Infertility, Fertility Drugs, and Ovarian Cancer: A Pooled Analysis of Case-Control Studies

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American Journal of Epidemiology Vol. 155, No.

Copyright © 2002 by the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health Printed in U.S.A.
All rights reserved

Infertility and Ovarian Cancer Ness et al.

Infertility, Fertility Drugs, and Ovarian Cancer: A Pooled Analysis of Case-
Control Studies

Roberta B. Ness,1 Daniel W. Cramer,2 Marc T. Goodman,3 Susanne Krûger Kjaer,4 Kathy Mallin,5 Berit Jul
Mosgaard,6 David M. Purdie,7 Harvey A. Risch,8 Ronald Vergona,1 and Anna H. Wu9

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Controversy surrounds the relations among infertility, fertility drug use, and the risk of ovarian cancer. The
authors pooled interview data on infertility and fertility drug use from eight case-control studies conducted
between 1989 and 1999 in the United States, Denmark, Canada, and Australia. Odds ratios and 95% confidence
intervals were calculated, adjusting for age, race, family history of ovarian cancer, duration of oral contraception
use, tubal ligation, gravidity, education, and site. Included in the analysis were 5,207 cases and 7,705 controls.
Among nulligravid women, attempts for more than 5 years to become pregnant compared with attempts for less
than 1 year increased the risk of ovarian cancer 2.67-fold (95% confidence interval (CI): 1.91, 3.74). Among
nulliparous, subfertile women, neither any fertility drug use (odds ratio (OR) = 1.60, 95% CI: 0.90, 2.87) nor more
than 12 months of use (OR = 1.54, 95% CI: 0.45, 5.27) was associated with ovarian cancer. Fertility drug use
in nulligravid women was associated with borderline serous tumors (OR = 2.43, 95% CI: 1.01, 5.88) but not with
any invasive histologic subtypes. Endometriosis (OR = 1.73, 95% CI: 1.10, 2.71) and unknown cause of infertility
(OR = 1.19, 95% CI: 1.00, 1.40) increased cancer risk. These data suggest a role for specific biologic causes of
infertility, but not for fertility drugs in overall risk for ovarian cancer. Am J Epidemiol 2002;155:217–24.

fertility agents, female; infertility; ovarian neoplasms

Considerable public attention and patient anxiety during may elevate ovarian cancer risk (1–3, 6–9, 11–16).
the past decade have focused on the possible link between Infertility is a heterogeneous end product of a number of
fertility drugs and ovarian cancer risk. Some studies sug- biologically distinct conditions. There have been several
gested that women who took fertility drugs, yet did not attempts to segregate infertility by type and to examine each
become pregnant, as well as women with longer durations of infertility type separately as it relates to ovarian cancer risk.
fertility drug exposure, are at substantially elevated risk of These studies have been inconclusive, with some showing
ovarian cancer (1, 2). However, results from other studies an association to ovarian cancer and ovulatory infertility (2,
have not been consistent, even among potentially high-risk 16) and some to infertility of unknown cause (3, 7).
subgroups of women with high lifetime exposures to fertil- The increasing use of fertility drugs in many countries
ity drugs (3–10). suggests an emerging need to separate an association of
Interpretation of an association between fertility drugs infertility with ovarian cancer from that of infertility treat-
and ovarian cancer is complicated by the fact that infertility ment. Key obstacles to studying this question include the
rarity of the disease and the relatively infrequent prescrip-
tion of ovulation-inducing drugs.
Received for publication December 6, 2000, and accepted for We report the results of an international pooled analysis
publication July 31, 2001. of infertility and fertility drug use in eight ovarian cancer
Abbreviations: CI, confidence interval; OR, odds ratio.
University of Pittsburgh School of Public Health, Pittsburgh, PA. case-control investigations. Our analysis included a large
Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School, sample of subjects in which to 1) determine whether specific
Boston, MA. infertility diagnoses were associated with ovarian cancer
Cancer Research Center, University of Hawaii, Honolulu, HI. and 2) examine whether, among women with subfertility,
Danish Cancer Society, Institute of Cancer Epidemiology, fertility drugs elevated ovarian cancer risk.
Copenhagen, Denmark.
5 University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, IL.
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Herlev Hospital, MATERIALS AND METHODS
University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Queensland Institute of Medical Research, Royal Brisbane Data collection
Hospital, Queensland, Australia.
Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, CT. Table 1 summarizes the characteristics of the eight case-
University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA.
Reprint requests to Dr. Roberta B. Ness, University of Pittsburgh, control studies included in this analysis. All of the studies
130 DeSoto Street, 517 Parran Hall, Pittsburgh, PA 15261 (e-mail: were conducted between 1989 and 1999, and each used pop- ulation-based case and control selection. Four studies were

