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Introduce the title in your own style and brief Introduction on the content……

(not more than one page)

Review of the Literature

Need for the study

Significance of the study

Research question/s


 To understand

 To bring out

 To explore

 To analyse

 To examine

 To discover

 To describe

 To know

 To study…………….

Maximum Four objectives…

Sources of information

This project work entitled (title of the project) is carried out with the help of

Primary Sources and Secondary Sources. Primary Sources like…….. (what you


Secondary Sources like…………….. (what you grasp)


This project work entitled (title of the project) done by using descriptive,

interpretative, analytical and comparative method for ………………. (write two or

three sentence about the usage of methods)

Chapterization (brief content of the project)


Whole Synopsis must be contains 2 to 3 pages only….. excluding Bibliography…


Primary Sources


 Bijoi Singh, 67, Vice Chancellor, Central University, dated 22nd

January 2018.

News Papers

 The Hindu, Chennai Edition, dated 27th August 2006.

 The Times of India, Kolkatha Edition, dated 31st March 2016.

Secondary Sources

1. Chandra Bipan, India after Independence, Penguin Books Publications, New

Delhi, 1987.

2. Jha. D.N., Ancient India In Historical Outline, Manohar Publication, Delhi, 1998.
Web Sources


0a accessed on 22nd March 2018.


2.pdf acceded on 3rd March 2018.

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