodes.
This bath is used to produce heavy Nickel Solutions
deposits of iron. Many are the formulae for this solu-
tion, but they all contain double nickel
For thin deposits of iron use the
salts, single nickel salts or both, some
chloride salt and boric acid.
Dissolve 16 ounces of ammonium The constituents of the bath vary some-
chloride in each gallon of water. Connect what for the different classes of the base
up tank, same as for plating, using cold metal to be plated and there is no one
rolled iron for anodes. On the cathode solution that can be used and give ideal
rod suspend some old plating racks or results on the different classes of work
other work, and work solution with that require a nickel finish.
highest current density obtainable. After A nickel solution that has been used
four or five hours of working the solution, with good results on brass, copper and
there will be enough iron dissolved from cold rolled steel is made of
the anodes and the solution will produce No. I. Double Nickel Salts 8 oz.
a deposit of iron. Operate solution at Single Nickel Salts 4 oz.
80° F.; 1.5 to 2 amperes per sq. ft; 1
Boric Acid 2 oz.
volt. Sodium Chloride 2 oz.
Water 1 gal.
Lead Plating
Solution to be operated at 80° F.; 2
Formula for lead solution:
to 2% volts; 6 to 8 amperes per sq. ft.,
Lead Carbonate 20 oz. and a pH of 5.8.
Hydrofluoric Acid (50%) 32 oz. Depolarized nickel anodes 99%+ are
Boric Acid 14 oz. recommended for use in this type of solu-
Glue .025 oz. tion. [Replenish the solution by the addi-
To prepare the solution, place the tion of single nickel salts.
hydrofluoric acid in a lead-lined tank and For solutions that are operated at a
add the boric acid with constant stirring. higher temperature and a correspondingly
When the boric acid is completely dis- higher current density, use
solved, the solution is allowed to stand No. 2. Double Nickel Salts 8 oz.
until cool, when the lead carbonate is Single Nickel Salts 8 oz.
added in the form of a paste with water. Sodium Chloride 3 oz.
The solution is allowed to settle when the Boric Acid 3 oz.
clear solution is siphoned off and placed Water 1 gal.
in the plating tank. The solution is then
diluted to the proper volume with water Temperature 110° F.; 2% to 3 volts;
and the glue added by dissolving the 20 amperes per sq. ft., and a pH of 6.
same in warm water. Mechanical agita- Depolarized nickel anodes 99%. [Re-
plenish by the addition of single nickel
tion of the solution is essential.
A cathode current density of 10 to 20 salts.
This solution can also be used for bar-
amperes per sq. ft., 3 to 4 volts, and lead
anodes are employed. rel plating at a temperature of 80° F.
with very good results.
For thin deposits of lead, use the
The low pH nickel solution has come
into use recently where heavy deposits of
Carbonate of Lead 2 oz. nickel are desired. The solution should be
Caustic Soda 6 oz. operated at 150° F.; 3 to 3% volts; with
Water 1 gal. 50 amperes per sq. ft.; pH 2.
Lead anodes. Temperature 175° F.; 3 No. 3. Single Nickel Salts 32 oz.
to 4 volts. Sodium Chloride 6 oz.
Boric Acid 4 oz.
* Metal Plating, Non-electric Water gal
The cleaned metal is immersed in the Nickel solution for die cast work:
No. 4. Double Nickel Salts 10 oz.
Thiourea 10 Sodium Chloride 7 oz.
Mercuric Chloride 15 Sodium Sulfate 4 oz.
Water 1000 Boric Acid 2 oz.
A coating of mereury is deposited Sodium Citrate 1 oz.
which can serve as a base in electro- Water 1 gal.
Operate solution at 75° to 80° F.; 2%
to 3 volts; 8 to 10 amperes per sq. ft.; polish; remove grease by trichloro-
pH 6.2 to 6.4. ethylene dip; boiling KOH
dip, 15 sec.;
wash; strong HN0
3 dip, 4 min.; wash;
Remarks on Nickel Plating Ni plate, in NiSQ 4 soln., for 30 min. at
Bright deposits of nickel are obtained 15 amp./sq. ft.; wash and dry; stove at
from No. 1 formula by the use of cad- 482° for 15 min., starting up from cold.
mium chloride or one of the prepared The yellowish tarnish on the Ni due to
brighteners that are on the market. The stoving can be removed by polishing or
pitting of nickel deposits is eliminated by making the article anode in a strong
adding hydrogen peroxide to the bath. H 2 S04 soln. (d. 1.6) for 30-45 see.
Use from 1 to 10 cubic centimeters to
each gallon depending upon the severity
* Platinum Plating
of the pitting.
Nickel solutions that are operated at Na2 Pt(OH) 6 (I) is prepared in a finely-
100° to 110° F. will plate faster and the cry st., readily sol. form by boiling aq.
deposit will be softer, although the de- Na2PtCle with NaOIi and treating the
posit will be harder to nickel color. solution with an equal vol. of EtOH or
Solutions that are operated at low tem- CQMe 2 The plating bath is made up by

peratures, 45° to 50° P. produce hard dissolving (I) in H

2 0 to give a 1 solu- %
brittle deposits that have a tendency to tion of Pt and adding Na 2 S0 4 Na 2 C 2 04 ,,

peel and hake. This condition usually and 0.2-2 %

of NaOH. The bath is ope-
occurs during the winter months and rais- rated at >
40° (60-85°) at a c.d. of
ing the temperature wall stop the trouble. about 20 amp./sq. ft. Since the presence
Defective nickel deposits may be of Si0 2 in the bath produces poorly ad-
stripped in a solution made of sulfuric herent, patchy deposits the salt is pre-
acid 4 parts, water 1 part. Temperature pared in a Ni vessel and a similar vessel
80° F., lead cathodes, 6 volts. If 3 or 4 is used as the plating vat. Cu anodes
oz. of copper sulfate per gallon are dis- plated with Pt may be used satisfactorily
solved in the water before adding to the instead of the more costly Au or Pt
acid, the strip will not attack the base so sheets.

Black nickel solution: * Silver Plating

Double Nickel Salts 8 oz. The following used for plating silver
Sodium Sulphocyanide 2 oz. on non-conductors such as glass, ceram-
Zinc Sulfate 1 oz. ics, gas carbon, resins and other heat

Water resisting materials.

1 gal.
100 grams of silver nitrate are dis-
Temp. 80° F.; 1 volt: 1 to 1.5 amp. per solved in about a half liter of water and
sq. ft; pH 6.
the solution so obtained is precipitated
Work should be plated in white nickel by addition of an excess of sodium
solution for a few minutes or until the
hydroxide solution ; the precipitated silver
surface is completely covered with nickel
oxide is then washed until practically free
and then placed in the black nickel from excess of alkali and other reaction
products and is collected upon a filter.
Streaky deposits are caused by an ex-
This gives about 70 gr. of silver oxide,
cess of current, or a pH that is too low.
which in the still moist condition is then
The addition of a small quantity of ground up with 60 c.c. of mucilage or
copper cyanide that is just dissolved in
dissolved gum and the intimate mixture
sodium cyanide will produce a darker
is treated with 20 gr. of glacial acetic
deposit; 3 to 4 ozs. of copper cyanide is
acid while actively stirring. It will be
sufficient for 100 gallons of solution.
noted that this quantity of acid is about
half the calculated amount to convert the
* Nickel Plating Bath silver oxide present to acetate ; conse-
A bath for Ni deposition on printing quently, its addition leaves much of the
plates is formed of Ni sulfate 82 lb., silver oxide unchanged and suspended in
citric acid 27.25 lb. and water 375 gal., the mass of mucilage or dissolved gum.
with addn. of KOH to the soln. until it is The silver acetate formed is then present
only slightly acid, then further addn. of in both true solution and colloidal dis-
K citrate 54 lb. persion and in intimate mixture with the
same mass.
The relative proportions of silver ace-
Aluminum, Nickel Plating on tate or other silver salt of an organic acid
The process adopted for castings and to the silver oxide present in the mass
assemblies is: Stove at 315° for 1 hr.; may be varied within quite wide limits
bearing in mind that to obtain a good Silvering Mirrors
mirror-like deposit of silver the acetate
There are two methods of doing this,
should not be less than twenty per cent
viz.: the hot and cold way. In the for-
of the oxide and also bearing in mind
mer method the glass to* be silvered is
that the higher the percentage of acetate
cleaned thoroughly with wet whiting, then
present the higher the temperature re-
washed with distilled water, and prepared
quired to produce the deposit. The pro-
for the silver with a sensitizing solution
portion of acetate to oxide should not
of tin, which is well washed off immedi-
exceed ninety per cent.
ately before its removal to the silvering
Silver acetate is the most advantageous
table which is kept at a temperature from
salt of silver to be used in the mixture,
35° to 40° C. The solution used is pre-
largely by reason of its solubility in
pared as follows ; in half a liter of dis-
water and the combustible nature of this
tilled water 100 grams of silver nitrate
salt but silver salts of other organic acids
are dissolved; to this there is added of
may be used if they are at least partly liquid ammonia (sp. gr. 0.SS0) 63 grams;
soluble in water or thoroughly dispersed.
the mixture is filtered, and made up to 8
In operation in full concentration or
liters with distilled water, and 7,5 grams
diluted with water to say about the con-
of tartaric acid dissolved in 30 grains of
sistency of thick cream, it can be painted
water are mixed with the solution. About
or otherwise spread upon the surface to be
2.5 liters are poured over the glass for
silver plated and then by subjecting it to a
each superficial meter to be silvered. In
moderate heat, say from a scarcely visible
about half an hour the silvered surface is
red heat 350 to 450° C. up to a bright
cautiously cleaned by wiping with very
red heat, say 900° C., the mixture is de-
soft chamois leather and the glass is
composed both the silver oxide and silver treated a second time with solution like
salt being converted to pure metallic sil-
the first, but containing a double quan-
ver, with complete elimination of all other
tity of tartaric acid. After which the
ingredients of the mixture including the
chamois is again used to remove all super-
protective colloids. This decomposition is
fluous matter.
greatly facilitated by the oxygen given
In silvering by the cold process two
off from silver oxide, which brings about
solutions are prepared. Silver nitrate
complete oxidation of the organic acid
800 gm. and 1200 gm. of ammonium
radical of the silver salt, and complete
nitrate are dissolved in 10 liters of water
combustion of protective colloids origi-
and 1.3 kilos of pure caustic soda in 10
nally present in the mixture.
liters of water, and of each of these solu-
In brief, silver oxide and silver acetate,
tions 1 liter is added to 8 liters of water,
at slightly elevated temperatures, mutu-
which is allowed to rest till the sediment
ally decompose each other and by simul-
forms and then decanted. The second
taneous reduction of the former and
solution, invert sugar, is prepared by dis-
oxidation of the latter yield pure sil-
solving 150 gm. of loaf sugar with 15 gm.
ver as the only non-volatile residuum.
vinegar and 0,5 liter of water, and boiling
The acetate of silver is the most advan- this solution for half an hour. After
tageous salt in this connection because it cooling it is made up to 4200 e.c. with dis-
is fairly soluble and hence more tilled water. For each square centimeter
thoroughly permeates surfaces to which it
of glass to be silvered 15 e.c. of the silver
is applied, although silver salts of other
solution are measured out, and from 7 to
organic acids can be used if these are
10 per cent, of the sugar solution is
thoroughly dispersed in the protective
added, both being stirred quickly together
colloid used.
and poured over the cleaned glass. After
about ten minutes the deposit of silver
Spotting, Prevention of Plating is complete and the exhausted solution
may be carefully wiped off, the silvered
After plating and rinsing, dry in an surface washed off with distilled water
oven at a temperature of 400 to 450 de- and again treated with the mixed solu-
grees F. for several hours, then perform tions to the extent of half the quantity
the final finishing operations. Still another used in the first application. The finished
method that has been used with some suc- surface is wiped and washed off in the
cess is to rinse the work in a solution most careful manner and when thor-
of 2 ounces of cream of tartar to the gal- oughly dry is coated with shellac or copal
lon of water, letting it remain in this varnish. The glass to be treated should
rinse for 10 to 15 minutes, and then dry- be absolutely clean and free from grease
ing it after passing through cold and hot and the whole process requires much care
water rinses several times. to make it a success.
4 more modern method is by reducing


the silver compound by the use of To Copper Plate the Silvered Glass
formaldehyde. A recipe of this type (Above) for Mirrors
It is necessary to have two copper sul-
Silver Nitrate 1.6 gm. phate solutions.
Distilled Water 30.0, c.c.
Solution No. 1 (Strike solution)
Dissolve and of this solution take 8 e.c. Copper Sulphate 8 oz.
add to it ammonia water, drop by drop,
until the precipitate first formed is com-
Sulphuric Acid oz. %
Water 1 gal.
pletely redissolved; then add 100 c.c. of
distilled water. To this ammoniaeal solu- Current density 1 to 1% amp. per
tion add 5 c.c. of 40 per cent, formalde- square foot.
hyde solution, mix quickly and then pour After the silver is covered with copper,
the mixed solutions upon the surface of the work is transferred to a regular acid
the glass which is to be silvered. The copper solution as follows.
entire operation of silvering should take
Solution No. 2.
about 2 minutes.
It is easy enough to write this descrip- Copper Sulphate 28 oz.
tion but the actual manipulation requires Sulphuric Acid 4 oz.

exquisite care. All forms of dirt and Water 1 gal.

grease must be absent, even the trace of Use cathode current density of 10 to 12
grease found naturally on the fingers. To amp. per square foot.
successfully prepare a mirror will demand
hours of preliminary practice.
Silvering Glass
Ammonium Hydroxide 1
Silver Plate on Glass Silver Nitrate 2
Water 3
Clean the article from oil and grease. Alcohol 3
Place in a dilute solution of hydrofluoric
acid to roughen the surface slightly, rinse Work in subdued light: dissolve: filter

in clean cold water. It is now ready for and mix with

silvering. Two solutions are necessary. Corn Sugar U
Alcohol (25%) 10
Solution No. 1; Dip glass in this mixture and warm
Pure Cane Sugar 90 gm. gradually to 70° C. when a mirror of sil-
Distilled ver is deposited.
sufficient to dissolve the sugar
Nitric Acid (C. P.) 4 c.c.
Ethyl Alcohol 175 c.c. * Silver Plating Compound
Distilled Water to 1 litre. The product an aq. AgN0 3
consists of
which is added sufficient Na2 C0 3
soln. to
Solution No, 2: to obtain a milky ppt. of AgN0 3 ,
Silver Nitrate 1.8 gm. 10-40% NaCl, 20-80% of a 50% CaC03
Distilled Water 180 c.c. suspension, 1-20% abrasive and 2 0 in H
sufficient amt. to produce a fluid mixt.
Add ammonia drop by drop until the Na2 S2 0 3 is ultimately added to produce a
precipitate which is formed is nearly re- brilliant coating.
dissolved. Then add
Potassium Hydroxide 9 gm.
* Metallizing Patterns
Water sufficient to dissolve the potas-
sium hydroxide. The surface, e.g. } plaster of Paris, is
impregnated with wax, the excess of
Add more ammonia drop by drop until which is removed, and the bared parts are
the precipitate is nearly re-dissolved.
moistened with a solution of AgN0
3 in
Take: an org. solvent containing a little 2 0. H
Solution No. 1 1 part by volume The surface then rubbed with a 1: 1
Solution No. 2 9 parts. mixture of graphite and Cu powder to
produce a A g surface which can subse-
Mix thoroughly, and immediately im- quently be plated with Cu.
merse the article. The surface will be
covered with a deposit of metallic silver
which is quite adhesive and serves as a Silver Plating Powder
base for further deposition of silver or Silver Nitrate 20
copper. Am. Chloride 10
: ; i


Sod. Bisulfate 40 as cathodes. Voltage 0 to S. Agitate the

Water 40 work for a cleaner job.
Pot. Carbonate to make a paste Sulfuric Acid
2. 5 gal.
Keep in dark bottles. Nitric Acid 1 gal.
Place crock that contains the strip in a
hot water container. If all water is kept
Silver Plating from the strip, brass or copper work will
Formula for silver solution be attacked but very slightly.
Silver Cyanide 3% oz.
Sodium Cyanide 5 oz.
Removing Fire Seale
Ammonium Chloride % oz.
To remove the fire scale from sterling
Water 1 gal.
silver use:
Silver Chloride 3y2 oz.
Sodium Cyanide 8 oz. Nitric Acid 2 parts
Ammonium Chloride % oz. Water 1 part
Water 1 gal. Use hot and agitate work.

Either of the two solutions will give Remove fire scale by reverse current
good results if operated at a temperature
of 75° F. with a cathode current density Sodium Cyanide 8 oz.
of 4 or 5 amperes per sq. ft. %
to 1 volt.
Water 1 gal.
Solution 1 is generally used, but No. 2 Use hot and agitate work. Lead
is whiter. anodes; 4~6 v.

Silver strike: Bright dip:

Sulfuric Acid
Silver Cyanide % oz.
Nitric Acid
2 gal.
1 gal.
Sodium Cyanide 8 oz.
Water 1 gal.
Water 1 qt.
Use steel or carbon anodes; 6 volts. One ounce of muriatic acid for five gal-
lons of above.
Blue dip: It is necessary to add water only when
Bichloride of Mercury 1 oz. a new bright dip is made. Dip must be
Sodium Cyanide 6 oz. operated cold.
Ammonium Chloride I oz.
Matt dip:
Water 1 gal.
Sulfuric Acid. 1 gal.
Brightener for silver solution Nitric Acid I gal.
Zinc Oxide 2 lb.
Silver Solution 1 qt.
Sodium Cyanide 8 oz. Operate hot and keep all water and
Carbon Bisulphide 1 oz. chlorides from dip.
Ether 1 oz. If the matt is coarse, add sulfuric; if
too fine, nitric.
To prepare the brightener place the
carbon bisulphide and ether in a quart
bottle and shake thoroughly. Dissolve Burn Off Dip
the cyanide in the silver solution and fill If the work has been annealed, the fire
bottle. Shake bottle from time to time scale should be removed in a hot sulfuric
until the carbon bisulphide is thoroughly acid solution, 1 part acid, 3 parts water,
dissolved and then filter. rinsed in water and then placed in what
One ounce of this stock solution should is known as the
4 *
burn off 77 dip, made
be sufficient for an addition to each 15 by using 2 parts of sulfuric acid, 1 part
gallons of the regular plating solution. of nitric acid, and 5 parts of water.
Care must be taken to avoid an excess or The work is left in the i burn off dip
‘ 7 7

be rough and patchy.

else the deposit will for five to twenty seconds, then rinsed in
If an excess has been added, remove by water, and bright dipped. If not bright
enough, repeat the f bum off
raising the temperature of the solution to and
140° F. bright dip.

Silver strip solutions; * Tin Plating

1. Sodium Cyanide 12 oz.
Caustic Soda 2 oz. Formula for solution
Water 1 gal. Sodium Stannate 12 oz.

Reverse current with cold rolled steel Caustic Soda 1 oz.

Sodium Acetate 2 oz. Tin Plating
Hydrogen Peroxide t-3 oz. The Na 'stannate plating soln. suc-
(25 volume) or cessfully used commercially has the
Sodium Perborate % oz. compn. : Na stannate 32 oz./gal. and
Water 1 gal. SnCl2 y32 oz./gal., with anode e. d. not
The solution is operated at a tempera- greater than 15 amps./sq. ft., cathode
ture of 140° to 160° F.; 4 to 6 volts; e. d. 15-45 amps./sq. ft., temp. 43-54°

20 to 30 amperes per sq. ft. and 4-8 v. tank voltage. The Sn content
The use of Hydrogen Peroxide or is maintained by addns. of Na stannate.
Sodium Perborate as an oxidizing agent Very small addns. of Sn++ (as SnCl 2 ) are
is the greatest factor in controlling the said to increase the throwing power of
character of the deposit as it prevents the soln. but too much to cause a powdery
sponginess. deposit. The soln. has a good throwing
Small iron articles may be coated with power and gives a good corrosion-
tin in the following solution: resisting deposit.
Tin Chloride % oz.
Aluminum Sulfate 2 oz.
Zinc Plating
Cream Tartar 2 oz.
Water 1 gal. The two types of zinc solutions that are
in common use are the acid and alkaline
This solution is used in a copper tank
solutions. The acid solution is usually
which is lined with sheet zinc. The work
preferred when cost is considered, as it
should be clean and bright, and placed in
can be made more cheaply, but the throw-
iron wire baskets. If a large quantity of
ing power of this solution is lower than
work is placed in the baskets, the work
that of the cyanide bath.
should be separated with perforated zinc
Formula for acid zinc solution:
The solution is allowed to boil for 30
to 45 minutes and the addition of a very Zinc Sulphate 32 oz.

small quantity of sulfuric acid (about 1 Ammonium Chloride 2 oz.

drop to each gallon of solution) hastens Sodium Acetate 2 oz.
the deposition of the tin deposit. Water 1 gal.
Temperature 80° F. Cathode current

Immersion Tin Caustic Soda Method density, 15 to 20 amperes per sq. ft.;
3 to 4 volts.
This method is used to tin by immer-
sion, small brass or copper articles
Formula for cyanide zinc solution:
Formula for Immersion Tin: Zinc Cyanide 4 oz.

Caustic Soda 12 oz. Sodium Cyanide 4 oz.

Stannous Chloride 4 oz. Caustic Soda 3 oz.

Sodium Chloride 1 oz. Water 1 gal.
Water 1 gal.
Temperature 100° F. Cathode current
The solution placed in an iron tank
is density 10 to 15 amperes per sq. ft.; 2
which is heated with a steam coil. The to 3 volts.
bottom of the tank is covered with moss Use pure zinc anodes in both solutions.
tin over which is placed an iron wire Corn sugar may be used in the propor-
screen. tion of one ounce per gallon in either
The work to be tinned is bright dipped solution to obtain a finer structure of
or tumbled clean, placed in brass wire deposit.
baskets and separated with sheets of per-
forated tin, placed in the solution at boil- Remarks on Zinc Solutions
ing temperature for 15 to 30 minutes, or The throwing power of the acid zinc
until completely covered with tin. It is solution is quite poor. The addition of
rinsed thoroughly in clean cold water and one ounce of stannous chloride to a 100
dried with the aid bf hot water and saw- gallon solution will improve the throwing
dust. power. An excess should be avoided, as
The brightness may be increased some- it has a tendency to discolor the deposit.
what by tumbling for a few minutes in The pH is the, most important factor to
hardwood sawdust. control in the acid solution. A
pH of 3,5
Moss tin is prepared by melting the to 4.5 using thymol blue as an. indicator
tin and pouring same into cold water at is about right. This should be main-
a slight elevation. tained by adding the required sulphuric
In the cyanide bath, the free cyanide is saturated with copper acetate to which
the most important factor to control. If ammonium carbonate has been added,
the free cyanide is equal to the metal or
content best results will be had. An excess Solution No. 2.
of free cyanides causes a bright, rough Immerse in a solution of ammonium
deposit. hydroxide which has been saturated with
Care should be used in drying zinc de- copper carbonate
posit to prevent stains. A thorough rins- or
ing in clean cold water followed by hot Solution No. 3.
water and hardwood sawdust is good
Immerse in
White Arsenic 12 oz.

Zinc, Plating Nickel on

Yellow Antimony Sulphide % oz.
Water 1 gal.
A cleaning Na silicate, 10
sain.: or
g./Ly-bNagPC^, 30 g./L, operated at Immerse in
approx, the b. p. with just enough current Hyposulphite Soda 8 oz.
to cause the article (cathode) to gas Acetate of Lead 4 oz.
freely, was found to be best, as cleaning Water 1 gal.
could be done in 0.5-3 min. without dis-
These solutions, except the one made up
coloration of the Zn. For picking, im-
with copper carbonate, should be used
mersion for 0.5-1 min, in a soln. of 8%
hot. Immerse the work until proper color
HC1 was found best, etching, but not dis- appears. The work should be finished
coloring, the Zn. The importance of
with a coat of lacquer to prevent
efficient rinsing between cleaning, pick-
ling and plating, the avoidance of delay
between pickling and plating, and the use
of solns. for the prepn. and plating of Zn Plating Baths
and its alloys only, are stressed. After Basic recipes for still solutions have
varying the soln. compn. and conditions
been developed for the guidance of the
of operation considerably, the authors
plater. However, the proportions of the
conclude the following soln. is best for
constituents should be changed according
the direct Ni-plating of Zn N1SO4.7H2O,
to special requirements for individual
75; Na -2 SO4.10H 2 O, 200; NH4CI, 12, and needs. The following procedure is recom-
H 3 BO3, 10 g./L, operated at room temp, mended for making up new solutions or
with a mixt. of cast and rolled Ni anodes, replenishing old baths:
at a p B =0.0 ±0.2 and an av, cathode
Fill the tank with one-third the amount
c. d. = 10 amp./sq. ft. The soln. is said to of water required. Dissolve the Sodium
become alk. on working, this necessitating Cyanide in this water, which should be at
daily addns. of XI0SO4. A
short initial
a temperature of about 50° 0, (120° F.).
“strike,” at 30 amp./sq. ft., was first Then add the Metal Cyanide and stir
used but was found unnecessary after the until it is in solution. Finally add the
bath had been worked for some time. Con- balance of the ingredients and mix in the
sistently good deposits of ductile Ni, remaining two-thirds of water.
which polished easily, were obtained from
the above soln. It is suggested that the
Ni deposit must be at least 0.00035 in. Brass Solution
thick if it is to be serviceable. Water 1 gal.
Sodium Cyanide (96-98%) 5% oz.
Copper Cyanide 4 oz.
* Plating Zinc-Tin on Iron Zinc Cyanide 1 oz.
The plating bath comprises a solution Soda Ash 2 oz.
of 81 g. of ZnS0 4 ,7B 2 G, 3.5 g. of SnCl 2 , Temperature 75-90° F.
and 150 g. of NaOIl per litre to which Batio Anode to Cathode Surface 2-1
are added 10 c.e, of sulphonated castor Cathode Current Density
oil; it is operated at 6 volts and 10-20 3-20 amp./SF
amp./sq. ft., using anodes of 90: 10 —
Voltage Still Solution 3-5
Zn-Sn alloy amalgamated with Hg (2%). —
Voltage Barrel Solution 5-10
Anodes Copper 80%, Zinc 20%

Black Finish on Brass

Copper Cyanide Solution
Solution No, 1. Water 1 gal.
Yellow brass may be colored blue black Sodium Cyanide (96-98%) 4 oz.
by immersion in a solution of water Copper Cyanide 3 oz.
Soda Ash 1 oz. Cathode Current Density
Sodium Bisulfite 1 oz. 2-5 amp./S.F.
Ratio Anode to Cathode Surface 2~1
68-120° F.

Voltage Still Solution y2 -l y±
Temperature Note: When making up a new solution,
Cathode Current Density y8 ounce of ammonium chloride may be
10-25 amp./S.F. used.

Voltage Still Solution 3-6

Voltage Barrel Solution 8-12 Mercury Dip
Water 1 gal
Sodium Cyanide (96-98%) 6 oz.
1. For barrel plating double the pro- Bi-Chloride Mercury
portions just given.
y2 oz.

2. Hypo Soda can be used for brighten-

ing purposes in the concentration of yG4; Silver Cyanide Strike Solution
ounce per gallon when the deposit is not Water 1 gal.
to be oxidized. Sodium Cyanide (96-98%) 8 oz.
3. The reason for the addition of so- Silver Cyanide y2 oz.
dium bisulfite is to obtain better anode
efficiency and better color of deposit.
Caustic Soda % oz.
Temperature Normal
Voltage 6
Anodes Sheet steel
Zinc Cyanide Solution
Water 1 gal. Gold Cyanide Solution (Yellow)
Sodium Cyanide (96-98%) 3 oz.
Zinc Cyanide 5 oz. Water 1 gal.
Caustic Soda 4 oz.
Sodium Cyanide (96-98%) y2 -1 oz.
Temperature 80-110° F. Sodium Gold Cyanide y2 oz.

Ratio Anode to Cathode Surface Caustic Potash %


iy2 Temperature 140-160° F.

to 1
Cathode Current Density Cathode Current Density
15-30 amp./S.F. 1-5 amp./S.F.

Voltage Still Solution 4-6 Voltage 2 y2

Voltage Barrel Solution 8-12
Lead Plating Iron Strips
The strip
is passed in succession
through vats contg. 50 and 70% HC1
Silver Cyanide Solution solns. and ZnCl 2 soln. plus a 2.5% soln.
Water 1 gal. of NH4 C1. Four kg. of the soln. contain
Sodium Cyanide (96-98%) 4 y2 oz. in addition 1 part Hg, 2 parts HgCl 2 and
Silver Cyanide 3 oz. 3 parts aqua regia. The strips are finally

Temperature Normal passed through a bath of molten Pb with

Ratio Anode to Cathode Surface 1-1 5% Sb.
* Abrasive Compound This is added to water with stirring.
First produce two mixtures one of By varying the water used either a paste
which consists of a potassium soap that or liquid polish is formed.
is produced by heating and melting ap-
proximately thirty parts of stearic acid Razor Strops, Abrasive for
and adding, while heating and stirring, a Bauxite 42
solution of approximately six parts of
Lard 42
potassium hydroxide and approximately
Powd. Emery 15
twenty parts of water and then, after Varnish 1
saponification has taken place, adding
water to make one hundred parts.
The other mixture is produced by Aluminum Polish
melting approximately five parts of a 1. Sapinone 1
mixture consisting of approximately fifty 2. Water 52
per cent of beeswax and fifty per cent 3. Oleic Acid 8
of japan wax with approximately ten 4. Ammonium Hydroxide 5
parts of paraffin oil. 5. Alcohol 4
With this wax and oil combination is 6. Infusorial Earth 20
intimately mixed fifty parts, approxi- 7. Red Iron Oxide 8
mately, of the above described potassium Mix and (3) and stir until uni-
soap mixture. form. Mix (6) and (7) and rub into a
Then stir into this mass a mixture of paste with part of (1), (2) and (5).
approximately fifteen parts glycerine and Slowly add the balance and while mixing
approximately thirty parts of water. vigorously add mixture of (2) and (3).
To this combination is then added ap-
proximately seventy-five parts of silicon
carbide and approximately twenty-five * Gleaner, Aluminum (Non-Corrosive)
parts of electrically fused alumina. Tartaric Acid 99
All of these operations are performed Sodium Fluoride 1
in a water jacketed kettle at a tempera- Water to suit
ture of about sixty degrees centigrade.
After agitating until the abrasive is * Aluminum Cleaning Powder
thoroughly distributed throughout the
mass, raise the temperature thereof until Powdered Pumice 25
the water in the jacket is at a boil.
Powd. Calcined Silica 25
Sod. Sesquiearbonate 25
These conditions are then maintained
Trisodium Phosfate' 10
while continuously stirring until the mix-
ture thickens to a stiff paste.
Powdered Soap 10
To this paste compound sometimes add Am. Chloride 5
a coloring pigment such as carbon black,
and an essential oil, as methyl salicylate. Auto Polish
The above described abrasive com- Paraffine Oil gal.
pound is characterized by a very much Linseed Oil Raw gal.
slower rate of evaporation of its mois-
ture content than is the case with those
China Wood Oil % gal.
Benzol 90% 1 qt.
compounds of this class as heretofore Kerosene qt.
Odor to suit.
Abrasive Polish Mix oils together. Mix Benzol and
Abrasive (Tripoli, Silex, etc.) 40 lb. Kerosene, then add to oils and stir thor-
Profiex 10 lb. oughly.
Suspendite 4 lb.

All formulae preceded by an asterisk (*) are covered by patents.

Auto Polish. ishing combination, it will be more sat-
isfactory without an abrasive.
Fullers Earth 4 o z.
Cliina Clay 3 oz.
Kerosene U/4 pt. Wax Automobile Polish
Mineral Oil 1V4 pt. A. Carnauba Wax 30 lb.
Turkey Red Oil 1 qt.
Glyco Wax B 20 lb.
Ammonia Water (10%) 4 oz.
Naphtha or Varnolene 68 lb.
Water 2% pt.
Turpentine 17 lb.
Formaldehyde (40%) 4 oz.
B. Water 70 lb.
Glycerin % pt.
Borax 10 lb.

Automobile Polish
Melt “A” together but do not heat
above the boiling point of water. Mean-
Carnauba Wax 9 Ib. while dissolve while heating to a
Beeswax 4 lb. boil.
Ceresin Wax 4 lb. Run <c
A ’ 1
into e 1
B ’ 9
slowly while stir-
Naphtha 75 lb. ring vigorously .

Stearic Acid 7 lb.

Triethanolamine 2.5 lb.
Water 75 lb. Motor Car Polishes
Abrasive 25 to 60 lb. A good formula for a cleanser and
polisher is:
Yellow Wax 20.0
Add the Triethanolamine and stearic Commercial Silica, Very
acid to the water, heat to 100° C. and Finely Powdered 40.0
stir to obtain a smooth soap solution. Turpentine Substitute 40.0
Then melt the waxes in the naphtha and, Soft Soap 1.0
when the solution is about 85° to 90° C., Water 5.0
add it to the hot soap solution. Stir
vigorously until a smooth emulsion is Melt the wax and incorporate the
obtained and then slowly until cold. If powder, slowly adding the turpentine sub-
any separation occurs shortly after the stitute, finally stir in the soap, previously
emulsion has cooled, stir vigorously until dissolved in the water. Some may prefer
the emulsion is creamy. it to be without the soap, but experience
The method of adding the abrasive is shows it to be worth its slight softening
dependent upon the type of abrasive effect in yielding a higher and better
used. An oil-absorbing abrasive should polish. The paste may be tinted with
be well mixed with the hot oil solution ferric oxide.
before it is added to the soap solution, Another formula is as follows:
but an abrasive that absorbs water is
Kieselguhr (Levigated) 11 parts
best stirred into the finished emulsion.
Silica (Levigated) 9 parts
The latter type, like Bentonite, to the
extent of 25 pounds, produces a paste
Yellow Ochre 1 part
with the above emulsion, while 60 pounds
Red Ochre %o part
Kerosene 16 parts
of the former, as Tripoli, makes a liquid
Soft Paraffin 2 parts
Powdered Soap 1 part

This polish is non-destructive to lac- The following formula is suitable for

quers. It is a cleanser and polisher com- dishing fabric bodies:
bined and leaves a bright, hard film. It
is applied by rubbing over the surface
Oleic Acid 80.0
well to remove dirt and streaks and then Liquid Paraffin 250.0
polishing with a dry cloth. Potassium Hydroxide 16.0
Tragacanth 6.0
Variations Water to 1,000.0

The proportions of waxes can be Mix the oleic acid with the paraffin
changed depending upon the case of pol- and slowly add the potassium hydroxide,
ishing required and the hardness of the previously dissolved in 200.0 of water.
final film. The naphtha and water con- Soak the tragacanth in 500 cc. of water
tents can be varied slightly to change the until fully absorbed, then heat to boil-
consistency of the emulsion. When the ing, and when cool stir into the above
primary use of this product is for pol- emulsion.
ishing rather than as a cleaning and pol-

One©' a good surface has been pro- Japan Wax 30

duced by the above it is not an advan- Paraffin Wax 60
tage to use too frequently, as frictional Turpentine 326
powders are bound to show the effect
sooner or later if unwisely used. A thin * Automobile Polish
film of wax once deposited on paintwork
of the highly polished variety is best Tartaric Acid 1.25
kept in condition by a hard wax polish. Oxalic Acid 1.25
Beeswax is too soft, and the best for the Abrasive Mild 3.75
purpose is Carnauba wax. This, however, Suspendite 0.25
is intractable and likely to crumble; it
Mineral Oil 28.5
needs rubbing up with the cloth in order Water 65
to soften it before applying. A modifi-
cation enabling the polish to be easily Automobile and Floor Polish
applied and which does not modify in
any way its polishing and surfacing ef-
(Wax Paste Type) —
(Rubbing Type)
Yellow Beeswax 6 lb.
fect is made as follows: Ceraflux Tech. 16 lb.
Grey Carnauba Wax 25.0 CarnaubaWax 27 lb.
Japan Wax 5.0 Montan Wax 8 lb.
Rosin 5.0 Naphtha or Vamolene 89 lb.
Melt and stir in Turpentine 10 lb.
Turpentine Substitute 60.0 Pine Oil 3 lb.
Strain and add Melt together and pour into cans. Do
Solution of potash (1%) 5.0
not disturb until solidified. This makes
This last addition has been found to an excellent auto polish of great dura-
give just sufficient saponification to pre- bility and luster. Variations can be
vent the paste crumbling. The prepara- made to suit individual requirements.
tion gives a highly polished hard sur-
face, and where dirt and grease are not
Belt Dressing
present its direct application forms a
perfect protection of enamelled paint- (No. 1 Commercial Grade)
work which can easily be kept clean with Castor Oil 40 parts
a 10.
dry cloth. Cod Oil 40 parts
Neats-foot 40 parts
Automobile Polish and Cleaner Mix thoroughly with heating if neces-
1. Celite (or other air- sary.
floated abrasive) 282 lb. Use: Clean belting to be dressed and
2. Isopropyl Alcohol 305 lb. apply dressing with brush or cloth. This
3. Glycerin 50 lb. is suitable where excess moisture or
4. Naphtha 110 lb. steam is present.
5. Oil of Camphor 105 lb.
6. Spindle (Mineral) Oil 555 lb.
Belt Dressing
7. Oxalic Acid 10 lb.
22 Tallow 10
8. Suspensone lb.
Water lb. 1770 Cod Oil 10
Emulsone B lb. 10
Brass Polish
“ 1 ,” "8," “ 9,” and "10" are
Petroleum Spirits 30 parts
mixed and allowed to stand over-night. Ammonia 4 parts
Then add "3" and stir. Next add "7" Olein 10 parts
and 2 " and stir vigorously. Now add
f ‘

Tripoli Powder 50 parts

" 4, " "5" and "6" slowly while stir- Methylated Spirits 10 parts
ring vigorously. Continue stirring inter- Water 20 parts
mittently for 2 hours. Allow to stand
overnight and stir for %
hour the next
Brass Polish with Gasoline Base
day. If a thinner product is wanted re-
Tripoli 1 lb.
duce Emulsone B to 5 lb.
Whiting 1 lb.
Prepared Chalk 1 lb.
Auto Paste Wax Polish Stearin 1 lb.
Carnauba Wax 20 Gasoline 1 gab
Beeswax 30 Oleic Acid 8 02.

For Chemical Advisors, Special Raw Materials. Equipment, Containers, etc., consult Supply
flection at end of book,.


Dissolve the stearin in the gasoline, “Dry Bright” Polish
add the oleic acid and then stir in the Carnauba Wax 13.2
powders, using care to keep them from Oleic Acid 1.5
forming in lumps. More or less stearin Triethanolamine 2.1
may be used to give any desired body, Borax 1.0
and the gasoline may be replaced in Water 108
whole or in part with kerosene. Shellac 2.2
Ammonia (28%) 0.32 lb.

Brass, Befinishing Corroded

Melt the wax and add the oleic acid.
Saturate vinegar with salt and clean The temperature should not be above 90°
brass with this until all corrosion is re- C. Using a hot water or steam jacketed
moved. Polish with any good metal pol- kettle maintains a good temperature and
ish; wash; dry; wash with benzene to prevents wax caking along the sides of
remove oil and grease; finish with spar the container. Add the triethanolamine
varnish or lacquer. slowly, stirring constantly. The solution
should be clear at this point. Dissolve
Copper Cleaner the borax in about a pint of boiling
water and add to the wax solution to ob-
Oxalic Acid 1 oz.
tain a clear jelly-like mass. Stir for
Botten Stone 6 oz.
about 5 minutes. Add 92 pounds water,
Gum Arabic % oz.
previously heated to boiling temperature,
Cottonseed Oil 1 oz.
slowly with constant stirring. An opaque
Water sufficient to make paste.
solution should be obtained. Cool. Add
Apply to small portion and rub dry 16 pounds of water to the shellac and
with flannel. then the ammonia and heat until the
shellac is in solution. Cool. Add this to
Cellulose Friction Polishes the above wax solution and stir well to
These are often “oil in water” type, obtain an even mixture.
and consist of emulsions of oil, gum or
other emulsifier and water as lubricants Properties
to the friction polishing earths. Their The above polish should give a clear
great advantage is that they do not mark film when applied to linoleum, mastic
afterwards, and are free from a “film floors, etc., and one that is not too slip-
of wax” or other matter which can at- pery. Shellac has been incorporated in
tract dust, but they wear away the the polish to cut down the slipperiness
enamel if used too frequently, and are of a straight carnauba wax emulsion. It
not so waterproof as wax polishes. They is necessary to use a good grade of light
should rub away to nothing on applica- colored carnauba wax and the directions
tion, so that a polish ensures with the
for making the polish must be carried
same rag. #

out as described.
Floss Powder 8 parts
Paraffin 8 parts Variations
Methylated Spirits 2 parts
If 1.8 pounds of water soluble nigro-
Glycerine 2 parts
sine is added to the water in the above
Gum Tragacanth % part
formula, an excellent black leather pol-
Water 40 parts
ish can be made. By using stearic acid
Carborundum Suspension in place of oleic acid a thicker polish is
Diglycol Stearate 4
Water 100
Heat to 60° C. and stir after turning Dust-Cloth Fluid
off heat. Add with stirring Light Mineral Gil 3 gal.
Carborundum Powder 4 Corn Oil 1 gal.
Clovel 3 oz.
Oil Soluble Yellow Color to suit
Crocus Composition
Double Pressed Saponified
Stearic Acid 11 lb.
Petrolatum 11 lb. Emery Grease
Edible Tallow 2 lb. Double Pressed Saponified
Crocus 165 lb. Stearic Acid
Flint 23 lb. Edible Tallow

Paraffine 3 lb. Beeswax 1

Petrolatum I lb. Shellac Wax 2

Dissolve waxes in mineral oil heated

Emery Paste to 100° C.j cool and stir in turpentine.
Double Pressed Saponified
Stearic Acid 17 lb.
Oleo Stearine 2 lb.
Floor Oil, Low Priced
Petrolatum 38 lb. Light Mineral Oil 5 gal.
Japan Wax 3 lb. Automobile Engine Oil V-i gal.
Paraffine 26 lb. Paraffin Wax 2 lb.
Emery 300 lb. Clovel ¥2 pt.
Flint 100 lb.
* Oil, Floor (Non-Drying)
Flatting Paste Emulsions Mineral Oil 68
{< Oleic Acid 18
These are of the water in oil” type,
consist essentially of oils, soap, and
Ammonium Hydroxide 4
and Pine Oil 10
the friction or flatting powdered earths
in fine form. They should be easy to
Floor Polish
work and yet not ‘ scratch ? the paint
‘ ?

or varnish. Carnauba Wax 30

Rosin 6
Tallow 20 parts
Soap 30 parts Heat above to 140° C., cool to 100° C.
- ~ — n with vigorous
- add following stirring
’-o'--'-""-' -
Paraffin 18 parts ‘O

Water 20 parts which has been heated to 95-100° c.

Waxes 8 parts Soap Flakes 10

Turpentine 18 parts Turpentine 1
Tripoli or Partly Brick Water 270
Dust CO parts
Floor Wax
Beeswax Yellow 5 lb.
Mineral Oil Emulsion Paraffin Wax 4 lb.
Proflex 6 lb. Soap Chips 3 lb.
Water 60 lb. Stearic Acid 3 lb.
Mineral Oil 50 lb. Turpentine 3 gal.
Red Oil (Oleic Acid) 4 lb. Salts of Tartar 1% lb.

In using Proflex it should be strewn

Water 3% gal.

in the surface of the water which is be- Dissolve salts of tartar and soap in
ing stirred with a high speed agitator. boiling water. Melt waxes in another
The oil or other water in soluble mate- container and heat to 200° F. when the
rial is then run in slowly while stirring. boiling water soap solution is added
The pigments or abrasives are then added slowly with vigorous stirring until homo-
in the same way. geneous. Turn off heat and run turpen-
tine in slowly with good stirring. Pack
in cans when cold.
Polish, Emulsion
Proflex 3 lb.
Water 17 lb. Finishing Floor Wax
Allow to soak for 15 minutes; stir Carnauba 5 lb.

until all particles are gone. Put into a Ozokerite 5 lb.

mayonnaise type of mixer and, while Turpentine 1 gal.

beating add to it slowly Gasoline 5 gal.
Mineral Oil 80 lb. Heat gently until wax completely dis-
solves. Cool quickly.
The above gives a white heavy cream
which may be diluted with water to give
a milky liquid. Floor Wax, 1
Rubless J ’
Hydromalin 138 lb.
El oor Oil Carnauba Wax No. 2 250 lb.
Mineral Oil 92 Heat to 120-140° C. half hour. Cool
Turpentine 5 to 100-105° C,
Add to the above slowly with stirring. tainer. Add the boiling w ater
to the
naphtha solution and stir vigorously
Water 1780 lb.
until a good emulsion is obtained and
Heated to 100° 0. Keep as close to 100° then slowly until the emulsion is cold.

O. as possible for 15 minutes.

This formula can stand additional
water if a lower cost product is desired. Wax of this type are used
The more water added, however, the where a permanent finish is desired, as
lower the gloss wall be. on woodwork, furniture, automobiles, etc.
They require hard rubbing, but produce
a polish of high luster. Triethanola-
mine stearate, being non- destructive to
Liquid Floor Wax lacquer, is particularly indicated because
(Rubbing Type) of its ability to act as a cleanser as well
Heat to 10 lb. of Glyco Wax B and as an emulsifier for the various con-
2 lb. Beeswax with 30 lb. Naphtha or stituents.
kerosene until dissolved. Cool and stir
thoroughly when thickening begins. Color Furniture Polish
yellow or orange with an oil soluble dye. (Packages in glass only. No tin cans.)
This may be made thicker or thinner by
200 gal.
varying the amount of wax.
Turpentine 8 gal.
Naphtha 30- gal.
Lt. Spindle Oil 49 gal.
Wood Floor Finish Acetic Acid 36% 6 gal.
Brushliberally with a mixture of three Water 100 gal.

parts boiled linseed oil and one part tur- Antimony Chloride 4 gal.

pentine after a few minutes for soaking Gum Arabic 10 lb.


wipe up the excess. Two applica- Gum Tragacanth 10 lb.

tions may be necessary, a day or two

Perfume 1 gal.
apart. This will darken the floor some- Make up with water to 200 gallons and
what. For walnut tone, tint the oil with run through colloid mill.
burnt umber ground in oil. Waxing can
Furniture or Auto Polish
Light Mineral Oil 1 gal.
FURNITURE POLISHES Powd. Carnauba Wax 2 oz.

Heat until wax is dissolved.

Wax Paste
Carnauba Wax 30 lb.
Beeswax 15 lb. Furniture Polish
Ceresin Wax 15 lb. Yellow Ceresine 3 lb.
Turpentine 26 lb. Japan Wax 1 lb.
Naphtha 24 lb. Beeswax 2 lb.
Stearic Acid 8 lb. Linseed Oil Raw 4 gal.
Triethanolamine 4 lb. Turpentine 1 gal.
Water 65 lb. Paraffin Oil 28° gr. 1 gal.
Liquid Wax Water 7 gal.
Carnauba Wax 10 lb. Carbonate of Potash 3 oz.
Beeswax 4 lb. Soap Chips (Animal Fat
Ceresin Wax 4 lb. Soap) 1 lb.
Naphtha 80 lb. Mix the above thoroughly.
Stearic Acid 8 lb.
Triethanolamine 4.5 lb.
Water 200 lb. Cream Polish, Furniture
Preparation Carnauba Wax Bleached 6

Melt the waxes and stearic acid and Japan Wax 3%

add the triethanolamine. Temperature Paraffin Wax JAA
should be about 90° C. Add the naphtha
Turpentine 12
slowly so that a clear solution is main- W hite
Curd Soap 3
Rosin Pale 2
tained. Using a water or steam jacketed
kettle prevents overheating and also cak- Water 30
Clovel Trace
ing of the waxes on the sides of the con-
Furniture or Auto Polish Gas-Meter Diaphragm, Dressing for
u Blendene 10 parts by vol. Castor Oil 70
Spindle Oil 60 parts by vol. Linseed Oil Boiled 30
L Water 40 parts by vol.
Stir (1) with a high speed mixer. Add Glass Polish
(2), stir five minutes, Blendene will give 1. Am. Linoleate 20
clear soluble oils with mineral oils, de-
2. Orthodichlor Benzol 100
pending on grade, from two to six times
3. Water 200
its volume. The cruder the mineral oil,
4. Infusorial Earth 60
the higher percentage of oil will mix
clear with Blendene. They emulsify Dissolve (1) in (3) overnight and run
readily on stirring in water. (2) in while beating with high speed
mixer. Then beat (4) in until uniform.

* Furniture, Metal and Auto Polish

Nelgin * Polish, Glass
8 lb.
Water 126 lb. Lard 10
Allow the above to soak a few hours,
Paraffin Wax 4
Naphtha 1
stir and then add the following mixture
Glycerol 1
to it slowly with good stirring.
Light Mineral (Spindle) Oil 26 lb.
Glass Polish (Dry)
Blown Castor Oil 18 lb.
Yarnolene or Solvent Naphtha 16 lb. Precipitated Chalk 50
Lemenone Crude 16 lb. Kieselguhr 20
White Bole 30
This polish works exceptionally well on
Make into a slurry with water for use,
lacquered, painted or varnished metal
Glass Polish (Liquid)
Furniture Polish (Paste) White Bole 5
A. Carnauba Wax 60 Vienna Chalk 10
Turpentine 60 Work into above
Stearic Acid 2
Oleic Acid 1
B. T rihy dr oxethylamine Denatured Alcohol 75
Stearate 12
Water 62 Then add while stirring vigorously
Water 20
Heat (A) and (B) in separate vessels Ammonium Hydroxide 15
to 200° F. and run (B) into (A) slowly
with vigorous stirring. Stop when homo-
geneous. Glass Polish
Whiting 54
Furniture Polish (Liquid) Silica * * Smoke ’ 9
Carnauba Wax 6 Starch 15
Paraffin Wax 9 Cream of Tartar 11
Ceresin 2 Magnesium Oxide 10
Naphtha 43 Infusorial Earth 2
Turpentine 4 For use make into a cream with w atei

Stearic Acid 1
or benzine.
Trihydroxyethylamine Stearate 4.5
* Polish, Gold
Water 130
Soap 20-25
Procedure —as above. Coconut Oil 1
Precipitated Chalk 25
Kieselguhr 8
Furniture Gloss Oils
Glycerol 40-45
These are essentially emulsions of oil
Lemenone 1
and gum in water. A little glycerine
aids the ease of application.
* Gold and Silver Polish
Water 10 parts
Nut Oil 1 part China Clay 47
Mineral Oil 1 part Precipitated Chalk 47
Acetic Acid % part Am. Sulfate
Magnesium Powder
Gum Arabic 11 parts 1
* Grinding and Polishing Compound Variations
Silicon Carbide 10 If the Nigrosine is omitted from the
Soap 20 above formula, the liquid is cream-col-
Turpentine 20 ored and suitable for polishing light col-
Bentonite 20 ored leathers. For tan and other colors,
Water 40 the appropriate dyes may be added. The
substitution of naphtha for all or part of
the turpentine decreases the odor and is
* Grinding Compound sometimes desirable.
Mineral Oil 15 By changing the amount of water the
Sulfo Turk C 15 consistency of this emulsion can be va-
Petrolatum 30 ried from a paste to a thin liquid.
Silicon Carbide (ISO-
22 0 mesh) 30
Emery (80-100 mesh.) 10 Leather Belt Polish
A polish for unfinished edges of leather
belting is composed of the following:
Grindstones Water 1 gal.
AI2O3 is finely ground, made
into a Gum Tragacanth 2 0 z.
paste with a dil. acid, such as HC1,
molded or pressed to the desired shape,
Bismarck Brown Solution —in amount
to obtain desired color.
dried and agglutinated at a temp, below
Leather Dressing
Tallow 70
* Household Cleaning Powder
Petroleum Jelly 3.5
Borax 24 Diglycol Stearate 13
Sod. Sesquiearbonate 50 Beeswax 9
Trisodium Phosfate 24 Bosin 2
Sod. Silicate 2 Water 2

Leather Polish * Leather Dressing

Carnauba Wax 11 lb. Pyroxylin 100 sec. 1.7

Turpentine 16 lb. Dibutyl Phthalate 0.8
Stearic Acid 3 lb. Carnauba Wax 1.7
Oil Sol. Nigrosine 2 lb. Titanium Dioxide 3.3
Triethanolamine 1 lb. Ethyl Acetate 15,5
Water 66 lb. Butyl Acetate 10.3
Water Sol. Nigrosine 1 lb. Alcohol 66.7

Leather Dressings
Dissolve the water soluble Nigrosine in One of the oldest and best known
the water, add the Triethanolamine and leather dressings consists of a soln. of 4
stearic acid and heat to boiling. Stir parts of rosin in 96 parts of CgHg plus
until a smooth soap solution is obtained. a trace of nitrobenzene. Another con-
In a separate container, melt the car- tains rosin 6, linseed oil 2, turpentine 4
nauba wax in the turpentine and add the and benzine 4 parts. A more complex
oil soluble Nigrosine. When this solu- prepn. consists of rosin 3 and EtOH 15
tion has reached a temperature of 85- parts as soln. I and rubber latex 2, C 0 6 H
90° C,, add it to the soap solution. Stir 15, turpentine 15 and CCI4 10 parts as
vigorously to obtain a good dispersion of soln. II. Ceresin 5, stearin 2, soln. I 5
the wax and then stir slowly until the and soln. II 10 parts are heated together
emulsion is cold. over a water bath. Three parts of 2 CO gK
in 30 parts of b. H
2 0 are added to make
Properties a dressing in emulsion form.
This leather polish is a liquid cream
which is readily applied to black shoes.
It is excellent for removing grease and Leather Dressing
dirt and yields a bright waterproof Cumarone 2 lb.
finish. The use of Triethanolamine as High Flash Gasoline 1 gal.
the emulsifying agent eliminates any in-
jurious solvent action on the leather.
Castor Oil % lb.
* Leather Finish Metal Polish
Prepare with stirring a first solution Tank A
of borax, 17% pounds; orange shellac
Dissolve thirteen (13) pounds of Ox-
flakes, 60 pounds; water, 40 gallons;
alic Acid in forty (40) gallons of water.
prepare with heat and stirring a second
suspension or extension, of Heat to not more than 80° C. Add
twelve (12) pounds of 26° Be Ammonia.
white neutral soap flakes, 6 pounds; ear-
nauba wax, 19 pounds; water, 30 gal- Tank B
lons. in the ratio of from five to
Mix (25) pounds of Red
eight parts of the first solution to three
Oil or Rozolin with twenty- five (25)
parts of the second solution. The prod- Add
pounds of Denatured Alcohol.
uct is a smooth viscid paste, hard but
twelve (12) pounds of 26° Be Ammonia,
flexible when the water of emulsion or
to be warmed slightly to affect saponifi-
solution has evaporated away, and not
water-soluble thereafter to any practical
Add contents of Tank A
to Tank B
while mixing. This can be done success'
fully in the cold, also with varying de-
* Leather, Preservative
grees of heat, but the mixture should
Vaseline 62 not be too hot.
Paraffin "Wax 16 While adding Tank A to Tank B,
Lanolin 10 Schulz Silica should be added slowly and
Am. Sulfoichthyolate 7 the whole mixture stirred gently. The
Neatsfoot Oil 5 amount of Silica to be added ranges
Oil Birch Tar to suit from 100 to 200 pounds to above propor-
tions. 200 pounds are necessary if you
desire a thicker and creamier polish.
* Leather Soles, Preserving
The above proportions produce approxi-
Larch Turpentine 80 mately sixty to sixty -five gallons of
Tallow (Beef) 6 polish.
Oil Birch Tar 4
Varnish 30
Pine Oil Metal Polish
Although polishing powders are in use,
Leather Preservatives
metal polishes usually consist of some
A. Neatsfoot Oil abrasive material in suspension in either
(20° Gold Test) 20
a liquid or a semi-paste form.
Castor Oil The abrasive material should be se-
lected with care in order not to scratch
B. Lanolin Anhydrous 40 or otherwise mar the finishes on which
Neatsfoot Oil the polish is applied. On very delicate
(20° Cold Test) 60 finishes only the mildest abrasives should
be employed such as rouge (iron oxide)
or precipitated chalk (calcium carbo-
C. Neatsfoot Oil For dull surfaces siliceous ma-
50 nate).
(20° Cold Test)
35 terials are generally in use.
Lanolin Anhydrous
The Yarmor Steam-distilled Pine Oil
Japan Wax 20
is blended with the soap
prior to the
Soap Chips 8
addition of the abrasive. The Yarmor
Water 90
Pine Oil softens the oxidizable and non-
oxidizable material without injuring the
Military Leather Paste Polish surface. In addition, it gives body to
Camauba Wax 18 the polish and helps hold the abrasive
CandelillaWax 2 matter in suspension.
Japan Wax 10 A typical formula is as follows;
Paraffin Wax 2 20.00%
Turpentine 20 7.00%
Oleic Acid
Sodium Hydroxide (100%) .50%
Yarmor 25.00%
Linoleum Polish
Water 47.50%
Camauba Wax 1 lb.

Paraffin Wax 1 oz. This pine oil formula does the work
Yellow Wax 7 oz. fast and well and the polish holds a long
time, spreads freely, wipes easily
Turpentine 1 gal.
leaves a fine finish. It is non-inflam«
unable and does not possess any ingredi- Oxalic Acid 10 oz.
ents that injure metal surfaces. Clovel 8 oz.

Melt the first three items and when

Metal Polish clear, whileheat is on, add other items
slowly while stirring until free from
Naphtha 62 lb.
lumps; raise temperature, continuing
Oleic Acid 1 lb.
Abrasive 7 lb.
stirring and run into cans.
Triethanolamine 0.33 lb.
Ammonia (26°) 1 lb.
Water 128 lb.
Metal Polish
Preparation 1. Ortho Dichlorbenzol 5
In one container mix together the Naphtha or Mineral Spirits .20
naphtha and oleic acid to a clear solu- Pine Oil 4
tion. Dissolve the Triethanolamine in 2. Trihydroxyethylamine
water separately, stir in the abrasive, if Linoleate 2
it is of a clay type, and then add the Tripoli or Silex 50-75
naphtha solution. Stir the resulting mix- Suspendite 9
ture at a high speed until a uniform Water 260
creamy emulsion results. Then add the 3. Ammonium Hydroxide 12
ammonia and mix well, but do not agi-
tate as vigorously as before. Add “1” to c< 2” with stirring and
then stir in “3”; allow to stand over-
Properties night and stir before packaging.
This gives a polish which does not
This polish has excellent cleansing separate if made properly. If a thicker
properties and removes much of the dull- polish or paste is desired the Tripoli is
ness from metals by the solvent action of increased and the liquids decreased.
Triethanolamine. The emulsion is fairly
stable and will not separate as when
made from straight ammonia. In use, Metal Polish
the metal is first gone over with this
polish, which dries leaving a fine white A. Ammonia 16° 12% gal.
coat. Rubbing with a dry cloth now Alcohol 100 OZ.

brings out a high luster. Oleic Acid 100 oz.

Variations B. Oxalic Acid 10 lb.

The choice of abrasive is very impor- h2 o 15 gal.
tant in making a satisfactory metal pol- Ammonia 26° 4% gal.
ish, and the variety chosen depends upon
'or polish use
the metal on which it is to be used. For
fine metals, like silver, a jeweler’s rouge A 2% gal.
or a precipitated chalk is used. For B 1% gal.
brass or nickel, a slightly coarser abra- h2 o 35% gal.
sive is valuable, such as the colloidal Air Floated Silex 97 lb.
clay in the above formula, or a fine silica. Mix and run through colloid mill.
A dye is often added to commercial pol-
ishes in addition to the other ingredients.
If a non-colloidal abrasive is to be in- * Metal Cleaner
corporated, it should be mixed with the
oleic acid and naphtha instead of with Zinc Powder 33.3
the water, and considerably higher pro- Sod. Acid Tartrate 100
portions of acid and Triethanolamine Copper Oxide 10
will have to be used. Mineral Oil to make paste

Metal Polish (Paste) * Cleaner, Metal

Palm Oil 20 lb. Magnesite Powder 700 gm.
Yellow Petrolatum 8 lb. Mineral Oil 150 gm.
Paraffin Wax 4 lb. Oleic Acid 30 gm.
Crocus “B>> 12% lb. Denatured Alcohol 60 gm.
Silex Double Ground 12% lb. Sal Ammoniac 10 gm.
English Rottenstone Powd. 6 lb. Thymol 0.2 gm.
Bright Red Iron Oxide Powd. 2 lb.


Polish, for Metal or Glass be used, cold, in a lead-lined tank, and
Tallow 96 care should be taken in handling the
Whiting 32 acid as it causes severe sores when it
Iron Nitrate 4 comes in contact with the body.
After the work is left in this pickle
Warm and grind together.
long enough to remove the sand, it should
be rinsed in dean cold water, and then
placed in a hot muriatic acid pickle, 1
Metal Cleaning Pad
part acid, 1 part water, to remove any
A fabric pad
is filled with powdered
oxidation. It is then immersed in a regu-
Calcium Carbonate 90 lb. lar bright dip. This is made by mixing
Soda Ash S lb. 2 parts sulfuric add, 1 part nitric acid,
Salt 2 lb. and after this is made, add 1 quart of
water and % oz. hydrochloric add to

Mixed Polish each gallon of the mixture. When it

cools to room temperature it is ready to
Mixture 1 use. After bright dipping, pass the work
through a cyanide dip made of sodium
Carnauba Wax 8 parts
cyanide 6 ounces, water 1 gallon. Rinse
Montan Wax 8 parts
in clean cold water, then in hot water,
Paraffin Wax 4 parts
and dry in hardwood sawdust.
These are saponified in. a hot solution of
Potash 3 parts
Water 40 parts Buffing Nickel Polish
Double Pressed Saponified
Replace any evaporation with additional
Stearic Acid 86 lb.
warm water. There is then added to this
Paraffine 16 lb.
20 parts of Turpentine.
Edible Tallow 10 lb.
Mixture 2 Japan Wax 3 lb.
Silex 376 lb.
No. 1 Polish Black 4 parts
Water 20 parts
Oil Polish
These should be milled together in a
Mineral Oil 60 lb.
color mill until thoroughly dispersed.
Naphtha 26 lb.
While Mixture No. 1 is hot, add Mix-
Turpentine 3 lb.
ture No. 2 slowly and with constant stir-
Stearic Acid 9 lb.
ring. As it cools, the mass will slowly Triethanolamine 4 lb.
set to a paste. Before it is too stiff for
Methanol 4 lb.
flowing pour into suitable containers and
Water 120 lb.
set aside until cold.
These formulae may form the basis
Mix together the mineral oil, naphtha
for any change which a particular manu-
facturer might wish to make. Other and turpentine and add the stearic acid.
gums or resins may be substituted and Heat the mixture to about 60° C. at
the amounts of water or turpentine va- which time the acid will dissolve to give
ried according to the final consistency a clear solution.
In a separate container mix the Tri-
In the formulae calling for carbon ethanolamine, methanol and water and
black to be ground into water, colloidal heat likewise to 60° C. Then add to this
carbon would be of great advantage. the first mixture and stir vigorously until
the emulsion is smooth. Continue with
This material is put on the market as
gentle stirring until cool.
Paris Paste and is a paste of carbon
black in water containing 33%% carbon Properties
black. This paste may be diluted with
water so as to give a concentration de- An oil polishof this type can be used
sired in the formula. both for furniture and automobiles. It can
be rubbed dry to leave a glossy finish on
the varnish or lacquer surface. Such a
Nickel Silver Castings, Cleaning polish is more easily applied than a wax
If the nickel silver castings have any polish but it does not leave the same hard
sand on them, it will be necessary to use and permanent film.
a hydrofluoric acid pickle to remove the
sand. This pickle is made by using 1
pint of 48 per cent hydrofluoric acid to The cleaning action of this polish can
each gallon of water. The pickle should be increased with a slight alteration in
formula; namely by the substitution of Carnauba Wax 40 lb.
part of the mineral oil with kerosene or Turpentine 20 lb.
naphtha. Pine oil may also be substi- 2. Water 500 lb.
tuted for the turpentine, or other solvent
changes made. When this polish is to
Heat (1) to 200° F. and in a separate
be used for lacquers, a fine abrasive is
frequently added in small quantity.
pot heat (2) to 200° F. Run (1) into
(2) slowly while stirring vigorously until
Uses cold. This gives a beautiful light cream.
If a colored cream is desired dissolve
Furniture and automobile polishes.
some oil soluble dye in the wax mixture
while it is melting.
Soluble Oils, Cutting Oils, Polishes
White Shoe Cleaners, Paste
A. (1) Rosoap 10 lb.
10 (For use in tubes)
(2) Pine Oil lb.

(3) Mineral (Paraffin) Oil 40 lb. Soap Flakes 10

Profiex 5
Mix (1), (2) and then add (3);
Water 35
B. (1) Rosoap 31 lb.
White Pigment 150
(2) Rozolin 10 lb.

(3) Denatured Alcohol 4 lb.

(4) Mineral (Paraffin) White Shoe Cleaners, Liquid

Oil 159 lb. A. Soda Ash 1
The above oils give rich creamy emul- Rochelle Salts 2
sions with water. Titanox C 40
Water 57

Glaze for Paper, Wood or Metal B. Soda Ash 0.5

Casein 100 lb. Soap Flakes 3
Borax 7-15 lb. Lithopone 40
Trisodium Phosfate 7-15 lb. Water 53
Hexamethylene Tetramine 0.5- 8 lb. Gum Arabic (50% Sol.) 4
Castor Oil 1- 5 oz.
Clovel 1 oz.
Liquid Shoe Blacking
Nigrosine Base 8
* Razor Hone Rozolin 17
Carborundum Powder 4 Warm and stir until dissolved. Cool
Rubber 30 and add
Factiee 17 Alcohol 24
Red Iron Oxide 49 Acetone 22
Mill together until uniform. Benzol 42

* Razor Paste Black Shoe Cream

Bauxite 42 gm. Montan T
W ax
Crude 15
Raw Animal Fat 42 gm. Carnauba Wax Refined 15
Powdered Emery 15 gm. Rosin 3
Liquid Varnish 1 gm, Caustic Potash 6
Soap Flakes *
Polishing Rouge
Water 156
Nigrosine (Water Soluble) 4
Double Pressed Saponified
Stearic Acid 50 parts
Edible Tallow 25 parts Shoe Cream, Neutral
Camphor 3 parts Hydrowax Cream 50
Paraffine Wax 2 parts Heat to 200° F. and to it add follow-
Fine Iron Oxide 20 parts ing solution warmed to 150° F. and stir
until smooth.
Shoe Cream Vyv-y Turpentine 29
1. Trihydroxyethylamine Water 24
Stearate 25 lb. Proflex 3
Beeswax 10 lb. Soap Flakes 1
Candellila Wax 30 lb.
White Shoe Dressing Marseilles Soap 1.5 kg.
Pipe Clay 450 gm. Potassium Carbonate 0.3 kg.

Spanish Whiting 225 gm. Nigrosin 12.0 kg.

Flake White 180 gm. Water 32.0 kg.
Precipitated Chalk 115 gm. The solution in borax and
Powdered Tragacanth 8 gm. water,

is made the carnauba wax is

Phenol 4 gm. emulsified in the soap, carbonate solution
Water to make a paste. as above and the nigrosin and water
added to it, it is then added to the shellac
soln. with rapid agitation. Some am-
Shoe Polish, Paste monia may be added to prevent lumps.
Carnauba Wax 20
Paraffin Wax 12
Cold Polishing Dyes for Dressing Shoes
Heat to 200° F. and add to this slowly
with good stirring while heating on a Carnauba Wax 7.5 kg.
steam table Marseilles Soap 1.0 kg.
Potassium Carbonate 1.5 kg.
Turpentine 65
Water 79.0 kg.
Carbon Black No. 1 2.5
Oil Soluble Black Dye 0.5 Melt the carnauba wax, and add the
Stir until uniform. heated mixture of the other ingredients.
Stir rapidly, and add 11 kg. nigrosine
previously dissolved in a small amount of
Non-Caking Shoe Dressings the soap soln.
White shoe polishes, especially, have
tendency toward cake formation of the
pigments. This can be overcome by Dyeing “Shoe” Plush Brown
grinding the pigment with Aquaresin Four pieces of * shoe plush weigh-
J ?

G.M. The latter forms a thin film ing approximately 320 pounds are im-
around each particle of pigment. While mersed in the dye bath which contains
this does not prevent settling, it does 800 to 850 gallons of water at 120 F,
prevent formation of a hard cake and and run for ten minutes or until thor-
slight shaking distributes the pigment oughly wet out. Two pounds of borax,
thoroughly. seven pounds of trisodium phosphate and
twelve pounds of olive soap are now
added to the bath. The scouring is
Shoe Polish and Preservative then continued at 120° F. for an addi-
Carnauba Wax 2 parts by wt. tional 30 minutes. A
20 minute wash in
Beeswax 2 parts by wt. a bath containing two pounds of tri-
Neatsfoot Oil 1 part by wt. sodium phosphate follows. This wash is
Heat by hot water bath (not over followed by three 15 minute rinses with
melted, and then add turpentine
fire) till water at 120° F. and one cold rinse. If
until a soft paste is obtained when the soft water is not available, a small
mixture is cold. This should be applied amount of soda ash is added to the first
to the clean, dry leather with a rag or a rinse to avoid the formation of any hard
piece of waste, and rubbed hard until no soap which would be extremely difficult
more polish is absorbed. Polish with a to rinse out of the dense pile. The rins-
clean cloth. A
higher polish will be ob- ing, even though it may seem too much,
tained by reduction of the proportion of is vitally important to ensure the absence

oil, but the leather will not be so well of all soap in the ensuing processes.
preserved. The cloth is dyed brown by running in
a bath containing 30 pounds of potas-
* Shoe Uppers, Preserving sium permanganate and 1 pound of zinc
dust at 120° F. for one and a half to
Larch Turpentine 10-32
two hours. An addition of 5 to 10 pounds
Beef Tallow 45-55
of potassium permanganate is usually
Oil Birch Tar 8-14
necessary to obtain the desired depth of
Bone Oil 18-27
shade. "Following the dyeing the cloth
is rinsed at 160° F. with water made
Shoe Dye very slightly alkaline by the addition of
Shellac 12.7 kg. one and a half pounds of trisodium phos-
Borax 3.2 kg. phate. Two warm rinses complete the
Water 82.0 kg. process.
Carnauba Wax 6.3 kg.


Pure Turpentine Shoe Polish dissolved in
Stearic Acid 20 parts
Melt together the following :

added, then
Carnauba Wax 20
Ceresine 150 parts
Paraffin Wax 12
and finally
In a separate vessel put the following ;
Turpentine Oil 900 parts
Turpentine 65 The mass is filled at 45° C. (105° F.).
No. 1 Polish Black 2.5
Oil Soluble Black Dye 0.5
2. Carnauba Wax 65 parts
Heat this to slightly above the melting Crude Montan Wax 40 parts
point of the waxes. As soon as this Dyestuff Soluble in Oil 30 parts
point is reached, add the turpentine to Paraffin 110 parts
the melted waxes, which should be just Ozokerite 10 parts
above their melting point. Stir vigor- Turpentine Oil 760 parts
ously and cool. The stirring should be
continued during the cooling. As soon
as it is cooled to a thin paste, pour into 3. Carnauba Wax 65 parts
cans where it will further cool to a stiff Crude Montan Wax 40 parts
paste. Dyestuff Soluble in Oil 30 parts
Paraffin 40 parts
Saponified Water- Wax, Shoe Polish Ceresine 75 parts
Turpentine Oil 760 parts
Mixture 1 It is recommended to use only stearic
Carnauba Wax 8 parts acid or crude Montan wax for dissolving
Montan Wax 8 parts the bases, as oleine or mixtures of crude
Paraffin Wax 4 parts Montan wax with oleine do not give such
These are saponified in a hot solution of fine surfaces.

Potash 3 parts
Water 50 parts Floor Polishes
Replace any evaporation with additional 1. Carnauba Wax 15 parts
warm water. Paraffin 26 parts
Mixture 2 Ceresine 32 parts
No. 1 Polish Black 4 parts Benzine 170-180 parts
Water 25 parts Color to suit with any oil soluble color.
These should be milled together in a
color mill until thoroughly dispersed. 2. Carnauba Wax 60 parts
While Mixture No. 1 is hot, add Mix- Paraffin 104 parts
ture No. 2 slowly and with constant stir- Ceresine parts
ring. As it cools, the mass will slowly Turpentine 600 parts
set to a paste. Before it is too stiff for Naphtha 100 parts
flowing pour into suitable containers and
set aside until cold.
Shoe Polish
Beeswax 1 lb.
Shoe Cream, Black CeresinWax 1 lb.
A. Crude Montan Wax 18 kg. Carnauba Wax 6 oz.
Japan Wax 2 kg. Turpentine 3 pt.
Carnauba Wax 4 kg. Yellow Soap 6 oz.
Rosin 2 kg. Oil Soluble Black
Anilin enough to color
B. Water 260 kg. Water sufficient
98% Potash 6 kg.
Shave the soap and dissolve in the
Water-Soluble Nigrosin 12 kg.
smallest possible quantity of water by
Heat A and B separately to 95-100° means of heat, melt the waxes together,
C. and add B to A while stirring vigor- add the turpentine and stir well, then
ously with an electric mixer. add the anilin dye and stir in the soap
solution, continuing to stir until cold.
Shoe Polish
1, Carnauba Wax 55 parts Shoe Polish
Crude Montan Wax 55 parts The basis of most paste polishes at the
are melted at 105-110° C. present time is beeswax. Sometimes some
Nigrosine Base 10 parts carnauba wax is used to give hardness

to the polish and experience indicates Tripoli Powder 10 parts

that a higher polish can be obtained White Eouge 5 parts
where this ingredient is present. The French Chalk 15 parts
turpentine in the polish serves to keep it Petroleum 5 parts
soft and allows it properly to penetrate
the leather, while the soap gives the nec-
Polish, Silver
essary easy rubbing qualities. Knowing
Water 1 qt.
this, it is easy to modify any given for-
Soap Flakes 4 oz.
mula so as to meet requirements. If, for in- Whiting 8 oz.
stance, the gloss obtained is not high
enough, it indicates that more wax should
Ammonia % oz.

be used; if the polish dries out too rap-

* Silver Cleaner
idly use more turpentine; if it rolls
under the dauber, use more soap, and Infusorial Earth 20%
so on. Sod. Oleate 20%
Beeswax 1 lb. Salt 5-15%
Ceresin 1 lb. Water balance
Carnauba Wax 6 oz.
Turpentine 3 pt. Liquid Stove Polish
Yellow Soap 6 oz. Crude Montan Wax 2
Oil-Soluble Black Eosin 1
Anilin enough to color Carnauba Wax 2
Water sufficient
Heat to 90° C. with stirring and to it
Shave the soap and dissolve in the add slowly
smallest possible quantity of water by 2
Caustic Potash
means of heat, melt the waxes together, Water (Boiling) 86
add the turpentine and stir well, then Nigrosine 3
add the anilin dye and stir in the soap
solution, continuing to stir until cold.
Keep on heat and agitate vigorously
until uniform. Cool and work in
Graphite Flake 5
Black Shoe Polish
Lampblack 3
Montan Wax 15
Mix thoroughly until uniform.
Paraffin Wax 10
Beeswax 4
Japan Wax 4 Suede Cleaner
Nigrosine Base 3
Precipitated Chalk or
Turpentine 64
Whiting 12 lb.
Quilaya Bark 20 lb.
Shoe Polish Cream of Tartar Powder GO lb.

