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Transcript of Discourse Connectors & Discourse


Exemplification and restatement connectors

for example, for instance, namely, that is

• provide examples or an expansion or other clarification of

something previously stated

Discourse connectors/Ordering Connectors

first, firstly, second, secondly, third, thirdly, next, then, finally

 signal the order of main points the speaker or writer wants

to make or of steps in a process.

Discourse Connectors

... kind of like text networking

• link information in a sentence to information in preceding

• can occur at various points in the sentence, separated from the
rest by a comma or a set of commas

• contribute to the cohesion of a discourse and express various

types of relationships

Summary Connectors

all in all, in conclusion, finally, overall, to conclude, in sum, in
summary, to summarize, to sum up

• indicate that a summary or conclusion follows

Addition Connectors

also, in addition, further, furthermore, moreover

• add information to what comes before.

Moreover and furthermore are often not interchangeable with

in addition, as, in addition simply introduces added parallel

information whereas they introduce information that builds
toward a conclusion.

Result Connectors
accordingly, consequently, hence, therefore, thus, as a
consequence, as a result, so

• introduce information that is the consequence of preceding

information. For inferential consequences, thus and therefore
tend especially to be used.

Concession Connectors

nevertheless, nonetheless, in spite of that, despite that, still

• introduce surprising or unexpected information

Contrast Connectors

by way of contrast, in contrast, conversely, instead, however

• introduce information that is in some way contrastive with

previously stated information. The contrast may be between
subjects (e.g., with
in contrast) or between aspects of a subject (e.g., with

on the other hand). Instead is used especially with actions. With

loose contrasts, only

however is used.

Cognitive Stance Connectors

actually, certainly, indeed, in fact, in

actual fact, as it happens

• express the writer's attitude regarding the truth of the previous

information and introduce information supporting the stance.

Abrupt Topic Shift Connectors


incidentally, by the way, by the by, apropos of

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