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-Emergence of interest in missionary apostolate in Flanders.

Religion 11 QT
qt st
st Fr. Theophile Verbist and other young priests had taken up
parish work in Mongolia, (later to become CICM)

Young Adulthood
-Maria sought out the Redemptorists to seek advice and
1st Semester Theme: We are beloved & gifted guidance.
2nd Semester Theme: We are empowered & sent to mission -With her strong personality, she sought admission to a
General Theme: “We are God’s beloved inspired by Mother religious congregation which would send her to a foreign
Mary, St. Theresa of Avila, and MMLDM, joyfully coming land.
together, engaging & accompanying the youth in mission.” -Her advisers discouraged her. She was cultured, well-
educated, gifted, hence all ready for the important
-Year of the Youth; CBCP (Catholic Bishop’s Conference of
apostolate of educating the girls of her own country.
the PH)
>Filipino Youth in Mission: Beloved, Gifted, &
Religious Life
Empowered by Romulo G. Valles, D. D. (Archbishop of
-Chose to enter the community of the Canonesses of St.
>monastery traces its roots to St. Augustine of Hippo
-May 4, 1881, took her vows of evangelical counsels +
commitment to monastic stability
-Followed the Rule of Life of St. Augustine
- Spent time with students after class to listen to them and
give insights.
-Class project started a correspondence with a Carmelite
priest in India (a brother of a former student)
-He eventually invited the community to send sisters.
-A former student, wanting to go to the foreign mission,
joined the Canonesses and offered to accompany Marie
Louise. She was a novice and did not need ecclesiastical
permission to go.
- On Sept. 3, 1897, the first Missionary Canoness of St.
Augustine traveled to India.
Human Figure: young people conformed to Christ
Dove: Holy Spirit Religious-Missionary Life
Blue Hand: carrying the human figure; supporting & -The year after they arrived in Mulagumoodu, they were
presenting gesture that symbolizes how the youth are loved already able to deal with the people of the village in the
by the Lord native language.
Footprint: movement for a purpose & making a mark -The increasing number of orphans at the Infant
Jesus Orphanage led Marie Louise to think of a source of
*The Road to Emmaus  inspired by Jesus’ income.
death/resurrection (converse with Jesus) -By 1899 a one-room primary school was opened thanks to
donations from relatives, friends and former pupils. The staff
You are Beloved consisted of former pupils whom the head mistress, Sister
-“as Father loves me, so I also love you” (Jn 15:9) Marie Ursule guided in their teaching.
-“…remain in His love by following His commandments”
The Morning Star (American Redemptorist magazine, 1902)
You are Gifted - In 1902, I was visiting the Belgian Sisters at
-youth are gifted w/ the Holy Spirit, who inflames them with Mulagumoodu in India. That very morning, seventeen
faith, passion, & courage urchins had been streaming in.
-Like Pedro Calungsod & Richie Fernando, youthfulness is a Mother Marie-Louise was receiving them with a smile, a
gift caress, a kind word. Happiness was shining in the eyes of
those who could stay and of those who had come with the
You are Empowered new charges. After a while, Sister Marie-Ursule became
-rooted in Christ, youth are empowered to shine on a world worried. “Mother,” she said, “..we may not take them all.
of darkness & compassion, taking part in His body, Church, The paddy reserve is getting low, and we have still six
for building God’s reign months to go.” “Do not worry,” was the calm reply. “God is
sending them. He must provide.”

