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Medical Malpractice Physician-Patient Relationship

- No exact law, BASIS: Civil Code - contractual in nature
“Art. 2176. Whoever by act or omission causes - Implied consent
damage to another, there being fault or negligence, - contract may be oral or written
is obliged to pay for the damage done. Such fault or - inferred from the acts of the parties
negligence, if there is no pre-existing contractual
relation between the parties, is called a quasi-delict The Human Body
and is governed by the provisions of this Chapter.” Anatomic Position - palm face forward

“Art. 2179. When the plaintiff's own negligence was

the immediate and proximate cause of his injury, he
cannot recover damages. But if his negligence was
only contributory, the immediate and proximate
cause of the injury being the defendant's lack of due
care, the plaintiff may recover damages, but the
courts shall mitigate the damages to be awarded”

“Art. 2180. The obligation imposed by Article 2176 is

demandable not only for one's own acts or
omissions, but also for those of persons for whom
one is responsible.
The father and, in case of his death or
incapacity, the mother, are responsible for the
damages caused by the minor children who live in
their company.
Guardians are liable for damages caused by
the minors or incapacitated persons who are under
their authority and live in their company.
The owners and managers of an
establishment or enterprise are likewise responsible
for damages caused by their employees in the service
of the branches in which the latter are employed or
on the occasion of their functions. Head
Employers shall be liable for the damages 1. Parietal - top
caused by their employees and household helpers 2. Frontal - forehead
acting within the scope of their assigned tasks, even 3. Orbit - eyeball
though the former are not engaged in any business 4. Temporal - sides
or industry. 5. Zygomatic area - cheeks
The State is responsible in like manner when 5.1. maxilla - upper teeth
it acts through a special agent; but not when the 5.2. mandible - lower teeth
damage has been caused by the official to whom the *occipital - back (batok)
task done properly pertains, in which case what is 6. Hands
provided in Article 2176 shall be applicable. Fingers = digits
Lastly, teachers or heads of establishments Digit #1 - thumb
of arts and trades shall be liable for damages caused Trunk
by their pupils and students or apprentices, so long 7. Chest Area
as they remain in their custody. 7.1. Anterior - front
The responsibility treated of in this article 7.2. Posterior - back
shall cease when the persons herein mentioned 7.3. Lateral - sides
prove that they observed all the diligence of a good *Number of Ribs - 12
father of a family to prevent damage. Rib #1 - underneath the clavicle
Rib #2 - start counting
Line at the center is your landmark

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8. Abdominal (umbilicus is the landmark) Teresita did not return the next week as
Quadrant advised. However, when her condition persisted, she
went to further consult Dr. Flores at his UDMC clinic.
When Dr. Fredelicto arrived, he did a routine check-
up and ordered Teresita's admission to the hospital.
In the admission slip, he directed the hospital staff to
prepare the patient for an "on call" D&C5 operation
to be performed by his wife, Dr. Felicisima Flores (Dr.
Felicisima). Teresita was brought to her hospital
Back room at around 12 noon; the hospital staff forthwith
Lumbar Area took her blood and urine samples for the laboratory
Upper back/ Lower back tests which Dr. Fredelicto ordered.
On the same day, Teresita was taken to the
Limbs operating room. It was only then that she met Dr.
9. Arm Felicisima, an obstetrician and gynecologist. The two
9.1 .anterior - front doctors - Dr. Felicisima and Dr. Fredelicto, conferred
9.2. posterior - back on the patient's medical condition, while the
9.3. medial - middle resident physician and the medical intern gave Dr.
10. Forearm Felicisima their own briefings. She also interviewed
10.1 .anterior - front and conducted an internal vaginal examination of
10.2. posterior - back the patient which lasted for about 15 minutes. Dr.
10.3. medial - middle Felicisima thereafter called up the laboratory for the
results of the tests. At that time, only the results for
11. Thigh (same as above) the blood sugar (BS), uric acid determination,
12. Leg (same as above) cholesterol determination, and complete blood
13. Foot count (CBC) were available. Teresita's BS count was
Toes = digits 10.67mmol/l7 and her CBC was 109g/l.8
Digit #1 - big toe Based on these preparations, Dr. Felicisima
proceeded with the D&C operation with Dr.
Vital Organs Fredelicto administering the general anesthesia. A
Brain day after the operation, Teresita was subjected to an
Heart ultrasound examination as a confirmatory
Lungs procedure. The results showed that she had an
enlarged uterus and myoma uteri. Dr. Felicisima,
however, advised Teresita that she could spend her
MEDICAL NEGLIGENCE CASES recovery period at home. Still feeling weak, Teresita
opted for hospital confinement. Teresita's complete
1. Sps. Flores vs. Sps. Pineda laboratory examination results came only on that
FACTS: day . Teresita's urinalysis showed a three plus sign
Teresita Pineda consulted Dr. Fredelicto (+++) indicating that the sugar in her urine was very
Flores, regarding her medical condition. She high. She was then placed under the care of Dr.
complained of general body weakness, loss of Amado Jorge, an internist.
appetite, frequent urination and thirst, and on-and- Teresita's condition had worsened. She
off vaginal bleeding. Dr. Fredelicto initially experienced difficulty in breathing and was rushed
interviewed the patient and asked for the history of to the intensive care unit. Further tests confirmed
her monthly period to analyze the probable cause of that she was suffering from Diabetes Mellitus Type
the vaginal bleeding. He advised her to return the II. Insulin was administered on the patient, but the
following week or to go to the United Doctors medication might have arrived too late. Due to
Medical Center (UDMC) in Quezon City for a general complications induced by diabetes, Teresita died.
check-up. As for her other symptoms, he suspected Believing that Teresita's death resulted
that Teresita might be suffering from diabetes and from the negligent handling of her medical needs,
told her to continue her medications. her family (respondents) instituted an action for
damages against Dr. Fredelicto Flores and Dr.

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Felicisima Flores (collectively referred to as the exercised the requisite degree of skill and care in the
petitioner spouses) before the RTC of Nueva Ecija. treatment of his patient is generally a matter of
The RTC ruled in favor of Teresita's family expert opinion.
and awarded actual, moral, and exemplary damages,
plus attorney's fees and costs. The CA affirmed the As previously mentioned, the critical and clinching
judgment, but modified the amount of damages factor in a medical negligence case is proof of the
awarded and deleted the award for attorney's fees causal connection between the negligence which
and costs of suit. the evidence established and the plaintiff's injuries;
the plaintiff must plead and prove not only that he
ISSUE: had been injured and defendant has been at fault,
W/N the doctors were liable through but also that the defendant's fault caused the injury.
negligence for the death of the patient? A verdict in a malpractice action cannot be based on
speculation or conjecture. Causation must be proven
RULING: Yes. Decision of the RTC and CA affirmed. within a reasonable medical probability based upon
RATIO competent expert testimony.