Double Pressed Stearic Oil Birch Tar 1% oz.

Acid 2 parts
Linseed Oil 1 part * Tile and Marble Polish
Turpentine 6 parts
Sod, Silicate 1
Soap Flakes 1 part
Linseed Oil 1
Water 10 parts
Precipitated Chalk 1
Pigment to Color optional
Magnesium Chloride 0.2
Water 10
* Silver Polish 0.1
1. Infusorial Earth 48 lb.
Diglycol Stearate 7 lb.
2. Tripoli Composition No. 2
3. Soda Ash 1 lb.
1 Stearic Acid lb.
4. Trisodium Phosphate lb.
70 Edible Tallow lb.
5. Water lb.
5 lb.
Oleo Stearine
6. Clovel % lb.
Eosin 9 lb.
Heat 2 and 5 to 150° E. and stir until Petrolatum 40 lb.
homogeneous. Add the other ingredients Japan Wax 1 lb.
and mix to a smooth paste. ,

Flint 315 lb.

Tripoli Flour, Double
Silver Polish Ground 93 lb.

10 parts Ponolith 2 lb.

Castile Soap
Water 50 parts
Tripoli Buffing Stick Turpentine or White
Spirit 225 parts
Double Pressed Saponified Soap
30 parts 1 part
Stearic Acid
25 parts
Water 10 parts
Edible Tallow
Paraffin Wax 25 parts The soap is dissolved in water (hot)
Tripoli Flour 20 parts and the waxes are dissolved in the di-
(or as much as will be absorbed) pentene. When cool the solutions are
mixed with vigorous shaking or stirring.
A buffing or polishing paste may be
made using the above formulae with the
addition of a small amount of turpen- * Wood Preservative and Finish
tine and of water to bring to the con- Creosote Oil 4
sistency desired. Alcohol 1
Paste Wood Filler 4
Turpentine 2
Grease Stick for Buffing and Polishing Hydrochloric Acid (Cone.) 1
Single Pressed Saponified
Furniture Polish
Stearic Acid 25 parts
Edible Tallow 70 parts Pale Paraffin Oil 3 parts by vol.
Paraffine Wax 5 parts Benzol 2 parts by vol.
This polish is being used by one of the
largest furniture houses in America. The
Vienna Lime Composition benzol softens the surface permitting
Double Pressed Saponified the oil to leave a thin film on surface.
Stearic Acid 45 lb.
Edible Tallow 15 lb. * Synthetic Spinel
Vienna Lime 200 lb.
Ponolith 2% lb.
A synthetic spinel having a permanent
aquamarine color has an approx, compn.
of alumina 92, magnesia 8, chromic ox-
Polishing Wax ide 0.12, cobaltic oxide 0.025 and titanic
oxide 0.3%.
Montan Wax 15
Carnauba Wax 5
Candelilla Wax 2 Jewelry Polish Powder
Paraffin Wax 3 Marble Dust 90%
Japan Wax 1 Jeweler's Rouge 10%
Turpentine 75

Non-Slippery Rubless Floor Polish

Liquid Polishing Wax Carnauba Wax ISTos. 1 or 2 500 lb.
Beeswax 5 Hydromalin 276 lb.
Ceresin 20 Heat with stirring for *4 hour to 120-
140° C. Cool to 100° C. and add slowly
Melt together and cool to 65° C. Stir
with vigorous mixing
in slowly
Water (Boiling) 3560 lb.
Turpentine 85
Pine Oil 2.5 Stir until uniform;
allow to stand
overnight and add slowly while stirring
Sodium Silicate 80 lb.
Window Cleanser
Castile Soap 2 parts
Water 5 parts Sand Papers and Emery Papers
Chalk 4 parts For this line of work the demand is
French Chalk 3 parts primarily for glues of the higher viscosi-
Tripoli Powder 2 parts ties, but a strong jelly strength is
Petroleum Spirits 5 parts deemed important. The first treatment
consists of sizing paper with a 10% glue
solution. Paper is festooned until dried.
Wood Polish
Upper surface is then coated with a 35-
Carnauba Wax 33 parts 40% glue solution, upon which the abra-
Beeswax 66 parts sive grain is sprinkled. The whole is
Dipentene 75 parts again dried. The third treatment con-

sists of applying a 10% solution of the are coated with hide glues at a propor-
same glue to bind the grains firmly to- tion, of 1 part glue 2 parts water which
gether and to the paper. Again abra- has been dissolved in the customary man-
sive grains are sifted over surface, and ner. Glue is applied to wheel at tem-
then paper passes into drying chambers. perature of 140 F., and then wheel is
promptly rolled into desired sized abra-
sive grain, and then allowed to dry for
Abrasive Wheels 24 to 48 hours, after which it is ready
For polishing steel, iron, copper, etc., for use.
wheels composed of paper or felt disks


Press-Marks on Celanese-Garments
Cleaning Colored Concrete
In order to remove such lustrous spots
from dull finish Acetate rayon often a Colored concrete surfaces may be
good result is obtained (in case of cleaned and made more impervious by
plain colored garments) by soaking the
washing with liquid soap. When this
treatment used the soap should be ap-
whole garment for I hour in pure
plied and allowed to stand overnight,
Methanol with addition of a little Castor
being washed of£ thoroughly the next
Oil. The amount of liquid should be
justenough to perfectly penetrate the
garment without any excess liquid. The application of ordinary floor wax
once a month after the concrete is dry
Thus bleeding of colors is avoided. The
spots will disappear due to swelling ac-
and clean will produce deep colors, im-
Sometimes it is advisable to rub prove the wearing surface and make it
easy to keep clean. After the first two
and slightly pull the parts having
or three waxings, unless the surface is
marks, to loosen the fibers, melted by
Then the to be subjected to unusually severe
the heat, from each other.
wear, waxing twice a year will be suffi-
garment is dried on a hanger with a fan.

A Non-Inflammable Cleaning Liquid Marble, Cleaning

The following can be used for a va- A of potassium permanga-
riety of purposes. It removes grease
spots from delicate fabrics, fat and tar-
nate about %
per cent strength is made,
the permanganate being dissolved in a
nish from jewelry, tableware, copper- little hot water. This is a product
ware and ironware. It will also kill which can be obtained from almost any
moths and insects: chemist; this is then brushed into the
Kerosene #
1 oz. marble until uniform penetration is ob-
Carbon Tetrachloride 3 oz. tained. Before it is allowed to dry, it
Oil of Citronella 2 drm. is treated with a solution of ammonia

Mix and filter if necessary. The car- and a little sodium hydrosulphite in
bon tetrachloride must be free from car- warm water. When making up this
bon bisulphide. If the latter is present, solution it is essential to add the am-
a fact which can easily be ascertained monia first as otherwise the hydrosul-
by the smell, the carbon tetrachloride phite will be decomposed; this is then
must be shaken with charcoal and fil- sponged on to the marble when the
tered. violet coloration of the permanganate
will entirely disappear leaving a clean

All formulae preceded by an asterisk (*) are covered by patents.

white product. This method can be ap- Egg Yolk. —
Soften wflth glycerin and
plied efficiently on floors which become treat with Alcoholic soap solution.
discolored through age, etc. If one Grass.— Alcohol or Chloroform or Zinc
application is not enough it can easily Chloride 2% solution.
be repeated without harming the marble Henna. — Hydrogen Peroxide 10% 20,
in any way whatsoever. If the floor is Am. Chloride Water 20.
very greasy an initial washing with
Iodine. — 10% Pot. Iodide followed bv
soda ash may be resorted to being well
rinsed with clean water before applying 10% Sod. Thio Sulfate folowed by
the permanganate solution.
— Sod. Hydrosulfite
Iron Salts. 8% solu-
Lacquer. —Trichlorethylene
Stains, Blacking
5, Paraffin
The following will probably be effec- Wax Acetone 1, Benzol 1, Tetralin
1, Methanol 1.
1 part Nitrobenzene
(Oil or Mir- —
Lead Compounds. Stain with Tine. Io-
dine; dry and dissolve with concen-
7 parts Phenol (Carbolic Acid, trated pot. iodide solution.
U. S. P. 90% Solution)

Manganese. 10% Am. Sulfate Solution
After application, rinse well with al- followed by dilute Hydrochloric Acid
cohol. then water.

Bemoving Stains

Mercury. 5-10% Solution Pot. Cya-
nide (poisonous) followed by water.
Stain Treatment Milk.—Ether or Ethylenedichloride fol-
Albumen. —Soak for a few hours in Pep- lowed by warm borax solution.

Mold. 3% Hydrogen Peroxide, Am.
sin 25, Hydrochloric Acid (25%) 50,
Water 100 at 45° C. Chloride Alcohol 10, Water 70.

Antimony Compounds. Ammonium Sul- Nickel. — 10% Solution Pot. Cyanide
fide solution.
(poisonous) then water.
Arsenic Compounds. — Ammonium Sul- —
“Nicotine.” On skin Sodium Sulfite —
fidesolution followed by ammonium 25, Water 100, Hydrochloric Acid 2
hydroxide if necessary. or 10% Hydrogen Peroxide 10, Am.
Chloride 1, Alcohol 5.
Asphalt Soften by rubbing with

warm petrolatum or min- Oil or Fat. —
Glycol Oleate 1, Hexalin 2,
and dis-
eral oil or tetralin
Carbon Tetrachloride 1 followed by
solve with following: Ben- any dry cleaning solvent.
zol 1, Carbontetrachloride —
Perspiration. 10% Borax Solution or
1, Trichlorethylene 1, Ethyl- 10% Am. Carbonate Solution.
ene Dichloride 1.* Picric Acid. — 20% Solution Sod. Sulfate
Balsams. —Ether, Toluol or Chloroform. followed by soap and water.
Beer \ Ammonium Chloride 2, Bust. —Pot. Binoxalate Water 1, 44,
Champagne / Glycerin 2, Alcohol 2, Glycerin 1, allow to remain for a few
Water 7 followed by hours and wash.
water. Silver. —10% Solution Sod. Hydrosulfite
Blood. —Sodium Hydrosulfite or Triso- (warm) for 15 minutes followed by
dium Phosfate and Hydrogen Per- soap and water.
oxide. —
Urine. Citric Acid 10% followed by
Burnt Sugar. — Glycerin Water 10, 10, hot water.
Isopropyl Alcohol 20. Varnish. — Bosin Oil 1, Ethyl Acetate 1,
Cadmium Compounds.—Pot. Cyanide Tetralin 1, Amyl Alcohol 1, Ammo-
(poisonous) and thorough removal nium Hydroxide 1, Alcohol 1.
with water. Vomit. — Ammonium Chloride 10% solu-
Chromic Compounds! Sod. Bisulfite or tion,followed by alcoholic soap and
Chromates Sod. Hyposul- then water.
fite and dilute Water. —
Bub with flannel wet with 5%
sulfuric acid. White Mineral Oil and 95 Toluol.

Cobalt. Pot. Cyanide (poisonous) Solu- Wine 1 Acetic or Tartaric Acid (10%)
tion followed by water. Fruit / or Hydrogen Peroxide (10%)
Copper. —Warm 25-30% Pot. Iodide 5, Am. Chloride 20, Water 75.

Marble and Concrete Stain Removal (N 028004) used in removing iron stains,
method of application de-
blit unless the.
While practically every type of stain scribed is rather closely followed a yel-
can be removed from concrete without low stain will result. If the poultice is
appreciable injury to either the texture left on several hours, a black stain may
or color, the eradication of old stains develop, which is .probably due to the
which have been long neglected may re- formation of a sulphide of iron. Some
quire considerable patience. It is often staining matter is easily dissolved by a
a matter of repeating the treatment surface scrubbing and apparently re-
day after day until the desired results moved, but as the area dries the stain
are attained. It is not always possible may reappear. Tobacco stains scrubbed
to determine what the staining matter with a solution of washing soda may
is, and hence the treatment sometimes disappear in this way, but reappear
has to be a matter of experimentation. stronger than before due to the solvent
Usually the staining matter will be driving the staining matter into the sur-
found to exist in a stable form, and its face in stronger concentrations. The
removal may require several applica- chief function of a poultice is to draw
tions of a solvent which does not ap- dissolved staining matter out of the sur-
preciably affect the surface. A
consid- face. In some eases a porous paper or
erable variety of chemicals may be ap- blotter pasted to the stained surface
plied to concrete without appreciable after the proper solvent has been ap-
injury hut acids or those chemicals plied may be made to answer the pur-
which develop an acid condition should pose. When a stain has to be treated
be carefully avoided. Even weak acids, with a very volatile solvent, such as
such as oxalic and acetic, may show benzol, ether, acetone, etc., it is best to
their effects on the surface if left on use a slab of stone or brick over the
concrete for a considerable length of solvent. This prevents a rapid evapora-
time. tion of such solvents, prolonging their
Usually stains penetrate to such an action and affording a capillary action
extent that they cannot be readily re- similar to a poultice. When so used,
moved by merely applying the proper the stone or brick should be thoroughly
chemical to the surface or by scrubbing dry.
the stained part and it is necessary to In some cases it may not be possible
resort to a poultice or bandage. poul-A to determine the type of stain. Many
tice is made by mixing one or more stains are yellow or brown, resembling
chemicals with a fine inert powder to a iron rust. Oil stains when new re-
pasty consistency. This is applied to semble the oil itself, but after a con-
the stain in a thick layer. The bandage siderable period of time they are apt to
treatment consists of a layer of cotton become yellow or dark brown. Copper
batting or a few layers of cloth soaked and bronze stains are usually green, al-
in a chemical solution and pasted over though, due to the iron or manganese
the stain. A stain may be eradicated, content, or due to the alteration of fine
first by dissolving the staining matter particles of pyrites in the concrete,
and drawing it out by capillary suction bronze sometimes causes a brown stain.
or driving it back from the surface; In experiments on copper stains, made
and, second, by converting the coloring with a solution of copper sulphate, a
matter into a form which does not show brown stain was found on the surface
as a stain. In removing an oil stain it after the copper stain had been re-
is usually necessary to apply a solvent moved, This yielded readily to the
and draw the dissolved oil out. An iron treatment for iron stains, indicating
stain is more satisfactorily treated bv that it was caused by the alteration of
applying a reducing agent, although some element In the surface, since the
means must be taken to prevent the re- copper salt applied was “chemically
oxidation of the iron and the reappear- pure. ’ ’
ance of the stain. This is accomplished Concrete in certain parts of buildings
by an application of sodium citrate solu- is apt to become stained from the per-
tion. Some chemicals used for remov- spiration or oil from the hands. Such
ing stains are very unstable and decom-
discolorations sometimes become very
pose under certain conditions, producing prominent and resemble iron stains.
stains of their own which may be more This stain is not as difficult to remove
troublesome than the original. This is as those caused by lubricating or lin-
particularly true of the hydrosulphite seed oils.

For Chemical Advisors, Special Raw Materials, Equipment, Containers, etc., consult Supply
Section at end of book.
Under damp conditions wood
will rot is not 2.a difficult matter to repolish the
and finally produce a chocolate-colored treated portion.
stain. When pine wood burns, pitch
from the wood may penetrate the sur- Copper or Bronze Stains
and produce a stain which is al-
face 1. Such stains are found where the wash
most black. The eradication of such from bronze, copper or brass runs over
stains is a slow process, but in many concrete. The stain is nearly always
cases it may be entirely practical. green, being due to the formation of the
carbonate of copper, but bronze appa-
Treatment of Iron Stains rently causes a brown stain in some
Iron stains can usually be recognized cases. The green stains may be eradi-
by their resemblance to iron rust or by cated in the following way:
their position with respect to steel mem- —
Method Ho. 1. Mix dry 1 part of am-
bers of the structure. monium chloride (sal ammoniac) and 4
Method Ho. 1. —Dissolve 1 part so- parts of powdered talc. Add ammonia
water and stir into a paste. Place this
dium citrate in 6 parts of water and
mix this thoroughly with an equal vol- over the stain and leave until dry. A
ume of glycerin. Mix a part of this stain of this kind that has been collect-
liquid with whiting to form a paste just ing for several years may require sev-
stiff enough to adhere in a thick coat- eral repetitions of this procedure to
ing to the surface. Apply this to the completely remove it. Sometimes alu-
stained area with a putty knife or minum chloride is employed instead of
trowel. This will become dry in a few sal ammoniac.3.
days and it should then be replaced Method Ho.2. —
Dissolve 8 ounces of
with a new layer or softened by the ad- potassium cyanide in 1 gallon of water.
dition of more of the liquid. While this Saturate a thick white cloth in the solu-
treatment has no injurious effects, its tion and place it over the stain. When
action may be too slow to be practical the cloth has become dry, soak it again
in cases of intense stains. Ammonium in the cyanide solution and repeat the
citrate may be used instead of sodium operation until the stain disappears.
citrate to obtain somewhat quicker re- Sometimes it may be advantageous to
sults, but, due to the development of an combine this and the method above;
acid condition, it may injure a polished that is, remove the greater part of the
surface slightly. stain with the poultice and finish with
Method Ho. —
For deep and intense
2. the cyanide solution. This solution is
very poisonous if taken into the system.
iron stains more satisfactory to em-
it is
ploy sodium hydrosulphite (Ha 2 S 2 04 ).
Before applying the hydrosulphite to Ink Stains
the stain the surface should be soaked Inks are of various compositions, and
for a few minutes with a solution of require different treatments.
sodium citrate made by dissolving 1 Ordinary writing inks usually consist
part of the citrate crystals in 6 parts of of gallotannate of iron, a blue dye, a
water. To apply the citrate solution, mineral acid, phenol and a gum or gly-
dip a white cloth or piece of cotton bat- cerin. Such an ink may etch the sur-
ting into the solution and paste it over face of concrete due to the acid content.
the stain for 10 or 15 minutes. If the To remove a stain of this type, make a
stain is on a horizontal face, sprinkle strong solution of sodium perborate in
a thin layer of the hydrosulphite crys- hot water. Mix this with whiting to a
tals over it, moisten with water, and thick paste, apply in a layer %-ineh
cover with a stiff paste of whiting and thick, and leave until dry. If some of
water. If the stain is on a vertical the blue color is visible after this poul-
face, place a layer of the whiting paste tice is removed, repeat the process. If
on a plasterer’s trowel, sprinkle on a only a brown stain remains, treat it by
layer of the hydrosulphite, moisten Method Ho. 1 for iron rust. Sodium per-
slightly, and apply it to the stain. Re- borate can be obtained from any drug-
move after one hour. If the stain is gist. Repolish the surface if necessary.
not all removed, repeat the operation. —
Synthetic Dye Inks, Many of the
Unless the stain is deep, one treatment red, green, violet, and other bright col-
will be sufficient. When the stain dis- ored inks are water solutions of syn-
appears, rinse the surface thoroughly thetic dyes. These contain no acid and
with clear water and make another ap- do not etch concrete. Stains made by
plication of the citrate solution as at this type of ink can usually be removed
first. Although the polish is apt to be by the sodium perborate poultice de-
dimmed somewhat by this treatment, it scribed above. Often the stain from
such inks can be removed by applying Powdered talc is preferable to whiting,
ammonia water on a piece of cotton bat- since it holds the moisture longer and
ting. Javelle water may also be effec- thus prolongs the. action of the active
tively used in the same way as ammonia chemicals. It also has the advantage
water or mixed to a paste with whiting of being easier to remove from the sur-
and applied as a poultice. A
mixture of face after it has dried. Whiting is apt
equal parts of chlorinated lime and to cling so firmly that it has to be moist-
whiting reduced to a paste with water ened before it can be scraped off. This
may also be used as a poulticing mate- is an undesirable feature, since the

rial. dried poultice contains the staining

Prussian Blue Inks. Some blue inks matter, and if it has to be soaked loose
contain Prussian blue, which is a ferro- from the surface some of the staining
cyanide of iron. Stains from this type matter is apt to be driven back into
of ink cannot be removed by the per- the concrete. If the paste is made of
borate poultice, Javelle water, or chlori- the proper consistency, it can be applied
nated lime poultice. Such stains yield with a paint brush. Awhiting paste
to a treatment of ammonia water ap- has the desired brushing properties, but
plied on a layer of cotton batting. A in order to make the talc poultice work
strong soap solution applied in the same well as a brushing coat it is necessary
way may also be effective. to add a teaspoonful of sugar to each
Indelible Ink. —
This type of ink of- pound of talc. Powdered talc in the
ten consists entirely of synthetic dyes. raw state is of low cost, but is not al-
Stains from dye inks may be treated ways easily obtained. When only a
as outlined above for that type. How- small amount is required, one may em-
ever, some indelible inks contain silver ploy the cheaper grades of talcum pow-
salts which cause a black stain. This ders or purchase the unscented grades
may be removed with ammonia water from automobile tire distributers.
applied on a layer of cotton batting. —
Method No. 3. The following formula
Usually several applications will be will be found to be somewhat more effi-
necessary. cacious than either of the foregoing:
Dissolve 2 pounds of trisodium phos-
4. Tobacco Stains phate crystals in 1 gallon hot water.

Method No. 1. The grit scrubbing Mix the contents of a 12-ounce can of
chlorinated lime to a paste in a shallow
powders, commonly used on marble, ter-
razzo, and tile floors are usually satis- enameled pan by adding water slowly
factory for application as a poulticing and mashing the lumps. Pour this and
material on this type of stain. Stir the the trisodium phosphate solution into a
powder into a pail of hot water until stoneware jar and add water until ap-
a mortar consistency is obtained. Mix
proximately 2 gallons are obtained. Stir
well, cover the jar, and allow the lime
thoroughly for several minutes, then
apply to the stained surface in a layer to settle. For use add some of the
about one-half inch thick. Leave this liquid to powdered tale until a thick
paste obtained, and apply as a poul-
on until dry. In most cases two or more
tice %-inch thick with a trowel. If it
applications of the poultice will be
is desired to apply this with a brush,

Method No. 2, If the scrubbing pow- add about one teaspoonful of sugar to
each pound of powdered talc. When dry
ders called for in Method No. 1 are not
scrape off with a wooden paddle or
at hand, the following procedure may
trowel. This mixture is a strong bleach-
be used. Make up a soap solution by
dissolving about 1 cubic inch of soap
ing agent and is corrosive to metals,
in a quart of hot water. In another hence in using it care should be taken
vessel dissolve one large tablespoonful
not to drop it on colored fabrics or
of soda ash or two tablespoonfuls of
metal fixtures.
This formula is also valuable for
washing soda in one pint of water.
treating other stains and will be fre-
Combine equal parts of these two solu-
quently referred to in the following
tions and apply a portion of it to the
methods. Trisodium phosphate may be
stained surface with a mop, or saturate
purchased at most drug stores, at chem-
a piece of cotton batting in the liquid
ical supply houses, or laundry supply
and place it over the stain for a^ few
minutes. Make up a poultice by mixing
5. Urine Stains
a portion of the soap and soda solution

with powdered talc or whiting. Apply Use Method No. 3 as outlined above
this to the stain and leave until dry. for tobacco stains. Should some part
Scrape it off and repeat if necessary. of the stain prove stubborn, saturate a
layer of cotton batting in the liquids the cloth and its covering in place.
and paste over that part of the surface. When the cloth becomes dry, it should
Resaturate the cotton if necessary. be again saturated and covered as at
If the polish has been injured, first. Old oil stains are difficult to re-
moisten a piece of felt cloth or chamois move and their treatment may require
skin with water, dip it into some FF a great deal of patience. If the solvent
carborundum or emery flour and rub the tends to spread the stain, a larger cloth
surface until6. it appears smooth and should be used. In covering the satu-
glossy. Then polish with putty powder rated cloth with a piece of glass the
in the same manner until the desired stain is driven into the concrete, while
finish is obtained. When applying the if a dry slab of concrete is used, some
putty powder, use a new piece of felt of the oil will be drawn into it.
or chamois skin. Method No. 2.— A method frequently
used consists in mixing a solvent, such
Fire Stains as benzol or gasoline, with a dry powder
such as hydrated lime, marble dust, or
Concrete is often badly discolored
whiting, to form a paste which is plas-
from smoke or pitch from burning tered over the stain. While this method
wood. Sometimes the original appear- is said to be satisfactory for such oil
ance may be restored by the following stains as occur in construction, it acts
process: Scour with powdered pumice or slowly on old oil stains which have
a grit scrubbing powder to remove the dried and oxidized.
surface deposit, then make a solution
of trisodium phosphate and chlorinated

Method No. 3. Lubricating oil stains
can be removed with more facility
lime as 7.described in Method No. 3 for where the following method can be used.
tobacco stains. Fold a white Canton
Place a layer
8. of asbestos fiber about
flannel cloth to form three or four lay-
one-fourth inch thick over the stained
ers and saturate it in the liquid. Paste
portion, saturateit with amyl acetate,
this over the stain and cover it with a
and cover with a scrap slab of concrete.
piece of pane glass or a scrap slab of
Place on top of the auxiliary slab a hot
concrete, making sure the cloth is
iron of about the temperature used for
pressed firmly against the surface. Re- pressing fabrics. Apply more of the
saturate the cloth as often as necessary. amyl acetate as the asbestos becomes
Deep pitch stains are difficult to re- dry and reheat the iron as often as
move, and hence several treatments will necessary. A few layers of Canton flan-
be necessary. To restore the polish, use nel may be used instead of asbestos fiber
the method described above under meth-
if care is taken not to scorch the cloth.
od of treating urine stains. Stains from scorched cloth may be re-
moved by the same method recom-
Lubricating Oil Stains mended for fire stains.

Lubricating penetrates quite read-

ily, and if accidentally dropped on the Linseed-Oil Stains
surface of concrete it should be mopped This type of stain is usually found
off immediately with a cloth and cov- around plumbing fixtures where putty
ered with fuller's earth or other dry has been used. The linseed oil from the
powdered material, such as hydrated putty may spread for some distance
lime or whiting. In some cases a layer through the concrete and produce a
of dry portland cement will serve the stain that is very difficult to remove.
purpose. The oil that has penetrated The oil in oxidizing forms a “resinous
may usually be removed in this way if matter" which practically seals the
treated soon after the stain occurs. pores and effectively prevents the pene-
However, when the oil has remained on tration of any solvent which may be
the surface for a considerable period of applied. The use of putty for filling
time and thoroughly oxidized, other around pipes where they pass through
methods will be necessary. concrete is objectionable because of the

Method No. 1. -Place over the stain stains that are apt to occur. Grafting
a piece of white Canton flannel some- wax is more desirable for this purpose
what larger than the stain and satu- as it does not stain the concrete and
rated in a mixture of equal parts of can be easily removed.
acetone and amyl acetate. Cover with Experiments have been made on sev-
a piece of pane glass, or preferably a eral treatments applied to the inside
small slab of concrete. If the stain is walls of openings through concrete to
on a vertical surface it will be neces- prevent the penetration of linseed oil
sary to improvise a means of holding from putty. The only application of th;~
kind that was found effective consisted 10. Coffee Stains
of sodium silicate. At least two appli- Coffee stains can be removed by satu-
cations of the sodium silicate should rating a cloth in glycerin diluted with
be made, the first consisting of the com- four times its volume of water and past-
mercial silicate diluted with twice its ing it over the stained portion. Javelle
volume of water, and the second consist- water, or the solution used on lire
ing of the undiluted silicate. This stains, will also prove effective.
should be applied with a brush, and
ample time should be allowed for each 11. Iodine Stains
application to dry. This stain will gradually disappear of
Method No. 1 recommended for use its own accord within a few weeks time.
on lubricating oil stains will slowly dis- It may be quickly removed by applying
solve this “resinous matter” and re- alcohol and covering with whiting or
duce the stain, but it is not well adapted talcum12.
powder. If the stain is on a ver-
to use around plumbing fixtures. The tical wall, mix the talcum to a paste
coloring matter in such stains may be with alcohol, apply some alcohol to the
bleached as follows: stain, and then cover it with the paste.

Method No. 1. Cut a piece of thick One application will' usually prove suf-
white cloth or a layer of cotton batting ficient.
to fit around the fixture. Saturate this
with hydrogen peroxide and paste it Barium Sulphide Stains
over the stain. The bleaching action The yellow stain left by barium sul-
may be accelerated by moistening an- phide and other alkaline sulphides may
other cloth in ammonia water and plac- 13. by applying a weak solution
be removed
ing this over the first. Repeat the op- of potassium cyanide. Dissolve a tea-
eration as described until the discolora- spoonful of potassium cyanide in a glass
tion is removed. of water, saturate a piece of cotton bat-

Method No. 2. Mix dry one part tri- ting in the liquid, paste it over the
sodium phosphate, 1 part sodium perbo- stain, and leave until dry. One or two
rate, and 3 parts powT dered tale. Make applications will usually suffice. The
a strong soap solution in hot water and cyanide is very poisonous if taken into
add enough of this to the dry mixture the system.
to form a thick paste. Cover the stain
with the 9.paste and leave until dry. The Perspiration Stains
same material can be used over again Secretions from the hands or oil from
by reducing it to a paste with some the hair may produce stains on concrete.
more of the soap solution. In some The stain is brown or yellow and may
cases it may be found desirable to alter- be mistaken for an iron stain. The best
nate this treatment with Method No. 1 treatment found is that recommended
for lubricating oil stains. for fire stains. Bad stains of this kind

Method No. 3. Combine equal parts are rather stubborn and may require
of wood alcohol and a 10 per cent solu- several treatments.
tion of trisodium phosphate. Make a
paste of this mixture and asbestos fiber General Service Stains
sufficient to cover the stain with a layer The general cleaning and care of ter-
one-fourth inch thick. Place a scrap razzo floors discussed in another data
slab of concrete over this and apply a sheet. However, when certain areas be-
hot iron as described in Method No. 3 come yellow while adjacent slabs re-
for lubricating oil stains. A
few repe- main free from discoloration, the
titions of this process may be necessary trouble is probably due to the original
in cases of very pronounced stains. finishing of the floor. Such discolora-
tions are not usually hard to remove by
Rotten Wood Stains poultice methods, or they may yield to
a surface scrubbing with Javelle water.
Tinder damp conditions wood will rot Javelle water can usually be purchased
and cause a chocolate-colored stain on at drug stores or may be prepared as
concrete which is readily distinguished follows: *

from most other stains by its dark Dissolve 3 pounds of washing soda in
color. The best treatment found for 1 gallon of water. Mix the contents of
this type of stain is that recommended a 12-ounee can of chlorinated lime to a
for fire stains. The action may be ac- paste in a shallow enameled pan by
celerated by first scrubbing the surface adding water slowly and mashing the
thoroughly with glycerin diluted with lumps with a spatula or pointing trowel.
four times its volume of water. Add the paste to the soda solution,
make up to 2 gallons by adding water, Lacquer stains can be removed easily
and place in a covered stoneware jar to with amyl acetate (banana oil), lacquer
settle. Pour off the clear liquid when thinner.
required for use and dilute with six To remove mereuroehrome stains, 1st,
times its volume of clear water. Use boil %
hour in soapy water, and, 2nd’
this as a soap or other scrubbing solu- apply benzaldehyde, then a 25% hydro-
tion. In using this solution it is advis- chloric acid solution. Rinse thoroughly
able to first rinse the surface with clear afterward.
water. Javelle water is a strong bleach- Mildew is removed in one minute
ing material, hence it should not be al- with Javelle water, but not from silk
lowed to drop on colored fabrics. It is or wool.
not recommended for general cleaning Paint or varnish is removed with car-
purposes, but its occasional use on bon tetrachloride, benzol, Stoddard's
stained concrete is believed to be en- Solvent, amyl acetate; not for Rayon,
tirely safe. which should be scrubbed with two
Poulticing with commercial grit scrub- parts carbon tetrachloride, two of alco-
bing powders, such as those commonly hol, one part of oleic acid.
used for cleaning marble floors, will Perfume can be removed with alco-
prove satisfactory for removing most hol.
stains of this class. In poulticing with Perspiration stains are removed with
these, the material is slowly stirred into soapy water and hydrogen peroxide.
a pail of hot wr ater until a thick paste Scorched stains are removed with po-
of mortar consistency is obtained. A tassium permanganate followed by hy-
small addition of whiting will add some- drogen peroxide.
what to the working qualities of the Shoe polish stains are removed the
poultice. This is applied to the surface same as candle drippings, or use benzol.
with a -trowel in a layer %inch thick
or more and allowed to remain until
dry, when it is scraped off with a Developer Stains, Removal of
wooden paddle.
Should it be deemed expedient to use Treatment with I as follows is
a poultice that may be applied with a
claimed to remove developer stains from
brush instead of a trowel, Method No. 3
fabrics. Soln. 1: KI 35 g.; I (crystals)
for tobacco stains is well adapted to 10 g.;water to 1 1. Soln. 2: Na 2 S 2 0 3 .

this purpose.
5H 2 0 25 g.; water to 1 1. The stained
material is treated in soln. 1 for a few
min., then placed in soln. 2 for 15-20
min., and subsequently washed for 30-
Stains, Removing
40 min. Both new and old stains are
Argyrol stains can be removed by ap- said to yield to the treatment.
plying potassium iodide solution fol-
lowed by hypo crystals.
Blood stains can be removed in water Hectograph Stains from Skin,
with ammonia. Removing
Candle drippings are removed with
lard and benzol. Sodium Hydrosulfite 5-10
Cod liver oil stains are removed with Water 95-90
soap dissolved in amyl acetate.
Enamel stains are removed with amyl
acetate and acetone. General Spot Remover (Egg, Blood,
Fruit stains are removed by pouring Candy, General Dirt)
boiling water through the garment from 2% Liquid Soap Solution
a height of several feet. Use peroxide
Wet the spot and place folded cloth
of hydrogen.
underneath. Dip clean cloth in soap
Grass stains are removed with ether
solution and gently rub spot until lather
or soap and alcohol.
forms. Remove suds by rubbing with
Gum stains are removed with carbon wet cloth. Repeat if necessary.
tetrachloride, benzol.
To remove ink stains apply hydrogen
peroxide and hold in steam issuing from Remover
Grass, -and Frnit Stain
a kettle until yellowish. Repeat. Then
apply oxalic acid solution and wash Immerse spot in 95% denatured alco-
with water. Repeat if needed. hol and then follow with 2% soap solu-
To remove iodine stains use sodium tion.

Grease, Oil, Paint and Lacquer Spot * Preservative, Leather

Remover Oleyl or Cetyl Phthalate 50
10 lb. Aleolxol Light Mineral Oil 35
20 lb. Ethyl Acetate Montan Wax 10
20 lb. Butyl Acetate Ceresin 5
20 lb. Toluol
30 lb. Carbon Tetrachloride Protecting Leather during Manufacture
Shoes, bags, novelties, etc., made of
Mercuroehrome Stains, Removing leather are soiled readily while being
It is stated that two treatments with handled in various “putting together “
benzaldehyde, followed with a 25 per operations.
cent hydrochloric acid applications and To avoid this they are dipped or
an alcohol rinse, with a final bath in sprayed with following and dried
water will remove fresh mercuroehrome Rubber Latex 20
stains from silk. Glacial acetic acid Carnauba Wax Emulsion 10
followed by ether is also recommended Water 40
as a remover of mercuroehrome stains,
After articles are finished the de-
as is phosphoric acid in rubbing alcohol.
posited film is easily stripped oil’.

Rust and Ink Remover

Immerse portion of fabric with rust Cleaning Stained Limestone
or ink spot alternately in Solution A 1. Scrub surface with
and B rinsing w ith water after each
Washing Soda 5-10% Solution
using a bristle brush according to the
Solution A intensity of the stain. After half an
5% Ammonium Sulfide Solution hour use a steam jet, applying the treat-
95% Water ment uniformly to remove the stain.
After this treatment the stone usually
Solution B appears clean and fresh, but if left to
5% Oxalic Acid itself the stain tends to come back. To
95% Water prevent this the surface should be
scrubbed uniformly with the 10%
Scorch Remover formic acid solution.
2. A poultice method has been worked
Slight scorch spots can be removed
out which can be used advantageously
by immersing for about an hour or more under certain conditions for indurated
in a 3% Hydrogen peroxide solution.
stains, especially for localized or inte-
rior stains. The material for poultices
Wood Preservative Finish can be conveniently prepared by shred-
Creosote, Oil 4 ding old newspapers or similar paper
Alcohol 1 stock under a steam jet, sufficient fire-
Turpentine 2 clay being added to make the mass plas-
White Lead 3 tic. Washing soda is then added, ac-
Paste Wood Filler 4 cording to the intensity of the stain, in
amounts of from 5 to 10 per cent, and
the whole is plastered over the stained
Leather Soles, Impregnant for
surface with a trowel. The alkaline
Crepe Rubber 15 poultice is easily stripped off after 24
Rosin 30 hours and a similar poultice containing
Linseed Oil 35 10% formic acid is applied in the same
Turpentine 17 way and removed after another 24
Paraffin 3 hours. If the wall is dry at the start
Keep melted with occasional stirring this treatment is usually successful if
until rubber has dissolved. carried out by a workman experienced
in its use.

Leather “ Nourished *

For leggings, boots, base-ball gloves, Rust Stains

etc. Rust stains are produced by corroding
Menhaden Oil 39 fire escapes, lamp brackets, and similar
Tallow 60 attachments of iron or .steel in contact
Clovel 1 with limestone walls. These can be ore-
vented by keeping the iron work pro- B. Sod, Bisulfite 10
tected from rusting, and can be re- Orris Root, Powd. 10
moved by suitable treatment, although Perfume to suit
they sometimes become so thick and so
Apply solution A with a swab and
hard that drastic methods are required.
after afew minutes rub with B moist-
Scrubbing with hot concentrated oxalic
ening with water if necessary. Wash
acid will usually remove all rust stains,
well with soap and water.
the wall being washed thoroughly after
the treatment. Hydrofluoric acid put
up in lead tubes under various trade
names for dry cleaners may also be Dry Cleaning Soap
used, but the corrosive character of the Parts
acid demands caution. 1. Oleic Acid-white 10
2. An alcohol solution of pot.
Hydroxide (2 oz. by wt. of
Copper Stains
pot. Hydroxide in 10 oz. of
Copper stains are occasionally ob- denatured alcohol) 10
served on limestone surfaces below cop-
per roofs or gutters, adjoining copper 3. Carbon Tetrachloride 50
down-spots, or around copper, bronze, Mix 1 and 2 then add 3.
or brass name plates, lamp standards, Use plain then rinse article with gasov
and the like. The following methods of line or better still with carbontetra
removing copper stains have been de- chloride allow to dry.
veloped in our laboratory. A
cyanide solution will wash off this stain
very satisfactorily but must be used Dry Cleaner
with caution because of its poisonous Use
nature. Glycololeate parts
Carbon Tetrachloride 60 parts
Cigarette Stain Removal Varnoline 20 parts
The following method removes ciga- Benzine 18 parts
rette stains from fingers.
An excellent cleaner that will not in-
A. Pot. Permanganate (2% Soln.) jure the finest fabrics.


Brewers’ Pitch This mixture, representing one mol.
A. Rosin 160 each of the glycol and phthalic anhydride,
Pale Rosin Oil 30 was heated together in a partially closed
B. Rosin 168 vessel to a maximum temperature of
Paraffin Wax 22 290° C., over a period of approximately
Linseed Oil 10 2% hours. The final product was a soft,
pale, straw-colored resin having an acid
number of 56.3. This product was freely
* Synthetic Resins
soluble in n-butyl and amyl acetates,
Example 1 and in n-butyl propionate. This resi-
Parts by nous material is not substantially soluble
Weight in toluene alone, but solutions of the
Propylene Glycol (1-2 Propane resins in the previous solvents may be
Diol) 76 diluted with toluene. Accordingly this
Phthalic Anhydride 148 resin may be used to advantage in com*

All formulae preceded by an asterisk (*) are covered by patents.

positions containing the usual solvent be caused to react separately at 240° C.
mixtures in which a large proportion of and the glycerine then may be added
hydrocarbon diluent is used. This resi- to cause a second reaction to take place.
nous material is particularly valuable in Upon continued heating a fusible soluble
view of its compatibility with nitro- resin is formed which is convertible.
Example 2 * Resin, Water Soluble Synthetic
Parts by
Four hundred parts of formaldehyde
of 30 per cent strength are mixed with
Trimethylene Glycol (1-3 Pro-
100 parts of acetaldehyde. Into this
pane Diol) 76
mixture 5 parts of barium hydroxide are
Phthalic Anhydride 148
slowly introduced while well stirring.
This mixture of equivalent combining The temperature is kept at about 40°
proportions was heated as in Example 1, to 50° C. and care is taken that the tem-
yielding a product having substantially perature does not exceed 50° O., if neces-
the same characteristics as that obtained sary by external cooling. If after about
in Example 1. This material likewise is 5 hours of test shows that only a small
compatible with nitro- cellulose and is quantity of formaldehyde is still present,
suitable for use in lacquer compositions. the barium is precipitated in the form
Example 3 of carbonate by introducing carbon diox-
Parts by ide and the carbonate is removed by
Weight filtration. The filtrate is evaporated in
2-3 Butylene Glycol 100 a vacuum at about 60° to 65° C. To*
Phthalic Anhydride 148 gether with the water which is eliminated
by distillation small quantities of un
This mixture was reacted as described
altered aldehyde likewise pass over. The
in Example 1 and yielded a product of a
filtrate is then allowed to cool whereby
softer nature than those prepared in ac-
a limpid, highly viscous and colorless
cordance with Examples 1 and 2. The
syrup is obtained which is very easily
resinous material so prepared was found
soluble in water but insoluble in organic
to be soluble in toluene as well as in
solvents. It does not alter its properties,
such solvents as butyl acetate and the
even after the lapse of years.
like* It displays excellent compatibility
with nitro-cellulose.
* Resin, Synthetic
Cresol 100
* Resin, Synthetic
Formaldehyde 100
Dihydroxystearic Acid 45 Triethanolamine 7%
Phthalic Anhydride 80
Heat under a reflux to 100° C. for an
Glycerol 50 hour. Allow to settle and separate the
Heat for two hours at 242° C. in a supernatant solution. Drive off water by
kettle fitted with a short air condenser. heating in a vacuum.
The resin formed is hard, tough and The above resin may be mixed with
light in color. wood flour in a heavy heated mixer. It
is then cooled; ground and heated in
o o
molds at 100 -14Q C. under pressure.
* Resin, Synthetic
A hard, inert resin may be made by Rosin Emulsion
causing resinification to occur by heating
1. Rosin 100
in the usual well understood manner be-
tween 24.3 parts of phthalic anhydride, 2. Naphtha 100
10 parts borneol and 5 parts of glycerine.
3. Am. Linoleate 3

This is a dark-red resin which quickly

4. Ammonium Hydroxide . 2%
5. Water 200
reaches the B-stage on heating at 150° C.
more rapidly than without the addition Heat one to 150° C. and turn off
of borneol. flame; run two (which has been previ-
A reddish-brown, tough, water resis- ously heated on a water-bath to 90
tant resin may be prepared by the inter- 100° G.) into it slowly and stirring until
action of 3 parts of phthalic anhydride, all rosin has dissolved; cool and add
2 parts of terpene hydrate and 1 part three, four and five mixed together slowly
glycerine. The first two ingredients may with vigorous stirring. This gives a

For Chemical Advisors, Special Raw Materials, Equipment, Containers, etc., consult Supply
ffeotaoa at end of book. -
thick brown transparent emulsion which Grafting Wax Sticky

may be diluted infinitely witil water. Lanolin 40

Rosin 26
Rozolin 10
Shellac, Reconditioning Insoluble Turpentine 11
Shellac which has become
and in EtOH through prolonged
Modeling Wax
storage, overheating or other cause is
Venice Turpentine
added slowly to rosin at 270°. The prod- 90
uct is completely soluble in C^Hg and 16
PhMe and can be used as substitute for Beeswax 60
making varnishes, adhesives, etc. Tallow 14
rosin in
Thin Mineral Oil 4
Color to suit
* Wax, Carving
(For Statuettes and Models) Plastic Modeling Wax
Stearic Acid 6 Gum Mastic 3
Ceraflux 24 Beeswax 3
Carnauba Wax 1 Ozokerite 2
Terra Alba 75 Paraffin Wax 4
Tallow 19
Dance Floor Wax Melt together and keeping hot work in
Ceresin 44 Sulfur Flowers 22
Stearic Acid 12 Gypsum 12
Scale Wax 140 Pipe Clay 33
Carnauba Wax 4 Mineral Pigment 4
Oil Soluble Color to suit

Modelling Wax
Dental Impression Wax Beeswax 4
Paraffin Wax 90 Venice Turpentine 9
Ceresin 39 Lard 4
Beeswax 40 China Clay • 3.5
Venice Turpentine 30
Japan Wax 20
Wax Putty
Beeswax 4 lb.
Wax, Dental Impression Oleostearin 2 lb.
Turpentine 1
Shellac 45 %
'% Venice Turpentine
6 lb.
Talc 30
Coloring sufficient * Synthetic Wax
Tallow Fatty Acids (to
In a
flask equipped with a return con-
make) 100%
denser, 56.8 parts by weight of stearic
acid and 18.6 parts by weight of aniline
Flexible Wax are heated to substantially from 170°
Methyl Abietate 10 to 200° O. for approximately one hour.
Gelowax 90 Water is formed as a result of the re-
Heat together and stir until homo- action between the organic acid and the
geneous. The finished product has a amine. In order to eliminate the water
softening point of 58° 0. and a melting so formed, it is desirable to so arrange
point of 67° C. the condenser that the water may escape,
but so that any aniline being volatilized
will be returned to the flask. At the
Grafting Wax Solid end of the heating period, and after
Lanolin 22 some cooling, 19 parts by weight of fur-
Rosin 44 fural are added and the whole is heated
Ceresin 13 to about 200° O. for approximately one-
Beeswax 8 half hour. At this temperature the prod-
Japan Wax 2 uct is a thin liquid, which, upon cooling,
Rozolin 9 solidifies to a waxy, dark brown solid
Bine Oil 1 at room temperature.


Wine or Liquor Barrel Wax 40% Beeswax, 50% Paraffin and 10%
Tallow 24 Stearic Acid.
Paraffin 50
Japan Wax 5
Virgil Lights
Beeswax 5
Venice Turpentine 4 Eighty per cent Paraffin, 15% Double
Bosin Oil 1 Pressed Stearic Acid and 5% Beeswax.
10 This can be varied to as much as 05%
Paraffin and 5% Stearic Acid.

Thread Wax
Tapered Candles
Beeswax 40
Japan Wax 10 These are usually a hand-dipped oper-
Paraffin Wax 150 ation entirely. The combination, of
waxes and color is melted in the kettle
and a constant temperature maintained
Beeswax Substitute at slightly above the melting point.
Glyceryl Stearate 20 Dipping proceeds from the bottom and
Beeswax 8 progresses up the wick to the desired
length in order to attain the desired
Japan Wax 10

Pure Stearic Acid Candles * Hon-Fading Colored Candles

Use Triple Pressed Saponified Stearic Candles or other wax products colored
Acid. After melting down the Stearic with Bhodamine B or chinoline yellow
Acid should be stirred or agitated until are prevented from fading by the in-
“ milky in appearance to destroy the corporation of a 0.025% Betanaphthol
large crystals. It should then be poured or 0.1% Sulfur.
in moulds which have been heated to
approximately the same temperature and
cooled. A better appearance will be Candle Wicks
noted on more rapid cooling. The matter of the selection of the
wick for various compositions of candles
is one of careful consideration. For in-
Standard Candle Formula
stance, the wick used in a pure stearic
60 lb. Paraffin Wax acid candle, usually a 48 to 51 ply-
35 lb. Double Pressed Stearic Acid meaning three strands of 16 or 17 threads
5 lb. Beeswax each, would be entirely unsuited for a
The above are melted together and candle containing very much paraffin,
agitated to insure complete blending. which would require a smaller wick. The
When melted an oil soluble dye of the wick should be treated with Boracic
desired hue is added and then the com- Acid, the object of which is to prevent
bination is poured in moulds and cooled. the wick from continued glowing and
Care in the selection of the dye should smoking when blown out. One of the
be exercised to eliminate £ bleeding strands of the wick should be woven
* 7 7
fading, but many good dyes are avail- tighter than the other two in order to
able. It may be desirable to make up force the wick into separation while burn-
known strength of dyes in blocks of ing to dissipate the ash.
paraffine by merely adding the dye to
the melted wax and then pour in moulds, Birthday Candles
forming blocks of uniform size. This
Are made entirely of paraffine and
permits easy storing and somewhat
the proper oil soluble dye. The pro-
facilitates the complete blending of the
cedure, though, is entirely different than
color when introduced to the melting
in the case of other candles. The thin
threads, forming the wicks are formed
A better grade of candles are made into endless belts and placed over two
by increasing the amount of Stearic Acid
drums. These drums are spaced a few
and decreasing the amount of paraffin,
feet apart and are set up to revolve
or vice versa. ‘
endless belt ?
slowly, allowing the
wicks to run through a tank of the
Pure Beeswax Candles melted wax. This operation is continued
Are made from the pure wax and until the series of wicks have picked up
range down to combinations as low as the desired amount of wax and have
THE CHEMICAL====== ====== = - -

readied tlie required diameter. The without harm. There is some tendency,
belts 7

are then cut and laid out on however, to develop slight acidity, so that
tables where the candles are cut to it is preferable to add about two parts

length. The head of the candle is then of ammonia solution (specific gravity
inserted into a revolving cutter or a re- 0.9).
volving hot mould to properly shape the In order to hold the solution nearly
head. neutral, carbon dioxide is passed in. This
serves a double purpose in precipitating
Dewaxing Gum Damar out the barium as barium carbonate, and
Ten pounds of damar gum are dis- forming ammonium carbonate which acts
solved in 1 gallon of solvent mixture as a buffer to hold the solution substan-
made up as follows: tially neutral during the evaporation of
24 oz. ethyl acetate
the wT ater.
24 oz. fL acetone
In some cases after following the
112 oz. fL toluol
above procedure the water is removed by
boiling in an open evaporator. A ther-
the solution is complete, 120 oz. mometer inserted in the boiling solution
(fluid) of methyl alcohol are added, showed a maximum boiling point 106° C.,
when a white precipitate is formed which at which time substantially all of the
settles down to the bottom of the con- water of solution and reaction had been
tainer in the form of a slimy mass. removed.
After standing for a few days, this mass Care must be taken if the water is
becomes quite hard and may be removed. removed by this process, since there is a
The resultant gum solution is perfectly considerable tendency to foam during the
clear and is miscible with nitro-eellulose last stages. If overheating occurs
solutions without the formation of a where the heat is applied to the evapora-
precipitate. tion vessel, the resin will cure to its in-
fusible form in a layer over the vessel.
* Raising Melting Point of Rosin
This is indicated by a drop in the tem-
The m.p. is raised from about 52° to perature of the solution, due to the poor
about 66° by heating the rosin at 260°- heat transference of the cured portion
300° for 1-8 hr, and then distilling of the resin.
in vacuo or with superheated steam until The resin, which is very viscous at
the original wt. of the rosin has been 106° cools to an almost colorless brittle
reduced by 10%-1G%. product which is potentially reactive.
The clear solution, preferably stabi-
lized and preferably treated with carbon
* Synthetic Thiourea Resins
dioxide, will keep over long periods of
Example 1 time at ordinary room temperature and
One part
of barium hydroxide is dis- is, therefore, valuable as a varnish or
solved in 160 parts of 36% formalde- coating material or may be used for the
hyde solution. One hundred and twenty purpose of impregnation into various
parts of thiourea are then added and the sheetlike bodies such as paper, cloth,
mixture stirred. The temperature of the asbestos, etc., the water being evaporated
solution at first drops, due to the absorp- and the sheetlike material may be
tion of heat by the thiourea going into pressed into form of any desired shape.
solution. The temperature soon rises, The clear varnish makes it possible to
however, due to the heat of the reaction ship the product to the ultimate user,
of the thiourea and formaldehyde. If and when properly stabilized makes a
the original temperatures of all of the material of considerable value to the
materials used is approximately 20° C., fabricators of laminated material, etc.
the maximum temperature reached dur-
ing the reaction may be as high as 40° C. Example 2
or even higher. It is preferable, but One part of barium hydroxide, 104
not at all essential, that the tempera- parts of 36% formaldehyde solution,
ture of the reaction mixture be held be- 160 parts of thiourea. .

low 40° C. by cooling the mixture during As in Example 1, the barium hydroxide
the reaction if necessary. In any case, is dissolved in the formaldehyde and the
Sio heat is used in bringing about this thiourea added. The mixture should be
reaction other than that generated by the stirred until all of the thiourea is in
reaction itself. solution. The solution first cools and
The reaction is apparently complete in then warms up during the reaction. In
about two hours. The clear solution about two hours the reaction is appar-
may be kept over long periods of time ently complete, but it is usually conven-

lent to allow the solution to stand over- centrifuged where a very clear colorless
night. product is desired.
Twenty-five parts of hexamethylene- The water may be rapidly and con-
tetramine is added to the solution and veniently removed by distillation, pref-
carbon dioxide passed in until the solu- erably under reduced pressure. During
tion is neutral to litmus. Besides the the removal of the last portions of the
barium carbonate, where commercial water, foaming is likely to occur, due to
formaldehyde is used, there is usually a the high viscosity of the solution. This
small amount of colored insoluble material tendency to foam can be very largely
present. Where a very light colored resin prevented by the addition of a very
is desired, the solution should be filtered small amount of paraffin. Usually an
or centrifuged. amount of paraffin equivalent to less
The water is then evaporated from the than 0.01% of the weight of the batch
filtered solution by boiling in an open is ample to prevent excessive foaming.
evaporator. When the temperature Other well known oily or water insoluble
reaches about 100° C., the product has a materials may be substituted for the
tendency to turn milky, but this may be paraffin for the purpose of reducing the
disregarded. Evaporation of the water tendency to foam.
is continued until a product of the de- Where a vacuum distillation is used to
sired viscosity is obtained. Since this remove the water, the solution may be
resin cures at temperatures above about heated more rapidly without danger of
110°, care must 1 e used during the last curing the resin than is the case where
stages of evaporation. no vacuum is used. In any case the solu-
Example 3 tion should not be heated above 110 ° C.
for any period of time, as there is danger
Place in a suitable mixing device,
of the resin going over to the insoluble
Thiourea 300 parts infusible state abo ce this temperature.
Urea 120 parts Samples removed from time to time dur-
36% Formaldehyde Solu- ing the distillation of the water show
tion 835 parts a product of increasing hardness. To-
Ammonia Solution (sp. gr. ward the end of the distillation the tem-
0.9) 8 parts perature rises more rapidly and the rate
Calcium Hydrate (Ca( OH) 2 ) 1 part of distillation decreases. Where a hard
Agitation should be started as soon as grindable resin is desired, the tempera-
the calcium hydrate has been added, A ture of the resin may be allowed to rise
reaction starts almost as soon as the as high as 105° C. toward the end of the
calcium hydrate is added, the mixture distillation in order to drive off substan-
warms up and both the urea and thiourea tially all of the water.
go into solution.
The addition of ammonia is desirable * Resin, White Synthetic
but not essential. Where ammonia is not
used, the formaldehyde solution should 100 parts by weight of phenol, 25
be neutral, or slightly alkaline. In any parts urea and 160 parts of 40 per
case the solution should be sufficiently cent formaldehyde solution were boiled
close to the neutral point that it becomes in an open flask in the presence of
alkaline to litmus upon the addition of about 1 part of concentrated hydro-
one part of calcium hydrate or of cal- chloric acid. After boiling for a short
cium oxide to the quantities of formalde- time a white mass separated and the
hyde, urea and thiourea shown in this boiling was continued for 15 minutes.
example. Rather than adjust the hydro- When cold a white, rather brittle
gen ion concentration of the solution, it porcelainlike soluble resin was ob-
is more convenient to add ammonium hy- tained. It was washed first with a 2
droxide solution. A greater amount than per cent solution of sodium carbonate
8 parts of ammonium hydroxide may be and then with water. The yield of the
added, if desirable, without changing to resin was 178 parts. This resin was
any appreciable extent the nature of the opaque and pure white in color. It was
product. exposed to sunlight for a period of
The initial reaction is usually com- nearly two months and during that time
plete in about two hours, but the solution there was no discoloration. The opacity
should preferably stand eight hours or of the exterior layers disappeared and a
longer before the water is removed in white glass-like coating resulted. This
order that additional polymerization may appears to be due to the removal of a
take place. Carbon dioxide may be small amount of moisture present in the
passed in and the solution filtered or mass.
* Latex, Artificial Eubber 1% of lauric acid as ammonium laurate
In 750 grammes of benzene (or com- and then %% of phosphoric acid as
mercial ‘
benzol ”), dissolve 250 grammes
secondary ammonium phosphate. The
of crude rubber (balata or gutta percha) latex is then spray dried, and the result-
and 25 grammes of oleic acid, with proper ing crude rubber has a quick breakdown,
agitation until the oleic acid is diffused good calendering, and extruding prop-
throughout the mass. Thoroughly mix erties* and the vulcanized rubber has a
20 grammes of 26° aqua ammonia with good abrasion and flexing resistance.
750 grammes of water. Then add and Example 3: To a similar latex 1% of
thoroughly mix the water with the rubber lauric acid as ammonium laurate is added
solution. The dispersed or diffused par- and then 1% of monochloraeetic acid as
ticles of oleic acid are saponified by the the ammonium salt. The latex is spray
ammonia in situ, forming an ammonia dried, and the resulting crude rubber has
soap which acts as a dispersing agent and excellent breakdown and milling proper-
stabilizes the final dispersion. As the ties and, when vulcanized, a good abra-
ammoniated water is added to and stirred sion and flexing resistance.
in the rubber-benzol solution it will be Latex as received from the tree is
observed that at first the water forms the treated with 0.2-part of formaldehyde
disperse phase of the dispersion, but as and allowed to stand for about 24 hours,
the total volume of water increases, there and then 0.5-part ammonia is added. The
is a change of phase, and the water then
latex is spray dried, producing a rubber
constitutes the continuous phase. The having its proteins tanned or reacted
final dispersion is a white milky mass upon by formaldehyde and which rubber
which may be diluted practically to any is less absorptive to water. If desired
reasonable or operative extent with water. suitable compounding and curing agents
It may be used as thus produced, but, if may be added to the latex before drying.
desired, the solvent may be removed by
evaporation, but preferably in a vacuum * Softened Eubber
still at a low temperature (say, not over
Softened rubber is now being produced
50° 0.) for recovery of the solvent.
from ordinary plantation crepe and sheet.
The pieces of crepe or sheet are first
Coloring Latex Black soaked in tanks to soften them and then
Colloidal Micronex is a dispersed car- rapidly reduced to crumb by a machine
bon black suitable for use with rubber. consisting of a pair of rolls working in
It does not require grinding. It is a hopper. The crumb is placed in trays
merely stirred into the latex in amounts in a heater which can treat 1,000 pounds
varying with the depth of color desired. in one charge, heated for about one hour
in vacuum and then under controlled con-
ditions for about 40 minutes. At the
* Compounded Latex
end of this time the mass looks like
Example 1: To latex preserved with toasted cheese, and it is finally passed
%% ammonia and having a concentra- through sheeting rolls.
tion of about 35% is added 1% of lauric Greater plasticity than ordinary masti-
acid in the form of ammonium laurate, cated rubber is claimed for the new prod-
and %% of ammonium chloride, these uct ; it facilitates masticating, mixing,
latter figures being based on 100 parts of calendering, tubing, molding, and spread-
solids in the latex. The latex is then ing, saving time, power, labor, and solvent
spray dried, and the resulting rubber has and increasing output and efficiency. The
a quick breakdown and a high abrasion danger of scorching is said to be reduced;
and flexing resistance when vulcanized. calendering and tubing give smooth sur-
Example 2 To a similar latex is added
: faces. Spreading doughs and solutions

All formulae preceded by an asterisk (*) are covered by patents.

having much lower viscosity than usual cent, solution of casein in ammoniaeal
permit varied mixings and the addition of water. There resulted a viscous fluid
a much greater proportion of mineral which was passed a second time through
fillers; while unvulcanized softened rub- the plant. The viscosity slightly in-

ber dough holds its shape much better, a creased during 48 hours after the prepa-
matter of importance in calendered, ration.
forced, or stamped goods and in molding
ebonite. * Rubber Substitute (Factice)
Mechanical properties and aging are
said to be unimpaired. But practically A w hite
rubber factice is made by mix-
ing non-mineral oil, e,g. f rape-seed oil
pure mixes, containing little filler, show
a slight falling off in breaking strain as (100 pts.), a low^-temp. vulcanising agent,
e.g. } S 2 Cl2 (20 pts.), a stabilising agent,
compared with ordinary rubber. More
heavily compounded rubber, however, as MgO (5 pts.), and an NH* salt, e.g.,
e.g. t

tire shows no difference in me-

NH4HGO3 (10 pts.), and maintaining the
chanical properties when compared with
temp, below that at which NH
3 is ma-
terially generated, until vulcanisation is
ordinary mixes. For comparatively pure
mixes, therefore, blending softened rub-
ber with ordinary rubber is advised ; thus
* Latex Factice Compound
a 50/50 mixture is recommended for high
grade inner tubes. 85 kilograms of Colza oil and 15 kilo-
grams of elemental sulphur were heated
together with stirring for five hours at
Protection of Rubber Belting in Storage about 150° C. The mixing was allowed
Shellac 1 qt. to cool to 95° C.and the still fluid mass
Alcohol 1 pt. was then slowly poured into a homogeniz-
Ammonia 1% qt. ing plant, into which were simultaneously
Water 3 qt. introduced 40 kilograms of a 3 per cent,
Apply with a brush. aqueous solution of saponin. There re-
sulted still fluid somewhat viscous sub-
stance which, on a second passage
* Rubber Cleaner through the plant, effected at once, com-
The following composition will clean menced to display an increase in vis-
rubber and reduce swelling cosity. Left to stand for 48 hours, a
Castor Oil 10 product of a paste-like consistency was
Paraldehyde 10 obtained.
A compounded final-dispersion was
* Factice
made up as follows:
Normal rubber latex
85 kilograms of Colza oil and 15 kilo-
(about 33 per cent, dry
grams of elemental sulphur were heated
rubber) 10.00 kg.
together with stirring for five hours at
Substitute-dispersion at
about 150° C. The mixing was allowed to
75 per cent (prepared
cool to 95° C. and the mass was then
according to Example 1) 2,00 kg.
slowly poured into a homogenizing plant
Sulphur 60 gr*
into which were simultaneously intro-
Zinc Oxide 100 gr.
duced 150 kilograms of an approximately
Ultra-accelerator 10 gr.
3 per cent, aqueous solution of neutral 50
Calcium Sulphate gr.
soap. The product* was a viscous fluid,
which was again passed through the A former for a finger
stainless steel
plant. In this case also the viscosity stall,previously heated to 95° C., was
slightly increased in a period of 48 hours immersed in the above compounded final-
after the preparation. dispersion for 10 seconds. There was de-
posited upon the former a coating of a
thickness of about 1 mm. which, after
85 kilograms of Colza oil and 15 kilo-
drying and vulcanization, presented great
grams of elemental sulphur were heated
smoothness to the touch.
together with stirring for five hours at
about 150° C. The mixing was allowed
A compounded final-dispersion was
mass made up as follows:
to cool to 95° C. and the still fluid
was then slowly poured into a homogeniz- Concentrated rubber latex
ing plant, into which were simultaneously (about 50 per cent, dry
introduced 100 kilograms of a 10 per rubber) 10.00 kg.

For Chemical Advisors, Special Raw Materials, Equipment, Containers, etc., consult Supply
Section at end of hook.


Substitute-dispersion at strength and decrease porosity, and a mix
7 d per cent, (as m the which is stated to be resistant to practi-
previous example) 3.00 kg. cally all oils and solvents is: Ethanite 20,
Calcium carbonate (in pale crepe 1, zinc oxide 2, carbon black 5.
fine subdivision) 3.00 kg- When cured these products show prac-
Sulphur 60 gr. tically no dimensional increase when im-
Zinc Oxide 100 gr. mersed in such solvents as benzol, toluol,
Ultra-accelerator 10 gr. and carbon tetrachloride, and acids, with
Organic dyestuff 10 gr. the exception of strong nitric or chromic
Calcium Sulphate 50 gr. acids, are without action. A
20 per cent,
caustic soda solution or concentrated am-
This compounded final-dispersion was
monia attacks the material, but the latter
proved by immersion of differently
does not appear to suffer from aging in
shaped heated formers to be suitable for
the usual manner of rubber goods. The
the manufacture of articles of various
particular advantages obtained are offset
kinds such, for example, as bathing caps,
to some extent by the objectionable char-
tobacco pouches and hand-grips, all of
acteristic odor which, besides rendering
which proved in the finished state to be
the use of the products impracticable in
very smooth and of great softness.
many instances, for example foodstuffs,
renders the general atmosphere where it
* Latex, Powdering Rubber is in process, particularly in the region
of the mill, decidedly unpleasant. Pos-
6-12% of dextrin is added to the latex
sibly means will be found of overcoming
which is then sprayed into a heated
this, at any rate to a considerable extent.
chamber to give a rubber powder.

* Latex, Removing Ammonia Odor Rubber Goods, Non-sticking

Assuming the latex contains 0.75% Sprinkling with tale prevents rubber
ammonia it may be treated as follows goods and sheets from sticking.
Latex 100
Water 25 * Resin, Rubber Compound
Boric Acid 2.75
Dextrose 8.25 Dissolve 100 grams of Rosoap (60%
dry matter) in 500 c.c. of water: add 10
grams of latex (containing 30% rubber
Oil-Resisting Materials and a trace of ammonia) with thorough
Mention has previously been made of stirring; add enough hydrochloric acid to
new products designed to resist practi- neutralize the free alkali and to decom-
cally all solvents, oils and fats, such as pose the rosin soap; boil the mixture with
Ethanite, a reaction product of ethylene formation of viscous layer of rosin and
diehloride and calcium polysulfide, and rubber disseminated therethrough; re-
Thiokol, a polymethylene polysulfide. move the rosin and rubber mixture and
Although different claims may be made dry the same in an oven to drive off the
for the individual products now on the moisture. The product is a clear dry
market, in general these polysulfides may solution in viscous form and lias proper-
be vulcanized in a similar manner to rub- ties that are not found in either constitu-
ber requiring no sulfur, but zinc oxide ent alone. When cooled and set it is
in proportions of one to twenty per cent, tough, hard, does not absorb water to the
is necessary; the material in appearance same extent as rosin, and does not de-
is similar to rubber, being homogeneous teriorate readily. It can be used with
and pliable, but the gravity is much oil and turpentine to produce varnish. It
higher, viz., 1.6. The suitable vulcaniz- is suitable also for electrical insulation.
ing temperatures .are similar to those
with rubber mixings, such as one hour
* Resin, Synthetic
at forty pounds steam pressure. The ad-
dition of rubber is not necessary, al- PhOH 100, tung oil 150 and H3PO4 1
though milling is facilitated thereby. In part refluxed for 6 hrs., 100 parts of 40%
the case of Ethanite it is stated that the CH 2 0 soln., 50 parts of colophony and 3
addition of five per cent of rubber gives parts of aq. NH3 are added and refluxing
a product which is as resistant to oil as is continued for 5 hrs., the mixt. is then
Ethanite alone, but generally speaking, evapd. until anhyd, and is heated at 150°
the oil resistance deteriorates according until a product is obtained which is clear
to the amount of rubber present. Carbon and non-tacky at room temp.
black may be added to increase tensile

Synthetic Resin, Fusible — —

Cure In air 60 minutes, rise to
Solid, permanently fusible resins are 245° F. and hold 60 minutes.
made by heating CH 2 0 (7 mols.) and
commercial PliOH (13 mols.) in the pres-
Rubber Clothing
ence of 25% aq. NH 3 (5 mols.) so that
NH 3 escapes during the reaction, thereby Pale Crepe 100
evaporating the product. The PhOH can, Plastogen 6.00
Stearic Acid 1.00
in part, be substituted by urea etc.
Zinc Oxide 5.00
Dixie Clay 40,00
* Resin, Synthetic (Alkyd) Halite—No. 1 40.00
Rosin 1340 Captax 1.00
Phthalic Anhydride 308 Zimate 0.10
Glycerol 348 Sulfur 1.50

Heat with stirring to 290° C. When —

Cure 60 minutes rise to 260° F* and
acid number has dropped to 10-20 cool 30 to 60 minutes at 260° F.
quickly to 200° O. and then allow to
cool naturally. White Tiling
This resin is soluble in benzol and lac-
Pale Crepe 15.00
quer thinners. It is light in color 'and
Paraffin 0.3125
Whiting 50.00
* Resin, Synthetic (Sugar) Ti-Tone 25.00
Zinc Oxide 6.50
Glucose 80 Magnesium Carbonate 1.50
Water 60
10% Thionex Master Batch 0.625
Rosin 60 Anti-Seorch-T 0.0625
Aniline 60 Sulfur 1.00
Reflux for 5 hours. Allow to settle
draw off and discard aqueous layer.

Cure 11 to 12 minutes at 40 lb* steam

The resinous reaction product upon melt-

ing and continued heating becomes in- Tire Cushion Stocks
fusible. Smoked Sheets 60.00
Amber Crepe 40.00
Rubber Goods Cumar Resin 1.00
A single rubber product may be com- Mineral Rubber 2.00
pounded with any number of mixtures, Stearic Acid 0.50
combining various grades of rubber, rein- Neozone A 1.00
Zinc Oxide 30.00
forcing agents, pigments and vulcanizing
Accelerator 808 0.6875
agents. For most items, a number of
Sulfur 3.25
different compounds will serve with equal
satisfaction. All of the possible combi- Cure —45 minutes at 281° F,
nations cannot be included here, but the
following compounds are representative
White Tubing
and can be readily adapted to commercial
Pale Crepe 100
factory production by slight modifications
Adjustments Petrolatum 7.50
to suit specific conditions.
Agerite Gel 1.00
as to curing conditions, temperature, or
Zinc Oxide 15.00
time of cure may be desirable depending
The Lithopone 130.00
on prevailing factory conditions.
Dixie Clay 40.00
curing data given for the various com-
Halite No. 1 200.00
pounds is not intended to be specific and
Altax 1*25
may be modified as desired.
Sulfur 3.00

Hospital Sheeting

Cure In talc 30 minutes at 20 lb.

Pale Crepe 100

Belt Frietion
Petrolatum 1.00
Zinc Oxide 10 Smoked Sheets 9.4375
Lithopone 75 Thin Brown Crepe 10.00
Whiting 63 Whole Tire Reclaim 59.00
Color as desired Parafiux 5.00
Monex 0.50 Stearic Acid 0.50
Sulfur 2.00 Neozone D 0.5625
Litharge 0.0625 Refined Asphalt 3.00
Whiting 10.3125 Paraffin 0.25
Zinc Oxide 2.25 Stearic Acid 0.375
10% Tiiionex Master Batch 0.6250 Neozone A 0.50
•Sulfur 2.25 Carbon Black 9.375
Cure —15 minutes at 274° F. Whiting (Natural)
Zinc Oxide
Litharge 0.125
Transparent Rubber 10% Thionex Master Batch 1.125
Pale Crepe 100.00 Sulfur 1.50
Redo No. 10
Cure —12 minutes at 40 lb. steam.

Stearic Acid 1.00

Zinc Carbonate 2.00 Bathing Cap
Zimate 0.25 Rubber 100.00
Captax 0.50 Stearic Acid 1.00
Sulfur 1.50 Cycline Oil-softener 4.00

Cure Approximately 15 minutes at
Zinc Oxide
15 lb.
Lithopone 15.00
Barytes 15.00
High Grade Comb Ureka O 1.25
Smoked Sheets 100.00 D. P. G. .25
Cottonseed Oil 2.00 Sulfur 2.00
Accelerator 833
Cure —8 minutes at 40 lb. steam.

Sulfur 45.00
Hard White Sole

Cure Approximately 6 hours in water
Pale Crepe 28.75
at 274° F.
Stearic Acid 0.25
Magnesium Carbonate 43.00
Tire Carcass Lithopone 21.40
Pale Crepe 50.00 Zinc Oxide 1.50
Smoked Sheets 50.00 Glue 2.88
Plastogen 4.00 Ultramarine Blue 0.09
Stearic Acid 2.00 Diphenylguanidine 0.28
Agerite Powder 1.00 10% Thionex Master Batch 0.35
Zinc Oxide 5.00 Sulfur 1.50

Cure 8 to 10 minutes at 316 O Ijl

Sulfur 2.50
Cure — 45 minutes at 274° F.
Pale Crepe
High Grade Black Sole
Smoked Sheets 50.00
Black Footwear Agerite Gel 1.25
Rubber 100.00 Zinc Oxide 60.00
Plastogen 6.00 Gas Black 10.00
Agerite Powder 1.00 Dixie Clay 40.00
Zinc Oxide 5.00 Kalite No. 1 60.00
Whiting 40.00 Captax 1.25
Kalite No. 1 20.00 Tuads .0125
Dixie Clay 25.00 Sulfur 2.50
Gas Black

Cure 60 minutes rise and 45 to 60
minutes at 255° F. under 30 lb. air
Altax 0.50
Gaptax 0.50
Sulfur 2.50

Cure -Dry heat. 60 minutes rise to
Soft Rubber Sponge
260° F. and one hour at 260° F. under Rubber 100,00
30 lb. air pressure. Stearic Acid 1.00
Red Oil 1.00
Petrolatum 18.00
Black Heel White Substitute 5.00
Smoked Sheets 11.50 Zinc Oxide 2.50
Whole Tire Reclaim 64.00 Sodium Bicarbonate 15.00

Whiting 25.00 30% Wire

Ureka C .625 Smoked Sheets 32.00
Guantal .375 Paraffin 1.00
Sulfur 4.00 Agerite Gel 0.60
Cure —%
inch thick, 20 minutes at Kalite No. 1
Zinc Oxide
70 lb.
Carbon Black —P-33 0,20
Captax 0.20
Packing Sulfur 0.80
Smoked Sheets
Whole Tire Reclaim
Cure — Steam Cure in talc. 30 minutes
at 260° P.
Paraffin 1.00
Paraffin Oil 5.00
Red Molded Tube
Stearic Acid 0.375
Clay 20.00 Smoked Sheets 97.75
Whiting 20.00 Medium Process Oil 1.50
Red Iron Oxide 6.00 Stearic Acid 1.25
Zinc Oxide 1.50 Blanc Fixe 40.00
Beutene 0.75 Zinc Oxide 5.00
Sulfur 0.75 Du Pont Rubber Orange 2R .75

Cure 12 minutes at 45 lb.
10% Thionex Master Batch 2.50
Sulfur 1.75

Tire Tread
Cure — 5 minutes at 292° F.

