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Mass Balance Modeling for Electric Arc Furnace and Ladle

Furnace System in Steelmaking Facility in Turkey
Ismail Ekmekci' , YaSar Yetisken' , Unal Camdali'
(1. Engineering Faculty, Marmara University, Goztepe Campus, Kadlkoy 34722, Istanbul, Turkey;
2. Development Bank of Turkey, Bakanllklar 06100, Ankara, Turkey)

Abstract: In the electric arc furnace (EAF) steel production processes, scrap steel is principally used as a raw materi-
al instead of iron ore. In the steelmaking process with E A F , scrap is first melted in the furnace and then the desired
chemical composition of the steel can be obtained in a special furnace such a s ladle furnace (LF). This kind of furnace
process is used for the secondary refining of alloy steel. L F furnace offers strong heating fluxes and enables precise
temperature control, thereby allowing for the addition of desired amounts of various alloying elements. It also pro-
vides outstanding desulfurization at high-temperature treatment by reducing molten steel fluxes and removing deoxi-
dation products. Elemental analysis with mass balance modeling is important to know the precise amount of required
alloys for the L F input with respect to scrap composition. In present study, chemical reactions with mass conserva-
tion law in E A F and L F were modeled altogether as a whole system and chemical compositions of the final steel alloy
output can be obtained precisely according to different scrap compositions, alloying elements ratios, and other input
amounts. Besides, it was found that the mass efficiency for iron element in the system is 95. 93%. These efficiencies
are calculated for all input elements as 8. 45% for C , 30. 31% for Si, 46. 36% for Mn, 30. 6 4 % for P, 41. 96% for
S , and 69. 79% for Cr, etc. These efficiencies provide valuable ideas about the amount of the input materials that are
vanished or combusted for 100 kg of each of the input materials in the E A F and L F system.
Key words: electric arc furnace; ladle furnace; system modeling; mass balance; steelmaking; liquid steel

Symbol List

m-Material mass; LF-Ladle furnace;

Subscript LF-Mat-LF Materials;
ck- Coke ; I-St-Liquid steel;
dm-Deoxidization material; MM-Metallic manganese;
dst-Dusts; MO-Magnesium oxide;
electd-Electrode ; n-g-Natural gas;
EAF-Electric arc furnace; oxy-Oxygen;
f-Fluxes; p-Pig iron;
FB-Ferroboron; s-Scrap;
FC-HC-Ferrochrome with high carbon content; SFM-Ferrosilico-manganese ;
FC-LC-Ferrochrome with low carbon content ; SG-Stack gases;
FI-Fluspat (CaF2 +CaC03 + S O z ) ; Sul-Sulfur;
FMg-Ferromanganese; SL-Slag;
FMo-Ferromol ybdenum ; St-SL-Steel in slag.

The main advantage of EAF(e1ectric arc furnace) + raw material instead of iron ore in the EAF steel
LF(lad1e furnace) system is using the scrap steel as a production processes and because of this fact, the

Biography; Isrnail Ekrnekci( 1957-), Male, Doctor, Professor; E-mail: ucarndali@yahoo. corn; Revised Date: March 8, 2006
- 2 . Journal of Iron and Steel Research, International Vol. 14

