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Multiple Choice Questions

1. What happens when a solution of an acid is mixed with a solution of a base in a test tube?
(i) The temperature of the solution increases (ii) The temperature of the solution decreases
(iii) The temperature of the solution remains the same (iv) Salt formation takes place
(a) (i) only (b) (i) and (iii) (c) (ii) and (iii) (d) (i) and (iv)
2. An aqueous solution turns red litmus solution blue. Excess addition of which of the following solution would reverse
the change?
(a) Baking powder (b) Lime (c) Ammonium hydroxide solution (d) Hydrochloric acid
3. During the preparation of hydrogen chloride gas on a humid day, the gas is usually passed through the guard tube
containing calcium chloride. The role of calcium chloride taken in the guard tube is to
(a) absorb the evolved gas (b) moisten the gas
(c) absorb moisture from the gas (d) absorb Cl– ions from the evolved gas
4. Which of the following salts does not contain water of crystallisation?
(a) Blue vitriol (b) Baking soda (c) Washing soda (d) Gypsum
5. Sodium carbonate is a basic salt because it is a salt of
(a) strong acid and strong base (b) weak acid and weak base
(c) strong acid and weak base (d) weak acid and strong base
6. Calcium phosphate is present in tooth enamel. Its nature is
(a) basic (b) acidic (c) neutral (d) amphoteric
7. A sample of soil is mixed with water and allowed to settle. The clear supernatant solution turns the pH paper
yellowish-orange. Which of the following would change the colour of this pH paper to greenish-blue?
(a) Lemon juice (b) Vinegar (c) Common salt (d) An antacid
8. Which of the following gives the correct increasing order of acidic strength?
(a) Water <Acetic acid <Hydrochloric acid (b) Water <Hydrochloric acid <Acetic acid
(c) Acetic acid <Water <Hydrochloric acid (d) Hydrochloric acid <Water <Acetic acid
9. If a few drops of a concentrated acid accidentally spills over the hand of a student, what should be done?
(a) Wash the hand with saline solution
(b) Wash the hand immediately with plenty of water and apply a paste of sodium hydrogencarbonate
(c) After washing with plenty of water apply solution of sodium hydroxide on the hand
(d) Neutralise the acid with a strong alkali
10. Sodium hydrogencarbonate when added to acetic acid evolves a gas. Which of the following statements are true
about the gas evolved?
(i) It turns lime water milky (ii) It extinguishes a burning splinter
(iii) It dissolves in a solution of sodium hydroxide (iv) It has a pungent odour
(a) (i) and (ii) (b) (i), (ii) and (iii) (c) (ii), (iii) and (iv) (d) (i) and (iv)
11. Common salt besides being used in kitchen can also be used as the raw material for making
(i) washing soda (ii) bleaching powder (iii) baking soda (iv) slaked lime
(a) (i) and (ii) (b) (i), (ii) and (iv) (c) (i) and (iii) (d) (i), (iii) and (iv)
12. One of the constituents of baking powder is sodium hydrogen carbonate, the other constituent is
(a) hydrochloric acid (b) tartaric acid (c) acetic acid (d) sulphuric acid
13. To protect tooth decay we are advised to brush our teeth regularly. The nature of the tooth paste commonly used is
(a) acidic (b) neutral (c) basic (d) corrosive
14. Which of the following statements is correct about an aqueous solution of an acid and of a base?
(i) Higher the pH, stronger the acid (ii) Higher the pH, weaker the acid
(iii) Lower the pH, stronger the base (iv) Lower the pH, weaker the base
(a) (i) and (iii) (b) (ii) and (iii) (c) (i) and (iv) (d) (ii) and (iv)
15. The pH of the gastric juices released during digestion is
(a) less than 7 (b) more than 7 (c) equal to 7 (d) equal to 0
16. Which of the following phenomena occur, when a small amount of acid is added to water?
(i) Ionisation (ii) Neutralisation (iii) Dilution (iv) Salt formation
(a) (i) and (ii) (b) (i) and (iii) (c) (ii) and (iii) (d) (ii) and (iv)
17. Which one of the following can be used as an acid–base indicator by a visually impared student?
(a) Litmus (b) Turmeric (c) Vanilla essence (d) Petunia leaves
18. Which of the following substance will not give carbon dioxide on treatment with dilute acid?
(a) Marble (b) Limestone (c) Baking soda (d) Lime
19. Which of the following is acidic in nature?
(a) Lime juice (b) Human blood (c) Lime water (d) Antacid
20. Which of the following is used for dissolution of gold?
(a) Hydrochloric acid (b) Sulphuric acid (c) Nitric acid (d) Aqua regia
21. In an attempt to demonstrate electrical conductivity through an electrolyte, the
following apparatus was set up. Which among the following statement(s) is(are)
(i) Bulb will not glow because electrolyte is not acidic
(ii) Bulb will glow because NaOH is a strong base and furnishes ions for conduction.
(iii) Bulb will not glow because circuit is incomplete
(iv) Bulb will not glow because it depends upon the type of electrolytic solution
(a) (i) and (iii) (b) (ii) and (iv) (c) (ii) only (d) (iv) only
22. Which of the following is not a mineral acid?
(a) Hydrochloric acid (b) Citric acid (c) Sulphuric acid (d) Nitric acid
23. Which among the following is not a base?
(a) NaOH (b) KOH (c) NH4OH (d) C2H5 OH
24. Which of the following statements is not correct?
(a) All metal carbonates react with acid to give a salt, water and carbon dioxide
(b) All metal oxides react with water to give salt and acid
(c) Some metals react with acids to give salt and hydrogen
(d) Some non metal oxides react with water to form an acid
25. Match the chemical substances given in Column (A) with their appropriate application given in Column (B)

(a) A—(ii), B—(i), C—(iv), D—(iii)

(b) A—(iii), B—(ii), C—(iv), D—(i)
(c) A—(iii), B—(iv), C—(i), D—(ii)
(d) A—(ii), B—(iv), C—(i), D—(iii)

26. Equal volumes of hydrochloric acid and sodium hydroxide solutions of same concentration are mixed and the pH of
the resulting solution is checked with a pH paper. What would be the colour obtained?
(a) Red (b) Yellow (c) Yellowish green (d) Blue
27. Which of the following is(are) true when HCl (g) is passed through water?
(i) It does not ionise in the solution as it is a covalent compound.
(ii) It ionises in the solution
(iii) It gives both hydrogen and hydroxyl ion in the solution
(iv) It forms hydronium ion in the solution due to the combination of hydrogen ion with water molecule
(a) (i) only (b) (iii) only (c) (ii) and (iv) (d) (iii) and (iv)
28. Which of the following statements is true for acids?
(a) Bitter and change red litmus to blue (b) Sour and change red litmus to blue
(c) Sour and change blue litmus to red (d) Bitter and change blue litmus to red
29. Which of the following are present in a dilute aqueous solution of hydrochloric acid?
(a) H3O+ + Cl– (b) H3O+ + OH– (c) Cl– + OH– (d) unionised HCl
30. Identify the correct representation of reaction occurring during chloralkali process
(a) 2NaCl(l) + 2H2O(l) → 2NaOH(l) + Cl2(g) + H2(g)
(b) 2NaCl(aq) + 2H2O(aq) → 2NaOH(aq) + Cl2(g) + H2(g)
(c) 2NaCl(aq) + 2H2O(l) → 2NaOH(aq) + Cl2(aq) + H2(aq)
(d) 2NaCl (aq) + 2H2O (l) → 2NaOH (aq) + Cl2(g) + H2(g)
31. Match the acids given in Column (A) with their correct source given in Column (B)