Smoked Sheets 100.00

Pine Tar 4.00 Passenger Car Inner Tube
Stearic Acid 2.00 Pale Crepe 50.00
Neozone A 1.25 Smoked Sheets 50.00
Carbon Black 40.00 Plastogen 4.00
Zinc Oxide 10.00 Stearic Acid .50
Accelerator 808 0.875 Agerite Powder 1.00
Sulfur 3.25 Kalite No. 1 50.00
Cure —60 minutes at 281° F. Zinc Oxide
Altax .50
White Sidewall Captax .50
Pale Crepe 100.00 Sulfur 1.00
Stearic Acid
Cure —3 minutes at 55 lb.

Zinc Oxide 5.00

Kalite No. 1 40.00 High Grade Hose Tube
Dixie Clay 30.00
Smoked Sheets 14.00
Titanium Dioxide Amber Crepe 10.00
Captax 1.00
Whole Tire Reclaim 20.00
Sulfur 2.25
Petrolatum 2,00
Cure Press— Cure —Approximately 45 Paraffin 0.50
minutes at 30 lb. steam. Stearic Acid 0.25
Neozone D 0.375
Whiting 20.00
Code Wire Compd Soft Clay 20.25
Smoked Sheets 5.00 Carbon Black 7.25
Blended Reclaim 48.00 Zinc Oxide 3,00
Mineral Rubber 20.00 Litharge 0.125
Stearic Acid 0.25 10% Thionex Master Batch 1.000
Paraffin 0,25 Sulfur 1.250
Neozone A
Cure — 15 minutes at 274® F.
Zinc Oxide 1.00
Accelerator 808 0.3125
Fire Hose
Sulfur 1.25
Pale Crepe

Cure 30 minutes rise to 275° F. plus Smoked Sheets 23
105 minutes at 275° in soapstone. Zinc Oxide 32

Whiting Precipitated 10
Litharge 10 Dissolve in petroleum naphtha to
Sulfur 2.00 spreader consistency.
Cure —45 minutes at 274° F. in steam.
Light Color Combining Cement for
Hot Water Bottle Double Texture Pyroxylin Goods
Pale Crepe 34.375 Smoked Sheets 15 lb.
Medium Process Oil 0.50 White Reclaim 20 lb.
Barytes 34.00 Soft Factice 10 lb.
Whiting 25.25 Hard Mineral Rubber 8 lb.
Zinc Oxide 3.00 Cliffstone Whiting 25 lb.
Du Pont Rubber Orange AD
0.75 By Product Whiting 50 lb.
10% Thionex Master Batch 1.4375 Lime 1 lb. 8 oz.
Sulfur 0.6S75 Raw Sienna 2 lb.
Cure- —7 minutes at 2S7° F. Dissolve in Petroleum Naphtha.

Electricians Gloves Black Combining Cement for Double

Texture Rubber Goods
Pale Crepe 100.00
Mineral Rubber 4.50 Smoked Sheets 15 lb.
Paraffin 0.75 Boot and Shoe Reclaim 25 lb.
Zinc Stearate 1.50 Soft Factice 8 lb.
Agerite Gel 1.00 Litharge 8 lb.
Zinc Oxide 15.50 Cliffstone Whiting C5 lb.
Blanc Fixe 9.25 Rosin Oil 2 lb.
Tuads 3.00 Sulfur 8 oz.
Vandex 1.50 Dissolve in petroleum naphtha.
Cure —Press—15 minutes at 30 lb.

Light Colored Combining Cement for

Bands and Thread Double Texture Rubber Goods
Pale Crepe 100.00 Smoked Sheets 15 lb.
Agerite White 1.00 White Reclaim 30 lb.
Zinc Oxide (fine particle size) 2.00 Soft Factice 8 lb.
Color to suit Litharge 2 lb.
Zimate 0.10 Zinc Oxide 10 lb.

Alt ax 0.50 Magnesium Oxide 5 lb.

Captax 0.50 Raw Sienna 4 lb.
Sulfur 2.00 By Product Whiting 50 lb.

Cure Open steam. 10 minutes rise to
Rosin Oil
8 oz.
8 oz.
260° F. and 30 minutes at 260°.
Dissolve In petroleum naphtha.

Wringer Roll Compd.

Solution for Application on Rubber
Smoked Sheets 38.00
Materials to Be Embossed to Prevent
Paraffin 0.50
Sticking on Rolls
Mineral Oil 1.25
Du Pont Antox 0.375 Glycerine 5 lb.

Zinc Oxide 2.00 Denatured Alcohol 95 lb.

Lithopone 35.00
Whiting 21.50 Anchor Rubber for Artificial Suede
Accelerator 808 0.125
Pale Crepe 40 lb.
Sulfur 1.25
White Reclaim 20 lb.
Cure—45 minutes at 292° F. Tube Reclaim 15 lb.
Hard Factice (Brown) 8 lb.
Black CombiningCement for Double Zinc Oxide 5 lb.
Texture Pyroxylin Goods Lithopone 6 lb. 4 oz.
Cottonseed Oil 1 lb.
Smoked Sheets 15 lb.
Stearic Acid 8 oz.
Boot and Shoe Reclaim 20 ib.
Sulfur 14 oz.
Soft Factice 10 lb.
Soft Mineral Rubber
Captax or Ureka 14 oz.
8 lb.
Anti Oxidant 8 oz.
Carbon Black 1 lb.
Lime 1 lb. 8 oz. About 4 oz. per square yard of this
By Product Whiting 65 lb. impound is calendered onto a backing

fabric. A cement of tire same compound Hard Mineral Rubber 3 lb.

is then applied and closely followed with Palm Oil 2 lb.
thorough dusting of finely divided cotton Tar Oil 2 lb.
flock. The material is then festooned in Paraffin 1 lb.
an oven and cured %
hour, rise to 250° F. Sulfur 11 oz.
and 1 hour at 250° F. Carbon Black 1 lb. 8 oz.

* Rubber, Artificial
Cure %
hour. Rise to 250° F., one
hour at 250°.
750 grams of hydrated sodium sulfide
(Na 2 S.9H 2 0) is dissolved in approxi- Rubber Pencil Eraser
mately a liter of water and the solution is
boiled with 300 grams of sulfur to pro- Crepe Rubber 4
duce a solution of polysulfide believed to Starch 10
Petrolatum 4
be largely Na 2 S 4 although a certain

amount of is doubtless formed. If Vulcanized Waste Rubber 2

Factiee 1
larger amounts of sulfur are used in this
Abrasive 2
example, still greater proportions of
Na2 $5 will be formed. Lithopone 3
added make the Sulfur 0.1
Water is to specific
Accelerator 0.05
gravity at 70° C. approximately that of
ethylene dichloride producing about
1200 to 1300 c.c. of solution. About 300 * Rubber Flooring Composition
e.c. of ethylene dichloride are added and Pale Crepe Rubber 120
the mixture gradually heated to about Ground Cork 260
70° C., preferably in a vessel having a re- Venetian Red 30
flux condenser. The reaction proceeds Zinc Oxide 30
rapidly and is completed after digesting Sulfur 6
for an hour or more at such a tempera- Accelerator 1
ture that active refluxing of the ethylene
dichloride and steam occurs. The mix-
* Imitation Rubber
ture is then cooled and the liquid portion
is drawn off, leaving a yellow plastic. Isocolloids are transformed to emul-
This is boiled with -water to drive off sions or emulsion-like compns. E.g ,,
occluded volatile compounds and to ex- 400 parts of linseed oil contg. NaHS0
tract soluble salts, the boiling preferably 5.5 parts Nal, 15 parts KH
4 oleate, 3
being repeated several times, and the parts gelatin, 800 parts water and 8 parts
plastic being comminuted between boil- Mg0 2 are mixed, coagulated and dried in
ings. The purified plastic is substantially a C0 2 atm. The rubber-like product is
free from halogen, is of high coherence, plastic, can be mixed with filling ma-
resiliency and pliability, and has elas- terials and can be vulcanized at 80°. Or
ticity somewhat similar to that of soft vulcanization can be carried out at
rubber. It is only slightly soluble in most 120-160° or at lower temp, in presence
ordinary organic solvents, although some- of piperidine-piperidyldithocarbamide,
what swollen by carbon disulfide. It can heptaldehyde, aniline, etc. as ultraaccele-
be worked, molded and rolled into sheets rators,* protective colloids may be added.
at temperatures around 130°~140° C.
* Rubber Matrix
* Rubber Belts, Noiseless
The composition employed can be
The surface of a rubber belt is covered poured cold into a mold or upon a back-
with Zinc Stearate and it is heated at ing sheet. When set, it is of somewhat
280-300° F. to cause penetration. This wax-like character, more or less tough
treatment may be repeated a number of or tenacious, and unaffected by the tem-
times. perature at which molten metal or alloy
for producing printing plates is com-
Rubber Cement, Reducing Viscosity of monly poured.
The addition of 2-3% alcohol reduces The composition is made to the follow^
the viscosity of thick rubber cements. ing formula:
Commercial Rubber Cement 3 lb.
Cheap Rubber Topping Formula Carbon Tetrachloride 2 lb,
Smoked Sheets 7 lb. Benzb! 2 lb*
Boot and Shoe Reclaim 57 lb. Chemically Pure Talcum
Cliffstone Whiting 55 lb. Powder 4 lb.
Sublimed Litharge 9 lb. Carbon Black % oz.
These ingredients are mixed in a suit- drain 4-6 min. and then stored in a cham-
able mill, and, while in a fluid state, the ber at 125° F. for 5 hrs.
composition is flowed over a metal sheet,
pulp board, etc., to which it adheres quite * Porous Rubber
closely. Thus prepared, the coated sheets
may be stored for use. 15-20% Urea is incorporated in the
When a matrix or mold is to be pro- raw rubber mixture and vulcanization is
effected at 122°.
duced, a section of the coated stock is
impressed with the desired form, pattern,
or design. It is then supported and en- * Rubber, Quick Blending
compassed by guards to receive the mol- Creped
sheet rubber contg. approx.
ten metal, which is poured upon the com- 1-2% of moisture is dipped in a bath of
position as in the usual way of pouring
molten stearic acid at 225° F. for a few
stereotype plates. In actual practice cast min. The rubber is removed and sub-
printing plates have been produced by jected to a temp, of 125° F. for 5 hrs.
this process in from 3 to 5 minutes, start-
Lauric acid, pine oil and similar oil sub-
ing with the backed composition, and per-
stances employed as softeners and plasti-
fect impressions have been taken on the
cizers may be incorporated in a similar
composition from surfaces in which the manner. The time and labor expended to
lines or markings showing the design are
obtain uniformly blended material is
so slightly out of the common plane that greatly reduced.
reproduction would be deemed impossible.
Owing to the fact that the composition
neither expands nor contracts during or Raincoat Rubber Compound
after molding or application to the back- Hevea Rubber 48
ing surface, the cast plate reproduces Litharge 10
absolutely the original pattern and will Zinc Oxide 20.5
fit with precision its place in a press or Mineral Rubber 0
in a form of which it constitutes part. Sulfur 1.5
This is a feature of importance, in that Wliiting 15
where the plate is to be used as part of a
general make-up, difficulty has been ex- * Sponge Rubber
perienced in causing it to register or in
Compn. comprising rubber 60%, S 25,
positioning it to occupy the space in-
hydrocarbon 6, calcined MgO
1 and coloring matter 5 is placed in a
* Heat Exchange Medium mold which is inserted in an autoclave to
which steam is gradually admitted at 8
Diphenyl Oxide 70
lb., and the pressure of gas, e.g., air or
Diphenylene Oxide 30
N, injected into the mold is 180 atm.
This may be reheated and revaporized After 400 min. the steam is shut off and
without decomposition. the autoclave cooled. The material, now
about 6 times its original bulk, is inserted
* Plasticized into a larger mold and heated again with
steam under 85 lb. pressure for 45 min.
Milled Plantation Rubber 100 The resultant material weighs not more
Phenol Sulfonic Acid y
7 2 than 5 lb. per cubic foot.
Form in sheets and heat to 135-140° C.
for 6 hrs. This product disperses in ben-
* Rubber, Porous Sponge
zol to form an extremely liquid solution.
A dough of the following composition
is heated under pressure.
* Plasticizing and Activating Rubber Rubber 55
Agents that are both plasticizing and Sulfur 3.5
activating, e.g. 9 stearic, oleic and lauric Vulcanized Oil 9
acids and oxidized paraffins, are incor- Golden Antimony 13
porated into sheet rubber prior to milling Adheso Wax 2
by dipping the latter into a molten bath Magnesium Carbonate 17.5
of the agent and allowing to stand to per-
mit penetration. In an example crepe
* Thermo Plastic Rubber
rubber sheets are immersed in molten
stearic acid at 225° F. (or lauric acid at Crepe Rubber 8
180° F. or oleic acid at 150° F.) for 2-3 Benzol 24
min,, acid being absorbed to about %wt. Bubble Chlorine through slowly while
of the rubber. The bath is allowed to cooling. Stop when chlorine no longer


combines and escapes. Pour in pans in In waxes, the rubber serves to give the
thin layers and evaporate solvent. This product additional strength and cuts
gives a thermoplastic chlorinated rubber. down brittleness. The rubber can be vul-
canized by the addition of vulcanizers.
* Rubber, Thermoplastic

Crepe Rubber 100 * Rubber-Scorching, Prevention of

Diethyl Sulfate 10-15 To prevent scorching during milling of
Heat while on mill to 125-140° C. for rubber 1 -2 % Glyceryl Phthatlate is used.
8 hrs.

Shoemaker ’s Wax, Hard

Transparent Rubber Goods 8
Jatex, a concentrate obtained by centri- Ester Gum 2
fuging latex which after evaporation to Montan Wax Crude 30
40 per cent gives a him as clear as glass, Paraffin Wax 45
is used as dipping fluid. The articles are Stearin Pitch 10
dipped at 40° C. followed by vulcaniza- Beeswax 5
tion in a bath made by dissolving 100 Oil Soluble Color to suit
grams or more of the finest sulphur in
1000 c.c. benzol. Part of the sulphur re-
mains on the bottom of the vessel and Shoemaker’s Wax, Soft
maintains saturated solution when the Rosin 5
temperature goes up, and as sulphur is Wax
Paraffin 65
taken up during the vulcanization proc- Japan Wax 5
ess. To promote the reaction is used an Stearin Pitch 20
addition of 20 grams Yulcafor ZDG Beeswax 5
(zinc di-ethylene carbamate). Oil Soluble Color to suit

* Rubber Wax Mixture * Rubber Flooring Composition

Rubber can be introduced into waxes The method of producing floor cover-
or high boiling oils by heating the molten ings which consists in mixing together
wax or oil to 120 to 130° C., stirring, and dry raw rubber with not less than 15 per
introducing rubber latex in a fine stream cent by weight of sulphur and with 50
at a rate which allows the water in the per cent to 85 per cent of the whole mass
latex to boil off. Heating and stirring is of cork granules by kneading and rolling
continued until all the water is out of giving the whole mass a desired shape
the mix. Up to 4<% by weight of rubber and then vulcanizing said mass under a
»an thus be introduced into molten pressure of from 425 to 850 pounds per
paraffin wax, yielding a very viscous square inch and a temperature of ap-
l lass. The rubber is disseminated in a proximately 145° C. and finally cooling it
i ne condition throughout the oil or wax.
while the pressure is sustained.
* Corrosion Proofing Aluminum, Zinc, Boil the above for half an hour, pre-
Magnesium and Their Alloys ferably using a steam coil. If the smell
Sod. Phospho-Chromate 0.75 is objectionable add 2 lb. unslaked lime.

Sod. Sulfo -molybdate 0.75

Trisodium Phosfate 0.40 Bust Bemover
Soda Ash 1.80
Sod. Tartrate 1.80
Orthophosphoric Acid 35%
Water 30%
Water 94.50
Ethyl Methyl Ketone 10%
Dissolve salts in water and bring to a Monoethylether of Ethylene
boil. The metal to be protected is im- Glycol 25%
mersed in this hot solution until a suffi-
ciently thick protective coating is formed.
* Corrosion Inhibitor

# Preventing Corrosion of Sod. Chromate 20

Aluminum Mineral Oil 15
Sulfonated Bed Oil 50
To toothpastes or other mildly alka- Diglycol Oleate 2
line preparations packed in aluminum Water 9
tubes, the addition of 0.07-0.4% sod. Soap 1
silicate prevents corrosion.
* Tarnishing of Magnesium,
Battery Terminals, Prevention of Prevention of
Corrosion Magnesium articles are subjected to
Slaked Lime 7 the action of 10-30% Sulfuric acid so-
Sod. Bicarbonate 2 lution and then washed thoroughly.
Borax 1
Bezinel No. 2
Magnesium and Its Alloys, Prevention
sufficient to make a paste of Corrosion by Water
1% Pot. Dichromate is dissolved in the
Bustproofing Small Iron Parts water used.
The immersed in an aq. soln.
articles are
contg. PeCl 2 2%together with 2% of a Bust Prevention
salt of a metal below Pe in the electro-
To give temporary protection from
chemical series, such as HgCl 2 and are
rusting metal articles are coated with a
then withdrawn and dried in a warm
atm. They are then heated to about 50% solution of lanolin in naphtha.
100° and subjected to a humidity of
80% and then immediately immersed in * Tin Cans, Corrosion Preventing
boiling water to fix the resulting Fe ox- Coating for
ides adhering to the surfaces. A coating of glue containing 0.5%
paraldehyde prevents corrosion of cans
To Prevent Gray Iron Castings from containing oil.

The following mixture should be ap- Bust Bemover
plied to the eastings. 100 parts of stannic chloride are dis-
Carbonate of Soda 1 lb. solved in 1,000 parts of water. This so-
Lard Gil 1 qt. lution is added to one containing 2 parts
Soft Soap 1 qt. of tartaric acid dissolved in 1,000 parts
Water sufficient to make 10-12 gal. of water and 2,000 parts of water are

All formulae preceded by an asterisk (*) are covered by patents.

added. The
solution is applied by means per liter and. is made the anode with a
of a brush, after removing grease, and current density of 20 amps, per sq. dm.
is allowed to remain on for a few mo-
ments when the article is rubbed clean,
* Iron and Steel, Phosphate Coating on
first with a moist cloth and then with a
dry cloth, and, if necessary, repolished The article is made the cathode in a
in the usual way. boiling solution containing ZnfBUPO^
and 0.05-0.13% of free H
3 PD 4 , with or
* Steel Pickling, Inhibitor for without NaHoP0 4 , until a dense black
coating is produced.
About 0.05% Dibenzyl formaldehyde
mereaptal is used with the diluted sul-
furic acid. Diminishing Corrosion of Aluminum
Aluminum or its alloys are protected
* Steel, Pickling against corrosion by chlorine or bromine
In bronzing iron or steel the grease is water by the addition of 0.5 and 5%
removed and the iron or steel pickled, of sod. silicate respectively.
cleaned and introduced into a bronzing
bath of NaOH 60, trinitrotoluene 2, * Rustproofing Iron and Steel
PbOo 0.8 and HNO3 2.95 parts.
Iron or metal parts are dipped in a
water solution of ammonium linoleate,
* Steel, Cleaning (Prior to Galvanizing)
oleate or palmoleate. On exposure to air
The iron or steel is passed through a the water and ammonia evaporate leav-
cold bath containing 35-250 gm. H2SO4 ing a protective fatty film.


* Wrinkle or Crease Proof Fabrics shellac in a solution of 6 parts of tri-
Example 1, —A piece
of printed satin sodium phosphate to 100 parts of water
may be used. Either of these shellac
made from artificial silk viscose is passed
solutions for the purpose of softening
on the jigger through a bath containing
a zirconium salt in solution. The tem- may contain about 0.1% of olive oil as
perature of the bath is about 18° C.; the an emulsion.
time of passage through the bath is The printed goods as so prepared are
about 5 minutes; the concentration of provided with a finish which has not been
the bath is about 50 grams of zirconium obtained hitherto. This finish is, for ex-
acetate per liter. After wringing, the ample, exceedingly useful for the manu-
piece passes through a second bath which facture of umbrellas. However, goods
contains an aqueous shellac-containing finished in this manner are also excep-
borax solution. Thereafter the piece so tionally valuable for blouses and other
treated is dried on a cylinder drying wearing apparel.
machine and the goods are then passed —
Example 2 . Boiled cotton goods are
over a solid mixture of Japan wax to shrunk in a well-known manner with mer-
which, in order to reduce its softening —
cerizing lye caustic soda solution of —
point, paraffin is added. Sufficient para- approximately 30° B°, with the addition
ffin is added to give a softening point of about 1% sodium peroxide. The
of about 30° C. The shellac-containing goods remain in this liquor for about 30
borax solution may be produced by dis- seconds at about 15° C. Thereupon they
solving 12 kg. of shellac in a solution are rinsed and dyed in a manner custom-
of 3 kg. of borax in 40 kg. of water. ary in the textile finishing industry.
In place of this a solution of 30 parts of This is followed by the treatment in ac-

All formulae preceded by an asterisk

( ) are covered by patents.

cordance with. Example 1 without prior for 2% hours at room temperature. This
drying of the fabric. is followed by a drying at 80° C. and

Example 3 A piece of artificial silk
, then by the customary finishing.
with cotton warp of a weight of about Example 6 . —Aliquor containing 200
12.5 kg. is treated on the jigger at 60° grams of urea and 2 grams of tin chlo-
C. in a bath which contains per liter 200 ride, is heated to 60° C. and a rayon
grams of urea and 4 grams of aluminum yarn is agitated in same for % hour.
acetate free from sulfuric acid and also After wringing, the further treatment is
free from aluminum sulfate. After let- continued with formaldehyde solution
ting the liquid act for 10 minutes, the and completed as described in Example 5.
piece is passed through a second bath for —
Example 7. An artificial silk fabric
% minute containing 250 ccm. of 40% is treated at 60 -70° C. for 10 minutes
formaldehyde solution and 8 grams of alu- in a bath consisting of an aqueous solu-
minum acetate per liter at 60° C. After tion with a content of 200 grams of urea
letting the material lie or hang in the and 2 grams of aluminum acetate per
air for half an hour there takes place a liter. Tliis is followed by a wringing of
strong condensation between the urea the fabric and by a slop -padding with a
and the formaldehyde. Thereupon the cold 40% formaldehyde solution which
fabric is dried hot at about 80° C., with- also contains 2 grams of tin chloride per
out prior rinsing, in a suitable device liter. The fabric while still moist, is
such as a drying room, tentering frame rolled up and is left to itself while being
or the like. turned continuously and slowly for 2
In order to remove the surplus of the hours. Thereupon the fabric is dried in
condensation product, the fabric is now a drying room and is left exposed a short
treated at 80° C. with a liquor which while longer to a temperature of 80° C.,
contains 10 parts of 40% caustic soda whereupon the customary finishing treat-
solution per liter of water. After a pas- ment can follow.
sage of 5 minutes, the piece, after re- . —
Example 8 20 kg. of urea are dis-
moval of the surplus, shows the desired solved in 50 kg. of 40% formaldehyde
feel so that it is only necessary to rinse solution and to the clear solution ammo-
well and to dry. If one works with les- nia is added until a slight alkalinity is
ser quantities of the substances men- shown. The solution is now permitted
tioned, there suffices in place of the lye to stand for 3 hours at room temperature.
treatment, a passage through a boiling Thereupon it is acidulated slightly with
3% soap solution. After this also, as acetic acid and 175 gr. of aluminum
stated above, it is thoroughly washed and acetate dissolved in 50 kg. of water are
dried on the tentering frame. Finally, added. In a bath thus prepared, a cot-
the fabric is calendered in the customary ton-artificial silk-mixed fabric is treated
manner. for 10 minutes at room temperature, then

Example 4 . 10 kg. of urea are dis- squeezed and left overnight. This is fol-
solved in the cold in 20 liters of 20% lowed by a hot drying at about 80° C.
formaldehyde solution. This solution is finally by a calendering on a highly
left to stand for 12 hours and is subse- heated calender at about 120° C.
quently diluted with 4 times its quantity Example 9 . —A viscose fabric is put
of water and thereupon heated to 80° C. into a bath in the jigger consisting of
A cotton fabric which has been subjected 200 grams of urea and 4 grams zinc
to a prior treatment for % hour with a acetate per liter and left therein at 60°
cold 0.2% aluminum acetate solution, is C. during 10 minutes. The fabric is then
agitated for a short time in the above squeezed and passed through a second
hot solution of this pre-condensate and bath for % minute containing 300 ccm.
thereupon pressed between a pair of of 40% formaldehyde solution and 8
rollers. The fabric while still wet, is grams of aluminum acetate per liter at
left to lie for one hour and is thereupon 60° C. The subsequent treatment is done
dried at 80° C. Finally the fabric is as stated in Example 3.
calendered in the customary manner. The silk, cotton and mixtures thereof

Example 5. Artificial silk fabric is finished in accordance with the invention
run into a solution heated to about 70° are much more flexible than the corre-
C. containing 200 grams of urea and 2 sponding untreated materials. They have
grams of aluminum acetate per liter. It acquired properties of animal fibers such
is there treated for about % hour. as silk and wool. It is possible to crush
Thereupon the fabric is wrung and passed the fabrics much more firmly together
on a slop -pad ding machine through a without causing them to wrinkle.
cold 40% formaldehyde solution. After The artificial silk finished in accord-
previous wringing, the fabric is hung up ance with the invention is very much


better adapted for hosiery purposes than ing elements are maintained at about the
such silk hitherto found on the market. same temperature.
It has above all the important property The printing completed, the cotton
of greater mobility in the meshes and a fabrics are passed through a drying
far greater lack of sensitivity to moisture machine.
and street dirt. A special property of
the artificial silk obtained in accordance Use of Glue
with this process lies in the fact that
when moistened with water no rings form It lias been found by experience that
on the fabric, whereas when ordinary the use of a glue or gelatine paste at a
artificial silk is moistened in this way high temperature has the great advan-
spots immediately become noticeable tage of causing the metallic powder to
which leave rings on drying. Accord- adhere more easily to the surface of the
ingly fabrics and dress materials pre- fabric. But, to increase the fixation still
pared from it are considerably more val- more, the cloth is submitted, immediately
uable than hitherto. The goods thus after drying, to a certain pressure by
finished dye excellently almost invari- passing it through a pair of calender
It is well-known that dyeing usu- rolls, which at the same time give it a
ally entails difficulties in connection with slightly glazed finish.
textile goods which have been treated in If the metallic powder used is suffi-
accordance with other finishing processes. ciently fixed, the designs are very smooth
In general the threads treated in ac- agd glossy, and if they are geometrical
cordance with the present process are not shapes they form a collection of fine
lines almost imperceptible to the eye, but
very much harder than the untreated
goods. Artificial silk, however, which giving more attraction to the cloth. It
is the impression of the rollers which
has been purposely given a hard finish,
can be easily softened in a well-known produces this effect.
manner, viz., either in a mechanical way (1) Dress goods with metallic effects
by passing through a breaking machine — Certain garments for daily use gain
or by a subsequent impregnation with
much from the discreet use of metallic
Above fabrics, and as these give a rather ex-
one of the paraffine emulsions.
clusive air their use has developed of
all, however, the artificial silk fabrics
treated in accordance with the new proc-
late. The printing of these fabrics must
ess are very similar to real silk in con-
be done with greater care than of those
destined for carnival wear. The fixation
nection with its resistance to crushing.
of the powders must be absolutely com-
It is a well-known fact that neckties or
plete, to the point of being able to re-
ribbons made of rayon are crushed and
sist a soaping without risk of the powder
wrinkled after having been tied two or
bleeding, even partially.
three times, to such an extent that they
cannot be used again without first iron-
The designs used are most frequently
flowers or leaves on a background of
ing them. As compared with this, genu-
accentuated lines, to which a very spe-
ine silk goods, as is well-known, even
cial finish is obtained by pressure. The
after having been tied frequently, possess
cheapness of the powders permits their
this defect to a very much lesser extent.
use for muslins, tulles and voiles. When
these more common fabrics are manufac-
tured with care there is not much to
choose between them and the older and
Metallic Printing on Textiles
more expensive goods. Their appearance
A certain number of fabrics are in light, after they have passed through
adorned with metallic powders printed the calender, is remarkable.
with the aid of hot solutions of glue or (2) The Printing Pastes
. —
The print-
gelatine, containing powders of alumi- ing pastes employed for the manufac-
num, copper, bronze or brass in suspen- ture of these goods are very varied, but
sion, which remain fixed on the material the majority of them permit the ordinary
after cooling. Cylinders of copper, alu- use of the metallic powders just enu-
minum or brass are used for applying merated. These are finally fixed with
the paste and are hollow so that steam albumen, casein, rubber, or even with
or hot air may be introduced. The color- resin, bakelite or cellulose acetate.
feed rollers are also heated. The trough One can, in this case, obtain very good
for the metallic paste has a double bot- results by printing in the cold, followed
tom and it, too, is heated. All the heat- by drying and steaming. The goods pro-

per Chemical Advisors, Special Raw Materials, Equipment, Containers, etc.* consult Supply
Section at end of hook.
duced in this way have sufficient resist- of water. After mixing these substances
ance to washing and rubbing. well, 10 parts of aniline oil, 10 parts of
Sometimes, in the preparation of the alcohol and 12 parts of tannin powder
pastes blood albumen ( e.g 10 parts of are added. The paste is then ready for
the commercial quality, inodorous as far use.
as possible) is used. It is wetted with When the designs have been printed
15 parts of water and mixed with a on the cotton fabric, this is dried,
wooden rod twelve hours later, until a steamed for four minutes, and passed
uniform mass is formed. This is then through a tartar emetic bath, if the color
filtered through a sieve and %
part of must possess good fastness; finally, the
essence of terebenthine and 1 to 3 parts fabric is rinsed in running water, dried
of bronze, brass, aluminum or other and calendered.
powder are added. This mixture is used It is simple to vary the effect by mix-
for direct printing from engraved rollers. ing color of various kinds with the pow-
The smell left by blood albumen in the ders, so as to shade or modify these.
fabric sometimes gives rise to complaints. Interesting effects are also obtained by
It is avoided by mixing an egg albumen confining the powders to certain parts of
with the blood albumen, or by using the the print, obtained with basic colors or
former exclusively. This leads to a others on cotton, and by limiting the
marked economy, but the results are less print to points, circles and so on, with
certain and sales more difficult. One or lines of gold or silver, applied on the
other of these albumens is sometimes re- bench and giving the appearance of origi-
placed by casein dissolved in a weak nal oriental goods.
ammonia solution. In these various eases,
the fixation of the powders is not so
good. When it is wished to use rubber Finishing Compound for Light Woolen
Tn„ i, •

for the fixation, 150 to 200 parts of the Fabrics

powder are mixed with. 1,000 parts of a Soyabean-Lecithin 5 lb.
solution of this substance in benzine; Olive Oil 2 lb.
fixation takes place, after the solvent has White Mineral Oil 2 lb.
evaporated. Triple-Sulphonated Castor Oil % lb.

(3) Production of Metallic Designs

Butyl Cellosolve 2^ lb.
with the Aid of Acetyl Cellulose Solu-
— This compound forms a white stable
tions of cellulose or of its esters give emulsion with warm water. About 5
excellent results, when it is a question of parts of about compound in 100 parts of
producing fine designs. The cellulose is water are used.
dissolved in ammoniacal copper oxide,
the metallic powder is added in the de-
sired proportion, and the paste used on a The Dyeing of Cotton
color printing machine. The copper ox- The preparation of the fiber for dye-
ide in the fabric is eliminated with the ing depends upon the form in which it
aid of acid. The objection to this pro- comes into the dyehouse and differs in
cedure is its high cost. the handling as well as processing.
Instead, one may use acetyl cellulose Skeins are boiled out under pressure of
dissolved in an appropriate solvent. The 2-3 pounds with 0.25-0.5% calc, soda
paste is prepared by mixing 12 parts of and 1% of a sulphonated oil or suitable
the acetyl cellulose solution, 24 parts of wetting- out agent for 3 hours. The boil-
resorcine, 16 parts of water (added ing liquor should be at least 15-20 inches
later), and 48 parts of denatured alco- above the check-chain before the kier is
hol. The mixture is agitated, allowed to closed.
stand until the constituents are entirely Piece-goods must be thoroughly desized
dissolved and 15 parts of fine metallic before dyeing to prevent et Landscapes ’ 9
powder are then added. One hundred or cloud effects. An addition of 0.1-
parts of this paste are used on the roller 0.2% of Aetivin based upon the weight
printing machine, together, if wished, of the goods will aid in a rapid and
with pastes containing basic colors or more complete desizing of the material.
others. Piece-goods which must be bleached are
If colors are being used, one proceeds best boiled out with 3% caustic soda,
as in the following example: 1 part of 2% calc, soda, 1% of a wetting agent
Rhoduline Blue 3 GO, 2 parts of Rhodu- and 0.1-0.2% Aetivin for 4 hours under
line Yellow 6G, 3 parts of a good com- 3 pounds of pressure. It may be said
mercial acetic acid; to this mixture add here that the degree of desizing can be
20 parts of iron-free water and, later, 10 successfully tested with a solution of
parts of hydrolite dissolved in 10 parts potassium iodide.


When piece-goods are to be dyed with accurately known to the dyer, to begin
vat colors it is well to note that "the ends dyeing at a lower temperature and grad-
of the pieces when sewn together should ually raise to the dyeing temperature, as
lie over one another, somewhat in the in this manner no complications will have
manner of roof -shingles. Pieces sewn to- to be feared, provided the condition of
gether side by side, i.e., against each the vat is constantly observed.
other, will show airstripes ’ ’ after dye- After dyeing the material is squeezed
ing, evidenced by a deeper shade. and hung on sticks to oxidize. Should
Tubular knit goods (jersey) and deli- oxidation be too sluggish the process can
cate materials are, of course, not boiled be hastened by passing the lot through
out under pressure, but are boiled out on a bath made up with 0.3-Q.5 cc. per liter
the reel with 1% of calc, soda and 1 of 30% Hydrogen Peroxide, at a tem-
of sulph. oil for one hour. perature of 80-100° F. Sodium Per-
Raw cotton, stubbing, cops, bobbins, borate (1-3% from the weight of the
and warp on the beam are usually han- goods) can be used instead of Hydrogen
dled in mechanical apparatus and are Peroxide. After the material has been
boiled out with 1% calc, soda and 1% handled in such a bath for 10-15 min-
sulph. oil for one hour. utes, the temperature can be raised to
Preferred and often used is the cold- the boil and the subsequent soaping be
wetting-out method for raw cotton and carried out without fear of complica-
stubbing, which has the advantage of tions, as the perborate will give up its
preserving the spinning qualities of the oxygen quickly at a temperature of 150°
fiber. During the packing of the mate- F. It may be pointed out that such a
rial attention should be paid that no method is also more economical as it
channels develop, as this will interfere eliminates one extra handling of the
not only with the proper boiling-out proc- material.
ess but also will give unsatisfactory re-
sults in dyeing. * Air-ship Fabric, Coating for
Bobbins and warps on beams can, of
Cotton or silk is coated with
course, be dyed with vat colors in me-
chanical apparatus, however, certain ir- Polyglycerols 2.5
regularities must be overlooked, and the Gelatin 1
same is true when dyeing skeins in ap- This gives a flexible, adherent, gas-
paratus which employ so-called “ Hang- tight finish.
’ 7
Dyeing skeins with vat colors in the Penetration and wetting out agents
dye kettle of course, also certain
offers, suitable for dyeing cotton and rayon
difficulties such as unevenness, and an goods in various forms (hosiery, pack-
aid to good results are levelling and pro- age yarns, skein, etc.).
tecting agents such as Tetracarnit, Glue,
A. Sulf. Castor or Red
Sulfite-cellulose-waste liquors, Soap, Sul-
Oil 35 parts
phonated oils, etc. It must, however, be
Steam Distilled Pine
remembered that Soap or Sulphonated
Oil 35 parts
oils can be used only to limited amounts
in the dyebath, as they will induce the
Water 30 parts

material to swim and thereby only hin- Heat the castor or red oil agitate
der the dyeing process. An addition of while adding the pine oil until thor-
Glucose to the dyebath will often aid in —
oughly blended, add water then adding
overcoming unevenness, however, the a 25% solution of NaOII solution with
amount of caustic soda must be increased stirring until the solution becomes clear.
about 30%, as the Glucose will use up Test 10 cc. in 50 or 100 cc. of cold
this amount. A
further aid to level un- water should dissolve instantly and no
even dyeings is to remove the lot from separation should occur.
the dye liquor, squeeze, and return to the
dyebath under addition of more sodium B. Water 50 parts
hydrosulfite, and raising the dyeing tem- KOH or NaOH 16 parts
perature from 60-100° F. It must be 75% Sulf. Castor Oil
mentioned, however, that most of the vat or Red Oil 6- 8 parts
color types will lose their brilliancy and Cresylie Acid 25-32 parts
also give up part of their fastness quali-
ties should the temperature be raised Add caustic to water then castor or red
above their regular dyeing temperature. oil isadded while being stirred until
It is perhaps more advisable, providing solution clears. Cresylie is best added
the dyeing qualities of the dyestuffs are before oil*
C. Water 50 parts A and B will give fair increase in
KOH or NaOH 5 parts weight on finished goods. If li feel 7 is ’

Sulf. Red Oil (75% too harsh, increase proportion of starch

Strength) 20 parts and for softer feel use 5-20 lb. of emul-
Steam Distilled Pine sified Japan Wax. Chemical finishes for
Oil 15 parts increasing weight are not recommended,
Cresylie Acid 12-18 parts
Sulf. Red Oil or Castor
C. Sulfonated Castor or
Oil (75%) 8-10 parts
Sulfonated Tallow 20 lb.
These materials added in order named Corn Starch 30-35 lb.
with constant stirring until solution Dextrine 70- So lb.
clears. Then solution should be tested Epsom Salts 90-100 lb.
for stability and solubility in cold water Glucose 8-12 lb.
as well as wetting out" properties by Formaldehyde 1%- 3 lb.
some approved method. This formula C can be used on cheaper
goods for large weight increases.

Removing Cotton from Cotton Wool Dyeing Cotton Black (Chrome)

Dissolve 3.3 lb. of bichromate of pot-
Cotton can be removed from wool cloth ash in a small quantity of water, mix
by holding the cloth in hot vapors of the solution with 100 gallons of logwood
hydrochloric acid at a temperature of decoction at 3° Tw., and add 7.7 lb.
about 100° C. for 3 hours. The treated hydrochloric acid, 34° Tw. The cotton is
material can then be soaked in water introduced into the cold solution, and the
with beating, whereupon the cotton fibers temperature is very gradually raised to
disintegrate and become dislodged. The boiling point. The cotton acquires at
wool fibers will retain their shape and first a deep indigo-blue shade, which
changes to a blue-black on washing with
a calcareous water.
A slight modification of this process
consists in working the cotton in a solu-
Cotton Hosiery tion containing at first only the bichro-
Wash after dyeing for one-half hour mate of potash and hydrochloric acid,
at 120° F. in a bath containing 7% soap and adding the decoction of logwood to
based on weight of goods. Extract, but the dye bath in small portions from time
do not rinse. Then place in a cold bath to time, gradually raising the tempera-
of 10% acetic acid and run one-half hour ture as before.
and rinse. This imparts a scroop like
Anti-Seize Compound
Used in threads to prevent seizing.
Boil-off Liquor Petrolatum 50%
For cotton yarn chain form 200 gal- Zinc Dust 50%
lons of water, 2 quarts 75% Sulphonated
Oil; 4 pounds of Soda Ash, powdered; 2 Scouring Cotton-Rayon Fabrics
pounds Caustic Soda, fiake. Run this at Turkey Red Oil 5
a boil. Second boil-off in dye bath be- Olive Oil Soap 5
fore dyeing; 200 gallons of water; 1
Soda Ash 1
quart of 75% Sulphonated Oil; 4 pounds
Water 100 gal.
of Soda Ash.
Use at 200° F. for 1-2 If fabric
contains celanese keep temperature below
Finish on Sulfur-dyed Cotton Khaki 175° F. and leave out soda ash.
A. Corn Starch 45-50 lb.
Dextrin 34-36 lb.
Oil (Turkey Red) 25 lb.
Water 100 gal. "White Yarn and Cloth
Water 60 gal.
B. Dextrin 45-50 lb. Potato Starch 20 lb.
50% Sulfonated Tallow 45-50 lb. Lupogum 4 lb.
Water 100 gal. Tallow 10 lb.


Japan. Wax 4 oz. Treat for 1-2 hrs. at 200® F. If fabric
Olive Oil Soap 4 oz. contains Celanese leave out the soda ash
and do not heat above 175° F.
Dry on the tenter frame, let the cloth
or yarn pass over a 3 cylinder roller and
mangle with pressure.
Flax Waste, { Cotfeonizing M
Flannels, Finish for Treat flax waste one hour at -40-90°
C. with
Water 15 gal.
Lupogum 14 oz. Caustic Soda 10
Soap 1 lb. Sod. Silicate 5
Water 85
Keep at 90° C. for 1 hr.
Back-Filling Cotton Cloth, Linings, Etc.
Water 15 gal.
Wheat Starch 9% lb. * Creaseproof Fabrics
Lnpogum 10 oz. This is achieved by impregnating the
China-Clay 62% lb. material while the fibers are in a swol-
Chalk 12% lb. len condition. The cloth is therefore
or treated with a mercerizing liquid, c.g.,
Water 1000 parts caustic soda with or without tension,
Lupogum 10 parts whereby the cellulose is swollen to the
Wheat Starch 20 parts greatest possible extent The excess of
China-Clay 20 parts caustic is removed by squeezing till the
Japan Wax 1 part material contains an equal weight or a
little more of water and then immedi-
ately mangled with the following resin;
Ticking, Finish for
Phenol 100
Water 15 gal. Formalin 100
Lupogum 10 oz. Potassium Carbonate 4
Potato Starch 3% lb.
2% which boiled for 5 minutes and rapidly
White Dextrine lb.
Sulphate of Magnesia 2% lb. cooled. The fabric is then squeezed till
it contains about an equal quantity of
China-Clay 5 lb. .

10 liquor (i.e?., its own weight of resin sol)

Helveteen oz.
or and dried at a low temperature, finally
11% being heated at 170° C. on drying tins
Bice Starch lb.
for 2 minutes in order to complete the
Lupogum 10 oz.
4 6 oz. reaction. Lastly, the excess of resin is
China Clay lb.
Salicylic Acid 2 oz. removed by boiling with soap as previ-
ously. Under these conditions the fabric
retains just under 15 per cent of resin.
Sizing of Bayon Hanks to be Used
as Warps
1 lb. Lupogum is stirred thoroughly Olive Oil Emulsion
into 9 gal. cold water and dis- May be used for finishing blankets,
solved ; hosiery, mercerized cottons, etc.
1 lb. Glucose is dissolved in luke-
warm water;
25% Tri-sodium -phosphate
Solution 50 parts
1% lb. Olive Oil Emulsion.
Olive Oil 30 parts
All three are mixed, brought to a boil 50% Sulf. Tallow 10-15 parts
and boiled for 1 minute. The whole Add half of olive oil and mix thor-
mass will be about 12 gal. due to con- oughly in TSP solution then boil and
densed steam. This mixture of 12 gal. agitate until saponification takes place
is sufficient for 50 lb. rayon, i.e for a
and add in the remaining half ; then add
bath of 120 gal. in sulf. tallow and mix until a smooth
blended emulsion is formed. Test— 10
Scouring Cotton-Eayon Fabrics cc. in 100 ce. lukewarm water; should
emulsify and not separate out in oily
Turkey Brown Oil 10 lb.
10 spots, etc. Should have consistency of
Olive Oil Soap lb.
soft lard or butter.
Soda Ash 1 lb.
Water 100 gal.
Crepe Bye Resist Finish for Fancy Woven Goods
Resist White
Composition of the finish:
Precipitated Chalk 200 gm.
Potassium Sulphite 90° Tw. 50 gm. Dextrine 150 parts
Acetate of Soda 50 gm. Epsom Salt
2. 80-90 parts
Water 265 gm. Monopole Soap 6- 7 parts
Dark British Gum 325 gm. per 1000 parts paste or brought up to
the required degree of Tw.

3. Thicker finish:
Beat the whole into a smooth paste,
heat until the gum is dissolved, and cool. Dextrine 200 parts
Resist White gives a better white un- Epsom Salt 110-130 parts
der the black than zinc oxide. Zinc oxide, Glucose 50 parts
however, is to be preferred for colors, Monopole Soap 6- 7 parts
because it works better in printing and per 1000 parts paste or brought up to
yields brighter shades. It is usually the required degree of Tw.
ground up with a little glycerin, and tur- Cheap finish:
pentine is added to minimize the ten-
dency to froth. Potato Flour 50 parts
Epsom Salt 50 parts
Monopole Soap 5-6 parts
Paste (For Colors) Standard per 1000 parts paste.
Zinc Oxide 200 gm. Dissolve the different constituents
Water 170 gm. separately in water and mix them to-
Glycerin 25 gm. gether by good stirring. In cases where
Beat into a paste, and add the products cannot be dissolved sepa-
Dark British Gum 200 gm. rately owing to want of accommodation,
Gum dissolve the dextrine or potato flour to-
Senegal 50% Solution 150 gm.
Turpentine 30 gm. gether with the Epsom Salt and boil, then
add the glucose and finally the Mono-
775 pole Soap. The latter is dissolved with
direct steam in a small quantity of water,
Heat to dissolve the gum, and then use but before adding it to the finish, dilute
warm or cold. .the dissolved soap with as much water as
possible in order that the fatty matter
* Increasing Ironing Resistance of
may be finely and uniformly divided and
thus render same particularly stable.
“Celanese ;? The dissolving of a little dextrin (4-5
The material is treated with a 5%% oz. dextrine per 1 lb. of soap) together
caustic soda soliition and dried immedi- with the Monopole Soap will be found
ately and quickly. advantageous.
It is not necessary to boil the finish
again after the addition of the soap, al-
Scouring and Dyeing Assistant though a boiling is not detrimental.
For use with Acetate yarns and ma- The temperature of the size ready for
terials (hosiery, etc.). use should be 95-115° F.
Good Grade Soluble Pine
Oil 50 lb. Scouring Unit Goods
Trisodium Phosphate 10-20 lb.
Scour at 160° F. for 20 minutes in
Dichlorethyletlier 4- 8 lb.
Trisodium Phosfate 1
Add the Tri Sodium Phosphate in a Olive Oil Soap 2
concentrated solution with constant stir- Water 97
ring and warming until complete saponi-
fication takes place. Then add the sol- Rinse well in soft water.
vent slowly with stirring. The pH should
be kept in a 10% solution to 11. or Dyeing Knit Fabrics
Using For light shades
direct colors.
Test. —
A complete dispersion in cold dissolve dyes separately and strain into
water when mixed. bath. Dye goods for 10 minutes at 80°
This is an inexpensive scouring and F. Add glauber salts (5% of weight of
dyeing assistant on hosiery, knit-wear, goods) and raise temperature to 120° F.
etc. Shade should be reached in 15 minutes.


For dark shades increase glauber salts torting or damaging the pile in the nip,
to 15% and increase temperature to a barrel spreader and a rotating bristle
160° F. brush were placed before each set of

2 of 1% neutral olive oil soap may

i/ squeeze rolls in the machine. The next
be used for improving feel of finished two boxes contained 24 pounds of Tri-
goods. Dry at 100° F. sodium Phosphate each. Most of the
grease was emulsified in the first two
boxes. The small amount remaining was
SCROOP easily removed by the fairly alkaline
Rayon Products baths in boxes 3 and 4. Due to the quite
The fabric should be run first through heavy nip after box 2 little soapy liquor
a lukewarm bath of turkey red oil. Then is carried over into box 3, while the per-

immerse for 5 minutes in a 1% solution centage of soap in box 4 is negligible.

of glycerine or glucose to which has been The temperature in the first four boxes
added %% of acetic acid. After which was maintained at 200° F. by means of
closed steam coils, while the remaining
remove the goods, extract, and dry at a
low temperature, but do not wash. three boxes were all cold. nip roll is A
placed after box 4 to squeeze out as
much of the alkaline liquor as possible.
* Rayon, D clustering Box 5 contains 12 pounds of 28% acetic
The rayon (500 g.) is introduced into acid to neutralize any alkaline residue.
1 1. of cold aq. soln. of MgSiF fi 6H 2 0 . .04 pounds of an add violet (color index
(10 to 40%). After 10 min. the soln. number 698), having practically no af-
is slowly heated to 70-90° and kept at finity for either rayon or cotton, was
this temp, for 10 min., whereby hydrolysis also placed in the box. This dyestuff
takes place and the Si0 2 deposits in the was used so as to prevent any exhaustion
thread. Subsequently the material is of the color. The latter would necessi-
washed out. tate feeding dyestuff into box 5 which
might in turn result in uneven pieces
* Delustering
from end to end (
tailing off*’). A
Rayon nip roll was placed between this box and
Anacetate fabric is worked for an the next. Box 6 contained .04 pounds of
hour at 75° C. in a bath containing 30% acid violet and no acid. This box and
latex and 0.5 %
ammonium thiocyanate to box 7, which contained water only, were
act as swelling agent on the silk fibers, intended to level out any slight uneven-
or an acetate fabric may be treated for ness in color which might result from
45 minutes at 75° C. with 50 times its the possible unevenness in the acidity of
weight of the cloth in box 5. Nip rolls were used
Aqueous Dispersion of before and after box 7. After passing
Colloidal Graphite =10 % through the last nip, the cloth was
Ammonium Thiocyanate = .1% plaited on a flat truck and was then ready
30% latex = 5.5% for finishing. The cloth travelled at a
speed of 15 yards per minute and took
which produces a non-rubbing medium
about 20 seconds to pass through each
gray color, fast to light, and washing.
One per cent of zinc oxide with 2 per
cent of latex (30 per cent) and a swell-
Boiling Off Silk
ing agent gives excellent results as far
as delustering is concerned. Raw silk two sub-
consists chiefly of
stances, true silk fiber, called fi-
broin/ and an outer layer of material

Scouring and Dyeing Rayon Pile Fabrics known as t scricin } 1 It also contains a

A continuous full width scouring or very small amount of wax, fat, coloring
dyeing machine was used for the entire matter and ash. Most of the coloring
process. The machine consisted of seven matter is in the outer sericin layer.
boxes holding approximately 540 gallons Sericin is a substance resembling gela-
each at the working height. The first tine in its properties, and is soluble in
two boxes containing 24 pounds Triso- water only by prolonged boiling.
dium Phosphate and 16 pounds Olive Fibroin is a protein and is not notice-
Soap each. The major part of the soil ably affected by prolonged boiling in
and dirt in the cloth came off in the first water, but is somewhat readily attacked
two boxes. In order to avoid contami- by caustic alkalies even in weak solu-
nation of the next four boxes, nip rolls tions, their action rendering it more
were placed between the first two boxes brittle and rough and diminishing its
and after the second. To prevent dis- gloss. Fibroinis also attacked by soap
solutions if boiled for a long time, but * Silk and Rayon, Delustering
it is not acted upon by weak acid solu- Lelustering of artificial silk is effected
tions. by treatment, at a temp, within about
In preparation of silk for the dye bath the range of 20-100°, with a soln. formed
i c
it has been customary to boil off." of approx, equal proportions of alum
This process consists in boiling in a and BaCl 2 (the total quantity of which
bath of soap and water, sometimes with may be from less than 1% to about 5%
the addition of Carbonate of Soda, the the wt. of the artificial silk treated).
purpose of such treatment being to re-
move the outer layer of sericin, whereby
the silk becomes lighter in color and the * Lelustering Cellulose Acetate
luster is developed, and it becomes softer
The material is steeped at 80-100°
and more suitable for dyeing.
Luring the process of boiling off, the
for a short time in a 5% pine oil emul-
sericin first swells up, making the silk
sticky. It then dissolves, leaving the
lustrous and internal thread exposed.
Lyeing Silk Black (Lyons)
In treating piece goods which are com- About 10 to 20 per cent yellow prus-
posed partly of cotton or wool, the boil- siate of potash is used in proportion to
ing off process serves the further pur- the weighting with oxide of iron which
pose of cleansing from the material the silk has received previously. In ad-
whatever dust may be adhering to the dition, a quantity of hydrochloric acid,
silk. equal to the prussiate, is required. Pre-
It tends also to improve the quality of pare the bath with the prussiate and half
the cotton or wool mixture. It is custom- the hydrochloric acid. Enter at 30° C.,
ary to put the goods through a washing turn the silk about ten times, heat to 45°,
process after boiling off. The boiling off turn a few times, add the other half of
and washing processes consume much the acid and heat to 50 to 55° C., turn
time and labor, and employ materials again a few times, wring out and wash
which, while not expensive in themselves well in water.
or in small quantities, become expensive A weighting of 16 to 24 per cent is
when used in large quantities, as they obtained; or by a threefold treatment
must be used in the customary practice with nitrate, etc., the loss sustained by
of the art. the discharging is recovered, and the silk
It is claimed by users of Sulphonated brought to “pari." A
further weight-
Castor Oil AA that if silk is left to ing of 4 per cent may be added by one
soak in a bath made up to consist of: more treatment with “ nitrate of iron"
One part of " the Oil to 1000 parts of after the blue dyeing, and subsequent
water, with the addition of sufficient soda rinsing with water to precipitate the fer-
ash, or about two parts, to make the ric hydroxide (hot soaping would affect
bath slightly alkaline at a temperature the Prussian blue). Work the silk after
of about 98° C. for one-half hour, the these treatments one hour in an old bath
degumming process will become complete of catechu (gambier) standing at 4 to
during the dyeing. 7%° Tw., the temperature of which
The solution is very mild in its action should not exceed 50° C., so that the
upon the fibroin, leaving it coated with Prussian blue may not be decomposed
a very thin layer of nitrogenous material and the shade become too dark; rinse
which is repellent to water, though sol- and hydro-extract. The silk acquires in
uble on prolonged boiling. The protec- the catechu bath an over-charge (over
tive layer is of extreme thinness, and is pari) of 15 per cent and becomes more
removed in whole or in part in the ordi- greenish.
nary operations to which silk goods are
subjected subsequent to boiling off. This
layer also probably protects the fibroin * Silk Weighting and Waterproofing
from weakening not only during the time 240 grams of nickel sulphate are dis-
that it is in the bath, but during the solved in 9320 cubic centimeters of a 14-
subsequent operation of dyeing. 15% solution of ammonia, and 680 cubic
centimeters of an aluminate solution con-
taining 68 grams of sodium hydroxide
* Silk, Legumming
and 2.5 grams of aluminum are added,
Silk is treated at 50° with a solution under agitation. A
Bordeaux-red liquid
of papain with Sod. Sulphoxylate equal is obtained which may be used directly,
to 25% of papain used. if pure reagents have been employed, or
after filtration, if the reagents employed


were such as to render filtration neces- 7-7.5% of cellulose) and ripened to
sary. 5° with an equal voi.
is diluted, e.g.,
of H 2 0, mixed with a foaming agent,
Boil Off, Gelanese Velvet e-g. f 0.5% of oleic acid, and worked
Here the bath is adjusted to
boil off into a foam. This is run into moulds
a pH of 7.6 after adding 3 lb. of sodium and allowed to coagulate spontaneously,
sulphide per 1,000 gallons of water and coagulation being accelerated, if desired,
approximately the same amount of 84% by heat or the addition of salts, e.g. f
commercial acetic acid. Then 3 lb. of NaCl, to the foam. After washing and
seritex (probably the enzyme papaine) drying, a light (apparent d 0.02-0.1),
per 100 gallons is added and the bath porous, elastic product is obtained par-
heated to 165° F. The velvet, which has ticularly suitable for use as a heat-
previously been soaked for 30 minutes in insulating material. Fillers, softeners,

a weak olive soap solution, is immersed colouring agents, or Are- or HoO-proofmg

in this bath for 2% to 3 hours. The agents may be incorporated.
goods, generally hooked on a vertical star
frame, are kept slowly moving all this
time. After this treatment, the velvet is
immersed in a 0.5% olive soap solution Viscose Skeins, Weighting
at 170° to 175° F. for 30 minutes. Then Light Scour (Based on Weight of
it is rinsed in soft warm water which is Material)
gradually cooled by a steady influx of
cold water. After this rinse the goods Neutral Olive Oil Soap 5-6 %
are ready for dyeing.
Soda Ash or Trisodium Phos-
phate 1-1%%
Viscose Manufacture Einse thoroughly in w arm water andr

For Eayon and Cellophane hydro-extract; place these skeins (not

dried) in solution of 7-8° BA Alumi-
Steep 2 lb. cotton or pure wood pulp
fiber in 18% NaOH solution at 20° C. for
num sulfate. Keep at room temperature
(70°-75° F.) for one hour. Place skein
1 hour.
on rack and drain; and turn occasion-
Press excess caustic out till pulp
ally. Einse in 4-6 parts sold water
weighs 6.5 lb.
Keep in a closed container for 70 washes. Place in 5-6° BA
Silicate of
Soda (iron free) solution warm from
hours at 20° C.
room temperature (70° F.) to 100° F.
Place in large mason jars, first break-
Allow to stand for one hour. Wash thor-
ing- pulp up. Add %
lb. Carbon Bisul-
oughly in warm water at I3Q°~~150° F.
fide; close jar and shake for 2 hours till
Direct or basic dyestuffs may be used
orange color appears.
after this.
Dissolve this xanthate in a 3%%
NaOH so as to finally have 7% cellulose
in solution, approximately use 16 lb. to
Stripping of Textiles or
18 lb. of 3%% NaOH solution.
Discharging of Colors
Keep this viscose for 3 days at 18° C.
For coagulation use a spin bath of Heat a solution containing one gal-
following specifications lon stripper T. S. per 100 gallons
H2 S0 4 9% of H
2 0 to
180° F. Eayons, cottons, silks
Na2 S04 18% will strip and certain amounts of celan-
Zn S0 4 1% ese colors.
Glucose 5% Sodium hydro sulphite can be used at
Temp. 45° C. 3% to 4% strength and same tempera-
ture. Three per cent Formaldehyde- Sul -

Then rinse acid out of thread.

foxylate solutions containing 1% NII 4 -

For transparent films spread very thin

on a plate of glass. Place glass in a
OH will strip the majority of colors at
high temperatures, especially the acid
solution of 30% (N H4 ) 2 S0 4 Then .

place in saturated salt solution. Then
To dye materials so that white de-
place in 3% H2 S04 solution till film is
sign will be left, the method is to use a
clean. Wash acid free and dry.
mixture of 10% zinc acetate and 10%
Hydrosulfite in paste form at the design.
* Viscose Sponge Then dye with a vat color. The metal

resists dye and hydrosulphite discharges

Viscose solution containing 6% of <
NaOH (e.g., 3.7% of NaOH and color at that design.
Textile Materials, Identifying

Vegetable Fibres Artificial Fibres ,

Animal Fibres

Char- Acetate
Cotton j
Linen Jute Hemp Ramie Viscose
donnet Silk
Wool Silk

Burn rapidk Burn slowly with

Burning Burn rapidly with pungent smell with pungent characteristic

smell smell

Caustic soda, 76° Tw.. . Insoluble Insoluble
Brown. Yellow. Insoluble Un- and Fibre Soluble Soluble

Insoluble Insoluble changed partly

swells ;

cold hot

Black j

Dis- Dis- Dis- Dis- Dis-

solves solves solves solves solves Insoluble Dissolves

Rapidly dissolve
Sulphuric acid, 168° Tw. rapidly slowly slowly slowly slowly

Brown. Yellow. Dissolve rapidly with

Nitric acid Insoluble Insoluble Insoluble Yellow. Yellow.
Insoluble Insoluble yellow coloration Insoluble Dissolves


Ammoniacal copper so- Swells, disinte-

Un- Insoluble Soluble
solution Soluble Soluble Insoluble Insoluble Insoluble grates and is j

changed cold cold

partly dissolved

Aniline sulphate Yellow Yellow !

Acetone Un- Un- Dissolves

changed changed rapidly

Iodine and sulphuric acid Blue Blue Yellow Yellow Blue

Diaphenylamine and sul- .

phuric acid Blue

* Horse-hair Substitute * Artificial Wool

Hard vegetable fibers, such as coconut Cotton thread or cloth is given a wool-
fibers are heated with dil. lyes, e.g.,
like appearance by treating it with
7-8% HaOH in a closed vessel to 120°- NaOH soln. (35°-40° Be.), with aq.
135°, and then treating with oily or soln. of C1CH 2 C0 2 H
(5°-10° Be.) and
hygroscopic substances. then with NH4OH (2%-5%).

Carbonizing Wool in Cotton Mixture

Wool, Silk and Cotton, Determining in Some kinds of burnt out embroideries
Textiles which consist partly of pure cotton and
partly also of artificial silk and cotton,
Use Dreaper’s reagent which is made are prepared on a ground of wool or cot-
by adding 2 grins, of sodium hydroxide ton. The ground is then usually car-
dissolved in 30 e.e. of water to 2 grms. bonized before the dyeing, that is to say,
of lead acetate dissolved in 50 c.c. of removed so that the actual embroidery
water. The mixture is boiled until it alone remains standing out.
becomes clear, cooled to about 60° C,, For cotton embroidery, a wool ground
and 0.3 grm. of magenta dissolved in 5 is usually used, and is carbonized by a
c.c. of alcohol added. The solution is hot treatment or by boiling for 20 to
made up to 100 c.c and filtered if neces- 30 minutes with caustic soda lye of 3°-5°
sary. A
piece of the fabric to be tested Tw. The embroidery is then rinsed thor-
is heated in this solution nearly to the
oughly, soured off and dried, the de-
boiling-point for 2 minutes, washed with
stroyed wool then being removed by
water, then with dilute acetate acid, and heating.
dried. Silk will be colored red and wool
black, while vegetable fibers remain Bleaching Wool and Silk
white. The magenta may be replaced
. Treat cold for 30 min. the well-degreased
by picric acid. wool with 20 parts of a soln. contg. 3 g.

KMn04 and 3.5 g. MgS0 4 per L, expose called substantive dyes. They do not
for 3-4 lirs, to the sun, treat in a bath need any chemical to* develop or lock the
contg. 40 c.c. NaH80 3 35° Be. and 4 c.c. dye into the. fiber. Common salt, how-
H 2 S0 4
66° BA
and rinse. Add more ever, is used as an auxiliary to aid dye-
NaHSOg if the goods are still colored. ing.
For silk the first bath contains per 1. of Dyeing instructions Prepare dye bath

water 1.5 g. KMn0

4 , 2 c.c. 2 S0 4 66°H using about four gallons of water to
BA; the second bath 20 g. NaHS0 3 35° each pound of material.
BA and 2 g. H 2 804 . Add five pounds of salt for each pound
of dye used.
Woolens, Finish for Bring temperature up to 140° F. In-
troduce the material. Bring temperature
Water 15 gal.
up to a boil and keep at boiling point
Lupogum 6 oz.
three-quarters of an hour. Rinse and
dry on felt covered rollers. dry.
Average Yellow requires
Worsteds and Cheviots, Finish 1 lb. of dye to 100 lb. material
Water 15 gal. Average Red requires
Potato Starch 2%-2% lb. 2 lb. of dye to 100 lb. material
Lupogum 6 oz.
Average Blue requires
2 lb. of dye to 100 lb. material
Heavy Woolen Cloth, Finish
Water 15 gal. Average Green requires
2 lb. of dye to 100 lb. material
Potato Starch 3% lb.
Lupogum 6 oz. Average Black requires
Glauber ? s Salt 3 lb. 2 oz. 5 lb. of dye to 100 lb. material
Sulphate of Magnesia 2% lb.
Glycerine 10 oz. Representative dyes are:

Direct Fast Yellow NN
Wool, Oil Treatment for Chrysophinme (Yellow)
Wool fiber is treated with a sapona- Direct Blue 2B
ceous aq. emulsion contg. soap 5, olive oil Direct Sky Blue 5B
10 and water 1000 parts, and is then Direct Orange 2R
treated with a soln. of A1 formate, and Direct Green
dried at 60-80°. Congo Red
Direct Black E
Direct Pink E
Removing Oil and Grease Spots
Direct Violet N
Immerse the goods for one hour in a Direct Brown
warm saturated solution of sodium alu-
minate, diluted to about strength.%
Then rinse in warm water, extract and Wool, Coloring
dry. Much better results are obtained
when the solution is lukewarm, although Wool and woolen materials, for the
?.t can be used cold.
most part, are dyed with acid dyes; the
Solutions made by this same formula acid used is Sulphuric. In some cases
may also be bottled and used for remov- acetic acid is used. Glauber salts are
ing small spots, as it leaves no fringe or added as an auxiliary in dyeing.
ring. Put a piece of blotting paper
Dyeing instructions:
under the spot and apply solution with a
cloth. For each 100 lb. of material
use 4 gallons of water,
* Wetting (Penetration) Agent add 3 lb. of Sulphuric Acid,
Apenetrating or wetting agent useful add 10 lb, of Glauber Salts,
in mercerizing textiles consists of add 1 to 5 lb. of color depending
Cresols 90 on shade and color strength.
Pine Oil 6 Yellow generally requires 1 lb.
Red Oil 4 Red, blue, green generally require 2 lb.
Black generally requires *5 lb.
Cotton, Coloring Bring temperature of dye bath to 140 d
Cotton and cotton materials are gen- F. Immerse material, bring to boil and
erally dyed with direct dyes, sometimes boil three-quarters of an hour and rinse.
Representative dyes are: The temperature of the bath is raised to

Y ellow—Tart razine 175° F. in the next 45 minutes after

Lemon Yellow Erio Flavine which 75% Hemastine Extract is added

Orange Orange II and the temperature raised to a boil.

Red Ponceau 2R The dyebath is kept at a boil for an

Red Crocein Scarlet additional 1.5 hours. The goods are then

Magenta Acid Magenta B rinsed twice. After hydroextracting the

Violet Acid Violet 6 BIST cloth is ready for finishing.

Green Patent Blue A During the dyeing process the dye-

Black Acid Black J bath must be kept a clear amber color.

Black Acid Black 10 BX Any darkening would indicate insoluble
lake which is rectified by the addition of
more oxalic acid. Care must be taken
Silk, Coloring not to add too large an excess of acid as
this would tend to redden the shade. If
Silk may becolored with Direct, Acid,
The Direct colors are a bluer shade of black is desired, this
or Basic colors.
dyed in a neutral bath. Some direct col-
may be obtained by cooling the bath to
180° F. after it has boiled for 75 min-
ors require the addition of Acetic Acid
to the dye bath toward the end of the
utes and then adding one per cent soda
operation. Temperature 180 to 200° F. ash. The bath is then raised to a boil
Time about 30 minutes. again for an additional 15 minutes. The
shade of the black is regulated by the

Acid Colors. Dyed in bath acidulated amount of Fustic Extract used.
with Sulphuric Acid. Temperature 180
to 200° F. Time about 30 minutes.

Basic Colors. Dyed in bath acid-
* Protecting Wool in Vat Dyeing
ulated with Acetic Acid. Temperature Wood fabric is first printed with the
start at 100° F., go to 140 to 175° F. following paste:
slowly. For Auramine, temperature must Indigo Pure 20% Paste
15.0 parts
not exceed 140° F. Glycerine 5.0 parts
Direct dyes (see dyes for cotton). 50% Gum Thickening 10.0 parts
Acid dyes (see dyes for wool). Potassium Carbonate 7.5 parts
Formosul 10.0 parts
Basic dyes: Sodium Aminoacetate 50% 5.0 parts
Y ellow—Auramine Water 7.5 parts
2 lb. per 100 lb. material The fabric is then partially dried and
Orange—Chrysoidine Y steamed; afterwards it is oxidized in an
2 per 100
lb. material
lb. acidified hydrogen peroxide or perborate
Brown—Bismark Brown bath, soaped, and dried. Tt is found
2 per 100
lb. material
lb. that the wool material printed by this
Pink—Rhodamine B
method suffers no loss of strength and
does not acquire the harsh handle which
2 per 100
lb. material
it otherwise would.
Blue—Methylene Blue 2B
2 per 100
lb. material

Violet—Methyl Violet
Direct Wool Printing
2 per 100
lb. material
lb. For on wool, the fol*
direct printing
Green—Malachite Green X lowing formula is recommended for the
2 per 100
lb. material
Chrome Fast Dyes:
Black—Basic Black Dyestuff 20 gm.
2 lb. per 100 lb. material Glycerine 50 gm.
Water 408 gm.
Neutral Starch Tragacanth
Dyeing Tussah Pile Fabric Thickening 500 gm.
Goods are entered into the dyebath at
Ammonium Oxalate 12 gm.
120° to 125° F. After running for 30 Neutral Ammonium
Chromate 10 gm.
minutes to thoroughly wet the cloth,
37.5% Fustic Extract and 5% bluestone
are added in the order named, but a few
Total 1000
minutes apart. The cloth is run in this Steam one hour and wash.
liquor for 15 minutes when 7.5% cop- For heavier shades the quantity of
peras and 3% oxalic acid (previously dyestuff is proportionately increased.
dissolved and mixed together) are added. With Erio Chrome Print Black a full

bloomy shade can be produced with 60- To prepare the? finish proceed as fol-
80 grams dyestuff per 1000. lows :
Dissolve the different constituents
separately in water and pour them to-
Blue Linen Finishing gether while stirring well. In cases
Cheap Finish where the constituents cannot be dissolved
separately owing to want of accommo-
Water 100 parts
dation, dissolve the dextrine or potato
Potato Flour 6 parts
flour together with the Epsom salt and
Gluten 6 parts
boil; finally add the Monopole Soap.
Monopole Soap 0.6 part
The latter is dissolved with direct steam
in a small quantity of water, but before
Cheap Finish with a Heavy Weighting
adding it to the finish, dilute the dis-
Water 100 parts solved soap with as much water as pos-
Potato Flour 10 parts sible in order that this weak soap solu-
Epsom Salt 6 parts tion may finely and uniformly divide the
>r fatty matter and thus render the size
Chloride of Magnesium 4-5 parts particularly stable. The dissolving of a
Syrup (Treacle) 2-3 parts little dextrine (4-5 oz. dextrine per 1 lb.

Monopole Soap 0.8 part of Soap) together with the Monopole

Soap will be found advantageous.
Superior Finish It is not necessary to boil the finish
Water 100 parts again after the addition of the soap,
Dextrine 14 parts although a boiling is not detrimental.
Epsom Salt 6-7 parts The temperature of the size ready for
Monopole Soap 0.6-0.7 part use should be 95-115° F.