Elements of a Medical Negligence Case In the present case, there was a duty on the part of
the Doctors to exercise the standard of care in
A medical negligence case is a type of claim to performing surgery on a patient with diabetes. There
redress a wrong committed by a medical was a breach of that duty when they decided to
professional, that has caused bodily harm to or the proceed with the D&C operation (raspa),
death of a patient. There are four elements involved notwithstanding Teresita's hyperglycemia and
in a medical negligence case, namely: duty, breach, without adequately preparing her for the procedure.
injury, and proximate causation It contrary to the standards observed by the medical
profession. Deviation from this standard amounted
to a breach of duty which resulted in the patient's
Duty refers to the standard of behavior which
death. Due to this negligent conduct, liability must
imposes restrictions on one's conduct. The standard
attach to the petitioner spouses.
in turn refers to the amount of competence
associated with the proper discharge of the
2. Cruz vs. CA
profession. A physician is expected to use at least
the same level of care that any other reasonably
Lydia Umali was Diagnosed by Dr. Cruz to
competent doctor would use under the same
have a myoma in her uterus and scheduled her for a
circumstances. Breach of duty occurs when the
hysterectomy operation. According to Rowena
physician fails to comply with these professional
(Lydia’s daughter), she noticed that the clinic was
standards. If injury results to the patient as a result
untidy and the window and the floor were very
of this breach, the physician is answerable for
dusty prompting her to ask the attendant for a rag to
wipe the window and the floor with. Because of the
untidy state of the clinic, Rowena tried to persuade
As in any civil action, the burden to prove the her mother not to proceed with the operation. The
existence of the necessary elements rests with the
following day, before her mother was wheeled into
plaintiff. To successfully pursue a claim, the plaintiff
the operating room, Rowena asked Dr. Cruz if the
must prove by preponderance of evidence that operation could be postponed. Dr. Cruz called Lydia
into her office and the two had a conversation. Lydia
1. the physician either failed to do something which then informed Rowena that the petitioner told her
a reasonably prudent health care provider would that she must be operated on as scheduled.
have done, or that he did something that a Rowena and her other relatives, namely her
reasonably prudent provider would not have done; husband, her sister and two aunts waited outside
the operating room while Lydia underwent
2. the failure or action caused injury to the patient. operation. While they were waiting, Dr. Ercillo
(anaesthesiologist) went out of the operating room
Expert testimony is therefore essential since the and instructed them to buy tagamet ampules which
factual issue of whether a physician or surgeon has Rowena's sister immediately bought. About one

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hour had passed when Dr. Ercillo came out again this
time to ask them to buy blood for Lydia. They bought ISSUE:
type "A" blood from the St. Gerald Blood Bank and W/N petitioner's conviction of the crime of
the same was brought by the attendant into the reckless imprudence resulting in homicide, arising
operating room. After the lapse of a few hours, Dr. from an alleged medical malpractice, is supported by
Cruz informed them that the operation was finished. the evidence on record.
The operating staff then went inside the petitioner's
clinic to take their snacks. Some thirty minutes after, RULING:
Lydia was brought out of the operating room in a Petitioner is hereby ACQUITTED of the
stretcher and the petitioner asked Rowena and the crime of reckless imprudence resulting in homicide
other relatives to buy additional blood for Lydia. but is ordered to pay the heirs of the deceased Lydia
Unfortunately, they were not able to comply with Umali the amount of P50,000.00 as civil liability,
petitioner's order as there was no more type "A" P100,000.00 as moral damages, and P50,000.00 as
blood available in the blood bank. Thereafter, a exemplary damages.
person arrived to donate blood which was later
transfused to Lydia. Rowena then noticed her RATIO:
mother, who was attached to an oxygen tank, The elements of reckless imprudence are:
gasping for breath. Apparently the oxygen supply (1) that the offender does or fails to do an act; (2)
had run out and Rowena's husband together with that the doing or the failure to do that act is
the driver of the accused had to go to the San Pablo voluntary; (3) that it be without malice; (4) that
District Hospital to get oxygen. Lydia was given the material damage results from the reckless
fresh supply of oxygen as soon as it arrived. But at imprudence; and (5) that there is inexcusable lack of
around 10:00 o'clock P.M. she went into shock and precaution on the part of the offender, taking into
her blood pressure dropped to 60/50. Lydia's consideration his employment or occupation, degree
unstable condition necessitated her transfer to the of intelligence, physical condition, and other
San Pablo District Hospital so she could be circumstances regarding persons, time and place.
connected to a respirator and further examined. The Whether or not a physician has committed
transfer to the San Pablo District Hospital was an "inexcusable lack of precaution" in the treatment
without the prior consent of Rowena nor of the of his patient is to be determined according to the
other relatives present who found out about the standard of care observed by other members of the
intended transfer only when an ambulance arrived profession in good standing under similar
to take Lydia to the San Pablo District Hospital. circumstances bearing in mind the advanced state of
Rowena and her other relatives then boarded a the profession at the time of treatment or the
tricycle and followed the ambulance. present state of medical science.
Upon Lydia's arrival at the San Pablo District Expert testimony is essential to establish
Hospital, she was wheeled into the operating room not only the standard of care of the profession but
and the petitioner and Dr. Ercillo re-operated on her also that the physician's conduct in the treatment
because there was blood oozing from the abdominal and care falls below such standard. Further,
incision. The attending physicians summoned Dr. inasmuch as the causes of the injuries involved in
Bartolome Angeles, head of the Obstetrics and malpractice actions are determinable only in the
Gynecology Department of the San Pablo District light of scientific knowledge, it has been recognized
Hospital. However, when Dr. Angeles arrived, Lydia that expert testimony is usually necessary to support
was already in shock and possibly dead as her blood the conclusion as to causation.
pressure was already 0/0. Dr. Angeles then informed In order that there may be a recovery for an
petitioner and Dr. Ercillo that there was nothing he injury, however, it must be shown that the "injury
could do to help save the patient. While Dr. Cruz was for which recovery is sought must be the legitimate
closing the abdominal wall, the patient died. Thus, consequence of the wrong done; the connection
on March 24, 1991, at 3:00 o'clock in the morning, between the negligence and the injury must be a
Lydia Umali was pronounced dead. direct and natural sequence of events, unbroken by
Dr. Cruz was charged with reckless intervening efficient causes." In other words, the
imprudence and negligence resulting to homicide. negligence must be the proximate cause of the
The MTC, RTC and CA found Dr. Cruz guilty. Hence injury. For, "negligence, no matter in what it
this petition. consists, cannot create a right of action unless it is

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the proximate cause of the injury complained of ." Dr. Peña told Catherine's parents to bring the child
And "the proximate cause of an injury is that cause, to the hospital in Baclaran so that the child will be
which, in natural and continuous sequence, observed.
unbroken by any efficient intervening cause, At the Baclaran General Hospital, the child
produces the injury, and without which the result was scheduled for operation at 5:00 o'clock in the
would not have occurred." afternoon. The operation took place at 5:45 p.m.
This Court has no recourse but to rely on because Dr. Madrid arrived only at that time.
the expert testimonies rendered by both It has also been established that the
prosecution and defense witnesses that substantiate deceased was not weighed before the
rather than contradict petitioner's allegation that administration of anesthesia on her.
the cause of Lydia's death was DIC which, as attested The operation was finished at 7:00 o'clock
to by an expert witness, cannot be attributed to the in the evening and when the child was brought out
petitioner's fault or negligence. The probability that from the operating room, she was observed to be
Lydia's death was caused by DIC was unrebutted shivering (nanginginig); her heart beat was not
during trial and has engendered in the mind of this normal; she was asleep and did not wake up; she
Court a reasonable doubt as to the petitioner's guilt. was pale; and as if she had difficulty in breathing and
Thus, her acquittal of the crime of reckless Dr. Emilio Madrid suggested that she placed under
imprudence resulting in homicide. While we condole oxygen tank; that oxygen was administered to the
with the family of Lydia Umali, our hands are bound child when she was already in the room.
by the dictates of justice and fair dealing which hold Witness Yolanda Acosta further testified
inviolable the right of an accused to be presumed that shortly before the child was transferred from
innocent until proven guilty beyond reasonable the operating room to her room, she (witness) was
doubt. Nevertheless, this Court finds the petitioner requested by the anesthesiologist to go home and
civilly liable for the death of Lydia Umali, for while a get a blanket.
conviction of a crime requires proof beyond When Catherine remained unconscious
reasonable doubt, only a preponderance of evidence until noontime the next day, a neurologist examined
is required to establish civil liability. her and she was diagnosed as comatose. Three (3)
The petitioner is a doctor in whose hands a days later, Catherine died without regaining
patient puts his life and limb. For insufficiency of consciousness.
evidence this Court was not able to render a The Court of Appeals held that Catherine
sentence of conviction but it is not blind to the had suffered from an overdose of, or an adverse
reckless and imprudent manner in which the reaction to, anesthesia, particularly the arbitrary
petitioner carried out her duties. A precious life has administration of Nubain, a pain killer, without
been lost and the circumstances leading thereto benefit of prior weighing of the patient's body mass,
exacerbated the grief of those left behind. The heirs which weight determines the dosage of Nubain
of the deceased continue to feel the loss of their which can safely be given to a patient. The Court of
mother up to the present time and this Court is Appeals held that this condition triggered off a heart
aware that no amount of compassion and attack as a post-operative complication, depriving
commiseration nor words of bereavement can Catherine's brain of oxygen, leading to the brain's
suffice to assuage the sorrow felt for the loss of a hemorrhage. The Court of Appeals identified such
loved one. Certainly, the award of moral and cardiac arrest as the immediate cause of Catherine's
exemplary damages in favor of the heirs of Lydia death.
Umali are proper in the instant case. The RTC and the CA found that there was criminal
negligence on the part of Dr. Carillo and Dr. Madrid.
3. Carillo vs. Ppl
The deceased, Catherine Acosta, a 13 year W/N the finding of facts of the CA
old girl, daughter of spouses Domingo and Yolanda adequately support the conclusion that both doctors
Acosta, complained to her father of pains in the are guilty of simple negligence which resulted in
lower part of her abdomen. Catherine was then homicide?
brought to Peña. Dra. Peña called for Dr. Madrid and
the latter examined Catherine Acosta. According to RULING:
Dr. Madrid, his findings might be appendicitis. Then Decision of the CA is affirmed.