218 Ness et al.

TABLE 1. Study sites and their characteristics included in the pooled analysis of eight case-control studies, 1989–1999
Cases Controls Age
Authors Period of Case Control Matching
Location % % range
(reference no.) ascertainment selection selection No. No. parameters
recruited recruited (years)

Cramer et al. (18) Massachusetts and 1992–1997 Treatment Random digit 563 70 523 72 17–75 Individual age,
New Hampshire centers dialing and residence
town lists

Mallin et al.* Cook County, Illinois 1994–1998 Hospitals Random digit, 351 39 501 50 18–74 Frequency age,
HCFA† for race
≥64 years

Goodman et al. Hawaii and Los 1993–1999 SEER† Population 606 66 613 75‡ 18–87 Frequency age,
(17) Angeles County, registries register, 65 72§ race, and
California HCFA files location

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(Hawaii, Los

Kjaer et al.* Denmark, selected 1995–1999 Hospitals Population 764 85 1,562 61 35–79 Frequency age
counties register

Mosgaard et al. Denmark 1989–1994 National Population 915 82 1,721 80 18–59 Individual age,
(8) register register residence

Ness et al. (19) Philadelphia, 1993–1998 Hospitals Random digit 767 88 1,367 72 20–69 Frequency age,
Pennsylvania dialing, residence
HCFA files

Purdie et al. (21) Australia 1990–1993 Treatment Population 793 90 855 73 16–79 Frequency age,
centers register urban/rural

Risch et al. (20) Ontario, Canada 1989–1992 Cancer Population 450 71 564 65 35–79 Frequency age
registry register

* Unpublished data.
† HCFA, Health Care Financing Administration; SEER, Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results.
‡ Percent recruited in Hawaii.
§ Percent recruited in Los Angeles, California.

conducted among women living on the mainland United We requested that each study provide data on the follow-
States (17–19) (one of which included women living in ing independent variables in the following format: sought
Hawaii (17)), two were conducted in Denmark (8) (Kjaer et medical attention for infertility (yes/no), infertility tests done
al., Danish Cancer Society, unpublished data), one in Canada (partner/self/both/neither), infertility diagnosis (type), fertil-
(20), and one in Australia (21). Only one study separately ity drug use (duration), specific fertility drug used (duration),
published an analysis of fertility drug use and ovarian can- and histology (cases only). Time spent attempting pregnancy
cer (8). Six additional studies were excluded from consider- (continuous) was also obtained. In most studies, this had
ation in this pooled analysis because they did not meet the been collapsed into a single variable encompassing cumula-
timing criteria of conduct on or after 1989 or did not collect tive duration of trying over a lifetime.
data on fertility drugs or both (five studies) or because they
had not completed data collection (one study). All data in Covariates
this report were analyzed in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, using
datasets stripped of individual identifiers. Each study also provided data on potentially important
covariates that we have previously found to be significantly
Infertility and fertility drug use related to ovarian cancer risk (22): age (continuous), gra-
vidity (continuous), first-degree family history of ovarian
Standardized in-person interviews were conducted in all cancer (yes/no), race (Black, White, Hispanic, Asian,
but one (8) of the studies. That study mailed self-administered other), educational attainment (less than high school, high
questionnaires. In four of the studies (17, 19) (Kjaer et al., school, more than high school), tubal ligation (ever/never),
Danish Cancer Society, and Mallin et al., University of oral contraceptive use duration (continuous), and study
Illinois at Chicago, unpublished data) a modification of a sin- code (categorical).
gle questionnaire was used. This questionnaire based recall
for reproductive events on a “life” calendar approach in Statistical analysis
which each woman marked a calendar with important events
during her life and used these to enhance her memory for Pooled odds ratios, with corresponding 95 percent confi-
date-related information. The studies by Risch et al. (20) and dence intervals, were calculated as the primary measure of
Purdie et al. (21) also used a life calendar as a memory aid. effect size. Because most studies used frequency rather than
Data were checked for internal consistency, and when neces- individual matching and matched on the basis of broad cri-
sary, clarifications were requested from the investigators. teria, such as age within 5- to 10-year intervals, we used

