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Grade 9
Activity 4.2
What Pigments are present in green leaves?
I. Objectives
a. To extract pigments from green leaves.
b. To identify the pigment present in green leaves.
II. Materials

Dissecting set 2 test tubes Water 2 fresh leaves

Funnel Graduated cylinder Copper sulfate Burner
Iron ring stand 500 ml beaker Ethyl alcohol Match
Wire gauze Test tube holder
III. Procedure
1. Wash the leaf samples. Put each leaf in a test tube.
2. On 1 test tube, add 10 ml of ethyl alcohol. Label the set up A. On the other test
tube, add 10 ml of copper sulfate. Label the set up B.
3. Put about 200 ml of water on the beaker. Put the 2 test tube with leaves and
reagents in the beaker with water.
4. Put the wire gauze on top of the iron ring stand. Put the beaker with water and
test tubes on top of the wire gauze and light the burner. This method of heating
the test tube by allowing the water in the beaker to boil is called water bath.
5. Adjust the size of the flame when the water in the beaker is already boiling.
Observe the changes in the color of the reagent in each of the 2 test tubes.
IV. Results and Observations
1. Describe the color change in test tube A and test tube B.

2. What pigment is present in:

2.1. Test tube A

2.2. Test tube B

3. What roles did ethyl alcohol and copper sulfate play in the activity?

4. Why is water bath used in extracting the pigments from the leaves instead of
direct heating the test tube over the flame?

V. Conclusion
 What pigments compose the leaves?

 How can these pigments be extracted from the leaves

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