Finish with a Very Heavy Weighting * Delustered Cellulose Acetate Yarn

Water 100 parts
Cellulose acetate is dissolved in acetone
Wheat Starch 5 parts
contg. approx. 2.5% water. Before this
Potato Starch 7 parts
process of soln. is completed there is
China Clay 10 parts
added Halowax (chlorinated naphtha-
Chloride of Magnesium 3 parts
lene), to the amt. of about 12% of the
Monopole Soap 0.8 part
cellulose acetate, dissolved in about 3
It is advisable to color the finish with times its own wt. of acetone. The two
a littlesubstantive Blue and basic Vio- solns. are thoroughly mixed giving a
let, say with *4 gm. Benzo Blue RW
and spinning soln. A delustered cellulose
% gm. Methyl Violet B p, lb, paste, acetate yam is produced by spinning.
Backing for Sheet Plastics Concentrated Warp Size Lubricant
Pigment 7 lb. 10-14 lb. Sulf Tallow (75%)
Ethyl Lactate 25 lb. 18-22 lb. Mineral Oil Softener
Methanol 50 lb. 18-24 oz. Dry Gum Tragacanth
Ethyl Acetate 25 lb. 14-16 lb. Raw Tallow
Cellulose Acetate 7 lb. 4-45 lb. Water.
Prepare gum tragacanth in separate
vessel as noted above.
Fine Cotton Size Place the two tallows in kettle, agi-
Potato Starch 75 tate and heat until blended, then add
Tallow 71/2 the mineral oil softener continue agita-
Pine Oil or Turkey Red Oil 1 tion and heat until blended.
Water 830 Add Gum trag jell and additional
heat may be necessary for a thorough
Size, Alkali
Dextrin (Potato) 30 lb.
Castor Oil 1 lb. Concentrated Finishing Compound
Caustic Soda 30 lb. (For Cotton Piece Goods)
Pot. Carbonate 30 lb. 22-26 lb. Sulf. Tallow (75%)
Water 65 lb. 12-15 lb. Japan Wax
Dissolve dextrin in part of water and 20-24 lb. 25% Tri-Sodium-Phosphate
emulsify oil in this. Solution
Dissolve alkalies in balance of water 50-60 lb. Water.
and stir in. The 0'apan wax should be emulsified in
a separate vessel.
Concentrated Warp Sizing Mix the tallow, y3 of the Japan wax
(For Cotton Warps) (emulsified) and required amount of
T. S. P. solution until thoroughly
36-42 lbs. Sul. Tallow (75%, if 50%
used increase proportion)
Add the remainder of the Japan wax
18-24 lb. Raw Beef Tallow good —
quality preferred, otherwise size
emulsion, agitate and heat; it is best
not to boil.
may be discolored slightly. Stir until a creamy mix is secured.
14-20 oz. of Dry Gum Tragacanth
38-45 lb. of Water.
The gum tragacanth should be placed Sizing Compound for Cotton Warp
in separate vessel and heated up to boil Yams (To be Used With Starches)
and allowed to stand until complete jell 40-50 parts good quality Beef Tal-
has been reached, then it is ready to low
add to mix. 8-12 parts good quality Sulfonated
Mix the sulf onated tallow and raw tal- Tallow (50% commercial grade)
low in kettle and heat while mixing until l%-2% parts solvent and emulsi-
thoroughly blended and syrupy. Di-Ethylene Glycol for ex-
Add the gum trag jell and mix until ample)
blended. y>-2 parts Locust Bean Gum ( Gum
Add the necessary amount of preserva- Trag) made up into a 8 : 100
tive and place in closed barrels until Water Gel and in thorough solu-
ready for use. tion before adding.
1 % parts Steam Distilled Pine Oil
All formulae preceded by an asterisk (*) are covered by patents.
* )

Sizing and stiffening^, softeners 475

2 parts Japan Wax (made into Cotton Size

thorough emulsion before adding Wheat Starch 4 lb.
1-1% parts eresylic acid Narobin 1 lb.
40-50 parts of Water added with Water 25 gal.
thorough agitation and sufficient
heating. * Linseed Oil Size
Linseed Oil 100
Triehlorethylene 100
Sizing Compound for CottonWarps
Am. Linoleate 16
(To be Used in Combination With Type Water 100-200
of Starch
30 parts good quality White Beef Size, Newspaper
30 parts good quality 50% Sulfo- The pulp is sized with a mixt. of 1.2%
nated Tallow Na 2 S0 3 in 4 pt. of water, 0.5% NaOK
6- 8 parts Japan Wax Emulsion (5% soln.) and 3.2% ( SO* 3
32-34 parts Water BA) are based on the wt, of
(all wts.
1- 2 parts disinfectant or deodor- liber). The method produces better re-
ant should be used. sults, and a considerable economy than
the use of rosin.
Melt Japan wax and sulf. tallow while
agitating, when thoroughly melted add
beef Tallow and stir until thoroughly Sizing for Rayons
mixed. Then add water gradually and 75 lb. Coconut Oil
agitate until a full white creamy mix is 11 lb. Tri-Ethanolamine
secured. 20 lb. Red Oil (Oleic Acid)
2-3 lb. Preservative (S#ram Ben-
Cotton Warp Sizing zoate, etc.)
14-20 lb. Tapioca Flour 50 lb. good grade Gelatine
l%-3 lb. Animal Glue (ground) make up to 100 gallons sizing.
3-5 lb. 50% Sulfonated Tallow. The tri-ethanolamine and red oil are
(May substitute Tallow emul-

mixed first then added to the melted
coconut oil with stirring.
3-5 lb. Paraffin Wax The gelatine is dissolved and added to
$0-150 gal. Water the above mixture with stirring on
reaching a well blended size it is diluted
Warp Sizing for Durene to 100 gallons and stirred further. When
used, water is added two to one to secure
(Mercerized Cotton)
proper take up in sizing in slashing
100 lb. Corn Starch
12-15 lb. Raw Beef Tallow (Tal-
low Emulsion can be used)
200-250 gal. Water. Skein Sizing Rayon Yarns
Take 60 lb. Gelatin and soften it by
allowing it to soak for 2 hours in water.
Sizing for Polishing Boil for 20 minutes in 200 gal. water.
(Cotton Cordage) Dip yarn in this, centrifuge and dry.
2 oz. Tri-Sodium-Phosphate
4 lb. Irish Potato Starch Size, Concentrated Rosin
1% lb. Japan Wax 70
1% lb. Paraffin Wax (127° M. P.)
Soda Ash 7
6 oz.
Beeswax 2
14 oz. Mineral Oil Softener
Water 21
Mix thoroughly and make up to 10 Boil together until a sample solidifies
gallons with necessary amount water. on cooling. This may be shipped solid
U se sufficient amount of water to dis- and is dispersed in hot water when
solve starch and heat with constant stir- needed.
ring until all products are thoroughly

mixed then allow to cool and use cold.
used Soap, Rosin Size
The Tri-Sodium Phosphate is
primarily because of “hard water.* Into a suitable boiler or heater an
amount for instance 100 kilogrs, of resin

Raw Materials, Equipment, Containers, etc., consult Supply

For Chemical Advisors, Special
Section vatv end; of, hook.
is placed and as much water, then a mix- Boil two in 100 gal. of three for %
ture of carbonated and bicarbonated hr. Stir one in 25 gal. three mix both
alkalis is added in a quantity necessary solutions, stir and boil until uniform.
for saturating say 88% of the resin put
in operation. If the bicarbonate is em-
ployed in about the proportion of half * Wax Size
the carbonate, then approximately 11 The following is used for treating
kilogrs. of carbonate of soda and 5 paper-cloth.
kilogrs. of bicarbonate of soda will be
Japan Wax 100
Soap 10
The boiler is heated by steam for ex-
Water 40
ample and when cooking is considered
Boil and stir until homogeneous. This
water and a volatile alkali
is diluted with boiling water and stirred
(ammonia) are added, the amount of
before use.
alkali being sufficient to saturate the 12
kilogrs. of resin which have not been
affected by the carbonated alkali. For Sizing, Window Shade and Automobile
this second phase of saponification by Top
means of ammonia liquid it is necessary Tung Oil 2 gal.
to employ about 4 kilograms of aqueous Casein 10 lb.
ammonia solution having a density of Borax 8 lb.
0.930 (which would contain about 18% Paraformaldehyde 1 oz.
of pure ammonia) when the quantity of Animal Glue 26 lb.
hydrated resin to saponify is 12 kilogr.
that is to say, the proportion of am-
monia liquid ns %
to %
hydrated resin. Solubilizing Starch
The heating by steam is continued so as The starch is mixed with required
to bring the mixture up to boiling point amount of water and 1% Aktivin S on
for some minutes, at the end of which amount of starch used.
time the product is finished. A wooden vat with mechanical agitator
is preferred, copper can be used but
* Sizing, Textile keeps solution hot the longest. Direct
Rosin 24-60 steam may be used in boiling up starch.
Linseed Oil 24-60 A thick paste is made first, this becomes
Borax Casein Solution 8-10 thinner and after boiling 20 minutes or
Sod. Silicate 5-10 longer the starch becomes thin flowing.
Water . 500 Do not fail to actually boil starch and
covering to prevent splashing.
Size, Textile
100 lb. Starch
Corn Starch 85 gm. 150 gal. Water
Sulfuric Acid (66° B6) 0.4 gm. 1 lb. Aktivin S
Glycerol 10 gm.
Water 1000 e.c.
Stirring and boiling is discontinued
Caustic Soda to make neutral when desired thinness is reached.

Woolen Yarn Size Textile Size

Potato Starch 12 lb. (Soluble Starch)
Harobin 2 lb.
Water 25 gal. Method Ho. 1
200 gal. Water
Jute Size
200 lb. Tapioca
agitating con-
Potato Starch 12 gal. Starch
stantly while mix-
Harobin 1 gal. ing these materials
1 lb. Polyzime
Water 25 gal.
Warm to 75° C. (167° F.) over a
Size for Mercerized or Dyed Yarn period of 15 minutes and cool to 55° C.
HarObin 3 lb. (131° F.) and then add 1 lb. polyzime
Water 25-50 gal. and keep it at this temp, until liquid has
reached suitable consistency (15 to 30
Warp Sizing minutes is usually sufficient). Then in-
1. Potato Starch 40 lb. crease temp, to 80° C. (178° F.) and
2. Narobin 10 lb. keep it at this temp, for 15 minutes to
3. Water 125 gal. stop enzymatic action. Cool down and if

desired to preserve add a small amount completely fatty acids are

of salicylic acid or zinc chloride. less liable to this fault than tliose made
from the oil itself. The great fluidity
Method No. 2 of the soap with its capacity for holding
200 gaL Water l water enhances the value of this mate-
200 lb. Tapioca I mix thoroly and rial as a softener, as well as for the lus-
Starch agitate trous sheen imparted on calendering. A

21b. Polyzime J shirting formula containing this oil is

given here:
Warm to 72° C.
(162° F.) for 20-30
minutes, then keep at tins temp, for 15 Shirtings
to 30 minutes when starch will be dex- 1 lb. .10 oz. Wheat Starch
trinized to desired degree. Now raise 15 lb. Potato Starch
temp, to 80° C. (178° F.) and retain this 60 lb. Talc
temp, for 15 mins, to stop enzymatic 2 lb. 8 oz. Stearic Acid Softener
action. 13 oz. Cocoanut Oil Softener
Note: If potato starch used, add 50% 40 gal. Mix
more polyzime; if corn starch used, add
100% more polyzime Softener, Textile
If flour containing gluten is used,
polyzime is supposed to possess a high 150 lb. Water, acid

degree of proteoclastic properties and 180 lb. Castor Soap Oil, add
will naturally bring about a conversion % gal. Caustic Soda, 25° Rfl., and

as abt>ve. add
Precautions: Starch liquid should be 80 lb. Stearic Acid, and heat up
neutral or faintly acid. and cook slowly until the Stearic Acid is
Enzymatic action will be destroyed at melted, mixing the contents meanwhile.
80° C. in ten minutes but cannot be de- You have in this compound the added
stroyed at 75° C. even if heated 1 hour. softening properties of the Castor Soap
Water, quantity can be changed to any Oil, resulting in a more efficient softener

ratio with starch and a good paste be than can be produced when Stearic Acid
is used alone. It is neutral.
made at high concentration of 1 part
starch to 2 parts of water. Polyzime
must always be added in ratio to starch Textile Softener
used and not to water. Double Pressed Stearic Acid
65 lb.
10 lb. Ammonia
Cotton Good Softeners 1 lb. Formaldehyde
450 lb. Water.
The saponified cocoanut oil softeners
are easily made by heating the melted
oil with the required amount of a con- * Textile Size
centrated caustic soda solution until
saponification is complete, following
A substantially non-acid strengthening
adhesive size for textile fibers which is
which the mixture is diluted to approxi- soluble in the alkaline solvent used, for
mately 20 per cent fat content. removing size from textiles, comprising
a boiled mixture of cobalt drier and lin-
Coconut Oil Softener seed oil in substantially the proportions
2060 of from 200 to 500 grams of linseed oil
Cocoanut Oil lb.
Soda Ash 135 lb.
and substantially 25 grams of cobalt
drier and 100 kilograms of boiled linseed
Caustic 39° BG 1090 lb.
oil free from driers.

Dilute to produce 9000 lb.

Sizing of Wooden Containers

These products are finished off alkaline
or neutral as desired and are exception- Barrels and Casks that are to be used
ally well suited for use in hard water as containers for anhydrous and certain
or in mixes containing excessive amounts organic liquids are sized with a solution
of salts, such as Epsom and others. Their of either hide or bone glue before use,
excellent solubility, moreover, permits of as otherwise the liquid would penetrate
easy removal on washing when this is the wood and be lost, besides resulting
necessary. Cocoanut •oil soaps almost

in a decay of the wood. A first treat-

invariably become rancid with age, al- ment is given to fill all of the cracks
though this can be retarded by complete and imperfections, and a second to size
saponification. Softeners made from the the whole inner surface. A few quarts
of the glue solution are introduced into prior to the application of paint, merely
each barrel and steam applied under a to fill up the pores of the wall, for which
Igw pressure to force the solution well bone glue is satisfactory,* or it may be
into the pores of the wood. The barrels mixed with a little paint, an insoluble
are rotated and finally drained while base, and water, in the preparation of a
still hot. calsomine. In the higher grades of
these calsomines which must be used with
Glue as a Size in Paints and Calsomine hot water, the better grades of hide glue
In the painter s trade glue is employed
are used.
both as a size for the treatment of walls

Waterproofing Composition 5 oz. of castor oil is added. A second
To thirty parts of commercial petro- soln. is formed by dissolving 6 oz. of
latum fifteen parts, by weight, of alu- gum sandrac and 6 oz. of gum mastic in
minum palmitate are added and the 15 oz. of amyl acetate, 15 oz. of butyl
mixture kneaded into a smooth paste acetate and 15 oz. of butyl ale. This
free from lumps . Or the petrolatum soln. is strained and mixed with The first
may be heated to about 130° F., where- soln. for about 1 hr. Benzene (35 oz.)
upon the consistency of the petrolatum is slowly added to the compn. and thor-

is such that a smooth mixture is pro- oughly mixed for 30 min.

duced by introducing the palmitate and
stirring. To this mixture is added fifty
parts of commercial yellow beeswax and Waterproofing
one hundred five parts of soft paraffin Gelowax 17
wax, such as white scale wax, and the Carbon Tetrachloride 10
resulting mixture agitated in a steam Ethylene Dichloride 10
heated container. The temperature is Benzol or Naphtha 60
brought up to 250° to 270° F. and the Digest until dissolved.
agitation continued until a smooth,
homogeneous mass is obtained. The
mixture is then allowed to cool to about * Waterproofing
220° F. and about eight hundred parts A composition for application to tex-
by weight of a petroleum thinner hav- tiles, paper, etc., consists of
ing a boiling range in this instance of
275° to 450° F. added. It will be found Latex 65
Caustic Soda 1
that the resulting product is stable and
homogeneous, of proper viscosity for ap-
Water 2
Precipitated Chalk 20
plication by hand or machine, and ex-
Castor Oil 5
tremely suitable as a saturant for
Phenol 0.5
waterproofing fabrics. It acts as a pre-
Rosin 4.5
servative to fabrics to which it is ap-
plied and forms a water-repellent and
Rapeseed Oil 4
impervious coating on each of the fibers
making up the material.
Waterproofing Liquid (Cloth or Wood)

* Waterproofing Composition
Paraffin % oz.
Gum Damar *
1% oz.
Celluloid (16 oz.) is dissolved in 35 Pure Rubber % oz.
oz. of acetone and 40 oz. of ale., and Benzol 13 oz.

All formulae preceded by an asterisk ( ) are covered by patents.


Carbon tetrachloride q. s. 1 gallon. temperature generally, although in us-

Dissolve rubber in benzol; add other ing the composition in Example 1, it is
ingredients and allow to dissolve, (In- preferred to carry out the process at a
flammable). temperature not lower than 73° F., since
there is some tendency for the high
melting paraffin wax to precipitate out
Waterproofing Liquid if the operating temperature is below
73° F, In the case of the composition
This may be used on fabrics, paper
in Example 2, it is not necessary to ob-
and other fibrous bases. It penetrates
serve this temperature requirement
quickly and leaves a flexible, odorless
since the Japan wax does not show any
product which is highly water repellent.
tendency to precipitate out. After the
Example 1, —Use of high melting excess coating material has been re-
moved the volatile solvents of the com-
paraffin wax and plasticizer for the
cellulose nitrate. position are then removed by drying the
Per cent fabric, or paper, at ordinary or slightly
elevated temperatures.
Nitrocotton (15-20 seconds) 1.0
High Melting Paraffin Wax 4.0
Naphthene Base Mineral Oil 6.0 Canvas Waterproofing
Butyl Stearate 2.0 Raw Linseed Oil 1 gal.
Butyl Acetate 4.0 Beeswax Crude 13 oz.
Ethyl Acetate 25.0 White Lead 1 lb.
Gasoline 13.0 Rosin 12 oz.
Toluol 40.0
Boil the above and apply warm to
Ethanol (Denatured) 5.0
upper side of canvas, wetting the can-
vas with a sponge on the underside be-
100.0 fore applying.

Waterproofing Canvas
Example 2 —Use of Japan wax and
no plasticizer for the cellulose nitrate. Gilsonite 80 lb.
Stearine Pitch 62 lb.

Per cent Scale Wax 34 lb.

Mineral Oil 10 lb.
Nitrocotton (15-20 seconds) 1.0
Creosote Oil lb.
Japan Wax #
Copper Linoleate 9 lb.
Naphthene Base Mineral Oil 3.0
Melt together.
Ethyl Acetate 33.0 Apply at a temperature of 300° F.
Butyl Acetate 30.0 Serape off excess while hot.

100.0 Waterproofing Canvas

Beeswax 25 lb.
The compositions of the above ex-
Glyceryl Stearate 5 lb.
amples are prepared by a simple mix-
Stearine Pitch 102 lb.
ing operation. Preferably the wax is
Copper Oleate 15 lb.
added to the toluol in a mixer and 48 lb.
agitated until dissolved, and the cellu- Castor Oil
Naphtha 50 lb.
lose nitrate is separately dissolved in
the ester solvents and alcohol, the other
materials then being added to the nitro- Waterproofing Canvas
cellulose solution, which is then com- For canvas paulins or large portable
bined with the wax solution. covers:
The compositions may be applied to Formula 1
fabrics by a number of known methods
Petrolatum (Vaseline),
but it is preferred to apply these com- Amber 3%
positions simply by immersing the fab-
Dark or lb.

treated Beeswax, Yellow Refined l 1/^ lb.

ric, or paper, or material to be
and Earth Pigment, Dry (Ochre,
until it is thoroughly saturated 5 lb.
Sienna, or Umber)
then wringing ont the excess coating
Volatile Mineral Spirits
material by squeeze rolls or centrifug- 5 gah
room (Painters' Naphtha)
ing. This process is conducted at
Equipment, Containers, etc., consult Supply
For Chemical Advisors, Special Raw Mate s>

Section at end of hook.

or several thicknesses of cheesecloth
Formula 2 into the waterproofing liquid. In For-
Petroleum Asphalt, Medium mulas 3 and 4 the pigments should be
Hard „
Petrolatum, Park or Amber
thinned in a similar manner with lin-
seed oil before they are added to the
Lampblack, Dry 1 lb. bulk of the oil.
Volatile Mineral Spirits When the waterproofing material set-
(Painters 3 Naphtha) 5 gal. tles to the bottom of the container or
thickens, it will be necessary to warm
The quantities specified are sufficient
the mixture just before applying it to
to treat about 40 square yards of can-
the canvas. This must be done in the
vas on one side.
open air by placing the container in a
A mixture of 3 gallons of gasoline tub or can of hot water. Be sure that
and 2 gallons of kerosene can be sub- the container is open, and never place it
stituted for the volatile mineral spirits,
over or near a flame.
but will evaporate more slowly. Can-
vas treated according to the first for-
mula will be colored buff by ochre,
khaki by raw sienna, drab by raw um- The mixture must be thoroughly
ber, and brown by burnt umber. If a stirred before and during application,
white treatment is preferred, use dry in order to keep the undissolved mate-
zinc oxide in place of earth pigment. rial in suspension. These preparations
For some purposes. Formula 1 with a may be applied to the canvas by means
light-colored pigment will be preferable of a paint brush or by spraying. Wagon
to Formula 2, because canvas treated covers, shock covers, etc., may be
with the latter will absorb more heat treated best by stretching the canvas
from sunlight, owing to its black color. against the side of a barn or attaching
For permanently fixed canvas covers: it to a frame and applying the material
with a brush. Once the canvas is fixed
in position, no more time is required to
Formula 3
treat it than is necessary to apply a
Boiled Linseed Oil 1 gal. first coat of paint to a rough board sid-
Lampblack, Ground in Linseed ing having the same area. Much time
Oil 2 lb. may be saved in treating large paulins
Japan Drier 1 pt. and standing tents by applying the ma-
terial with a spray pump, with which a
Formula 4 pressure of at least 50 pounds is devel-
Boiled Linseed Oil 1 gal. oped. Some loss of material, however,
Aluminum Bronzing Powder I lb. results from this method.
Japan Drier y2 pt. The experience has been that one coat
For lightweight fabrics not continu- applied to one side of the canvas
ously or frequently exposed to sunlight: usually is sufficient. With one coat ap-
plied to one side, using the strength of
Formula 5 solution as given in the formulas, there
Beeswax, Yellow Refined will be an increase in weight of ap-
y2 lb.
proximately 40 to 50 per cent when
Spirits of Turpentine 1 gal.
Formula 1 or 2 is used. When Formula
Mixing the Materials 3 or 4 is used the fabrie will gain about
75 per cent in weight. When Formula 5
In the preparation of waterproofing is used the gain in weight will be
solutions according to Formulas 1, 2,
around 10 per cent.
and 5, place the specified weights of
waterproofing materials in a suitable b
When canvas is treated with linseed-
oil preparations it should he allowed to
metal container and melt slowly and
dry thoroughly (for two or three weeks)
carefully at as low a temperature as
while freely exposed to the air. If
possible, with constant stirring. Then folded and stored in a warm place be-
remove to a place where there is good
fore drying is complete the accumulated
ventilation and no fire or open flame
heat from continued oxidation may, re-
and pour the melted material into the
sult in spontaneous combustion.
solvent while stirring. When a pig-
ment is used, thin the pigment in a sepa-
rate container by mixing with it small * Waterproofing Cement Walls
additions of the liquid, and when the Cement walls are waterproofed and
pigment mixture is sufficiently thinned freshened by painting or spraying with
strain it through fine-mesh wire screen following:

Soda Ash 9 ground. A solution is then made by

Alum. Sulfate 1 stirring together at 70° C,
Pot. Permanganate 0.03 Resin 25 parts
Water 20 Gaseous Ammonia 1.4 parts
Cement enough to still keep fluid. Water 100 parts
This gives a viscous and practically
Integral Waterproofing for Concrete water-white solution which, when ap-
A1 or Ca Stearate plied to glass and dried for one hour at
100°, gives a clear, hard, adherent film.
About % to % lb. to the bag of
The resin thus obtained is used in
cement. _____ conjunction "with latex. For example:

Cement Waterproofing (Integral) 10 parts of the Resin Syrup ob-

tained as above is mixed with
Dissolve in gauging water about % 20 parts Natural Rubber Latex,
gal.Ammonium Stearate 28% to every
bag of cement. and the resulting stable compound is
used for producing a flexible non-tacky
waterproof finish on cloth.
Dampproofing (Concrete, etc.)
The usual rubber compounding mate-
1 lb. Paraffin Wax rials, such as plasticizers, vulcanizing
% gal. China Wood Oil agents, anti-oxidants and fillers may, of
y2 gal. Bodied Linseed Oil (3 course, be added if required, e.g., a mix-
Hour heat) ture of:
% gal. Varnolene Parts Dry
1 gal. Benzol Weight
Latex to give 100
2% gal. Yield Zinc Oxide 5
Heat slightly to dissolve wax. Colloid Sulphur 2
Tetramethylthiuram Disul-
* Waterproofing for Cordage phide 2
Resin Solution 75
Mont an wax emulsions in 2 0, prepd, H
with rosin and Na 2 C0 3 , are used to im- may be used to coat the backs of car-
pregnate ropes, nets, etc. Example: pets and the like and dry-eured at 120°
Eight kg. of montan wax, 2 kg. of rosin C. for 30 minutes.
and 1.3 kg. of calcined Na^COg are
ground together and 2 kg. of train or
Cloth Waterproofing
linseed oil are added. The mixt. is dis-
persed in 50 1. of b. 2 0. This basicH Aluminum acetate is used for water-
emulsion may be dild. with 10 times its proofing cloth, the usual procedure
vol. of H2 0. being to immerse the well cleaned mate-
rial in a solution of aluminum acetate
of 4 to 5 degrees Baum4 strength. The
Waterproofing for Cloth
material is soaked for a period of about
Naphtha 100
twelve hours and then dried in a warm
Rubber Cement 45
room. The cloth is then introduced into
Ester Gum 20
a soap solution made up of about five
Cumar 4
pounds of soap in 13 gallons of water,
Paraffin Wax (128°) 32
the excess liquid wrung out and the
cloth then given a bath in a 2% alum
* Waterproofing Cellulose Articles solution, followed by drying. This lat-
ter process precipitates aluminum stea-
Cellulose fibre articles are impreg- rate into the fibers of the cloth.
nated at 150-232° with a mixture of Another process, somewhat similar to
blown petroleum asphalt (80-90%), the one above, consists in first immers-
rubber (5-15%), and wax (about 5%). ing the cloth in a solution of;
White Soap Chips 10 lb.
* Waterproofing Cloth Dextrine 20 lb.
Glycerol 31 Water 16 gal.
Phthalic Anhydride 74 To cause thorough solution, the above
heated together at 185° C. till the prod- is heated. After passing the cloth into
uct has an acid value of 126. The resin this first solution, it is hung to drain
is then cooled by pouring into trays and and while still wet immersed in:
Zinc Sulphate (White Vit- leather and like materials without being
riol) 6 lb. filtered out and left on the surface as
Dissolved in Water 9 gal. is the case with the ordinary solutions
of crude rubber in solvents and on ac-
The material isthen removed after count of this penetrating capability of
thorough penetration by the second
the rubber in this form of composition,
solution, and dried, any coarse precipi-
a highly effective waterproofing occurs.
tated particles being brushed out. The residue of the composition which
Another method uses the following remains in the leather after the solvent
formula: has evaporated in sufficiently plastic to
Lead Acetate (Sugar of preserve the softness or pliability of
Lead) 1 lb. the leather and its plasticity is not ma-
Tannic Acid 2 oz. terially affected by usual changes in
Sodium Sulphate (Glau- temperature and it therefore does not
ber's Salts) 1 oz. become stiff when subjected to cold or
Alum 10 oz. too soft when subjected to heat. It is
Water 1 gal. not affected by atmospheric oxidizing
agents and its adhering properties are
Waterproofing Duck such that it is not washed out by wet-
Boiled Linseed Oil 100 lb. ting and drying of the impregnated ma-
Carbon Black 18 lb. terial, in service, as are the waterproof-
Turkey Brown Oil 20 lb. ing compositions commonly used.
Naphtha 46 lb.
Water 10 lb.
* Masonry, Waterproofing
Ammonium Hydroxide 2 lb.
Cement, concrete, etc., is painted with
Agitate with a high-speed stirrer un- a solution of
til completely emulsified. Apply two
coats to each side of the material. Aluminum Stearate 3
Naphtha 100

* Waterproofing for Fabrics

Acetic Acid 1%
Dissolve 34 ounces sliced pale crepe * Paper, Waterproofing
rubber in 1% gallons linseed oil by Previously blown petroleum asphalt
boiling and add 4 ounces liquid drier.
80-90, rubber 5-15 and waxy material
such as beeswax about 5 parts are
* Leather, Waterproofing
heated together.
Unfilled leather is impregnated with
Waterproofing Shoes
Rubber Latex 100
Natural Wool Grease 8 oz.
Gasoline 100
Dark Petrolatum 4 oz.
Mineral Oil 10
Paraffin Wax 4 oz.
10% Soap Solution 50 Melt the ingredients together by
warming them carefully and stirring
thoroughly. Apply grease when it is
* Waterproofing Leather warm but never hotter than the hand
Rubber Latex 100 ce. can bear.
Gasoline 100 cc.
Paraffin Wax * Shotgun-Shells,Waterproofing for
25 gm.
Paraffin Oil 10 gm. M-Styrene 18
10% Soap Solution 50 cc. Tricresyl Phosphate 3.6
Ethyl Acetate 30
The wax is dissolved in the gasoline
Butyl Acetate 20
and paraffin oil, and the soap solution
Toluene 25
is added to the latex after which the
Xylene 25
mixture of gasoline, wax and paraffin
oil is introduced gradually into the com-
bined latex and soap solution with vig- Straw Hats, Waterproofing for
orous stirrings. Bleached Shellac 75
This gives a composition of substan- White Rosin 15
tially the proper consistency for ordi- Venice Turpentine 15
nary waterproofing purposes and having Castor Oil 2
high penetration characteristics. The Alcohol (Denatured) 250
rubber in this form freely permeates

Gum Sandarac 135 gm. Waterproofing Textiles
Gum Elemi 45 gm.
Fabrics may be rendered waterproof
Castor Oil 11 gm.
with glue and tannin. Both should
Rosin, Bleached 45 gm.
penetrate the fabric. If fabric is
Alcohol (Denatured) 1,000 cc.
dipped in strong solution of glue and
then in tannin, the glue only will be-
come insoluble on the outside, and that
White Shellac 4 oz.
which has penetrated deeper in fibre
Gum Sandarac 1 oz.
will be unchanged. Treatment is thus
Gum Thus 1 oz.
commenced with a very weals: solution
Alcohol (Denatured) 1 pt.
composed of 5 parts of glue in 100 parts
of water and fabric immersed 10 to 15
* Waterproofing for Textiles minutes.
Fabric wrung out and when nearly
Casein 4 dry passed into tannin solution. This
Water 6 solution can be strong as only so much
Am. Hydroxide 0.45 of it is taken up as corresponds to glue
Rubber Latex 24 present. Tannin reacts quickly with
glue so that only a short period of im-
mersion is necessary. The fabric again
Waterproofing for Textiles hung to dry and then washed in water
to remove excess tannin. Process is
Rubber Cement 46
Gum 22 twice repeated. Fabric is now passed
Cumar 2 through a stronger glue solution, 5%,
Paraffin 31 and then again tannin. By repeating
100 the process as many times as desired the
coating can be made as thick as de-
Another Method: Potash alum 100 lb.
Waterproofing Cloth
dissolved in 10 gallons of boiling water
The process is carried out in two in one pot; in another pot 100 lb. glue,
padding machines. 200 lb. water. Solution is affected when
The first padder contains a soap emul- glue is hot, add 5 lb. tannin and 2 lb.
sion made up as follows: sodium silicate. Two solutions are
Twenty-five pounds Soap (stearic boiled together with constant stirring.
acid type) is dissolved in 100. gallons When mixture is complete, allow to jell.
boiling water. Twelve pounds Japan To waterproof: 1 lb. jelly to 1 lb. water
wax is added a little at a time with stir- is boiled, bath cooled to 176° F. and
ring so that an emulsion is obtained. fabric soaked % hour and then
The second padder contains the fol- stretched out horizontally for 6 hours
lowing solution: to drain. If drying room is used keep
Fifty pounds Lead Acetate and 40 lb. temperature below 122° F.
Aluminum Sulphate are dissolved in 100 Another Method: Dissolve 10 lb. gela-
gallons water. The clear solution is tine, 10 lb. tallow soap in 30 gal. boil-
siphoned off the lead sulphate which is ing water and mix solution in 4 gal.
formed in the reaction and is run into water in which 15 lb. alum has been dis-
the second padder. solved. The whole is boiled for % hour
The cloth is entered into the first and cooled to 104° F. At that tempera-
bath at the rate of about 15 yards per ture fabric is soaked in it, dried, rinsed,
minute so that it is in contact with the dried, and finally calendered. In this
emulsion for about 12 seconds. This process the alum partially decomposed
rate has to be varied with the type of the soap, forming either free fatty acid
cloth treated. The cloth is squeezed be- or an acid alumina soap. The gelatine
tween rollers and without rinsing is forms an insoluble compound with the
passed into the second bath. It is alum. The free fatty acid or acid soap
squeezed between rollers again and is mostly carried down on the fibre by
dried. the precipitate formed by the alum and

Conversion Factors SPECIFIC GRAVITY
1*Grains per litre (g,/l.) multiplied by
0.134= avoirdupois ounces per gallon Specific Pounds
(oz./gal.). Gravity to Gallon
Litharge. 9.3 77,5
2. Avoirdupois ounces per gallon Red-Lead 8.7 to 8.8 72.5
(oz./gal.) multiplied by 7.5= grams per Orange Mineral (orange
lead) 8.6 to 8.7 73.0
litre (g./L),
White-Lead 6.7
3. Grams per litre (g./L) multiplied by Basic Lead Sulphate.
Chrome Yellow

0.122= troy ounces per gallon (troy Zinc Oxide (white zinc). 5.6 46.6
oz./gal.), Basic Lead Chromate. 6.8 56.6
English (mercury) Ver-
4. Troy ounces per gallon (troy million 8.2 68.3
oz./gal.) multiplied by 8.2= grams per Bright Red Oxide of Iron 4.9 to 5.26 42.0
litre (g./L). Indian Red Oxide of Iron 5.26 43.8
Brown Oxide of Iron
5. Grams per litre (g./L) multiplied (Prince’s) 3.2 26.6
Ultramarine 2.4 20.0
by 2.44= pennyweights per gallon
Prussian Blue. ......... 2.1 1.85 15.4
(dwt./gal.) Chrome Green (blue tone) 4.44 37.0
6. Pennyweights per gallon (dwt./gal.) Chrome Green (yellow
tone) 4.0 33.0
multiplied by 0.41= grams per litre

Lithopone. 4.25
4.35 to 4.46 35. to 37.0
7. Amperes per square decimeter Blanc Fixe 4.25 35,4
(amp,/dm. 2 ) multiplied by 9.29= amperes Gypsum (terra alba) . . , 2.3 19,0
Asbestine (magnesium sil-
per square foot (amp./sq. ft.). icate 2.75 23.0
China Clay (aluminum
8. Amperes per square foot (amp./sq. silicate) . 2.6 to 2.7
ft.) multiplied by 0.108 =amperes per Whiting 2.65
square decimeter (amp./ dm. 2 ). Silica 2.65
Natural Graphite. ...... to 2.4
Thermometer Readings: Acheson’s Graphite 2.2
Lampblack 1.85
Degrees Centigrade X 1.8 + 32 = deg. Fahr. Carbon Black. . , . . . . . . 1.85

Fahrenheit — 32 Keystone
. .
Titanox 4.3
Titanium Oxide 3.9 to 4.0
Drop Black 2.5
Reamnr X 9
Degrees 32 = deg. Fahr. To this table the following data may be added:
The weight of one gallon of paste made with


— 32)4 = deg. Reaumur. Red-Lead. ................. .....
9 White-Lead (heavy paste) 34.0
White-Lead (soft paste) ................ 30.8
White Zinc 25.0
Reaumur X
Degrees — 5
= deg. Cent.
Chrome Yellow (medium) ....... ....
Chrome Green. ........................
4 . Venetian Red 19.0
French Ochre. ............. ... .......
. 15.0
Centigrade X 4 Prussian Blue. 10.0
Degrees = deg. Reaumur. Lampblack. 9.1
5 Drop Black. . . ..... . . . ... ........ . . . . » 11.7


Avoirdupois and Commercial "Weights
16 drams, or 437.5 grains =1 ounce, oz.
16 ounces, or 7000 grains =1 pound, lb.
28 pounds =1 quarter, qr,
4 quarters (English)
20 hundredweight
=1 hundredweight, cwt. 112 lbs,

1 ton of 2240 lbs,, gross or long ton
2000 pounds = 1 net, or short, ton
2204.6 pounds =1 metric ton =1000 kilos
= 14 pounds;
1 quintal =100 pounds

Troy Weights 2 scruples =1 drachm, 5~6Q grains

24 grains = 1 pennyweight, dwt. 8 draehms=l ounce, 5=480 grains
20 pennyweights = 1 ounce, oz. = 480 grains 12 ounces =1 pound, lb. =5 760 grains
12 ounces =1 pound, lb. = 5760 grains
1 carat = 3.168 grains = 0.205 gram
Troy weight is used for weighing gold
and silver. The grain is the same in Apothecaries f Measures
Avoirdupois, Troy and Apothecaries’ 60 minims (min.) = 1 fluid drachm (fL dr.)
weights. 8 fluid drachms = 1 fluid ounce (£L oz.)
20 fluid ounces =lpint(0) +
Apothecaries’ Weights 8 pints =1 gallon (C) 4-
20 grains =1 scruple I

Relations of Apothecaries’ Measures to Weights

(All liquids to be measured at 62° Fahr.)
1 minim is the measure of 0.0115 grains of distilled water
1 fluid drachm
“ “ 54.687 “ “ “ “
1 fluid ounce u “ 437.5
(t u u li

pint “ 8750 “ “ “ “
1 gallon “ “ 70000 *' “ “ “ '

Linear Measure
12 inches =1 foot 4 poles =1 chain
3 feet =1 yard 40 poles =1 furlong
6 feet =1 fathom 8 furlongs=l mile=1760 yards
5% yards =1 rod pole, or perch

Square Measure
144 square inches=l square foot
9 square xeet
y feet =1
—a square yard
272,5 sq. feet=l
°0.25 square yards or 272.5
30.25 feet= square rod
>0 square rods or 4840 sq. yards or 43560 sq. feet=l acre
tO acres=l square mile
An acre equals a square whose side
s: is 208.7 feet

Cubic Measure
1728 cubic inches =1 cubic foot
27 cubic feet =1 cubic yard
1 cord of wood a pile 4X4X8 feet =128 cubic feet
1 perch of masonry= 16,5X1.5 XI foot=24.75 cubic feet
1 cubic inch of water at 62° Fahr. weighs 252.286 grains
<t “ 0.57665 oz. (av.)'
« u << “ “ “ “ 0.0360411b.
1 cubic foot
tt tt tt tt a 996.458 oz. (av,)
a a tt tt a tt
62.2786 lb.

1 cubic yard
i 1 “ “ “ ** lt
0.75068 tons

4 gills=1 pint
2 pints =1 quart
4 quarts =1 gallon


NJJ N» N2 N» o *2



S g
i 1 cl i aP02

o !
0 1.000 44 26.0 1.220 88 44.1 1.440 131 57.1 1,655
1 ; 0.7 1.005 45 26.4 1.225 89 44.4 1.445 132 57.4 1.66G
2 1.4 1.010 46 26.9 1.230 90 44.8 1.450 133 57.7 1.665
3 2.1 1.015 47 27.4 1.235 91 45.1 1.455 134 57.9 1.670
4 2.7 1.020 48 27.9 1.240 92 45.4 1.460 135 58.2 1.675
5 3.4 1.025 49 28.4 1.245 93 45.8 1.465 136 58.4 1.680
6 4.1 1.030 50 28.8 1.250 94 46.1 ! 1.470 137 58.7 1,685
7 4.7 1.035 51 29.3 1.255 95 46.4 1.475 138 58.9 1.690
8 5.4 1.040 52 29.7 1.260 96 46.8 1.480 139 59.2 1.695
9 6.0 1.045 53 30.2 1.265 97 47.1 1.485 140 59.5 !

10 6.7 1.050 54 30.6 1.270 98 47.4 1.490 141 59.7 |
11 7.4 1.055 55 31.1 1.275 99 47.8 1.495 142 60.0 !
12 8.0 1,060 56 31.5 1.280 100 48.1 1.500 143 60.2 s

13 8.7 1.065 57 32.0 1.285 101 4S.4 1.505 144 60.4 1
14 9.4 1.070 58 32.4 1.290 102 43.7 1.510 145 60.6 !

15 10.0 1.075 59 32.8 1.295 103 49.0 1.515 146 60.9 ;
16 10.6 1.080 60 33.3 |
1.300 104 |
49.4 1.520 147 61.1 !
17 11.2 1,085 61 33.7 1.305 105 49.7 1.525 148 61.4 1.740
18 11.9 1.090 62 34.2 1.310
mgm 1.530 149
19 12.4 1.095 63 34.6 1.315 50.3 1.535 ;

20 13.0 1.100 64 35.0 1.320 108 50.6 1.540 151 ;

62.1 :
152 62.3 1.760

21 13.6 1.105 65 35.4 1.325 109 50.9 1.545 i

22 14.2 1.110 66 1 35.8 1.330 110 51.2 1.550 153 62.5 1.765
23 14.9 !
1.115 67 1
36.2 1.335 111 51.5 1.555 154 62.8 ! 1.770
24 15.4 1.120 68 36.6 1.340 112 51.8 1.560 155 63.0 |

25 16.0 1.125 69 !
37.0 1.345 113 52.1 1.565 156 63.2 1.780
26 16.5 !
1.130 70 37.4 1.350 114 52.4 1.570 157 63.5 1.785
27 17.1 1.135 71 37.8 1.355 115 52.7 1.575 63.7 1.790
28 17.7 1.140 72 i
38.2 1.360 116 53.0 1.580 K&X*1
29 18.3 1.145 73 38.6 1.365 117 53.3 1.585 64.2 |
30 18.8 1.150 74 39.0 1.370 118 53.6 1.590 101 64.4 1.805
31 19.3 1
1.155 75 39.4 1.375 119 53.9 ;
1.595 162 64.6 i
32 19.8 1.160 76 39.8 1.380 E^l 54.1 i
1.600 163 64.8 1
33 20.3 1.165 77 ! 40.1 1.385 121 54.4 |
1.605 164 65.0 1
34 20.9 1.170 78 ! 40.5 1.390 122 54.7 1.610 165 65.2 l
35 21,4 1.175 79 40.8 1.395 123 55.0 1.615 166 65.5 !
36 22.0 1.180 80 41.2 ‘

1.400 124 55.2 1,620 167 65.7 1.835

37 22.5 1.185 81 41.6 1.405 125 55.5 1.625 168 65.9 1.840
38 23.0 1.190 82 42.0 1.410 126 55.8 1.630 169 66.1 1.845
39 23.5 1.195 83 42.3 1.415 127 56.0 1.635 !
170 66.3 1.850

40 24.0 1.200 84 42.7 1.420 128 56.3 1.640 171 66.5 1.855
41 24.5 1.205 85 43.1 1.425 129 56.6 1.645 172 66.7 1.860
42 25.0 1.210 86 43.4 i
1.430 130 56.9 1.650 173 67,0 1.865
43 25.5 '

1.215 87 43.8 1.435


Relation of Capacity, Volume and Weight

1 pint =28.875 cubic inches
1 quart =57.75 cubic inches
1 gallon (U. S.) =231 cubic inches
1 gallon (English) =277.274 cubic inches
7.4805 gallons =1 cubic foot
1 gallon water at 62° Fahr. weighs 8.3356 lbs*
2 pints =1 quart
8 quarts =1 peck
4 pecks =1 bushel
1 U. S. standard bushel (struck)=2150.42 cubic inches.
0.80356 U. S. bushels (struck) =1 cubic foot

METRIC EQUIVALENTS kilogram =2,2046 lbs. avoir,

Linear Measure metric ton =1.1023 English short tons

ounce avoir.= 28.35 grams
1 centimeter =0.3937 in.
pound avoir. =0.4536 kilograms
I decimeter =3.937 in. =0.328 ft.
English short ton= 0.9072 metric tons
1 meter =39.37 in. =1.0936 yds.
1 decameter =1.9884 rods
1 kilometer= 0.62137 miles
1 inch =2.54 centimeters
Approximate Metric Equivalents
1 foot =3.048 decimeters
1 yard =0.9 144 meters 1 decimeter =4
1 rod =0.5029 decameters 1 meter =1.1 yards
1 mile= 1.6093 kilometers 1 kilometer =%
of a mile
(The meter, as used in Europe,
1 hectare =2% acres
1 stere, or cu. meter= 1>4 of a cord
39.370432 inches.)
1 liter =1.06 qt. liquid, 0.9 qt. dry
1 hectoliter =2%
Square Measure 1 kilogram =2%
1 sq. =
centimeter 0.1550 sq. inches 1 metric ton=2200 lbs.
1 sq. decimeter =0.1076 sq. feet
1 sq. meter= 1.196 sq. yards
1 are =3.954 sq. rods
1 hectare =2.47 acres Comparison of Avoirdupois and Metric
1 sq. kilometer =0.38 6 sq. miles Weights
1 sq. inch =6.452 sq. centimeters
1 sq. foot =9.2903 sq. decimeters Oz. Lbs.
Grains Drams Deni era Grams
1 sq. yard =0.8361 sq. meters Av. Av.
1 sq. rod= 0.2529 ares
1 acre =0.4047 hectares
1.000 1.296 0.065
1 sq. mile =.259 sq. kilometers 27.340 1.000 ,, ... ..! 35.437 1.772
437.500 16.000 1.000 I
566.990 28.350
7000.000 256.000 16.000 1.000 9071.840 453.592
Weights 0.772 1.000 0.050
15.4321 0.03527

20.000 1.000
1 decigram= 0.003527 oz.= 1.5432 grains '


1 gram =0.03527 oz. avoir., or about 15%

troy grains

pH Values of Chemicals
Strength Reagent pH
1% Commercial Olive Oil Soap (Neutral) 10.1 —10.3
1% Commercial Olive Oil Soap (Neutral) 10.1 -10.3
1% Commercial Olive Oil or Tallow Soap Containing 20% Soda Ash 10.75-10.88
1% Commercial Olive Oil or Tallow Soap Containing 5% Caustie 12.0-12.2
%% Commercial Olive Oil or Tallow Soap 10.0 -10.2
%% Commercial Olive Oil or Tallow Soap 9.9 -10.1
1% Sulphonated Oils (Neutral) 6.0 -7.0
1% Sulphonated Oils Containing Free Acid Below 6.0
1% Sulphonated Oils Containing Soap or Alkalies Above 7.0
%% Trisodium Phosphate 12.3
*4% Sodium Silicate 12.2
%% Sodium Carbonate 11.3
Sodium Sulphite 9.7

%% Disodium Phosphate 8.9

%% Borax 8.8

%% Monosodium Phosphate 5.0


pH Ranges of Common Indicators Dragon’s Blood 120

Elemi 75-120
Useful Ester Gum 120-140
pH Range Gilsonite 123° C.
Thymol Blue 1.2-2.8 Guiae 85-90
Bromphenoi Green 2.8-4.6 Indene 127-142
Methyl Orange 3.1-4.4 Mastic 105-120
Bromcresol Green 4.0-5.6 Pontianak 135
Methyl Red 4.4-6.0 Rosin (Colophony) 100-140
Propyl Red 4.S-6.4 Sandarae 135-150
Brom Cresol Purple 5.2-6.S Shellac 120
Brom Thymol Blue 6.0-7.6
Phenol Red 6.8—8,4 * Melting Points of Common Waxes
Litmus 7.2-8.S
Cresol Red 7.2-8.8
Cresolphthalein 8.2-9.8
Phenolphthalexn 8.6-10.2 Wax °C.
Nitro Yellow 10.0-11.6 Bayberry Wax 40-44
Alizarin Yellow R 10.1-12.1 Beeswax White 67.2
Sulfo Orange 11.2-12.6 Beeswax Yellow 61
Candelilia Wax 64-67
Carnauba Wax 85
Melting Points of Resins, Etc. Ceresine 74-80
Chinese Insect Wax 92.2
Cocoa Butter 21.5-27.3
Material ° C. Japan Wax 54.5-59.6

Montan Wax Refined 95-96
Amber Myrtle Wax 47-48
Benzoin 75-100 65-110
Copal (Zanzibar) 280 55-65° C.
Copal (Congo) 220 44-47.5
Copal (Kauri) 165 42.5-44
Tallow (Beef)
Copal (Manila) 120
* Very, of ten there Is considerable difference
Cumarone 127-142
between the melting and solidifying point.

Dammar (Batavia) 100 Natural and commercially adulterated articles

Dammar (Singapore) 95 will also show variations.
Aircraft Engineering Idaho Agricultural Experiment Station
Allgem. Photo-Zeitung Industrial Chemist
American Electroplaters Society Review Industrial Finishing
American Gas Assoc. Proc. Industrial Woodworking
American Machinist
American Paint & Varnish Mfrs. Assn. Japanese Patent Office
American Perfumer Journal American Ceramic Society
American Society Testing Materials Journal Appl. Chem. Russ.
Atelier Photography Journal Chemical Industry
Austrian Patent Office Journal Council Sci. Industrial Research
Journal Dept. Agriculture Ireland
Belgian Patent Office Journal Econ. Entomology
Berichte Ges. Kohlenteeh. Journal Institute of Metals
Bied. Zentralblatt Journal of Industrial & Eng. Chemistry
Brass World Journal of Society of Chemical Industry
Brewery Age Journal Society Chemical Industry
British Industrial Finishing (Japan)
British Journal of Photography
British Patent Office Khimstroi
British Plastics Korrosion
British Soap Mfr.
Bureau of Standards Publications Lancet
Laundry Owner's National Association
Canadian Patent Office
Chemical & Metallurgical Engineering Manufacturing Chemist
Chemiker-Zeitung Melliand Textile Monthly
Chemist Analyst Metal Industry
Ghimie Industrie Metals & Alloys
Cotton Minn. Agricultural Experiment Station
Monats-Bull. Schweiz. Ver, Gas Wass.
Ber Chemisch Teehnische Fabrikant
Museum Technique
Der Parfumer
Deutseher Zuekerind.
New York Agricultural Experiment Sta-
Drug Trade News
Dutch Patent Office
Oil & Colour Trade Journal
Oils, Drugs & Paints
Food Products Journal
French Patent Office
Paint Mfgr.
Gas Journal Paint & Varnish Production Mgr.
German Patent Office Paper Maker
Perf. & Ess. Oil Record
Hungarian Patent Office Pharm, Journal
Phot. Chonik Soap
Photofreund Soap Gazette
Plater’s Guide Book Swedish Patent Office
Portland Cement Association Synthetic& Applied Finishes
Practical Druggist
Purdue Agricultural Experiment Station Tex. Agricultural Exp. Station

Quart- Journal Pharm. Phaxmacologie

U. S. Dept, of Agric.
United States Patent Office
Revue Applied Mycology
Russian Patent Office
Welsh Agricultural Journal
Seifen Sieder Zeitung Zeit. Untersuch. Lebensm.
9 .


Adhesive Continued
Abrasive, Compound .417 Latex 3
Polish 417 Leather Shoe 3
for Eazor Strops 417 Mask 3
Wheels 433 Mica 3
Absinthe, Oil, French 34 Paste 14
Absorbent, Ammonia Gas Mask. ..... 148 Begin, Synthetic ................ 3
Absorption Base Cream 105 Silicate ........................ 13

Acid, Battery Silk or Bubber... 3

Cherry, Solution 43 Tape 4
Cider, Compound 43 Tin 4
Mixed, Solution 42 Vegetable...,. 4
Paste 165 Water Besistant 5
Phosphoric, Solution 42 Wax 4
Acid Proof, Cement 6
for Wigs 5
Coating 302 Wood 5
Composition 395 Wood Veneer 5
Marking for Quartz Thermometers. 20 Wood, Tin, etc., to Celluloid 5

Stain 297 Wood, Waterproof .............. 5

After Shaving Lotion.. 132
Acid-Proofing Creamery Floors 328
Agar-Petrolatum Emulsion .... .....378
Acid Resistant, Concrete 331
Agricultural, Insecticide .....214
Enamel 191
Larvieide .....215
Paint ...275
Specialties 16
Acid Wash for Concrete Surfaces. 34 . .
Aeidulants, Beverage 41 Air Conditioning Water Treatment .. 345
Acne, Cream 375 Air Drying Black Enamels and Var-
Lotion 124, 375 nishes .................. 242
Ointment 375 Air-Plane Wing Dope 234
Acriflavine, Emulsion of. 378 Airship Fabric, Coating for. . 463
Adhesive, Bakelite 1 Airship Fabric Dope 235
Box Toe 1 Alcohol Proof Lacquer........ .....227
Casein 1 Alcohol, Solidified ........... 179
Casein Dissolving 9 ’ 5 Alcohol Soluble Colors 90
Casein, Liquid 1 Algae Removal 345
Casein, Waterproof 1 Alkali, Blue Inks 204
Cellophane, Moisture Proof 1 Resisting Varnish .....2 85
Celluloid to Celluloid 1 Size .....474
Celluloid to Rubber.... 1 in Soap Base. 81
Cellulose Ester 1 Alkaline Mouth Wash
Cement for Fine Furniture....... 6 Alkermes, Oil, Cordial. 34
Cigarette Tip 2 Alloy, Aluminum ............. 19
Decalcomania 2 Bearing ..... 19
Dental Plate ........378 for Bearings and Knife Edges.... 19
Glass to Brass 3 Brake Dram ................... 19
Glass to Cement 2 Cold Drawing Wire..*...... 23
for Hard Bubber 12 Copper 19
Heat Plastic 3 Copper Bearing 20
Insulating, Quicksetting 3 Copper, Heat Treatment of 19
For Chemical Advisors, Special Raw Materials, Equipment, Containers, etc., consult Supply
Section at end of book.

Alloy —Continued Aluminum —Continued
Copper Refining Electrode 23 Silver Finish for 95
Dental 20 Solder 176, 177, 178
Drill Bit 20 Stearate 254
Electrical Contact 23 Surface Hardening 341
Electrical Contact Point 20 Amberol Varnish 288, 290
Electrical Euse 19 Ambre, Fixative 145
Electrical Resistance 20 Ammonia, Gas Mask Absorbent 148
Hard 20 Liquid Toilet 101
Imitation Gold 20 Violet 101
Iron, Corrosion Resistant 20 Ammunition Primer 169
Lead 20 Analgesic, Balm 375
Lead Coating 20 Mouth Wash 385
Low-Expansion 23 Powder for Wounds 386
Magnetic 20 Anchor Rubber for Artificial Suede.. 454
Making Fusible 19 Anesthetic, Local 375
Permanent Magnet 20 Shaving Lotion 123
Rose 19 Angora Wool, Bleaching 87
Silver Brazing 20 Animal, Condition Powder 24
Silver, Tarnish Resistant......... 20 Fats, Bleach for 87
Stainless Silver 21 Hairs, Felting ................. .328
Sulphur Resistant 21 Marking Crayon 193
Sulphur Resistant Steel. .......... 21 Preparations ................... 24
Thermocouple 21 and Vegetable Oils, Bleaching 87
Thermostatic Couple ............ 21 Anise Flavor 25
Tough 21 Anisette, Flavor 34
Watch Spring 21 Oil 34
Working Aluminum-Magnesium... 23 Annatto, Solution of . . 38
Almond, Blossom Soap ............. 81 Annealing, Bath, Metal 341
Cream Liquid 105 Chrome Steel 344
Cream for After Shaving. ....... .105 Ant, Carpenter, Destroying. , ...... .218
Extract 25 Destroyer 218
Flavor 25 Fire, Insecticide .219
Flavor, Imitation 25 Poison .218, 219
Flavor, Non-Alcoholic ........... 28 Poison, Argentine .218
Lotion ......123 Powder 219
Oil Emulsions 153 Preventing Entry of 219
Shells, Tincture of 33 Repellent 218
Soap, Perfume for 135 Anti-Fogging Agent 345
Alum-tanned Lace Leather 322 Anti-Fouling Composition 235
Aluminum, Alloy 19 Anti-Fouling Paint 275
Black Finish for 91 Anti-Freeze 346
Bronze Powder 341 Alcohol, Corrosionless 346
Cleaner ...417 Anti-Knock 179
Cleaning Powder 417 Motor Fuel 181
Coloring 90 Anti-Mist Liquid 345
Copper Plating 407 Anti-Oxidant for Oils and Waxes 360
Corrosion Proofing 458 Anti-Perspiration, Cream 105
Diminishing Corrosion of ........ .459 Liquid 143
Electrolytic Coloring of. 91 Powder 143
Etches for 165 Anti-Rot Compound for Wood 354
-Magnesium Alloy, Working. ... 23 Anti-Rust Varnish 290
Nickel Plating on ..410 Anti-Seize Compound 464
Oleate 353 Anti-Stick Coating Compound 345
Oxidized Silver Effect on 91 Anti-Sunburn Lotion 123
Polish .....417 Antique Gold Finish 166
Recovering from Foils .... , . . . . 341
. . Antiseptic, Cure for Poison Ivy 376
Reflectors, Etching . ...
. . . .. ... .166
. Hand Wash 76
All formulae preceded by an asterisk (*) are covered, by patents.
Antiseptic —Continued Astringent Lotion 123, 124
Inhalant 386 Astringent Lotion Cleanser 124
Oil Spray for Nose and Throat... 386 Astringent Mouth Wash 385
Soap Powder 84 Astringent, Pyorrhea 387
Solution 375 Athlete’s Foot Ointment 391
Telephone Mouthpiece 386 Athletic Liniment 388
Toothache Drops 377 Automobile, Body Filler 304
Apothecaries Weights 485 Brake-Shoes 21
Apple, Aroma, Essence 31 Lacquer 229
Cider, Cheap 40 Paste Wax Polish 419
Essence, Extra 34 Polish..., 417, 418, 419, 423
Imitation Flavor 40 Polish and Cleaner 419
Removing Arsenic Spray Residue Polish, Wax .......418
from 16 Radiator Corrosion Inhibitor 341
Apricot Oil 31 Top Dressing 275
Aquarium Cement 6 Top Paint 275
Arae, Aroma Essence 31 Azo Oil Dye 355
Essence 34
Arc, Carbons 348 B
Lamp Electrode 349 Back-Filling Cotton Cloth... 465
Argentine Ant Poison. 218 Backing for Sheet Plasties ....474
Armor Plate Steel 22 Bakelite, Adhesive 1
Arnica, Tincture of 33 Type Varnish .290, 291
Aroma, Apple, Essence 31 Varnish ................... .289, 290
Bourbon 1-5 Super . 34 Bakers Baking Powder 56
Coffee 25 Baking Japans 241
Grape Special, Essence 30 Baking Powder 56
Wild Cherry Essence. 34 Household 56
Aromatic Mouth Wash ....384 Baking Varnish for Wrinkle Finish
Arsenic Spray, Removing Residue on Metal 289
from Apples '
16 Baldness, Preparations for . . , ...... 141
Artificial, Breast Milk 57 Ballistic Powder 169
Cream 57 Balm, Analgesic 375
Flower Pearl Lacquer .232 Smooth Skin 125
Flowers, Coloring 94 Balsam, Pine Needle. 102
Ice-Skating Rink 352 Banana Plants, Combating Panama
Ivory .....396 Disease 16
Leather 309 Banknote Glue 15
Leather Base 307 Barium Sulphide Stains, Treatment
Leather Dope 308 of 439
Perspiration 352 Bark- Tanned Sole and Harness
Rubber 455 Leather .318
Rubber, Latex 448 Barometer, Oriental 347
Sea Salt Perfumed 130 Bases, Perfume 144
Slate 337 Bath Liquid, Pine Oil 101
Stone 338 Bath Powder 129
Sunburn Liquids .123 Bath Salts 90
baseline 383 Colors for 94
Wood 340 Effervescing 102, 103
Wool * 470 Bath Tablets, Pine Needle 101
Asbestos Dope 175 Bathing Cap, Rubber. .452
Aseptic Powder for Wounds. 386 Battery, Acid 346
Asphalt, Emulsion.... 155, 162, 328, 329 Box Composition 346
Removal from Stone Surfaces. . .335. . Terminals, Coating for 347
Aspirin, Liquid .375 Terminals, Prevention of Corro-
Tablets 376 sion .458
Asthma Remedy 376 Baume Scale .487
Astringent Cream. 105, 113, 148 Bearing, Alloy ... 19

For Chemical Advisors, Special Raw Materials, Equipment, Containers, etc., consult Supply
Section at end of book.
Bearing—Continued —
Black Continued
Lubricant, High Speed 366 Shoe Cream 428, 430
and Knife Edge Alloy 19 Shoe Polish 431
Beauty Pack 126 Stain on Zinc 97
Bed Bug, Exterminator .219 Stencil Ink 210
Insecticide 219 Stoving Enamels or Baking
Killer 219 Japans 241, 242
Spray 223 Varnish 242
Beer 45 Vegetable Tanned Calfskins, Fin-
Pipe Cleaning 86 ishing of 310
Beeswax, Candles < 445 Walnut Flavor, Imitation 29
Substitute 445 Walnut Stain 272
Beet Ply, Spray for 222 Wax Emulsions 155
Belgian Plate Glass 184 Blackboard, Crayon 193
Belt, Dressing 419 Paint 275
Dressing Stick 347 Blacking, Chrome Sole Leather 312
Edges, Coloring 95 Kangaroo Leather 315
Priction Eubber 451 Liquid Shoe 428
Eubber, Noiseless 455 Blasting Cap Igniter 169
Bending Copper Tubing 354 Blasting, Composition 169
Benedictine, Oil 36 Fuse 169, 172
Benzine Jelly 179 Besistanee Wire 23
Benzoin Gum, Tincture of, Siam. ... 33 Bleach, for Animal Fats 87
Benzyl Cellulose Plastic ............ 397 Chlorine 88
Beverage, Acidulants 42 Cream 105
Colors, Vegetable .... . ......... 38
. Disinfectant 150
Kola 26 for Furs 88
Beverages and Flavors. 25 Hypochlorite 88
Bicycle Chain Lubricant 360 Laundry 89
Binder, Core .................... .341 for Nicotine Stain. ........ , . . . . .126
Cork Composition ............... 395 Sepia Toning .393
for Cork and Wood Flour. . ...... 5 Sodium Hypochlorite 88
Oilproof and Waterproof ......... 6 Wood .........297
Bindery Glue, Extra Flexible. ....... 8 Bleaching, Angora Wool. 87
Flexible 8 Cellulose Pulp 87
Flexible, Machine 8 Coloring, Dyeing 87
Eegular 8 Cotton 87
Tablet 8 Cotton in Kier 87
Biological Fixing Fluid 351 Olive Oil .365
Birthday Candles .445 Paper Pulp 89
Bites, Mosquito 132 Powder Chlorine Free 87
Bitumen Emulsion 329 Bayon Skeins 89
Bituminous, Cement 6 Shellac 89
Coating 302 Silk 89
Composition 329 Vegetable and Animal Oils 87
Eoad Surface 337 and Washing Powder 84
Black, Carbon Paper 192 Wool and Silk 470
Coating Lacquer .230 Blemish Covering .....104
Finish for Aluminum 91 Blending, Prune Juice Essence for. 30 .

Finish on Brass 415 Blight, Potato, Control... 17

Finish for Tin 94 Blocks, Concrete 338
House Paint 235 Concrete Building 330
Leather Coloring .308 Blood Albumen Finish for Leather.. 307
Leather Dye 96 Blood Orange Oil... 30
Nickel Finish 403 Blotch and Mole Covering ..104
Pigments 206 Blue-Black Finish, Steel 93
Powder 172 Blue Color Copper. 92
Eot, Prevention in Delphnium 16 Blue Copying Pencil 212
All formulae preceded by an asterisk ( ) are covered by patents.
Blue Dip 404 Brazing, Solder 177
Blue Fire 170 Breast Milk, Artificial 57
Blue Inks, Alkali 204 Brewed Ginger Ale..... 40
Blue Linen Finishing 473 Brewers * Pitch 442
Blue Pigments 203 Brick Cheese , . 66
Blue-Print Ink 197 Brick, Painting 260
Board, Fibre, Rot -proof 339 Refractory 191
Plaster or Wall 337 Slag 329
Wall, Fireproof 340, 372 Sound Proofing 191
Boat, Painting 265-267 Weatherproofing 329
Varnish, Long Oil 306 Brickwork, Painting .329
Body Deodorant, Liquid 115 Bridge Paint 275
Body and Facial Reducer 129 Brie Cheese 66
Bohemian Plate Glass 184 Bright Dip ..403
Boiled Soaps 90 Brilliantine, Jelly 104, 138
Boiler, Compounds 347 Diquid .104, 138
Scale, Removal 347 Solid 104
Boiling Off Silk ...467 Brine Solution, Non-Corrosive. ..... .348
Boil Off, Celanese Velvet 469 Brinza Cheese 67
Liquor 464 Briquettes, Fuel 179
Oil, Silk or Rayon 365 Brittania Metal or Pewter. ......... 21
Bone Buttons, Coloring 95 Bronze, to Clean 75
Book Paper 367 to Iron, Welding.." 178
Bookbinders Varnish 290 Plating 404
Boot Dressing, Waterproof. ....... .309 Powder, Aluminum 341
Borated Bathing Solution 101 Restoration of Ancient. ......... .405
Bordeaux Mixture 216 Statuary Finish on Naval 94
Boring Oil .360 Welding Rod 178
Bottle Caps, Gelatine..... 396 Bronzing Iron and Steel 93
Milk ...304 Lacquer 229
Bottle, Cleaning Compound 75 Brown Color Copper. .91, 92
Varnish 290 Brown Red Beverage Color 39
Bourbon, 1 to 1 35 Brushless Shaving Cream.. 129, 130, 147
1-1 Extract 34 Buffing Nickel Polish 427
1-30, Oil 34 Bugs, Bed, Insecticide .219
1-5, Super Aroma.. 34 Building Blocks, Concrete ......330
Whiskey Essence 31 Building Plaster ...337
Box Toe, Adhesive. 1 Bullet Composition Tracer 170
Composition 348 Burn Off Dip 413
Box Wood, Cigar 340 Burn Treatment . . . .376
Bracken, Eradication 222 Butter, Coloring 98
Brake, Drum Alloy 19 and Honey Cream 47
Fluid, Hydraulic 346, 348 Substitute 47
Lining ........................ .348 Tubs, Coating for .. .302

Lining Composition 346 Buttermilk, Churned 65

-Shoes, Automobile 21 Lemonade 45
Brandy, Coloring 95 Manufacture of, from Skimmed
Brass, Black Finish on. 415 Milk 47
Black Pickling for .164 Yogurt or Bulgarian 45
Coloring Red 93 Butterscotch Fudge 55
Green Finish on 93 Buttons, Coloring Bone. ........... 95
Ink for 197
Plating 404 C
Plating on Steel 405 Cabbage Maggot Insecticide. 219
Polish 419 Cabinet Makers Glue 9
Refinishing Corroded ..420 Cable Oil, High Tension 225
Solder 177 Cadmium Plating." 403, 405
Solution 415 Cake, Fruit, Shrine 55
For Chemical Advisors, Special Raw Materials, Equipment, Containers, etc., consult Supply
Section at end of hook,
1 . . , . . .

Cakes, Fancy . 61 Casein —
Caking of Crystals, Prevention of... 295 Waterproof 1
Caking of Powder, Prevention of ... . 348 Casein, Dispersions of 304
Calamine Lotion 376 Finish for Leather 308
Calf Finish, Chrome Tan 307 Casein Glue, Paper Coating 369
Calfskins, Finishing of Black Vege- Water Resistant 9
table Tanned 310 Casing, Sausage 75
Calsomine, Glue Size in 478 Cast Iron, Filler for 304
Camembert Cheese 67 Strong Malleable 23, 341
Camphor Ice 376 Castings, Iron, Cement for 7
Candles, Beeswax 445 Iron, Prevent Rusting 458
Birthday 445 Magnesium, Molds for 342, 343
Formula 445 Mold Coating 343
Non-Sticking 361 Oxidizable Metals, Mold for...... 343
Stearic Acid 445 Casting Slip, Ceramic 182
Tapered 445 Castor Oil, Emulsions 153
Wicks 445 Emulsion, Laxative 378
Candy, Glaze 274 Emulsion, Pharmaceutical 379
Candy Jellies .'. .... 48 Mineral Oil Soluble 364, 365
Yeast 47 Soap 78
Canned Heat 179 Sulf onating 361
Canvas, Fireproofing .174 Thickening 361
Insect and Mildew-Proofing 219 Castorium, Tincture of 33
Waterproofing .479 Catalyst, Oxidation ............... 348
Caps, Milk Bottle 304 Catarrh; Cream 376
Rubber Bathing .452 Pastilles 376
Capsicum Flavor or Soluble Ginger. 26 . Catgut Preservative 348
Capsules ...................... ..'391 Cattle, Food 24
Gelatine ..351 Louse Insecticide 220
Caraway Flavor .................. 25 Parasiticide i 220
Carbon, Decolorizing 355 Spray 220
Electrode .....348 Spray, Pine Oil ...220
Looseners, Gasoline ............. 345 Ceiling Composition 338
Paper ....192 Celanese Garments, Removing Press
Paper, Black 192 Marks 433
Remover 181, 348 Increasing Ironing Resistance of.. 466
Remover, Engine 347 Celanese Velvet, Boil Off. . . ... . .469
. .

Removing Cylinder 346 Celery Flavor 25

Carbonated Milk 46 Cellophane 368
Carbonizing, Steel ......... . 342
. Glue 8, 12
Wool in Cotton Mixture..,. 470 Moisture Proof Adhesive 1
Carbons, Arc .348 Celluloid to Celluloid Adhesive 1
Carborundum Suspension 420 Molding Composition 396
Cardboard, Paste for .. 15 Non Inflammable 395
Carmine Solution .. 38 to Rubber, Adhesive 1
Carnation 144 Substitute, Non-Inflammable 397
Cologne 144 to Tin, Adhesive 5
Perfume Base 128 to Wood, Adhesive 5
Carnauba Wax Emulsion. ...... 159, 162 Cellulose Acetate 395
Carroting, Fur 327 Delustering 468
Fur Solutions 328 Dyeing 98
Cartridge Primer, Explosive .1 69 Yarn, Delustered 473
Carving Wax 444 Cellulose Coatings 302
Case Hardening of Tools. . . . ...
. . .342 Composition 396
Case Making Machine Glue 9 Ester Adhesives 1
Casein Adhesive 1 Finish for Patent Leather Splits. .308
Dissolving ” ... 5 Friction Polishes 420
Liquid 1 Pulp, Bleaching 87

All formulae preceded by an asterisk # are covered by patents.

( )
. .


Cellulose Coatings—Continued Cheese, Brick 66

Waterproofing 481 Brie . . . 66
Cement 12 Brinza 67
Accelerator 334 Camembert 67
Acid Proof 6 Cheddar 67
Aquarium 6 Cheshire 68
Bituminous 6 Cottage 69
Black Combining for Double Tex- Cream 69
ture Rubber Goods 454 Cream, Manufacturing 57
Coated Wire 335 Edam 69
Coating 334 Emmenthaler 70
Coloring 334 Gorgonzola 71
Coloring Gray 329 Limburg 72
Dental 6 Loaf or Process 72
Floor Hardener 335 Munster 73
for Fine Furniture 6 Neuf chatel 73
Glass 6 Parmesan 73
Glass, Safety 6 Pasteurizing 63
Hydraulic 335 Roquefort 74
Iron 6 Stilton 74
Iron, for Castings 7 Swiss Domestic 70
Jewelers 15 Chemical Flower Garden. ....* 350
Linoleum 7 Chemical Printing on Wall Board... 192
Linoleum Backing 7 Chemicals, Value of 488
Linoleum and Tile 7 Cherry, Acid Solution 43
Metal Letters to Glass, Marble, Compound 40
Wood ... ..................... 14 Ethereal, Oil 32
Oxychloride • 7 Oil of, Artificial 37, 40
Paint 275 Powdered Flavor 37
Pipe, Plastic 7 Sweet, Essence 31
Pipe Thread 7 Cheshire Cheese 68
Preservative 335 Cheviots, Finish for 471
Raincoat 7 Chimney Fire Extinguisher.... 350
for Repairing Shoes 7 Chinawood Oil Emulsion 153
Retarding Settling of 334 Chinese Lacquer, Imitation. ....... .231
Rubber for Leather Shoes........ 7 Chipped Glass 13
Rubber to Metal..., 7 Chloride of Lime, Non-Hygroscopic. 87 .

Rubber Tire 7 Chlorine Bleachers 88

Size 335 Chlorine Free Bleaching Powder 87
Slow Setting 335 Chloro-Phenol Mouth Wash 385
Stratena, Household 15 Chlorophyll .................. .... 39 .

Walls, Waterproofing 480 Chocolate Coatings, Non-Blooming. 48 .

Water Paint 275 Chocolate, Coffee . . ... . . .

. . .. .48 . . .

Waterproof Glass and Metal 6 Fudge 55

Waterproofing 334, 481 Icing 55
Ceramics 182 Margarine 62
Casting Slip 182 Pudding Dessert 52
Chain, Bicycle Lubricant 360 Spiced 48
Solder 177 Syrup 29
Chalk, Tailors .....>...195 Cholesterol -Lecithin Cream 104
Warehouse 194 Cholesterol Nourishing Cream 112
Champagne, Essence Cognac Fine..,. 35 Chrome Glove Leather, Fat-Liquor
Syrup, Ginger 43 for 312
Syrup, Orange 44 Chrome Liquor 312
Chartreuse, Essence 35 Chrome Side Leather, Dyeing Black. .310
Chatterless Lubricating Oil 364 Fat-Liquor for 312
Cheap White Paint 296 Chrome Steel, Annealing 344
Cheddar Cheese 67 Chrome Tan Calf Finish 307
For Chemical Advisors, Special Raw Materials, Equipment, Containers, etc., consult Supply
Section at end of book.
Chrome-Tanned Leather 319-322 —
Cleaning Continued
Chromed India-Kips, Coloring 312 Preparations, Hand 121
Chromium Steel, Magnetic, Heat Soap, Liquid 80
Treatment of 344 Soap, Bug 85
Churned Buttermilk 65 Straw Hats 77
Chypre, Cologne 144 Cleanser, Astringent "Lotion 123
Perfume Base for Face Powder... 133 and Conditioner, Hand 122
Cider, Acid Compound 43 Window 432
Apple, Cheap 40 Cleansing Cream 106, 107
Flavor 387 Greasy Type 139
Orange, Compound 44 Lemon . .. .....110
Sweet Drinking Artificial. . 40 Lemon Juice 139
Ciderette Syrup 40 Liquefying 147
Cigar Box Wood 340 Liquid 107
Cigarette, Stain Bemoval 442 Soluble . .106
Tip Adhesive 2 Clear Lacquer 227
Cinnamon Flavor 25 Clear Gloss Lacquer 243
Civet, Tincture of 33 Cloth Marking Crayon 193
Clay, Face 104 Cloth, Photographic Printing on ... 393 .

Flocculated ....348 Waterproofing 478, 481, 483

Cleaner, Aluminum i .417 Clothing, Bubber ................ 451 .

Copper * .420 Coal, Coloring .180

Dairy Equipment 76 Dust Prevention 180
Dry 76 Improving Appearance of 179
Electric Metal 403 Coating for Butter Tubs 302
Gelatine Film 392 Cobalt Drier 283
Hand 76 Cochineal, Liquid 38
Kerosene Jelly 76 Cockroaches, Exterminant of . 221.

Leather 77 Powder 221

Marble and Porcelain. 77 Cocoa Icing 55
Metal 426 Coconut Oil, Emulsion ............. 153
Oil Painting 77 Softener 477
Porcelain, Deodorant 76 Cod Liver Oil Emulsion 153, 379
Powdered Glove 76 Codling Moth, Bands ..222
Printers ? Form ......... 77 Spray 222
Bifle * 77 Coffee, Aroma .................... 25
Bubber 449 Chocolate 48
Bug 77 Extract 25, 37
Silver .431 Icing 54
Soaps 75 Pectin Jellies 51
Suede • • ‘431 Stains, Treatment of 439
Wall Paper 78 Substitute ...................... 25
White Shoe Paste 428 Cognac, Brandy Essence v .32, 35
Cleaning, Artificial Dentures 122 Essence 34
Colored Concrete .433 Fine Champagne, Essence. 35
Compound 75 Coil Insulation 224
Compound, Bottle 75 Coins, Cleaning Copper 75
Copper Coins 75 Coke, Dust Prevention 180
Cream Gasoline 76 Improving Appearance of 179
Fluid :....... 76 Cold Cream 107, 108, 109, 139, 147
Fluid, Dry 75 Liquid 10£
Fluid, Non-Inflammable . ....... 75, 76 Making 107
Liquid, Non-Inflammable ....... .433 Modem 146
Marble .433 for Sun and Wind Burn 109
Nickel Silver Castings .427 Theatrical 107
Paste, Mechanics 76 Cold Drawing Wire Alloy 23
Powder, Aluminum 417 Cold and Influenza Mixture 382
Powder, Household 424 Cold, Inhalants for „.382
All formulae preceded by an asterisk (*) are covered by patents.


