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(11) EP 2 439 184 A1

(43) Date of publication: (51) Int Cl.:

11.04.2012 Bulletin 2012/15 C05F 11/00 (2006.01) C05F 11/04 (2006.01)
A01G 31/00 (2006.01) A01G 9/10 (2006.01)
(21) Application number: 10186559.0

(22) Date of filing: 05.10.2010

(84) Designated Contracting States: (72) Inventor: van Gils, Cornelis Marinus
PL PT RO RS SE SI SK SM TR (74) Representative: van Kooij, Adriaan et al
Designated Extension States: Arnold & Siedsma
BA ME Sweelickplein 1
2517 GK Den Haag (NL)
(71) Applicant: Shakti Cocos B.V.
3155 DE Maasland (NL)

(54) Method for producing coco peat plant growth substrate, coco peat plant growth substrate
and the use thereof

(57) The present invention relates to a method for peat an aqueous solution comprising: nitric acid, phos-
producing coco peat plant growth substrate. More spe- phoric acid and sulfuric acid, wherein 1 to 100 mol H+ is
cifically the present method relates to a method for pro- added per cubic meter coco peat, thereby providing coco
ducing coco peat plant growth substrate, which method peat plant growth substrate with a pH of less than 5.
comprises acidifying a coco peat by adding to the coco
EP 2 439 184 A1

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1 EP 2 439 184 A1 2

Description anced nutritional conditions.

[0007] This prior art method for producing coco peat
[0001] The present invention relates to a method for plant growth substrate has several disadvantages. For
producing coco peat plant growth substrate. According example there are two washing steps involved, which
to another aspect the present invention relates to a coco 5 include large amounts of freshwater. In general 300 cubic
peat plant growth substrate, more specifically to a coco meter water is used for the production of one container
peat plant growth substrate having a pH of less than 5. coco peat plant growth substrate. Additionally, these
According to yet another aspect the present invention large amounts of freshwater are used in tropical areas,
relates to the use of the coco peat plant growth substrate such as India and Sri Lanka, where freshwater is scarce.
as a substrate for plant growth. 10 [0008] Another disadvantage is that the water used to
[0002] Coconuts are abundantly growing in coastal ar- elute is usually drained into the local soil and is not re-
eas of tropical countries, such as India and Sri Lanka. used. Additionally, the water may comprise waste prod-
The husk surrounding the nut is available as a cheap ucts which are introduced into the local environment.
residue from the coconut production. This husk is com- More specifically, the water used to elute nitrate, potas-
posed of coir fibre and coco peat, which coir fibre is known 15 sium and sodium introduces these products to the soil.
for its application in woven carpets, ropes, brushes, mat- [0009] When nitrate, potassium and sodium are eluted
ting and mattresses. The coco peat is traditionally accu- from the coco peat, the nitrate and potassium are added
mulated in large piles or dumps as a waste product. How- again as fertilizers. Accordingly, this elution and subse-
ever, more and more coco peat finds use in artificial pot- quently the addition of nitrate and potassium is an extra
ting composts. 20 method step and cannot be designated as an efficient
[0003] This coco peat is also known as ’coir pith’, ’coir use of the raw materials.
fibre pith’, ’coir dust’, ’coir peat’ or only as ’coir’. Coco [0010] Considering the above, there is a need in the