Early Childhood 1901 – First Return to Europe

-born April 8, 1857 - “The runaway nun who dragged a novice along”
-eldest of five children; father was a textile merchant and - “A disappointment to the Bishop of Quilon”
had a Dry Goods Store in the main street of Roeselare - “The begging nun of Mulagumoodu”
-Catholic education - 3 young women who became Postulants
>educated in High School by the Canonesses of St.
Augustine in Ieper followed by finishing school, the Ursuline 1903 – A Diocesan Congregation
Academy in Tournai (French speaking part of Belgium). - Approval of the Constitutions of the Missionary
Canonesses of St. Augustine - October 1928: Death and burial in Heverlee.
- Profession of vows of new sisters in 1904 Mother Marie Louise De Meester
- Purchase of a property in Roeselare in 1905 - Foundress (Missionary Sisters of the Immaculate Heart of
- First private audience with Pope Pius X in 1906 Mary)
- Approval of Novitiate at Roeselare in 1908 Sense of
Identity Becoming ICM
- Granted the Decree of Praise in 1911 (the recognition of - In 1963, the congregation formally associated itself with
the Holy See of an institute as an ecclesiastical institution of the Congregation of the Immaculate
pontifical right) Heart of Mary (CICM) for mutual help in spiritual matters as
well as missionary activities.
1910 – An International Missionary Congregation - Since then the sisters have been called the
- Wrote to the Superior General of the Scheut fathers in Missionary Sisters of the Immaculate Heart of
1907, “We are dedicated to the salvation of God’s people on Mary (ICM-Immaculati Cordis Mariae)
the foreign missions. We are mainly Belgians from the ©Patricia Salvador 10-2
Flemish part of the country…How I would thank
God if He would bring our two congregations closer to one
another.” – MLDM
Heart’s Deepest Desire
1910 – Mission in the Philippines -we all want a “good life”
- June 10 arrival in Manila -Christian “Good News”: God wants us to be happy & have
- “The reputation of the medical skill of the sisters had the “good life”
preceded them. When they opened the health clinic on June >God’s Desire: -John 14:27 (Peace)
22, they found a crowd of people in quest of nursing aid, -Jeremiah 29:11 (Hope)
medication, and advice. On July 4, they started the classes -John 15:11 (Joy)
with 255 pupils on roll. What an outstanding record.” -John 10:10 (Abundant Life)
– Fr. Carlu, CICM -Careerism: ideological view of the good life that reflects an
- “We have a lot in common with the apostles. They were exaggerated self-concern & materialistic notion of success
poor and untrained. Aren’t we? We barely know the where moral values and identity are sacrificed
language and we have hardly anything. But the apostles -Major Goal: be an authentic Filipino Catholic person
were filled with courage and with trust in the Lord, so they -True “Good Life”: a career that’ll develop our authentic
worked wonders. We too will work wonders, if we remain full selves through intimate loving faith relationship with God &
of courage, faith, and trust.” –MLDM others and inspires us to contribute positively for the
- February 25, 1911: MLDM took the road to Bontoc in the common good
Mt. Province with Sisters Marie Charles, Marie-Agnes and -Basis of Our Identity: God
- May 10 left for Tondo with Sr. M. Lutgarde and two Understanding the Human Heart
-Human Heart: universal symbol of love; where we attribute
- July 10 the two novices, Srs. M. Elizabeth and M. Raphael, our deepest emotions and desires and experiences different
made their first vows. aspects of our humanity at center of our being;
1911-1913 – Firming up the Structure Human Heart in Sacred Scriptures
- Drafting the Constitutions and Custom Book -deep center of a person; core of one’s being
- “The more He (Jesus) is present in all we say and do, the
-place of prayerful reflection with God & others
more shall we realize that without Him nothing is of any
-Prophet Micah: wholeheartedness  “do the right, love
value.” – MLDM
goodness & walk humbly with God”
-To maintain a necessary measure of independence, it was
-Ezekiel & Jeremiah: brings news that God promised to take
good to work with priests of different congregations:
away stony hearts & replace them with hearts filled with
-Carmelites and Jesuits in India
compassion, kindness, and love
-Scheutists in the Philippines
-Redemptorists in the West Indies
-Transfer of the Central House from Mulagumoodu to Kind of Heart that God Wants Most for Us
Roeselare in Belgium -inner attitude; disposition to what’s good, wise, & beautiful