Cold Water, Paint 280 Compacts, Eouge 129

Paint, Outside 275 Composition Ornaments 395
Collodion, Photo-Engravers 166 Compound, Pipe Joint 7
Colloidal, Garden 350 Compound Vanilla Extract......... 29
Iodine 383 Concord Grape Essence 35
Lecithin . 162 Concrete 333
Cologne, Carnation 144 Acid Eesistant 331
Chypre 144 Acid Wash for 334
Fancy 144 Blocks ....338
Gardenia 144 Building Blocks 330
Jasmine 144 Cleaning Colored 433
Lilac 144 Coating 303
Orchidee 144 Curing 330
Eose 114 Efflorescence, Eemoval of 331
Trefle 144 Floors, Dustproofing 330
Coloring, Aluminum 90 Floor Hardeners .332
Brandy 95 to Figure .329, 330
Brass Eed 93 High Early Strength .331
Butter 98 Mixtures ....334
Belt Edges 95 Oil Tanks, Treating. 304
Bone Buttons 95 Painting ......260
Cement 334 Paints, Cumar in 285
Cement Gray 329 Patches ..331
Chrome India-Kips 312 Stain Eemoval 435
Coal .180 Tile 338
Copper 91 Waterproofing 334
Cotton 171 Condenser, Electrolytic... 349, 350
Die Cast Zinc 97 Conductor, Plastic 224
Dyeing, Bleaching 87 Construction Material, Waterproof . .339
Artificial Flowers 94 Contraceptive Jelly 377
Gasoline .96 Conversion Factors, Table. . ..... . .484

Gelatin Solutions 97 Conversion of Thermometer Eeadings. 48

Glycerin 97 Copper, Alloy 19
Iron 93 Alloy, Heat Treatment of 19
Latex Black 448 Bearing Alloy 20
Leather Black 308 Brown on 91
Liquid Soaps 86 Cleaner 420
Metal 91 Coins, Cleaning ................. 75
Milled Soaps 86 Color, Blue 92
Mineral Oil 155 Color, Brown 92
Oil in Water Emulsions 154, 155 Color, Green 92
Paper 98 Color, Verde .................... 92
Paraffin Wax 98 Coloring 91
Wood ..........................101 Cyanide Solution .415
Wool 471, 472 Electrotyping 406
Colored Concrete, Cleaning 433 Enameling .185
Colored Pencil Leads 212 Finish, Eoyal 92
Colored Varnish, Light Fast 290 Green Patina on 92
Colored Waters, Non-Fading 100 Improving Electrical Conductivity
Colors, Alcohol Soluble 90 of 21"

for Bath Salts 94 Plating .405

Beverage, Vegetable 38 Plating Aluminum 407
Oil Soluble 90 Plating Glass 406
for Plastics 394 Defining Electrode Alloy 22
Water Soluble 89 Solder 177
Comb, Eubber 452 Tankards, Glaze 185
Combination Tannage 324 Tubing, Bending 354
Common Indicators ,.489 Verde Antique Finish on 92, 93

For Chemical Advisors, Special Raw Materials, Equipment, Containers, etc., consult Supply
Section at end of book.
Copying, Ink 195, 197 —
Crayon Continued
Pencil, Blue 212 Marking 194
Cordage, Grease .358 Wax 194
Sizing for Polishing 475 Cream, Absorption Base 105
Waterproofing 481 Acne 375
Core, Binder 341 Anti-Perspiration 105
Oil .341 Anti-Sunburn 105
Cork Composition Binder 395 Artificial 57
Cork and Wood Flour, Binder for... 5 Astringent 105, 113, 148
Corn, Cures ."
377 Black Shoe 428
Ether 31 Bleach 105
Fertilizer 17 Brushless Shaving I47
Oil Emulsion 153 Butter and Honey 47
Remedy 377 Catarrh 376
Removers 377 Cheese 69
Weevils, Killing 215 Cheese Manufacturing 57
Corpse Tissue Filler .104 Cholesterol-Lecithin 104
Corroded Brass, Refinishing 420 Cleansing 106, 107
Corrosion Inhibitor 458 Cold 107, 108, 109, 139, 147
Auto Radiator 341 Cold, Making 107
Proof Steel 23 Cucumber 146, 147
Proofing Aluminum, Zinc, Magne- Dental 390
sium and their Alloys 458 Depilatory 140
Resistant Coating ............... 303 Foundation 113, 114
Resistant Iron Alloy 20 Gasoline Cleaning 76
of Steel Parts, Preventing 344 Greaseless 109, 110
Cosmetic, Plastic .....127 Greaseless Quinosol ..... . 108
Cosmetics ..... 101 Increasing Viscosity of 57
Cottage Cheese ................... 69 June Type ................ 14t>
Cotton, Bleaching 87 Lavender 14o
Cloth, Back-Filling 465 Lecithin Nourishing ...140
Coloring 471 Lemon 110, 146, 147
Dyeing 462, 463 Lemon Cleansing 110
Dyeing Black 464 Liquefying lit;
Fabrics, Scouring 464, 465 Liquid Almond 10&
Finish on Sulphur Dyed 464 Liquid Cleansing 107
Finishing of 464 Liquid Cold 109
Good Softeners ......477 Liquid Lanolin 110
Hosiery 464 Massage. .......... 110, 111, 140
Hosiery Scroop ...464 Mint ..146
in Kier, Bleaching 87 Modern Cold 146
Removing from Cotton Wool Mosquito 141
Mixture . . . 464 Mosquito Repellent Ill
Cotton Seed Oil Emulsion 153 Neutral Shoe 428
Cotton Size 474, 475 Nourishing Ill, 112
Cotton Solution .234 Nourishing Cholesterol 112
“Cottonizing” Flax Waste . . ...465 Pearly Vanishing 148
Cough Lozenges 377 Perspiration, Deodorizing 115
Counter Etches 165 Petrolatum 113
"Counter Irritant, Refrigerant 387 Polish, Furniture 422
Crack Filler ...304 Protective 85
Crackle Lacquer Base . 233 Rolling Massage Ill, 140
Crayon . . . .192 Shoe 428
Animal Marking ...193 Shoe, Black .430
Blackboard .193 Soluble Cleansing 10fc
Cloth Marking 193 Soothing 141
Drawing ..... ................. .193 Sour 65
Lithographic .194 Strawberry 146
All formulae preceded by an asterisk (*) are covered by patents.
. .


Cream Continued Dandruff —Continued
Sun Burn 112 Remover 128
Tangerine 146 Treatment 116
Theatrical Cold 109 Deealcomania Adhesive 2
Tissue 112, 147 Decolorizing 148
Tissue Builder 147 Carbon 355
Translucent Jelly 139 Decorators ’ Paste .10
Turtle Oil 147 Varnish 268
Vanishing 113, 114, 141, 148 Degreasing Leather before Dyeing. .314
Violet 146 Degumming Oil, Silk or Rayon 365
Wild Cherry 146 Degumming Silk 468
Wrinkle 143 Dehairing Hides . . . 327
Zinc Stearate 115 De-inking Newspaper 348
Creamery Moors, Acid-Proofing 328 Paper 373, 374
Crease Proof Fabrics 459, 465 Delphinium. Prevention Black
Creme de Menthe, Essence 35 Rot in 16
Crepe Dye Resist 466 Delustering Cellulose Acetate 468
Cresol Disinfectant 150 Delustered Cellulose Acetate Yarn... 473
Crocus Composition 420 Delustering Rayon 467, 468
Crucibles, Non-Porous 182 Silk 468
Refractories 182 Demulsifier 349
Crystallizing, Lacquer 234 Dental, Alloy 20
Varnish 292 Cement 6
Cubic Measure 485 Cream 390
Cucumber Cream 146, 147 Crown Enamel, Gold... 185
Cultured Milk 64 Impression Wax 398, 444
Cumar in Concrete Paints. 285 Plaster 378
Cup Grease 356 Plate Adhesive 378
Graphite 357 Preparations 377
Locomotive Rod .....356 Dentures, Cleaning Artificial 122
Made by Pressure Cooking ..357 Deodorant, Liquid Body 115
Cupric-phenol Fixing Solution 352 Pencil ....... 115
Curacao, French 36 Perspiration 115
Curling Jelly 138 Porcelain Cleaner 76
Liquid 137 Powder .......116
Curry Powder, Spicing. . .
54 Refrigerator 148
Cuticle Remover 104 Spray 149
Cutting Oil 361* 362 Deodorizing .148
Base 366 Disinfectant 150
Emulsion • - • *361 Garlic 149
Resin Soluble 362 Spray, Pine 149
Soluble 362 Depilatory . ....... .............. .116
Sulphur 362 Cream 140
Cyclamen, Extract of 127 Hide 327.
"Cylinder Carbon, Removing 346 Perfumes ............. ... .141
... . .

Cylinder Oil * 362 Depolarizer for Dry and Leclanch6

Cylinder, Upper, Lubricant 359 Batteries . . 347

Detergent, Laundry 77
D and Paint Remover 77
Dairy Equipment Cleaner 76 Silk Stockings and Gloves 77
Dammar Cut 239 Detonator, Electrical 169
Dance Floor Wax 444 Developer, Photographic 392
Dandruff, Lotion *for Dry .137 Stains, Removal of 440
Lotion for Oily .....137 Developing Fixer, Photographic 392
Mixture 116 Dewaxing, Gum Damar .446
Ointment 117, 139 Lubricating Oil 362
Preparations 142 Diabetic Tea 388
Remedy ........................ 116 Dies, Lubricant for .360
For Chemical Advisors, Special Raw Equipment, Containers, etc., consult Supply
Section at end of hook,.
1 .

Dip, Bine 404 Dust, Insecticidal 215
Bright ...403 Dustproofing Concrete Floors 330
Burn Off '
413 Dye, Applying to Leather 96
Mercury 416 Azo Oil 355
Dipping Enamel, Olive Green 230 Black Leather 96
Dipping Solution, Pearl 232 Hair 117
Direct Wool Printing. 472 Mordants, Fur 327
Disinfectant 149 Resist, Crepe 466
Bleach 150 Shoe 429
Cresol 150 Toner for Printing Ink 211
Deodorizing 150 Dyed Fabrics, Stripping Composition
Household (Cresol) 150 for 89
Laundry 150 Dyeing, Bleaching, Coloring 87
Pine Oil 150, 151 Cellulose Acetate 98
Seed 18 Chrome Side Leather Black.' 310
Seed Potato 18 Cotton 462, 463
Disinfecting 148 Cotton Black 464
Disinfection, Seed 215 Fur Skin 96
Dispersions of Casein and Shellac. . .304 Goat Skins Black 311
Distemper, Cure for Dogs 24 Kangaroo Skins Black 311
Matt Finish 270 Knit Fabrics 466
Oil-bound 270 Leather, Degreasing before. ..... .314
Dissolving 7 Glue
........... 9 Rayon .463
Dogs, Distemper Cure for 24 “Shoe” Plush Brown . .429
Drawing Crayon 193 Silk Black 468
Drawing Ink, Waterproof 211 Straw Green 98
Drawing Oil 363 Suede Brown 98
Drawing Pastels, Wax ...193 Tussah Pile Fabric 472
Dressing, Auto Top 275 Dyeing Process, Sulphur . .. . 94
for “Kinky” Hair .....117
Dressing Oil as an Alkali Fat-Liquor E
with Borax .... . . ... . . . .
. . . ..313
. . Earache Oil 378
Drier, Cobalt ................... 283 . . Earthworm Poison 221
Lead .......................... 304 Eau de Cologne 143
Lead Manganese 289 Soap Perfume 82
Liquid 293 Solid 116
Liquid Paint 296 Eau de Quinine 116
Manganese 283 Ebony Stain .272
Precipitated Cobalt Linoleate 304 Eczema Preparations 137
Drill Bit Alloy 20 Edam Cheese 69
Drill Holes in Glass 351 Effervescent Bath Salts 102, 103
Driving Journal Grease 356 Egg Albumen Finish for Leather. . .307

Dry Cleaner 76, 442 Preservative for 57

Dry Cleaning Fluid 75 Eggshell Paint 237
Dry Cleaning Soap. .... 78, 79, 442 Elastic Compound, Light 349
Dry Cleaning Soap on Ammonia Elastic Putty 11
Base 86 Electric Lamp ‘ c
Getter ” 349
Dry Cleaning Soap, Liquid 79 Electric Metal Cleaner 403
Dry Dandruff, Lotion for 137 Electrical, Conducting Varnish 292
Dry Fire Extinguisher .173 Contact Alloy 23
Dry Ginger Ale Extract 25 Contact Point Alloy 20
Dry Measure 488 Detonator 169
1 ‘
Dry-Bright 7 9 Polish 420 Fuse Alloy 19
Dry Rot, Prevention of ....335 Insulating Compound 224
Dry Scalp, Hair Tonic .138 Insulating Tape 224
Duck, Waterproofing ......... ... 482
. Insulation 224
Duplicators 192 Insulation Lining 224
Dust-Cloth Fluid 420 Porcelain 186
AH formulae preceded by an asterisk (*) are covered by patents.
Electrical— Continued —
Emulsions Continued
Potting Composition 346 Mineral Oil and Agar 379, 380
Resistance Alloy 20 Neatsfoot Oil 154, 158
Resistance Liquid 224 Nitrocellulose 304
Electro-deposited Metal, Stripping. .341 Oil 153
Electrode, Arc Lamp 349 Oil Paint 270
Carbon 348 Olive Oil 154, 156, 465
Electrolytic Coloring of Aluminum. 91. Orange Oil 27
Electrolytic Condenser 349 Palm Oil 154
Electroplating 399 Paradiehlorbenzene 163
Procedures 402 Paraffin Oil 154
Electrotype, Backing Metal 21 Paraffin Wax 160
Metal 21 Patent Leather Softening 307
Electrotyping 168 Peanut Oil 154
Copper 406 Perilla Oil ...154
Embalming Fluid 349, 350 Pine Oil 156
Embroidery- Treatment 350 Pitch 155
Emery, Grease 420 Polish 421
Paper 432 Rapeseed Oil ....154
Paste 421 Raw Tallow 163
Emmenthaler, Domestic Swiss Cheese. 70 Refined Mineral Oil .157
Emollient Cosmetic Wash 124 Rootbeer 39
Emulsified Fluid Lubricant 359 Rosin 154, 155, 443
Emulsifying Agent 152, 153, 161 Rosin, Turpentine 163
Emulsions 151 Rubber 163
of Acrifiavine 378 Rubberseed Oil 154
Agar-Petrolatum 378 Sesame Oil 154
Almond Oil 153 Soluble Oil .............156
Asphalt. 155, 162, 328, 329 Soya Bean Oil 154
Bitumen 329 Sperm Oil 154
Black Wax 155 Theory of 151
Carnauba Wax .159, 162 Triethanolamine 160
Castor Oil 153 Uses .152
Castor Oil, Pharmaceutical 379 Varnish 292
China wood Oil 153 White Paraffin Oil. .157
Goconut Oil 153 Enamel, Acid Resistant ........ .191 . . .

Cod Liver Oil .153, 379 Air Drying 242

Coloring Oil in Water 154, 155 Varnish ....292, 806
Corn Oil 153 Vitreous .185
Cotton Seed Oil 153 White ....282
Cutting Oil 361 White Lacquer ............... .230
Ethylene Dichloride 161 Enameling 186, 187, 188, 189, 190
Factice 449 Copper % ..... .185 .

Flatting Paste .421 Iron . . .185

Flavors Hot and Cold Methods 30 Steel 186
Fuel or Lubricating Oil 153 Enamels .182
Halowax 162 Engine Carbon Remover.. 181, 347
Kerosene 159, 162 Engine Joint Seal 347
Lanolin 104, 162 English Plate Glass. 184
Lard Oil 153 Engraving .......... . ...... . . .... .164
Laxative 378 Envelope Mucilage 9
Laxative Mineral Oil 380 Ephedrine Nasal Spray 386
Lemon Oil 26 Eradicator, Ink 212
Light Mineral Oil 157 Black Stoving ...241, 242
Linseed Oil .154, 158 Dipping, Olive Green ......230
Menhaden Oil 154 Interior 239, 240
Methods . ......... . . .... ... .152
. . . Opaeifier 185
Mineral Oil 380, 421 Paint, Indoor 268
For Chemical Advisors, Special Raw Materials, Equipment, Containers, etc,, consult Supply
Section at end of book.
Eradieator —Continued Ether, Corn 31
Paint, Outdoor 267, 275 Prevention of Oxidation 350
Paint Remover 275 Ethylene Dichloride Emulsion 161
Pearl 232 Expansion Joint Filler 7
Pyroxylin Wood 228 Explosive Primer 169, 170
Quick Drying 237 Explosives 169
Removing Vitreous 185 Exterior House Paint 241
Wall and Woodwork 237 Exterior Wood Paints 243-248
Eraser, Rubber 455 Exterminant of Cockroaches 221
Essence, Apple Aroma 31 Exterminator, Bed Bug 219
Apple, Extra 34 Insect 223
Arac , 34 Mouse 223
Arac Aroma 31 Extra Flexible Bindery Glue 8
Chartreuse 35 Extract,Almond 25
Cherry Sweet , 31 Bourbon 1-1 34
Cherry Wild Aroma 34 Coflee 25, 37
Cognac 34 Cyclamen 127
Cognac Brandy 32, 35 Dry Ginger Ale 25
Cognac Fine Champagne 35 East India Lemon Sour 39
Concord Grape 35 Ginger Ale 43
Creme de Menthe. 35 Ginger Ale Soluble 41
Gin, Gordon 35 Lemon . . 26, 27
Gin, Holland 31 Lemon, Concentrated 26
Gin, London Dock 31 Lemon, Terpeneless 41
Gin, Old Tom 31 Limes 44
Grape Aroma Special ...... . . ....
30 Orange 27, 44
Kartoflel Schnapps ..............32 Orange, Concrete 44
Nordhaeuser Korn 32 Pepper Preserving 75
of Peach Blossom. .............. 35 Pyrethrum 215
Pistache 30 Sarsaparilla 42
Prune Juice for Blending 30 Tea, Concentrated 27
Raisin Wine 33 Terpeneless of Lemon............ 27
Rootbeer 32 Terpeneless of Orange 27
of Rum, Jamaica 32 Vanilla 29
Rum, New England 32, 33 Vanilla, Compound 22-

Slivovitz 32 Vanilla, 4X Strength 29

Trester Brandy 35 Vanilla, Pure 29
Tutti Frutti 36 Vanilla, Extra Concentrated 29
Whiskey Bourbon ............ . . . 31 Eye, Lotions 380
Whiskey, Rye 35 Salve 380
Whiskey, Rock and Rye 36 Shadow .. . ....... .... .116
Whiskey, Scotch 32 Eyebrow Stick 116
Ester Cut 238
Ester Gum Mixing Varnish 281 F
Ester Gum Varnish .288 Fabric, Creaseproof 465
Ester Varnish ..238 Dope, Airship 235
Etch, Resist 164 Finishing Compound for .462
Etch Solutions for Lithograph Plates. 165 Fireproofing 174
Etches, for Aluminum .165 Waterproofing 482
Counter 165 Wrinkle and Crease Proof 459
for Stone .. 165 Face, Clay 104
for Zinc 165 Lotion 124
Etching 164 Powder, Chypre Perfume Base 133
Etching, Aluminum Reflectors. ..... .166 Powders 127, 128
Filler ...166 Tonic 125
Glass 164 Facial and Body Reducer. ......... .129
Stainless Steel .164 Factice, Compound, Latex... 449
Steel 164 Emulsion 449
All formulae preceded by an asterisk (*) are covered by patents.
. ..

Factice — Continued Fire Starters 180
Rubber Substitute 449 Fire, White 171
Fancy Cakes 61 Fireproof, Coating 174
Fancy Cologne 144 Paint 174, 269
Fast Dyeing Process 90 Paper and Wall Board 372
Fastan-Chrome Stock Liquor. 326 Wall Board 340
Fat-Liquor 313 Fire Proofing 173, 174
Recipe for 313 Canvas 174
for Chrome Glove Leather., 313 Fabrics 174
for Chrome Side Leather . . 312 Paper 174, 369
for Sheep Leather 313 Metal 174
Fat-Liquoring 313 Rayon 174
Feet, Perspiring, Solution for 381 Solution 174
Felting Animal Hairs 328 Textiles 174
Felting Liquid 327 Wood 175
Fertilizers 16 Fireresisting Fibreboard 175
Corn 17 Fish Oil, Purifying 363
General Garden 17 Fixative, Ambre 145
Grass 17 Fixer, Photographic Developing 392
Peat 17 Fixing Fluid, Biological. .... .... .351 . .

Tobacco 17 Fixing Solution, Cupric-phenol 352

Fibreboard, Fireresisting 175 Flannels, Finish for 465
Rot-proof 339 Flashlight Powder 392
Field Mouse Poison 223 Smokeless .... 392
Fig, Jam 53 Flat Lacquer .227
Preserves 53 Paste 243
Tincture of 33 Flat Paint, Interior 240
Filler, for Automobile Body. . 304 Flat Varnish .....292
for Cast Iron 304 Flatting Paste Emulsions 421
Crack 304 Flavor, Almond 25
Etching 166 Almond, Imitation 25
Expansion J oint 7 Almond, Non-Alcoholic 28
Floor Crack .*.... 8 Anise 25
Gelatine, Hardening 396 Anisette 34
Wood, Powder 297 Apple, Imitation . . . 40
Film, Cleaner, Gelatine 392 Caraway 25
Non-Inflammable 396 Celery 25
Reclaiming Photographic . . 392 Cherry Powdered .......... 37
Filter Paper, to Strengthen . . 369 Cherry, Wild Powdered. 37
Filter, Ultra Violet 354 Cider 388
Finger Wave Dryer 120 Cigar, Havana 26
Finish, Laboratory Table 302 Cinnamon 25
Cotton Yarn or Cloth 464 Cod Liver Oil Emulsion 379
Fire Ant, Insecticide 219 Emulsion, Hot and Cold Methods.. 30
Fire, Blue 170 Lemon, Imitation *
Fire Extinguisher 350 Lemon, Non Alcoholic 27, 28
Chimney 350 Lemon, Pure .................. 26
Dry 173 Maple, Imitation ...... ... ...... 27

Fluid 173 Non-Alcoholic 29

Fire Extinguishing 173 Orange, Non-Alcoholic 27
Foam 173 Peppermint ..................... 27
Fire, Green 170 Pineapple Powdered 37
Fire Hose Rubber 453 Powdered 36
Fire Kindler 180 Raspberry Powdered 37
Fire, Red 170 Soluble Ginger or Capsicum 26
Fire Scale, Removing .... 413 Strawberry Powdered ... 37

Fire,Showers of 171 Thyme 25

Fire Stains, Treatment of ... 438 Tooth Paste 390

For Chemical Advisors, Special Raw Materials, Equipment, Containers, etc.* consult Supply
Section at end of book.
Flavor —Continued —
Fly Continued
Tooth. Powder 390 Paper 222
Vanilla, Artificial 37 Spray .. 221, 222
Vanilla Bean Powder 60 Foam, Fire Extinguishing 173
Vanilla Compound Concentrated... 28 Foam Prevention Agent 355
Vanilla, Imitation 28 Foam Producers 43
Vanilla, Non-Alcoholic 28 Foaming, Prevention of 347
Vanilla, Pure 28 Fodder, Potato Flake 17
Walnut, Imitation Black 29 Preserving Green 17
Whiskey 1-25 34 Foenugreek, Concentrate Tincture of. 33
Whiskey 1-16 Special 35 Foenugreek Tincture 33
Wintergreen 29 Fogging, Anti- Agent 345
Flavors and Beverages 25 Food, Cattle 24
Flax Waste, ‘ ‘ Cottonizing ? 1 465 Food, Preventing Mold on 57
Machine Bindery Glue 8 Foot Powder 381
Bookbinding Glue 12 Formaldehyde, Permanently Neutral. 352
Glass Substitute ....398 Formula, Lotion 122
Machine Bindery Glue 9 Formula, Stain 258, 259
Marking Composition 302 Formula, Varnish 280, 281, 282, 289
Paint, Stencil 276 Foundation Cream 113, 114
Paper Box Glue 12 Four Hour Varnish 283, 284
Printing Roller 192 Freckle, Removers 143
Wax 444 Treatment 143
Floating Soap 78 Freeze, Anti- 346
Flocculated Clay 348 Freezers, Sterilizing .60
Floor, Acid Proofing Creamery. • .'.328
. . Freezing Mixture 351
Cement, Hardener 335 Freight Car Paint. ............... .276
Composition ........338 French Curacao 36
Composition, Industrial ......... .336 French Plate Glass 184
Composition, Rubber. ....... .455, 457 Fresh Plaster, Painting on. ..... ..280

Concrete, Hardeners 332 Frost Bite Pencil 381

Covering Material ..... . . ..... .340
. . Frosting of Glass, Prevention of . . . .351
Crack Filler 8 Frothing and Foaming, Prevention
Dustproofing Concrete ........... 330 of ........347
Oil .... 421 Fruit, Cake Shrine 55
Paint 237 Pastes, Thickening of 52
Polish 419, 421, 430, 433 Prevention of Mold on 57
Rubber Composition 335 Spray Residue, Removing 218
Terrazzo Finish ...336 Stain Remover 440
Varnish 293 Syrup 30
Wax 421 Fudge, Butterscotch 55
Wax, Liquid 422 Chocolate 55
Wood, Finish 422 Fuels ....... ............ .....178
Flotation and Cutting Oil Base... ..366 Anti-Knock 179
Flour, High Rising 56 Briquettes 178
Improvement of 56 Gasoline Modified 180
Improver 56 Internal Combustion 181
Paste 10 Motor 181
Flower Gardens, Chemical. ........ .350 Motor, Anti-Knock 181
Flowers, Coloring Artificial 94 Oil . ........... ............181
Fluid Fire Extinguisher .173 Oil Emulsion 153
Fluorescent Hydrocarbons 90 Special 181
Fluorescent X-Ray Screen..... 354 Fugitive Transfer Composition 302
Flux, Soldering 177 Fulling Skins and Hides ..326
Welding 177 Fumigation Composition 218
Zinc Solder ....177 Fungicide ...217
Fluxes 176 Seed 17
Fly, Catching Mixture 222 Fungus Killer 218
All formulae preceded by an asterisk (.*) are covered by patents.
Fur, Bleach for 88 Gin— Continued
Carroting 327 Holland, Oil 31
Carroting Solutions 328 Oil, Old Tom 31
Bye Mordants 327 Ginger Ale 25
Skin Dyeing 96 Brewed 40
Skins, Tanning 315, 323, 324, 326 Dry Extract 25
Furniture, or Auto Polish 423 Extract 43
Gloss Oils 423 Extract, Soluble 41
Glue 9 Ginger Champagne Syrup 43
Lacquer 229 Glass 182
Lacquer Gloss 234 Belgian Plate 184
Polish 422, 432 Bohemian Plate 184
Polish, Liquid 423 to Brass Adhesive 3
Polish, Paste 423 Cement .6, 14
Fuse, Blasting 169, 172 to Cement Adhesive 2
Fused Manganese Besinate 298 Chipped 13
Fusible Alloys, Making 19 Copper Plating 406
Fusible Synthetic Besin 451 Drill Holes in 351
English Plate 184
Etching 164
G French Plate 184
Gall Salve, Veterinary 24 German Plate 184
Galvanized Iron, Painting 276 Gilding ...191
Garden, General Fertilizer.. . . 17 Golden Luster on 183
Gardenia, Cologne 144 “Horak” . .183
Perfume Base . 133 Ink for 197, 198
Gargle, Sore Throat 381 Marking 182
Garlic, Deodorizing 149 and Metal, Waterproof Cement. . 7 . .

Gas, Bomb, Tear and Smoke 172 Polish 423, 427

Mask Absorbent, Ammonia. ...... 148 Prevention of Frosting 351
Gasket Compound 347 Befractory ... 183
Gasoline, Carbon Looseners 345 Besistant .183
Cleaning Cream 76 Buby 183
Coloring 96 Safety 182, 183, 191
Fuel, Modified 180 Safety, Cement 6
Gum Formation Inhibitor 180 Silver Plate on .412
Solidified 180, 181 Silvering 412
Special 181 Substitute 184
Stabilizing ...181 Substitute, Flexible ............. 398
to Whiten Yellow. 96 Thermal ....184
Gear Lubricant, Open 361 Ultra Violet ................... .191
Gelatine Backed Lantern Slides 97 Ultra-Violet Transparent 184
Gelatine, Bottle Caps 396 Waterproof Ink for. ............ .198
Capsules 351 Glassine Paper 368, 372
Cells for Ultrafiltration. 391 Glaze, Acid Besisting .............. 184
Dessert Powder 52 Alkali-free Lime 184
Film Cleaner ,...392 Candy 274
Films, Hardening 396 Copper Tankards 185
Sheets 351 Metal 428
Solutions; Coloring 97 Paper 372, 428
Sound Becords 396 Wood ...428
Gems, Synthetic 351 Glazing Composition 274
German Plate Glass 184 Gloss, Lacquer, Clear... 243
Gilding Glass 191 Oil 238
Gin, Essence, London Dock 31 Oils, Furniture .423
Old Tom 31 Paint 237
Gordon 35 Paint, Interior 240
Holland 31 Glove Cleaner, Powdered 76
For Chemical Advisors, Special Raw Materials, Equipment, Containers, etc., consult Supply
at end of book.
1 .

G-love Leather, Fat-Liquor for Grape —Continued
Chrome 313 Oil Artificial 36
Gloves, Silk Detergent 77 Syrup Form, Artificial 36
Glue, Banknote 15 Grapefruit Preserves 53
Bindery, Extra Flexible 8 Graphite, Cup Grease 357
Bindery, Flexible 8 Grease 360
Bindery Machine, Flexible 8 Lubricant 356
Bindery, Regular 8 Suspension 356
Bookbinding, Flexible 12 Grass, Fertilizer 17
Cabinet Makers 9 Killer 17
Case Making Machine 9 Quack, Killer 17
Casein, Paper Coating 369 Stain Remover 440
Cellophane .8, 12 Tincture of .... 39
for Cementing Glass 14 Grease Base, Lubricating. .... .356, 363

Composition 398 *
Grease, Cordage 358
Composition for Plaster Casting Cup 356
Molds 351 Cup, Locomotive Rod 356
* 1
Dissolving 9 9 Cup, Made by Pressure Cooking. .357 .

Furniture 9 Driving Journal .356

Handling of 13 Emery 420
Hectograph 15 Graphite ....360
for Joints in Leather Driving Belt. 15 Graphite Cup 357
Leather Sole 9 High Temperature Lubricating. . .358 .

Leather to Metal 14 Lubricating 358

Liquid 9, 12, 15 Mill 358
Masking Tape .................. 9 Spot Remover 441, 471
Mouth 15 Stick for Buffing or Polishing. .. .432
Paper' Box Flexible 12 Thread 358
Sausage Casing 15 Grease Proof Paper 368
Size in Paint and Calsomine. .... .478 Greaseless Cream 109, 110
Starch Paste 12 Greaseproofing Paper 372
Tablet Binding 8 Greasy Type Cleansing Cream. .... . .139
Tungstic 16 Green Color Copper . . 92
Vegetable . 9 Green Finish on Brass 93
Waterproof 15 Green Fire 170
Wood Coating 15 Green Fodder, Preserving. .......... 17
Glycerine, Coloring 97 Green House Paint 236
Jelly for Microscope Mounting 351 Green Lead Arsenate 218
Goat Skins, Dyeing Black 311 Green Patina on Copper 92
Tanning White 315 Green Pigments 205
Gold, Bronze Ink .197 Green Tomato Mince-meat 54
Cyanide Solution 416 Grinding Compound .424
Dental Crown Enamel 185 Grinding Paint 276
Finish, Antique 166 Grindstones ...... 424
Imitation 21 Groundwood Pulp 367
Plating 407, 408 Guava Jelly 53
Polish ..423 Gum, Benzoin, Siaih, Tincture of ... . 33
White ... .... ..... ..... . ..23, 408
. . Damar, Dewaxing 446
White Untarnishable 21 for Parting Punch from Die. .342, 343
Golden Luster on Glass .....183 Phenol-formaldehyde 238
Gordon Gin Essence 35 Toothache . , 377
Gorgonzola Cheese 71 Lubricant .....360
Grafting Wax Solid. .444 , Gun-metal Finish .166
Graining Ink 198
Graining Leather 315 H
Granular Effervescent Cider Salt. . .387 . Haemorrhoid Ointment ........ < 387 . .

Grape, Aroma Special, Essence . . . . 30 . . Haemorrhoidal Suppositories ....... 381

Concord, Essence 35 Hair, Cleanser, Non-Lathering .116
All formulae preceded by an asterisk (*) are covered by patents.
INDEX fill

Hair —
Continued Herbicide 216
Curling Powder 121 Herzberg Stain, Paper 368
Dyes .117 Hickory, Tincture of 33
Felting Animal 328 Hides, Dehairing 327
Fixative 118 Depilatory 327
Fixers or Straighteners 118 Fulling 326
Lotions 141 High Rising Flour 56
Milk 147 High Speed Bearing Lubricant 366
Restorer 118 High Tension Cable Oil 225
Setting Fluid 120 Holes, Drill in Glass 351
Setting Preparations 121 Home Tanning 316, 317
Setting Solution 121 Home Made Icing 55
Shampoo 118 Homemade Sparklers .171
Tonic .....118, 119, 120, 138 Hone, Razor 428
Tonic, Dry Scalp 138 Honey and Almond Lotion... .123
Tonic, Honey and Flower 119 Honey and Butter Cream 47
Tonic, Oily Scalp 138 Honeysuckle 145
Wash, Milky 119 Perfume Base 134
Wave Concentrate 120, 143 “Horak ?; Glass 183
Wave Fluid ..120 Horsehair Substitute ............. .470
Wave Jelly 120 Horticultural Spray .............. 216 .

Wave Liquid 121 Hose, Fire, Rubber. ............. .453 .

Wave Powder 121 Rubber 453

Whitener 138 Hosiery, Cotton 464
Cotton, Scroop 464
Halowax Emulsion 162
Hospital Sheeting, Rubber 451
Hand, Cleaner and Softener 76
House Paint, Black 235
Cleaning Preparations . . 121
Exterior .....241
Cleanser and Conditioner 122
Green 236
Lotion V 124
White ‘..235
Wash, Antiseptic Household, Baking Powders 56
Handling of Glue 13 Cleaning Powder .424
Hard Alloy ....20 (Cresol) Disinfectant .150
Hard Rubber, Adhesives for 12 Hydraulic, Brake Fluid 346, 348
Hard Wax Stopping for Filling Screw Cement ....335
Holes in Wood 12 Fluid 352
Hardening Steel 23 Hypochlorite Bleach 88
Harness Leather, Bar-tanned. ..... .318
Hats, Cleaning Straw 77 I

Havana Cigar Flavor 26 IJpe Cream Powder 57

Hay Fever Ointment 386 Ice Melter ......354
Heat, Canned 179 Ice, Water, Sherbets 59
Conducting Lubricant 366 Ice-Skating Rink, Artificial 352
Insulating Material 225 Icing, Choeolate 55
Insulation 224, 225 Cocoa 55
Insulation Paper, Waterproof 373 Coffee 54
Insulator 225 Home Made 55
Plastic Adhesive 3 Lemon 54
Producing Composition 352 Light Meringue 55
Resisting Paint .276 Maraschino 54
Sensitive Paint .277 Orange 54
Transfer Medium 352 Pineapple 54
Heavy-Bodied Oil * . . .293 Royal 55
Hectograph, Glue 15 Vanilla 54
Ink ...196, 198 Igniter, Blasting Cap... ....169
Mass 198 Imitation, Almond Flavor . 25
Stains, Removing 440 Black Walnut Flavor 29
Heel, Rubber, Black ........452 Chinese Lacquer 231
Heliotrope Soap Perfume 82 English Oak Leather 316
For Chemical Advisors, Special Raw Materials, Equipment, Containers, etc., consult Supply
end of book.
(Section at
Imitation —Contmued Printing 197, 198-208
Gold 21 Recording 196
Gold Alloy 20 Recording Instrument 210
Jellies 52 Remover 441
Leather Dressing .307 Rotographic 199
Leather Finish 309 Rubber Stamp 210
Lemon Flavor 26 Sausage Marking .211
Maple Flavor 27 Sheep Marking 211
Marble 337 Stains, Treatment of 436
Parchment Paper 372 Stamp-Pad 196, 210
Porcelain Plastic 395 Stamping 211
Rubber 455 Stencil 211
Vanilla 29 Sympathetic 211
Vanilla Concentrate 28 Transfer ..211, 301, 302
Vanilla Flavor 28 Typewriter Ribbon 210
Incense 352 Waterproof Drawing 211
Indelible, Ink 198 Waterproof Marking 209
Laundry Ink 208 Waterproof Show Card. 305
Lead, Red . . .212 Writing 195
Lipstick 122 Writing, Colored 196
Marking Composition 301 Writing and Copying 197
Marking Ink 197 Writing on Glass 198
Indicators 489 for Zinc 212
Indoor Enamel Paint. 268 Inner Tube Rubber 453
Industrial Flooring Composition. . . .336 Insulating, Adhesive, Quicksetting... 3
Infants Milk 74 Coating Electrical Equipment 22 4
Influenza and Cold Mixture ....382 Compound, Electrical 224
Influenza Remedies 381 Material, Heat 225
Ingot Molds 344 Oil, Refining 363
Inhalant, Antiseptic . . 386 Porcelain 185
Inhalants for Cold 382 Refrigerator 225
Ink ...192 Tape, Electrical .....221
Alkali Blue 204 Varnish 292
Black Stencil ......210 Insulation, Coil 224
Blue-Print 197 Electrical 224
for Brass 197 Heat 224, 225
Concentrated Writing 197 Lining, Electrical 224
Copying and Record. .195 Plastic 398
Eradicator .212 Insulator, Heat .225
for Glass, Waterproof . . . . ...... 1^8
. Insect, Exterminator 223
for Glass or Porcelain ...197 and Poison Plant Lotion 124
Gold Bronze 197 Powder, Cockroach 221
Graining 198 Tree-bands 18
Hectograph .196, 198 Insect-proofing Canvas 219
Indelible 198 Insecticidal Dust 215
*Indelible Laundry 208 Insecticide 219
Indelible Marking 197 Against Lice 17
Intaglio ..198, 207 Agricultural 214
Invisible .208, 211 Bed Bugs 219
Laundry Marking .208 Cabbage Maggot 219
Lithographic 199 Cattle Louse 220
Marking ...208, 209 for Fire Ant 219
Meat Branding 209 Floatable Powdered 215
Meat Stamping 210 Mexican Bean Beetle 219
for Metals ...:. 210 Nicotine 215
Mimeograph 210 Ornamental Bushes 17
Outdoor 210 Pine Oil 217
Powder and Tablets 196 Spray ' 215
All formulae preceded by an asterisk i are covered by patents.

Insecticide —Continued Jelly —Continued

for Vegetable Weevil 215 Hair Wave 120
Intaglio Ink 198 Imitation 52
Water Eesistant 207 Kumquat 53
Interior, Enamel 239, 240 Lubricating 383
Elat Paint 240 Molasses Pectin for cast or Slab
Gloss Paint 240 Work 52
Paint 236 Non-Sweating 53
Plaster, Paint for 271 Pectin for Cast Work 50
Wall Paint 248 Pectin for Cast or Slab Work 49
Wood Painting 249 Pectin for Slab Work 51
Wood Stain . . .258 Powders 75
Internal Combustion Fuel 181 Turpentine 302
“Invar,” Stainless 21 Vaginal 383
Invisible Ink 208, 211 Witch Hazel 133
Iodine, Colloidal . 383 J ewelers Cement 15
Stains, Treatment of .439 Jewelry Polish Powder 432
Tincture, Decolorized 387 Joint Cement, Oilproof 12
Iron, Alloy, Corrosion Eesistant 20 Journal Box Lubricant .359
to Bronze, "Welding 178 June Type Cream ..146
Cast, Strong Malleable 341 Jute, Pulp 367
Castings, Prevent Busting 458 Size ..476
Cement 6
Cement for Castings 7 K
Coloring * 93 Kangaroo Skins, Dyeing Black 311
Enameling 185 Kartoffel Schnapps Essence ....... 32 .

Filler for Cast 304 Kefir or Koumiss. 46

Painting Galvanized 276 Kerosene, Emulsion ......159, 162
Plating 408 Jelly, Cleaner 76
Plating Zinc-Tin on .....415 Solidified 181
Protective Paint 277 “Kinky” Hair, Dressing for 117
Bustless, Soldering* 176 Kip Butt Finish . 307
Bustproofing. ......... .343, 458, 459 Knife Edge Alloy.......... 19
Sheets, Coating 341 Knit Fabrics, Dyeing 466
Sheets, Prevention of Sticking. ... .341 Scouring .466
Stains, Treatment of . . . . 436 Knitting Oil, Stainless ....364
and Steel Bronzing 93 Kola Beverage 26
and Steel, Phosphate Coating on.. 459 Koumiss or Kefir . . . . 46
Strips, Lead Plating 416 Kumquat Jelly 53
Ivory, Artificial 396
J Label, Paste 14
Jacinthe Synthetic 145 Paste for Machine 14
Jam, Fig 53 Laboratory Table Finish..... 302
Thickening of 52 Lace Leather, Alum-Tanned 322
Japans, Baking 241 Lacquer, Alcohol Proof ....... .... 227 .

Jasmine, Cologne 144 Artificial Flower Pearl.... 232

Perfume Base 134 Automobile 229
Synthetic 144 Base, Crackle 233
Javel Water 88 Black Coating 230
Jelly, Benzine 179 Bronzing 229
Brilliantine ...104, 138 Clear 227
Candy 48 Clear Gloss 243
Coffee Pectin for Cast or Slab Coating, Non-Chalking 232
Work 51 Coating, Non-Inflammable 230
Contraceptive 377 Crystallizing 234
Curling ....138 Enamels, White *23f/

Guava 53 Flat ...227

For Chemical Advisors, Special Raw Equipment, Containers, etc., consult Supply
Section at end of book,
Lacquer —
Continued Lead, Alloy 20
Furniture 229 Arsenate, Green 218
Furniture Gloss . 234 Coating Alloy 20
Imitation Chinese ..231 Drier 304
Leather 229 Manganese Drier 289
Metal 228 Oleate 353
Metallic, Non-Gelling 232 Plating 409
Nail Polish 229 Plating Iron Strips 416
Nitrocellulose 225, 230 Bed 236
Non Blushing 230 Bed Indelible 212
Non-Gelling 231 Stearate 354
Paper 233 Leather, Alum-Tanned Lace 322
Paste, Flat 243 Applying Basic Dyes to 96
Pearl 233 Artificial 309
Pearl Wood ...230 Bark- Tanned 318
Pigment Base 232 Base, Artificial 307
Pyroxylin 233 Blacking Chrome Sole 312
Quick Drying 233 Blacking Kangaroo 315
Bubber 233 Blood Albumen Finish for. 307
Bubbing or Polishing. ....... 227 Casein Finish 308
Shellac Ester 231 Chrome Side, Dyeing Black .310
Specialty 229 Chrome-Tanned 319-322
Spot Bemover 441 Cleaner 77
Thinner 231 Coloring, Black 308
Tinting 234 Coloring, Blue or Purple 314
Undercoat 231 Composition for Transfer. ....... .302
Wood ..227 Degreasing before Dyeing 314
Wrinkle Finish 234 Dope, Artificial ..308
Lamp, Electric, ‘ 1 Getter ’ \ ......... 349 Dressing ................. . .... .424
Lanolin, Cream, Liquid 110 Dressing, Imitation .......... i . 307
Emulsion 104, 162 Driving Belt, Glue for Joints..... 15
Lantern Slides, Gelatin Backed..... 97 Dye, Black 96
Lard Oil Emulsion 153 Egg Albumen Finish 307
Lard, Prevention of Bancidity . . . 58
. , . Fat-Liquor for Chrome Glove . . . . . 313
Larvicide, Agricultural .. 215 Fat-Liquor for Chrome Side. ... . .312
Latex, Adhesives 3 Finishes 307, 308, 425
Artificial Bubber 448 Finish, Imitation ... .309
Coloring Black 448 Graining 315
Factice Compound 449 Heavily Fat-Liquored 313
Paint 277 Imitation English Oak 316
Powdering Bubber 450 Lacquer 229
Bemoving Ammonia Odor 450 Matt Finish 309
Lathering Shaving Cream 130, 131 to Metal Glue.. 14
Latherless Shaving Cream ...131 ‘ 1
Nourisher 99 .441
Laundry, Bleach 89 Oil for 364
Blue 78 Paste Polish, Military 425
Blue, Liquid 78 to Pasteboard, Paste 14
Detergent 77 Plump, Producing 314
Disinfectant 150 Polish 424
Ink, Indelible 208 Preservative 425, 441
Marking Ink ...208 Bolls, Coating for 307
Soap 79 Sheep, Fat-Liquor for 313
“Sour” 78, 89 Shoe Adhesive 3
Lavender, Cream ....... . . . . • . .... 146 Shoes, Bubber Cement for 7
Perfume 134 Softening Emulsion, Patent 307
Soap Perfume .................. 82 Sole Glue 9
Laxative, Castor Oil Emulsion. .... .378 Soles, Impregnant for ...441
Mineral Oil Emulsion. .......... .380 Soles, Preserving 425
All formulae preceded by an asterisk ( ) are covered by patents.

Leather —Continued Lining, Brake 348

Sole, Tanning 328 Electrical Insulation . 224
Spirit Shellac Solution for 308 Linoleum, Backing Cement 7
Split 309 Polish 425
Stain Bemover 309 and Tile Cement 7
Stuffing 326, 358 Linotype Metal 21
Substitute 327 Linseed Oil, Emulsion 154, 158
Variety of Useful Shades 314 Size 475
Waterproofing 482 Substitute 364
Lecithin, Colloidal 162 Lipowitz Metal 19
Lotion 139 Lip Pomade 122
Nourishing Cream 140 Lip Sticks 122, 139, 142
Lemon, Cleansing Cream ....110 Indelible 122
Concentrated Extract of 26 Orange Changeable 122
Cream 110, 146, 147 Liquefying Cleansing Cream 147
Extract 26, 27 Liquefying Cream 110
Extract, Terpeneless 41 Liquid, Anti -Perspiration 143
Elavor, Non-Alcoholic 27, 28 Body Deodorant 115
Flavor, Pure 26 Brilliantine 104, 138
Icing 54 Casein Adhesive 1
Imitation Flavor 26 Cleansing Cream ................ 107
Juice Cleansing Cream ......139 Cold Cream 109
Juice Lotion , 124 Drier .293
Oil Emulsion 26 Electrical Besistance 224
Powder for Soft Drinks 27 Felting ... 327
Binse 117 Glue 9, 12, 15
Sour Extract, East India 39 Lanolin Cream 110
Terpeneless Extract of..... 27 Mascara 125
Lemonade, Buttermilk 45 Measure 485
Lemonsin Oak, Tincture of . 33 Point Drier ................... .296
Lettuce Bottom Bot, Control of..... 17 Powder .129
Lewisol, Solution 282 Bouge . 130

No. 3 Solution.... ...234 Soap........... 79, 80, 90

Library Paste 10, 11 Soaps, Coloring 86
White 11 Solder 176
Lice, Insecticide Against 17 Tanning 328
and Mite Tablets, Poultry 24 Toilet Ammonia ....101
Light Elastic Compound 349 White for Skin 125
Light Fast Colored Varnish 290 Liquor Barrel Wax 445
Light Mineral Oil Emulsion 157 Liquor, Chrome 312
Light Sticks 171 Liquors 541
Light and Washing Fast Dyeing Litho Finish Paper 372
Process.... 90 Lithographing 164
Lilac, Cologne 144 Crayon 194
Perfume Base 134 Inks 199
Soap SI Plates 166, 167
Lily Perfume Base. 134 Plates, Desensitizing 166
Limburg Cheese 72 Plates, Etch for 165
Lime Mortar, Hardening 330 Litmus, Tincture of 39
Limed Bosin 299 Loaf Cheese 72
Limes, Extract of 44 Local Anesthetic .375
Limestone, Cleaning Stained 441 Locomotive Bod Cup Grease 356
Linear Measure .485 Long Oil, Varnish 294
Linen Finishing, Blue .473 Boat Varnish 305
Liniment .. . , ,
. . ..... ... ....... .383
. .
Varnish for Inside and Outside. .306 .

Athletic 388 Lotion, Acne. .124, 375


Sunburn .....125 After Shaving. 123, 132

White 383, 388 Almond 123

For Chemical Advisors, Special Baw Materials, Equipment, Containers, etc., consult Supply
Section at end of book.

Lotion Continued M
Anesthetic Shaving 123 Magnesium, Aluminum Alloy,
Anti-Sunburn 123 Working 23
Astringent 123, 124 Casting Mold 342, 343
Astringent Cleanser 124 Corrosion Proofing ,458
Calamine 376 Prevention of Corrosion by Water. 458
for Dry Dandruff* .137 Prevention of Tarnishing 458
Eye 380 Magnet, Alloy, Permanent 20
Pace * . ...124 Magnetic Alloy 20
Formulae 122 * Magnetic Chromium Steel, Heat
Hair 141 Treatment of 344
Hand 124 Mahogany Stain 272
Honey and Almond.... 123 Making Cold Cream 107
Insect and Poison Plant 124 Making Fusible Alloys 19
Lecithin 139 Malted Milk Powders 46
Lemon Juice . . 124 Manganese, Drier 283
for Oily Dandruff. 137 Besinate, Fused 298
for Oily Skins .125 Mange, Cure 24
Poison Ivy .387 Ointment 24
Skin 124 Maple Bark, Tincture of 33
Louse, Insecticide, Cattle 220
Maple Flavor, Imitation 27
Maraschino Icing 54
Powder, Poultry 24
Marble, Cleaning 433
Low-Expansion Alloy 23
Marble, Imitation 337
Lubricant 359
Marble, Polish 431
Bicycle Chain 360
and Porcelain Cleaner 77
for Dies and Plates ............. 360
Stain Bemoval 435
Dry Powder ...361
Margarine, Chocolate 62
Emulsified Fluid 359 Marine Paint 278
Graphite 356 Marking Crayon 194
Gun 360 Animal Marking 193
Heat Conducting ......366 Cloth 193
Inorganic . 360 Marking, Glass 182
Journal Box 359 . Marking Ink 208, 209
N on-Greasy ..360 Indelible 197
Open Gear .360 Laundry 208
Bay on 360 Sausage 211
Solid ....361 Sheep 211
Stainless Steel 358 Waterproof 209
Upper Cylinder 359 Marking Paint, Boad 272
Yalve .361 Marmalade, Orange 54
Wool ... . ........... ..... . . . . .358 .
Marshmallow 55
Lubricating, Composition ...... 359
Powders 55
Mascara 125
Liquid 125
Grease Base 356, 363
Mask Adhesive 3
Grease, High Temperature. ...... .258
Masking, Adhesive Tape 3
Jelly ...... ........ ... .... .383
Cream, Photographic 393
Oil, Chatterless 364
Tape 4
Oil, Dewaxing . . . 362 Tape Glue 9
Oil Emulsion 153 Masonry, Waterproofing 330, 482
Oil, Low Cold Test ............ ,364 Mass, Hectograph 198
Oil, Bay on 3 63 Massage Cream 110, 111, 140
Oil, Beclaiming Used ...... ... .364
. .
Bolling Ill, 140
Oils, Stabilizing Color of 98 Mastic, Tincture of 33
Lumber, Synthetic ..... ..... * , ... 340 . Matches 169
Luminous Paint . . ,277, 278 . Bepeatedly Igniting 172
Lute, Chlorine Besistant ........... 7 Mate, Improving Taste and Odor. ... 27

All formulae preceded by an asterisk (*) are covered by patents.


Matrix, Rubber 455 Mica Adhesive 3

Matt Finish, Distemper 270 Migraine Salve 384
Leather 309 Mildew Proofing Canvas 219
Mayonnaise 57 Military Leather Paste Polish 425
Meat, Branding Ink 209 Milk, Artificial Breast 57
Protective Coating for 75 Milk, Bottle Caps 304
Stamping Ink 210 Carbonated 46
Mechanics Cleaning Paste 76 Cultured 64
Medicated Perfume 128 Hair .147
Medium Oil Varnish 283, 284 Increasing Viscosity of 57
Melting Point, of Besins 489 Infants ’ 74
of Waxes 489 Malted, Powders 46
Menhaden Oil Emulsion 154 Pine Needle 102
Menthol Pencil 384 Products, Preserving 57
Mentholated Throat and Mouth Skin 125
Wash 386 Using in Sherbet 59
Mercerized Yarn Size 476 Milky Hair Wash 119
Mercurochrome Stains, Bemoving 441 Milky Powder Base or Lotion 123
Mercury Dip 416 Mill Grease 358
Meringue, Light, Icing 55 Milled Soaps ............ .... 90
Powders 55 Coloring 86
Metal, Annealing Bath 341 Mimeograph, Ink 210
Backing, Electrotype 21 Ink Base 210
Cap Seal 11 Moistening 194
Cleaner 426 Paper 373
Cleaning Pad 127 Mimosa Synthetic 146
Coating Wood 340 Mince-meat, Green Tomato ......... 54
Coloring 91 Mineral Oil, and Agar Emulsion. 379, 380
Electrotype 21 Coloring 155
Fireproofing 174 Emulsion 157, 421
and Glass Waterproof Cement.... 6 Emulsion, Befined 157
Glaze .. 428 Laxative Emulsion 380
Ink for 210 Softener 361
Lacquer 228 Soluble Castor Oil... 364, 365
to Leather Glue 14 Sulfonated . 163
Letters, Cement for Attaching 14 Mint Cream 146
Linotype 21 Mirrors, Silvering 411
Monotype 21 Mist, Anti, Liquid 345
Oxidizable, Mold for 343 Mite and Lice Tablets, Poultry 24
Paint, Structural 278 Mixed Acid Solution 42
Painting 261—264 Mixed Polish 427
Pewter or Britannia 21 Mixing Varnish, Bosin 291
Plating, Non-Electric .409 Mixture* Bordeaux 216
Polish 425, 426, 427 Cold and Influenza 382
Polish, Pine Oil .425 Concrete 334
Preparation for Electroplating. . . .399 Fly Catching 222
Protective Paint 236 Modeling Wax 444
Besistance, Electrical 21 Plastic 444
to Bubber Cement 7 Modern Cold Cream .146
Stereotype 22 Moisture Proof Cellophane Adhesive. 1
Type, Kefining of.... 22 Molasses Pectin Jellies 52
Varnish on 289 Mold, on Food, Preventing......... 57
Metallic, Lacquer Non-Gelling. .... .232 Prevention on Fruit 57
Printing on Textiles 461 Molding Composition, Celluloid 396
Metallizing Patterns ......412 Thermoplastic 397
Metallizing Non-Metallic Articles ... 407 Molding, Plastic 396
Metric Scale .488 Powder 394
Mexican Bean Beetle, Insecticide . . . 219 Sand, Self Hardening ....343
For Chemical Advisors, Special Raw Materials, Equipment, Containers, etc., consult Supply
Section at end of book.
. — .

Molds, Ingot .344 N ail Continued
.351 Polish Paste - - - - 141
Mole and Blotch Covering..... .104 Preparations 126
21. White , . . . . .19ft

Mordants, Fur Dye .327 Naphtha Soluble Soap

Mortar, to Figure ..329, 330 .Narcisse, Synthetic
Hardening Lime .330 Narobin, in Baking ...61, 62
"P/iad . , . .330 Solution ......
Mosquito, Bites .132 Nasal Spray, Ephedrine 386
Ointment .391 Naval Bronze, Statuary Finish on. 94 . .

Mosquito, Cones .384 Neatsfoot Oil Emulsion .154, 158

Cream .141 Negative, Intensifier Photo-
Powder .384 graphic .392, 393
Repellant Cream .111 Photographic Removing Water
Repellant Liquid .111 Spots from 392
Moth, Killer .223 Reducer, Photographic .....393
Coddling, Bands .222 Nematodes, Spray for 223
Coddling, Spray .222 Neroli, Artificial, Oil 31
Spray .222 Perfume Base
Mothproofing .222 Synthetic 145
Solution .222 Ncufchatel Cheese 73
Textile .222 |
New Mown Hay Soap ......... 82
Motor Car Polish .418 News Paper 367
Motor, Fuel .181 Newspaper, De- Inking 348
Fuel, Anti-Knock .181 Size 475
Valves, Non Oxidizing Steel for.. 22 . Nickel, Finish, Black 403
Mould-Core Wash .343 Plating 409
Mounting Paste 10 . Plating on Aluminum 410
Photo 10 Plating, Machine 403
Mouse, Exterminator .223 Plating on Zinc 415
Field, Poison .223 Polish, Buffing 427
Mouth Glue . 15 . Silver Castings, Cleaning. . .

Mouth Wash 384, 385 Strip Solution . 403

Alkaline .385 Welding Wire .178, 343
Analgesic .385 Nicotine, Insecticide 215
Aromatic .384 Stain, Bleach for
Astringent .385 Nitrocellulose, Emulsion 304
Basie Formulae for .384 Lacquers 230 225,
Chloro-Phenol .385 Non-Blooming Chocolate Coatings, .. 48
Mentholated .386 Non-Blushing Lacquer 230
Resorcin .385 Non-Caking Soap Powder 84
Saccharin .384 Non-Corrosive, Brine Solution.. 348
Salol-Thymol .384 Soldering Flux 176
Zinc Chloride .386 Non-Drying Plastic Conductor. 224
Movie Theatre Spray .149 Non-Fading Colored Waters... 100
Mucilage ...^ Non- Gelling, Lacquer 231
Envelope , 9 Metallic Lacquer 232
Stick Form .... . 10 Non- Greasy Lubricant 360
Mucous Membrane, Sterilizing. .386 Non-Inflammable Lacquer Coating. .230 .

Munster Cheese . 73 Non-Lathering Hair Cleanser.. 116

Muscle Oil .126 Non-Magnetic Steel 22
Musk, Artificial, Tincture of . . . 33 Non-Offset Compound 195
Tonquin, Grains, Tincture of . 33 Non-Oxidizing Steel for Motor
Mustard Ointment .387 Valves ..... 22
Non-Poisonous Rat Destroyer.. 223
N Non-Shrinking Putty 11
Nail, Enamel, Pearl .137 Non-Sweating Peanut Butter.. 75
Polish Lacquer ............ ,229 Non-Tarnishing Silver Coating. 20
All formulae preceded by an asterisk (*) are covered by patents.

Nordhaeuser Korn Essence 32 Oil —Continued

Nose Shine Preventer 126 Lubricating, Reclaiming Used 364
Nourishing Cream Ill, 112 Lubricating, Stabilizing Color of.. 98
Cholesterol 112 LV-150 282
Lecithin 140 Muscle 126
Nuts, Removing Rancidity of 58 Neroli, Artificial 31
Olive, Bleaching 365
O Paint, Emulsion ..279
Oak Leather, Imitation English 316 Painting Cleaner 77
Odor, Peach Blossom .......134 Palm, Decoloring 365
Oil, Absinthe, French 34 Peach, Artificial 37
Alkermes, Cordial 34 Peach Blossom 34
Anisette 34 Pear, Ethereal 31
Anti-Oxidant for 360 Penetrating 363
Apricot 31 Pine, Solidified 363
Benedictine 36 Pineapple, Artificial 37
Bleaching Vegetable and Animal. 87
. Plum, Ethereal 33
Blood Orange 30 Polish 427
Boil Off, Silk or Rayon 365 Porcelain Mold 363
Boring 360 Raspberry, Artificial 37
Bourbon 1-30 ... 34 Rayon Lubricating 363
Cable, High Tension 225 Refining Insulating

Cherry, Artificial 37, 40 Resin Soluble Cutting 362
Cherry, Ethereal 32 Rootbeer 32
Coconut, Softener 477 Sanctuary 225
Coloring Mineral 155 Scotch 32
Core 341 Scotch Whiskey Mix.... 34
Cutting 362 Soluble 156, 363
Cutting, Emulsion ....361 Soluble Colors 90 . .

Cutting or Spraying 361 Soluble Cutting 362

Cutting, Sulphur 362 Spot Remover 441
Cylinder 362 Spots, Removing 471
Degumming, Silk or Rayon ...365 Spray, Antiseptic for Nose and
Drawing 363 Throat 386
Dye, Azo . 355 Stainless Knitting .364
Earache 378 Stains, Treatment of. 438
Emulsion, Linseed 158 Strawberry, Artificial 38
Emulsion, Neatsfoot 158 Sulfonating Castor .361
Emulsion, Paint 270, 279 Sun Tan .126
Emulsion, White Paraffin 157 Textile 365
Emulsions 153 Textile,Soluble 365
Emulsions, Soluble .....156 Thickening Castor 361
Fish, Purifying .
. .363 Transformer 365
Floor 421 Transformer, Improving 365
Fuel 181 in Water Emulsions, Coloring. . . . .154
Furniture Gloss . . .423 Wild Cherry V . 37
Gin, Holland 31 Wintergreen, Synthetic 39
Gin, Old Tom 31 Oil Base, Flotation 366
Gloss 238 Oil-Bound Distemper ..270
Grape, Artificial 36 Oilproof and Waterproof Binder. ... 6
Heavy Bodied 293 Oil-Proof Joint Cement 12
Increasing Viscosity of.... 363 Oil-Resistant Packing 353
for Leather 364 Oil-Resisting Materials 450
Linseed Substitute 364 Oil Softener, Mineral 361
Lubricant for Wool, Insoluble 365 Oil Soluble Stain 298
Lubricating, Chatterless 364 Oil Tanks, Treating Concrete 304
Lubricating, Dewaxing 362 Oil Varnish, Medium 283, 284
Lubricating, Low Cold Test 364 Oily Dandruff, Lotion for 137

For Chemical Advisors, Special Raw Materials, Equipment, Containers, etc., consult Supply
Section at end of book.
Oily Scalp, Hair Tonic 138 P
Oily Skin, Lotion for 125 Packing, Metallic Stuffing Box 353
Ointment, Acne 375 Oil Besistant ..353
Athlete’s Foot 391 Bubber
Dandruff 139 Valve Stem 366
Haemorrhoid 387 Pad Ink, Stamp .. 196
Hay Fever 386 Pads, Paste for 15
Mange 24 Paints 235
Mosquito Bite 391 Acid Besisting 275
Mustard 387 Antifouling 275
Skin 375 Automobile Top 275
Zinc ..387 Blackboard 275
Oleate, Aluminum 353 Black House 235
Lead 353 Boat 265-267
Olive Drab Paint .279 Brick 260
Olive Green Dipping Enamel 230 Brickwork 329
Olive Oil, Bleaching ...365 Bridge 275
Emulsion 154, 156, 465 Cement 275
Shampoo 118 Cement Water 275
One Bath Fastan-Chrome Stock Cheap White . . . 296
Liquor ... .......326 Cold Water 280
Opaeifier, Enamel 185 Concrete .260
Opaque White Pigments 207 Concrete, Cumar in 285
Open Gear Lubricant. ........360 Eggshell ...237
Orange Beverage Color, Vegetable. 38 . . Exterior House .241
Orange, Blood, Oil of.. 30 Exterior Wood 243-248
Champagne Syrup ............... 44 Fireproof 174, 269
Changeable Lipstick 122 Flexible Stencil 276
Cider Compound 44 Floor . . 237
Extract 27, 44 Freight Car .. .......276
Extract, Concrete 44 on Fresh Plaster .280
Flavor, Non Alcoholic . . 27 Galvanized Iron 276
Icing 54 Gloss ....237
Marmalade 54 Glue Size in. .......478
Oil Emulsion 27 Green House 236
Pigments 200 Grinding 276
Powder for Soft Drinks .......... 27 Heat Besisting .276
Shellac Varnish 292 Heat Sensitive . 277
Terpeneless Extract of 27 Hydrocarbon Besistant 277
Orangeade Substitute Powder 44 Indoor Enamel 268
Orchid ee Cologne 144 Interior 236
Oregon Interior Flat 240
Interior Gloss ... .......... . . . ,240
Oriental Barometer 347
Interior Plaster ............. 271 . .
Ornamental Bushes, Insecticide for. . 17
Interior Wall 248
Ornaments, Composition 395 Interior Wood 249-258
Orrisroot, Tincture Florentine 33 Iron Protective 277
Outdoor, Enamel Paint ...267, 275 Latex 277
‘Ink 210 Luminous 277, 278
Outside, Cold Water Paint 275 Marine 278
Paint - 279, 280 Metal 261-264
Wood Paint 271 Metal Protective 236
White Paint Base 279 Oil, Cleaner 77
Oxidation in Fats and Oils, Pre- Oil Emulsion 270, 279
vention of 365 Olive Drab 279
Oxidized Silver Effect on Alu- Outdoor Enamel 267, 275
minum 91 Outside 279, 280
Oxychloride Cement 7 Outside Wood 273
All formulae preceded by an asterisk (*) are covered by patents.


Paints Continued Paper —Continued
Paste 236 Fireproofing 174
Phosphorescent 295 Flame Proof 373
Plastic 294, 295 Fly 222
Railroad Water Tank 270 Glassine 368, 372
‘ 1
Raised Surface” 295 Glaze 372, 428
Reflecting 276 Grease Proof 368
Removal from Stone Surfaces 335 Greaseproofing 372
Remover 296, 297, 305 Lacquer 233
Remover and Detergent 77 Litho Finish 372
Remover, Enamel 275 Mimeograph 373
Road Marking 272 Moisture Proof 373
Roof .295 News 367
Rust Proofing 295 Parchment 368
Shellac, Metallic 295 Parchment, Imitation 372
Ship 295 to Parclimentize 369
Silicate Water 269 Paste for 14
Structural 271 Plate Finish 372
Structural Metal 278 Prepare for Identification 368
Structural Steel ...295 Principal Types of ....367
Stucco . 260 and Pulp ...367
and Tar Solvent 85 Pulp, Bleaching 89
Tin Printing 268 Pulp, Preparation of 367
Tire 347 Remove Creases from 369
Water 269, 270, 296 “Safety” ...373
White House 235
. Sand 432
Wood ............... .......242 Size 365
Wood, Primer 296 Sizing of 13
Zinc .............297' Softener ..373
Paint Base, Outside 279 Stain, Herzberg .368
for Textiles 295 Stain, Phloroglueinol ...368
Paint Drier, Liquid 296 Stain, Sutermeister 368
Palm Oil, Decoloring.... ......365 Stains 368
Emulsion 154 Stains, Effect of ............... .368
Panama Disease, Combating on Stencil ....213
Banana Plants 16 Tracing, Temporary ....369
Paper, Basic Weights 368 Ultraviolet Sensitive 392
Basie Weight Determination of... 368 Waterproof 373
Book 367 to Waterproof ................. 369
Box, Flexible Glue 12 Waterproof Coating 372 .

Carbon ................ ........ 192 . Waterproof Heat Insulation 373

Carbon Black 192 Waterproofing 482
Coating .369, 370, 371 Waterproofing, Shellac Solution. .373 .

Coating, Casein Glue 369 Waxed 368

Coating Composition 371 Wrapping .. .. ... . ...... ...... .367

Coating, Friction Finish 370 Wrapping, Waterproof 15

Coating, High Finish 370 Writing 367
Coating Mixture 372 Paradichlorbenzene Emulsion 163
Coating, Soft Sized 370 Paraffin Oil, Emulsion .154, 380
Coating Solution ..372 Emulsions, White 157
Coating, Wax Emulsion for. ..... .371 Paraffin Wax, Coloring 98
Coating, Wax Emulsion 369 Emulsion .. ...... . ..... ....... .160

Coloring 98 Parasiticide, Cattle 220

Deinking 373, 374 Parchment Paper 368
Emery 432 Imitation 372
Filter, to Strengthen 369 Parchmentizing Paper 369
Fireproof 372 Parkerizing 343
to Fireproof 369 Parmesan Cheese 73
For Chemical Advisors, Special Raw s, Equipment, Containers, etc., consult Supply
Section a.', end of hook.

Pectin, Coffee Jellies for Cast or
Paste, Acids
Slab Work
Slab Work
Jellies for Cast or 49
for Slab Work

Jellies 51
Decorators . .**
Jellies for Cast Work 50
Molasses Jellies for Cast or Slab
Emulsions, Platting
Work 52
Elat Lacquer
in Soluble ....353
Elour ^ Pencil, Blue Copying 212
Label ^ Deodorant 115
Label Machine
* * Leads, Colored 212
Leather to Pasteboard
10 > 11 Spotting 98
Library '

* * *
Styptic 132, 133
Mechanics Cleaning

Penetrating Oil 363
Pepper Extracts, Preserving 75
Nail Polish
0 Peppermint Flavor 27
2 Perborate Soap Powder 84
*l Percussion Cap Primer 169
Paper and Fancy
Perfume, for Almond Soap 135
Photo Mounting
Depilatory 141
Eazor .. .

Eau de Cologne Soap 82

Heliotrope Soap 82
Shoe Cleaner, White..
Lavender 134
Shoe Polish
84 Lavender Soap , 82
S°a P
Medicated ...128
Starch “ Sandalwood 134
"” Solidified 126
Strong o
388, 389 Sticks 143
Tuberose Soap 127
Tooth, Soapless •

Water Soluble 127

White Library * * * ^ Windsor Soap 135

Perfume Bases 144
Pasteboard to Leather Paste. ....... 14
Carnation 128
Pastels, Wax Drawing.
Pasteurizing Cheese
Honeysuckle 134
Pastilles, Catarrh 376
Jasmine 134
Patches, Concrete * • * • 331
Lilac 134
patching Plaster 337
Lily 134
Patent Leather, Softening Emulsion. .307 Neroli 138
Splits, Cellulose Finish for, . . . . . ,308
Sweet Pea 128
Patterns, Metallizing 412
Violet 135
Paving, Composition, Cold..... 337 135
Violet Synthetic
Material .....337 Sea Salt. ..... .130
Perfumed Artificial
Peach Blossom, Essence of ..... 35 Emulsion
Perilla Oil 154
Odor 134 Permanent Waving, Fluid 120
Oil 34 Solution 131
Peach-Borer, Control of 223 Perspiration, Anti, Cream 105
peach, Oil of, Artificial. ........ ... 37 Anti, Liquid 143

Preserves 54 Anti, Powder 143

Peanut Butter, Non-Sweating. . . . . 75 Artificial
Peanut Oil Emulsion 154 Deodorant H5
31 Deodorizing Cream 115
Pear, Ethereal, Oil
.232 Stains, Treatment of 439
Pearl Dipping Solution
Enamel — -232
Perspiring Feet, Solution for
Petrolatum Cream Up

Nail Enamel 137 Petrolatum Pipe Line, Coating for.. 303

Wood Lacquer 230 Pewter or Britannia Metal
Peat Fertilizer 17 Pewter, Soldering 1^
All formulae preceded hy an asterisk (*) are covered by patents.


Phonograph Becord Composition. .396

. . Pistache Essence 30
Phosphorescent Paint 295 Pitch, Brewers 7 442
Phosphoric Acid Solution 42 Pitch Emulsion 155
Photo-Engravers Collodion 166 Plain or Simple Syrup 42
Photo Mounting Paste 10 Plaster, Board 337
Photographic, Developer 392 Building 337
Developing Fixer 392 Casting Molds 351
Film, Reclaiming 392 Dental 378
Masking Cream 393 Magnesium Finishing 337
Negative Intensifies 392, 393 “ Nailable 7 7
Negative Reducer 393 Paint for Interior 271
Negative, Removing Water Spots Patching ....337
from .392 Sound Absorbent 337
Printing 393 Plaster Wall Size, New .280
Printing on Cloth 393 Plastic, Benzyl Cellulose 397
Sensitizing Solution 393 Coating, Waterproof 398
Photography ....392 Colors for 394
Phthalic Anhydride Varnish Resin. .299 . Composition .397
Pickling Solution for Stainless Steel. 344 Conductor 224
Pigment Base, Lacquer 233 Cosmetic 127
Pigments, Addition of 235 Imitation Porcelain 395
Black 206 Insulation 398
Blue 203 Molding 396
Green 205 Modeling Wax 444
Opaque White 207 Paint 294, 295
Orange ....200 Roof Composition .340
Purple .205 Roofing Compound 337
Red 201 Seal for Glass Jars.... 11
White ....207 Wood ......297
Yellow 199, 200 Plasticized Rubber .456
Pills,Coating ....391 Plate Finish Paper..... 372
Protective Coating for .....387 Plate Glass, Belgian .184
Pine, Deodorizing Spray . . ..149 Bohemian 184
Pine Needle, Balsam. .102 English .184
Bath Tablets .101 French 184
Concentrate for Bath 102 German .184
Milk 102 Plates, Lubricant for 360
Pine Oil, Bath Liquid 101 Plating 399
Cattle Spray .220 Baths 415
Disinfectants 150, 151 Brass and Bronze. .404
Emulsion ...156 Brass on Steel 405
Insecticide .....217 Cadmium . .403, 405
Metal Polish 425 Compound, Silver ....412
Liquid Hand Soaps 83 Copper 405
Liquid Scrubbing Soaps 83 Gold . . . . ..... ....
. . . .... ..407, 408
Powder Scrubbing Soaps 82 Iron 408
Scrubbing Soap 84 Iron Strips, Lead 416
Soap 84 Lead 409
Solidified 363 Machine Nickel .403
Pineapple, Icing 54 Metal, Non-Electric 409
Oil of, Artificial 37 Nickel ............... ...409
Powdered Flavor 37 Nickel on Aluminum. ........... .410
Pipe, Cement, Plastic 7 Platinum 410
Cleaning Compound, Beer. ........ 86 Silver . . . . . ... ... ... . . ... .403, 413
Coating .,..303 Silver, Non-Conductors .410
Joint Compound 7 Spotting, Prevention of 411
Line, Coating for Petroleum 303 Tin ...413, 414
Thread Cement 7 Nickel on Zinc 415

For Chemical Advisors, Special Raw Materials, Equipment, Containers, etc., consult Supply
Section at end ofbook
1 7 . .

