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F1000Research 2018, 7(F1000 Faculty Rev):193 Last updated: 15 FEB 2018

Antibiotic treatment of acute gastroenteritis in children [version
1; referees: 2 approved]
Eugenia Bruzzese, Antonietta Giannattasio, Alfredo Guarino
Department of Translational Medical Sciences–Section of Pediatrics, University of Naples Federico II, Via S. Pansini 5, Naples, 80131, Italy

First published: 15 Feb 2018, 7(F1000 Faculty Rev):193 (doi:  Open Peer Review

v1 10.12688/f1000research.12328.1)
Latest published: 15 Feb 2018, 7(F1000 Faculty Rev):193 (doi: 
Referee Status:    

Abstract   Invited Referees
Antibiotic therapy is not necessary for acute diarrhea in children, as rehydration 1   2
is the key treatment and symptoms resolve generally without specific therapy.
Searching for the etiology of gastroenteritis is not usually needed; however, it version 1
may be necessary if antimicrobial treatment is considered. The latter is left to  
the physician evaluation in the absence of clear indications. Antimicrobial 15 Feb 2018
treatment should be considered in severely sick children, in those who have
chronic conditions or specific risk factors or in specific settings. Traveler’s
diarrhea, prolonged diarrhea, and antibiotic-associated diarrhea may also F1000 Faculty Reviews are commissioned
require antibiotic therapy. Depending on the severity of symptoms or based on from members of the prestigious F1000
risk of spreading, empiric therapy may be started while awaiting the results of Faculty. In order to make these reviews as
microbiological investigations. The choice of antibiotic depends on suspected
comprehensive and accessible as possible,
agents, host conditions, and local epidemiology. In most cases, empiric therapy
should be started while awaiting such results. Empiric therapy may be started peer review takes place before publication; the
with oral co-trimoxazole or metronidazole, but in severe cases parenteral referees are listed below, but their reports are
treatment with ceftriaxone or ciprofloxacin might be considered. not formally published.

1 Stephen Baker, University of Oxford, UK

2 Zulfiqar Bhutta, The Hospital for Sick
Children, Canada

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Corresponding author: Alfredo Guarino (
Author roles: Bruzzese E: Methodology, Resources, Writing – Original Draft Preparation; Giannattasio A: Methodology, Resources, Writing –
Original Draft Preparation; Guarino A: Conceptualization, Supervision, Writing – Original Draft Preparation, Writing – Review & Editing
Competing interests: No competing interests were disclosed.
How to cite this article: Bruzzese E, Giannattasio A and Guarino A. Antibiotic treatment of acute gastroenteritis in children [version 1;
referees: 2 approved] F1000Research 2018, 7(F1000 Faculty Rev):193 (doi: 10.12688/f1000research.12328.1)
Copyright: © 2018 Bruzzese E et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Licence,
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Grant information: The author(s) declared that no grants were involved in supporting this work.
First published: 15 Feb 2018, 7(F1000 Faculty Rev):193 (doi: 10.12688/f1000research.12328.1) 

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F1000Research 2018, 7(F1000 Faculty Rev):193 Last updated: 15 FEB 2018

