I Am A Pilgrim

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GENESIS 26: 12- 25

Intro: The Patriarch Isaac was a man who lived in the shadows. If you think about it,
he lived his live first under the shadow of his great father Abraham, then he lived his
live in the shadow of his great son Jacob. Abraham is the star of some 14 chapters of
the book of Genesis and Jacob is the central figure of another 12 or so. But Isaac, is
only featured in a handful of chapters. It is only here, in this 26th chapter of Genesis
that we are allowed a glimpse into the life and work of this man.

Among the things we note about him is that he was a man of faith, v. 2-5. In fact,
he is listed in Hebrews 11:20 among the great heroes of the faithful. We can also see
here that he, like the rest of us, was far from perfect, v. 6-11, because he was guilty of
committing some of the same sins that his father Abraham had committed. Another
thing we notice about this man is the fact that he was a pilgrim. That is, he moved
from place to place, like his father, not actually owning any of the land upon which he

It is in his role as a pilgrim that Isaac pictures the child of God. If I may I remind
you this morning, the Bible teaches us very clearly that we are “strangers and
pilgrims” in this world, 1 Pet. 2:11. The word “strangers” means “a stranger, a
foreigner, one who lives in a place without the right of citizenship”. And, the word
“pilgrim” means, “sojourning in a strange place; a metaphor for one who sojourns
on earth”. In fact, the Bible tells us that every saved person is a citizen of
heaven, Phil. 3:20, 1 Pet. 1:4-5.

Today, I want to examine the life of Isaac the pilgrim. Because in his pilgrimage
through the world, encounters many of the same problems and he experiences many
of the same blessings that cross paths with us as we journey toward glory. Let’s take a
few minutes today to examine the life of this man, and as we do, I just want to point
out The Realities Of A Pilgrim’s Life. There is help and hope in this passage today for
everyone who is walking the pilgrim’s path!


A. The Size Of The Provisions - We are told that Isaac enjoyed a 10,000% return
on his investment! What makes this all the more astounding is the fact that this
occurred during a time of famine, v. 1. While everyone around him was going
broke and starving to death, Isaac prospered. His crops flourished while the
crops of others dried up. His flocks and herds grew while the flocks and herds
of others starved and died of thirst. It seemed like Isaac had the golden touch.

B. The Source Of The Provisions - Some may have called it good luck, others
may have looked upon Isaac and wondered how he did it, but the fact of the
mater is this: God was just blessing him! Isaac wasn’t a better farmer than the
other farmers. He didn’t know more about botany, horticulture or zoology than
the other men around him. But, he did have an advantage, he knew God and
that translated into blessings in his life when others were experiencing defeat!
You see, when the famine arose, there was evidently a temptation within
Isaac’s heart to flee to Egypt like Abraham had before him, v. 2. However, in
obedience to the Lord’s command, he stayed where he was, in the midst of that
famine, and God honored his obedience!

(Note: I would just like to point something out to every believer in this room
today: the very fact that you know God in a personal way places you in a position
to enjoy His wonderful provisions in your life! You may look at your situation
today and say, “Preacher, it sure doesn’t look like I’m receiving a 10,000%
return on my investment! I’m saved, following the Lord and trying to be
obedient, but I’m just about flat broke and everything is falling apart in my
life!” Friends, just because God isn’t paving your path with diamonds and giving
you a new Rolls Royce every year doesn’t mean that He isn’t blessing you!

Look at it this way: you may have it as bad, or even worse, than those around you
who aren’t saved, but you have something they do not have! You have a personal
relationship with the Lord God of Heaven! What does that give you? Well, the list
is almost endless, but a few of the benefits are:

1. Eternal salvation - never lost!

2. The presence of God in your life - never alone!

3. The power of God working in your life - never in a hopeless situation!

4. The promises of God active in your life - never without hope!

5. The Word of God to guide your life - never without direction!

The list could go on, but you think about it; if you are saved and your neighbor is
not, who’s children have a better hope of heaven? What kind of a value do you on
place on that? Would you rather have money or the Master? Well, if you have the
Master, He will take care of all the real needs in your life anyway!

Isaac enjoyed the great blessings that he did because he was obedient to the
command of God, v. 2-4. The same thing holds true for you and me. If we will put
God where He belongs: first; then, He will see to the rest of our lives, Matt. 6:33.
No one said this life would be easy, in fact the Bible teaches the opposite, but,
those who walk with God know that He is in control! (Ill. The unseen hand of
providence! What looks like the worst disaster you ever faced can be used of God
to bring into your life some of the greatest blessings you have ever enjoyed, Rom.
8:28; 2 Cor. 4:17.)


