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Basic Electronics (Part II)

1. What branch of physics refers to the flow of electron through nonmetal conductors?
a. Mechanics b. Physics c. Electricity d. Electronics
2. It is an electronic tool that is use to strip off wire insulator from its conductor?
a. Wire Stripper b. Socket Wrench c. Small Tweezers d. Long Nose Pliers
3. LDR refers to?
a. Light Dependent Resistor c. Light Diode Resistant
b. Light Devices Resistor d. Light Depending Resistor
4. Circuit troubles such as broken wires, corroded or loosened terminals show:
a. Short Circuits b. Broken Parts c. Broken Wiring d. Bad Internal Connections
5. What should be the repair in a broken wiring?
a. Bends or pushes the wire toward the plug or appliance connector end
b. Label the connections to the switch
6. The symbol for earphone
a. b. c. d.

7. Which voltage source converts chemical energy to electrical energy?

a. Electrical Generator b. Solar Cell c. Battery d. Electronic Power Supply
8. What is the color code in 5 band for a 150 M + 10% resistor?
a. Brown, Green, Black, Blue and Gold c. Brown, Green, Black, Blue and Silver
b. Brown, Green, Black, Yellow and Gold d. Brown, Green, Black, Yellow and Silver
9. Which electronics material opposes the movement of free electrons?
a. Element b. Insulator c. Conductor d. Semiconductor
10. The logic gate that will have HIGH or “1” at its output when any one of its inputs is HIGH is a(n):
a. OR Gate b. Ex-Or Gate c. Nor Gate d. Ex-Nor Gate
11. Which among the types of circuit board can easily change the connections of components?
a. Strip Board b. Printed Circuit Board c. Breadboard d, None of the above
12. Which of the symbol for amplifier?
a. b. c. d.

13. What is the common characteristic of strip board and printed circuit board?
a. Temporary Circuit Board c. No Soldering Required
b. Permanent Circuit Board d. Requires No Special Preparation
14. Which of the following is not an electronics component?
a. Diode b. Capacitors c. Resistors d. Power
15. What does LED refers to?
a. Light Emitting Diode b. Light Emission Devices c. Light Emitting Device d. Light Emission Diode
16. Which is NOT true about proper maintenance of electronic tools?
a. Ensure that the tools are used only for their intended purposes.
b. Keep the tools lubricated with soap and water inhibits rust.
c. Keep the tools clean and sharp.
d. Keeps the soldering tips clean and well tinned.
17. The symbol for transistor PNP
a. b. c. d.

18. If a signal passing through a gate is inhibited by sending a low into one of the inputs, and the outputs is HIGH,
the gate is a(n):
a. OR Gate b. NOR Gate c. AND Gate d. NAND Gate
19. One of the most common problems with vacuum cleaners is broken wiring inside cord set. This is due to ______.
a. Flexing, wiring, long term abuse b. Vibration, Corrosion c. Poor Manufacturing d. Dust, Dirt, Humidity
20. This symbol is used to measure voltage.
a. b. c. d.
21. A device which is designed to receive or transmit radio signals?
a. Amplifier b. Ammeter c. Antenna d. Piezo Transducer
22. What electronic component is commonly used to amplify or switch electronic signals?
a. Capacitor b. Transistor c. Diode d. Resistor
23. Use to assemble electronics appliances and project.
a. Electronics Tools b. Electronics Unit c. Electronics Components d. Electrical Network
24. When using soldering iron in soldering surface mount component it requires ___________.
a. Bigger Tips b. Smaller Tips c. Narrow Tips d. Wider Tips
25. What is the color code in 5 band for a 63 M and 10% resistor?
a. Blue, Orange, Black, Green and Gold
b. Blue, Orange, Black Green and Silver
c. Blue, Yellow, Black, Green and Silver
d. Blue, Red, Black, Green and Silver
Basic Electronics (Part III)

1. What input values will cause an AND logic gate to produce a HIGH output?
a. At least one input is LOW. c. All inputs are LOW.
b. At least one input is HIGH. d. All inputs are HIGH.
2. Ohm’s law describes the mathematical relationship between
a. Resistance, Voltage and Current c. Ohms, Kilohms, and Megohms
b. Resistor Size and Resistor Value d. None of the above
3. One of the most common applications of a potentiometer is an adjustable voltage divider also known
a. Divider Control b. Volume Control c. Voltage Control d. Current Control
4. What is the symbol
a. Capacitor b. Variable Capacitor c. Polarized Capacitor d. Timmer Capacitor
5. What is the color code for a 220 5% resistor?
a. Red, Red, Brown, Silver c. Red, Red, Black, Gold
b. Red, Red, Brown, Gold d. Orange, Orange, Black, Gold
6. Component that store electrical charge in an electrical field.
a. Capacitors b. Diode c. Resistors d. Transistor
7. What electronic circuit trouble is affected of environmental condition such as dust, dirt, and humidity?
a. Broken wiring inside cord set c. Short Circuits
b. Gummed up lubrication d. Insect Damage
8. It is used to connect the holes where components are placed in a printed circuit board.
a. Terminal Strip b. Copper Tracks c. Phenolic Board d. Copper
9. A NAND gate has:
a. LOW inputs and a HIGH output c. HIGH inputs and a HIGH output
b. LOW inputs and a LOW output d. None of these above
10. This symbol is used to measure current.
a. b. c. d.

11. What is the resistor value of Blue, Black, Orange and Silver?
a. 60 K + 5% b. 50 K + 5% c. 60 K + 10% d. 50 K + 5%
12. Electronic tools can last lifetime if they are ____________.
a. Used in many purposes c. Properly use based from the instructions given
b. Inhibit rust because they are not lubricated d. Clean once in a while
13. A ________ is a device that resists the flow of charge.
a. Resistor b. Buffer c. Diode d. Microfarad
14. In logic gate, the output will be a LOW for any case when one or more inputs are zero in a(n):
a. OR gate b. AND gate c. NAND gate d. NOT gat
15. It is used to display the shape of electrical signals and it can be used to measure their voltage and time
a. Galvanometer b. Ohmmeter c. Voltmeter d. Oscilloscope
16. What do you call a diagram that shows the electrical connections of a circuit’s components?
a. Schematic Diagram b. Block Diagram c. Pictorial Diagram d. Electronic
17. Which of these is the function of zener diode?
a. Allows current to flow in one direction b. Maintain a fixed voltage across its terminals
b. Converts electrical energy to light d. Produced a light-sensitive diode
18. A device to receive or transmit radio signals?
a. Loudspeaker b. Antenna c. Microphone d. Amplifier
19. What kind of network does electric circuit has?
a. Opened Loop b. One Loop c. Closed Loop d. Two Loop
20. In logic gates, the output is true when its inputs are different.
a. OR Gate b. NOR Gate c. EX-OR Gate d. EX-NOR Gate
21. A kind of diode which converts electrical energy to light.
a. Rectifier Diode b. Zener Diode c. Varicap Diode d. Light Emitting Diode
22. A very sensitive meter which is used to measure tiny currents
a. Galvanometer b. Ammeter c. Ohmmeter d. Volt Meter
23. It is used to limit the movement of electricity to move in one specific direction
a. Capacitor b. Resistor c. Transistor d. Diode
24. Which type of logic gate has one input?
a. NOT Gate b. NAND Gate c. AND Gate d. NOR Gate
25. A standard wattage for soldering iron is
a. 20W to 10W b. 20W to 30W c. 20W to 40W d. 20W to 50W

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