EAF production method is preferred to other steel nace. Addition of desired amount of different kinds
production methods worldwide and also in Turkey. of alloying elements and precise temperature control
Because of this reason, raw steel production using are possible. It also provides outstanding desulfu-
EAF plants has also been increasing recently in Tur- rization with the treatment at high temperature by
key. One of the other important reasons for the in- reducing fluxes and removing deoxidation prod-
crease of EAF steel production ratio is that the re- uctsC4'.
quired specific investment for each ton of raw steel Secondary steelmaking has become an integral
production capacity for EAF processes is much lower feature of modern steel plants and successful contin-
than that for other steel production methods like in- uous casting process can be made with these benefi-
tegrated production facilities. cial features of E A F + L F process and is possible to
Also, EAF facilities require shorter investment obtain the desired stringent quality control.
period and because of this fact, they are more eco- Steelmaking in furnaces, recently named as pri-
nomical and feasible than other steel production mary steelmaking, is therefore increasingly used on-
methods, and also this kind of furnaces is much ly for speedy scrap melting and gross refining, and
more flexible for the production processes than inte- secondary steelmaking is used for further refining
grated steel production facilities. I n Turkey, the and control.
current total capacity of the 1 6 available EAF steel Secondary steel refining can also be carried out
production facilities has been varying in the range of using vacuum arc refining ( VAR) and electro-slag
4x10' t/a to 2X106 t / a , and the current annual to- remelting ( ESR) methods, but while using these
tal EAF steel production capacity ratio is 70% of the methods, the process should be started with steel
total steel production capacity of Turkey. solidification and remelting processes.
Major steps in many steel production processes Steel production at the desired composition can
for one of the EAF facilities can be summarized as: be obtained by the addition of appropriate amount of
scrap charge+melting-+oxidation-treduction-+allo- required elements at the suitable level among many
ying-t deoxidization+ casting -t preparation of fur- chemical reactions that occur at different reaction
nace"]. rates amongst elements or compounds at high tem-
peratures and also by adding alloy materials for the
1 Steelmaking With EAF and LF System
other elements needed in the compositionCZ1.
A real steelmaking process involves many com-
2 System Modeling
plex physical and chemical coupled phenomena such
as oxidation, decarburization , dephosphorization , T h e whole system of EAF and L F production
and slag f o r m a t i ~ n ~ ~ ' ~ ' . processes are shown schematically in Fig. lcsl.Ma-
T h e EAF is charged with scrap steel and it re- terial compositions with their chemical analysis ente-
quires other alloying materials. Power is supplied to ring and leaving the ( E A F + L F ) system are taken
the furnace through the electrodes. When electric from Camdali"] and Camdali , TuncC6I. Those mate-
power is supplied through the electrodes in the rial compositions are given along with their chemical
EAF, an electrical arc will be formed between scrap analyses. In earlier studies, E A F and L F are mod-
material and electrodes like the bolt of lightening eled and analyzed as separate, single independent
that strikes the ground. After the formation of electri- systems, but in present study, EAF and L F fur-
cal arc, the temperature will be raised to 1 600 "C, naces together are considered as a whole integrated
which is higher than the melting temperature of the system, and those materials that are entering and
scrap. Some of the substances like carbon, oxygen, leaving the system can be identified using their
hydrogen, and nitrogen must be added to the molten chemical analysis and chemical reactions that occur
scrap and mixed to remove some small amounts of in EAF and LF. Some of the chemical reactions are
impurities in the scrap material. After approximate- mentioned below in Table 1 and Table 2[1,5-8'has
ly 90 min, the molten steel is tapped into the ladle been prepared according to those chemical reactions
and then transferred to LF. in Table 1.
L F process is often used for the secondary refi- Data on the chemical compositions and amounts
ning of alloy steel. In the steelmaking processes, of outlet products from EAF and L F can be found in
strong heat fluxes can be supplied to the LF fur- Ref. [l], Ref. [5] to Ref. [7] for 100 kg inlet amounts
No. 5 Mass Balance Modeling for Electric Arc Furnace and Ladle Furnace System in Turkey - 3 .

Inlet to LF
Metalk manganese
Ferrochrome with high carbon
Ferrorhrornr with low carbon
mlqab ( c ~ ~ + ~ d c o ~ + ~ o , )
Magnesium oxide

Inlet to EAF
Scrap (production waste)
Scrap (heavy melting scrap)
Scrap (Shredder)
Scmp (DKP)
pig iron
Deoxidation material
Natural gas

Fig. 1 Schematic for inlet and outlet materials in (EAF+LF)

Table 1 Some of chemical reactions materials as shown in Table 3 are used to obtain
occurring in EAF and LF
mass balance modeling and elemental analysis.
2[Fel+ 3[01+CFez 03 1
Obtained mass balance modeling for EAF and
[Mnl +[O]+[MnOl
L F system is shown in Eqn. (1) t o Eqn. ( 3 ) , as fol-
2 C All 3COl +-C Alz 0 3 1
[Sil+2[OI+[SiOz 1
CZnl+ COl+[ZnOl h i n i e t = Zrnoutlet (1)
[Fe] +[O]+[FeO] +
2 m i n l e t ( E m + L F ) =m, f rnpf mr m,k i-
mdm +
melectd +
2CPI+ 5COI+CP205 1 r n w g +m,Xy +mmmat (2)
[Cl+[0lk+CO(gas) where
[Cl+2[Ol+CO~ (gas)
mLF-mat = mFMg + m M M i-mSFM +
f mFS mFC-HC
[Gal+ [O]+(CaO)
“I m S
m~C-LCfmFMofrnNi+rnA~+mFB+ +
2[Crl +3[OI--[Crz 0 33