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By way of resume, in the case at bar, we

RATIO: consider that the chain of circumstances above
The gravamen of the offense of simple negligence is noted, namely: (1) the failure of petitioner and Dr.
the failure to exercise the diligence necessitated or Madrid to appreciate the serious post-surgery
called for the situation which was not immediately condition of their patient and to monitor her
life-destructive but which culminated, in the present condition and provide close patient care to her; (2)
case, in the death of a human being three (3) days the summons of petitioner by Dr. Madrid and the
later. Such failure to exercise the necessary degree cardiologist after the patient's heart attack on the
of care and diligence is a negative ingredient of the very evening that the surgery was completed; (3) the
offense charged. The rule in such cases is that while low level of care and diligence exhibited by
the prosecution must prove the negative ingredient petitioner in failing to correct Dr. Madrid's
of the offense, it needs only to present the best prescription of Nubain for post-operative pain; (4)
evidence procurable under the circumstances, in the extraordinary failure or refusal of petitioner and
order to shift the burden of disproving or countering Dr. Madrid to inform the parents of Catherine Acosta
the proof of the negative ingredient to the accused, of her true condition after surgery, in disregard of
provided that such initial evidence establishes at the requirements of the Code of Medical Ethics; and
least on a prima facie basis the guilt of the accused. (5) the failure of petitioner and Dr. Madrid to prove
This rule is particularly applicable where the that they had in fact exercised the necessary and
negative ingredient of the offense is of such a nature appropriate degree of care and diligence to prevent
or character as, under the circumstances, to be the sudden decline in the condition of Catherine
specially within the knowledge or control of the Acosta and her death three (3) days later, leads the
accused. In the instant case, the Court is bound to Court to the conclusion, with moral certainty, that
observe that the events which occurred during the petitioner and Dr. Madrid were guilty of simple
surgical procedure (including whether or not Nubain negligence resulting in homicide.
had in fact been administered as an anesthesia
immediately before or during the surgery) were 4. Dr. Cantre vs. Sps. Go
peculiarly within the knowledge and control of Dr. FACTS
Carillo and Dr. Madrid. It was, therefore, incumbent Petitioner Dr. Milagros L. Cantre is a
upon the two (2) accused to overturn the prima facie specialist in Obstetrics and Gynecology at the Dr.
case which the prosecution had established, by Jesus Delgado Memorial Hospital. She was the
reciting the measures which they had actually taken attending physician of respondent Nora S. Go. Nora
to prevent or to counter the obviously serious gave birth to her fourth child, a baby boy. However,
condition of Catherine Acosta which was evident after giving birth, Nora suffered profuse bleeding
right after surgery. This they failed or refused to do inside her womb due to some parts of the placenta
so. which were not completely expelled from her womb
Still another circumstance of which account after delivery. Consequently, Nora suffered
must be taken is that both petitioner and Dr. Madrid hypovolemic shock, resulting in a drop in her blood
failed to inform the parents of their minor patient of pressure to "40" over "0." Petitioner and the
the nature of her illness, or to explain to them either assisting resident physician performed various
during the surgery medical procedures to stop the bleeding and to
(if feasible) or at any time after the surgery, the restore Nora’s blood pressure. Her blood pressure
events which comprised the dramatic deterioration was frequently monitored with the use of a
of her condition immediately after surgery as sphygmomanometer. While petitioner was
compared with her pre-surgery condition. To give a massaging Nora’s uterus for it to contract and stop
truthful explanation to the parents was a duty bleeding, she ordered a droplight to warm Nora and
imposed upon them by the canons of their her baby. Nora remained unconscious until she
profession. Petitioner should have explained to recovered.
Catherine's parents the actual circumstances While in the recovery room, her husband,
surrounding Catherine's death, how, in other words, respondent John David Z. Go noticed a fresh gaping
a simple appendectomy procedure upon an wound two and a half (2 ½) by three and a half (3 ½)
ambulatory patient could have led to such fatal inches in the inner portion of her left arm, close to
consequences. the armpit. He asked the nurses what caused the

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injury. He was informed it was a burn. John David notwithstanding, courts face a unique restraint in
filed a request for investigation. In response, Dr. adjudicating medical negligence cases because
Rainerio S. Abad, the medical director of the physicians are not guarantors of care and, they
hospital, called petitioner and the assisting resident never set out to intentionally cause injury to their
physician to explain what happened. Petitioner said patients. However, intent is immaterial in negligence
the blood pressure cuff caused the injury. cases because where negligence exists and is
After that, John David brought Nora to the proven, it automatically gives the injured a right to
National Bureau of Investigation for a physical reparation for the damage caused.
examination, which was conducted by medico-legal In cases involving medical negligence, the
officer Dr. Floresto Arizala, Jr. The medico-legal doctrine of res ipsa loquitur allows the mere
officer later testified that Nora’s injury appeared to existence of an injury to justify a presumption of
be a burn and that a droplight when placed near the negligence on the part of the person who controls
skin for about 10 minutes could cause such burn. He the instrument causing the injury, provided that the
dismissed the likelihood that the wound was caused following requisites concur:
by a blood pressure cuff as the scar was not around 1. The accident is of a kind which ordinarily
the arm, but just on one side of the arm. does not occur in the absence of someone’s
Nora’s injury was referred to a plastic negligence;
surgeon at the Dr. Jesus Delgado Memorial Hospital 2. It is caused by an instrumentality within
for skin grafting. Her wound was covered with skin the exclusive control of the defendant or
sourced from her abdomen, which consequently defendants; and
bore a scar as well. About a year after, scar revision 3. The possibility of contributing conduct
had to be performed at the same hospital. The which would make the plaintiff responsible
surgical operation left a healed linear scar in Nora’s is eliminated.
left arm about three inches in length, the thickest As to the first requirement, the gaping wound on
portion rising about one-fourth (1/4) of an inch from Nora’s arm is certainly not an ordinary occurrence in
the surface of the skin. The costs of the skin grafting the act of delivering a baby, far removed as the arm
and the scar revision were shouldered by the is from the organs involved in the process of giving
hospital. birth. Such injury could not have happened unless
Unfortunately, Nora’s arm would never be negligence had set in somewhere.
the same. Aside from the unsightly mark, the pain in Second, whether the injury was caused by
her left arm remains. When sleeping, she has to the droplight or by the blood pressure cuff is of no
cradle her wounded arm. Her movements now are moment. Both instruments are deemed within the
also restricted. Her children cannot play with the left exclusive control of the physician in charge under
side of her body as they might accidentally bump the the "captain of the ship" doctrine. This doctrine
injured arm, which aches at the slightest touch. holds the surgeon in charge of an operation liable for
Thus, respondent spouses filed a complaint the negligence of his assistants during the time when
for damages in the RTC against petitioner, Dr. Abad, those assistants are under the surgeon’s control. In
and the hospital. The RTC ruled in favor of the this particular case, it can be logically inferred that
Spouses Go and on appeal, the CA affirmed the petitioner, the senior consultant in charge during the
decision of the RTC with modifications. delivery of Nora’s baby, exercised control over the
assistants assigned to both the use of the droplight
ISSUE and the taking of Nora’s blood pressure. Hence, the
W/N petitioner is liable for the injury use of the droplight and the blood pressure cuff is
suffered by respondent? also within petitioner’s exclusive control.
Third, the gaping wound on Nora’s left arm,
RULING: by its very nature and considering her condition,
Petition Denied. Ruling of the CA affirmed. could only be caused by something external to her
and outside her control as she was unconscious
RATIO while in hypovolemic shock. Hence, Nora could not,
The Hippocratic Oath mandates physicians by any stretch of the imagination, have contributed
to give primordial consideration to the well-being of to her own injury.
their patients. If a doctor fails to live up to this Petitioner’s defense that Nora’s wound was
precept, he is accountable for his acts. This caused not by the droplight but by the constant

