Sexology (Classic Reprint)

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Truth may seem, ntit '(y]]lllot nIJ.' Rl~I.Jtity .(lJ'I:19', tesr 'h~ l~or .~hl.~; Tr-~~lll ((a(/ b(!((((ljl &ur-kd nc.

'1:U Ihil:' urn kl Ihos8 repair 'l1.iat GlTB ~th8r rrue or [air; 1'0;" tM.8f! dead hi1'J~ ~h .(l prayeJ"_

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Current Indorsements

Han, Hartford P. Brown, of the Pennsylvania Legislature, and originator of the School House Flag Bill, says:

Doctor Walling's "Sexology' is a volume of rare value. and should be. in the possession of borne-builders everywhere.

Its disclosures and teachings. if widely dissemrnated~ would make immeasurably for the uplift and the happiness of the human race.

Rev. J. Thompson Baker, B.L., Ph."'., President 01 Frank Hughes College, Clifton, Tenn .• .lays:

I carefully read "Sexology," and with an my heart I say GoD bLf!SS 'rut:( AvtBOR, AN}) ),(AY UtS 1100& FALL lNTO MANY HANDS wBE1E er MAY' SAVE AS WEl..L AS PURlF'Y t.Il'1

I have several works of this kind, but this is the best and most straightforward of aoy I have seen. I shall be indeed thankful to place it into the hands of many of tbe young people under my charge and recommend it to others.

M. J. F. Albrecht, President 0' Concordia College, Milwaukee, Wis., :lays:

I have read "Sexology" with great interest, It i! truly an excellent volume and deserves to be read by every man and woman. May the book find a wide circulation.

W11I. Taylor Stott, D.D., LL.D., President of Franklin College, Franklin, Ind., says:

I am pleased with the work "Sexology." It j:!l, a serious and successful discussion of what our peopte--()ld and young~ugbt to know.

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Harry Mea 5 Crooks, President of Albany College, Alba .Y. Ore •• .says:

I am f . jar with "Sexology," and consider it a w rk that shall be of great benefit to people 0 f the age: to read.

J. A. Lea" u, PresIdent of Ewing Colleg., Ewing, ltt., s YS:

"Sexolo I is chaste in thought and diction, most rnportant in matter and always timely. I redict jt will live long and do much good.

Rev. Samue H. Lee, A.M., President of Amer .. lean lnterna (anal College, Springfield, MaS$., .Jays:

"Sexolo "is certainly an important contribution--c ean and healthful-to a discussion of importan e, which should lead to a greatly needed soci 1 reform.

George Sat erland, President of Grand l$land College, Gra d Island , Neb., says:

"Sexolo "recently received and read with interest. uch books should be in every home, shou d be read by every boy and girl, and by eve man and woman.

Rev. Peter ugustas MaNson, Ph.D., President of Gustavus dolphus College, St. Peter. Minn.) says:

1 have r ad uSe](olo~' and find it very good and zish to give it a cordial recommcndation. It is an eye opener and ought to be spread a ong those who have to deal with the rising g neration as teachers, parents and guardians. Let the good work go on 1 Let U!!I save the rising generation from tbe deluge of SiD and mmorality which sweeps over our beloved co try.

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Rev. Joseph Addison Thompson, D.D. Prestdent of Tarkio College, Tarkio, .Mo., say :

I think the book "Sexology" a valuabl one in the family. The time has come when every intel11gent man or woman wishes to formed on the vital questions whic are involved in sex. "Sexology" answers these questions in a sane and sensible \vay.

C. 11. Levermore, B.A.; Ph.D.) Presi ent 01 Adelphi Colkge, Brooklyn, N. Y., $ays

I thank you for the opportunity to ex mine Dr. 'Valling's "Sexology." It seems 0 me that the: sludy of the book is likely to do good and not ha rrn,

William Henry Harrison, President 0 College, Ru.ssellville, Ky., says:

I think that the book to Sexology' is f good discussions of most important tters. For use as a text-book by parents. wh n instructing their children it would be inval ble, fot I think: that many parents are them elves ignorant of many of the matters so wel presented in this volume.

Rev. L. H. Schuh, A.M., Ph.D., Pres dent of Capital University, Columbus, Oh(o, say :

"Sexology" is timely. pointed, pur and deserving of a wide circulation. It wi 1 add immensely to our domestic: and na ional happiness if read and obeyed,

Geo. A~ Harter, ALA., Ph.D., Pres nl of Delaware College, Newark, Det., says:

I read "Saology" with much in erest, There is need of just such literature con ervatively expressed to be put ieto the han s of our coil ege studeats,

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Rev. Charles Adolphus oek; Pr~iIJe"t 0'

Dallas Coll~e. Dattas, Ore , 3Q}'S;

I read "Sexology" with deep interest. and am pleased to say that I horoughly endorse the matter it contains, and hope that the book may have a wide eircula ion, The subjects treated in the book are ne essariIy delicate to handle, but I was (sped Ily impressed with the refinement with which the author has sueceeded in expressing his thoughts. I hope that the book may have vital inAuence in educating the young on this all-important subject,

Frederick Jonte Stanley, D.D., of the Presbyterian Board of Education; ays:

Your book "Sexology' I read with intense Interest, It is marvelous COmpendium of facts, evinci g wide and deep research, It is also a re elation of existing evils, unknown to the pub it at large.

The whole subject is of vital relation to the family. the Church and th State.

Were all parents intell gent and judicious they would instruct their hildren in these allimportant matters of life, physical and moral. This book is calculated t make them intelligent and judicious in the ighest degree.

Every parent should T d. digest and use with discrimination the i fonnation therein, as they rear a family ace rwng to the Divine taws,

Every young man and oman contemp1at.ins marniage, would find this volume of inestimable value.

I wish you all SUCCeSS n this effort to in .. struct, uplift and create h mes as God would have them.

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ell. Fretkrlck IV. Hamilton, D.D., President o Tufts College, Tufts College, Mass., says:

It seems to me that it would be wise if a ubIication like "Sexology" could be in the ands of all parent".

rof. ~f. Luecke, President of Concordia Cor .. e, Fort Wayne, Ind., says:

The Puritan Publishing Company has reoered in its publication "Sexology," by Wall· ng, a commendable service to young and ld, The scriptural foundation of the volme extols it high above all similar publiations that flood the book market. May this aluable book enter many homes and schools d do its mission work where it is most

ecessary in our times.

scar B. Pattts, Ph.D., President of Stanford C liege. Stanford, Ky., says:

For some weeks we have been in possession f your excellent book "Sexology," We, ith many others into whose hands we have ut the book, think that it fills a vacancy in ur young people's literature, that has been eeding such text by a master hand for ages. he book has been welt advertised in our school and community and we believe that

it has sown many good seed.

ames Gray M cA ttister, President of Hampden S dney College, Hampden-Sidney, Va., says:

I have a copy of "Sexology" and I write to express my high value and appreciation of the ork you are doing lor the youth of our land.

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P. G. Knowlton, Dean of Fargo College, Parg», N. D., says:

1 have carefully examined "Sexology," At first I thought it too horrible to be true, and too plain spoken for the sight of young people. But further reflection leads me to believe that some such teaching is necessary. And I endorse its teaching as containing the things that young people are bound to know in SOme way or another, and should be taught properly.

Cora J. Knight, of University of California, .says:

The author (of "Sexology") is sincere and greatly in earnest. He speaks frankly and squarely indeed, SOme warnings which need to be spoken squarely. 'Ve must honor him for his desire to enlighten and warn the race.

Every woman should desire her husband to read "Sexology," and if he is convinced of the truths therein stated, his wife may be assured of her married happiness.

Walter D. Agnew, President of Missouri We.sleyan College, Cameron, 11-10., says :

I have received a copy of "Sexology" and [ have looked it over carefully. I believe it contain, sound philosophy.

Dr. John Edgar Fretz, of Lafayette College. and Surgeon 10 the Y. M. C. A., says:

Dr. WiJliam H. Waning has written & pure .. ~d true book on a very important subject. treating this very difficult subject squarely and understandinqlv, \Vithout being

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scientifically too obscure, e has made the salient lessons impressive and so that "be who runs may read," I h ve for some time looked for such a work t t could be placed in the hands of younger pe sons from whom true knowledge of such s bj ecrs is usually kept, but who afterwards learn all in its worst aspect Such a war is Dr. Wallings as ought to be read by all sons. whatsoever their state. ! am glad 1 po sess the book and shall take pleasure in reco mending it

The Han. John Itf. Micke} Governor of Ne· braska.says:

I have read your book "Sexology" with much interest In my jud rnent it is a l/ery practical work and, placed i the hand, of the proper parties, will accom lish much good.