1914-1923 – Mission Expansion Old & New Testaments

- Appointment of Cardinal Van Rossum as protector of the -heart = place we meet God, in an encounter modeled after
Congregation the unique presence of God in the human heart of the Son
- Establishment of mission in the Virgin Islands, of God
Caribbean, New York, Belgian Congo, Inner Mongolia in -Union of Our Hearts with the Heart of Christ: bring out the
China best in our lives; constitutes our greatest sharing in God’s
divine life & enables us to respond to the needs of others
1924-1928 – Fulfillment with the heart of Christ
- 1926: Approval of the Constitutions of the
Congregation Deus Caritas Est ; (God is Love)
- March 1927: Purchase of the property at Heverlee, Belgium -Pope Benedict XVI: “formation of the heart” (Deus
- June 1927: First General Chapter of the Congregation, Caritas Est): for the charity workers so that their love of
Election of Sr. Marie-Agustin as 2nd Superior General neighbor will no longer be just a commandment but a
consequence deriving from their faith, active through love
-Call to Discipleship = call to holiness
Promoters of Catholic Social Teachings >life of grace offered to everyone by God thru the
-learn to accept & love the love of God & others Risen Christ and the Holy Spirit
>Call to Holiness = call to fullness of Christian life and
Developing a Discerning Heart love
Christian Discernment
-process of finding answers to questions & making moral Basic & Most Significant Elements of Discipleship
decisions in light of our faith (Gospel of Mark; Mk 3:13-15)
-finding & reflecting God’s will in events of our life with Elements Meanings
regard to major choices & decisions -discipleship is a gift, freely offered to us
I Chose You -Jesus chose us despite our imperfections
Discernment and flaws
-“to know” -first calling is to "remain with" Jesus and go
To Be With Me through life's journey w/ Him by our side
-Secular Meaning: ability to judge well
-vertical aspect of discipleship: relationship
w/ Christ
Why Discern? -chosen for a mission: to go out and bear
1. Recognize from among all voices we hear, which is Lord’s fruit that will
voice To Be Sent Out remain
2. Grow in ability to read within his/her life & understand -horizontal aspect of discipleship: we cannot
when and what he/she is being called by Lord, in order to contain His love w/ in us, we are driven by
carry on his mission. the fire of God's love to "love our neighbour”