Introduction observed in 34% of cases, with a predominant incidence in

Acute gastroenteritis (AGE) is one of the most common problems children younger than 2 years old13.
in infants and young children, especially in poor countries. It is
caused by viral, bacterial, and parasitic agents, with an age-, Bacterial pathogens account for 80% of cases of traveler’s
host-, and location-based pattern. Etiology usually is not looked diarrhea14. ETEC, enteroinvasive E. coli (EIEC), and EAEC
for, and oral rehydration therapy is the universal therapy. Active are implicated in the majority of cases, but also Campylobacter,
treatment with probiotics and antidiarrheal agents is suggested Salmonella, and Shigella play a substantial role.
in adjunct to rehydration, as it reduces the duration and intensity
of symptoms independently from etiology1. There are no clear Current recommendations for the treatment of acute
indications for antimicrobial therapy; however, antibiotics are gastroenteritis
frequently prescribed. Overuse of antibiotics is associated with Evidence-based indications for the management of children
increased rates of antibiotic-resistant bacteria, unnecessary with AGE are that oral rehydration with hypo-osmolar solution is
costs, and significant incidence of adverse events, and current the key treatment and should be started as soon as possible1. The
guidelines are highly restrictive in recommending empiric anti- so-called active intervention in adjunct to rehydration includes
microbial therapy for AGE. Bacterial infections may be asso- specific probiotics such as Lactobacillus rhamnosus strain GG
ciated with the presence of specific clinical features, notably or Saccharomyces boulardii, or diosmectite or racecadotril.
fever, abdominal pain, blood in the stool, and fecal leukocytes2. Active treatment reduces the intensity of symptoms and their
However, none of these features is reliable to support a bacterial duration independently of etiology15. However, the concept of
etiology. In addition, many children with bacterial enteritis have active treatment of gastroenteritis is progressively pursued in
negative stool cultures and, conversely, it is not uncommon to children, and current recommendations for the use of probiotics
detect multiple bacterial and viral pathogens, making it difficult to and antidiarrheal drugs are available from several regions of the
give a causative role to a specific microorganism. world, including the Asia-Pacific region15. According to the
guidelines for the management of AGE, antibiotic therapy should
The application of a quantitative molecular approach showed not be given to the vast majority of children with AGE, unless
that four agents (rotavirus, Cryptosporidium, enterotoxigenic specific conditions are present. Even in cases of proven bacterial
Escherichia coli (ETEC) producing heat-stable toxin, and gastroenteritis, antibiotic therapy is not routinely needed but
Shigella) account for the majority of cases of infectious diarrhea should be considered only for specific pathogens or in defined
in African and Asian children younger than 5 years old3. It is a clinical settings.
logical hypothesis that, if bacteria are causing gastroenteritis,
antibiotic therapy could be effective in reducing the intensity The routine use of antimicrobials for diarrhea in children is
and duration of symptoms and prevent infection spreading. not recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO)
Furthermore, specific antibiotic treatment may prevent serious except for clinically recognizable severe cases16. It is indicated in
complications such as sepsis and protracted diarrhea in children the following circumstances: cholera, shigellosis, dysenteric
with underlying conditions such as immunosuppression or presentation of campylobacteriosis and non-typhoidal salmo-
malnutrition. However, the indications for antibiotic therapy are nellosis when they cause persistent diarrhea, and when host
not standardized, and randomized controlled trials are not immune status is compromised for any reason including severe
available in children. malnutrition, chronic disease, or lymphoproliferative disorders.
Antimicrobial treatment should also be considered for: moder-
Bacterial etiology of acute gastroenteritis in ate/severe traveler’s diarrhea or diarrhea accompanied by fever
developing and developed countries and/or bloody stools and diarrhea associated with another acute
The etiological pattern of bacteria causing acute diarrhea infection (e.g. pneumonia) requiring specific antimicrobial
depends on geographical area. In developing countries, more therapy. Similar indications are provided at a local level, but
than half a million infants and young children die each year supporting evidence is weak or absent17,18.
because of AGE, and Vibrio cholerae still causes epidemics, but
the most common bacterial agent is Shigella4. In Europe, the most Antimicrobial prescribing patterns for acute
common bacterial pathogens are Campylobacter, Salmonella gastroenteritis in developing and developed countries
spp., enteropathogenic E. coli (EPEC), and enteroaggregative Antibiotic therapy is sometimes recommended to shorten the
E. coli (EAEC)5,6. Clostridium difficile (Cd) has emerged as a cause duration and severity of symptoms of AGE as well as to decrease
of community-acquired diarrheal illness, but local data report its transmission19,20. The emerging challenge of antibiotic resist-
a relatively low burden7–9. In Ecuador, sub-Saharan Africa, and ance complicates treatment for bacterial diarrhea. Antimicrobial
South Asia, Shigella is the main agent3,10. In a recent study from resistance among diarrheal pathogens is high in developing
central China, pathogens were detected in 20% of 508 fecal countries, where the use of antimicrobials is less restricted, and
samples from patients with acute diarrhea, under 5 years of age11. these rates are on the rise worldwide21,22.
The most commonly detected pathogens were Salmonella spp.
(8%), diarrheagenic E. coli (5%), Campylobacter jejuni (3%), In developing countries, guidelines for acute diarrhea suggest
and Aeromonas spp. (2%). In the developing region of China, that the presence of blood in the stools should always be checked.
Shigella was the most common bacterial agent of AGE12. In India, Non-bloody diarrhea should be managed with fluids only (unless
E. coli was the most common agent of AGE (31%) followed by co-morbidities are present that may require a different treat-
Shigella (24%). Infections with two or more pathogens were ment), while dysentery (reported history of blood in the stools

