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Research Proposal on

Impact of advertising on consumer buying behavior; Bangladesh Perspective 1

Impact of advertising on consumer buying behavior;

Bangladesh Perspective
Research Proposal on
Impact of advertising on consumer buying behavior; Bangladesh Perspective 2

Table OF Contents


STATEMENT OF THE PROPLEM……………………………………………....04

OBJECTIVE OF THE STUDY……………………………………………………05


THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK ………………………………………………………..07

RESEARCH METHODOLOGY…………………………………….....................16



ETHICAL CONSIDERATION…………………………………………………………..20

TIMELINE ……………………………………………………………………………..20


INTERVIEW QUESTIONS………………………………………………………….21

Research Proposal on
Impact of advertising on consumer buying behavior; Bangladesh Perspective 3


Advertising used properly is a major tool in the hands of marketing managers which helps

enable them to sell products, services and ideas. The idea is to sell products to the


Advertiser’s primary mission is to reach prospective customers and influence their awareness,

attitudes and buying behavior. They spend a lot of money to keep individuals (markets)

interested in their products. To succeed, they need to understand what makes potential

customers behave the way they do. The advertisers goals is to get enough relevant market

data to develop accurate profiles of buyers-to-find the common group (and symbols) for

communications this involves the study of consumers behavior: the mental and emotional

processes and the physical activities of people who purchase and use goods and services to

satisfy particular needs and wants. The essence of being in business by any business outfits is

to produce for sales and profits. In order to remain in business an organization must generate

enough sales from its products to cover operating costs and post reasonable profits. For many

organizations, sales estimate is the starting point in budgeting or profit planning. It is so

because it must be determined, in most cases, before production units could be arrived at

while production units will in turn affect material purchases. However, taking decision on

sales is the most difficult tasks facing many business executives. This is because it is difficult

to predict, estimate or determine with accuracy, potential customers’ demands as they are

uncontrollable factors external to an organization. Considering, therefore, the importance of

sales on business survival and the connection between customers and sales, it is expedient for

organizations to engage in programmers that can influence consumers’ decision to purchase

its products.
Research Proposal on
Impact of advertising on consumer buying behavior; Bangladesh Perspective 4

In its initial phases advertising was limited in both time and space. Broadcast commercials

are generally 10 to 60 seconds in length. Print ads are generally no larger than two pages, and

often much smaller. Advertising therefore needed to do its job in an effective manner. Its

primary tasks were to capture the consumer’s attention, identify itself as being aimed at

meeting the needs of that consumer, identifying the product, and delivering the selling



The interference of the consumer behavior by the adverse advertisements has been on the rise

in the last decade. This has brought about the changing tides in the levels of consumer and

product relations; it has increased the level of impulse buying by the consumers, made people

to develop shopping disorders, made others to develop a diverse habit of being addicted to the

advertisement campaigns.

Why did you buy an Apple computer when your friend brought a HP PC? What information

did you collect before making the decision? .What factors did you consider when evaluating

the alternatives? .How did you make your final choice? . Were you happy with your

decision? .To designs the effective strategies marketers need to find the answers that

consumers give to questions such as these, and it is on the basis of these questions that the

study is founded. With all those questions answered, the exploring of the major factors that

influence consumer behavior will be conclusively being tackled.

Exploring the effects of advertisements on consumer behavior brings out the hidden reasons

for that purchase you made this month for that shirt, just because the advert used a celebrity

you admire. The more you are aware of your needs, the more you can use advertisements
Research Proposal on
Impact of advertising on consumer buying behavior; Bangladesh Perspective 5

without them controlling your life. This then makes us to understand that the advertisements

are actually more than what they appear to be!!

Through the study therefore the intended effect of advertisements will be revealed.

Objective of the study

The objective of preparing the term paper is that it is a part of the syllabus of the foundation

course conducted by IUB. Another important aim is to exercise how to do research.

But the main objectives of the study are –

 Identify the level of the effects on the consumer purchasing power and decision

making process.

 Establish the benefits of advertisements via the different specific media used on the

consumer behavior.

 How the advertisements finally change/influence their purchasing behavior.