(Ill. Even Isaac’s life wasn’t filled with all blessings and glories. He fought some
real battles and so will you! Let’s look at a couple of the battles Isaac was required
to fight.)

A. V. 14b-16 He Faced Problems With The World - The Bible tells us that the
Philistines were jealous of Isaac. Why? Because they could see the hand of
God on his life! He was prospering while they were struggling! Because they
were jealous, they tried to make his life hard by plugging up the wells that had
been dug by his father Abraham. Their king even kicked Isaac out of the
country! (Note: Just as it was with Isaac, the Lord’s pilgrims should never
expect to be accepted and understood by the world. The fact of the matter is
this: the Lord tells us clearly that those who live for Him will be persecuted as
they pass through this world, 2 Tim. 3:12. Of course, some of the same tactics
the Philistines used against Isaac are still being employed against the people of
God! They become jealous when they can’t explain or understand our peace
and joy under trials. They do their best to rob us of the blessings we have as
children of God when they see us walking by faith through this world. They
will seek to stop up the wells from which we are drawing through
discouragement, intimidation and personal attacks. Yet, the Lord said it would
be this way and He tells us to rejoice when this kind of situation arises in our
lives, Matt. 5:10-12; 1 Pet. 4:12-16. So, when the world turns on you, don’t
be surprised or don’t get upset. Instead, rejoice in the Lord. It will make them
worse, but God will be honored and He will see you through!)

B. V. 17-22 He Faced Problems With His Wells - We already know that the
Philistines plugged up the wells of Abraham, but they even fought with Isaac
over the new well he was digging in the wilderness. Why all this fascination
with wells? There are several reasons. The primary one being the fact that men
and animals must have water to survive. In that country, being semi-desert,
water was as valuable as oil is today! In those days, all waste lands were called
“God’s lands”. If any man could live in a desert place, provide for his family
and flocks and open a well, then that land was considered to be his land! In
other words, a well was a statement of ownership! To fill in a well was an act
of war! These Philistines hated Isaac so much that they declared war on him
by trying to seize his lands and drive him away from that which was his!
Notice the fights he had to undertake.

1. V. 18 He Had To Clean Out The Old Wells - Many years before, his father
Abraham had passed through the land and he had dug some wells of water.
He dug those wells to meet needs in his day and to pass them down to his
son Isaac so that needs could be met in his days as well. The Philistines
had come along and had plugged these wells to prevent Isaac from suing
them. Notice that the Philistines didn’t want them for themselves, they just
didn’t want Isaac to have them. He had to take the time to reopen those
wells! (Note: These old wells speak to us of the spiritual resources that
were uncovered and proclaimed by our spiritual fathers in days gone by. If
we are not careful, the world will destroy everything that we have been
given! Many of the wells from which our fathers drank have already been
stopped! Think of it, there used to be a day when God’s people drank
deeply from the well of praise and worship! The world has stopped that
well by telling us that we should not be fanatics about Jesus. Our fathers
opened for us the wells of Scripture, of salvation, of sanctification, of
service, of the great fundamental doctrines of the faith! And the world has
come along a tried to stop them up. Liberalism has tried to change our
beliefs! There is a need right now for God’s people to re-dig the wells that
the world has tried to stop up! We must contend for the old ways, if we do
not, the old ways will die when we do!)

2. V. 19-22 He Had To Contend For The New Wells - As he moved along in

his pilgrimage, Isaac was always in the business of digging new wells.
Every time he opened a well, his enemies tried to take it away from him.
The water from the old wells were cool and refreshing, but more water was
needed now. Therefore, new wells were dug! Three of those wells are
mentioned here by name: 1. Esek - This word means “Contention”.
2. Sitnah - This word means “strife or hatred”. It has the idea of “laying
in wait to ensnare someone”. The name Satan comes from the same root
word. 3. Rehoboth - This word means “a wide open place”. It was at
Rehoboth that the Philistines finally left Isaac alone! Everywhere the man
went, he faced a fight! The Philistines tried to take that for which he had
labored. (Note: The same is true in the world today. Look at the world, and
you will see that they tried to take everything that belongs to the people of
faith. They have highjacked Christmas and Easter. They even steal our
language by talking about God, being born again, or all sorts of spiritual
things. But, we must contend for the faith, Jude 3. If we do not, then there
will be not faith to pass down to the next generation, 2 Tim. 2:2. Ill.
“Commit thou” means “to set before, or to set a table”.)