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F1000Research 2018, 7(F1000 Faculty Rev):193 Last updated: 15 FEB 2018

since diarrheal onset) should be managed with antibiotics, as In children, there are no clear or validated criteria for antibiotic
Shigella infection is suspected23. This approach is supported by therapy. However, the criteria for considering antibiotic treat-
the evidence that most non-bloody diarrheal episodes in children ment include clinical features, host-related and setting-related
under 5 years of age in low-income settings are self-limiting and conditions, and, of course, etiology.
are caused by viral pathogens (rotavirus, norovirus, astrovirus,
and enteric adenovirus) or pathogens for which antibiotics are Because the etiology of diarrhea is not generally looked for, the
likely of limited efficacy or even dangerous (e.g. Salmonellae decision to treat children with AGE with antibiotics should be
and Campylobacter)24. In contrast, a significant proportion of based on the presence of factors that “may require” antibiotic
episodes of bloody diarrhea caused by Shigella is associated treatment (see Table 1 and Table 2). Generally, antibiotic choice
with considerable mortality and should be treated with antibiotic should be initially empiric and subsequently tailored on the
therapy25. However, inappropriate antibiotic use remains results of microbiological investigations. In many conditions,
common. In a study in 447 Indian children aged between waiting for microbiological results to confirm the decision to
6 months and 5 years, deviations from WHO protocol for AGE treat and select the specific drug may be appropriate.
treatment were found in 78% of cases26,27. Although in all cases
oral rehydration solution and zinc were prescribed, unneces- Clinical indications
sary antibiotic use was reported in 12% of cases, with cefixime, The guidelines for the treatment of acute diarrhea in children
ofloxacin, and ceftriaxone being the most frequently prescribed state that the use of antibiotics is not needed routinely but only
antibiotics. Hospitalization, longer duration of symptoms prior for specific pathogens or in defined clinical settings1. Clinical
to presentation, and fever were associated with prescription of indications for antibiotic therapy include toxic state or signs
antibiotics27. In other studies, the type of physician was related of invasive infection (Table 1). These should be considered as
to antibiotic prescription. Pediatricians working in the govern- strong indications to parenteral antibiotic treatment. Fever per se
ment sector prescribed antibiotics to only 23% of children, while does not require antimicrobial therapy but needs to be considered
private practitioners prescribed antibiotics to 51% of children in a more global clinical evaluation. It may indicate dehydration
with diarrhea28. but also spreading of intestinal infection. This could be confirmed
by an increase of inflammatory markers such as C-reactive
Also, in developed countries, over-prescription of antibiot- protein. Dysentery presentation with abdominal pain and mucoid
ics for AGE was reported, and physician responses to patients’ or bloody stools (often in multiple outputs of low volume)
treatment expectations was an important cause of inappropriate has been associated with a bacterial etiology (Campylobacter,
antibiotic use29. However, in as many as 10% of children Salmonella, Shigella, Yersinia). In those circumstances, antibiotic
admitted to hospital, unnecessary antimicrobial therapy is therapy should be provided at least in countries where the mortal-
prescribed because of a “probable bacterial cause”30. ity rate is consistent or with limited healthcare facilities, accord-
ing to the WHO. Alternatively, it could be considered but not
Indications for antimicrobial treatment of acute necessarily given. Microbiological investigation should always
gastroenteritis be obtained in dysenteric diarrhea, but, in severe cases, empiric
In adults, single cases of acute febrile bloody diarrhea are therapy should be started while awaiting the results. Finally, a
more likely to be caused by bacterial pathogens such as prolonged course of diarrhea in a child who is losing weight also
Campylobacter or Shigella species, depending on the epidemio- requires microbiological investigation and occasionally empirical
logical setting. These patients are likely to benefit from empirical antibiotic treatment32. Prolonged diarrhea may be caused by
antimicrobial therapy31. a proliferation of intestinal bacteria in the proximal intestine,

Table 1. Clinical conditions and circumstances that may indicate antibiotic therapy.