(CaO) +[sl+(CaS)+[Ol
mc +
mLime +rn FI+ mMo +
m A I2 o3 +
m,lectd i-
(CaCOs)+(CaO) f C O z (gas) mAr fmOxy (3)
and outlet products can be written as follows:
of each of the entering chemical components and ele- 2%utlet(EAF+ LF) =mt,, + + +m,,,l+
m,l mdst mSs ( 4)
ments. Chemical analysis of each of the outlet com-
3 Mass Balance Analysis in (EAF’+LF) System
ponents is given in Table 3.
Chemical reactions in the (EAF L F ) system Mass balance analysis of ( E A F f L F ) steel pro-
as shown in Table 1 and chemical analysis of inlet duction process has been carried out according t o the
-4. Journal of Iron and Steel Research, International Vol. 14

Table 2 Reaction products for unit amount of inlet comwnents in EAF ke

Amounts of inlet Elements in liquid Slag in Amounts of products in dusts, slag, and stack gases in E A F and LF')
elements for 100 kg of steel going out of liquid
each component EAF and LF system steel Fez03 FeO C CO SiOz MnO PzO5 CaS CrzO3 CaO A h 0 3 BzO3 ZnO COz Total

Fe 95.93 0. 51 1. 36 2. 2 100
C 8. 45 0. 02 1. 48 90. 05 100
Si 30. 31 0. 04 69. 65 100
Mn 46. 36 0. 12 53. 52 100
P 30. 64 0. 16 69. 2 100
S 41. 96 0. 30 57.74 100
Cr 69. 79 0. 05 10.16 100
Ni 99.46 0. 54 100
Mo 99. 46 0. 54 100
cu 99.47 0. 53 100
CaC03 0 0 56 44 100
Al 0 0 100 100
Zn 0 0 100 100
Ca 0 0 100 100
Note: 1) Components existed by the reactions of elements on the first left column.

Table 3 Chemical analysis of inlet components of (EAF+LF) process %

Materials Fe C Si Mn P S Cr A1 Total Others
Production waste (scrap) 97.31 0.55 0.35 0.5 0.025 0.035 0.9 99.67 Ni 0. 10, Mo 0.03, Cu 0. 20
HMS scrap 97. 57 0. 35 0. 4 0. 6 0. 04 0. 04 0. 25 99.25 N i 0 . 2 5 , M o 0 . 2 5 , CuO.25
Shredder scrap 98. 56 0. 2 0.02 0. 8 0.02 0. 03 0. 05 99.68 Ni 0. 0 5 , Mo 0.02, Cu 0.25
DKP scrap 99. 05 0.35 0 0.35 0.025 0.025 0.05 99.85 Ni 0.05, Cu 0. 10
Pig iron 94. 27 3. 5 1 1 0. 15 0. 08 100
Coke 0 88.5 0 0. 5 89 SiOz 4 , A h 0 3 3, HzO 2
Flux 1. 72 1. 72 CaCO3 35.05, CaO 50.81, Others 12. 42
Deoxidation material 9 1.48 16 62 0.1 0. 02 11 99. 8 Zn 0.2
Electrode 0. 15 99. 3 0. 15 0. 05 99.65 Ca 0. 15, SiOz 0.05, A1203 0.05
Ferromanganese 11. 15 7 1.5 80 0. 3 0. 05 100
Metallic manganese 100 100
Ferrosilico-manganese 10 1.5 18.33 70 0. 15 0. 02 100
Ferrosilicon 16.25 0. 2 80 1 0.05 0. 5 2 100
Ferrochrome with high carbon 21. 395 7 1.5 0.075 0.03 70 100
Ferrochrome with low carbon 27. 24 0. 5 1. 5 0. 01 0.75 70 100
Ferromol ybdenum 27. 55 0. 25 1. 5 0. 1 0. 1 29. 5
Nickel 0. 1 0. 1
Aluminum 1 96 97 Zn1.5, Cu1.5
Ferroboron 74. 8 0. 2 2 3 80 B 20
Sulfur 100 100
Carbon 98.45 0. 05 0. 5 99
Lime CaO 97, Alz 0 3 3
Flusbat CaC03 6, CaFz 76, SiOz 6
Magnesium oxide
Alz 0 3

