The Power of Journal Writing

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Name: KERRI ANN LIEGEN very first achievement in life because I

was the fastest sperm cell who got to

School: RIZAL NATIONAL SCHOOL OF ARTS AND reach my mother’s egg cell first in her
TRADES fallopian tube.
Name of Parents: MARY ANN LIEGEN, ERIC My whole being was still unidentified.
LIEGEN My parents were still clueless about my
Ambition: TO BECOME EITHER A LAWYER OR AN gender. My internal organs were still
ARMY SURGEON starting to be developed, and so my
externals. My small eyes, precise nose, my
Motto: normally-colored skin, and my short legs
were still being formed. My heart, which
pumps blood all over my body, and my brain,
which wasn’t good in Math, was still being
molded. And so my hereditary endowments
were still being fixed.
HAPPIER I WILL BE...” Maybe during this time, I was
wondering how the world looked like. I
think my mother’s tummy suffers pain
because of my kicks which showed how
I may not be able to remember excited I was to come out. I was just so
anything (well, all of us don’t) but one lucky because I won the race against the
thing was for sure during this stage of my other sperm cells and I got the chance to
life— I’M STILL INSIDE MY MOTHER’S WOMB. live and know how beautiful the world
looked like.
Open-mindedly speaking, I can say
that this was the time I’ve achieved my
On this stage, I called my mother’s CHAPTER TWO: INFANCY STAGE OF MY LIFE
womb as my home. It served as bedroom
where I sleep. It served as my playground [At Benguet General Hospital, La
where I used to kick. And it was where I Trinidad, Benguet]
got nutrients through my mother’s It was July 14, 2002 when I got out
umbilical cord. It used to be my home back of my mother’s tummy. Still, I wasn’t able
when I wasn’t born yet and I can say that to remember anything but I was told that
it was the noblest home I’ve ever had. But it was my grandfather who held me first
then my younger brother inherited it after after being cleaned by the nurses. He
I moved in to the real word. served as my tour guide in my new home—
I can say that being inside my the real world. He showed me his face as
mother’s womb was the time when I was an example of how humans look like even
still pure and innocent because it was though I wasn’t able to clearly see
before I could be able to commit anything yet.
ungrateful sins. Even though I cannot From La Trinidad, we went home to
remember anything during this stage of my Liwan West, Rizal, Kalinga. It was where
life, I was still happy that God gave me my relatives met me for the first time.
the prize of winning the race— which was ‘Manang Aiza’ once told me about how my
‘life’. mother craved for tomatoes when she was
still pregnant. According to ‘Manang Aiza’,
she once took tomatoes from the
refrigerator without knowing that it was
my mother’s, and she ended up being
scolded by her. No wonder I blushed
exaggeratedly especially when I cry when I
was an infant (well, that was according to him who was always carried me on his back
what they told me). using a blanket. It was him who always
made milk formula for me but when my
It was this stage when I committed my grandmother does, I won’t even touch it.
first sins. It was when I gave my parents That was all according to my witty
a hard time in the middle of the night grandfather.
making me sleep. It was when I bit my
mother’s nipples when she was It was my mother who used to tell
breastfeeding me. It was when I poop and stories about me when I was still an
pee everywhere. It was when I stole all of infant (birth until 2 years old) and she
my parents’ time even the time which was was fond of telling me one story all the
supposed to be for themselves and when I time— it was when they came home from
refuse to eat the baby meal my parents somewhere and I was running all the way
would prepare for me. Oh, God. I didn’t from the door to meet them with my diapers
mean any of these. falling off. She said she can still
clearly remember my boogers showing up
According to my grandmother (from my from my nostrils and my messy hair tied up
mother’s side), I was one year old when I with ‘liting’, the blue string which was
started to show off. She said I already used to tie sacks up.
started talking limited words and walking
short distances. My father also told me an
unbelievable story which I do not believe
I was a year and a half when my until now. According to him, after I ate
grandparents (from my father’s side) first up all my snacks, I would eat fresh onions
took care of me by themselves because my and tomatoes like how I ate apples. I
parents were off to something for about would ask my father to squeeze the
three days. According to my grandfather, I tomatoes to get rid of the seeds because
liked him more than my grandmother. It was
according to him, I was afraid that the CHAPTER THREE: EARLY & LATE CHILDHOOD
seeds might grow up inside my stomach. STAGE OF MY LIFE

Although I can’t still remember the Childhood was the stage of life when
infancy stage of my life, I still got to people are still free from problems. In
know some of the memories back then, this stage, life was so bearable. Though
thanks to my parents and grandparents who I’m able to remember most of my childhood
keep on laughing every time they tell memories, there were still some which I
funny stories about me when I was still an have already forgotten.
As a 2002-born child, I have so much
outside and inside games experiences. One
of my favorites was ‘chinese garter’ when
I was still thin and light. I can also
actually remember that funny memory when I
played ‘hide-and-seek’ with my cousins but
I ended up going home instead of hiding
because I have to poo at home.