32. Match the important chemicals given in Column (A) with the chemical formulae given in Column (B)

33. What will be the action of the following substances on litmus paper?
Dry HCl gas, Moistened NH3 gas, Lemon juice, Carbonated soft drink, Curd, Soap solution.
34. Name the acid present in ant sting and give its chemical formula.Also give the common method to get relief from the
discomfort caused by the ant sting.
35. What happens when nitric acid is added to egg shell?
36. A student prepared solutions of (i) an acid and (ii) a base in two separate beakers. She forgot to label the solutions
and litmus paper is not available in the laboratory. Since both the solutions are colourless, how will she distinguish
between the two?
37. How would you distinguish between baking powder and washing soda by heating?
38. Salt A commonly used in bakery products on heating gets converted into another salt B which itself is used for
removal of hardness of water and a gas C is evolved. The gas C when passed through lime water, turns it milky. Identify
A, B and C.
39. In one of the industrial processes used for manufacture of sodium hydroxide, a gas X is formed as by product. The
gas X reacts with lime water to give a compound Y which is used as a bleaching agent in chemical industry. Identify X
and Y giving the chemical equation of the reactions involved.
40. Fill in the missing data in the following table:

41. What are strong and weak acids? In the following list of acids, separate strong acids from weak acids.
Hydrochloric acid, citric acid, acetic acid, nitric acid, formic acid, sulphuric acid.
42. When zinc metal is treated with a dilute solution of a strong acid, a gas is evolved, which is utilised in the
hydrogenation of oil. Name the gas evolved. Write the chemical equation of the reaction involved and also write a test to
detect the gas formed.
Long Answer Questions
43. In the following schematic diagram for the preparation of hydrogen gas as shown in given figure, what would
happen if following changes are made?
(a) In place of zinc granules, same amount of zinc
dust is taken in the test tube
(b) Instead of dilute sulphuric acid, dilute
hydrochloric acid is taken
(c) In place of zinc, copper turnings are taken
(d) Sodium hydroxide is taken in place of dilute
sulphuric acid and the tube is heated.

44. For making cake, baking powder is taken. If at

home your mother uses baking soda instead of
baking powder in cake,
(a) how will it affect the taste of the cake and why?
(b) how can baking soda be converted into baking powder?
(c) what is the role of tartaric acid added to baking soda?
45. A metal carbonate X on reacting with an acid gives a gas which when passed through a solution Y gives the
carbonate back. On the other hand, a gas G that is obtained at anode during electrolysisof brine is passed on dry Y, it
gives a compound Z, used for disinfecting drinking water. Identity X, Y, G and Z.
46. A dry pellet of a common base B, when kept in open absorbs moisture and turns sticky. The compound is also a by–
product of chloralkali process. Identify B. What type of reaction occurs when B is treated with an acidic oxide? Write a
balanced chemical equation for one such solution.
47. A sulphate salt of Group 2 element of the Periodic Table is a white, soft substance, which can be moulded into
different shapes by making its dough. When this compound is left in open for some time, it becomes a solid mass and
cannot be used for moulding purposes. Identify the sulphate salt and why does it show such a behaviour? Give the
reaction involved.
48. Identify the compound X on the basis of the reactions given below. Also, write the name and chemical formulae of A,
B and C.

1. Why is Plaster of Paris stored in a moisture proof container?

2. What do you mean by neutralization reaction? Give two examples.
3. Mention two uses of baking soda and washing soda.
4. Why does a milkman add a small amount of baking soda to fresh milk to shift the pH of fresh milk from 6 to slightly
5. Why do acids not show acidic behavior in the absence of water?
6. Rain water conducts electricity but distilled water does not. Why?
7. Why don’t we keep sour substances in brass and copper vessels?
8. What is the common name of CaOCl2?
9. Name the compound used for softening hard water.
10. What happens when baking soda is heated?
11. Give the properties and uses of bleaching powder.
12. Give a few uses of acids, bases and salts respectively
1. Which one of the following is acidic?
(a) Lemon juice (b) Tomatoes (c) Milk (d) All
2. Which one of the following will turn red litmus blue?
(a) Vinegar (b) Baking soda solution (c) Lemon juice (d) Soft drinks
3. Which one of the following will turn blue litmus red?
(a) Vinegar (b) Lime water (c) Baking soda solution (d) Washing soda solution
4. Methyl orange is
(a) Pink in acidic medium, yellow in basic medium
(b) Yellow in acidic medium, pink in basic medium
(c) Colourless in acidic medium, pink in basic medium
(d) Pink in acidic medium, colourless in basic medium.
5. Lime water is
(a) CaO (b) Ca(OH)2 (c) CaCO3 (d) CaCI2
6. The nature of calcium phosphate is present in tooth enamel is
(a) Basic (b) Amphoteric (c) Acidic (d) Neutral
7. Which of the following salts has no water of crystallization?
(a) Blue vitriol (b) Washing soda (c) Baking soda (d) Gypsum
8. The function of quick lime in soda lime mixture is to
(a) Absorb moisture present in soda lime
(b) Increase the efficiency of soda lime
(c) Increase the pH of soda lime
(d) Take part in reaction with NaOH
9. The Ph of a solution of HCL is 4. This shows that the molarity of the solution is
(a) 4.0M (b) 0.4M (c) 0.0001M (d) 0.001M
10. The difference of molecules of water in gypsum and PoP is
(a)5/2 (b) 2b (c) 3/2 (d) ½
11. Which of the following does not form an acidic salt?
(a) Phosphoric acid (b) Carbonic acid (c) Hydrochloric acid (d) Sulphuric acid
12. The chemical formula of caustic potash is
(a) NaOH (b) Ca(OH)2 (c) NH4OH (D) KOH
1. (d)
2. (b)
3. (a)
4. (a)
5. (b)
6. (a)
7. (c)
8. (a)
9. (a)
10. (c)
11. (b)
12. (d)

