Informative Speech Group 2: How Does Communication Helps in Bridging A Family Gap?

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How Does Communication Helps in Bridging a

Family Gap?
Angel: Good Afternoon to everyone and welcome to the
faith show. Today we have a special guest, please
welcome Alyssa Martin
Alyssa: Good Afternoon to everyone. I’m so glad to be
here today in faith show.
Angel: We’re glad too to have you as our guest. So I’ve
noticed, most of the families in the Philippines have a
family gap, well we wanted to know from you how can
we resolve this problem.
Alyssa: Don’t worry Angel I will answer your question by
a speech and role play that I’ve prepared for you.
Angel: Well I can’t wait to hear your speech and see what
you have prepared for us.
Alyssa: Thank you Angel
How Does Communication Help in Keeping Family Ties?
Most of the families in the Philippines are mostly separated, and we all know that,
whether they are poor or rich. So what this brings is family gap, not only to those
separated family, but also in most family. So we ask, how can we solve this? Well
first think how the gap started, it because of lack in communication right? So the
best way to bridge family gap is through communication too. Although to be able
to bridge the gap every member of the family makes the first move, because every
member should adjust with each other. In communicating to our family there are a
lot of things to consider. Firstly of course is to be open to each other, problem
cannot be avoided, whether in children or parents we all have problems, so don’t
be shy to open to your family, share your thoughts. Next is about being an active
listener, if one of our family member is being open to us listen to their problems
and listen attentively. The third one is to comfort each other, of course to be able
to comfort them you have to listen to them actively, and comfort them if their
problem is too big. The last one is to give them a good advice, help them go through
their problems and worries.
There are more ways to keep family ties. One of them is spending time with each
other, always give time for each other, because we all know that time is precious,
time is gold. Next is being honest to each other, when we are asked when
something is wrong make sure to tell the truth, so that when we have problem we
can always solve this.
Always make sure to have a healthy family, even if you are a separated family. And
don’t take a problem too long, solve this as long as possible. Always forgive each
other, even if they are not too nice to you, as said in Colossians 3:13 “Bear with
each other and forgive one another if any has a grievance against someone. Forgive
as the Lord forgive you”.

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