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taking of her blood pressure, even if the latter was and on that same day she paid Dr. Batiquin, thru the
necessary given her condition, does not absolve her latter's secretary, the amount of P1,500.00 as
from liability. As testified to by the medico-legal "professional fee". . . .
officer, Dr. Arizala, Jr., the medical practice is to Soon after leaving the Hospital Mrs. Villegas
deflate the blood pressure cuff immediately after began to suffer abdominal pains and complained of
each use. Otherwise, the inflated band can cause being feverish. She also gradually lost her appetite,
injury to the patient similar to what could have so she consulted Dr. Batiquin at the latter's polyclinic
happened in this case. Thus, if Nora’s wound was who prescribed for her certain medicines which she
caused by the blood pressure cuff, then the taking of had been taking up to December, 1988.
Nora’s blood pressure must have been done so In the meantime, Mrs. Villegas was given a
negligently as to have inflicted a gaping wound on Medical Certificate by Dr. Batiquin on October 31,
her arm, for which petitioner cannot escape liability 1988. . . certifying to her physical fitness to return to
under the "captain of the ship" doctrine. her work on November 7, 1988. So, on the second
Further, petitioner’s argument that the failed plastic week of November, 1988 Mrs. Villegas returned to
surgery was not intended as a cosmetic procedure, her work at the Rural Bank of Ayungon, Negros
but rather as a measure to prevent complication Oriental.
does not help her case. It does not negate The abdominal pains and fever kept on
negligence on her part. recurring and bothered Mrs. Villegas no end despite
Based on the foregoing, the presumption the medications administered by Dr. Batiquin. When
that petitioner was negligent in the exercise of her the pains became unbearable and she was rapidly
profession stands unrebutted. In this connection, the losing weight she consulted Dr. Ma. Salud Kho at the
Civil Code provides: Holy Child's Hospital in Dumaguete City on January
ART. 2176. Whoever by act or omission causes 20, 1989.
damage to another, there being fault or negligence, The evidence of Plaintiffs show that when
is obliged to pay for the damage done.… Dr. Ma. Salud Kho examined Mrs. Villegas at the Holy
ART. 2217. Moral damages include physical Child's Hospital on January 20, 1989 she found Mrs.
suffering, mental anguish, fright, serious anxiety, Villegas to be feverish, pale and was breathing fast.
besmirched reputation, wounded feelings, moral Upon examination she felt an abdominal mass one
shock, social humiliation, and similar injury. Though finger below the umbilicus which she suspected to
incapable of pecuniary computation, moral damages be either a tumor of the uterus or an ovarian cyst,
may be recovered if they are the proximate result of either of which could be cancerous. She had an x-ray
the defendant’s wrongful act or omission. taken of Mrs. Villegas' chest, abdomen and kidney.
Clearly, under the law, petitioner is obliged She also took blood tests of Plaintiff. A blood count
to pay Nora for moral damages suffered by the latter showed that Mrs. Villegas had an infection inside her
as a proximate result of petitioner’s negligence. abdominal cavity. The results of all those
examinations impelled Dr. Kho to suggest that Mrs.
5. Batiquin vs. CA Villegas submit to another surgery to which the
FACTS latter agreed.
Mrs. Villegas is a married woman who When Dr. Kho opened the abdomen of Mrs.
submitted to Dr. Batiquin for prenatal care as the Villegas she found whitish-yellow discharge inside,
latter's private patient. an ovarian cyst on each of the left and right ovaries
Dr. Batiquin, with the assistance of Dr. Doris which gave out pus, dirt and pus behind the uterus,
Teresita Sy who was also a Resident Physician at the and a piece of rubber material on the right side of
same Hospital, C.I. and O.R. Nurse Arlene Diones and the uterus embedded on the ovarian cyst, 2 inches
some student nurses performed a simple caesarean by 3/4 inch in size. This piece of rubber material
section on Mrs. Villegas at the Negros Oriental which Dr. Kho described as a "foreign body" looked
Provincial Hospital and after 45 minutes Mrs. like a piece of a "rubber glove". . . and which is also
Villegas delivered her first child, Rachel Acogido, at "rubber-drain like". . . . It could have been a torn
about 11:45 that morning. Thereafter, Plaintiff section of a surgeon's gloves or could have come
remained confined at the Hospital until September from other sources. And this foreign body was the
27, 1988 during which period of confinement she cause of the infection of the ovaries and
was regularly visited by Dr. Batiquin. On September consequently of all the discomfort suffered by Mrs.
28, 1988 Mrs. Villegas checked out of the Hospital. . . Villegas after her delivery on September 21, 1988.