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Impact of advertising on consumer buying behavior; Bangladesh Perspective 6


The purpose of literature review is to help us identify a tested, appropriate instrument,

citation format to demonstrate the relevance and fill to the gaps that other researchers have

not filled. The literature review was highly guided by the objectives of study that generally

states; the effects of advertising on the consumer behavior. The conceptual framework that

stated the effects of advertisements on the target group is greater and long lasting, is well

captured in the review of various literature in this chapter.

This chapter reviews and discusses the literature pertinent to the advertisements presence and

the influence that it has on the behavior of the consumers with particular emphasis on how it

impacts their purchasing power. Focus was on how the advertisements have greatly impacted

on the behavior of the consumer with regard to their purchasing power. It critically analyses

both the positive and the negative aspects of the advertisement. This literature review

provides what other researchers and professionals in the advertisements sector have observed

about the topic problem.

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Just as infants learn from imitation of what they see and hear, so do the adults gather

information, knowledge, behavior change and new lifestyle from the environment. In this

study the immediate environment is the advertisements that the consumers interact with as

per the set objectives.



This section addresses the role of advertising in the selling of commodity. The first approach

to advertising is primarily concerned with the ideological reconstruction to the use value of

commodity through advertising, which acts to give the commodities new different meanings

.The use value approach corresponds to the experience of the target consumers who must be

convinced of the desirability of the commodity ,the worth of its use value whether as water

or as diamond .As a result, the way in which advertising is understood analytically tends to

depend upon a prior theoretical stance adopted towards consumption . Consumption is

interpreted analytically ,a theory of advertising lurks not far behind .It seeks to locate

advertising within the circulation of capital, as a lever of competition , either through the high

fixed costs needed to create brand loyalty and inhibit the entry of other firms or as a more

general means of manipulating demand .When this economic role is interpreted within a

more critical perspective, there is usually some greater recognition of the ideological

function of advertising- in systematically supporting the consumer society, however this

might be construed, to conform with the dictates of mass production. In other words, those

who see advertising as simply an attempt to enhance sales .whether from an exchange

value or use value perspective, have generally taken what has been termed as horizontal

analytical perspective which explores the different commodities merely for their relation to

supply and demand or to the media culture ,sexism, etc .What is termed as a vertical
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Impact of advertising on consumer buying behavior; Bangladesh Perspective 8

perspective is proposed as the alternative .This posits each commodity as the creation of an

interdependent system of production, distribution, retailing and of specific cultural

determinants including, where appropriate, advertising.

A commodity is both an exchange value and a use value. As water has now adopted the

mantle of a use value that is socially constructed, so it too becomes subject to pressures of

advertising .Adverts for water take at least two forms; one literally stresses the natural

properties of bottled water, idealizing the mineral content and the environment from which it

is drawn .The other form of adverts works on the lifestyle content of the product

Commodities are perceived to be presented as something which they are not in order to

enhance their chances of sales. This can relate to the production itself, or it can be conveyed

through the ambience of the product`s setting through a depiction of the mundane events of

respectability in family life or the excitements associated with seduction, in any number of

advertisements for drinks , perfumes ,clothes ,etc

In looking at the use value side of advertising, the starting point is the gap between the

physical properties of the commodity and the properties that it is presented as having. A

great example is the notion of aesthetics illusion which advertising creates through


Advertising ,in its modern forms, then operates to preserve the consumption ideal from the

critical inexorably made of it by experience .If the consumption of individual goods leaves

that whole area of human needs unsatisfied, the attempt is made, by magic to associate this

consumption with human desire to which it has no real reference .

