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Problems of SITL: Testing the Simulink model by CompactRIO

I. Vesely*. M. Sir**
D. Zmecnik***

*Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Communication, Brno University of Technology, Center for Research and Utilization
of Renewable Energy Sources, Czech republic (Tel:+42051141148; e-mail:
** Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Communication, Brno University of Technology
Czech Republic (Tel +420541141308; e-mail:
*** Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Communication, Brno University of Technology
Czech Republic (Tel:+42051141148; e-mail:

Abstract: This article describes the testing of the Matlab model using NI CompactRIO real-time
embedded controllers. If workplace has MATLAB and LabVIEW, the realization of testing becomes
much cheaper than buying the Matlab real-time modules. The paper describes how to install all the
programs and how to connect these programs each other, so we could easily test and debug MATLAB
model using CompactRio and Labview.
Keywords: Matlab Simulink, LabView, CompactRIO, connection, SITL, simulation, DC motor, dll

Interface Toolkit (SIT) (National Instrument, 2008c)

(National Instrument, 2002), Microsoft Visual studio,
Nowadays, Matlab Simulink is used for programming many vxworks63gccdist (National Instrument, 2009b), LabVIEW
simulations. This environment offers significant advantages Real-Time Module. In our case we use Matlab R2010b,
but also disadvantages. One of these disadvantages is the Microsoft Visual studio 2010 and LabVIEW SPRING 2011.
problem associated with SITL (system in the loop). Because It is necessary to know that we have to convert the model
Matlab has the relatively expensive real-time modules, we from Simulink to the dll in Windows XP, because the
need to find another solution. One of them is programming vxworks63gccdist does not work under the higher versions of
dsp or other microcontroller. However this possibility is Windows. Matlab, LabView, LabVIEW Simulation Interface
rather lengthy. Another solution is suitable for workplace, Toolkit (path: C:\SimulationInterfaceToolkit\) and Microsoft
which have access to Matlab and LabView at the same time Visual studio are installed by a standard way to the root
e.g. university. If this program is available, SITL testing directory C:\. Vxworks63gccdist is only copied to the root
solution becomes much cheaper. Instead of expensive real- directory C:\. The next step is the interconnection of these
time modules for Matlab can use CompactRIO, which is programs and their settings.
sufficient for most simulations. This article describes how In Matlab the compiler is selected and Matlab is connected to
these two programming environments interconnect. the SIT. Selecting the compiler is done by command mex –
Now the correct settings must be selected from the option of
“NI CompactRIO real-time embedded controllers offer Matlab:
powerful stand-alone embedded execution for deterministic Would you like mex to locate installed compilers [y]/n?
LabVIEW Real-Time applications. These controllers are Select a compiler:
designed for extreme ruggedness, reliability, and low power [1] Lcc-win32 C 2.4.1 in C:\PROGRA~1\MATLAB\R2010b\sys\lcc
consumption, with dual 9 to 35 VDC supply inputs that [2] Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio
deliver isolated power to the CompactRIO chassis/modules 10.0
[0] None
and up to a -40 to 70 °C operating temperature range. The NI Choose:2
cRIO-9022, the highest-powered controller, features a 533 Please verify your choices:
MHz real-time processor and provides the highest level of Compiler: Microsoft Visual C++ 2010
performance in the CompactRIO product line. NI cRIO-901x Location: C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0
Are these correct [y]/n?
controllers feature a 400 MHz industrial processor balancing Choose:y
low-power consumption and powerful real-time floating-
point signal analysis, control, and logging.” (National “If you installed the MATLAB application software files as
Instrument 2011b)( National Instrument 2009c) read-only, the Simulation Interface Toolkit does not
3. INSTALATION configure the SIT Server to start automatically and the
SignalProbe block does not appear in the Simulink Library
Before the connection of Matlab with LabView, all programs Browser window. To see these changes, add the following
must be installed correctly. Programs that have to be installed lines to the matlabrc.m file” (National Instrument 2010c).
are Matlab Simuling, LabView, LabVIEW Simulation
(Its the usual way is
). At the end of the file we write:

cd C:\SimulationInterfaceToolkit
Fig. 1. Matlab model
If Vxworks63gccdist is not copied to the root directory C:\.
the path in file setup-gcc.bat (\gccdist\supp\setup-gcc.bat) has CompactRIO cards. This means that the Matlab model is in
to be changed. In file the command set the form of DLLs, directly connected to the input and output
GCCPATH=c:\gccdist must be changed to the current path of cards. In the second way, inputs or outputs data of the
e.g. set GCCPATH=i:\gccdist. cards are modified or other functions, which Simulink model
does not contain, are added to the program.
And the last change is in the directory of Simulation Interface
Toolkit. The file nidll_vxworks.tlc from C:\ 2.1 First way
w\R2007b\ is copied to C:\ SimulationInterfaceToolkit\ In this case, the model of the DLLs form is directly connected
2010\ModelInterface\tmw\R2007b\. to the inputs and outputs of CopactRio cards. (National
And in file nidll_vxworks.tmf (C:\SimulationInterfaceToolkit\ Instrument, 2010b).
2010\ ModelInterface\ tmw\ R2007b\) the version is changed For connection of the Matlab model and the inputs and
from SIT_VERSION=5.0 to current version in our case outputs, the bitfile must be created first. Bitfile define the
SIT_VERSION= 2010. analog, digital, and pulse width modulation (PWM) inputs
and outputs of the FPGA device.( National Instrument
To create bitfile we use project that is already created in
Now everything is set and a Simulink model (Fig.1) of our LabVIEW examples. The file name is sitfpga cRIO IO.lvproj
application can be created and then converted into a DLL. If and it is located in the directory
we can see the following text during start, the Matlab is set \LabVIEW2010\vi.lib\addons\SimulationInterface\_IOTypes\
correctly (National Instrument 2011a). Plugins\NI-FPGA\FPGA IO Source\
SIT: Added paths for Simulation Interface Toolkit Version 2010 This project is mostly created for other chassis or c series
Starting the SIT Server on port 6011 modules, which we do not use. Therefore, we must revamp
SIT Server started the project. The most important part (sit IO file) has
to be copied to another folder and then the project has to be
Simulink model must contain SignalProbe block and the rebuilt into our configuration. (It is a change of Compact Rio
LabView is connected via inport and outport (Fig. 1). IP address and adding of our chassis and c series modules).
Unconnected inports can be used for monitoring waveforms After this adjustment we upload the sit IO file back
in the processor of CompactRIO. The DLL file and other into the FPGA and we rebuild it for our configuration.
files, that are generated together, are need for connecting to During editing a file, it is important not to change the
LabVIEW environment. This interconnection provides structure in the gray boxes
Simulation interface toolbox. If we don't want to run the In the file, all inputs and outputs do not have to be used but
model in real-time mode, we need only DLL file which is only those that are needed. The modified file is compiled to
generated by nidll.tlc. Because in our case we need to use create bitfile. This bitfile, that is created in the directory
real-time mode, additional files must be created, mainly .out project / FPGA Bitfiles, is copied to a directory with other
file which is generated by nidll_vxworks.tlc. These files are bitfiles (\LabVIEW 2010\vi.lib\addons\Simulation
generated in Matlab Simulink. The different versions of Interface\_IOTypes\Plugins\NI-FPGA\FPGA Bitfiles\). Since
Matlab Simulink may have different paths to the generator. In the file has not standard name it must be renamed to SIT
Matlab R2010b Simulink path is → − connection manager could found it. In our case its name is
ℎ → …→ sitfpga cRIO-9074 IO.lvbitx.
− ℎ , where nidll.tlc is selected as
System target file and then we click on build. For The connecting manager