-Authentic Christian: both loves God and neighbor

Requirements in Discernment
1. Desire to do God’s will (committed faith) "Called to be with Him"
2. Openness to God -The root reason for human dignity lies in the human's call to
3. Knowledge of God (with enlightened faith) communion with God (Gaudium et Spes 19 [Joy & Hope;
Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World])
Essential Qualities
-Humble: growing awareness of our sinfulness/imperfection Called to be "Sent"
-Charitable: understanding & not judging harshly
-Courageous: risk & carry out His will Discipleship Means Forming an Integral Faith
>Moral Courage: deliberation of careful thoughts Doctrine: head/mind
Morals: hand
Skills in Discernment Worship: heart
Skills Meanings
-believing in God’s reality = encounter Him Required Meanings
Experience of
“in Spirit & in Truth” -informed, thinking faith
God -Scriptures To Believe in Jesus -when we truly love Christ, we thirst to
-grounded in Sacred Scripture (Doctrine) know him more deeply
-Dei Verbum 21: “the Father…meets his (Knowledge of -How to gain an informed faith?
children with great love and speaks with >faith grounded on Sacred
God’s Word) Scripture & Living Tradition of the
Listening to the them.”
-one way of recognizing His presence; Church
Living Word of
aware of the Holy Spirit’s presence To Follow Jesus -part of this is putting into action our
God love for him by serving others and
-Consolation: see either a confirmation (Moral) (Profession
-Desolation: clear ease of going against His contributing ourselves to social
of Faith in Daily transformation
-spiritual sensitivity from prayer & worship Life) -WWJD? (What would Jesus do?)
Active Prayer -true faith results to sincere desire to
(CFC 100)
Life -sacred time and space do something to help build His
Seeking God in -silence & reflection; let Him speak to our kingdom
hearts -personal relationship w/ God &
Peace abandonment to His will can prevent
-someone who can properly discern the man from being demeaned & save
Seeing a Lord’s word for us him from falling prey to the teaching
Spiritual -be careful in branding actions as God’s will of fanaticism and terrorism (Deus
Director -Mary quietly walking w/ Jesus = kind of To Worship Jesus Caritas Est 37)
silent walking with Jesus (Worship) -our faith lives & grows through prayer
(Celebration of Faith & worship
Christian Discipleship >Keeping the Lord’s Day
in the Sacraments >Celebrating major feasts
-"Walk humbly w/ God": description of the life of faith;
>Observing the Days of Fasting &
placing our deepest trust in God alone; stresses the kind of
life God wants for us >Celebrating the Sacrament of
-"Walk": reflected in the call of Jesus, who invites us to walk Reconciliation
with Him, or follow Him, to remain in His love >Receiving the Sacrament of
-Mk 1: 17: Jesus proclaims the coming of the Kingdom w/ Anointing of the Sick
the call to repent and believe in the Gospel
-To Follow Jesus: “imitate Him”; empowers us to faithful
commitment to Christ and the Kingdom of God
-Last Account of Mother Mary: Acts -commitment to do good in our society is part of our sharing
>Account in the Bible: Luke and Matthew in Christ’s own salvific mission
-Social Responsibility: obligation to act for the benefit of the
Servant of the Reign common good
-Luke 1:26-38: “The Annunciation” -Christian Social Responsibility: obliging to the call of God to
>”I am the handmaid of the Lord, be it done unto me spread Jesus’s Mission
according to Your word.”
Seeing Reality
At the Service of Jesus “We live in the worst and best times.” ~Charles Dickens
-Mary was specifically called to bring Jesus into the world. -Crisis: overwhelm/paralyze us into complacency/inaction