Am J Epidemiol Vol. 155, No. 3, 2002

Infertility and Ovarian Cancer 219

unconditional logistic regression models to adjust for any cervical mucous/inflamed cervix (21). We also defined a
additional effects of age as well as for gravidity, race, edu- group of women as having an unknown cause of infertility
cation, history of ovarian cancer in any first-degree relative, by taking all women so designated in the data and adding
tubal ligation, oral contraceptive use duration, and study, as any women who had infertility tests, but did not report a
indicated above. We checked the reasonableness of pooling specific diagnosis. To account for multiple infertility diag-
estimates by calculating odds ratios within individual stud- noses, we limited the comparison group to women with no
ies and calculating a Woolf test for heterogeneity among infertility diagnosis and present analyses adjusted for stan-
studies for all major results (23). In none of the significant dard confounders plus all types of infertility beyond the one
associations between infertility type and ovarian cancer and of interest.
in none of the fertility drug and ovarian cancer analyses did Finally, for infertility types that appeared to elevate ovar-
we find statistically significant heterogeneity among stud- ian cancer risk and for fertility drug use, we separately ana-
ies. We did find heterogeneity when comparing four or more lyzed histologic subtypes, including borderline serous (n 
489), invasive serous (n  1,782); mucinous (n  773),

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pregnancies with zero pregnancies and in comparing never-
pregnant women trying for less than 1 year to get pregnant endometrioid and clear cell (n  985), and undifferentiated
with those trying for more than 5 years. In both situations, and all other types (n  420).
we provide the heterogeneity statistic and range of odds
ratios in Results.
In evaluating risk associated with fertility drugs, we
restricted analyses to women who had a history of 2 or more Among the 7,705 controls, 10.2 percent were never preg-
years of trying to conceive over a lifetime and/or of seeking nant, and among the 5,207 cases, 19.6 percent were never
medical attention for infertility. Both seeking infertility pregnant. In adjusted analyses, women who had never been
treatment and prolonged episodes of trying to conceive pregnant were 2.42 times (95 percent confidence interval
without success (typically for at least a 1-year period) are (CI): 1.86, 3.14) as likely to have ovarian cancer as were
standard markers of infertility. The term “subfertility” rather those with four or more pregnancies (table 2). Estimates of
than infertility is used here to describe women who tried to this association were heterogeneous between studies (p <
conceive for 2 or more years and/or sought medical atten- 0.005), with odds ratios ranging from 1.69 (95 percent CI:
tion because our data on trying comprises a cumulative 1.25, 2.29) to 3.75 (95 percent CI: 2.80, 5.01). Seeking med-
period over a lifetime rather than the duration of a single ical attention for fertility problems was a modest risk factor
episode. Confining our analyses solely to care seekers might for ovarian cancer, with the same odds ratio, 1.2, among
have focused on an unrepresentative group of women with ever pregnant and never pregnant women. Prolonged
enhanced access to health care and higher socioeconomic episodes of trying also elevated ovarian cancer risk, partic-
status. Furthermore, preliminary analyses revealed that, ularly among never pregnant women, wherein trying for
although almost all women using fertility drugs tried for 2 or more than 5 years versus less than 1 year without achieving
more years to get pregnant, 29.9 percent of the controls and pregnancy elevated the risk of ovarian cancer 2.7-fold (95
33.5 percent of the cases used fertility drugs yet did not percent CI: 1.91, 3.74). Estimates for more than 5 years ver-
report seeking medical attention specifically for infertility. sus less than 1 year of trying among nulligravid women
One data set (Mallin et al., unpublished data) did not capture were also heterogeneous (p < 0.005), with odds ratios rang-
length of pregnancy attempts, but instead asked about trying ing from 0.85 (95 percent CI: 0.28, 2.59) to 15.96 (95 per-
for at least 1 year; that definition was used to identify sub- cent CI: 8.91, 28.60). In those trying for more than 5 years
fertility among those women. We analyzed use and duration who became pregnant, the risks were 1.20–1.39 times higher
of use of fertility drugs in general and then duration of the than among women trying for less than 1 year and were not
specific drugs clomiphene and human menopausal significant.
gonadotrophin. Too few women reported exposure to other Two types of infertility (table 3), endometriosis (odds
specific drugs to present those results. ratio (OR)  1.73, 95 percent CI: 1.10, 2.71) and unknown
Logistic regression was used to explore the interaction of cause of infertility (OR  1.19, 95 percent CI: 1.00, 1.43),
infertility and fertility drug use by modeling each level of were independently associated with elevations in risk after
interaction between the pairs of variables infertility (yes/no) adjustment for standard confounding factors. Further adjust-
and fertility drug use (yes/no) using subjects who were fertile ment for each of the other types of infertility did not greatly
and who never used fertility drugs as the reference category. alter the strength of these associations (table 3); however,
Although other variables were fairly readily combined with reduced power, only unknown cause of infertility con-
across studies, the variable for which categorization differed tinued to be significant.
most between studies was type of infertility. One study (8) Fertility drug use overall did not raise the risk of ovarian
had no data on infertility types and, therefore, was not cancer in adjusted analyses (table 4). Among the 2,397
included in these analyses. For other datasets, whenever women defined as subfertile (those who sought medical
possible, we collapsed medically similar categories, but for attention for infertility or tried for at least 2 years to get
some categories we could not include datasets in which pregnant), 14.6 percent took fertility drugs. The odds ratio
information was unavailable. Datasets that were not of ovarian cancer for subfertile women ever taking these
included in specific analyses were as follows: uterus devel- medications versus not taking them was 0.97 (95 percent CI:
opment problems (18, 21), menstruation problems (18), and 0.76, 1.25). Among never pregnant women, the risk for ever