peat generally has a pH in the range of 5.5 to 6.5 and art for methods for producing coco peat plant growth sub-
can be used alone or mixed with other substrate materi- strate in a more efficient and sustainable way. Which
als. 25 method does, for example, not involve the waste of
[0004] The coco peat to be used as substrate in potting scarce freshwater. Which method, of course, provides
compost is normally subjected to a treatment relating to coco peat plant growth substrate with equal or improved
its adsorption complex. Coco peat has an adsorption characteristics in comparison with conventionally pro-
complex which binds positively charged ions. Coco peat duced coco peat plant growth substrates.
substantially binds potassium and sodium ions. Howev- 30 [0011] Therefore, it is an object of the present inven-
er, during the cultivation with coco peat, its adsorption tion, among other objects, to provide a method for pro-
complex exchanges these potassium and sodium ions ducing coco peat plant growth substrate. This objective,
with calcium and magnesium ions. These calcium and amongst other objectives, is met by a method as defined
magnesium ions, which are important nutriments for plant in the appended claim 1.
growth, are thus extracted from the growing medium, 35 [0012] Specifically, this objective, amongst other ob-
while potassium and sodium release excessively. This jectives, is met by a method for producing coco peat plant
adsorption complex is a barrier for the use of coco peat growth substrate, or coco peat potting compost, which
as substrate. method comprises acidifying a coco peat by adding to
[0005] The prior art method for producing coco peat to the coco peat an aqueous solution comprising:
be used as substrate comprises several steps. This 40
method starts with harvesting of the coco peat in for in- - nitric acid;
stance India and Sri Lanka. Then the harvested coco - phosphoric acid; and
peat is washed with an excessive amount of freshwater. - sulfuric acid;
Subsequently the washed coco peat is admixed with cal-
cium nitrate in order to provide calcium to the adsorption 45 wherein 1 to 100 mol H+ is added per cubic meter coco
complex, while potassium and sodium come available. peat, thereby providing coco peat plant growth substrate
The resulting blend is subjected to a washing step with with a pH of less than 5.
freshwater to elute the nitrate added and the released [0013] The present inventors found that by a method
potassium and sodium from the calcium enriched coco according to the invention coco peat plant growth sub-
peat. The final step occurring at the location where the 50 strate, such as potting compost, is provided having an
coco peat is harvested, is to dry and compress the coco appropriate adsorption complex for the use of this sub-
peat to form shippable bales or briquettes. strate as a substrate for plant growth. Without being lim-
[0006] The shipped compressed coco peat is generally ited by theory, it is suspected that the H+ ions can release
further subjected to a rehydration and enrichment step potassium and sodium from the adsorption complex.
to provide a usable plant growth substrate. The com- 55 [0014] The present method is advantageous since less
pressed coco peat is first rehydrated and subsequently washing steps are required for producing the coco peat
fertilizers such as potassium, phosphate and nitrate are plant growth substrate. More specifically, the prior art
added to provide plant growth substrates having bal- washing step to elute nitrate from the coco peat is avoid-