nidll_vxworks.tlc it is same. Now we have all files that we Now we can make connections. In the blank vi we create
need to connect with LabView. control and indicators by which we want control Matlab
model and display a variety of waveforms. Connection is
5. THE CONNECTION OF DLLs WITH LABVIEW done using the SIT Connection Manager that we can find in
the tools. In this manager we select the real-time target. At
The first thing we need to know is what type of connections
the beginning, we set IP addresses and the type of compact
of dll and LabVIEW and CoppactRio we will need. We can
Rio (Fig.2). Next we enter the path of model dll and path to
choose one of the two ways. In the first way, we do not need
the directory of project in the Model and Host category.
to change the data which are sent or received from
Fig. 2. SIT Connection Manager
Fig. 4. FPGA
In the category Mappings we connect the controls from
LabVIEW with variables, which we want to control in the input signals or output signals from the cards, or we add more
model, and connect the indicators with variables, which we functions to the program. These additional functions can be
want to monitor. The connection of model with the inputs programmed into the RT microprocessor or directly into the
and outputs of cards is done in the Hardware I / O category. FPGA of CompactRio. These changes may be different
Here we select Configure HW I/O. Then we click the right conversion of signal from cards, evaluation of encoder
mouse button on IP address and select Add Device- NI-FPGA signals, and additional functions. These changes are very
and now we can see bitfile that we have created. If there is time consuming and they could be programmed directly into
bitfile not displayed, it may mean that we renamed it poorly the FPGA e.g. PWM.
or we save it to another directory. After confirming (press During the connecting of model with LabVIEW we proceed
OK), we can connect the inputs and the outputs of cards with as well as in the first case. We use SIT connection manager
the inport and the outport of Matlab model (Fig. 3). This again, where we set the IP address, path to the directory with
setting could be found in the video (National Instrument, the DLL and the project directory and we connect each
2008b) control and indicator block with Matlab model in the
After everything is connected and set up, SIT connect Mappings category. But unlike the first method, we do not
manager creates a project ProjectName_Driver.lvproj, which create bitfile, if we want to use FPGA. Connection is done in
is used for communication between the model in a format a project which was created by Sit connect manager. Created
DLLs and LabVIEW. At the same time in the original file .vi project contains only the RT CompactRIO Target, where
SIT creates a model for the simulation controlling of there are files vi working with dll of Matlab model. So that
LabVIEW mode. we can work with signals from the card, we can add FPGA
by classical way (National Instrument, 2009b). In our case we
2.2 Second way use the FPGA to generate PWM and evaluation of the
encoder signals (Fig 4).
As it has been said before in the second way, we change the Data from the cards are first processed in the FPGA and then
send to the Real Time Processor where they are connected to
the inputs of the Matlab model. For this connection we use an
already created file ProjectName_Base Rate, which
is saved in the directory subVIs of CompastRio RT Target.
This file contains several parts which we can change. They
are flat sequence (Fig.5)- Init Code, where initialization is
performed before running the model, Read Code, where the
data entering into the model, Write code, where data alighting
from the Matlab model and Close Code, where final
instruction are written. The file also contains blocks for
reading and writing to I / O when using bitfile. But this was
not used in our project.