Plating —Continued Pomade, Lip 122
Zinc 414 Pompas Bouquet 135
Zinc- Tin on Iron . . .415 Porcelain, Cleaner Deodorant 76
Platinum, Plating 410 Composition 185
Recovering . . 343 Electrical 186
Plum Ethereal, Oil 33 Ink for 197
Plump Leather, Producing 314 Insulating 185
Poison, Ant 218, 219 Mold Oil 363
Argentine Ant .218 Plastic, Imitation 395
Earthworm 221 Porous, Rubber . . . 456
Eield Mouse 223 Sponge Rubber 456
Roach 221 Potassium Polysulphide Solution.... 18
Rodent 223 Potassium Resin Solution IS
Silverfish 7 223 Potato, Blight Control 17
Poison Ivy, Antiseptic Cure for 376 Flake Fodder 17
Lotion 387 Potting Composition, Electrical 346
Poison Plant and Insect Lotion 124 Poultry, Louse Powder 24
Polish, Abrasive 417 Lice and Mite Tablets 24
Aluminum 417 Powder, Aluminum Bronze 341
Aluminum Cleaning 417 Animal Condition 24
Auto........ 417, 418, 419 Ant .....219
Auto Paste Wax .419 Anti-Perspiration 143
Automobile, Wax ...418 Bakers 7 Baking 56
Brass 419 Baking 56
. Buffing Nickel ..427 Ballistic .169
Cellulose Friction 420 Bath 129
Compound 424 Black ....172
Dry-Bright 7 7 420 Cleaning, Household 424
Emulsion ...... 421 Curry, Spicing 54
Floor. ............ .419, 421, 430, 432 Deodorant 116
Furniture . . 422, 432 Dry Shampoo 119
Furniture and Auto 423 Face 127, 128
Furniture, Liquid .423 Flashlight 392
Furniture, Paste 423 Flashlight, Smokeless 392
Glass 423 Flavor, Cherry .................. 37
Gold ..423 Flavor, Pineapple 37
Lacquer 227 Flavor, Raspberry 37
Leather .......... ............ 424 . . Flavor, Strawberry ............ . 37
Linoleum 425 Flavor, Wild Cherry. 37
Liquid Stove 431 Flavors .................... 36
Metal . . . .... .... .425, .426 Foot ..381
for Metal or Glass. .427. . Gelatin Dessert ......... 52
Mixed ............. . . . .... . . . 427 . . Glove Cleaner 76
Motor Car 418 Hair Curling 121
Nail Paste 141 Hair Wave 121
Oil 427 Household Baking 56
Pine Oil Metal 425 Ice Cream 57
Rouge 428 Ink 196
Shoe ...... ..... ......... .430, 431
. Insecticide, Floatable 215
Shoe, Black 431 Jelly 75
Shoe, Paste 429 Jewelry Polish 432
Shoe, and Preservative. ..... , . 429 ..... . Liquid 129
Shoe, Saponified Water-Wax. .... .430 Lubricant, Dry 361
Shoe, Turpentine 430 Marshmallow and Meringue 55
Silver .....423, 431 Molding 394
Tile and Marble. . . ....... ... . . . .431 Mosquito 384
Wax .. . ... ... . . ..... . . . . . . . . . . . .432 Parting or Facing 343
Wood 432 Perborate Soap 84
All formulae preceded by an asterisk (*) are covered by patents.
Powder —Continued —
Pulp Continued
Prevention of Caking 348 Soda 367
Scouring Compound 85 Sulphite 367
Silver Plating 412 Puncture, Preventive, Tire 347
Soap 84 Sealing Compound .353
Soap, Antiseptic 84 Purple Pigments 205
Soap, Non-Caking 84 Putty 11, 297
Talcum 129 Elastic 11
Toilet 129 Non-Shrinking 11
Tooth 390 Sculptors ' 395
VanillaBean Flavoring 60 Wax 444
Washing and Bleaching 84 White Lead- Whiting 11
Wood Filler 297 Whiting ........... 11
Precipitated Cobalt Linoleate Brier. .304 Pyorrhea Astringent 387
Preservative, for Eggs 57 Pyrethrum Extract 215
Leather 441 Pyrotechnics 169, 170
Shoe 429 Pyrotechnic Snakes 171
Timber 339 Pyrotechnic Starter .171
Wood 339 Pyroxylin, Coatings, Rubber. ...... .303
Preserves, Fig 53 Lacquer 233
Grapefruit 53 Mixture, Rubber 394
Thickening of 52 Wood Enamels 228
Preserving Composition, Wood 339
Preserving, Milk Products.......... 57 Q
Pepper Extracts 75 Quack-grass killer 17
Press-Marks on Celanese Garments, Quick Setting Insulating Adhesive ... 3
Removing ..433 Quinosol Cream, Greaseless 108
Primer, Ammunition 169
Cartridge, Explosive 169 R
Explosive 169, 170 Radiator, Auto, Corrosion In-
Percussion Cap ........169 hibitor . . 341
Wood Paint . 296 Solder 355
Printers', Form Cleaner 77 Solution, Anti-Rusting 353
Roller ....399 “ Stop-Leak” for 353
Rollers Composition 353 Railroad Water Tank Paint. 270
Printing Blankets, Preservative for.. 353 Raincoat, Rubber Cement 7
Printing, Chemical on Wall Board. .192 Rubber Compound 456
on Cloth, Photographic .393 Raised Surface” Paint 295
Ink 198-208 Raisin Wine Essence 33
Ink for Cellulose Film 197 Rancidity, in Fats and Oils, Preven-
Ink, Bye Toner 211 tion of 365
Metallic on Textiles 461 Prevention of in Lard 58
Photographic 393 Removing of in Nuts 58
Roller, Flexible 192 Rapeseed Oil Emulsion 154
Wool, Birect 472 Raspberry, Oil of, Artificial 37
Process Cheese 72 Powdered Flavor 37
Protective Coating, for Meats...... 75 Rat Destroyer, Non Poisonous 223
for Wax Finishes 303 Raw Tallow Emulsion 163
Protective, Cream 85 Rayon, Bleaching 89
Paint, Iron .277 Boil Off or Begumming Oil 365
Paint, Metal 236 Belustering 467, 468
Prune Juice Essence for Blending. 30 . . Dyeing .463
Psoriasis Preparations 142 Fabrics, Scouring 464, 465
Pulp, Groundwobd 367 Fireproofing 174
Jute 367 Lubricant 360
and Paper t 367 Lubricating Oil .363
Paper, Preparation 367 Pile Fabrics, Scouring and Dyeing. 467
Rope 367 Scroop 467
Raw Equipment, Containers, etc., consult Supply
For Chemical Advisors, Special
Section at end of hook.

Rayon — Continued Rink, Artificial Ice-Skating 352
Size . 475 Rinse, Lemon 118
Sizing 465 Roach, Poison 221
Razor Blade Steel 22 Road, Marking Paint 272
Razor, Hone 428 Mortar . .
Paste 428 Surface, Bituminous 337
Strops, Abrasive for 417 Rock and Rye Whiskey, Essence 36
Recording Ink 195, 196 Rodent Poison 223
Recording Instrument Ink 210 Roller, Composition, Printers 7 353
Red, Beverage Color, Vegetable 38 Printers 7 399
Fire ....170 Rolling Massage Cream Ill, 140
Indelible Lead 212 Roof, Coating 340
Lead . . ...
. 236 Composition, Plastic 540
Pigments 201 Paint 295
Rose Soap 82 Roofing, Composition 340
References Consulted .491-492 Compound, Plastic . .337
Refined Mineral Oil Emulsion 157 Felt, Impregnation of 340
Refining, Insulating Oil 363 Rootbeer 41
Type Metal 22 Emulsion 39
Reflecting Paint 276 Essence 32
Reflectors, Etching Aluminum. . . . .166 . . Oil 32
Refractory, Brick 191 Rope Pulp 367 .

Composition 186 Roquefort Cheese .................. 74

Glass 183 Rose Alloy 19
Lining 182 Rose, Cologne 144
Refrigerant 353 Synthetic 144
Counter Irritant .387 Rosin, Emulsion 155, 443
Leak Warning 353 Limed ..299
Refrigerator, Deodorant 148 Oil Emulsion 154
Insulating 225 Raising Melting Point of 446
Regular Bindery Glue. 8 Size Concentrated 475
Remover, Paint 305 Turpentine Emulsion 163
Removing Stains .434 Varnish 238, 288, 296
Tattoo Marks 133 Rot, Lettuce Bottom, Control of 17
Vitreous Enamel 185 Rot-proof Fibre Board 339
Rendering Liquid Hydrocarbons Fluo- Rotographic Inks 199
rescent . 90
. Rotten Wood Stains, Treatment of. .439
Reptile Skins, Tanning... 316 Rouge, Compacts ............. .129
Resin, Adhesive Synthetic 3 ‘
Liquid 130
Finishes, Synthetic 298 Paste 130
'Fusible Synthetic 451 Polishing ....... .... . . .... .428
. . . .

Melting Points of ,489 Royal Copper Finish. ............ ... 92

Rubber ... 4 Royal Icing 55
Rubber Compound ............... 450 Rubber, Adhesive 3
Soluble Cutting Oil 362 Anchor for Artificial Suede 454
Stoving Finishes 305 Artificial 455
Synthetic 442, 443, 450 Artificial, Latex 448
Synthetic, Alkyd .451 Bands and Thread 454
Synthetic, Sugar .451 Bathing Cap 452
Synthetic Thiourea 446 Belt, Friction 451
Varnish .299 Belt, Noiseless .455
White Synthetic ............... .447 Belting in Storage, Protection of .. 449
Resinate Varnish, Typical . .293 . Black Sole 452
Resinate, Fused Manganese ..298 Cement for Leather Shoes 71
Resistance, Electrical Metal. ........ 21 Cement to Metal 7
Resistance Wire, Blasting 23 Cement, Raincoat 7
Resorcin Mouth Wash 385 Cement, Reducing Viscosity of . . .455
Rifle Cleaner 77 Cleaner 449
All formulae preceded by an asterisk (*) are covered by patents.

Rubber— Continued Rubbing Varnish — Continued

Clothing 451 Quick Drying 293
Code Wire Compound 453 Ruby Glass 183
Comb .452 Rug, Cleaner 77
Composition Flooring 335 Cleaning Soap 85
Compound, Resin 450 Rum, Essence of Jamaica 32
Electricians Gloves 454 New England, Essence 32, 33
Emulsion 163 Rustless Iron, Soldering 176
Fire Hose 453 Rustless Steel 22
Flooring Composition 455, 457 Rust, Prevention 458
Footwear, Black 452 Remover .441, 458
Goods 451 Removing 344
Goods, Non-Sticking . 450 Rust Proofing 343
Goods, Transparent 457 Iron 343
Hard White Sole ....452 Iron and Steel 459.
Heat Exchange Medium 456 Paint 295
Heel, Black 453 Small Iron Parts 458
Hose 453 Rustproof Steel 23
Hospital Sheeting 451 Rye Whiskey Essence. 35
Hot Water Bottle 454
Imitation 455 S
Inner Tube 453 Saccharin Mouth Wash 384
Lacquer 233 Saddle Soap 84
Latex Powdering 450 Safety Glass *. . . .182, 183, 191
Matrix 455 Cement 6
Non-Sticking Solution 453 Safety , J Paper
‘ 1
Packing 453 Saffron, Tincture of 33
Pencil Eraser 455 Saint Johns Bread, Tincture of . . . . . 33
Plasticized 456 Salol-Thymol Mouth Wash 384
Porous 456 Salt, Alum Tannage 325

Porous Sponge ................. .456 Acid Tannage 326

Pyroxylin Coatings 303 Salt, Bath 90
for Pyroxylin Goods 454 Cooking and Fermentation 58
Pyroxylin Mixture 394 Perfumed Artificial Sea ....130
Quick Blending .456 Smelling 388
Raincoat Compound .456 Salve, Eye 380
Resin 4 Gall, Veterinary 24
Scorching, Prevention of 457 Migraine 384
Softened .448 Sanctuary Oil 225
Sponge ................... .452, 456 Sand Paper 432
Stamp Ink 210 Sandalwood, Perfume .............. 134
Substitute, Factiee .449 Tincture of 33
Thermo, Plastic 456, 457 Sapinone Foams 43
Tiling, White 451 Saponified Water-Wax Shoe Polish.. 430
Tire Carcass 452 Sarsaparilla Extract 42
Tire Cement Sausage Casing ..... 75
Tire Cushion Stocks 451 Glue 15
Tire Tread . 453 Sausage Marking Ink 211
Topping Formula 455 Scabies, Preparations for. 137
Transparent 452 Scalp, Tonic 116, 119
Tube, Red Molded ; 453 Dry, Hair Tonic .138
Tubing, White 451 Oily, Hair Tonic. 138
Wax Mixture 457 Scorch Remover 441
White Sidewall 453 Scotch, Oil 32
Wringer Roll Compound 454 Whiskey Essence 32
Rubberseed Oil Emulsion 154 Whiskey Mix, Oil 34
Rubbing Lacquer 227 Scouring, Compound Powdered 85
Rubbing Varnish — 280 and Dyeing Assistant for Yarns. .466 .

For Chemical Advisors, Special Raw Materials, Equipment, Containers, etc., consult Supply
Section at end of book-

Scouring Continued Shock Absorber Fluid 354
Knit Goods 466 Shoe, Blacking, Liquid 428
and Dyeing Rayon Pile Fabrics 467 Cement for Repairing 7
Screw Holes in Wood, Filling. ..... 12 Cleaner, White Paste 428
Screws, Bright Tin Finishing for 342 Cream 428
Scroop, Cotton Hosiery 464 Cream, Black 430
Rayon .....467 Cream, Neutral 428
Scrubbing Soap, Pine Oil 84 Dressing, Non-Caking 429
Pine Oil Liquid 83 Dressing, White 429
Pine Oil Powder 82 Dye 429
Sculptors Putty .395 Polish 430, 431
Seal, Metal Cap 11 Polish, Black 431
Plastic for Glass Jars 11 Polish, Paste 429
Sealing Wax 11 Polish and Preservative 429
Seed Beds, Weed-Killer for 18 Polish, Saponified Water- Wax 430
Seed Disinfectant 18 Polish, Turpentine 430
Disinfection 215 Preservative 429
Fungicide 17 Waterproofing 482
Potato Disinfectant 18 Shoemaker's Wax .457
Sensitive Paper, Ultraviolet 392 Short Oil Yarnish 283, 293, 294
Sensitizing Solution, Photographic . . . 393 Shotgun Shells, Waterproofing 482
Sepia Toning, Improved Bleach for. . 393 Show Card Ink, Waterproof 305
Sesame Oil Emulsion 154 Showers of Fire 171
Setting Hair Fluid 120 Silicate, Adhesive 13
Shampoo .118 Silicate Water Paint 269
Dry Powder 119 Silk, Adhesive 3
Hair .....118 Bleaching 89, 470
Olive Oil 11S Boiling Off 467
Soapless 119 Boil Off or Degumming Oil. . . . . . .365
Shave, Lotion After 123 Degumming 468
Shaving, Almond Cream for After. .105 . Delustering 468
Shaving Cream, Brushless 129, 130, 147
. . Dyeing Black 468
Lathering ...130, 131 Liquid Soap for 80
Latherless 131 Stockings and Gloves, Detergent. . . 77
Shaving, Lotion After .132 Weighting and Waterproofing. .468 . . .

Anesthetic 123 Silo, Concrete, Yarnish 285

Shaving Cream for Tubes. .......... 132 Silver, Alloy,Tarnish Resistant 20
Shaving Sticks 132 Brazing Alloy 20
Sheep, Leather, Fat-Liquor for 313 Cleaner 431
Marking Ink 211 Coating, Non Tarnishing 20
Sheet Plastics, Backing for. ...... .474 . Cyanide Solution .. ........... .416

Shellac, Bleaching 89 Finish for Aluminum 91

Dispersions of 304 Finishes 91
Ester Lacquer 231 Plate on Glass 412
Paint, Metallic 295 Plating 403, 413
Reconditioning Insoluble 444 Plating Compound 412
Solution for Waterproofing Paper. .373 Plating Non-Conductors 410
Solutions, Water Soluble ....270 Plating Powder 412
Tinting 234 Polish 423, 431
Yarnish, Orange 292 Solder 177
Waterproof 299 Stainless, Alloy 21
Water Solution of... 299 Toning Bath Stains, Removed 393
7 7
Sherbets 58, 59 / * Silverfish
Poison for 223
Using Ice Cream Mix. . . ...
. 59 . . . . . Silvering, Dragees 95
Using Milk . . .... ....... . .... 59
. . . Glass 412
Shingle Stain, Clear ....272 Mirrors 411
Colored 272 Simple or Plain Syrup 42
Ship Paint .295 Size, Alkali 474
All formulae preceded by an asterisk (*) are covered by patents.


Size —Continued Soap —Continued

Cement 335 Laundry 79
Cotton 474, 475 Lilac 81
Jute 476 Liquid 79, 80, 90
Linseed Oil 475 Liquid Cleaning 80
Mercerized Yam 476 Liquid Dry Cleaning 79
New Plaster "Wall .280 Liquid for Silk 80
Newspaper .. 475 Milled 90
Paper 365 Naphtha Soluble 79
Eayon 475 New Mown Hay 82
Bosin Concentrated 475 Non-Caking Powder 84
Textile 476, 477 Oriental Bouquet 81
Warp 476 Paste . 84
Wax 476 Perfume for Almond 135
Woolen Yarn 476 Perfume, Tuberose 127
Sizing, ofPaper 13 Perfume for Windsor. . .......... .135
for Polishing Cordage 475 Pine Oil 84
Eayon . 465 Pine Oil Liquid Hand 83
of Textiles 13 Pine Oil Liquid Scrubbing 83
Warp 474, 475 Pine Oil Powder Scrubbing. . . . . 82 . .

of Wooden Containers 477 Pine Oil Scrubbing.. . . ...

. .... 84
. . .

Skin Dyeing, Pur 96 Powder . . . 84

Skins, Pulling 326 Powder, Antiseptic 84
Goat, Dyeing Black 311 Powder, Perborate 84
Kangaroo, Dyeing Black ..311 Eed Eose 82
Lotion 124 Bug* Cleaning 85
Milks 125 Saddle 84
Ointment ,. . . . 375 Stabilizer 85
Smoothener .140 Violet 81
Snake, Tanning .315 “ Waterless ” ............... 84
Tanning Eeptile 316 White Eose 81
Tanning Fur 315, <323, 324,326 Soap Base, Alkali in ... ... . ... 81 .

Tanning White Goat 315 Toilet 136

Whitener ...133 Soapless, Shampoo 119
Slate, Artificial 337 Tooth Paste ...389
Writing 338 Soap Eancidity, Prevention of ...... 85
Slag Brick 329 Soda Pulp .367
Slivovitz Essence 32 Sodium Hypochlorite Bleach 88
Smelling Salts 388 Soft Drinks, Lemonade Powder for.. 27
Smoke, Bomb 172 Orange Powder for. ............. 27
Composition 171, 172 Soft Soap for Textile 84
Smokeless Flashlight Powder 392 Softener, Coconut Oil. 477
Smooth Skin Balm .125 Cotton Goods 477
Snail Killer 223 Textile 477
Snakes, Pyrotechnic 171 Solder 176
Snake Skins, Tanning 315 Aluminum 176, 177, 178
Snow Melter 354 Brass . , 177
Soap ........................ 78 Brazing 177
Almond Blossom 81 Chain 177
Boiled 90 Copper ..177
Castor Oil 78 Fluid : 176
Cleaners 75 Flux 177
Coloring Liquid 86 Flux, Non-Corrosive 176
Coloring Milled 86 Flux, Zinc .177
Dry Cleaning 78, 79, 442 High Speed Steel 177
Dry Cleaning on Ammonia Base 86 . . Liquid 176
Floating 78 Paste .......177
Half Boil Process. ............... 136 Pewter .177
For Chemical Advisors, Special Raw Materials, Equipment, Containers, etc., consult Supply-
Section at end of hook.
.. ..
, .

Solder —Continued Spray —Continued
Powder Form 178 Bed Bug .... . .223
Radiator .....355 Beet Fly .222
Rustless Iron * 177 Cattle .220
Silver 177 Cattle,Pine Oil .220
Solution 176 Codling Moth .222
Soldering Stainless Steel. ...... .176, 177 Deodorant .149
Sole Leather, Bark-Tanned 318 Fly .221 , 222
Blacking Chrome 312 Fruit, Residue Removing. . . .218
Tanning 328 Horticultural .216
Solid, Brilliantine 104 Insecticide .215
Eau de Cologne 116 Moth .222
Lubricant .....361 Movie Theatre .149
Solidified, Alcohol 179 Nasal, Ephedrine .......... .386
Gasoline .180, 181 for Nematodes .223
Kerosene 181 Pine Deodorizing .149
Perfumes .....126 Sulphur Resin . 18
Soluble Cleansing Cream 107 j
Theatre .149
Soluble Colors, Alcohol 90 Tree .216
Oil. 90 !
Spraying Oil .361
Water 89 .
Sprout Killer . 18
Soluble Ginger Ale Extract. . . 41 Square Measure .485
Soluble Ginger or Capsicum Flavor. . 26 Stain, Acid Proof .297
Soluble Oils .156, 363 Black Walnut .272
Cutting Oils, Polishes 428 Black on Zinc .97
Emulsion 156 Clear Shingle .272
Soluble Pectin 353 Colored Shingle .272
Soluble Stain, Oil 298 Ebony .272
Soluble, Starch 354 Formulas .258, 259
Solvent, Paint and Tar. ..... . ..... 85 Interior Wood .258
Soot Destroyer 354 Mahogany .272
Soothing Cream Non Grain Raising .297
Sore Throat, Gargle . . . . . 381 Oil Soluble .298
Sound Absorbent Plaster. ..... 337 Paper .368
Sound-Proofing Brick 191 Herzberg, Paper .368
Sound Records, Gelatine. . 396 Phloroglucinol .368
Sour Cream 65 Phloroglucinol Paper .368
Soya Bean Oil Emulsion 154 Sutermeister, Paper .368
Spar Varnish '<

.293, 294 Water .100

Sparklers, Homemade 171 Stains, Removing .434, 440
Special Fuel .....181 Barium Sulphide, Treatment of. . .439
Special Gasoline 181 Cigarette, Removal .442
Specialty Lacquer 229 Coffee,Treatment of .439
Specific Gravity, Scale 487 Concrete, Removal .435
Table . . r
484 Developer, Removal of .440
Sperm Oil Emulsion 154 Fire, Treament of .438
Spiced Chocolate 48 Fruit, Remover .440
Spirit Shellac Solution for Leather. .308 . Grass, Remover .440
Spirit Stains 100 Hectograph Removing .440
Split Leather 309 Ink, Treatment of .436
Splits, Patent Leather. ........ 308 Iodine, Treatment of. .439
Sponge, Rubber .452, 456 i
Iron, Treatment of .436
Viscose . . . ........... ... .....469
. . Marble, Removal .435
Spot Remover 440 Mercurochrome, Removing . . .441
Spotting Pencil ..... 98 Oil Treatment of .438
Spotting, Prevention of Plating. 411 Perspiration, Treatment of . . .439
Spray, Agricultural ........... 215 Leather .309
Antiseptic for Nose and Throat 386 Rotten Wood, Treatment of. . .439

All formulae preceded by an asterisk (*) are covered by patents.

Stain —Continued Steel—Continued
Spirit 100 Stainless, Soldering 176
Tobacco, Treatment of 437 Structural, Paint ..295
Treatment of .439 Sulphur Besistant 23
Urine, Treatment of 437 Tool 22
Stainless, Invar
‘ ‘
21 Toughening 344
Knitting Oil 364 Stencil,Ink ...211
Silver Alloy 21 Ink, Black 210
Steel ... .. ....22, 23 Paint, Flexible ....276
Steel, Bright Annealing 22 Paper 213
Steel, Etching 164 Sheet .....192, 212, 213
Steel Lubricant 358 Sheet Coating 213
Steel, Pickling 344 Stereotype Metal 22
Steel bolder 177 Sterilizing, Freezers . 60
Steel, Soldering 176 Oral Mucous Membrane 386
Stamping Ink 211 Sticky Wax 5
Stamp-Pad Ink ..196, 210 Stiffeners for Toes of Shoes. 354
Standing Sealer 282 Stilton Cheese 74
Stand-Oil, Wood-Oil 305 Stone, Artificial 338
Starch Paste 11 Etches for ..165
Glue 12 Surfaces, Bemoval of Paint 335
Starch, Soluble 354 Surfaces, Bemoval of Pitch, As-
Solubilizing 476 phalt .......... . .......335
Statuary Finish on Naval Bronze 94 Synthetic 338
Stearic Acid Candles 445 Stone-like Product 338
Steel, Alloy, Sulphur Besistant...... 21 Stove, Polish, Liquid 431
Annealing Chrome . ....... 344
. . Wick .225
Armor Plate 22 Stoving Finishes, Urea Besin 305
Blue-Black Finish 9.3 Stratena-Household Cement 15
Brass Plating on..... ...405 Strawberry, Basic Ether Wild 40
Carbonizing 342 Cream . .146
Cleaning .459 Oil of, Artificial... . 38
Corrosion Proof 23 Powdered Flavor 37
Enameling 186 Straw, Dyeing Green 98
Etching 164 Hats, Cleaning 77
Hardening 23 Hat Varnish 294
Hardening Composition 344 Hats, Waterproofing 482
Hardening and Tempering 344 Strip Solution, Nickel 403
High Speed, Solder 177 Stripping, Composition for Dyed
and Iron Bronzing 93 Fabrics ...................... 89
and Iron, Phosphate Coating on... 459 Solution 403
Magnetic Chromium, Heat Treat- of Textiles .469
ment of 344 Strong Malleable Cast Iron 23
Non-magnetic 22 Strong Paste 14
Non-Oxidizing for Motor Valves. 22 . .
Structural, Metal Paint 278
Parts, Preventing Corrosion of ... 344 . Paint 271
Pickling 459 Steel Paint ........295
Pickling, Inhibitor for .459 Tile .338
Bazor Blade 22 Stucco, Composition 338
Bustless 22 Painting 260
Bustproof 23 Water Paint for. 296
Bustproofing .459 Stuffing Box, Metallic, Packing 353
Stainless 22, 23 Stuffing Leather 326
Stainless Bright Annealing 22 Styptic 132*

Stainless,Etching 164 Pencils 132, 133

Stainless, Lubricant ............. 358 Substitute, Leather .327
Stainless, Pickling ............... 344 Linseed Oil -364
Stainless, Solder ... .... . . . 177. .
Suede, Brown, Dyeing 98

For Chemical Advisors, Special Raw Materials, Equipment, Containers, etc., consult Supply
Section at end of book.
Suede —Continued Tablet Binding Glue
Tablets, Ink
Cleaner 431
Snlf onated Mineral Oil 163 Tailors Chalk 195
Sulfonating Castor Oil 361 Talcum Powder 129
Sulphite Pulp .367 Tallow Emulsion, Eaw 163
Sulphur, Dyeing Process 94 Tan Calf Finish Chrome 307
Eesin Spray • * 18 Tangerine Cream 146
Eesistant Alloy • 21 Tankards, Copper Glaze 185
Eesistant Steel 23 Tanks, Treating Concrete Oil 304
Eesistant Steel Alloy 21 Tannage, Combination 324
Sunburn, Anti, Lotion 123 Salt Acid 326
Artificial Liquids .....123 Salt Alum 325
Cream 105, 112 Tanning Agent, Synthetic v .... 328
Liniment 125 Tanning, Fur Skins 315, 323, 326
Preparations 125 Home 316, 317
Sun Tan Oil. 126 Liquid 328
34 Eeptile Skins 316
Super Aroma Bourbon 1-5 . .

Suppositories, Haemorrhoidal 381 Snake Skins 315

Sutermeister Stain, Paper. . . 368 Sole Leather 328
Sweeping Compounds ..85, 355 White Goat Skins .315

Sweet Cherry Essence 31 Tape, Adhesive 4

128 Coating for Adhesive 4
Sweet Pea Perfume Base. . .

70 Insulating, Electrical 224

Swiss Cheese, Domestic
Sympathetic Ink 211 Masking 4
Synthetic, Gems .351 Masking Adhesive 3

145 Masking, Glue 9

Jasmine 144 Tapered Candles 445
Lumber 340 Tar and Paint Solvent ............. 85
Mimosa .....146 Tartaric Acid Solution 42
Narcisse 145 Tattoo Marks, Eemoving .133

Neroli ................... 145 Tea, Concentrated Extract. ...... 27

Eesin * • 450 Diabetic * * 388

Tear Bomb 172
3 Telephone Mouthpiece Antiseptic. .386
Eesin, Adhesive •
. .

Eesin Finishes 298 Tempering Steel 344

Eesin, Fusible .451 Tennis, Court Composition 338
Eesin, White ..447 String Preservative 348
Eose 1^4 Terminals, Coating for Battery 347
Spinel ..432 Terpeneless Extract of Lemon 27
Stone '338 Extract of Orange 27
Tanning Agent 328 Terrazzo Floor Finish 336
Thiourea Eesins ...446 Textiles, Determining Wool Silk
Tuberose 145 and Cotton ................ . .470
Violet . . . 145 Fireproofing *174
Violet Perfume Base. 135 Identifying 470
Wax .....444 Metallic Printing on 461
Syrup, Chocolate 29 Mothproofing 222
Ciderette 40 Oil 365
Fruit .......................... 30 Oil, Soluble 365
Ginger Champagne 43 Paint Base for 295
Orange Champagne .... . . . . ... 44 . . Size 476, 477
Syrup Form, Grape, Artificial. ... ... 36 Sizing of 13
Soft Soap for. * * 34
T Softener 477
Table, Conversion Factors .484 Stripping of 469
Specific Gravity 484 Waterproofing 483
Table Finish, Laboratory . . . 302 Wetting Agent 471
Tablets, Aspirin 376 Thawing Composition 354, 355

All formulae preceded by an asterisk (* ) are covered by patents.

Theatre Sprays 149 Tire— Continued
Theatrical Cold Cream 109 Paint 347
Thermal Glass 184 Puncture Preventive 347
Thermocouple Alloy * 21 Tread, Bubber 453
Thermometer Headings, Conversion Tissue, Builder Cream 147
of ..486 Cream 112, 147
Thermoplastic 398 Filler, Corpse 104
Molding Composition 397 Filler, Embalmers 350
Bubber 456, 457 Tobacco, Cure 388
Thermostatic Couple Alloy 21 Fertilizer 17
Thickening of Jams, Preserves and Stains, Treatment of 437
Other Fruit Pastes 52 Toilet, Powder 129
Thinner, Lacquer 231 Soap Base 136
Thread, Grease 358 Waters * 143
Wax 445 Toning Bath, Vanadium .394
Throat, Gargle 381 Tonic, Face 125
Wash, Mentholated 386 Hair 118, 119, 138
Thyme Flavor 25 Scalp 116, 119
Ticking, Finish for 465 Tool Steel 22
Tile, Composition 338 Tools, Case Hardening of 342
Concrete 338 Toothache, Drops, Antiseptic. ..... .377
and Linoleum Cement 7 Gum ..377
Polish 431 Tooth Paste, Flavors .390
Bubber, White 451 Formula 388, 389
Structural 338 Soapless 389
timber Preservative . . . 339 Tooth Powder 390
Tin, Adhesive >, 4 Flavors ....... ...390
Black Finish 94 Top Dressing, Auto ..275
Cans, Preventing Corrosion 458 Top Paint, Automobile 275
to Celluloid Adhesive 5 Tough Alloy 21
Finish for Screws 342 Tracer Bullet Composition. 170
Plating 413, 414 Tracing Paper, Temporary .369
Printing Paint 268 Transfer, Composition 301
Tincture, of Almonds, Shells. 33 Ink 211
Arnica 33 Varnish ....294
Castorium 33 Transfers 299-302
Civet 33 Transformer Oil 365
Eigs 33 Improving 365
Foenugreek 33 Translucent Jelly Cream 139
Foenugreek, Concentrate 33 Transparent, Bubber 452
Grass 39 Bubber Goods 457
Gum Benzoin, Siam 33 Wrapping Material ... .... ....
. . .373

Hickory 33 Treeband, Composition 216

Iodine, Decolorized .... 387 Insect 18
Lemonsin Oak 33 Tree Spray 216
Litmus 39 Trefl4 145
Maple Bark 33 Cologne 144
Mastic 33 Trester Brandy Essence 35
Musk Artificial ....... 33 Triethanolamine Emulsion 160
Musk Tonquin, Grains. 33 Tripoli, Buffing Stick 432
Orrisroot, Florentine . 33 Composition ...... 431
Saint Johns Bread 33 Troy Weights 485
Saffron 33 Tuberose, Soap Perfume 127
Sandalwood 33 Synthetic 144
Turmeric 38 Tube, Bubber, Bed Molded 453
Tinting Lacquers, Shellacs 234 Shaving Cream for 132
Tire, Carcass, Bubber 452 Tubing, Bending Copper 354
Cushion Stocky Bubber 451 Bubber, White .......451

For Chemical Advisors, Special Raw Materials, Equipment, Containers, etc ,

consult Supply
Section at end of book.
Tubs, Coating for Butter... 302 Varnishes — Contmued
Tungstic Glue 10 Bottle 290
Turmeric, Tincture of 38 Concrete Silo 285
Turpentine, Emulsion, Bosin 163 Crystallizing 292
Jelly 302 Decorator’s ....268
Shoe Polish 430 Electrical Conducting 292
Turtle Oil Cream 147 Emulsion 292
Tussah Pile Fabric, Dyeing 472 Enamel 292, 306
Tutti Frutti, Essence 36 Ester 238
Twaddle Scale 487 Ester Gum 288
Type Metal, Befining 22 Ester Gum Mixing 281
Typewriter Bibbon Ink .210 Floor 293
Flat 292
V Formula 280, 281, 282, 289
Ultrafiltration, Gelatine Cells for... 391 Four Hour 238, 283, 284
Ultra Violet, Filter. ...... ..... 354 Hard Cold Made ;..292
Glass 191 Insulating 292
Sensitive, Paper 392 Interior 293
Transparent Glass 134 Light Fast Colored 290
Undercoat Lacquer 231 *
Long Oil .294
Urea Besin Stoving Finishes 305 Long-Oil for Inside and Outside
Urine Stains, Treatment of 437 Use -..306
Long Oil Outdoor .292
V Medium Oil 283, 284, 294
Vaginal Jelly 383 Mixing ....................... .291
Valve, Lubricant ............... .361 . Orange Shellac 292
Motor, Non-Oxidizing Steel for... 22 Quick Drying Bubbing 293
Stem Packing 366 Bemover 296, 297
Vanadium Toning Bath 394 Besin, Phthalic Anhydride .... 299
Vanishing Cream. .109, 113, 114, 141, 148 Bosin 238, 288, 296
Pearly 148 Bubber Shoe .293
Vanilla, Artificial Flavor 37 Bubbing 280
Bean Flavoring Powder 60 Short Oil 283, 293, 294
Compound Extract 29 Silo, Concrete 285
Extract 29 Spar 293, 294
Extract of, Extra Concentrated. 29. . Straw Hat 294
Extract of, 4X Strength 29 Transfer 294
Extract, Pure 29 Typical Besinate 293
Flavor, Concentrated Compound. . 28 . Violin 294
Flavor, Non-Alcoholic 28 Water Besistant 294
Icing 54 Water Shellac -.294
Imitation 28 for Wax Coated Surfaces .305
Imitation, Concentrate 28 Vaseline, Artificial 383
Imitation Flavor 28 Vanilla Basic Ether 40
Pure Flavor 28 Vegetable, Adhesive 4
Varnishes 237, 280, 286, 287 and Animal Oils, Bleaching 87
“A” -
285 Beverage Colors 38
Air Drying .242 Glue 9
Alkali Besisting 285 Weevil, Insecticide for 215
Amberol ....288, 290 Venetian Paste 14
Anti-Bust 290 Verde, Antique Finish on Copper. .92, 93
Anti-Skinning Agent for 290 Color Copper 92
Alkali Besisting 285 Veterinary Gall Salve 24
Bakelite * ..... 289, 290
. . Vienna Lime Composition 432
Bakelite Type .290, 291 Violet, Ammonia 101
Black ....242 Cream 146
Boat, Long Oil ...306 Perfume 135
Bookbinders 290 Perfume Bases, Synthetic 135
All formulae preceded by an asterisk (*) are covered by patents.

Violet —Continued Waterproof—Continued

Soap . . 81 Marking Ink 209
Synthetic 145 and Oilproof Binder 6
Violin Varnish 294 Paper 369
Virgil Lights 445 Plastic Coating 398
Viscose, Manufacture 469 Shellac 299
Skeins, Weighting . . 469 Show Card Ink 305
Sponge 469 Wood Adhesive 5
Viscosity, Increasing of in Milk and Wrapping Paper 15
Cream 57 Waterproofing, Canvas 479
Viscosity of Oil, Increasing 363 Cellulose Products 481
Vitamin Concentrate 60 Cement 481
VitreousEnamel 185 Cement Walls 480
Removing 185 Cloth 478, 481, 483
Composition 478
W Concrete and Cement 334
Wan, Board ,...337 Cordage 4S1
Board, Chemical Printing on 192 Duck 482
Board, Fireproof 340, 372 Fabrics 482
Cement, Waterproofing 480 Leather 482
Coating 303 Liquid 479
Composition 338 Masonry 482
Efflorescence, Prevention of 338 Masonry and Wall. ...... .... 330
Enamel 237 Paper 482
Paint, Interior 248 Shoes .482
Paper Cleaner 78 Shotgun Shells 482
Sealer 237, 274 Silk 468
Size, New Plaster 280 Straw Iiats 482
Wash 237 Textiles 483
Waterproofing 330 Wood ...478
Warble-Fly, Control of ......222 Water Resistant, Adhesive 5
Warehouse Chalk 194 Casein Glue 9
Warp Size . .476 Varnish 294
Warp Sizing 474, 475 Water Shellac Varnish ,....• 294
Wart Remover 383 Water Soluble, Colors 89
Wash, Antiseptic Hand 76 Perfumes 127
Washable Writing Surface 340 Shellac Solution 270
Washing and Bleaching Powder 84 Transfer Composition .301
Wash, Wall .237 Water Solution of Shellac. ........ .299 .

Watch Spring Alloy 21 Water Stains 100

Water, Emulsions, Coloring Oil in Water Tank Paint, Railroad 270
154, 155 Waters, Coloring, Non-Fading 100
and Flame Proof Paper .373 Toilet 143

Ice, Sherbets 59 Wave, Concentrated Hair. 143

Javel 88 Dryer, Finger 120
Paint 269, 270, 296 Fluid, Permanent 120
Paint Cement 275 Solution, Permanent 121
Paint, Cold, Outside .275 Wax, Adhesive 4
Water Fugitive Transfer Composi- Anti-oxident for 360
tion 302 Automoble Polish 418
‘ e
Waterless 7 Soap

84 Carving ..... .................. .444
Waterproof, Boot Dressing. ........ .309 Crayon 194
Casein Adhesive 1 Dance Floor 445
Coating Paper 372 Dental Impression 398, 444
Glass and Metal Cement 6 Drawing Pastels 193
Glue 15 Emulsion, Carnauba 159, 162
Heat Insulation Paper 373 Emulsion, Paper Coating 369
Ink for Glass .198 Emulsion, Paraffin 160
For Chemical Advisors, Special Raw Materials, Equipment, Containers, etc., consult Supply
Section at end of book.
Wax—Continued Whitening Yellow Gasoline 96
Finishes, Protecting Coating for. . .303 Whitewash 294
Flexible . 444 Whiting Putty n
Floor 421 -White Lead Putty 11
Floor, Liquid 422 Wick, Stove 225
Grafting, Solid 444 Wicks, Candle 445
Melting Point of 489 Wigs, Adhesive for 5
Mixture, Eubber 457 Wild Cherry, Aroma, Essence 34
Modeling 444 Cream 146
Paper ....368 Oil of 37
Plastic Modeling 444 Powdered Flavor 37
Polishing 432 Window Cleanser 432
Putty .444 Windsor Soap, Perfume for 135
Sealing 11 Wine Barrel Wax 445
Shoemaker’s 457 Wine, Baisin, Essence 33
Size 476 Wing Dope, Air-Plane 235
Sticky 5 Wintergreen Flavor 29
Synthetic 444 Synthetic Oil of 39
Thread . 445 Wire, Nickel Welding 178
Wine or Liquor Barrel 445 Blasting, Besistance 23
Wax Coated Surfaces, Varnish for. . .305 Cement Coated 335
Weatherproofing Brick 329 Cold Drawing Alloy 23
Weed-Killer .
. . 18, 215 Nickel Welding . . . .343
for Seed Beds 18 Witch Hazel Jelly 133
Weevils, Corn, Killing .215 Wood, Adhesive 5
Vegetable .215 Adhesive, Waterproof 5
Weighting Silk 468 Anti-Bot Compound for 354
Weights and Measures, English Sys- Artificial 340
tem .484 Bleaches ..297
Welding .176 . . Cigar Box 340
Bronze to Iron. 178 to Celluloid Adhesive ....... 5
Electrode Coating 178 Coating Glue 15
Flux 177 Coloring 101
Bod, Bronze 178 Containers, Sizing of 477
Bod Composition .178 Enamels, Pyroxylin ......... . . . 228
White Metal 178 Filler Powder 297
Wire, Nickel ........ .178, 343 Fireproofing 175
Wetting Agent, Textile. 471 Floor Finish 422
Wheel, Abrasive 433 Flour and Cork Binder 5
Whiskey, Bourbon, Essence 31 . Glaze 428
Flavor 1-25 35 Impregnating Liquid 338
Flavor 1-16, Special 35 Lacquer .227
Mix, Oil Scotch 34 Metal Coating 340
Bye, Essence 35 Paint 242
Scotch, Essence 32 Paints, Exterior 243
White Enamel 282 Painting Interior 249-258
White Fire 171 Paint, Outside 271
White Gold 23, 408 Paint Primer 296
ITntarnishable 121 Plastic 297
White House Paint 235 Polish 432
White Lead- Whiting Putty 11 Preservative 339
White Library Paste 11 Preservative Finish 441
White Liniment .388 Preservative and Finish 432
White Metal Welding 178 Preserving Composition 339
White Pigments 207 Stain, Acid Proof 297
Opaque 207 Stain, Interior 258
White Bose Soap . . . 81 Stain, Non Grain Baising 297
White Shoe Dressing 429 Strengthener .'

AH Ipjmiilae preceded by an asterisk ( ) are covered by patents.


Wood —
Continued Writing Ink —
Veneer Adhesive 5 Colored ....196
Waterproofing 478 Writing Paper 367
Work Enamel 237 Writing Slate 338
-Oil Stand-oil 305 Writing Surface, Washable 340
Wool, Artificial 470
Bleaching 470 X
Bleaching Angora 87 X-Ray Screen, Fluorescent 354
Coloring 471, 472
in Cotton Mixture, Carbonizing. .470
. . Y
Finish for 471 Yarns, Scouring and Dyeing Assis-
Insoluble Oil Lubricant for 365 tant .466
Lubricant 358 Yeast, Candy 47
Oil Treatment for 471 Yellow Beverage Color, Vegetable... 38
Printing, Direct 472 Yellow Pigments 199, 200
Protecting in Vat Dyeing 472 Yellow Smoke Composition .172
Yarn Size 476 Yogurt or Bulgarian Buttermilk 45
Working Aluminum-Magnesium Alloy 23
Worm Expeller ; 24 Z
Worsteds, Finish for 471 Zinc, Black Stain on 97
Wounds, Aseptic and Analgesic Pow- Chloride Mouth Wash. ....... 386
der for 386 Corrosion Proofing 458
Woven Goods, Finish for 466 Cyanide Solution. 416
Wrapping Materials, Resistance to Die Cast, Coloring. . 97
Water Vapour .....373 Etches for........ .....165
Transparent 373 Ink for. ..................... ...212
Wrapping Paper 367 Ointment 387
Waterproof 15 Plating 414
Wrinkle Cream 143 Plating on Nickel 415
Wrinkle Finish Lacquer .234 Preparing for Painting ....297
Wrinkle Proof Fabrics 459 Solder Flux.. 177
Wrinkle Remover 133 Stearate 354
Wrinkled Finish Coating 303 Stearate Base 282
Writing Ink 195, 197 Stearate Cream.. 115
For Chemical Advisors, Special Raw Materials, Equipment, Containers, etc,, consult Supply
Section at end of book,
The most important constituent of alco- ness can be hastened by the addition of
holic beverages is the alcohol. Its 1 pint of skimmed milk. The clear liquid
strength depends upon the character of is then siphoned off later. Where rapid
the beverage. If the alcohol is inferior clearing is desired filtration must be re-
in quality or has an oily taste and odor, sorted to.
the finished product will be unsatisfac-
tory. Be sure to use good alcohol. Sugar Essence Aromatic
is used to sweeten the liqueurs and, in No. 1
many cases thickens the liqueurs as well, Cardamom 83 gm.
which is desirable. Clove 166 gm.
The colors used should be certified, Mace 166 gm.
pure food colors. For brown coloring Cinnamon 580 gm.
the most predominant color is burnt 95% Alcohol 10 kilos
sugar color or caramel. Sometimes its No. 2
taste helps to mellow or round out the Curacao Peels 460 gm.
taste of liqueurs. Wines and fruit juices Cloves 83 gm.
also may be used sometimes to bring out Mace 83 gm.
the fuller taste. 95% Alcohol 10 kilos
The quantities of essences or flavoring No. 3
oils called for in each formula should be Angelica Root 120 gm.
carefully measured. It is the essence or Galgant Root 120 gm.
oils that gives the alcohol in the finished Ginger Root 10 gm.
beverage its characteristic taste and Calamus Root 120 gm.
aroma. The skill employed in making Chamomile 100 gm.
these beverages usually decides success Laurel Leaves 120 gm.
or failure. As with all formulas, care- Mace 20 gm.
lessness, inaccuracy and haste will only Cloves 60 gm.
result in failure. A formula that im- Orange Peels 80 gm.
parts good taste and aroma is one always Peppermint 160 gm.
sought for. Good recipes never grow old. Cinnamon 100 gm.
They do not change as the science of Zedoary Plant 200 gm.
Chemistry does. And so an old formula 95% Alcohol 10 kilos
when tried and found to be true never No. 4
grows old. Orange Peels 450 gm.
Some of the liquor formulas in this Cloves 90 gm.
book may call for substances other than Jdace 90 gm.
simple oils or simple ingredients. By re- 95% Alcohol 10 kilos
ferring to the first section of this book No. 5
in the chapter of non-alcoholic flavors Angelica Root 100 gm.
beginning on page 30, you will find for- Ginger Root 50 gm.
mulas for making these products. When Calamus Root 100 gm.
difficulty arises or should you desire to Cardamom 100 gm.
become more expert in mixing, blending Lavender 200 gm.
and compounding, call in a reliable, rep- Mace 15 gm.
utable chemist. He will be able to assist Nutmeg 25 gm.
you and render valuable service. Orange Peels 300 gm.
Even a freshly prepared mixture of Peppermint 200 gm.
aromatic substances lacks homogeneous- Cinnamon 50 gm.
ness and only after some period of time Zedoary Plant 100 gm.
are the ingredients well mixed and 95% Alcohol 10
blended. However, storage is necessary
in every case to round out taste, flavor Absinthe Essence a la Turine

and brilliancy to produce an equilib- No. 1
rium of the reactants present, to give the Oil Angelica 3 gm.
proper bouquet which characterizes a Oil Anise 5 gm.
good product. Oil Fennel 5 gm.
When beverages are stored in barrels, Oil Cardamom 1 gm.
the tannin of the wood appears to pos- Oil Coriander 5 gm.
sess the power of hastening, ageing and Oil Marjoram 3 gm.
improving the taste. Oak barrels are best Oil Star Anise 6 gm.
to use to clear or make liqueur brilliant. Oil Wormwood 3 gm.
Storage is usually sufficient but the clear- 95% Alcohol 10 kiloa
For INDEX to Addenda see page 587.
For Chemical Advisors, Special Raw Materials, Equipment, Containers, etc., consult Supply
Section at end of book.
No. 2 Oil Ether Oenanthic %o gm.
Anise Seed 160 gm. Oil Star Anise 1 gm.
Bitter Almond 70 gm. Oil Wormwood 3 gm.
Fennel 100 gm. Oil Lemon 1 gm.
Calamus 20 gm. 95% Alcohol 10 kilos
Coriander 50 gm. No. 2
Peppermint 10 gm. Oil Angelica 2 gm.
Sassafras 100 gm. Oil Anise Kussian 5 gm.
Wormwood Herb 20 gm. Oil Fennel 3 gm.
Sugar 700 gm. Oil Calamus 20 gm.
95% Alcohol 10 kilos Oil Caraway 3 gm.
Oil Marjoram 5 gm.
Vienna Absinthe Essence Oil Mace 2 gm.
Oil Clove 1 gm.
No. 1 Oil Orange 20 gm.
Oil Angelica iy2 gm. Oil Pimento y2 gm.
Oil Anise 2 gm. Oil Juniper Berry 2 gm.
Oil Fennel 1% gm.
OilWormwood 25 gm.
Oil Ginger 1 gm. OilLemon 3 gm.
Oil Coriander iy2 gm.
95% Alcohol 10 kilos
Oil Marjoram 1% gm.
Oil Star Anise 2 gm.
OilWormwood 3% gm. Alant Essence
95% Alcohol 10 Silos Alant Boot 5 gm.
No. 2 Cinnamon V2 gm.
Angelica Boot 100 gm. 95% Alcohol 10 kilos
Anise Seed 200 gm. Color : Bed.
Calamus 120 gm.
Marjoram 50 gm.
gm. Angelica Essence
Peppermint 30
Star Anise Seed 50 gm. Angelica Boot 1 kilo
Wormwood 200 gm. Coriander 100 gm.
Sugar 2 kilos Caraway Seed 200 gm.
95% Alcohol 10 kilos 95% Alcohol 10 kilos

Swiss Absinthe Anise Essence

Anise Seed 4 gm.
No. 1
Oil Star Anise 1 gm.
Oil Angelica 5 gm.
Oil Anise 10 gm. 95% Alcohol 10 kilos
Oil Fennel 10 gm. Color : Green.
Oil Cardamom 3 gm.
Oil Coriander 10 gm. Barbado Essence
Oil Marjoram 10 gm.
gm. No. 1
Oil Star Anise 12
Oil Wormwood 15 gm. Mace 3 gm.
Cloves 5 gm.
95% Alcohol 10 kilos
Orange Peel Fresh 100 gm.
No. 2
Cinnamon 16 gm.
Oil Angelica 8 gm.
Oil Anise 15 gm.
Lemon Peel Fresh 100 gm.
Oil Tincture Arrac No. 5 100 gm. 95% Alcohol 10 kilos

Oil Fennel 15 gm.

Color Brown.

Oil Marjoram 15 gm. No. 2

Oil Orange 20 gm. Oil Bergamot 4 gm.
Oil Wormwood 20 gm. Oil Cloves 1 gm.
Oil Lemon 10 gm. Oil Nutmeg 1 gm.
95% Alcohol 10 kilos Oil Cinnamon 1 gm.
Oil Lemon 4 gm.
Swiss Absinthe Essence 95% Alcohol 10 kilos
No. 1
gm. Angostura Bark Bitters
Oil Angelica 1
Oil Anise 1 gm. Angostura Bark 1000 gm.
Oil Marjoram 1 gm. Cardamom 200 gm.
Oil Orange 1 % gm. Clove 50 gm.

For Chemical Advisors, Special Raw Materials, Equipment, Containers, etc., consult Supply
Section at. end of book.

Cinnamon Buds 500 gm. Bum Essence % lit.

Water 5 litres Water 66% lit.
Alcohol 5 litres
Color Dark Brown.
Peppermint Brandy
To get the correct and agreeable aroma
has to be cut down 4 to 5 times with
Alcohol 90% by Volume 36 lit.
Peppermint Oil Essence 150 gm.*
50% Alcohol. *
Sugar Syrup 65% 4 lit.
Water 60 lit.
BRANDIES Filter and clarify with 10 grams Alum.
Anise Brandy Color green or leave white.
Alcohol 90% by Volume 36 lit.
Anise Oil Essence 30 gm. Orange Brandy, White
Sugar Syrup 65% 4 lit. Alcohol 90% by Volume 36 lit.
Water 60 lit. Bitter Orange Oil Essence % lit.*
Sugar Syrup 65% 4 lit.
Lemon Brandy Water 59% lit.
Alcohol 90% by Volume 36 lit. For brown, color with caramel color.
Lemon Essence 50 gm.
Sugar Syrup 65% 4 lit.
Water 60 lit. Absinthe Brandy
Color Yellow to suit. Alcohol 90% by Volume 36 lit.
Absinthe Essence % lit.*

Raspberry Brandy Sugar Syrup 65% 2% lit.

Water 61 lit.
Alcohol 90% by Volume 17 lit.
Color ; Green.
Cherry Whiskey 3 lit.*
Baspberry Juice 27 lit.

Sugar Syrup 65% 7 lit. Juniper Brandy

Water 46 lit.
Alcohol 90% by Volume 40 lit.
Juniper Berry Essence % lit.*
Hummel Brandy Sugar Syrup 65% 3 lit.

Alcohol 90% by Volume 36 lit. Water 56% lit.

Coriander Essence 2 lit.*
Color is white. For brown use caramel
Sugar Syrup 65% 4 lit.
Water 60 lit.

Calamus Brandy
Cherry Brandy
Alcohol 90% by Volume 36 lit.
Alcohol90% by Volume 16 lit.
Calamus Essence % lit.*
BitterAlmond Oil Essence 10 gm.*
Sugar Syrup 65% 4, lit.
Cinnamon Oil Essence 20 gm.* Water 59% lit.
Clove Oil Essence 10 gm.* Color : Brown.
Sugar Syrup 65% 31/2 lit.
Water 32% lit.

Cherry Juice 48 lit. Bergamot Brandy

Alcohol 90% by Volume 38 lit.
Clove Bergamot Oil Essence 25 gm.*
Alcohol 90% by Volume 36 lit.
Sugar Syrup 65% 6 lit.

Clove Oil Essence 100 gm.* Water 56 lit.

Cinnamon Oil Essence 50 gm.*

Sugar Syrup 65% 4 lit. Anise Liqueur
Water 57% lit. Alcohol 90% by Volume 50 lit.
Cherry Juice 2% lit. Anise Essence 60 gm.*
Color : Brown. Fennel Essence 20 gm.*
Cinnamon Essence 5 gm,*
Corn Brandy (30% Alcohol) Sugar Syrup 65% 25 lit.
Alcohol 90% by Volume 33% lit. Water 25 lit.
Coriander Oil Essence 85 gm.*
* Anisette
In this formula and the others that
follow where an essence is used dissolve Oil Anise Russian, Kectified 465 mils
latter in alcohol first, then add balance Oil Sweet Fennel, Bectified 20 mils
of ingredients and then filter. Oil Coriander, Pure 10 mils

For Chemical Advisors, Special Raw Materials, Equipment, Containers, etc., consult Supply
Section at end of book.
Oil Star Anise, Leadfree 465 mils Lemon Brandy
Oil Angelica Root 30 mils Alcohol 90% by Volume 21% lit.
Oil Bitter Almonds, F.F.P.A. 8 mils Lemon Essence 600 gm.
Oil Rose, Artificial '
2 mils Sugar Syrup 5V2 lit.

Dissolve %oz. of above mixture in 22 Water

Color: Yellow.
23 lit.

gallons alcohol. Then add 28 gallons

water in which has been dissolved 112 lb.

Peppermint Liqueur
Alcohol 90% by Volume 22 lit.
Cognac Essence 500 gm.
Alcohol 90% by Volume 50 lit. Citric Acid 12% gm.
Peppermint Essence 400 gm.* Rock Candy 1 kilo
Sugar Syrup 65% 30 lit. Water 28 lit.
Water 20 lit.
Dissolve the Citric Acid in %
liter of
water. Dissolve the Rock Candy in 1
Creme de Menthe liter of water. Mix the ingredients thor-
Oil Peppermint, Twice oughly and allow to remain in the vessel
Rectified ‘
2 oz. for several weeks.
Menthol 2 dr.
Alcohol 35 oz. 4 dr.
Cognac Brandy
Green Coloring.
Essence Brandy 20 oz.
Dissolve 1 oz. of this mixture in 1*4
Extract Vanilla 4 oz.
gallons alcohol. Then add 1% gallons
Tinct. Orrisroot, Florentine
water in which has been dissolved 5% lb.
(2 lb. to 1 gal.) 2 oz.
Oil Cognac, Genuine 1 oz.
Oil Bitter Almonds, Free
Ginger Liqueur from Prussic Acid 2 dr.
Alcohol 90% by Volume 30 lit. Essence Rum, New England 6 '
Ginger Extract 20 lit.* Acetic Ether, Absolute 2 oz. 2 dr.
Sugar Syrup 65% 40 lit. Nitrous Ether, Absolute 2 oz.
Water 10 lit. Alcohol 10 oz.
Color : Brown. Dissolve 1 oz. of above mixture in 10
gallons alcohol. Then add 10 gallons
Chartreuse water. Mix. Filter through magnesium
carbonate. Color with caramel.
Alcohol 90% by Volume 22% lit.
Chartreuse Essence 1650 gm.
Sugar Syrup 10 lit. Cognac
Water 17% kilos Oil Bitter Almond 20 dr.
Yellowish Color. Oil Cognac 50 gm.
Violet Flower Essence 25 gm.
Woodruff Essence 50 gm.
Oenanthic Ether 15 gm.
Oil Peppermint, Rectified 1% dr. Acetic Ether 120 gm.
Oil Lemon, Handpressed 2 dr.
Dissolve 1 oz. of above mixture in 30
Oil Cassia, Leadfree 1 dr.
Oil Cloves Pure
gallons alcohol. Then add 30 gallons
1 dr.
water. Mix. Filter and color with cara-
Oil Mace Distilled 1% dr.
Oil Anise Seed, Russian,
Rectified 1 dr.
Oil Angelica Root 40 dr. Geneva Gin
Oil Bitter Almonds. F.F.P.A. % dr
Alcohol 90% by Volume 22% lit.
Oil Wormwood, American 20 dr.
Geneva Essence 150 gm.
Oil Neroli Bigrade, Petale,
Water 27% lit.
Extra 1 dr.
Oil Cognac, Genuine, White 15 dr. Mix well and store for several weeks.
Alcohol 20 oz.

Dissolve 1 oz. of this mixture in 7 gal- Goldwasser

lons alcohol. Then add 9' gallons water Alcohol 90% by Volume 23% lit.
in which has been dissolved 38 lb. sugar. Goldwasser Essence 750 gm.
Rose Water 1% lit.

For Chemical Advisors, Special Raw Materials, Equipment, Containers, etc., consult Supply
Section at end of book.
Orange Blossom Water 750 gm. Aromatique
Sugar Solution 5 lit.
Alcohol 90% by Volume 21% lit.
Water 20% lit.
Aromatique Essence 750 gm,
After the mixture has been stored for Sugar Solution 7% lit.
some time there is added to it a small Water 21 lit.
quantity of genuine Gold Leaf. Colored Brown with Caramel.

Hamburger Bitters Calamus

Alcohol 90% by Volume 21% lit.
Alcohol 90% by Volume 21% lit.
Calamus Essence 500 gm.
Hamburger Bitter
Essence 550 gm.
Sugar Syrup 4% lit.
Water 24 lit.
Sugar Solution 4% lit.
Color Light Brown with Caramel.
Water 24 lit.

Color Brown with Caramel.

Rhine or Moselle Wine 75 lit.
Absinthe Brandy (Swiss) Cardinal Essence 400 gm.
Alcohol 90% by Volume 25 lit. Sugar 10 kilos
Absinthe Essence 365 gm. Water 10 lit.
Water 25 lit. Dissolve Sugar in the water and the
Color Green to suit. essence in the Wine and mix the two
Absinthe Brandy (French)
Alcohol 90% by Volume 21% lit-. Benedictine
Swiss Absinthe Essence 375 gm. Oil Sweet Orange, Hand-
Sugar Syrup 3% lit.
pressed 72 oz.
Water 25 lit.
Oil Angelica Boot
. 6 oz.
Color Green to suit. Oil Calamus 3 oz.
Oil Cinnamon, Ceylon 3 oz.
Absinthe (French) Oil Mace, Distilled 3 oz.
Oil Celery 3 oz.
Oil Wormwood, American 10 oz.
Alcohol 12 oz.
Oil Star Anise, Leadfree 16 oz.
Oil Anise Bussian, Rectified 12 *
oz. Dissolve 1 oz. of above mixture in 5
Oil Fennel, Bectified 6 oz. gallons alcohol. Then add 5 gallons
Oil Neroli, Artificial % dr. water to which has been added 24 lb.
Alcohol 3 oz. sugar.

Tinct. Gum Benzoin, Siam

2 lb. to I gal. 3 oz. Slivovitz

Dissolve %oz. of above mixture in 26 Oil Bitter Almonds,

F.F.P.A. 2 mils
gallons alcohol. Then add 24 gallons
water. Mix. Filter through magnesium Oil Neroli, Artificial 1 mil
carbonate. Color to suit. Oil Cognac, Genuine, Green 2 mils
Vanillin 5 gm.
Essence Baspberry Aroma 300 mils
Pineapple Brandy Essence Plum 300 mils
Alcohol 90% by Volume 21% lit. Essence Jamaica Rum 25 mils
Pineapple Ester (Cone.) 265 gm. Essence Raisin Wine 50 mils
Pineapple Essence from Prune Spirit 100 mils
Fresh Fruit 145

gm. Alcohol 100 mils

Sugar Solution 3 % lit.
Dissolve 1 oz. of above mixture in 8
Water 25 lit.
gallons alcohol. Then add 8 gallons
water. Mix. Filter through magnesium
Italian Orange Brandy carbonate.
Alcohol 90% by Volume 21% lit.
Orange Essence 500 gm. Jamaica Bum
Sugar Solution 8% lit. Oil of Cassia 1 dr.
Water 20 lit. Oil of Birch Tar 25 dr.
Color Yellow with Tincture of Saffron. Oil of Ylang Ylang Natural 3 dr.
Oil of Orange Flower Natural 20 dr.

For Chemical Advisors. Special Raw Materials, Equipment, Containers, etc., consult Supply
Section at end of book.
Oil of Ceylon Cinnamon 15 dr. Gin, Old Tom
Rum Ether Pure 3 pt. Essence Gin, Holland 1 gal.
Acetic Ether 2^ oz. Alcohol 1 pt.
Butyric Ether 1 oz. 1 dr. Oil Coriander, Pure 1 oz.
Tincture of Saffron Oil Calamus 1 oz.
1 lb. to a gal. 4 oz.
Dissolve 1 oz. of above oil in 5^ gal-
Extract of Vanilla Pure 3 oz.
lons alcohol. Then add 6% gallons water.
Balsam Peru 2 dr.
through magnesium
Mix. Filter carbo-
Tincture Styrax TJ.S.P. 2 dr.
Coumarin 5 dr.

Dissolve 1 oz. of above mixture in 4% Gin, London Dock

gallons of alcohol. Then add 5%
Oil Gin, Old Tom 6 oz.
water. Mix. Filter through magnesium
Oil Gin, Holland 18 oz.
carbonate. Allow to age in barrel.
Oil Cassia, Rectified 4 dr.
Alcohol 64 oz.
’ }
Whiskey ‘ Scotch
Dissolve 1 oz. of above oil in 3 gal-
Guaiacol, Pure 4 dr. lons alcohol. Then add 4 gallons water.
Oil Cade, Pure 1 oz. Mix. Filter through magnesium carbo-
Butyric Ether, Pure 4 oz. nate.
Essence Rye Whiskey 2 gal.
Dissolve 1 oz. of above mixture in 2 1,4 Gordon Gin
gallons of alcohol. Then add 2% gallons Oil Juniper Berries 16 oz.
water. Mix. Filter through magnesium Oil Angelica Root 20 ce.
carbonate. Color with caramel. Oil Angelica Seed 20 cc.
Oil Coriander 40 cc.

Oil Lemon 60 cc.
Sweet Orange 20 cc.
Oil Corn Fusel 6 oz. Neroli 5 ce.
Oil Bitter Almonds 4 dr.
Geranium Rose 5 cc.
Oil Coriander 4 dr.
Alcohol to make 1 gal.
Oil Cade 1 oz.
Guaiacol 2 dr. 4 oz. of above is used to 50 gal. 50%
Butyric Ether 4 oz.
Alcohol 4 oz.
Oil Gin Holland
Dissolve 1 oz. of above mixture in 14
gallons alcohol. Then add 16 gallons Oil Lemon 1 dr.
water. Mix. Filter through magnesium Oil Anise 1 dr.
carbonate. Color with caramel. Oil Angelica Root 6 dr.
Oil Fusel 4 dr.
Oil Juniper Berries 20 oz.
Scotch Whisky Mix Oil Rosemary Flavor 6 dr.
Oil Fusel 6 oz. Oil Coriander 4 dr.
Oil Bitter Almond 4 dr. Alcohol 10 oz.
Oil Coriander 4 dr. Dissolve 1 oz. of above oil in 7 gal-
Oil Cade Pure 1 oz. Ions alcohol. Then add 8 gallons water.
Guaiacol Pure 2 dr. Mix. Filter through magnesium carbo-
Butyric Ether 4 oz.
1 oz. to 60 gal. (50% alcohol).

Holland Gin
Gin, Old Tom Oil Gin 1000 mils
Oil Coriander, Pure 3 oz. 4 dr. Glycerine C.P. 200 mils
Oil Angelica Root 3 dr. Alcohol 216 oz.
Oil Anise, Russian, Rectified 1 oz. Dissolve 5 oz. of above in 2% gallons
Oil Caraway, Dutch 4 dr. alcohol. Then add 2% gallons water.
Oil Juniper Berries, ^ Mix. Filter through magnesium carbo-
Rectified 7 oz. 4 dr. nate.
Alcohol 1 pt. 8 oz.
Dissolve 1 oz. of above oil in gal- 4% Whiskey “Rye”
lons alcohol. Then add 5%
gallons water. Oil Fusel Potato 2 pt.
Mix. Filter through magnesium carbo- Oil Fusel Rye 18 pt.
nate. Rum Ether, Pure 20 pt.
For Chemical Advisors, Special Raw Materials, Equipment, Containers, etc., consult Supply
Section at end of book

Oil Coriander, Pure 5 oz. Vanilla Extract 32 oz.

Oil Bitter Almonds, Ess. Jamaica Bum 40 oz.
F.F.P.A. 2 oz. 4 dr. Pineapple Aroma 40 oz.
Alcohol 50 pt. Acetic Ether 12 oz.
Tinct. Catechu 1 pt. Dissolve 1 oz. of above in 12 gallons
Vanillin 2 dr. alcohol. Then add 13 gallons water. Mix.
Heliotropin 4 dr. Filter through magnesium carbonate.
Tinct. Balsam, Peru, True 1 dr.
Store in charred barrel until color be-
Dissolve 1 oz. of above in 7% gallons comes caramel.
alcohol. Then add to it 7% gallons water.
Mix; filter; and color with caramel.
Cherry Brandy Liqueur
Genuine Cherry Brandy 1 pt.
Bourbon Cherry Fruit Juice 1% pt.
Oil Bourbon 6 oz. Alcohol 2 pt.
Alcohol 32 oz. Sugar Syrup 65% 2 pt.
Sugar Color 20 oz. Water pt.
CitricAcid Solution 8 oz.
Tannic Acid Solution 1 oz.
Essence for Artificial Cherry Brandy
67 oz. (1 oz. per gallon)
Water 61 oz. Oil of ISTeroli 2 drops
Oil of Cloves % dram
128 oz. Oil of Cinnamon % dram
Filter. Then dissolve 1 oz. of above in % Oil of Bitter Almonds 2 oz.
gal. alcohol and then add *4 gal. water. Bum Ether 14 oz.
Wine Brandy 16 oz.
Colorless Cherry Flavor 3 lb.
Super Aroma Bourbon Genuine Bitter Almond
Oil Fusel Bec'tified 240 oz. Water 5 lb.
Ess. Pineapple y2 oz.
Ess. Peach Blossom % oz.
Cherry Liqueur Essence
Citric Acid Solution 50%
240 oz.
Solution Saccharin Saturated % oz. (2 oz. per gallon)
Oil Jam. Bum 13 oz. Vanillin 1V> dram
Alcohol 133 oz. Oil of Cloves 2 oz.
Tannic Acid Solution 1 oz. Oil of Cinnamon 3 oz.
Benzaldehyde 5 oz.
626 oz. Bum Essence 14 oz.

Filter. Then 1 oz. of this will flavor Alcohol 16 oz.

5 gallons of 50% alcohol. Cherry Juice 2% lb.

Cherry Flavor 5 lb.

Oil Bourbon 40 oz. Essence for Artificial Slivovitz
Oil Combindlion 20 oz.
(1 oz. per gallon)
Alcohol 10 oz.
Oil of Cognac 2 oz.
Tannic Acid Solution 1 lb. Benzaldehyde 4 oz.
C.P. Tannic Acid Dissolved Bum Essence Ethyl Acetate 6 oz.
in 1 gal. Hot Water 10 oz.
Orris Boot Tincture 12 oz.
Saccharin Solution 1 lb. Sol- Wine Brandy 1 lb.
uble Water Saccharin 5 Pineapple Essence 1 lb.
Boiling Water
gal. % oz.
Carob Tincture (1 to 5) 2 lb.
Citric Acid Solution 10 oz.
Alcohol 2 lb.
Sugar Color 100% 200 oz.
Distilled Water 2 lb.
Vanilla Ext. Imitation 2 oz.

Imit. Vanilla Ext. 1 oz. Vanillin. Dis-

solve in y<± gal. Alcohol; gal. Water. Ginger Liqueur
Alcohol 90% by Volume 31 lit.

Whiskey Bourbon Ginger Extract 17 lit.*

Fusel Oil 1 gah Sugar Syrup 65% 27 lit.

Oil Bitter Almond 1^4 oz. Water 25 lit.

Oil Bose Art. 48 min. Color ; Brown.

For Chemical Advisors, Special Raw Materials, Equipment, Containers, etc., consult Supply
Section at end of book.
Kummel Liqueur Sugar Syrup 65% 45 lit.
Water 20 lit.
Alcohol 90% by Volume 45 lit.

Kummel Essence 1 lit.*

Orange Peel Essence % lit.* French Liqueur (Cremes) as below:
Sugar Syrup 65% 38% lit.
Fleur d ’Amour (Flower of Love)
Water 15 lit.
Alcohol 90% by Volume 34 lit.
Lemon Oil Essence % lit.*
Turko -Liqueur Clove Oil Essence 150 gm.*
Alcohol 90% by Volume 31 lit. Nutmeg Oil Essence 150 gm.*
Hamburger Bitter Extract % lit.* Sugar Syrup 65% 45 lit.

Sugar Syrup 65% 19 lit. Water 20% lit.

Water 35 lit. Color : Bluish Red.

Ginger Extract 9 lit.*
Caramel Color 2 lit.
4 Anisette d ’Hollands
Swiss Absinthe lit.*
Alcohol 90% by Volume 40 lit.
Anise Oil Essence 700 gm.*
Maraschino Liqueur Fennel Oil Essence 300 gm.*
Alcohol 90% by Volume 36 lit. Cinnamon Oil Essence 10 gm.*
Bitter Almond Oil Essence 115 gm.* Sugar Syrup 65% 40 lit.
Steroli Oil Essence 200 gm.* Water 18% lit.
Rose Oil 30 drops
Sugar Syrup 65% 64 lit.
Creme de Rose
Alcohol 90% by Volume 4% lit.
Vanilla Liqueur Genuine Turkish Rose Oil
Alcohol 90% by Volume 20 lit. Essence 12% gm.*
Vanilla Extract 10 lit.* Sugar Syrup 65% 10 lit.

Raspberry Juice 1 lit. Water % lit

Sugar Syrup 65% 40 lit. Color Red with Aniline.
Water 29 lit.
Caramel Color 2 oz.
Creme de Chocolat
Alcohol 95% by Volume 4% lit.
Lemon Liqueur Cocoa Powder 375 gm.
Alcohol 90% by Volume 34 lit. Bitter Chocolate 250 gm.
Lemon Essence 7 lit.* Cinnamon Essence A few drops
Sugar Syrup 65% 26 lit. Vanilla Extract A few drops
Corn Syrup 13 lit. Sugar Syrup 65% 12 lit.

Water 20 lit. Water 1% lit.

Color: Yellow. Cook together the cocoa and chocolate
with the water. When cold add the alco-
Spanish Bitter Liqueur hol with stirring. After one half hour
Alcohol 90% by Volume 43 lit.
filter. Then add to the filtrate the sugar
syrup and essence.
Spanish Bitter Oil Essence % lit.*
Sugar Syrup 65% 28 lit.
Water 28 lit. Creme de Noix
Color (Brown) 8 oz.
Alcohol 95% by Volume 4 lit.
Nut Essence 100 gm.*
Rose Liqueur Sugar Syrup 11 lit.
Alcohol 90% by Volume 40 lit. Nut Extract 2 lit.*
Rose Oil Essence 80 gm.* Water 1 lit.
Sugar Syrup 65% 32 lit. Color faint brown.
Corn Syrup 10 lit.

Water 18 lit.
Schiedamer Geneva Holland Gin
Color: Red.
Alcohol by Volume 78% 20% lit.
Oil of Juniper 3 gm.
Sherry Cordial Lemon Balm Oil 3 gm.
Alcohol 90% by Volume 35 lit. Genuine Cognac % lit.
Bitter Almond Oil Essence 56 gm.* Sugar Syrup % lit.
Ethyl Acetate 65 gm* Water 8% lit.

For Chemical Advisors 4 Special Raw Materials, Equipment, Containers, etc., consult Supply
Section at end of book.
Extract d ’Absinthe Cognac
Alcohol by Volume 90% 80 lit. Alcohol by Volume 90% 5 lit.
Vermouth Essence 710 gm. Ethyl Acetate 20 gm.
Anise Essence 1250 gm. Pyroligneous Acid 20 gm.
Fennel Essence 65 gm. Water 5 lit.
Coriander Essence 65 gm. Color: Yellow and age 5-6 weeks.
Ethyl Acetate 210 gm.
Water 20 lit.
Color : Green.
Bum Essence
To 103 litres Bum 60% by Volume add:
Butyric Ether 187 gm.
Goldwasser Whiskey Formic Ether 312 gm.
Alcohol by Volume 90% 7 lit. Birch Oil 1 gm.
Goldwasser Essence 130 gm. Vanilla Essence % lit.
Sugar Syrup 65% 7 lit. Alcohol by Volume 90% 144 lit.
Water 3 lit. Balsam Peru 65 gm.
Ethyl Ether 165 gm.
Baisin Stems 1 kg.
Cedar Wood Shavings 250 gm.
Ethyl Acetate 100 gm.
Black Balsam Peru 130 gm. The above is then added with 102 litres
Vanilla 16 gm. of brandy or alcohol 60% by volume,
Oil of Neroli 5 gm. mixed and colored with caramel.
Oil of Birch 1 gm.
Ground Horseradish 500 gm. Bum
Onions 125 gm.
Iron Filings 2 kg.
Alcohol by Volume 90% 4
25 gm.
Jamaica Rum 1
Spirit of Birch Oil 12
Baisin Stems 1 kg-
Tincture of Lamp Black 12
Alcohol by Volume 90% 41 lit.
Ethyl Acetate 120
Water 27% lit. Vanilla Extract 90
The above are mixed together and then Sugar dissolved in a little
fered. water 40 gm.
Arrack —No. 1
Mix the above with 3 litres of distilled
Alcohol by Volume 90% 6 lit. water, filter and allow to remain In stor-
Arrack 21 lit.
age for awhile.
Vanilla Spirit Via Ut.
Oil Bitter Almonds 2 drops
Water 3 lit. Bum New England
No. 2 Oil Cinnamon, Ceylon 2 dr.

Alcohol by Volume 90% 12 lit. Oil Cloves, Pure 2 dr.

Arrack 16^ lit. Oil Chamomile, Roman 4 dr.

Vanilla Spirits 125 gm. Bum Ether, Pure 4 pt.

Oil Bitter Almonds 2 drops Butyric Ether, Absolute 3 oz.

Water 11% lit. Extract Vanilla 4 dr.
Acetic Ether, Absolute 3 oz.
Alcohol 8 oz.
Dissolve 1 oz. of above mixture in 4%
Alcohol by Volume 90% 31 lit.
gallons alcohol. Then add 5%
Cognac 16 lit.
water. Mix. Filter through magnesium
Cognac Essence %6 carbonate. Color with caramel.
Oil of Grapeseed 16 gr.
Sugar Syrup 65% % lit*

Water 22% lit. New England Bum

Nitrous Ether 250 gr.
Cognac Butyric Ether 250 gr.
Acetic Ether 250 gr.
Alcohol by Volume 90% 11 lit.
gm. Oil Lemon 3 gr.
Acetic Acid 16
gm* Oil Cinnamon 3 gr.
Ethyl Acetate 8
Oil Neroli 1 gr.
Brown Sugar to be Dissolved
Balsam of Peru 2 gr.
in % liter Water 120 gm.
Bum Ess. No. 10 500 gr.
Water 5% lit.