-Jesus was raised well and provided his needs. -Kairos: challenges us to do what’s good for others
-Luke 2:39-40: “[In her care and] Through her guidance,
Jesus grew in age and wisdom” Facing the Reality of Human Suffering
>Return to Nazareth 1. The oppressed, exploited and abused
2. Materially poor people
In the Service of the Poor & Needy 3. The abandoned, rejected, outcast (elderly, PWD, Sick and
-Luke 1:39-45: “The Visitation of Mary” the aborted babies)
>Mary sang “The Magnificat”/“Canticle of Mary” when 4. The struggling and weary (workers, victims of injustice,
she visited her pregnant cousin Elizabeth who needed unresolved crimes)
assistance considering her advanced age 5. The lonely, bored and isolated (lured with worldliness,
>Mary’s pregnancy didn’t stop her from enduring the misled with emptiness)
inconvenience of travelling in order to serve. 6. The Worldly and Avaricious Rich (full of ambition and
-Luke 1: 46-55: The Magnificat arrogance)
>Magnificat: integrates praise of God with commitment 7. The Ailing Environment
to social transformation
>good news of fullness of life to the poor Salvifici Doloris (Salvific Suffering)
>First part: Praising God “In whatever form suffering seems to be, and is almost
>Second part: God will punish the sinful inseparable from human beings’ earthly existence.”
-Christian meaning of Human Suffering
At the Service of the Community of the Reign -1984 Apostolic Letter by Pope John Paul II
Roles Significance -Suffering: pain caused by illness/injury
-Mary’s Fiat: her unconditional “Yes” to >Physical Suffering: body is in pain
First Believer of God’s plan expressed her faith in the >Spiritual Suffering: pain of the soul
the Reign promise of the Reign: “Blessed are they -Believe in God’s plan = God has a good intention
who hear the word of God and keep it” -He will never leave you alone.
First Evangelizer -Mary was the first one to carry out the
-God is constantly at work & in-charge even amidst of
good news in the reign of Jesus Christ.
of the Reign suffering
First and Model -Mary is the first & model follower of Jesus -God’s Plan: Jeremiah 29:11 and John 10:10
Disciple of Jesus because of her firm belief in God’s Word.
God’s Plan for Us
Marialis Cultus on Values (Marian Devotion) -God made the world out of love
-written by Pope Paul VI -God created us to be relational and capable of loving
-her decision-making: accepted her faith >We are Created as Relational Beings
-her choice of virginity for total consecration to God -the way we are created reveals that God’s plan is to share
-her proclamation to God vindicating the humble and His divine life with us
oppressed and her question regarding the possibility of >Imago Dei: share His divine life and goodness
becoming a mother confirmed her service to God -Adam and Eve abused their gifts thus came all moral evil &
-devotion of Mother Mary need to be translated in human suffering that we experience today
consecrated acts for the transformation of society in order to -Suffering entered the world because of our sin
secure quality life for the poor -God certainly doesn’t approve of anything that injures us,
-best example of discernment = Mary either in our body or spirit (Peter)
-Mary asked Angel Gabriel (Lk 1:34) the confirmation of her -God allows for us to sin because of the greater good of
role in Jesus’ life creating us free so we can love and receive love
>Free will and intellect (Jer. 29:11)
St. Damien of Molokai: Roman Catholic priest from Belgium >Love is a decision that includes free will, not force
and member of the Congregation of the Sacred Hearts of >If free will and intellectual is abused then it will lead to
Jesus and Mary; helped the people with leprosy sin and suffering