3 EP 2 439 184 A1 4

ed. Accordingly, the present method is more efficient - 24 to 25 % (v/v) nitric acid;
since less method steps are involved and more sustain- - 8 to 9 % (v/v) phosphoric acid; and
able since less freshwater is needed in areas were fresh- - 7 to 8 % (v/v) sulfuric acid.
water is scarce.
[0015] Another sustainability advantage of the present 5 [0025] In yet another preferred embodiment of the in-
invention can be found in the use of the present aqueous vention comprises the method the steps of:
solution. This solution is used to prepare the raw coco
peat, however, its constituents are also important ferti- (a) providing the coco peat;
lizers for potting composts. Accordingly, as a result of (b) washing the coco peat with water;
this bipartite function, the addition of fertilizers is not long- 10 (c) acidifying the washed coco peat by adding said
er required. aqueous solution; and
[0016] Acidifying of the coco peat, as used in the (d) drying the coco peat plant growth substrate.
present context, can in its easiest form be explained as
making the coco peat acid. For example may the coco [0026] According to this preferred embodiment is dried
peat be acidified by mixing the coco peat with an acid 15 coco peat plant growth substrate obtained. This is ad-
aqueous solution, i.e., for example, an aqueous solution vantageous since dried plant growth substrate is easier
comprising strong acids. Preferably is the coco peat acid- and cheaper to transport. For instance when the raw coco
ified with the present aqueous solution. peat is provided in India and when treated according to
[0017] In a preferred embodiment of the present inven- the present invention, it is shipped in dried form to e.g.
tion is the aqueous solution a mixture containing nitric 20 Europe.
acid, phosphoric acid, sulfuric acid and water up to 100%. [0027] In a preferred embodiment according to the
[0018] A cubic meter (m3) of coco peat generally con- present invention are the acidified coco peat and the
tains approximately 380 kg coco peat. aqueous solution mixed, preferably for 1 to 6 minutes,
[0019] According to the present invention 1 to 100 mol such as 2 to 6 or 3 to 5 minutes. According to this em-
H+ is added per cubic meter coco peat. Such as for ex- 25 bodiment is the mixture of coco peat and the present
ample 1 to 80, 1 to 60, 5 to 100, 5 to 80 or 10 to 50 mol aqueous solution mixed in order to distribute the aqueous
H+. Preferably contains 1 liter of said aqueous solution solution homogeneously in the coco peat. Preferably is
10 mol H+. Accordingly, preferably is 0.1 to 10 liter of the this mixing step performed before the present step (d) of
present aqueous solution added per cubic meter coco drying the acidified coco peat. In other words, the acidi-
peat, such as 0.1 to 5, 0.5 to 5, 1 to 5 or 2 to 8 liter of the 30 fying of the coco peat comprises preferably adding and
present aqueous solution. mixing of the present aqueous solution through the coco
[0020] According to the present invention is coco peat peat.
plant growth substrate provided with a pH of less than 5, [0028] In a preferred embodiment according to the
such as less than 4, less than 3, or such as 3 to 4 or 2 to 4. present invention comprises the method a compressing
[0021] In a preferred embodiment of the present inven- 35 and/or a rehydrating step. These compressing and/or re-
tion 5 to 45 mol H+ is added per cubic meter coco peat. hydrating step are preferably performed after the acidi-
For example 5 to 40, 5 to 35, 5 to 30, 10 to 40 or 15 to fied coco peat is dried. For instance are dried coco peat
40 mol H+ is added per cubic meter coco peat. blocks compressed to briquettes for further optimizing its
[0022] In a preferred embodiment of the method of the transport. Subsequently, when the compressed bri-
present invention comprises the present aqueous solu- 40 quettes are shipped they can be rehydrated to enable
tion further use of the coco peat.
[0029] In a preferred embodiment according to the
- 20 to 30 % (v/v) nitric acid; present invention is the coco peat plant growth substrate
- 5 to 15 % (v/v) phosphoric acid; and mixed with non-coco peat plant growth substrate ingre-
- 5 to 15 % (v/v) sulfuric acid. 45 dients. This is advantageous since coco peat plant
growth substrate can be mixed with other ingredients to
[0023] In a more preferred embodiment of the method create the desired product. Examples of non-coco peat
of the present invention comprises the present aqueous plant growth substrate ingredients are perlite, bark, ma-
solution nure, sand, glass beads, peat (moss) and composted
50 agricultural waste.
- 22 to 27 % (v/v) nitric acid; [0030] An example of another non-coco peat plant
- 6 to 11 % (v/v) phosphoric acid; and growth substrate ingredient is calcium (which is also des-
- 5 to 10 % (v/v) sulfuric acid. ignated as lime). Calcium can be used to increase the
pH of the coco peat plant growth substrate, in case coco
[0024] In a most preferred embodiment of the method 55 peat with an increased pH is desired.
of the present invention comprises the present aqueous [0031] The coco peat plant growth substrate provided
solution by the present method is advantageous in relation to prior
art coco peat plant growth substrates. An example hereof