Condition Putative bacterial agent Suggested antibiotic

Dysenteric diarrhea Shigella, Yersinia, Campylobacter Azithromycin, ciprofloxacin
Fever, increased Shigella Azithromycin, ceftriaxone
inflammation markers
Prolonged diarrhea Gram-negative enterobacteria, Metronidazole, co-trimoxazole
Clostridium difficile
SIBO Gram-negative enterobacteria Metronidazole, rifaximin, co-trimoxazole
Antibiotic-associated Clostridium difficile, others Metronidazole, vancomycin
diarrhea (only if Clostridium difficile is detected)
Traveler’s diarrhea ETEC, EPEC Azithromycin, ciprofloxacin
Toxic state Gram-negative enterobacteria, Ceftriaxone
Clostridium difficile
EPEC, enteropathogenic Escherichia coli; ETEC, enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli; SIBO, small intestinal bacterial

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so-called small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO). A recent Antibiotic therapy is always recommended for culture-proven
paper proposes an interesting explanation of the link among (or even suspected) Shigella gastroenteritis. Antibiotic therapy of
SIBO, infectious irritable bowel syndrome, and tropical sprue, shigellosis has two purposes: reducing symptoms and steriliz-
all conditions that are successfully treated with antibiotics33. ing the source of spreading, since humans are the only host of
Microbiological results may support the decision to treat with Shigella. However, effective treatment of shigellosis is com-
antibiotics. Figure 1 shows the criteria for consideration when plicated by the emergence of strains resistant to ampicillin,
deciding on antibiotic treatment for children with infectious trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole, and tetracycline34. Children with
diarrhea. non-typhoidal Salmonella gastroenteritis should not be treated

Table 2. Risk factors indicating antibiotic therapy in children with acute


Risk factors Evidence

Host-related risk factors
Age <3 (or 6) months Poor evidence but strong indication in neonates
Severity of clinical presentation Poor evidence but strong indications
Malnutrition Strong evidence
Chronic underlying disease Strong evidence for children with IBD or HIV
Immune deficiency Oncologic patients in immunosuppression
Setting-related risk factors
Day-care centers, hospitals, Strong evidence, if spreading of bacterial
and close institutions infection is an issue
Traveler’s diarrhea Strong evidence in adults, poor evidence in
HIV, human immunodeficiency virus; IBD, inflammatory bowel disease.

Figure 1. Criteria to decide antibiotic treatment in children with infectious diarrhea.