(Note: For Isaac, the pilgrimage here was one fight after another! I can guarantee
you that your journey through this world will not come without a fight as well.
But, take moment to look around this room at the children. Then think outside the
walls of this building about those who do not know the Lord Jesus. Remember,
you are fighting for them! Every time we reopen a well the world has closed;
every time we dig a new well for the needs of today; every time we defend the
wells we have, we are serving the Lord, the lost and the little ones! It is a ministry
that must be performed at all costs! If it isn’t soon, there will be nothing left to
defend and nothing at all to pass down! We may have to fight for what our fathers
believed and we may have to fight for what we believe, but the Lord watches over
the whole matter and like he did for Isaac, He will make a place for us!)


(Ill. Isaac enjoyed the Lord’s provisions in his life and he also experienced some
problems as well. But, these last few verses in our text let us in on the fact that
pilgrim life is also marked by its privileges.)
A. V. 24 The Privilege Of Enjoying God’s Words - The Lord appeared to Isaac
and renewed His promises once again! (Note: There is no greater privilege
than that of experiencing the Lord’s presence and hearing His voice. We have
been given His Word to speak to our hearts, Psa. 119:105, but we have also
been given His Spirit and He speaks to us as well, John 16:13. (Note: It was
the voice of God that got the attention of Elijah - 1 Kings 19:12. When He
speaks, His sheep know Him, John 10:3-4.)

B. V. 25 The Privilege Of Enjoying God’s Worship - Isaac prepared an altar and

went before his God in worship! (Note: This is a privilege enjoyed by those
who know the Lord! What an honor it is to be able to enter into His presence
to worship Him and to love Him, John 4:23-24, Heb. 4:16! When we stop to
think of what we were before He found us...)

C. V. 25 The Privilege Of Enjoying God’s World - Isaac was able to pitch his
tent in the place God had marked off for him and he dwelt there. He was
enjoying the blessings of God even while journeying through a hostile land.
(Note: It is becoming increasingly clear that God’s true church is not wanted
in this world. This is not our home and the natives of this world do not like us
being here. But, the Lord has a way of bringing His best into our lives as we
travel along. While our hearts beat for Heaven, and our feet walk through this
foreign land, our Father attends our way with His blessings and He makes the
pilgrimage glorious!)

D. V. 25 The Privilege Of Enjoying God’s Water - Isaac and his servants dug a
final well and enjoyed the water that flowed from it. After all the work
unstopping Abraham’s well and after all the fighting over the new wells, Isaac
is given a well of water that is all his. (Note: God has a way of giving us
exactly what we need just when we need it. As you pass through this world,
look for you a well! The Lord said that when He save you, He placed a well
within you, John 4:14. It is a spiritual well that will never run dry. Still, we
need to find ourselves drinking from a spiritual well that never runs dry. Take
the time, as you pass through this world, to avail yourself of the spiritual
refreshment the Lord had placed within easy reach. I’m talking about the Word
of God and prayer! Those two things will refresh the soul quicker than
anything else, period! Are you drinking from the well?)

Conc: So, pilgrims, keep marching! Keep heading toward that city that captured the
hearts of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, Heb. 11:10. One day we will take the last
faltering step down here and we will set foot on the shores of home. Until then, keep
looking to Him for your provisions. Keep trusting Him through all the problems. And,
keep thanking Him for all the privileges you enjoy as His child. There may be days
when the journey is rough, but there never be a day when it isn’t worthwhile!


Intro: The Patriarch Isaac was a man who lived in the shadows. If you think about it,
he lived his live first under the shadow of his great father Abraham, then he lived his
live in the shadow of his great son Jacob. Abraham is the star of some 14 chapters of
the book of Genesis and Jacob is the central figure of another 12 or so. But Isaac, is
only featured in a handful of chapters. It is only here, in this 26th chapter of Genesis
that we are allowed a glimpse into the life and work of this man.

Among the things we note about him is that he was a man of faith, v. 2-5. In fact,
he is listed in Hebrews 11:20 among the great heroes of the faithful. We can also see
here that he, like the rest of us, was far from perfect, v. 6-11, because he was guilty of
committing some of the same sins that his father Abraham had committed. Another
thing we notice about this man is the fact that he was a pilgrim. That is, he moved
from place to place, like his father, not actually owning any of the land upon which he

It is in his role as a pilgrim that Isaac pictures the child of God. If I may I remind
you this morning, the Bible teaches us very clearly that we are “strangers and
pilgrims” in this world, 1 Pet. 2:11. The word “strangers” means “a stranger, a
foreigner, one who lives in a place without the right of citizenship”. And, the word
“pilgrim” means, “sojourning in a strange place; a metaphor for one who sojourns
on earth”. In fact, the Bible tells us that every saved person is a citizen of
heaven, Phil. 3:20, 1 Pet. 1:4-5.

