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Music :

St. Paul School Arts :

Barotac Nuevo, Iloilo P. E. :
1st Periodical Exam in MAPEH 8 Health:
(St. Joseph, and St. Jude)
Total :

Name:____________________________________________ Date: _____________________



Music Education
I. Fill in the Blanks: Write the answer on the space provided.
1. ________________ became a colony British empire in 19th century.
2. __________________uses pentatonic scale and has similarity with the other Chinese musical instruments.
3-4. The two different tuning systems of scales of Indonesia are _____________and ____________.
5. _______________ is an Indonesian folk song that uses slendro and pelog with a moderate tempo.
6.Mahori is the combination of piphat and __________________.
7. ________________ is based on pentatonic scale with 250 musical theme melodies.
8. the Saung-gauk usually accompanies ________________, a classical song in Myanmar.
9. Kruang Sai is used for instrumental indoor performances and for accompanying the ___________.
10. Indonesian has five faith categories: Islam, Buddhism, Protestantism, _______________ and Roman Catholicism.
II. Cross-word Puzzle. Complete the puzzle.





5. 6.



Across Down
2. The element of music which is referred to as
the horizontal series of tones
1. A pentatonic or a five tone Indonesian scale
4. small cymbals
3. A Thai ensemble consisting of woodwind
5. A seven tone Indonesian scale
and percussion instruments which
6. An instrumental ensemble which is the
could be played in either indoor or
combination of Piphat and Kruang Sai
outdoor style
7. The element of Music which is described as
5. The element of Music which is referred to as
the series of sounds and silences in
individual tones
7. xylophone
8. The element of Music which is said to be
the vertical series of tones
III. TRUE or FALSE: Draw a check (/) if the statement is correct and cross (×) if the statement is incorrect.
v 1. Balinese gamelan is very similar to Javanese gamelan.
2.Tembang Sunda is a classical vocal music originated in West Bali.
3. Thai music uses pentatonic scale and seven tone scale in their melody.

4.The two great civilizations that gave a big impact and influence the music of Thailand are China and India.
5. Chaang is a traditional music of Malaysia.
6. Piphat is an ensemble in Thailand that consist of woodwind and percussion instruments.

7. The xylophone in Indonesia is called gambang.

8. Slendro and Pelog use pentatonic scale.
9. The rhythm in Indonesian music is in off nested time with an interval structure in 8 or 16.
10. The angklung is classified as idiophone and originated in Thailand.

Arts Education
I. DIRECTION: Identify what or who is referred to by the underlined word or words. Write your answer on the blank
provided for.
______________1. This ancient Hindu temple has become the most grandstanding landmark symbol of Cambodia.
______________2- These two attires were chosen as national costumes for Malaysian men and for
______________3. Malaysian women in particular.
______________4. The Sukhotai Complex is this country’s cultural symbol.
______________5. This traditional national costume of Vietnamese women is traditional worn over pantaloons.
______________6. These are the two countries that have distinct designs of batik.
______________8. The Indo-Chinese like the Vietnamese, Thai, and Khmers chose to paint these colors on the
image of Buddha divine knowledge.
______________9. These are the countries of Thailand, Vietnam, and Cambodia covered by this Asian region.
______________10. Batik is a Chinese word that means “to dot”.

II. Modified True or False: Write T if the statement is true. If the statement is false, change the underlined word or
words to make it true. Write your answer on the blank before the number.
______________1. Many Asian artists produced artworks that are reflections of their religious beliefs and knowledge.
______________2. The influence of Hinduism is shown in the carved wooden Hindu Goddess, and a golden
figurine of Ganesh, where the elephant God is deeply rooted.
______________3. The Negara Complex is the memorial of the old kingdom of Thailand.
______________4. The aodai is a Vietnamese national costume of tight-fighting tunic worn over pantaloons
and their conical hot, non la.
______________5. The baju kurung and the baju melayu are chosen as national costumes of Malaysia.
______________6. The old Royal Mausoleum of Minh Mang stands as Vietnam’s memorial symbolizing a
great kingdom in the past.
______________7. Ganesh is Thai's dragon god.
______________8. The Vietnamese kebayas are designed with intricate outlines of flowers, geometric shapes,
or animals depending on regional tradition which determine the motif.
______________9. Asian art is basically intellectual in nature.
______________10. The Thai baju kurung and baju melayu were cut simply in rectilinear to fit.

Physical Education
I. DIRECTION: Match column A with column B. Write your answer on the blank provided before the number.

_________1. Capacity of the heart and lungs to sustain.
oxygen to muscles for a prolonged period of time. A. Muscular strength
_________2. The ability to move a body part. B. Cardiorespiratory endurance
through a full range of motion. C. Muscular endurance
_________3. Refers to the ability of the muscles to. D. Agility
work over a prolonged period of time. E. Body composition
_________4. Refers to the maximum amount force. F. Balance
Of muscle can exert against an opposing force.
_________5. Ratio of the body fat to lean body mass.

II. Modified True or False: Write true if the underlined word/s in the statement is correct and replace it with the
correct word/s if the statement is wrong. Write your answer on the space provided.
_____________1. Fitness should always be associated with healthy lifestyle.
_____________2. Fitness activities are important because it reduces the risk of getting health-related sickness.
_____________3. Having good self- esteem is one of the benefits of physical fitness.
_____________4. Those persons who don’t have enough activities would gain more weight than those who
don’t have any physical activities.
_____________5. First aid knowledge is inessential to know.
_____________6. Basketball is a team sport, in which the main goal is to rebound the basket.
_____________7. Shooting is an offensive skill that every basketball player should master to win the game.
_____________8. Basketball was invented in Aril 1891 by James Naismith.
_____________9 Passing is the capability to jump with power in possessing the ball as it bounces from the
rim after an unsuccessful shot before touching the floor.
____________10. Dribbling is a skill in basketball that permits you to move inside the court.

III. Labeling. Name the following parts of the basketball court.

3. ________________
4. ________________
2.___________________ 5. ______________
Health Education
____________1. A period of worry and tension.
____________2. Measure of maleness and femaleness in one’s individuality and physical makeup.
____________3. The union of an egg cell and sperm cell.
____________4. Refer to the behavior and attitudes that are expected to be shown based on a person’s sex.
____________5. Can be shown in attitudes and gesture.
Match the term in column A with the descriptions in column B.
_______1.Ovary a. passageway for mature sperm cell
_______2.Testicle b. provides fluid for transport of sperm
_______3.Fallopian tube c. part of brain that controls hormones production
_______4.Urethra d. houses the developing fetus
_______5.Vas deference e. organ producing egg cell
_______6.Uterus f. organ producing sperm cell
_______7.Cervix g. boundary where fetus goes out
_______8.Prostate gland h. passage of semen
_______9.Hypothalamus i. control sex hormones production
_______10.Pituitary gland j. passageway of egg cell
k. allows maturation of sperm cell.
III. Case Study (write your answer at the back)
Case: Alexa is a grade 8 student. Her parents are very strict and would always tell her to focus first on her studies
before entering suitors. She is attracted to the school’s star basketball player named Mark, who is grade 9 students. Mark
goy attracted to her, too, and started courting her. Alexa is considering it as a problem.

Applying the skills in decision-making in managing sexuality- related issues, help Alexa make a wise decision.

-miss B.

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