Electrode 0. 15 99. 3 0. 15 0. 05 99.65 Ca 0. 15, SO2 0.05, A1203 0.05

Natural gas

inlet components as shown in Fig. 1 using mass con- where

servation law as mentioned below in Eqn. ( 5 ) , and mEm+mLF= 100 kg (6)
production results of output components from (EAF + and Eqn. ( 5 ) can be expanded as mentioned below:
LF) system are presented one by one for each of 100 ( m , +mst-sL +
m D S T +msL) EAF ( m , mmT + + +
kg of inlet components and the obtained results for msL)LF+mLS=lOO kg (7)
the output products are briefly mentioned below: The results obtained from the above values for each
mEAF -t mLF= ( msc + +
mst-sL m D S T m s L ) E A F + + of the inlet components are summarized in Table 4c'95-83.
( m x +mDsT +msL ) LF + m L s (5) Besides, the results of the analysis of mass balance
No. 5 Mass Balance Modeling for Electric Arc Furnace and Ladle Furnace System in Turkey ‘ 5 ’

Table 4 Results of elemental analysis for 100 kg of inlet materials

Inlet and Inlet and
EAF-LF’) Outlet from LF EAF-. LF*) Outlet from LF
outlet of EAF outlet of EAF
Fe mFcEAF=99. 59 kg m ~ ~ _ l ~ = 99 kg
6. mF._s=O kg c ~ C - E A F= 86. 77 kg mc_Ls=3.4 kg m c - s =8.05 kg
m c _ s = 8 2 kg mc_LF=13. 23 kg mc_sL=O kg
mc_st-sL = 0. 02 kg mc_mT = 0 kg
mc_DsT = 1. 48 kg mc_Ls=8.45 kg
mc SL = 0 ka

~ M ~ S ~=O.- S 12
L kg m M L m = O . 12 kg
mMRmT = 4.6 kg mMn_Ls=46. 36 kg
mMn $1 =41. 6 kn

ms-sL = 14. 74 kg
Ni A 100
~ N ~ E = F kg mNLLs=99.46 kg m ~ i - s = O kg

m c a = 0 kg mcu_LF= 1 . 0 2 kg mcLsL = 0 kg

mAIZo3_m=O. 75 kg
mAiZo3..LS = 0 kg

m c ~ ~ o s r = 0 . 0 0 kg
mCaO_mT= 2.83 kg mCaco, _LS = 0 kg
mcao SL = 78.78 kn

mzRmT = 66.67 kg
mzLLs = 0 kg

mcesL = 80.37 kg
CaFz ~c~F~_EAF=O kg

Note: 1) Amounts of materials transferred from EAF to LF.

- 6 - Journal of I r o n a n d Steel Research, International Vol. 14

Table 5 Results of elemental analysis in detail in 100 k for EAF and LF svstem
Inlet EAF Inlet LF Output From EAF Output from L F

Total Total
Chemical Liquid Inlet inlet Liquid output
Stack gas Slag Dust
components f steel materia steel