Today, I want to examine the life of Isaac the pilgrim. Because in his pilgrimage
through the world, encounters many of the same problems and he experiences many
of the same blessings that cross paths with us as we journey toward glory. Let’s take a
few minutes today to examine the life of this man, and as we do, I just want to point
out The Realities Of A Pilgrim’s Life. There is help and hope in this passage today for
everyone who is walking the pilgrim’s path!


A. The Size Of The Provisions - We are told that Isaac enjoyed a 10,000% return
on his investment! What makes this all the more astounding is the fact that this
occurred during a time of famine, v. 1. While everyone around him was going
broke and starving to death, Isaac prospered. His crops flourished while the
crops of others dried up. His flocks and herds grew while the flocks and herds
of others starved and died of thirst. It seemed like Isaac had the golden touch.

B. The Source Of The Provisions - Some may have called it good luck, others
may have looked upon Isaac and wondered how he did it, but the fact of the
mater is this: God was just blessing him! Isaac wasn’t a better farmer than the
other farmers. He didn’t know more about botany, horticulture or zoology than
the other men around him. But, he did have an advantage, he knew God and
that translated into blessings in his life when others were experiencing defeat!
You see, when the famine arose, there was evidently a temptation within
Isaac’s heart to flee to Egypt like Abraham had before him, v. 2. However, in
obedience to the Lord’s command, he stayed where he was, in the midst of that
famine, and God honored his obedience!

(Note: I would just like to point something out to every believer in this room
today: the very fact that you know God in a personal way places you in a position
to enjoy His wonderful provisions in your life! You may look at your situation
today and say, “Preacher, it sure doesn’t look like I’m receiving a 10,000%
return on my investment! I’m saved, following the Lord and trying to be
obedient, but I’m just about flat broke and everything is falling apart in my
life!” Friends, just because God isn’t paving your path with diamonds and giving
you a new Rolls Royce every year doesn’t mean that He isn’t blessing you!

Look at it this way: you may have it as bad, or even worse, than those around you
who aren’t saved, but you have something they do not have! You have a personal
relationship with the Lord God of Heaven! What does that give you? Well, the list
is almost endless, but a few of the benefits are:

1. Eternal salvation - never lost!

2. The presence of God in your life - never alone!

3. The power of God working in your life - never in a hopeless situation!

4. The promises of God active in your life - never without hope!

5. The Word of God to guide your life - never without direction!

The list could go on, but you think about it; if you are saved and your neighbor is
not, who’s children have a better hope of heaven? What kind of a value do you on
place on that? Would you rather have money or the Master? Well, if you have the
Master, He will take care of all the real needs in your life anyway!

Isaac enjoyed the great blessings that he did because he was obedient to the
command of God, v. 2-4. The same thing holds true for you and me. If we will put
God where He belongs: first; then, He will see to the rest of our lives, Matt. 6:33.
No one said this life would be easy, in fact the Bible teaches the opposite, but,
those who walk with God know that He is in control! (Ill. The unseen hand of
providence! What looks like the worst disaster you ever faced can be used of God
to bring into your life some of the greatest blessings you have ever enjoyed, Rom.
8:28; 2 Cor. 4:17.)


(Ill. Even Isaac’s life wasn’t filled with all blessings and glories. He fought some
real battles and so will you! Let’s look at a couple of the battles Isaac was required
to fight.)

A. V. 14b-16 He Faced Problems With The World - The Bible tells us that the
Philistines were jealous of Isaac. Why? Because they could see the hand of
God on his life! He was prospering while they were struggling! Because they
were jealous, they tried to make his life hard by plugging up the wells that had
been dug by his father Abraham. Their king even kicked Isaac out of the
country! (Note: Just as it was with Isaac, the Lord’s pilgrims should never
expect to be accepted and understood by the world. The fact of the matter is
this: the Lord tells us clearly that those who live for Him will be persecuted as
they pass through this world, 2 Tim. 3:12. Of course, some of the same tactics
the Philistines used against Isaac are still being employed against the people of
God! They become jealous when they can’t explain or understand our peace
and joy under trials. They do their best to rob us of the blessings we have as
children of God when they see us walking by faith through this world. They
will seek to stop up the wells from which we are drawing through
discouragement, intimidation and personal attacks. Yet, the Lord said it would
be this way and He tells us to rejoice when this kind of situation arises in our
lives, Matt. 5:10-12; 1 Pet. 4:12-16. So, when the world turns on you, don’t
be surprised or don’t get upset. Instead, rejoice in the Lord. It will make them
worse, but God will be honored and He will see you through!)

