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Final EXAM


Task 1 ■ Vocabulary test. Translate (15 points)

Przetłumacz słówka.
1. a daughter _______________ 9. sleep _______________
2. a castle _______________ 10. help _______________
3. a miller _______________ 11. trunk _______________
4. slow _______________ 12. husband _______________
5. jacket _______________ 13. pasta _______________
6. a tooth _______________ 14. hunt _______________
7. wings _______________ 15. tomorrow _______________
8. under _______________

​Task 2 ■ True or False?​(10 points)

Zaznacz t​rue​, jeśli zdanie jest prawdziwe lub ​false​jeśli zdanie jest nieprawdziwe

true false
16. I feel under the weather today.

17. It is raining cats and dogs now.

18. A squirrel has got a tail..

19. There are nine chairs in the classroom.

20. Tigers like eating meat.

21. People usually have breakfast at twelve o’clock.

22. Teacher’s shoes are brown.

23. A fireman put out the fire.

24. Children can feed animals at the zoo.

25. An ostrich can run fast.

Task 3 ■ Fill in the gaps. Words (10 points)
Uzupełnij zdania wyrazami z ramki

must / Mondays / ducks / is / cloudy / plural / young / Whose / not / music

26. You _______ find a good husband. 31. My brothers are listening to __________.

27. It is nice weather for ___________. 32. They do _____ go to school on Sundays.

28. She ________ crying. 33. ________ book is it? It’s Anna's.

29. It is a ___________________ day. 34. I am _______________.

30. On ____________, my parents go to the 35. The ___________ of a fairy is fairies.


Task 5 ■ Put into order. Sentences (7 points)

Ułóż słowa w kolejności.
36. This / is / dress / yellow / Kate’s/ .


37. is / drinking / He / milkshake / strawberry / .


38. animal / That / is / fast / very / .


39. a beautiful / daughter / He / got / has/ .


40. wants / to marry / The king / the miller’s / daughter / .


41. a cloud / nine / I / on / am / .


42. can / have / You / my / necklace / ring / and / .

Task 5 ■ Multiple choice(8 points)
Wybierz poprawną odpowiedź

43. _​______________ man is weak.

a. This b. These

44. The ______________ tail is long.

a. monkey's b. monkeys

45. The plural of a wolf is __________________.

a. wolfs b. wolves

46. Mary does not ______________ at 7.00 a. m

a. get up b. gets up

47. There ____________ two camels in the desert.

a. is b. are

48. I like _________________ chicken for dinner.

a. eat b. eating

49. Giraffes _________________ long necks and short tails.

a. has got b. have got

50. They __________________________ a sandwich now.

a. aren’t eating b. don’t eat

Vocabulary test ___/ 15

True or False ___ / 10
Words ___ / 10
Sentences ___ / 7
Multiple choice ___/8 TOTAL _____ / 50

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