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PTE 102

My Depth Experience
To one of the many moments in my life this is something I have never expected and
thought that this will I ever experienced until it happened, the story of my first heartbreak. I
know this may sound cheesy but admit it we all fall in love. This is actually new for me because
I’ve never fall in love to any other guy until he came. I’ve been always focused on my studies
and myself unlike to any other typical teenager who always getting into any relationship but
not me, I never had one. He’s the first guy I gave my attention to and give try for myself to
experience I’ve never done before. I thought everything works out well between the two of us
but it turns out I’m not the only one he’s talking to. That, everything he said to me he also said
it to someone else. It really broke me because after the long time I knew him I thought I really
know the real him. I found out when I was at home and I surprisingly I opened his account on
June 12, 2019. I was alone that night while reading all those conversation that tear me apart.
I considered this as my depth experience because, it really gave me a lesson and it
was something new for me. Being my first time to ever fall in love is something I never
experienced before. Knowing that I always tell myself being in a relationship is “corny” and I’ve
never imagined myself to have one, happened. It’s true, we shouldn’t speak finished words as if
it’s already done. In the end you will eat your words. And because I have finally know the
feeling of being hurt by someone, I realized so many things in love, in my self, and what should I
really believe in.
As what I’ve said earlier, I realized so many things and I never thought he will be the
reason that I shouldn’t trust people easily just because you love them. One thing I really learned
from him is that, anyone can hurt you and you shouldn’t expect to anyone or else they will
disappointment you in the end. Even your love ones and the person you really the most can
hurt you and you should just have faith in them. That even if they hurt you really bad and you
didn’t expect them to turn out the person they should be, it’s not the end for them. Not all
people may show the way they he showed me. You can change them and as God used you to
change them in their character development and realizes their mistake, in the end, they
deserve second chances. They said, everyone can be your teacher, and that tells me every
people in this world can bring you valuable lesson. Just because someone came into your life
that made you cry, hurt, disappointed, angry, and even questioned yourself where you lacking
you shouldn’t be mad on what they did to you, but use those things, those bruise, pain and the
things that they did terrible, use that to be the best version of yourself.
In the connection of depth experience of mine, the action that I must do even if I’m
being hurt, I shouldn’t hurt people back. In this case, even he did hurt me for not knowing his
real intentions for doing that, I should forgive like God always do. Move on and look for another
reason to love that person even more even if he did something bad, and to have patience to
understand every situation happened because there’s always a reason that God made me
experience that kind of heartbreak. Maybe God’s purpose is for I am now to experience the
pain of love. Because we all know, love is the most powerful thing in the world. I may new to
this kind of pain about love, but it’s not just about the relationship or love between the boy and
girl but we can find love in everywhere. By simply, appreciating small blessings from God and
loving God himself and obeying him is the important thing we can offer and do.

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