1. How will you test for a gas which is liberated when HCL reacts with an active metal? (CBSE 2008)

2. What is baking powder? How does it make the cake soft and spongy? (CBSE 2008)
3. When fresh milk is changed into curd will its pH value increase or decrease? Why?
4. Give Arrhenius definition of an acid and a base. (CBSE 2009)
5. What happens chemically when quick lime is added to water? (CBSE 2008)
6. Name the gas evolved when dilute HCL reacts with Sodium hydrogen carbonate. How is it recognized? (CBSE 2008)
7. How does the flow of acid rain water into a river make the survival of aquatic life in the river difficult? (CBSE 2008)
8. How is the pH of a solution of an acid influenced when it is diluted? (CBSE 2008 F)
9. How does the pH of the solution change when a solution of base is diluted? (CBSE 2008 F)
10. Arrange these in increasing order of their pH values- NaOH, blood, lemon juice. (CBSE 2008 F)
11. Two solutions of A and B have pH values of 5 and 8. Which solution will be basic in nature? (CBSE 2008 C)
12. Why does tooth decay start when pH of mouth is lower than 5.5? (CBSE 2009)
13. What would be the colour of litmus in a solution of sodium carbonate? (CBSE 2009)
14. Name the products obtained when sodium hydrogen carbonate is heated. Write the chemical equation for the
same. (AI CBSE 2009)
15. Write the chemical formula of washing soda and baking soda. Which one of these two is an ingredient of antacids? How
does it provide relief in stomachache? (CBSE 2008 F)
16. What do you mean by �water of crystallization� of a substance? Describe an activity to show that blue copper
sulphate crystals contain water of crystallization. (CBSE 2009 F)
17. How can washing soda be obtained from baking soda? Name an industrial use of washing soda other than washing
clothes. (AI CBSE 2008)
18. Why does 1 M HCL solutions have a higher concentration of H+ ions than 1M CH3COOH solution? (AI CBSE 2009)
Time: 25 mins
1. Name two constituents of baking power. (1 mark)
2. What is universal indicator? (1 mark)
3. Name the chemicals that can be made of common salt (1 mark)
4. Why does cake become fluffy after adding baking soda? (1 mark)
5. Write the pH value, after which teeth start decaying? (1 mark)
6. State some uses of baking soda? (2 marks)
7. How is the concentration of hydroxide ions (OH-) affected when excess base is dissolved in a solution of sodium
hydroxide? (2 mark)
8. Name the gas evolved when dilute sulphuric acid acts on sodium carbonate.Write the chemical equation for the reaction
involved. (2 mark)
9. What are the properties and uses of bleaching powder?(3 marks)
10. Write a chemical formula to represent the action of atmospheric CO2 gas on bleaching powder when left exposed in
open. (2 marks)
11. What happens when quick lime is added to water? (2 marks)
12. Write any two properties of acids. (2 marks)

One Marks Questions

Question 1What is a neutralization reaction?
Solution A reaction in which an acid and a base react to give a salt and water is known as a �neutralization reaction�. For
NaOH (aq) + HCl (aq) �> NaCl (aq) + H2O (liq)
Ca(OH)2 (aq) + H2SO4 (aq) �> CaSO4 (s) + H2O

Question 2What will be the products of the following reaction?

Solution NaOH (aq) + HCl (aq) �> NaCl (aq) + H2O (liq)

Question 3pH stands for the negative logarithm of the hydrogen ion concentration. True or false
Solution True
Question 4Name two indicators which are widely used in laboratories.
Solution A few common indicators used in the laboratory are:
1. Litmus Paper
2. Methyl Orange

Question 5What is brine?

Solution Water solution containing more than 2.6 percent salt (the amount contained in sea water), used in the manufacture
of caustic soda (sodium hydroxide), chlorine, sodium carbonate and other products. Used also in curing of hides, and pickling
of meats and vegetables for canning.

Question 6A solution turns red litmus blue. Is the solution acid or a base?
Solution Basic
Question 7What happens to the temperature of water when few drops of concentrated sulphuric acid is added to it?
Solution temperature rises
Question 8Which compound of sodium is used for softening of hard water?
Solution Washing Soda (Na2CO3.10H2O) is hydrated sodium carbonate which is used for softening hard water.
Question 9Does distilled water conduct electricity?
Solution No
Question 10What are olfactory indicators? Give an example.
Question 11What is the chemical formula for baking soda
Question 12What is the organic acid present in tomato?
Two Marks Questions

Question 1What are indicators?

Solution Indicators are weak inorganic compounds which change color in accordance with the pH of the solution.
Indicators dissociate slightly in a solution producing - ions and dissociated molecules.The color of the ions produced is
dependent on the - hydrogen ion concentration.

Question 2What would happen if a small amount of copper oxide is taken in a beaker and dilute HCI is added to it?
Question 3What is the 'pH' of pure water and that of rain water? Elaborate it
Solution pH VALUE OF pure water us 7 i.e it is neither acidic nor basic.
Normal rainwater has a pH of 5.6 (slightly acidic). This is because it is exposed to the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. The
carbon dioxide gets dissolved in the rainwater and forms carbonic acid (H{-2}CO{-3}).
Question 4How does plaster of Paris reacts with water? Write down the chemical equation?
Solution plaster of Paris reacts with water to form gypsum CaSO4.(1/2)H2O + 1(1/2) H2O -> CaSO4.2H2O
Question 5What is dilute? Why care must be taken while mixing concentrated nitric acid or sulphuric acid with water?
Question 6On which factors does the strength of an acid or a base depend? Explain.
Question 7Name the common acid-base indicators used in the laboratory with their color change.

Final colour





Methyl orange





Deep pink

Four Marks Questions

A) Explain the following by giving examples

How metal oxides react with acids?
How non- metal oxides react with base?

B) Explain the terms with examples

Acid Salt
Normal Salt
Basic salt
Double salt
Mixed salt

C) 1) Why does acidic solution conduct electricity?

2) Can basic solution conduct electricity?
3) Can separation of H+ ions in acids take place when HCI is added to a non- aqueous solution?
4) While diluting an acid, why is it recommended that the acid should be added to water and not water to the acid?
Solution Both acidic and basic solutions in water conduct electricity. Acids, when dissolved in water release the H+ and bases
when dissolved in water release the OH- ions. These ions are charged species and so act as charge carriers. In other words the
conductivity of these solutions is due to the movement of these ions.

The process of dissolving an acid or a base in water is a highly exothermic one. Care must be taken while mixing concentrated
acid with water. The acid must always be added slowly to water with constant stirring. If water is added to a concentrated
acid, the heat generated may cause the mixture to splash out and cause burns. The glass container may also break due to
excessive local heating.