God’s Mysterious Ways

“I know that my redeemer lives, and in that in the end He will
Doctrine: God created us out of His Love stand on the Earth.” (Job 19:25)
Morals: To live in complete dependence on God’s love -we feel it’s easy to accept the suffering of sinners but not
Worship: To trust God for His profound & unconditional love the suffering of the innocent
-integral dimension of our Christian faith -God is always in control & we should place our trust in Him
-we are born to relate with one another -God knows everything and works for our good
-society affects us and we affect society -Proverbs 3:5-6: human suffering is within God’s saving way
Testaments Significance -Sadducees: more conservative = priests
-Job suffered all kinds of disasters at the -Jewish Social Life = Laws of Ritual Purity (Lev 19:2) =
prompting of Satan Holiness
-pious answer is not foreign to us because
we often to judge like job’s friends Their Basis of Holiness
Old Testament -blaming God for the unexplained cause of
1. Duties performed in the temple
our suffering & accuse Him of punishing us
-the only right attitude to God is to trust Him 2. How they observe Kashrut (Jewish religious dietary laws)
who is the creator of the world -resulted to social boundaries and the Jews & Gentiles, being
-Hebrews believed that suffering = divine insensitive to the needy.
punishment >The pure and unclean
-Jesus was crucified & cried out to God, “My >Jews and Gentiles
God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” >The well and the sick
>tempted to despair & question -The Jews became selfish and thought highly of themselves
New Testament -”Father, into your hands I commend my
= became indifferent because of their mindsets of thinking
spirit”: note of hope & statement of trust
-in the passion of Jesus, suffering has been
of them being the only chosen ones of God
linked to love -Jesus’ ways: telling parables
-NOT God’s will that Jesus was crucified >countered their beliefs but in a non-violent way
>showed the values of the Kingdom = The Good
Trusting in God’s Love Samaritan (Luke 10: 25-37)
-how powerful evil may appear, does not have the last say, >SEE, STOP AND TOUCH the needy
good triumphs over evil >showed true holiness = helping others in need
-God transforms all human evil by His infinite love, revealed
to us in/through Jesus Christ, who sends the Holy Spirit True Holiness
-Triune God, creator of the world, is just and merciful, -intersection between the love of God and love for neighbor
knowing and acting upon the suffering of mankind -when we are being moved by God’s love to help others
>Immanuel: God-with-us, God’s eternal word made flesh, -helping other people despite religion, race, gender, etc.
Jesus Christ -capacity to love; unholiness = indifference
-Jesus Mission: reveal concretely & make present the love of -Basis of True Holiness: love of neighbor; taught that being
God for all through the teachings and good works climaxed unclean comes from within; means treating all people as
in his passion, death, and resurrection (Lk 4:18-19) brothers and sisters out of love for God regardless
-How to Trust in God’s Love?
>offer your suffering to Him, Give thanks, look forward Way of Jesus – Jewish Social Life
to Christ’s return 1. He taught them the values of the Kingdom of God
2. He taught them that being unclean isn’t about what they
Jesus Offered Liberation eat. (Dietary Laws of the Jews)
-Jesus liberates us from indifference
Freedom from Enslaving Sins
-Jesus’ Mission = Gospel of Jesus = Freedom from enslaving
-Philippine vs. Jewish Society
sin and freedom from holistic liberation
>pyramid-like structure; rich (top) & poor (bottom)
-Root cause of all social evils: privation of love in our hearts
-Theocracy: Jewish political structure
pretending not to know how love, even though we ARE loved
>Theo = God; Cracy = Power; governed by many laws
dealt with what makes one religiously clean (ritual purity)
Freedom for Holistic Liberation
-Basis of their Law: found in Leviticus (Lv 19:2); “You shall be
holy, for I the Lord your God am holy” Gospels
>those who were responsible for creating and Gospels Freedom from ES Freedom for HL
implementing the laws were accepted as most clean and at Mk 3:1-6 -wrong interpretation on -He healed the man
the concept of working and addressed the
the top of the pyramid, while the rest were judged as the (Man with
on the Sabbath Day purpose of Sabbath
unclean Withered Day
-division and discrimination among social classes were stark Hand)
>those who strictly observed the law & those who did -discrimination between -he ate with the tax
Mk 2:13-17
not; pure and unclean; knowledgeable and ignorant of the the tax collectors and the collectors and the
law thus, resulted in the marginalization of the poor and all (The Call of sinners sinners
non-Jews the Levi)
-under the Roman Government -discrimination between -Christ is the living
Jn 4:1-30 the Jews and Samaritan water
>Polytheism: Romans
>Monotheism: Jews (Samaritan -Adultery: many relations >empowered the
Woman) of the Samaritan Woman woman to preach
-Gender discrimination about the Messiah
Causes of Political Unrest (Enslaving Sins) *Sychar-setting
a. Occupation of foreign troop (63 BCE) Lk 19:10 -Corruption and -Jesus promised
b. Delinquency on the Part of the Roman Officials (Zacchaeus) extortion salvation to
c. Taxation (Tithes: 10% of annual produce/earnings) Zacchaeus
d. Religious Fanaticism e. Revolutionary Prophets
f. Class Conflict g. Social Banditry -Jesus challenged the unjust socio-cultural-political patterns
h. Bitter Hostility between Jews and the Gentiles at that time
>Gentiles: collective term to the non-Jews -Metanoia: change of heart
-Pharisees: to implement and to ensure that people will -never merely a private turning to God
follow the law
-True Repentance: creates social effects that encourage a -they reach out because they sympathize