Rev. Samuel Platue, Ph.D, D.D., President of Lawrence University, App/d n, Wis., says:

I have: examined the entitled USa ...

elegy" and it seems to be written in a manner which ought to make i 5 circulation helP'"' f ul to young people.

Rev. J. S. FUpper, D.O., L.D., Pre$ldent 0' Morris Brown College, Atla ta, Ga., ,say.t:

I have given the work on "SCJ[ology" a careful study and eonsidera ion and I am convinced that as a text-book i is an ideal one 011 the subject

Fear of knowing too uch 3.5 to sexual association has wrought ha oc. with tbe youth of both sexes, and the tirn is ripe for a bet .. ter knowledge of sexual rangs in order to preserve manhood and wo anhood and save the youth fr01ll self-destru tion,

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w. R. ~fc.Ch $ney, on behalf of the Fatalty of Ced.arvilk Col e, Cedarvllle, Ohio, $ays:

The book' Sexology" is neat in its make-up, It is clear, f ithfut, pur-e and should be read by an who ould lead a clean, virtuous life, Read in time it would prove a saviour of. thousands fr folly and vice and consequent' misery.

DeWitt Clin on Huntington, D.D., LL.D., President of Nebr ka Wesleyan Untverstty, Universlfy Place, Ne ., says:

I have r ad with considerable care the volume "Se ology." The importance of the subject and e very judicious way in which it is handle strongly impressed upon me the fact tha its wide circulation would be

a public ben fit. The author is in a position to know wh roof he speaks, and he is practical and dir t I wish the book a very wide circulation,

E. IV. Van ken, A.M., B.D., P(t.$ldenl of Parker Colleg , Winnebago, MInn., says:

I fully bel eve your book "Sexology" ought to accompli b a great deal of good, It~ subject mat er seems to be wetl arranged, wetl .. express and to the point io an its phraau.

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+ Sexology +




Prof. Wm. H. WaJllng. A.M •• M.D.

PI 0,. (jyr.;u:o LO CiiY. Ell ITIII N Co LLE.CE; LA 'n W,LLI Ho IF I TAL: P ao,. 'Ii Lr.cTJI OTH.r.:. A. J:orl c: I.


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e 1 I n FDlJ'Dllm Boou





t th..ia work 'With mull' of 11l'ring g 81 u :1 needles9 \lnha in

n:llu:e aJ:l.a. deaullld for be doubted. Itl oed floor of the Senate C ba

o lBI B FDlJ'Dllm Boou _. foraDltm1.noh.DI1

I I I I I I .-.r-----

sexual inc piDnl; Ii f

•• ho have ei ther by

w om, wer III walls

e zm n FDlJ'Dllm Boou I

Bod P It i:!'t fo

that this

menU of Ollt' religi of OU.I yo DS &J1IlPtora unUl nigh by bw know Dot by) (though ey kn

meDiary idellce aDd worn Jl Ph a ed other bril Ii

Treati!ol!/" a, e::l med leine, is lie!! hlned con ibuti catrattd fElde

is it in aoJ' MD8C 9 .. hoW11 that kllD fore, ill addition h.rl!lic.iIlD:S, it embod· iDee of rre.-ry .se a

e zm n FDlJ'Dllm Boou



and. doel Dot r y upon auy ODe m'D~ b n'fcr

Tboae lI;' ho uld I

UIJ of ut't:elne nized. IUthoriti most em ineDt for the benefit researeh~ we throughout the as \lin open u wi th01l t bou ud,

Hippocraice Sign's ct l:illJ.L ius, rn 0 h. lib.. ii, e ~); men~ de Sani~ tu pm.,. 37); '176) ~ Hofrm8 (Con t); lMdwi Kloel£ b of (De Moth. I . m. ab, i.a:6. •

(A Prnctieal seay up n T.bca raali

(Hiatobc Mor e des Fe ); Ha biDge

Ellie (Payehol y of S~ ji); C. K. il1~ Bookt DisC3Ses f Child ); Gur ~ es ' Book) ; Palmer (Ameri n. TCl.t m k of (Management f P.r~ .);

~89); Gala.bin l£lnual M*d ","'.fy.~ pcdiD. Obs, and Gym... ~8 ) t Sel:ual

Co.); Brolf11 Q. Di yo


Above aU.!!]c it be re emhE red. t

teD to pleue. Had au been tbe

"Quid hav~ Ht cl.ed Q • dely aiit

We h!1ve wri U.e to i Dst t, lnd .of! UN! to heed OUt iu true tiOD8 is their on y rou greater ld we hop. to

c.ratunl, than to tOOm tb ~

ient rdere eel t a fiela of Itud

• Ar


DtOL". \"e (I til. P eereb,

e zm n FDlJ'Dllm Boou


the gra.tification of a

. ted, bu t~ better rtJ.U~ win prore eminent ly of !!!l2rllal eler.!; •• 8 nd he fi ugor of au thOl'ity \Grable conseq UeDC!e!

may eseo pc. I DdQed~ )S 'Dothir.g more iueYibed.

cblt:Qt'E!~ Q ~bDOl· girl for its iD.$pcction~ We sure th.t t'he very best ......... rr........ of sooret ha.d habit, ..

in th~ir way; Qud a read i4 aflnr discovernN" to "ad U, and reliouru

v to be D sen LI!C to- all ~ " glc, _he .ill take the inwardly digest'" it. a wi fe shou ld be ould it rescne but one otherwise awi.ib het ;

t e dreadful .... ortez into one girl frolD motal en ",.U ten in vain. oUiB.uds is the sincere


e zm n DIJ'DIIm Boou



The evil! and bringin

o obvious 0 g u are t t!: t.hcvery

gresaing pa a.Dd crime. materia ligh wretched t entire abse

ll1CY of H childrml in 1hty ~ ab b~8.ri:ng fru ing 'a.-eno e their pcsi ti iilleh !Ii it w those who the author &.tt~dance, lation but goel'3. De church. sim religious m .small to bl!

tf "mai D.8 a min i

bundantly iSDstuiId our C

e zm n FDlJ'Dllm Boou I



e jsintegra on or the" be rapid ultiplicati of ifLtelle ual sleept· and perv siODS of, th ady b:lenli

e pl'csent a] instinc

ralen] fa of

the Holy


e zm n FDlJ'Dllm Boo


ongnl. It ~ iD Hd, by un1"t'" 8 each other tha e taught 8 d ~ Fromfl

11 souree the tr:~~ pilfcnb

e from su I;)rity wbi rse with h

e In n FDlJ'Dllm Boou


14 mOl,lld -elclely watcbe tmd Y •• Iu.! h e reeei,ed their fint r crime f m the ho;Uer the t with a trange bed·feUo-w may es to wbich he had else rcmai ad B.. gu is IUy i Jlcreaa.ed i the a few ye IS b 1& senior j fn th e _ed by th older boy is ill ued

e, and, B his experience.. If a

6Ure to C! pt the itmiller boys

e'er a opport wtity p ent!.

of li:Z:'D twel ve fan victi of teen.