B. V. 17-22 He Faced Problems With His Wells - We already know that the
Philistines plugged up the wells of Abraham, but they even fought with Isaac
over the new well he was digging in the wilderness. Why all this fascination
with wells? There are several reasons. The primary one being the fact that men
and animals must have water to survive. In that country, being semi-desert,
water was as valuable as oil is today! In those days, all waste lands were called
“God’s lands”. If any man could live in a desert place, provide for his family
and flocks and open a well, then that land was considered to be his land! In
other words, a well was a statement of ownership! To fill in a well was an act
of war! These Philistines hated Isaac so much that they declared war on him
by trying to seize his lands and drive him away from that which was his!
Notice the fights he had to undertake.

1. V. 18 He Had To Clean Out The Old Wells - Many years before, his father
Abraham had passed through the land and he had dug some wells of water.
He dug those wells to meet needs in his day and to pass them down to his
son Isaac so that needs could be met in his days as well. The Philistines
had come along and had plugged these wells to prevent Isaac from suing
them. Notice that the Philistines didn’t want them for themselves, they just
didn’t want Isaac to have them. He had to take the time to reopen those
wells! (Note: These old wells speak to us of the spiritual resources that
were uncovered and proclaimed by our spiritual fathers in days gone by. If
we are not careful, the world will destroy everything that we have been
given! Many of the wells from which our fathers drank have already been
stopped! Think of it, there used to be a day when God’s people drank
deeply from the well of praise and worship! The world has stopped that
well by telling us that we should not be fanatics about Jesus. Our fathers
opened for us the wells of Scripture, of salvation, of sanctification, of
service, of the great fundamental doctrines of the faith! And the world has
come along a tried to stop them up. Liberalism has tried to change our
beliefs! There is a need right now for God’s people to re-dig the wells that
the world has tried to stop up! We must contend for the old ways, if we do
not, the old ways will die when we do!)

2. V. 19-22 He Had To Contend For The New Wells - As he moved along in

his pilgrimage, Isaac was always in the business of digging new wells.
Every time he opened a well, his enemies tried to take it away from him.
The water from the old wells were cool and refreshing, but more water was
needed now. Therefore, new wells were dug! Three of those wells are
mentioned here by name: 1. Esek - This word means “Contention”.
2. Sitnah - This word means “strife or hatred”. It has the idea of “laying
in wait to ensnare someone”. The name Satan comes from the same root
word. 3. Rehoboth - This word means “a wide open place”. It was at
Rehoboth that the Philistines finally left Isaac alone! Everywhere the man
went, he faced a fight! The Philistines tried to take that for which he had
labored. (Note: The same is true in the world today. Look at the world, and
you will see that they tried to take everything that belongs to the people of
faith. They have highjacked Christmas and Easter. They even steal our
language by talking about God, being born again, or all sorts of spiritual
things. But, we must contend for the faith, Jude 3. If we do not, then there
will be not faith to pass down to the next generation, 2 Tim. 2:2. Ill.
“Commit thou” means “to set before, or to set a table”.)

(Note: For Isaac, the pilgrimage here was one fight after another! I can guarantee
you that your journey through this world will not come without a fight as well.
But, take moment to look around this room at the children. Then think outside the
walls of this building about those who do not know the Lord Jesus. Remember,
you are fighting for them! Every time we reopen a well the world has closed;
every time we dig a new well for the needs of today; every time we defend the
wells we have, we are serving the Lord, the lost and the little ones! It is a ministry
that must be performed at all costs! If it isn’t soon, there will be nothing left to
defend and nothing at all to pass down! We may have to fight for what our fathers
believed and we may have to fight for what we believe, but the Lord watches over
the whole matter and like he did for Isaac, He will make a place for us!)


(Ill. Isaac enjoyed the Lord’s provisions in his life and he also experienced some
problems as well. But, these last few verses in our text let us in on the fact that
pilgrim life is also marked by its privileges.)
A. V. 24 The Privilege Of Enjoying God’s Words - The Lord appeared to Isaac
and renewed His promises once again! (Note: There is no greater privilege
than that of experiencing the Lord’s presence and hearing His voice. We have
been given His Word to speak to our hearts, Psa. 119:105, but we have also
been given His Spirit and He speaks to us as well, John 16:13. (Note: It was
the voice of God that got the attention of Elijah - 1 Kings 19:12. When He
speaks, His sheep know Him, John 10:3-4.)

B. V. 25 The Privilege Of Enjoying God’s Worship - Isaac prepared an altar and

went before his God in worship! (Note: This is a privilege enjoyed by those
who know the Lord! What an honor it is to be able to enter into His presence
to worship Him and to love Him, John 4:23-24, Heb. 4:16! When we stop to
think of what we were before He found us...)