commitment to change unjust systems and structures in with the people in need (wrong for it is only
society God who can really save us from our pitiful
condition) inflamed by true Christian service;
-liberation that Christ offers is outgoing and communitarian;
challenge to sustain their commitment
holistic; for all Pity >Messianic Complex: mindset that the
-“The Gospel of Jesus Christ is a message of freedom and a poor are completely helpless
force for liberation…” (Introduction to the Instruction on -work for justice & love is the human
Certain Aspects of the Theology of Liberation) participation in God’s grand creative work
>Example: In the N.T., Zacchaeus the Tax Collector (Lk and Christ’s redemptive mission
19:1-10) -mature enough to understand that social
-Our work for social transformation is an experience of being responsibility is a moral obligation
loved by God through Jesus Moral -it is their responsibility to take care of one
Obligation another and the community they live in
>Key: always remember Jesus; call upon him constantly
-some have a strong sense of idealism to the
to make His spirit, love and love of God, enkindle our hearts point of sacrificing their moral values rooted
so that we will be moved to love in return in Christian faith
-selflessly gives loving service for others
The Call of Christians because of their Christian faith
-Christ’s offered liberation is not yet complete for we still see -see work as their concrete show of
human suffering which is mostly caused by our own self- gratitude to Jesus
centered decisions and actions Christian Faith -social responsibility = response to Christ
-called to do part and help solve them by cooperating w/ -their relationship w/ Jesus is what gives
them a solid reason for their real and
Christ’s offered holistic liberation
enduring commitment to serve others and
-Transfiguration: facing reality and to come out of your work for social change
comfort zones; sacrificing to follow Jesus
>Mark 9:2-8: Mt. Tabor: Jesus, Peter, James and John Social Responsibility and Faith
>Peter, James and John are the closest friends of Jesus -the love that we experience from God through Christ is
>They are sad because of the prediction that Jesus will what deeply justifies and gives meaning to our love for our
suffer & die = Prediction of His passion neighbor
>Peter: proposed to build 3 tents in the sacred place; he
wants Jesus to stay Elements Meanings
>Moses and Elijah: symbols of the Old Testament -love our neighbor out of gratitude to God
>Moses: the Law/The Liberation/ 10 Commandments -Christ is the embodiment of God’s love
Reason & -love has the power to move us to love others in
or Pentateuch to the Jews
Meaning return
>Elijah: greatest prophet
>St. Augustine: expressed love between God
>Cloud: God appeared/came to the mountain and neighbor
-The Instruction to Listen: -amidst the norm in the present we must not lose
1. Order: love God and love our neighbor (inseparable) sight of what is right
2. Listen: be attentive and alert to what is being revealed -our actions that is wrong but we try to justify it is
>going down the mountain (from the gospel) still wrong
>sacrificing means coming out of our comfort zone to be -love for others & country is part of our life of
with those who are suffering grace
>to listen means to question the oppressive social -loving requires sacrifice and is a lifelong struggle
because both w/ in our hearts and around us a
structures rooted in human sin
tension exists between authentic love and self-
>Call of Christians: entails sacrificing something to follow seeking indifference; between God’s grace and sin
Jesus Power -God’s grace is also felt in our effort to change our
-Our responsibility as Christians: trusting in God’s love society
amidst our suffering calls for human participation by >Light and shadow coexist in our country; all
listening, acting and help alleviate human suffering through aspects of social life are infused w/ problems
continuing God’s mission -Ubi caritas et amor, Deus ibi est: where there is
charity and love, there God is
Reflecting on Our Social Responsibility
-obligation to act for benefit of the members of the society
-Bayanihan: Filipino spirit of voluntarily working together -Lumen Gentium 9 = “Light of Nation“
-Ningas Kugon: sad weakness of Filipino generosity -the will of the Lord is to continue our journey to holiness
-our tendency to not finish what we started -to continue Jesus’ Mission which is to love and build the
-happens for we don’t reflect on why we extend our help Kingdom of God on Earth
-our faith in Jesus provides us a solid foundation in helping
others especially when sacrifices must be made
We Are Not Alone
-“This is my body which will be given for you; do this in
Common Reasons for Helping memory of me” (Lk 22:19)
Reasons Meanings >Eucharist: inspiration to be socially active; “from the
-tend to view service as a mere requirement
table of the Lord to the table of the world”
Reward and -realize that good intentions are not
enough; one must act and do something >we have Jesus made present by the Holy Spirit
Punishment -service shouldn’t be reduced to a mere
“investment”; lacks sincerity The Redemptive Act of God
-more than calling to mind a past event; act of remembering
-act of asking God to repeat what He had done in the past = Acts of Charity
to save us once again (sacramentally present) -rooted in Jesus: Jesus’ Healings & Miracles
-God allows us to carry out our mission as the Eucharist >to serve the least, lost, and last
being our inspiration -directly help those in need; give temporary aid to victims
-We become who we receive = Jesus Christ -sharing of possessions
-God is the bread who sanctifies us and the Holy Spirit that >no one among them was left in need (Acts 4:32-37)
binds us to do our mission. -defending their rights and the poor; breaking of the bread