Am J Epidemiol Vol. 155, No. 3, 2002

220 Ness et al.

TABLE 2. Fertility measures among cases and controls, crude and adjusted odds ratios for ovarian cancer for eight case-control
studies, 1989–1999
Variable No. of cases No. of controls Crude OR* 95% CI† Adjusted OR 95% CI

No. of pregnancies
≥4 1,143 2,224 1.0 1.0
3 989 1,830 1.05 0.95, 1.17 1.13 0.98, 1.31
2 1,300 2,099 1.21 1.09, 1.33 1.37 1.15, 1.63
1 755 764 1.92 1.70, 2.18 2.11 1.68, 2.65
0 1,020 788 2.52 2.24, 2.83 2.42 1.86, 3.14

Sought medical attention‡

Never pregnant
No 696 583 1.0 1.0

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Yes 175 121 1.21 0.94, 1.57 1.19 0.91, 1.55
Ever pregnant
No 3,262 5,741 1.0 1.0
Yes 493 710 1.22 1.08, 1.38 1.16 1.02, 1.31

Time spent trying to get

pregnant (years)§
Never pregnant
<1 412 423 1.0 1.0
1–2 23 14 1.68 0.86, 3.32 1.55 0.77, 3.13
>2–5 54 28 1.98 1.23, 3.19 2.03 1.24, 3.32
>5 156 69 2.32 1.70, 3.18 2.67 1.91, 3.74

One pregnancy (years)

<1 384 421 1.0 1.0
1–2 41 42 1.07 0.68, 1.68 1.03 0.65, 1.63
>2–5 44 41 1.18 0.75, 1.84 1.12 0.71, 1.78
>5 95 69 1.51 1.08, 2.12 1.39 0.98, 1.96

Two pregnancies (years)

<1 774 1,371 1.0 1.0
1–2 90 151 1.06 0.80, 1.39 1.09 0.82, 1.44
>2–5 81 117 1.23 0.91, 1.65 1.19 0.88, 1.61
>5 57 77 1.31 0.92, 1.87 1.20 0.84, 1.72

Three or more pregnancies

<1 1,274 2,429 1.0 1.0
1–2 130 272 0.91 0.73, 1.14 0.92 0.74, 1.15
>2–5 101 243 0.79 0.62, 1.01 0.79 0.62, 1.01
>5 69 101 1.30 0.95, 1.80 1.22 0.88, 1.68
* Odds ratios (OR) of 1.0 represent the referent categories. They are adjusted for age, gravidity, race, education, history of ovarian
cancer, tubal ligation, oral contraceptive use duration and research site.
† CI, confidence interval.
‡ Excludes Cramer et al. (18).
§ Excludes Cramer et al. (18) and Mallin et al. (unpublished data).