This stage of my life was when I’m

still scared on the warnings of my parents
and relatives just to avoid me from doing
nothing good. For example, when I didn’t
want to take a nap in the afternoon, they
would tell me I would never grow tall.
When I didn’t want to finish up my meal,
they would tell me ‘Gusing’ would take me
away. Gusing was a fictional person which
elders use to scare stubborn children, their house. Still talking about him, we
that’s what I knew. later reunited when we graduated from
grade school because we’ve entered the
Most of my childhood memories were same high school. I will just continue our
with my family like when my grandmother, story on the next chapter.
in cooperation with my aunties, were
paying me a 5-peso coin or more for Yeah, childhood was indeed
getting rid of the parasites living on my unforgettable. I may not be able to take a
hair. They even scare me to pour vinegar picture of my memories as a child but I
on my head whenever I refuse. I can will cherish and make sure to remember it
clearly remember that time when I got my for me to tell and share with my future
thigh wounded on an aluminum and I ended kids.
up being chased by my parents because I
refused them to put ‘agua’ on my wound.
Well, I’m still thankful because they
didn’t tell my grandmother about my wound
because if they did, my grandma would’ve
applied ‘sili’ on it.

I was in grade school when I met the

first set of people who, later, became so
important to me. I was on the first grade
when I met the two souls who became my
best friends. And it was on the third
grade when I have my first crush who
luckily, liked me back but later, he
suddenly transferred to a different school
which had a shorter distance away from
CHAPTER FOUR: ADOLESCENCE STAGE OF MY LIFE ‘kawitan’ because she was more matured
than any of us. And the tiniest was
Being a teenager was the most nicknamed as ‘piyyek’. That’s how we
enjoyable yet challengeable part of life. called each other and we were totally fine
This was when I experienced unexpected ups with that. Sadly, our friendship didn’t
and downs of my life. This was when I’ve last long because of me. I left the group
felt so much happiness and then later first because I came back to my old set of
learned how to deal and face small or big friends which I regret later.
problems which have conquered me. This
would be the longest chapter because I The ninth grade of my high school
have a lot to share about my teenage life. life was totally fun! We had a great
teacher and a cozy section. I have no more
I was on my seventh grade when I something to tell but it was the best
first entered RNSAT. I felt happy and school year I ever had.
excited on the first day of school year
especially when I knew that the boy from It was on the tenth grade when I
my grade school life would be on the same first felt depression, not just me but all
section as I am. To cut it short, we liked of us— in different reasons. I started
each other for years but we just ended up being depressed when I didn’t get included
being friends, HAHAHA. as an honor student on the second grading
and the feeling was so unbearable. I am
On the eighth grade, I became a fat. not bragging but I was actually once a
I don’t know what I ate but I seriously valedictorian on the grade school and it
became chubby. I actually have a group of was my first time to get excluded out of
friends and we are all four. I was the list of honor students. It was so
nicknamed as ‘baboy’. One of my friends heart-breaking but I can’t do anything but
who was also as chubby as me was nicknamed to blame myself. I was traumatized but
‘takong’. The other one was nicknamed as proudly speaking, I never taught of doing
any suicidal act like other depressed I actually didn’t deserve the good things
people do. What I did was I just accepted they’re doing for me but I promise to love
the fact that I really didn’t make it to them unconditionally even if we’re not
the list of honor students and I promised blood-related because they’re the only
myself to make it better next time. Being strangers who touched my heart so deep.
an honor student was something to be proud
of but once you aren’t on the list, July, 2019. I am now a Senior High
believe me, it was so painful. After that, student who aspires to become a successful
I took my studies seriously and still person someday. With the hope given by God
became an honor student on the final and the inspiration given by the people
ranking. around me, I will try to pursue my dreams
no matter what!
Despite of being depressed, my high
school life became happy again after I met
those special people who, later, took a
big role in my life. It started when I got
to know someone who became so close to me
and later, invited me to attend a mass on
their church. He was actually an only
child of a ‘pastor’ that’s why I can say
that his family was perfectly nice. His
parents were so kind and hospitable and so
was he. They made efforts to surprise me
whenever there were personal occasions of
mine, they share stories with me, they
invite me to places, and they keep on
showing kindness and generosity towards me,
which I cannot sadly do for them in return.
CHAPTER FIVE: MY FUTURE ADULTHOOD LIFE It may sound exaggerated but I am
just a youth who is dreaming for a
I am still a teenager, which means successful life someday. With the guidance
I’m not yet on this stage. Yet, I want to of God, I will try my best to achieve this
write my desired adulthood life in the dream and make Him and the people around
future. me proud.
Twelve years from now, I will enjoy a
simple yet successful life.

At the age of 27, I will reach all of

my dreams. Maybe someday, you’ll see me
either in a military mission operating
surgeries to the injured soldiers or in a
court defending people. I will repay the
people around me who helped me in my
studies especially my parents. I will save
money and buy a condominium unit for

After I will be able to save enough

money, I’ll marry the man whom I want to
grow old with. We will then promise for an
unending love in the altar of the house of
God (a church). We will build a house in
the Chinese Village in La Trinidad,
Benguet and earn more money for our future

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