• phy.ici attend an

al way I 1!IU:e JessoD5 in ~

cao~ 1'r hile initiate .. bo ~tn.nser· ~uul room power or mi

in pl"Oportio 0

'boy be: an 0 a of his Bequ it&tJf, and t thOle of lowe

At the.g CUI!!. he wa siiler, Inany e in some tab pon the nl same bed wi occasioll • then. lIDkno

ADotber e

bf! was lad

in dCllIcribhlg hi 091l ,ening party wit hil pUrpo6e of 11' part eom pelled Mve t to aud .. P! eeeupie sercnteen. 0

paDioas ill member of subject. chaperones circle, of .641' in the which he .. 11

Ie citje&, does n ,hB ings of hostility with her, aud "hi the

e zm n FDlJ'Dllm Boou I

pu b !.i eat ion of !hi ote is t · ty aft'OMed
rum to gmt.i fy. au - tary pupj!·
~ "I!rU not ih t of ~n l wraps: Qr
6lu:rneJ but was d .olely representa-
tions of his led u tr
The custom of Fer
51 ecp ill the lam be liul1uie.iugJ y
cornmon in un of poverty
is vrantiug.. The m or of iDno-
cent a.alicitatiou is warrant a
prn.ctice \'9 hieh Dh if nothing
more comOA of i t.h the aiffer ..
~aU ctedit
rvatiou aDd
, is fW\'IlJed
lanatioa of
CCI are are, of girls
unger ler WOlD.ID-
. to who remoD"
i nola."· It i!!l
r live yea rs,
e moot in-
I th e strongest
Rnd most iDju rio ~i gth !lUlon need-
lwly aDd '"'0 ull cvcJopcd . boy! of CQpidity,
extral'aga"D~ d- ho ithle n Dobb1c.
'l3'ust 3S the twi it iR • homely
.dagc, ibdolillg d it i!li DOW~·
days tlJ.e fashion to e:Jy Q6 Solo·
mon tli I.phcrism, '8 ild." Witb
ctTcry en ow.a.nee for rnp8l'a.rnent e zm n FDfZ(I!Im Boou

I Til I I

aD.d di1!iposl Qon~ p nt.l fbi "Vices of t UJJ.g offend m.ig t too otten realy .£1I11ty p8 of t i! truism. i the inruvid nal lyiug see. tAl if eTeq i alld the habit t:

Th writer kno opp lite quBliti dcicity qre


ties Qr boy iu 11 cartested .. kna'te. the

· p\n~ bll.t~ ted to

co. ~ n eith-et

dCJ.Il. If.:uy a pi Db fot the whi h were ine ene rlgeme.nt rul eel s pe..D dth . t mal

~teutenll;.'!8l, o c rae the "

doting !!!,. Rna 000. by 10 the &rental

zm n FDlJ'Dllm Boou I



nd 0 ind ulgenoo of lUcre chi d 1:\ vishness.

e e 'Were ~11 idly cxa.miui:ug Ie pill.tie!1t ..

. g the process. stfuck UG • bee. The

r th lllItter as an cJ:eelle.nt j not so the

d 1ged in tho UDpleaullt te an th&t U.e

aib e murderer was being CI fly neurlsfied

8. If! "seuth rton l At The of rage on

le OJ&, Ire o!leD fooli.&bly e raged, Of .t

ded. ru; ftmark& D r spirit" Vel'y "eomi-

in babies: they are tc b e in meA..

only didortEd virtuai" .Q very ele-

i much occasion. to d read, , "hen FroP-

s many SOu rets or e Positi va

of elcw growth, fUldJ wbeth od Ol' c"vl~

1,. teo ~k to tbe nil TSCry • rime, then,

withiu very D.An'OW 1im.i, d by proper

'1 be banished from B ociety and

m opol i d Y ose who) 1 ike Topsy, "n t wed, j,

CI ily pcxooi l'cdJ from "" bat a e.e n Ilread!

t sition of Y oWJ.g A row boy to

to be 6cpnrate 1,. eonsid The ha. bits

1 are perfceted i Q the 'U

For good or for ev j 1 lhe D ripeui ug

* rm.d.. bear 1ruit in the 11 6 S of sk~pticl1, -Del .IlDW' crowding Otll

e zm n FDlJ'Dllm Boou I I I

Eaumf:io.n~ slOD of rendcei g the yo th f b lul, 6tron~ in lligcnt a a 'On

such ph)""!ical d moral

d nee to t hesc bjcct,. at the d wild ~ .mi~e.ra hu manity, 17 hi h teally c::Iccptico, to c &eriC a. t n meat of tn~ endl if 0 : ,ysw

flhc 'CIY nam of }'OU Iii ieul

"ivaei~y~ aDd j tfgrily~ W 'bavia she,," that hesc at tr· II es i Aml!J'Lc:Jll you \V eonncetioD~ t analyze s cw errors in pract c~ which h& e CO It is eenccded on all si that

true of the hu an f~mi jo

brote creation _; lo, tbe &.3

cotldition of one) are 1i

etber. Sheep, cattle, .on rses eonditiOD8 fA to ble to th · r (Vel

di ty t in sIze_t stn!ug, nd

othel''1(I''i$e: with roan. B t he

e zm n FDlJ'Dllm Boou



(B healthy mi Tbf! sou] parli · p Roa.3e8.u 1a.;;'lj more it comm o~'" Amon

cl::tHei in cl riB before reprndu in only by the It g

scieILCe preaer ... many &Dd np hal liltogeth er f-eebll1! to the er2die&ti"ng h who inherits t dinps 'IV hieh ttmperat'IUe, ai

cWlted to a tDa am. D~ in e crowlled. "IritlL e diliC8.&e;. is deliv n Neither tern per ptoc:1i'titiC! of h' Eidered, either n ];wmeD ts. '1 'h e

the ignor.tnt tl

lDiSCI'] kills off tb Itrong to resilt it vigor of the c it hordes ! but the b1 Little thought r t ti ore .d BD p]p bly CTC!b. despi:ned, or b e p!Ofle Jearn to 8 il the

e zm n FDlJ'Dllm OOU




C! to see the race 0 f pi mie6 gi,., f gia.n is.. B~sed UpOl1 &D l:ut:t tion of the parentS!j: a d foruee-

11 menlce tbe eh lld, pro r physi-

, in due time, the l!Iures rocaD.i or icd DutT'i tlon, the ell · ch OU1' wouderfa 1 ::Iita. of rail· 1.; the ,. aried :lnd aki llf 1 ~J'dem!; 1 tl1l'6C will ena bIe us ~gul.te

lorable heredita ry tai ta, ] t i8 COD at; t n tion tan 'be th :; en ti rely

D J eh n d ren lnny ~ th IS brough~ ost robust ... but U'e do ] .. im tllRt far remed ied ibn t a. c dillon of

t ve comfort, aK WI)} as. a nd crful

be BtCUl"ed, snd tlw t, iD Po 'tery intc mil} be era dica t , and tbe

e Ire Dot borQ with t e dil!l~ are amicted 1 bu.t onl)' i th a. ten. TlwIe uSlIully d-.!dare hemsel vea hour portDb were fin at ticked. mplc ,..:1 ming to puTS e su.cb 3.

. . ea. and meDtal traini ni shall

t the.. For uample: a eiliJd 6um pHon at the age 01 - rty~fi.'fel

lD be hiB physical cOD.for atiOD~ h.e

D fa. J 8 victim to that di6eG betwcen he hali tw~nty 0: thi yean of tbrentened calami iy. Who- can a proper ef!'art toll,t nat tlle only one,

• of education; the

e zm n FDlJ'Dllm I!oou

r erurior lie i n, _It d cmnod to n eti 00, paterDa 1 ma

:tny bonn 0 or meDtal a succumb. I Qf;t 0 for physieal d velop

ctions here

so )e rgc 11 up · eal ; mpro

I'S of the Tn ,and b e use it L$ th

~ rls of ph~i &dv. to even

bojs, The j of 0 country wh

to be bred ~ w hether j

.. fa5hiouable tru ly objec

n this faBt 8. ethods me

d. Ilrt tho

IDd both at h roe. • at PlChool tb at is p 6 ti v ely poilO , not t our wom

e zm n FDlJ'Dllm I!oou


del ieate" but t at .. e ha Q any W(:.I'ed UQ ~ in the chap

n with the Jat

tion~· and plrUoD. in effectit can b

innat~ passion 'th gill I

by perniciolls ple

1. It ~ more ~ fraugh

D. p11 gloat ebtsing con 'fers lion. IAcl

e zm n FDlJ'Dllm I!oou I

10m! 'thout

· icr s. a cn!a.tu or s.uc:b e.ou:s m. ~I

hatj to be ha toe needs bu L 10 bf ;SC' n:

ut, I: II::n ICIO D iBmil iill. r ith her acC" t

It f. n L an piL1~ t n emb

[ausly pre"~ntcd. unU]

si rl to \TOn::uJlJ: :C.s

that it is less th poli to \f hieh they 1 11, 'W thaneter. Sun 1,. th Iweet ~onDds~ IJ hiclJJ

form of adorati n an lleo.ven are n~ to fO.Eiter gUM B th u

thiuSSt by the nat

the peru sal of l the 1 U%Urioll8 i of new'papers,. youDJ pCr801lr 'Who~ with 01:21 i coru.i impouible to b ie\"f~ plaiD, and yet W 0 do 0

theil' dau~ ten the i u wj t.h acl'icrtisrun Is d t DO,,"$ tem U 0 ins IIlld iua eeen chnr t