*use at your own risk*

The trial court ruled in favor of Dr. Batiquin foreign object finding its way into private
dismissing the complaint, while the CA reversed this respondent Villegas's body, which, needless to say,
decision holding Dr. Batiquin liable. does not occur unless through the intersection of
negligence. Second, since aside from the caesarean
ISSUE section, private respondent Villegas underwent no
W/N the CA committed grave abuse of other operation which could have caused the
discretion by resorting to findings of fact not offending piece of rubber to appear in her uterus, it
supported by the evidence on record? stands to reason that such could only have been a
by-product of the caesarean section performed by
RULING Dr. Batiquin. The petitioners, in this regard, failed to
Ruling of the CA is affirmed overcome the presumption of negligence arising
from resort to the doctrine of res ipsa loquitur. Dr.
RATIO: Batiquin is therefore liable for negligently leaving
Considering that we have assessed Dr. Kho behind a piece of rubber in private respondent
to be a credible witness, her positive testimony [that Villegas's abdomen and for all the adverse effects
a piece of rubber was indeed found in private thereof.
respondent Villega's abdomen] prevails over the
negative testimony in favor of the petitioners. 6. Lasam v. Ramolete
As such, the rule of res ipsa loquitur comes FACTS
to fore. This Court has had occasion to delve into the Three months pregnant Editha Ramolete
nature and operation of this doctrine: was brought to the Lorma Medical Center (LMC) in
This doctrine [res ipsa loquitur] is San Fernando, La Union due to vaginal bleeding.
stated thus: "Where the thing which causes injury is Upon advice of petitioner relayed via telephone,
shown to be under the management of the Editha was admitted to the LMC on the same day. A
defendant, and the accident is such as in the pelvic sonogram was then conducted on Editha
ordinary course of things does not happen in those revealing the fetus’ weak cardiac pulsation. The
who have the management use proper care, it following day, Editha’s repeat pelvic sonogram
affords reasonable evidence, in the absence of an showed that aside from the fetus’ weak cardiac
explanation by the defendant, that the accident pulsation, no fetal movement was also appreciated.
arose from want of care." Due to persistent and profuse vaginal bleeding,
The doctrine of res ipsa loquitur as a rule of petitioner advised Editha to undergo a Dilatation and
evidence is peculiar to the law of negligence which Curettage Procedure (D&C) or "raspa."
recognizes that prima facie negligence may be Petitioner performed the D&C procedure.
established without direct proof and furnishes a Editha was discharged from the hospital the
substitute for specific proof of negligence. The following day.
doctrine is not a rule of substantive law, but merely After one month and a half, Editha was
a mode of proof or a mere procedural convenience. once again brought at the LMC, as she was suffering
The rule, when applicable to the facts and from vomiting and severe abdominal pains. Editha
circumstances of a particular case, is not intended to was attended by Dr. Beatriz de la Cruz, Dr. Victor B.
and does not dispense with the requirement of Mayo and Dr. Juan V. Komiya. Dr. Mayo allegedly
proof of culpable negligence on the party charged. It informed Editha that there was a dead fetus in the
merely determines and regulates what shall be latter’s womb. After, Editha underwent laparotomy,
prima facie evidence thereof and facilitates the she was found to have a massive intra-abdominal
burden of plaintiff of proving a breach of the duty of hemorrhage and a ruptured uterus. Thus, Editha had
due care. The doctrine can be invoked when and to undergo a procedure for hysterectomy and as a
only when, under the circumstances involved, direct result, she has no more chance to bear a child.
evidence is absent and not readily available. Editha and her husband Claro Ramolete
In the instant case, all the requisites for (respondents) filed a Complaint for Gross Negligence
recourse to the doctrine are present. First, the entire and Malpractice against petitioner before the
proceedings of the caesarean section were under Professional Regulations Commission (PRC).
the exclusive control of Dr. Batiquin. In this light, the Respondents alleged that Editha’s
private respondents were bereft of direct evidence hysterectomy was caused by petitioner’s
as to the actual culprit or the exact cause of the unmitigated negligence and professional

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incompetence in conducting the D&C procedure and upon the CA exclusive appellate jurisdiction over
the petitioner’s failure to remove the fetus inside appeals from decisions of the PRC. The Court held:
Editha’s womb. Among the alleged acts of
negligence were: first, petitioner’s failure to check The law has since been changed, however,
up, visit or administer medication on Editha during at least in the matter of the particular court
her first day of confinement at the LMC; second, to which appeals from the Commission
petitioner recommended that a D&C procedure be should be taken. On August 14, 1981, Batas
performed on Editha without conducting any Pambansa Bilang 129 became effective and
internal examination prior to the procedure; third, in its Section 29, conferred on the Court of
petitioner immediately suggested a D&C procedure Appeals "exclusive appellate jurisdiction
instead of closely monitoring the state of pregnancy over all final judgments, decisions,
of Editha. resolutions, orders or awards of Regional
Trial Courts and quasi-judicial agencies,
The Board of Medicine of PRC exonerated instrumentalities, boards or commissions
Dr. Lasam from the charges filed against her. On except those falling under the appellate
appeal to the PRC, the decision of the Board of jurisdiction of the Supreme Court. x x x." In
Medicine was reversed and the license of Dr. Lasam virtue of BP 129, appeals from the
was revoked. Dr. Lasam then appealed the decision Professional Regulations Commission are
of the PRC to the CA under Rule 43. now exclusively cognizable by the Court of
1. W/N the petition to the CA was Clearly, the enactment of B.P. Blg. 129, the
erroneous, as PRC is not included in the list of the precursor of the present Rules of Civil Procedure,
quasi-judicial agencies whose decision can be lodged with the CA such jurisdiction over the appeals
appealed to the CA? of decisions made by the PRC.
2. W/N an expert witness is needed to
support and establish the medical negligence case
2. Medical malpractice is a particular form
that was filed against Dr.Lasam?
of negligence which consists in the failure of a
physician or surgeon to apply to his practice of
medicine that degree of care and skill which is
Petition is granted. The decision of the
ordinarily employed by the profession generally,
Board of Medicine is reinstated.
under similar conditions, and in like surrounding
circumstances. In order to successfully pursue such a
claim, a patient must prove that the physician or
surgeon either failed to do something which a
reasonably prudent physician or surgeon would not
1.Indeed, the PRC is not expressly have done, and that the failure or action caused
mentioned as one of the agencies which are injury to the patient.
expressly enumerated under Section 1, Rule 43 of There are four elements involved in medical
the Rules of Court. However, its absence from the negligence cases: duty, breach, injury and proximate
enumeration does not, by this fact alone, imply its causation.
exclusion from the coverage of said Rule. The Rule A physician-patient relationship was
expressly provides that it should be applied to created when Editha employed the services of the
appeals from awards, judgments final orders or petitioner. As Editha’s physician, petitioner was
resolutions of any quasi-judicial agency in the duty-bound to use at least the same level of care
exercise of its quasi-judicial functions. The phrase that any reasonably competent doctor would use to
"among these agencies" confirms that the treat a condition under the same circumstances. The
enumeration made in the Rule is not exclusive to the breach of these professional duties of skill and care,
agencies therein listed. or their improper performance by a physician
surgeon, whereby the patient is injured in body or in
Specifically, the Court, in Yang v. Court of Appeals, health, constitutes actionable malpractice. As to this
ruled that Batas Pambansa (B.P.) Blg. 129 conferred aspect of medical malpractice, the determination of