Color: Yellow. Dissolve 1 oz. of above in 2% gallons

Raw Materials, Equipment, Containers, etc., consult Supply

For Chemical Advisors, Special
Section at end of hook.
alcohol. Then add 3%
gallons water. Rum Grog Extract
Mix. Filter through magnesium carbo- Alcohol 90% 15 lit.
nate. Color with caramel. Jamaica Rum 75 lit.
Water 27 lit.
Rum—No. 1 Sugar 45 kg.
Alcohol by Volume 90% 60 lit.

Vanilla Spirit 1 lit.

Arrack Grog Extract
Sugar Syrup 65% 1 lit. Alcohol 90% 6 lit.

Jamaica Rum 18% lit. Arrack de Goa 30 lit.

Rum Essence '% lit. Water 18 lit.
Water 19 lit. Sugar 30 kg.
Color with Caramel.
Arrack Punch Extract Ordinary Type
Rum Punch Extract--No. 1 Alcohol 90% 30% lit.

Alcohol by Volume 90% 21 lit.

Lemon Oil 55 gm.
Lemon Oil 15 gm.
Arrack de Goa 1% lit.

Oil of Rose drops

Sugar Syrup 65% 24 lit.
Jamaica Rum 42 lit.
Corn Syrup 4 lit.

Sugar 52 kg.
Water 7 lit.
Vanilla Spirit 1 lit.
Citric Acid 390 gm.
Pineapple Ether 45 gm.
Water 24 lit.
Tartaric Acid dissolved in
Color to suit.

No. 2
% litre water 150 gm.

Alcohol by Volume 90% 34% lit.

Lemon Oil 15 gm. Rum Punch Extract Ordinary Type
Oil Rose 15 drops Alcohol 90% 83% lit.
J amaica Rum 11% lit. Rum Essence 1 lit.
Coarse Sugar 52 kg. Lemon Oil 280 gm.
Citric Acid 390 gm. Sugar Syrup 65% 41 lit.
Water 30% lit. Vanilla Spirit 2 lit.
Color to suit. Tartaric Acid dissolved in
1% litres water 300 gm.
Arrack Punch Extract ;
—No. . 1
Water 81 lit.

Alcohol 90% 14 lit.

Lemon Oil 10 gm. Angostura Bark Bitters
Rose Oil 10 drops Angelica Root 25
Arrack de Goa 28 lit. Angostura Bark 500
Sugar 35 kg* Cinnamon Ceylon 60
Citric Acid 260 gm. Gentian 40
Water 16 lit. Galgant 150
No. 2 Hops
Alcohol 90% . 23 lit. Ginger
Lemon Oil 10 gm. Cardamom
Rose Oil 10 drops Clove
Arrack de Goa 4% lit. Pimento
Sugar 35 kg. Orange Peel Fresh
Citric Acid 260 gm. Raisin
Water 20% lit. or
Victoria Punch Extract- -No. 1
Alcohol 90% 21% lit.
Cinnamon Buds
Lemon Essence 85 gm. Alcohol
Pineapple Ether 2 gm.
Arrack de Goa 28% lit.
Sugar 47% kg. Angostura Bark Bitters
Cherry Juice 8 lit. Angostura Bark 18% gm
Raspberry Juice 2% lit. Gentian 7% gm,
Water 9 lit. Galgant 17% gm.
Tartaric Acid dissolved in 1 Hazel Root 7% gm,
litre of water % 11 >. Honey 250 gm,
For Chemical Advisors, Special Raw Materials, Equipment, Containers, etc., consult Supply
Section at end of hook.

Cardamom ISV2 gm. Wormwood 50 gm.

Catechu gm.
7.6 Cinnamon 20 gm.
Coriander 7% gm. Alcohol 10 kilos
Caraway 7V2 gm. Colored Dark Brown.
Curcuma 100 gm. No. 2
Dandelion Boot 7% gm. Holy Thistle 400 gm.
Mace Buds 3V2 gm. Gentian Boot 400 gm.
Nutmeg 7% gm. Lesser Centaury 400 gm.
Cloves 1 gm. 400 gm.
Pimento 22 gm. 10 kilos
Orange Peel 30 gm.
Colored: Dark Brown.
Sandalwood Bed 30 gm.
Snake Boot 7% gm.
Licorice 7 y2 gm. Stomach Bitter Essence —No. 1
Wormwood 7% gm. Angelica Boot 100 gm.
Cinnamon 71/2 gm. Gentian Boot 100 gm.
Alcohol 65% 7.2 lit. Holy Thistle 20 gm.
Buck Bean 80 gm.
Wormwood 80 gm.
Angostura Bark Bitters Bitter Orange Peel 80 gm.
Angelica Boot 3 gm. Lemon Peel 50 gm.
Gentian Boot 15 gm. Alcohol 10 kilos
Galgant Boot 15 gm. No. 2
Ginger Boot 3 gm. Angelica Boot 30 gm.
Cardamom Small 20 gm. Gentian Boot 140 gm.
Cinnamon 20 gm. Holy Thistle 40 gm.
Cloves 3 gm. Buckbean 40 gm.
Orange Peel Bitter 25 gm. Bitter Orange Peel 200 gm.
Sandalwood Bed 80 gm. Alcohol 10 kilos
Tonka Beans 30 gm. Both Bitters Colored Brown Green.
Zedoary Plant 15 gm.
Everything roughly cut and put into Bitter Essence English —No. 1
5000 grams of 60% Alcohol. This mix- Holy Thistle 50 gm.
ture has to stand 15 days, then filtered. Gentian 30 gm.
After this add 200 grams Sugar Color, Lesser Centaury 50 gm.
500 grams Malaga Wine. Let it stand Wormwood Herb 50 gm.
for an additional few days and filter it Orange Peel 30 gm.
again. Orris Boot 30 gm.
Grains of Paradise 60 gm.
Alcohol 10 kilos
Angostura Bark Bitters
Colored : Dark Brown.
Angostura Bark Genuine 90 gm.
Chamomile 24 gm. No. 2
Cardamom 8 gm. Curacao Peel 100 gm.
Cinnamon Ceylon 7 gm. Gentian Boot 40 gm.
Orange Peel 24 gm. Lesser Centaury 30 gm.
Baisins 300 gm. Orris Boot 80 gm.
Water 5 kilos Holy Thistle 10 gm.
Alcohol 5 kilos Wormwood 40 gm.
Alcohol 10 kilos
Colored : Bed Brown.
Bitter Essence Simple
No. 3
Curacao Peels 50 gm.
Benedictine Herb 8 gm.
Calamus Boot 50 gm.
Cardamom 4 gm.
Lesser Centaury 50 gm.
^ Gentian 16 gm.
Alcohol 1° los
Orange Peel 40 gm.
Colored: Dark Brown. gm.
Grains of Paradise 10
Lesser Centaury 20 gm.
Bitter Essence Double —No. 1 Orris Boot
20 gm.
5 gm.
Buck Bean 100 gm. 10 kilos
50 gm.
95% Alcohol
Orange Peel Dry
Gentian Boot 20 gm.
Materials, Equipment, Containers, etc., consult Supply
For Chemical Advisors, Special Raw
Section at end of book.
Bitter Essence Spanish--No. 1 Raspberry Essence
Horse Heel 80 gm. Raspberry Squashed 10 kg.
Angelica Root 40 gm. Orris Root 200 gm.
Holy Thistle 80 gm. Alcohol 90% 10 kg.
Calamus Root 250 gm. Colored : Red.
Gentian 40 gm.
Galgant Root
Grunewald Essence —No. 1

Masterwort 40 gm. Buck Bean 40 gm.

Burnt Saxifraga 40 gm. Calamus Root 5 gm.
Lesser Centaury 150 gm. Holy Thistle 8 gm.
Wormwood 40 gm. Gentian Root 40 gm.
Alcohol 10 kilos Galgant Root 40 gm.
Orange Peels 40 gm.
Colored : Brown. Wormwood Root 8 gm.
No. 2 Alcohol 95% 10 kg.
Horse Heel 40 gm. Colored : Green.
Galgant Root 30 gm.
No. 2
Spearmint 100 gm.
Melissa 40 gm. Oranges Unripe Green 500 gm.
Curacao Peel 100 gm. Gentian Root 50 gm.
Wormwood 10 gm. Galgant Root 40 gm.
Alcohol 10 kilos Cassia 40 gm.
Ginger 40 gm.
Colored: Brown. Nutmeg 10 gm.
No. 3 Cloves 30 gm.
Horse Heel 30 gm. Alcohol 95% 10 kg.
Angelica Root 60 gm. Colored : Green.
Benedictine Herb 30 gm.
Calamus Root 120 gm.
Gentian Root 30 gm. Harts Content Essence
Galgant Root 30 gm. Angelica Root 60 gm.
Burnt Saxifraga 15 gm. Calamus Root 120 gm.
Lesser Centaury 60 gm. Catachou 20 gm.
Tormentilla Root 15 gm. Gentian Root 120 gm.
Orris Root 50 gm. Ginger 10 gm.
Wormwood 15 gm. Cloves 10 gm.
Alcohol 10 kilos Melissa 50 gm.
Colored: Brown. Orange Peels 60 gm.
Juniper Berries 10 gm.
Wormwood 10 gm.
Flower Essence Alcohol 95% 10 kg.
Vanilla Tincture No. 46 200 gm. Colored : Dark Brown.
Oil Rose 5 gm.
Jasmine Spirit 10 kg.
Strawberry Essence
Colored: Rose Red or Violet.
Strawberry Squashed 10 kg.
Orris Root 200 gm.
Curacao Peels Essence Alcohol 90% 10 kg.
Curacao Peels 1 kg. Colored : Red.
Orange Flower Water 1 kg.
Alcohol 95% 10 kg. Virgin Essence
Colored : Golden Brown. Vanilla Tincture No. 46 100 gm.
Oil Anise 20 gm.
Essence Elixer de Suede Jasmine Water 100 gm.
Oil Neroli 5 gm.
Inula (Horse Heel) 8 gm.
Rose Oil 1 gm.
Gentian Root 8 gm.
Alcohol 95% 10 kg.
Saffron 5 gm.
Cinnamon 5 gm.
No Color.
Zedoary Plant 10 gm.
Alcohol 95 % 10 kg. Coffee Essence —No. 1
Colored: Green. Coffee Burned and Ground 1 kg.
Vanilla Tincture No. 46 50 gm.
For Chemical Advisors, Special Raw Materials, Equipment, Containers, etc., consult Supply
Section at end of book.
— —

Mace Tincture No. 28 5 gm. Oil Caraway 60 gm.

Cinnamon Tincture No. 2 10 gm. Oil Orange Flower 5 gm.
Alcohol 95% 10 kg. Oil Peppermint 30 gm.
No Color. Oil Bose 5 gm.
Oil Star Anise 150 gm.
No. 2
Oil Juniper Berry 20 gm.
Clove Tincture No. 23 20 gm.
Oil Wormwood 20 gm.
Mace Tincture No. 28 20 gm. gm.
Oil Cinnamon 5
Cinnamon Tincture No. 52 20 gm.
Alcohol 95% 10 kg.
Coffee Burned and Ground 600 No Color.
Alcohol 95% 10 kg.
No Color.
Herb Essence
No. 3
Coffee Burned and Ground 400 gm. Angelica Boot 2% gm.
Anise Seed 10 gm.
Cinnamon 5 gm.
Calamus Root 20 gm.
Vanilla 2 gm.
Lemon Peels 25 gm.
Alcohol 95% 10 kg.
Coriander Seed 2% gm.
No Color. Galgant Boot 3 gm.
Ginger Boot 2% gm.
Marjoram Herb 3 gm.
Coffee Triple Essence
Orange Peels 25 gm.
Coffee Burned and Ground 5 kg.
Rosemary Herb 3 gm.
Vanilla 10 gm.
1° k S- Orris Boot 2% gm.
Alcohol 95% Juniper Berries 2% gm.
No Color.
Alcohol 95% 10 kg.
Colored Grass Green.

Calamus Essence No. 1

Angelica Boot 40 gm. Spearmint Essence
Calamus Boot 600 gm. 4 kg.
10 kg.
Alcohol 95% Peppermint 500 gm.
Colored: Brown. 200 gm.
No. 2 Alcohol 95% 10 kg.
Calamus Boot 300 gm. Colored : Dark Green.
Ginger Boot 20 gm.
Fresh Orange Peels 50 gm.
10 kg. Caraway Essence
Alcohol 95%
Colored : Brown. Caraway Seed Squashed 500 gm.
Anise Squashed 30 gm.
Coriander Squashed 30 gm.
Cardinal Essence Fennel 30 gm.
Orange Peels Dry 1000 gm. Orris Boot 50 gm.
Oranges Green IJnripe 600 gm. Cinnamon 20 gm.
Lemon Peels Alcohol 95% 10 kg.
Alcohol 95% 1° k S- No Color.

Colored: Bed- Yellow.

Life Essence No. 1

Carmelite Essence 120
Angelica Boot g
Lemon Peels 500 gm. 20 g
Calamus Boot
Coriander 100 gm. 20 g
Nutmegs 50 Gentian Boot 120 g
Pimento 10 gm. 120 g
Zedoary Plant
Orange Peels 500 gm. 10 k
Alcohol 95%
Alcohol 95% 10 kg. ISTo Color.
Colored : Green.
No . 2
Buck Bean
Contuszawka Essence Calamus Boot
150 gm. Orange Peels Fresh
Ethyl Butyrate Coriander 30
Anise Oil 80 gm. 10
40 gm. Ginger
Lemon Oil Oranges Unripe 60
Oil Coriander 60 gm. 30
50 gm. Juniper Berries
Oil Fennel
etc., consult
Raw Materials; Equipment, Containers,
For Chemical Advisors, Special
Section at end of hook.
Ginger Boot 1.5 gm.
250 gm.
Wormwood Caraway 3 gm.
30 gm. gm.
Cinnamon Spearmint 20
10 kg.
Alcohol 95% Pimento 3 gm.
No Color.
Orange Peels 35 gm.
Juniper Berries 3 gm.
95% 10 kg.
Flower of Love Essence Alcohol
Oil Cloves No. 3
Oil Nutmeg “ g “' Anise 20 gm.
“ S •
Basilicum Herb 20 gm.
Oil Cinnamon
10 kg 50 gm.
Alcohol 95% -
Lemon Peels
Colored: Light Bed. Calamus 20 gm.
Chamomile 20 gm.
Cardamom 5 gm.
Stomach Bitter Essence Coriander 20 gm.
Galgant 15 gm.
Calamus a S:
Sm ‘
Lavender Herb 5 gm.
5 gm.
Peppermint $2 Nutmeg 5 gm.
Orange Bitter gm ‘
50 gm.
Orange Peels
20 gm.
Alcohol 95%
^ ^g*
15 gm.
Orris Boot
Cinnamon 5 gm.
95% 10 kg.
Stomach Bitter Essence French Alcohol
20 gm. No. 4
25 gm. Inula (Horse Heel) 15 gm.
45 gm. Angelica Boot 10 gm.
Lemon Peels
40 gm. Anise 30 gm.
10 gm. Basilicum Herb 10 gm.
Galgant Boot
20 gm. Calamus 25 gm.
5 gm. Lemon Peels 45 gm.
5 gm. Coriander 25 gm.
10 gm. Galgant 20 gm.
15 gm. English Spice 15 gm.
Orris Boot
100 gm. 10 gm.
Woodruff Herb Dry Ginger
10 gm. Spearmint 10 gm.
10 kg. Caraway 15 gm.
Alcohol 95%
Lavender Herb 10 gm.
Grains of Paradise 10 gm.
No. 1
Stomach Bitter Essence Breslau— Orange Peels 45 gm.
Anise 25 gm. 10 gm.
Juniper Berries
Basilicum Herb 25 gm. 10 kg.
Calamus Boot 5 gm.
25 gm.
Cardamom 3 gm. Stomach Bitter Danzig : —No. 1

Lemon Peels 50 gm. Inula (Horse Heel) 25 gm.

Coriander 15 gm. Anise 70 gm.
Galgant Boot gm. Calamus 12 gm.
Mace gm. Chamomile 5 gm.
Nutmeg gm. Lemon Peels 45 gm.
Orange Peels 50 gm. Dill Seed 12 gm.
Rosemary Herb 25 gm. Caraway 15 gm.
Orris Boot 5 gm. Nutmeg 12 gm.
Alcohol 95% 10 kg. Pimento 6 gm.
No Color. Orange Peels 45 gm.
No. 2 Oil Bose 1 gm.
gm. Orris Boot 15 gm.
Inula (Horse Heel) 5
gm. Cinnamon 15 gm.
Angelica Boot 1.5
gm. Zedoary Plant 15 gm.
Basilicum Herb 20
Alcohol 10 kg.
Calamus Boot 5 gm.
35 gm. No. 2
Lemon Peels
Angelica Boot 50 gm.
Galgant Boot 1.5 gm.
20 gm.
Coriander Seeds 3 gm Anise
consult Supply
Raw Materials, Equipment, Containers, etc.,
For Chemical Advisors, Special
Section at end of book.

Orange Peels 60 gm.

Coriander 60 gm.
Zedoary Plant
Lemon Peels Cinnamon 10 gm.
Fennel 10 kg.
Galgant Boot
Alcohol 95%
Color : Brown.
Pimento Stomach Essence —No, 1
Orange Peels Calamus Boot 250 gm.
Bose Oil Coriander 30 gm.
Cinnamon 60 gm. 200 gm.
Gentian Boot
Alcohol 95% 10 kg.
200 gm.
Galgant Boot
Lesser Centaury 60 gm.
Orris Boot 60 gm.
Stomach Essence Vienna 120 gm.
Zedoary Plant
Inula (Horse Heel) 25 gm. 10 kg.
Anise 35 gm. Color: Brown.
Calamus 30 gm.
No. 2
Coriander 15 gm. gm.
Angelica Boot 60
DillSeed 10 gm. gm.
Benedictine Herb 120
Fennel 30 gm. gm.
Buck Bean 200
Galgant Boot 15 gm. gm.
Cardamom 15
Caraway 20 gm. gm.
Gentian Boot 200
Mace 15 gm. gm.
Ginger 30
Nutmeg 15 gm. gm.
Orange Peels Fresh 60
Cloves 20 gm. gm.
Oranges Unripe 60
Pimpinele 10 gm. gm.
Lesser Centaury 200
Orris Boot 15 gm. 120 gm.
45 gm. Wormwood
Cinnamon Alcohol 10 kg.
Zedoary Plant 15 gm.
Color: Brown.
95% 10 kg.
Alcohol uuyo
^ 7° n
Brown to all No. 3
Color Brown or Greenish

Inula (Horse Heel) 30 gm.

Stomach Essences.
Angelica Boot 20 gm.
Calamus Boot 250 gm.
Alp-Herbs Stomach Essence Galgant Boot 40 gm.
Angelica Boot Juniper Berries 60 gm.
Benedictine Herb 20 10 kg.
Alcohol 95%
Calamus Boot 30 { Color : Brown.
Lemon Peels 70 \

Cardamom 2

Musk Essence —No. gm.
Galgant Boot 20 : Musk gm.
Vanilla 40
Ginger Boot 15 gm.
Marjoram 20 Amber kg.
70 Alcohol 95%
Orange Peels No. 2
Bosemary 20 gm.
Thyme 20 Musk
Ambra 10 gm.
Tonka Beans 95% 1 kg.
20 Alcohol
Orris Boot
Juniper Berries
10 Clove Essence
Alcohol 95%
Brownish-Green. 200 gm.
Color: Cloves
Cinnamon 50 gm.
1 kg.
Alcohol 95%
Stomach Elixir Essence Color: Bed-Brown.
Calamus Boot
Calumba Boot Persico Essence —No. 1
400 gm.
Gentian Bitter Almonds
Galgant Water ^ in kl'

Ginger Alcohol 95%
almonds must stand m

Pimpinele Chopped hitter
warm place.
Section at end of boot.
water one day in a
No. 4
Apricot Pits Crushed 2 kg. Aromatic Essences as
Cherry Pits 200 gm. Before 100 gm.
Cloves 5 gm. Cocoa Beans Roasted and
Mace 5 gm. Ground 2 kilos
Alcohol 10 kg. Alcohol 95% 10 kilos
The apricot pits may be replaced by
cherry pits because the latter have a finer
Spanish Bitter Essence
taste. All Persico Essences stay uncol-
ored and are not to be taken alone, hav- Oil Angelica Root 50 gm.
ing a certain content of persico acid Oil Anise 30 gm.
which has a bad effect on the health and Oil Orange Bitter 300 gm.
are only harmless when considerably Oil Calamus 30 gm.
thinned down. Oil Cassia 30 gm.
No. 3 Ethyl Acetate 100 gm.
Oil Caraway (Roman) 30 gm.
Sweet Almonds 1 kg.
Oil Peppermint 30 gm.
Bitter Almonds 2 kg.
Oil Wormwood 100 gm.
Lemon Peels 500 gm. Alcohol 95% 10 kg.
Alcohol 95% 10 kg.
Color : Dark Green.
Sweet Almonds are to be roasted until
they have a light brown color inside.
Sultan Essence
Peru Essence Benzoin Tincture 1 kg.

Orris Root Tincture

Musk Tincture 10 gm.
2 kg.
Amber Tincture 20 gm.
Peru Balsam Tincture 1 kg.
Oil Rose 1 gm.
Alcohol 95% 10 kg.
Color : Red-Brown. Color : Green.

Rose Essence Venus Essence

Rose Leaves Salted 150 gm. Vanilla Tincture
Orange Flowers 15 gm. Oil Rose
Oil Cinnamon
Cloves 2 gm.
Vanilla 2 gm.
Color: Red.
Alcohol 95% 10 kg.
Color: Red. Violet Flower Essence
This essence can be produced by ex-
Red Carnation Essence
tracting the fresh violet flowers with fat
Red Carnations 2 kg. and later on extracted over with full
Cloves H
100 gm. proof alcohol.
Alcohol 95% 10 kg.
No Color.
Woodruff Essence
Chocolate Essence —No. 1 Fresh Woodruff
Tonka Beans
4 kg.
Cocoa Beans Roasted and 100 gm.
Ground Alcohol 95% 10 kg.
Cinnamon Color : Grass-Green.
Vanilla Tincture Vermouth di Torino Essence
Alcohol 95% Angelica Root
No. 2 30 gm.
Valerian Root 15 gm.
Vanilla Tincture No. 46 100 gm. Benedictine Herbs 200 gm.
Cocoa Beans Roasted and Cardamom 10 gm.
Ground 2 kg. Guaiac Wood 30 gm.
Alcohol 95% 10 kg. Orange Peels 60 gm.
No. 3 Peppermint Herbs 100 gm.
Peru Balsam Tincture Lesser Centaury 100 gm.
No. 35 Wormwood 120 gm.
Cocoa Beans Roasted and Alcohol 95% 10 kg.
Ground Color : Dark Brown.
Alcohol 95%
For Chemical Advisors, Special Raw Materials, Equipment, Containers, etc., consult Supply
Section at end of book.
Wormwood Essence Oil Orange 10 gm.
Angelica Root gm. 60 Oil Rose 5 gm.
Anise gm. 20 Oil Juniper Berries 3 gm.
Benedictine Herb gm. 60 Oil Cinnamon 5 gm.
Calamus Root gm. 30 Alcohol 95% 10 kg.
Coriander gm. 20
Gentian Root gm. 30 Corn Essence
Marjoram gm. 50 Ethyl Acetate 500 gm.
Orange Peels gm. 50 Ethyl Oenanthie 10 gm.
Peppermint Herbs gm. 50 Oil Juniper Berry 50 gm.
Lesser Centaury gm. 60
Alcohol 10 kg.
Wormwood 100 gm.
Cinnamon 30 gm.
Spearmint Essence
Alcohol 95% 10 kg.
Color: Dark Brown, Oil Spearmint 4 gm.
Oil Peppermint 2 gm.
Alcohol 95% 10 kg.
Civet Essence
Civet 30 gm.
Caraway Essence
Rose Oil 1 gm.
Oil Anise 1 gnu
Alcohol 95% 1 kg.
Oil Coriander 1 gm.
Oil Caraway 7 gm.
Cinnamon* Essence Orris Root Tincture 10 gm.
Cinnamon 1 kg.
Orange Flowers 100 gm. Essence Parfait d 'Amour
Alcohol 95% 10 kg. Oil Anise 40 gm.
Color Cinnamon-Brown.
: Oil Cardamom 40 gm.
Oil Chamomile 5 gm.
Allash Caraway Essence —N o. 1 Oil Lemon 5 gm.
Oil Lavender 5 gm.
Oil Anise 10 gm.
Oil Angelica gm. Oil Cloves 5 gm.
gm. Oil Orange 5 gm.
Oil Coriander 5
Oil Rosemary 40 gm.
Oil Caraway 100 gm.
Oil Cinnamon 80 gm.
Vanilla Tincture 20 gm.
Alcohol 10 kg.
Alcohol 95% 10 kg.
No. 2
Rum Essence
Oil Anise 8 gm.
Ethyl Butyrate 80 gm.
Oil Angelica 2 gm.
Ethyl Acetate 15 gm.
Oil Coriander 2 gm.
Vanilla Tincture 5 gm.
Oil Caraway 80 gm.
Orris Root Tincture 15 gm.
Vanilla Tincture 10 gm.
10 kg. Alcohol 95% 10 kg.

Liqueur Body for Cremes and Huiles

Bishop Essence
No. 1
Oil Orange Peels 50 gm.
Oil Bitter Orange Peels 20 gm. Sugar Sol. = 437 Grams Sugar in
Alcohol 10 kg. 1 Litre Water.
Sugar Sol. above 57.20 lit.

Alcohol 45.76 lit.

Essence Spice 11.40
Water lit.
Oil Cardamom 10 gm. No. 2
Oil Cloves 15 gm. Sugar. Sol. =
393.3 Grams Sugar in
Oil Mace 10 gm. 1 Litre Water.
Oil Cinnamon 30 gm. Sugar Sol. above 51.48 lit.
Alcohol 95% 10 kg.
Alcohol 45.76 lit.
Water 28.60 lit.
Gold Water Essence No. 3
Oil Calamus 3 gm. Sugar Sol. =
349*6 Grams Sugar in
Oil Lemon 5 gm. 1 Litre Water.
Oil Lavender 2 gm. Sugar Sol. above 45.76 lit.
Oil Cloves 1 gm. Alcohol 48,05 lit.
Oil Nutmeg 5 gm. Water 22.88 lit.

For Chemical Advisors, Special Raw Materials, Equipment, Containers, etc,, consult Supply
Section at end of book.
Liqueur Body for Fine Liqueurs No. 13
No. 4 Sugar Sol. == 43.7 Grams Sugar in
Sugar Sol. = 327.7 Grams Sugar in 1 Litre Water.
1 Litre Water. Sugar Sol. above 5.72 lit.

Sugar Sol. above 42.90 lit. Alcohol 61.77 lit.

Alcohol 50.91 lit. Water 46.90 lit.

Water 20.59 lit.

No. 5
Creme de Angelica
Sugar Sol. =
305.9 Grams Sugar in
1 Litre Water.
Oil Angelica 2.5
40.08 lit. Oil Lemon 0.5
Sugar Sol. above
50.33 lit. Oil Coriander 0.5
Water 24.02 lit. Oil Mace 0.2

No. 6 Oil Nutmeg 0.2

Oil Cinnamon 0.5
Sugar Sol. = 262.2 Grams Sugar in
Liqueur-body 11.5
1 Litre Water.
Color: Yellow.
Sugar Sol. above 34.32 lit.

Alcohol 50.33 lit.

Water 27.25 lit.

Angelica Liqueur
Liqueur Body for Ordinary Liqueur Oil Angelica 1 gm.
Oil Lemon 1 gm.
No. 7
Oil Cardamom 0.5 gm.
Sugar Sol. = 218.5 Grams Sugar in Oil Calamus 0.5 gm.
1 Litre Water. Oil Mace 0.5 gm.
Sugar Sol. above 28.60 lit.
Oil Melissa 0.5 gm.
Alcohol 53.77 lit.
Oil Wormwood 0.5 gm.
Water 32.03 lit.
Liqueur Body 11.5 lit.
No. 8
Color Green.
Sugar Sol. =
174.8 Grams Sugar in

1 Litre Water.
Sugar Sol. above 22.88 lit. Huile d ’Angelica
Alcohol 50.08 lit.
Oil Angelica 3 gm.
Water 35.46 lit.
Oil Lemon 0.5
Oil Cloves 0.1
For Double Spirits or Whiskey Oil Orange 0.5
No. 9 Oil Peppermint 0.1
Sugar Sol. = 131 Grams Sugar in Color : Grass-Green.
1 Litre Water.
Sugar Sol. above 17.16 lit.
Alcohol 57.20 lit.
Anise Liqueur
Water 40.04 lit.
Oil Anise 4 gm.
No. 10 Oil Star Anise 4 gm.
Sugar Sol. =
109.25 Grams Sugar in Dissolved in 0.25 lit. Alcohol 95%.
1 Litre Water. Liqueur Body 11.5 lit.
Sugar Sol. above 14.30 lit.
Alcohol 58.31 lit.
No Color.

Water 41.18 lit.

No. 11 Anisette Double
Sugar Sol. = 87.4 Grams Sugar in Oil Anise 2 gm.
1 Litre Water. Oil Star Anise 3 gm.
Sugar Sol. above 11.44 lit. Liqueur Body 11.5 lit.
Alcohol 59.48 lit. Color: Yellow.
Water 43.42 lit.

Anisette de Martinique
For Ordinary Spirits or Whiskey
Oil Anise 2.6 gm.
No. 12
Oil Fennel gm.
Sugar Sol. =
65355 Grams Sugar in
Oil Cinnamon
0.4 gm.
1 Litre Water.
Liqueur Body 11.5 lit.
Sugar Sol. above 6.86 lit.
Alcohol 60.62 lit. No Color.
Water 46.90 lit.

For Chemical Advisors, Special Raw Materials, Equipment, Containers, etc., consult Supply
Section at end of book.
Creme d ’Anisette Melee Oil Melissa 0.2 gm.
Oil Anise 16 gm. Oil Orange Peels 1 gm.
Oil Fennel 4 gm. Oil Star Anise I gm.
Liqueur Body 11.5 lit. Oil Wormwood 1 gm.
Ho Color. Oil Cinnamon 0.5 gm.
Liqueur Body 11.5 lit.
Color : Green.
Anisette de Bordeaux
Oil Anise 5 gm.
Swiss Double Absinthe
Oil Star Anise 1 gm.
Alcohol 95% 3 kg. Oil Anise 16 gm.
Water 3.5 kg. Oil Coriander 1 gm.
Sugar 1.5 kg. Oil Fennel 1 gm.
Color: Yellow. Oil Wormwood 16 gm.
Alcohol 90% 1.25 lit.
Sugar Dissolved in 2.5 Litres
Anisette de Bordeaux Francais Water 250 gm.
Oil Anise 16 gm. Color: Green.
Oil Coriander 4 gm.
Liqueur Body 11.5 lit.
Benevento Liqueur
No Color.
Sugar Solution 45 lit.
Alcohol 90% 35 lit.
Adieu de Bertrand Water 20 lit.
Oil Calamus 2.5 gm. Benevento-liqueur Oil 50 gm.
Oil Wormwood 4 gm. Color Green.

Liqueur Body 11.5 lit.

No Color or Violet.
Creme de Bergamot
Oil Bergamot 3 gm.
Amourette Jasmine Water 5 gm.
Oil Lemon Italian 2.5 gm. Rose Water 5 gm.
Oil Orange Italian 2.5 gm. Vanilla Tincture 5 gm.
Oil Star Anise 0.5 gm. Liqueur Body 11.5 lit.
Oil Peppermint TJ.S.P. 0.5 gm. Color: Yellow.
Liqueur Body 11.5 lit.

Color : Bark Red, Bergamot Liqueur

Oil Bergamot 5 gm.
A Propos Oil Neroli 1 gm.
Oil Lemon 2 gm. gm.
Oil Rose 0.5
Oil Fennel 0.5 gni. gm.
Vanilla Tincture 10

Oil Mace 0.2 gm. Liqueur Body 11.5 lit.

Oil Cloves 0.1 gm. Color: Yellow.
Oil Orange 3 gm.
Oil Cinnamon 0.2 gm.
Liqueur Body 11.5 lit. Berliner Bitter
Oil Angelica 0.5 gm.
Agua Bianca Oil Coriander 0.5 gm.
gm. Oil Ginger 0.5 gm.
Amber Tincture 2
Oil Bergamot 1 gm. Oil Mace 0.5

gm. Oil Star Anise 1 gm.

Oil Lemon 2
2 gm. Oil Juniper Berry 0.5
Oil Peppermint
Liqueur Body 11.5 lit. Oil Wormwood 1 gm.
Liqueur Body 11.5 lit.
With six Silver-leaves (ground) and Color : Brown.

Absinthe Creme Boonekamp (Stomach Bitter)

Oil Anise 0.5 gm. Oil Angelica 0.5 gm.

Oil Lemon 0.5 gm. Oil Orange Bitter 0.5 gm.
Cognac Essence 1 gm. Oil Lemon 0.5 gm.
Oil Coriander 0.5 gm. Oil Coriander 0.5 gm.
Oil Mace 0.2 gm. 1 Oil Galgant 0.2 gm.

For Chemical Advisors, Special Raw Materials, Equipment, Containers, etc., consult Supply
Section at end of "book.


Oil Ginger 0.4 gm. Curacao Simple
Oil Mace 0.4 gm. Oil Orange gm.
Oil Marjoram 0.4 gm. Oil Mace gm.
Oil Peppermint 0.4 gm. Oil Cloves 0.5 gm.
Oil Star Anise 0.5 gm. Liqueur Body 11.5 lit.
Oil Juniper Berry 0.5 gm.
gm. Color Light Brown.
Oil Wormwood 0.6
Liqueur Body 11.5 lit.

Color: Yellow. Curacao de Hollande

Oil Orange 18 gm.
Boonekamp Dutch (Stomach Bitter) Oil Neroli 0.5 gm.
Oil Angelica 1 gm. Oil Cinnamon 0.25 gm.
Oil Orange Bitter 1 gm. Liqueur Body 11.5 lit.

Oil Calamus 0.5 gm. Color: Light Brown.

Oil Coriander 0.5 gm.
Oil Ginger 1 gm.
Oil Mace 0.5 gm. Creme de Curacao Dutch
Oil Nutmeg 0.5 gm.
gm. Oil Pear 1 gm.
Oil Juniper Berry 1
Oil Bitter 1.5 gm.
Oil Wormwood 1.5 gm.
gm. Raspberry Ether 2 gm.
Oil Cinnamon 0.2
Oil Neroli 0.4 gm.
Liqueur Body 11.5 lit.
Oil Mace 0,4 gm.
Color: Amber-Yellow Oil Orange 1.5 gm.
Vanilla Tincture 5 gm.
Water Cress Liqueur Oil Cinnamon 0.5 gm.
Liqueur Body 11.5 lit.
Sugar Solution 15 lit.

Alcohol 90% 44.5 lit. Color: Yellow.

Water 40.5 lit.

Oil Water Cress 50 gm.

Curacao de Marseille
Color: Green.
Raspberry Ether 10 gm.
Oil Mace 1 gm.
Creme de Canelle Oil Orange 4 gm.
Oil Neroli 0.5 gm. Vanilla Tincture 10 gm.
Oil Cinnamon 3 gm. Oil Cinnamon 1 gm.
Liqueur Body 11.5 lit. Liqueur Body 1U > lit.

Color: Cinnamon-Brown Color : Light Brown.

Liqueur de Canelle Curacao Imperial

Oil Mace 0.5 gm. Oil Bitter Orange 4 gm.
Vanilla Tincture 5 gm. Oil Lemon 2 gm.
Oil Cinnamon 2 gm. Raspberry Ether 4 gm.
Liqueur Body 11.5 lit. Oil Nutmeg 0.5 gm.
Color: As Above. Oil Neroli 1 gm.
Oil Orange 2 gm.
Tonka Bean Tincture 10 gm.
Creme de Cassia Vanilla Tincture 10 gm.
Oil Cassia 3 gm. Oil Cinnamon 0.5 gm.
Rosewater 100 gm. Liqueur Body 11.5 lit.
Liqueur Body 11.5 lit.
Color: Dark Brown

Creme de Dames
Oil Lemon 5 gm.
Oil Mace 1 gm. Oil Anise 0.5 gm.
Oil Melissa 1 gm. Oil Cardamom 0.5 gm.
Oil Cloves 1 gm. Oil Lemon 0,5 gm.
Oil Cinnamon 1 gm. Raspberry Ether 5 gm.
Liqueur Body 11.5 lit. Oil Mace 0.5 gm.

For Chemical Advisors, Special Raw Materials, Equipment, Containers, etc., consult Supply
Section at en.d of book.

Oil Cloves 0.5 gm. Balsam Pine 1 gm.

Oil Heroli 0.5 gm. Rosemary Oil 1 gm.
Vanilla Tincture 5 gm. Oil Cinnamon 1.5 gm.
Oil Cinnamon 0.5 gm. Liqueur Body 11.5 lit.

Liqueur Body 11.5 lit. Color : Rose Red.

Color: Yellow.

Eau d Or J

Gold Water a la Danzig Oil Lemon 8 gm.
Oil Rose 0.5 gm.
Sugar Solution 25 lit.
Oil Cinnamon 4 gm.
Alcohol 90% 40 lit.
Liqueur Body 11.5 lit.
Water 28 lit.
Color: Yellow.
Cherry Water 4 lit.
Five genuine gold leaves ground ai
Cognac 3 lit.
added to liqueurs.
Oil Danzig Gold Water 50 gm.
Ground Gold Leaves genuine to be dis-
Oil Calamus 2 gm.
Oil Cardamom 1 gm.

Oil Lemon 4 gm.
Eau d ’Argent Oil Lavender 2 gm.
Oil Bitter Almond 8 gm. Oil Mace 4 gm.
Oil Lemon % gm. Oil Cloves 1 gm.
Oil Mace % gm. Oil Orange Peels
Liqueur Body 11.5 lit. Oil
Oil Rosemary 2 gm.
Five genuine silver leaves to be ground
Oil Juniper Berry 2 gm.
and mixed in to alcohol in which, the oils
Oil Cinnamon 4 gm.
have to be dissolved.
Distilled in 1 Litre of Alcohol.
Liqueur Body 11.5 lit.
Eau d Amour

Gold leaves as before.

Oil Bitter Almond 1 gm.
Oil Lemon 2 gm.
Eau de Capucine
Oil Coriander % gm.
Oil Anise 1 gm.
Oil Lavender y2 gm.
Oil Fennel 1 gm.
Oil Mace y2 gm.
Mace 1 gm.
Oil Cinnamon % gm. Oil
Oil Heroli 0.5 gm.
Liqueur Body 11.5 lit.
Red. Oil Peppermint 0.5
Oil Cinnamon 1
Liqueur Body 11.5 K-
Eau d’Ardelle Color : Dark Brown.
Oil Lemon 2 gm.
Oil Mace 1 gm.
Oil Clove 1 gm. Eau des Chasseurs —A
Oil Orris Root Tincture 50 gm* Oil Mace 1 gm.
Liqueur Body 11.5 lit. Oil Peppermint 2 gm.
Liqueur Body 11.5 lit.
Color : Violet.
Color: Green or no color.
Eau de Diane Oil Cloves 1 gm.
Oil Bitter Almond 0.5 gm. Oil Mace 2 gm.
Oil Rose 1 gm. Oil Peppermint 5 gm.
Oil Her oil 0.5 gm. Liqueur Body 11.5 lit.
Liqueur Body 11.5 lit. Color : Dark Brown.
Ho Color.

Eau Celeste
Eau de Milles Fleurs Oil Anise 1.5 gm.
gm Oil Cardamom 0.5 gm.
Oil Bergamot 0.5
1 gm. Oil Coriander 0.5 gm.
Oil Lemon
1 gm. Oil Cloves 0.5 gm.
Oil Lavender
0.5 gm. Oil Heroli 1 gm.
Oil Mace
0.5 gm. Oil Cinnamon gm.
Tincture Musk Tonquin
Oil Coves 05 gm. Liqueur Body 11.5 lit.

Raw Materials, Equipment, Containers, etc., consult Supply

For Chemical Advisors. Special
Section at end of book.
562 the chemical formulary
Cinnamon 20 gm.
Eau Cordiale
50 gm. Alcohol 95% lit.
Anise Liqueur Body iLo lit.
400 gm.
Lemon Peels
Five ground gold leaves.
Coriander Seed 50 gm.
100 gm.
Nutmegs 20 gm.
50 gm. Prinzess Water
11.5 lit. Amber Tincture to be added
Liqueur Body-
to the finished liqueur 10 gm,
Color : Blue.
Chamomile 50 gm,
Lemon Peels 80 gm.
Eau de la Cote Coriander 40 gm
Oil Bergamot 1 gm. Figs 100 gm,
Oil Lemon 2 gm. Almonds Bitter 40 gm.
Oil Peppermint 0.5 gm. Melissa 60 gm,
Oil Cinnamon 1.5 gm. Cloves 20 gm,
Liqueur Body 11.5 lit.
Bosemary 100 gm
Color: Yellow. Cinnamon 20 gm,
Alcohol 95% 0.6 lit,

U.I Body
Liqueur JDUUJ —
11.5 lit,
Agua Turea
gm. Six ground silver leaves.
Amber Tincture 10
Angelica Tincture 10 gm.
Musk Tincture 2 gm.
Silver Water
Tea Chinese 100 gm.
gm. Angelica Boot 20 gm.
Vanilla Tincture 10
4.6 Lemon Peels 200 gm.
Alcohol 95% lit,
20 gm.
2.3 lit. Cloves
Water 20 gm.
2 kg. Star Anise
Sugar 50 gm.
Orris Boot
No Color. The tea has to be extracted Cinnamon 20 gm.
in. a cold proeess for 8 days in the Alcohol 95% 0.6 lit.
alcohol. Liqueur Body 1U
-- 5 lit.

10 Silver Leaves ground,

English Bitter
Benedictine Herb 10 gm.
20 gm. Greek Water
Gentian Boot gm.
100 gm. Angelica Boot 20
Orange Peels 40 gm.
Calamus Boot 40 gm. Calamus Boot
50 gm. Cardamom 20 gm.
Lesser Centaury 20 gm.
Orris Boot 50 gm. Cloves
20 gm. Mace 20 gm.
Wormwood 80 gm-
Cinnamon 10 gm. Bitter Almonds
Wormwood 20 gm.
Alcohol 95% 0.<3 lit.
Liqueur Body 11.15 lit. Cinnamon £•
Color: Brown. Alcohol 95% 0.6
Liqueur Body 11.5 lit.

Color: Bed Violet,

Pine Bitter
Orange Peels 500 gm.
100 gm. Eau de Sante
Oranges Unripe 40 gm.
Calamus Boot 40 gm. Angelica Boot
20 gm. Lemon Peels 100 gm.
Cinnamon 40 gm.
Zedoary Plant 20 gm. Cardamom
1.15 Jasmine 100 gm.
Alcohol 95% lit.
80 gm.
Liqueur Body 11.5 lit. Lavender
Marjoram 60 gm.
Color: Dark Bed Brown.
Grains of Paradise 40 gm.
Peppermint 80 gm.
Gold Water Bosemary 100 gm.
Anise 50 gm.
100 gm. Alcohol 95% 0.15 lit.

Lemon Peels Liqueur Body 11.!5 lit.

Coriander 50 gm. Green.
Color :
Mace 30 gm.
Cloves 20 gm.

J OX ViXltJXUitiCia D.UI.UV,
Section at end of book.


Fleurs de FOrient Calamus Tincture 5 gm.

Oil Neroli 0.5 gm.
Calamus 30 gm.
200 gm. Liqueur Body 11.5 lit.
Lemon Peels Color : Brown.
Dates 200 gm.
Fennel 100 gm.
Cloves 30 gm.
gm. Pineapple Fruit Liqueur
Orange Peels 300
30 gm. Pineapples 2
95% 0.6 lit. Alcohol 95% 4.6 lit.
Water 3.4 lit.
Liqueur Body 11.5 lit.
Sugar 4.5 kg.
Vanilla Tincture 50 gm.
Creme Aux Macarons Pear Ether 5 gm *

Cardamom 15 gm. Color: Yellow.

Bitter Almond 150 gm.
Cloves 10 gm.
umnaiiiuii 10 gm.
» Apricot Fruit Liqueur
Digest with 150 gm. Orange Mower Apricots 6 kg.
Water. Sugar 4 kg.
Rosewater 1UU gm. Alcohol 95% 3.3 lit.

Liqueur Body 11.5 lit.

Water 1.1 lit.

No Color. Cinnamon Tincture 50 gnu

Color : Rose Red.
Maraschino della Boche de Cattaro
Bitter Almond Water 1.15 lit. Bergamot Fruit Liqueur
Raspberry Water 3.45 lit.
Ripe Bergamots 5 kg.
a a. u+
Orange Flavor Water 2.25 lit.

Alcohol 90% 4.60 lit.

Water 2.3 lit.

5 kg.
Sugar dissolved in the Sugar
Raspberry Water 4 kg. Apple Ether 20 gm.
No Color. Color: Golden Yellow.

Persico Adriatico Blackberry Fruit Liqueur

3 kg<
Bitter Almond Water 1*15 lit. Blackberries
Sugar Solution
Alcohol 95%
Alcohol 95%
H k*

Blackberry Juice 2 lit.
Lemon Absinthe Sugar 0.8 kg.
200 gm.
Lemon Peels Alcohol 95%
100 gm.
Peppermint Herb
Wormwood 50
0.6 lit. Pineapple Ratafia
Alcohol 95% 20 gm.
Liqueur Body J"L,D Pineapple Ether
Color : Green. Cognac Essence gm. M
10 gm.
Ethyl Oenanthic Solution
(1 gr. to 1 lit.
Alcohol 95%)
Lemon Liqueur Rose Water 40 gm.
Peels Fresh 400 gm. 40 gm.
Lemon Tartaric Acid
Alcohol 95%
0.6 t.
Liqueur Body ILo lit.

11,5 Yellow.
Liqueur Body D j
8 days
Lemon Peels to be extracted tor
alcohol. Color: Yellow. Aux Bergamottes
with the Ratafia
Bergamot 3 gm.
China Liqueur gm.
Angelica 50 gm.
Rose Water
Vanilla Tincture
^0 gm.
50 gm.
Cinnamon Tincture 5 gm.
Mace 20 gm*
Tartaric Acid —
20 gm.
200 gm. 11,5 lit.
BitterAlmonds Liqueur Body
20 gm. Color: Yellow.
Digested with 1.1 lit. Water.
°- 6 ht
Alcohol 95%
Containers, etc., consult Supply
Raw Materials, Equipment,
For Chemical Advisors, Special
Section at end of book.
Ratafia Aux Chocolate Cognac Essence 2 gm
1 kg.
Oil Marjoram 0.5 gm
Cocoa Burned Oil Melissa gm
Vanilla Tincture 10 *

gm. Oil Wormwood 0.5 gm

Cinnamon Tincture 5
Raspberry Ether 5 gm
Liqueur Body lit.
Liqueur Body 11.5 lit.
Color ; Dark Brown. Color : Brown.

Ratafia de Curacao
2 gm. Ginger Ratafia
Oil Bitter Almond
0.5 gm. Ginger 100 gm.
Oil Clove
0.4 gm. Mace 10 gm.
Oil Neroli
2 gm. Vanilla 5 gm.
Oil Orange
Vanilla Essence 4 gm* Cinnamon 10 gm.
Oil Cinnamon 0.5 gm. Liqueur Body 1U ) lit.

Color: Yellow.
Liqueur Body 11.5 lit.

Ratafia Aux Citrons Grunewald

Lemon Peels 4 gm. 1.1-2.25
Grunewald Essence lit.
Orange Flower Water 10 gm.
Liquer Body 11.5 lit.
Tartaric Acid 00 gm.
Color : Green.
Liqueur Body 11-5 lit.

Color: Yellow,
Sailors Hearts-Content
Tonka Ratafia Hearts Content Essence 2.55-3 lit.

Tonka Beans 50 gm. Liqueur Body 11.5 lit.

Vanilla Tincture 10 gm.

Cinnamon Tincture 10 gm.
liqueur Body 11*5 lit. Maraschino
Color : Green. Oil Bitter Almond 3 gm.
Cognac Essence 2 gm.
Raspberry Ether 2 gm.
Raspberry Ratafia
Oil Neroli 1 gm.
Raspberry Ether 100 gm. 5 gm.
Vanilla Tincture
Orange Flower Water 10 gm.
gm. Liqueur Body 11.5 lit.
Tartaric Acid 10 No Color.
Cinnamon Tincture 5 gm.
Liqueur Body 11*5 lit.

Color: Raspberry Red.

Stomach Creme
French Stomach Essence 1.1 lit.
Bishop Liqueur Body 11.5 lit.
4.6 lit.
Cherry* Juice Color: Light Brown.
Curacao Peels 50 gm.
Cloves 10 gm.
Oranges 10 pieces
Creme de Mocca
Cinnamon 10 gm.
Coffee Essence 2,25 lit!
Alcohol 95% 4.6 lit.
Liqueur Body 11.5 lit.
Sugar 2 kg.
Color : Brown.
Color: Yellow.

Calamus Ratafia Double Carnation Liqueur

Oil Calamus 0.5 gm. Cloves Tincture 0.52 lit.

Oil Cardamom 3 gm. Liqueur Body 11.5 lit.

Vanilla Tincture 4 gm. Color : Brown.

Cinnamon Tincture 4 gm.
Liqueur Body 11.5 lit.

Color: Yellow. Creme de Sultan

Sultan Essence 0.52 lit.

Bitter Ratafia
Liqueur Body H* 5 ^
Color: Dark Red.
Oil Angelica gm.
Oil Cardamom gm.
For Chemical Advisors, Special Raw Materials, Eauinment. Containers, etc., consult
Section at end of book.
Vanilla Creme Creme de Peru
Vanilla Essence 50 gm. Peru Essence 1.1 lit.
Balsam Peru Essence 100 gm. Liqueur Body 11.5 lit.
Liqueur Body 11.5 lit. Color: Brown.
Color : Bed.
Chocolate Liqueur
Venus Creme Cocoa Beans Burned 200 gm.
Clove Tincture 5 gm.
Venus Essence 1.1 gm.
Vanilla Tincture 16 gm.
Liqueur Body 11.5 lit.
Cinnamon Tincture 5 gm.
No Color.
Liqueur Body 11.5 lit.
Color Dark Bed.

Amber Liqueur
Amber Essence 5 gm. Creme de Vanilla Pure
Musk Essence 0.5 gm. Vanilla Tincture 150 gm.
Civet Essence 0.5 gm. Liqueur Body 11.5 lit.

Liqueur Body 11.5 lit. Color : Bed.

Color : Light Brown,
Creme de Vanilla Double
Friends Drink Vanilla Tincture 1.15 lit.

Liqueur Body 11.5 lit,

Oil Bergamot 2 gm Color : Bed.
Oil Lemon 1 gm
Cognac Essence 5 gm.
Vanilla Tincture 10 gm. Liqueur de Vanilla
Orris Boot Tincture 10 gm. Balsam Peru Tincture 200 gm.
Liqueur Body 11.5 lit. Vanilla Tincture 200 gm.
Color: Brown. Liqueur Body 11.5 lit.
Color: Bed.

English Bitter
Huile de Vanilla Suifme
Essence Bitter Orange 40 gm.
gm. Benzoin Tincture 10 gm.
Essence Holy Thistle 60
gm. Bosewater 60 gm.
Essence China Bark 40
gm. Vanilla Tincture 20 gm.
Essence Gentian Boot 40
gm. Liqueur Body 11.5 lit.
Essence Lesser Centaury 60
gm. Color: Bed.
Essence Orris Boot 40
Essence Wormwood 60 gm.
Liqueur Body 11.5 lit. Cinnamon Liqueur Simple
Color: Brown. Cinnamon Tincture 0.55 lit.

Liqueur Body 11.5 lit.

Color: Cinnamon Brown.

Spanish Bitter Creme
Spanish Bitter Essence 1.1-1. 6 lit.
Cinnamon Liqueur Double
Liqueur Body 11.5 lit.
Balsam Peru Tincture 0.1 lit.
Color: Brown. Cinnamon Tincture 0.9 lit.

Liqueur Body 11.5 lit.

Spanish Chocolate Creme Color : Cinnamon Brown.

Chocolate Essence 2.25 lit.

Liqueur Body 11.5 lit. Cream of Lemon Fruits

Color: Brown. Lemon Peels absolutely fresh
extracted for 6 days in 0.6
lit. Alcohol 95% 10 piece.
Curacao of Java Liqueur Body 11.5 lit.
Curacao 1.1 lit.
Color Yellow.
Oil Neroli 5 gm.
Dissolved in 50 gm. Alcohol 95%.
Liqueur Body 11.5 lit. Cherry Liqueur
No Color. Oil Bitter Almond gm.
Vanilla Tincture gm.

For Chemical Advisors, Special Raw Materials, Equipment, Containers, etc,, consult Supply
Section at end of book.


Orris Root Tincture 5 gm. Dissolved in 100 gm. Alcohol 95%.
Cinnamon Tincture 0.5 gm. Vanilla Tincture 8 gm.
Liqueur Body 11.5 lit. Liqueur Body 11.5 lit.

Color : Cherry Red. Colorless.

Fleur de Montpelier Creme de Coffee

Angelica Tincture 10 gm. Clove Tincture 10 gm.
Oil Bergamot 1 gm. Mace Tincture 10 gm.
Oil Lemon 1 gm. Cinnamon Tincture 15 gm.
Oil Cloves 0.5 gm. Coffee Tincture 1.15 lit.

Oil Heroli 1 gm. Liqueur Body 11.5 lit.

Oil Rose 0.2 gm. Color: Dark Brown.

Vanilla Tincture 5 gm.
Cinnamon Tincture 5 gm.
Coffee Liqueur
Liqueur Body 11.5 lit.

Color : Blue. Coffee Burned 200 gm.

Tincture Cloves 5 gm.
Tincture Mace 5 gm.
Creme de Tincture Vanilla 15 gm.
Clove Tincture 600 gm. Tincture Cinnamon 5 gm.
Cinnamon Tincture 50 gm. Liqueur Body 11.5 lit.

Liqueur Body 11.5 lit. Color: Dark Brown.

Color : Brown.
Creme de Mocca
Hut Creme Vanilla Tincture gm.
Hut Tincture 1.15 lit.
Orris Root Tincture 50 gm.
Liqueur Body 11.5 lit.
Cinnamon Tincture 15 gm.
Color : Green. Coffee Tincture 1.15 lit.
Liqueur Body 11.5 lit.

Creme de Peru Color: Dark Brown.

Balsam Peru Tincture 120 gm.
Orris Root Tincture 50 gm. Creme de Cassia
Liqueur Body 11.5 lit.
Cinnamon Tincture 500 gnu
Color : Brown. Liqueur Body 11.5 lit.
Color : Brown.
Creme de Chocolate
Aromatic Tincture 30 gm. Creme of China
Cocoa Tincture 1.5 gm. Cassia Tincture gm.
Balsam Peru Tincture 20 gm. Liqueur Body 11.5 lit.
Liqueur Body 11.5 lit.
Color : Brown.
Color Brown.

Creme de Cocoa
Cream of Raspberry
Vanilla Tincture 25 gm,
Raspberry Tincture 10 gm. Cocoa Tincture 1.15 gnu
Vanilla Tincture 2 gm. Liqueur Body 11.5 lit.
Cinnamon Tincture 2 gm. Color : Brown.
Liqueur Body 11.5 lit.
Color : Red.
Cream of Flower
Indian Ginger Jasmine Tincture 10 gm.
Amber Tincture gm. Vanilla Tincture 10 gm.
Musk Tincture 0.5 gm. Oil Rose 1 gm.
Oil Ginger gm. Dissolved in 0.15 lit. Alcohol 95%.
Liqueur Body 11.5 lit.
Liqueur Body 11.5 lit.

Color Brown. Ho Color.

Cream of Virgins Cream of Sulton

Oil Anise 20 gm. Amber Tincture 1.5 gm.
Oil Heroli 2 gm. Benzoin Tincture 1.5 gm.

For Chemical Advisors, Special Raw Materials, Equipment, Containers, etc., consult Supply
Section at end of book.

Musk Tincture 0.5 gm. Absinthe Pine

Oil Rose 0.5 gm. Oil Calamus 1 gm.
Dissolved in 50 gm. Alcohol 95%. Oil Coriander 1.5 gm.
Liqueur Body 11-5 lit. Oil Ginger 1 gm.
Color: Dark Red. Oil Wormwood 1 gm.
Liqueur Body 11.5 lit.

Color Green.
Creme of Lemon a la Malta :

Oil Lemon 1.5 gm.

Oil Coriander 0.5 gm. Cinnamon Liqueur
Oil Neroli 0.2 gm. Oil Cinnamon 4 gm.
Oil Orange 1.5 gm. Dissolved in 0.1 lit. Aleohol 95%.
Vanilla Tincture 5 gm. Liqueur Body 11.5 lit.

Cinnamon Tincture 5 gm. Color: Light Brown.

Liqueur Body 11.5 lit.

Color: Yellow.
Dutch Cinnamon Liqueur
Oil Rosewood 1.5 gm.
Extract of Lemon Double Oil Cinnamon 2.5 gm.
Oil Lemon 4 gm. Liqueur Body 11*5 lit.

Oil Coriander 0.5 gm. Color : Light Brown.

Oil Neroli 1 gm.
Oil Orange 2 gm.
0.5 gm. Creme of Cinnamon Extra Pine
Oil Star Anise
10 gnu Genuine Oil Rose 0.5 gm.
Tonka Bean Tincture gm.
10 gm. Oil Cinnamon 3
Vanilla Tincture
11.5 Liqueur Body 11*5 lit.
Liqueur Body lit.

Color: Lemon Yellow. Color: Brown or Red.

Pineapple Liqueur Cinnamon Liqueur Super Pine

0.5 gm.
Pineapple Ether IS gm * Oil Mace
gm. Oil Cloves 0.5 gm.
Cognac Essence 10
Oil Cinnamon 2 gm.
Oil Rose 1 SP*
ILo Rt* Liqueur Body 11*5 Rt*
Liqueur Bodv
Color: Yellow. Color : Cinnamon Brown.

Creme of Pineapple Lemon Liqueur

gm. Oil Lemon 3 gm.
Pineapple Ether 20
Alcohol 95%.
gm Dissolved in 0.1 lit.
Pear Ether 5 *

gm. Liqueur Body 11*5 lit*

Acetic Ether 10
20 gm. Color: Yellow.
Raspberry Ether
Liqueur Body n 5 nt- *

Color: Yellow. Creme de Citron

Oil Lemon 14 gm *

0.4 gm.
Creme de Barbados Oil Neroli
gm. Liqueur Body 11*5 Rt-
Oil Bergamot 1
1 gm. Color: Light Yellow.
Oil Lemon
Mace 0.2 gm.
0.5 gm.
Oil Cloves Huile de Citron
0.2 gm.
Oil Neroli 15 gp*
5 gm. Oil Lemon
Balsam Peru Tincture Liqueur Body 11,5 Rt*
5 gm.
Orris Root Tincture Color: Light Yellow.
Cinnamon 1 gm.
Liqueur Body 11.5 lit.

No Color or Brown. Usquebaugh —No. 2

Oil Anise 1 £m *

Creme of Cinnamon Oil Calamus 0.5 gm.

100 gm. Oil Cardamom 1 gm -

Cinnamon Tincture
Liqueur Body H- 5 Alt * Oil Lemon 1 %m -

Oil Mace 0.5 gm.

Color : Brown.
Oil Nutmeg 0.5 gm.

etc., consult Supply

Raw Materials, Equipment, Containers,
For Chemical Advisors, Special
Section at end of book.
Oil Cloves 0.5 gm. Creme of Seven Fruits
Oil Cinnamon 1 gm. Oil Anise Bussian 2 gm.
Liqueur Body 11.5 lit. Oil Lemon 2 gm.
Color: Yellow* Oil Coriander 2 gm.
Oil Caraway 5 gm.
Venus Creme Oil Muscat 1 gm t

gm. Oil Cloves 1 gm.

Oil Cloves 2
gm. Oil Cinnamon 1 gm.
Oil Cinnamon 2
Liqueur Body 11.5 Ht.
Liqueur Body 11.5 lit.

Color: Bose Bed.

Swiss Creme
Creme de Juniper Berry Oil Angelica 0.5 gm.
gm. Oil Bitter Almond 1 gm.
Oil Lemon 4
Oil Orange 4 gm. Oil Calamus 0.5 gm.
Oil Juniper Berry 10 gm. Oil Cardamom 0.5 gm.
Liqueur Body 11.5 lit. Oil Cloves 0.2 gm.
Colorless or Faint Green.
Oil Peppermint 0.2 gm.
Oil Bosemary 0.2 gm.
Oil Thyme 0.5 gm.
Juniper Berry Liqueur — Oil Juniper Berry 0,5 gm.
Oil Coriander 1 gm. Oil Wormwood 0.5 gm.
Cognac Essence 4 gm. Vanilla Tincture 6 gm.
Oil Juniper Berry 3 gm. Oil Cinnamon 0.5 gm.
Liqueur Body * 11.5 lit. Liqueur Body 11.5 lit.

Color : Green. Color: Green.

Oil Calamus

Usquebaugh —No.
Oil gm
Oil Anise 1 v
Cognac Essence 2 gm.
Oil Cardamom 0.5 gm.
Oil Coriander 0.5 gm.
Oil Lemon 0.5 gm.
Oil Juniper Berry 2 gm.
Oil Coriander 0.5 gm.
Oil Ginger 0.5 gm.
Oil Mace 0.5 gm.
Liqueur Body 11.5 lit.
Oil Cloves 0.5
Color: Green.
Oil Cinnamon 0.5 gm.
Liqueur Body 11.5 lit.

English Absinthe Color: Yellow.

Oil Anise 8 gm.
Oil Wormwood 8 gm. Liqueur d ’Oranges
Liqueur Body 11.5 lit.
Color: Green.
Oil Lemon 2 gm.
Oil Orange 3 gm.
Liqueur Body 11.5 lit.
Bostopschin No Color.
Oil Anise gm.
Oil Cardamom gm. Creme d ’Oranges
Oil Lemon gm.
gm. Oil Neroli 0.5 gm.
Oil Coriander
Oil Orange 2.8 gm.
Oil Mace gm.
Oil Cinnamon 0.5 gm. Liqueur Body 11.5 lit.

Liqueur Body 11.5 lit.

No Color.
No Color.
Creme de Boses
Creme de Celery Oil Geranium 0.5 gm.
Oil Anise 0.5 gm. Oil Bose 0.5 gm.
Oil Bitter Almond 0.5 gm. Liqueur Body 11.5 lit.
Oil Coriander 0.5 gm. Color: Bose Bed.
Oil Caraway 0.5 gm.
051 Celery Seed 1 gm. Huile de Boses
Liqueur Body 11.5 lit. Oil Bose 1.5 gm.
No Color. Liqueur Body 11.5 Ht.
Color: Pale Bose Bed.
For Chemical Advisors, Special Baw Materials, Equipment, Containers, etc., consult Supply
Section at end of book.

Eosa Bianca Creme de Menthe Anglaise

Oil Cloves 0.5 gm. Oil Cloves 0.5 gm.
Oil Eose 1 gm. Oil Peppermint 4 gm.
Liqueur Body 11.5 lit.
Liqueur Body 11.5 lit.
Colorless. Colorless or Green.

Creme de Eoses de Bassora Liqueur de Menthe

Oil Heroli 0.5 gm. Oil Peppermint 9 gm.
Oil Rose 2 gm. Dissolved in 0.1 lit. Alcohol 95%.
Liqueur Body 11.5 lit. Liqueur Body 11.5 lit.

Color : Eose Eed. Ho Color.

Rose Mousseuse Superior English Peppermint

Creme de la
Oil Spearmint 1 gm.
Oil Heroli 0.2 gm.
Oil Peppermint 4 gm.
Oil Eose 0.4 gm.
Liqueur Body 11.5 lit.
Vanilla Tincture 2 gm.
Color : Grass Green.
Liqueur Body 1L5 lit.

Color: Eose Bed.

Creme de Pleurs d 'Oranges
(Creme of Orange Plower)
Eosemary Liqueur Oil Heroli 4.5 gm.
Oil Lemon 1 gm. Oil Eose 0.5 gm.
Oil Coriander 1 gm. Liqueur Body 11.5 lit.

Oil Eosemary 3 gm. Ho Color.

Liqueur Body 11.5 lit.
Color: Green.
Fleurs d 'Oranges
Oil Heroli 2 gm.
Persico de Cattaro Oil Orange 3 gm.
Almond 4.5 gm. Liqueur Body 11.5 lit.
Oil Bitter
Liqueur Body 11-5 lit.
Ho Color.

Ho Color.
Huille de Fleurs d 'Oranges
Oil Heroli 4.5 gm.
Creme de Persico gm.
Oil Orange 2.5
Oil Bitter Almond *
2 gm. Liqueur Body 11.5 lit.
Oil Mace, 0.4 gm. Ho Color.
Oil Cloves 0.2 gm.
Oil Heroli 0.2 gm.
Vanilla Tincture 4 gm. Creme de Fleurs d 'Oranges
Orris Eoot Tincture 6 gm. Pear Ether 1 gm.
Cinnamon Tincture 4 gm. Oil Bitter Almond 1 gm.
Liqueur Body 1L5 lit.
Raspberry Ether 2 gm.
Ho Color. Oil Heroli 1 gm.
Oil Cinnamon 1 gm*
Liqueur Body 11.5 lit.

Huile de Menthe Color: Yellow.

Oil Peppermint 4 gm.
Liqueur Body 11-5 lit.
Fleur d 'Oranges de la Eiviere
Color : Green.
Jasmine Water 50 gm.
Oil Heroli 5 gm.
Oil Eose 1 gm.
Mentha Bianca
gm. Liqueur Body 11.5 lit.
Oil Spearmint 2
Ho Color.
Oil Cloves
Oil Peppermint 4 gm.
Liqueur Body H*5 lit. Parfait Amour
Ho Color. Oil Lemon 8 gm.
Oil Mace 1 gm.

For Chemical Advisors, Special Raw Materials, Equipment, Containers, etc., consult Supply
Section at end of book.


Oil Cloves 4 gm. Creme de Fleurs d 'Oranges
Liqueur Body *
11.5 lit. Orange Flower Water 1 lit.
Color : Light Red. Liqueur Body 11.5 lit.
No Color.
Parfait Amour Liqueur
Oil Anise 4 gm Creme de Muscat —
Oil Chamomile 2 gm Oil Mace 2 gm.
Oil Cardamom 4 gm Oil Nutmeg 1 gm.
Oil Lemon 2 gm Vanilla Tincture 5 gm.
Oil Lavender 2 gm Liqueur Body 11.5 lit.

Oil Cloves 2 gm Color : Red-Brown.

Oil Orange 2 gm B
Oil Rosemary 4 gm Cognac Essence 5 gm.
Oil Cinnamcn 20 gm Oil Mace 1 gm.
Dissolve in 1.15 lit. Alcohol 95%. Oil Nutmeg gm.
Liqueur Body 11.5 lit.
Oil Neroli 0.5 gm.
Color: Rose Red. Oil Cinnamon 0.5 gm.
Liqueur Body 11.5 lit.

Melisse Romaine
Oil Lemon 1 gm Carnation Creme Liqueur
Oil Coriander 0.5 gm Oil Cloves 1.6 gm.
Oil Melissa 3 gm Liqueur Body 11.5 lit.
Vanilla Tincture 5 gm No Color or Light Yellow.
Oil Cinnamon 0.5 gm
Liqueur Body 11.5 lit.

Color : Green. Liqueur Aux Fleurs d’Oeillets

Oil Cloves 5 gm.
Milk Liqueur Dissolved in 0.1 lit. Alcohol 95%.
gm. Liqueur Body 11.5 lit.
Oil Anise 0.5
Oil Cloves 0.5 gm. Color : Brown.
Oil Orange 2 gm.
Oil Rose 0.5 gm. Huile d’Oeillets
Oil Cinnamon 1 gm. Oil Cloves 1.5 gm.
Milk 1.15 lit. Oil Cinnamon 0.25 gm.
Liqueur Body 11.5 lit. Liqueur Body 11.5 lit.

No Color or Light Yellow.

Nordhauser Corn Liqueur
Acetic Ether 10 gm. Creme de* Clous de Girofle
Oil Juniper Berry 0.5 gm. Oil Bitter Almond 0.5 gm.
Oil Cinnamon 0.5 gm. Oil Mace 0.2 gm.
Liqueur Body 11.5 lit. Oil Cloves 1.5 gm.
Oil Cinnamon 0.5 gm.
Nordhauser Corn Liqueur Double Liqueur Body 11.5 lit.

Acetic Ether 15 gm. Color: Brown.

Raspberry Ether 10 gm.
Oil Mace 0.5 gm. Non Pareille
Oil Cloves 0.2 gm. Oil Mace 1 gm.
Oil Cinnamon 0.5 gm. Oil Cloves 1 gm.
Liqueur Body 11.5 lit. Oil Rose 0.5 gm.
Liqueur Body 11.5 lit.

Nut Creme Color: Dark Cherry Red.

Oil Cloves 10 gm.
Green Nuts 250 gm. Almond Creme
Mace 40 gm. Oil Bitter Almond 1.5gm.
Orris Root 10 gm. Oil Mace 0.5gm.
Oil Cinnamon 10 gm. Oil Peppermint 0.5 gm.
To be dissolved in 1 lit. Alcohol 95% Tincture Balsam Peru 5 gm.
and extracted in cold process or 14= days, Tincture Cinnamon 5 gm.
then add 11.5 lit. Liqueur Body. Liqueur Body 11.5 lit.
Color: Green. No Color.

Far Chemical Advisors, Special Raw Materials, Equipment, Containers, etc., consult Supply
Section at end of book.


Maraschino Dalmaticc Oil Caraway 2 gm.

Oil Bitter Almond 1.5 gm. Oil Orange 1 gm.
Oil Neroli 0.5 gm. Liqueur Body 11.5 life.

Oil Bose 0.5 gm. No Color.

Oil Cinnamon 0.8 gm.
Liqueur Body 11.5 lit.
Fine Caraway Liqueur
No Color.
Oil Fennel gm.
Oil Caraway 4 gm.
Maraschino di Zara Y anilla Tincture 10 gm.
Oil Cinnamon 1 gm.
Oil Bitter Almond 3
Liqueur Body 11.5 lit.
Oil Neroli 0.8 gm.
No Color.
Jasmine Water 40 gm.
Bose Water 30 gm.
Liqueur Body 11.5 lit. Triple Caraway Essence
No Color. Oil Anise 2 gm.
Oil Lemon 5 gm.
Oil Coriander 3 gm.
Liqueur de Melisse Oil Caraway 150 gm.
Oil Lemon 0.5 gm. Oil Mace 1 gm.
Oil Melissa 3 gm.
48 gm. of this mixture are to be mixed
Oil-Nutmeg 0.5 gm.
with 25 lit. of 60% Alcohol, 25 lit. Water,
Liqueur Body 11.5 lit.
1 lit. Bourbon Whiskey and 4 kilos Sugar.
Color : Green.

Mixed Caraway Essence

Creme de Melisse Cognac Essence 5 gm.
Oil Cardamom 0.5 gm. Oil Coriander 1 gm.
Oil Lemon 0.5 gm. Oil Fennel 1 gm.
Oil Coriander 0.5 gm. Oil Caraway 3 gm.
Oil Mace 0.5 gm. Oil Neroli 0.5 gm.
Oil Melissa 2 gm. Oil Orange I gm.
Oil Cinnamon 0.5 gm. Oil Cinnamon 1 gm.
Liqueur Body 11.5 lit. Liqueur Body 11.5 lit.

Color : Green. No Color.

Spearmint Buds Liqueur

Muscat Liqueur Simple
Oil Spearmint 3 gm.
Tincture Benzoin 5 gm.
Oil Lavender 1 gm.
Oil Coriander 0.5 gm.
Oil Melissa 0.5 gm.
Oil Mace 1 gm.
Oil Peppermint 0.5 gin.
Oil Nutmeg 1 gm. gm.
Oil Orange 1
Liqueur Body 11.5 lit.
Oil Cinnamon 0.5 gm.
Color: Brown.
Liqueur Body 11.5 lit.

Color : Green.
Creme de Caraway Simple
Oil Caraway 16 gm. Crambambuli —
Liqueur Body 11.5 lit.
Oil Cardamom 1 gm.
No Color.
Oil Lemon 1 gm.
Oil Mace 1 gm.
Oil Cloves 0.5 gm.
Creme de Caraway Double
Oil Orange 1 gm.
Oil Anise 2 gm.
Oil Cinnamon 0.5 gm.
Oil Caraway 16 gm.
Liqueur Body 11.5 lit.
Liqueur Body 11.5 lit.
Color: Dark Bed.
No Color.
Oil Calamus 0.5 gm.
Double Caraway a la Danzig Oil Cardamom 1 gm.
gm. Oil Lemon 1 gm.
Oil Cardamom 0.5
0.5 gm. Oil Fennel 0.5 gm.
Oil Coriander
gm. Oil Nutmeg 0.5 gm.
Oil Fennel 0.5

Materials, Equipment, Containers, consult Suppl'f

For Chemical Advisors, Special Kaw etc-,

Section at end of book.

Oil Orange 1 gm. Spearmint Liqueur
Oil Peppermint 2 gm. Oil Spearmint 8 gm.
Oil Star Anise 0.5 gm. Dissolves in 0.1 lit. Alcohol 95%.
Liqueur Body 11.5 lit Liqueur Body 11.5 lit
Color Dark Red. Color : Green.

Liqueur Polonaise (Kontuszowka) Cardamom Liqueur

Oil Lemon 0.4 gm.
Oil Anise 2 gm.
Oil Cubeb 0.5 gm.
Oil Cardamom 3 gm.
Oil Ginger 0.5 gm.
Vanilla Tincture 10 gm.
Oil Lavender 1 gm.
Liqueur Body 11.5 lit.
Oil Mace 0.5 gm.
No Color.
Oil Marjoram 0.5 gm.
Oil Juniper Berries 0.5 gm.
Oil Wormwood 0,5 gm.
Cardamom Liqueur
Liqueur Body 11.5 lit.
Color Brown.:
Oil Cardamom 3 gm.
Oil Lemon 1 gm.
Oil Coriander 1 gm.
Caraway Liqueur Liqueur Body 11.5 lit.

Oil Caraway 8 gm. Color: Yellow.