You do not only buy an object :you buy social respect, discrimination, health ,beauty ,

success, power to control your environment .The magic obscures the real sources of general

satisfaction because their discovery would involve radical change in the whole common

way of life.
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Impact of advertising on consumer buying behavior; Bangladesh Perspective 9

Advertising is very much alive. It continues to evolve with changing technology. Yet the

basic principles of advertising remain much as they have for years. It comes down to this;

you need to gain insights to your brand, your consumers, and how the two interact. It is not

just about getting noticed or coming up with a clever slogan. Nor is it about creating ads that

amuse your friends .It is about understanding how your brand fits into the lives of the target

audience. Reaching ethnic minorities, older people, and other groups often ignored by

advertisers. Hence they perfect on their effectively written advertisement copies for the print

and explore the methods of selling their ideas to the consumers. A few of the campaigns have

mega sized budgets, but many have budgets that are a mere fraction of what the competition

spends. The success of the campaign depends on not how much you spend but on how much

you know about the brand and the consumer and how well you can communicate that


Creative advertisements make a relevant connection between the brand and the targeted

audiences and present a selling idea in an unexpected way. All people want to buy from

people. Consumers want to know who you are, your habits, and your values. They want to be

able to predict you. They need to trust you. If they connect with you in some kind of human

basis, and believe that they have something in common with you, they will give you a vast

permission to sell them things as a company.

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When and where a message appears can be as creative as the words and the visuals of the

advertisements. Everyday items have become media vehicles. A number of advertisers place

the advertisement messages in the restrooms in an attempt to capture the people’s undivided

attention. While consumers may be the worst critics, they also are a great inspiration of each

and every advertisement. One way to engage them in your advertisements is through the act

of inviting them to create their own advertisements.

The fact that many advertisements have lost touch with their inner story teller is because we

think the concept is the story. We should nail the big idea; have funky headlines, Hip layout

and few lines of mandatory at the bottom with thank you.

As suggested, advertising copy writer spend less effort manufacturing a brand and more

effort helping it simply reveal itself. The weaving of proper information into the

advertisement is very crucial. Make the consumers not to notice the length because it was so

engaging. The goal is to write in such an engaging way that the reader will give you their

undivided attention. The message you write may be a line or two, or it may be hundred of

words long. In some cases the right visuals can do the talking. In short what the

advertisement communicates should contribute equally to the effectiveness of the message.

Some brands linger for decades and slowly fade into obscurity. But if you take a brand and

continually extend it with new technologies, forms, and benefits without losing sight of the

original, you can run with it for years.

Although the neglect of consumption as a subject of academic investigation is being rapidly

eroded, approaches to it have been fragmented and insulated from one another. The variety of

both the methodologies employed and the explanatory factors with which they engage have

generated widely different interpretations.

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Impact of advertising on consumer buying behavior; Bangladesh Perspective 11


Perhaps the most important marketing decision a business makes is the selection of one or

more market segments on which to focus. Since a market segment has unique needs, a firm

that develops a total product focused solely on the needs of that segment will be able to meet

the segment`s desires better than a firm whose product or service attempts to meet the needs

of multiple segments. It is not possible to select target markets without simultaneously

formulating a general marketing strategy for each segment. A decisive criterion in selecting

target markets is the ability to provide superior value to those market segments. After this

selection, the created advert should also target the market segment and communicate to them

what they will derive from the product should they purchase it.


Consumers aren`t always deliberate and systematic; sometimes they are hasty, impulsive, or

even irrational. The search time the consumers’ put into their purchases can vary dramatically

from different types of products. Would you think that the purchase of a toothbrush uses the

same amount of effort as the purchase of a new stereo system? Probably not unless chastised

by your dentist recently. This hence shows us that some purchase decisions are just more

engaging than others. In the following section, I will elaborate on the view of consumer as

decision makers by explaining four consumer behaviors. These four modes are determined by

a consumer`s involvement and prior experience with the product or service in question.

1. Extended problem solving. When consumers are inexperienced in a particular

consumption setting yet find the setting highly involving, they are likely to engage in

extended problem solving. In this mode, the consumers go through a deliberate decision-

making process that begins with explicit need recognition, proceeds with careful internal and

external search, continues through alternative evaluation and purchase, and ends with a

lengthy post purchase evaluation.

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Impact of advertising on consumer buying behavior; Bangladesh Perspective 12

2. Limited problem solving. In this decision-making mode, experience and involvement are

both low. I t is a more common mode of decision-making. In this mode the consumer will be

less systematic in his or her decision making. The consumer has a new product to solve, but it

is not a problem that is interesting or engaging, so the information search is limited to simply

trying the first brand encountered.