taking fertility drugs was elevated, but not significantly so Separate results for histologic subtypes of ovarian cancers
(OR  1.60, 95 percent CI: 0.90, 2.87), and among ever did not reveal any additional associations, with the follow-
pregnant women, the risk was less than 1.0 (OR  0.82, 95 ing exceptions. Among nulligravid women, fertility drug use
percent CI: 0.62, 1.09). Further adjustment for each of the was significantly associated with borderline serous tumors
types of infertility resulted in odds ratios of 1.75 (95 percent (OR  2.43, 95 percent CI: 1.01, 5.88), but not with inva-
CI: 0.73, 4.21) for nulligravid women and 0.69 (95 percent sive serous tumors (OR  1.11, 95 percent CI: 0.51, 2.42)
CI: 0.48, 1.00) for gravid women. Longer duration (>12 or with borderline or invasive mucinous tumors, endometri-
months) of fertility drug exposure did not significantly ele- oid or clear cell tumors, or undifferentiated or other tumors.
vate ovarian cancer risk, even among nulligravid women Among gravid women, fertility drugs were not significantly
(OR  1.54, 95 percent CI: 0.45, 5.27), nor did longer dura- associated with any of these histologic types. Serous bor-
tion of specific drugs (i.e., clomiphene or human derline tumors were associated with ovarian cysts (OR 
menopausal gonadotrophin) significantly elevate risk. 3.75, 95 percent CI: 2.15, 6.51), uterine development prob-

Am J Epidemiol Vol. 155, No. 3, 2002

Infertility and Ovarian Cancer 221

TABLE 3. Infertility types and ovarian cancer risk for eight case-control studies, 1989–1999
No. of No. of Crude 95% Adjusted 95% Adjusted 95%
cases controls OR* CI* OR† CI OR‡ CI

Low sperm count§

No 3,627 5,229 1.0 1.0 1.0
Yes 131 126 1.50 1.17, 1.92 1.30 0.99, 1.71 1.28 0.93, 1.75

Ovulation problems§
No 3,627 5,229 1.0 1.0 1.0
Yes 48 84 0.82 0.58, 1.18 0.80 0.54, 1.18 0.66 0.34, 1.26

Ovarian cysts§
No 3,627 5,229 1.0 1.0 1.0

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Yes 69 73 1.36 0.98, 1.90 1.29 0.80, 2.07 1.92 0.83, 4.46

Blocked tubes§
No 3,627 5,229 1.0 1.0 1.0
Yes 84 95 1.28 0.95, 1.72 1.14 0.82, 1.59 1.04 0.67, 1.62

Uterine development problems¶

No 2,490 4,032 1.0 1.0 1.0
Yes 29 41 1.15 0.71, 1.85 1.06 0.63, 1.76 0.75 0.35, 1.63

Cervical mucous and/or

inflamed cervix#
No 2,977 4,483 1.0 1.0 1.0
Yes 23 40 0.87 0.52, 1.45 1.14 0.57, 2.26 0.83 0.25, 2.69

Menstrual problems**
No 3,140 4,778 1.0 1.0 1.0
Yes 81 122 1.01 0.76, 1.34 1.07 0.72, 1.59 1.08 0.55, 2.14

No 3,627 5,229 1.0 1.0 1.0
Yes 51 39 1.89 1.24, 2.87 1.73 1.10, 2.71 1.52 0.81, 2.83

Unknown cause of infertility§

No 3,627 5,229 1.0 1.0 1.0
Yes 294 285 1.49 1.26, 1.76 1.19 1.00, 1.43 1.22 1.01, 1.46
* OR, odds ratio; CI, confidence interval.
† Odds ratios were adjusted for age, gravidity, race, education, history of ovarian cancer, tubal ligation, duration of oral contraceptive use,
and research site.
‡ Odds ratios were adjusted for age, gravidity, race, education, history of ovarian cancer, tubal ligation, duration of oral contraceptive use,
and research site plus each other infertility type.
§ Excludes Mosgaard et al. (8).
¶ Excludes Mosgaard et al. (8), Cramer et al. (18), and Purdie et al (21).
# Excludes Mosgaard et al. (8) and Purdie et al. (21).
** Excludes Mosgaard et al. (8) and Cramer et al. (18).