5 EP 2 439 184 A1 6

is the pH of the product obtained. The pH is less than 5, and sodium ions.
which is advantageous for acid loving plants, such as
rhododendrons. Additionally, the pH of a coco peat plant Example 2
growth substrate with a pH of less than 5 can be increased
easily by liming the substrate. 5 [0039] 100 m3 prewashed coco peat was fed into a
[0032] Considering these advantageous characteris- continuous process while 8 liter of the same acid mixture
tics, relates the present invention, according to another of example 1 was added per cubic meter coco peat.
aspect, to coco peat plant growth substrate obtainable [0040] After mixing of each cubic meter coco peat with
by the method according to the present invention. the acid mixture during 4 minutes using a worm wheel,
[0033] According to yet another aspect relates the 10 100 m3 coco peat plant growth substrate was obtained.
present invention to coco peat plant growth substrate The pH of the obtained coco plant growth substrate was
having a pH of less than 5, such as less than 4, less than 3.2. The substrate contained the fertilizers nitrate, potas-
3, 2 to 3, 2 to 4 or 2 to 4.5. This product is advantageous sium and phosphate, while the adsorption complex was
since it can be used as, for instance, a substitute for peat substantially free from potassium and sodium ions.
or turf. Peat is used in horticulture as a substrate for plant 15
growing, in order to lower the pH of the soil. However Example 3
peat is only limited available and its use involves large
amounts of CO2 emission. Accordingly, peat can hardly [0041] 100 m3 of raw coco peat was washed with
be designated as sustainable. Considering these draw- 17000 liter water. Subsequently the washed coco peat
backs of peat as a substrate, it is advantageous that the 20 was acidified by adding 8 liter of the same acid mixture
present invention provides peat free cultivation. of example 1 per cubic meter coco peat. Then the mixture
[0034] In a preferred embodiment has the present coco of coco peat and acid mixture was mixed during 4 minutes
peat plant growth substrate a pH in the range of 2.5 to per cubic meter coco peat. Finally was the coco peat
4.5, preferably in the range of 3 to 4. dried and compressed to provide coco peat plant growth
[0035] Considering the advantageous use of the 25 substrate briquettes. The pH of the obtained coco peat
present coco peat plant growth substrate, the present plant growth substrate was 3. The plant growth substrate
invention relates to another aspect to the use of the contained the fertilizers nitrate, potassium and phos-
present coco peat plant growth substrate as a substrate phate, while the adsorption complex was substantially
for plant growth, or as potting compost. By this use is free from potassium and sodium ions.
encompassed the use of solely the present coco peat 30
plant growth substrate and also its use wherein the coco
peat plant growth substrate is mixed with other plant Claims
growth substrate ingredients.
[0036] The principles of the present invention will be 1. Method for producing coco peat plant growth sub-
further detailed in the examples showing preferred em- 35 strate, which method comprises acidifying a coco
bodiments of the present invention. peat by adding to the coco peat an aqueous solution
- nitric acid;
Example 1 40 - phosphoric acid; and
- sulfuric acid;
[0037] 100 m3 prewashed coco peat was fed into a
continuous process while 0.5 liter of an acid mixture was wherein 1 to 100 mol H+ is added per cubic meter
added per cubic meter coco peat. The acid mixture con- coco peat, thereby providing coco peat plant growth
tained: 45 substrate with a pH of less than 5.

- 24.7 % (v/v) nitric acid; 2. Method according to claim 1, wherein 5 to 45 mol H+

- 8.4 % (v/v) phosphoric acid; is added per cubic meter coco peat.
- 7.4 % (v/v) sulfuric acid;
- 59.5 % (v/v) water. 50 3. Method according to claim 1 or to claim 2,
wherein said aqueous solution comprises:
[0038] After mixing of each cubic meter coco peat with
the acid mixture during 4 minutes using a worm wheel, - 20 to 30 % (v/v) nitric acid;
100 m3 coco peat plant growth substrate was obtained. - 5 to 15 % (v/v) phosphoric acid; and
The pH of the obtained coco peat plant growth substrate 55 - 5 to 15 % (v/v) sulfuric acid.
was 3.9. The plant growth substrate contained the ferti-
lizers nitrate, potassium and phosphate, while the ad- 4. Method according to any of the claims 1 to 3,
sorption complex was substantially free from potassium wherein said aqueous solution comprises:

7 EP 2 439 184 A1 8

- 22 to 27 % (v/v) nitric acid;

- 6 to 11 % (v/v) phosphoric acid; and
- 5 to 10 % (v/v) sulfuric acid.

5. Method according to any of the claims 1 to 4, 5

wherein said aqueous solution comprises:

- 24 to 25 % (v/v) nitric acid;

- 8 to 9 % (v/v) phosphoric acid; and
- 7 to 8 % (v/v) sulfuric acid. 10

6. Method according to any of the claims 1 to 5, com-

prising the steps of:

(a) providing the coco peat; 15

(b) washing the coco peat with water;
(c) acidifying the washed coco peat by adding
said aqueous solution; and
(d) drying the coco peat plant growth substrate.
7. Method according to any of the claims 1 to 6,
wherein the acidified coco peat and the aqueous so-
lution are mixed, preferably for 1 to 6 minutes.

8. Method according to any of the claims 1 to 7, further 25

comprising a compressing and/or a rehydrating step.

9. Method according to any of the claims 1 to 8,

wherein the coco peat plant growth substrate is
mixed with non-coco peat plant growth substrate in- 30

10. Coco peat plant growth substrate obtainable by the

method according to any of the claims 1 to 9.
11. Coco peat plant growth substrate having a pH of less
than 5.

12. Coco peat plant growth substrate according to claim

11, wherein the coco peat plant growth substrate has 40
a pH in the range of 2.5 to 4.5, preferably in the range
of 3 to 4.

13. Use of the coco peat plant growth substrate accord-

ing to any of the claims 10 to 12 as a substrate for 45
plant growth.



EP 2 439 184 A1

EP 2 439 184 A1

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