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routinely with antibiotics because treatment is not effective healthy subjects40. Antibiotic exposure seems to be a less impor-
on symptoms and does not prevent complications; in addition, tant factor for clinically significant Cd infections in IBD patients.
the use of antibiotics may be associated with a prolonged fecal The proposed mechanism of Cd infections involves an alteration
excretion of Salmonella1. Antibiotic therapy for Campylobacter of the intestinal flora8. In addition, clinically, IBD exacerba-
gastroenteritis is recommended mainly for the dysenteric form tions and Cd infections are similar in the IBD population, with
and to reduce transmission in day-care centers and institutions. bloody diarrhea and systemic symptoms, such as fever, malaise,
However, antibiotics are effective in reducing symptoms only if anorexia, leukocytosis, hypoalbuminemia, and stool leukocytes
started in the early stage of the disease (within 3 days of onset). in both conditions. Antibiotics may be useful, although in both
IBD patients and oncologic patients there is a paucity of evidence
Host-related indications to guide antibiotic choice. Metronidazole has been associated
Host-related indications include age, the finding of specific with a high rate of failure, and it may be reasonable to consider
pathogens, the presence of chronic underlying diseases, immune vancomycin as first-line treatment of severe cases41.
suppression, and malnutrition (see Table 2).
However, all the international guidelines recommend microbio-
Age. AGE in neonates should be treated with antibiotics. logical examination and to start metronidazole or ciprofloxacin
Also, young infants (under 3 to 6 months of age) are candidates in IBD children with diarrhea recurrence. Again, there are no
for antimicrobial therapy according to expert opinion, although controlled studies to support this albeit reasonable strategy. Also,
there is no supporting evidence1. In infants under 3 months of in children with cancer, intestinal infections are a major threat
age, microbiology should always be obtained and antimicrobial and require a comprehensive diagnostic approach38.
treatment should be considered. If diarrhea is severe or if there
are signs or clinical symptoms of general infection, or also if Immunocompromised patients. The major source of informa-
symptoms are worsening after 3 or more days from their onset, tion on the link between incidence and severity of gastrointestinal
antibiotic therapy should be started. infections and immunodeficiency is derived from children with
AIDS. In 2010, a study from Kenya showed that diarrhea was
Chronic conditions. International guidelines state that children more common among human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-
with underlying immune deficiency, anatomical or functional positive children than among HIV-negative children (321 versus
asplenia, corticosteroid or immunosuppressive therapy, cancer, 183 episodes respectively, p<0.01) and that diarrhea was associ-
inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), or achlorhydria should receive ated with a 40% fatality rate. In addition, HIV-positive infants were
antibiotics when bacterial gastroenteritis is suspected. Although significantly more likely to experience persistent diarrhea than
this approach appears logical, data on efficacy are lacking, the HIV-negative infants (p<0.01). Although diarrhea was more
grade of evidence is weak, and there is no list of specific chronic common among HIV-infected children, bacterial pathogens
conditions that require antibiotic therapy for diarrhea. such as Campylobacter and Shigella were not frequent, suggest-
ing that other pathogens (e.g. viruses, parasites, diarrheagenic
Selected agents are associated with immunodeficiency or other E. coli) or other causes (e.g. malabsorption, metabolic enteritis)
specific diseases, and the major bacterial opportunistic agent is may be important in this population42. However, Cryptosporidium
Cd. parvum is the classical agent of diarrhea in severely immuno-
deficient children, and its detection is considered a hallmark of
Cd has reached epidemic proportions, particularly in industrial- severe disease. HIV itself can act as an enteric pathogen through
ized nations. Cd is a major agent of antibiotic-induced diarrhea the production of an enterotoxic effect43.
and of severe diarrhea in children with underlying chronic
conditions such as IBDs as well as oncologic diseases. Cd is also Malnutrition. Children with severe acute malnutrition (SAM)
responsible for self-limiting, sporadic cases of AGE in children, who present with AGE are generally treated with broad-spectrum
although its pathogenic role is limited or questionable in children antibiotics, even in the absence of overt infection. The ration-
under 36 months of age because of the high frequency of ale is that (a) malnourished children frequently have bacterial
carriers35. Cd-induced antibiotic diarrhea often resolves by infections (including bacteremia), (b) the diagnosis of infection
discontinuation of the antibiotic. However, hypervirulent strains in malnourished children is difficult because clinical manifes-
may induce severe symptoms and should be treated with oral tations (e.g. fever) may not be apparent, and (c) malnourished
metronidazole or vancomycin36. For moderate or severe disease children have an increased risk of small intestinal overgrowth.
particularly in oncologic patients, the first-line treatment is oral However, while this approach has a rational basis, there is very
metronidazole (30 mg/kg/day); oral vancomycin is reserved for little evidence of its efficacy. A study from Malawi clearly dem-
resistant strains37,38. If antibiotic therapy fails, fecal transplantation onstrated the importance of antibiotic administration to children
remains a feasible and effective option37. with SAM even without evident clinical features of infection:
2,767 children with SAM eligible for outpatient care and aged
Patients with IBD are at increased risk of Cd infection. An increased 6–59 months were randomized to 7 days of treatment with oral
incidence of Cd infections in this population has been reported amoxicillin, cefdinir, or placebo. The 12-week mortality rates
also in pediatric patients37,39. Nevertheless, there are substantial were 4.8% (amoxicillin), 4.1% (cefdinir), and 7.4% (placebo),
problems in defining the role of Cd owing to the frequent with a relative mortality risk for placebo compared with amoxi-
asymptomatic status. IBD patients have a higher asymptomatic cillin of 1.55 (95% CI 1.07–2.24) and for placebo compared with
Cd carriage status: as high as 8% compared to a rate of 1% in cefdinir of 1.80 (95% CI 1.22–2.64)44. SAM is associated with