Five Marks Questions

Question 1 (a)What is pH scale and what’s its range? How is it related to hydronium ion concentration?
(b)Explain any two roles played by pH levels of various chemicals in living organisms.
Solution The term �pH� is defined as the negative logarithm of H+ ion concentration of a given solution; the concentration
being expressed as moles per litre.
athematically pH = � log [H+] �pH� stands for: Power of hydrogen ion concentration, �p� for power and �H� for H+
ion concentration.
Some important benchmark values in the pH scale are: pH = 7 indicates neutral solutions e.g., aqueous solutions. pH > 7 to 14
indicates alkaline solutions and pH < 7 to 0 indicate acidic solutions.
Question 2 Plaster of Paris should be stored in a moisture-proof container. Explain why?
Multiple Choice questions
Question 1
When a solution of an acid contains larger amount of acid, it is said to be-
(a) Dilute
(b) concentrated
(c) Monobasic
(d) polybasic
Question 2
etals like sodium, potassium and calcium react with an acid to liberate-
(a) CO2
(b) NH3
Question 3
Which of the following is a weak acid?
(a) sulphuric acid
(b) hydrochloric acid
(c) acetic acid
(d) nitric acid
Question 4
The chemical formula of baking soda is
(b) Na2Co3.10H2O
(c) NaHCO3
(d) NaOH
Question 5
Which of the following phenomena occur, when a small amount of acid is added to water?
(a) ionization
(b) Neutralization
(c) Dilution
( d) Salt formation
Question 6
Salt form during reaction of sulphuric acid with copper
(b) CuSO4
(c) K2SO4
(d) NH4CI
Question 7
CuSO4. K2SO4 is
(a)acid salt
(b) a mixed salt
(c) normal salt
(d) double salt
Question 8
The acid present in vinegar
(a)citric acid
(b) tartaric acid
(c) ascorbic acid
(d) acetic acid
Question 9
Acid reacts with---------- of metals to form salt and water.
(b) carbonates
(c) oxides
(d) sulphides
Question 10
Which of these bases is not an alkali?
(b) NH4OH
(c) AI (OH)3
(d) all of the are alkalies
Question 11
Which substance is used to purify water
(a)Ammonium chloride
(b) copper sulphate
(c) chlorine
(d) none of these
Question 12
H3PO4 is the example of-
(b) organic acid
(c) oxyacid
(d) salt
Question 13
To protect tooth decay we are advised to brush our teeth regularly. The nature of the tooth paste commonly used is
(a) acidic
(b) neutral
(c) basic
(d) corrosive
Question 14
Which of the following substance will not give carbon dioxide on treatment with dilute acid?
(c) Baking soda
Question 15
A compound that reacts with an acid to form a salt and water is called
(b) alkali
(c) solution
(d) none of these
Question 16
An indicator is what type of compound?
(a) reducing agent
(b) strong base or acid
(c) weak base or acid
(d) salt
Question 17
H2SO4 can be prepared by reaction of water with-
(b) SO2
(c) N2O
(d) SO3
Question 18
The acidity of Fe(OH)3 is
(b) 3
(c) 4
(d) 5
Question 19
The example of olfactory indicators is
(a) Methyl orange
(b) onion
(c) blue litmus
(d) phenolphthalein

Question 20
The aqueous solution of sodium acetate is
(b) neutral
(c) acidic
(d) none of these

(1) (b)
(2) (d)
(3) (c)
(4) (c)
(5) (a) and (c)
(6) (b)
(8) (d)
(11) (c)
(12) (c)
(13) (c)
(14) (d)
(15) (b)
(16) (c)
17) (d)
(19) (b)
(20) (a)
Question 1
Name four gases that can be prepared in the laboratory using dilute H2SO4. Show how they can be prepared?
Solution The four gases are:
1) H2 gas : An active metal (above Pb) and dilute H2SO4 gives H2 gas
2) CO2 gas :Any carbonate salt and dilute H2SO4 gives CO2 gas
3) SO2 gas :Any sulphite salt and dilute H2SO4 gives SO2 gas
4) H2S gas : Any sulphide salt and dilute H2SO4 gives H2S gas.

Question 2
atch the column

Column A

Column B









Solution Acid:HCL,HNO3

Question 3
A milkman adds a very small amount of baking soda to fresh milk.
(a) Why does he shift the pH of the fresh milk from 6 to slightly alkaline?
(b) Why does this milk take a long time to set as curd?
Solution So that it does not set as curd easily
Since Milk is alkaline in nature,acid produced are neutralized by the base ,so it takes longer time to set into curd

Question 4
Fill in the blanks.
(a) Chemical formula for bleaching powder is ______.
(b) Acids ______ _______ bases to form ________ and water.
(c) The term pH was coined by _______ .
(d) An acidic solution contains _____ _______ ions .
(e)________ ________ is used in softening water.
(f) ______ medicine used to treat indigestion
(g) Calcium Sulphate hemihydrate is popularly known as _____ ___ _____.
(i) ________ are present in aerated drinks
Fill in the blanks

1. hydrogen
2. NaHCO3
3. polyprotic acid
4. hydrogen, salt
5. carbon dioxide, water
6. Water of crystallization
7. synthetic
8. soda ash
9. sulphuric acid
10. not
11. ammonia
12. caustic soda
13. neutralization
14. water
15. basic

b)React, with. salt
d) H+
e)Washing Soda
g) Plaster of Paris
i) CO2

Question 5
atch the column

Column A

Column B

Common Salt


Baking soda

Caustic soda


Washing Soda

Solution Common Salt :NaCl
Backing soda: NaHCO3
Caustic soda:NaOH
Washing Soda:Na2CO3

Question 6
True and False statement
a) Vinegar contains acetic acid
b) Formic acid is a weak acid
c) Acids gives H+ ion in water
d) Baking soda is used for Softening of hard water
e) pH of a solution can vary from 0-14.
f) Heat is evolved during ionization.
g) NaCl is a base
h) Acids turns blue litmus solution to red
Solution a) True
b) True
c) True
d) True
e) True
g) False
h) True

Question 7
Short answer type questions
a) What is lime water?
b) How plaster of paris is formed?
c) What is the pH of our stomach
d) Name a strong base and a weak base.
e) Name a hydrated salt
f) What is a universal indicator? What is its advantage?
Solution a) Limewater is the common name for a diluted solution of calcium hydroxide
c)Range 1-3
d)Strong Base is NaOH and Weak Base is NH4OH
e) A hydrated salt is copper sulphate crystals (CuSO4.5H2O).
f) A universal indicator is a mixed indicator of organic chemicals which not only shows whether the given solution is acidic or
basic, but also shows the approximate pH values by giving a wide particular colour for a specific value of pH.
True/ False

1. True
2. True
3. False
4. True
5. False
6. True
7. False
8. True
9. True
10. True.
Question 1)Write the neutralization reaction of acids?
Question 2Write the name of the products obtained when zinc metal pieces are dropped into sodium hydroxide bottle.
Solution 2NaOH +Zn-> Na2ZnO2 + H2
Products are Sodium zincate and hydrogen

Question 3) What is the nature of baking soda?

Question 4)What are olfactory indicators?
Solution olfactory indicators are those indicators that help to identify whether the given solution is acidic or basic by changing
their smell instead of colour as other indicators do.

olfactory indicator" implies that this is a compound whose can smell you can detect... vanilla, clove and onion are all olfactory
indicators as these do not give their distinct odour in highly alkaline(basic) medium.

Question 5) Write an equation for the action of dilute hydrochloric acid on marble chips.
Solution arble is nothing but calcium carbonate
CaCO3 + HCl -> CaCl2 + H20 + CO2

Question 6) Write the chemical name and formula of washing soda?

Solution Sodium Carbonate
Question 7) Write the preparation of sodium hydroxide?
Question 8) Name the raw materials required to manufacture bleaching powder.
Question 9) Write the chemical formula of plaster of paris and gypsum?
Question 10) What happen when excess of CO2 passes from lime water?
Question 11) Why does dry HCI gas not change the colour of the dry litmus paper?
Question 12) What effect does the concentration of H+ (aq) have on acidic nature of the solution?
Question 13) Write the reaction between dilute NaOH solution and dilute HCI acid.
Question 14) Why does an aqueous solution of an acid conduct electricity?
Question 15)What is chloro- alkali process.
Solution When concentrated solution of sodium chloride is electrolysed it forms Chlorine gas, Sodium hydroxide and
Hydrogengas. It is called chlor-alkali process because of the products formed- Chlor for chlorine gas and alkali for Sodium
hydroxide. Chlorine is formed at anode and Hydrogen is formed at the cathode and Na(OH)2 is formed near the cathode.