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the reasonable level of care and the breach thereof, Contributory negligence is the act or
expert testimony is essential. Further, inasmuch as omission amounting to want of ordinary care on the
the causes of the injuries involved in malpractice part of the person injured, which, concurring with
actions are determinable only in the light of scientific the defendant’s negligence, is the proximate cause
knowledge, it has been recognized that expert of the injury. Difficulty seems to be apprehended in
testimony is usually necessary to support the deciding which acts of the injured party shall be
conclusion as to causation. considered immediate causes of the accident. Where
In the present case, respondents did not the immediate cause of an accident resulting in an
present any expert testimony to support their claim injury is the plaintiff’s own act, which contributed to
that petitioner failed to do something which a the principal occurrence as one of its determining
reasonably prudent physician or surgeon would have factors, he cannot recover damages for the injury.
done. Again, based on the evidence presented in the
Petitioner, on the other hand, presented present case under review, in which no negligence
the testimony of Dr. Augusto M. Manalo, who was can be attributed to the petitioner, the immediate
clearly an expert on the subject. cause of the accident resulting in Editha’s injury
Generally, to qualify as an expert witness, was her own omission when she did not return for
one must have acquired special knowledge of the a follow-up check up, in defiance of petitioner’s
subject matter about which he or she is to testify, orders. The immediate cause of Editha’s injury was
either by the study of recognized authorities on the her own act; thus, she cannot recover damages
subject or by practical experience. from the injury.
Dr. Manalo specializes in gynecology and
obstetrics, authored and co-authored various
publications on the subject, and is a professor at the 7. Nogales vs. Capitol Medical Center
University of the Philippines. According to him, his FACTS
diagnosis of Editha’s case was "Ectopic Pregnancy Pregnant with her fourth child, Corazon
Interstitial (also referred to as Cornual), Ruptured." Nogales was under the exclusive prenatal care of Dr.
In stating that the D&C procedure was not the Estrada beginning on her fourth month of
proximate cause of the rupture of Editha’s uterus pregnancy. While Corazon was on her last trimester
resulting in her hysterectomy, of pregnancy, Dr. Estrada noted an increase in her
From the foregoing testimony, it is clear blood pressure and development of leg edema
that the D&C procedure was conducted in indicating preeclampsia, which is a dangerous
accordance with the standard practice, with the complication of pregnancy.
same level of care that any reasonably competent Around midnight of 25 May 1976, Corazon
doctor would use to treat a condition under the started to experience mild labor pains prompting
same circumstances, and that there was nothing Spouses Nogales to see Dr. Estrada at his home.
irregular in the way the petitioner dealt with Editha. After examining Corazon, Dr. Estrada advised her
It is undisputed that Editha did not return immediate admission to the Capitol Medical Center.
for a follow-up evaluation, in defiance of the Corazon was admitted at 2:30 a.m. at the
petitioner’s advise. Editha omitted the diligence CMC after the staff nurse noted the written
required by the circumstances which could have admission request of Dr. Estrada. Upon Corazon's
avoided the injury. The omission in not returning for admission at the CMC, Rogelio Nogales executed and
a follow-up evaluation played a substantial part in signed the "Consent on Admission and Agreement"
bringing about Editha’s own injury. Had Editha and "Admission Agreement." Corazon was then
returned, petitioner could have conducted the brought to the labor room of the CMC.
proper medical tests and procedure necessary to Dr. Uy, who was then a resident physician
determine Editha’s health condition and applied the of CMC, conducted an internal examination of
corresponding treatment which could have Corazon. Dr. Uy then called up Dr. Estrada to notify
prevented the rupture of Editha’s uterus. The D&C him of her findings.
procedure having been conducted in accordance Based on the Doctor's Order Sheet, around
with the standard medical practice, it is clear that 3:00 a.m., Dr. Estrada ordered for 10 mg. of valium
Editha’s omission was the proximate cause of her to be administered immediately by intramuscular
own injury and not merely a contributory negligence injection. Dr. Estrada later ordered the start of
on her part. intravenous administration of syntocinon admixed

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with dextrose, 5%, in lactated Ringers' solution, at Petitioners filed a complaint for damages
the rate of eight to ten micro-drops per minute. with the RTC against all the doctors including Capitol
According to the Nurse's Observation Medical Center. The Trial court ruled that Dr. Estrada
Notes, Dr. Enriquez, an anesthesiologist at CMC, was was the one solely liable. The petitioners (Nogales)
notified at 4:15 a.m. of Corazon's admission. appealed the decision of the RTC, contending that all
Subsequently, when asked if he needed the services the physicians should be equally liable for
of an anesthesiologist, Dr. Estrada refused. Despite negligence. The CA affirmed the decision of the RTC.
Dr. Estrada's refusal, Dr. Enriquez stayed to observe Hence this petition.
Corazon's condition.
At 6:00 a.m., Corazon was transferred to ISSUE:
Delivery Room No. 1 of the CMC. At 6:10 a.m., W/N CMC is vicariously liable for the
Corazon's bag of water ruptured spontaneously. At negligence of Dr. Estrada?
6:12 a.m., Corazon's cervix was fully dilated. At 6:13
a.m., Corazon started to experience convulsions. HELD:
At 6:15 a.m., Dr. Estrada ordered the Petition partly granted. CMC is held
injection of ten grams of magnesium sulfate. vicariously liable with Dr. Estrada.
However, Dr. Villaflor, who was assisting Dr. Estrada,
administered only 2.5 grams of magnesium sulfate. RATIO:
At 6:22 a.m., Dr. Estrada, assisted by Dr. In general, a hospital is not liable for the
Villaflor, applied low forceps to extract Corazon's negligence of an independent contractor-physician.
baby. In the process, a 1.0 x 2.5 cm. piece of cervical There is, however, an exception to this principle. The
tissue was allegedly torn. The baby came out in an hospital may be liable if the physician is the
apnic, cyanotic, weak and injured condition. "ostensible" agent of the hospital. This exception is
Consequently, the baby had to be intubated and also known as the "doctrine of apparent authority."
resuscitated by Dr. Enriquez and Dr. Payumo. In Gilbert v. Sycamore Municipal Hospital, the Illinois
At 6:27 a.m., Corazon began to manifest Supreme Court explained the doctrine of apparent
moderate vaginal bleeding which rapidly became authority in this wise:
profuse. Corazon's blood pressure dropped from [U]nder the doctrine of apparent authority
130/80 to 60/40 within five minutes. There was a hospital can be held vicariously liable for
continuous profuse vaginal bleeding. The assisting the negligent acts of a physician providing
nurse administered hemacel through a gauge 19 care at the hospital, regardless of whether
needle as a side drip to the ongoing intravenous the physician is an independent contractor,
injection of dextrose. unless the patient knows, or should have
At 7:45 a.m., Dr. Estrada ordered blood known, that the physician is an
typing and cross matching with bottled blood. It took independent contractor. The elements of
approximately 30 minutes for the CMC laboratory, the action have been set out as follows:
headed by Dr. Lacson, to comply with Dr. Estrada's "For a hospital to be liable under the
order and deliver the blood. doctrine of apparent authority, a plaintiff
At 8:00 a.m., Dr. Espinola, head of the must show that: (1) the hospital, or its
Obstetrics-Gynecology Department of the CMC, was agent, acted in a manner that would lead a
apprised of Corazon's condition by telephone. Upon reasonable person to conclude that the
being informed that Corazon was bleeding profusely, individual who was alleged to be negligent
Dr. Espinola ordered immediate hysterectomy. was an employee or agent of the hospital;
Rogelio was made to sign a "Consent to Operation." (2) where the acts of the agent create the
Due to the inclement weather then, Dr. appearance of authority, the plaintiff must
Espinola, who was fetched from his residence by an also prove that the hospital had knowledge
ambulance, arrived at the CMC about an hour later of and acquiesced in them; and (3) the
or at 9:00 a.m. He examined the patient and ordered plaintiff acted in reliance upon the conduct
some resuscitative measures to be administered. of the hospital or its agent, consistent with
Despite Dr. Espinola's efforts, Corazon died at 9:15 ordinary care and prudence."
a.m. The cause of death was "hemorrhage, post The element of "holding out" on the part of
partum." the hospital does not require an express
representation by the hospital that the

