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Name: Aleixandre Victoria Nash


15 [2nd-tie]


10 [First]




2 [3rd-tie]



Olympian Magic [20]

Elementalism [15]


Enemy [-6]

Patron [6]


Alix was born to a United States Marine Veteran and his high school sweet heart who had gotten her
masters degree from Columbia. John Nash was recruited into the US Marshal Service and was stationed
in Nashville Tennessee. Her mother was a professor of the Classics at Vanderbilt. Alix grew up and she
was a beautiful young girl who was rambunctious and intelligent. Her parents struggled to have her but
after her mother took a nap working at the Parthenon in Nashville, she had a child. “Athena blessed her
with a child.” Alix’s dad joke. The Professor was more sober at such talk. While she was Greek Orthodox
and her husband was Calvinist she respected the old traditions of the ancient greeks.

As Alix got older she had a good deal of friends in school at least to external perceptions. To those
close to her things were different. She was pretty, she was smart, and she was athletic. In ways none of
the other kids could keep up with. The girls were very polite to her in public but they were intimidated
by her. The boys more so. She learned in middle school to cultivate an isolated group of friends she
could be open with and reveal herself slowly to them. She read **GLADIATOR** intensely. The story of
Hugo Danner became one of her favorites. As did the old pulp adventure stories. This brought her into
comic books.

Alix excelled in school. She got a full scholarship to Duke and excelled there. Taking max load classes
and getting a dual major degree in close to three year’s time. She came home to celebrate with her
parents. She found their bodies mutilated and torn asunder. Her father’s cohorts from the Marshal’s
service blamed MS 13. But Alix knew different. She could sense a Wolf…a large one and a monstrous
one. Whats more she sensed it was coming for her. She spent several days trying to lead it away from
people. The monster kept trying to drag her deeper towards people and violence. Victoria’s mission was
more successful. As she fought the wolf in a forested mountainous area she began to go more and more
all out. Eventually holding her own with the Wolf. But the wolf hungered for her blood. In the fight
Victoria found an Ancient Spear and plunged it deep into the skull of the wolf. As the wolf died she felt
the magic slip out of it. Victoria moved around finishing her graduate education in Atlanta while touring
the country as a Adjunct professor. She never stayed in one place to long. She felt eyes watching her and
desirous to do her real harm.

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