Dissolved in 0.1 lit. Alcohol 95%.
Liqueur Body 11.5 lit.
Cardinal Liqueur

Liqueur des Carmelites Romains

Amber Tincture 10 gm
Oil Lemon 2 gm
Oil Lemon 2 gm. Oil Nutmeg 1 gm
Oil Coriander 1 gm Oil Cloves 1 gm
Oil Fennel 1 gm Oil Cinnamon 1 gm
Oil Mace 0.5 gm Liqueur Body 11.5 lit.
Oil Melissa 0.5 gm No Color.
Oil Peppermint 0.5 gm
Oil Orange 2 gm
Zedoary Plant 1 gm Cardinal Essence
Liqueur Body 11.5 lit. Amber Tincture 10 gm.
Color: Yellow-Green. Oil Lemon 4 gm.
Oil Mace 1 gm.
Creme Carminative Oil Cloves 0.5 gm.
Oil Peppermint 0.5 gm.
Oil Anise 1 gm. Vanilla Tincture 25 gm.
Oil Lemon 2 gm. Oil Cinnamon 1.5 gm.
Oil Coriander gm.
Liqueur Body H.5 lit.
Oil Fennel gm.
Color : Red-Yellow.
Oil Caraway gm.
Oil Neroli 0.5 gm.
Oil Orange 1 gm. Liqueur des Carmelites
Oil Cinnamon 0.5 gm. Oil Lemon 1 gm.
Liqueur Body 11.5 lit. Oil Coriander 1 gm.
Oil Mace 0.4 gm.
Coriander Liqueur Oil Melissa 0.4 gm.
gm. Oil Orange 1 gm.
Oil Lemon 1.5
Oil Coriander gm. Liqueur Body 11.5 lit.
Liqueur Body 11.5 lit. No Color.
Color : Yellow.
Honey Liqueur
Creme de Coriander Double Sugar Solution 30 lit.

Oil Lemon 1 gm. Alcohol 90% 30 lit.

Oil Coriander 4 gm. Water 40 lit.

Oil Cloves 0.5 gm. Honey Aroma according to

Oil Cinnamon 0.5 gm. strength 50-500 gm.
Liqueur Body 11.5 lit. Color: Honey Yellow.
Color: Yellow.

For Chemical Advisors, Special Raw Materials, Equipment, Containers, etc., consult Supply
Section at end of book.

Jasmine de la Province Spice —Creme Liqueur

Oil Jasmine 2 gm. Oil Anise 0.2 gm.
Liqueur Body 11.5 lit. Oil Cardamom 0.2 gm.
Color : Brownish. Oil Lemon 0.5 gm.
Oil Ginger 1 gm.
Oil Mace 0.5 gm.
Calamus Liqueur Simple
Oil Nutmeg 0.4 gm.
Oil Calamus 5 gm. Oil Neroli 0.4 gm.
Dissolved in 0.1 lit. Alcohol 95%. Oil Cloves 0.5 gm.
Liqueur Body 11.5 lit. Oil Wormwood 0.5 gm.
Color : Yellow. Liqueur Body 11.5 lit.

Color : Brown.
Calamus Creme
Oil Calamus 3 gm. Creme de Girofle
Oil Cinnamon 2 gm. Oil Cloves 2 gm.
Liqueur Body 11.5 lit. Oil Mace 1 gm.
Color: Yellow. Oil Cinnamon 1 gm.
Liqueur Body 11.5 lit.

Calamus Liqueur Color : Brown.

Oil Calamus 3 gm.
Oil Cardamom 2 gm. Liqueur Allemande (Grunewald)
Oil Orange 1 gm. Oil Angelica 0.5 gm,
Liqueur Body 11.5 lit. Oil Lemon 1 gm
Color: Bed-Yellow. Oil Cardamom 0.5 gm
Cognac Essence 5 gm
Eau de Calame
Oil Galgant 1 gm
Oil Orange 1 gm
Oil Calamus 4 gm. Oil Cinnamon 0.5 gm
Oil Coriander 0.5 gm. Oil Wormwood gm
Oil Orange 1.5 gm. Liqueur Body 11.5 lit.
Oil Star Anise 0.5 gm. Color: Brownish-Green.
Oil Cinnamon 1 gm.
Liqueur Body 11.5 lit.

Color : Brown-Bed. Eau de Pucelle

Oil Angelica 0.5 gm.
Oil Fennel 1 gm.
Calamus Liqueur Composed Oil Cloves 0.5 gm.
Oil Angelica 2 gm. Oil Orange 1 gm.
Oil Calamus 4 gm. Tincture Orris Boot 10 gm.
Oil Cloves 0.5 gm. Oil Juniper Berry 1 gm.
Oil Cinnamon 0.5 gm. Oil Cinnamon 1.5 gm.
Liqueur Body 11*5 lit.
Liqueur Body 11.5 lit.
Color: Light Brown. Color : Yellow.

Genevre de Hollande Eau Boyale

Oil Cardamom 0.5 gm. Essence Amber 4 gm.
Cognac Essence 4 gm. Oil Lemon 1 gm.
Oil Juniper Berries 2 gm. Oil Mace 0.5 gm.
Oil Wormwood 0.5 gm. Oil Cloves 0.5 gm.
Liqueur Body 1L5 lit.
Oil Orange 2 gm.
Color: Yellow. Oil Cinnamon 1 gm.
Liqueur Body 11.5 lit.

Double Genevre No Color.

Oil Cardamom 1 gm.

Oenanthie Ether 0.5 gm. Eau de Valeriane
4 gm. Oil Angelica 1 gm.
Oil Juniper Berries
Wormwood 1 gm. Oil Valerian 3 gm.
gm. Oil Calamus 2 gm.
Oil Cinnamon 0.5
Oil Lemon 1 gm.
Liqueur Body L1.5 lit.

Color: Dark Yellow. Liqueur Body 11-5 lit.

Color: Yellow.

Materials, Equipment, Containers, etc., consult Supply

For Chemical Advisors, Special Raw
Section at end of book.
Bouquet des Dames
Double Fennel Liqueur
0.5 gm. Oil Cloves 0.5 gm.
Oil Anise
0.5 gm. Oil Mace 0.5 gm.
Oil Coriander
3 gm. Oil Bose 1 gm.
Oil Fennel
0.5 gm. Oil Cinnamon 0.5 gm.
Oil Star Anise
11.5 Liqueur Body 10 lit.
Liqueur Body lit.

Color: Yellow.

Polish Brandy— “A :

Springflower Liqueur
Baisins 280 gm.
Oil Cardamom 0.5 gm.
Licorice 35 gm.
Cognac Essence 5 gm.
Cinnamon 25 gm.
Oil Lavender 1 gm.
Cardamom 25 gm.
Oil Mace 1 gm.
gm. Cloves 8 gm.
Oil Melissa 0.5
gm. Galgant 8 gm.
Oil Peppermint 1
gm. Ammonia Rubber 8 gm.
Oil Orange 1
gm. Anise Seed 8 gm,
Tincture Vanilla 10

gm. Coriander 8 gm,

Oil Cinnamon 1
Alcohol 60% 3 lit.
Liqueur Body 11.5 lit.

Color: Green. Extracted for few days, pressed, fil-

tered and mixed with sugar, the last to
be dissolved in rose water.
Bishop Drink

20 gm.
Lemon Peels 100 gm. Rosemary 70 gm
Fennel 10 gm. Calamus 8 gm
Peppermint Herb 60
1 gm.
Anise 8 gm
Orange Peels 60
* gm. Baisins 280 gm
Savin Herb 50
• gm. Pepper 50 gm
Liqueur Body 11.5 lit.
Caraway 110 gm
Color: Light Bed. Ginger 110 gm
Corn Brandy 4 lit.

Flower Creme Liqueur Manufacture as in

Jasmine Tincture 10 gm.
Vanilla Tincture 10 gm.
Oil Bose 1 gm. Trester Brandy

Dissolve in 0.15 lit. Alcohol 95 %• 4 oz.

Oil Cognac, Genuine
Liqueur Body 11.5 lit.
5 oz.
Oil Corn Fusel
Ho Color. Methyl Salicylate 3 oz.
Acetic Ether, Absolute 2
t lb. 8 oz.

Aleohol 24 pt.
Oriental Flower Creme
Water 3 pt. 12 oz.
Calamus 30 gm.
Lemon Peels 200 gm. Filter through magnesium carbonate.
Dates 200 gm.
Fennel 100 gm.
Cloves 30 gm. Blackberry Essence
Orange Peel 300 gm. gm.
Hutmeg Essence 10
Cinnamon 30 gm. gm.
Coriander Essence 10
Alcohol 95% 0.6 kilo
Cinnamon Essence 10
Liqueur Body 11*5 lit.
100 gm.
Blackberry Ether
Ho Color Blackberry Juice 170 gm.
Aleohol 60% 500 cm.

Flower Essence
Vanilla Tincture 200 gm.
5 gm. Breadwater Liqueur
Bose Oil
Alcohol 70% 10 kilos Lemon Peel 1750 gm.
Color: Bose Bed. Cloves 100 gin-
Cinnamon Ceylon 100 gm.

Raw Materials, Equipment, Containers, etc., consult Supply

For Chemical Advisors, Special
Section at end of book.

Mace 50 gm. Greek Water

Coriander 50 gm. Angelica Root 20 gm.
Anise 25 gm. Calamus Root 40 gm.
Alcohol 90% 10 lit. Cardamom 20 gm.
This mixture has to he extracted for Mace 20 gm.
36 hours, then add 5 lit. water, distill off Cloves 20 gm.
12 lit., then add tincture manufactured Bitter Almond 80 gm.
as follows: 7.5 kilos toasted pumper- Wormwood 20 gm.
nickel, 12.5 lit. 75% alcohol —
then add Cinnamon 20 gm.
18 lit. alcohol 90% and 25 kilos sugar Alcohol 95% 0.6 lit.

and enough water to make it 100 kilos. Color : Red Violet.

Color with Caramel.

Greek Bitter Essence

Train Liqueur Oil Cinnamon Flowers 50 gm.
Oil Peppermint 15 gm. Caraway Seed 200 gm.
Oil Star Anise 15 gm. Peppermint Herb 200 gm.
Oil Cloves 10 gm. Orange Peels 150 gm.
Oil Calamus 3 gm. Angelica Root 150 gm.
Oil Juniper Berry 3 gm. Gentian 200 gm.
Oil Coriander Seed 3 gm. Alcohol 70% 4 lit.
Oil Bitter Orange 2 gm.
Raisin Ether 5 gm.
Acetic Ether 5 gm. Sky Water
Violet Elower Essence 3 gm. Oil Anise 1.5 gm.
To be distilled over burnt ’“magnesia. Cardamom Oil 0.5 gm.
Oil Coriander 0.5 gm.
Oil Cloves 0.5 gm.
Train Liqueur Oil Neroli 1 gm.
Train Liqueur Oil 35 gm. Oil Cinnamon 1 gm.
Pineapple Ether 150 gm. Liqueur Body 11.5 lit.

Raisin Essence 150 gm.

Vanilla Essence 50 gm.
Violet Flower Essence 30 gm. Hunting Liqueur —“Ajt
Alcohol 95% 20 lit.
Cassia 450 gm.
This mixture has to stay 48 hours. Ginger 125 gm.
Galgant Root 125 gm.
Cardamom 75 gm.
Water 20 lit.
Cloves 75 gm.
Alcohol 95% 5 lit.
^ Extract with 10 lit. Alcohol 60%.
Sugar dissolved in 5 lit.
In 5 lit. Alcohol you dissolve
Water 8 kilos
Oil Cinnamon Ceylon 5 gm.
Color with Caramel.
Oil Cubeb 5 gm.
Oil Mace 5 gm.
Fig Fruit Liqueur Oil Coriander 3 gm.
Fresh Figs 5 kilos Add this to above mixture after it is
Water 2-3 lit. filtered. Then add 25 lit. 95% alcohol
Alcohol 95% 4-6 lit. and 12.5 kilos sugar dissolved in boiling
Sugar 2 kilos water and complete with water sufficient
to make 100 lit.
Color Light Green.
Spring Flower Liqueur :

gm. “ 3”
Oil Cardamom 0.5
gm. Oil Caraway 12 gm.
Cognac Essence 5
gm Oil Anise Russian 15
Oil Lavender 1 -

gm* Oil Star Anise 15 gm.

Oil Mace 1
0.5 gm. Oil Wormwood 5 gm.
Oil Melissa
gm Oil Ginger 2.5
Oil Peppermint 1 *

I Oil Coriander 2.5
Oil Orange -

10 gm. Oil Peppermint 0.5 gm.

Vanilla Tincture
gm. Oil RumEssence 0.5 gm.
Oil Cinnamon 1
11*5 Liqueur Body 10 lit.
Liqueur Body lit.

For Chemical Advisors, Special Raw Materials, Equipment, Containers, etc., consult Supply
Section at end of book.
Hunters Water “A” Nordhauser Corn Liqueur
Oil Mace 1 gm. Acetic Ether 10 gm.
Oil Peppermint 2 gm. Oil Juniper Berry 0.5 gm.
Liqueur Body 11.5 lit. Oil, Cinnamon 0.5 gm.
No Color or Green. Liqueur Body 11.5 lit.

Cherry Water Black Forest Double Nordhauser Corn Liqueur

Alcohol 94% 74 lit. Acetic Ether 15 gm.
Nut Essence 20 gm. Raspberry Ether 10 gm.
(12 parts oil bitter almond in 88 parts Oil Mace 0.5 gm.
Alcohol 95%. Oil Cloves 0.2 gm.
Orange Flower Water 2 lit. Oil Cinnamon 0.5 gm.
Water 124 lit. Liqueur Body 11.5 Tit.
No Color.

Coast Water
Oil Bergamot 1 gm. Polka Liqueur Oil
Oil Lemon 2 gm. Oil Anise Russian 150 gm.
Oil Peppermint .05 gm. Oil Fennel 150 gm.
Oil Cinnamon .05 gm. Oil Cloves 150 gm.
Liqueur Body 11.5 lit. Oil Cinnamon 150 gm.
Color: Yellow. Oil Rosemary 75 gm.
Oil Chamomile Roman 75 gm.
Mogador Essence —No. 1 Oil
Wormwood 500 gm.
Peppermint 250 gm.
Cassia 65 gm. Creme de Flauve d ’Orange
Cubeb 18 gm. (Orange Liqueur)
Pimento 65 gm. Alcohol by Volume 95% 4*4 lit.
Cloves 65 gm. Neroli Oil Essence 132 gm.
Galgant „ 65 gm. Bitter Oil Almond Ess. 175 gm.

Oranges 65 gm. Sugar Syrup 65% 11*4 Tit.

White Cinnamon 65 gm. Water *
1% lit.
Orange Peels 135 gm.
Chamomile 135 gm. Creme de Framboise (Strawberry)
Alcohol 90% 8.5 lit.
Alcohol by Volume 95% 2 lit.
Water 3.5 lit.
Raspberry Juice 7 lit.
Sugar Syrup 65% 8*4 lit.
No. 2
Oil Wormwood 10 gm.
Oil Calamus 25 gm. Creme de Vanille (Vanilla)
Oil Cloves 25 gm. Alcohol by Volume 95% 3*4 lit.

Oil Mace 35 gm. Vanilla Extract 4 lit.

Oil Orange 70 gm. Raspberry Juice *4 pt.

Oil Lemon 50 gm. Sugar Syrup 65% 11*4 lit.

Oil Savin 12 gm. Water 3 lit.

Oil Cinnamon Genuine 8 gm. Caramel Color 65 gm.

Oil Thyme 25 gm.
Oil Lavender 12 gm. Creme de Canelle
Wine Spirit Essence 50 gm.
Orange Ether 50 gm. Alcohol by Volume 95% 5 lit.
Acetic Ether 50 gm. Cinnamon Oil Essence 45 gm.
Alcohol 4.6 lit. Water 12 lit.
Color: Golden Yellow. Color with Caramel.

Non Pareille Creme d ’Ananas (Pineapple)

Oil Mace 1 gm. Alcohol by Volume 95% 5 lit.
Oil Cloves 1 gm. Pineapple Essence 100 gm.
Oil Rose 0.5 gm. Sugar Syrup 65% 11*4 lit.
Liqueur Body 11.5 lit.
Water *4 lit

For Chemical Advisors, Special Raw Materials, Equipment, Containers, etc., consult Supply
Section at end of book.

Chartreuse Liqueur out the liquid. Add 10 lit. water and 10

Alcohol by Volume 90% 12% lit. lit.sugar syrup, then filter.
Chartreuse Essence 5 gm.
Sugar Syrup 65% 4% lit.
Rosemary Liqueur Essence
Water 12 y2 lit.
Oil Rosemary 80 gm.
Wherever the word essence appears you Oil Lemon 30 gm.
take one part of the essential oil and Oil Neroli " 10 gm.
mix thoroughly with 7 parts of 95% alco- Oil Mace 0.5 gm.
hol and these mixtures or solutions con- Acetic Ether 50 gm.
stitute the essences as given in the for- Raisin Essence 100 gm.
mulas. Violet Flower Essence 100 gm.
Details for preparation of extracts and Alcohol 95% 2 lit.

essences for some of the above formulas.

Celery Liqueur
Lemon Essence Oil Anise 0.5 gm.
Oil Bitter Almond 0.5 gm.
Alcohol by Volume 95% 2% lit.
0.5 gm.
Oil Coriander
Lemon Juice 2% lit.
Oil Caraway 0,5
Mix the alcohol and lemon juice and 1 gm.
Oil Celery Seed
then filter.
Liqueur Body 11.5 lit.

Spanish Bitter Oil Essence

Swiss Creme
Angelica Oil 160 gm. gm.
Oil Angelica 0,5
Bitter Almond Oil 10 gm. gm.
Oil Bitter Almond 1
Lemon Oil 80 gm. Oil Calamus 0.5 gm.
Calamus 160 gm. gm.
Oil Cardamom 0.5
Spearmint Oil 160 gm. 0.2 gm.
Oil Cloves
Coriander Oil 20 gm. gm.
Oil Peppermint 0.2
Clove Oil 40 gm. gm.
Oil Rosemary 0.2
Oil Bitter Orange 320 gm. gm.
Oil Thyme 0.5
Wormwood Oil 160 gm. gm.
Oil Juniper Berry 0.5
Juniper Oil 160 gm. gm.
Oil Wormwood 0.5
Cinnamon Oil 40 gm. Vanilla Tincture 6 gm.
Oil Cinnamon 0.5 gm.
Liqueur Body 11.5 Ht.
Curacao Essence
Color: Green.
Bitter Orange Oil 640 gm.
Neroli Oil 27 gm.
Orange Peel Sweet Oil 27 gm. Date Fruit Liqueur
Cinnamon Oil 13% gm. 4 kg.
Dates (Squashed)
Water 4.6 lit.

Alcohol 95% 4.6 lit.

Rhine Wine Extract
Sugar 4 kg.
Alcohol by Volume 90% 3% lit.

75 gm.
Strawberry Oil
Orange Peel Oil 50 gm. Strawberry Fruit Liqueur —No. 1

Pineapple Essence 20% Tit. Strawberries 6.8 kg.

Woodruff Extract 100 gm. Sugar 4.5 kg.
Neroli Oil 48 drops Alcohol 95% 4.6 lit.
Color: Yellow. Water 3.4 lit.

According to taste 50 gm. Mace or

Polish Water Cinnamon Tincture.
Currants gm. 185 No. 2
Anise gm. 30 Strawberries £§•
Cinnamon gm. 30 Alcohol 95% 5 lit.
gm. 30 Sugar in 3 lit. Water 2.5 kg.
Fennel 30 gm. According to taste a little Vanilla.
Peppermint 30 gm.
Galgant 20 gm.
Fig Fruit Liqueur
These drugs have to be crumbled and 5 kg.
alco- Figs (Fresh.)
xtracted for 14 days with 18 lit. *.28 ^t.
then press Water
ol 95% and 4 lit. rosewater,
consult Supply
Materials, Equipment, Containers,
For Chemical Advisors, Special Raw
action at end of book.


4.6 lit. Cold Saturated Malic
Alcohol 10 gm.
2 kg. Acid Solution
Sugar 1000 gm.
Alcohol 95%
Raspberry Fruit Liqueur
6 kg. Raspberries (squashed) are to
be Pineapple Fruit Ether
extracted with 2 lit. Water and 5
Ethyl Butyrate 50 gm.
Alcohol 95%. Shake daily for 14 days. Amyl Butyrate 199 gm.
Alcohol 95% 1999 gm.
Raspberry Fruit Liqueur
Fresh Pressed Raspberry
bt. Apricot Fruit Ether
Alcohol 95% 8 lit. Ethyl Butyrate 199 gm.
Sugar 6 k S- Ethyl Valeriate 50 gm.
Oil Bitter Almond 19 gm.
Alcohol 95% 1099 gm.
Cherry Fruit Liqueur
Cherries &.5 kg.
Sugar 8 kg. Pear Fruit Ether
Alcohol 95% 4.6 lit.
Ethyl Acetate 50 gm.
Water l* 1
Amyl Acetate 190 gm.
Almond Tincture 50 gm.
Bitter Alcohol 95% 1000 gm.
Very sweet dark cherries very ripe,
have to be squashed including the
stand Strawberry Fruit Ether
in a stone mortar. The mash has to
50 gm.
a few days in a cool place then press
it Ethyl Acetate
and gm.
out and add the sugar and water Ethyl Formate 19

add Butyrate 50 gm.

heat until it boils. After it cools off Ethyl
Bitter Almond Tincture and alcohol. Ethyl Salicylate 10
Color: Bark Red. Amyl Acetate 30 gm.
Amyl Butyrate 20 gm.
Alcohol 95% 1900 gm.
Peach Fruit Liqueur
Peaches 5 r
Sugar 4.5 kg. Current Fruit Ether
Alcohol 95% 4.6 lit. 50 gm.
Ethyl Acetate
Water l- 7 bt. 19 gm.
Ethyl Formate
Almond Tincture
Bitter 16 gm. Butyrate 19 gm.
The fruits skinned and pits removed. Ethyl Benzoate 19
Then to be squashed and ex-pressed. To Ethyl Oenanthate 10 gm.
together gm.
the residue 1.7 lit. water added Ethyl Salicylate 19
with the stamped pits. This mash 19
re- Ethyl Sebaciate
mains for 2 days then press it. Dissolve Amyl Butyrate 19 gm.
sugar in those liquids, add Bitter Almond Cold Saturated Solution of
Tincture. No heating. Tartaric Acid 50 gm.
Color : Pale Red. Alcohol 95% 1990 gm.

Orange Fruit Liqueur Cherry Fruit Ether

Fresh Orange Juice 1.1 lit. 50 gm.
Ethyl Acetate
Alcohol 95% 4.6 lit. 50 gm.
Ethyl Benzoate
Water 3.4 lit. 10 gm.
Oil Bitter Almond
Sugar 4.5 kg.
Cold Saturated Solution Ben-
Curacao Tincture 100-200 gm.
zoic Acid in Alcohol 95% 10 gm.
The fruit juice stays with alcohol for Alcohol 95% 1000 gm.
liquid has
8 days, then filter. The clear
to be mixed with a Sugar Solution Melon Fruit Ether
add carefully the Curacao Tincture to gm.
Ethyl Formate 20
avoid bitter taste gm.
Color: G-olden Yellow. Ethyl Butyrate 40
Ethyl Valeriate 50 gm.
Ethyl Sebaciate 100 gm.
Apple Fruit Ether gm.
Alcohol 95% 1000
Ethyl Acetate 10 gm.
Amyl Valeriate 100 gm.
Materials, Equipment, Containers, etc., consult
For Chemical Advisors, Special Raw
Section at end of hook.

Orange Fruit Ether Birch Oil Spirit

Ethyl Acetate 50 gm. Alcohol 90% % Ht.
Ethyl Formate 10 gm. Oil Birch 5 gm.
Ethyl Butyrate 10 gm.
Ethyl Benzoate 10 gm.
Methyl Salicylate 10 gm. Lamp Black Tincture
Amyl Acetate 10 gm. Lamp Black 17 gm.
Orange Flower Oil 100 gm. Alcohol 90% % Lt.
Cold Saturated Solution of
Tartaric Acid in Alcohol 10 gm. Vanilla Extract
Alcohol 95% 10QQ gm.
Chopped Vanilla Bean 8 gm.
Peach Fruit Ether
Alcohol 90% % lit.

Ethyl Acetate 50 gm.

Weichxel Fruit Ether
Ethyl Formate 50 gm.
Ethyl Butyrate 50 gm. Ethyl Acetate 100 gm.
Ethyl Valeriate 50 gm. Ethyl Benzoate 50 gm.
Ethyl Sebaciate 10 gm. Oil Bitter Almond 20 gm.
Oil Bitter Almond 50 gm. Cold Saturated Solution
Alcohol 95% 1000 gm. Malic Acid in Alcohol 10 gm.
Benzoic Acid 30 gm.
Alcohol 95% 1000 gm.
Grape Fruit Ether
Ethyl Formate 20 gm. Lemon Fruit Ether
Ethyl Oenanthate 100 gm.
Methyl Salicylate 10 gm. Ethyl Acetate 100 gm.
Cold Saturated Solution of Oil Lemon 100 gm.
Tartaric Acid in Alcohol 50 gm. Cold Saturated Citric Acid
30 gm. Solution 100 gm.
Succinic Acid
Alcohol 95% 1000 gm. Alcohol 95% 1000 gm.

Goldwasser Essence Mulled Wine Extract

Angelica Oil 4 gm. Sugar 47% kg.
Anise Oil 32 gm. Water li lit.

Lemon Oil 290 gm. Cherry Juice 8 lit.

Spearmint Oil 32 gm. Raspberry Juice 2% lit.

Laurel Oil 32 gm. Cook the above together and then add
Lavender Oil 64 gm. Alcohol 90% 37% lit.
Nutmeg Oil 16 gm. Clove Essence lit.
Balm Oil 20 gm. Cinnamon Essence lit.
Clove Oil 64 gm. Moselle Wine 11% lit*
Orange Oil 16 gm. Color: Dark Cherry.
Rose Oil 16 gm.
Eosemary Oil 32 gm. Orange Lemonade
Juniper Oil 32 gm.
Sugar Syrup 65% 45 lit.

Alcohol 90% 4 lit.

Curacao Essence Citric Acid dissolved in
Bitter Orange Oil 640 gm. 1 lit. water 750 gm.
Neroli Oil 27 gm. Orange Oil Essence 1% lit.
Sweet Orange Oil 27 gm.
Cinnamon Oil 13% gm.
Lemon Lemonade
Sugar Syrup 65% 45 lit.
Ehine Wine Extract 4
Alcohol 90% lit.

Lemon Oil Essence 1% lit.

Alcohol 90% 3% lit. Citric Acid dissolved in

Strawberry Oil 75 gm. 1 lit. water 750 gm.
Orange Oil 50 gm.
Pineapple Essence 20% lit.
Strawberry Lemonade
Woodruff Essence 100 gm.
48 drops Sugar Syrup 65% 30 lit.
Neroli Oil
Color: Slightly Yellow. Alcohol 90% 3 lit.

For Chemical Advisors, Special Raw Materials, Equipment, Containers, etc., consult Supply
Section at end of book.
Strawberry Ether 25 gm. Vanilla Spirit
Citric Acid dissolved in 500 gm. vanilla bean percolate with
1 lit. water 750 gm. 42 lit. 90% alcohol, and 5 lit. water and
Color : Strawberry. distill over 34 lit.

Raspberry Lemonade Lemon Essence

Sugar with 75 kg. Lemon Juice 2% lit.
Raspberry Juice 31 lit. Alcohol 90% 21/3 lit.
Cherry Juice 10 lit.
Mix the above filter.
Water 7% lit.

Tartaric Acid 1% kg.

Heat together juices and sugar; then Maraschino Liqueur
dissolve acid in water and then mix all
Alcohol 90% 20 lit.
Maraschino Essence 625 gm.
Concentrated Raspberry
Champagne Ether 100 gm.
Rhine Wine 32 lit. Sugar Syrup 65% 15 lit.
Whole Lemons and peels Water 15 lit.
cut up 4
Raisins 2 kg.
Orange Liqueur
Orange Oil Essence 30 gm.
Oil of Neroli 10 drops Alcohol 90% 20 lit.

Sugar 8 kg. Orange Essence 875 gm.

Water 2 lit. Sugar Syrup 65% 7 lit.

Water 23 lit.

Cherry Lemonade
Clove Bitters
Cherry Juice cooked with 17 lit.

Sugar and 12% kg. Alcohol 90% 20 lit.

Tartaric Acid dissolved in Clove Bitter Essence 1% lit.

14 lit. water 125 gm. Sugar Syrup 65% 4 lit.

Water 24% lit.

Cardinal Wine Rose Liqueur

Moselle Wine 52 lit.
Alcohol 90% 20 lit.
Alcohol 90% 7 lit.
Rose Essence 350 gnio
Sugar Syrup 65% 11 lit.
Sugar Syrup 65% 12% lit.
Flavor with Cardinal Extract and make Water 17% lit.

acid with Tartaric.

Bischof Wine Alcohol 90% 25 lit.
Red Wine 54 lit. Jamaica Rum Essence 600 gm.
Alcohol 90% 6 lit. Butyric Ether 15 gm.
Sugar Syrup 65% 10 lit. Water 25 lit.
Flavor with Bischof Extract and make Mix well, color well and let stand.
acid with Tartaric.

Cardinal Extract
Alcohol 90% 20 lit.
Alcohol 95% 8 lit.
Oil of Bitter Almonds
Orange Blossom Oil 416 gm. 35 gm.
Sweet Orange Peel 266 gm. Sugar Syrup 65% 15 lit.
Water 15 lit.
Water 1% lit.

Caramel Color y8 lit.

Alcohol 90% 20 lit.
Bischof Extract
Oil of Clove 25 gm.
Cardinal Extract 3 lit.
Sugar Syrup 65% 5 lit.
Orange Peels 100 gm. Water 25 lit.
Bitter Orange Oil 100 gm. Color : Light Brown.

For Chemical Advisors, Special Raw Materials, Equipment, Containers, etc., consult Supply
Section at end of book.


Hamburger Bitter Extract Angelica Tincture

Galgant Boot 3000 gm. Angelica Eoot 1500 gm.
Oak Bark 125 gm. Alcohol 95% 10 kg.
Ginger Boot 150 gm.
Orris Boot 375 gm.
Gentian 1000 gm. Angostura Bark Tincture
Alcohol by Volume 90% 8% lit.
Angostura Bark 1000 gm.
Digest the above in alcohol for 5 days Alcohol 95% 10 kg.
after which add 8% lit. of water and
let stand for 8 days. Then draw off the
clear liquid and add to this the following Anise Tincture
solution Anise Squashed 1600 gm.
Alcohol by Volume 90% 3 lit. Alcohol 95% 10 kg.
Oil of Bay 75 gm.
Oil Cinnamon 600 gm.
Oil Nutmeg 25 gm. Arrac Tincture
Oil Cloves 6 gm. Cognac Ether 1800 gm.
Ethyl Acetate 75 gm. Alcohol 95% 10 kg.
Oil Calamus 730 gm.

Valerian Tincture
Hamburger Drops
Valerian Boot 2500 gm.
Alcohol by Volume 90% 21 % lit.
Alcohol 95% 10 kg.
Hamburger Bitter
Essence 550 gm.
Sugar Solution 10 % lit.
Basil Tincture
Water 23 lit.
Basil Leaves 6 kg.
Color: Brown with Caramel Color.
Alcohol 95% 10 kg.

Baspberry Benzoin Tincture

Cook together the following: Benzoin Tears 600 gm.
Sugar 7% kg. Alcohol 95% 10 kg.
Clear Baspberry Juice 7% lit.
Cherry Juice 2% lit.
Cool this and add to it the following Bergamot Tincture
mixture Bergamot Peels 3 kg.
Baspberry Syrup 12% lit.
Alcohol 95% 10 kg.
Alcohol by Volume 90% 17% lit.

Aromatic Essence 400 gm.

Water 20 lit. Castoreum Tincture
Castoreum 50 gm.
Alcohol 95% 500 gm.
Sugar Syrup 30 lit.

Baspberry-Lemonade Curacao Tincture

Essence 1% kg. Curacao Peels 3 kg.
Citric Acid 250 gm. Alcohol 95% 10 kg.
Mix well and color Bed. or
Orange Peels Eresh Green 3 kg.
Alcohol 95% 10 kg.
Amber Tincture Fennel Tincture
Amber Grease Gray 40 gm. Fennel Squashed 1600 gm.
Alcohol 95% 600 gm. Alcohol 95% 10 kg.

Pineapple Tincture Orris Tincture

Pineapple Ether 160 gm. Orris Boot Florentine 500 gm.

10 kg. Alcohol 95% 10 kg.
Alcohol 95%

Baw Materials, Equipment, Containers. consult Supply

For Chemical Advisors, Special
Section at end of hook.
Jasmine Tincture Rosemary Tincture
Jasmine Flowers 5 kg. Rosemary 1500 gm.
Alcohol 95% 10 kg. Alcohol 95% 10 kg.

Sage Tincture
Coffee Tincture Sage Dry 2500 gm.
Coffee Fresh, Burnt, Ground 4 kg. Alcohol 95% 10 kg.
Alcohol 95% 10 kg.

Celery Tincture
Calamus Tincture Celery Seeds 200 gm.
2500 gm. Alcohol 95% 10 kg.
Calamus Root
Alcohol 95% 10 kg.
Cocoa Tincture —No. 1
Cocoa 2 kg.
Cardamom Tincture Alcohol 95% 10 kg.
Cardamom 600 gm. Ho. 2
Alcohol 95% 10 kg. Cocoa Deoiled 1500 gm.
Alcohol 95% 10 kg.

Cassia Tincture Star Anise Tincture

Cassia Cinnamon 1 kg.
Star Anise Crushed 1600 gm.
Alcohol 95% 10 kg. Alcohol 95% 10 kg.

Catechu Tincture Nutmeg Tincture

Catechu 1500 gm. Nutmegs Pulverized 1 kg.
Alcohol 95% 10 kg. Alcohol 95% 10 kg.

Spearmint Tincture Clove Tincture

Spearmint Dry 1 kg. Cloves 1500 gm.
Alcohol 95% 10 kg. Alcohol 95% 10 kg.

Caraway Tincture Nut Tincture

Caraway Seed Squashed 1 kg. Nuts (Green-Soft) 1 kg.
Alcohol 95% 10 kg. Alcohol 95% 10 kg.

Lavender Tincture Peru Balsam Tincture

Lavender Dry 1 kg. Balsam Peru 70 gm.
Alcohol 95% 10 kg. Alcohol 95% 1 kg.

Mace Tincture Peppermint Tincture

Mace 800 gm. Peppermint 1 kg.
Alcohol 95% 10 kg. Alcohol 95% 10 kg.

Marjoram Tincture Orange Tincture

Marjoram Dry 1 kg. Orange Peels 4 kg.
Alcohol 95% 10 kg. Alcohol 95% 10 kg.

Melissa Tincture Rose Tincture

Melissa 2500 gm. Rose Leaves Salted 1500 gm.
Alcohol 95% 10 kg. Alcohol 95% 10 kg.

Musk Tincture Thyme Tincture

Musk Tonquin 1 gm. Thyme 2500 gm.
Alcohol 95% 1 lit. Alcohol 95% 10 kg.

For Chemical Advisors, Special Raw Materials, Equipment, Containers, etc., consult Supply
Section at end of book.

Tonka Bean Tincture Bitter Almond Oil Tincture

Tonka Beans Crushed 1 kg. Oil Bitter Almond 100-150 gm.
Alcohol 95% 10 kg. Alcohol 95% 10 kg.

Vanilla Tincture Fennel Oil Tincture

Vanilla Crushed 75 gm. Oil Fennel „ 70-80 gm.
Alcohol 95% 10 kg. Alcohol 95% 10 kg.

Orris Root Tincture Raspberry Ether Tincture

Orris Root Crushed 1 kg. Raspberry Ether 1 kg.
Alcohol 95% 10 kg. Alcohol 95% 10 kg.

Juniper Berry Tincture Calamus Oil Tincture

Juniper Berries 2500 gm. Oil Calamus 50-70 gm.
Alcohol 95% 10 kg. Alcohol 95% 10 kg.

Woodruff Tincture —Ho. 1 Cassia Oil Tincture

Woodruff Fresh 2500 gm. Oil Cassia 100-150 gm.
Alcohol 95% 10 kg. Alcohol 95% 10 kg.
No. 2
Woodruff Dry 1800 gm.
Alcohol 95% 10 kg. Coriander Oil Tincture
Oil Coriander 70-100 gm.
Alcohol 95% 10 kg.
Wormwood Tincture
Wormwood Dry 1 kg. Spearmint Oil Tincture
Alcohol 95% 10 kg.
Oil Spearmint 50-60 gm.
Alcohol 95% 10 kg.
Civet Tincture
Civet 40 gm.
600 gm.
Caraway Oil Tincture
Alcohol 95%
Oil Caraway 50-60 gm.
Alcohol 95% 10 kg.
Cinnamon Tincture
Cinnamon (Fine Pulverized) 1 kg.
Lavender Oil Tincture
Alcohol 95% 10 kg.
Oil Lavender 120-150 gm.
Alcohol 95% 10 kg.
Lemon Tincture
Lemon Peels of 80—100 fresh lemons to Mace Oil Tincture
10 kg. Alcohol 95%.
Oil Mace 40-70 gm.
Alcohol 95% 10 kg.
Angelica Oil Tincture Marjoram Oil Tincture
Oil Angelica 40 gm. Oil Marjoram 140-160 gm.
Alcohol 95% 10 kg. Alcohol 95% 10 kg.

Anise Oil Tincture Melissa Oil Tincture

Oil Anise 30-40 gm. Oil Melissa 40-60 gm.
Alcohol 95% 10 kg. Alcohol 95% 10 kg.

Bergamot Oil Tincture Nutmeg Oil Tincture

Oil Bergamot 40 gm. Oil Nutmeg 40—60 gm.
Alcohol 95% 10 kg. Alcohol 95% 10 kg.

For Chemical Advisors, Special Raw Materials, Equipment, Containers, etc., consult Supply
Section at end of book.
Glowing Wine Punch Extract
Burgundy Wine Punch Extract
Yanilla Essence 1 oz. Cardamom Tincture 2 oz.

Lemon Juice % gal. Pineapple Essence 3 oz.

Rum % gal- Cinnamon Tincture 5


Arrac % gal- Clove Tincture

Genuine Arrac %
Water 2*4 gal.
Genuine Burgundy Wine 3 gal. Alcohol 1% gal.

Sugar Syrup 4 gal. Cherry Fruit Syrup 4 gal.

Claret Wine 4% gal.

Claret Punch Extract

Cardamom Tincture 1 oz.
White Wine Punch Extract from
Cinnamon Tincture 3 oz.
3 oz.
Moselle, Rhine or Chablis
Clove Tincture
Lemon Juice 1 lb. Sweet Orange Juice Vq gal.
Genuine Rum U gal- Genuine Arrac
Sugar Syrup 65%
Sugar Syrup i gal. #

Dark Claret Wine 4% gal- Moselle, Rhine or Chablis 5 gal.

For Chemical Advisors, Special Raw Materials, Equipment, Containers, etc., consult Supply
Section at end of hook.
A Aromatic, Essence 541
A Propos . 559 Aromatique 545
Absinthe, Brandy 543 Arrack 549
Brandy, French 545 Grog Extract 550
Brandy, Swiss , 545 Punch Extract 550
Creme 559 Tincture 581
English 568 Artificial, Cherry Brandy Essence. . .547
Essence 541 Slivovitz Essence 547
Essence, Swiss 542 Wine Flavors 584
Essence, Vienna 542
Extract 584 B
Fine 567 Barbado Essence ................. .542
French 545 Basil Tincture 581
Lemon 563 Benedictine 545
Swiss 542 Benevento Liqueur 559
Swiss Double 559 Benzoin Tincture 581
Adieu de Bertrand .559 Bergamot, Brandy 543
Agua, Bianca .559 Fruit Liqueur 563
* Turca . , . .562 Liqueur 559
Alant Essence 542 Oil Tincture 583
Allash Caraway Essence. . ... ...... .557 Ratafia Aux . . . . .563
Allemande, Liqueur ............ . . .573 Tincture .581
Almond, Creme . .570 Berliner Bitter .559
Oil Tincture Bitter ..... V 583 Birch Oil Spirit.... 579
Alp Herbs Stomach Essence. ...... .555 Bischof, Extract 580
Amber, Liqueur .565 Wine . . 580
Tincture 581 Bishop 564
Amourette 559 Drink 574
Angelica, Essence 542 Essence 557
Liqueur 558 Bitter, Angostura 550, 551
Oil Tincture 583 Angostura, Essence 542
Tincture 581 Berliner 559
Angostura, Bitter. 550, 551 Clove 580
Bitter Essence ..542 English 562, 565
Tincture 581 Fine 562
Anise, Brandy .543 Hamburger 545
Essence ...542 Ratafia 564
Liqueur 543, 558 Bitter Almond Oil Tincture. .... 583
Oil Tincture . ... 583 Bitter Creme, Spanish .565
Tincture > ...581 Bitter Essence, English 551
Tincture, Star 582, 584 Greek 575
Anisette *543 Simple 551
de Bordeaux 559 Spanish 552
Double 558 Bitter Extract, Hamburger 581
d’Hollande 548 Bitter Liqueur, Spanish. 548
de Martinique 558 Bitter Oil Essence, Spanish.... 577
Apple Fruit Ether 578 Blackberry, Essence 574
Apricot Fruit, Ether 578 Fruit Liqueur 563
Liqueur 563 Boonekamp .559, 560

For Chemical Advisors, Special Raw Equipment, Containers, etc., consult Supply
Section at end of book.
Bouquet des Dames. . 574 Carnation Creme Liqueur 570
Bourbon 547 Carnation Liqueur, Double 564
Super Aroma ...547 Cassia, Creme de 566
Whiskey 547 Oil Tincture 583
Brandies 543 Tincture 582
Brandy, Absinthe 543 Castoreum Tincture 581
Absinthe, French 545 Catechu Tincture 582
Absinthe, Swiss 545 Cattaro, Persico de 569
Anise 543 Celery, Creme de 568
Artificial Cherry Essence 547 Liqueur 577
Bergamot * . 543 Oil Tincture 584
Calamus 543 Tincture 582
Cherry 543 Champagne 580
Clove 543 Chartreuse 544
Cognac 544 Liqueur 577
Corn 543 Cherry, Brandy 543
Italian Orange 545 Brandy Liqueur 547
Juniper 543 Fruit Ether 578
Hummel 543 Fruit Liqueur 578
Lemon 543, 544 Lemonade 580
Orange, White 543 Liqueur 565
Peppermint 543 Liqueur Essence 547
Pineapple 545 Water, Black Forest. .576
Polish ..574 China, Creme de .566
Raspberry 543 Liqueur 563
Trester .574 Chocolate, Creme de. ... 566
Brandy Liqueur, Cherry. ......... .547
. Creme, Spanish ....565
Breadwater Liqueur . . ..574 Essence 556
Burgundy, Fondant .585 Liqueur 565
Wine Punch Extract 586 Ratafia Aux ...564
Christopher .560
C Cinnamon, Creme of 567
Calamus 545 Essence 557
Brandy ........543 Liqueur 565, 567
Creme .573 . Liqueur Dutch 567
Essence 553 Tincture .583
Liqueur .573 Citron, Creme de. ................ .567
Liqueur Composed ....573 Huile de 567
Liqueur Simple 573 Ratafia Aux 564
Oil Tincture . . . 583 Civet, Essence 557
Ratafia ..564 Tincture 583
Tincture .582 Claret, Essence 584
Canelle, Creme de 5 60, 576 Fondant 585
Caraway, Creme de .571 Lemonade 585
Essence 553, 557, 571 Punch Extract 586
Liqueur .571, 572 Clous de Girofle, Creme de 570
Oil Tincture .583 Cloves 580
Tincture 582 Bitters 580
Cardamom, Liqueur .....572 Brandy 543
Tincture .582 Essence 555
Cardinal 545 Oil Tincture 584
Essence 553, 572 Tincture 582
Extract 580 Coast Water 576
Liqueur 572 Cocoa, Creme de 566
Wine 580 Tincture 582
Carmelite Essence .553 Coffee, Creme de 566
Carminative, Creme 572 Essence 552, 553

For Chemical Advisors, Special Raw Materials, Equipment, Containers, etc., consult Supply
Section at end of book.

Coffee —
Continued —
Creme Continued
Liqueur 566 Peru 565, 566
Tincture 582 Pineapple 567, 576
Triple Essence 553 Raspberry .566
Cognac 544, 549 Rose.. 548, 568, 569
Brandy . 544 Seven Fruits 568
Contuszawka Essence 553 Spanish Bitter 565
Cordial, Sherry 548 Spanish Chocolate .565
Coriander, Creme de ....572 Stomach 564
Liqueur 572 Strawberry .576
Oil Tincture 583 Sultan .564, 566
Corn, Brandy 543 Swiss 568, 577
Essence 557 Vanilla ..565, 576
Liqueur, Nordhauser 576 Vanilla Pure 565
Crambambuli 571 Venus . 565, 568
Creme, Almond 570 Virgins . .566
d ’Ananas 576 Creme Liqueur, Carnation .......... 570
Angelica 558 Flower ...... ..... ... ...... .574
. . . .

d ’Anisette Melee 559 Spice . .573

Barbados 567 Cremes, French Liqueur . . , . . . . . .. 548
. .

Bergamot 559 Curacao, Essence 577, 579

Calamus ...573 Hollande .560
Canelle ..560, 576 Imperial .560
Caraway 571 Java * • • *565
Carminative 572 Marseille 560
Cassia 560, 566 Peels Essence . ... .............. .552
Celery 568 Ratafia de 564
China 566 Simple 560
Chocolat ..548 Tincture 581
Chocolate 566 Current Fruit Ether 578
Cinnamon 567
Citron .567 D
Clous de Giroffe .570 Date Fruit Liqueur ................ 577
.566 Double Carnation Liqueur .....564
666 Double Fennel Liqueur ..574
.....572 Double Genevre .573
660 Drops, Hamburger 581
Curacao Dutch
Dutch Cinnamon Liqueur. ... ...... .567
Dames *660
Elauve d ’Oranges 576
Fleurs d ’Oranges 569, 570
566 Eau d ’Amour .....561
Flower . • •

d’Ardelle .. . .561
Framboise 576
d’Argent ................... . • * *561
Girofles 566, 573
Calame ... 573
Juniper Berry 568 .

565 Capuaine 561

Lemon Fruits
567 Celeste .561
Lemon a la Malta
.563 Chasseurs 561
Aux Macarons 562
571 Cordiale
Melisse * * *

Cote, la 562
Menthe 544
*569 Diane * 561
Menthe Anglaise *

Milles Fleurs 561

Mocca .............. . • . . . • .564, 566
d’Or -561
Muscat .570
Pucelle 573
Noix 548
Royale 573
Nut ........566, 570
568 Sante ... ......... * 562
d ’Oranges
574 Valeriane 573
Oriental Flower
Elixir de Suede Essence .....552
Persico 569
Equipment, Containers, etc., consult Supply
For Chemical Advisors, Special Haw 5,

Section at end of book.

English, Absinthe 568 Essence —Continued
Bitter .562, 565 Rum 549, 557
Bitter Essence 551 Spanish Bitter 556
Peppermint 569 Spanish Bitter Oil 577
Essence, Absinthe 541 Spearmint 553, 557
Alant 542* Spice 557
Allash Caraway 557 Stomach 555
Alp-Herbs Stomach 555 Stomach Bitter 551, 554
Angelica 542 Stomach Elixir 555
Angostura Bitter 542 Strawberry 552
Anise 542 Sultan 556
Aromatic 541 Swiss Absinthe 542
Artificial Cherry Brandy 547 Venus 556
Artificial Slivovitz 547 Vermouth di Torino 556
Barbado 542 Vienna Absinthe 542
Bishop 557 Violet Flower 556
Bitter, Simple 551 Virgin 552
Blackberry .574 White Wine 584
Calamus 553 Woodruff 556
Caraway ...553, 557, 571 Wormwood 557
Cardinal ...553, 572 Ether, Apple Fruit 578
Carmelite * 553 Apricot Fruit . ........ . . . .... . . .578
Cherry Liqueur 547 Cherry Fruit 578
Chocolate .. .................
. . . .556 Current Fruit 578
Cinnamon 557 Grape Fruit 579
Civet . . . .. . .557 Lemon Fruit 579
Claret 584 Melon Fruit 578
Clove .....................555 Orange Fruit .579
Coffee .... ........552, 553 Peach Fruit 579
Coffee Triple 553 Pear Fruit 578
Contuszawka 553 Pineapple Fruit 578
Corn 557 Strawberry Fruit 578
Curacao 577, 579 Weichxel Fruit 579
Curacao Peels .....552 Extract, Absinthe 549, 584
Elixir de Suede .552 Arrack Grog 550
Flower . . 552, 574 Arrack Punch 550
Flower of Love 554 Bischof 580
Gold Water 557 Burgundy Wine Punch 586
Goldwasser 579 Cardinal 580
Greek Bitter .575 Claret Punch 586
Grunewald 552 Glowing Wine Punch 586
Hearts Content 552 Hamburger Bitter 581
Herb ....553 Lemon Double 567
Lemon ....577, 580 Mulled Wine 579
Life ..............553 Rhine Wine 577, 579
Mogador .........576 Rum Grog 550
Muscatel 585 Rum Punch 550
Musk ..........555 Vanilla 579
Parfait d ’ Amour 557 Victoria Punch 550
Pear 585 White Wine Punch .............. 586
Persico 555
Peru 556 F
Port Wine .585 Fennel Liqueur, Double.. 574
Baspberry 552 Fennel, Oil Tincture 583
Red Carnation .556 Tincture 581
Rose 556 Fig Fruit Liqueur 575, 577
Rosemary Liqueur .............. 577 Fine Bitter 562
For Chemical Advisors. Special Raw Materials. Equipment, Containers, etc., consult Supply
Section at end of book,
Flavors, Wine, Artificial 584 Hearts Content Essence 552
Wine Fondant 585 Sailors 564
Fleur de Montpelier. 566 Herb Essence ....553
d'Oeillets, Liqueur Aux 570 Holland Gin 546
de 1 'Orient ..563 Holland Gin Oil 546
d 'Orange 569 Honey Liqueur .,572
Flower, Creme of ..566 Huile d 'Angelica 558
Creme Liqueur 574 Citron ,...567
Creme, Oriental 574 Fleurs d 'Oranges 569
Essence 552, 574 Menthe 569
Flower of Love Essence . .554 d'Oeillets .... ....... . . .. .... .. .570
Fondant, Burgundy 585 Boses ....568
Claret 585 Vanilla . . . ................ .565
Madeira 585 Hunters Water 576
Malaga 585 Hunting Liqueur 575
Port 585
Rhine Wine 585 \

Sherry 585 Indian Ginger 566

Tokay ....585 Italian Orange Brandy. ............ 545
Fondant Flavors, Wine 585
French Liqueur, Cremes 548 J
Friends Drink 565 Jamaica Bum ..... . . ............. 545
Fruit Liqueur, Fig., 577 Jasmine de la Province. .. ......... .573
Tincture 582
G Juniper Berry, Creme de 568
Geneva Gin 544 Liqueur . ... .................
. . . 568

Genevre, Double 573 Tincture 583

de Hollande 573 Juniper Brandy . . .543
Gin, Geneva 544
Gordon 546 K
Holland 546 Kontuszowka Liqueur Polonaise, i . . .572
London Dock 546 Kummel, Brandy 543
Old Tom 546 Liqueur 548
Schiedamer Geneva Holland 548
Gin Oil, Holland 546 L
Ginger, Indian 566 Lamp Black Tincture. 579
Liqueur 544, 547 Lavender, Oil Tincture ............. 583
Ratafia ,.564 Tincture 582
Lemon, Absinthe .563
Girofles, Creme de 566, 573
Glowing Wine Punch Extract. ..... .586 Brandy 543, 544
Gold Water 562 Double, Extract of 567
a la Danzig .561 Essence .577, 580

Essence • • 557 Fruits, Cream of .565

..544 Fruit Ether 579
Essence .....579 Lemonade 579
549 Liqueur .548, 563, 567
546 Oil Tincture 584
Gordon Gin
579 Tincture .583
Grape Fruit Ether
575 Lemonade, Cherry .580
Greek Bitter Essence
.562, 575 Claret .585
Greek Water
Grunewald 564, 573 Lemon 579
Essence 552 Muscatel 585
Nectar .585
H Orange 579
Hamburger, Bitters 545 Raspberry .580, 581
581 Strawberry ... 579
Bitter Extract
581 Life Essence . * « .553
Raw Materials, Equipment, Containers, etc., consult Supply
For Chemical
( Advisors, Special
Section at end of book.
Liqueur, Allemande 573 —
Liqueur Continued
Amber .565 Pineapple 567
Anise 543, 558 Pineapple Fruit 563
Apricot Fruit ..563 Polonaise Kontuszowka 572
Benevento 559 Baspberry Fruit 578
Bergamot 559 Bose 548, 580
Bergamot Fruit .563 Bosemary 569
Bitter, Spanish 548 Spearmint 572
Blackberry Fruit 563 Spearmint Buds 571
Breadwater 574 Spring Flower 574, 575
Calamus 573 Strawberry Fruit 577

Calamus, Composed 573 Train 575
Calamus, Simple ...573 Turko 548
Canelle 560 Vanilla 548, 565
Caraway 571, 572 Water Cress 560
Cardamom ..572 Liqueur Body, for Cremes and Huiles.557
Cardinal 572 for Fine Liqueurs 558
Carmelites ..572 Liqueur Essence, Bosemary .577
Carmelites Bomains ...572 Liqueur Oil, Polka 576
Carnation Creme 570 Train ....575
Celery 577 London Dock Gin 546
Chartreuse 577 M
Cherry ....565 Mace, Oil Tincture. . .583
Cherry Brandy .547 Tincture 582
Cherry Essence 547 Madeira Fondant 585
Cherry Fruit 578 Marjoram, Oil Tincture .583
China . . .563 Tincture 582
Chocolate .. . . .565 Malaga Fondant . . . 585
Cinnamon ................ .565, 567 Maraschino .564, 580
Coffee 566 Dalmatico 571
Coriander ..................... .572 Liqueur 548, 580
Creme, Spice 573 Zara . .571
Date Fruit ...577 Maraschino della Boche de Cattaro. .563 .

Double Carnation .564 Melissa, Tincture .....582

Dutch Cinnamon .567 Oil Tincture . . 583
Fennel, D ouble 574 Creme de 571
Fig Fruit 575 Liqueur de 571
Fleurs d’Oeillets 570 Bomaine 570
Flower Creme . 574 Melon Fruit Ether 578
French, Cremes 548 Mentha Bianca .569
Ginger 544, 547 Milk Liqueur 570
Honey ...573 Mixed Tinctures 584
Hunting 575 Mocca, Creme de .564, 566
Juniper Berry . ..568 Mogador Essence 576
Kummel 548 Montpelier, Fleur de 566
Lemon 548, 563, 567 Mulled Wine Extract .579
Maraschino 548, 580 Muscat Liqueur 571
Melisse 571 Muscatel, Essence 585
Menthe 569 Lemonade 585
Milk 570 Musk, Essence 555
Muscat 571 Tincture 582
Nordbauser Corn 570, 576 N
Orange 568, 576, 580 Nectar Lemonade 585
Orange Fruit ........ . . . . . . . ... 578
. Neroli Oil Tincture 584
Parfait Amour 570 New England Bum 549
Peach Fruit ....578 Non Pareille 570, 576
Peppermint 544 Nordhauser Corn Liqueur 570, 576
For Chemical Advisors, Special Raw Materials, Equipment, Containers, etc., consult Supply
Section at end of book.
Nut, Creme
566, 570 Baspberry —Continued
. 582 Cream of 566
Nutmeg, Oil Tincture 583 Essence 552
Tincture 582 Ether Tincture ,583
Fruit Liqueur 578
Lemonade 580, 581
Oenanthic Tincture . * .....584
Batafia 564
Oil Gin Holland 546
Batafia, Aux Bergamottes .563
Oil Tinctures 583
Bitter .......564
Old Tom Gin 546
Calamus 564
Orange Brandy, Italian. 545
Chocolate 564
White ......543
Citrons 564
Orange Flower, Creme of 569, 570
Curacao ..564
Orange Fruit, Ether 579
Ginger 4 564
Liqueur 578
Pineapple 563
Orange, Lemonade 579
Baspberry 564
Liqueur 576, 580
Tonka 564
Tincture 582
Bed Carnation Essence. ..... .... . . .556
Oriental Flower Creme ...574
Bhine Wine, Extract 577, 579
Orris Boot Tincture .583
Fondant .... . ......... , .... . . . 585
Orris Tincture 581
Bosa Bianca .569
F Bose, Essence 556
Parfait, Amour 569 Liqueur 548, 580
Amour Liqueur ...570 Oil Tincture 584
Peach Fruit, Ether ..579 Tincture 582
Liqueur ....578 Bosemary, Liqueur 569
Pear, Essence .585 Liqueur Essence . ..... ..... .577
. .

Fruit Ether ................ ...578 Oil Tincture 584

Peppermint, Brandy 543 Tincture .582
English 569 Boses, Creme de. 568, 569
Liqueur 544 Huile de . . . . . ............ . . 568
. . . .

.584 Bostopschin .568

Oil Tincture
Tincture 582 Bum ...549, 550, 580
Persico, Adriatico 563 Essence ................... .549, 557
Cattaro 569 Grog Extract .550

Creme de 569 Jamaica .545

Essence 555 New England 549

Peru, Balsam Tincture 582 Punch Extract ........ * ........ 550 .

Creme de ........ . . ........ . 565, 566 Bye Whiskey ... .................. 546
Essence 556 S
Pineapple, Brandy 545 Sailors Hearts Content 564
Creme of 567, 576 Sage, Oil Tincture 584
Fruit Ether 578 Tincture 582
Fruit Liqueur 563 Schiedamer Geneva Holland Gin 548
Liqueur 567 Scotch 546
Batafia 563 Whiskey Mix 545
Tincture 581 Seven Fruits, Creme of. .568
Polish, Brandy . 574 Sherry, Cordial 548
Water 577 Fondant 585
Polka Liqueur Oil 576 Silver Water 562
Port, Fondant 585 Simple Tinctures 584
Wine Essence 585 Sky Water 575
Prinzess Water 562 Slivovitz 545
Artificial, Essence for 547
R Spanish, Bitter Creme 565
Baspberry 581 Bitter Essence .552, 556
Brandy 543 Bitter Liqueur 548

For Chemical Advisors, Special Raw Materials, Equipment, Containers, etc., consult Supp*
Section at end of book.
Spanish —Continued —
Tincture Continued
Bitter Oil Essence 577 Celery Oil 584
Chocolate Creme 565 Cinnamon 583
Spearmint, Buds Liqueur. 571 Civet 583
Essence 553, 557 Clove 582
Liqueur 572 Clove Oil .584
Oil Tincture . . . . * 583 Cocoa 582
Tincture 582 Coffee . . . . 582
Spice, Creme Liqueur 573 Coriander Oil 583
Spice Essence 557 . Curacao 581
Spirit, Birch Oil. . . .579 Fennel 581
Vanilla .....580 Fennel Oil 583
Springflower Liqueur 574, 575 Jasmine 582
Star Anise Tincture ...582, 584 Juniper Berry 583
Stomach, Bitter Essence 551, 554 Lamp Black . 579
Creme .564 Lavender 582
Elixir Essence 555 Lavender Oil 583
Essence .555 Lemon 583
Strawberry, Creme de. .576 Lemon Oil 584
Essence ..552 Mace ......................... .582
Eruit Ether . .578 Mace Oil ..................... .583
Eruit Liqueur .577 Marjoram 582
Lemonade *579 Marjoram Oil 583
Sultan, Creme de ..564 Melissa 582
Essence .556 Melissa Oil 583
Sulton, Creme of • .566 Mixed .....584
Super Aroma Bourbon 547 Musk 582
Swiss Absinthe ................... 542 Neroli Oil .584
Essence .542 . . . Nut 582
Swiss Creme 568, 577 Nutmeg 582
Swiss Double Absinthe. .......... .559 . Nutmeg Oil 583
Oenanthie 584
T Orange 582
Thyme Tincture 582 Orris 581
Tinctures 581 Orris Boot .................... ,583
Tincture, Amber 581 Peppermint 582
Angelica 583 Peppermint Oil 584
Angelica Oil 583 Peru Balsam 582
Angostura ,581 Pineapple 581
Anise .....
. . . . . . ....... ... . . ..581 Baspberry Ether 583
Anise Oil , 583 Bose 582
Arrae .581 Bose Oil 584
Basil 581 Bosemary ,582
Benzoin .581 Bosemary Oil 584
Bergamot ...581 Sage 582
Bergamot Oil .583 Sage Oil 584
Bitter Almond Oil .583 Spearmint 582
Calamus .582 Spearmint Oil 583
Calamus Oil ........ .... . . . . . . . 583 Star Anise 582
Caraway .582 Thyme 582
Caraway Oil , .583 Tonka Bean 583
Cardamom 582 Valerian 581
Cassia 582 Vanilla 583
Cassia Oil . . .583 Woodruff 583
Castoreum 581 Wormwood 583
Catechu 582 Tinctures, Oil 583
Celery 582 Tinctures, Simple ...584
For Chemical Advisors, Special Raw Materials, Equipment, Containers, etc., consult Supply
Section at end oi book.

Tokay Fondant 585 Virgins, Cream of 566
Tonka, Bean Tincture 583 Essence 552
Ratafia 564
Train, Liqueur . 575 W
Liqueur Oil 575
Water Cress Liqueur 560
Trester Brandy 574 Weichxel Fruit Ether 579
Turko -Liqueur 548
Whiskey, Bourbon ,547
U Goldwasser .549
Usquebaugh Rye ...546
567, 568
Scotch 546
V White Wine, Essence 584
Valerian Tincture 581 Punch Extract 586
Vanilla, Cream de 565, 576 Wine, Bischof 580
Extract 579 Cardinal 580
Huile de 565 Wine Essence, Port 585
Liqueur 548, 565 White 584
Spirit 580 Wine Flavors, Artificial 584
Tincture 583 Wine Fondant Flavors 585
Venus Creme 565, 568 Wine Punch, Extract Burgundy 586
Venus Essence 556 Extract Glowing ......... . .586. . . .

Vermouth di Torino Essence. ...... .556 Woodruff, Essence ............... .556

Victoria Punch Extract 550 Tincture 583
Vienna Absinthe Essence 542 Wormwood, Essence ............... 557
Violet Flower Essence 556 Tincture 583

Tor Chemical Advisors, Special Raw Materials, Equipment, Containers, etc., consult Supply
Section atend of book.
Tbade Named Chemicals

During the past few years, the practice of marketing raw materials,
tindernames which in themselves are not descriptive chemically of the
products they represent, has become very prevalent. No modern book
of formulae could justify its claims either to completeness or modernity
without numerous formulae containing these so-called “Trade Names.*
Without wishing to enter into any discussion regarding the justifica-
tion of “Trade Names,** the Editors recognize the tremendous service
rendered to commercial chemistry by manufacturers of “ Trade Name”
products, both in the physical data supplied and the formulation sug-
Deprived of the protection afforded their products by this system of
nomenclature, these manufacturers would have been forced to stand
helplessly by while the fruits of their labor were being filched from them
by competitors who, unhampered by expenses of research, experimenta-
tion and promotion, would be able to produce something “just as good”
at prices farbelow those of the original producers.
That these competitive products were “just as good” solely in the
minds of the imitators would only be evidenced in costly experimental
work on the part of the purchaser and, in the meantime irreparable
damage would have been done, to the truly ethical product. It is obvious,
of course, that under these circumstances, there would be no incentive
for manufacturers to develop new materials.
Because of this, and also because the “Chemical Formulary” is pri-
marily concerned with the physical results of compounding rather than
with the chemistry involved, the Editors felt that the inclusion of for-
mulae containing various trade name products would be of definite value
to the producer of finished chemical materials. If they had been left out
many ideas and processes would have been automatically eliminated.
As a further service a list of the better known “trade name” products
is appended together with the suppliers of these materials. The number
after each trade name refers to the supplier given below with the corre-
sponding number.


BL’oyi ujj ...... 16
op* Butyl Carbitol
Bromo “Acid”


Carbon Black P-33...
......... AO
jAiliMvi vl • • • • *


w** +* ; • * *
^ ...
30 Cellosolve 97
Cellosolve Acetate
„ lo
XiLbUtJOUiXlC . .». * q
«Gk»p-vl XJJ.gv5 i4.U j.,w!tuv*.

ilUrOIlUliC V • • * * rt ff

Aviroi • . • * • * • • •
aa i , . . . A <5
AZO i cUU w wu. • m , /-N CJ _ - - - ^ . OU
Chloro Green S

Azo vJ range ov . . .
Chloro Green S-310
Chrysophinme C Yellow, ........
Clarex ............
jtsaKente axv aju-x ....
s CHff Char
ssi *t 1 1 *n *3 f

„ t : 40
m ri _ _ AX O * TCf \r

±>x. ... ..... . . DU

Croceme Scarlet o .
jtsase jln u. .....
X>©CivJcLUJLbO * f,
1 A
Jti0CK.Ola»v AuvO « • •
* Curbay Binder

Black Walnut Flavor 61

69 Cyanegg
Blandol 61
30 Cyanobrite •
Blendene Cyanogran * * * *
Borden’s Lemon Powder Cyanogas A **” 3

Borden’s Orange Powder

^ Cyeline Oil Softener.........*

54 Cycline
Bubber. ....... 8
B. B. C. Mineral
D Glyco Wax 30
Dark Red BA Dye 60 Glyptal i . . 28
Dareo 23 Guantal 64
Decalin 2^
57 H
3^ Halazone 47
69 Har shawls No. 42 Cobalt 34
37 Hexalin 47
Diatol 73 HTH 45
37 Hyacelyne 25
35 Hydristear 81
Dipentene No. 122
35 Hydromalin 30
Dipolymer * * * •

Direct Black E 60 30
60 Hydrotan 32
Direct Brown. *

Direct Fast Yellow NN 60 Hydrowax 30

Direct Pink 60

Direct Sky Blue 5B * 60

N 60 Imperial Ester Gum 43
Direct Violet
79 Indusoil 37
Dixie Clay *

Iodeikon 44
Doll-Tone 65
24 Isohol *30
Isolene 50
Dowflake 24
Isopropanol 13
Dowicide B '
24 Ivo Bone Black 9
Dowtlierm 24
. .
Duclean 32
Kalite No. 1 79
Du Pont Antox 25
Kellogg KUO 70
Durez Resin No. 500 ......... 29
Kolineum 40
Dutox • • 32
Konate 3
Krone Flake 34
Koreon 48
Emulsone B 30
Erio Flavine 60 L
Ervol 69 Lactol Spirits A 18
Estersol 78 Leukonin 34
Ethavan 47 Lewisol 43
Lignin Liquor 63
F Lindol 15
Ferrite Black 3 Lissamine Fast Yellow 60
Filter-Cel 39 Lotol 51
Flectol 47 Lupogum 82
Flexoresins 30 Lysol 42
Fluf 68
Fluxol 47 M
Fuma. 7 Mallophene 44
Manganar 32
Q Mapico Brown 9
Galagum C 30 Medium Process Oil 73
Gardinol 25 Merclor 47
Gelowax 30 Methyl Cellosolve 13
Glycomine 30 Metso 34
Glycopon AA 30 Miscibol 30
Glycopon AAA 30 Moldex 30
Glycopon S 30 Moldol 58
Glycopon XS 30 Monex 51
Glycosterin 30 Monopole Soap 82


N Pylam Purple 60
Narobin SO Pylam Red 60
National Bismarck Brown Y Extra . . 49 Pylam Orange 60
National Buffalo Black NBR 49 Pylam Spirit Black 60
National Methylene Blue 2B 49 Pylam Spirit Orange 60
National Phosphine RN 49 Pylam Scarlet No. 1323 60
National Resorcine Brown R . 49 Pylam Water Maroon 60
National Saf ranine A 49 Pylam Yellow .................... 60
National Wool Orange A Conr . 49 Pylam Yellow S... 60
Nelgin 30 Pylam Yellow S-318 60
Neomerpin 25 Pylam Violet S-333 . 60
Neozone A 25
Neville Hard Resin 52 Q
Nevindene 52 Quakersol . . . . . . . ... ............... 56
Nipagin M 31
Nuchar 37
Nuodex Cobalt 53
Resin C ... ....................... 8
Resinox 22
Rezinels 30
Opal Wax 25
Rhodamine B Ex ..... ... . . 60 . . .
Orthene 47
Rhodamine Bx 60
Orzol 69
Rhodine .......................... 25
Oxone . 61
Rhodol 25
Oxynone 47
Rodo No. 10....... 79
P Rosoap 30
Parachol . 30 Rozolin 30
Paracide 36 Rubber Orange 2R. 25
Paradi 36
Paradow 24 S
ParafLux 33 Salamac 32
Paraplex 62 Sapinone . . 30
Parasterin .. 30 Schultz Silica . . . 17
Paris Paste 9 Sheragum 30
Pearl Essence 46 Sicapon 30
Peerless Carbon Black 9 Silex 74
Pentacetate 67 Solcastol ......................... 3
Pentalarm 67 Solcornol 3
Pentaphen 67 Soligen Driers 1
Pentasol 67 Solozone ..................... 61
Perchloron 55 Solvent No. 75 36
Permosalt 30
Solway Green
Special Oil A
. . 60 — 3
Petrohol *

Pipsol 47 Stearoricinol 30
Plastogen 79 Stripper T. S 4
Pyla-White 60 Sulforon 32
Pylakrome Black 319 60 Sulfonol 69
Pylakrome Green 430 60 Sulfo Turk A 30
Pylakrome Green LX 799 60— Sono-Jell ....
Super Spectra Black
Pylakrome Oil Green No. 1119 . ..... 60 9
Pylakrome Red No. 420 60 Synthe-Copal 10
Pylam Amber S-271 60 Suspendite ...................... 30
Pylam Basic Black 60 Santamine 47
Pylam Black 60 Santicizers 47
Pylam Brilliant Gelo Red 60 Santochlor 47
Pylam Brilliant Green 60 Santolite 47
Pylam Ebony Black. 60 Santotan 47
... .


Vandex ......
Tanak . .
Varnolene ....
Tecsol . .
Teglac . .

Tetralin ..
Vinylite Resins
Texavac ..
Violamine 2R .
Thinnex ..
Viscogum ....
Thionex ..
Thylox ..
Ti-Tone .

Wetting Oil SE
Titanox B
Triclene .<

Trikalin .,

Tripoli .
Trogeen .

Tuads .

Zerone .
Zimate .

Zyklon B
Ureka C
Suppliers of “Trade Name” Chemicals

1 Advance Solvents & Chemical Corp.. . .New York City

2 American Active Carbon Corp .Columbus, Ohio
3 American Cyanamid & Chemical Corp New York City
4 Arkansas Co New York City
5 Bakelite Corp New York City
6 Baker & Co., Inc ....Newark, N. J.
7 Baker, J. T. Chem. Co New York City
8 Barrett Co New York City
9 Binney & Smith. New York City
10 Beck, Koller & Co Detroit, Mich.
11 Borden Co New York City
12 Buromin Corp Pittsburgh, Pa.
13 Carbide & Carbons Chem. Corp.. New York City
14 Carborundum Co. Niagara Falls, N. Y.
15 Celluloid Corp Newark, N. J.
16 Century Stearic Acid & Candle Works Co.. New York City
17 Chaplin & Bibbo New York City
18 Chemical Solvents Corp.. New York City
19 Chesebrough Mfg. Co .New York City
20 Cleveland Cliffs Iron Co. Cleveland, Ohio
21 Corn Products Refining Co .New York City
22 Commercial Solvents Corp Terre Haute, Ind.
23 Darco Sales Corp. New York City
24 Dow Chemical Co.. . .Midland, Mich.
25 Du Pont de Nemours, E. I. & Co Wilmington, Del.
26 Eastman Kodak Co Rochester, N. Y.
27 Franco-American Chemical Works Corp Carlstadt, N. J.
28 General Electric Co Bridgeport, Conn.
29 General Plastics Inc. .N. Tonawanda, N. Y.
30 Glyco Products Co., Inc. Brooklyn, N. Y.
31 Goldschmidt, Th. Corp .New York City
32 Grasselli Chemical Co Cleveland, Ohio
33 Hall, C. D. Co Akron, Ohio
34 Harshaw Chemical Co New York City
35 Hercules Powder Co Wilmington, Del.
36 Hooker Electrochemical Co New York City
37 Industrial Chemical Sales Co New York City
38 International Pulp Co. New York City
39 Johns Manville Corp New York City
40 Koppers Products Co. Pittsburgh, Pa.
41 Krebs Pigment & Chemical Co .....New York City
42 Lehn & Fink New York City
43 Lewis, John D Providence, R. I.
44 Mallincrodt Chemical Works .New York City
45 Mathieson Alkali Co *
.'. ........... New York City
46 Mearl Corp .New York City
47 Monsanto Chemical Wks ...New York City
48 Mutual Chemical Co. of America. . ... . . . . . . . ... . . . .... .New York City

49 National Aniline and Chemical Co Buffalo, N. Y.
50 National Rosin Oil & Size Co.. New York City
51 Naugatuck Chemical Co New York City
52 Neville Chemical Co Pittsburgh, Pa.
53 Nuodex Products Co Newark, N. J.
54 Pacific Coast Borax Co New York City
55 Penn Salt Mfg. Co Philadelphia, Pa.
56 Penn. Sugar Co New York City
57 Permutit Co New York City
58 Pfaltz & Bauer New York City
59 Philadelphia Quartz Co. * • Phila., Pa.
60 Pylam Products Co New York City
61 R & H Chemical Co New York City
62 Resinous Products & Chemical Co Phila., Pa.
63 Robeson Process Co.. New York City
64 Rubber Service Labs. Co Nitro, W. Ya.
65 Scott-Bader & Co London, England
66 . Seeley & Co New York City
67 Sharpless Solvents Corp Phila., Pa.
68 Solvay Sales Corp New York City
69 L. Sonneborn Sons, Inc New York City
70 Spencer, Kellogg Co New York City
71 Stanco, Inc . New York City
72 Standard Oil Co. of New York. ..... . New York City
73 Sun Oil Co New York City
74 Swann Chemical Co.. New York City
75 Titanium Pigment Co New York City
76 Takamine Labs Clifton, N. J.
77 U. S. Gypsum Co Chicago, 111.

78 U. S. Industrial Chem. Co. .New York City

79 Vanderbilt, R. T. Co New YorkCity
80 Virginia Smelting Co. W. Norfolk, Va.
81 Will & Baumer Candle Co.. .New York City
82 Wolf, Jacques Co .Passaic, N. J.

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