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person alleged to be negligent is an complications of "unknown cause," according to

employee. Rather, the element is satisfied if officials of the UST Hospital.
the hospital holds itself out as a provider of Not satisfied with the findings of the
emergency room care without informing hospital, petitioner requested the National Bureau
the patient that the care is provided by of Investigation (NBI) to conduct an autopsy on her
independent contractors. husband's body. Consequently, the NBI ruled that
The element of justifiable reliance on the Florencio's death was due to lack of care by the
part of the plaintiff is satisfied if the plaintiff attending physician in administering anaesthesia.
relies upon the hospital to provide Pursuant to its findings, the NBI recommended that
complete emergency room care, rather Dr. Domingo Antonio and Dr. Erlinda Balatbat-Reyes
than upon a specific physician. be charged for Homicide through Reckless
The doctrine of apparent authority Imprudence before the Office of the City Prosecutor.
essentially involves two factors to determine the (Here comes the Ping-Pong Match which
liability of an independent-contractor physician. included 9 prosecutors.)
The first factor focuses on the hospital's After the Ping-Pong, the City Prosecutor
manifestations and is sometimes described as an exonerated the doctors from any wrongdoing.
inquiry whether the hospital acted in a manner Leonila was so badtrip she decided to file Graft
which would lead a reasonable person to conclude charges against all the prosecutors who took part in
that the individual who was alleged to be negligent the Ping-Pong match. The Ombudsman dismissed
was an employee or agent of the hospital. In this the complaint for lack of evidence. So, because
regard, the hospital need not make express Leonila was badtrip again, she filed a petition in the
representations to the patient that the treating SC under Rule 65.
physician is an employee of the hospital; rather a
representation may be general and implied. ISSUE:
The doctrine of apparent authority is a May the SC review the findings of the
species of the doctrine of estoppel. Article 1431 of Ombudsman?
the Civil Code provides that "[t]hrough estoppel, an
admission or representation is rendered conclusive HELD:
upon the person making it, and cannot be denied or They do not have the GALACTIC POWER.
disproved as against the person relying thereon." RATIO:
Estoppel rests on this rule: "Whenever a party has,
by his own declaration, act, or omission, The general rule has been enunciated in
intentionally and deliberately led another to believe Ocampo v. Ombudsman which states:
a particular thing true, and to act upon such belief, In the exercise of its investigative
he cannot, in any litigation arising out of such power, this Court has consistently
declaration, act or omission, be permitted to falsify held that courts will not interfere
it." with the discretion of the fiscal or
In the instant case, CMC impliedly held out the Ombudsman to determine the
Dr. Estrada as a member of its medical staff. Through specificity and adequacy of the
CMC's acts, CMC clothed Dr. Estrada with apparent averments of the offense charged.
authority thereby leading the Spouses Nogales to He may dismiss the complaint
believe that Dr. Estrada was an employee or agent of forthwith if he finds it to be
CMC. CMC cannot now repudiate such authority. insufficient in form and substance
or if he otherwise finds no ground
8. Garcia-Rueda vs. Pascasio to continue with the inquiry; or he
FACTS: may proceed with the investigation
Florencio V. Rueda, husband of petitioner of the complaint if, in his view, it is
Leonila Garcia-Rueda, underwent surgical operation in due and proper form.
at the UST hospital for the removal of a stone To our mind, the better and more logical remedy
blocking his ureter. He was attended by Dr. Domingo under the circumstances would have been to appeal
Antonio, Jr. who was the surgeon, while Dr. Erlinda the resolution of the City Prosecutors dismissing the
Balatbat-Reyes was the anaesthesiologist. Six hours criminal complaint to the Secretary of Justice under
after the surgery, however, Florencio died of the Department of Justice's Order No. 223,

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otherwise known as the "1993 Revised Rules on "announced to surgeon searched (sic) done but to
Appeals From Resolutions In Preliminary no avail continue for closure."
Investigations/Reinvestigations," as amended by On April 24, 1984, Natividad was released
Department Order No. 359, Section 1 of which from the hospital. Her hospital and medical bills,
provides: including the doctors’ fees, amounted to P60,000.00.
Sec. 1. What May Be Appealed. — After a couple of days, Natividad
Only resolutions of the Chief State complained of excruciating pain in her anal region.
Prosecutor/Regional State She consulted both Dr. Ampil and Dr. Fuentes about
Prosecutor/Provincial or City it. They told her that the pain was the natural
Prosecutor dismissing a criminal consequence of the surgery. Dr. Ampil then
complaint may be the subject of an recommended that she consult an oncologist to
appeal to the Secretary of Justice examine the cancerous nodes which were not
except as otherwise provided in removed during the operation.
Section 4 hereof. On May 9, 1984, Natividad, accompanied by
What action may the Secretary of Justice take on the her husband, went to the United States to seek
appeal? Section 9 of Order No. 223 states: "The further treatment. After four months of
Secretary of Justice may reverse, affirm or modify consultations and laboratory examinations,
the appealed resolution." On the other hand, "He Natividad was told she was free of cancer. Hence,
may motu proprio or on motion of the appellee, she was advised to return to the Philippines.
dismiss outright the appeal on specified grounds." On August 31, 1984, Natividad flew back to
In exercising his discretion under the circumstances, the Philippines, still suffering from pains. Two weeks
the Ombudsman acted within his power and thereafter, her daughter found a piece of gauze
authority in dismissing the complaint against the protruding from her vagina. Upon being informed
Prosecutors and this Court will not interfere with the about it, Dr. Ampil proceeded to her house where he
same. managed to extract by hand a piece of gauze
measuring 1.5 inches in width. He then assured her
9. Professional Services Inc. vs. Agana that the pains would soon vanish.
FACTS Dr. Ampil’s assurance did not come true.
On April 4, 1984, Natividad Agana was Instead, the pains intensified, prompting Natividad
rushed to the Medical City General Hospital because to seek treatment at the Polymedic General
of difficulty of bowel movement and bloody anal Hospital. While confined there, Dr. Ramon Gutierrez
discharge. After a series of medical examinations, Dr. detected the presence of another foreign object in
Miguel Ampil, petitioner in G.R. No. 127590, her vagina -- a foul-smelling gauze measuring 1.5
diagnosed her to be suffering from "cancer of the inches in width which badly infected her vaginal
sigmoid." vault. A recto-vaginal fistula had formed in her
On April 11, 1984, Dr. Ampil, assisted by the reproductive organs which forced stool to excrete
medical staff of the Medical City Hospital, performed through the vagina. Another surgical operation was
an anterior resection surgery on Natividad. He found needed to remedy the damage. Thus, in October
that the malignancy in her sigmoid area had spread 1984, Natividad underwent another surgery.
on her left ovary, necessitating the removal of On November 12, 1984, Natividad and her
certain portions of it. Thus, Dr. Ampil obtained the husband filed with the RTC a complaint for damages
consent of Natividad’s husband, Enrique Agana, to against the Professional Services, Inc. (PSI), owner of
permit Dr. Juan Fuentes, respondent in G.R. No. the Medical City Hospital, Dr. Ampil, and Dr.
126467, to perform hysterectomy on her. Fuentes. They alleged that the latter are liable for
After Dr. Fuentes had completed the negligence for leaving two pieces of gauze inside
hysterectomy, Dr. Ampil took over, completed the Natividad’s body and malpractice for concealing
operation and closed the incision. their acts of negligence.
However, the operation appeared to be Meanwhile, Enrique Agana also filed with
flawed. In the corresponding Record of Operation the Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) an
dated April 11, 1984, the attending nurses entered administrative complaint for gross negligence and
these remarks: malpractice against Dr. Ampil and Dr. Fuentes.
"sponge count lacking 2 The RTC rendered its Decision in favor of
the Aganas, finding PSI, Dr. Ampil and Dr. Fuentes