3. Habit or variety seeking. It occurs in settings where a decision is uninvolving and a

consumer repurchases from the category over and over again. In terms of sheer numbers,

habitual purchases are probably the most common decision-making mode. Consumers find a

brand of laundry detergent that suits their needs, they run out of the product, and they buy it

again without much thought. The cycle repeats itself dozens of times per year in an almost

mindless fashion.

4. Brand loyalty. The first decision making mode is typified by high involvement and rich

prior experience. In this mode brand loyalty becomes a major consideration in the purchase

decision. Consumers demonstrate brand loyalty when they repeatedly purchase a single brand

as their choice to fulfill a specific need. Brand loyalty is based on highly favorable attitudes

towards the brand and a conscious commitment to find this brand each time the consumer

purchases from this category. Conversely, habits are merely consumption simplifiers that are

not based on deeply held convictions. Perhaps even more important brand loyalty can be due

to the emotional benefits that accompany certain brands. Strong emotional benefits might be

expected from consumption decisions that we classify as highly involving, and they are major

determinants of brand loyalty. Indeed it is becoming harder and harder to create loyalty for

one`s brand through functional benefits alone. To break free from this brand-parity problem

and provide consumers with enduring reasons to become or stay loyal , advertisers are

investing more and more efforts in communicating the emotional benefits that might be
Research Proposal on
Impact of advertising on consumer buying behavior; Bangladesh Perspective 13

derived from brands in categories as diverse as film(trust your important memories to Kodak)

and tires (your family is safer on Michelins).


To complete our consideration of the consumer as a thoughtful decision maker, one key issue

remains. We need to examine the explicit psychological consequences of advertising. What is

it that advertising leaves in the minds of consumers that ultimately may influence their

behavior? A good deal of advertising is designed to ensure recognition and create favorable

predispositions toward a brand so that as consumers search for solution to their problems, the

brand will be thought of immediately. The goal of any delayed response ad is to affect some

psychological state that will subsequently influence a purchase.

Attitude- is defined as an overall evaluation of any object, person, or issues that varies along

a continuum, like favorable or unfavorable or positive to negative. Attitudes are learned, and

if they are based on substantial experience with the object or issue in question, they can be

held with great conviction. Attitudes make our lives our live easier because they simplify

decision making (Raj, 2005).


This is systematic decision making relating to all aspects of communication effort.

Messages may emphasize information, persuasion, fear, sociability, product performance,

humor, and or comparisons with competitors. With new products, consumers must be

informed about the items and their attributes before developing favorable attitude towards

them. For the products that have a level of consumer awareness, the promotional thrust is

on persuasion, converting products knowledge to product living: For well-entrenched

products emphasis is on reminder promotion, reinforcing existing consumer beliefs.

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Impact of advertising on consumer buying behavior; Bangladesh Perspective 14

I t is important to realize that communication goes on between each of these groups of

consumers. In addition, communication with each group will be different because the

groups have distinct goals, knowledge and needs. Within groups, a firm must identify and

appeal to opinion leaders. It needs to understand the mechanisms of word-of-mouth

communication this being the process by which people express their opinion and product

related experiences to one another. Without sustained positive word-of-mouth

communication, it is difficult for a company to succeed.

A firm`s promotional plan usually stresses individual goods and services with objective of

moving consumers from awareness to purchase. However, a company may also seek to

communicate its overall image, views

More specific requirements of the media programme may be obtained by analyzing the


1. Budget constraints - The aim should be for audience requirements to be fulfilled in

the most cost effective manner.

2. Creative constraints- The media must also comply with creative requirements and

various messages may lend themselves the best portraying effects.

3. `Reach `vs. `frequency`-It must be decided whether the message should be

distributed very widely amongst the prospects.

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Impact of advertising on consumer buying behavior; Bangladesh Perspective 15

4. Other constraints-These may be important depending upon the product, its strategy

and the objectives. For example, there may be a need for quick production and

Media Advantages/Disadvantages

Television Large audiences; demonstration of the

product in use(sound and vision);

Radio Semi-large ;demonstration of the product in

use (sound only)

Print Semi- large ; demonstration of the product in

use (vision only)

insertion of advertisements in dynamic markets.

Looking at the ways in which customers purchase and the behavioral forces and factors

that affect this choices.


