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______ Revision Code: 00

Department of Education

Position Title Guidance Counselor I Salary Grade 11

Parenthetical Title
Office Unit Division Office, Secondary School Effectivity Date
Reports to Principal. ASDS, SDS Page/s
Provides and implements guidance and counseling services

A. CSC Prescribed Qualifications
B. Preferred Qualifications
Education AB/BS Psychology graduate
Experience 3 years designated guidance teacher
PCP No. ______ Revision Code: 00
Department of Education

Position Title Guidance Counselor II Salary Grade 12

Parenthetical Title
Office Unit Division Office, Secondary School Effectivity Date
Reports to Principal. ASDS, SDS Page/s
Provides and implements guidance and counseling services

A. CSC Prescribed Qualifications
B. Preferred Qualifications
Education AB/BS Psychology with 21 units in MA in Guidance
Experience 5 years experience
Eligibility Licensed/Registered Guidance Counselor
Trainings Relevant training
PCP No. ______ Revision Code: 00
Department of Education

Position Title Guidance Counselor III Salary Grade 13

Parenthetical Title
Office Unit Division Office, Secondary School Effectivity Date
Reports to Principal. ASDS, SDS Page/s
Provides and implements guidance and counseling services

A. CSC Prescribed Qualifications
B. Preferred Qualifications
Education AB/BS Psychology, MA in Guidance
Experience 7 years experience
Eligibility Registered Guidance Counselor
PCP No. ______ Revision Code: 00
Department of Education

Position Title Guidance Coordinator I Salary Grade 13

Parenthetical Title
Office Unit Division Office, Secondary School Effectivity Date
Reports to Principal. ASDS, SDS Page/s
Provides and implements guidance and counseling services.

A. CSC Prescribed Qualifications
Education Bachelor’s degreenin Guidance and Counseling or in any allied discipline
Experience None required
Eligibility RA 1080 (Guidance Counselor)
Trainings None required
B. Preferred Qualifications
Education Bachelor of Science in Education major in Psychology/ Guidance and Counseling and MA Graduate in Guidance and Counseling
Experience 1 year experience in counseling work
Eligibility R.A. 9255- Guidance and Counseling Act( Registered Guidance Counselor) RGC
Trainings 8 hours relevant trainings and seminars
PCP No. ______ Revision Code: 00
Department of Education
Position Title Guidance Coordinator II Salary Grade 14
Parenthetical Title
Office Unit Division Office, Secondary School Effectivity Date
Reports to Principal. ASDS, SDS Page/s
Provides and implements guidance and counseling services

A. CSC Prescribed Qualifications
Education Bachelor’s degreenin Guidance and Counseling or in any allied discipline
Experience 1 year of relevant experience
Eligibility RA 1080 (Guidance Counselor)
Trainings 4 hours of relevant training
B. Preferred Qualifications
Education Bachelor of Science in Pshychology/Guidance and Counseling* with MA units
Experience 1 year as Guidance Coordinator
Eligibility R.A. 9255- Guidance and Counseling Act( Registered Guidance Counselor) RGC
Trainings 24 relevant trainings and seminars

PCP No. ______ Revision Code: 00

Department of Education

Position Title Guidance Coordinator III Salary Grade 15

Parenthetical Title
Office Unit Division Office, Secondary School Effectivity Date
Reports to Principal. ASDS, SDS Page/s
Provides and implements guidance and counseling services.

A. CSC Prescribed Qualifications
Education Bachelor’s degreenin Guidance and Counseling or in any allied discipline
Experience 1 year of relevant experience
Eligibility RA 1080 (Guidance Counselor)
Trainings 4 hours of relevant training
B. Preferred Qualifications
Education CAR/ Doctoral Degree
Experience 3 years as Guidance Coordinator II
Eligibility R.A. 9255- Guidance and Counseling Act( Registered Guidance Counselor) RGC
Trainings 40 hours Regional and National relevant trainings and seminars


Guidance Counselor I
1. Organizes functional and suitable guidance and counseling program
2. Provides effective individual and group counseling
3. Identifies students’ needs and problems
4. Provides career counseling to students
5. Provides scholarship programs to students
Guidance Counselor II
1. Provides orientation to students in all year levels
2. Formulates guidance and counseling forms including individual inventory, agreement forms
3. Administers and interprets individual and groups psychological and projective tests
4. Provides effective individual and group counseling
5. Identifies students’ needs and problems
6. Makes an action research based on the results of the identified of students’ needs and problems
7. Makes referrals to different government agencies
8. Coordinates with the community, NGOs or Gos for program support
9. Provides career counseling to students
10. Provides scholarship programs to students
Guidance Counselor III
1. Organizes functional and suitable guidance and counseling program
2. Provides orientation to students in all year levels
3. Implements guidelines and school policies
4. Formulates guidance and counseling forms including individual inventory, agreement forms
5. Administers and interprets individual and group psychological and projective tests
6. Holds parent-teacher conferences
7. Designs and manages teachers’ training on guidance-related topics enhancing their skills in effective pupil management
8. Provides effectiveindividual and group counseling
9. Identifies student’s needs and problems
10. Makes an action research based on the result of the identification of students’ needs and problems
11. Makes referrals to other government agencies
12. Coordinates with the community, NGOs and Gos for program support
13. Provides career counseling to students
14. Provides scholarship programs to students
Guidance Coordinators I-III
1. Supervises the guidance programs of the district/division
2. Formulates guidance policies in the district/division
3. Provides guidance seminars on stress management
4. Acts as consultant to parents, out of school youths and community
Major Final Outputs Objectives Key Result Areas Outputs
(MFOs) (KRAs)