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liable for negligence and malpractice. Aggrieved, PSI, hospital may be held directly liable to the patient for
Dr. Fuentes and Dr. Ampil interposed an appeal to its own negligence or failure to follow established
the Court of Appeals. The CA ruled that only Dr. standard of conduct to which it should conform as a
Ampil should be held liable and he should reimburse corporation.
PSI for whatever the latter had paid or is going to Nonetheless, to allay the anxiety of the
pay the Aganas. intervenors, the Court holds that, in this particular
instance, the concurrent finding of the RTC and the
ISSUE: CA that PSI was not the employer of Dr. Ampil is
1. W/N the CA erred in ruling that only Dr. correct. Control as a determinative factor in testing
Ampil is liable. the employer-employee relationship between doctor
2. W/N PSI as owner of the Hospital should and hospital under which the hospital could be held
also be held liable. vicariously liable to a patient in medical negligence
cases is a requisite fact to be established by
HELD: preponderance of evidence. Here, there was
Petition Denied. Professional Services, Inc. insufficient evidence that PSI exercised the power of
is ORDERED pro hac vice to pay and Enrique Agana control or wielded such power over the means and
the total amount of P15 million, subject to 12% p.a. the details of the specific process by which Dr. Ampil
interest from the finality of this resolution to full applied his skills in the treatment of Natividad.
satisfaction. Consequently, PSI cannot be held vicariously liable
for the negligence of Dr. Ampil under the principle of
RATIO: respondeat superior.
After gathering its thoughts on the issues, There is, however, ample evidence that the
this Court holds that PSI is liable to the Aganas, not hospital (PSI) held out to the patient (Natividad) that
under the principle of respondeat superior for lack of the doctor (Dr. Ampil) was its agent. Present are the
evidence of an employment relationship with Dr. two factors that determine apparent authority: first,
Ampil but under the principle of ostensible agency the hospital's implied manifestation to the patient
for the negligence of Dr. Ampil and, pro hac vice, which led the latter to conclude that the doctor was
under the principle of corporate negligence for its the hospital's agent; and second, the patient’s
failure to perform its duties as a hospital. reliance upon the conduct of the hospital and the
While in theory a hospital as a juridical doctor, consistent with ordinary care and prudence.
entity cannot practice medicine, in reality it utilizes To begin with, PSI could not simply wave off
doctors, surgeons and medical practitioners in the the problem and nonchalantly delegate to Dr. Ampil
conduct of its business of facilitating medical and the duty to review what transpired during the
surgical treatment. Within that reality, three legal operation. The purpose of such review would have
relationships crisscross: (1) between the hospital and been to pinpoint when, how and by whom two
the doctor practicing within its premises; (2) surgical gauzes were mislaid so that necessary
between the hospital and the patient being treated remedial measures could be taken to avert any
or examined within its premises and (3) between the jeopardy to Natividad’s recovery. Certainly, PSI could
patient and the doctor. The exact nature of each not have expected that purpose to be achieved by
relationship determines the basis and extent of the merely hoping that the person likely to have mislaid
liability of the hospital for the negligence of the the gauzes might be able to retrace his own steps. By
doctor. its own standard of corporate conduct, PSI's duty to
Where an employment relationship exists, initiate the review was non-delegable.
the hospital may be held vicariously liable under While Dr. Ampil may have had the primary
Article 2176 in relation to Article 2180 of the Civil responsibility of notifying Natividad about the
Code or the principle of respondeat superior. Even missing gauzes, PSI imposed upon itself the separate
when no employment relationship exists but it is and independent responsibility of initiating the
shown that the hospital holds out to the patient that inquiry into the missing gauzes. The purpose of the
the doctor is its agent, the hospital may still be first would have been to apprise Natividad of what
vicariously liable under Article 2176 in relation to transpired during her surgery, while the purpose of
Article 1431 and Article 1869 of the Civil Code or the the second would have been to pinpoint any lapse in
principle of apparent authority. Moreover, procedure that led to the gauze count discrepancy,
regardless of its relationship with the doctor, the so as to prevent a recurrence thereof and to

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determine corrective measures that would ensure hemmed and hawed at every turn, disowning any
the safety of Natividad. That Dr. Ampil negligently such responsibility to its patient. Meanwhile, the
failed to notify Natividad did not release PSI from its options left to the Aganas have all but dwindled, for
self-imposed separate responsibility. the status of Dr. Ampil can no longer be ascertained.
Corollary to its non-delegable undertaking
to review potential incidents of negligence Disclaimer: Guys, sensha na… I cannot go on… last
committed within its premises, PSI had the duty to case na lang naman… Kayo na bahala… hehehe…
take notice of medical records prepared by its own GOD BLESS US!!! ;)
staff and submitted to its custody, especially when
these bear earmarks of a surgery gone awry. Thus,
the record taken during the operation of Natividad
which reported a gauze count discrepancy should
have given PSI sufficient reason to initiate a review.
It should not have waited for Natividad to complain.
As it happened, PSI took no heed of the
record of operation and consequently did not initiate
a review of what transpired during Natividad’s
operation. Rather, it shirked its responsibility and
passed it on to others – to Dr. Ampil whom it
expected to inform Natividad, and to Natividad
herself to complain before it took any meaningful
step. By its inaction, therefore, PSI failed its own
standard of hospital care. It committed corporate
It should be borne in mind that the
corporate negligence ascribed to PSI is different
from the medical negligence attributed to Dr. Ampil.
The duties of the hospital are distinct from those of
the doctor-consultant practicing within its premises
in relation to the patient; hence, the failure of PSI to
fulfill its duties as a hospital corporation gave rise to
a direct liability to the Aganas distinct from that of
Dr. Ampil.
All this notwithstanding, we make it clear
that PSI’s hospital liability based on ostensible
agency and corporate negligence applies only to this
case, pro hac vice. It is not intended to set a
precedent and should not serve as a basis to hold
hospitals liable for every form of negligence of their
doctors-consultants under any and all circumstances.
The ruling is unique to this case, for the liability of
PSI arose from an implied agency with Dr. Ampil and
an admitted corporate duty to Natividad.
Other circumstances peculiar to this case
warrant this ruling, not the least of which being that
the agony wrought upon the Aganas has gone on for
26 long years, with Natividad coming to the end of
her days racked in pain and agony. Such
wretchedness could have been avoided had PSI
simply done what was logical: heed the report of a
guaze count discrepancy, initiate a review of what
went wrong and take corrective measures to ensure
the safety of Nativad. Rather, for 26 years, PSI

*use at your own risk*

Injuries Dead Body

Stab wound – caused by a knife; sharp/pointed edge *to document death in a hospital setting, ECG (flat
Puncture wound – caused by an icepick; pointed line) is always performed
Hack wound – caused by a “bolo” or “itak” Changes:
INCISED WOUND LACERATED WOUND *will remain almost the same until about 3
Linear injury Not straight edge, hair hours after death when the body temp will
bulbs not removed start to drop
Clean cut Razed skin
Caused by a sharp edge Boxing match; hit by a 2. MUSCLES
ex. cutter bolo *flaccid
*after 3 hours, it will start to stiffen (Rigor
Gunshot wound- may be caused by bullet; there is Mortis)
an entry and an exit wound *12 hours after death galactic Rigor Mortis
*even number of gunshot wounds would *24-36 hours after death, flaccid again
give the presumption that there are no more bullets
left inside the body 3. BLOOD
*will go to the most dependent part of the
*odd number of gunshot wounds would
give rise to the presumption that there are still body
bullets left inside the body *post mortem lividity (blood will go down)
*points of entry are important because it *depends on the position of the body when
person died
will tell the distance and position of the assailant
*will start 3 hours after death
*if shot in close range, will leave marks on
-hair will be burned if shot 3 inches away  notes/ letters stating reasons therefor
-there will be smoke smudges if shot 6  taking up Civil Procedure
inches away  stiffening of the muscles in the hand
-there will be unburned gunpowder if shot  traumatic breath –cadaveric spasm;
12 inches away extreme tension at time of death

*presence of abrasion marks/abrasion collar means *if suicide, patient dies immediately, cadaveric
that the bullet rubbed the skin first before entering spasm in hand/arm; hand firmly clenched
the body, hence, victim was not shot in front *if drowned, hands are firmly clenched also
NOTE: NO Abrasion Collar = Frontal(?) Shot

Hematoma – pasa THROAT SLASHING

Abrasion – gasgas  homicide = below adam’s apple (also in
Contusion – bukol hanging)
 cut is diagonal in suicide (how the fuck
In rape, there are usually hymenal lacerations which can a person slit his own throat
are distinguished and determined by using the face vertically?)
of the clock
*there are usually multiple hymenal lacerations in
*hematoma on legs/perineum area

Burns (Explosives) – measured by percentage

*1 hand = 1 percent


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