Y DUDg Ameri a in. nO intermediate tage adult age. If ah do ot

ie I.t un st " sed. ')

l:IIot &CC1Jre 61igi '10 e

ti'te to fiod D1l. A time~ is. howe , ra impl'Oper ;re)3tio iii wj sex, tlul..'D a Yen ble ofteD c.:rist 10r a tong world.n before th y al'C v

CODSCDt i6 reg ded 8Ought~ if ma tri ooy 0 I

·5'J (?) rndebt y hllllds f

e zm FDlJ'Dllm I!oou


the, purp a!riouBly 8 .. gil'l I' "tight on bdol'(! it propriety

lent Ol' 10 and jUvcll happily in to th0!6"

of PIlKioD mOrIt of t he aUh +

Only a. principal tcpre&e.nti yQuthfal On the m lUtt& the betrothed l.u.guid

lDU£ cnstom ts of solitu J.pcct if the Image ct .......... , .... E1::cept a pri ate bed- 0

'et tb aY!D& Ch00l8 to wbh. W itb losel, d l'8. locked Ot ,Sa d f I'Obl in

our. a.yan t th ad too often . physjcal~

e zm n FDlJ'Dllm I!oou


-. fot-aottmhoooh.lII1


national I just 'len tation, 1 nnrum

crate lie may be, arfl s:.t lli

t.e ptatioD6 protect t t those 'If

II UH;:~ ei Cllm~u.ncC, it o.gcrne.nt G ou 1 d len DU Iy oniD 1 pros ootaJ and t At w hese eh rms, they rc cl y Jnvif!ih d on aneth r, p ty and tract; 'e gi L!i,

esr after et,.r, whD re hom th cireumst ce en as girll Dot only i\,M a.nd lka. in solit partiN, c en 1hc o behold thinkin& 0 Sh9U1d ot ORC depend t authorl ty is em, let tb


is not I.U compro young m wen assu We kilo who liiihi unable t that th

ur purity. e world is

e the truth of t is lost ~ U' it p~,.

ia mu i 1 eel into aU liD is th

cheri!he iD , iatiOIlt QJ1d

lion. there., ptopo 0 tl.ou 10 th believ for y u Iance


or no, degre tion~ allbje t chan t

IOU. your

e zm n FDlJ'Dllm 800u


Evenw of. DlO6t la(!:t~ thr..t as tlu~ hero Able fami1i lUld exel ns ~

dAllgllten, OD(': i!; an e and 'BCUB.110 hal nude brought ,.

an whoee the cpaci after ano pt<Jwptly ej dcd b .w.optcd to Bittcil'm lemcioualy until the biped, W'al !ii1l.SOOptible might hold thf:m. It

e p&rti~u1An

iug 1~i8 ron o.rah1c pro to tbe gcu e favored suj of hi8 ecu t :lltogetlU!I h0\1U COD e

de; d 14 modt. ighly~W1ough t o her annera VI hieh

t .tun . on, aad urly le I!I ('Hn~ in(]~ed

tbeIO D eDtra dee to ru.n. Oue luitor da 1.1 h terj and u No ca,urll5 lrert uni i I lor onning these they re rig ouBly~ alwost pt a soner' hCT chamber renu . lion had been obueu t 0 rren~ for tl~e poo r

not 1 the e.8EiOD. tba t me

he but U$t 11 ot llurD.

4ft.. of the heart, Euro aD tour was e fa il y ha"e baea


o t.TO ble in btstow-

oblta e to hh; henhiTe 'been .... )cdged And hJ the us.age

In. C result was

decti. e9J tbirty .. six of the re-

e zm n FDlJ'Dllm OOU I I

!pectin pm pas to a the wed

Batisfied wi th the te (pro

portion, for t b ese ropea gentlem

Co r sue dctai ls, etp cian,." CD they un tit~a.d American r16), t fa ther faking lorIg hi:!! dB ghtett what UHts'

with th hope of ·6p08L of her

8 Dd so l Europe i iClnd m.!38U r of )( + Com lliopidi of Cra:su pn-..

Th e li of OUt c "'Dtry idoa tha mAtrimony is the to ma rr wellJ that 9, to all even I to marry. The ate the bj eets of th ir tho their da '1 non'leuat on. N t one wor good 0 • time ren tigu f r velun Bibl&5 lye for th DO] teral me. p!lEiaagt illcuica tiog the fe\ rds 8,l\·ld n:sol'fe1 upon per &1 chi tity ~ Ou Lty~ alas hUi 00 he rll.hh~ ithe for Ire the Pui&hs of eiety ~ at lust , young i.rls.and m rried

might. l'Va muriEl ~[1:'+ J and

ca bi net in ider; h Rlwuys 10ved h 'aoked igher then.' Ot . era ble Wa it til you. behal her w rillg the aD d ai ieg the ee tial uticln t to sing; foriu te if u bebo1

beheld. s,

The 1 tat mode the inve tori, Ii the the In m '''pritJ IeEe!

i.nYen n, 'W hie topoli . aD that iq eondu

aids:'" T ey li .:c.atiOIl of

thing! be e wife 0 D. suppose he that ye f the "i o then.

wiU pl. entitle: to iticaI o.tra rl,

e zm n FDlJ'Dllm I!oou


1Wdi by t the tiOb toh.a

d ind mi nble en the In Iii

e imprc

ings indip

condi ·ODr E brou t. to 'bea



qu repo II etu prac ioo~

e zm n DIJ'DIIm I!oou


tant.ter of • mod. proli idly un.1: tioo to th

me rapaUcd pOii· j. she wffi e Dlc.2OllilL.D


While i

CDuld be WQuld be e ligibil i ty ee a new ·1, circlej gular cas-

ing woml many wo a~ric ten frow the

by inveet.. Lien that The emv ..

o lBIB DIJ'DIIm I!oou -.~ob.DI1


0\$'0. that the .rMorm, hn" I dnti!$.. H

e 1 I n FDfZ(I!Im I!oou


lordI.~ c&ll deu clo..n h trigae? win gai -eDjOYS. power.! i


ofIioo 0- he D.unery. Who be if sh II already broken pl ing th . lI'lal political in-

1G BUJlra_g(! ~ pol itical intriguo·' lign esnec thaD it DOW d it,nna] aDd vcry

fa scnslble of th iI pplied by womu.n i it is as. womaD, .os do the fJ['k: as womag~ to w ha t 1 were COIne .pel ell eetful. "the

direct and inspire er IODS-to traiu aDd love li~s the i n &]1 her children ee, which are the and Illlthority,

ted as lrornen, and for the d 11 tiM of e &'WOOt encha..qt. t yQU ue-tbl.t ii,


zm n FDlJ'Dllm I!oou I I

Viewing tbe w is the most. frequ In our eonnby, h DOt, suttly~ in imp I t is eDOO1Jutered to the old man .c the age of lou fnquell {, and eeo iOdOra We duty, · by .. wakening t enormous f.requ JeYO] ting en me, sickening reveJat ~

Gl"8.uled tha.t) reveal j t sel f, it 16 brought to notlee, ab le. Tb~ vast. m + ib StlI:lb~ thougb " eJ:teDt~ docs Dot t pletcl Y ~ impair t leal, mcnta I and u5uaJ]y 85 UIlSUsp in their opernti

The frcq !Jelley 111i ill d ir~ct. rela.t s~tem*, and the op edge of the sill f

or an ViCC5. cy-thouSb 1 iberUoism. n the croote t it i& mOl iii IN most a 'Se06C of ieal te!orm hers to the I!e& of this er upon the

usevered ju, ~ that are audiDcurthe puctir.e y moderate lcss com"on of phys. f which arc y pcnistent

'before tbe 0 -r.d fl»' Inq S UDmple&.

of puberly the Dervous ~Dg. knowl ..