lems (OR  2.73, 95 percent CI: 1.07, 7.00), menstrual founders. Infertility was significantly related to ovarian can-
problems (OR  2.34, 95 percent CI: 1.33, 4.14), cer (OR  1.26, 95 percent CI: 1.14, 1.39). Fertility drug
endometriosis (OR  2.63, 95 percent CI: 1.10, 6.26), and use was not related to ovarian cancer (OR  1.13, 95 per-
unknown cause of infertility (OR  1.86, 95 percent CI: cent CI: 0.56, 2.29) nor was the multiplicative interaction
1.26, 2.74). Beyond this effect, which may well represent a between infertility and fertility drugs (OR  0.79, 95 per-
surveillance bias, we found endometrioid/clear cell tumors cent CI: 0.37, 1.66) related to ovarian cancer.
associated with endometriosis (OR  3.41, 95 percent CI:
1.94, 5.99) and unknown cause of infertility (OR  1.94, 95 DISCUSSION
percent CI: 1.49, 2.54). Furthermore, unknown cause of
infertility related to serous invasive ovarian cancer (OR  In our pooled analysis, we found no association between
1.86, 95 percent CI: 1.26, 2.74). fertility drug use and the overall risk of ovarian cancer.
We further assessed the independent and joint relations Neither longer duration of fertility drug use nor unsuccess-
among infertility, fertility drug use, and ovarian cancer in a ful fertility drug use was independently associated with sig-
logistic regression model that adjusted for standard con- nificant elevations in adjusted cancer risk. We did find that,

Am J Epidemiol Vol. 155, No. 3, 2002

222 Ness et al.

TABLE 4. Fertility drug use and ovarian cancer risk* for eight case-control studies, 1989–1999
Variable No. of cases No. of controls Crude OR† 95% CI‡ Adjusted OR 95% CI

Fertility drugs (all)

No 911 1,137 1.0 1.0
Yes 149 200 0.93 0.74, 1.17 0.97 0.76, 1.25

Fertility drugs
Never pregnant
No 191 147 1.0 1.0
Yes 54 22 1.89 1.10, 3.24 1.60 0.90, 2.87
Ever pregnant
No 720 990 1.0 1.0

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Yes 95 178 0.73 0.56, 0.96 0.82 0.62, 1.09

Duration of fertility drug use

Never pregnant
Never 191 147 1.0 1.0
1–3 14 7 1.54 0.61, 3.91 1.56 0.59, 4.10
4–12 30 11 2.10 1.02, 4.33 1.67 0.78, 3.57
>12 10 4 1.92 0.59, 6.26 1.54 0.45, 5.27
Ever pregnant
Never 720 990 1.0 1.0
1–3 34 65 0.72 0.47, 1.10 0.81 0.54, 1.25
4–12 41 73 0.77 0.52, 1.15 0.84 0.56, 1.26
>12 20 40 0.69 0.40, 1.19 0.82 0.46, 1.44

Chlomiphene duration
Never 892 1,070 1.0 1.0
1–3 17 25 0.82 0.44, 1.52 0.92 0.48, 1.74
4–12 16 29 0.66 0.36, 1.23 0.76 0.40, 1.43
>12 9 10 1.08 0.44, 2.67 1.20 0.47, 3.05

HMG‡ duration (months)¶

Never 916 1,110 1.0 1.0
1–3 10 10 1.21 0.50, 2.92 1.47 0.60, 3.59
4–12 6 13 0.56 0.21, 1.47 0.60 0.22, 1.64
>12 3 1 3.64 0.38, 35.0 4.51 0.46, 44.12
* Includes only women who tried to get pregnant for 2 or more years and/or sought medical attention for infertility.
† Odds ratios (OR) were adjusted for age, gravidity, race, education, history of ovarian cancer, tubal ligation, duration of oral
contraceptive use, and research site.
‡ CI, confidence interval; HMG, human menopausal gonadotropin.
§ Excludes Purdie et al. (21).
¶ Excludes Mosgaard et al. (8) and Purdie et al. (21).