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an increased mortality from infectious diseases, suggesting that treatment of childhood acute invasive diarrhea, especially in poor
children with SAM are severely immunologically impaired. countries.
However, the precise mechanisms underlying this relationship
are unclear. Diarrhea and malnutrition are common in young Often, in severe conditions, early empiric therapy is needed while
children in developing countries, and malnutrition is associated awaiting the results of investigations. If clinical conditions are
with increased severity of common infections. Death of severely severe, parenteral therapy should be started soon. For parenteral
malnourished children is often the result of an infection. Children therapy of diarrhea, ceftriaxone or ciprofloxacin may be con-
with AGE were significantly more likely to have malnutrition sidered, as both are effective against Gram-negative bacteria.
(OR=8.57; p<0.001), and malnutrition status was the only inde- In children with chronic conditions, metronidazole provides
pendent factor associated with infection (OR=8.37; p<0.001)45. an alternative option, as it is also effective against Cd. Oral
Environmental enteropathy, recently redefined as environmen- metronidazole can be considered for sequential therapy after
tal enteric dysfunction, is the combined result of undernutrition, parenteral administration. Oral metronidazole is used for pro-
repeated infections, and environment-related toxic damages occur- longed diarrhea, although there is little evidence of efficacy of
ring in early life, requiring a comprehensive approach with anti- antibiotics32.
infective drugs, hygiene measures, and nutritional rehabilitation
to prevent subsequent severe disabilities46. Therefore, the manage- SIBO is another indication for antibiotics. It may be difficult to
ment of infection should be different in malnourished versus well- diagnose, as quantitative cultures of duodenal aspirate as well as
nourished children, and a more aggressive antimicrobial strategy is the breath hydrogen test are neither standardized nor reliable51.
indicated in the former. Co-trimoxazole and metronidazole are first-line drugs52. The
latter is effective for bacterial agents, including Cd, as well as
Choice of antimicrobial agent against Giardia lamblia—all agents implicated in pro-
In the past 10 years, new molecular diagnostic tests with a longed diarrhea. Recently, rifaximin has been used in clinical
multiplex polymerase chain reaction (PCR) panel have been (uncontrolled) trials with good results53.
developed. They are faster than traditional tests, have a higher
sensitivity, and have the possibility to simultaneously test a wide Co-trimoxazole is still largely used in the antimicrobial
range of agents47. Molecular diagnostics would enable the phy- therapy of diarrhea. It has been effective in malnutrition and
sician to initiate timely and targeted antibiotic therapy. Early HIV-related enteropathy and is a major drug with multiple
empiric antibiotic therapy will remain the therapy of choice for indications in developing countries54.
severely affected patients.
In high-income countries, untargeted antibiotic therapy should
be avoided. However, azithromycin is the drug of choice for
The decision to treat a child with AGE and the choice of antimi-
treating campylobacteriosis and is also appropriate for treating
crobial drug is challenging. There is a relatively broad pattern
shigellosis1. The duration of treatment is 3–5 days.
of pathogens according to age, location, season, vaccine policy
(against rotavirus and others), and symptoms48,49. Furthermore, Non-typhoidal Salmonella infections are common in many
infections with multiple pathogens, which are common among settings and endemic in European children. Usually, they cause
children with diarrhea, complicate treatment. Antimicrobial mild, self-limiting gastroenteritis. However, bacteremia may be
resistance should also be considered in the antibiotic choice. a complication—particularly in immunocompromised children,
Knowledge of the local pattern of resistance is crucial to reduce in those with sickle cell disease, and in young infants—and
the number of failures. Antibiotic selection is based on two in those children antibiotic therapy should be considered55.
major considerations: the chance of obtaining microbiological Recommended empiric oral treatment of non-typhoidal salmo-
results, including resistance pattern, and the severity of clinical nellae includes amoxicillin, azithromycin, or co-trimoxazole
conditions. and should be considered for at-risk children in relatively good
clinical conditions. Parenteral therapy should be started in chil-
The WHO recommends treating all episodes of blood in the dren with bacteremia or in those with complicated infections
stools with antibiotics and to use ciprofloxacin as the first-line (focal or invasive) and includes cefotaxime or ceftriaxone at high
drug. Alternatives are pivmecillinam, azithromycin, and ceftri- dose (ceftriaxone 100 mg/kg/day)56.
axone50. This recommendation has been confirmed, although in
recent years the rates of resistance are increasing25. Fluo- In the case of traveler’s diarrhea, antibiotic treatment is effec-
roquinolones are often empirically used in adults, and cepha- tive in reducing the duration and severity of diarrhea. Because
losporins are used to treat children with suspected bacterial AGE. of the high rates of resistance to ampicillin and trimethoprim-
Fluoroquinolones are effective against a wide variety of enteric sulfamethoxazole, currently the drugs recommended include
infections in adults, including shigellosis, salmonellosis, typhoid azithromycin, ciprofloxacin, and rifaximin57. Rifaximin may be
fever, cholera, and Campylobacter infections. Like all quinolo- considered as a first-line treatment option in adults with uncom-
nes, ciprofloxacin causes arthropathic effects in immature animals plicated traveler’s diarrhea because of its favorable efficacy,
and their use has been limited in children. However, several tolerability, and safety profiles57.
studies have confirmed the safety of ciprofloxacin use in the
pediatric age group. Because of low cost and the availability of The choice of antibiotic therapy based on etiology is summarized
an oral formulation, ciprofloxacin plays an important role in the in Table 3.