C. V. 25 The Privilege Of Enjoying God’s World - Isaac was able to pitch his
tent in the place God had marked off for him and he dwelt there. He was
enjoying the blessings of God even while journeying through a hostile land.
(Note: It is becoming increasingly clear that God’s true church is not wanted
in this world. This is not our home and the natives of this world do not like us
being here. But, the Lord has a way of bringing His best into our lives as we
travel along. While our hearts beat for Heaven, and our feet walk through this
foreign land, our Father attends our way with His blessings and He makes the
pilgrimage glorious!)

D. V. 25 The Privilege Of Enjoying God’s Water - Isaac and his servants dug a
final well and enjoyed the water that flowed from it. After all the work
unstopping Abraham’s well and after all the fighting over the new wells, Isaac
is given a well of water that is all his. (Note: God has a way of giving us
exactly what we need just when we need it. As you pass through this world,
look for you a well! The Lord said that when He save you, He placed a well
within you, John 4:14. It is a spiritual well that will never run dry. Still, we
need to find ourselves drinking from a spiritual well that never runs dry. Take
the time, as you pass through this world, to avail yourself of the spiritual
refreshment the Lord had placed within easy reach. I’m talking about the Word
of God and prayer! Those two things will refresh the soul quicker than
anything else, period! Are you drinking from the well?)

Conc: So, pilgrims, keep marching! Keep heading toward that city that captured the
hearts of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, Heb. 11:10. One day we will take the last
faltering step down here and we will set foot on the shores of home. Until then, keep
looking to Him for your provisions. Keep trusting Him through all the problems. And,
keep thanking Him for all the privileges you enjoy as His child. There may be days
when the journey is rough, but there never be a day when it isn’t worthwhile!

Intro: The Patriarch Isaac was a man who lived in the shadows. If you think about it,
he lived his live first under the shadow of his great father Abraham, then he lived his
live in the shadow of his great son Jacob. Abraham is the star of some 14 chapters of
the book of Genesis and Jacob is the central figure of another 12 or so. But Isaac, is
only featured in a handful of chapters. It is only here, in this 26th chapter of Genesis
that we are allowed a glimpse into the life and work of this man.

Among the things we note about him is that he was a man of faith, v. 2-5. In fact,
he is listed in Hebrews 11:20 among the great heroes of the faithful. We can also see
here that he, like the rest of us, was far from perfect, v. 6-11, because he was guilty of
committing some of the same sins that his father Abraham had committed. Another
thing we notice about this man is the fact that he was a pilgrim. That is, he moved
from place to place, like his father, not actually owning any of the land upon which he

It is in his role as a pilgrim that Isaac pictures the child of God. If I may I remind
you this morning, the Bible teaches us very clearly that we are “strangers and
pilgrims” in this world, 1 Pet. 2:11. The word “strangers” means “a stranger, a
foreigner, one who lives in a place without the right of citizenship”. And, the word
“pilgrim” means, “sojourning in a strange place; a metaphor for one who sojourns
on earth”. In fact, the Bible tells us that every saved person is a citizen of
heaven, Phil. 3:20, 1 Pet. 1:4-5.

Today, I want to examine the life of Isaac the pilgrim. Because in his pilgrimage
through the world, encounters many of the same problems and he experiences many
of the same blessings that cross paths with us as we journey toward glory. Let’s take a
few minutes today to examine the life of this man, and as we do, I just want to point
out The Realities Of A Pilgrim’s Life. There is help and hope in this passage today for
everyone who is walking the pilgrim’s path!


A. The Size Of The Provisions - We are told that Isaac enjoyed a 10,000% return
on his investment! What makes this all the more astounding is the fact that this
occurred during a time of famine, v. 1. While everyone around him was going
broke and starving to death, Isaac prospered. His crops flourished while the
crops of others dried up. His flocks and herds grew while the flocks and herds
of others starved and died of thirst. It seemed like Isaac had the golden touch.

B. The Source Of The Provisions - Some may have called it good luck, others
may have looked upon Isaac and wondered how he did it, but the fact of the
mater is this: God was just blessing him! Isaac wasn’t a better farmer than the
other farmers. He didn’t know more about botany, horticulture or zoology than
the other men around him. But, he did have an advantage, he knew God and
that translated into blessings in his life when others were experiencing defeat!
You see, when the famine arose, there was evidently a temptation within
Isaac’s heart to flee to Egypt like Abraham had before him, v. 2. However, in
obedience to the Lord’s command, he stayed where he was, in the midst of that
famine, and God honored his obedience!
(Note: I would just like to point something out to every believer in this room
today: the very fact that you know God in a personal way places you in a position
to enjoy His wonderful provisions in your life! You may look at your situation
today and say, “Preacher, it sure doesn’t look like I’m receiving a 10,000%
return on my investment! I’m saved, following the Lord and trying to be
obedient, but I’m just about flat broke and everything is falling apart in my
life!” Friends, just because God isn’t paving your path with diamonds and giving
you a new Rolls Royce every year doesn’t mean that He isn’t blessing you!