The main products formed are: Chlorine and Sodium Hyroxide

Question 16) Write the name and the chemical formula of the organic acid present in vinegar.
Solution name of the acid - acetic acid (CH3C00H) Question 17) What are alkalies? Given one example of alkalies?
Question 18) Is Water a strong acid or a weak acid?
Question 19) What is the common name of the compound CaOCl2?
Solution Calcium Oxy chloride. Comman name is bleaching power Question 20) Name the acids present in wasp sting.
Question 21) what is the pH of a neutral solution?
Solution 7
Question 22) Name two indicators which are widely used in laboratories.
Question 23) What are olfactory indicators? Give an example
Question 24) What is brine?
Question 25) What happens to the temperature of water when few drops of concentrated sulphuric acid is added to it?
Question 26) Which compound of sodium is used for softening of hard water?


Question 1) Why do HCI, HNO3 etc., show acidic characters in aqueous solution while solutions of compounds like alcohol and
glucose do not show acidic character?
Question 2) What are hydronium ions?
Question 3) What is meant by strong acids and weak acids? Classify the following into strong acids and weak acids :-
Strong acid
Weak acid

A strong acid dissociates completely (100%)

A weak acid is only partly dissociated (less than 100%)

A strong acid has a pH 1.

pH of weak acid is 3-5

Hydrochloric acid, sulphuric acid.

Acetic acid, Formic acid

All the HCl molecules becomes into hydrogen ions & chloride ions when they are dissolved in water

Some of the acid molecules become ions. most of them stay as acid molecules

Strong Acid: HCl HNO3 Weak Acid:H2CO3, H2SO3, CH3COOH

Question 4) What happens when a solution of sodium hydrogen carbonate is heated? Write equation of the reaction is
Question 5)What happens when base react with non metal oxide?
Question 6) What is water of crystallization? Give some examples of salt having water of crystallization? Give some example of
salt having water of crystallization?
Question 7) Classify each of the following substance as a weak acid, strong acid, weak base, strong base, both a weak acid and
a weak base, or neither an acid nor a base :
Solution H2CO3 : Weak Acid
HCIO4: Strong Acid

Question 8) What would happen if a small amount of copper oxide is taken in a beaker and dil. HCI is added to it?
Question 9) How does plaster of paris reacts with water? Write down the chemical equation?
Question 10) What is dilute? Why care must be taken while mixing concentrated nitric acid or sulphuric acid with water?
Question 11) Show with the help of an equation show that metal carbonates liberate carbon dioxide on reaction with dilute
Question 12) Write the balanced molecular equations showing the complete neutralizations of the following.
HNO3 by NaOH
Ca(OH)2 by HI
Solution HNO3 + NaOH -> NaNO3 + H2O
Ca(OH)2 + 2HI -> CaI2+2H2O
HNO3 b+ KOH ->KNO3 + H2O

Question 13) Write the formulas of the acid and the base that formed the following salts.
Solution CH3COONa: CH3COOH and NaOH

CuSO4 : H2SO4 and Cu(OH)2

KClO3: HClO3 and KOH

Al2(SO4)3 : Al(OH)3 and H2SO4

NH4Cl: NH4OH and HCL
Ba(NO2): Ba(OH)2 and HNO2
NH4NO3: NH3 and HNO3
Question 14) Write two observations you would make when quicklime is added to water.
Question 15) What are the uses of Bleaching powder?
Solution (i) It is used for bleaching cotton and linen in the textile industry, for bleaching wood pulp in paper factories and for
bleaching washed clothes in laundry
(ii) It is used as an oxidising agent in many chemical industries
(iii) It is used for disinfecting drinking water to make it free of germs

Question 16) State the chemical property in each case on which the following uses of baking soda are based :-
as an antacid
as a constituent of baking powder.
Question 17) How is plaster of Paris obtained? What reaction is involved in the setting of a paste of plaster of Paris?
Question 18)Acids show their properties only in the presence of water? explain?
Question 19)A weak acid is added to a concentrated solution of hydrochloric acid. Does the solution become more or less
Question 20) Write the chemical name and formula of washing soda. What happens when crystals of washing soda are
exposed to air?
Solution Na2CO3.10H2O
Question 21)
Write word equations and then balanced equations for the reaction taking place when-
dilute sulphuric acid reacts with zinc granules.
dilute hydrochloric acid reacts with magnesium ribbon.Give two important uses of caustic soda and baking soda.

On which factors does the strength of an acid or a base depend? Explain.

Question 22)Explain the following by giving examples:
a. how metal oxides react with acids?
b.How non- metal oxides react with baes?
Question 23) a)Why does acidic solution conduct electricity?
(b)Can basic solution conduct electricity?
(c)Can separation of H+ ions in acids take place when HCI is added to a non- aqueous solution?
Solution Both acidic and basic solutions in water conduct electricity. Acids, when dissolved in water release the H+ and bases
when dissolved in water release the OH- ions. These ions are charged species and so act as charge carriers. In other words the
conductivity of these solutions is due to the movement of these ions.


Question 1) How common salt prepared from sea water?
Solution Sea water contains a large amount of common salt and the salts of other metals dissolved in it. Near the sea-shore,
the sea water is collected in shallow pits and allowed to evaporate in sunshine. In a few days, the water evaporates, leaving
behind salt. The salt so obtained is collected and transported to big factories, where it is purified and packed for consumtions

Question 2) What is observed when – (i) dilute sulphuric acid is added to solid sodium carbonate. (ii) hot concentrated
sulphuric acid is added to sulphur. (iii) Sulphur doioxide is passed through lime water? Also write chemical equations to
represent the chemical reaction taking place in each case.
Question 3) A student dropped few pieces of marble in dilute hydrochloric acid, contained in a test tube. The evolved gas was
then passed through lime water. What change would be observed in lime water? What will happen if excess of gas is passed
through lime water? Write balanced chemical equations for all the changes observed.
Question 4) A compound X of sodium forms a white powder. It is a constituent of baking powder and is used in some antacid
prescriptions. When heated, X gives out a gas and steam. The gas forms a white precipitate with limewater. Write the
chemical formula and name of X and the chemical equation for its decomposition on heating. What is its role in baking
powder and in antacids?
Solution Baking powder consists of sodium bicarbonate, tartaric acid and small amount of starch. Hence, the compound X of
sodium in question which is a constituent of baking powder and is used in antacids is sodium bicarbonate or sodium
hydrogencarbonate, which has the chemical formula NaHCO3. It is commonly known as baking soda.

On heating, it decomposes to give sodium carbonate, water and carbon dioxide.

