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16 Respuestas Última respuesta el 03-ago-2016 12:34 por Jaja Jojo 

Enacheanu Dragos 03-ago-2016 1:51

Large displacement problem

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I need to do a simulation o the boom shown in the picture. I tried every solver and only the iterative solver works, but a some point it asks me if I want to
use large displacement simulation and if I click yes I get the error shown below and if I click no it gives me the results but are not realistical.
Solidworks informs that:
The large displacement solution does not work with:
Spot weld and bearing connectors
Beam mesh or mixed mesh that includes beams
Remote mass loads
Compute free body forces option in the Static dialog box (the software ignores the option)
Improve accuracy for bonding incompatible mesh (slower) option in the Static dialog box for surface to surface, No penetration contact
(the software ignores the option)
I don't have any of the above and I don't understand why doesn't want. I tried for a week to find the problem and I didn't.

I use only solid bodies, two rigid connectors (the error is show even without it), only bonded contact sets (for the parts without surfaces in contact) and
curvature mesh.

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Jaja Jojo 03-ago-2016 4:21 (en respuesta a Enacheanu Dragos)

Re: Large displacement problem

Try to use non Linear study

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Enacheanu Dragos 03-ago-2016 4:43 (en respuesta a Jaja Jojo)

Re: Large displacement problem

Sadly I don't have license for non linear study, but thank you.
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Jaja Jojo 03-ago-2016 4:58 (en respuesta a Enacheanu Dragos)

Re: Large displacement problem

What is the minimum displacement requirement?

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Enacheanu Dragos 03-ago-2016 5:24 (en respuesta a Jaja Jojo)

Re: Large displacement problem

I don't have a minimum, but 10000 mm is way too much to be real, i expect somewhere around 100-200 mm. Stress results appear to be
realistically but I can't consider it ok because of the displacements.

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Towab Muhammad Yusuf 03-ago-2016 5:17 (en respuesta a Jaja Jojo)

Re: Large displacement problem

Yes, it is sloved by only linear.

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Jaja Jojo 03-ago-2016 5:43 (en respuesta a Towab Muhammad Yusuf)

Re: Large displacement problem

If you know the minimum and maximum displacement requirement you can use to evaluate your model using linear

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Enacheanu Dragos 03-ago-2016 5:57 (en respuesta a Jaja Jojo)

Re: Large displacement problem

I want to make a simulation on a boom on witch I put some forces and own weight. I need the stress results. The program also evaluates the
displacements so I noticed the result and I can't be sure that the stress that i obtained is real.

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Jaja Jojo 03-ago-2016 6:19 (en respuesta a Enacheanu Dragos)

Re: Large displacement problem

Try to modify your model since probably your model cannot hold the load so it has high deflection.
Try to upload your model with the BC you set up maybe there are some with kind heart to run the analysis for you,

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James Riddell 03-ago-2016 6:19 (en respuesta a Enacheanu Dragos)

Re: Large displacement problem

Have you done a hand calc to see what the magnitude of the deflection might be? If not, do that first. That's your first clue as to whether you need to do a
non-linear or not.
I can't see what your weights are but it looks like you have altogether too much detail in your model.
Why are there two downward forces along the boom?
Looks like you are applying bolt clamp forces? Why?
Usually, when a boom is operational, it isn't in the horizontal orientation, why is your load force perpendicular to the boom axis?

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Enacheanu Dragos 03-ago-2016 10:16 (en respuesta a James Riddell)

Re: Large displacement problem

Yes, from manual calc i must have around 200-300 mm deflection. I agree that the model appears to be very complex, I tried to simplify it, but this is
the limit. Now I try to do the simulation step by step, for each boom. My fear is that I won't be able to consider the real forces transferred to one from
The downward forces are the forces from cables. The last boom is held in extended position with cables.
Yes, usually the boom it isn't in the horizontal position, but in this case i need to lift 1200 kg at 25 meters in a tunnel.

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James Riddell 03-ago-2016 12:01 (en respuesta a Enacheanu Dragos)
Re: Large displacement problem

Ah, yes, the loads are from the cable support along the boom.
Are you sure you have the result from the cable tension calculated correctly? (No critique, just asking.)
As a first pass, I'd bond the entire model (no bolted joint/forces) leave off the cable load and just try the weight, see if that gets you close to a
cantilever hand calculation with the boom cross section.

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Enacheanu Dragos 03-ago-2016 12:24 (en respuesta a James Riddell)

Re: Large displacement problem

After modeling the first simulation that I've done was without any forces only gravity. I've obtained realistic results but the entire analysis was
done without notifying me that i should run with large displacement solver. If i put any force vertically in the tip of the boom it requires large
displacement simulation and if i click yes it shows the error if i click it continues and calculates those wrongful displacements.

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Jaja Jojo 03-ago-2016 12:34 (en respuesta a Enacheanu Dragos)

Re: Large displacement problem

The pop-up didn't show because your model did not displace that much so it means that your model cannot hold your load so it deflect that
much. try to modify then run study again

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Seckin Uslu 03-ago-2016 7:20 (en respuesta a Enacheanu Dragos)

Re: Large displacement problem

After the simulation , were you able to see the correct behaviour of the structure.

I think 100mm is too big number for displacement.I agreed with James Riddell for doing hand calculation.

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Enacheanu Dragos 03-ago-2016 10:18 (en respuesta a Seckin Uslu)

Re: Large displacement problem

100 mm it's not big for a 25 meters boom. I really hope to be this much

After the simulation everything seems to be in order, regarding contact and efforts. The program asks me if I want to do the simulation with Large
displacement, if I click yes after it starts that error appears.

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Seckin Uslu 03-ago-2016 10:46 (en respuesta a Enacheanu Dragos)

Re: Large displacement problem

if everything is ok , unfourtanetly non linear study

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