e zm n FDlJ'Dllm I!oou II


e zm n FDlJ'Dllm I!oou



eat .tt.eD

e zm n FDlJ'Dllm I!oou


tm. subject a pr Dbly few

ho oDOt eee

000 we ate a t to qu Dr ~ D uui Du breu ll

t d he h 'bit !ipOllt

hOJ in s.pite of aU th "vlug 1 t b


though !rienc ill thi s toui' with

e yeall, iilfol!on, s, iu .• If"Ork tor at eigbteml

wrote priet itSm a child

m bad co tillO during

urine 'W~8 oided drop by

eriug w at LD len.1.e

i ian Mport t ha t e found

by lad ies nd ~~ iseP old vorlng to ret wa~ i nute cal lUI '\T • ch bad b ich bew rem ,ed tbe

igh fa.t.a{ $OD d been

tempte at alief. lier"1 (we t

) a ied fro C!:J: his c:ri me eo ~ deJPIlr, b liC'fLD ive him. A chi u,tructed y a f that the sl f atany+ H fu 101 this

t be ptl;WeD , e'l' D. J n the

ld that h.&II tmillg

e zm n FDlJ'Dllm I!oou II I I

te from of th~ ted hit th!.t he of this

CODfl01ed hi el f by o :fi au hi. fatbet w bet di subjee

ni':iID. unti mpDni ns, at. the e

invQrilble;t as

e zm n FDlJ'Dllm I!oou




n 'II Uecl;u 1 e.urtiOll; an enanced .. i.rallb mpany; be is nire.d simply 0

! succumbs to ore and mo moo things~ or 0 tDII aud tbe 11 ted; P eviou.sly 2r!qU ir d o t :rq U .:!Ii intell igence b ruit ; n the: .i vilci ty, 'pint w hleh tbese n

or ,fl tt ed their eq u

DO IOD aught bu ~

! at o.n end f I" em; but in . tbe world

tors are not 0 ly A. gel'OUE~ ~ and this over the.m the it

old iutatQ)" dr Ing . allife. U for.

e In n FDlJ'Dllm I!oou


tuo.lte I HG h a.p iDd himseJ f. bu db.figured t chab,pd. it iDto Bunken below t tlL~ ground, 13 ise itselr l;o misen.ble brow ~ tio:l2l; be dea~D 'fU]oi ve eris.i i co aD d horrible d

As we have the- mOlal pUDi dcra are viii ~~ a .... 11 p :m iI DlU!l"; yct. j ",A 0' PU&ut .:. tNclud,d. Let n tiOD thai he C3 can b." n..o pOll surel)' die lh& who practice fh onlnism will erim ~; .hi le t thal!lC wll D WCl5.t aer of their liv quently fll 11 Ii germt of whi aeute mtLlady~ eu~ the thr"eDd hood.

Let thOM wh las Wta~

ture, and ~ Crf!:lItGr; n~ :aDd bas gtJ bast He i s even him" 10 "obly upon gill Dct D.DO] otiger

] anger da s 1 ift his

th t be t reprob3.w

ud :l last cene b is str.!1 nge

e zm n FlllJ'Dllm OOU

• • ••

ho stood

eD upwa ! Bt'1pid "J n.pidly hopes which had. per t of th

erty,. u.y obYWnI!l 9ivuity~ point the NinetyL

e zm n FDlJ'Dllm I!oou I



Alae, tha is possible I 0,

iuheq uent it i lJ~ and tha

compelled u to e tartl i ng di

chapter m u COD iu! ." beseech, in yOlltig creat te iII 0 w h hllna~ tll i s :f.a!~ if du~ yet fa a this chapte J tha she

ehastity af er se ,; t ha 0 Inay Dot

degrt.d.a tiOD in to "hieb"t it pOfeible t J8 that Daly a idw d sienee of the cri

thili public its cnnliequ

that a small f girJ.g tbm

to i~ but t n u ber II!i cvcrthcleS!i en 0

d8 nge rs ~r(! t.IIU th gre .t thnt their

generally i ored.

Beyond D. I dis ute t follow i ng r mack the 1t Ditt' «ire 8 ~

t'~ a tur all mOT tim and mote H effects of th "r re niouot a though very

i..n the Ia tt . At the e time Dell}

the boaIdiu -seho 11 of WIg ladies" r t

to be in t~a coa t ere t e disorders of .3

pn.eii ee i, iuem led the impe et

eyes of the teach QD e the guise 0 fr

mit maatu Ition.. e.BtOllnd(ng 6t::t tellumt, b oirl:ioQ, th t "a great U only of ad e&e:8Dt.. co m

H, i.e mac the y acq_ui red d pracii ored, a lld bleb., lot

girl;. are mare ] ia e

1 excite.D:! D ishmcut •

cd French "g ca nU D

is DO.fOUl) girl who

e zm n FDlJ'Dllm I!oou I

inva troubT ",,'bieb berm to flu geoe

On relate yean, fQlly lcngt

or li:1 le to be(.Qrn. i ra.n~ ad it that it is

act-to 3&Certai n the

til 0 ~au e bo perp~ 11- with fit lese TCaUlter he grcn deblll ty, the ric and uteriue fUDed wb the C.1 use is t uer ions.t ir.tenM t at to be real c::..uae* her.] l oci.Atc wi th aJy cause Due ly put will

he world hu

se: '"' A Y ten 0: twelve

OD!!Iidera bl as umucccBS-

at rki llful "!lC'3DS f P'ul'i", At

o has fll r " cd this a.rmtion WB! more f~ n te than ii coUeaguoe. general la I re to ieve, and thu cbU ity of h patiQ;Gt ht i mpo rted

er his SlI ciOD' of th use of n these .teci-

t Dothi~g II bdued. T e mctM exceedingly

and a.h:n iud ignan t L 1.11 rbon which

to her 154 r h" f.Qtnei )' maiD ta ned thnt the

e the ehi] d 01 wa "S been under

to .. go\'"@ i nee b le of teach ..

cenesa was a old w abo who bad

'Who had e:rci ed her suspi ..

1 rtillpect The ph pi e a I how ~ caused the

be M!pll rn t d 't'Olll ooth other goVeI'be8i!l,

cions cblld

e zm n FDlJ'Dllm I!oou


anced, bu t conheady be yed • Jl of the unt, l t .arri 'fed, who

d ligorou! a tnck~ t orityJ eert tnty, rri'rcd to 11 us Otlr aunt nd I

Diy remfti 9. to ahit, wlU bas lines thl. fatal

ter tbi ij~ bus t 'We i "e mot ben ! N 01

sy toms which ens bl

e are the to llOwl D ne~ . aDd lose of ty -' of color from th i PI, And w lli teneu pale, lean, puff,., Rbby~ Ii around the ey • .i hich ar a. SlId "pre.LOlI ~ ty COGg least exertiODt t appeprl

e zm FDlJ'Dllm OOU


th.ere is iuc:ease increase of the under :habitual · tatrog-. Wi charge (nailed nigb the lule tl

Dc61Q.ndn aa : ''1 h ve

commenceJlletlt:. be 8Uributetl ta :POt trDCOlJltl10n

The moral s &eX. They are ferfD~~ an a ,er . other cha meteri tion CQ1J,ad " the mosi thnid the most deliea

) in 'Q,'hlc "gap'_. au which eve

the wom~ sa c frequenlly owe rt!ctDt~ pease&,

We ha re teJ'bl mom juno It

e zm n FDlJ'Dllm Boo



cad, fore, The

e In n FDlJ'Dllm I!oou I I

to be covered wi perature Df t e other ob:una Ie . e more precip U1 quieker, the

iD the nnt1t

r misto..ken moti 'f Nqllisito .inform.

e zm n FDlJ'Dllm I!oou


cUceJ kened:

rs Ind ex


g aDim S hereay t wi1hout i

IC'Yentiog ild only enee, that ia DOt

e zm n FDlJ'Dllm I!oou


- ill i.D su er no ... , befo e 1 if eLbing be do to both 1"cry .au ous, ition there uld

her, aud al O'U

:& to me a C Lrist 'WOuld be diet dell condtti Ding IUtUsea aD grca.tly ob13 ,






• •

8 nplied j m i ted attention! C4 ng, iu. Q lImit DT

e zm n FDlJ'Dllm I!oou


D Sllt~decide .at r 1I0t.. T fould 'hI! 'VI!! ailzne.nh

of-ia 8CDt~

01'1) ing sick es&, even if fltl m proof because in tic pbeuolll the same in te!lt l:Qa) e obtaiD& IiYWpt tlen, but fhi Irri tation

'D ",·orllla; ro 'm! are De suro

. Thua tb questi on of preg-

e, ::mnot be iled nntl] EU cient

ra b the D ry phytical signa,

o 1 eOD~iderali ~ to a that

de9'tOI to 0: thlt ....,...._a.o ......

m pUOD wtre Wl"01l8"~ be at ended . So, in:lll evezJt, the eoes:; aWe!. or t s, hO'l¥f!!'ftIl", I am

tite1y i D nd~t

rodudns a 1 the '.fY mpto s she f:e8I'D to inv~ e m a to 8. i.scustbe subj~ nd Crom ou rela·

e 8TOid accep 1]!' your I:: h Imge..