NaHCO3 -> Na2CO3 + H2O +CO2

This gas(CO2) when passed through lime water turns it milky due to the formation of calcium carbonate, which is insoluble in
Ca(OH)2 + CO2 ? CaCO3 + H2O

Question 5)
a milk man adds a very small amount of baking soda to fresh milk:
Why does he shift the pH of the fresh milk from 6 to slightly alkaline?
What do you expect to observe when fresh milk comes to boil?
Why does this milk take a long time to set as a curd?
Solution So that it does not set as curd easily
Since Milk is alkaline in nature,acid produced are neutralized by the base ,so it takes longer time to set into curd

Question 6) With the help of activity show that mixing of acid in water is an exothermic process.
Question 7)
Account for the following:
Dry HCl gas does not change the colour of dry litmus paper.
Antacid tablets are used by a person suffering from stomach pain.
Toothpaste is used for cleaning teeth.

Solution The colour of litmus paper changes only in the presence of ions like hydrogen (H+) or hydronium (H3O+) ions. HCl can
produce these ions only in the form of aqueous solution. Hence dry HCl gas does not change the colour of dry litmus paper
Antacid reacts with acid in the stomach and neutralizes it

Question 8) (a)What is pH scale and what’s its range? How is it related to hydronium ion concentration?
(b)Explain any two roles played by pH levels of various chemicals in living organisms.


1.When a solution of an acid contains larger amount of acid, it is said to be
(c) concentrated
(d) polybasic
2. Metals like sodium, potassium and calcium react with an acid to liberate
c) NH3
3.Bleaching powder is soluble in cold water giving a milky solution due to
a)Available chlorine
b)Lime present in it
c)Calcium carbonat formation
d)The absorption of carbon dioxide from atmosphere
4. Which substance is used to purify water—
a)Ammonium chloride
b) copper sulphate
c) chlorine
d) none of these
5.A blue litmus paper was first dipped in dil. HCI and then in dil. NaOH solution. It was observed that
the color of the litmus paper
a)Changed to red
b)Changed first to red and then to blue
c)Changed blue to colorless
d)Remains blue in both the solutions
6.The acid used in making of vinegar is :-
a)Formic acid
b)Acetic acid
c)Sulphuric acid
d)Nitric acid
7. A solution turns blue litmus red. The PH of the solution is probably---
(b) 10
(c) 12
(d) 4
8.Reaction of an acid with a base is known as –
c)redox reaction
9.The aqueous solution of sodium acetate is---
(b) neutral
(c) acidic
(d) none of these
10.Antacids contains –
a)weak base
b)weak acid
c)strong base
d)strong acid
11.Bleaching powder gives smell of chlorine because
a)is unstable
b)gives chlorine on exposure to atmosphere
c)is a mixture of chlorine and slaked lime
d)contains excess of chlorine
12.Plaster of paris is made from
a)lime stone
b)slaked lime
c)quick lime
13.The example of olfactory indicators is
(a)Methyle orange
(b) onion
(c) blue litmus
(d) phenolphthalein
14.Chemical formula of baking soda is –
15.When we heat the carbonates of some metals, we get
(b) H2
(c) CO2
(d) NO2
16.Plaster of Paris hardens by –
a)giving of CO2
b)changing into CaCO3
c)combining with water
d)giving out water
17.Which of the following is acidic in nature –
a)apple juice
b)soap solution
c)slaked lime
18.Which of the following acid is present in sour milk ?
a)glycolic acid
b)lactic acid
c)citrus acid
d)tartaric acid
19. Milk of magnesium is an example of
(b) acid
(c) salt
(d) none of these
20.A solution react with crushed egg- shells to give a gas that turns lime- water milky. The solution
contains –
21. Which of the following is the weak acid
(a) sulphuric acid
(b) hydrochloric acid
(c) acetic acid
(d) nitric acid
22.Acidity of ammonium hydroxide is
23.Which of the following is not an acidic salt
24.Basic salts are formed by neutralization of
a)strong acid and strong base
b)strong acid and weak base
c)weak acid and weak base
d)strong base and weak acid
25.Plaster of paris is obtained
a)by adding water to calcium sulphate
b)by adding sulphuric acid to calcium hydroxide
c)by heating gypsum to a very high temperature
d)by heating gypsum to 373 K.

1 b2 d3 b4 c5 b
6 b 7 d 8 d 9 a 10 a
11 b 12 d 13 b 14 c 15 c
16 c 17 a 18 b 19 a 20 b
21 c 22 a 23 b 24 d 25 d

One Mark Questions

Question 1) Why does the flow of acid rain water into a river make the survival of aquatic life in the river
Question 2) Write balanced chemical equations for the reactions taking place when dry blue crystals of copper
sulphate are dropped into concentrated sulphuric acid.
Question 3) Name the products formed when sodium hydrogen carbonate is heated. Write the chemical
equation for the reaction involved.

Formula of sodium hydrogen carbonate is NaHCO3.

when it is heated it forms water , carbon dioxide and and sodium carbonate.
2NaHCO3 --> H2O + CO2 + Na2CO3
Question 4) Two solutions A and B have pH values of 5 and 8 respectively. Which solution will be basic in

Solution B as pH > 7

Question 5) Why does tooth decay start when the pH of mouth is lower than 5.5?
Question 6) How is the concentration of hydronium ions (H3O+) affected when a solution of an acid is diluted?
Question 7) Fresh milk has a pH of 6. When it changes into curd (Yogurt), will its pH value increase or
decrease? Why?

Fresh milk has a pH of 6, before conversion. When milk is turned into curd then its pH value will decrease due
to the production of lactic acid in curd which is acidic in nature.

8) A dry pellet of a common base B, when kept in open absorbs moisture and turns sticky. The compound is
also a by – product of chlorine – alkali process. Identify B. What type of reaction occurs when B is treated with
an acidic oxide? Write a balanced chemical equation for one such solution.
9) Name the acid present in an ant sting.

Two Marks Questions

Question 1) Write the chemical formula for bleaching powder. How is bleaching powder prepared? For what
purpose is it used in paper factories?
Question 2) (i) An aqueous solution has a pH of 7.0. Is this solution acidic, basic or neutral?
(ii) Which has higher pH value, 1 M HCI or 1 M NaOH?

i) Neutral
ii) NaOH has more pH value

Question 3) Name the gas which is usually produced when dilute sulphuric acid reacts with a metal. Illustrate
it with an example. How will you test the evolution of this gas?
Question 4) A metal compound ‘A’ reacts with dilute sulphuric acid to produce a gas which extinguishes a
burning candle. Identify the compound ‘A’ and the a gas produced. Write a balanced chemical equation for the
reaction if one of the compounds formed in the reaction is sodium sulphate.
Question 5) State what happens when zinc granules are heated with sodium hydroxide solution. Write the
balanced equation for this reaction. Name the main product formed in this reaction.
Question 6) Give reasons for the following:
(a) Dry HCI does not change the colour of dry litmus paper.
(b) Aqueous solution of an acid conducts electricity.

The colour of litmus paper changes only in the presence of ions like hydrogen (H+) or hydronium (H3O+) ions.
HCl can produce these ions only in the form of aqueous solution. Hence dry HCl gas does not change the
colour of dry litmus paper
Question 7) While diluting an acid, why is it recommended that acid should be added to water and not water to
the acid?
Question 8) P and Q are aqueous solution of sodium chloride and sodium hydroxide respectively. Which of
these will turn:
(a) Blue litmus to red or
(b) Red litmus to blue? Give justification for your answer.

