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I have decided that I will place my research station d
​ irectly in between the North Pole, and 
the Equator​: 
This is because I know I have a lot of heat, so putting it directly on the equator will mean I 
will have ​constant​ ​heat​, (around 24x that of the heat felt on the equator). If I put it on the 
North Pole, I will have ​extremes​, of ​light​ and h
​ eat​ (like on Earth’s North Pole). Putting it 
directly between, (around Colorado if compared to Earth), will give me 4 seasons, and y
​ ear 
round heat​ (due to the 24x Apparent Luminosity). Having the heat & light is ​essential​ for 
plant life, and electricity generation. Also, I will need plant growth year round in order to 
support humans. 

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