J an a to a I; bu t Y . enee, I t be OIlp to

s roper ,phertt u t in this i nee

c dent; you m £ baie yow- eachi ned f~ts f BCionce, f true

Oiel N 'both

'WOrn b) fro the t hll:, 'being ill d soul, and nM-

on I you intend y this

a ion" the mo ent when it could

e zm n FDlJ'Dllm I!oou I

you 10 the ona U'ould f-cr tbe

mamt b~1it,/


en.pabl f breathiD ' but for e mothers decide at it migh j u £nut " months 0 aDt auy cnmsb catiO'D~ bas Dot

aDd if altel" 11

itseU? in j .... hCQ. D

1mbly i it wou)

kes 80m

• iability; of the a


tMht eWl! danger tht one

m~bsin'::i Pre.." you n., In) owi og uld then be esent chUd~ monzl'"\To d :I it would e

r 'gener 1 drJOUr r[slet the be:


e zm n FDlJ'Dllm I!oou I I




the other you dmUo boyrmd it that is;. i,z

win ~ so help JGu

tll' it? ertain ly J 'Christi duty id tb not. alter e eur tha uDdet'tak your Iii ttle and it i I!I .a. DlOlls der you a. d yo 11 I'" cnti tiOD~1 pro ided the eh the Almi ty God wh do not th lb ing! DoG.

uN OW~ et UI t.::Ike t tiOll a'S 0 of eI.ped + known to he profcssi. e1"ty ol in u~ipg misro r

hut onl}' onda I'il)' ;

the CODS 0 ut len, min

tbe IIjS .,..bieh rea T

to etl:lb' praguncy.

a lD&.n ]OY

urd D~hiDg rend air .. I

h ODe as ----MLpp~E: we

as wei pert118 me of Ply

II!: ease 1.6 0Q the.o ff. It doe.

&lClQ.u! D. be f uDd ready to

i ~ ~ ATJj pb,sici who lfOll.hl

d. a BCOU drel, a d waul II mOl'. ily n5 T [lily, ~r r Do ceasidcrao{ d tion 'We e (!(tu al, By in the leaveDJ CODjUTO Jou

t crrC3l p .t.e it I

u "iew g nd rf .Ira the quesawly 0 Th~I'C'· DO medicine

ieb p the spcd"fic prop-

ill do it 0 D Borne caS8:1,

J In P rtion they li!iha iter

II lth, a rl prod oe Q. tta te of °t incomp Dt~ th ugh debility. heD~ 3 out of the values her b etlth or method ... in to the tQ~to

~,and non bortiODo T

~ frightfllt oodiDg~ S d maDY e the Blost 9 l i.nftammBti.

lng, in mEl tion maya

th-e su WUIU)Uig 0 eli:rium.

before your beyond the

in themse ental to :Do.! th "FinL;.

1'5offumdappend~ ~ in horrid

e zm n FDlJ'Dllm I!oou


of whiich lmt! I have h

the womb you t relief.

reasoos: to relCUC

Pa doD. me ble (or tWD ,nwl second, . Rot om the

It il du to t ad forth the thnt they duct of tio.n that ridIl!:DCf:. throUgh t

th!!llt be ar Inents

eRect 11Jt cd, awl


e zm n FDlJ'Dllm OOU


Wuethil ee mWly

lady who, y from 11 WI. long

they de-

~ough/" "C'ly known e Incurnhent ore tbe hi

quain n......__ ......... virtu tl,e 11er:1"

e Pluwcr of ber

e zm n FDlJ'Dllm I!oou


b.ildran :0,] dc.d I brothers ud si rs, a.ble &n d a.nd iOO' ent pp ents tbtoug • ffiided I i r

8Dd we of the urnerO'l1

aad add was thillg Ii e.all B

child-m rder4 ct t

be win erify eu

It i8 t a pl wham a prear t.M tw tieth

nry tal agaiD~t the It reat crime f 10 far tptl kled i th the CriJd - rlessoess 0·1 his w s, It i5 tL t

t the :lutb of

that a ~

of tile co

ence preeai &Ii muDj '~wb;ch sha. 1 Ieasen thonght t t ptJltponiD to n,u thcr year f

lu ti OUi; P esen in lhe l't:CC t Assembly , was tbc fa-oCt th t

edul of t at · ely would

in the

~c::.S8Dt-t t!fJ a-re hOt'1'ible! Y t nora. ity i D ar l all. The ata - a i 6 ter QJed '~g<lod 50ci etyJ ~~ bot i is tM eUI! tion r the!' t'haD t ladies 0 gen t erocn" C4rre 'cLubjed .. n writing n tl1is &U hjcct 8D. U(:l!Ill cu in w ich the :m

um.1lI Hia rcide

'ad th£a


lll.atau pr......"...1OWoIo ~1II:l'li 1IKIul with t e deB. to

e zm n FDlJ'Dllm I!oou



e ~ iSe!d. u lot nece &ity C:DS be eha gl'd~

'ft, Ifty? sol n decree

has declare aDd · gidly In i:Dui na iotm--uteri e l ife~ Dder 1I1:t BDd all ci

e zm n FDlJ'Dllm I!oou


, I mu er; ~ d u .. l the ell • sti.oi Iii oded. t roug this eh nnetJ th q uut a &. set led w tbou. \ a ment. A WB t theo~ with

iH lop m!~ In let the law Goa. ~ in

ts It l!llt, 0 \he .. • in. I

zm n FDlJ'Dllm I!oou I

The to

of' conseq in vlnt nQptial e of eyjl~


iDg the

of UDS,y~ b


e zm n FDlJ'Dllm I!oou



her 10

Rry a \1'0 g in all moment i

may b~ whole tell !Cl an


w~ding 0 dily and b114 above 1d of .. hie

iDtest spat e kind, co

Q thO'Ugh with violm:JCI~

Isely bell rity bm-.

cd. boldn he :til tch Rlltic:ipa

leet, Lost i deed Ie the poor e terrified y ~ in fi D tely di~,gus are 1fell- i h crus ed O\tt of Sf! mental j.ilr:ulsti ~ "0" Ihn I

the key· te to b whole af r-

rough the S hour of tha.t

the beavy pilat!

test move t c&

be i ortuDate, eed, if

~ eMlap8S f'to the~'"

ich lows, 611

igh seems.oll

panicn, W terror. teMwcd au the rlpy of th@l comi p .and

f friend.

wh m she ca n .... is an i11!t, the 'If dcr ia it I'll re prolifi I: e rt&bip of 1

utions \ .. hi dud, 'Villi on! of her rotectort mlghts w ty-four ho f 1 .. thiDg

e zm n DIJ'DIIm I!oou


Again. and i eaeb, if potilble rests fro

the ,,'OUnds of bo latter au: .&eri0U6 i .....................

N ow if QU thi offer beyond the molt rtuaied DO r ... a uton for .apol 0

The ltibj ret, t but the honey.:

Vi e propoiO to sp

of little serrioo tr y the disc

illd.iCQ.te the spec G ~ w do de.Tly and IllE!nt could begi malD.dy~ with the Ii

in the bOYI and whose prag~~ .

traced. But'6 of thinglii) we m s

door of the nupt --Itnd ., to h' ,

ing .. "Hold!» In of that ahl'zDk' woe; your own r

your bOllor as. sion now. Be path before yon. self-control you


bu t iD you theBe •

arti!clall): au

e zm n FDlJ'Dllm I!oou


he latter. Uodou . a ke the ma.rri..age e .. cd iog, ,u.fficieu tly

; but ,ociety bas go a tor both of JOu. r part they :m:JY yc

be thus 6ccllrea~ Y. orS6llr8Dl'e ana :&ympa

her .o.ppnh..el18ione re .sbllll oc.eur this · ht, & you. trust on aU 0

hall m::actly harmoni

er your hnppy man· leuce nor suffering gl bappines ma11 er gent1ene~ modem able c-c,UiVGtiQn; of

to ful6.11 you r pi ow that itt fa re Ol"e enfi~ eonsum mil

OC5 QCCIll' the 5~ ight aracter 0.& e:ha.ll tne e You will al&O disc iber'&Hon nnd prud ee, fD. 'iOr to relieve ymt te,

han thicJ bu t you \ThCll you o"bey t . ation of pain or

de~iDed that u

ce be uSEd th~n is 0 e 1FOTa~ beware of me pOTIOn of hEr 'W m

e In n FDlJ'Dllm I!oou I I I

aU tlJa.£ ft' e deri're our jugal aet is Let noth~ it lor and

gi-.en you [or a.