Solution P no effect on litmus paper since it is neutral

Solution Q it is strong base so it turns red to blue litmus

Question 9) What is universal indicator? State the purpose for which this indicator is used.
Question 10) Name the acid produced in our stomach. What happens if there is an excess of acid in the
stomach? How can it be cured? Name one antacid.

our stomach produces hydrochloric acid. It helps in the digestion of food without harming the stomach.During
indigestion the stomach produces too much acid and this causespain and irritation. To get rid of this pain,
people use bases called antacids. These antacids neutralise the excess acid.Magnesium hydroxide (Milk of
magnesia), a mild base, is often used for this purpose

Question 11) Define an acid and a base. Name one weak acid and one strong base.
Question 12) Explain why an aqueous solution of sodium sulphate is neutral while an aqueous solution of
sodium carbonate is basic in nature.

Because Sodium sulphate salt is made by reaction of sulphuric acid (strong acid) the sodium hydroxide (strong
base) , thus on combining the opposite effects of acid and base neutralize each others effect completely
leading to the formation of a neutral salt. Sodium carbonate salt is made of reaction of carbonic acid and
sodium hydroxide . on combining the basic character will be more as a week acid can not neutralize a strong
base completely . so the salt formed is basic in nature

Question 13) How does the enamel of the teeth undergo damage due to the eating of chocolates? What
should be done to prevent it?
Question 14) (a) Three acidic solutions A, B and C have pH = 0, 3 and 5 respectively.
(i) Which solution has the highest concentration of H+ ions?
(ii) Which solution has the lowest concentration of H+ ions?
(b) How concentrated sulphuric acid can be diluted? Describe the process.

Solution A has highest concentration of H+ ions and Solution C has the lowest concentration of H+ ions

concentrated sulphuric acid can be diluted using water. We need to add small amount of acid in the water not
the water to the acid.

Question 15) Fresh milk has a pH of 6. How do you think the pH will change to curd? Explain.
Question 16) State in brief the method of preparation of bleaching powder. Give a balanced chemical equation
of the reaction involved.
Question 17) Give two uses of baking soda and washing soda each.
Question 18)When zinc metal is treated with a dilute solution of a strong acid, a gas is evolved, which is
utilized in the hydrogenation of oil. Name the gas evolved. Write the chemical equation of the reaction and also
write a test to detect the gas formed.
Question 19) State for what purpose is bleaching powder used in water treatment plants.
Question 20) How would you distinguish between baking powder and washing soda by heating?
Question 21) Salt A commonly used in bakery products on heating gets converted into another salt B which
itself is used for removal of hardness of water and a gas C is evolved. The gas C when passed through lime
water turns it milky. Identify A, B and C.
Question 22) What are strong and weak acids? In the following list of acids, separate strong acids from weak
acids: Hydrochloric acid, citric acid, acetic acid, nitric acid, formic acid, sulphuric acid.

Strong acid Weak acid Strong Acid: HCl

A strong acid dissociates completely HNO3 Weak
A weak acid is only partly dissociated (less than 100%) Acid:H2CO3,
A strong acid has a pH 1. pH of weak acid is 3-5 H2SO3,CH3COO
Hydrochloric acid, sulphuric acid. Acetic acid, Formic acid

All the HCl molecules becomes into

Some of the acid molecules become ions. most of them
hydrogen ions & chloride ions when
stay as acid molecules
they are dissolved in water
Question 1) On passing excess CO2 through lime water, it first turns milky and then becomes colourless. Explain why? Write
the chemical reactions.
Solution The first reaction produces CaCO3 which is insoluble in water and hence the solution turns milky.
Ca(OH)2 [lime water] + CO2 -- CaCO3 + H2O

If furthermore CO2 is passed,the CaCO3 reacts with the CO2 to form Ca(HCO3)2 which is soluble in water and hence the
solution becomes colourless.

CaCO3 + CO2 + H2O -- Ca(HCO3)2

Question 2) While eating food, you happen to spill some curry on your white shirt. You immediately scrub it with soap. What
happens to its yellow colour on scrubbing with soap? Why? What happens to this stain when the shirt is washed with plenty
of water?

Question 3) Explain the action of dilute hydrochloric acid on the following with chemical equations:
(a) Magnesium ribbon
(b) Sodium hydroxide
(c) Crushed egg shells
Solution The formula equation for this experiment is:
g + 2HCl ->MgCl2 + H2
HCL + NaOH -> Nacl + H2O
Egg shells contains calcium carbonate, which on reaction with HCl liberates CO2 gas
CaCO3 + 2HCl ? CaCl2 + H2O + CO2

Question 4) What are products formed when an acid reacts with a base? What is the type of reaction? Give one example and
name the salt obtained.
Question 5) On adding dilute hydrochloric acid to copper oxide powder, the solution formed is blue - green.
(a) Identify the compound formed which gives blue -green colour to the solution.
(b) Write its balanced chemical equation.
(c) On the basis of above reaction, what should be the nature of copper oxide?
Solution When HCl reacts with copper oxide, a blue green solution of copper (II) chloride is formed. The reaction is as follows:
HCl + CuO --------> CuCl2 + H2O
(aq) (s) (aq) (l)

Question 6)Sugandha prepares HCI gas in her school laboratory using certain chemicals. She puts both dry and wet blue litmus
papers in contact with the gas.
(i) Name the reagents used by Sugandha to prepare HCI gas.
(ii) State the colour changes observed with the dry and wet blue litmus paper.
(iii) Show the formation of ions when HCI gas combines with water.
Question 7) How the following substances will dissociate to produce ions in their solution?
(a) Hydrochloric acid
(b) Nitric acid
(c) Sulphuric acid
(d) Sodium hydroxide
(e) Potassium hydroxide
(f) Magnesium hydroxide
Question 8) Differentiate between strong electrolytes and weak electrolytes. Mention two examples of each.
Question 9) State reasons for the following:
(a) A tarnished copper vessel begins to shine again rubbed with lemon.
(b)All alkalis are bases but all bases are not alkalis.
(c) Use of a mild base like baking soda on the honey – bee stung area gives relief.
Question 10) (a) State what happens when an acid reacts with a base? Name the reaction and give equation of the reaction
(b) Name one natural source of each of the following acids:
(i) Citric acid
(ii) Oxalic acid
(iii) Lactic acid
(iv) Tartaric acid
(v) Acetic acid
Solution citric acid in lemon
oxalic acid in tomato
lactic acid in curd
tartaric acid in tamarind
Acetic acid in vinegar

Question 11) A student mixed equal volumes of hydrochloride acid and sodium hydroxide solutions of same concentration.
(i) What would be the pH and colour of pH paper of the resulting solution and why?
(ii) Write the chemical equation of the reaction involved.