While it very much serves that purpose, advertising is a fundamental business and societal

process that has evolved over time with technology and tradition.

To appreciate the nature of advertisements, we must first understand as the complex, dynamic

business and the social part of it. Two things happen when to a younger, lesser-affluent

market: All of its members get older, and some move into higher brackets. Would the more

fortunate of these consumers continue to use or buy civics and corollas? Some might, but

many were, in fact, choosing to move to larger, more prestigious vehicles. Japanese manager
Research Proposal on
Impact of advertising on consumer buying behavior; Bangladesh Perspective 16

noticed this change in consumer preferences and began to design more sophisticated and

expensive automobile for those consumers looking to trade up to higher quality and prestige.

The primary goal for advertising is to persuade the consumers to behave in certain ways. Not

surprisingly, an understanding of the consumer behavior is crucial to advertising

professionals. Before the advertisers initiate campaigns for any product or service, they need

a thorough understanding of the way the consumers make their buying decisions. This

understanding greatly increases the advertiser`s chance of effecting the desired behavior. This

is because; it is with the proper knowledge of what the consumers need and want, they can be

able to structure the advert to meet these needs.



This chapter gives details on the research design and methodology adopted for this study. The

focus here is on the areas of target population, the sample design, information on the data

collection instruments and the methods involved in the analysis of the collected data. The

descriptive research methodology was appropriate in the determination of all the mentioned

dimensions of the study.


A research design can be identified as a plan for collecting and utilizing data so that the

desired information can be obtained with sufficient precision or so that the hypothesis and

questions can be tested properly. A good researcher does not regard a research design as a

blueprint for mechanical process of data gathering and evaluation. He or she must have the

flexibility of the mind to overturn old ways of looking at the world, to ask new questions to

revise research designs appropriately and then to collect more data of a different type than

originally intended.
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Impact of advertising on consumer buying behavior; Bangladesh Perspective 17

An effective research design should be one that links abstract and stylized concepts and

questions with the empirical world complexities and challenges. This research adopted the

descriptive survey research design. This design aims at the exposing of the details of the

situation under study. It proceeds from the systematic establishment of facts towards the

formulation of some general and specific principles of knowledge and the situation to the

problems at hand from the collected data.

The descriptive survey research entails the measurement, classification, analysis comparison

and interpretation of the data from a set sample of behavior, trends attitudes and values

explored. In this particular research the study sought to determine the effects of the ads on the

behavior of the consumer and how this in turn provides symbols that influence their world

view. The researcher`s central aim here was to evaluate the level at which this ads using

medias have clearly shown their influence on their purchasing power.


While deciding about the sample of research, it is required from the researcher’s point to pay

attention to these under mentioned points:

A) A decision has to be taken concerning a sampling unit before selecting a sample,

sampling unit may be a geographical one such as state, district, village etc. so in this

research sampling unit is Dhaka.

B) Source list: it is also called sampling frame from which sample is to be drawn, it

caters name of all the items of a universe (in case of finite universe only). Researcher

has to prepare it.

C) Sampling size: This refers to the no. of items to be selected from the universe to

constitute a sample. This is a major problem before the researcher. The size of sample

should neither be expressively large not too small, it should be optimum. This size of
Research Proposal on
Impact of advertising on consumer buying behavior; Bangladesh Perspective 18

population must be kept in view for this also limit the sample size. Sample size in this

research is 75 (children, male, female) customers. Age limit is 15 to 40.

D) Sampling procedure: Finally I’ll decide the type of sample. And also I’ll decide about

the technique to be used in selecting items for the sample. In fact technique or

procedure stands for the sample design itself. In this we used the random sampling on

the basis of first survey results, which is from 75 respondents.



Primary data for this study was done using questionnaires. Open ended questions were

mainly reserved for the special informants while the closed ended ones were administered to

the students for computer tabulation and analysis. Closed-ended questions limit the

respondents to the survey and the respondent`s answers are limited to a fixed set of responses.