~ ~
0. 41 100 96.9 Fe 8 0 0. 51 F e z 0 3 10. 6 F e O ' 1.20 Fe: 0 FeO 1 Fez 0 3 0.02 95.93 100
Fez03 0. 32 Fez03 1 0.42
C 86.77 3.4 13.23 100 3.4 COX82 0.02 Cll.48 ClO.00 COi8.05 C'O CIO 8. 45 100
Si 73. 98 7. 5 26.02 100 7. 5 Si 0 0. 08 Si 2 0 SiOz 66. 4 Si 3 0 SiOz 1 3. 21 Si 0 30.31 100
Mn 70.17 23. 9 29.83 100 23.9 Mn' 0 0.12 M n O : 4.6 M n O : 41.6 Mn 1 0 MnO 7.2 MnO 8 0 . 1 2 46.36 100
P 94.89 32. 3 5. 11 100 32.3 Pi0 0.16 Pi0 P205:64.1 Pi 0 PzO5 8 5 . 1 Pi 0 30. 64 100
S 70.02 78. 24 29.98 100 78.24 S: 0 0. 3 S1 0 CaS 8 14.74 s:0 CaS 43 SI 0 41. 96 100
Cr 31. 22 11.42 68.78 100 11.42 Cr : 0 0.05 CrzO3 2. 57 CrZO3 : 17. 11 Cr 2 0 CrZO3 10. 35 Crz 0 3 0.06 69.79 100
N, 100 99.46 0 100 99.46 Ni 0 0.54 Nil 0 Ni 2 0 Nil 0 Ni :0 Ni : 0 99.46 100
Mo 100 99.46 0 100 99.46 Mol 0 0.54 Mot 0 Mo :0 Ma 0 Mo 8 0 Ma 1 0 99.46 100
C" 98.98 98.45 1. 02 100 98.45 cur 0 0.53 cur 0 C" 1 0 cu 1 0 C" 2 0 cu 0 99.47 100
MnO 0.125 0 99.875 100 0 MnO: 0 0 MnO: 0 MnO: 0,125 MnO 8 0 MnO 2 99.88 MnO 8 0 0 100
Fez03 95. 9 0 4. 1 100 0 Fez03 2 0 0 Fez03 1 95. 9 Fez03 0 Fez 0 3 2 0 FeZ 0 3 I 0 Fez 0 3 8 4.1 0 100
Ah03 59.1 0 40. 9 100 0 A1203 0 0 A1203 26.5 A1203 32.6 Ah03 0 A1203 40.15 Ah03 : 0. 75 0 100
SiOz 99.1 0 0. 9 100 0 SiOz 2 0 0 S10z 19.83 SiOz : 79.27 SiOz I 0 SiOz 1 0.9 SiOz 0 0 100
CaO 81.61 0 18.39 100 0 CaOl 0 0 C a O : 2.83 CaO: 77.9 CaO 2 0 CaO 15.97 CaO : 0.09 0 100
CaCO3 99.84 0 0. 16 100 0 CO2 ' 43.9 0 CaO, 1.95 CaO: 53.95 COZ 0.07 CaO 0.055 CaO 0.01 0 100
CaS 0.03
Al 48.5 0 51. 5 100 0 AI'O 0 A1 : 0 A12 0 3 48. 5 All0 AlzO3:51.5 All0 0 100
2" 33.33 0 66. 67 100 0 Zn: 0 0 ZnOl 33.33 Zn: 0 Zn: 0 Zn 1 0 ZnO 8 66.7 0 100
Ca 83. 33 0 16. 67 100 0 Car 0 0 CaO: 2.96 C a O : 80.37 Ca : 0 CaO 2 0.11 CaO t 16. 6 0 100
HzO 95 0 5 100 0 HzO195 0 HzOiO HzO:O HzO: 5 HzO: 0 0 100
CaFz 0 0 100 100 0 CaFz 2 0 0 CaFz 1 0 CaFz 1 0 CaF? I 100 CaF? 1 0 0 100
Note: Left column is based for chemical analyses. The percents of other chemical components are written before numerical values (i. e. Fez 0 3 1 0. 6 in dust)

for each of the inlet components for the ( E A F + L F ) Using the given efficiencies, one of the produc-
system are given in detail in Table 5. All inlet and ers can easily determine the required amount of inlet
outlet amounts of components and elements can be materials according to their desired product composi-
easily observed, for example, 1 . 2 kg FeO is the iron tion.
amount in the slag of the outlet from the EAF and this When the analysis and reaction rates of the compo-
value can be easily found at the first row of Table 5. nents are known, desired compositions of steel can be
obtained precisely and system control can be achieved
4 Conclusions
more easily. This is one of the important advantages
In present study, the rates of all outlet elements for manufacturers. Besides, the manufacturer can
and components for ( E A F L F ) steel production + quickly learn the composition of slag, dust, and the
system based on 100 kg of each of the inlet elements materials charged into the E A F and LF. This means
are obtained. For this analysis, both the E A F and minimum production time and minimum cost.
L F are considered as a whole system, whereas the re-
actions and analysis of mass balance were carried out
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No. 5 G r a y C a s t I r o n With Directional G r a p h i t e F l a k e s P r o d u c e d b y C y l i n d e r Covered C o m p r e s s i o n P r o c e s s 55 *

the surface of ferrite matrix. It may be imaged that the deformed GCI. It is important to note that a t the
after the brittle fracture between graphite and metal same time, the ductility of deformed GCI increases
matrix, ductile fracture occurs among the part of as discussed above. It is suggested that both the
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3 Conclusions
morphology results in the ductility increase of de-
formed GCI. ( 1 ) Gray cast iron was hot compressed up to
Since the graphite volume fraction is about 13 % 80% without the cracking problem using the CCC
in each tensile specimen, t h e phenomenon that the process.
GCI strength increases with hot deformation may be ( 2 ) Graphite flakes in GCI tend t o be parallel
caused by the directional distribution of graphite with each other after more than 45% hot deforma-
flakes as well. In fact, with the increase of hot de- tion.
formation, the graphite flakes run gradually parallel (3) T h e tensile strength, ductility, and micro-
with each other. This leads to an increase of the to- hardness of GCI after 8 0 % hot compression were
tal load area along the tensile direction as shown in significantly enhanced: the tensile strength was 249
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