Question 12) State the colour change on treating pH paper with the folloing solutions:
sodium hydroxide solution, water, sulphuric acid solution, calcium hydroxide solution. Arrange the following solutions in
increasing order of pH.
Question 13) (a) Name the acid produced in our stomach. What happens when there is an excess secretion of acid in the
stomach? How can its effect be cured?
(b) Explain how pH change is the cause of tooth decay? How it can be prevented?
(c) What is the ideal soil pH for the growth of plants? Explain with the help of an activity how will you test the pH of a sample
of soil collected from your locality?
Question 14) Name one indicator which specifies the various levels of H+ ion concentration.
Question 15) A compound ‘X’ is a constitute of baking powder. It is used as an antacid. When ‘X’ is heated it gives out a gas ‘Y’
which when passed through lime water turns it milky and a salt ‘Z’ is formed which is the main constituent of washing powder.
Identify ‘X’, ‘Y’ and ‘Z’. Write balanced chemical equations for the reactions involved.
Question 16) How is Plaster of Paris chemically different from gypsum? How can they be interconverted? Write two uses of
Plaster of paris.
Question 17) Write one point of difference between each of the following:
(a) A hydrated salt and an anhydrous salt.
(b) Washing soda and soda ash.
(c) Baking soda and baking powder.
Question 18)On the basis of their pH values, how will you identify neutral, acidic and basic salt solution? How are these salts
Question 19) Give two uses each of sodium hydroxide, hydrogen and chlorine.
Solution Sodium hydroxide
a)It is used for making soaps and detergents.
b)It is used for making artificial textile fibres(rayon)
a)Chlorine is used to sterilize drinking water and in swimming pool since it is a disinfectant.
b)It is used inthe production of bleaching powder and HCl.

Question 20)When this white powder is mixed with water a hard solid mass is obtained. Write balanced chemical equation for
this change.
Question 21)Write name of the compound:
(a) Used for softening hard water.
(b) Used as an antacid.
(c) Which is a component of washing soda.
(d) Which is used as an oxidizing agent in many chemical industries?
Question 22) A gas X reacts with lime water and forms a compound Y which is used as a bleaching agent in chemical industry.
Identify X and Y. Give the chemical equation of the reaction involved.
Question 1) (a) List in tabular form two differences between an acid and a base based on their chemical properties.
(b) State the meaning of neutralization reaction. Give two examples to illustrate your answer.
Question 2) A student dropped few pieces of marbles in dilute hydrochloric acid, contained in a test tube. The evolved gas was
then passed through lime water. What change would be observed in lime water? What will happen if excess of gas is passed
through lime water? Write balanced chemical equations for all the changes observed.
Solution arble is nothing but calcium carbonate
CaCO3 + HCl -> CaCl2 + H20 + CO2
When CO2 ios passed through limewater,The first reaction produces CaCO3 which is insoluble in water and hence the solution
turns milky.
Ca(OH)2 [lime water] + CO2 -- CaCO3 + H2O

If furthermore CO2 is passed,the CaCO3 reacts with the CO2 to form Ca(HCO3)2 which is soluble in water and hence the
solution becomes colourless.

CaCO3 + CO2 + H2O -- Ca(HCO3)2

Question 3)What is observed when carbon dioxide gas is passed through lime water.
(a) for a short duration?
(b) for long duration?
Also write the chemical equations for the reactions involved.
Solution When CO2 ios passed through limewater,The first reaction produces CaCO3 which is insoluble in water and hence the
solution turns milky.
Ca(OH)2 [lime water] + CO2 -- CaCO3 + H2O

If furthermore CO2 is passed,the CaCO3 reacts with the CO2 to form Ca(HCO3)2 which is soluble in water and hence the
solution becomes colourless.
CaCO3 + CO2 + H2O -- Ca(HCO3)2

Question 4) State reasons for the following statements:

(a) Tap water conducts electricity, whereas distilled water does not.
(b) Dry hydrogen chloride gas does not turn blue litmus red, whereas hydrochloric acid does.
(c) During summer season, a milkman usually adds a very small amount of baking soda to fresh milk.
(d) For dilution of an acid, acid is added into water and not water into acid.
(e) Ammonia is a base but does not contain a hydroxyl group.
Solution (a) Tap water contains ions which conduct electricity, distilled water does not contain ions.
(b)Dry HCl does not form ions but HCl gives H+ and Cl�.
(c) Baking soda does not allow milk to change to lactic acid which makes milk sour.
(d) Adding water to acid is highly exothermic. Therefore water is added to acid very slowly with cooling.
(e)Ammonia when dissolved in water it forms ammonium hydroxide.

Ammonium hydroxide redily ionizes to form ammonium ions (NH4+) and hydroxide ions
(OH-). Thus the solution ammonia is considered as a base

Question 5) (a) In a tabular form write the colours of the following indicators in presence of acid and base:
Litmus solution, phenolphthalein solution, methyl orange solution
(b) Classify the following given solutiuon A and B in acidic and basic, giving reason.
SOLUTION A: [H+] < [OH-]
SOLUTION B: [H+] > [OH-]
Solution a)



Litmus solution

Blue to red

Red to blue



Methyl orange



a) Solution A is having more hydroxide ion showing that it is basic.

b) Solution B is having more H+ showing that its acidic.

Question 6) (a) A metal compound ‘X’ reacts with dil. H2SO4 to produce effervescence. The gas evolved extinguishes a burning
candle. If one of the compound formed is calcium sulphate then what is ‘X’ and the gas evolved? Also, write a balanced
chemical equation for the reaction which occurred.
(b) (i) Name one antacid. How does it help to relieve indigestion in stomach?
(ii) A farmer treats the soil with quick lime or calcium carbonate. What is the nature of soil? Why does the farmer treat the soil
with quick lime?
Solution a) X is calcium carbonate and gas evolved is CO2
(b) (i) NaHCO3 is antacid. It neutralizes excess of acid formed in the stomach.
(ii) The soil is acidic in nature. The farmer wants to make it neutral by adding quicklime which is good for crops.

Question 7) State what happens when sodium hydroxide solution reacts with dilute hydrochloric acid. What is this reaction
Question 8) Write the chemical name and formula of common salt. List two main sources of common salt in nature. Write any
three uses of common salt. How is it connected to our struggle for freedom?
Question 9) An aqueous solution of sodium chloride is neutral but an aqueous solution of sodium is basic.
Question 10) What is chlor-alkali process? Write the chemical reaction taking place in the form of a balanced chemical
equation. Name the gases liberated at the cathode and at the anode respectively.
Solution When concentrated solution of sodium chloride is electrolysed it forms Chlorine gas, Sodium hydroxide and
Hydrogengas. It is called chlor-alkali process because of the products formed- Chlor for chlorine gas and alkali for Sodium
hydroxide. Chlorine is formed at anode and Hydrogen is formed at the cathode and Na(OH)2 is formed near the cathode.
The main products formed are: Chlorine and Sodium Hydroxide
Question 11) Write chemical names and formulae of Plaster of Paris and gypsum.
Question 12) (a) What is baking soda? How is it known chemically?
(b) What is the nature of this salt?
(c) Write one application of it.
Question 13) How do metal carbonates and metal hydrogen carbonates react with acids?
Question 14)A metal carbonate X on reacting with an acid gives a gas which when passed through a solution Y gives the
carbonate back. On the other hand, a gas G that is obtained at anode during electrolysis of brine is passed on dry Y, it gives a
compound Z, used for disinfecting drinking water. Identify X, Y, G and Z.

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