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Hi! My name is Jonathan Perez and I am your speaker for today.

Before I start our discussion, I have one question

to you all. How do you show your love and support to your family? Is it through words? Through actions? Through
material things? Or through gestures?

Family is one of the most important, if not the most important things in our lives. Taking time every day to
appreciate your loved ones for all that they do to help us reconnect as a family. For us to have closer ties with our
family, first, we must communicate or do any killer activities. It is important for your family to have strong family
ties because it gives you confidence, emotional support, tangible support (also known as financial support) and
moral support.

If you think that your family lacks bonding. Then, I can give you some few tips to maintain strong family ties.

 First, Show affection towards each other.

Don’t be afraid to show your affection towards your love ones. Just by kissing on their cheeks before you leave or
go to school, saying goodnight to them before you sleep, or giving them simple gifts like love letters. It may sound
cheesy but I assure you that this is effective. Try it sometimes. Providing your families with warmth and affection
helps them to stand strong when they are out on their own.

 Next, Do things together with your family

Family activities facilitate interaction and help strengthen communication between each member of the family.
Have a regular family outing to places such as park, beach, mall, or museum. Volunteer together for participation
in community events, or plan together itineraries for family holidays. These routines can be daily; it can be simple,
just put aside your work to have meals concurrently as families. Have good communication with you family,
families have open lines of communication where all family members are respected and loved.

 Third, improve your listening skills.

One of the best ways to strengthen your family ties is to improve your listening skills. Give the person your full
attention, focus on what they are saying, listen on what they are feeling, maintain eye-contact, avoid giving advice,
and not reacting until you are certain you have fully understood what is the person’s telling you. It helps you
improve overall communication, builds a better understanding and leads to better family relationship.

 Fourth, Giving support and encouragement to one another.

Feeling supported by your family is one of the most important elements of building strong family bonds. It is so
heart-felt when there are your family behind your back, supporting you in pursuing your dreams.

 Lastly, be calm in times of stressful situation

If the situation is stressful, calm yourself to fairly access the situation. Once you are calm, communicate by
focusing on the issue, not on the person’s character. Maintain stability in the home by prioritizing calmness. There
are some point that there will be a fight between you and your family but as much as possible, avoid shouting to
each other.

Blood makes you related. Bonding makes you Family. Always remember, nothing can break the bond a family has.

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