 Guidance and Counseling  Formulated annual Guidance and  Annual Guidance and
Program Counseling Program on target date Counseling Program
 Implemented an effective all year
round guidance and counseling  Guidance and counseling
program program implented

 Administration of Psychological  Administered and interpreted test  Analysis Reports

and IQ Tests results within target dates
 Provided solution-focused/counseling  Counseling sessions
sessions based on the test results
within target dates
 Counseling – Personal and  Provided individual and group  Individual and group
Academic counseling within the target dates counseling
 Provided counseling sessions based
on students’ counseling needs  Counseling sessions

 Consultant/Resource Speaker  Acted as consultant in school and  Counseling sessions

community all year round
 Provided trainings to teachers on
guidance related works  Trainings initiated

 Career Counseling  Provided career/vocational  Career and vocational

counseling – twice a year counseling
 Provided career planning once a year
 Career Planning conference

 Research and Evaluation  Formulated survey needs, problem  Survey

 identification of students annually
 Action research
 Evaluated action research twice a
year  Intervention program
 Formulated intervention programs
twice a year
 Prevention and Wellness  Made an action research on students  Action research
and teachers needs twice a year
 Provided programs for students and  Prevention and Wellness
teachers prevention and wellness program for teachers and
twice a year students

Linkages to Gos, NGOs, LGUs and  Linked with different government  Linkage with government
Other Agencies agencies all year round agencies
 Referred students with special needs
 Referrals
to specialists concerned

Performance Indicators
Key Result Areas Outstanding Very Satisfactory Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Poor
(KRAs) (5) (4) (3) (2) (1)

 Formulated Guidance and  Guidance and  Guidance and  Guidance and  Guidance and  Guidance and
Counseling Programs Counseling Programs Counseling Programs Counseling Programs Counseling Programs Counseling Programs
(including Children with formulated and formulated and formulated and formulated and formulated and
Learning Difficulties and implemented (with full implemented (with full implemented (with full implemented (with full implemented (with full
Special Abilities) based on documentation) documentation) documentation) documentation) documentation)
student diagnosis on  130% and above  115-129%  100-114%  51-99%  50% and below
target date accomplishment of  accomplishment of accomplishment of accomplishment of accomplishment of
Performance Indicators
Key Result Areas Outstanding Very Satisfactory Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Poor
(KRAs) (5) (4) (3) (2) (1)
targets targets targets targets targets

 Administered and  130% and above  115-129%  100-114%  51-99%  50% and below
interpreted results from  of the tests  of the tests  of the tests  of the tests  of the tests
diagnostic tests within administered and administered and administered and administered and administered and
target dates interpreted (with interpreted (with interpreted (with interpreted (with interpreted (with
analysis report) analysis report) analysis report) analysis report) analysis report)
 Provided solution-focused/  Covered 130% and  Covered 115-129%  Covered 100-114%  Covered 51-99%  50% and below
counseling sessions above of students for students for students for students for covereage for
based on test results  solution-focused/  solution-focused/  solution-focused/  solution-focused/  solution-focused/
counseling sessions counseling sessions counseling sessions counseling sessions counseling sessions
based on the test based on the test based on the test based on the test based on the test
results results results results results

 Provided individual and  130% and above  115-129%  100-114%  51-99%  50% and below
group counseling  individual and group accomplishment accomplishment accomplishment  accomplishment
counseling provided based on group based on group based on group
based on group counseling counseling counseling
counseling plan/program plan/program plan/program
 Provided  130% and above  115-129% audience  100-114% audience  51-99% audience  50% and below
trainings/orientation audience reach reach reach reach audience reach
among teachers on
current learning trends/
issues and child protection
 Provided career  130% and above of  115-129% of students  100-114% of students  51-99% of students  50% and below of
counseling and career students provided with provided with provided with provided with students provided with
planning programs  career counseling and  career counseling and  career counseling and  career counseling and  career counseling and
 (based on NCAE and planning/placement planning/placement planning/placement planning/placement planning/placement
Performance Indicators
Key Result Areas Outstanding Very Satisfactory Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Poor
(KRAs) (5) (4) (3) (2) (1)
other references)

 Conducted action  5 action researches  4 action researches  3 action researches  2 action researches  1 action research
researches in academic conducted following conducted following conducted following conducted with conducted adopted
and non-academic factors prescribed format and prescribed format with prescribed and with results adopted and and utilized for
affecting learning progress feasible/substantive very good results and results adopted and utilized for decisions decisions
and achievements recommendations, adopted/utilized for utilized for decisions
with results adopted decisions
for decisions

 Provided Prevention and  5  4  3  2  1

Wellness Programs for  programs for  programs for  programs for  programs for  programs for
students and teachers prevention and prevention and prevention and prevention and prevention and
Wellness for teachers Wellness for teachers Wellness for teachers Wellness for teachers Wellness for teachers
and students provided and students provided and students provided and students provided and students provided
 (with training design  (with training design  (with training design  (with training design  (with training design
and report) and report) and report) and report) and report)

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