C&ll mot &l\d the, i.D I 1oI.mOI_

ecnel Yons. very Dn little ee th an p, legalizocd t.erfere yith your cn tire rccipl'Ocity 0 be y()U' guidc~ no

so tlL ruughout ),our

re not only hap

ned l:OnfiiJCDt'C .3D ), er liter Illy "-

iu YOUT BOrrow&. is Om i rtarily 110 erci iOb. in WDmen tMn

ill tb w it is i uCOm pa.ra Thi5, of rot] rset with d indi . ual tewperB'D:It Dta. common error 0 baste and precipi ta

eu t y r 1redaea career. i, Ilt lcut ia. Intire sym It b rc tha.t two nature oa.cb t1::er that love nod

but. lUle shonld be fo

, lis (trao,. li, tha

should remcm'er Q) BDjOymcD t, .em r spot fo [ ft. ehild to become a dc'VCJ s. iDto lull votJla,

8ym p thy and igDon-nee l'nod Cfel'y case the C8.U point d condition of the

33 she mud 1 rg~t th~t tlJ is tardy of ai rly aeoused re lutillg~ i.ffcrcnces of luI to "'rOid 8n~ tha.t oC ons through .. a t JOur wit e OODdition. armony'With

ual ib botb, iA., most lo

" tke Ial.sL her ca.pnci ty

t wiTa hAve (ye meetly nntu ..

h en D res u she

t .nste" hl~k of

USblDd is in Bnd d.isap-

e zm n DIJ'DIIm I!oou


Y. Balzac.l' whoa se.tirica1 Midi ~Q: r seun pbilmophYI ~ of the young w f~ re s our opmio of the a.veregc case : t" Sf n perl!!uade$ her to c

:J. pp 5S from iI. , day which will D

t.-s will be siJc t no lODger "Wb.e.a. " of bet u. ifices.. "

wi l1 but ber, that the

zn&rriage, her love and a1l

of love and passion after maTri get you. wiU be ~rdl!!!d and graU fi

tid affection such as ooly can nd loving D:I ther who has teal i

pp neu~ that r r t 'If h ich i~ by natlJ W tu'C DOU led to Wlti(lipaie tbc q CIt • doa heal or prndencc perm t t No positi l"(! rule ea b as. it is, on so grem a I tcmpullmCllts_, If. te

cneral priDd pIes e J'ea.dily ded ueed Jnmt al way; he ely, tba t Dotbiag g tify hL~ ~ elite!!! a.t tbf! upe fort r iDcl j DI tiOD; that the law Iu 1 P how ncvcr be p itted to degen"r&

~a t the rule .holiid be, in jaU ea cr to ucee tb t Ii mi u of fOQd dOli

or ~.o.tjng~ W&J;G to lise from he

te for merit cm be- a ppJi C!U to n:p tit 60 frequeatly b eides cds "far "furlher itl dulse bap!- lllod en learn this leuQ

o lBIB FDlJ'Dllm I!oou -.~ob.DI1


e zm n FDlJ'Dllm OOU I I

Tbere R but ne legi ti tI3 te In (ami I and this hollld rea s, such as bmtB. fi clcady es1a blished pceul iu ca[e'UlL tion, of y sh U.s a option, \V m the

c::il=tf.en He p ovi des f or ~ aceordi

is chU reD~ an DO mere mall Co

vhcthcr ceonoin lie! i.e. th mere he DU ber of hi ldrep, his m of avoid ng oftli!l in g j!!l cnt.i contin it is des rable or D eeesso.ry t re methods of p VCIl ti on 0 olfspri beastly, poaitive y wroc.giu as weJ ph!!, ~ y "Z.1U us, Some. f them it is ial ossib!e to imagin-e bow pe preten:!!li to d cy can dopt th prepal"D . ODS wi such an 0 joct sav blooded lcu1a. on to be M poni b

people. At tbe COllju 1 act sh

and d~ lly in oroance' th the p

d who nan eoolly his

perl mances of this e g the G ducer ts art iD rela riage b j he ~ the uncle bird. t his own nest. t is then i possib1e

gui lty 0 mcb IctiQft .can be igao

and eri i Dal tare, and the w

cqu.aUy with aun. wbo orga.:a

willful d pr cUtated .

in g for tbe beD fit of such enoo$.

a.saerll 'e\w, blltJ with D III singl

cert:..a.fu prod live of dis trous co


"olding ind only for

atiWIS of on stituUonr


disgusting ~ atura 1, 8.Dd ltinc that

the least deliberate ueh of eoldure.--:rnindcd

o COllSel1.ts, thod, is a not writpom.i~ ttheylre to health~

e zm n FDlJ'Dllm I!oou


nl tlta that i for tll


But hel'e is a term a n. tic aekn wledged

wh~ thG bu

uppl uded by the d sol ntiOP spill!!! his se 'bom. And th dates: bl.! thi

W 0 CUl d bt tbnt AJ.a.i

em.. VI d to impart.

ctiQD wh shoo Id cndu will haTe i

racU~ so uni L viet, 60 COIn ita pcrpetra d i.e ",en 'C t

r fricuds, D. "Vi marriage; it uJlou the groll dore" the Lord I

crime is Dot - fe too often

t Ind not on I facilitates ita this eoaduct rough remOD ese iostazweB lUI u.aJOplo mu .. tee thAt bo wa pectab.i.U ty * "'. er' beme bim

kDO uae of part of tb .... t gail


zm n FDlJ'Dllm I!oou


titlltad that .:.he &enDed inca a 11= Df perm j @tion of the ~ngll sel 0 i~qui T1,. ; t I. be bad acted by tbe iDsliga· I of her ad m9trueted her in the e.r of a

indecent to deseribe_, by w ~ ch &he (~ :lllgetS of cb1 Id .. b lrth. U Y t is. morutro ealcus member oC an ""ort .. lines in hell~tiN, but indi t oula who~ in :b er opinion, wi 1 e COIl.';_igned art to add th. t tbe mae" tiODI or tb e J'eadily thwarted. by p 1V glory i D the pDIEil!::!ii"iOlt 0 We now pMpnso to offer n is crime of Onall ..Jlould ora I considerations were he eleet of the: pr.acticc on

o tb"t of masturhation" A I

ice not manifested" bee wan t iag, but its inftuen bII; j:o, degree.. The oct. bci enclt for her 'Ii ola ted laW! i

pinal marrow, functional di

-cad, 1 UIl,S1. and kklueys~ en, and frequeut1y by i ru re 6lQ1I7eJ' in d.eq).opmeD t,

icli. m .finally GOOC'Urnhs to SO acut!: or

nd hili epitoph tony be wti t D nrrherefoJ't lm becaU6e be did 0.. deteet:. e thi ng • .H

Thl;: ~1fect U pOD WQrDl)D is n ob'i'ioll~

mcll.iJttc and lOOillt The 0 g m iadueed ~ lpD8 by the COlljugal Act .b. h that~ jf !

e eeugestlon doeB not. im ~ a tel)! reI"

nflCtIlUQu, tiODI, ulceriLti0lUl1 liD al Iterili

e 1 I n FDlJ'Dllm I!oou I I

,UI t i, phenome.. nown ~ fr! Ill) proch,oed oftdntJr by t ." ~ "by cJl I) er Dcrlllge eDt. Qf the from t hi c=l use are we 1-

n.rely ki ; ';f'e do DDt r A COIl dcr.o.tlO11 wb e

"i tb us; natu

lliat inc cry i nsUtnce


impOlSih fDr a lfO

-he .tnrty ~ to toFlch t e Crisi6 0 cunjupl DII.wsm is p t ceil. It i! ologish nt the CODtl t tlu! 8emi13

of the 'W b Is a. pesi ecestity J no

NY ucti of tbe local geltiOD_t

on her p t ot tb e pI to which

entitled. 11 ut fC'fl' r p proncbea rc n:q uisite eDJoym on the p4 therefore .DOU~CJ' a I'l nnha ppi s 18 added t

thcse con iderations 1neh-to heir shame

their 0 lust-----we C:a

m!ljority of men, th ma.rriago ed.