Look at it this way: you may have it as bad, or even worse, than those around you
who aren’t saved, but you have something they do not have! You have a personal
relationship with the Lord God of Heaven! What does that give you? Well, the list
is almost endless, but a few of the benefits are:

1. Eternal salvation - never lost!

2. The presence of God in your life - never alone!

3. The power of God working in your life - never in a hopeless situation!

4. The promises of God active in your life - never without hope!

5. The Word of God to guide your life - never without direction!

The list could go on, but you think about it; if you are saved and your neighbor is
not, who’s children have a better hope of heaven? What kind of a value do you on
place on that? Would you rather have money or the Master? Well, if you have the
Master, He will take care of all the real needs in your life anyway!

Isaac enjoyed the great blessings that he did because he was obedient to the
command of God, v. 2-4. The same thing holds true for you and me. If we will put
God where He belongs: first; then, He will see to the rest of our lives, Matt. 6:33.
No one said this life would be easy, in fact the Bible teaches the opposite, but,
those who walk with God know that He is in control! (Ill. The unseen hand of
providence! What looks like the worst disaster you ever faced can be used of God
to bring into your life some of the greatest blessings you have ever enjoyed, Rom.
8:28; 2 Cor. 4:17.)


(Ill. Even Isaac’s life wasn’t filled with all blessings and glories. He fought some
real battles and so will you! Let’s look at a couple of the battles Isaac was required
to fight.)

A. V. 14b-16 He Faced Problems With The World - The Bible tells us that the
Philistines were jealous of Isaac. Why? Because they could see the hand of
God on his life! He was prospering while they were struggling! Because they
were jealous, they tried to make his life hard by plugging up the wells that had
been dug by his father Abraham. Their king even kicked Isaac out of the
country! (Note: Just as it was with Isaac, the Lord’s pilgrims should never
expect to be accepted and understood by the world. The fact of the matter is
this: the Lord tells us clearly that those who live for Him will be persecuted as
they pass through this world, 2 Tim. 3:12. Of course, some of the same tactics
the Philistines used against Isaac are still being employed against the people of
God! They become jealous when they can’t explain or understand our peace
and joy under trials. They do their best to rob us of the blessings we have as
children of God when they see us walking by faith through this world. They
will seek to stop up the wells from which we are drawing through
discouragement, intimidation and personal attacks. Yet, the Lord said it would
be this way and He tells us to rejoice when this kind of situation arises in our
lives, Matt. 5:10-12; 1 Pet. 4:12-16. So, when the world turns on you, don’t
be surprised or don’t get upset. Instead, rejoice in the Lord. It will make them
worse, but God will be honored and He will see you through!)

B. V. 17-22 He Faced Problems With His Wells - We already know that the
Philistines plugged up the wells of Abraham, but they even fought with Isaac
over the new well he was digging in the wilderness. Why all this fascination
with wells? There are several reasons. The primary one being the fact that men
and animals must have water to survive. In that country, being semi-desert,
water was as valuable as oil is today! In those days, all waste lands were called
“God’s lands”. If any man could live in a desert place, provide for his family
and flocks and open a well, then that land was considered to be his land! In
other words, a well was a statement of ownership! To fill in a well was an act
of war! These Philistines hated Isaac so much that they declared war on him
by trying to seize his lands and drive him away from that which was his!
Notice the fights he had to undertake.

1. V. 18 He Had To Clean Out The Old Wells - Many years before, his father
Abraham had passed through the land and he had dug some wells of water.
He dug those wells to meet needs in his day and to pass them down to his
son Isaac so that needs could be met in his days as well. The Philistines
had come along and had plugged these wells to prevent Isaac from suing
them. Notice that the Philistines didn’t want them for themselves, they just
didn’t want Isaac to have them. He had to take the time to reopen those
wells! (Note: These old wells speak to us of the spiritual resources that
were uncovered and proclaimed by our spiritual fathers in days gone by. If
we are not careful, the world will destroy everything that we have been
given! Many of the wells from which our fathers drank have already been
stopped! Think of it, there used to be a day when God’s people drank
deeply from the well of praise and worship! The world has stopped that
well by telling us that we should not be fanatics about Jesus. Our fathers
opened for us the wells of Scripture, of salvation, of sanctification, of
service, of the great fundamental doctrines of the faith! And the world has
come along a tried to stop them up. Liberalism has tried to change our
beliefs! There is a need right now for God’s people to re-dig the wells that
the world has tried to stop up! We must contend for the old ways, if we do
not, the old ways will die when we do!)