Working with Data

The input and output data of the model are in the form of 1-D
array. We have to know the order of data in the array, so that
we could use these data. This order we find in the
ProjectName _portsReadme.txt file that was generated
simultaneously with the ProjectName.out file and is saved in
the ProjectName_nidll_vxworks_rtw directory. In file we can
Fig. 3. Configure HW I/O Mappings see each input and output position in the array, name that
Matlab Simulink



Fig. 5. Base Rate Loop

matches the name in the model, width, and what is the
variable type.
<inport> id="0" name = "In1" width = "1" datatype =
Fig. 7. Block scheme of project
"real_T"</inport><inport> id="1" name = "In2proud" width = "1" FPGA. PWM, the evaluation of encoder signals and their
datatype = "real_T"</inport><inport> id="2" name = "In3otacky" width
= "1" datatype = "real_T"</inport><outport> id = "0" name = conversion to speed and current readout are programmed into
"Out1compare" width = "1" datatype = "real_T"</outport> the FPGA In real-time processor these signals are further
<outport> id = "1" name = "Out2sinin" width = "1" datatype = converted and sent to the model (Fig. 7). Because the current
"real_T"</outport> sensor does not give the true value, it has to be converted to
<outport> id = "2" name = "Out3sin" width = "1" datatype =
"real_T"</outport> the correct value. Also, the speed is calculated, we must
<outport> id = "3" name = "Out4dir" width = "1" datatype = consider computed edges, etc. Conversely, the value of
"real_T"</outport> voltage is taken from the model. This value is converted into
<outport> id = "4" name = "Out5napeti" width = "1" datatype = duty and sent to the FPGA (Fig. 6). CompactRIO
</portlist> communicates with a dc motor through three C series
modules. The first C Series module is the NI 9401, PWM
We have to save data or vice we have to obtain data using the values are fed to this card and then are sent to the board
blocks for work with array because the data that we use are Pololu High-Power Motor Driver 24v23 CS, which controls
not in the form of array. Array index is used for reading data the motor. The second C series module is the NI 9215, which
from the model and Build Array is used for inserting data reads the current value and the third module is again the NI
into the model. 9401, which reads values from the encoder. The main tuning
Now we can read data from the cards by FPGA and can of simulation is performed on the main page of LabVIEW
directly modify, either in FPGA or in real time processor. To project. Matlab model is connected with the controller in the
ensure the simulation will work properly, modified data must LabVIEW project, now we can set the various constants of
be inserted into Build Array in the correct order. In a similar the PI controllers, switch the direction of motor rotation and
way we can get data from the model using the Index Array enter the desired speed (Fig. 8).
(Fig. 6). 7. CONCLUSIONS
6. RESULTS As suggested in the introduction, this solution is suitable for
The project aimed to control the dc motor from MATLAB. In such workplaces, which owns both MATLAB and
the Simulink model the control of this motor was designed LabVIEW. These are mainly schools and other educational
(Fig.1). These are two PI controllers in the current and speed institutions. As the CompactRIO consists of a microprocessor
loop. Only two signals are inputs of the Matlab model. They
are real current and real speed the output of model is the
value of voltage, which to be connected to the motor. This
model was converted into DLLs and connected to LabVIEW
and CompactRIO. All other operations, which we need for
motor control, are performed in the real-time processor and

Fig. 6. Base Rate Loop with other function Fig. 8. Front page of LabView project
, chassis and c series module, it is more compact. For various <
applications, we can buy only those cards which we need. >.
Another big advantage is the presence of an FPGA, which we National Instrument. NI Developer Zone [online]. 2010a [cit.
use in many applications. In our case it was the generating of 2011-11-16]. Communicating with the SIT Server
PWM and the work with the signals of encoder. The (Simulation Interface Toolkit). Available from:
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simulation. And for easy connection of the LabView control 01/lvsitconcepts/sit_c_communicating_with_the_sit_serv
with Matlab model we can easily debug the application at er/>.
runtime. National Instrument. NI Developer Zone [online]. 2010c [cit.
2011-12-07]. Communicating with the SIT Server
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The research has been supported by Czech Science <
Foundation under the project 102/09/H081 “SYNERGY - 01/lvsitconcepts/sit_c_communicating_with_the_sit_serv
Mobile Sensoric Systems and Network“, “Research of er/>.
Modern Methods and Approaches in Automation“ from the National Instrument. NI Developer Zone [online]. 2011a [cit.
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(grant No. FEKT-S-11-6) and European Regional Simulink® Model with LabVIEW Simulation Interface
Development Fund under project No. Toolkit. Available from:
CZ.1.05/2.1.00/01.0014. <>.
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2011-11-16]. CompactRIO Real-Time Controllers.
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