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Table 3. Antibiotic choice based on etiology.

Organism Preferred therapy Alternative agents Efficacy

Campylobacter jejuni Azithromycin Ciprofloxacin, Proven if started within 3 days of
vancomycin symptom onset
Clostridium difficile Metronidazole Vancomycin Proven in severe cases
Non-typhoidal Amoxicillin or ceftriaxone Trimethoprim- Proven in children with toxic status,
Salmonella sulfamethoxazole in children under 3 months of age,
in at-risk children, and if systemic
or focal infections
Salmonella typhi Third-generation Chloramphenicol Proven
Shigella Azithromycin, ceftriaxone Cefixime, ciprofloxacin Proven
Yersinia Trimethoprim- Ceftriaxone Proven in severe disease or
sulfamethoxazole bacteremia
Vibrio cholerae Azithromycin Doxycycline Reduces duration by 50% and
(>8 years), ciprofloxacin shedding
ETEC Azithromycin (only for Trimethoprim- To be considered in selected cases
traveler’s diarrhea) sulfamethoxazole

ETEC, enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli.

Conclusions are needed and are potentially life-saving. However, their use is
Rehydration is the key treatment for AGE, and active treat- far from being supported by evidence and requires careful
ment of diarrhea with probiotics or diosmectite should always be consideration of clinical and epidemiological issues.
considered, independent of etiology. Antibiotics are gener-
ally not necessary and can even be harmful in children, but they Abbreviations
should be given in selected circumstances. There are three AGE, acute gastroenteritis; EAEC, enteroaggregative
distinct sets of criteria that should be carefully considered: clini- Escherichia coli; EPEC, enteropathogenic Escherichia coli;
cal conditions, host-related factors, and setting. When there is a ETEC, enterotoxigenic Esherichia coli; Cd, Clostridium difficile;
potential indication for antibiotics, microbiological investiga- HIV, human immunodeficiency virus; IBD, inflammatory bowel
tions should always be obtained prior to the start of therapy. disease; SAM, severe acute malnutrition; SIBO, small intestinal
Empiric antibiotic therapy should be started soon after specimen bacterial overgrowth; WHO, World Health Organization.
collection in infants and children in severe conditions. Co-
trimoxazole and metronidazole are to be considered for oral
administration. Azithromycin and rifaximin may also be used,
based on local consideration or if signs of colitis are observed. Competing interests
Ceftriaxone, metronidazole, and ciprofloxacin may be considered The authors declare that they have no competing interests.
in children with systemic and invasive diseases. Young infants,
children with chronic conditions, and those in a toxic state or
Grant information
with signs of systemic infection should be considered at risk of
The author(s) declared that no grants were involved in supporting
systemic infections, and oral or parenteral antibiotic therapy may
this work.
be indicated. If mild symptoms are present and close observation
is feasible, it may be better to wait for microbiological results.
Antibiotic therapy in specific settings is also indicated if spread- Acknowledgements
ing is an issue. Traveler’s diarrhea may require antibiotic therapy. AG conceived the study. AGi and EB carried out the system-
The choice of specific antibiotic should be based on etiology and atic literature research. AGi and EB prepared the first draft.
local resistance pattern. AG provided substantial contribution to the preparation of the
manuscript. EB and AGi prepared figures and tables. All authors
In conclusion, while it is important to reduce the use of unnec- were involved in the revision of the draft manuscript and have
essary antibiotics, there are circumstances in which these drugs agreed to the final content.

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