The Nature and Mission of the Church Structural Change

-Vatican II: Church is the People of God -aims to offering long-term solutions that will eventually
-Church is a community of people cutting across all ages and produce more permanent & fuller relief in the suffering of
nations united in one faith in Christ and His Spirit of Love (cf the poor
CFC 1355) >Example: programs, laws
>CFC: Catechism for Filipino Catholics -PPCRV: Parish Pastoral Council for Responsible Voting
>Original Word of Church: Ecclestia -marked the change of the Church’s Social Mission
-Church as a community of embodied spirits >Social Teachings to guide the faithful
-Pope Leo XIII: 1891 Rerum Novarum (doctrine)
1. Church is Both Human & Divine >the condition of labor
-Human: the people or community >during the height of the Industrial Revolution
-Divine: the origin, nature and mission >the need to increase the charitable work into social
>creative design of the Father justice
>redemptive mission of the Son -Realizations of the Church
>Sanctifying work of the Spirit >need to deal with social structures and issues that cause
-Church is concerned with historical events as well as human harm to people
interests, needs and resources. >against unjust socio-economic political systems, and
-Reveal its origin= God = who fulfills its mission = from God works for social transformation as part of its total
commitment in helping the ones in need
2. Church is the Sacrament of Christ
-Sacrament: material sign that makes present a spiritual Being Part of the Church
reality -Parable of the Rich Man
>Scripture, Sacraments, Saints, Ministries, Us, the people > (Luke 16:19–31)
of God
-interior conversion of Hearts (metanoia) that will lead us to Awareness of the Suffering of Others
social transformation -The rich man failed to help Lazarus (poor man)
-we help make present the mission of Jesus Christ by -He ignored him that failed him to respond to Lazarus’
carrying out our mission from Him using our means, talent, suffering.
resources and roles in the Church. -Being are of other people’s suffering is the first step to
-we help make Christ present in the here and now helping them
-CFC 1081: Church signifies in a visible, historical, and
tangible form the presence and redeeming activity of Christ Responding According to One’s Means and Capabilities
offered to all…” -social responsibility requires good self-knowledge
-Church carries out a mission: -The rich man, in spite having all the capacity to help, he
>addresses the physical and spiritual aspects of human didn’t bother to help Lazarus
life; it concerns itself with issues pertaining to human needs -He didn’t know how to share what he has to the people in
and other temporal things. need
>touches on both personal and structural evil of society; -Through this, Jesus tells us that we help according to what
the church is aware that structural injustice is rooted in we can give: talents, time, resources, etc.
personal sin
>aims for personal conversion that will lead to genuine Listening to the Prophets
commitment to social transformation -call to action
-when the rich man realized his mistake, he wanted to tell
PCP II his brothers who were still alive but Abraham didn’t let him
-Second Plenary Council of the PH -Jesus tells us to listen to the Word of God and believe and
>Church envisions itself as the Church of the Poor, a act accordingly
Community of Disciples committed to a renewed & integral -one’s help must be animated by the Word of God calling us
evangelization to love others
-Community of Faith rooted in Christ immersed in the life of -His teachings can move us to reach out if we would listen
the people and accept it
-create a free nation -respect human dignity
-harmony with one another and God ©Reese Young 10-2; there’s a method to this madness
-unity of the world works

The Church’s Ways of Doing Its Social Mission

-Two Feet of Social Ministry: these should move together
accordingly to keep the balance

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