among women who never achieved a pregnancy, fertility that it may be premature to ascribe a causal link between fer-
drugs were related to an elevated risk of borderline serous tility drug use and the subsequent development of ovarian
tumors but not to invasive tumors. Although the association cancer (26–29).
between fertility drugs and borderline serous tumors may be We did find strong relations among nulligravidity, pro-
real and important, it might also be a significant result aris- longed attempts to become pregnant (although these results
ing from multiple comparisons. Furthermore, the associa- were heterogeneous among studies), and ovarian cancer
tion may reflect surveillance or diagnostic bias with risk, suggesting that subfertile women are at increased risk
enhanced surveillance occurring among young women who of ovarian cancer even after adjustment for contraception
have invasive, fertility-related procedures; borderline and pregnancies. Both lack of gravidity and attempts at
tumors generally arise among younger women who have an pregnancy were more strongly related to risk than seeking
excellent life expectancy after tumor excision (24, 25). This medical attention for infertility among nulligravid women.
assertion is strengthened by the many nonspecific associa- These results may be explained by the observation that most
tions between serous borderline tumors and various infertil- women who sought medical attention subsequently became
ity types. Overall, our findings conflict with some previous pregnant. At the same time, many women who were nul-
reports (1, 2, 9) but not with others (3, 6, 7, 10), suggesting ligravid never sought medical attention (table 2).

Am J Epidemiol Vol. 155, No. 3, 2002

Infertility and Ovarian Cancer 223

Endometriosis and unknown cause of infertility have been Memorial Hospital, Kaiser Foundation Hospital, Kapiolani
linked to ovarian cancer in a variety of clinical and epidemio- Medical Center, Kuakini Medical Center, Queens Medical
logic studies, including our own (3, 4, 7, 22, 30–33). Indeed, Center, Straub Clinic and Hospital, St. Francis Hospital,
endometriosis has specifically been linked to endometrioid Tripler Army Hospital, and Wahiawa General Hospital; Ness
and clear cell tumors, perhaps as part of a natural progression. et al.: grant R01-CA63748 from the National Cancer
That we did not have data on time between infertility workup Institute; Cramer et al.: grant RO1-CA 54419 from the
and ovarian cancer diagnosis introduces the possibility that National Cancer Institute; Risch et al.: grant 6613–1415–53
endometriosis may represent a precursor of ovarian cancer. It from the National Health Research and Development
is also possible that inflammation plays a role in ovarian car- Program of Health Canada; Purdie et al.: Australian
cinogenesis. This may explain the link between ovarian cancer National Health and Medical Research Council and the
and endometriosis, with its marked local inflammation (34, Queensland Cancer Fund; Mallin et al.: grant R01-CA61093
35). It may further explain the link to infertility of unknown from the National Cancer Institute; Kjaer et al.: grant R01-

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origin, perhaps through abnormal prostaglandin responses, CA-61107 from the National Cancer Institute; Mosgaard et
which mediate both ovulation and inflammation (36, 37). al.: grants from Løvens Kemiske Fabriks Forskningsfond,
We did not find that either ovulatory infertility or men- Stud. Med. Karsten Hansens Grant, NovoCare, Fabrikant
strual infertility (perhaps a surrogate marker for anovula- Einar Willumsens Grant, Danish Hospital Foundation for
tion) elevated invasive ovarian cancer risk. Although such Medical Research, Region of Copenhagen, The Faroe Island
relations have been reported in the past (2, 16), current and Greenland (J77/94), Minister Erna Hamiltons Grant for
hypotheses regarding the etiology of ovarian cancer do not Science and Art, Agnes og Poul Friis-Fund, The Danish
predict a causal association. Both the ovulation hypothesis Medical Association Research Fund (J086.51), and Max and
and the gonadotrophin hypothesis postulate that fewer ovu- Anna Friedmanns Grant, Copenhagen, Denmark.
lations resulting from ovulatory infertility and/or lower- The authors also acknowledge the contributions of the
peak estrogen and progesterone levels associated with following persons: Ness et al.: Jeanne Anne Grisso and
anovulation would reduce, not elevate, ovarian cancer risk. Jennifer Klapper; Purdie et al.: Adele Green, Christopher
Strengths of this pooled analysis include its size, generaliz- Bain, Victor Siskind, Bruce Ward, Neville Hacker, Michael
ability, population-based ascertainment strategy, and the use Quinn, Peter Russell, Gordon Wright, and Beatrice Susil;
of structured, detailed data collection methods, including data Mallin et al.: coinvestigators Karin Rosenblatt, Faith Davis,
on infertility and fertility drug use. Weaknesses include the Viswanath, and Candice Zahora; Kjaer et al.: coinvestigator
relatively small proportion of women using fertility drugs Eva Glud, Jan Blaakaer, and Claus Hoegdall.
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fertile women (14.6 percent), and the even smaller number of
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