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 University of Maryland--College Park.

 University at Albany--SUNY.


1. BS in Criminology
2. NBI or Police Clearance and Court Clearance
3. Certificate of Good Moral Character from:
 Parish Priest
 Barangay Captain
 School
Basic Requirements:
1. Original and Photocopies of Transcript of Records w/ CHED Special Order (SO) and date
of graduation (Government and PAASCU, PACUCOA and ACSC-AAI Level II-IV
accredited schools are exempted from S.O (B).
2. Birth Certificate (Original and Photocopy)/ NSO authenticated.
3. Four (4) pieces 1.77” x 1.37” (passport size) pictures (attire w/ collar and sleeves) Front
view/plain background w/ complete nametag (ex. DUMANDAN, GLORIO JR. O.)
4. CY Community Tax certificate w/ photocopy.
5. PRC Documentary Stamp (P20.00)
6. Window Envelope w/ PRC letterhead
7. Examination Fee – P900.00

-The concept of social harm can be used to open up the possibilities of new narratives
in critical criminology, such areas as Green Criminology and eco crime, human rights
and human security.

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