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The Go-Giver Book Review/Discussion Questions

1. Why do you think the author chose the title? Is there a significant
meaning behind it?
 The author wanted the idea of giving to be a highlighted as the theme of the book
and as the mother principle of the laws.

2. What do you believe is the message the author is trying to convey

to the reader? What did you learn from this book?
 Giving is a mother principle, it gives birth to results which could never be attained if
it was not applied

3. How did you apply the first law – the Law of Value?
 I started to give more outputs to my presence at home by doing more than what is
 I started to share key info to my student at work without him asking

4. How did you apply the Second law – the Law of Compensation?
 I started to offer my expertise to some guys at church to help them with their
technical difficulties.
 I started to share key info to my student at work without him asking

5. How did you apply the third law – the Law of Influence?
 I was from picking up my daughter from crèche, she asked for a pizza and I said no
but because of the law I thought of the law I turned and bought the pizza and my
wife didn’t have to cook that day

6. How did you apply the fourth law – the Law of Authenticity?
 I was invited to a prayer session of a bereaved family I had no opportunity to give
comforting words but my presence, said all and was valuable

7. How did you apply the fifth law – the Law of Receptivity?
I offered myself to do one of the tasks which were done by someone who left the
8. How can we create a Go Giver culture within our environments/businesses?
 We have to adopt a culture of giving not to receive but as a culture.
 we have to share valuable experiences with colleagues

9. Is it practical to do what the book is asking us to do, in this era, if yes, what is stop us from
being Go-Givers?
 It is possible but it needs an attitude that does not give up easily because in reality
the results come in their own pace

10. Please share any additional information or comment or item you would like us to discuss.
 0605735333

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