2. V. 19-22 He Had To Contend For The New Wells - As he moved along in

his pilgrimage, Isaac was always in the business of digging new wells.
Every time he opened a well, his enemies tried to take it away from him.
The water from the old wells were cool and refreshing, but more water was
needed now. Therefore, new wells were dug! Three of those wells are
mentioned here by name: 1. Esek - This word means “Contention”.
2. Sitnah - This word means “strife or hatred”. It has the idea of “laying
in wait to ensnare someone”. The name Satan comes from the same root
word. 3. Rehoboth - This word means “a wide open place”. It was at
Rehoboth that the Philistines finally left Isaac alone! Everywhere the man
went, he faced a fight! The Philistines tried to take that for which he had
labored. (Note: The same is true in the world today. Look at the world, and
you will see that they tried to take everything that belongs to the people of
faith. They have highjacked Christmas and Easter. They even steal our
language by talking about God, being born again, or all sorts of spiritual
things. But, we must contend for the faith, Jude 3. If we do not, then there
will be not faith to pass down to the next generation, 2 Tim. 2:2. Ill.
“Commit thou” means “to set before, or to set a table”.)

(Note: For Isaac, the pilgrimage here was one fight after another! I can guarantee
you that your journey through this world will not come without a fight as well.
But, take moment to look around this room at the children. Then think outside the
walls of this building about those who do not know the Lord Jesus. Remember,
you are fighting for them! Every time we reopen a well the world has closed;
every time we dig a new well for the needs of today; every time we defend the
wells we have, we are serving the Lord, the lost and the little ones! It is a ministry
that must be performed at all costs! If it isn’t soon, there will be nothing left to
defend and nothing at all to pass down! We may have to fight for what our fathers
believed and we may have to fight for what we believe, but the Lord watches over
the whole matter and like he did for Isaac, He will make a place for us!)


(Ill. Isaac enjoyed the Lord’s provisions in his life and he also experienced some
problems as well. But, these last few verses in our text let us in on the fact that
pilgrim life is also marked by its privileges.)

A. V. 24 The Privilege Of Enjoying God’s Words - The Lord appeared to Isaac

and renewed His promises once again! (Note: There is no greater privilege
than that of experiencing the Lord’s presence and hearing His voice. We have
been given His Word to speak to our hearts, Psa. 119:105, but we have also
been given His Spirit and He speaks to us as well, John 16:13. (Note: It was
the voice of God that got the attention of Elijah - 1 Kings 19:12. When He
speaks, His sheep know Him, John 10:3-4.)

B. V. 25 The Privilege Of Enjoying God’s Worship - Isaac prepared an altar and

went before his God in worship! (Note: This is a privilege enjoyed by those
who know the Lord! What an honor it is to be able to enter into His presence
to worship Him and to love Him, John 4:23-24, Heb. 4:16! When we stop to
think of what we were before He found us...)

C. V. 25 The Privilege Of Enjoying God’s World - Isaac was able to pitch his
tent in the place God had marked off for him and he dwelt there. He was
enjoying the blessings of God even while journeying through a hostile land.
(Note: It is becoming increasingly clear that God’s true church is not wanted
in this world. This is not our home and the natives of this world do not like us
being here. But, the Lord has a way of bringing His best into our lives as we
travel along. While our hearts beat for Heaven, and our feet walk through this
foreign land, our Father attends our way with His blessings and He makes the
pilgrimage glorious!)

D. V. 25 The Privilege Of Enjoying God’s Water - Isaac and his servants dug a
final well and enjoyed the water that flowed from it. After all the work
unstopping Abraham’s well and after all the fighting over the new wells, Isaac
is given a well of water that is all his. (Note: God has a way of giving us
exactly what we need just when we need it. As you pass through this world,
look for you a well! The Lord said that when He save you, He placed a well
within you, John 4:14. It is a spiritual well that will never run dry. Still, we
need to find ourselves drinking from a spiritual well that never runs dry. Take
the time, as you pass through this world, to avail yourself of the spiritual
refreshment the Lord had placed within easy reach. I’m talking about the Word
of God and prayer! Those two things will refresh the soul quicker than
anything else, period! Are you drinking from the well?)

Conc: So, pilgrims, keep marching! Keep heading toward that city that captured the
hearts of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, Heb. 11:10. One day we will take the last
faltering step down here and we will set foot on the shores of home. Until then, keep
looking to Him for your provisions. Keep trusting Him through all the problems. And,
keep thanking Him for all the privileges you enjoy as His child. There may be days
when the journey is rough, but there never be a day when it isn’t worthwhile!


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