M au r, by hi! YeI')' toward '" man we ha. ha ve alfiQ ~hl)Wn the a

ChriltjlD y~ hOW\1ver~ ditiOll of woman in 8 (

prising d rnden:~ in aile is ,u ected in the

of the tno

e zm n DIJ'DIIm I!oou


as been ciprcca.l ollght to be

1 ur hu.MaD i' iii n Un . t h cnt!bing I tl!wnQ ~ hi! eH 100 nda ]o'fe your .... ,e5J" the r 1ri ,q ,~UI til" 0 bcJdi red'

WOlMO onns of UYt no plies to

. ~ ~



• preber, cn.ring. ion fat irl who

r city,

ip mad

oscinati s, proud ntell i

i3;t~a girl lO or tho r dun

e zm n FDfZ(I!Im I!oou

1 I I

and li te" or inn.llj·. A:£. l1o.tiOll aDd t bPti al husbo. di tiOJ) ho11y b righb.' It LI

to lfb the


1 infia ~Sep

of ira brlent heal tb and t Ibit f r '''divo det.i u g ow lth \Vas p l'i:d by admi.3 on:!! by tality~ tow,

thl!.ir aide 0


told t e"d S Or q'g($ ·ODS, fo to

of~dia i!'" 'W

ad & ht t

dyappr p~ysiCil EI enoushto har ad ~ of hi; "rna i

iDg t divore were with bat ~i And

en W led

e zm n FDlJ'Dllm I!oou


fitatement. its origin CDDiti.

"dual, tbe

~ is a UCStiOD on I, ,dot irided. i b. bile there re certaio last mOD h of preg ..

prohibi by 1"Ca!011

e zm n FDlJ'Dllm I!oou II

is perrn.i&&i ubanda. wo . h tbeec ill


CrQ is Q rcc off9pring i ~ during

very .and

o lBIB FDlJ'Dllm I!oou -.~ob.DI1


, iiJ ioti~t ulldeveloped lDt such PfE!8IlBD des" ~wle

"monrtrositiuu owe. th!lr bo'l'c 1I.11 other cil uses 1 l'wg preSDI dey is followed ~ the e:ff eet of even lnoderw in dE!81'ce. If. m u~t eerto th£t exleD.' ;. injuriou," iR tha.t it is a. qucriigunble "$ 'Virtue.

hymDlogieal nim of s(!:tual ndieat.ed by the 6U'!pe~liou is certain tho' t t~e whole , w hi]e DQrsing her iDfant" he is livil1g fU1' ~190, n..ud and me..uta1 burdeo.s.. N C'f· aney oQ(."CU mag d \J ri ng Iaect ShOWii that the end of and therefore the oct is

I t were hestJ bolVe"1!r_, to the most levctC lim ib of t six week, after the birth t th nt marl tol .Q,pp~ches drelU1l.BtaDccs..

eta ted in tbil c ho.ptcr ha, ~ le. The parties were pre-s~ DO~ to ba ~e paacd the d"!J Dee! lJc'W' laws gain the . In wcll.rcgum.tcd ) i vee 3.J) d lees iru. perious, dirnin'~rllge :age: of forty.i.e in e milD, they are but m.rely . It is al though nature

i ited. the jeet8 lDfllt

.....,...._..~n e

Ii eon an be iulu

zm n FDlJ'Dllm I!oou I I

e fa(!uLty, tioll, man of the

Nor is rungcnn d01fnputllu pre6Cll~ the SWt!et. rr-ound.ed they m., C8 of life t.bus fat

D.~ ael: lJa] .. ne leu. a,dypnc: '~Each e cash a on is the 1"

hygiene refueea

o lBIB FDlJ'Dllm I!oou -.~ob.DI1



possible tv rcU\al himulf to the ide. creation is almos wi tD admit to him 9 ] f to Y .,.. i th wh ich cnee SO::=IXLS~ as it

yOUDg III eJ:pend.ed, t de-aire is feels tltat


repeated dcfcut:s~ i pit.olll a.d'Va.noe imprudent bei g wb ~ ~hat eamfort :I eo (pf life-in Ule rope

e zm n FDlJ'Dllm OOU


says, t at . t age,. d

Jie9 of

des the nu meroU!!i eido:rnte ir.diJ 1ge e j U:lU eutood tluJ t 61ldden ru.eqU~l by hem turf!: of large bleedcon&eqlletlCC Df ill vi 1 the pu l&R.tion; of t e ant" Butp<'Ild. rt!'lpi a.ti +

e zm n FDlJ'Dllm I!oou



in per oa of ould m . ntain



e zm n FDlJ'Dllm I!oou


" ~.A


wi sdotD.J iD of pa&ri D~ '1m" l i11.J en.lif' 1c1 a. ot the h!J9M ~ ith A



way of Ii

~ \he ycllo lear:

Id 2e<:.Ornpii y old iI • bt ienee, troo of 'ric "e: but in theiT :!itt dup,'" (MACR'I'

e zm n FDlJ'Dllm I!oou



is lie] na which the fad •.

gaiDI ta daugers. to vi ) te the rule

d aga under the

I co c ion~ this for both pon. It La :no llJ:Ct.Ul9-

to be ages. It il anity lech. U is !UIl BUCCCBsful. of pArents. erl to the

~ n gr 10 ou!t aUjD of tne y wbic oved with lJftaDt., th n conclude

nrider the 1; jolnod.,.

m them". IOU. Att. t~Uw volunury hu

it must neve ill lea too a to bi tlBl' the: ill be with-

o lBIB FDlJ'Dllm I!oou -.~ob.DI1


"ill a !i 5etPl t cu.mbers for the d lUnoun alrrody b~t. commi jed. he

the iii wen 38


n pTOMpt life 'Will ina} bopes d her will atly lodg D facfJ tbe

! aud hide s, DI!i we have rn re con em cd to 1rit. ~ ee n ha:rd I b sumcicaUy b! U poll thi r \tiD!; sub. n Ilk in to t .t nspired by ong contns , p yaicaUy "'I neees!.Qr ity 00 i-shcd from I U.y of th M!eS is llOt 6peak., by the puslon.te i! III togcth r :J. tura l, the the young e :should ds, or egd vo to fill the Iore. 80m ian fortit'll sad s.n

tmD!JIO reatrai riole:Iltl

mest n Ire the fooli&h Jan

atJ.gtra are immillen~ OUYDg' ~hc

e zm n FDlJ'Dllm I!oou


~nBUal a otber attr the old d

J ~ yout ,. and all those

t h It hi &be is cudo cd.. AlaE! for

to ddhk of this euehputeil ell P ! herself' mO:!ll cro.eUy for her to be an oJ m.m~e. dn.rling ich I'eveals the infamy .hleh ncb u detc6t-

"'Violated 1 thall II. ya CQrruptioD rolLies of able III tb

The iu demtt.nd p 'Upon out' 1 e.nce iD ri.aga to much towa iD the I'e· dna are proverbial erty cons! Ikity of t lamilie& w innocent died by th seek YOUD for re-ma geoerally mo.rbi6c pierI I.I1d,j to t Ins, 11&0, genera tit"e

Eit!ry lnm tba.t

u of 'fi: a.

osteTity~ no 15& thlU publk morals,

I. 'WS II thi8 6ubj ct, and. we can

to boldl prescribe th ertrnmc difffr. wbicb t shd1 be n a wfn I fot lIIarD Ad. A I .. " of tbi s tnre would do all,. committ~ of whose chU. Dc1eutly of the re of't.m pr<!pDcme5tic inle-

s introduced in erio blodel. of

9,. The il would be lL~nilh rcme ..

Legi.sla . on~ fcrJ itt e t-cwptatiott to 1\' te retD ed, few 01 d en l'VQU Id care be pro ucts of ,w:: nlRJ'riagcs .te

i bluod, . ckly ~ and isposcd to ell

The e!; i11llation of. t is fact i5 COLD·

he ahn .1 char c f the lemmat

prorll" ':on of the b ~ au doubt-

ce of hUIllOnlOU5 uditi01l& in the

ned in the P~geD.1 of (lId pect~ 80 di erent mill the

e zm n FDlJ'Dllm I!oou I


e zm n DIJ'DIIm I!oou


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