This kind of questions formed the bulk of the research data as they were served to the

students on whom the study is centered. Open-ended questions are designed to encourage a

meaningful answer using the subject`s own knowledge and feelings. They also tend to be

more objective and less leading than the closed ones. But these kinds of questions are more

time consuming and difficult to tabulate into meaningful data since encoding them leaves out

the vital information and may lead to distortion of the results.

Research Proposal on
Impact of advertising on consumer buying behavior; Bangladesh Perspective 19


The interviews will be Student, teacher, housewife. Other persons like the Lecturers with a

clearer basis on the advertisement world will be given a structured interview schedule on

which they will shed light on the fundamental concerns that highlight the influence that ads

have on consumer behavior.

After gathering the primary data through the fore mentioned instruments, the researcher then

proceed to gather secondary data from the University`s Library, Internet, Books, Magazines,

Newspapers, Television.


This method is more popular. The questionnaire is sent to the person concerned to answer the

questions formatted and return the same soon.

A Questionnaire consists of a number of questions printed or typed in definite order on a

form or set of form. The questionnaire is sent to the respondents. In order to achieve the

research objective it is necessary to collect accurate and relevant data, secondary data are

already published data collected for purposed other than the specific research needs at hand.

Primary data that are collected specifically for the research Primary data are collected

specifically for the research situation at hand, were collected by surveys, using respondents

surveys is one of the ways of collecting primary data namely observation, experiments and

Research Proposal on
Impact of advertising on consumer buying behavior; Bangladesh Perspective 20


Before analysis, questionnaires were proof checked to make sure all questions were

responded to. This was done through careful scrutiny to minimize variations due to missing

responses, multiple entries and blank questionnaires.

Data analysis involves making sense of the data collected in order to have a basis for

discussion, conclusion and offering recommendations .The data was analyzed using

qualitative and quantitative techniques. It was presented by use of tables, graphs and charts

both pie and bar charts for ease of reference.


Since my research is mostly internet based as in all the information that are gathered to

support this research is collected from Newspaper, television, electronic sources, thus my

research deal with only some human option. Hence ethical considerations are limiting this in



The projected timeline to complete this report is 30 days approximately. Details are as


 Preparing the proposal: 7 days approx.

 Completion of literature review: 7 days approx.

 Initiation and completion of methodological analysis: 7 days approx.

 Completion of final report: 7 days approx.

Research Proposal on
Impact of advertising on consumer buying behavior; Bangladesh Perspective 21


I think it is very costly project. 5-6 lack is enough for this research project.


1) Do you credit emotional benefits that accompany certain brands to be the force

behind brand loyalty?

2) Do you suppose those brands with the highest number of customers in terms of

brand loyalty to be simply a function of performing better than its many competitors

or do they derive deep emotional benefits from the brand?

3) Is the strategy of using emotional appeal in adverts the main appeal?

4) How has interactive media changed the world of advertising?

5) What is it that advertising leaves in the minds of the consumers that ultimately

may influence their behavior?

6) Does attitude affect the view of adverts and in turn the consumer`s behavior?

7) Where do think brand attitudes come from?

8) Can you say that the present consumers have savvy behavior and that brand loyalty

doesn’t have much meaning at this day and age? Or is it that the competing products

are a lot hence people can`t just decide on one?

9) Do adverts really affect the consumers` behavior?

10) Most people quickly relate to the notion that some purchasing decisions are more

involving than others. What kinds of products or services do you consider highly

involving? What makes these products more involving from your point of view?

11) What is your take on the stages consumers undergo before purchasing a product?
Research Proposal on
Impact of advertising on consumer buying behavior; Bangladesh Perspective 22


Perner, L (n.d) Consumer Behavior: Psychology of marketing Retrieved November 13th 2011


Vitez, O (2000) The Influence of Advertisement on Consumer Buying Behavior Retrieved

November 13th 2011 from


Raj, K (2005) The influence of Advertisement on Consumer Brand Preference Retrieved

November 13th 2011 from



Yomtobian, D (2010) Display advertising views Have ‘Positive Impact’ on Consumer

Behavior Retrieved November 13th 2011 from


Chintagunta, P & Goh, K (2002) The Effects of Banner Advertising on Consumer Inter-

Purchase Times and Expenditures in Digital Environments Retrieved November 13th 2011



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